//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License aint with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms Modifications for JonoF's port by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au) */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include "duke3d.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "texturemanager.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS DVector3 omypos, mypos; int myxvel, myyvel, myzvel; int globalskillsound; DAngle myang, omyang; DAngle myhoriz, omyhoriz, myhorizoff, omyhorizoff; int mycursectnum, myjumpingcounter; uint8_t myjumpingtoggle, myonground, myhardlanding,myreturntocenter; int fakemovefifoplc; int myxbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ], myybak[MOVEFIFOSIZ], myzbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ]; int myhorizbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ]; short myangbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ]; void resetmys() { mypos = omypos = ps[myconnectindex].posGet(); myxvel = myyvel = myzvel = 0; myang = ps[myconnectindex].angle.ang; myhoriz = omyhoriz = ps[myconnectindex].horizon.horiz; myhorizoff = omyhorizoff = ps[myconnectindex].horizon.horizoff; mycursectnum = sectindex(ps[myconnectindex].cursector); myjumpingcounter = ps[myconnectindex].jumping_counter; myjumpingtoggle = ps[myconnectindex].jumping_toggle; myonground = ps[myconnectindex].on_ground; myhardlanding = ps[myconnectindex].hard_landing; } #if 0 // todo: fix this when networking works again void fakedomovethingscorrect(void) { int i; player_struct* p; if (numplayers < 2) return; i = ((movefifoplc-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)); p = &ps[myconnectindex]; if (p->pos.x == myxbak[i] && p->pos.y == myybak[i] && p->pos.z == myzbak[i] && p->horiz == myhorizbak[i] && p->ang == myangbak[i]) return; omypos = p->opos; mypos = p->pos; myxvel = p->vel.X; myyvel = p->vel.Y; myzvel = p->vel.Z; myang = p->ang; omyang = p->oang; mycursectnum = p->cursector; myhoriz = p->horiz; omyhoriz = p->ohoriz; myhorizoff = p->horizoff; omyhorizoff = p->ohorizoff; myjumpingcounter = p->jumping_counter; myjumpingtoggle = p->jumping_toggle; myonground = p->on_ground; myhardlanding = p->hard_landing; fakemovefifoplc = movefifoplc; while (fakemovefifoplc < movefifoend[myconnectindex]) fakedomovethings(); } // This still needs fixing for the magic numbers in the input bits void fakedomovethings(void) { input *syn; player_struct* p; int i, j, k, doubvel, fz, cz, x, y; Collision clz, chz; int psect, psectlotag, tempsect, backcstat; uint8_t shrunk, spritebridge; ESyncBits actions; syn = (input *)&inputfifo[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; p = &ps[myconnectindex]; backcstat = p->GetActor()->s.cstat; p->GetActor()->s.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; actions = syn->actions; psect = mycursectnum; psectlotag = psect->lotag; spritebridge = 0; shrunk = (p->GetActor()->s.y_repeat < (isRR()? 8 : 32)); if( ud.clipping == 0 && ( psect->floorpicnum == MIRROR || psect == nullptr) ) { mypos.XY() = omypos.XY(); } else { omypos.XY() = mypos.XY(); } omyhoriz = myhoriz; omyhorizoff = myhorizoff; omyz = myz; omyang = myang; getzrange(myx,myy,myz,psect,&cz,chz,&fz,clz,163L,CLIPMASK0); j = getflorzofslope(psect,myx,myy); if(clz.type == kHitSector && psectlotag == 1 && abs(myz-j) > gs.playerheight+(16<<8) ) psectlotag = 0; if( p->aim_mode == 0 && myonground && psectlotag != 2 && (psect->floorstat&2) ) { x = myx + b cos(myang, -5); y = myy + b sin(myang, -5); tempsect = psect; updatesector(x,y,&tempsect); if (tempsect >= 0) { k = getflorzofslope(psect,x,y); if (psect == tempsect) myhorizoff += MulScale(j-k,160, 16); else if (abs(getflorzofslope(tempsect,x,y)-k) <= (4<<8)) myhorizoff += MulScale(j-k,160, 16); } } if (myhorizoff > 0) myhorizoff -= ((myhorizoff>>3)+1); else if (myhorizoff < 0) myhorizoff += (((-myhorizoff)>>3)+1); if(chz.type == kHitSprite) { if (chz.actor()->s.statnum == 1 && chz.actor()->s.extra >= 0) { chz.type = kHitNone; cz = getceilzofslope(psect,myx,myy); } } if (clz.type == kHitSprite) { if ((clz.actor()->s.cstat&33) == 33) { psectlotag = 0; spritebridge = 1; } if(badguy(chz.actor) && chz.actor()->s.ScaleX() > 0.375 && abs(p->GetActor()->s.z- chz.actor()->s.z) < (84<<8) ) { j = g etangle(chz.actor()->s.x-myx, chz.actor()->s.y-myy); myxvel -= b cos(j, 4); myyvel -= b sin(j, 4); } } if( p->GetActor()->s.extra <= 0 ) { if( psectlotag == 2 ) { if(p->on_warping_sector == 0) { if( abs(myz-fz) > (gs.playerheight>>1)) myz += 348; } clipmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,0,0,164L,(4L<<8),(4L<<8),CLIPMASK0); } updatesector(myx,myy,&mycursectnum); pushmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,128L,(4L<<8),(20L<<8),CLIPMASK0); myhoriz = 100; myhorizoff = 0; goto ENDFAKEPROCESSINPUT; } doubvel = TICSPERFRAME; if(p->on_crane != nullptr) goto FAKEHORIZONLY; if(p->angle.spin.asbam() < 0) myang += 128; i = 40; if( psectlotag == 2) { myjumpingcounter = 0; if ( (sb_snum&1) && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat) ) { if(myzvel > 0) myzvel = 0; myzvel -= 348; if(myzvel < -(256*6)) myzvel = -(256*6); } else if ( (sb_snum&(1<<1)) && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat) ) { if(myzvel < 0) myzvel = 0; myzvel += 348; if(myzvel > (256*6)) myzvel = (256*6); } else { if(myzvel < 0) { myzvel += 256; if(myzvel > 0) myzvel = 0; } if(myzvel > 0) { myzvel -= 256; if(myzvel < 0) myzvel = 0; } } if(myzvel > 2048) myzvel >>= 1; myz += myzvel; if(myz > (fz-(15<<8)) ) myz += ((fz-(15<<8))-myz)>>1; if(myz < (cz+(4<<8)) ) { myz = cz+(4<<8); myzvel = 0; } } else if(p->jetpack_on) { myonground = 0; myjumpingcounter = 0; myhardlanding = 0; if(p->jetpack_on < 11) myz -= (p->jetpack_on<<7); //Goin up if(shrunk) j = 512; else j = 2048; if ((sb_snum&1) && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat)) myz -= j; if ((sb_snum&(1<<1)) && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat)) myz += j; if(shrunk == 0 && ( psectlotag == 0 || psectlotag == 2 ) ) k = 32; else k = 16; if(myz > (fz-(k<<8)) ) myz += ((fz-(k<<8))-myz)>>1; if(myz < (cz+(18<<8)) ) myz = cz+(18<<8); } else if( psectlotag != 2 ) { if (psectlotag == 1 && p->spritebridge == 0) { if(shrunk == 0) i = 34; else i = 12; } if(myz < (fz-(i<<8)) && (floorspace(psect)|ceilingspace(psect)) == 0 ) //falling { if( (sb_snum&3) == 0 && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat) && myonground && (psect->floorstat&2) && myz >= (fz-(i<<8)-(16<<8) ) ) myz = fz-(i<<8); else { myonground = 0; myzvel += (gs.gravity+80); if(myzvel >= (4096+2048)) myzvel = (4096+2048); } } else { if(psectlotag != 1 && psectlotag != 2 && myonground == 0 && myzvel > (6144>>1)) myhardlanding = myzvel>>10; myonground = 1; if(i==40) { //Smooth on the ground k = ((fz-(i<<8))-myz)>>1; if( abs(k) < 256 ) k = 0; myz += k; // ((fz-(i<<8))-myz)>>1; myzvel -= 768; // 412; if(myzvel < 0) myzvel = 0; } else if(myjumpingcounter == 0) { myz += ((fz-(i<<7))-myz)>>1; //Smooth on the water if(p->on_warping_sector == 0 && myz > fz-(16<<8)) { myz = fz-(16<<8); myzvel >>= 1; } } if( (sb_snum&2) && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat) ) myz += (2048+768); if( (sb_snum&1) == 0 && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat) && myjumpingtoggle == 1) myjumpingtoggle = 0; else if( (sb_snum&1) && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat) && myjumpingtoggle == 0 ) { if( myjumpingcounter == 0 ) if( (fz-cz) > (56<<8) ) { myjumpingcounter = 1; myjumpingtoggle = 1; } } if(!isRR() && myjumpingcounter && (sb_snum&1) == 0 ) myjumpingcounter = 0; } if(myjumpingcounter) { if( (sb_snum&1) == 0 && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat) && myjumpingtoggle == 1) myjumpingtoggle = 0; if( myjumpingcounter < (1024+256) ) { if(psectlotag == 1 && myjumpingcounter > 768) { myjumpingcounter = 0; myzvel = -512; } else { myzvel -= b sin(128 + myjumpingcounter) / 12; myjumpingcounter += 180; myonground = 0; } } else { myjumpingcounter = 0; myzvel = 0; } } myz += myzvel; if(myz < (cz+(4<<8)) ) { myjumpingcounter = 0; if(myzvel < 0) myxvel = myyvel = 0; myzvel = 128; myz = cz+(4<<8); } } if (movementBlocked(snum) || myhardlanding) { doubvel = 0; myxvel = 0; myyvel = 0; } else if ( syn->avel )//p->ang += syncangvel * constant { //ENGINE calculates angvel for you int tempang; tempang = syn->avel<<1; if(psectlotag == 2) myang += (tempang-(tempang>>3))*Sgn(doubvel); else myang += (tempang)*Sgn(doubvel); myang &= 2047; } if ( myxvel || myyvel || syn->fvel || syn->svel ) { if(p->steroids_amount > 0 && p->steroids_amount < 400) doubvel <<= 1; myxvel += ((syn->fvel*doubvel)<<6); myyvel += ((syn->svel*doubvel)<<6); if( ( p->curr_weapon == KNEE_WEAPON && p->kickback_pic > 10 && myonground ) || ( myonground && (sb_snum&2) && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat)) ) { myxvel = MulScale(myxvel,gs.playerfriction-0x2000, 16); myyvel = MulScale(myyvel,gs.playerfriction-0x2000, 16); } else { if(psectlotag == 2) { myxvel = MulScale(myxvel,gs.playerfriction-0x1400, 16); myyvel = MulScale(myyvel,gs.playerfriction-0x1400, 16); } else { myxvel = MulScale(myxvel,gs.playerfriction, 16); myyvel = MulScale(myyvel,gs.playerfriction, 16); } } if( abs(myxvel) < 2048 && abs(myyvel) < 2048 ) myxvel = myyvel = 0; if( shrunk ) { myxvel = MulScale(myxvel,(gs.playerfriction)-(gs.playerfriction>>1)+(gs.playerfriction>>2), 16); myyvel = MulScale(myyvel,(gs.playerfriction)-(gs.playerfriction>>1)+(gs.playerfriction>>2), 16); } } FAKEHORIZONLY: if(psectlotag == 1 || spritebridge == 1) i = (4L<<8); else i = (20L<<8); clipmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,myxvel,myyvel,164L,4L<<8,i,CLIPMASK0); pushmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,164L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); if( p->jetpack_on == 0 && psectlotag != 1 && psectlotag != 2 && shrunk) myz += 30<<8; if ((sb_snum&(1<<18)) || myhardlanding) myreturntocenter = 9; if (sb_snum&(1<<13)) { myreturntocenter = 9; if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz += 6; myhoriz += 6; } else if (sb_snum&(1<<14)) { myreturntocenter = 9; if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz -= 6; myhoriz -= 6; } else if ((sb_snum&(1<<3)) && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat)) { if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz += 6; myhoriz += 6; } else if ((sb_snum&(1<<4)) && !(p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat)) { if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz -= 6; myhoriz -= 6; } if (myreturntocenter > 0) if ((sb_snum&(1<<13)) == 0 && (sb_snum&(1<<14)) == 0) { myreturntocenter--; myhoriz += 33-(myhoriz/3); } if(p->aim_mode) myhoriz += syn->horz>>1; else { if( myhoriz > 95 && myhoriz < 105) myhoriz = 100; if( myhorizoff > -5 && myhorizoff < 5) myhorizoff = 0; } if (myhardlanding > 0) { myhardlanding--; myhoriz -= (myhardlanding<<4); } myhoriz = clamp(myhoriz, HORIZ_MIN, HORIZ_MAX); if(p->knee_incs > 0) { myhoriz -= 48; myreturntocenter = 9; } ENDFAKEPROCESSINPUT: myxbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myx; myybak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myy; myzbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myz; myangbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myang; myhorizbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myhoriz; fakemovefifoplc++; p->GetActor()->s.cstat = backcstat; } #endif END_DUKE_NS