//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include "build.h" #include "compat.h" #include "music.h" #include "fx_man.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "config.h" #include "levels.h" #include "resource.h" #include "sound.h" #include "renderlayer.h" #include "al_midi.h" #include "openaudio.h" #include "z_music.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS Resource& gSoundRes = fileSystem; int soundRates[13] = { 11025, 11025, 11025, 11025, 11025, 22050, 22050, 22050, 22050, 44100, 44100, 44100, 44100, }; #define kChannelMax 32 int sndGetRate(int format) { if (format < 13) return soundRates[format]; return 11025; } SAMPLE2D Channel[kChannelMax]; SAMPLE2D * FindChannel(void) { for (int i = kChannelMax - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (Channel[i].at5 == 0) return &Channel[i]; consoleSysMsg("No free channel available for sample"); //ThrowError("No free channel available for sample"); return NULL; } int sndPlaySong(const char *mapname, const char* songName, bool bLoop) { return Mus_Play(mapname, songName, bLoop); } bool sndIsSongPlaying(void) { // Not used return false; } void sndFadeSong(int nTime) { // not implemented } void sndStopSong(void) { Mus_Stop(); } void sndSetFXVolume(int nVolume) { snd_fxvolume = nVolume; FX_SetVolume(nVolume); } void SoundCallback(intptr_t val) { SAMPLE2D *pChannel = (SAMPLE2D*)val; pChannel->at0 = 0; } void sndKillSound(SAMPLE2D *pChannel); void sndStartSample(const char *pzSound, int nVolume, int nChannel) { if (!SoundEnabled()) return; if (!strlen(pzSound)) return; dassert(nChannel >= -1 && nChannel < kChannelMax); SAMPLE2D *pChannel; if (nChannel == -1) pChannel = FindChannel(); else pChannel = &Channel[nChannel]; if (pChannel->at0 > 0) sndKillSound(pChannel); pChannel->at5 = gSoundRes.Lookup(pzSound, "RAW"); if (!pChannel->at5) return; int nSize = pChannel->at5->Size(); char *pData = (char*)gSoundRes.Lock(pChannel->at5); pChannel->at0 = FX_PlayRaw(pData, nSize, sndGetRate(1), 0, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, 1.f, (intptr_t)&pChannel->at0); } void sndStartSample(unsigned int nSound, int nVolume, int nChannel, bool bLoop) { if (!SoundEnabled()) return; dassert(nChannel >= -1 && nChannel < kChannelMax); DICTNODE *hSfx = gSoundRes.Lookup(nSound, "SFX"); if (!hSfx) return; SFX *pEffect = (SFX*)gSoundRes.Lock(hSfx); dassert(pEffect != NULL); SAMPLE2D *pChannel; if (nChannel == -1) pChannel = FindChannel(); else pChannel = &Channel[nChannel]; if (pChannel->at0 > 0) sndKillSound(pChannel); pChannel->at5 = gSoundRes.Lookup(pEffect->rawName, "RAW"); if (!pChannel->at5) return; if (nVolume < 0) nVolume = pEffect->relVol; int nSize = pChannel->at5->Size(); int nLoopEnd = nSize - 1; if (nLoopEnd < 0) nLoopEnd = 0; if (nSize <= 0) return; char *pData = (char*)gSoundRes.Lock(pChannel->at5); if (nChannel < 0) bLoop = false; if (bLoop) { pChannel->at0 = FX_PlayLoopedRaw(pData, nSize, pData + pEffect->loopStart, pData + nLoopEnd, sndGetRate(pEffect->format), 0, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, 1.f, (intptr_t)&pChannel->at0); pChannel->at4 |= 1; } else { pChannel->at0 = FX_PlayRaw(pData, nSize, sndGetRate(pEffect->format), 0, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, 1.f, (intptr_t)&pChannel->at0); pChannel->at4 &= ~1; } } void sndStartWavID(unsigned int nSound, int nVolume, int nChannel) { if (!SoundEnabled()) return; dassert(nChannel >= -1 && nChannel < kChannelMax); SAMPLE2D *pChannel; if (nChannel == -1) pChannel = FindChannel(); else pChannel = &Channel[nChannel]; if (pChannel->at0 > 0) sndKillSound(pChannel); pChannel->at5 = gSoundRes.Lookup(nSound, "WAV"); if (!pChannel->at5) return; char *pData = (char*)gSoundRes.Lock(pChannel->at5); pChannel->at0 = FX_Play(pData, pChannel->at5->Size(), 0, -1, 0, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, 1.f, (intptr_t)&pChannel->at0); } void sndKillSound(SAMPLE2D *pChannel) { if (pChannel->at4 & 1) { FX_EndLooping(pChannel->at0); pChannel->at4 &= ~1; } FX_StopSound(pChannel->at0); } void sndStartWavDisk(const char *pzFile, int nVolume, int nChannel) { dassert(nChannel >= -1 && nChannel < kChannelMax); SAMPLE2D *pChannel; if (nChannel == -1) pChannel = FindChannel(); else pChannel = &Channel[nChannel]; if (pChannel->at0 > 0) sndKillSound(pChannel); auto hFile = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(pzFile, 0); if (!hFile.isOpen()) return; int nLength = hFile.GetLength(); char* pData = nullptr; cacheAllocateBlock((intptr_t*)pData, nLength, nullptr); // use this obsolete call to indicate that some work is needed here! if (!pData) { return; } hFile.Read(pData, nLength); pChannel->at5 = (DICTNODE*)pData; pChannel->at4 |= 2; pChannel->at0 = FX_Play(pData, nLength, 0, -1, 0, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, nVolume, 1.f, (intptr_t)&pChannel->at0); } void sndKillAllSounds(void) { for (int i = 0; i < kChannelMax; i++) { SAMPLE2D *pChannel = &Channel[i]; if (pChannel->at0 > 0) sndKillSound(pChannel); if (pChannel->at5) { if (pChannel->at4 & 2) { pChannel->at4 &= ~2; } else // This 'else' needs to be removed once the file system is up (when cacheAllocateBlock gets replaced.) { gSoundRes.Unlock(pChannel->at5); } pChannel->at5 = 0; } } } void sndProcess(void) { for (int i = 0; i < kChannelMax; i++) { if (Channel[i].at0 <= 0 && Channel[i].at5) { if (Channel[i].at4 & 2) { Channel[i].at4 &= ~2; } else // This 'else' needs to be removed once the file system is up (when cacheAllocateBlock gets replaced.) { gSoundRes.Unlock(Channel[i].at5); } Channel[i].at5 = 0; } } } void InitSoundDevice(void) { #ifdef MIXERTYPEWIN void *initdata = (void *)win_gethwnd(); // used for DirectSound #else void *initdata = NULL; #endif int nStatus; nStatus = FX_Init(snd_numvoices, snd_numchannels, snd_mixrate, initdata); if (nStatus != 0) { initprintf("InitSoundDevice: %s\n", FX_ErrorString(nStatus)); return; } snd_reversestereo.Callback(); snd_fxvolume.Callback(); FX_SetCallBack(SoundCallback); } void DeinitSoundDevice(void) { int nStatus = FX_Shutdown(); if (nStatus != 0) ThrowError(FX_ErrorString(nStatus)); } bool sndActive = false; void sndTerm(void) { if (!sndActive) return; sndActive = false; sndStopSong(); DeinitSoundDevice(); //DeinitMusicDevice(); } extern char *pUserSoundRFF; void sndInit(void) { memset(Channel, 0, sizeof(Channel)); #if 0 pSongPtr = NULL; nSongSize = 0; bWaveMusic = false; nWaveMusicHandle = -1; #endif InitSoundDevice(); //InitMusicDevice(); //atexit(sndTerm); sndActive = true; } END_BLD_NS