//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2 Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**************************************** Removed sounds that were causing "Could not load" error messages. ****************************************/ #include "ns.h" #include "build.h" #include "names2.h" #include "game.h" #include "tags.h" #include "break.h" #include "pal.h" #include "misc.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "network.h" #include "precache.h" BEGIN_SW_NS // Run the game with the -CACHEPRINT option and redirect to a file. // It will save out the tile and sound number every time one caches. // // sw -map $bullet -cacheprint > foofile void PreCacheRange(int start_pic, int end_pic, int pal = 0) { for (int j = start_pic; j <= end_pic; j++) { markTileForPrecache(j, pal); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PreCacheOverride(void) { SWStatIterator it(STAT_CEILING_FLOOR_PIC_OVERRIDE); while (auto actor = it.Next()) { int j = SP_TAG2(actor); if(j >= 0 && j <= MAXTILES) markTileForPrecache(j, 0); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void precacheMap(void) { int i; int j; sectortype* sectp; walltype* wp; for(auto& sec: sector) { j = sec.ceilingpicnum; markTileForPrecache(j, sec.ceilingpal); j = sec.floorpicnum; markTileForPrecache(j, sec.floorpal); } for (auto& wal : wall) { j = wal.wallpicnum; markTileForPrecache(j, wal.pal); if (wal.overpicnum > 0 && wal.overpicnum < MAXTILES) { j = wal.overpicnum; markTileForPrecache(j, wal.pal); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetupPreCache(void) { precacheMap(); // actors cache ranges are called from SpriteSetup // only caches the actor if its on the level // weapons PreCacheRange(2000, 2227); PreCacheRange(4090, 4093); // Explosions PreCacheRange(3072, 3225); // ninja player character PreCacheRange(1024, 1175); // console PreCacheRange(2380, 2409); PreCacheRange(3600, 3645); PreCacheRange(2434, 2435); // common PreCacheRange(204, 208); // message font PreCacheRange(4608, 4701); // gibs PreCacheRange(1150,1568); PreCacheRange(1685,1690); PreCacheRange(900,944); PreCacheRange(1670,1681); // blood PreCacheRange(1710,1715); PreCacheRange(2410,2425); PreCacheRange(389,389); // blood puddle by itself in art file PreCacheRange(2500,2503); // shrap PreCacheRange(3840,3911); PreCacheRange(3924,3947); PreCacheRange(1397,1398); // water *** animated tiles, can be deleted now *** // PreCacheRange(780,794); // switches PreCacheRange(561,584); PreCacheRange(551,552); PreCacheRange(1846,1847); PreCacheRange(1850,1859); // bullet smoke PreCacheRange(1748,1753); // gas can PreCacheRange(3038,3042); // lava *** animated tiles, can be deleted now *** // PreCacheRange(175,182); // gas clouds & teleport effect PreCacheRange(3240,3277); // nuke mushroom cloud PreCacheRange(3280,3300); // blood drops PreCacheRange(1718,1721); // smoke PreCacheRange(3948,3968); // footprints PreCacheRange(2490,2492); // player fists PreCacheRange(4070,4077); PreCacheRange(4050,4051); PreCacheRange(4090,4093); // fish actor PreCacheRange(3760,3771); PreCacheRange(3780,3795); // coins PreCacheRange(2531,2533); // respawn markers & console keys PreCacheRange(2440,2467); // light/torch sprites PreCacheRange(537,548); PreCacheRange(521,528); PreCacheRange(512,515); PreCacheRange(396,399); PreCacheRange(443,446); // bubbles PreCacheRange(716,720); // bullet splashes PreCacheRange(772,776); } void PreCacheRipper(int pal) { PreCacheRange(1580, 1644, pal); } void PreCacheRipper2(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4320, 4427, pal); } void PreCacheGhost(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4277, 4312, pal); } void PreCacheCoolie(int pal) { PreCacheGhost(pal); PreCacheRange(1400, 1440, pal); PreCacheRange(4260, 4276, pal); // coolie explode } void PreCacheSerpent(int pal) { PreCacheRange(960, 1016, pal); PreCacheRange(1300, 1314, pal); } void PreCacheGuardian(int pal) { PreCacheRange(1469,1497, pal); } void PreCacheNinja(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4096, 4239, pal); } void PreCacheNinjaGirl(int pal) { PreCacheRange(5162, 5260, pal); } void PreCacheSumo(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4490, 4544, pal); } void PreCacheZilla(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4490, 4544, pal); } void PreCacheEel(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4430, 4479, pal); } void PreCacheToiletGirl(int pal) { PreCacheRange(5023, 5027, pal); } void PreCacheWashGirl(int pal) { PreCacheRange(5032, 5035, pal); } void PreCacheCarGirl(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4594,4597, pal); } void PreCacheMechanicGirl(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4590,4593, pal); } void PreCacheSailorGirl(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4600,4602, pal); } void PreCachePruneGirl(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4604,4604, pal); } void PreCacheTrash(int pal) { PreCacheRange(2540, 2546, pal); } void PreCacheBunny(int pal) { PreCacheRange(4550, 4584, pal); } void PreCacheSkel(int pal) { PreCacheRange(1320, 1396, pal); } void PreCacheHornet(int pal) { PreCacheRange(800, 811, pal); } void PreCacheSkull(int pal) { PreCacheRange(820, 854, pal); } void PreCacheBetty(int pal) { PreCacheRange(817, 819, pal); } void PreCachePachinko(int pal) { PreCacheRange(618,623, pal); PreCacheRange(618,623, pal); PreCacheRange(4768,4790, pal); PreCacheRange(4792,4814, pal); PreCacheRange(4816,4838, pal); PreCacheRange(4840,4863, pal); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PreCacheActor(void) { int pic; SWSpriteIterator it; while (auto actor = it.Next()) { int pal = actor->spr.pal; if (actor->spr.statnum >= MAXSTATUS) continue; if (actor->hasU()) pic = actor->user.ID; else pic = actor->spr.picnum; switch (pic) { case COOLIE_RUN_R0: PreCacheCoolie(pal); break; case NINJA_RUN_R0: case NINJA_CRAWL_R0: PreCacheNinja(pal); break; case GORO_RUN_R0: PreCacheGuardian(pal); break; case 1441: case COOLG_RUN_R0: PreCacheGhost(pal); break; case EEL_RUN_R0: PreCacheEel(pal); break; case SUMO_RUN_R0: PreCacheZilla(pal); break; case ZILLA_RUN_R0: PreCacheSumo(pal); break; case TOILETGIRL_R0: PreCacheToiletGirl(pal); break; case WASHGIRL_R0: PreCacheWashGirl(pal); break; case CARGIRL_R0: PreCacheCarGirl(pal); break; case MECHANICGIRL_R0: PreCacheMechanicGirl(pal); break; case SAILORGIRL_R0: PreCacheSailorGirl(pal); break; case PRUNEGIRL_R0: PreCachePruneGirl(pal); break; case TRASHCAN: PreCacheTrash(pal); break; case BUNNY_RUN_R0: PreCacheBunny(pal); break; case RIPPER_RUN_R0: PreCacheRipper(pal); break; case RIPPER2_RUN_R0: PreCacheRipper2(pal); break; case SERP_RUN_R0: PreCacheSerpent(pal); break; case LAVA_RUN_R0: break; case SKEL_RUN_R0: PreCacheSkel(pal); break; case HORNET_RUN_R0: PreCacheHornet(pal); break; case SKULL_R0: PreCacheSkull(pal); break; case BETTY_R0: PreCacheBetty(pal); break; case GIRLNINJA_RUN_R0: PreCacheNinjaGirl(pal); break; case 623: // Pachinko win light case PACHINKO1: case PACHINKO2: case PACHINKO3: case PACHINKO4: PreCachePachinko(pal); break; default: markTileForPrecache(pic, pal); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DoTheCache(void) { if (r_precache) { SetupPreCache(); PreCacheActor(); PreCacheOverride(); precacheMarkedTiles(); } } END_SW_NS