//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "duke3d.h" #include "actors.h" #include "gamedef.h" #include "gameexec.h" #if KRANDDEBUG # define ACTOR_STATIC #else # define ACTOR_STATIC static #endif #define KILLIT(KX) do { A_DeleteSprite(KX); goto BOLT; } while (0) extern int32_t g_numEnvSoundsPlaying; extern int32_t g_noEnemies; void G_SetInterpolation(int32_t *posptr) { int32_t i=g_numInterpolations-1; if (g_numInterpolations >= MAXINTERPOLATIONS) return; for (; i>=0; i--) if (curipos[i] == posptr) return; curipos[g_numInterpolations] = posptr; oldipos[g_numInterpolations] = *posptr; g_numInterpolations++; } void G_StopInterpolation(int32_t *posptr) { int32_t i=g_numInterpolations-1; for (; i>=startofdynamicinterpolations; i--) if (curipos[i] == posptr) { g_numInterpolations--; oldipos[i] = oldipos[g_numInterpolations]; bakipos[i] = bakipos[g_numInterpolations]; curipos[i] = curipos[g_numInterpolations]; } } void G_DoInterpolations(int32_t smoothratio) //Stick at beginning of drawscreen { int32_t i=g_numInterpolations-1, j = 0, odelta, ndelta = 0; if (g_interpolationLock++) { return; } for (; i>=0; i--) { bakipos[i] = *curipos[i]; odelta = ndelta; ndelta = (*curipos[i])-oldipos[i]; if (odelta != ndelta) j = mulscale16(ndelta,smoothratio); *curipos[i] = oldipos[i]+j; } } void G_ClearCameraView(DukePlayer_t *ps) { int32_t k; ps->newowner = -1; ps->pos.x = ps->opos.x; ps->pos.y = ps->opos.y; ps->pos.z = ps->opos.z; ps->ang = ps->oang; updatesector(ps->pos.x, ps->pos.y, &ps->cursectnum); P_UpdateScreenPal(ps); for (k=headspritestat[STAT_ACTOR]; k>=0; k=nextspritestat[k]) if (sprite[k].picnum==CAMERA1) sprite[k].yvel = 0; } void A_RadiusDamage(int32_t i, int32_t r, int32_t hp1, int32_t hp2, int32_t hp3, int32_t hp4) { spritetype *s=&sprite[i],*sj; walltype *wal; int32_t d, q, x1, y1; int32_t sectcnt, sectend, dasect, startwall, endwall, nextsect; int32_t j,k,x,nextj; int16_t sect=-1; char statlist[] = {STAT_DEFAULT,STAT_ACTOR,STAT_STANDABLE, STAT_PLAYER,STAT_FALLER,STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR,STAT_MISC }; int16_t *tempshort = (int16_t *)tempbuf; if (s->picnum == RPG && s->xrepeat < 11) goto SKIPWALLCHECK; if (s->picnum != SHRINKSPARK) { tempshort[0] = s->sectnum; dasect = s->sectnum; sectcnt = 0; sectend = 1; do { dasect = tempshort[sectcnt++]; if (((sector[dasect].ceilingz-s->z)>>8) < r) { d = klabs(wall[sector[dasect].wallptr].x-s->x)+klabs(wall[sector[dasect].wallptr].y-s->y); if (d < r) Sect_DamageCeiling(dasect); else { d = klabs(wall[wall[wall[sector[dasect].wallptr].point2].point2].x-s->x)+klabs(wall[wall[wall[sector[dasect].wallptr].point2].point2].y-s->y); if (d < r) Sect_DamageCeiling(dasect); } } startwall = sector[dasect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[dasect].wallnum; for (x=startwall,wal=&wall[startwall]; x<endwall; x++,wal++) if ((klabs(wal->x-s->x)+klabs(wal->y-s->y)) < r) { nextsect = wal->nextsector; if (nextsect >= 0) { for (dasect=sectend-1; dasect>=0; dasect--) if (tempshort[dasect] == nextsect) break; if (dasect < 0) tempshort[sectend++] = nextsect; } x1 = (((wal->x+wall[wal->point2].x)>>1)+s->x)>>1; y1 = (((wal->y+wall[wal->point2].y)>>1)+s->y)>>1; updatesector(x1,y1,§); if (sect >= 0 && cansee(x1,y1,s->z,sect,s->x,s->y,s->z,s->sectnum)) { vec3_t tmpvect; Bmemcpy(&tmpvect, wal, sizeof(int32_t) * 2); tmpvect.z = s->z; A_DamageWall(i,x,&tmpvect,s->picnum); } } } while (sectcnt < sectend); } SKIPWALLCHECK: q = -(16<<8)+(krand()&((32<<8)-1)); for (x = 0; x<7; x++) { j = headspritestat[(uint8_t)statlist[x]]; while (j >= 0) { nextj = nextspritestat[j]; sj = &sprite[j]; if (x == 0 || x >= 5 || AFLAMABLE(sj->picnum)) { if (s->picnum != SHRINKSPARK || (sj->cstat&257)) if (dist(s, sj) < r) { if (A_CheckEnemySprite(sj) && !cansee(sj->x, sj->y,sj->z+q, sj->sectnum, s->x, s->y, s->z+q, s->sectnum)) goto BOLT; A_DamageObject(j, i); } } else if (sj->extra >= 0 && sj != s && (sj->picnum == TRIPBOMB || A_CheckEnemySprite(sj) || sj->picnum == QUEBALL || sj->picnum == STRIPEBALL || (sj->cstat&257) || sj->picnum == DUKELYINGDEAD)) { if (s->picnum == SHRINKSPARK && sj->picnum != SHARK && (j == s->owner || sj->xrepeat < 24)) { j = nextj; continue; } if (s->picnum == MORTER && j == s->owner) { j = nextj; continue; } if (sj->picnum == APLAYER) sj->z -= PHEIGHT; d = dist(s, sj); if (sj->picnum == APLAYER) sj->z += PHEIGHT; if (d < r && cansee(sj->x, sj->y, sj->z-(8<<8), sj->sectnum, s->x, s->y, s->z-(12<<8), s->sectnum)) { actor[j].ang = getangle(sj->x-s->x,sj->y-s->y); if (s->picnum == RPG && sj->extra > 0) actor[j].picnum = RPG; else if (A_CheckSpriteFlags(i,SPRITE_PROJECTILE) && SpriteProjectile[i].workslike & PROJECTILE_RADIUS_PICNUM && sj->extra > 0) actor[j].picnum = s->picnum; else { if (s->picnum == SHRINKSPARK) actor[j].picnum = SHRINKSPARK; else actor[j].picnum = RADIUSEXPLOSION; } if (s->picnum != SHRINKSPARK) { k = (r/3); if (d < k) { if (hp4 == hp3) hp4++; actor[j].extra = hp3 + (krand()%(hp4-hp3)); } else if (d < (k*2)) { if (hp3 == hp2) hp3++; actor[j].extra = hp2 + (krand()%(hp3-hp2)); } else if (d < r) { if (hp2 == hp1) hp2++; actor[j].extra = hp1 + (krand()%(hp2-hp1)); } if (sprite[j].picnum != TANK && sprite[j].picnum != ROTATEGUN && sprite[j].picnum != RECON && sprite[j].picnum != BOSS1 && sprite[j].picnum != BOSS2 && sprite[j].picnum != BOSS3 && sprite[j].picnum != BOSS4) { if (sj->xvel < 0) sj->xvel = 0; sj->xvel += (s->extra<<2); } if (sj->picnum == PODFEM1 || sj->picnum == FEM1 || sj->picnum == FEM2 || sj->picnum == FEM3 || sj->picnum == FEM4 || sj->picnum == FEM5 || sj->picnum == FEM6 || sj->picnum == FEM7 || sj->picnum == FEM8 || sj->picnum == FEM9 || sj->picnum == FEM10 || sj->picnum == STATUE || sj->picnum == STATUEFLASH || sj->picnum == SPACEMARINE || sj->picnum == QUEBALL || sj->picnum == STRIPEBALL) A_DamageObject(j, i); } else if (s->extra == 0) actor[j].extra = 0; if (sj->picnum != RADIUSEXPLOSION && s->owner >= 0 && sprite[s->owner].statnum < MAXSTATUS) { if (sj->picnum == APLAYER) { DukePlayer_t *ps = g_player[sj->yvel].ps; if (ps->newowner >= 0) G_ClearCameraView(ps); } actor[j].owner = s->owner; } } } BOLT: j = nextj; } } } int32_t A_MoveSprite(int32_t spritenum, const vec3_t *change, uint32_t cliptype) { spritetype *const spr = &sprite[spritenum]; int32_t retval, daz; int16_t dasectnum; const int32_t bg = A_CheckEnemySprite(spr); const int32_t oldx = spr->x, oldy = spr->y; // const int32_t osectnum = spr->sectnum; if (spr->statnum == STAT_MISC || (bg && spr->xrepeat < 4)) { spr->x += (change->x*TICSPERFRAME)>>2; spr->y += (change->y*TICSPERFRAME)>>2; spr->z += (change->z*TICSPERFRAME)>>2; if (bg) setsprite(spritenum, (vec3_t *)spr); return 0; } dasectnum = spr->sectnum; daz = spr->z - ((tilesizy[spr->picnum]*spr->yrepeat)<<1); { const int32_t oldz=spr->z; int32_t clipdist; if (bg) { if (spr->xrepeat > 60) clipdist = 1024; else if (spr->picnum == LIZMAN) clipdist = 292; else if (A_CheckSpriteTileFlags(spr->picnum, SPRITE_BADGUY)) clipdist = spr->clipdist<<2; else clipdist = 192; } else { if (spr->statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE && (SpriteProjectile[spritenum].workslike & PROJECTILE_REALCLIPDIST) == 0) clipdist = 8; else clipdist = spr->clipdist<<2; } spr->z = daz; retval = clipmove((vec3_t *)spr, &dasectnum, (change->x*TICSPERFRAME)<<11, (change->y*TICSPERFRAME)<<11, clipdist, 4<<8, 4<<8, cliptype); spr->z = oldz; } if (bg) { if (dasectnum < 0 || ((actor[spritenum].actorstayput >= 0 && actor[spritenum].actorstayput != dasectnum) || (spr->picnum == BOSS2 && spr->pal == 0 && sector[dasectnum].lotag != ST_3) || ((spr->picnum == BOSS1 || spr->picnum == BOSS2) && sector[dasectnum].lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) // || (sector[dasectnum].lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && (spr->picnum == LIZMAN || (spr->picnum == LIZTROOP && spr->zvel == 0))) ) ) { spr->x = oldx; spr->y = oldy; /* if (dasectnum >= 0 && sector[dasectnum].lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && spr->picnum == LIZMAN) spr->ang = (krand()&2047); else if ((Actor[spritenum].t_data[0]&3) == 1 && spr->picnum != COMMANDER) spr->ang = (krand()&2047); */ setsprite(spritenum, (vec3_t *)spr); if (dasectnum < 0) dasectnum = 0; return (16384+dasectnum); } if ((retval&49152) >= 32768 && actor[spritenum].cgg==0) spr->ang += 768; } if (dasectnum == -1) { dasectnum = spr->sectnum; // OSD_Printf("%s:%d wtf\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); } else if (dasectnum != spr->sectnum) { changespritesect(spritenum, dasectnum); // A_GetZLimits(spritenum); } Bassert(dasectnum == spr->sectnum); daz = spr->z + ((change->z*TICSPERFRAME)>>3); // bg = (tilesizy[spr->picnum]*spr->yrepeat)>>1; if (daz > actor[spritenum].ceilingz && daz <= actor[spritenum].floorz // && (osectnum == dasectnum || cansee(oldx, oldy, spr->z - bg, osectnum, spr->x, spr->y, daz - bg, dasectnum)) ) { spr->z = daz; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (change->z && yax_getbunch(dasectnum, (change->z>0))>=0) if ((SECTORFLD(dasectnum,stat, (change->z>0))&yax_waltosecmask(cliptype))==0) { // initprintf("spr %d, sect %d: chz=%d, cfz=[%d,%d]\n", spritenum, dasectnum, change->z, // actor[spritenum].ceilingz, actor[spritenum].floorz); setspritez(spritenum, (vec3_t *)spr); } #endif } else if (retval == 0) retval = 16384+dasectnum; if (retval == (16384+dasectnum)) if (spr->statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE) { int32_t i, nexti; for (TRAVERSE_SPRITE_STAT(headspritestat[STAT_TRANSPORT], i, nexti)) if (sprite[i].sectnum == dasectnum) { switch (sector[dasectnum].lotag) { case ST_1_ABOVE_WATER: if (daz >= actor[spritenum].floorz) { if (totalclock > actor[spritenum].lasttransport) { actor[spritenum].lasttransport = totalclock + (TICSPERFRAME<<2); spr->x += (sprite[OW].x-SX); spr->y += (sprite[OW].y-SY); spr->z = sector[sprite[OW].sectnum].ceilingz - daz + sector[sprite[i].sectnum].floorz; Bmemcpy(&actor[spritenum].bposx, &sprite[spritenum], sizeof(vec3_t)); changespritesect(spritenum,sprite[OW].sectnum); } return 0; } case ST_2_UNDERWATER: if (daz <= actor[spritenum].ceilingz) { if (totalclock > actor[spritenum].lasttransport) { actor[spritenum].lasttransport = totalclock + (TICSPERFRAME<<2); spr->x += (sprite[OW].x-SX); spr->y += (sprite[OW].y-SY); spr->z = sector[sprite[OW].sectnum].floorz - daz + sector[sprite[i].sectnum].ceilingz; Bmemcpy(&actor[spritenum].bposx, &sprite[spritenum], sizeof(vec3_t)); changespritesect(spritenum,sprite[OW].sectnum); } return 0; } } } } return(retval); } int32_t block_deletesprite = 0; #ifdef POLYMER static void A_DeleteLight(int32_t s) { if (actor[s].lightId >= 0) polymer_deletelight(actor[s].lightId); actor[s].lightId = -1; actor[s].lightptr = NULL; } void G_Polymer_UnInit(void) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) A_DeleteLight(i); } #endif // deletesprite() game wrapper void A_DeleteSprite(int32_t s) { if (block_deletesprite) { OSD_Printf(OSD_ERROR "A_DeleteSprite(): tried to remove sprite %d in EVENT_EGS\n",s); return; } if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_KILLIT]) { int32_t p, pl=A_FindPlayer(&sprite[s],&p); if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_KILLIT, s, pl, p, 0)) return; } #ifdef POLYMER if (getrendermode() == 4 && actor[s].lightptr != NULL) A_DeleteLight(s); #endif deletesprite(s); } void A_AddToDeleteQueue(int32_t i) { if (g_spriteDeleteQueueSize == 0) { A_DeleteSprite(i); return; } if (SpriteDeletionQueue[g_spriteDeleteQueuePos] >= 0) sprite[SpriteDeletionQueue[g_spriteDeleteQueuePos]].xrepeat = 0; SpriteDeletionQueue[g_spriteDeleteQueuePos] = i; g_spriteDeleteQueuePos = (g_spriteDeleteQueuePos+1)%g_spriteDeleteQueueSize; } void A_SpawnMultiple(int32_t sp, int32_t pic, int32_t n) { int32_t j; spritetype *s = &sprite[sp]; for (; n>0; n--) { j = A_InsertSprite(s->sectnum,s->x,s->y,s->z-(krand()%(47<<8)),pic,-32,8,8,krand()&2047,0,0,sp,5); A_Spawn(-1, j); sprite[j].cstat = krand()&12; } } void A_DoGuts(int32_t sp, int32_t gtype, int32_t n) { int32_t gutz,floorz; int32_t i,a,j,sx = 32,sy = 32; // int32_t pal; spritetype *s = &sprite[sp]; if (A_CheckEnemySprite(s) && s->xrepeat < 16) sx = sy = 8; gutz = s->z-(8<<8); floorz = getflorzofslope(s->sectnum,s->x,s->y); if (gutz > (floorz-(8<<8))) gutz = floorz-(8<<8); if (s->picnum == COMMANDER) gutz -= (24<<8); // if (A_CheckEnemySprite(s) && s->pal == 6) // pal = 6; // else pal = 0; for (j=n; j>0; j--) { a = krand()&2047; i = A_InsertSprite(s->sectnum,s->x+(krand()&255)-128,s->y+(krand()&255)-128,gutz-(krand()&8191),gtype,-32,sx,sy,a,48+(krand()&31),-512-(krand()&2047),sp,5); if (PN == JIBS2) { sprite[i].xrepeat >>= 2; sprite[i].yrepeat >>= 2; } // if (pal == 6) // sprite[i].pal = 6; sprite[i].pal = s->pal; } } void A_DoGutsDir(int32_t sp, int32_t gtype, int32_t n) { int32_t gutz,floorz; int32_t i,a,j,sx = 32,sy = 32; spritetype *s = &sprite[sp]; if (A_CheckEnemySprite(s) && s->xrepeat < 16) sx = sy = 8; gutz = s->z-(8<<8); floorz = getflorzofslope(s->sectnum,s->x,s->y); if (gutz > (floorz-(8<<8))) gutz = floorz-(8<<8); if (s->picnum == COMMANDER) gutz -= (24<<8); for (j=n; j>0; j--) { a = krand()&2047; i = A_InsertSprite(s->sectnum,s->x,s->y,gutz,gtype,-32,sx,sy,a,256+(krand()&127),-512-(krand()&2047),sp,5); sprite[i].pal = s->pal; } } void Sect_SetInterpolation(int32_t sectnum) { int32_t k, j = sector[sectnum].wallptr, endwall = j+sector[sectnum].wallnum; for (; j<endwall; j++) { G_SetInterpolation(&wall[j].x); G_SetInterpolation(&wall[j].y); k = wall[j].nextwall; if (k >= 0) { G_SetInterpolation(&wall[k].x); G_SetInterpolation(&wall[k].y); k = wall[k].point2; G_SetInterpolation(&wall[k].x); G_SetInterpolation(&wall[k].y); } } } void Sect_ClearInterpolation(int32_t sectnum) { int32_t k, j = sector[sectnum].wallptr, endwall = j+sector[sectnum].wallnum; for (; j<endwall; j++) { G_StopInterpolation(&wall[j].x); G_StopInterpolation(&wall[j].y); k = wall[j].nextwall; if (k >= 0) { G_StopInterpolation(&wall[k].x); G_StopInterpolation(&wall[k].y); k = wall[k].point2; G_StopInterpolation(&wall[k].x); G_StopInterpolation(&wall[k].y); } } } static int32_t move_fixed_sprite(int32_t j, int32_t pivotspr, int32_t daang) { if ((FIXSPR_STATNUMP(sprite[j].statnum) || ((sprite[j].statnum==STAT_ACTOR || sprite[j].statnum==STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR) && A_CheckSpriteTileFlags(sprite[j].picnum, SPRITE_BADGUY))) && actor[j].t_data[7]==(0x18190000|pivotspr)) { rotatepoint(0,0, actor[j].t_data[8],actor[j].t_data[9], daang&2047, &sprite[j].x,&sprite[j].y); sprite[j].x += sprite[pivotspr].x; sprite[j].y += sprite[pivotspr].y; return 0; } return 1; } static void A_MoveSector(int32_t i) { //T1,T2 and T3 are used for all the sector moving stuff!!! int32_t tx,ty; spritetype *s = &sprite[i]; int32_t j = T2, k = T3; s->x += (s->xvel*(sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047]))>>14; s->y += (s->xvel*(sintable[s->ang&2047]))>>14; { int32_t x = sector[s->sectnum].wallptr, endwall = x+sector[s->sectnum].wallnum; for (; x<endwall; x++) { rotatepoint(0,0,msx[j],msy[j],k&2047,&tx,&ty); dragpoint(x,s->x+tx,s->y+ty); j++; } } } #ifndef LUNATIC # define LIGHTRAD_PICOFS (T5 ? *(script+T5) + (*(script+T5+2))*T4 : 0) #else // SACTION // startframe + viewtype*[cyclic counter] # define LIGHTRAD_PICOFS (actor[i].ac.startframe + actor[i].ac.viewtype*T4) #endif // this is the same crap as in game.c's tspr manipulation. puke. #define LIGHTRAD (s->yrepeat * tilesizy[s->picnum+LIGHTRAD_PICOFS]) #define LIGHTRAD2 (((s->yrepeat) + (rand()%(s->yrepeat>>2))) * tilesizy[s->picnum+LIGHTRAD_PICOFS]) void G_AddGameLight(int32_t radius, int32_t srcsprite, int32_t zoffset, int32_t range, int32_t color, int32_t priority) { #ifdef POLYMER spritetype *s = &sprite[srcsprite]; if (getrendermode() != 4) return; if (actor[srcsprite].lightptr == NULL) { #pragma pack(push,1) _prlight mylight; #pragma pack(pop) Bmemset(&mylight, 0, sizeof(mylight)); mylight.sector = s->sectnum; mylight.x = s->x; mylight.y = s->y; mylight.z = s->z-zoffset; mylight.color[0] = color&255; mylight.color[1] = (color>>8)&255; mylight.color[2] = (color>>16)&255; mylight.radius = radius; actor[srcsprite].lightmaxrange = mylight.range = range; mylight.priority = priority; mylight.tilenum = 0; mylight.publicflags.emitshadow = 1; mylight.publicflags.negative = 0; actor[srcsprite].lightId = polymer_addlight(&mylight); if (actor[srcsprite].lightId >= 0) actor[srcsprite].lightptr = &prlights[actor[srcsprite].lightId]; return; } s->z -= zoffset; if (range < actor[srcsprite].lightmaxrange>>1) actor[srcsprite].lightmaxrange = 0; if (range > actor[srcsprite].lightmaxrange || priority != actor[srcsprite].lightptr->priority || Bmemcmp(&sprite[srcsprite], actor[srcsprite].lightptr, sizeof(int32_t) * 3)) { if (range > actor[srcsprite].lightmaxrange) actor[srcsprite].lightmaxrange = range; Bmemcpy(actor[srcsprite].lightptr, &sprite[srcsprite], sizeof(int32_t) * 3); actor[srcsprite].lightptr->sector = s->sectnum; actor[srcsprite].lightptr->flags.invalidate = 1; } actor[srcsprite].lightptr->priority = priority; actor[srcsprite].lightptr->range = range; actor[srcsprite].lightptr->color[0] = color&255; actor[srcsprite].lightptr->color[1] = (color>>8)&255; actor[srcsprite].lightptr->color[2] = (color>>16)&255; s->z += zoffset; #else UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(radius); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(srcsprite); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(zoffset); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(range); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(color); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(priority); #endif } // sleeping monsters, etc ACTOR_STATIC void G_MoveZombieActors(void) { int32_t x, px, py, sx, sy; int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR], j, p, nexti; int16_t psect, ssect; spritetype *s; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; s = &sprite[i]; p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); ssect = psect = s->sectnum; if (sprite[g_player[p].ps->i].extra > 0) { if (x < 30000) { actor[i].timetosleep++; if (actor[i].timetosleep >= (x>>8)) { if (A_CheckEnemySprite(s)) { px = g_player[p].ps->opos.x+64-(krand()&127); py = g_player[p].ps->opos.y+64-(krand()&127); updatesector(px,py,&psect); if (psect == -1) { i = nexti; continue; } sx = s->x+64-(krand()&127); sy = s->y+64-(krand()&127); updatesector(px,py,&ssect); if (ssect == -1) { i = nexti; continue; } j = cansee(sx,sy,s->z-(krand()%(52<<8)),s->sectnum,px,py,g_player[p].ps->opos.z-(krand()%(32<<8)),g_player[p].ps->cursectnum); } else j = cansee(s->x,s->y,s->z-((krand()&31)<<8),s->sectnum,g_player[p].ps->opos.x,g_player[p].ps->opos.y,g_player[p].ps->opos.z-((krand()&31)<<8),g_player[p].ps->cursectnum); // j = 1; if (j) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(s->picnum)) { case RUBBERCAN__STATIC: case EXPLODINGBARREL__STATIC: case WOODENHORSE__STATIC: case HORSEONSIDE__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING2__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING3__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING4__STATIC: case FIREBARREL__STATIC: case FIREVASE__STATIC: case NUKEBARREL__STATIC: case NUKEBARRELDENTED__STATIC: case NUKEBARRELLEAKED__STATIC: case TRIPBOMB__STATIC: if (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingstat&1 && A_CheckSpriteFlags(j,SPRITE_NOSHADE) == 0) s->shade = sector[s->sectnum].ceilingshade; else s->shade = sector[s->sectnum].floorshade; actor[i].timetosleep = 0; changespritestat(i, STAT_STANDABLE); break; case RECON__STATIC: CS |= 257; default: if (A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_USEACTIVATOR) && sector[sprite[i].sectnum].lotag & 16384) break; actor[i].timetosleep = 0; A_PlayAlertSound(i); changespritestat(i, STAT_ACTOR); break; } } else actor[i].timetosleep = 0; } } if (A_CheckEnemySprite(s) && A_CheckSpriteFlags(i,SPRITE_NOSHADE) == 0) { if (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingstat&1) s->shade = sector[s->sectnum].ceilingshade; else s->shade = sector[s->sectnum].floorshade; } } i = nexti; } } // stupid name, but it's what the function does. static inline int32_t G_FindExplosionInSector(int32_t sectnum) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_MISC]; while (i >= 0) { if (PN == EXPLOSION2 && sectnum == SECT) return i; i = nextspritestat[i]; } return -1; } static void P_Nudge(int32_t p, int32_t sn, int32_t shl) { g_player[p].ps->vel.x += actor[sn].extra*(sintable[(actor[sn].ang+512)&2047])<<shl; g_player[p].ps->vel.y += actor[sn].extra*(sintable[actor[sn].ang&2047])<<shl; } int32_t A_IncurDamage(int32_t sn) { spritetype *const targ = &sprite[sn]; actor_t *const dmg = &actor[sn]; if (dmg->extra < 0 || targ->extra < 0) { dmg->extra = -1; return -1; } if (targ->picnum == APLAYER) { int32_t p = targ->yvel; if (ud.god && dmg->picnum != SHRINKSPARK) return -1; if (dmg->owner >= 0 && ud.ffire == 0 && sprite[dmg->owner].picnum == APLAYER && (GametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_PLAYERSFRIENDLY || (GametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_TDM && g_player[p].ps->team == g_player[sprite[dmg->owner].yvel].ps->team))) return -1; targ->extra -= dmg->extra; if (dmg->owner >= 0 && targ->extra <= 0 && dmg->picnum != FREEZEBLAST) { targ->extra = 0; g_player[p].ps->wackedbyactor = dmg->owner; if (sprite[dmg->owner].picnum == APLAYER && p != sprite[dmg->owner].yvel) g_player[p].ps->frag_ps = sprite[dmg->owner].yvel; dmg->owner = g_player[p].ps->i; } switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(dmg->picnum)) { case RADIUSEXPLOSION__STATIC: case RPG__STATIC: case HYDRENT__STATIC: case HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC: case SEENINE__STATIC: case OOZFILTER__STATIC: case EXPLODINGBARREL__STATIC: P_Nudge(p, sn, 2); break; default: if (A_CheckSpriteTileFlags(dmg->picnum, SPRITE_PROJECTILE) && (SpriteProjectile[sn].workslike & PROJECTILE_RPG)) P_Nudge(p, sn, 2); else P_Nudge(p, sn, 1); break; } dmg->extra = -1; return dmg->picnum; } if (dmg->extra == 0) if (dmg->picnum == SHRINKSPARK && targ->xrepeat < 24) return -1; targ->extra -= dmg->extra; if (targ->picnum != RECON && targ->owner >= 0 && sprite[targ->owner].statnum < MAXSTATUS) targ->owner = dmg->owner; dmg->extra = -1; return dmg->picnum; } void A_MoveCyclers(void) { int32_t i; for (i=g_numCyclers-1; i>=0; i--) { int16_t *c = &cyclers[i][0]; int32_t sect = c[0]; int32_t t = c[3]; int32_t j = t+(sintable[c[1]&2047]>>10); int32_t cshade = c[2]; if (j < cshade) j = cshade; else if (j > t) j = t; c[1] += sector[sect].extra; if (c[5]) { walltype *wal = &wall[sector[sect].wallptr]; int32_t x; for (x = sector[sect].wallnum; x>0; x--,wal++) { if (wal->hitag != 1) { wal->shade = j; if ((wal->cstat&2) && wal->nextwall >= 0) wall[wal->nextwall].shade = j; } } sector[sect].floorshade = sector[sect].ceilingshade = j; } } } void A_MoveDummyPlayers(void) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_DUMMYPLAYER], nexti; while (i >= 0) { int32_t psectnum; const int32_t p = sprite[OW].yvel; DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; nexti = nextspritestat[i]; psectnum = ps->cursectnum; if (ps->on_crane >= 0 || (psectnum >= 0 && sector[psectnum].lotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) || sprite[ps->i].extra <= 0) { ps->dummyplayersprite = -1; KILLIT(i); } else { if (ps->on_ground && ps->on_warping_sector == 1 && psectnum >= 0 && sector[psectnum].lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) { CS = 257; SZ = sector[SECT].ceilingz+(27<<8); SA = ps->ang; if (T1 == 8) T1 = 0; else T1++; } else { if (sector[SECT].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER) SZ = sector[SECT].floorz; CS = (int16_t) 32768; } } SX += (ps->pos.x-ps->opos.x); SY += (ps->pos.y-ps->opos.y); setsprite(i, (vec3_t *)&sprite[i]); BOLT: i = nexti; } } static int32_t P_Submerge(int32_t j, int32_t p, DukePlayer_t *ps, int32_t sect, int32_t othersect); static int32_t P_Emerge(int32_t j, int32_t p, DukePlayer_t *ps, int32_t sect, int32_t othersect); static void P_FinishWaterChange(int32_t j, DukePlayer_t *ps, int32_t sectlotag, int32_t ow, int32_t newsectnum); int32_t otherp; ACTOR_STATIC void G_MovePlayers(void) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_PLAYER]; while (i >= 0) { const int32_t nexti = nextspritestat[i]; spritetype *const s = &sprite[i]; DukePlayer_t *const p = g_player[s->yvel].ps; if (s->owner >= 0) { if (p->newowner >= 0) //Looking thru the camera { s->x = p->opos.x; s->y = p->opos.y; actor[i].bposz = s->z = p->opos.z+PHEIGHT; s->ang = p->oang; setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); } else { int32_t otherx; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE // TROR water submerge/emerge const int32_t psect=s->sectnum, slotag=sector[psect].lotag; if (slotag==ST_1_ABOVE_WATER || slotag==ST_2_UNDERWATER) { int32_t othersect = yax_getneighborsect( s->x, s->y, psect, slotag==ST_1_ABOVE_WATER ? YAX_FLOOR : YAX_CEILING); // If submerging, the lower sector MUST have lotag 2. if (othersect >= 0 && (slotag==ST_2_UNDERWATER || sector[othersect].lotag==ST_2_UNDERWATER)) { int32_t k = 0; // Compare with G_MoveTransports(). p->on_warping_sector = 1; if (slotag==ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) k = P_Submerge(i, s->yvel, p, psect, othersect); else k = P_Emerge(i, s->yvel, p, psect, othersect); if (k == 1) P_FinishWaterChange(i, p, slotag, -1, othersect); } } #endif if (g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1) otherp = P_FindOtherPlayer(s->yvel,&otherx); else { otherp = s->yvel; otherx = 0; } if (g_tile[sprite[i].picnum].execPtr) A_Execute(i,s->yvel,otherx); if (g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1) if (sprite[g_player[otherp].ps->i].extra > 0) { if (s->yrepeat > 32 && sprite[g_player[otherp].ps->i].yrepeat < 32) { if (otherx < 1400 && p->knee_incs == 0) { p->knee_incs = 1; p->weapon_pos = -1; p->actorsqu = g_player[otherp].ps->i; } } } if (ud.god) { s->extra = p->max_player_health; s->cstat = 257; p->inv_amount[GET_JETPACK] = 1599; } if (s->extra > 0) { actor[i].owner = i; if (ud.god == 0) if (G_CheckForSpaceCeiling(s->sectnum) || G_CheckForSpaceFloor(s->sectnum)) P_QuickKill(p); } else { p->pos.x = s->x; p->pos.y = s->y; p->pos.z = s->z-(20<<8); p->newowner = -1; if (p->wackedbyactor >= 0 && sprite[p->wackedbyactor].statnum < MAXSTATUS) { p->ang += G_GetAngleDelta(p->ang,getangle(sprite[p->wackedbyactor].x-p->pos.x,sprite[p->wackedbyactor].y-p->pos.y))>>1; p->ang &= 2047; } } s->ang = p->ang; } } else { if (p->holoduke_on == -1) KILLIT(i); Bmemcpy(&actor[i].bposx, s, sizeof(vec3_t)); s->cstat = 0; if (s->xrepeat < 42) { s->xrepeat += 4; s->cstat |= 2; } else s->xrepeat = 42; if (s->yrepeat < 36) s->yrepeat += 4; else { s->yrepeat = 36; if (sector[s->sectnum].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER) A_Fall(i); if (s->zvel == 0 && sector[s->sectnum].lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) s->z += (32<<8); } if (s->extra < 8) { s->xvel = 128; s->ang = p->ang; s->extra++; A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); } else { s->ang = 2047-p->ang; setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); } } if (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingstat&1) s->shade += (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingshade-s->shade)>>1; else s->shade += (sector[s->sectnum].floorshade-s->shade)>>1; BOLT: i = nexti; } } ACTOR_STATIC void G_MoveFX(void) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_FX]; while (i >= 0) { spritetype *const s = &sprite[i]; const int32_t nexti = nextspritestat[i]; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(s->picnum)) { case RESPAWN__STATIC: if (sprite[i].extra == 66) { /*int32_t j =*/ A_Spawn(i,SHT); // sprite[j].pal = sprite[i].pal; KILLIT(i); } else if (sprite[i].extra > (66-13)) sprite[i].extra++; break; case MUSICANDSFX__STATIC: { const int32_t ht = s->hitag; DukePlayer_t *const peekps = g_player[screenpeek].ps; if (T2 != ud.config.SoundToggle) { T2 = ud.config.SoundToggle; T1 = 0; } if (s->lotag >= 1000 && s->lotag < 2000) { int32_t x = ldist(&sprite[peekps->i],s); if (g_fakeMultiMode==2) { // HACK for splitscreen mod int32_t otherdist = ldist(&sprite[g_player[1].ps->i],s); x = min(x, otherdist); } if (x < ht && T1 == 0) { FX_SetReverb(s->lotag - 1000); T1 = 1; } if (x >= ht && T1 == 1) { FX_SetReverb(0); FX_SetReverbDelay(0); T1 = 0; } } else if (s->lotag < 999 && (unsigned)sector[s->sectnum].lotag < 9 && // ST_9_SLIDING_ST_DOOR ud.config.AmbienceToggle && sector[SECT].floorz != sector[SECT].ceilingz) { if (g_sounds[s->lotag].m&2) { int32_t x = dist(&sprite[peekps->i],s); if (g_fakeMultiMode==2) { // HACK for splitscreen mod int32_t otherdist = dist(&sprite[g_player[1].ps->i],s); x = min(x, otherdist); } if (x < ht && T1 == 0 && FX_VoiceAvailable(g_sounds[s->lotag].pr-1)) { if (g_numEnvSoundsPlaying == ud.config.NumVoices) { int32_t j; for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_FX, j)) if (PN == MUSICANDSFX && j != i && sprite[j].lotag < 999 && actor[j].t_data[0] == 1 && dist(&sprite[j], &sprite[peekps->i]) > x) { S_StopEnvSound(sprite[j].lotag,j); break; } if (j == -1) goto BOLT; } A_PlaySound(s->lotag,i); T1 = 1; } else if (x >= ht && T1 == 1) { // T1 = 0; S_StopEnvSound(s->lotag,i); } } if ((g_sounds[s->lotag].m&16)) { // Randomly playing global sounds (flyby of planes, screams, ...) if (T5 > 0) T5--; else { int32_t p; for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) if (p == myconnectindex && g_player[p].ps->cursectnum == s->sectnum) { S_PlaySound(s->lotag + ((unsigned)g_globalRandom%(s->hitag+1))); T5 = GAMETICSPERSEC*40 + (g_globalRandom%(GAMETICSPERSEC*40)); } } } } break; } } BOLT: i = nexti; } } ACTOR_STATIC void G_MoveFallers(void) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_FALLER], nexti, sect, j; spritetype *s; int32_t x; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; s = &sprite[i]; sect = s->sectnum; if (T1 == 0) { s->z -= (16<<8); T2 = s->ang; x = s->extra; if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { if (j == FIREEXT || j == RPG || j == RADIUSEXPLOSION || j == SEENINE || j == OOZFILTER) { if (s->extra <= 0) { T1 = 1; j = headspritestat[STAT_FALLER]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].hitag == SHT) { actor[j].t_data[0] = 1; sprite[j].cstat &= (65535-64); if (sprite[j].picnum == CEILINGSTEAM || sprite[j].picnum == STEAM) sprite[j].cstat |= 32768; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } } } else { actor[i].extra = 0; s->extra = x; } } s->ang = T2; s->z += (16<<8); } else if (T1 == 1) { if (s->lotag < INT16_MAX) { s->lotag-=3; if (s->lotag > INT16_MAX) { s->xvel = (32+(krand()&63)); s->zvel = -(1024+(krand()&1023)); } } else { if (s->xvel > 0) { s->xvel -= 8; A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); } if (G_CheckForSpaceFloor(s->sectnum)) x = 0; else { if (G_CheckForSpaceCeiling(s->sectnum)) x = g_spriteGravity/6; else x = g_spriteGravity; } if (s->z < (sector[sect].floorz-ZOFFSET)) { s->zvel += x; if (s->zvel > 6144) s->zvel = 6144; s->z += s->zvel; } if ((sector[sect].floorz-s->z) < (16<<8)) { j = 1+(krand()&7); for (x=0; x<j; x++) RANDOMSCRAP; KILLIT(i); } } } BOLT: i = nexti; } } ACTOR_STATIC void G_MoveStandables(void) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_STANDABLE], j, k, nexti, nextj, sect, switchpicnum; int32_t l=0, x; int32_t *t; spritetype *s; int16_t m; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; t = &actor[i].t_data[0]; s = &sprite[i]; sect = s->sectnum; if (sect < 0) KILLIT(i); // 'fixed' sprites in rotating sectors already have bpos* updated if ((t[7]&(0xffff0000))!=0x18190000) Bmemcpy(&actor[i].bposx, s, sizeof(vec3_t)); IFWITHIN(CRANE,CRANE+3) { //t[0] = state //t[1] = checking sector number if (s->xvel) A_GetZLimits(i); if (t[0] == 0) //Waiting to check the sector { j = headspritesect[t[1]]; while (j>=0) { nextj = nextspritesect[j]; switch (sprite[j].statnum) { case STAT_ACTOR: case STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR: case STAT_STANDABLE: case STAT_PLAYER: { vec3_t vect = { msx[t[4]+1], msy[t[4]+1], sprite[j].z }; s->ang = getangle(vect.x-s->x, vect.y-s->y); setsprite(j, &vect); t[0]++; goto BOLT; } } j = nextj; } } else if (t[0]==1) { if (s->xvel < 184) { s->picnum = CRANE+1; s->xvel += 8; } A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); if (sect == t[1]) t[0]++; } else if (t[0]==2 || t[0]==7) { s->z += (1024+512); if (t[0]==2) { if ((sector[sect].floorz - s->z) < (64<<8)) if (s->picnum > CRANE) s->picnum--; if ((sector[sect].floorz - s->z) < (4096+1024)) t[0]++; } if (t[0]==7) { if ((sector[sect].floorz - s->z) < (64<<8)) { if (s->picnum > CRANE) s->picnum--; else { if (s->owner==-2) { int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); A_PlaySound(DUKE_GRUNT,g_player[p].ps->i); if (g_player[p].ps->on_crane == i) g_player[p].ps->on_crane = -1; } t[0]++; s->owner = -1; } } } } else if (t[0]==3) { s->picnum++; if (s->picnum == (CRANE+2)) { int32_t p = G_CheckPlayerInSector(t[1]); if (p >= 0 && g_player[p].ps->on_ground) { s->owner = -2; g_player[p].ps->on_crane = i; A_PlaySound(DUKE_GRUNT,g_player[p].ps->i); g_player[p].ps->ang = s->ang+1024; } else { j = headspritesect[t[1]]; while (j>=0) { switch (sprite[j].statnum) { case STAT_ACTOR: case STAT_STANDABLE: s->owner = j; break; } j = nextspritesect[j]; } } t[0]++;//Grabbed the sprite t[2]=0; goto BOLT; } } else if (t[0]==4) //Delay before going up { t[2]++; if (t[2] > 10) t[0]++; } else if (t[0]==5 || t[0] == 8) { if (t[0]==8 && s->picnum < (CRANE+2)) if ((sector[sect].floorz-s->z) > 8192) s->picnum++; if (s->z < msx[t[4]+2]) { t[0]++; s->xvel = 0; } else s->z -= (1024+512); } else if (t[0]==6) { if (s->xvel < 192) s->xvel += 8; s->ang = getangle(msx[t[4]]-s->x,msy[t[4]]-s->y); A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); if (((s->x-msx[t[4]])*(s->x-msx[t[4]])+(s->y-msy[t[4]])*(s->y-msy[t[4]])) < (128*128)) t[0]++; } else if (t[0]==9) t[0] = 0; { vec3_t vect; Bmemcpy(&vect,s,sizeof(vec3_t)); vect.z -= (34<<8); setsprite(msy[t[4]+2],&vect); } if (s->owner != -1) { int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { if (s->owner == -2) if (g_player[p].ps->on_crane == i) g_player[p].ps->on_crane = -1; s->owner = -1; s->picnum = CRANE; goto BOLT; } if (s->owner >= 0) { setsprite(s->owner,(vec3_t *)s); Bmemcpy(&actor[s->owner].bposx, s, sizeof(vec3_t)); s->zvel = 0; } else if (s->owner == -2) { DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; ps->opos.x = ps->pos.x = s->x-(sintable[(ps->ang+512)&2047]>>6); ps->opos.y = ps->pos.y = s->y-(sintable[ps->ang&2047]>>6); ps->opos.z = ps->pos.z = s->z+(2<<8); setsprite(ps->i, (vec3_t *)ps); ps->cursectnum = sprite[ps->i].sectnum; } } goto BOLT; } IFWITHIN(WATERFOUNTAIN,WATERFOUNTAIN+3) { if (t[0] > 0) { if (t[0] < 20) { t[0]++; s->picnum++; if (s->picnum == (WATERFOUNTAIN+3)) s->picnum = WATERFOUNTAIN+1; } else { A_FindPlayer(s,&x); if (x > 512) { t[0] = 0; s->picnum = WATERFOUNTAIN; } else t[0] = 1; } } goto BOLT; } if (AFLAMABLE(s->picnum)) { if (T1 == 1) { T2++; if ((T2&3) > 0) goto BOLT; if (s->picnum == TIRE && T2 == 32) { s->cstat = 0; j = A_Spawn(i,BLOODPOOL); sprite[j].shade = 127; } else { if (s->shade < 64) s->shade++; else KILLIT(i); } j = s->xrepeat-(krand()&7); if (j < 10) KILLIT(i); s->xrepeat = j; j = s->yrepeat-(krand()&7); if (j < 4) KILLIT(i); s->yrepeat = j; } if (s->picnum == BOX) { A_Fall(i); actor[i].ceilingz = sector[s->sectnum].ceilingz; } goto BOLT; } if (s->picnum == TRIPBOMB) { if (actor[i].t_data[6] == 1) { if (actor[i].t_data[7] >= 1) { actor[i].t_data[7]--; } if (actor[i].t_data[7] <= 0) { T3=16; actor[i].t_data[6]=3; A_PlaySound(LASERTRIP_ARMING,i); } // we're on a timer.... } if (T3 > 0 && actor[i].t_data[6] == 3) { T3--; if (T3 == 8) { for (j=0; j<5; j++) RANDOMSCRAP; x = s->extra; A_RadiusDamage(i, g_tripbombBlastRadius, x>>2,x>>1,x-(x>>2),x); j = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); A_PlaySound(LASERTRIP_EXPLODE,j); sprite[j].ang = s->ang; sprite[j].xvel = 348; A_SetSprite(j,CLIPMASK0); j = headspritestat[STAT_MISC]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].picnum == LASERLINE && s->hitag == sprite[j].hitag) sprite[j].xrepeat = sprite[j].yrepeat = 0; j = nextspritestat[j]; } KILLIT(i); } goto BOLT; } else { x = s->extra; s->extra = 1; l = s->ang; if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { actor[i].t_data[6] = 3; T3 = 16; } s->extra = x; s->ang = l; } switch (T1) { default: A_FindPlayer(s,&x); if (x > 768 || T1 > 16) T1++; break; case 32: l = s->ang; s->ang = T6; T4 = s->x; T5 = s->y; s->x += sintable[(T6+512)&2047]>>9; s->y += sintable[(T6)&2047]>>9; s->z -= (3<<8); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); x = A_CheckHitSprite(i,&m); actor[i].lastvx = x; s->ang = l; k = 0; // if(lTripBombControl & TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE) if (actor[i].t_data[6] != 1) { // we're on a trip wire int16_t cursectnum; while (x > 0) { j = A_Spawn(i,LASERLINE); setsprite(j,(vec3_t *)&sprite[j]); sprite[j].hitag = s->hitag; actor[j].t_data[1] = sprite[j].z; s->x += sintable[(T6+512)&2047]>>4; s->y += sintable[(T6)&2047]>>4; if (x < 1024) { sprite[j].xrepeat = x>>5; break; } x -= 1024; cursectnum = s->sectnum; updatesector(s->x, s->y, &cursectnum); if (cursectnum < 0) break; } } T1++; s->x = T4; s->y = T5; s->z += (3<<8); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); T4 = T3 = 0; if (m >= 0 && actor[i].t_data[6] != 1) { actor[i].t_data[6] = 3; T3 = 13; A_PlaySound(LASERTRIP_ARMING,i); } break; case 33: T2++; T4 = s->x; T5 = s->y; s->x += sintable[(T6+512)&2047]>>9; s->y += sintable[(T6)&2047]>>9; s->z -= (3<<8); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); x = A_CheckHitSprite(i,&m); s->x = T4; s->y = T5; s->z += (3<<8); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); // if( Actor[i].lastvx != x && lTripBombControl & TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE) if (actor[i].lastvx != x && actor[i].t_data[6] != 1) { actor[i].t_data[6] = 3; T3 = 13; A_PlaySound(LASERTRIP_ARMING,i); } break; } goto BOLT; } if (s->picnum >= CRACK1 && s->picnum <= CRACK4) { if (s->hitag > 0) { t[0] = s->cstat; t[1] = s->ang; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(A_IncurDamage(i))) { case FIREEXT__STATIC: case RPG__STATIC: case RADIUSEXPLOSION__STATIC: case SEENINE__STATIC: case OOZFILTER__STATIC: j = headspritestat[STAT_STANDABLE]; while (j >= 0) { if (s->hitag == sprite[j].hitag && (sprite[j].picnum == OOZFILTER || sprite[j].picnum == SEENINE)) if (sprite[j].shade != -32) sprite[j].shade = -32; j = nextspritestat[j]; } goto DETONATE; default: s->cstat = t[0]; s->ang = t[1]; s->extra = 0; goto BOLT; } } goto BOLT; } if (s->picnum == FIREEXT) { if (A_IncurDamage(i) == -1) goto BOLT; for (k=0; k<16; k++) { j = A_InsertSprite(SECT,SX,SY,SZ-(krand()%(48<<8)),SCRAP3+(krand()&3),-8,48,48,krand()&2047,(krand()&63)+64,-(krand()&4095)-(sprite[i].zvel>>2),i,5); sprite[j].pal = 2; } j = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); A_PlaySound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE,j); A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK,j); if (s->hitag < INT16_MAX) { j = headspritestat[STAT_STANDABLE]; while (j >= 0) { if (s->hitag == sprite[j].hitag && (sprite[j].picnum == OOZFILTER || sprite[j].picnum == SEENINE)) if (sprite[j].shade != -32) sprite[j].shade = -32; j = nextspritestat[j]; } x = s->extra; A_RadiusDamage(i, g_pipebombBlastRadius,x>>2, x-(x>>1),x-(x>>2), x); j = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); A_PlaySound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE,j); goto DETONATE; } else { A_RadiusDamage(i,g_seenineBlastRadius,10,15,20,25); KILLIT(i); } goto BOLT; } if (s->picnum == OOZFILTER || s->picnum == SEENINE || s->picnum == SEENINEDEAD || s->picnum == (SEENINEDEAD+1)) { if (s->shade != -32 && s->shade != -33) { if (s->xrepeat) j = (A_IncurDamage(i) >= 0); else j = 0; if (j || s->shade == -31) { if (j) s->lotag = 0; t[3] = 1; j = headspritestat[STAT_STANDABLE]; while (j >= 0) { if (s->hitag == sprite[j].hitag && (sprite[j].picnum == SEENINE || sprite[j].picnum == OOZFILTER)) sprite[j].shade = -32; j = nextspritestat[j]; } } } else { if (s->shade == -32) { if (s->lotag < INT16_MAX) { s->lotag-=3; if (s->lotag > INT16_MAX) s->lotag = UINT16_MAX-99; } else s->shade = -33; } else { if (s->xrepeat > 0) { T3++; if (T3 == 3) { if (s->picnum == OOZFILTER) { T3 = 0; goto DETONATE; } if (s->picnum != (SEENINEDEAD+1)) { T3 = 0; if (s->picnum == SEENINEDEAD) s->picnum++; else if (s->picnum == SEENINE) s->picnum = SEENINEDEAD; } else goto DETONATE; } goto BOLT; } DETONATE: g_earthquakeTime = 16; j = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; while (j >= 0) { if (s->hitag == sprite[j].hitag) { if (sprite[j].lotag == SE_13_EXPLOSIVE) { if (actor[j].t_data[2] == 0) actor[j].t_data[2] = 1; } else if (sprite[j].lotag == SE_8_UP_OPEN_DOOR_LIGHTS) actor[j].t_data[4] = 1; else if (sprite[j].lotag == SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL) { if (actor[j].t_data[0] == 0) actor[j].t_data[0] = 1; } else if (sprite[j].lotag == SE_21_DROP_FLOOR) actor[j].t_data[0] = 1; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } s->z -= (32<<8); if (s->xrepeat) for (x=0; x<8; x++) RANDOMSCRAP; if ((t[3] == 1 && s->xrepeat) || s->lotag == UINT16_MAX-99) { int32_t j = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); x = s->extra; A_RadiusDamage(i,g_seenineBlastRadius,x>>2, x-(x>>1),x-(x>>2), x); A_PlaySound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE,j); } KILLIT(i); } } goto BOLT; } if (s->picnum == MASTERSWITCH) { if (s->yvel == 1) { s->hitag--; if (s->hitag == UINT16_MAX) { G_OperateSectors(sect,i); j = headspritesect[sect]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].statnum == STAT_EFFECTOR) { switch (sprite[j].lotag) { case SE_2_EARTHQUAKE: case SE_21_DROP_FLOOR: case SE_31_FLOOR_RISE_FALL: case SE_32_CEILING_RISE_FALL: case SE_36_PROJ_SHOOTER: actor[j].t_data[0] = 1; break; case SE_3_RANDOM_LIGHTS_AFTER_SHOT_OUT: actor[j].t_data[4] = 1; break; } } else if (sprite[j].statnum == STAT_STANDABLE) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[j].picnum)) { case SEENINE__STATIC: case OOZFILTER__STATIC: sprite[j].shade = -31; break; } } j = nextspritesect[j]; } KILLIT(i); } } goto BOLT; } switchpicnum = s->picnum; if ((switchpicnum > SIDEBOLT1) && (switchpicnum <= SIDEBOLT1+3)) switchpicnum = SIDEBOLT1; else if ((switchpicnum > BOLT1) && (switchpicnum <= BOLT1+3)) switchpicnum = BOLT1; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(switchpicnum)) { case VIEWSCREEN__STATIC: case VIEWSCREEN2__STATIC: if (s->xrepeat == 0) KILLIT(i); A_FindPlayer(s, &x); if (x < 2048) { if (SP == 1) camsprite = i; } else if (camsprite != -1 && T1 == 1) { camsprite = -1; T1 = 0; //loadtile(s->picnum); //invalidatetile(s->picnum,-1,255); walock[TILE_VIEWSCR] = 199; } goto BOLT; case TRASH__STATIC: if (s->xvel == 0) s->xvel = 1; if (A_SetSprite(i, CLIPMASK0)) { A_Fall(i); if (krand()&1) s->zvel -= 256; if (klabs(s->xvel) < 48) s->xvel += (krand()&3); } else KILLIT(i); break; case SIDEBOLT1__STATIC: // case SIDEBOLT1+1: // case SIDEBOLT1+2: // case SIDEBOLT1+3: A_FindPlayer(s, &x); if (x > 20480) goto BOLT; CLEAR_THE_BOLT2: if (t[2]) { t[2]--; goto BOLT; } if ((s->xrepeat|s->yrepeat) == 0) { s->xrepeat=t[0]; s->yrepeat=t[1]; } if ((krand()&8) == 0) { t[0]=s->xrepeat; t[1]=s->yrepeat; t[2] = g_globalRandom&4; s->xrepeat=s->yrepeat=0; goto CLEAR_THE_BOLT2; } s->picnum++; if (l&1) s->cstat ^= 2; if ((krand()&1) && sector[sect].floorpicnum == HURTRAIL) A_PlaySound(SHORT_CIRCUIT,i); if (s->picnum == SIDEBOLT1+4) s->picnum = SIDEBOLT1; goto BOLT; case BOLT1__STATIC: // case BOLT1+1: // case BOLT1+2: // case BOLT1+3: A_FindPlayer(s, &x); if (x > 20480) goto BOLT; if (t[3] == 0) t[3]=sector[sect].floorshade; CLEAR_THE_BOLT: if (t[2]) { t[2]--; sector[sect].floorshade = 20; sector[sect].ceilingshade = 20; goto BOLT; } if ((s->xrepeat|s->yrepeat) == 0) { s->xrepeat=t[0]; s->yrepeat=t[1]; } else if ((krand()&8) == 0) { t[0]=s->xrepeat; t[1]=s->yrepeat; t[2] = g_globalRandom&4; s->xrepeat=s->yrepeat=0; goto CLEAR_THE_BOLT; } s->picnum++; l = g_globalRandom&7; s->xrepeat=l+8; if (l&1) s->cstat ^= 2; if (s->picnum == (BOLT1+1) && (krand()&7) == 0 && sector[sect].floorpicnum == HURTRAIL) A_PlaySound(SHORT_CIRCUIT,i); if (s->picnum==BOLT1+4) s->picnum=BOLT1; if (s->picnum&1) { sector[sect].floorshade = 0; sector[sect].ceilingshade = 0; } else { sector[sect].floorshade = 20; sector[sect].ceilingshade = 20; } goto BOLT; case WATERDRIP__STATIC: if (t[1]) { if (--t[1] == 0) s->cstat &= 32767; } else { A_Fall(i); A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); if (s->xvel > 0) s->xvel -= 2; if (s->zvel == 0) { s->cstat |= 32768; if (s->pal != 2 && s->hitag == 0) A_PlaySound(SOMETHING_DRIPPING,i); if (sprite[s->owner].picnum != WATERDRIP) { KILLIT(i); } else { actor[i].bposz = s->z = t[0]; t[1] = 48+(krand()&31); } } } goto BOLT; case DOORSHOCK__STATIC: j = klabs(sector[sect].ceilingz-sector[sect].floorz)>>9; s->yrepeat = j+4; s->xrepeat = 16; s->z = sector[sect].floorz; goto BOLT; case TOUCHPLATE__STATIC: if (t[1] == 1 && s->hitag != UINT16_MAX) //Move the sector floor { x = sector[sect].floorz; if (t[3] == 1) { if (x >= t[2]) { sector[sect].floorz = x; t[1] = 0; } else { int32_t p; sector[sect].floorz += sector[sect].extra; p = G_CheckPlayerInSector(sect); if (p >= 0) g_player[p].ps->pos.z += sector[sect].extra; } } else { if (x <= s->z) { sector[sect].floorz = s->z; t[1] = 0; } else { int32_t p; sector[sect].floorz -= sector[sect].extra; p = G_CheckPlayerInSector(sect); if (p >= 0) g_player[p].ps->pos.z -= sector[sect].extra; } } goto BOLT; } if (t[5] == 1) goto BOLT; { int32_t p = G_CheckPlayerInSector(sect); if (p >= 0 && (g_player[p].ps->on_ground || s->ang == 512)) { if (t[0] == 0 && !G_CheckActivatorMotion(s->lotag)) { t[0] = 1; t[1] = 1; t[3] = !t[3]; G_OperateMasterSwitches(s->lotag); G_OperateActivators(s->lotag,p); if (s->hitag < INT16_MAX) { s->hitag--; if (s->hitag == 0) t[5] = 1; } } } else t[0] = 0; } if (t[1] == 1) { j = headspritestat[STAT_STANDABLE]; while (j >= 0) { if (j != i && sprite[j].picnum == TOUCHPLATE && sprite[j].lotag == s->lotag) { actor[j].t_data[1] = 1; actor[j].t_data[3] = t[3]; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } } goto BOLT; case CANWITHSOMETHING__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING2__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING3__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING4__STATIC: A_Fall(i); if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { A_PlaySound(VENT_BUST,i); for (j=9; j>=0; j--) RANDOMSCRAP; if (s->lotag) A_Spawn(i,s->lotag); KILLIT(i); } goto BOLT; case FLOORFLAME__STATIC: case FIREBARREL__STATIC: case FIREVASE__STATIC: case EXPLODINGBARREL__STATIC: case WOODENHORSE__STATIC: case HORSEONSIDE__STATIC: case NUKEBARREL__STATIC: case NUKEBARRELDENTED__STATIC: case NUKEBARRELLEAKED__STATIC: case TOILETWATER__STATIC: case RUBBERCAN__STATIC: case STEAM__STATIC: case CEILINGSTEAM__STATIC: case WATERBUBBLEMAKER__STATIC: if (!g_tile[sprite[i].picnum].execPtr) goto BOLT; { int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s, &x); A_Execute(i,p,x); } goto BOLT; } BOLT: i = nexti; } } ACTOR_STATIC void A_DoProjectileBounce(int32_t i) { int32_t dax, day, daz = 4096; spritetype *s = &sprite[i]; int32_t hitsect = s->sectnum; int32_t k = sector[hitsect].wallptr; int32_t l = wall[k].point2; int32_t xvect = mulscale10(s->xvel,sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047]); int32_t yvect = mulscale10(s->xvel,sintable[s->ang&2047]); int32_t zvect = s->zvel; int32_t daang = getangle(wall[l].x-wall[k].x,wall[l].y-wall[k].y); if (s->z < (actor[i].floorz+actor[i].ceilingz)>>1) k = sector[hitsect].ceilingheinum; else k = sector[hitsect].floorheinum; dax = mulscale14(k,sintable[(daang)&2047]); day = mulscale14(k,sintable[(daang+1536)&2047]); k = xvect*dax+yvect*day+zvect*daz; l = dax*dax+day*day+daz*daz; if ((klabs(k)>>14) < l) { k = divscale17(k,l); xvect -= mulscale16(dax,k); yvect -= mulscale16(day,k); zvect -= mulscale16(daz,k); } s->zvel = zvect; s->xvel = ksqrt(dmulscale8(xvect,xvect,yvect,yvect)); s->ang = getangle(xvect,yvect); } ACTOR_STATIC void P_HandleBeingSpitOn(DukePlayer_t *ps) { ps->horiz += 32; ps->return_to_center = 8; if (ps->loogcnt == 0) { int32_t j, x; if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(ps->i, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,ps->i); j = 3+(krand()&3); ps->numloogs = j; ps->loogcnt = 24*4; for (x=0; x < j; x++) { ps->loogiex[x] = krand()%xdim; ps->loogiey[x] = krand()%ydim; } } } static void A_DoProjectileEffects(int32_t i, const vec3_t *davect, int32_t do_radius_damage) { const projectile_t *proj = &SpriteProjectile[i]; if (proj->spawns >= 0) { int32_t k = A_Spawn(i,proj->spawns); if (davect) Bmemcpy(&sprite[k],davect,sizeof(vec3_t)); if (proj->sxrepeat > 4) sprite[k].xrepeat=proj->sxrepeat; if (proj->syrepeat > 4) sprite[k].yrepeat=proj->syrepeat; } if (proj->isound >= 0) A_PlaySound(proj->isound,i); if (do_radius_damage) { spritetype *const s = &sprite[i]; int32_t x; s->extra=proj->extra; if (proj->extra_rand > 0) s->extra += (krand()&proj->extra_rand); x = s->extra; A_RadiusDamage(i,proj->hitradius, x>>2,x>>1,x-(x>>2),x); } } static void G_WeaponHitCeilingOrFloor(int32_t i, spritetype *s, int32_t *j) { if (s->z < actor[i].ceilingz) { *j = 16384|s->sectnum; s->zvel = -1; } else if (s->z > actor[i].floorz + (16<<8)*(sector[s->sectnum].lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER)) { *j = 16384|s->sectnum; if (sector[s->sectnum].lotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) s->zvel = 1; } } ACTOR_STATIC void G_MoveWeapons(void) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_PROJECTILE], j=0, k, q; int32_t x, ll; while (i >= 0) { const int32_t nexti = nextspritestat[i]; spritetype *const s = &sprite[i]; vec3_t davect; if (s->sectnum < 0) KILLIT(i); Bmemcpy(&actor[i].bposx, s, sizeof(vec3_t)); /* Custom projectiles */ if (A_CheckSpriteFlags(i,SPRITE_PROJECTILE)) { const projectile_t *const proj = &SpriteProjectile[i]; if (proj->pal >= 0) s->pal = proj->pal; if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_KNEE) KILLIT(i); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_RPG) { // if (proj->workslike & COOLEXPLOSION1) // if( g_sounds[WIERDSHOT_FLY].num == 0 ) // A_PlaySound(WIERDSHOT_FLY,i); Bmemcpy(&davect,s,sizeof(vec3_t)); if (proj->flashcolor) G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), 2048, proj->flashcolor, PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW_GAME); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_BOUNCESOFFWALLS && s->yvel < 1) { A_DoProjectileEffects(i, NULL, 1); KILLIT(i); } if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_COOLEXPLOSION1 && ++s->shade >= 40) KILLIT(i); s->zvel -= proj->drop; if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_SPIT && s->zvel < 6144) s->zvel += g_spriteGravity-112; A_GetZLimits(i); if (proj->trail >= 0) { int32_t cnt; for (cnt=0; cnt<=proj->tnum; cnt++) { j = A_Spawn(i,proj->trail); sprite[j].z += (proj->toffset<<8); if (proj->txrepeat >= 0) sprite[j].xrepeat=proj->txrepeat; if (proj->tyrepeat >= 0) sprite[j].yrepeat=proj->tyrepeat; } } { int32_t cnt = proj->movecnt; k = s->xvel; ll = s->zvel; if (sector[s->sectnum].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { k >>= 1; ll >>= 1; } do { vec3_t tmpvect; Bmemcpy(&davect, s, sizeof(vec3_t)); tmpvect.x = (k*(sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047]))>>14; tmpvect.y = (k*(sintable[s->ang&2047]))>>14; tmpvect.z = ll; j = A_MoveSprite(i, &tmpvect, CLIPMASK1); } while (!j && --cnt > 0); } if (!(proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_BOUNCESOFFWALLS) && s->yvel >= 0 && sprite[s->yvel].sectnum != MAXSECTORS) if (FindDistance2D(s->x-sprite[s->yvel].x,s->y-sprite[s->yvel].y) < 256) j = 49152|s->yvel; actor[i].movflag = j; if (s->sectnum < 0) KILLIT(i); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_TIMED && proj->range > 0) { if (++actor[i].t_data[8] > proj->range) { if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_EXPLODEONTIMER) A_DoProjectileEffects(i, &davect, 1); KILLIT(i); } } if ((j&49152) != 49152 && !(proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_BOUNCESOFFWALLS)) G_WeaponHitCeilingOrFloor(i, s, &j); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_WATERBUBBLES && sector[s->sectnum].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER && rnd(140)) A_Spawn(i,WATERBUBBLE); if (j != 0) { if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_COOLEXPLOSION1) { s->xvel = 0; s->zvel = 0; } if ((j&49152) == 49152) { j &= (MAXSPRITES-1); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_BOUNCESOFFSPRITES) { s->yvel--; k = getangle(sprite[j].x-s->x,sprite[j].y-s->y)+(sprite[j].cstat&16?0:512); s->ang = ((k<<1) - s->ang)&2047; if (proj->bsound >= 0) A_PlaySound(proj->bsound,i); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_LOSESVELOCITY) { s->xvel >>= 1; s->zvel >>= 1; } if (!(proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_FORCEIMPACT)) goto BOLT; } A_DamageObject(j,i); if (sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER) { int32_t p = sprite[j].yvel; A_PlaySound(PISTOL_BODYHIT,j); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_SPIT) P_HandleBeingSpitOn(g_player[p].ps); } if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_RPG_IMPACT) { actor[j].owner = s->owner; actor[j].picnum = s->picnum; actor[j].extra += proj->extra; A_DoProjectileEffects(i, &davect, 0); if (!(proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_FORCEIMPACT)) KILLIT(i); } if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_FORCEIMPACT) goto BOLT; } else if ((j&49152) == 32768) { j &= (MAXWALLS-1); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_BOUNCESOFFMIRRORS && (wall[j].overpicnum == MIRROR || wall[j].picnum == MIRROR)) { k = getangle( wall[wall[j].point2].x-wall[j].x, wall[wall[j].point2].y-wall[j].y); s->ang = ((k<<1) - s->ang)&2047; s->owner = i; A_Spawn(i,TRANSPORTERSTAR); goto BOLT; } else { setsprite(i,&davect); A_DamageWall(i,j,(vec3_t *)s,s->picnum); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_BOUNCESOFFWALLS) { if (wall[j].overpicnum != MIRROR && wall[j].picnum != MIRROR) s->yvel--; k = getangle( wall[wall[j].point2].x-wall[j].x, wall[wall[j].point2].y-wall[j].y); s->ang = ((k<<1) - s->ang)&2047; if (proj->bsound >= 0) A_PlaySound(proj->bsound,i); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_LOSESVELOCITY) { s->xvel >>= 1; s->zvel >>= 1; } goto BOLT; } } } else if ((j&49152) == 16384) { setsprite(i, &davect); if (s->zvel < 0) { if (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingstat&1 && sector[s->sectnum].ceilingpal == 0) KILLIT(i); Sect_DamageCeiling(s->sectnum); } if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_BOUNCESOFFWALLS) { A_DoProjectileBounce(i); A_SetSprite(i, CLIPMASK1); s->yvel--; if (proj->bsound >= 0) A_PlaySound(proj->bsound,i); if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_LOSESVELOCITY) { s->xvel >>= 1; s->zvel >>= 1; } goto BOLT; } } if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_HITSCAN) { if (!g_tile[sprite[i].picnum].execPtr) goto BOLT; { int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); A_Execute(i,p,x); } goto BOLT; } if (proj->workslike & PROJECTILE_RPG) { A_DoProjectileEffects(i, &davect, 1); KILLIT(i); } } } goto BOLT; } // hard coded projectiles switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(s->picnum)) { case RADIUSEXPLOSION__STATIC: case KNEE__STATIC: KILLIT(i); case TONGUE__STATIC: T1 = sintable[(T2)&2047]>>9; T2 += 32; if (T2 > 2047) KILLIT(i); if (sprite[s->owner].statnum == MAXSTATUS) if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[s->owner]) == 0) KILLIT(i); s->ang = sprite[s->owner].ang; s->x = sprite[s->owner].x; s->y = sprite[s->owner].y; if (sprite[s->owner].picnum == APLAYER) s->z = sprite[s->owner].z-(34<<8); for (k=0; k<T1; k++) { q = A_InsertSprite(s->sectnum, s->x+((k*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>9), s->y+((k*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>9), s->z+((k*ksgn(s->zvel))*klabs(s->zvel/12)),TONGUE,-40+(k<<1), 8,8,0,0,0,i,5); sprite[q].cstat = 128; sprite[q].pal = 8; } q = A_InsertSprite(s->sectnum, s->x+((k*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>9), s->y+((k*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>9), s->z+((k*ksgn(s->zvel))*klabs(s->zvel/12)),INNERJAW,-40, 32,32,0,0,0,i,5); sprite[q].cstat = 128; if (T2 > 512 && T2 < (1024)) sprite[q].picnum = INNERJAW+1; goto BOLT; case FREEZEBLAST__STATIC: if (s->yvel < 1 || s->extra < 2 || (s->xvel|s->zvel) == 0) { j = A_Spawn(i,TRANSPORTERSTAR); sprite[j].pal = 1; sprite[j].xrepeat = 32; sprite[j].yrepeat = 32; KILLIT(i); } case SHRINKSPARK__STATIC: case RPG__STATIC: case FIRELASER__STATIC: case SPIT__STATIC: case COOLEXPLOSION1__STATIC: if (s->picnum == COOLEXPLOSION1) if (!S_CheckSoundPlaying(i,WIERDSHOT_FLY)) A_PlaySound(WIERDSHOT_FLY,i); k = s->xvel; ll = s->zvel; if (s->picnum == RPG && sector[s->sectnum].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { k >>= 1; ll >>= 1; } Bmemcpy(&davect,s,sizeof(vec3_t)); A_GetZLimits(i); switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(s->picnum)) { case RPG__STATIC: if (DYNAMICTILEMAP(s->picnum) == RPG__STATIC && actor[i].picnum != BOSS2 && s->xrepeat >= 10 && sector[s->sectnum].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER) { j = A_Spawn(i,SMALLSMOKE); sprite[j].z += (1<<8); } break; } { vec3_t tmpvect; tmpvect.x = (k*(sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047]))>>14; tmpvect.y = (k*(sintable[s->ang&2047]))>>14; tmpvect.z = ll; j = A_MoveSprite(i,&tmpvect, CLIPMASK1); } if (s->picnum == RPG && s->yvel >= 0) if (FindDistance2D(s->x-sprite[s->yvel].x,s->y-sprite[s->yvel].y) < 256) j = 49152|s->yvel; actor[i].movflag = j; if (s->sectnum < 0) KILLIT(i); if ((j&49152) != 49152) if (s->picnum != FREEZEBLAST) G_WeaponHitCeilingOrFloor(i, s, &j); if (s->picnum == FIRELASER) { for (k=-3; k<2; k++) { x = A_InsertSprite(s->sectnum, s->x+((k*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>9), s->y+((k*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>9), s->z+((k*ksgn(s->zvel))*klabs(s->zvel/24)),FIRELASER,-40+(k<<2), s->xrepeat,s->yrepeat,0,0,0,s->owner,5); sprite[x].cstat = 128; sprite[x].pal = s->pal; } } else if (s->picnum == SPIT) if (s->zvel < 6144) s->zvel += g_spriteGravity-112; if (j != 0) { if (s->picnum == COOLEXPLOSION1) { if ((j&49152) == 49152 && sprite[j&(MAXSPRITES-1)].picnum != APLAYER) goto COOLEXPLOSION; s->xvel = 0; s->zvel = 0; } if ((j&49152) == 49152) { j &= (MAXSPRITES-1); if (s->picnum == FREEZEBLAST && sprite[j].pal == 1) if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[j]) || sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER) { j = A_Spawn(i,TRANSPORTERSTAR); sprite[j].pal = 1; sprite[j].xrepeat = 32; sprite[j].yrepeat = 32; KILLIT(i); } A_DamageObject(j,i); if (sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER) { int32_t p = sprite[j].yvel; A_PlaySound(PISTOL_BODYHIT,j); if (s->picnum == SPIT) P_HandleBeingSpitOn(g_player[p].ps); } } else if ((j&49152) == 32768) { j &= (MAXWALLS-1); if (s->picnum != RPG && s->picnum != FREEZEBLAST && s->picnum != SPIT && (wall[j].overpicnum == MIRROR || wall[j].picnum == MIRROR)) { k = getangle( wall[wall[j].point2].x-wall[j].x, wall[wall[j].point2].y-wall[j].y); s->ang = ((k<<1) - s->ang)&2047; s->owner = i; A_Spawn(i,TRANSPORTERSTAR); goto BOLT; } else { setsprite(i,&davect); A_DamageWall(i,j,(vec3_t *)s,s->picnum); if (s->picnum == FREEZEBLAST) { if (wall[j].overpicnum != MIRROR && wall[j].picnum != MIRROR) { s->extra >>= 1; s->yvel--; } k = getangle( wall[wall[j].point2].x-wall[j].x, wall[wall[j].point2].y-wall[j].y); s->ang = ((k<<1) - s->ang)&2047; goto BOLT; } } } else if ((j&49152) == 16384) { setsprite(i,&davect); if (s->zvel < 0) { if (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingstat&1) if (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingpal == 0) KILLIT(i); Sect_DamageCeiling(s->sectnum); } if (s->picnum == FREEZEBLAST) { A_DoProjectileBounce(i); A_SetSprite(i, CLIPMASK1); s->extra >>= 1; if (s->xrepeat > 8) s->xrepeat -= 2; if (s->yrepeat > 8) s->yrepeat -= 2; s->yvel--; goto BOLT; } } if (s->picnum != SPIT) { if (s->picnum == RPG) { k = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); A_PlaySound(RPG_EXPLODE,k); Bmemcpy(&sprite[k],&davect,sizeof(vec3_t)); if (s->xrepeat < 10) { sprite[k].xrepeat = 6; sprite[k].yrepeat = 6; } else if ((j&49152) == 16384) { if (s->zvel > 0) A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2BOT); else { sprite[k].cstat |= 8; sprite[k].z += (48<<8); } } if (s->xrepeat >= 10) { x = s->extra; A_RadiusDamage(i,g_rpgBlastRadius, x>>2,x>>1,x-(x>>2),x); } else { x = s->extra+(g_globalRandom&3); A_RadiusDamage(i,(g_rpgBlastRadius>>1),x>>2,x>>1,x-(x>>2),x); } } else if (s->picnum == SHRINKSPARK) { A_Spawn(i,SHRINKEREXPLOSION); A_PlaySound(SHRINKER_HIT,i); A_RadiusDamage(i,g_shrinkerBlastRadius,0,0,0,0); } else if (s->picnum != COOLEXPLOSION1 && s->picnum != FREEZEBLAST && s->picnum != FIRELASER) { k = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); sprite[k].xrepeat = sprite[k].yrepeat = s->xrepeat>>1; if ((j&49152) == 16384) { if (s->zvel < 0) { sprite[k].cstat |= 8; sprite[k].z += (72<<8); } } } } if (s->picnum != COOLEXPLOSION1) KILLIT(i); } if (s->picnum == COOLEXPLOSION1) { COOLEXPLOSION: s->shade++; if (s->shade >= 40) KILLIT(i); } else if (s->picnum == RPG && sector[s->sectnum].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER && s->xrepeat >= 10 && rnd(140)) A_Spawn(i,WATERBUBBLE); goto BOLT; case SHOTSPARK1__STATIC: if (!g_tile[sprite[i].picnum].execPtr) goto BOLT; { int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); A_Execute(i,p,x); } goto BOLT; } BOLT: i = nexti; } } static int32_t P_Submerge(int32_t j, int32_t p, DukePlayer_t *ps, int32_t sect, int32_t othersect) { if (ps->on_ground && ps->pos.z >= sector[sect].floorz && (TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[p].sync->bits, SK_CROUCH) || ps->vel.z > 2048)) // if( onfloorz && sectlotag == 1 && ps->pos.z > (sector[sect].floorz-(6<<8)) ) { if (screenpeek == p) { FX_StopAllSounds(); S_ClearSoundLocks(); } if (sprite[ps->i].extra > 0) A_PlaySound(DUKE_UNDERWATER, j); ps->opos.z = ps->pos.z = sector[othersect].ceilingz; // ps->vel.x = 4096-(krand()&8192); // ps->vel.y = 4096-(krand()&8192); if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[p].sync->bits, SK_CROUCH)) ps->vel.z += 512; return 1; } return 0; } static int32_t P_Emerge(int32_t j, int32_t p, DukePlayer_t *ps, int32_t sect, int32_t othersect) { // r1449-: if (ps->pos.z < (sector[sect].ceilingz+1080) && ps->vel.z == 0) // r1450+, breaks submergible slime in bobsp2: // if (onfloorz && sectlotag == 2 && ps->pos.z <= sector[sect].ceilingz /*&& ps->vel.z == 0*/) { // if( sprite[j].extra <= 0) break; if (screenpeek == p) { FX_StopAllSounds(); S_ClearSoundLocks(); } A_PlaySound(DUKE_GASP, j); ps->opos.z = ps->pos.z = sector[othersect].floorz; ps->vel.z = 0; // ps->vel.z += 1024; ps->jumping_toggle = 1; ps->jumping_counter = 0; return 1; } return 0; } static void P_FinishWaterChange(int32_t j, DukePlayer_t *ps, int32_t sectlotag, int32_t ow, int32_t newsectnum) { int32_t l; vec3_t vect; ps->bobposx = ps->opos.x = ps->pos.x; ps->bobposy = ps->opos.y = ps->pos.y; if (ow < 0 || sprite[ow].owner != ow) ps->transporter_hold = -2; ps->cursectnum = newsectnum; changespritesect(j, newsectnum); vect.x = ps->pos.x; vect.y = ps->pos.y; vect.z = ps->pos.z+PHEIGHT; setsprite(ps->i, &vect); P_UpdateScreenPal(ps); if ((krand()&255) < 32) A_Spawn(j, WATERSPLASH2); if (sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) for (l = 0; l < 9; l++) { int32_t q = A_Spawn(ps->i,WATERBUBBLE); sprite[q].z += krand()&16383; } } static int32_t A_CheckNonTeleporting(int32_t s) { int32_t pic = sprite[s].picnum; if (A_CheckSpriteFlags(s, SPRITE_NOTELEPORT)) return 1; return (pic == SHARK || pic == COMMANDER || pic == OCTABRAIN || (pic >= GREENSLIME && pic <= GREENSLIME+7)); } ACTOR_STATIC void G_MoveTransports(void) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_TRANSPORT], j, k; while (i >= 0) { const int32_t sect = SECT; const int32_t sectlotag = sector[sect].lotag; const int32_t nexti = nextspritestat[i]; int32_t onfloorz; if (OW == i) { i = nexti; continue; } onfloorz = T5; // ONFLOORZ if (T1 > 0) T1--; j = headspritesect[sect]; while (j >= 0) { const int32_t nextj = nextspritesect[j]; switch (sprite[j].statnum) { case STAT_PLAYER: if (sprite[j].owner != -1) { const int32_t p = sprite[j].yvel; DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; ps->on_warping_sector = 1; if (ps->transporter_hold == 0 && ps->jumping_counter == 0) { if (ps->on_ground && sectlotag == 0 && onfloorz && ps->jetpack_on == 0) { if (sprite[i].pal == 0) { A_Spawn(i,TRANSPORTERBEAM); A_PlaySound(TELEPORTER,i); } for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(k)) if (g_player[k].ps->cursectnum == sprite[OW].sectnum) { g_player[k].ps->frag_ps = p; sprite[g_player[k].ps->i].extra = 0; } ps->ang = sprite[OW].ang; if (sprite[OW].owner != OW) { T1 = 13; actor[OW].t_data[0] = 13; ps->transporter_hold = 13; } ps->bobposx = ps->opos.x = ps->pos.x = sprite[OW].x; ps->bobposy = ps->opos.y = ps->pos.y = sprite[OW].y; ps->opos.z = ps->pos.z = sprite[OW].z-PHEIGHT; changespritesect(j,sprite[OW].sectnum); ps->cursectnum = sprite[j].sectnum; if (sprite[i].pal == 0) { k = A_Spawn(OW,TRANSPORTERBEAM); A_PlaySound(TELEPORTER,k); } break; } } else if (!(sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && ps->on_ground == 1)) break; if (onfloorz == 0 && klabs(SZ-ps->pos.z) < 6144) if ((ps->jetpack_on == 0) || (ps->jetpack_on && TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[p].sync->bits, SK_JUMP)) || (ps->jetpack_on && TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[p].sync->bits, SK_CROUCH))) { ps->bobposx = ps->opos.x = ps->pos.x += sprite[OW].x-SX; ps->bobposy = ps->opos.y = ps->pos.y += sprite[OW].y-SY; if (ps->jetpack_on && (TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[p].sync->bits, SK_JUMP) || ps->jetpack_on < 11)) ps->pos.z = sprite[OW].z-6144; else ps->pos.z = sprite[OW].z+6144; ps->opos.z = ps->pos.z; actor[ps->i].bposx = ps->pos.x; actor[ps->i].bposy = ps->pos.y; actor[ps->i].bposz = ps->pos.z; changespritesect(j,sprite[OW].sectnum); ps->cursectnum = sprite[OW].sectnum; break; } k = 0; if (onfloorz) { if (sectlotag==ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) k = P_Submerge(j, p, ps, sect, sprite[OW].sectnum); else if (sectlotag==ST_2_UNDERWATER) k = P_Emerge(j, p, ps, sect, sprite[OW].sectnum); } if (k == 1) { ps->pos.x += sprite[OW].x-SX; ps->pos.y += sprite[OW].y-SY; P_FinishWaterChange(j, ps, sectlotag, OW, sprite[OW].sectnum); } } break; ////////// Non-player teleportation ////////// case STAT_PROJECTILE: // comment out to make RPGs pass through water: (r1450 breaks this) // if (sectlotag != 0) goto JBOLT; case STAT_ACTOR: if (sprite[j].extra > 0 && A_CheckNonTeleporting(j)) goto JBOLT; case STAT_MISC: case STAT_FALLER: case STAT_DUMMYPLAYER: { if (totalclock > actor[j].lasttransport) { const int32_t ll = klabs(sprite[j].zvel); int32_t warpspriteto = 0; if (ll != 0) { if (sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER && sprite[j].z < (sector[sect].ceilingz+ll)) warpspriteto = 1; if (sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && sprite[j].z > (sector[sect].floorz-ll)) warpspriteto = 1; } if (sectlotag == 0 && (onfloorz || klabs(sprite[j].z-SZ) < 4096)) { if (sprite[OW].owner != OW && onfloorz && T1 > 0 && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_MISC) { T1++; goto BOLT; } warpspriteto = 1; } if (warpspriteto) { if (A_CheckSpriteFlags(j,SPRITE_DECAL)) goto JBOLT; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[j].picnum)) { case TRANSPORTERSTAR__STATIC: case TRANSPORTERBEAM__STATIC: case TRIPBOMB__STATIC: case BULLETHOLE__STATIC: case WATERSPLASH2__STATIC: case BURNING__STATIC: case BURNING2__STATIC: case FIRE__STATIC: case FIRE2__STATIC: case TOILETWATER__STATIC: case LASERLINE__STATIC: goto JBOLT; case PLAYERONWATER__STATIC: if (sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { sprite[j].cstat &= 32768; break; } default: if (sprite[j].statnum == STAT_MISC && !(sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER || sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER)) break; case WATERBUBBLE__STATIC: // if( rnd(192) && sprite[j].picnum == WATERBUBBLE) // break; if (sectlotag > 0) { const int32_t osect = sprite[OW].sectnum; Bassert(sectlotag==ST_1_ABOVE_WATER || sectlotag==ST_2_UNDERWATER); k = A_Spawn(j,WATERSPLASH2); if (sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && sprite[j].statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE) { sprite[k].xvel = sprite[j].xvel>>1; sprite[k].ang = sprite[j].ang; A_SetSprite(k,CLIPMASK0); } // actor[j].lasttransport = totalclock + (TICSPERFRAME<<2); sprite[j].x += (sprite[OW].x-SX); sprite[j].y += (sprite[OW].y-SY); sprite[j].z = sectlotag==ST_1_ABOVE_WATER ? sector[osect].ceilingz : sector[osect].floorz; Bmemcpy(&actor[j].bposx, &sprite[j], sizeof(vec3_t)); changespritesect(j, sprite[OW].sectnum); } else if (Bassert(sectlotag==0), 1) { if (onfloorz) { if (sprite[j].statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE || (G_CheckPlayerInSector(sect) == -1 && G_CheckPlayerInSector(sprite[OW].sectnum) == -1)) { sprite[j].x += (sprite[OW].x-SX); sprite[j].y += (sprite[OW].y-SY); sprite[j].z -= SZ - sector[sprite[OW].sectnum].floorz; sprite[j].ang = sprite[OW].ang; Bmemcpy(&actor[j].bposx, &sprite[j], sizeof(vec3_t)); if (sprite[i].pal == 0) { k = A_Spawn(i,TRANSPORTERBEAM); A_PlaySound(TELEPORTER,k); k = A_Spawn(OW,TRANSPORTERBEAM); A_PlaySound(TELEPORTER,k); } if (sprite[OW].owner != OW) { T1 = 13; actor[OW].t_data[0] = 13; } changespritesect(j,sprite[OW].sectnum); } } else { sprite[j].x += (sprite[OW].x-SX); sprite[j].y += (sprite[OW].y-SY); sprite[j].z = sprite[OW].z+4096; Bmemcpy(&actor[j].bposx, &sprite[j], sizeof(vec3_t)); changespritesect(j,sprite[OW].sectnum); } } break; } // switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[j].picnum)) } // if (warpspriteto) } // if (totalclock > actor[j].lasttransport) break; } // five cases } // switch (sprite[j].statnum) JBOLT: j = nextj; } BOLT: i = nexti; } } static int16_t A_FindLocator(int32_t n,int32_t sn) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_LOCATOR]; while (i >= 0) { if ((sn == -1 || sn == SECT) && n == SLT) return i; i = nextspritestat[i]; } return -1; } ACTOR_STATIC void G_MoveActors(void) { int32_t x, m, l; int32_t *t; int32_t a, j, nexti, nextj, sect, switchpicnum, k; spritetype *s; int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_ACTOR]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; s = &sprite[i]; sect = s->sectnum; if (s->xrepeat == 0 || sect < 0 || sect >= MAXSECTORS) KILLIT(i); t = &actor[i].t_data[0]; Bmemcpy(&actor[i].bposx, s, sizeof(vec3_t)); switchpicnum=s->picnum; if ((s->picnum > GREENSLIME) && (s->picnum <= GREENSLIME+7)) switchpicnum = GREENSLIME; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(switchpicnum)) { case DUCK__STATIC: case TARGET__STATIC: if (s->cstat&32) { t[0]++; if (t[0] > 60) { t[0] = 0; s->cstat = 128+257+16; s->extra = 1; } } else { j = A_IncurDamage(i); if (j >= 0) { s->cstat = 32+128; k = 1; j = headspritestat[STAT_ACTOR]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].lotag == s->lotag && sprite[j].picnum == s->picnum) { if ((sprite[j].hitag && !(sprite[j].cstat&32)) || (!sprite[j].hitag && (sprite[j].cstat&32)) ) { k = 0; break; } } j = nextspritestat[j]; } if (k == 1) { G_OperateActivators(s->lotag,-1); G_OperateForceFields(i,s->lotag); G_OperateMasterSwitches(s->lotag); } } } goto BOLT; case RESPAWNMARKERRED__STATIC: case RESPAWNMARKERYELLOW__STATIC: case RESPAWNMARKERGREEN__STATIC: if (++T1 > g_itemRespawnTime) KILLIT(i); if (T1 >= (g_itemRespawnTime>>1) && T1 < ((g_itemRespawnTime>>1)+(g_itemRespawnTime>>2))) PN = RESPAWNMARKERYELLOW; else if (T1 > ((g_itemRespawnTime>>1)+(g_itemRespawnTime>>2))) PN = RESPAWNMARKERGREEN; A_Fall(i); break; case HELECOPT__STATIC: case DUKECAR__STATIC: s->z += s->zvel; t[0]++; if (t[0] == 4) A_PlaySound(WAR_AMBIENCE2,i); if (t[0] > (GAMETICSPERSEC*8)) { S_PlaySound(RPG_EXPLODE); for (j=0; j<32; j++) RANDOMSCRAP; g_earthquakeTime = 16; KILLIT(i); } else if ((t[0]&3) == 0) A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); break; case RAT__STATIC: A_Fall(i); if (A_SetSprite(i, CLIPMASK0)) { if ((krand()&255) < 3) A_PlaySound(RATTY,i); s->ang += (krand()&31)-15+(sintable[(t[0]<<8)&2047]>>11); } else { T1++; if (T1 > 1) { KILLIT(i); } else s->ang = (krand()&2047); } if (s->xvel < 128) s->xvel+=2; s->ang += (krand()&3)-6; break; case QUEBALL__STATIC: case STRIPEBALL__STATIC: if (s->xvel) { j = headspritestat[STAT_DEFAULT]; while (j >= 0) { nextj = nextspritestat[j]; if (sprite[j].picnum == POCKET && ldist(&sprite[j],s) < 52) KILLIT(i); j = nextj; } j = clipmove((vec3_t *)s,&s->sectnum, (((s->xvel*(sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047]))>>14)*TICSPERFRAME)<<11, (((s->xvel*(sintable[s->ang&2047]))>>14)*TICSPERFRAME)<<11, 24L,(4<<8),(4<<8),CLIPMASK1); if (j&49152) { if ((j&49152) == 32768) { j &= (MAXWALLS-1); k = getangle( wall[wall[j].point2].x-wall[j].x, wall[wall[j].point2].y-wall[j].y); s->ang = ((k<<1) - s->ang)&2047; } else if ((j&49152) == 49152) { j &= (MAXSPRITES-1); A_DamageObject(i,j); } } s->xvel --; if (s->xvel < 0) s->xvel = 0; if (s->picnum == STRIPEBALL) { s->cstat = 257; s->cstat |= (4 & s->xvel) | (8 & s->xvel); } } else { const int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; if (x < 1596) { // if(s->pal == 12) { j = G_GetAngleDelta(ps->ang,getangle(s->x-ps->pos.x,s->y-ps->pos.y)); if (j > -64 && j < 64 && TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[p].sync->bits, SK_OPEN)) if (ps->toggle_key_flag == 1) { a = headspritestat[STAT_ACTOR]; while (a >= 0) { if (sprite[a].picnum == QUEBALL || sprite[a].picnum == STRIPEBALL) { j = G_GetAngleDelta(ps->ang,getangle(sprite[a].x-ps->pos.x,sprite[a].y-ps->pos.y)); if (j > -64 && j < 64) { A_FindPlayer(&sprite[a],&l); if (x > l) break; } } a = nextspritestat[a]; } if (a == -1) { if (s->pal == 12) s->xvel = 164; else s->xvel = 140; s->ang = ps->ang; ps->toggle_key_flag = 2; } } } } if (x < 512 && s->sectnum == ps->cursectnum) { s->ang = getangle(s->x-ps->pos.x,s->y-ps->pos.y); s->xvel = 48; } } break; case FORCESPHERE__STATIC: if (s->yvel == 0) { s->yvel = 1; for (l=512; l<(2048-512); l+= 128) for (j=0; j<2048; j += 128) { k = A_Spawn(i,FORCESPHERE); sprite[k].cstat = 257+128; sprite[k].clipdist = 64; sprite[k].ang = j; sprite[k].zvel = sintable[l&2047]>>5; sprite[k].xvel = sintable[(l+512)&2047]>>9; sprite[k].owner = i; } } if (t[3] > 0) { if (s->zvel < 6144) s->zvel += 192; s->z += s->zvel; if (s->z > sector[sect].floorz) s->z = sector[sect].floorz; t[3]--; if (t[3] == 0) KILLIT(i); } else if (t[2] > 10) { j = headspritestat[STAT_MISC]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].owner == i && sprite[j].picnum == FORCESPHERE) actor[j].t_data[1] = 1+(krand()&63); j = nextspritestat[j]; } t[3] = 64; } goto BOLT; case RECON__STATIC: { int32_t p; DukePlayer_t *ps; A_GetZLimits(i); if (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingstat&1) s->shade += (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingshade-s->shade)>>1; else s->shade += (sector[s->sectnum].floorshade-s->shade)>>1; if (s->z < sector[sect].ceilingz+(32<<8)) s->z = sector[sect].ceilingz+(32<<8); #if 0 //def POLYMER gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].sector = s->sectnum; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].x = s->x; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].y = s->y; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].z = s->z + 10248; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].range = 8192; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].angle = s->ang; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].horiz = 100; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].radius = 256; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].faderadius = 200; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].color[0] = 255; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].color[1] = 255; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].color[2] = 255; gamelights[gamelightcount&(PR_MAXLIGHTS-1)].priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_MAX_GAME; if (gamelightcount < PR_MAXLIGHTS) gamelightcount++; #endif if (!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) { if (g_noEnemies == 1) { s->cstat = (int16_t)32768; goto BOLT; } else if (g_noEnemies == 2) s->cstat = 257; } if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { if (s->extra < 0 && t[0] != -1) { t[0] = -1; s->extra = 0; } A_PlaySound(RECO_PAIN,i); RANDOMSCRAP; } if (t[0] == -1) { s->z += 1024; t[2]++; if ((t[2]&3) == 0) A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); A_GetZLimits(i); s->ang += 96; s->xvel = 128; j = A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); if (j != 1 || s->z > actor[i].floorz) { for (l=0; l<16; l++) RANDOMSCRAP; j = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); A_PlaySound(LASERTRIP_EXPLODE,j); A_Spawn(i,PIGCOP); g_player[myconnectindex].ps->actors_killed++; KILLIT(i); } goto BOLT; } else { if (s->z > actor[i].floorz-(48<<8)) s->z = actor[i].floorz-(48<<8); } p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); ps = g_player[p].ps; j = s->owner; // 3 = findplayerz, 4 = shoot if (t[0] >= 4) { t[2]++; if ((t[2]&15) == 0) { a = s->ang; s->ang = actor[i].tempang; A_PlaySound(RECO_ATTACK,i); A_Shoot(i,FIRELASER); s->ang = a; } if (t[2] > (GAMETICSPERSEC*3) || !cansee(s->x,s->y,s->z-(16<<8),s->sectnum, ps->pos.x,ps->pos.y,ps->pos.z,ps->cursectnum)) { t[0] = 0; t[2] = 0; } else actor[i].tempang += G_GetAngleDelta(actor[i].tempang,getangle(ps->pos.x-s->x,ps->pos.y-s->y))/3; } else if (t[0] == 2 || t[0] == 3) { t[3] = 0; if (s->xvel > 0) s->xvel -= 16; else s->xvel = 0; if (t[0] == 2) { l = ps->pos.z-s->z; if (klabs(l) < (48<<8)) t[0] = 3; else s->z += ksgn(ps->pos.z-s->z)<<10; } else { t[2]++; if (t[2] > (GAMETICSPERSEC*3) || !cansee(s->x,s->y,s->z-(16<<8),s->sectnum, ps->pos.x,ps->pos.y,ps->pos.z,ps->cursectnum)) { t[0] = 1; t[2] = 0; } else if ((t[2]&15) == 0) { A_PlaySound(RECO_ATTACK,i); A_Shoot(i,FIRELASER); } } s->ang += G_GetAngleDelta(s->ang,getangle(ps->pos.x-s->x,ps->pos.y-s->y))>>2; } if (t[0] != 2 && t[0] != 3) { l = ldist(&sprite[j],s); if (l <= 1524) { a = s->ang; s->xvel >>= 1; } else a = getangle(sprite[j].x-s->x,sprite[j].y-s->y); if (t[0] == 1 || t[0] == 4) // Found a locator and going with it { l = dist(&sprite[j],s); if (l <= 1524) { if (t[0] == 1) t[0] = 0; else t[0] = 5; } else { // Control speed here if (l > 1524) { if (s->xvel < 256) s->xvel += 32; } else { if (s->xvel > 0) s->xvel -= 16; else s->xvel = 0; } } if (t[0] < 2) t[2]++; if (x < 6144 && t[0] < 2 && t[2] > (GAMETICSPERSEC*4)) { t[0] = 2+(krand()&2); t[2] = 0; actor[i].tempang = s->ang; } } if (t[0] == 0 || t[0] == 5) { if (t[0] == 0) t[0] = 1; else t[0] = 4; j = s->owner = A_FindLocator(s->hitag,-1); if (j == -1) { s->hitag = j = actor[i].t_data[5]; s->owner = A_FindLocator(j,-1); j = s->owner; if (j == -1) KILLIT(i); } else s->hitag++; } // RECON_T4 t[3] = G_GetAngleDelta(s->ang,a); s->ang += t[3]>>3; if ((s->z - sprite[j].z) < -512) s->z += 512; else if ((s->z - sprite[j].z) > 512) s->z -= 512; else s->z = sprite[j].z; } if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(i,RECO_ROAM)) A_PlaySound(RECO_ROAM,i); A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); goto BOLT; } case OOZ__STATIC: case OOZ2__STATIC: A_GetZLimits(i); j = (actor[i].floorz-actor[i].ceilingz)>>9; if (j > 255) j = 255; x = 25-(j>>1); if (x < 8) x = 8; else if (x > 48) x = 48; s->yrepeat = j; s->xrepeat = x; s->z = actor[i].floorz; goto BOLT; case GREENSLIME__STATIC: { int32_t p; DukePlayer_t *ps; // case GREENSLIME+1: // case GREENSLIME+2: // case GREENSLIME+3: // case GREENSLIME+4: // case GREENSLIME+5: // case GREENSLIME+6: // case GREENSLIME+7: // #ifndef VOLUMEONE if (!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) { if (g_noEnemies == 1) { s->cstat = (int16_t)32768; goto BOLT; } else if (g_noEnemies == 2) s->cstat = 257; } // #endif t[1]+=128; if (sector[sect].floorstat&1) KILLIT(i); p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); ps = g_player[p].ps; if (x > 20480) { actor[i].timetosleep++; if (actor[i].timetosleep > SLEEPTIME) { actor[i].timetosleep = 0; changespritestat(i, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); goto BOLT; } } if (t[0] == -5) // FROZEN { t[3]++; if (t[3] > 280) { s->pal = 0; t[0] = 0; goto BOLT; } A_Fall(i); s->cstat = 257; s->picnum = GREENSLIME+2; s->extra = 1; s->pal = 1; if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { if (j == FREEZEBLAST) goto BOLT; for (j=16; j >= 0 ; j--) { k = A_InsertSprite(SECT,SX,SY,SZ,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,krand()&2047,32+(krand()&63),1024-(krand()&1023),i,5); sprite[k].pal = 1; } A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING,i); KILLIT(i); } else if (x < 1024 && ps->quick_kick == 0) { j = G_GetAngleDelta(ps->ang,getangle(SX-ps->pos.x,SY-ps->pos.y)); if (j > -128 && j < 128) ps->quick_kick = 14; } goto BOLT; } if (x < 1596) s->cstat = 0; else s->cstat = 257; if (t[0] == -4) //On the player { if (sprite[ps->i].extra < 1) { t[0] = 0; goto BOLT; } setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); s->ang = ps->ang; if ((TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[p].sync->bits, SK_FIRE) || (ps->quick_kick > 0)) && sprite[ps->i].extra > 0) if (ps->quick_kick > 0 || (ps->curr_weapon != HANDREMOTE_WEAPON && ps->curr_weapon != HANDBOMB_WEAPON && ps->curr_weapon != TRIPBOMB_WEAPON && ps->ammo_amount[ps->curr_weapon] >= 0)) { for (x=0; x<8; x++) { j = A_InsertSprite(sect,s->x,s->y,s->z-(8<<8),SCRAP3+(krand()&3),-8,48,48,krand()&2047,(krand()&63)+64,-(krand()&4095)-(s->zvel>>2),i,5); sprite[j].pal = 6; } A_PlaySound(SLIM_DYING,i); A_PlaySound(SQUISHED,i); if ((krand()&255) < 32) { j = A_Spawn(i,BLOODPOOL); sprite[j].pal = 0; } ps->actors_killed ++; t[0] = -3; if (ps->somethingonplayer == i) ps->somethingonplayer = -1; KILLIT(i); } s->z = ps->pos.z+ps->pyoff-t[2]+(8<<8); s->z += (100-ps->horiz)<<4; if (t[2] > 512) t[2] -= 128; if (t[2] < 348) t[2] += 128; if (ps->newowner >= 0) G_ClearCameraView(ps); if (t[3]>0) { static const char frames[] = {5,5,6,6,7,7,6,5}; s->picnum = GREENSLIME+frames[t[3]]; if (t[3] == 5) { sprite[ps->i].extra += -(5+(krand()&3)); A_PlaySound(SLIM_ATTACK,i); } if (t[3] < 7) t[3]++; else t[3] = 0; } else { s->picnum = GREENSLIME+5; if (rnd(32)) t[3] = 1; } s->xrepeat = 20+(sintable[t[1]&2047]>>13); s->yrepeat = 15+(sintable[t[1]&2047]>>13); s->x = ps->pos.x + (sintable[(ps->ang+512)&2047]>>7); s->y = ps->pos.y + (sintable[ps->ang&2047]>>7); goto BOLT; } else if (s->xvel < 64 && x < 768) { if (ps->somethingonplayer == -1) { ps->somethingonplayer = i; if (t[0] == 3 || t[0] == 2) //Falling downward t[2] = (12<<8); else t[2] = -(13<<8); //Climbing up duke t[0] = -4; } } if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { A_PlaySound(SLIM_DYING,i); ps->actors_killed ++; if (ps->somethingonplayer == i) ps->somethingonplayer = -1; if (j == FREEZEBLAST) { A_PlaySound(SOMETHINGFROZE,i); t[0] = -5 ; t[3] = 0 ; goto BOLT; } if ((krand()&255) < 32) { j = A_Spawn(i,BLOODPOOL); sprite[j].pal = 0; } for (x=0; x<8; x++) { j = A_InsertSprite(sect,s->x,s->y,s->z-(8<<8),SCRAP3+(krand()&3),-8,48,48,krand()&2047,(krand()&63)+64,-(krand()&4095)-(s->zvel>>2),i,5); sprite[j].pal = 6; } t[0] = -3; KILLIT(i); } // All weap if (t[0] == -1) //Shrinking down { A_Fall(i); s->cstat &= 65535-8; s->picnum = GREENSLIME+4; // if(s->yrepeat > 62) // A_DoGuts(s,JIBS6,5,myconnectindex); if (s->xrepeat > 32) s->xrepeat -= krand()&7; if (s->yrepeat > 16) s->yrepeat -= krand()&7; else { s->xrepeat = 40; s->yrepeat = 16; t[5] = -1; t[0] = 0; } goto BOLT; } else if (t[0] != -2) A_GetZLimits(i); if (t[0] == -2) //On top of somebody { A_Fall(i); sprite[t[5]].xvel = 0; l = sprite[t[5]].ang; s->z = sprite[t[5]].z; s->x = sprite[t[5]].x+(sintable[(l+512)&2047]>>11); s->y = sprite[t[5]].y+(sintable[l&2047]>>11); s->picnum = GREENSLIME+2+(g_globalRandom&1); if (s->yrepeat < 64) s->yrepeat+=2; else { if (s->xrepeat < 32) s->xrepeat += 4; else { t[0] = -1; x = ldist(s,&sprite[t[5]]); if (x < 768) { sprite[t[5]].xrepeat = 0; // JBF 20041129: a slimer eating another enemy really ought // to decrease the maximum kill count by one. if (sprite[t[5]].extra > 0) g_player[myconnectindex].ps->max_actors_killed--; } } } goto BOLT; } //Check randomly to see of there is an actor near if (rnd(32)) { j = headspritesect[sect]; while (j>=0) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[j].picnum)) { case LIZTROOP__STATIC: case LIZMAN__STATIC: case PIGCOP__STATIC: case NEWBEAST__STATIC: if (ldist(s,&sprite[j]) < 768 && (klabs(s->z-sprite[j].z)<8192)) //Gulp them { t[5] = j; t[0] = -2; t[1] = 0; goto BOLT; } } j = nextspritesect[j]; } } //Moving on the ground or ceiling if (t[0] == 0 || t[0] == 2) { s->picnum = GREENSLIME; if ((krand()&511) == 0) A_PlaySound(SLIM_ROAM,i); if (t[0]==2) { s->zvel = 0; s->cstat &= (65535-8); if ((sector[sect].ceilingstat&1) || (actor[i].ceilingz+6144) < s->z) { s->z += 2048; t[0] = 3; goto BOLT; } } else { s->cstat |= 8; A_Fall(i); } if (everyothertime&1) A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); if (s->xvel > 96) { s->xvel -= 2; goto BOLT; } else { if (s->xvel < 32) s->xvel += 4; s->xvel = 64 - (sintable[(t[1]+512)&2047]>>9); s->ang += G_GetAngleDelta(s->ang, getangle(ps->pos.x-s->x,ps->pos.y-s->y))>>3; // TJR } s->xrepeat = 36 + (sintable[(t[1]+512)&2047]>>11); s->yrepeat = 16 + (sintable[t[1]&2047]>>13); if (rnd(4) && (sector[sect].ceilingstat&1) == 0 && klabs(actor[i].floorz-actor[i].ceilingz) < (192<<8)) { s->zvel = 0; t[0]++; } } if (t[0]==1) { s->picnum = GREENSLIME; if (s->yrepeat < 40) s->yrepeat+=8; if (s->xrepeat > 8) s->xrepeat-=4; if (s->zvel > -(2048+1024)) s->zvel -= 348; s->z += s->zvel; if (s->z < actor[i].ceilingz+4096) { s->z = actor[i].ceilingz+4096; s->xvel = 0; t[0] = 2; } } if (t[0]==3) { s->picnum = GREENSLIME+1; A_Fall(i); if (s->z > actor[i].floorz-(8<<8)) { s->yrepeat-=4; s->xrepeat+=2; } else { if (s->yrepeat < (40-4)) s->yrepeat+=8; if (s->xrepeat > 8) s->xrepeat-=4; } if (s->z > actor[i].floorz-2048) { s->z = actor[i].floorz-2048; t[0] = 0; s->xvel = 0; } } goto BOLT; } case BOUNCEMINE__STATIC: case MORTER__STATIC: j = A_Spawn(i,(PLUTOPAK?FRAMEEFFECT1:FRAMEEFFECT1_13)); actor[j].t_data[0] = 3; case HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC: { int32_t p; DukePlayer_t *ps; if ((s->cstat&32768)) { t[2]--; if (t[2] <= 0) { A_PlaySound(TELEPORTER,i); A_Spawn(i,TRANSPORTERSTAR); s->cstat = 257; } goto BOLT; } p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); ps = g_player[p].ps; if (x < 1220) s->cstat &= ~257; else s->cstat |= 257; if (t[3] == 0) { j = A_IncurDamage(i); if (j >= 0) { t[3] = 1; t[2] = 0; l = 0; s->xvel = 0; goto DETONATEB; } } if (s->picnum != BOUNCEMINE) { A_Fall(i); if ((sector[sect].lotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER || actor[i].floorz != sector[sect].floorz) && s->z >= actor[i].floorz-(ZOFFSET) && s->yvel < 3) { if (s->yvel > 0 || (s->yvel == 0 && actor[i].floorz == sector[sect].floorz)) A_PlaySound(PIPEBOMB_BOUNCE,i); s->zvel = -((4-s->yvel)<<8); if (sector[s->sectnum].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) s->zvel >>= 2; s->yvel++; } if (s->z < actor[i].ceilingz) // && sector[sect].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER ) { s->z = actor[i].ceilingz+(3<<8); s->zvel = 0; } } { vec3_t tmpvect; tmpvect.x = (s->xvel*(sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047]))>>14; tmpvect.y = (s->xvel*(sintable[s->ang&2047]))>>14; tmpvect.z = s->zvel; j = A_MoveSprite(i,&tmpvect,CLIPMASK0); } actor[i].movflag = j; if (sector[SECT].lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && s->zvel == 0 && actor[i].floorz == sector[sect].floorz) { s->z += (32<<8); if (t[5] == 0) { t[5] = 1; A_Spawn(i,WATERSPLASH2); } } else t[5] = 0; if (t[3] == 0 && (s->picnum == BOUNCEMINE || s->picnum == MORTER) && (j || x < 844)) { t[3] = 1; t[2] = 0; l = 0; s->xvel = 0; goto DETONATEB; } if (sprite[s->owner].picnum == APLAYER) l = sprite[s->owner].yvel; else l = -1; if (s->xvel > 0) { s->xvel -= 5; if (sector[sect].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) s->xvel -= 10; if (s->xvel < 0) s->xvel = 0; if (s->xvel&8) s->cstat ^= 4; } if ((j&49152) == 32768) { vec3_t davect; j &= (MAXWALLS-1); Bmemcpy(&davect, s, sizeof(vec3_t)); A_DamageWall(i,j,&davect,s->picnum); k = getangle( wall[wall[j].point2].x-wall[j].x, wall[wall[j].point2].y-wall[j].y); s->ang = ((k<<1) - s->ang)&2047; s->xvel >>= 1; } // int32_t lPipeBombControl=Gv_GetVarByLabel("PIPEBOMB_CONTROL", PIPEBOMB_REMOTE, -1, -1); DETONATEB: // if(lPipeBombControl & PIPEBOMB_TIMER) // { if (s->picnum == HEAVYHBOMB && t[6] == 1) { /* if(s->extra >= 1) { s->extra--; } if(s->extra <= 0) s->lotag=911; */ if (t[7] > 0) t[7]--; if (t[7] == 0) t[6] = 3; } // } if ((l >= 0 && g_player[l].ps->hbomb_on == 0 && t[6] == 2) || t[3] == 1) t[6] = 3; if (t[6] == 3) { t[2]++; if (t[2] == 2) { int32_t j; x = s->extra; m = 0; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(s->picnum)) { case HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC: m = g_pipebombBlastRadius; break; case MORTER__STATIC: m = g_morterBlastRadius; break; case BOUNCEMINE__STATIC: m = g_bouncemineBlastRadius; break; } A_RadiusDamage(i, m,x>>2,x>>1,x-(x>>2),x); j = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); A_PlaySound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE,j); if (s->zvel == 0) A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2BOT); for (x=0; x<8; x++) RANDOMSCRAP; } if (s->yrepeat) { s->yrepeat = 0; goto BOLT; } if (t[2] > 20) { if (s->owner != i || ud.respawn_items == 0) { KILLIT(i); } else { t[2] = g_itemRespawnTime; A_Spawn(i,RESPAWNMARKERRED); s->cstat = (int16_t) 32768; s->yrepeat = 9; goto BOLT; } } } else if (s->picnum == HEAVYHBOMB && x < 788 && t[0] > 7 && s->xvel == 0) if (cansee(s->x,s->y,s->z-(8<<8),s->sectnum,ps->pos.x,ps->pos.y,ps->pos.z,ps->cursectnum)) if (ps->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON] < ps->max_ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON]) { if ((GametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_WEAPSTAY) && s->owner == i) { for (j=0; j<ps->weapreccnt; j++) if (ps->weaprecs[j] == s->picnum) goto BOLT; if (ps->weapreccnt < MAX_WEAPONS) ps->weaprecs[ps->weapreccnt++] = s->picnum; } P_AddAmmo(HANDBOMB_WEAPON,ps,1); A_PlaySound(DUKE_GET,ps->i); if ((ps->gotweapon & (1<<HANDBOMB_WEAPON)) == 0 || s->owner == ps->i) { /* P_AddWeapon(ps,HANDBOMB_WEAPON); */ if (!(ps->weaponswitch & 1) && *aplWeaponWorksLike[ps->curr_weapon] != HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) P_AddWeaponNoSwitch(ps,HANDBOMB_WEAPON); else P_AddWeapon(ps,HANDBOMB_WEAPON); } if (sprite[s->owner].picnum != APLAYER) P_PalFrom(ps, 32, 0,32,0); if (s->owner != i || ud.respawn_items == 0) { if (s->owner == i && (GametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_WEAPSTAY)) goto BOLT; KILLIT(i); } else { t[2] = g_itemRespawnTime; A_Spawn(i,RESPAWNMARKERRED); s->cstat = (int16_t) 32768; } } if (t[0] < 8) t[0]++; goto BOLT; } case REACTORBURNT__STATIC: case REACTOR2BURNT__STATIC: goto BOLT; case REACTOR__STATIC: case REACTOR2__STATIC: { int32_t p; DukePlayer_t *ps; if (t[4] == 1) { j = headspritesect[sect]; while (j >= 0) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[j].picnum)) { case SECTOREFFECTOR__STATIC: if (sprite[j].lotag == 1) { sprite[j].lotag = (int16_t) 65535; sprite[j].hitag = (int16_t) 65535; } break; case REACTOR__STATIC: sprite[j].picnum = REACTORBURNT; break; case REACTOR2__STATIC: sprite[j].picnum = REACTOR2BURNT; break; case REACTORSPARK__STATIC: case REACTOR2SPARK__STATIC: sprite[j].cstat = (int16_t) 32768; break; } j = nextspritesect[j]; } goto BOLT; } if (t[1] >= 20) { t[4] = 1; goto BOLT; } p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); ps = g_player[p].ps; t[2]++; if (t[2] == 4) t[2]=0; if (x < 4096) { if ((krand()&255) < 16) { if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(ps->i, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,ps->i); A_PlaySound(SHORT_CIRCUIT,i); sprite[ps->i].extra --; P_PalFrom(ps, 32, 32,0,0); } t[0] += 128; if (t[3] == 0) t[3] = 1; } else t[3] = 0; if (t[1]) { t[1]++; t[4] = s->z; s->z = sector[sect].floorz-(krand()%(sector[sect].floorz-sector[sect].ceilingz)); switch (t[1]) { case 3: //Turn on all of those flashing sectoreffector. A_RadiusDamage(i, 4096, g_impactDamage<<2, g_impactDamage<<2, g_impactDamage<<2, g_impactDamage<<2); /* j = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; while(j>=0) { if( sprite[j].lotag == 3 ) Actor[j].t_data[4]=1; else if(sprite[j].lotag == SE_12_LIGHT_SWITCH) { Actor[j].t_data[4] = 1; sprite[j].lotag = 3; sprite[j].owner = 0; Actor[j].t_data[0] = s->shade; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } */ j = headspritestat[STAT_STANDABLE]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].picnum == MASTERSWITCH) if (sprite[j].hitag == s->hitag) if (sprite[j].yvel == 0) sprite[j].yvel = 1; j = nextspritestat[j]; } break; case 4: case 7: case 10: case 15: j = headspritesect[sect]; while (j >= 0) { l = nextspritesect[j]; if (j != i) { A_DeleteSprite(j); break; } j = l; } break; } for (x=0; x<16; x++) RANDOMSCRAP; s->z = t[4]; t[4] = 0; } else { if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { for (x=0; x<32; x++) RANDOMSCRAP; if (s->extra < 0) t[1] = 1; } } goto BOLT; } case CAMERA1__STATIC: if (t[0] == 0) { t[1]+=8; if (g_damageCameras) { if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { t[0] = 1; // static s->cstat = (int16_t)32768; for (x=0; x<5; x++) RANDOMSCRAP; goto BOLT; } } if (s->hitag > 0) { if (t[1]<s->hitag) s->ang+=8; else if (t[1]<(s->hitag*3)) s->ang-=8; else if (t[1] < (s->hitag<<2)) s->ang+=8; else { t[1]=8; s->ang+=16; } } } goto BOLT; } if (!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2 && A_CheckEnemySprite(s)) { if (g_noEnemies == 1) { s->cstat = (int16_t)32768; goto BOLT; } else if (g_noEnemies == 2) { s->cstat = 0; if (s->extra) s->cstat = 257; } } if (!g_tile[sprite[i].picnum].execPtr) goto BOLT; { int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); A_Execute(i,p,x); } BOLT: i = nexti; } } ACTOR_STATIC void G_MoveMisc(void) // STATNUM 5 { int16_t i, j, nexti, sect; int32_t l, x; int32_t *t; spritetype *s; int32_t switchpicnum; i = headspritestat[STAT_MISC]; while (i >= 0) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; t = &actor[i].t_data[0]; s = &sprite[i]; sect = s->sectnum; if (sect < 0 || s->xrepeat == 0) KILLIT(i); Bmemcpy(&actor[i].bposx, s, sizeof(vec3_t)); switchpicnum = s->picnum; if (s->picnum > NUKEBUTTON && s->picnum <= NUKEBUTTON+3) switchpicnum = NUKEBUTTON; if (s->picnum > GLASSPIECES && s->picnum <= GLASSPIECES+2) switchpicnum = GLASSPIECES; if (s->picnum == INNERJAW+1) switchpicnum--; if ((s->picnum == MONEY+1) || (s->picnum == MAIL+1) || (s->picnum == PAPER+1)) actor[i].floorz = s->z = getflorzofslope(s->sectnum,s->x,s->y); else switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(switchpicnum)) { case APLAYER__STATIC: s->cstat = 32768; goto BOLT; case NEON1__STATIC: case NEON2__STATIC: case NEON3__STATIC: case NEON4__STATIC: case NEON5__STATIC: case NEON6__STATIC: if ((g_globalRandom/(s->lotag+1)&31) > 4) s->shade = -127; else s->shade = 127; goto BOLT; case BLOODSPLAT1__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT2__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT3__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT4__STATIC: if (t[0] == 7*GAMETICSPERSEC) goto BOLT; s->z += 16+(krand()&15); t[0]++; if ((t[0]%9) == 0) s->yrepeat++; goto BOLT; case NUKEBUTTON__STATIC: // case NUKEBUTTON+1: // case NUKEBUTTON+2: // case NUKEBUTTON+3: if (t[0]) { t[0]++; if (t[0] == 8) s->picnum = NUKEBUTTON+1; else if (t[0] == 16) { s->picnum = NUKEBUTTON+2; g_player[sprite[s->owner].yvel].ps->fist_incs = 1; } if (g_player[sprite[s->owner].yvel].ps->fist_incs == GAMETICSPERSEC) s->picnum = NUKEBUTTON+3; } goto BOLT; case FORCESPHERE__STATIC: l = s->xrepeat; if (t[1] > 0) { t[1]--; if (t[1] == 0) KILLIT(i); } if (actor[s->owner].t_data[1] == 0) { if (t[0] < 64) { t[0]++; l += 3; } } else if (t[0] > 64) { t[0]--; l -= 3; } s->x = sprite[s->owner].x; s->y = sprite[s->owner].y; s->z = sprite[s->owner].z; s->ang += actor[s->owner].t_data[0]; if (l > 64) l = 64; else if (l < 1) l = 1; s->xrepeat = l; s->yrepeat = l; s->shade = (l>>1)-48; for (j=t[0]; j > 0; j--) A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); goto BOLT; case WATERSPLASH2__STATIC: t[0]++; if (t[0] == 1) { if (sector[sect].lotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && sector[sect].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER) KILLIT(i); /* else { l = getflorzofslope(sect,s->x,s->y)-s->z; if( l > (16<<8) ) KILLIT(i); } else */ if (!S_CheckSoundPlaying(i,ITEM_SPLASH)) A_PlaySound(ITEM_SPLASH,i); } if (t[0] == 3) { t[0] = 0; t[1]++; // WATERSPLASH_T2 } if (t[1] == 5) A_DeleteSprite(i); goto BOLT; case FRAMEEFFECT1_13__STATIC: if (PLUTOPAK) goto BOLT; // JBF: ideally this should never happen... case FRAMEEFFECT1__STATIC: if (s->owner >= 0) { t[0]++; if (t[0] > 7) { KILLIT(i); } else if (t[0] > 4) s->cstat |= 512+2; else if (t[0] > 2) s->cstat |= 2; s->xoffset = sprite[s->owner].xoffset; s->yoffset = sprite[s->owner].yoffset; } goto BOLT; case INNERJAW__STATIC: { // case INNERJAW+1: int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); if (x < 512) { P_PalFrom(g_player[p].ps, 32, 32,0,0); sprite[g_player[p].ps->i].extra -= 4; } } case FIRELASER__STATIC: if (s->extra != 5) s->extra = 5; else KILLIT(i); break; case TONGUE__STATIC: KILLIT(i); case MONEY__STATIC: case MAIL__STATIC: case PAPER__STATIC: s->xvel = (krand()&7)+(sintable[T1&2047]>>9); T1 += (krand()&63); if ((T1&2047) > 512 && (T1&2047) < 1596) { if (sector[sect].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { if (s->zvel < 64) s->zvel += (g_spriteGravity>>5)+(krand()&7); } else if (s->zvel < 144) s->zvel += (g_spriteGravity>>5)+(krand()&7); } A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); if ((krand()&3) == 0) setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); if (s->sectnum == -1) KILLIT(i); l = getflorzofslope(s->sectnum,s->x,s->y); if (s->z > l) { s->z = l; A_AddToDeleteQueue(i); PN ++; j = headspritestat[STAT_MISC]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].picnum == BLOODPOOL) if (ldist(s,&sprite[j]) < 348) { s->pal = 2; break; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } } break; case JIBS1__STATIC: case JIBS2__STATIC: case JIBS3__STATIC: case JIBS4__STATIC: case JIBS5__STATIC: case JIBS6__STATIC: case HEADJIB1__STATIC: case ARMJIB1__STATIC: case LEGJIB1__STATIC: case LIZMANHEAD1__STATIC: case LIZMANARM1__STATIC: case LIZMANLEG1__STATIC: case DUKETORSO__STATIC: case DUKEGUN__STATIC: case DUKELEG__STATIC: if (s->xvel > 0) s->xvel--; else s->xvel = 0; if (++t[5] == (30*10)) KILLIT(i); if (s->zvel > 1024 && s->zvel < 1280) { setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); sect = s->sectnum; } getzsofslope(sect,s->x,s->y,&x,&l); if (x == l || sect < 0 || sect >= MAXSECTORS) KILLIT(i); if (s->z < l-(2<<8)) { if (t[1] < 2) t[1]++; else if (sector[sect].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER) { t[1] = 0; if (s->picnum == DUKELEG || s->picnum == DUKETORSO || s->picnum == DUKEGUN) { if (t[0] > 6) t[0] = 0; else t[0]++; } else { if (t[0] > 2) t[0] = 0; else t[0]++; } } if (s->zvel < 6144) { if (sector[sect].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { if (s->zvel < 1024) s->zvel += 48; else s->zvel = 1024; } else s->zvel += g_spriteGravity-50; } s->x += (s->xvel*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>14; s->y += (s->xvel*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>14; s->z += s->zvel; } else { if (t[2] == 0) { if (s->sectnum == -1) KILLIT(i); if ((sector[s->sectnum].floorstat&2)) KILLIT(i); t[2]++; } l = getflorzofslope(s->sectnum,s->x,s->y); s->z = l-(2<<8); s->xvel = 0; if (s->picnum == JIBS6) { t[1]++; if ((t[1]&3) == 0 && t[0] < 7) t[0]++; if (t[1] > 20) KILLIT(i); } else { s->picnum = JIBS6; t[0] = 0; t[1] = 0; } } goto BOLT; case BLOODPOOL__STATIC: case PUKE__STATIC: { int32_t p; DukePlayer_t *ps; if (t[0] == 0) { t[0] = 1; if (sector[sect].floorstat&2) { KILLIT(i); } else A_AddToDeleteQueue(i); } A_Fall(i); p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); ps = g_player[p].ps; s->z = actor[i].floorz-(ZOFFSET); if (t[2] < 32) { t[2]++; if (actor[i].picnum == TIRE) { if (s->xrepeat < 64 && s->yrepeat < 64) { s->xrepeat += krand()&3; s->yrepeat += krand()&3; } } else { if (s->xrepeat < 32 && s->yrepeat < 32) { s->xrepeat += krand()&3; s->yrepeat += krand()&3; } } } if (x < 844 && s->xrepeat > 6 && s->yrepeat > 6) { if (s->pal == 0 && s->picnum != PUKE && (krand()&255) < 16) { if (ps->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] > 0) ps->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS]--; else { if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(ps->i,DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,ps->i); sprite[ps->i].extra --; P_PalFrom(ps, 32, 16,0,0); } } if (t[1] == 1) goto BOLT; t[1] = 1; if (actor[i].picnum == TIRE) ps->footprintcount = 10; else ps->footprintcount = 3; ps->footprintpal = s->pal; ps->footprintshade = s->shade; if (t[2] == 32) { s->xrepeat -= 6; s->yrepeat -= 6; } } else t[1] = 0; goto BOLT; } case BURNING__STATIC: case BURNING2__STATIC: case FECES__STATIC: case WATERBUBBLE__STATIC: case SMALLSMOKE__STATIC: case EXPLOSION2__STATIC: case SHRINKEREXPLOSION__STATIC: case EXPLOSION2BOT__STATIC: case BLOOD__STATIC: case LASERSITE__STATIC: case FORCERIPPLE__STATIC: case TRANSPORTERSTAR__STATIC: case TRANSPORTERBEAM__STATIC: { if (!g_tile[sprite[i].picnum].execPtr) goto BOLT; { int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); A_Execute(i,p,x); } goto BOLT; } case SHELL__STATIC: case SHOTGUNSHELL__STATIC: A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); if (sect < 0 || (sector[sect].floorz + 256) < s->z) KILLIT(i); if (sector[sect].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { t[1]++; if (t[1] > 8) { t[1] = 0; t[0]++; t[0] &= 3; } if (s->zvel < 128) s->zvel += (g_spriteGravity/13); // 8 else s->zvel -= 64; if (s->xvel > 0) s->xvel -= 4; else s->xvel = 0; } else { t[1]++; if (t[1] > 3) { t[1] = 0; t[0]++; t[0] &= 3; } if (s->zvel < 512) s->zvel += (g_spriteGravity/3); // 52; if (s->xvel > 0) s->xvel --; // else KILLIT(i); } goto BOLT; case GLASSPIECES__STATIC: // case GLASSPIECES+1: // case GLASSPIECES+2: A_Fall(i); if (s->zvel > 4096) s->zvel = 4096; if (sect < 0) KILLIT(i); if (s->z == actor[i].floorz-(ZOFFSET) && t[0] < 3) { s->zvel = -((3-t[0])<<8)-(krand()&511); if (sector[sect].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) s->zvel >>= 1; s->xrepeat >>= 1; s->yrepeat >>= 1; if (rnd(96)) setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); t[0]++;//Number of bounces } else if (t[0] == 3) KILLIT(i); if (s->xvel > 0) { s->xvel -= 2; s->cstat = ((s->xvel&3)<<2); } else s->xvel = 0; A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); goto BOLT; } IFWITHIN(SCRAP6,SCRAP5+3) { if (s->xvel > 0) s->xvel--; else s->xvel = 0; if (s->zvel > 1024 && s->zvel < 1280) { setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); sect = s->sectnum; } if (s->z < sector[sect].floorz-(2<<8)) { if (t[1] < 1) t[1]++; else { t[1] = 0; if (s->picnum < SCRAP6+8) { if (t[0] > 6) t[0] = 0; else t[0]++; } else { if (t[0] > 2) t[0] = 0; else t[0]++; } } if (s->zvel < 4096) s->zvel += g_spriteGravity-50; s->x += (s->xvel*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>14; s->y += (s->xvel*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>14; s->z += s->zvel; } else { if (s->picnum == SCRAP1 && s->yvel > 0) { j = A_Spawn(i,s->yvel); setsprite(j,(vec3_t *)s); A_GetZLimits(j); sprite[j].hitag = sprite[j].lotag = 0; } KILLIT(i); } goto BOLT; } BOLT: i = nexti; } } // i: SE spritenum static void HandleSE31(int32_t i, int32_t zref, int32_t t2val, int32_t movesignexp) { const spritetype *s = &sprite[i]; sectortype *sc = §or[sprite[i].sectnum]; int32_t *const t = actor[i].t_data; if (klabs(sc->floorz - zref) < SP) { sc->floorz = zref; t[2] = t2val; t[0] = 0; t[3] = s->hitag; A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); } else { int32_t j; int32_t l = ksgn(movesignexp)*SP; sc->floorz += l; for (j=headspritesect[s->sectnum]; j >= 0; j=nextspritesect[j]) { if (sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER && sprite[j].owner >= 0) if (g_player[sprite[j].yvel].ps->on_ground == 1) g_player[sprite[j].yvel].ps->pos.z += l; if (sprite[j].zvel == 0 && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE) { actor[j].bposz = sprite[j].z += l; actor[j].floorz = sc->floorz; } } } } // s: SE sprite static void MaybeTrainKillPlayer(const spritetype *s, int32_t dosetopos) { int32_t p; for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) { DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; if (sprite[ps->i].extra > 0) { int16_t k = ps->cursectnum; updatesector(ps->pos.x,ps->pos.y,&k); if ((k == -1 && ud.noclip == 0) || (k == s->sectnum && ps->cursectnum != s->sectnum)) { ps->pos.x = s->x; ps->pos.y = s->y; if (dosetopos) { ps->opos.x = ps->pos.x; ps->opos.y = ps->pos.y; } ps->cursectnum = s->sectnum; setsprite(ps->i,(vec3_t *)s); P_QuickKill(ps); } } } } // i: SE spritenum static void MaybeTrainKillEnemies(int32_t i, int32_t numguts) { int32_t j = headspritesect[sprite[OW].sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { int32_t l = nextspritesect[j]; if (sprite[j].statnum == STAT_ACTOR && A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[j]) && sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR && sprite[j].picnum != LOCATORS) { int16_t k = sprite[j].sectnum; updatesector(sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,&k); if (sprite[j].extra >= 0 && k == sprite[i].sectnum) { A_DoGutsDir(j,JIBS6,numguts); A_PlaySound(SQUISHED,j); A_DeleteSprite(j); } } j = l; } } ACTOR_STATIC void G_MoveEffectors(void) //STATNUM 3 { int32_t q=0, m, x, j, l; int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR], nextk, nextj; int16_t k; walltype *wal; fricxv = fricyv = 0; while (i >= 0) { const int32_t nexti = nextspritestat[i]; spritetype *const s = &sprite[i]; sectortype *const sc = §or[s->sectnum]; const int32_t st = s->lotag; const int32_t sh = s->hitag; int32_t *const t = &actor[i].t_data[0]; switch (st) { case 0: { int32_t zchange = 0; j = s->owner; if (sprite[j].lotag == UINT16_MAX) KILLIT(i); q = sc->extra>>3; l = 0; if (sc->lotag == ST_30_ROTATE_RISE_BRIDGE) { q >>= 2; if (sprite[i].extra == 1) { if (actor[i].tempang < 256) { actor[i].tempang += 4; if (actor[i].tempang >= 256) A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); if (s->clipdist) l = 1; else l = -1; } else actor[i].tempang = 256; if (sc->floorz > s->z) //z's are touching { sc->floorz -= 512; zchange = -512; if (sc->floorz < s->z) sc->floorz = s->z; } else if (sc->floorz < s->z) //z's are touching { sc->floorz += 512; zchange = 512; if (sc->floorz > s->z) sc->floorz = s->z; } } else if (sprite[i].extra == 3) { if (actor[i].tempang > 0) { actor[i].tempang -= 4; if (actor[i].tempang <= 0) A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); if (s->clipdist) l = -1; else l = 1; } else actor[i].tempang = 0; if (sc->floorz > T4) //z's are touching { sc->floorz -= 512; zchange = -512; if (sc->floorz < T4) sc->floorz = T4; } else if (sc->floorz < T4) //z's are touching { sc->floorz += 512; zchange = 512; if (sc->floorz > T4) sc->floorz = T4; } } } else { if (actor[j].t_data[0] == 0) break; if (actor[j].t_data[0] == 2) KILLIT(i); if (sprite[j].ang > 1024) l = -1; else l = 1; if (t[3] == 0) t[3] = ldist(s,&sprite[j]); s->xvel = t[3]; s->x = sprite[j].x; s->y = sprite[j].y; } s->ang += (l*q); t[2] += (l*q); if (l && (sc->floorstat&64)) { int32_t p; for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) { DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; if (ps->cursectnum == s->sectnum && ps->on_ground == 1) { ps->ang += (l*q); ps->ang &= 2047; ps->pos.z += zchange; rotatepoint(sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,ps->pos.x,ps->pos.y,(q*l),&m,&x); ps->bobposx += m-ps->pos.x; ps->bobposy += x-ps->pos.y; ps->pos.x = m; ps->pos.y = x; if (sprite[ps->i].extra <= 0) { sprite[ps->i].x = m; sprite[ps->i].y = x; } } } for (SPRITES_OF_SECT(s->sectnum, p)) { // that hardcoded SE light behavior here should be considered temporary at best... // really need some more general system for handling them! if ((sprite[p].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR) && sprite[p].statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE) if (sprite[p].picnum != LASERLINE) { if (sprite[p].picnum == APLAYER && sprite[p].owner >= 0) continue; sprite[p].ang += (l*q); sprite[p].ang &= 2047; sprite[p].z += zchange; // interpolation fix actor[p].bposx = sprite[p].x; actor[p].bposy = sprite[p].y; if (move_fixed_sprite(p, j, t[2])) rotatepoint(sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,sprite[p].x,sprite[p].y,(q*l),&sprite[p].x,&sprite[p].y); } } } else if (l==0 && (sc->floorstat&64)) { int32_t p; // fix for jittering of sprites in halted rotating sectors for (p=headspritesect[s->sectnum]; p>=0; p=nextspritesect[p]) { // keep this conditional in sync with above! if ((sprite[p].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR) && sprite[p].statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE) if (sprite[p].picnum != LASERLINE) { if (sprite[p].picnum == APLAYER && sprite[p].owner >= 0) continue; actor[p].bposx = sprite[p].x; actor[p].bposy = sprite[p].y; } } } A_MoveSector(i); } break; case 1: //Nothing for now used as the pivot if (s->owner == -1) //Init { s->owner = i; j = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].lotag == SE_19_EXPLOSION_LOWERS_CEILING && sprite[j].hitag == sh) { t[0] = 0; break; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } } break; case 6: k = sc->extra; if (t[4] > 0) { t[4]--; if (t[4] >= (k-(k>>3))) s->xvel -= (k>>5); if (t[4] > ((k>>1)-1) && t[4] < (k-(k>>3))) s->xvel = 0; if (t[4] < (k>>1)) s->xvel += (k>>5); if (t[4] < ((k>>1)-(k>>3))) { t[4] = 0; s->xvel = k; } } else s->xvel = k; j = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; while (j >= 0) { if ((sprite[j].lotag == SE_14_SUBWAY_CAR) && (sh == sprite[j].hitag) && (actor[j].t_data[0] == t[0])) { sprite[j].xvel = s->xvel; // if( t[4] == 1 ) { if (actor[j].t_data[5] == 0) actor[j].t_data[5] = dist(&sprite[j],s); x = ksgn(dist(&sprite[j],s)-actor[j].t_data[5]); if (sprite[j].extra) x = -x; s->xvel += x; } actor[j].t_data[4] = t[4]; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } x = 0; case SE_14_SUBWAY_CAR: if (s->owner==-1) s->owner = A_FindLocator((int16_t)t[3],(int16_t)t[0]); if (s->owner == -1) { // debugging subway cars (mapping-wise) is freakin annoying // let's at least have a helpful message... Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Could not find any locators in sector %d" " for SE# 6 or 14 with hitag %d.\n", (int)t[0], (int)t[3]); G_GameExit(tempbuf); } j = ldist(&sprite[s->owner],s); if (j < 1024L) { if (st==6) if (sprite[s->owner].hitag&1) t[4]=sc->extra; //Slow it down t[3]++; s->owner = A_FindLocator(t[3],t[0]); if (s->owner==-1) { t[3]=0; s->owner = A_FindLocator(0,t[0]); } } if (s->xvel) { int32_t p; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int32_t firstrun = 1; #endif x = getangle(sprite[s->owner].x-s->x,sprite[s->owner].y-s->y); q = G_GetAngleDelta(s->ang,x)>>3; t[2] += q; s->ang += q; if (s->xvel == sc->extra) { if ((sc->floorstat&1) == 0 && (sc->ceilingstat&1) == 0) { if (!S_CheckSoundPlaying(i,actor[i].lastvx)) A_PlaySound(actor[i].lastvx,i); } else if (ud.monsters_off == 0 && sc->floorpal == 0 && (sc->floorstat&1) && rnd(8)) { p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); if (x < 20480) { j = s->ang; s->ang = getangle(s->x-g_player[p].ps->pos.x,s->y-g_player[p].ps->pos.y); A_Shoot(i,RPG); s->ang = j; } } } if (s->xvel <= 64 && (sc->floorstat&1) == 0 && (sc->ceilingstat&1) == 0) S_StopEnvSound(actor[i].lastvx,i); if ((sc->floorz-sc->ceilingz) < (108<<8)) { if (ud.noclip == 0 && s->xvel >= 192) MaybeTrainKillPlayer(s, 0); } m = (s->xvel*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>14; x = (s->xvel*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>14; for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) { DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; if (ps->cursectnum < 0) { // might happen when squished into void space // initprintf("cursectnum < 0!\n"); break; } if (sector[ps->cursectnum].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER) { if (g_playerSpawnPoints[p].os == s->sectnum) { g_playerSpawnPoints[p].ox += m; g_playerSpawnPoints[p].oy += x; } if (s->sectnum == sprite[ps->i].sectnum #ifdef YAX_ENABLE || (t[9]>=0 && t[9] == sprite[ps->i].sectnum) #endif ) { rotatepoint(s->x,s->y,ps->pos.x,ps->pos.y,q,&ps->pos.x,&ps->pos.y); ps->pos.x += m; ps->pos.y += x; ps->bobposx += m; ps->bobposy += x; ps->ang += q; ps->ang &= 2047; if (g_netServer || numplayers > 1) { ps->opos.x = ps->pos.x; ps->opos.y = ps->pos.y; } if (sprite[ps->i].extra <= 0) { sprite[ps->i].x = ps->pos.x; sprite[ps->i].y = ps->pos.y; } } } } j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].statnum != STAT_PLAYER && sector[sprite[j].sectnum].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER && (sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR || (sprite[j].lotag == SE_49_POINT_LIGHT||sprite[j].lotag == SE_50_SPOT_LIGHT)) && sprite[j].picnum != LOCATORS) { // fix interpolation if (numplayers < 2 && !g_netServer) { actor[j].bposx = sprite[j].x; actor[j].bposy = sprite[j].y; } if (move_fixed_sprite(j, s-sprite, t[2])) rotatepoint(s->x,s->y,sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,q,&sprite[j].x,&sprite[j].y); sprite[j].x+= m; sprite[j].y+= x; sprite[j].ang+=q; if (g_netServer || numplayers > 1) { actor[j].bposx = sprite[j].x; actor[j].bposy = sprite[j].y; } } j = nextspritesect[j]; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (j < 0) { if (t[9]>=0 && firstrun) { firstrun = 0; j = headspritesect[t[9]]; } } #endif } A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); if ((sc->floorz-sc->ceilingz) < (108<<8)) { if (ud.noclip == 0 && s->xvel >= 192) MaybeTrainKillPlayer(s, 1); MaybeTrainKillEnemies(i, 72); } } else { // fix for jittering of sprites in halted subways for (j=headspritesect[s->sectnum]; j >= 0; j=nextspritesect[j]) { // keep this conditional in sync with above! if (sprite[j].statnum != STAT_PLAYER && sector[sprite[j].sectnum].lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER && (sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR || (sprite[j].lotag == SE_49_POINT_LIGHT||sprite[j].lotag == SE_50_SPOT_LIGHT)) && sprite[j].picnum != LOCATORS) { actor[j].bposx = sprite[j].x; actor[j].bposy = sprite[j].y; } } } break; case SE_30_TWO_WAY_TRAIN: if (s->owner == -1) { t[3] = !t[3]; s->owner = A_FindLocator(t[3],t[0]); } else { if (t[4] == 1) // Starting to go { if (ldist(&sprite[s->owner],s) < (2048-128)) t[4] = 2; else { if (s->xvel == 0) G_OperateActivators(s->hitag+(!t[3]),-1); if (s->xvel < 256) s->xvel += 16; } } if (t[4] == 2) { l = FindDistance2D(sprite[s->owner].x-s->x,sprite[s->owner].y-s->y); if (l <= 128) s->xvel = 0; if (s->xvel > 0) s->xvel -= 16; else { s->xvel = 0; G_OperateActivators(s->hitag+(int16_t)t[3],-1); s->owner = -1; s->ang += 1024; t[4] = 0; G_OperateForceFields(i,s->hitag); j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR && sprite[j].picnum != LOCATORS) { actor[j].bposx = sprite[j].x; actor[j].bposy = sprite[j].y; } j = nextspritesect[j]; } } } } if (s->xvel) { int32_t p; l = (s->xvel*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>14; x = (s->xvel*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>14; if ((sc->floorz-sc->ceilingz) < (108<<8)) if (ud.noclip == 0) MaybeTrainKillPlayer(s, 0); for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) { DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; if (sprite[ps->i].sectnum == s->sectnum) { ps->pos.x += l; ps->pos.y += x; if (g_netServer || numplayers > 1) { ps->opos.x = ps->pos.x; ps->opos.y = ps->pos.y; } ps->bobposx += l; ps->bobposy += x; } if (g_playerSpawnPoints[p].os == s->sectnum) { g_playerSpawnPoints[p].ox += l; g_playerSpawnPoints[p].oy += x; } } j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { if ((sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR || sprite[j].lotag==SE_49_POINT_LIGHT || sprite[j].lotag==SE_50_SPOT_LIGHT) && sprite[j].picnum != LOCATORS) { if (numplayers < 2 && !g_netServer) { actor[j].bposx = sprite[j].x; actor[j].bposy = sprite[j].y; } sprite[j].x += l; sprite[j].y += x; if (g_netServer || numplayers > 1) { actor[j].bposx = sprite[j].x; actor[j].bposy = sprite[j].y; } } j = nextspritesect[j]; } A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); if ((sc->floorz-sc->ceilingz) < (108<<8)) { if (ud.noclip == 0) MaybeTrainKillPlayer(s, 1); MaybeTrainKillEnemies(i, 24); } } break; case 2://Quakes if (t[4] > 0 && t[0] == 0) { if (t[4] < sh) t[4]++; else t[0] = 1; } if (t[0] > 0) { int32_t p; t[0]++; s->xvel = 3; if (t[0] > 96) { t[0] = -1; //Stop the quake t[4] = -1; KILLIT(i); } else { if ((t[0]&31) == 8) { g_earthquakeTime = 48; A_PlaySound(EARTHQUAKE,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i); } if (klabs(sc->floorheinum-t[5]) < 8) sc->floorheinum = t[5]; else sc->floorheinum += (ksgn(t[5]-sc->floorheinum)<<4); } m = (s->xvel*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>14; x = (s->xvel*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>14; for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) { DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; if (ps->cursectnum == s->sectnum && ps->on_ground) { ps->pos.x += m; ps->pos.y += x; ps->bobposx += m; ps->bobposy += x; } } j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { nextj = nextspritesect[j]; if (sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR) { sprite[j].x+=m; sprite[j].y+=x; setsprite(j,(vec3_t *)&sprite[j]); } j = nextj; } A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); } break; //Flashing sector lights after reactor EXPLOSION2 case 3: { if (t[4] == 0) break; A_FindPlayer(s,&x); // XXX: x is dead here; A_FindPlayer() call necessary? // if(t[5] > 0) { t[5]--; break; } if ((g_globalRandom/(sh+1)&31) < 4 && !t[2]) { // t[5] = 4+(g_globalRandom&7); sc->ceilingpal = s->owner>>8; sc->floorpal = s->owner&0xff; t[0] = s->shade + (g_globalRandom&15); } else { // t[5] = 4+(g_globalRandom&3); sc->ceilingpal = s->pal; sc->floorpal = s->pal; t[0] = t[3]; } sc->ceilingshade = t[0]; sc->floorshade = t[0]; wal = &wall[sc->wallptr]; for (x=sc->wallnum; x > 0; x--,wal++) { if (wal->hitag != 1) { wal->shade = t[0]; if ((wal->cstat&2) && wal->nextwall >= 0) { wall[wal->nextwall].shade = wal->shade; } } } break; } case 4: if ((g_globalRandom/(sh+1)&31) < 4) { t[1] = s->shade + (g_globalRandom&15);//Got really bright t[0] = s->shade + (g_globalRandom&15); sc->ceilingpal = s->owner>>8; sc->floorpal = s->owner&0xff; j = 1; } else { t[1] = t[2]; t[0] = t[3]; sc->ceilingpal = s->pal; sc->floorpal = s->pal; j = 0; } sc->floorshade = t[1]; sc->ceilingshade = t[1]; wal = &wall[sc->wallptr]; for (x=sc->wallnum; x > 0; x--,wal++) { if (j) wal->pal = (s->owner&0xff); else wal->pal = s->pal; if (wal->hitag != 1) { wal->shade = t[0]; if ((wal->cstat&2) && wal->nextwall >= 0) wall[wal->nextwall].shade = wal->shade; } } j = headspritesect[SECT]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].cstat&16 && A_CheckSpriteFlags(j,SPRITE_NOSHADE) == 0) { if (sc->ceilingstat&1) sprite[j].shade = sc->ceilingshade; else sprite[j].shade = sc->floorshade; } j = nextspritesect[j]; } if (t[4]) KILLIT(i); break; //BOSS case 5: { const int32_t p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; if (x < 8192) { j = s->ang; s->ang = getangle(s->x-ps->pos.x,s->y-ps->pos.y); A_Shoot(i,FIRELASER); s->ang = j; } if (s->owner==-1) //Start search { t[4]=0; l = INT32_MAX; while (1) //Find the shortest dist { s->owner = A_FindLocator((int16_t)t[4],-1); //t[0] hold sectnum if (s->owner==-1) break; m = ldist(&sprite[ps->i],&sprite[s->owner]); if (l > m) { q = s->owner; l = m; } t[4]++; } s->owner = q; s->zvel = ksgn(sprite[q].z-s->z)<<4; } if (ldist(&sprite[s->owner],s) < 1024) { int16_t ta; ta = s->ang; s->ang = getangle(ps->pos.x-s->x,ps->pos.y-s->y); s->ang = ta; s->owner = -1; goto BOLT; } else s->xvel=256; x = getangle(sprite[s->owner].x-s->x,sprite[s->owner].y-s->y); q = G_GetAngleDelta(s->ang,x)>>3; s->ang += q; if (rnd(32)) { t[2]+=q; sc->ceilingshade = 127; } else { t[2] += G_GetAngleDelta(t[2]+512,getangle(ps->pos.x-s->x,ps->pos.y-s->y))>>2; sc->ceilingshade = 0; } if ((j = A_IncurDamage(i)) >= 0) { if (++t[3] == 5) { s->zvel += 1024; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_WASTED, g_player[myconnectindex].ps); } } s->z += s->zvel; sc->ceilingz += s->zvel; sector[t[0]].ceilingz += s->zvel; A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); break; } case SE_8_UP_OPEN_DOOR_LIGHTS: case SE_9_DOWN_OPEN_DOOR_LIGHTS: // work only if its moving j = -1; if (actor[i].t_data[4]) { actor[i].t_data[4]++; if (actor[i].t_data[4] > 8) KILLIT(i); j = 1; } else j = GetAnimationGoal(&sc->ceilingz); if (j >= 0) { int16_t sn; if ((sc->lotag&0x8000) || actor[i].t_data[4]) x = -t[3]; else x = t[3]; if (st == 9) x = -x; j = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; while (j >= 0) { if (((sprite[j].lotag) == st) && (sprite[j].hitag) == sh) { sn = sprite[j].sectnum; m = sprite[j].shade; wal = &wall[sector[sn].wallptr]; for (l=sector[sn].wallnum; l>0; l--,wal++) { if (wal->hitag != 1) { wal->shade+=x; if (wal->shade < m) wal->shade = m; else if (wal->shade > actor[j].t_data[2]) wal->shade = actor[j].t_data[2]; if (wal->nextwall >= 0) if (wall[wal->nextwall].hitag != 1) wall[wal->nextwall].shade = wal->shade; } } sector[sn].floorshade += x; sector[sn].ceilingshade += x; if (sector[sn].floorshade < m) sector[sn].floorshade = m; else if (sector[sn].floorshade > actor[j].t_data[0]) sector[sn].floorshade = actor[j].t_data[0]; if (sector[sn].ceilingshade < m) sector[sn].ceilingshade = m; else if (sector[sn].ceilingshade > actor[j].t_data[1]) sector[sn].ceilingshade = actor[j].t_data[1]; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } } break; case SE_10_DOOR_AUTO_CLOSE: // XXX: 32791, what the hell? if ((sc->lotag&0xff) == ST_27_STRETCH_BRIDGE || (sc->floorz > sc->ceilingz && (sc->lotag&0xff) != ST_23_SWINGING_DOOR) || sc->lotag == 32791) { int32_t p; j = 1; if ((sc->lotag&0xff) != ST_27_STRETCH_BRIDGE) for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) if (sc->lotag != ST_30_ROTATE_RISE_BRIDGE && sc->lotag != ST_31_TWO_WAY_TRAIN && sc->lotag != 0) if (s->sectnum == sprite[g_player[p].ps->i].sectnum) j = 0; if (j == 1) { if (t[0] > sh) switch (sector[s->sectnum].lotag) { case ST_20_CEILING_DOOR: case ST_21_FLOOR_DOOR: case ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR: case ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR: if (GetAnimationGoal(§or[s->sectnum].ceilingz) >= 0) break; default: G_ActivateBySector(s->sectnum,i); t[0] = 0; break; } else t[0]++; } } else t[0]=0; break; case SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR: //Swingdoor if (t[5] > 0) { t[5]--; break; } if (t[4]) { int32_t endwall = sc->wallptr+sc->wallnum; for (j=sc->wallptr; j<endwall; j++) { k = headspritestat[STAT_ACTOR]; while (k >= 0) { if (sprite[k].extra > 0 && A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[k]) && clipinsidebox(sprite[k].x,sprite[k].y,j,256L) == 1) goto BOLT; k = nextspritestat[k]; } k = headspritestat[STAT_PLAYER]; while (k >= 0) { if (sprite[k].owner >= 0 && clipinsidebox(sprite[k].x,sprite[k].y,j,144L) == 1) { t[5] = 8; // Delay k = (SP>>3)*t[3]; t[2]-=k; t[4]-=k; A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); goto BOLT; } k = nextspritestat[k]; } } k = (SP>>3)*t[3]; t[2]+=k; t[4]+=k; A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); if (t[4] <= -511 || t[4] >= 512) { t[4] = 0; t[2] &= 0xffffff00; A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); break; } } break; case SE_12_LIGHT_SWITCH: if (t[0] == 3 || t[3] == 1) //Lights going off { sc->floorpal = 0; sc->ceilingpal = 0; wal = &wall[sc->wallptr]; for (j = sc->wallnum; j > 0; j--, wal++) if (wal->hitag != 1) { wal->shade = t[1]; wal->pal = 0; } sc->floorshade = t[1]; sc->ceilingshade = t[2]; t[0]=0; j = headspritesect[SECT]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].cstat&16 && A_CheckSpriteFlags(j,SPRITE_NOSHADE) == 0) { if (sc->ceilingstat&1) sprite[j].shade = sc->ceilingshade; else sprite[j].shade = sc->floorshade; } j = nextspritesect[j]; } if (t[3] == 1) KILLIT(i); } if (t[0] == 1) //Lights flickering on { if (sc->floorshade > s->shade) { sc->floorpal = s->pal; sc->ceilingpal = s->pal; sc->floorshade -= 2; sc->ceilingshade -= 2; wal = &wall[sc->wallptr]; for (j=sc->wallnum; j>0; j--,wal++) if (wal->hitag != 1) { wal->pal = s->pal; wal->shade -= 2; } } else t[0] = 2; j = headspritesect[SECT]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].cstat&16) { if (sc->ceilingstat&1 && A_CheckSpriteFlags(j,SPRITE_NOSHADE) == 0) sprite[j].shade = sc->ceilingshade; else sprite[j].shade = sc->floorshade; } j = nextspritesect[j]; } } break; case SE_13_EXPLOSIVE: if (t[2]) { // t[0]: ceiling z // t[1]: floor z // s->owner: 1 if affect ceiling, 0 if affect floor // t[3]: 1 if ceiling was parallaxed at premap, 0 else j = (SP<<5)|1; if (s->ang == 512) { if (s->owner) { if (klabs(t[0]-sc->ceilingz) >= j) sc->ceilingz += ksgn(t[0]-sc->ceilingz)*j; else sc->ceilingz = t[0]; } else { if (klabs(t[1]-sc->floorz) >= j) sc->floorz += ksgn(t[1]-sc->floorz)*j; else sc->floorz = t[1]; } } else { if (klabs(t[1]-sc->floorz) >= j) sc->floorz += ksgn(t[1]-sc->floorz)*j; else sc->floorz = t[1]; if (klabs(t[0]-sc->ceilingz) >= j) sc->ceilingz += ksgn(t[0]-sc->ceilingz)*j; sc->ceilingz = t[0]; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (s->ang == 512) { int16_t cf=!s->owner, bn=yax_getbunch(sc-sector, cf); int32_t jj, daz=SECTORFLD(sc-sector,z, cf); if (bn >= 0) { for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(bn, cf, jj)) { SECTORFLD(jj,z, cf) = daz; SECTORFLD(jj,stat, cf) &= ~(128+256 + 512+2048); } for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(bn, !cf, jj)) { SECTORFLD(jj,z, !cf) = daz; SECTORFLD(jj,stat, !cf) &= ~(128+256 + 512+2048); } } } #endif if (t[3] == 1) { //Change the shades t[3]++; sc->ceilingstat ^= 1; if (s->ang == 512) { wal = &wall[sc->wallptr]; for (j=sc->wallnum; j>0; j--,wal++) wal->shade = s->shade; sc->floorshade = s->shade; if (g_player[0].ps->one_parallax_sectnum >= 0) { sc->ceilingpicnum = sector[g_player[0].ps->one_parallax_sectnum].ceilingpicnum; sc->ceilingshade = sector[g_player[0].ps->one_parallax_sectnum].ceilingshade; } } } t[2]++; if (t[2] > 256) KILLIT(i); } if (t[2] == 4 && s->ang != 512) for (x=0; x<7; x++) RANDOMSCRAP; break; case SE_15_SLIDING_DOOR: if (t[4]) { s->xvel = 16; if (t[4] == 1) //Opening { if (t[3] >= (SP>>3)) { t[4] = 0; //Turn off the sliders A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); break; } t[3]++; } else if (t[4] == 2) { if (t[3]<1) { t[4] = 0; A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); break; } t[3]--; } A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); } break; case SE_16_REACTOR: //Reactor t[2]+=32; if (sc->floorz<sc->ceilingz) s->shade=0; else if (sc->ceilingz < t[3]) { //The following code check to see if //there is any other sprites in the sector. //If there isn't, then kill this sectoreffector //itself..... j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].picnum == REACTOR || sprite[j].picnum == REACTOR2) break; j = nextspritesect[j]; } if (j == -1) { KILLIT(i); } else s->shade=1; } if (s->shade) sc->ceilingz+=1024; else sc->ceilingz-=512; A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); break; case SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR: { q = t[0]*(SP<<2); sc->ceilingz += q; sc->floorz += q; j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].statnum == STAT_PLAYER && sprite[j].owner >= 0) { const int32_t p = sprite[j].yvel; DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; if (numplayers < 2 && !g_netServer) ps->opos.z = ps->pos.z; ps->pos.z += q; ps->truefz += q; ps->truecz += q; if (g_netServer || numplayers > 1) ps->opos.z = ps->pos.z; } if (sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR) { actor[j].bposz = sprite[j].z; sprite[j].z += q; } actor[j].floorz = sc->floorz; actor[j].ceilingz = sc->ceilingz; j = nextspritesect[j]; } if (t[0]) //If in motion { if (klabs(sc->floorz-t[2]) <= SP) { G_ActivateWarpElevators(i,0); break; } // If we still see the opening, we can't yet teleport. if (t[0]==-1) { if (sc->floorz > t[3]) break; } else if (sc->ceilingz < t[4]) break; if (t[1] == 0) break; t[1] = 0; j = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; while (j >= 0) { if (i != j && (sprite[j].lotag) == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR) if ((sc->hitag-t[0]) == (sector[sprite[j].sectnum].hitag) && sh == (sprite[j].hitag)) break; j = nextspritestat[j]; } if (j == -1) break; k = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (k >= 0) { nextk = nextspritesect[k]; if (sprite[k].statnum == STAT_PLAYER && sprite[k].owner >= 0) { const int32_t p = sprite[k].yvel; DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; ps->pos.x += sprite[j].x-s->x; ps->pos.y += sprite[j].y-s->y; ps->pos.z = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz-(sc->floorz-ps->pos.z); actor[k].floorz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz; actor[k].ceilingz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz; ps->bobposx = ps->opos.x = ps->pos.x; ps->bobposy = ps->opos.y = ps->pos.y; ps->opos.z = ps->pos.z; ps->truefz = actor[k].floorz; ps->truecz = actor[k].ceilingz; ps->bobcounter = 0; changespritesect(k,sprite[j].sectnum); ps->cursectnum = sprite[j].sectnum; } else if (sprite[k].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR) { sprite[k].x += sprite[j].x-s->x; sprite[k].y += sprite[j].y-s->y; sprite[k].z = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz- (sc->floorz-sprite[k].z); Bmemcpy(&actor[k].bposx, &sprite[k], sizeof(vec3_t)); changespritesect(k,sprite[j].sectnum); setsprite(k,(vec3_t *)&sprite[k]); actor[k].floorz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz; actor[k].ceilingz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz; } k = nextk; } } break; } case SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL: if (t[0]) { if (s->pal) { if (s->ang == 512) { sc->ceilingz -= sc->extra; if (sc->ceilingz <= t[1]) { sc->ceilingz = t[1]; KILLIT(i); } } else { sc->floorz += sc->extra; j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER && sprite[j].owner >= 0) if (g_player[sprite[j].yvel].ps->on_ground == 1) g_player[sprite[j].yvel].ps->pos.z += sc->extra; if (sprite[j].zvel == 0 && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE) { actor[j].bposz = sprite[j].z += sc->extra; actor[j].floorz = sc->floorz; } j = nextspritesect[j]; } if (sc->floorz >= t[1]) { sc->floorz = t[1]; KILLIT(i); } } } else { if (s->ang == 512) { sc->ceilingz += sc->extra; if (sc->ceilingz >= s->z) { sc->ceilingz = s->z; KILLIT(i); } } else { sc->floorz -= sc->extra; j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER && sprite[j].owner >= 0) if (g_player[sprite[j].yvel].ps->on_ground == 1) g_player[sprite[j].yvel].ps->pos.z -= sc->extra; if (sprite[j].zvel == 0 && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE) { actor[j].bposz = sprite[j].z -= sc->extra; actor[j].floorz = sc->floorz; } j = nextspritesect[j]; } if (sc->floorz <= s->z) { sc->floorz = s->z; KILLIT(i); } } } t[2]++; if (t[2] >= s->hitag) { t[2] = 0; t[0] = 0; } } break; case SE_19_EXPLOSION_LOWERS_CEILING: //Battlestar galactia shields if (t[0]) { if (t[0] == 1) { t[0]++; x = sc->wallptr; q = x+sc->wallnum; for (j=x; j<q; j++) if (wall[j].overpicnum == BIGFORCE) { wall[j].cstat &= (128+32+8+4+2); wall[j].overpicnum = 0; if (wall[j].nextwall >= 0) { wall[wall[j].nextwall].overpicnum = 0; wall[wall[j].nextwall].cstat &= (128+32+8+4+2); } } } if (sc->ceilingz < sc->floorz) sc->ceilingz += SP; else { sc->ceilingz = sc->floorz; j = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].lotag == 0 && sprite[j].hitag==sh) { q = sprite[sprite[j].owner].sectnum; sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorpal = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingpal = sector[q].floorpal; sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorshade = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingshade = sector[q].floorshade; actor[sprite[j].owner].t_data[0] = 2; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } KILLIT(i); } } else //Not hit yet { if (G_FindExplosionInSector(s->sectnum) >= 0) { P_DoQuote(QUOTE_UNLOCKED,g_player[myconnectindex].ps); l = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; while (l >= 0) { x = sprite[l].lotag&0x7fff; switch (x) { case SE_0_ROTATING_SECTOR: if (sprite[l].hitag == sh) { int32_t ow = sprite[l].owner; q = sprite[l].sectnum; sector[q].floorshade = sector[q].ceilingshade = sprite[ow].shade; sector[q].floorpal = sector[q].ceilingpal = sprite[ow].pal; } break; case SE_1_PIVOT: case SE_12_LIGHT_SWITCH: // case SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL: case SE_19_EXPLOSION_LOWERS_CEILING: if (sh == sprite[l].hitag) if (actor[l].t_data[0] == 0) { actor[l].t_data[0] = 1; //Shut them all on sprite[l].owner = i; } break; } l = nextspritestat[l]; } } } break; case SE_20_STRETCH_BRIDGE: //Extend-o-bridge if (t[0] == 0) break; if (t[0] == 1) s->xvel = 8; else s->xvel = -8; if (s->xvel) //Moving { int32_t p; x = (s->xvel*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>14; l = (s->xvel*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>14; t[3] += s->xvel; s->x += x; s->y += l; if (t[3] <= 0 || (t[3]>>6) >= (SP>>6)) { s->x -= x; s->y -= l; t[0] = 0; A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); break; } j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { nextj = nextspritesect[j]; if (sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && sprite[j].zvel == 0) { sprite[j].x += x; sprite[j].y += l; setsprite(j,(vec3_t *)&sprite[j]); if (sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorstat&2) if (sprite[j].statnum == STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR) A_Fall(j); } j = nextj; } dragpoint((int16_t)t[1],wall[t[1]].x+x,wall[t[1]].y+l); dragpoint((int16_t)t[2],wall[t[2]].x+x,wall[t[2]].y+l); for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) { DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[p].ps; if (ps->cursectnum == s->sectnum && ps->on_ground) { ps->pos.x += x; ps->pos.y += l; ps->opos.x = ps->pos.x; ps->opos.y = ps->pos.y; ps->pos.z += PHEIGHT; setsprite(ps->i,(vec3_t *)ps); ps->pos.z -= PHEIGHT; } } sc->floorxpanning-=x>>3; sc->floorypanning-=l>>3; sc->ceilingxpanning-=x>>3; sc->ceilingypanning-=l>>3; } break; case SE_21_DROP_FLOOR: // Cascading effect { int32_t *zptr; if (t[0] == 0) break; if (s->ang == 1536) zptr = &sc->ceilingz; else zptr = &sc->floorz; if (t[0] == 1) //Decide if the s->sectnum should go up or down { s->zvel = ksgn(s->z-*zptr) * (SP<<4); t[0]++; } if (sc->extra == 0) { *zptr += s->zvel; if (klabs(*zptr-s->z) < 1024) { *zptr = s->z; KILLIT(i); //All done // SE_21_KILLIT, see sector.c } } else sc->extra--; break; } case SE_22_TEETH_DOOR: if (t[1]) { if (GetAnimationGoal(§or[t[0]].ceilingz) >= 0) sc->ceilingz += sc->extra*9; else t[1] = 0; } break; case SE_24_CONVEYOR: case SE_34: { int32_t p; if (t[4]) break; x = (SP*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>18; l = (SP*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>18; k = 0; j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { nextj = nextspritesect[j]; if (sprite[j].zvel >= 0) switch (sprite[j].statnum) { case STAT_MISC: switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[j].picnum)) { case BLOODPOOL__STATIC: case PUKE__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS2__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS3__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS4__STATIC: case BULLETHOLE__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT1__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT2__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT3__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT4__STATIC: sprite[j].xrepeat = sprite[j].yrepeat = 0; j = nextj; continue; case LASERLINE__STATIC: j = nextj; continue; } case STAT_STANDABLE: if (sprite[j].picnum == TRIPBOMB) break; case STAT_ACTOR: case STAT_DEFAULT: if ( sprite[j].picnum == BOLT1 || sprite[j].picnum == BOLT1+1 || sprite[j].picnum == BOLT1+2 || sprite[j].picnum == BOLT1+3 || sprite[j].picnum == SIDEBOLT1 || sprite[j].picnum == SIDEBOLT1+1 || sprite[j].picnum == SIDEBOLT1+2 || sprite[j].picnum == SIDEBOLT1+3 || A_CheckSwitchTile(j) ) break; if (!(sprite[j].picnum >= CRANE && sprite[j].picnum <= (CRANE+3))) { if (sprite[j].z > (actor[j].floorz-(16<<8))) { actor[j].bposx = sprite[j].x; actor[j].bposy = sprite[j].y; sprite[j].x += x>>2; sprite[j].y += l>>2; setsprite(j,(vec3_t *)&sprite[j]); if (sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorstat&2) if (sprite[j].statnum == STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR) A_Fall(j); } } break; } j = nextj; } p = myconnectindex; if (g_player[p].ps->cursectnum == s->sectnum && g_player[p].ps->on_ground) if (klabs(g_player[p].ps->pos.z-g_player[p].ps->truefz) < PHEIGHT+(9<<8)) { fricxv += x<<3; fricyv += l<<3; } sc->floorxpanning += SP>>7; break; } case 35: if (sc->ceilingz > s->z) for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { s->ang += krand()&511; k = A_Spawn(i,SMALLSMOKE); sprite[k].xvel = 96+(krand()&127); A_SetSprite(k,CLIPMASK0); setsprite(k,(vec3_t *)&sprite[k]); if (rnd(16)) A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); } switch (t[0]) { case 0: sc->ceilingz += s->yvel; if (sc->ceilingz > sc->floorz) sc->floorz = sc->ceilingz; if (sc->ceilingz > s->z+(32<<8)) t[0]++; break; case 1: sc->ceilingz-=(s->yvel<<2); if (sc->ceilingz < t[4]) { sc->ceilingz = t[4]; t[0] = 0; } break; } break; case SE_25_PISTON: //PISTONS if (t[4] == 0) break; if (sc->floorz <= sc->ceilingz) s->shade = 0; else if (sc->ceilingz <= t[3]) s->shade = 1; if (s->shade) { sc->ceilingz += SP<<4; if (sc->ceilingz > sc->floorz) sc->ceilingz = sc->floorz; } else { sc->ceilingz -= SP<<4; if (sc->ceilingz < t[3]) sc->ceilingz = t[3]; } break; case SE_26: { int32_t p; s->xvel = 32; l = (s->xvel*sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>14; x = (s->xvel*sintable[s->ang&2047])>>14; s->shade++; if (s->shade > 7) { s->x = t[3]; s->y = t[4]; sc->floorz -= ((s->zvel*s->shade)-s->zvel); s->shade = 0; } else sc->floorz += s->zvel; j = headspritesect[s->sectnum]; while (j >= 0) { nextj = nextspritesect[j]; if (sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_PLAYER) { actor[j].bposx = sprite[j].x; actor[j].bposy = sprite[j].y; sprite[j].x += l; sprite[j].y += x; sprite[j].z += s->zvel; setsprite(j,(vec3_t *)&sprite[j]); } j = nextj; } p = myconnectindex; if (sprite[g_player[p].ps->i].sectnum == s->sectnum && g_player[p].ps->on_ground) { fricxv += l<<5; fricyv += x<<5; } for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) if (sprite[g_player[p].ps->i].sectnum == s->sectnum && g_player[p].ps->on_ground) g_player[p].ps->pos.z += s->zvel; A_MoveSector(i); setsprite(i,(vec3_t *)s); break; } case SE_27_DEMO_CAM: { int32_t p; DukePlayer_t *ps; if (ud.recstat == 0 || !ud.democams) break; actor[i].tempang = s->ang; p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); ps = g_player[p].ps; if (sprite[ps->i].extra > 0 && myconnectindex == screenpeek) { if (t[0] < 0) { ud.camerasprite = i; t[0]++; } else if (ud.recstat == 2 && ps->newowner == -1) { if (cansee(s->x,s->y,s->z,SECT,ps->pos.x,ps->pos.y,ps->pos.z,ps->cursectnum)) { if (x < (int32_t)((unsigned)sh)) { ud.camerasprite = i; t[0] = 999; s->ang += G_GetAngleDelta(s->ang,getangle(ps->pos.x-s->x,ps->pos.y-s->y))>>3; SP = 100+((s->z-ps->pos.z)/257); } else if (t[0] == 999) { if (ud.camerasprite == i) t[0] = 0; else t[0] = -10; ud.camerasprite = i; } } else { s->ang = getangle(ps->pos.x-s->x,ps->pos.y-s->y); if (t[0] == 999) { if (ud.camerasprite == i) t[0] = 0; else t[0] = -20; ud.camerasprite = i; } } } } break; } case SE_28_LIGHTNING: { if (t[5] > 0) { t[5]--; break; } if (T1 == 0) { A_FindPlayer(s,&x); if (x > 15500) break; T1 = 1; T2 = 64 + (krand()&511); T3 = 0; } else { T3++; if (T3 > T2) { T1 = 0; g_player[screenpeek].ps->visibility = ud.const_visibility; break; } else if (T3 == (T2>>1)) A_PlaySound(THUNDER,i); else if (T3 == (T2>>3)) A_PlaySound(LIGHTNING_SLAP,i); else if (T3 == (T2>>2)) { for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_DEFAULT, j)) if (sprite[j].picnum == NATURALLIGHTNING && sprite[j].hitag == s->hitag) sprite[j].cstat |= 32768; } else if (T3 > (T2>>3) && T3 < (T2>>2)) { if (cansee(s->x,s->y,s->z,s->sectnum,g_player[screenpeek].ps->pos.x,g_player[screenpeek].ps->pos.y,g_player[screenpeek].ps->pos.z,g_player[screenpeek].ps->cursectnum)) j = 1; else j = 0; if (rnd(192) && (T3&1)) { if (j) g_player[screenpeek].ps->visibility = 0; } else if (j) g_player[screenpeek].ps->visibility = ud.const_visibility; j = headspritestat[STAT_DEFAULT]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].picnum == NATURALLIGHTNING && sprite[j].hitag == s->hitag) { if (rnd(32) && (T3&1)) { int32_t p; DukePlayer_t *ps; sprite[j].cstat &= 32767; A_Spawn(j,SMALLSMOKE); p = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); ps = g_player[p].ps; x = ldist(&sprite[ps->i], &sprite[j]); if (x < 768) { if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(ps->i,DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,ps->i); A_PlaySound(SHORT_CIRCUIT,ps->i); sprite[ps->i].extra -= 8+(krand()&7); P_PalFrom(ps, 32, 16,0,0); } break; } else sprite[j].cstat |= 32768; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } } } break; } case SE_29_WAVES: s->hitag += 64; l = mulscale12((int32_t)s->yvel,sintable[s->hitag&2047]); sc->floorz = s->z + l; break; case SE_31_FLOOR_RISE_FALL: // True Drop Floor if (t[0] == 1) { // Choose dir if (t[3] > 0) { t[3]--; break; } if (t[2] == 1) // Retract { if (SA != 1536) HandleSE31(i, s->z, 0, s->z-sc->floorz); else HandleSE31(i, t[1], 0, t[1]-sc->floorz); Yax_SetBunchZs(sc-sector, YAX_FLOOR, sc->floorz); break; } if ((s->ang&2047) == 1536) HandleSE31(i, s->z, 1, s->z-sc->floorz); else HandleSE31(i, t[1], 1, t[1]-s->z); Yax_SetBunchZs(sc-sector, YAX_FLOOR, sc->floorz); } break; case SE_32_CEILING_RISE_FALL: // True Drop Ceiling if (t[0] == 1) { // Choose dir if (t[2] == 1) // Retract { if (SA != 1536) { if (klabs(sc->ceilingz - s->z) < (SP<<1)) { sc->ceilingz = s->z; A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); t[2] = 0; t[0] = 0; } else sc->ceilingz += ksgn(s->z-sc->ceilingz)*SP; } else { if (klabs(sc->ceilingz - t[1]) < (SP<<1)) { sc->ceilingz = t[1]; A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); t[2] = 0; t[0] = 0; } else sc->ceilingz += ksgn(t[1]-sc->ceilingz)*SP; } Yax_SetBunchZs(sc-sector, YAX_CEILING, sc->ceilingz); break; } if ((s->ang&2047) == 1536) { if (klabs(sc->ceilingz-s->z) < (SP<<1)) { t[0] = 0; t[2] = !t[2]; A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); sc->ceilingz = s->z; } else sc->ceilingz += ksgn(s->z-sc->ceilingz)*SP; } else { if (klabs(sc->ceilingz-t[1]) < (SP<<1)) { t[0] = 0; t[2] = !t[2]; A_CallSound(s->sectnum,i); } else sc->ceilingz -= ksgn(s->z-t[1])*SP; } Yax_SetBunchZs(sc-sector, YAX_CEILING, sc->ceilingz); } break; case SE_33_QUAKE_DEBRIS: if (g_earthquakeTime > 0 && (krand()&7) == 0) RANDOMSCRAP; break; case SE_36_PROJ_SHOOTER: if (t[0]) { if (t[0] == 1) A_Shoot(i,sc->extra); else if (t[0] == GAMETICSPERSEC*5) t[0] = 0; t[0]++; } break; case 128: //SE to control glass breakage wal = &wall[t[2]]; if (wal->cstat|32) { wal->cstat &= (255-32); wal->cstat |= 16; if (wal->nextwall >= 0) { wall[wal->nextwall].cstat &= (255-32); wall[wal->nextwall].cstat |= 16; } } else break; wal->overpicnum++; if (wal->nextwall >= 0) wall[wal->nextwall].overpicnum++; if (t[0] < t[1]) t[0]++; else { wal->cstat &= (128+32+8+4+2); if (wal->nextwall >= 0) wall[wal->nextwall].cstat &= (128+32+8+4+2); KILLIT(i); } break; case 130: if (t[0] > 80) { KILLIT(i); } else t[0]++; x = sc->floorz-sc->ceilingz; if (rnd(64)) { k = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); sprite[k].xrepeat = sprite[k].yrepeat = 2+(krand()&7); sprite[k].z = sc->floorz-(krand()%x); sprite[k].ang += 256-(krand()%511); sprite[k].xvel = krand()&127; A_SetSprite(k,CLIPMASK0); } break; case 131: if (t[0] > 40) { KILLIT(i); } else t[0]++; x = sc->floorz-sc->ceilingz; if (rnd(32)) { k = A_Spawn(i,EXPLOSION2); sprite[k].xrepeat = sprite[k].yrepeat = 2+(krand()&3); sprite[k].z = sc->floorz-(krand()%x); sprite[k].ang += 256-(krand()%511); sprite[k].xvel = krand()&127; A_SetSprite(k,CLIPMASK0); } break; case SE_49_POINT_LIGHT: case SE_50_SPOT_LIGHT: changespritestat(i, STAT_LIGHT); break; } BOLT: i = nexti; } //Sloped sin-wave floors! for (i=headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; i>=0; i=nextspritestat[i]) { const spritetype *s = &sprite[i]; sectortype *sc; if (s->lotag != SE_29_WAVES) continue; sc = §or[s->sectnum]; if (sc->wallnum != 4) continue; wal = &wall[sc->wallptr+2]; alignflorslope(s->sectnum,wal->x,wal->y,sector[wal->nextsector].floorz); } } static void G_DoEffectorLights(void) // STATNUM 14 { int32_t i; for (i=headspritestat[STAT_LIGHT]; i>=0; i=nextspritestat[i]) { switch (sprite[i].lotag) { #ifdef POLYMER case SE_49_POINT_LIGHT: { if (!A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_NOLIGHT) && getrendermode() == 4 && !(A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_USEACTIVATOR) && sector[sprite[i].sectnum].lotag & 16384)) { if (actor[i].lightptr == NULL) { #pragma pack(push,1) _prlight mylight; #pragma pack(pop) mylight.sector = SECT; Bmemcpy(&mylight, &sprite[i], sizeof(int32_t) * 3); mylight.range = SHT; mylight.color[0] = sprite[i].xvel; mylight.color[1] = sprite[i].yvel; mylight.color[2] = sprite[i].zvel; mylight.radius = 0; mylight.angle = SA; mylight.horiz = SH; mylight.minshade = sprite[i].xoffset; mylight.maxshade = sprite[i].yoffset; mylight.tilenum = 0; mylight.publicflags.emitshadow = 0; mylight.publicflags.negative = !!(CS & 128); if (CS & 2) { if (CS & 512) mylight.priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW; else mylight.priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH; } else mylight.priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_MAX; actor[i].lightId = polymer_addlight(&mylight); if (actor[i].lightId >= 0) actor[i].lightptr = &prlights[actor[i].lightId]; break; } if (Bmemcmp(&sprite[i], actor[i].lightptr, sizeof(int32_t) * 3)) { Bmemcpy(actor[i].lightptr, &sprite[i], sizeof(int32_t) * 3); actor[i].lightptr->sector = sprite[i].sectnum; actor[i].lightptr->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (SHT != actor[i].lightptr->range) { actor[i].lightptr->range = SHT; actor[i].lightptr->flags.invalidate = 1; } if ((sprite[i].xvel != actor[i].lightptr->color[0]) || (sprite[i].yvel != actor[i].lightptr->color[1]) || (sprite[i].zvel != actor[i].lightptr->color[2])) { actor[i].lightptr->color[0] = sprite[i].xvel; actor[i].lightptr->color[1] = sprite[i].yvel; actor[i].lightptr->color[2] = sprite[i].zvel; } if ((int)!!(CS & 128) != actor[i].lightptr->publicflags.negative) { actor[i].lightptr->publicflags.negative = !!(CS & 128); } } break; } case SE_50_SPOT_LIGHT: { if (!A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_NOLIGHT) && getrendermode() == 4 && !(A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_USEACTIVATOR) && sector[sprite[i].sectnum].lotag & 16384)) { if (actor[i].lightptr == NULL) { #pragma pack(push,1) _prlight mylight; #pragma pack(pop) mylight.sector = SECT; Bmemcpy(&mylight, &sprite[i], sizeof(int32_t) * 3); mylight.range = SHT; mylight.color[0] = sprite[i].xvel; mylight.color[1] = sprite[i].yvel; mylight.color[2] = sprite[i].zvel; mylight.radius = (256-(SS+128))<<1; mylight.faderadius = (int16_t)(mylight.radius * 0.75f); mylight.angle = SA; mylight.horiz = SH; mylight.minshade = sprite[i].xoffset; mylight.maxshade = sprite[i].yoffset; mylight.tilenum = actor[i].picnum; mylight.publicflags.emitshadow = !(CS & 64); mylight.publicflags.negative = !!(CS & 128); if (CS & 2) { if (CS & 512) mylight.priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW; else mylight.priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH; } else mylight.priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_MAX; actor[i].lightId = polymer_addlight(&mylight); if (actor[i].lightId >= 0) { actor[i].lightptr = &prlights[actor[i].lightId]; // Hack in case polymer_addlight tweaked the horiz value if (actor[i].lightptr->horiz != SH) SH = actor[i].lightptr->horiz; } break; } if (Bmemcmp(&sprite[i], actor[i].lightptr, sizeof(int32_t) * 3)) { Bmemcpy(actor[i].lightptr, &sprite[i], sizeof(int32_t) * 3); actor[i].lightptr->sector = sprite[i].sectnum; actor[i].lightptr->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (SHT != actor[i].lightptr->range) { actor[i].lightptr->range = SHT; actor[i].lightptr->flags.invalidate = 1; } if ((sprite[i].xvel != actor[i].lightptr->color[0]) || (sprite[i].yvel != actor[i].lightptr->color[1]) || (sprite[i].zvel != actor[i].lightptr->color[2])) { actor[i].lightptr->color[0] = sprite[i].xvel; actor[i].lightptr->color[1] = sprite[i].yvel; actor[i].lightptr->color[2] = sprite[i].zvel; } if (((256-(SS+128))<<1) != actor[i].lightptr->radius) { actor[i].lightptr->radius = (256-(SS+128))<<1; actor[i].lightptr->faderadius = (int16_t)(actor[i].lightptr->radius * 0.75f); actor[i].lightptr->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (SA != actor[i].lightptr->angle) { actor[i].lightptr->angle = SA; actor[i].lightptr->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (SH != actor[i].lightptr->horiz) { actor[i].lightptr->horiz = SH; actor[i].lightptr->flags.invalidate = 1; } if ((int)!(CS & 64) != actor[i].lightptr->publicflags.emitshadow) { actor[i].lightptr->publicflags.emitshadow = !(CS & 64); } if ((int)!!(CS & 128) != actor[i].lightptr->publicflags.negative) { actor[i].lightptr->publicflags.negative = !!(CS & 128); } actor[i].lightptr->tilenum = actor[i].picnum; } break; } #endif // POLYMER } } } #ifdef POLYMER static void A_DoLight(int32_t i) { spritetype *s = &sprite[i]; int32_t numsavedfires = 0; if ((sprite[i].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR && ((s->cstat & 32768) || (s->yrepeat < 4))) || A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_NOLIGHT) || (A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_USEACTIVATOR) && sector[sprite[i].sectnum].lotag & 16384)) { if (actor[i].lightptr != NULL) A_DeleteLight(i); } else { int32_t ii; if (actor[i].lightptr != NULL && actor[i].lightcount) { if (!(--actor[i].lightcount)) A_DeleteLight(i); } for (ii=0; ii<2; ii++) { if (sprite[i].picnum <= 0) // oob safety break; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[i].picnum-1+ii)) { case DIPSWITCH__STATIC: case DIPSWITCH2__STATIC: case DIPSWITCH3__STATIC: case PULLSWITCH__STATIC: case SLOTDOOR__STATIC: case LIGHTSWITCH__STATIC: case SPACELIGHTSWITCH__STATIC: case SPACEDOORSWITCH__STATIC: case FRANKENSTINESWITCH__STATIC: case POWERSWITCH1__STATIC: case LOCKSWITCH1__STATIC: case POWERSWITCH2__STATIC: case TECHSWITCH__STATIC: case ACCESSSWITCH__STATIC: case ACCESSSWITCH2__STATIC: { int32_t dx = sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047]; int32_t dy = sintable[(s->ang)&2047]; if ((s->cstat & 32768) || A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_NOLIGHT)) { if (actor[i].lightptr != NULL) A_DeleteLight(i); break; } s->x += dx>>7; s->y += dy>>7; G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), 1024-ii*256, ii==0 ? (48+(255<<8)+(48<<16)) : 255+(48<<8)+(48<<16), PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW); s->x -= dx>>7; s->y -= dy>>7; } break; } } switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[i].picnum)) { case ATOMICHEALTH__STATIC: G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), LIGHTRAD2 * 3, 128+(128<<8)+(255<<16),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); break; case FIRE__STATIC: case FIRE2__STATIC: case BURNING__STATIC: case BURNING2__STATIC: { uint32_t color; int32_t jj; static int32_t savedfires[32][4]; // sectnum x y z /* if (Actor[i].floorz - Actor[i].ceilingz < 128) break; if (s->z > Actor[i].floorz+2048) break; */ switch (s->pal) { case 1: color = 128+(128<<8)+(255<<16); break; case 2: color = 255+(48<<8)+(48<<16); break; case 8: color = 48+(255<<8)+(48<<16); break; default: color = 255+(95<<8); break; } for (jj=numsavedfires-1; jj>=0; jj--) if (savedfires[jj][0]==s->sectnum && savedfires[jj][1]==(s->x>>3) && savedfires[jj][2]==(s->y>>3) && savedfires[jj][3]==(s->z>>7)) break; if (jj==-1 && numsavedfires<32) { jj = numsavedfires; G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), LIGHTRAD2, color, PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); savedfires[jj][0] = s->sectnum; savedfires[jj][1] = s->x>>3; savedfires[jj][2] = s->y>>3; savedfires[jj][3] = s->z>>7; numsavedfires++; } } break; case OOZFILTER__STATIC: if (s->xrepeat > 4) G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), 4096, 128+(255<<8)+(128<<16),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); break; case FLOORFLAME__STATIC: case FIREBARREL__STATIC: case FIREVASE__STATIC: G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), LIGHTRAD, 255+(95<<8),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); break; case EXPLOSION2__STATIC: if (!actor[i].lightcount) { int32_t x = ((sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>6); int32_t y = ((sintable[(s->ang)&2047])>>6); s->x -= x; s->y -= y; G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), LIGHTRAD, 255+(95<<8), s->yrepeat > 32 ? PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME : PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW_GAME); s->x += x; s->y += y; } break; case FORCERIPPLE__STATIC: case TRANSPORTERBEAM__STATIC: G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), LIGHTRAD, 80+(80<<8)+(255<<16),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW_GAME); break; case GROWSPARK__STATIC: { int32_t x = ((sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>6); int32_t y = ((sintable[(s->ang)&2047])>>6); s->x -= x; s->y -= y; G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), 2048, 255+(95<<8),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); s->x += x; s->y += y; } break; case SHRINKEREXPLOSION__STATIC: { int32_t x = ((sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>6); int32_t y = ((sintable[(s->ang)&2047])>>6); s->x -= x; s->y -= y; G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), 2048, 128+(255<<8)+(128<<16),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); s->x += x; s->y += y; } break; case FREEZEBLAST__STATIC: G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), LIGHTRAD<<2, 128+(128<<8)+(255<<16),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); break; case COOLEXPLOSION1__STATIC: G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), LIGHTRAD<<2, 128+(0<<8)+(255<<16),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); break; case SHRINKSPARK__STATIC: G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), LIGHTRAD, 128+(255<<8)+(128<<16),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); break; case FIRELASER__STATIC: G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), 64 * s->yrepeat, 255+(95<<8),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW_GAME); break; case RPG__STATIC: G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), 128 * s->yrepeat, 255+(95<<8),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW_GAME); break; case SHOTSPARK1__STATIC: if (actor[i].t_data[2] == 0) // check for first frame of action { int32_t x = ((sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>7); int32_t y = ((sintable[(s->ang)&2047])>>7); s->x -= x; s->y -= y; G_AddGameLight(0, i, ((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1), 16 * s->yrepeat, 255+(95<<8),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW_GAME); actor[i].lightcount = 1; s->x += x; s->y += y; } break; } } } #endif // POLYMER void A_PlayAlertSound(int32_t i) { if (sprite[i].extra > 0) switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(PN)) { case LIZTROOPONTOILET__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSHOOT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJETPACK__STATIC: case LIZTROOPDUCKING__STATIC: case LIZTROOPRUNNING__STATIC: case LIZTROOP__STATIC: A_PlaySound(PRED_RECOG,i); break; case LIZMAN__STATIC: case LIZMANSPITTING__STATIC: case LIZMANFEEDING__STATIC: case LIZMANJUMP__STATIC: A_PlaySound(CAPT_RECOG,i); break; case PIGCOP__STATIC: case PIGCOPDIVE__STATIC: A_PlaySound(PIG_RECOG,i); break; case RECON__STATIC: A_PlaySound(RECO_RECOG,i); break; case DRONE__STATIC: A_PlaySound(DRON_RECOG,i); break; case COMMANDER__STATIC: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT__STATIC: A_PlaySound(COMM_RECOG,i); break; case ORGANTIC__STATIC: A_PlaySound(TURR_RECOG,i); break; case OCTABRAIN__STATIC: case OCTABRAINSTAYPUT__STATIC: A_PlaySound(OCTA_RECOG,i); break; case BOSS1__STATIC: S_PlaySound(BOS1_RECOG); break; case BOSS2__STATIC: if (sprite[i].pal == 1) S_PlaySound(BOS2_RECOG); else S_PlaySound(WHIPYOURASS); break; case BOSS3__STATIC: if (sprite[i].pal == 1) S_PlaySound(BOS3_RECOG); else S_PlaySound(RIPHEADNECK); break; case BOSS4__STATIC: case BOSS4STAYPUT__STATIC: if (sprite[i].pal == 1) S_PlaySound(BOS4_RECOG); S_PlaySound(BOSS4_FIRSTSEE); break; case GREENSLIME__STATIC: A_PlaySound(SLIM_RECOG,i); break; } } int32_t A_CheckEnemyTile(int32_t pn) { //this case can't be handled by the dynamictostatic system because it adds //stuff to the value from names.h so handling separately if (A_CheckSpriteTileFlags(pn, SPRITE_BADGUY) || (pn >= GREENSLIME && pn <= GREENSLIME+7)) return 1; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(pn)) { case SHARK__STATIC: case RECON__STATIC: case DRONE__STATIC: case LIZTROOPONTOILET__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSHOOT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJETPACK__STATIC: case LIZTROOPDUCKING__STATIC: case LIZTROOPRUNNING__STATIC: case LIZTROOP__STATIC: case OCTABRAIN__STATIC: case COMMANDER__STATIC: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT__STATIC: case PIGCOP__STATIC: case EGG__STATIC: case PIGCOPSTAYPUT__STATIC: case PIGCOPDIVE__STATIC: case LIZMAN__STATIC: case LIZMANSPITTING__STATIC: case LIZMANFEEDING__STATIC: case LIZMANJUMP__STATIC: case ORGANTIC__STATIC: case BOSS1__STATIC: case BOSS2__STATIC: case BOSS3__STATIC: case BOSS4__STATIC: case RAT__STATIC: case ROTATEGUN__STATIC: return 1; } return 0; } int32_t A_CheckSwitchTile(int32_t i) { int32_t j; if (PN <= 0) // picnum 0 would oob in the switch below return 0; //MULTISWITCH has 4 states so deal with it separately if ((PN >= MULTISWITCH) && (PN <=MULTISWITCH+3)) return 1; // ACCESSSWITCH and ACCESSSWITCH2 are only active in 1 state so deal with them separately if ((PN == ACCESSSWITCH) || (PN == ACCESSSWITCH2)) return 1; //loop to catch both states of switches for (j=1; j>=0; j--) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(PN-j)) { case HANDPRINTSWITCH__STATIC: case ALIENSWITCH__STATIC: case MULTISWITCH__STATIC: case PULLSWITCH__STATIC: case HANDSWITCH__STATIC: case SLOTDOOR__STATIC: case LIGHTSWITCH__STATIC: case SPACELIGHTSWITCH__STATIC: case SPACEDOORSWITCH__STATIC: case FRANKENSTINESWITCH__STATIC: case LIGHTSWITCH2__STATIC: case POWERSWITCH1__STATIC: case LOCKSWITCH1__STATIC: case POWERSWITCH2__STATIC: case DIPSWITCH__STATIC: case DIPSWITCH2__STATIC: case TECHSWITCH__STATIC: case DIPSWITCH3__STATIC: return 1; } } return 0; } void G_MoveWorld(void) { int32_t k = MAXSTATUS-1; do { int32_t i = headspritestat[k]; while (i >= 0) { int32_t j = nextspritestat[i]; if (!apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_PREGAME] || A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_NOEVENTCODE)) { i = j; continue; } { int32_t p, pl = A_FindPlayer(&sprite[i], &p); VM_OnEvent(EVENT_PREGAME, i, pl, p, 0); } i = j; } } while (k--); G_MoveZombieActors(); //ST 2 G_MoveWeapons(); //ST 4 G_MoveTransports(); //ST 9 G_MovePlayers(); //ST 10 G_MoveFallers(); //ST 12 G_MoveMisc(); //ST 5 G_MoveActors(); //ST 1 // XXX: Has to be before effectors, in particular movers? // TODO: lights in moving sectors ought to be interpolated G_DoEffectorLights(); G_MoveEffectors(); //ST 3 G_MoveStandables(); //ST 6 k = MAXSTATUS-1; do { int32_t i = headspritestat[k]; while (i >= 0) { int32_t j = nextspritestat[i]; #ifdef POLYMER if (getrendermode() == 4) A_DoLight(i); #endif if (!apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GAME] || A_CheckSpriteFlags(i, SPRITE_NOEVENTCODE)) { i = j; continue; } { int32_t p, pl = A_FindPlayer(&sprite[i], &p); VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GAME,i, pl, p, 0); } i = j; } } while (k--); G_DoSectorAnimations(); G_MoveFX(); //ST 11 }