//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 sirlemonhead, Nuke.YKT This file is part of PCExhumed. PCExhumed is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "exhumed.h" #include "engine.h" #include "aistuff.h" #include "player.h" #include "sound.h" #include BEGIN_PS_NS enum { kFuncMax = 39, kMaxRunStack = 200 }; DExhumedActor* pRadialActor; int nStackCount = 0; int word_966BE = 0; int ChannelList = -1; int ChannelLast = -1; int nDamageRadius; int nRadialDamage; int RunChain; int NewRun; int sRunStack[kMaxRunStack]; RunChannel sRunChannels[kMaxChannels]; FreeListArray RunData; size_t MarkRunlist() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < kMaxRuns; i++) // only way to catch everything. :( { GC::Mark(RunData[i].pObjActor); } return kMaxRuns; } FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, RunStruct& w, RunStruct* def) { if (arc.BeginObject(keyname)) { arc("ref", w.nAIType) ("val", w.nObjIndex) ("actor", w.pObjActor) ("next", w.next) ("prev", w.prev) .EndObject(); } return arc; } void SerializeRunList(FSerializer& arc) { if (arc.BeginObject("runlist")) { arc("data", RunData) ("stackcount", nStackCount) ("w966be", word_966BE) ("list", ChannelList) ("last", ChannelLast) ("damageradius", nDamageRadius) ("radialdamage", nRadialDamage) ("runchain", RunChain) ("newrun", NewRun) .Array("runstack", sRunStack, nStackCount) .Array("runchannels", &sRunChannels[0].a, 4 * kMaxChannels) // save this in a more compact form than an array of structs. .EndObject(); } } AIElev aiElev; AISWReady aiSwReady; AISWPause aiSwPause; AISWStepOn aiSwStepOn; AISWNotOnPause aiSwNotOnPause; AISWPressSector aiSwPressSector; AISWPressWall aiSwPressWall; AIWallFace aiWallFace; AISlide aiSlide; AIAnubis aiAnubis; AIPlayer aiPlayer; AIBullet aiBullet; AISpider aiSpider; AICreatureChunk aiCreatureChunk; AIMummy aiMummy; AIGrenade aiGrenade; AIAnim aiAnim; AISnake aiSnake; AIFish aiFish; AILion aiLion; AIBubble aiBubble; AILavaDude aiLava; AILavaDudeLimb aiLavaLimb; AIObject aiObject; AIRex aiRex; AISet aiSet; AIQueen aiQueen; AIQueenHead aiQueenHead; AIRoach aiRoach; AIQueenEgg aiQueenEgg; AIWasp aiWasp; AITrap aiTrap; AIFishLimb aiFishLimb; AIRa aiRa; AIScorp aiScorp; AISoul aiSoul; AIRat aiRat; AIEnergyBlock aiEnergyBlock; AISpark aiSpark; ExhumedAI* ais[kFuncMax] = { &aiElev, &aiSwReady, &aiSwPause, &aiSwStepOn, &aiSwNotOnPause, &aiSwPressSector, &aiSwPressWall, &aiWallFace, &aiSlide, &aiAnubis, &aiPlayer, &aiBullet, &aiSpider, &aiCreatureChunk, &aiMummy, &aiGrenade, &aiAnim, &aiSnake, &aiFish, &aiLion, &aiBubble, &aiLava, &aiLavaLimb, &aiObject, &aiRex, &aiSet, &aiQueen, &aiQueenHead, &aiRoach, &aiQueenEgg, &aiWasp, &aiTrap, &aiFishLimb, &aiRa, &aiScorp, &aiSoul, &aiRat, &aiEnergyBlock, &aiSpark, }; int runlist_GrabRun() { return RunData.Get(); } int runlist_FreeRun(int nRun) { assert(nRun >= 0 && nRun < kMaxRuns); RunData[nRun].prev = -1; RunData[nRun].nAIType = -1; RunData[nRun].nObjIndex = -1; RunData[nRun].pObjActor = nullptr; RunData[nRun].next = RunData[nRun].prev; RunData.Release(nRun); return 1; } int runlist_HeadRun() { int nRun = runlist_GrabRun(); RunData[nRun].next = -1; RunData[nRun].prev = -1; return nRun; } void runlist_InitRun() { int i; RunData.Clear(); nStackCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < kMaxRuns; i++) { RunData[i].nAIType = -1; RunData[i].pObjActor = nullptr; RunData[i].nObjIndex = -1; RunData[i].prev = -1; RunData[i].next = -1; } int nRun = runlist_HeadRun(); RunChain = nRun; NewRun = nRun; for (i = 0; i < kMaxPlayers; i++) { PlayerList[i].nRun = -1; } pRadialActor = nullptr; } void runlist_UnlinkRun(int nRun) { if (!(nRun >= 0 && nRun < kMaxRuns)) return; if (nRun == RunChain) { RunChain = RunData[nRun].next; return; } if (RunData[nRun].prev >= 0) { RunData[RunData[nRun].prev].next = RunData[nRun].next; } if (RunData[nRun].next >= 0) { RunData[RunData[nRun].next].prev = RunData[nRun].prev; } } void runlist_InsertRun(int RunLst, int RunNum) { if (!(RunLst >= 0 && RunLst < kMaxRuns)) return; if (!(RunNum >= 0 && RunNum < kMaxRuns)) return; RunData[RunNum].prev = RunLst; int val = RunData[RunLst].next; RunData[RunNum].next = val; if (val >= 0) { RunData[val].prev = RunNum; } RunData[RunLst].next = RunNum; } int runlist_AddRunRec(int nIndex, int nObject, int nAIType) { int nRun = runlist_GrabRun(); RunData[nRun].nAIType = nAIType; RunData[nRun].nObjIndex = nObject; RunData[nRun].pObjActor = nullptr; runlist_InsertRun(nIndex, nRun); return nRun; } int runlist_AddRunRec(int nIndex, DExhumedActor* pObject, int nAIType) { int nRun = runlist_GrabRun(); RunData[nRun].nAIType = nAIType; RunData[nRun].nObjIndex = -1; RunData[nRun].pObjActor = pObject; runlist_InsertRun(nIndex, nRun); return nRun; } int runlist_AddRunRec(int nIndex, RunStruct* other) { int nRun = runlist_GrabRun(); RunData[nRun].nAIType = other->nAIType; RunData[nRun].nObjIndex = other->nObjIndex; RunData[nRun].pObjActor = other->pObjActor; runlist_InsertRun(nIndex, nRun); return nRun; } void runlist_DoSubRunRec(int RunPtr) { if (!(RunPtr >= 0 && RunPtr < kMaxRuns)) return; runlist_UnlinkRun(RunPtr); runlist_FreeRun(RunPtr); } void runlist_CleanRunRecs() { int nextPtr = RunChain; if (nextPtr >= 0) { assert(nextPtr < kMaxRuns); nextPtr = RunData[nextPtr].next; } while (nextPtr >= 0) { int runPtr = nextPtr; assert(runPtr < kMaxRuns); int val = RunData[runPtr].nAIType; // >> 16; nextPtr = RunData[runPtr].next; if (val < 0) { runlist_DoSubRunRec(runPtr); } } } void runlist_SubRunRec(int RunPtr) { if (!(RunPtr >= 0 && RunPtr < kMaxRuns)) return; RunData[RunPtr].nAIType = -totalmoves; } void runlist_SendMessage(int nRun, int nObject, void(ExhumedAI::* func)(RunListEvent*), RunListEvent* ev) { int nFunc = RunData[nRun].nAIType >> 16; if (nFunc < 0 || nFunc >= (int)countof(ais)) { return; } RunListEvent defev; if (!ev) { defev = {}; ev = &defev; } ev->nObjIndex = RunData[nRun].nObjIndex; ev->pObjActor = RunData[nRun].pObjActor; ev->nParam = nObject; ev->nRun = nRun; (ais[nFunc]->*func)(ev); } void runlist_ExplodeSignalRun() { int nextPtr = RunChain; if (nextPtr >= 0) { assert(nextPtr < kMaxRuns); nextPtr = RunData[nextPtr].next; } // LOOP while (nextPtr >= 0) { int runPtr = nextPtr; assert(runPtr < kMaxRuns); nextPtr = RunData[runPtr].next; if (RunData[runPtr].nObjIndex >= 0 || RunData[runPtr].pObjActor) { RunListEvent ev{}; ev.nMessage = 1; ev.nRadialDamage = nRadialDamage; ev.nDamageRadius = nDamageRadius; ev.pRadialActor = pRadialActor; runlist_SendMessage(runPtr, 0, &ExhumedAI::RadialDamage, &ev); } } } void runlist_PushMoveRun(int eax) { if (nStackCount < kMaxRunStack) { sRunStack[nStackCount] = eax; nStackCount++; } } int runlist_PopMoveRun() { if (nStackCount <= 0) { I_Error("PopMoveRun() called inappropriately\n"); exit(-1); } nStackCount--; return sRunStack[nStackCount]; } void runlist_SignalRun(int NxtPtr, int edx, void(ExhumedAI::* func)(RunListEvent*), RunListEvent* ev) { if (NxtPtr == RunChain && word_966BE != 0) { runlist_PushMoveRun(edx); return; } while (1) { word_966BE = 1; if (NxtPtr >= 0) { assert(NxtPtr < kMaxRuns); NxtPtr = RunData[NxtPtr].next; } while (NxtPtr >= 0) { int RunPtr = NxtPtr; if (RunPtr >= 0) { assert(RunPtr < kMaxRuns); NxtPtr = RunData[RunPtr].next; if (RunData[RunPtr].nObjIndex >= 0 || RunData[RunPtr].pObjActor) { runlist_SendMessage(RunPtr, edx, func, ev); } } } word_966BE = 0; if (nStackCount == 0) { return; } edx = runlist_PopMoveRun(); NxtPtr = RunChain; } } void runlist_InitChan() { ChannelList = -1; ChannelLast = -1; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxChannels; i++) { sRunChannels[i].c = -1; sRunChannels[i].a = runlist_HeadRun(); sRunChannels[i].b = -1; sRunChannels[i].d = 0; } } void runlist_ChangeChannel(int eax, int nVal) { if (sRunChannels[eax].b < 0) { int nChannel = ChannelList; ChannelList = eax; sRunChannels[eax].b = nChannel; } sRunChannels[eax].c = nVal; sRunChannels[eax].d |= 2; } void runlist_ReadyChannel(int eax) { if (sRunChannels[eax].b < 0) { int nChannel = ChannelList; ChannelList = eax; sRunChannels[eax].b = nChannel; } sRunChannels[eax].d |= 1; } void runlist_ProcessChannels() { int v0; int v1; int v5; int b; int d; do { v0 = -1; v1 = -1; while (ChannelList >= 0) { b = sRunChannels[ChannelList].b; d = sRunChannels[ChannelList].d; if (d & 2) { sRunChannels[ChannelList].d = d ^ 2; runlist_SignalRun(sRunChannels[ChannelList].a, ChannelList, &ExhumedAI::ProcessChannel); } if (d & 1) { sRunChannels[ChannelList].d ^= 1; runlist_SignalRun(sRunChannels[ChannelList].a, 0, &ExhumedAI::Process); } if (sRunChannels[ChannelList].d) { if (v1 == -1) { v1 = ChannelList; v0 = ChannelList; } else { v5 = v0; v0 = ChannelList; sRunChannels[v5].b = ChannelList; } } else { sRunChannels[ChannelList].b = -1; } ChannelList = b; } ChannelList = v1; } while (v1 != -1); } int runlist_FindChannel(int ax) { for (int i = 0; i < kMaxChannels; i++) { if (sRunChannels[i].c == -1) { sRunChannels[i].c = ax; return i; } } return -1; } int runlist_AllocChannel(int a) { if (a) { for (int i = 0; i < kMaxChannels; i++) { if (sRunChannels[i].c == a) { return i; } } } return runlist_FindChannel(a); } void runlist_ExecObjects() { runlist_ProcessChannels(); runlist_SignalRun(RunChain, 0, &ExhumedAI::Tick); } void runlist_ProcessSectorTag(sectortype* pSector, int nLotag, int nHitag) { int zListA[8]; int zListB[8]; int nChannel = runlist_AllocChannel(nHitag % 1000); assert(nChannel >= 0 && nChannel < kMaxChannels); int keyMask = (nHitag / 1000) << 12; int nSpeed = nLotag / 1000; if (!nSpeed) { nSpeed = 1; } nSpeed <<= 2; int nEffectTag = (nLotag % 1000); switch (nEffectTag) { case 1: // Ceiling Doom door { /* This function searches z-coordinates of neighboring sectors to find the closest (next) ceiling starting at the given z-coordinate (thez). */ auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwPress = BuildSwPressSector(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector, keyMask); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nSwPress.first, nSwPress.second); auto nSwPause = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 60); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nSwPause.first, nSwPause.second); return; } case 2: // Floor Doom door { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_ceilingz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwPress = BuildSwPressSector(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector, keyMask); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nSwPress.first, nSwPress.second); auto nSwPause = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 60); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nSwPause.first, nSwPause.second); return; } case 3: case 4: case 19: case 20: case 22: case 29: case 30: case 46: case 47: case 60: case 65: case 66: case 67: case 69: case 72: case 73: case 74: case 76: case 77: case 78: case 79: case 81: case 82: case 83: case 84: case 85: { return; } case 5: // Permanent floor raise { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz() + 1, Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 6: // Touchplate floor lower, single { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 400, 400, 2, nextSectorP->int_floorz(), pSector->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(2, 1, 1), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); pSector->setfloorz(nextSectorP->floorz); return; } case 7: // Touchplate floor lower, multiple { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); auto nSwitch2 = BuildSwNotOnPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), pSector, 8); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch2.first, nSwitch2.second); return; } case 8: // Permanent floor lower { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 9: // Switch activated lift down { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 150); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 10: // Touchplate Floor Raise { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); auto nSwitch2 = BuildSwNotOnPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), pSector, 8); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch2.first, nSwitch2.second); return; } case 11: // Permanent floor raise case 14: // Sector raise / lower case 38: // Sector raise / lower { /* fix for original behaviour - nextSector could be -1 the and game would do an invalid memory read when getting the floor z for nextSector. Here, we assume 0 and only set the correct value if nextSector is valid. */ int zVal = 0; auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP != nullptr) { zVal = nextSectorP->int_floorz(); } int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), zVal); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 12: // Switch activated lift up { /* fix for original behaviour - nextSector could be -1 the and game would do an invalid memory read when getting the floor z for nextSector. Here, we assume 0 and only set the correct value if nextSector is valid. */ int zVal = 0; auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP != nullptr) { zVal = nextSectorP->int_floorz(); } int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), zVal); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 150); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 13: // Bobbing floor { /* fix for original behaviour - nextSector could be -1 the and game would do an invalid memory read when getting the floor z for nextSector. Here, we assume 0 and only set the correct value if nextSector is valid. */ int zVal = 0; auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP != nullptr) { zVal = nextSectorP->int_floorz(); } int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), zVal); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwReady(nChannel, BuildLink(2, 1, 0)); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 15: // Sector raise/lower { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 16: // Stuttering noise (floor makes noise) { int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 200, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_ceilingz(), pSector->int_floorz() - 8); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); auto nSwitch2 = BuildSwReady(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0)); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch2.first, nSwitch2.second); return; } case 17: // Reserved? { int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 200, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_ceilingz(), pSector->int_floorz() - 8); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwReady(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0)); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 18: // Raises floor AND lowers ceiling { int ebx = ((pSector->int_floorz() - pSector->int_ceilingz()) / 2) + pSector->int_ceilingz(); int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 200, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), ebx); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); int ebx2 = (((pSector->int_floorz() - pSector->int_ceilingz()) / 2) + pSector->int_ceilingz()) - 8; int nElev2 = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 200, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_ceilingz(), ebx2); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev2, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 21: // Touchplate { auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(2, 1, 1), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 23: // Floor raise, Sychronize { /* fix for original behaviour - nextSector could be -1 the and game would do an invalid memory read when getting the floor z for nextSector. Here, we assume 0 and only set the correct value if nextSector is valid. */ int zVal = 0; auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP) { zVal = nextSectorP->int_floorz(); } int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 32767, 200, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), zVal); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), nSpeed * 60); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 24: // Ceiling door, channel trigger only { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 60); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 25: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 300); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 26: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 450); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 27: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 600); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 28: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 900); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 31: // Touchplate { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 0x7FFF, 0x7FFF, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 32: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 0x7FFF, 0x7FFF, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 33: // Ceiling Crusher { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevC(20, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, nextSectorP->int_ceilingz(), pSector->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 34: // Triggerable Ceiling Crusher(Inactive) { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevC(28, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, nextSectorP->int_ceilingz(), pSector->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 35: // Destructible sector case 36: { nEnergyTowers++; auto nEnergyBlock = BuildEnergyBlock(pSector); if (nLotag == 36) { pFinaleSpr = nEnergyBlock; } return; } case 37: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 39: // Touchplate { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 0x7FFF, 0x7FFF, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); auto nSwitch2 = BuildSwNotOnPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), pSector, 8); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch2.first, nSwitch2.second); return; } case 40: // Moving sector(follows waypoints) { AddMovingSector(pSector, nLotag, nHitag % 1000, 2); return; } case 41: // Moving sector(follows waypoints) { AddMovingSector(pSector, nLotag, nHitag % 1000, 18); return; } case 42: // Moving sector(follows waypoints) { AddMovingSector(pSector, nLotag, nHitag % 1000, 58); return; } case 43: // Moving sector(follows waypoints) { AddMovingSector(pSector, nLotag, nHitag % 1000, 122); return; } case 44: // Moving sector(follows waypoints) { AddMovingSector(pSector, nLotag, nHitag % 1000, 90); return; } case 45: // Pushbox sector { CreatePushBlock(pSector); return; } case 48: // Ceiling lower { /* fix for original behaviour - nextSector could be -1 the and game would do an invalid memory read when getting the floor z for nextSector. Here, we assume 0 and only set the correct value if nextSector is valid. */ int zVal = 0; auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP != nullptr) { zVal = nextSectorP->int_ceilingz(); } int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 200, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_ceilingz(), zVal); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 49: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 200, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_ceilingz(), nextSectorP->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 50: // Floor lower / raise { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 0x7FFF, 200, 2, nextSectorP->int_floorz(), pSector->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 51: { int edx = ((pSector->int_floorz() - pSector->int_ceilingz()) / 2) + pSector->int_ceilingz(); int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 200, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), edx); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); int eax = (((pSector->int_floorz() - pSector->int_ceilingz()) / 2) + pSector->int_ceilingz()) - 8; nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), 200, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_ceilingz(), eax); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwReady(nChannel, BuildLink(2, 1, 0)); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 52: { int eax = ((pSector->int_floorz() - pSector->int_ceilingz()) / 2) + pSector->int_ceilingz(); int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, eax, pSector->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); eax = ((pSector->int_floorz() - pSector->int_ceilingz()) / 2) + pSector->int_ceilingz(); nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, eax, pSector->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressSector(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector, keyMask); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 60); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 53: { int eax = ((pSector->int_floorz() - pSector->int_ceilingz()) / 2) + pSector->int_ceilingz(); int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, eax, pSector->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); eax = ((pSector->int_floorz() - pSector->int_ceilingz()) / 2) + pSector->int_ceilingz(); nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, eax, pSector->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 150); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 54: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressSector(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector, keyMask); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 55: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressSector(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector, keyMask); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 56: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 57: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_ceilingz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 58: { auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressSector(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector, keyMask); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); // Fall through to case 62 [[fallthrough]]; } case 63: // Ceiling door, kill trigger (Enemy death triggers door) { if (nLotag == 63) { nEnergyChan = nChannel; } auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 59: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); auto nSwitch2 = BuildSwNotOnPause(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector, 60); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch2.first, nSwitch2.second); return; } case 61: { zListB[0] = pSector->int_floorz(); int var_1C = 1; while (1) { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr || var_1C >= 8) { break; } zListB[var_1C] = nextSectorP->int_floorz(); var_1C++; } int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, var_1C, zListB[0], zListB[1], zListB[2], zListB[3], zListB[4], zListB[5], zListB[6], zListB[7]); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 62: { zListA[0] = pSector->int_floorz(); int var_20 = 1; while (1) { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr || var_20 >= 8) { break; } zListA[var_20] = nextSectorP->int_floorz(); var_20++; } int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, var_20, zListA[0], zListA[1], zListA[2], zListA[3], zListA[4], zListA[5], zListA[6], zListA[7]); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 64: { auto nSwitch = BuildSwStepOn(nChannel, BuildLink(2, 0, 0), pSector); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 68: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_floorz(), Find_FloorDown | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevF(nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, pSector->int_floorz(), nextSectorP->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 70: case 71: { auto nextSectorP = nextsectorneighborzptr(pSector, pSector->int_ceilingz(), Find_CeilingUp | Find_Safe); if (nextSectorP == nullptr) break; int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, (int)pSector->int_floorz(), (int)nextSectorP->int_ceilingz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressSector(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pSector, keyMask); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); auto nSwitch2 = BuildSwPause(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), 60); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch2.first, nSwitch2.second); return; } case 75: { int nElev = BuildElevC(0, nChannel, pSector, FindWallSprites(pSector), nSpeed * 100, nSpeed * 100, 2, (int)pSector->int_ceilingz(), (int)pSector->int_floorz()); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nElev, 0); return; } case 80: { pSector->Flag |= 0x8000; return; } } } void runlist_ProcessWallTag(walltype* pWall, int nLotag, int nHitag) { auto& wal = *pWall; int nChannel = runlist_AllocChannel(nHitag % 1000); assert(nChannel >= 0 && nChannel < kMaxChannels); int nPanSpeed = nLotag / 1000; if (!nPanSpeed) { nPanSpeed = 1; } nPanSpeed <<= 2; int nEffectTag = nLotag % 1000; switch (nEffectTag) { default: return; case 1: { int nWallFace = BuildWallFace(nChannel, pWall, 2, pWall->picnum, pWall->picnum + 1); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nWallFace, 0x70000); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressWall(nChannel, BuildLink(2, nEffectTag, 0), pWall); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 6: { auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressWall(nChannel, BuildLink(2, 1, 0), pWall); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 7: // Regular switch { int nWallFace = BuildWallFace(nChannel, pWall, 2, pWall->picnum, pWall->picnum + 1); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nWallFace, 0x70000); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressWall(nChannel, BuildLink(1, 1), pWall); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 8: // Reverse switch { int nWallFace = BuildWallFace(nChannel, pWall, 2, pWall->picnum, pWall->picnum + 1); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nWallFace, 0x70000); auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressWall(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), pWall); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 9: // Invisible switch { auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressWall(nChannel, BuildLink(2, 1, 1), pWall); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 10: { auto nSwitch = BuildSwPressWall(nChannel, BuildLink(2, -1, 0), pWall); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a,nSwitch.first, nSwitch.second); return; } case 12: // Twin star trek door case 14: case 16: case 19: case 20: { walltype* pLastWall = nullptr; walltype* p2ndLastWall = nullptr; auto pStart = pWall; while (1) { pWall = pWall->point2Wall(); // get the next (right side) wall point if (pStart == pWall) { // we've looped back around break; } p2ndLastWall = pLastWall; pLastWall = pWall; } auto pWall2 = pStart->point2Wall(); auto pWall3 = pWall2->point2Wall(); auto pWall4 = pWall3->point2Wall(); int nSlide = BuildSlide(nChannel, pStart, pLastWall, p2ndLastWall, pWall2, pWall3, pWall4); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nSlide, 0x80000); return; } case 24: // Waterfall { AddFlow(pWall, nPanSpeed, 3); return; } case 25: // Inverse waterfall { AddFlow(pWall, nPanSpeed, 2); return; } } } int runlist_CheckRadialDamage(DExhumedActor* pActor) { if (pActor == pRadialActor) { return 0; } if (!(pActor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL)) { return 0; } if (pActor->spr.statnum >= kMaxStatus || pRadialActor->spr.statnum >= kMaxStatus) { return 0; } if (pActor->spr.statnum != 100 && pActor == pRadialActor->pTarget) { return 0; } int x = (pActor->int_pos().X - pRadialActor->int_pos().X) >> 8; int y = (pActor->int_pos().Y - pRadialActor->int_pos().Y) >> 8; int z = (pActor->int_pos().Z - pRadialActor->int_pos().Z) >> 12; if (abs(x) > nDamageRadius) { return 0; } if (abs(y) > nDamageRadius) { return 0; } if (abs(z) > nDamageRadius) { return 0; } int edi = 0; uint32_t xDiff = abs(x); uint32_t yDiff = abs(y); uint32_t sqrtNum = xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff; if (sqrtNum > INT_MAX) { DPrintf(DMSG_WARNING, "%s %d: overflow\n", __func__, __LINE__); sqrtNum = INT_MAX; } int nDist = ksqrt(sqrtNum); if (nDist < nDamageRadius) { auto nCStat = pActor->spr.cstat; pActor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; if (((kStatExplodeTarget - pActor->spr.statnum) <= 1) || cansee(pRadialActor->spr.pos.plusZ(-2), pRadialActor->sector(), pActor->spr.pos.plusZ(-32), pActor->sector())) { edi = (nRadialDamage * (nDamageRadius - nDist)) / nDamageRadius; if (edi < 0) { edi = 0; } else if (edi > 20) { int nAngle = getangle(x, y); pActor->add_int_xvel( (edi * bcos(nAngle)) >> 3); pActor->spr.yvel += (edi * bsin(nAngle)) >> 3; pActor->add_int_zvel(- edi * 24); if (pActor->float_zvel() < -14) { pActor->set_int_zvel(-3584); } } } pActor->spr.cstat = nCStat; } if (edi > 0x7FFF) { edi = 0x7FFF; } return edi; } void runlist_RadialDamageEnemy(DExhumedActor* pActor, int nDamage, int nRadius) { if (!nRadius) { return; } if (pRadialActor == nullptr) { nRadialDamage = nDamage * 4; nDamageRadius = nRadius; pRadialActor = pActor; runlist_ExplodeSignalRun(); pRadialActor = nullptr; } } void runlist_DamageEnemy(DExhumedActor* pActor, DExhumedActor* pActor2, int nDamage) { if (pActor->spr.statnum >= kMaxStatus) { return; } int nRun = pActor->spr.intowner; if (nRun <= -1) { return; } int nPreCreaturesKilled = nCreaturesKilled; RunListEvent ev{}; ev.pOtherActor = pActor2; ev.nDamage = nDamage * 4; runlist_SendMessage(nRun, -1, &ExhumedAI::Damage, &ev); // is there now one less creature? (has one died) if (nPreCreaturesKilled < nCreaturesKilled && pActor2 != nullptr) { if (pActor2->spr.statnum != 100) { return; } int nPlayer = GetPlayerFromActor(pActor2); PlayerList[nPlayer].nTauntTimer--; if (PlayerList[nPlayer].nTauntTimer <= 0) { // Do a taunt auto pPlayerActor = PlayerList[nPlayer].pActor; auto pSector = pPlayerActor->sector(); if (!(pSector->Flag & kSectUnderwater)) { int ebx = 0x4000; if (nPlayer == nLocalPlayer) { ebx = 0x6000; } D3PlayFX(StaticSound[kSoundTauntStart + (RandomSize(3) % 5)], PlayerList[nPlayer].pDoppleSprite, ebx); } PlayerList[nPlayer].nTauntTimer = RandomSize(3) + 3; } } } END_PS_NS