Copyright (C) 2022 Christoph Oelckers

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// updatesector utilities. Reimplementations of EDuke32's checks with
// proper C++ classes. (Original Build updatesector is insufficient and broken)

// checker functions for updatesector's template parameter.
inline int inside0(double x, double y, double z, const sectortype* sect)
    return inside(x, y, sect);

inline int insideZ(double x, double y, double z, const sectortype* sect)
    double cz, fz;
    calcSlope(sect, x, y, &cz, &fz);
    return (z >= cz && z <= fz && inside(x, y, sect) != 0);

template<class Inside>
void DoUpdateSector(double x, double y, double z, int* sectnum, double maxDistance, Inside checker)
    double maxDistSq = maxDistance * maxDistance;

    if (validSectorIndex(*sectnum))
        if (checker(x, y, z, &sector[*sectnum]))

        BFSSearch search(sector.Size(), *sectnum);

        int iter = 0;
        for (unsigned secnum; (secnum = search.GetNext()) != BFSSearch::EOL;)
            auto lsect = &sector[secnum];
            if (checker(x, y, z, lsect))
                *sectnum = secnum;

            for (auto& wal : lsect->walls)
                if (wal.twoSided() && !search.Check(wal.nextsector) && (iter == 0 || SquareDistToWall(x, y, &wal) <= maxDistSq))

    for (int i = (int)sector.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (checker(x, y, z, &sector[i]))
            *sectnum = i;
    *sectnum = -1;

constexpr int MAXUPDATESECTORDIST = 96;

inline void updatesector(const DVector3& pos, sectortype** const sectp, double maxDistance = MAXUPDATESECTORDIST)
    int sectno = *sectp ? sector.IndexOf(*sectp) : -1;
	DoUpdateSector(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, &sectno, maxDistance, inside0);
    *sectp = sectno == -1 ? nullptr : &sector[sectno];

inline void updatesector(const DVector2& pos, sectortype** const sectp, double maxDistance = MAXUPDATESECTORDIST)
	int sectno = *sectp ? sector.IndexOf(*sectp) : -1;
	DoUpdateSector(pos.X, pos.Y, 0, &sectno, maxDistance, inside0);
    *sectp = sectno == -1 ? nullptr : &sector[sectno];

inline void updatesectorz(const DVector3& pos, sectortype** const sectp, double maxDistance = MAXUPDATESECTORDIST)
	int sectno = *sectp ? sector.IndexOf(*sectp) : -1;
	DoUpdateSector(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, &sectno, maxDistance, insideZ);
    *sectp = sectno == -1 ? nullptr : &sector[sectno];