#pragma once #include #include "vectors.h" enum { HUDFLAG_HIDE = 1, HUDFLAG_NOBOB = 2, HUDFLAG_FLIPPED = 4, HUDFLAG_NODEPTH = 8, }; struct ModelAnimation { int startframe, endframe; int fpssc, flags; }; struct ModelSkinDef { uint8_t palette, flags; int32_t skinnum, surfnum; // Skin identifier, surface number FTextureID texture; float param, specpower, specfactor; }; struct ModelDescriptor { unsigned modelID; // stuff that can get set from .DEF so we need to keep it. int shadeoff; int flags; float scale, bscale, zadd, yoffset; bool deleted; FGameTexture* texture; TArray anims; TArray skins; }; struct ModelTileFrame { // maps build tiles to particular animation frames of a model int modelid; int framenum; float smoothduration; int skinnum; }; struct ModelManager { TArray modelDescs; TMap frameMap; unsigned FrameMapKey(unsigned tilenum, unsigned palette) { return tilenum + (palette < 16); // good enough for now - should later be redirected to the underlying texture ID. } // Interface for the .def parser int LoadModel(const char* fn); int SetMisc(int modelid, float scale, int shadeoff, float zadd, float yoffset, int flags); int DefineFrame(int modelid, const char* framename, int tilenum, int skinnum, float smoothduration, int pal); int DefineAnimation(int modelid, const char* framestart, const char* frameend, int fpssc, int flags); int DefineSkin(int modelid, const char* skinfn, int palnum, int skinnum, int surfnum, float param, float specpower, float specfactor, int flags); int DefineHud(int modelid, int tilex, FVector3 add, int angadd, int flags, int fov); int UndefineTile(int tile); int UndefineModel(int modelid); bool CheckModel(int tilenum, int pal) { return frameMap.CheckKey(FrameMapKey(tilenum, pal)) != nullptr; } ModelTileFrame* GetModel(int tilenum, int pal) { return frameMap.CheckKey(FrameMapKey(tilenum, pal)); } }; int tilehasmodelorvoxel(int const tilenume, int pal); inline ModelManager modelManager;