#pragma once #include <stdint.h> #include "model.h" #include "vectors.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "common/rendering/i_modelvertexbuffer.h" #include "m_swap.h" class DBoneComponents; struct IQMMesh { FString Name; FString Material; uint32_t FirstVertex; uint32_t NumVertices; uint32_t FirstTriangle; uint32_t NumTriangles; FTextureID Skin; }; enum IQMVertexArrayType { IQM_POSITION = 0, // float, 3 IQM_TEXCOORD = 1, // float, 2 IQM_NORMAL = 2, // float, 3 IQM_TANGENT = 3, // float, 4 IQM_BLENDINDEXES = 4, // ubyte, 4 IQM_BLENDWEIGHTS = 5, // ubyte, 4 IQM_COLOR = 6, // ubyte, 4 IQM_CUSTOM = 0x10 }; enum IQMVertexArrayFormat { IQM_BYTE = 0, IQM_UBYTE = 1, IQM_SHORT = 2, IQM_USHORT = 3, IQM_INT = 4, IQM_UINT = 5, IQM_HALF = 6, IQM_FLOAT = 7, IQM_DOUBLE = 8, }; struct IQMVertexArray { IQMVertexArrayType Type; uint32_t Flags; IQMVertexArrayFormat Format; uint32_t Size; uint32_t Offset; }; struct IQMTriangle { uint32_t Vertex[3]; }; struct IQMAdjacency { uint32_t Triangle[3]; }; struct IQMJoint { FString Name; int32_t Parent; // parent < 0 means this is a root bone FVector3 Translate; FVector4 Quaternion; FVector3 Scale; }; struct IQMPose { int32_t Parent; // parent < 0 means this is a root bone uint32_t ChannelMask; // mask of which 10 channels are present for this joint pose float ChannelOffset[10]; float ChannelScale[10]; // channels 0..2 are translation <Tx, Ty, Tz> and channels 3..6 are quaternion rotation <Qx, Qy, Qz, Qw> // rotation is in relative/parent local space // channels 7..9 are scale <Sx, Sy, Sz> // output = (input*scale)*rotation + translation }; struct IQMAnim { FString Name; uint32_t FirstFrame; uint32_t NumFrames; float Framerate; bool Loop; }; struct IQMBounds { float BBMins[3]; float BBMaxs[3]; float XYRadius; float Radius; }; class IQMFileReader; class IQMModel : public FModel { public: IQMModel(); ~IQMModel(); bool Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length) override; int FindFrame(const char* name, bool nodefault) override; void RenderFrame(FModelRenderer* renderer, FGameTexture* skin, int frame, int frame2, double inter, int translation, const FTextureID* surfaceskinids, const TArray<VSMatrix>& boneData, int boneStartPosition) override; void BuildVertexBuffer(FModelRenderer* renderer) override; void AddSkins(uint8_t* hitlist, const FTextureID* surfaceskinids) override; const TArray<TRS>* AttachAnimationData() override; const TArray<VSMatrix> CalculateBones(int frame1, int frame2, double inter, const TArray<TRS>& animationData, DBoneComponents* bones, int index) override; private: void LoadGeometry(); void UnloadGeometry(); void LoadPosition(IQMFileReader& reader, const IQMVertexArray& vertexArray); void LoadTexcoord(IQMFileReader& reader, const IQMVertexArray& vertexArray); void LoadNormal(IQMFileReader& reader, const IQMVertexArray& vertexArray); void LoadBlendIndexes(IQMFileReader& reader, const IQMVertexArray& vertexArray); void LoadBlendWeights(IQMFileReader& reader, const IQMVertexArray& vertexArray); int mLumpNum = -1; TArray<IQMMesh> Meshes; TArray<IQMTriangle> Triangles; TArray<IQMAdjacency> Adjacency; TArray<IQMJoint> Joints; TArray<IQMPose> Poses; TArray<IQMAnim> Anims; TArray<IQMBounds> Bounds; TArray<IQMVertexArray> VertexArrays; uint32_t NumVertices = 0; TArray<FModelVertex> Vertices; TArray<VSMatrix> baseframe; TArray<VSMatrix> inversebaseframe; TArray<TRS> TRSData; }; struct IQMReadErrorException { }; class IQMFileReader { public: IQMFileReader(const void* buffer, int length) : buffer((const char*)buffer), length(length) { } uint8_t ReadUByte() { uint8_t value; Read(&value, sizeof(uint8_t)); return value; } int32_t ReadInt32() { int32_t value; Read(&value, sizeof(int32_t)); value = LittleLong(value); return value; } int16_t ReadInt16() { int16_t value; Read(&value, sizeof(int16_t)); value = LittleShort(value); return value; } uint32_t ReadUInt32() { return ReadInt32(); } uint16_t ReadUInt16() { return ReadInt16(); } float ReadFloat() { float value; Read(&value, sizeof(float)); return value; } FString ReadName(const TArray<char>& textBuffer) { uint32_t nameOffset = ReadUInt32(); if (nameOffset >= textBuffer.Size()) throw IQMReadErrorException(); return textBuffer.Data() + nameOffset; } void Read(void* data, int size) { if (pos + size > length || size < 0 || size > 0x0fffffff) throw IQMReadErrorException(); memcpy(data, buffer + pos, size); pos += size; } void SeekTo(int newPos) { if (newPos < 0 || newPos > length) throw IQMReadErrorException(); pos = newPos; } private: const char* buffer = nullptr; int length = 0; int pos = 0; };