//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2019 Christoph Oelckers Copyright (C) 2020 Mitchell Richters This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "menu.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "gameinput.h" #include "coreplayer.h" #include "g_input.h" #include "d_net.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CVARs to control input. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERN_CVAR(Int, vr_mode) CVAR(Bool, cl_noturnscaling, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR(Float, m_pitch, 1.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG | CVAR_ARCHIVE) CVAR(Float, m_yaw, 1.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG | CVAR_ARCHIVE) CVAR(Float, m_forward, 1.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG | CVAR_ARCHIVE) CVAR(Float, m_side, 1.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG | CVAR_ARCHIVE) CVAR(Float, cl_viewtiltscale, 1.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, cl_viewtilting, 0, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG | CVAR_ARCHIVE) { if (self < 0) self = 0; else if (self > 3) self = 3; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initialised variables. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- GameInput gameInput{}; bool crouch_toggle = false; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Input scale helper functions. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline DAngle getscaledangle(const DAngle angle, const double scale, const double push) { return (angle.Normalized180() * getTicrateScale(scale)) + DAngle::fromDeg(push); } bool scaletozero(DAngle& angle, const double scale, const double push) { const auto sgn = angle.Sgn(); if (!sgn || sgn != (angle -= getscaledangle(angle, scale, push * sgn)).Sgn()) { angle = nullAngle; return true; } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Clears crouch toggle state for new games. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GameInput::resetCrouchToggle() { crouch_toggle = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Player's movement function, called from game's ticker or from gi->doPlayerMovement() as required. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GameInput::processMovement(PlayerAngles* const plrAngles, const float scaleAdjust, const int drink_amt, const bool allowstrafe, const float turnscale) { // set up variables. InputPacket thisInput{}; const auto keymove = 1 << int(!!(inputBuffer.actions & SB_RUN)); const auto hidspeed = float(getTicrateScale(YAW_TURNSPEEDS[2]) * turnscale); // get all input amounts. const auto turning = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right) - buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left); const auto moving = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward) - buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward) + joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Forward] * scaleAdjust; const auto strafing = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) - buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) - joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Side] * scaleAdjust; const auto soaring = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Up) - buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Down) + joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Up] * scaleAdjust; // process player yaw input. if (!(buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe) && allowstrafe)) { const float turndir = clamp(turning + strafing * !allowstrafe, -1.f, 1.f); const float tttscale = 1.f / (!(cl_noturnscaling || isTurboTurnTime()) * 2.8f + 1.f); const float turnspeed = float(getTicrateScale(YAW_TURNSPEEDS[keymove]) * tttscale); thisInput.avel += mouseInput.X * MOUSE_SCALE * m_yaw; thisInput.avel -= joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw] * hidspeed * scaleAdjust; thisInput.avel += turndir * turnscale * turnspeed * scaleAdjust; if (turndir) updateTurnHeldAmt(scaleAdjust); else turnheldtime = 0; } else { thisInput.svel += mouseInput.X * MOUSE_SCALE * m_side; thisInput.svel -= joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw] * keymove * scaleAdjust; thisInput.svel += turning * turnscale * keymove * scaleAdjust; } // process player pitch input. if (!(inputBuffer.actions & SB_AIMMODE)) { thisInput.horz -= mouseInput.Y * MOUSE_SCALE * m_pitch; thisInput.horz -= joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Pitch] * hidspeed * scaleAdjust; } else { thisInput.fvel += mouseInput.Y * MOUSE_SCALE * m_forward; thisInput.fvel += joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Pitch] * keymove * scaleAdjust; } // process movement input. thisInput.fvel += moving * keymove; thisInput.svel += strafing * keymove * allowstrafe; thisInput.uvel += soaring; // this isn't scaled by running. // process RR's drunk state. if (isRR() && drink_amt >= 66 && drink_amt <= 87) { thisInput.svel += drink_amt & 1 ? -thisInput.fvel : thisInput.fvel; } // add collected input to game's local input accumulation packet. inputBuffer.fvel = clamp(inputBuffer.fvel + thisInput.fvel, -(float)keymove, (float)keymove); inputBuffer.svel = clamp(inputBuffer.svel + thisInput.svel, -(float)keymove, (float)keymove); inputBuffer.uvel = clamp(inputBuffer.uvel + thisInput.uvel, -1.00f, 1.00f); inputBuffer.avel = clamp(inputBuffer.avel + thisInput.avel, -179.f, 179.f); inputBuffer.horz = clamp(inputBuffer.horz + thisInput.horz, -179.f, 179.f); // directly update player angles if we can. if (scaleAdjust < 1) { plrAngles->CameraAngles.Yaw += DAngle::fromDeg(thisInput.avel); plrAngles->CameraAngles.Roll += DAngle::fromDeg(thisInput.roll); plrAngles->CameraAngles.Pitch += DAngle::fromDeg(thisInput.horz); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Player's vehicle movement function. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GameInput::processVehicle(PlayerAngles* const plrAngles, const float scaleAdjust, const float baseVel, const float velScale, const unsigned flags) { // open up input packet for this session. InputPacket thisInput{}; // mask out all actions not compatible with vehicles. inputBuffer.actions &= ~(SB_WEAPONMASK_BITS | SB_TURNAROUND | SB_CENTERVIEW | SB_HOLSTER | SB_JUMP | SB_CROUCH | SB_RUN | SB_AIM_UP | SB_AIM_DOWN | SB_AIMMODE | SB_LOOK_UP | SB_LOOK_DOWN | SB_LOOK_LEFT | SB_LOOK_RIGHT); if (flags & VEH_CANMOVE) { const auto kbdForwards = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward) || buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe); const auto kbdBackward = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward); thisInput.fvel = kbdForwards - kbdBackward + joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Forward]; inputBuffer.fvel = clamp(inputBuffer.fvel + thisInput.fvel, -1.f, 1.f); // This sync bit is the brake key. if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Run)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_CROUCH; } if (flags & VEH_CANTURN) { // Keyboard turning. const auto kbdLeft = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left) || buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left); const auto kbdRight = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right) || buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right); const auto kbdDir = kbdRight - kbdLeft; // Input device turning. const auto hidLeft = mouseInput.X < 0 || joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw] > 0; const auto hidRight = mouseInput.X > 0 || joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw] < 0; const auto hidDir = hidRight - hidLeft; // Velocity setup. const auto scaleVel = !(flags & VEH_SCALETURN) && (cl_noturnscaling || hidDir || isTurboTurnTime()); const auto turnVel = scaleVel ? baseVel : baseVel * velScale; const auto mouseVel = abs(turnVel * mouseInput.X * m_yaw) * (45.f / 2048.f) / scaleAdjust; const auto maxVel = abs(turnVel * 1.5f); // Apply inputs. thisInput.avel += ((mouseVel > 1) ? sqrtf(mouseVel) : mouseVel) * Sgn(turnVel) * Sgn(mouseInput.X) * Sgn(m_yaw); thisInput.avel -= turnVel * joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw]; thisInput.avel += turnVel * kbdDir; thisInput.avel *= scaleAdjust; inputBuffer.avel = clamp(inputBuffer.avel + thisInput.avel, -maxVel, maxVel); if (kbdDir) updateTurnHeldAmt(scaleAdjust); else turnheldtime = 0; } else { turnheldtime = 0; } // directly update player angles if we can. if (scaleAdjust < 1) { plrAngles->CameraAngles.Yaw += DAngle::fromDeg(thisInput.avel); plrAngles->CameraAngles.Roll += DAngle::fromDeg(thisInput.roll); plrAngles->CameraAngles.Pitch += DAngle::fromDeg(thisInput.horz); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Processes all the input bits. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GameInput::processInputBits() { if (WeaponToSend != 0) inputBuffer.setNewWeapon(WeaponToSend); WeaponToSend = 0; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Dpad_Select)) { // These buttons should not autorepeat. The game handlers are not really equipped for that. if (joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Forward] > 0 && !(dpad_lock & 1)) { dpad_lock |= 1; inputBuffer.setNewWeapon(WeaponSel_Prev); } else dpad_lock &= ~1; if (joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Forward] < 0 && !(dpad_lock & 2)) { dpad_lock |= 2; inputBuffer.setNewWeapon(WeaponSel_Next); } else dpad_lock &= ~2; if ((joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Side] < 0 || joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw] > 0) && !(dpad_lock & 4)) { dpad_lock |= 4; inputBuffer.actions |= SB_INVPREV; } else dpad_lock &= ~4; if ((joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Side] > 0 || joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw] < 0) && !(dpad_lock & 8)) { dpad_lock |= 8; inputBuffer.actions |= SB_INVNEXT; } else dpad_lock &= ~8; // This eats the controller input for regular use joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Side] = 0; joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Forward] = 0; joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw] = 0; } else dpad_lock = 0; const auto crouchState = gi->getCrouchState(); inputBuffer.actions |= ActionsToSend | (PlayerArray[myconnectindex]->cmd.ucmd.actions & SB_CENTERVIEW); ActionsToSend = 0; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Aim_Up) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming) && joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Forward] > 0)) { inputBuffer.actions |= SB_AIM_UP; inputBuffer.actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW; } if ((buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Aim_Down) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming) && joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Forward] < 0))) { inputBuffer.actions |= SB_AIM_DOWN; inputBuffer.actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW; } if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Toggle_Crouch)) { const bool canCrouch = crouchState & CS_CANCROUCH; crouch_toggle = !crouch_toggle && canCrouch; if (canCrouch) buttonMap.ClearButton(gamefunc_Toggle_Crouch); } if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Crouch) || buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Jump) || (crouchState & CS_DISABLETOGGLE)) crouch_toggle = false; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Crouch) || buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Toggle_Crouch) || crouch_toggle) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_CROUCH; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming)) joyAxes[JOYAXIS_Forward] = 0; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Jump)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_JUMP; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Fire)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_FIRE; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Alt_Fire)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_ALTFIRE; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Open)) { if (isBlood() || isExhumed()) buttonMap.ClearButton(gamefunc_Open); inputBuffer.actions |= SB_OPEN; } if (G_CheckAutorun(buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Run))) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_RUN; if (!in_mousemode && !buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_AIMMODE; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Up)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_LOOK_UP; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Down)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_LOOK_DOWN; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Left)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_LOOK_LEFT; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Right)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_LOOK_RIGHT; if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Quick_Kick)) inputBuffer.actions |= SB_QUICK_KICK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Processes input and returns a packet if provided. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GameInput::getInput(const double scaleAdjust, InputPacket* packet) { I_GetEvent(); if (M_Active() || gamestate != GS_LEVEL) { inputBuffer = {}; return; } I_GetAxes(joyAxes); processInputBits(); gi->doPlayerMovement(!SyncInput() ? (float)scaleAdjust : 1.f); mouseInput.Zero(); if (packet) { *packet = inputBuffer; inputBuffer = {}; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Adjust player's pitch by way of keyboard input. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlayerAngles::doPitchInput(InputPacket* const input) { // Add player's mouse/device input. if (input->horz) { pActor->spr.Angles.Pitch += DAngle::fromDeg(input->horz * SyncInput()); input->actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW; } // Set up a myriad of bools. const auto aimingUp = (input->actions & SB_LOOK_UP) == SB_AIM_UP; const auto aimingDown = (input->actions & SB_LOOK_DOWN) == SB_AIM_DOWN; const auto lookingUp = (input->actions & SB_LOOK_UP) == SB_LOOK_UP; const auto lookingDown = (input->actions & SB_LOOK_DOWN) == SB_LOOK_DOWN; // Process keyboard input. if (const auto aiming = aimingDown - aimingUp) { pActor->spr.Angles.Pitch += DAngle::fromDeg(getTicrateScale(PITCH_AIMSPEED) * aiming); input->actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW; } if (const auto looking = lookingDown - lookingUp) { pActor->spr.Angles.Pitch += DAngle::fromDeg(getTicrateScale(PITCH_LOOKSPEED) * looking); input->actions |= SB_CENTERVIEW; } // Do return to centre. if ((input->actions & SB_CENTERVIEW) && !(lookingUp || lookingDown)) { const auto pitch = abs(pActor->spr.Angles.Pitch); const auto scale = pitch > PITCH_CNTRSINEOFFSET ? (pitch - PITCH_CNTRSINEOFFSET).Cos() : 1.; if (scaletozero(pActor->spr.Angles.Pitch, PITCH_CENTERSPEED * scale)) input->actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW; } // clamp before we finish, factoring in the player's view pitch offset. const auto maximum = GetMaxPitch() - ViewAngles.Pitch * (ViewAngles.Pitch < nullAngle); const auto minimum = GetMinPitch() - ViewAngles.Pitch * (ViewAngles.Pitch > nullAngle); pActor->spr.Angles.Pitch = clamp(pActor->spr.Angles.Pitch, maximum, minimum); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Adjust player's yaw by way of keyboard input. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlayerAngles::doYawInput(InputPacket* const input) { // Add player's mouse/device input. pActor->spr.Angles.Yaw += DAngle::fromDeg(input->avel * SyncInput()); if (input->actions & SB_TURNAROUND) { if (YawSpin == nullAngle) { // currently not spinning, so start a spin YawSpin = -DAngle180; } input->actions &= ~SB_TURNAROUND; } if (YawSpin < nullAngle) { // return spin to 0 DAngle add = DAngle::fromDeg(getTicrateScale(!(input->actions & SB_CROUCH) ? YAW_SPINSTAND : YAW_SPINCROUCH)); YawSpin += add; if (YawSpin > nullAngle) { // Don't overshoot our target. With variable factor this is possible. add -= YawSpin; YawSpin = nullAngle; } pActor->spr.Angles.Yaw += add; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Player's slope tilt when playing without a mouse and on a slope. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlayerAngles::doViewPitch(const bool canslopetilt, const bool climbing) { if (cl_slopetilting && canslopetilt) { const auto actorsect = pActor->sector(); if (actorsect && (actorsect->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE)) // If the floor is sloped { // Get a point, 512 (64 for Blood) units ahead of player's position const auto rotpt = pActor->spr.pos.XY() + pActor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * (!isBlood() ? 32 : 4); auto tempsect = actorsect; updatesector(rotpt, &tempsect); if (tempsect != nullptr) // If the new point is inside a valid sector... { // Get the floorz as if the new (x,y) point was still in // your sector, unless it's Blood. const double j = getflorzofslopeptr(actorsect, pActor->spr.pos.XY()); const double k = getflorzofslopeptr(!isBlood() ? actorsect : tempsect, rotpt); // If extended point is in same sector as you or the slopes // of the sector of the extended point and your sector match // closely (to avoid accidently looking straight out when // you're at the edge of a sector line) then adjust horizon // accordingly if (actorsect == tempsect || (!isBlood() && abs(getflorzofslopeptr(tempsect, rotpt) - k) <= 4)) { ViewAngles.Pitch -= maphoriz((j - k) * (!isBlood() ? 0.625 : 5.5)); } } } } if (cl_slopetilting && climbing) { // tilt when climbing but you can't even really tell it. if (ViewAngles.Pitch > PITCH_HORIZOFFCLIMB) ViewAngles.Pitch += getscaledangle(deltaangle(ViewAngles.Pitch, PITCH_HORIZOFFCLIMB), PITCH_HORIZOFFSPEED, PITCH_HORIZOFFPUSH); } else { // Make horizoff grow towards 0 since horizoff is not modified when you're not on a slope. scaletozero(ViewAngles.Pitch, PITCH_HORIZOFFSPEED, PITCH_HORIZOFFPUSH); } // Clamp off against the maximum allowed pitch. ViewAngles.Pitch = ClampViewPitch(ViewAngles.Pitch); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Player's look left/right key angle handler. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlayerAngles::doViewYaw(InputPacket* const input) { // Process angle return to zeros. scaletozero(ViewAngles.Yaw, YAW_LOOKRETURN); scaletozero(ViewAngles.Roll, YAW_LOOKRETURN); // Process keyboard input. if (const auto looking = !!(input->actions & SB_LOOK_RIGHT) - !!(input->actions & SB_LOOK_LEFT)) { ViewAngles.Yaw += DAngle::fromDeg(getTicrateScale(YAW_LOOKINGSPEED) * looking); ViewAngles.Roll += DAngle::fromDeg(getTicrateScale(YAW_ROTATESPEED) * looking); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // View tilting effects, mostly for Exhumed to enhance its gameplay feel. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlayerAngles::doRollInput(InputPacket* const input, const DVector2& nVelVect, const double nMaxVel, const bool bUnderwater) { // Allow viewtilting if we're not in a VR mode. if (!vr_mode) { // Scale/attenuate tilting based on player actions. const auto rollAmp = cl_viewtiltscale / (bUnderwater + 1); const auto runScale = 1. / (!(input->actions & SB_RUN) + 1); const auto strafeScale = !!input->svel + 1; if (cl_viewtilting == 1) { // Console-like yaw rolling. Adjustment == ~(90/32) for keyboard turning. Clamp is 1.5x this value. const auto rollAdj = DAngle::fromDeg(input->avel * ROLL_TILTAVELSCALE * rollAmp); const auto rollMax = DAngle::fromDeg((90. / 32. * 1.5) * cl_viewtiltscale); scaletozero(pActor->spr.Angles.Roll, ROLL_TILTRETURN); pActor->spr.Angles.Roll = clamp(pActor->spr.Angles.Roll + rollAdj, -rollMax, rollMax); } else if (cl_viewtilting == 2) { // Quake-like strafe rolling. Adjustment == (90/48) for running keyboard strafe. const auto rollAdj = StrafeVel * strafeScale * rollAmp; const auto rollMax = nMaxVel * runScale * cl_viewtiltscale; pActor->spr.Angles.Roll = DAngle::fromDeg(clamp(rollAdj, -rollMax, rollMax) * (1.875 / nMaxVel)); } else if (cl_viewtilting == 3) { // Movement rolling from player's velocity. Adjustment == (90/48) for running keyboard strafe. const auto rollAdj = nVelVect.Rotated(-pActor->spr.Angles.Yaw).Y * strafeScale * rollAmp; const auto rollMax = nMaxVel * runScale * cl_viewtiltscale; pActor->spr.Angles.Roll = DAngle::fromDeg(clamp(rollAdj, -rollMax, rollMax) * (1.875 / nMaxVel)); } else { // Always reset roll if we're not tilting at all. pActor->spr.Angles.Roll = nullAngle; } } else { // Add player's device input. pActor->spr.Angles.Roll += DAngle::fromDeg(input->roll * SyncInput()); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, PlayerAngles& w, PlayerAngles* def) { if (arc.BeginObject(keyname)) { arc("viewangles", w.ViewAngles) ("spin", w.YawSpin) ("actor", w.pActor) .EndObject(); } return arc; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCMD(slot) { // The max differs between games so we have to handle this here. const bool isDukeShareware = (g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_DUKE | GAMEFLAG_SHAREWARE)) == (GAMEFLAG_DUKE | GAMEFLAG_SHAREWARE); const int max = isExhumed() || isDukeShareware ? WeaponSel_MaxExhumed : isBlood() ? WeaponSel_MaxBlood : WeaponSel_Max; if (argv.argc() != 2) { Printf("slot <weaponslot>: select a weapon from the given slot (1-%d)", max); return; } const auto slot = atoi(argv[1]); if (slot >= 1 && slot <= max) { gameInput.SendWeapon(slot); } } CCMD(weapprev) { gameInput.SendWeapon(WeaponSel_Prev); } CCMD(weapnext) { gameInput.SendWeapon(WeaponSel_Next); } CCMD(weapalt) { gameInput.SendWeapon(WeaponSel_Alt); // Only used by SW - should also be made usable by Blood ans Duke which put multiple weapons in the same slot. } CCMD(useitem) { const int max = isExhumed() ? 6 : isSWALL() ? 7 : isBlood() ? 4 : 5; if (argv.argc() != 2) { Printf("useitem <itemnum>: activates an inventory item (1-%d)", max); return; } const auto slot = atoi(argv[1]); if (slot >= 1 && slot <= max) { gameInput.SendAction(ESyncBits::FromInt(SB_ITEM_BIT_1 << (slot - 1))); } } CCMD(invprev) { gameInput.SendAction(SB_INVPREV); } CCMD(invnext) { gameInput.SendAction(SB_INVNEXT); } CCMD(invuse) { gameInput.SendAction(SB_INVUSE); } CCMD(centerview) { gameInput.SendAction(SB_CENTERVIEW); } CCMD(turnaround) { gameInput.SendAction(SB_TURNAROUND); } CCMD(holsterweapon) { gameInput.SendAction(SB_HOLSTER); } CCMD(warptocoords) { if (netgame) { Printf("warptocoords cannot be used in multiplayer.\n"); return; } if (argv.argc() < 4) { Printf("warptocoords [x] [y] [z] [yaw] (optional) [pitch] (optional): warps the player to the specified coordinates\n"); return; } if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL) { Printf("warptocoords: must be in a level\n"); return; } if (const auto pActor = PlayerArray[myconnectindex]->actor) { pActor->spr.pos = DVector3(atof(argv[1]), atof(argv[2]), atof(argv[3])); if (argv.argc() > 4) pActor->spr.Angles.Yaw = DAngle::fromDeg(atof(argv[4])); if (argv.argc() > 5) pActor->spr.Angles.Pitch = DAngle::fromDeg(atof(argv[5])); pActor->backuploc(); } } CCMD(third_person_view) { gi->ToggleThirdPerson(); } CCMD(coop_view) { gi->SwitchCoopView(); } CCMD(show_weapon) { gi->ToggleShowWeapon(); }