#include "compat.h" #include "osd.h" #include "build.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "renderlayer.h" #include "a.h" #include "polymost.h" // input char inputdevices=0; char keystatus[KEYSTATUSSIZ], keyfifo[KEYFIFOSIZ], keyasciififo[KEYFIFOSIZ]; uint8_t keyfifoplc, keyfifoend, keyasciififoplc, keyasciififoend; char keyremap[KEYSTATUSSIZ]; int32_t keyremapinit=0; char key_names[NUMKEYS][24]; int32_t mousex=0,mousey=0,mouseb=0; vec2_t mouseabs; uint8_t mousepressstate; uint8_t moustat = 0, mousegrab = 0, mouseinwindow = 1, AppMouseGrab = 1; int32_t mousepressstateadvance(void) { if (mousepressstate == Mouse_Pressed) { mousepressstate = Mouse_Held; return 1; } else if (mousepressstate == Mouse_Released) { mousepressstate = Mouse_Idle; return 1; } else if (mousepressstate == Mouse_Held) return 1; return 0; } int32_t *joyaxis = NULL, joyb=0, *joyhat = NULL; char joyisgamepad=0, joynumaxes=0, joynumbuttons=0, joynumhats=0; int32_t joyaxespresent=0; void(*keypresscallback)(int32_t,int32_t) = 0; void(*mousepresscallback)(int32_t,int32_t) = 0; void(*joypresscallback)(int32_t,int32_t) = 0; extern int16_t brightness; // // set{key|mouse|joy}presscallback() -- sets a callback which gets notified when keys are pressed // void setkeypresscallback(void (*callback)(int32_t, int32_t)) { keypresscallback = callback; } void setmousepresscallback(void (*callback)(int32_t, int32_t)) { mousepresscallback = callback; } void setjoypresscallback(void (*callback)(int32_t, int32_t)) { joypresscallback = callback; } char scantoasc[128] = { 0,0,'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-','=',0,0, 'q','w','e','r','t','y','u','i','o','p','[',']',0,0,'a','s', 'd','f','g','h','j','k','l',';',39,'`',0,92,'z','x','c','v', 'b','n','m',',','.','/',0,'*',0,32,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'7','8','9','-','4','5','6','+','1', '2','3','0','.',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, }; int32_t defaultres[][2] = { {1920, 1440}, {1920, 1200}, {1920, 1080}, {1680, 1050}, {1600, 1200}, {1600, 900}, {1366, 768}, {1280, 1024}, {1280, 960}, {1152, 864}, {1024, 768}, {1024, 600}, {800, 600}, {640, 480}, {640, 400}, {512, 384}, {480, 360}, {400, 300}, {320, 240}, {320, 200}, {0, 0} }; int32_t GetKey(int32_t key) { return keystatus[keyremap[key]]; } void SetKey(int32_t key, int32_t state) { keystatus[keyremap[key]] = state; if (state) { keyfifo[keyfifoend] = keyremap[key]; keyfifo[(keyfifoend+1)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1)] = state; keyfifoend = ((keyfifoend+2)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1)); } } // // bgetchar, bflushchars -- character-based input functions // char bgetchar(void) { if (keyasciififoplc == keyasciififoend) return 0; { char c = keyasciififo[keyasciififoplc]; keyasciififoplc = ((keyasciififoplc+1)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1)); return c; } } void bflushchars(void) { Bmemset(&keyasciififo,0,sizeof(keyasciififo)); keyasciififoplc = keyasciififoend = 0; } const char *getkeyname(int32_t num) { return ((unsigned)num >= 256) ? NULL : key_names[num]; } void readmousexy(int32_t *x, int32_t *y) { if (!moustat || !mousegrab || !appactive) { *x = *y = 0; return; } *x = mousex; *y = mousey; mousex = mousey = 0; } int32_t readmouseabsxy(vec2_t * const destination, vec2_t const * const source) { int32_t xwidth; if (!moustat || !appactive || !mouseinwindow || (osd && osd->flags & OSD_CAPTURE)) return 0; xwidth = max(scale(240<<16, xdim, ydim), 320<<16); destination->x = scale(source->x, xwidth, xdim) - ((xwidth>>1) - (320<<15)); destination->y = scale(source->y, 200<<16, ydim); return 1; } void readmousebstatus(int32_t *b) { if (!moustat || !appactive || !mouseinwindow || (osd && osd->flags & OSD_CAPTURE)) { *b = 0; return; } *b = mouseb; } void readjoybstatus(int32_t *b) { if (!appactive) { *b = 0; return; } *b = joyb; } #if defined __linux || defined EDUKE32_BSD || defined __APPLE__ # include <sys/mman.h> #endif #if !defined(NOASM) && !defined(GEKKO) && !defined(__ANDROID__) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern intptr_t dep_begin, dep_end; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif #if !defined(NOASM) && !defined(GEKKO) && !defined(__ANDROID__) static int32_t nx_unprotect(intptr_t beg, intptr_t end, int prot) { # if defined _WIN32 # define B_PROT_RW PAGE_READWRITE # define B_PROT_RX PAGE_EXECUTE_READ # define B_PROT_RWX PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE DWORD oldprot; if (!VirtualProtect((LPVOID) beg, (SIZE_T)end - (SIZE_T)beg, prot, &oldprot)) { initprintf("VirtualProtect() error! Crashing in 3... 2... 1...\n"); return 1; } # elif defined __linux || defined EDUKE32_BSD || defined __APPLE__ # define B_PROT_RW (PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) # define B_PROT_RX (PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC) # define B_PROT_RWX (PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC) int32_t pagesize; size_t dep_begin_page; pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); if (pagesize == -1) { initprintf("Error getting system page size\n"); return 1; } dep_begin_page = ((size_t)beg) & ~(pagesize-1); if (mprotect((void *) dep_begin_page, (size_t)end - dep_begin_page, prot) < 0) { initprintf("Error making code writeable (errno=%d)\n", errno); return 1; } # else # error "Don't know how to unprotect the self-modifying assembly on this platform!" # endif return 0; } #endif // Calculate ylookup[] and call setvlinebpl() void calc_ylookup(int32_t bpl, int32_t lastyidx) { int32_t i, j=0; static int32_t ylookupsiz; Bassert(lastyidx <= MAXYDIM); lastyidx++; if (lastyidx > ylookupsiz) { Baligned_free(ylookup); ylookup = (intptr_t *)Xaligned_alloc(16, lastyidx * sizeof(intptr_t)); ylookupsiz = lastyidx; } for (i=0; i<=lastyidx-4; i+=4) { ylookup[i] = j; ylookup[i + 1] = j + bpl; ylookup[i + 2] = j + (bpl << 1); ylookup[i + 3] = j + (bpl * 3); j += (bpl << 2); } for (; i<lastyidx; i++) { ylookup[i] = j; j += bpl; } setvlinebpl(bpl); } void makeasmwriteable(void) { #if !defined(NOASM) && !defined(GEKKO) && !defined(__ANDROID__) nx_unprotect((intptr_t)&dep_begin, (intptr_t)&dep_end, B_PROT_RWX); #endif } int32_t vsync=0; #ifdef USE_OPENGL extern int32_t nofog; void fullscreen_tint_gl(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t f) { bglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); bglPushMatrix(); bglLoadIdentity(); bglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); bglPushMatrix(); bglLoadIdentity(); bglDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); bglDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); bglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); bglDisable(GL_FOG); bglBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); bglEnable(GL_BLEND); bglColor4ub(r, g, b, f); bglBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); bglVertex2f(-2.5f, 1.f); bglVertex2f(2.5f, 1.f); bglVertex2f(.0f, -2.5f); bglEnd(); bglPopMatrix(); bglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); bglPopMatrix(); } struct glinfo_t glinfo = { "Unknown", // vendor "Unknown", // renderer "0.0.0", // version "", // extensions 1.0, // max anisotropy 0, // brga texture format 0, // clamp-to-edge support 0, // texture compression 0, // non-power-of-two textures 0, // multisampling 0, // nvidia multisampling hint 0, // ARBfp 0, // depth textures 0, // shadow comparison 0, // Frame Buffer Objects 0, // rectangle textures 0, // multitexturing 0, // env_combine 0, // Vertex Buffer Objects 0, // VSync support 0, // Shader Model 4 support 0, // Occlusion Queries 0, // GLSL 0, // Debug Output 0, // Buffer storage 0, // GL info dumped }; #endif int32_t flushlogwindow = 1; #ifdef USE_OPENGL // Used to register the game's / editor's osdcmd_vidmode() functions here. int32_t (*baselayer_osdcmd_vidmode_func)(const osdfuncparm_t *parm); static int32_t osdfunc_setrendermode(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { if (parm->numparms != 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; char *p; int32_t m = Bstrtol(parm->parms[0], &p, 10); if (m != REND_CLASSIC && m != REND_POLYMOST && m != REND_POLYMER) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; if ((m==REND_CLASSIC) != (bpp==8) && baselayer_osdcmd_vidmode_func) { // Mismatch between video mode and requested renderer, do auto switch. osdfuncparm_t parm; char arg[4]; const char *ptrptr[1]; ptrptr[0] = arg; Bmemset(&parm, 0, sizeof(parm)); if (m==REND_CLASSIC) Bmemcpy(&arg, "8", 2); else Bmemcpy(&arg, "32", 3); // CAUTION: we assume that the osdcmd_vidmode function doesn't use any // other member! parm.numparms = 1; parm.parms = ptrptr; baselayer_osdcmd_vidmode_func(&parm); } setrendermode(m); char const *renderer; switch (getrendermode()) { case REND_CLASSIC: renderer = "classic software"; break; case REND_POLYMOST: renderer = "polygonal OpenGL"; break; #ifdef POLYMER case REND_POLYMER: renderer = "great justice (Polymer)"; break; #endif default: EDUKE32_UNREACHABLE_SECTION(break); } OSD_Printf("Rendering method changed to %s\n", renderer); return OSDCMD_OK; } #if defined(USE_OPENGL) #ifdef DEBUGGINGAIDS static int32_t osdcmd_hicsetpalettetint(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int32_t pal, cols[3], eff; if (parm->numparms != 5) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; pal = Batol(parm->parms[0]); cols[0] = Batol(parm->parms[1]); cols[1] = Batol(parm->parms[2]); cols[2] = Batol(parm->parms[3]); eff = Batol(parm->parms[4]); hicsetpalettetint(pal,cols[0],cols[1],cols[2],eff); return OSDCMD_OK; } #endif int32_t osdcmd_glinfo(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { char *s,*t,*u,i; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); if (bpp == 8) { initprintf("glinfo: not in OpenGL mode!\n"); return OSDCMD_OK; } initprintf("OpenGL information\n %s %s %s\n", glinfo.vendor, glinfo.renderer, glinfo.version); if (!glinfo.dumped) return OSDCMD_OK; initprintf( " BGRA textures: %s\n" " Non-power-of-2 textures: %s\n" " Clamp-to-edge: %s\n" " Multitexturing: %s\n" " Frame Buffer Objects: %s\n" #ifndef EDUKE32_GLES " Texture compression: %s\n" " Multisampling: %s\n" " NVIDIA multisample hint: %s\n" " ARBfp fragment programs: %s\n" " Depth textures: %s\n" " Shadow textures: %s\n" " Rectangle textures: %s\n" " env_combine: %s\n" " Vertex Buffer Objects: %s\n" " Shader Model 4: %s\n" " Occlusion queries: %s\n" " GLSL: %s\n" " Debug Output: %s\n" " Buffer Storage: %s\n" #endif " Maximum anisotropy: %.1f%s\n" " Extensions:\n", glinfo.bgra ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.texnpot ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.clamptoedge ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.multitex ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.fbos ? "supported": "not supported", #ifndef EDUKE32_GLES glinfo.texcompr ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.multisample ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.nvmultisamplehint ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.arbfp ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.depthtex ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.shadow ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.rect ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.envcombine ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.vbos ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.sm4 ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.occlusionqueries ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.glsl ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.debugoutput ? "supported": "not supported", glinfo.bufferstorage ? "supported" : "not supported", #endif glinfo.maxanisotropy, glinfo.maxanisotropy>1.0?"":" (no anisotropic filtering)" ); s = Bstrdup(glinfo.extensions); if (!s) initprintf("%s", glinfo.extensions); else { i = 0; t = u = s; while (*t) { if (*t == ' ') { if (i&1) { *t = 0; initprintf(" %s\n",u); u = t+1; } i++; } t++; } if (i&1) initprintf(" %s\n",u); Bfree(s); } return OSDCMD_OK; } #endif #endif static int32_t osdcmd_cvar_set_baselayer(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int32_t r = osdcmd_cvar_set(parm); if (r != OSDCMD_OK) return r; if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "vid_gamma") || !Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "vid_brightness") || !Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "vid_contrast")) { setbrightness(GAMMA_CALC,0,0); return r; } return r; } int32_t baselayer_init(void) { uint32_t i; #ifdef _WIN32 // on Windows, don't save the "r_screenaspect" cvar because the physical screen size is // determined at startup # define SCREENASPECT_CVAR_TYPE (CVAR_UINT|CVAR_NOSAVE) #else # define SCREENASPECT_CVAR_TYPE (CVAR_UINT) #endif cvar_t cvars_engine[] = { { "r_usenewaspect","enable/disable new screen aspect ratio determination code",(void *) &r_usenewaspect, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 }, { "r_screenaspect","if using r_usenewaspect and in fullscreen, screen aspect ratio in the form XXYY, e.g. 1609 for 16:9", (void *) &r_screenxy, SCREENASPECT_CVAR_TYPE, 0, 9999 }, { "r_novoxmips","turn off/on the use of mipmaps when rendering 8-bit voxels",(void *) &novoxmips, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 }, { "r_voxels","enable/disable automatic sprite->voxel rendering",(void *) &usevoxels, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 }, #ifdef YAX_ENABLE { "r_tror_nomaskpass", "enable/disable additional pass in TROR software rendering", (void *)&r_tror_nomaskpass, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 }, #endif { "r_windowpositioning", "enable/disable window position memory", (void *) &windowpos, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 }, { "vid_gamma","adjusts gamma component of gamma ramp",(void *) &vid_gamma, CVAR_FLOAT|CVAR_FUNCPTR, 0, 10 }, { "vid_contrast","adjusts contrast component of gamma ramp",(void *) &vid_contrast, CVAR_FLOAT|CVAR_FUNCPTR, 0, 10 }, { "vid_brightness","adjusts brightness component of gamma ramp",(void *) &vid_brightness, CVAR_FLOAT|CVAR_FUNCPTR, 0, 10 }, #ifdef DEBUGGINGAIDS { "debug1","debug counter",(void *) &debug1, CVAR_FLOAT, -100000, 100000 }, { "debug2","debug counter",(void *) &debug2, CVAR_FLOAT, -100000, 100000 }, #endif #ifdef DEBUG_MASK_DRAWING { "debug_maskdrawmode", "Show mask draw orders", (void *)&g_maskDrawMode, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 }, #endif }; for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(cvars_engine); i++) { if (OSD_RegisterCvar(&cvars_engine[i])) continue; OSD_RegisterFunction(cvars_engine[i].name, cvars_engine[i].desc, (cvars_engine[i].type & CVAR_FUNCPTR) ? osdcmd_cvar_set_baselayer : osdcmd_cvar_set); } #ifdef USE_OPENGL OSD_RegisterFunction("setrendermode","setrendermode <number>: sets the engine's rendering mode.\n" "Mode numbers are:\n" " 0 - Classic Build software\n" " 3 - Polygonal OpenGL\n" #ifdef POLYMER " 4 - Great justice renderer (Polymer)\n" #endif , osdfunc_setrendermode); # ifdef DEBUGGINGAIDS OSD_RegisterFunction("hicsetpalettetint","hicsetpalettetint: sets palette tinting values",osdcmd_hicsetpalettetint); # endif OSD_RegisterFunction("glinfo","glinfo: shows OpenGL information about the current OpenGL mode",osdcmd_glinfo); polymost_initosdfuncs(); #endif return 0; } void maybe_redirect_outputs(void) { #if !(defined __APPLE__ && defined __BIG_ENDIAN__) char *argp; // pipe standard outputs to files if ((argp = Bgetenv("BUILD_LOGSTDOUT")) != NULL) if (!Bstrcasecmp(argp, "TRUE")) { FILE *fp = freopen("stdout.txt", "w", stdout); if (!fp) fp = fopen("stdout.txt", "w"); if (fp) { setvbuf(fp, 0, _IONBF, 0); *stdout = *fp; *stderr = *fp; } } #endif }