//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2 Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef WEAPON_H #define WEAPON_H BEGIN_SW_NS #define NEW_ELECTRO 1 #define HORIZ_MULT 128 constexpr double HORIZ_MULTF = 0.5; inline DAngle AngToSprite(DSWActor* actor, DSWActor* other) { return VecToAngle(actor->spr.pos - other->spr.pos); } inline DAngle AngToPlayer(PLAYER* player, DSWActor* other) { return VecToAngle(player->pos - other->spr.pos); } #define MAX_HOLE_QUEUE 64 #define MAX_STAR_QUEUE 32 #define MAX_WALLBLOOD_QUEUE 32 #define MAX_FLOORBLOOD_QUEUE 32 #define MAX_GENERIC_QUEUE 32 #define MAX_LOWANGS_QUEUE 16 //#define NUKE_RADIUS 16384 #define NUKE_RADIUS 30000 #define RAIL_RADIUS 3500 // This is how many bullet shells have been spawned since the beginning of the game. extern FOOT_TYPE FootMode; extern int ShellCount; #define MAXSHELLS 32 enum { UZI_SHELL = 2152, SHOT_SHELL = 2180 }; extern int StarQueueHead; extern TObjPtr StarQueue[MAX_STAR_QUEUE]; extern int HoleQueueHead; extern TObjPtr HoleQueue[MAX_HOLE_QUEUE]; extern int WallBloodQueueHead; extern TObjPtr WallBloodQueue[MAX_WALLBLOOD_QUEUE]; extern int FloorBloodQueueHead; extern TObjPtr FloorBloodQueue[MAX_FLOORBLOOD_QUEUE]; extern int GenericQueueHead; extern TObjPtr GenericQueue[MAX_GENERIC_QUEUE]; extern int LoWangsQueueHead; extern TObjPtr LoWangsQueue[MAX_LOWANGS_QUEUE]; void ChangeState(DSWActor* actor, STATE* statep); void DoPlayerBeginRecoil(PLAYER* pp, short pix_amt); SECTOR_OBJECT* DetectSectorObject(sectortype*); SECTOR_OBJECT* DetectSectorObjectByWall(walltype*); void ScaleSpriteVector(DSWActor* actor, int scale); void QueueHole(sectortype* hit_sect, walltype* hit_wall, const DVector3& pos); DSWActor* QueueWallBlood(DSWActor* hit, DAngle ang); bool SlopeBounce(DSWActor*, bool *hit_wall); int SpawnSwordSparks(PLAYER* pp, sectortype* hit_sect, walltype* hit_wall, const DVector3& hitpos, DAngle hit_ang); DSWActor* SpawnBubble(DSWActor*); void SpawnFireballExp(DSWActor*); void SpawnFireballFlames(DSWActor* actor, DSWActor* enemyActor); int SpawnRadiationCloud(DSWActor* actor); void SpawnGrenadeExp(DSWActor*); DSWActor* SpawnSectorExp(DSWActor*); int DoShrapVelocity(DSWActor*); int ShrapKillSprite(DSWActor*); bool MissileSetPos(DSWActor*,ANIMATOR* DoWeapon,int dist); int ActorPain(DSWActor*); int SpawnBreakFlames(DSWActor*); bool PlayerTakeDamage(PLAYER* pp, DSWActor* weapActor); const char *DeathString(DSWActor*); // // Damage Amounts defined in damage.h // // Damage Times - takes damage after this many tics #define DAMAGE_BLADE_TIME (10) // Player Missile Speeds constexpr double STAR_VELOCITY = (1800) / 16.; constexpr double ROCKET_VELOCITY = (1350) / 16.; constexpr double FIREBALL_VELOCITY = 125; constexpr double TRACER_VELOCITY = (1200)/ 16.; constexpr double TANK_SHELL_VELOCITY = (1200)/ 16.; constexpr double GRENADE_VELOCITY = (900) / 16.; constexpr double MINE_VELOCITY = (520) / 16.; // Was 420 constexpr double CHEMBOMB_VELOCITY = (420 /16.); // Player Spell Missile Speeds constexpr double BLOOD_WORM_VELOCITY = (800 / 16.); constexpr double NAPALM_VELOCITY = (800 / 16.); constexpr double MIRV_VELOCITY = (600 / 16.); // Trap Speeds constexpr double BOLT_TRAP_VELOCITY = (950 / 16.); constexpr double FIREBALL_TRAP_VELOCITY = (750 / 16.); // NPC Missile Speeds constexpr double NINJA_STAR_VELOCITY = (1800 / 16.); constexpr double NINJA_BOLT_VELOCITY = (500 / 16.); constexpr double SKEL_ELECTRO_VELOCITY = (850 / 16.); constexpr double COOLG_FIRE_VELOCITY = (400 / 16.); constexpr int GORO_FIREBALL_VELOCITY = 50; #define GRENADE_RECOIL_AMT (12) #define ROCKET_RECOIL_AMT (7) #define RAIL_RECOIL_AMT (7) #define SHOTGUN_RECOIL_AMT (12) //#define MICRO_RECOIL_AMT (15) // Damage amounts that determine the type of player death // The standard flip over death is default #define PLAYER_DEATH_CRUMBLE_DAMMAGE_AMT (25) #define PLAYER_DEATH_EXPLODE_DAMMAGE_AMT (65) // electro weapon #define ELECTRO_MAX_JUMP_DIST 25000 extern int WeaponIsAmmo; #define MISSILEMOVETICS 6 inline double CloseRangeDist(DSWActor* a1, DSWActor* a2, int fudge = 400) { return (((int)a1->spr.clipdist << 2) + ((int)a2->spr.clipdist << 2) + fudge) * inttoworld; } extern short target_ang; DSWActor* SpawnShotgunSparks(PLAYER* pp, sectortype* hit_sect, walltype* hit_wall, const DVector3& hitpos, DAngle hit_ang); int DoActorBeginSlide(DSWActor* actor, DAngle ang, double vel); int GetOverlapSector(const DVector2& pos, sectortype** over, sectortype** under); bool MissileHitDiveArea(DSWActor*); int DoDamageTest(DSWActor*); extern short StatDamageList[STAT_DAMAGE_LIST_SIZE]; #define RADIATION_CLOUD 3258 #define MUSHROOM_CLOUD 3280 extern STATE s_NukeMushroom[]; void WallBounce(DSWActor*, DAngle ang); #define PUFF 1748 #define CALTROPS 2218 #define PHOSPHORUS 1397 int PlayerInitChemBomb(PLAYER* pp); int InitChemBomb(DSWActor*); int PlayerInitCaltrops(PLAYER* pp); int InitBloodSpray(DSWActor* actor, bool dogib, short velocity); int SpawnBunnyExp(DSWActor* actor); int InitBunnyRocket(PLAYER* pp); int GetDamage(DSWActor*, DSWActor*, int DamageNdx); int DoFlamesDamageTest(DSWActor*); struct SHRAP { STATE* state; short id, num, zlevel, min_jspeed, max_jspeed, min_vel, max_vel, random_disperse, ang_range; // state, id, num, min_jspeed, max_jspeed, min_vel, max_vel, size, // random_disperse, ang_range }; enum ShrapPos { Z_TOP, Z_MID, Z_BOT }; int SetSuicide(DSWActor*); void UpdateSinglePlayKills(DSWActor* actor); int InitPlasmaFountain(DSWActor* wActor, DSWActor* sActor); int InitCoolgDrip(DSWActor*); int InitFireball(PLAYER* pp); void InitSpellRing(PLAYER* pp); void InitSpellNapalm(PLAYER* pp); int DoStaticFlamesDamage(DSWActor*); int InitUzi(PLAYER* pp); int InitSobjGun(PLAYER* pp); void InitFireballTrap(DSWActor* actor); void InitBoltTrap(DSWActor* actor); void InitSpearTrap(DSWActor*); int InitTurretMgun(SECTOR_OBJECT* sop); void InitVulcanBoulder(DSWActor* actor); int DoBladeDamage(DSWActor*); int DoFindGround(DSWActor*); int DoFindGroundPoint(DSWActor* actor); void SpriteQueueDelete(DSWActor* actor); int HelpMissileLateral(DSWActor*, int dist); void AddSpriteToSectorObject(DSWActor*,SECTOR_OBJECT* sop); void QueueReset(void); int PlayerCheckDeath(PLAYER* pp,DSWActor*); bool SpriteWarpToUnderwater(DSWActor* actor); int PlayerDamageSlide(PLAYER* pp,int damage,DAngle ang); bool VehicleMoveHit(DSWActor*); int SpawnSplash(DSWActor*); void SpawnMineExp(DSWActor*); void SpawnLittleExp(DSWActor*); DSWActor* SpawnLargeExp(DSWActor*); void SpawnNuclearExp(DSWActor* actor); void SpawnBoltExp(DSWActor* actor); void SpawnTracerExp(DSWActor* Weapon); void SpawnGoroFireballExp(DSWActor* Weapon); bool MissileHitMatch(DSWActor* weapActor, int WeaponNum, DSWActor* hitActor); int DoItemFly(DSWActor*); int SpawnVehicleSmoke(DSWActor* actor); walltype* PrevWall(walltype* wall_num); int DoDamage(DSWActor*, DSWActor*); END_SW_NS #endif