/************************************************************************************************** "POLYMOST" code originally written by Ken Silverman Ken Silverman's official web site: http://www.advsys.net/ken **************************************************************************************************/ #include "build.h" #include "automap.h" #include "engine_priv.h" #include "mdsprite.h" #include "polymost.h" #include "files.h" #include "buildtiles.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "../../glbackend/glbackend.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "gamecvars.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "flatvertices.h" #include "palettecontainer.h" #include "texturemanager.h" #include "hw_renderstate.h" #include "printf.h" #include "gamefuncs.h" #include "hw_drawinfo.h" int skiptile = -1; FGameTexture* GetSkyTexture(int basetile, int lognumtiles, const int16_t* tilemap); int checkTranslucentReplacement(FTextureID picnum, int pal); CVARD(Bool, hw_animsmoothing, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "enable/disable model animation smoothing") CVARD(Bool, hw_models, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "enable/disable model rendering") CVARD(Bool, hw_parallaxskypanning, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "enable/disable parallaxed floor/ceiling panning when drawing a parallaxing sky") CVARD(Float, hw_shadescale, 1.0f, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "multiplier for shading") //{ "r_yshearing", "enable/disable y-shearing", (void*)&r_yshearing, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 }, disabled because not fully functional // For testing - will be removed later. CVAR(Int, skytile, 0, 0) CVAR(Bool, testnewrenderer, true, 0) extern fixed_t global100horiz; // (-100..300)-scale horiz (the one passed to drawrooms) static vec3_t spritesxyz[MAXSPRITESONSCREEN + 1]; static int16_t thewall[MAXWALLSB]; static int16_t bunchp2[MAXWALLSB], thesector[MAXWALLSB]; static int16_t bunchfirst[MAXWALLSB], bunchlast[MAXWALLSB]; static float rollang; static int16_t numscans, numbunches; static int16_t maskwall[MAXWALLSB], maskwallcnt; static int16_t sectorborder[256]; namespace Polymost { typedef struct { float x, cy[2], fy[2]; int32_t tag; int16_t n, p, ctag, ftag; } vsptyp; #define VSPMAX 2048 //<- careful! static vsptyp vsp[VSPMAX]; static int32_t gtag, viewportNodeCount; static float xbl, xbr, xbt, xbb; static int32_t domost_rejectcount; static float dxb1[MAXWALLSB], dxb2[MAXWALLSB]; //POGOTODO: the SCISDIST could be set to 0 now to allow close objects to render properly, // but there's a nasty rendering bug that needs to be dug into when setting SCISDIST lower than 1 #define SCISDIST 1.f //close plane clipping distance #define SOFTROTMAT 0 static int32_t r_pogoDebug = 0; static float gviewxrange; static float ghoriz, ghoriz2; static float ghorizcorrect; double gxyaspect; float gyxscale, ghalfx, grhalfxdown10, grhalfxdown10x, ghalfy; float gcosang, gsinang, gcosang2, gsinang2; float gtang = 0.f; static float gchang = 0, gshang = 0, gctang = 0, gstang = 0; static float gvrcorrection = 1.f; static vec3d_t xtex, ytex, otex, xtex2, ytex2, otex2; static float fsearchx, fsearchy, fsearchz; static int psectnum, pwallnum, pbottomwall, pisbottomwall, psearchstat; static int32_t drawpoly_srepeat = 0, drawpoly_trepeat = 0; #define MAX_DRAWPOLY_VERTS 8 static int32_t lastglpolygonmode = 0; //FUK static int32_t r_yshearing = 0; // used for fogcalc static float fogresult, fogresult2; static char ptempbuf[MAXWALLSB<<1]; // polymost ART sky control static int32_t r_parallaxskyclamping = 1; #define MIN_CACHETIME_PRINT 10 #define Bfabsf fabsf static int32_t drawingskybox = 0; static int32_t hicprecaching = 0; static hitdata_t polymost_hitdata; FGameTexture* globalskytex = nullptr; void polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(uint8_t severity, const char* format, ...) { } static void set_globalang(fixed_t const ang) { globalang = FixedToInt(ang) & 2047; qglobalang = ang & 0x7FFFFFF; float const f_ang = FixedToFloat(ang); float const fcosang = bcosf(f_ang); float const fsinang = bsinf(f_ang); #ifdef USE_OPENGL fcosglobalang = fcosang; fsinglobalang = fsinang; #endif cosglobalang = (int)fcosang; singlobalang = (int)fsinang; cosviewingrangeglobalang = MulScale(cosglobalang, viewingrange, 16); sinviewingrangeglobalang = MulScale(singlobalang, viewingrange, 16); } static inline float polymost_invsqrt_approximation(float x) { // this is the comment return 1.f / sqrtf(x); } static float sectorVisibility(int sectnum) { // Beware of wraparound madness... int v = sector[sectnum].visibility; return v? ((uint8_t)(v + 16)) / 16.f : 1.f; } static void tileUpdatePicnum(short* const tileptr, int const obj) { auto& tile = *tileptr; if (picanm[tile].sf & PICANM_ANIMTYPE_MASK) tile += animateoffs(tile, obj); if (((obj & 16384) == 16384) && (globalorientation & CSTAT_WALL_ROTATE_90) && RotTile(tile).newtile != -1) tile = RotTile(tile).newtile; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Use this for both initialization and uninitialization of OpenGL. //in-place multiply m0=m0*m1 static float* multiplyMatrix4f(float m0[4*4], const float m1[4*4]) { float mR[4*4]; #define multMatrix4RowCol(r, c) mR[r*4+c] = m0[r*4]*m1[c] + m0[r*4+1]*m1[c+4] + m0[r*4+2]*m1[c+8] + m0[r*4+3]*m1[c+12] multMatrix4RowCol(0, 0); multMatrix4RowCol(0, 1); multMatrix4RowCol(0, 2); multMatrix4RowCol(0, 3); multMatrix4RowCol(1, 0); multMatrix4RowCol(1, 1); multMatrix4RowCol(1, 2); multMatrix4RowCol(1, 3); multMatrix4RowCol(2, 0); multMatrix4RowCol(2, 1); multMatrix4RowCol(2, 2); multMatrix4RowCol(2, 3); multMatrix4RowCol(3, 0); multMatrix4RowCol(3, 1); multMatrix4RowCol(3, 2); multMatrix4RowCol(3, 3); memcpy(m0, mR, sizeof(float)*4*4); return m0; #undef multMatrix4RowCol } void polymost_glreset() { //Reset if this is -1 (meaning 1st texture call ever), or > 0 (textures in memory) gcosang = gcosang2 = 16384.f/262144.f; gsinang = gsinang2 = 0.f; } FileReader GetBaseResource(const char* fn); static void resizeglcheck(void) { const int32_t ourxdimen = (windowxy2.x-windowxy1.x+1); float ratio = 1; const int32_t fovcorrect = (int32_t)(ourxdimen*ratio - ourxdimen); ratio = 1.f/ratio; GLInterface.SetViewport(windowxy1.x-(fovcorrect/2), ydim-(windowxy2.y+1), ourxdimen+fovcorrect, windowxy2.y-windowxy1.y+1); float m[4][4]{}; float const nearclip = 4.0f / (gxyaspect * gyxscale); float const farclip = 65536.f; m[0][0] = 1.f; m[1][1] = fxdimen / (fydimen * ratio); m[2][0] = 2.f * ghoriz2 * gstang / fxdimen; m[2][1] = 2.f * (ghoriz2 * gctang + ghorizcorrect) / fydimen; m[2][2] = (farclip + nearclip) / (farclip - nearclip); m[2][3] = 1.f; m[3][2] = -(2.f * farclip * nearclip) / (farclip - nearclip); renderSetProjectionMatrix(&m[0][0]); } //(dpx,dpy) specifies an n-sided polygon. The polygon must be a convex clockwise loop. // n must be <= 8 (assume clipping can double number of vertices) //method: 0:solid, 1:masked(255 is transparent), 2:transluscent #1, 3:transluscent #2 // +4 means it's a sprite, so wraparound isn't needed // drawpoly's hack globals static int32_t pow2xsplit = 0, skyzbufferhack = 0, flatskyrender = 0; static float drawpoly_alpha = 0.f; static uint8_t drawpoly_blend = 0; int32_t polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(walltype const * const wall) { if (wall->cstat & CSTAT_WALL_TRANSLUCENT) return true; return checkTranslucentReplacement(tileGetTexture(wall->picnum)->GetID(), wall->pal); } int32_t polymost_spriteHasTranslucency(spritetype const * const tspr) { if ((tspr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT) || (tspr->clipdist & TSPR_FLAGS_DRAW_LAST) || ((unsigned)tspr->owner < MAXSPRITES && spriteext[tspr->owner].alpha)) return true; return checkTranslucentReplacement(tileGetTexture(tspr->picnum)->GetID(), tspr->pal); } static void polymost_updaterotmat(void) { //Up/down rotation float matrix[16] = { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, gchang, -gshang*gvrcorrection, 0.f, 0.f, gshang/gvrcorrection, gchang, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, }; // Tilt rotation float tiltmatrix[16] = { gctang, -gstang, 0.f, 0.f, gstang, gctang, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, }; multiplyMatrix4f(matrix, tiltmatrix); renderSetViewMatrix(matrix); float fxdimen = FixedToFloat(xdimenscale); renderSetVisibility(g_visibility * fxdimen * (1.f / (65536.f)) / r_ambientlight); } const vec2_16_t tileSize(size_t index) { vec2_16_t v = { (int16_t)tileWidth(index), (int16_t)tileHeight(index) }; return v; } static void polymost_flatskyrender(vec2f_t const* const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method, const vec2_16_t& tilesize); // Hack for Duke's camera until I can find out why this behaves erratically. static void polymost_drawpoly(vec2f_t const * const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method, const vec2_16_t &tilesize) { if (method == DAMETH_BACKFACECULL || globalpicnum == skiptile || (uint32_t)globalpicnum >= MAXTILES) return; const int32_t method_ = method; if (n == 3) { if ((dpxy[0].x-dpxy[1].x) * (dpxy[2].y-dpxy[1].y) >= (dpxy[2].x-dpxy[1].x) * (dpxy[0].y-dpxy[1].y)) return; //for triangle } else if (n > 3) { float f = 0; //f is area of polygon / 2 for (bssize_t i=n-2, j=n-1,k=0; k= 3) && (px[j-1] == px[0]) && (py[j-1] == py[0])) j--; if (j < 3) return; int const npoints = j; float usub = 0; float vsub = 0; // This only takes effect for textures with their default set to SamplerClampXY. int sampleroverride = CLAMP_NONE; if (method & DAMETH_CLAMPED) { if (!drawpoly_srepeat) sampleroverride |= CLAMP_Y; if (!drawpoly_trepeat) sampleroverride |= CLAMP_X; } int palid = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + curbasepal, globalpal); GLInterface.SetFade(globalfloorpal); bool success = GLInterface.SetTexture(globalskytex? globalskytex : tileGetTexture(globalpicnum), palid, sampleroverride); if (!success) { tsiz.x = tsiz.y = 1; GLInterface.SetColorMask(false); //Hack to update Z-buffer for invalid mirror textures } GLInterface.SetShade(globalshade, numshades); if ((method & DAMETH_WALL) != 0) { int32_t size = tilesize.y; int32_t size2; for (size2 = 1; size2 < size; size2 += size2) {} if (size == size2) GLInterface.SetNpotEmulation(0.f, 0.f); else { float xOffset = 1.f / tilesize.x; GLInterface.SetNpotEmulation((1.f*size2) / size, xOffset); } } else { GLInterface.SetNpotEmulation(0.f, 0.f); } vec2_t tsiz2 = tsiz; if (method & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) { SetRenderStyleFromBlend((method & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) > DAMETH_MASK, drawpoly_blend, (method & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) == DAMETH_TRANS2); } if (!(method & (DAMETH_CLAMPED | DAMETH_MASKPROPS))) GLInterface.SetTextureMode(TM_OPAQUE); float pc[4]; // The shade rgb from the tint is ignored here. pc[0] = (float)globalr * (1.f / 255.f); pc[1] = (float)globalg * (1.f / 255.f); pc[2] = (float)globalb * (1.f / 255.f); pc[3] = GetAlphaFromBlend(method & DAMETH_MASKPROPS, drawpoly_blend) * (1.f - drawpoly_alpha); if (skyzbufferhack_pass) pc[3] = 0.01f; GLInterface.SetColor(pc[0], pc[1], pc[2], pc[3]); vec2f_t const scale = { 1.f / tsiz2.x, 1.f / tsiz2.y }; auto data = screen->mVertexData->AllocVertices(npoints); auto vt = data.first; for (bssize_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i, vt++) { float const r = 1.f / dd[i]; if (tileGetTexture(globalpicnum)->GetTexture()->isHardwareCanvas()) { //update texcoords, canvas textures are upside down! vt->SetTexCoord( uu[i] * r * scale.x - usub, 1.f - (vv[i] * r * scale.y - vsub)); } else { //update texcoords vt->SetTexCoord( uu[i] * r * scale.x - usub, vv[i] * r * scale.y - vsub); } //update verts vt->SetVertex( (px[i] - ghalfx) * r * grhalfxdown10x * 1024.f, (ghalfy - py[i]) * r * grhalfxdown10 * 1024.f, r); } GLInterface.Draw(DT_TriangleFan, data.second, npoints); GLInterface.SetNpotEmulation(0.f, 0.f); GLInterface.SetTextureMode(TM_NORMAL); if (skyzbufferhack && skyzbufferhack_pass == 0) { vec3d_t const bxtex = xtex, bytex = ytex, botex = otex; xtex = xtex2, ytex = ytex2, otex = otex2; GLInterface.SetColorMask(false); GLInterface.Draw(DT_TriangleFan, data.second, npoints); GLInterface.SetColorMask(true); xtex = bxtex, ytex = bytex, otex = botex; } if (!success) GLInterface.SetColorMask(true); } static inline void vsp_finalize_init(int32_t const vcnt) { for (bssize_t i=0; i= n) j = 0; t0 = t1; t1 = -((dpxy[j].x - x0) * (y1top - y0top) - (dpxy[j].y - y0top) * (x1 - x0)); if (t0 >= 0) dp2[n2++] = dpxy[i]; if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0) && (t0 <= 0) != (t1 <= 0)) { float const r = t0 / (t0 - t1); dp2[n2] = { (dpxy[j].x - dpxy[i].x) * r + dpxy[i].x, (dpxy[j].y - dpxy[i].y) * r + dpxy[i].y }; n2++; } } if (n2 < 3) { n = 0; return; } //Clip to (x1,y1bot)-(x0,y0bot) t1 = -((dp2[0].x - x1) * (y0bot - y1bot) - (dp2[0].y - y1bot) * (x0 - x1)); n = 0; for (bssize_t i = 0, j = 1; i < n2; j = ++i + 1) { if (j >= n2) j = 0; t0 = t1; t1 = -((dp2[j].x - x1) * (y0bot - y1bot) - (dp2[j].y - y1bot) * (x0 - x1)); if (t0 >= 0) dpxy[n++] = dp2[i]; if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0) && (t0 <= 0) != (t1 <= 0)) { float const r = t0 / (t0 - t1); dpxy[n] = { (dp2[j].x - dp2[i].x) * r + dp2[i].x, (dp2[j].y - dp2[i].y) * r + dp2[i].y }; n++; } } if (n < 3) { n = 0; return; } } static void polymost_domost(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float y0top = 0.f, float y0bot = -1.f, float y1top = 0.f, float y1bot = -1.f) { int const dir = (x0 < x1); polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_domost(x0:%f, y0:%f, x1:%f, y1:%f, y0top:%f, y0bot:%f, y1top:%f, y1bot:%f)", x0, y0, x1, y1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot); y0top -= DOMOST_OFFSET; y1top -= DOMOST_OFFSET; y0bot += DOMOST_OFFSET; y1bot += DOMOST_OFFSET; if (dir) //clip dmost (floor) { y0 -= DOMOST_OFFSET; y1 -= DOMOST_OFFSET; } else //clip umost (ceiling) { if (x0 == x1) return; std::swap(x0, x1); std::swap(y0, y1); std::swap(y0top, y1top); std::swap(y0bot, y1bot); y0 += DOMOST_OFFSET; y1 += DOMOST_OFFSET; //necessary? } // Test if span is outside screen bounds if (x1 < xbl || x0 > xbr) { domost_rejectcount++; return; } vec2f_t dm0 = { x0 - DOMOST_OFFSET, y0 }; vec2f_t dm1 = { x1 + DOMOST_OFFSET, y1 }; float const slop = (dm1.y - dm0.y) / (dm1.x - dm0.x); if (dm0.x < xbl) { dm0.y += slop*(xbl-dm0.x); dm0.x = xbl; } if (dm1.x > xbr) { dm1.y += slop*(xbr-dm1.x); dm1.x = xbr; } drawpoly_alpha = 0.f; drawpoly_blend = 0; vec2f_t n0, n1; float spx[4]; int32_t spt[4]; int firstnode = vsp[0].n; for (bssize_t newi, i=vsp[0].n; i; i=newi) { newi = vsp[i].n; n0.x = vsp[i].x; n1.x = vsp[newi].x; if (dm0.x >= n1.x) { firstnode = i; continue; } if (n0.x >= dm1.x) break; if (vsp[i].ctag <= 0) continue; float const dx = n1.x-n0.x; float const cy[2] = { vsp[i].cy[0], vsp[i].fy[0] }, cv[2] = { vsp[i].cy[1]-cy[0], vsp[i].fy[1]-cy[1] }; int scnt = 0; //Test if left edge requires split (dm0.x,dm0.y) (nx0,cy(0)), if ((dm0.x > n0.x) && (dm0.x < n1.x)) { float const t = (dm0.x-n0.x)*cv[dir] - (dm0.y-cy[dir])*dx; if (((!dir) && (t < 0.f)) || ((dir) && (t > 0.f))) { spx[scnt] = dm0.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; } } //Test for intersection on umost (0) and dmost (1) float const d[2] = { ((dm0.y - dm1.y) * dx) - ((dm0.x - dm1.x) * cv[0]), ((dm0.y - dm1.y) * dx) - ((dm0.x - dm1.x) * cv[1]) }; float const n[2] = { ((dm0.y - cy[0]) * dx) - ((dm0.x - n0.x) * cv[0]), ((dm0.y - cy[1]) * dx) - ((dm0.x - n0.x) * cv[1]) }; float const fnx[2] = { dm0.x + ((n[0] / d[0]) * (dm1.x - dm0.x)), dm0.x + ((n[1] / d[1]) * (dm1.x - dm0.x)) }; if ((fabsf(d[0]) > fabsf(n[0])) && (d[0] * n[0] >= 0.f) && (fnx[0] > n0.x) && (fnx[0] < n1.x)) spx[scnt] = fnx[0], spt[scnt++] = 0; if ((fabsf(d[1]) > fabsf(n[1])) && (d[1] * n[1] >= 0.f) && (fnx[1] > n0.x) && (fnx[1] < n1.x)) spx[scnt] = fnx[1], spt[scnt++] = 1; //Nice hack to avoid full sort later :) if ((scnt >= 2) && (spx[scnt-1] < spx[scnt-2])) { std::swap(spx[scnt-1], spx[scnt-2]); std::swap(spt[scnt-1], spt[scnt-2]); } //Test if right edge requires split if ((dm1.x > n0.x) && (dm1.x < n1.x)) { float const t = (dm1.x-n0.x)*cv[dir] - (dm1.y-cy[dir])*dx; if (((!dir) && (t < 0.f)) || ((dir) && (t > 0.f))) { spx[scnt] = dm1.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; } } vsp[i].tag = vsp[newi].tag = -1; float const rdx = 1.f/dx; for (bssize_t z=0, vcnt=0; z<=scnt; z++,i=vcnt) { float t; if (z == scnt) goto skip; t = (spx[z]-n0.x)*rdx; vcnt = vsinsaft(i); vsp[i].cy[1] = t*cv[0] + cy[0]; vsp[i].fy[1] = t*cv[1] + cy[1]; vsp[vcnt].x = spx[z]; vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = vsp[i].cy[1]; vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = vsp[i].fy[1]; vsp[vcnt].tag = spt[z]; skip: ; int32_t const ni = vsp[i].n; if (!ni) continue; //this 'if' fixes many bugs! float const dx0 = vsp[i].x; if (dm0.x > dx0) continue; float const dx1 = vsp[ni].x; if (dm1.x < dx1) continue; n0.y = (dx0-dm0.x)*slop + dm0.y; n1.y = (dx1-dm0.x)*slop + dm0.y; // dx0 dx1 // ~ ~ //---------------------------- // t0+=0 t1+=0 // vsp[i].cy[0] vsp[i].cy[1] //============================ // t0+=1 t1+=3 //============================ // vsp[i].fy[0] vsp[i].fy[1] // t0+=2 t1+=6 // // ny0 ? ny1 ? int k = 4; if ((vsp[i].tag == 0) || (n0.y <= vsp[i].cy[0]+DOMOST_OFFSET)) k--; if ((vsp[i].tag == 1) || (n0.y >= vsp[i].fy[0]-DOMOST_OFFSET)) k++; if ((vsp[ni].tag == 0) || (n1.y <= vsp[i].cy[1]+DOMOST_OFFSET)) k -= 3; if ((vsp[ni].tag == 1) || (n1.y >= vsp[i].fy[1]-DOMOST_OFFSET)) k += 3; if (!dir) { switch (k) { case 4: case 5: case 7: { vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx1, n1.y }, { dx0, n0.y } }; int n = 4; polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot); polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tileSize(globalpicnum)); vsp[i].cy[0] = n0.y; vsp[i].cy[1] = n1.y; vsp[i].ctag = gtag; } break; case 1: case 2: { vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx0, n0.y } }; int n = 3; polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot); polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tileSize(globalpicnum)); vsp[i].cy[0] = n0.y; vsp[i].ctag = gtag; } break; case 3: case 6: { vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx1, n1.y } }; int n = 3; polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot); polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tileSize(globalpicnum)); vsp[i].cy[1] = n1.y; vsp[i].ctag = gtag; } break; case 8: { vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] }, { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] } }; int n = 4; polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot); polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tileSize(globalpicnum)); vsp[i].ctag = vsp[i].ftag = -1; } default: break; } } else { switch (k) { case 4: case 3: case 1: { vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, n0.y }, { dx1, n1.y }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] }, { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] } }; int n = 4; polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot); polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tileSize(globalpicnum)); vsp[i].fy[0] = n0.y; vsp[i].fy[1] = n1.y; vsp[i].ftag = gtag; } break; case 7: case 6: { vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, n0.y }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] }, { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] } }; int n = 3; polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot); polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tileSize(globalpicnum)); vsp[i].fy[0] = n0.y; vsp[i].ftag = gtag; } break; case 5: case 2: { vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] }, { dx1, n1.y }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] } }; int n = 3; polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot); polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tileSize(globalpicnum)); vsp[i].fy[1] = n1.y; vsp[i].ftag = gtag; } break; case 0: { vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] }, { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] } }; int n = 4; polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot); polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tileSize(globalpicnum)); vsp[i].ctag = vsp[i].ftag = -1; } default: break; } } } } gtag++; //Combine neighboring vertical strips with matching collinear top&bottom edges //This prevents x-splits from propagating through the entire scan #ifdef COMBINE_STRIPS int i = firstnode; do { if (vsp[i].x >= dm1.x) break; if ((vsp[i].cy[0]+DOMOST_OFFSET*2 >= vsp[i].fy[0]) && (vsp[i].cy[1]+DOMOST_OFFSET*2 >= vsp[i].fy[1])) vsp[i].ctag = vsp[i].ftag = -1; int const ni = vsp[i].n; //POGO: specially treat the viewport nodes so that we will never end up in a situation where we accidentally access the sentinel node if (ni >= viewportNodeCount) { if ((vsp[i].ctag == vsp[ni].ctag) && (vsp[i].ftag == vsp[ni].ftag)) { vsmerge(i, ni); continue; } if (vsp[ni].x - vsp[i].x < DOMOST_OFFSET) { vsp[i].x = vsp[ni].x; vsp[i].cy[0] = vsp[ni].cy[0]; vsp[i].fy[0] = vsp[ni].fy[0]; vsp[i].ctag = vsp[ni].ctag; vsp[i].ftag = vsp[ni].ftag; vsmerge(i, ni); continue; } } i = ni; } while (i); #endif } // variables that are set to ceiling- or floor-members, depending // on which one is processed right now static int32_t global_cf_z; static float global_cf_xpanning, global_cf_ypanning, global_cf_heinum; static int32_t global_cf_shade, global_cf_pal, global_cf_fogpal; static float (*global_getzofslope_func)(usectorptr_t, float, float); static void polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(vec2f_t n0, vec2f_t n1, float ryp0, float ryp1, float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1, int32_t sectnum) { int const have_floor = sectnum & MAXSECTORS; sectnum &= ~MAXSECTORS; auto const sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[sectnum]; // comments from floor code: //(singlobalang/-16384*(sx-ghalfx) + 0*(sy-ghoriz) + (cosviewingrangeglobalang/16384)*ghalfx)*d + globalposx = u*16 //(cosglobalang/ 16384*(sx-ghalfx) + 0*(sy-ghoriz) + (sinviewingrangeglobalang/16384)*ghalfx)*d + globalposy = v*16 //( 0*(sx-ghalfx) + 1*(sy-ghoriz) + ( 0)*ghalfx)*d + globalposz/16 = (sec->floorz/16) float ft[4] = { fglobalposx, fglobalposy, fcosglobalang, fsinglobalang }; polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(n0:{x:%f, y:%f}, n1:{x:%f, y:%f}, ryp0:%f, ryp1:%f, x0:%f, x1:%f, y0:%f, y1:%f, sectnum:%d)", n0.x, n0.y, n1.x, n1.y, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, y0, y1, sectnum); if (globalorientation & 64) { //relative alignment vec2_t const xy = { wall[wall[sec->wallptr].point2].x - wall[sec->wallptr].x, wall[wall[sec->wallptr].point2].y - wall[sec->wallptr].y }; float r; int length = ksqrt(uhypsq(xy.x, xy.y)); if (globalorientation & 2) { r = 1.f / length; } else { int i; if (length == 0) i = 1024; else i = 1048576 / length; // consider integer truncation r = i * (1.f/1048576.f); } vec2f_t const fxy = { xy.x*r, xy.y*r }; ft[0] = ((float)(globalposx - wall[sec->wallptr].x)) * fxy.x + ((float)(globalposy - wall[sec->wallptr].y)) * fxy.y; ft[1] = ((float)(globalposy - wall[sec->wallptr].y)) * fxy.x - ((float)(globalposx - wall[sec->wallptr].x)) * fxy.y; ft[2] = fcosglobalang * fxy.x + fsinglobalang * fxy.y; ft[3] = fsinglobalang * fxy.x - fcosglobalang * fxy.y; globalorientation ^= (!(globalorientation & 4)) ? 32 : 16; } xtex.d = 0; ytex.d = gxyaspect; if (!(globalorientation&2) && global_cf_z-globalposz) // PK 2012: don't allow div by zero ytex.d /= (double)(global_cf_z-globalposz); otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d; if (globalorientation & 8) { ft[0] *= (1.f / 8.f); ft[1] *= -(1.f / 8.f); ft[2] *= (1.f / 2097152.f); ft[3] *= (1.f / 2097152.f); } else { ft[0] *= (1.f / 16.f); ft[1] *= -(1.f / 16.f); ft[2] *= (1.f / 4194304.f); ft[3] *= (1.f / 4194304.f); } xtex.u = ft[3] * -(1.f / 65536.f) * (double)viewingrange; xtex.v = ft[2] * -(1.f / 65536.f) * (double)viewingrange; ytex.u = ft[0] * ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1] * ytex.d; otex.u = ft[0] * otex.d; otex.v = ft[1] * otex.d; otex.u += (ft[2] - xtex.u) * ghalfx; otex.v -= (ft[3] + xtex.v) * ghalfx; //Texture flipping if (globalorientation&4) { std::swap(xtex.u, xtex.v); std::swap(ytex.u, ytex.v); std::swap(otex.u, otex.v); } if (globalorientation&16) { xtex.u = -xtex.u; ytex.u = -ytex.u; otex.u = -otex.u; } if (globalorientation&32) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; } //Texture panning vec2f_t fxy = { global_cf_xpanning * ((float)(1 << widthBits(globalpicnum))) * (1.0f / 256.f), global_cf_ypanning * ((float)(1 << heightBits(globalpicnum))) * (1.0f / 256.f) }; if ((globalorientation&(2+64)) == (2+64)) //Hack for panning for slopes w/ relative alignment { float r = global_cf_heinum * (1.0f / 4096.f); r = polymost_invsqrt_approximation(r * r + 1); if (!(globalorientation & 4)) fxy.y *= r; else fxy.x *= r; } ytex.u += ytex.d*fxy.x; otex.u += otex.d*fxy.x; ytex.v += ytex.d*fxy.y; otex.v += otex.d*fxy.y; if (globalorientation&2) //slopes { //Pick some point guaranteed to be not collinear to the 1st two points vec2f_t dxy = { n1.y - n0.y, n0.x - n1.x }; float const dxyr = polymost_invsqrt_approximation(dxy.x * dxy.x + dxy.y * dxy.y); dxy.x *= dxyr * 4096.f; dxy.y *= dxyr * 4096.f; vec2f_t const oxy = { n0.x + dxy.x, n0.y + dxy.y }; float const ox2 = (oxy.y - fglobalposy) * gcosang - (oxy.x - fglobalposx) * gsinang; float oy2 = 1.f / ((oxy.x - fglobalposx) * gcosang2 + (oxy.y - fglobalposy) * gsinang2); double const px[3] = { x0, x1, (double)ghalfx * ox2 * oy2 + ghalfx }; oy2 *= gyxscale; double py[3] = { ryp0 + (double)ghoriz, ryp1 + (double)ghoriz, oy2 + (double)ghoriz }; vec3d_t const duv[3] = { { (px[0] * xtex.d + py[0] * ytex.d + otex.d), (px[0] * xtex.u + py[0] * ytex.u + otex.u), (px[0] * xtex.v + py[0] * ytex.v + otex.v) }, { (px[1] * xtex.d + py[1] * ytex.d + otex.d), (px[1] * xtex.u + py[1] * ytex.u + otex.u), (px[1] * xtex.v + py[1] * ytex.v + otex.v) }, { (px[2] * xtex.d + py[2] * ytex.d + otex.d), (px[2] * xtex.u + py[2] * ytex.u + otex.u), (px[2] * xtex.v + py[2] * ytex.v + otex.v) } }; py[0] = y0; py[1] = y1; py[2] = double(global_getzofslope_func((usectorptr_t)§or[sectnum], oxy.x, oxy.y) - globalposz) * oy2 + ghoriz; vec3f_t oxyz[2] = { { (float)(py[1] - py[2]), (float)(py[2] - py[0]), (float)(py[0] - py[1]) }, { (float)(px[2] - px[1]), (float)(px[0] - px[2]), (float)(px[1] - px[0]) } }; float const r = 1.f / (oxyz[0].x * px[0] + oxyz[0].y * px[1] + oxyz[0].z * px[2]); xtex.d = (oxyz[0].x * duv[0].d + oxyz[0].y * duv[1].d + oxyz[0].z * duv[2].d) * r; xtex.u = (oxyz[0].x * duv[0].u + oxyz[0].y * duv[1].u + oxyz[0].z * duv[2].u) * r; xtex.v = (oxyz[0].x * duv[0].v + oxyz[0].y * duv[1].v + oxyz[0].z * duv[2].v) * r; ytex.d = (oxyz[1].x * duv[0].d + oxyz[1].y * duv[1].d + oxyz[1].z * duv[2].d) * r; ytex.u = (oxyz[1].x * duv[0].u + oxyz[1].y * duv[1].u + oxyz[1].z * duv[2].u) * r; ytex.v = (oxyz[1].x * duv[0].v + oxyz[1].y * duv[1].v + oxyz[1].z * duv[2].v) * r; otex.d = duv[0].d - px[0] * xtex.d - py[0] * ytex.d; otex.u = duv[0].u - px[0] * xtex.u - py[0] * ytex.u; otex.v = duv[0].v - px[0] * xtex.v - py[0] * ytex.v; if (globalorientation&64) //Hack for relative alignment on slopes { float r = global_cf_heinum * (1.0f / 4096.f); r = sqrtf(r*r+1); if (!(globalorientation&4)) { xtex.v *= r; ytex.v *= r; otex.v *= r; } else { xtex.u *= r; ytex.u *= r; otex.u *= r; } } } domostpolymethod = (globalorientation>>7) & DAMETH_MASKPROPS; pow2xsplit = 0; drawpoly_alpha = 0.f; drawpoly_blend = 0; if (have_floor) { if (globalposz > getflorzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy)) domostpolymethod = DAMETH_BACKFACECULL; //Back-face culling if (domostpolymethod & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) GLInterface.EnableBlend(true); polymost_domost(x0, y0, x1, y1); //flor } else { if (globalposz < getceilzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy)) domostpolymethod = DAMETH_BACKFACECULL; //Back-face culling if (domostpolymethod & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) GLInterface.EnableBlend(true); polymost_domost(x1, y1, x0, y0); //ceil } if (domostpolymethod & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) GLInterface.EnableBlend(false); domostpolymethod = DAMETH_NOMASK; } static void calc_ypanning(int32_t refposz, float ryp0, float ryp1, float x0, float x1, float ypan, uint8_t yrepeat, int32_t dopancor, const vec2_16_t &tilesize) { float const t0 = ((float)(refposz-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz; float const t1 = ((float)(refposz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz; float t = (float(xtex.d*x0 + otex.d) * (float)yrepeat) / ((x1-x0) * ryp0 * 2048.f); int i = 1<< heightBits(globalpicnum); if (i < tilesize.y) i <<= 1; float const fy = (float)(ypan * i) * (1.f / 256.f); xtex.v = double(t0 - t1) * t; ytex.v = double(x1 - x0) * t; otex.v = -xtex.v * x0 - ytex.v * t0 + fy * otex.d; xtex.v += fy * xtex.d; ytex.v += fy * ytex.d; } static inline int32_t testvisiblemost(float const x0, float const x1) { for (bssize_t i=vsp[0].n, newi; i; i=newi) { newi = vsp[i].n; if ((x0 < vsp[newi].x) && (vsp[i].x < x1) && (vsp[i].ctag >= 0)) return 1; } return 0; } static inline int polymost_getclosestpointonwall(vec2_t const * const pos, int32_t dawall, vec2_t * const n) { vec2_t const w = { wall[dawall].x, wall[dawall].y }; vec2_t const d = { POINT2(dawall).x - w.x, POINT2(dawall).y - w.y }; int64_t i = d.x * ((int64_t)pos->x - w.x) + d.y * ((int64_t)pos->y - w.y); if (d.x == 0 && d.y == 0) { // In Blood's E1M1 this gets triggered for wall 522. return 1; } if (i < 0) return 1; int64_t const j = (int64_t)d.x * d.x + (int64_t)d.y * d.y; if (i > j) return 1; i = ((i << 15) / j) << 15; n->x = w.x + ((d.x * i) >> 30); n->y = w.y + ((d.y * i) >> 30); return 0; } static float fgetceilzofslope(usectorptr_t sec, float dax, float day) { if (!(sec->ceilingstat&2)) return float(sec->ceilingz); auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[sec->wallptr]; auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2]; vec2_t const w = *(vec2_t const *)wal; vec2_t const d = { wal2->x - w.x, wal2->y - w.y }; int const i = ksqrt(uhypsq(d.x,d.y))<<5; if (i == 0) return sec->ceilingz; float const j = (d.x*(day-w.y)-d.y*(dax-w.x))*(1.f/8.f); return float(sec->ceilingz) + (sec->ceilingheinum*j)/i; } static float fgetflorzofslope(usectorptr_t sec, float dax, float day) { if (!(sec->floorstat&2)) return float(sec->floorz); auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[sec->wallptr]; auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2]; vec2_t const w = *(vec2_t const *)wal; vec2_t const d = { wal2->x - w.x, wal2->y - w.y }; int const i = ksqrt(uhypsq(d.x,d.y))<<5; if (i == 0) return sec->floorz; float const j = (d.x*(day-w.y)-d.y*(dax-w.x))*(1.f/8.f); return float(sec->floorz) + (sec->floorheinum*j)/i; } static void fgetzsofslope(usectorptr_t sec, float dax, float day, float* ceilz, float *florz) { *ceilz = float(sec->ceilingz); *florz = float(sec->floorz); if (((sec->ceilingstat|sec->floorstat)&2) != 2) return; auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[sec->wallptr]; auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2]; vec2_t const d = { wal2->x - wal->x, wal2->y - wal->y }; int const i = ksqrt(uhypsq(d.x,d.y))<<5; if (i == 0) return; float const j = (d.x*(day-wal->y)-d.y*(dax-wal->x))*(1.f/8.f); if (sec->ceilingstat&2) *ceilz += (sec->ceilingheinum*j)/i; if (sec->floorstat&2) *florz += (sec->floorheinum*j)/i; } static void polymost_flatskyrender(vec2f_t const* const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method, const vec2_16_t &tilesize) { flatskyrender = 0; vec2f_t xys[8]; auto f = GLInterface.useMapFog; GLInterface.useMapFog = false; // Transform polygon to sky coordinates for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { vec3f_t const o = { dpxy[i].x-ghalfx, dpxy[i].y-ghalfy, ghalfx / gvrcorrection }; //Up/down rotation vec3d_t v = { o.x, o.y * gchang - o.z * gshang, o.z * gchang + o.y * gshang }; float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / v.z; xys[i].x = v.x * r + ghalfx; xys[i].y = v.y * r + ghalfy; } float const fglobalang = FixedToFloat(qglobalang); int32_t dapyscale, dapskybits, dapyoffs, daptileyscale; int16_t const * dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale); globalskytex = skytile? nullptr : GetSkyTexture(globalpicnum, dapskybits, dapskyoff); int realskybits = dapskybits; if (globalskytex) dapskybits = 0; ghoriz = (qglobalhoriz*(1.f/65536.f)-float(ydimen>>1))*dapyscale*(1.f/65536.f)+float(ydimen>>1)+ghorizcorrect; float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size! float vv[2]; float t = (float)((1<<(widthBits(globalpicnum)))<>1)+dapyoffs)) - vv[1]*ghoriz; int ti = (1<<(heightBits(globalpicnum))); if (ti != tilesize.y) ti += ti; vec3f_t o; xtex.d = xtex.v = 0; ytex.d = ytex.u = 0; otex.d = dd; xtex.u = otex.d * (t * double(((uint64_t)xdimscale * yxaspect) * viewingrange)) * (1.0 / (16384.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 5.0 * 1024.0)); ytex.v = vv[1]; otex.v = hw_parallaxskypanning ? vv[0] + dd*(float)global_cf_ypanning*(float)ti*(1.f/256.f) : vv[0]; float x0 = xys[0].x, x1 = xys[0].x; for (bssize_t i=n-1; i>=1; i--) { if (xys[i].x < x0) x0 = xys[i].x; if (xys[i].x > x1) x1 = xys[i].x; } int const npot = (1<<(widthBits(globalpicnum))) != tileWidth(globalpicnum); float const xPanning = (hw_parallaxskypanning ? global_cf_xpanning / (1 << (realskybits-dapskybits)) : 0); int picnumbak = globalpicnum; ti = globalpicnum; o.y = fviewingrange/(ghalfx*256.f); o.z = 1.f/o.y; int y = ((int32_t)(((x0-ghalfx)*o.y)+fglobalang)>>(11-dapskybits)); float fx = x0; do { globalpicnum = dapskyoff[y&((1< 0) globalpicnum = skytile; if (npot) { fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-fglobalang))*o.z+ghalfx; int tang = (y<<(11-dapskybits))&2047; otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(tang)) * (1.f/2048.f) + xPanning) - xtex.u*fx; } else otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(fglobalang-(y<<(11-dapskybits)))) * (1.f/2048.f) + xPanning) - xtex.u*ghalfx; y++; o.x = fx; fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-fglobalang))*o.z+ghalfx; if (fx > x1) { fx = x1; ti = -1; } vec3d_t otexbak = otex, xtexbak = xtex, ytexbak = ytex; // Transform texture mapping factors vec2f_t fxy[3] = { { ghalfx * (1.f - 0.25f), ghalfy * (1.f - 0.25f) }, { ghalfx, ghalfy * (1.f + 0.25f) }, { ghalfx * (1.f + 0.25f), ghalfy * (1.f - 0.25f) } }; vec3d_t duv[3] = { { (fxy[0].x * xtex.d + fxy[0].y * ytex.d + otex.d), (fxy[0].x * xtex.u + fxy[0].y * ytex.u + otex.u), (fxy[0].x * xtex.v + fxy[0].y * ytex.v + otex.v) }, { (fxy[1].x * xtex.d + fxy[1].y * ytex.d + otex.d), (fxy[1].x * xtex.u + fxy[1].y * ytex.u + otex.u), (fxy[1].x * xtex.v + fxy[1].y * ytex.v + otex.v) }, { (fxy[2].x * xtex.d + fxy[2].y * ytex.d + otex.d), (fxy[2].x * xtex.u + fxy[2].y * ytex.u + otex.u), (fxy[2].x * xtex.v + fxy[2].y * ytex.v + otex.v) } }; vec2f_t fxyt[3]; vec3d_t duvt[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vec2f_t const o = { fxy[i].x-ghalfx, fxy[i].y-ghalfy }; vec3f_t const o2 = { o.x, o.y, ghalfx / gvrcorrection }; //Up/down rotation (backwards) vec3d_t v = { o2.x, o2.y * gchang + o2.z * gshang, o2.z * gchang - o2.y * gshang }; float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / v.z; fxyt[i].x = v.x * r + ghalfx; fxyt[i].y = v.y * r + ghalfy; duvt[i].d = duv[i].d*r; duvt[i].u = duv[i].u*r; duvt[i].v = duv[i].v*r; } vec3f_t oxyz[2] = { { (float)(fxyt[1].y - fxyt[2].y), (float)(fxyt[2].y - fxyt[0].y), (float)(fxyt[0].y - fxyt[1].y) }, { (float)(fxyt[2].x - fxyt[1].x), (float)(fxyt[0].x - fxyt[2].x), (float)(fxyt[1].x - fxyt[0].x) } }; float const rr = 1.f / (oxyz[0].x * fxyt[0].x + oxyz[0].y * fxyt[1].x + oxyz[0].z * fxyt[2].x); xtex.d = (oxyz[0].x * duvt[0].d + oxyz[0].y * duvt[1].d + oxyz[0].z * duvt[2].d) * rr; xtex.u = (oxyz[0].x * duvt[0].u + oxyz[0].y * duvt[1].u + oxyz[0].z * duvt[2].u) * rr; xtex.v = (oxyz[0].x * duvt[0].v + oxyz[0].y * duvt[1].v + oxyz[0].z * duvt[2].v) * rr; ytex.d = (oxyz[1].x * duvt[0].d + oxyz[1].y * duvt[1].d + oxyz[1].z * duvt[2].d) * rr; ytex.u = (oxyz[1].x * duvt[0].u + oxyz[1].y * duvt[1].u + oxyz[1].z * duvt[2].u) * rr; ytex.v = (oxyz[1].x * duvt[0].v + oxyz[1].y * duvt[1].v + oxyz[1].z * duvt[2].v) * rr; otex.d = duvt[0].d - fxyt[0].x * xtex.d - fxyt[0].y * ytex.d; otex.u = duvt[0].u - fxyt[0].x * xtex.u - fxyt[0].y * ytex.u; otex.v = duvt[0].v - fxyt[0].x * xtex.v - fxyt[0].y * ytex.v; vec2f_t cxy[8]; vec2f_t cxy2[8]; int n2 = 0, n3 = 0; // Clip to o.x for (bssize_t i=0; i= o.x) cxy[n2++] = xys[i]; if ((xys[i].x >= o.x) != (xys[j].x >= o.x)) { float const r = (o.x - xys[i].x) / (xys[j].x - xys[i].x); cxy[n2++] = { o.x, (xys[j].y - xys[i].y) * r + xys[i].y }; } } // Clip to fx for (bssize_t i=0; i= 0); globalskytex = nullptr; globalpicnum = picnumbak; flatskyrender = 1; GLInterface.useMapFog = f; } static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch) { drawpoly_alpha = 0.f; drawpoly_blend = 0; int32_t const sectnum = thesector[bunchfirst[bunch]]; auto const sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[sectnum]; float const fglobalang = FixedToFloat(qglobalang); polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_drawalls(bunch:%d)", bunch); //DRAW WALLS SECTION! for (bssize_t z=bunchfirst[bunch]; z>=0; z=bunchp2[z]) { int32_t const wallnum = thewall[z]; auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wallnum]; auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2]; int32_t const nextsectnum = wal->nextsector; auto const nextsec = nextsectnum>=0 ? (usectorptr_t)§or[nextsectnum] : NULL; //Offset&Rotate 3D coordinates to screen 3D space vec2f_t walpos = { (float)(wal->x-globalposx), (float)(wal->y-globalposy) }; vec2f_t p0 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang, walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 }; vec2f_t const op0 = p0; walpos = { (float)(wal2->x - globalposx), (float)(wal2->y - globalposy) }; vec2f_t p1 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang, walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 }; //Clip to close parallel-screen plane vec2f_t n0, n1; float t0, t1; if (p0.y < SCISDIST) { if (p1.y < SCISDIST) continue; t0 = (SCISDIST-p0.y)/(p1.y-p0.y); p0 = { (p1.x-p0.x)*t0+p0.x, SCISDIST }; n0 = { (wal2->x-wal->x)*t0+wal->x, (wal2->y-wal->y)*t0+wal->y }; } else { t0 = 0.f; n0 = { (float)wal->x, (float)wal->y }; } if (p1.y < SCISDIST) { t1 = (SCISDIST-op0.y)/(p1.y-op0.y); p1 = { (p1.x-op0.x)*t1+op0.x, SCISDIST }; n1 = { (wal2->x-wal->x)*t1+wal->x, (wal2->y-wal->y)*t1+wal->y }; } else { t1 = 1.f; n1 = { (float)wal2->x, (float)wal2->y }; } float ryp0 = 1.f/p0.y, ryp1 = 1.f/p1.y; //Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall float const x0 = ghalfx*p0.x*ryp0 + ghalfx, x1 = ghalfx*p1.x*ryp1 + ghalfx; if (x1 <= x0) continue; ryp0 *= gyxscale; ryp1 *= gyxscale; float cz, fz; fgetzsofslope((usectorptr_t)§or[sectnum],n0.x,n0.y,&cz,&fz); float const cy0 = (cz-globalposz)*ryp0 + ghoriz, fy0 = (fz-globalposz)*ryp0 + ghoriz; fgetzsofslope((usectorptr_t)§or[sectnum],n1.x,n1.y,&cz,&fz); float const cy1 = (cz-globalposz)*ryp1 + ghoriz, fy1 = (fz-globalposz)*ryp1 + ghoriz; xtex2.d = (ryp0 - ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0 - x1); ytex2.d = 0; otex2.d = ryp0 * gxyaspect - xtex2.d*x0; xtex2.u = ytex2.u = otex2.u = 0; xtex2.v = ytex2.v = otex2.v = 0; // Floor globalpicnum = sec->floorpicnum; globalshade = sec->floorshade; globalfloorpal = globalpal = sec->floorpal; globalorientation = sec->floorstat; GLInterface.SetVisibility(sectorVisibility(sectnum)); tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, sectnum); int32_t dapyscale, dapskybits, dapyoffs, daptileyscale; int16_t const * dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale); global_cf_fogpal = sec->fogpal; global_cf_shade = sec->floorshade, global_cf_pal = sec->floorpal; global_cf_z = sec->floorz; // REFACT global_cf_xpanning = sec->floorxpan_; global_cf_ypanning = sec->floorypan_; global_cf_heinum = sec->floorheinum; global_getzofslope_func = &fgetflorzofslope; if (globalpicnum >= r_rortexture && globalpicnum < r_rortexture + r_rortexturerange && r_rorphase == 0) { xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1); ytex.d = 0; otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0; xtex.u = ytex.u = otex.u = 0; xtex.v = ytex.v = otex.v = 0; polymost_domost(x0, fy0, x1, fy1); } else if (!(globalorientation&1)) { int32_t fz = getflorzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy); if (globalposz <= fz) polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(n0, n1, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, fy0, fy1, sectnum | MAXSECTORS); } else if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (!(sector[nextsectnum].floorstat&1))) { skyzbufferhack = 1; //if (!hw_hightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal)) { float const ghorizbak = ghoriz; pow2xsplit = 0; flatskyrender = 1; GLInterface.SetVisibility(0.f); polymost_domost(x0,fy0,x1,fy1); flatskyrender = 0; ghoriz = ghorizbak; } } // Ceiling globalpicnum = sec->ceilingpicnum; globalshade = sec->ceilingshade; globalfloorpal = globalpal = sec->ceilingpal; globalorientation = sec->ceilingstat; GLInterface.SetVisibility(sectorVisibility(sectnum)); tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, sectnum); dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale); global_cf_fogpal = sec->fogpal; global_cf_shade = sec->ceilingshade, global_cf_pal = sec->ceilingpal; global_cf_z = sec->ceilingz; // REFACT global_cf_xpanning = sec->ceilingxpan_; global_cf_ypanning = sec->ceilingypan_, global_cf_heinum = sec->ceilingheinum; global_getzofslope_func = &fgetceilzofslope; if (globalpicnum >= r_rortexture && globalpicnum < r_rortexture + r_rortexturerange && r_rorphase == 0) { xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1); ytex.d = 0; otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0; xtex.u = ytex.u = otex.u = 0; xtex.v = ytex.v = otex.v = 0; polymost_domost(x1, cy1, x0, cy0); } else if (!(globalorientation&1)) { int32_t cz = getceilzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy); if (globalposz >= cz) polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(n0, n1, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, cy0, cy1, sectnum); } else if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (!(sector[nextsectnum].ceilingstat&1))) { skyzbufferhack = 1; //if (!hw_hightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal)) { float const ghorizbak = ghoriz; pow2xsplit = 0; flatskyrender = 1; GLInterface.SetVisibility(0.f); polymost_domost(x1, cy1, x0, cy0); flatskyrender = 0; ghoriz = ghorizbak; } skyzbufferhack = 0; } // Wall xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1); ytex.d = 0; otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0; xtex.u = (t0*ryp0 - t1*ryp1)*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f / (x0-x1); otex.u = t0*ryp0*gxyaspect*wal->xrepeat*8.0 - xtex.u*x0; otex.u += (float)wal->xpan_*otex.d; xtex.u += (float)wal->xpan_*xtex.d; ytex.u = 0; float const ogux = xtex.u, oguy = ytex.u, oguo = otex.u; assert(domostpolymethod == DAMETH_NOMASK); domostpolymethod = DAMETH_WALL; if (nextsectnum >= 0) { fgetzsofslope((usectorptr_t)§or[nextsectnum],n0.x,n0.y,&cz,&fz); float const ocy0 = (cz-globalposz)*ryp0 + ghoriz; float const ofy0 = (fz-globalposz)*ryp0 + ghoriz; fgetzsofslope((usectorptr_t)§or[nextsectnum],n1.x,n1.y,&cz,&fz); float const ocy1 = (cz-globalposz)*ryp1 + ghoriz; float const ofy1 = (fz-globalposz)*ryp1 + ghoriz; if ((wal->cstat&48) == 16) maskwall[maskwallcnt++] = z; if (((cy0 < ocy0) || (cy1 < ocy1)) && (!((sec->ceilingstat§or[nextsectnum].ceilingstat)&1))) { globalpicnum = wal->picnum; globalshade = wal->shade; globalfloorpal = globalpal = (int32_t)((uint8_t)wal->pal); GLInterface.SetVisibility(sectorVisibility(sectnum)); globalorientation = wal->cstat; tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, wallnum+16384); int i = (!(wal->cstat&4)) ? sector[nextsectnum].ceilingz : sec->ceilingz; // over calc_ypanning(i, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, wal->ypan_, wal->yrepeat, wal->cstat&4, tileSize(globalpicnum)); if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip { float const t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + wal->xpan_*2); xtex.u = xtex.d*t - xtex.u; ytex.u = ytex.d*t - ytex.u; otex.u = otex.d*t - otex.u; } if (wal->cstat&256) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; } //yflip pow2xsplit = 1; polymost_domost(x1,ocy1,x0,ocy0,cy1,ocy1,cy0,ocy0); if (wal->cstat&8) { xtex.u = ogux; ytex.u = oguy; otex.u = oguo; } } if (((ofy0 < fy0) || (ofy1 < fy1)) && (!((sec->floorstat§or[nextsectnum].floorstat)&1))) { uwallptr_t nwal; if (!(wal->cstat&2)) nwal = wal; else { nwal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->nextwall]; otex.u += (float)(nwal->xpan_ - wal->xpan_) * otex.d; xtex.u += (float)(nwal->xpan_ - wal->xpan_) * xtex.d; ytex.u += (float)(nwal->xpan_ - wal->xpan_) * ytex.d; } globalpicnum = nwal->picnum; globalshade = nwal->shade; globalfloorpal = globalpal = (int32_t)((uint8_t)nwal->pal); GLInterface.SetVisibility(sectorVisibility(sectnum)); globalorientation = nwal->cstat; tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, wallnum+16384); int i = (!(nwal->cstat&4)) ? sector[nextsectnum].floorz : sec->ceilingz; // under calc_ypanning(i, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, nwal->ypan_, wal->yrepeat, !(nwal->cstat&4), tileSize(globalpicnum)); if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip { float const t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + nwal->xpan_*2); xtex.u = xtex.d*t - xtex.u; ytex.u = ytex.d*t - ytex.u; otex.u = otex.d*t - otex.u; } if (nwal->cstat&256) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; } //yflip pow2xsplit = 1; polymost_domost(x0,ofy0,x1,ofy1,ofy0,fy0,ofy1,fy1); if (wal->cstat&(2+8)) { otex.u = oguo; xtex.u = ogux; ytex.u = oguy; } } } if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (wal->cstat&32)) //White/1-way wall { do { const int maskingOneWay = (nextsectnum >= 0 && (wal->cstat&32)); if (maskingOneWay) { vec2_t n, pos = { globalposx, globalposy }; if (!polymost_getclosestpointonwall(&pos, wallnum, &n) && abs(pos.x - n.x) + abs(pos.y - n.y) <= 128) break; } globalpicnum = (nextsectnum < 0) ? wal->picnum : wal->overpicnum; globalshade = wal->shade; globalfloorpal = globalpal = wal->pal; GLInterface.SetVisibility(sectorVisibility(sectnum)); globalorientation = wal->cstat; tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, wallnum+16384); int i; int const nwcs4 = !(wal->cstat & 4); if (nextsectnum >= 0) { i = nwcs4 ? nextsec->ceilingz : sec->ceilingz; } else { i = nwcs4 ? sec->ceilingz : sec->floorz; } // white / 1-way calc_ypanning(i, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, wal->ypan_, wal->yrepeat, nwcs4 && !maskingOneWay, tileSize(globalpicnum)); if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip { float const t = (float) (wal->xrepeat*8 + wal->xpan_*2); xtex.u = xtex.d*t - xtex.u; ytex.u = ytex.d*t - ytex.u; otex.u = otex.d*t - otex.u; } if (wal->cstat&256) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; } //yflip pow2xsplit = 1; polymost_domost(x0, cy0, x1, cy1, cy0, fy0, cy1, fy1); } while (0); } domostpolymethod = DAMETH_NOMASK; if (nextsectnum >= 0) if ((!(gotsector[nextsectnum>>3]& (1<<(nextsectnum&7)))) && testvisiblemost(x0,x1)) polymost_scansector(nextsectnum); } } // // wallfront (internal) // int32_t wallfront(int32_t l1, int32_t l2) { vec2_t const l1vect = wall[thewall[l1]].pos; vec2_t const l1p2vect = wall[wall[thewall[l1]].point2].pos; vec2_t const l2vect = wall[thewall[l2]].pos; vec2_t const l2p2vect = wall[wall[thewall[l2]].point2].pos; vec2_t d = { l1p2vect.x - l1vect.x, l1p2vect.y - l1vect.y }; int32_t t1 = DMulScale(l2vect.x - l1vect.x, d.y, -d.x, l2vect.y - l1vect.y, 2); //p1(l2) vs. l1 int32_t t2 = DMulScale(l2p2vect.x - l1vect.x, d.y, -d.x, l2p2vect.y - l1vect.y, 2); //p2(l2) vs. l1 if (t1 == 0) { if (t2 == 0) return -1; t1 = t2; } if (t2 == 0) t2 = t1; if ((t1 ^ t2) >= 0) //pos vs. l1 return (DMulScale(globalposx - l1vect.x, d.y, -d.x, globalposy - l1vect.y, 2) ^ t1) >= 0; d.x = l2p2vect.x - l2vect.x; d.y = l2p2vect.y - l2vect.y; t1 = DMulScale(l1vect.x - l2vect.x, d.y, -d.x, l1vect.y - l2vect.y, 2); //p1(l1) vs. l2 t2 = DMulScale(l1p2vect.x - l2vect.x, d.y, -d.x, l1p2vect.y - l2vect.y, 2); //p2(l1) vs. l2 if (t1 == 0) { if (t2 == 0) return -1; t1 = t2; } if (t2 == 0) t2 = t1; if ((t1 ^ t2) >= 0) //pos vs. l2 return (DMulScale(globalposx - l2vect.x, d.y, -d.x, globalposy - l2vect.y, 2) ^ t1) < 0; return -2; } static int32_t polymost_bunchfront(const int32_t b1, const int32_t b2) { int b1f = bunchfirst[b1]; const double x2b2 = dxb2[bunchlast[b2]]; const double x1b1 = dxb1[b1f]; if (nexttowardf(x1b1, x2b2) >= x2b2) return -1; int b2f = bunchfirst[b2]; const double x1b2 = dxb1[b2f]; if (nexttowardf(x1b2, dxb2[bunchlast[b1]]) >= dxb2[bunchlast[b1]]) return -1; if (nexttowardf(x1b1, x1b2) > x1b2) { while (nexttowardf(dxb2[b2f], x1b1) <= x1b1) b2f=bunchp2[b2f]; return wallfront(b1f, b2f); } while (nexttowardf(dxb2[b1f], x1b2) <= x1b2) b1f=bunchp2[b1f]; return wallfront(b1f, b2f); } void polymost_scansector(int32_t sectnum) { if (sectnum < 0) return; if (automapping) show2dsector.Set(sectnum); sectorborder[0] = sectnum; int sectorbordercnt = 1; do { sectnum = sectorborder[--sectorbordercnt]; int z; SectIterator it(sectnum); while ((z = it.NextIndex()) >= 0) { auto const spr = (uspriteptr_t)&sprite[z]; if ((spr->cstat & 0x8000) || spr->xrepeat == 0 || spr->yrepeat == 0) continue; vec2_t const s = { spr->x-globalposx, spr->y-globalposy }; if ((spr->cstat&48) || (hw_models && tile2model[spr->picnum].modelid>=0) || ((s.x * gcosang) + (s.y * gsinang) > 0)) { if ((spr->cstat&(64+48))!=(64+16) || (r_voxels && tiletovox[spr->picnum] >= 0 && voxmodels[tiletovox[spr->picnum]]) || DMulScale(bcos(spr->ang), -s.x, bsin(spr->ang), -s.y, 6) > 0) if (renderAddTsprite(z, sectnum)) break; } } gotsector[sectnum>>3] |= 1<<(sectnum&7); int const bunchfrst = numbunches; int const onumscans = numscans; int const startwall = sector[sectnum].wallptr; int const endwall = sector[sectnum].wallnum + startwall; int scanfirst = numscans; DVector2 p2 = { 0, 0 }; uwallptr_t wal; for (z=startwall,wal=(uwallptr_t)&wall[z]; zpoint2]; DVector2 const fp1 = { double(wal->x - globalposx), double(wal->y - globalposy) }; DVector2 const fp2 = { double(wal2->x - globalposx), double(wal2->y - globalposy) }; int const nextsectnum = wal->nextsector; //Scan close sectors if (nextsectnum >= 0 && !(wal->cstat&32) && sectorbordercnt < countof(sectorborder)) if ((gotsector[nextsectnum>>3]&(1<<(nextsectnum&7))) == 0) { double const d = fp1.X* fp2.Y - fp2.X * fp1.Y; DVector2 const p1 = fp2 - fp1; // this said (SCISDIST*SCISDIST*260.f), but SCISDIST is 1 and the significance of 260 isn't obvious to me // is 260 fudged to solve a problem, and does the problem still apply to our version of the renderer? if (d*d < (p1.LengthSquared()) * 256.f) { sectorborder[sectorbordercnt++] = nextsectnum; gotsector[nextsectnum>>3] |= 1<<(nextsectnum&7); } } DVector2 p1; if ((z == startwall) || (wall[z-1].point2 != z)) { p1 = { (((fp1.Y * fcosglobalang) - (fp1.X * fsinglobalang)) * (1.0/64.0)), (((fp1.X * cosviewingrangeglobalang) + (fp1.Y * sinviewingrangeglobalang)) * (1.0/64.0)) }; } else { p1 = p2; } p2 = { (((fp2.Y * fcosglobalang) - (fp2.X * fsinglobalang)) * (1.0/64.0)), (((fp2.X * cosviewingrangeglobalang) + (fp2.Y * sinviewingrangeglobalang)) * (1.0/64.0)) }; if (numscans >= MAXWALLSB-1) { Printf("!!numscans\n"); return; } //if wall is facing you... if ((p1.Y >= SCISDIST || p2.Y >= SCISDIST) && (nexttoward(p1.X*p2.Y, p2.X*p1.Y) < p2.X*p1.Y)) { dxb1[numscans] = (p1.Y >= SCISDIST) ? float(p1.X*ghalfx/p1.Y + ghalfx) : -1e32f; dxb2[numscans] = (p2.Y >= SCISDIST) ? float(p2.X*ghalfx/p2.Y + ghalfx) : 1e32f; if (dxb1[numscans] < xbl) dxb1[numscans] = xbl; else if (dxb1[numscans] > xbr) dxb1[numscans] = xbr; if (dxb2[numscans] < xbl) dxb2[numscans] = xbl; else if (dxb2[numscans] > xbr) dxb2[numscans] = xbr; if (nexttowardf(dxb1[numscans], dxb2[numscans]) < dxb2[numscans]) { thesector[numscans] = sectnum; thewall[numscans] = z; bunchp2[numscans] = numscans + 1; numscans++; } } if ((wall[z].point2 < z) && (scanfirst < numscans)) { bunchp2[numscans-1] = scanfirst; scanfirst = numscans; } } for (bssize_t z=onumscans; z nexttowardf(dxb1[bunchp2[z]], dxb2[z]))) { bunchfirst[numbunches++] = bunchp2[z]; bunchp2[z] = -1; } } for (bssize_t z=bunchfrst; z=0; zz=bunchp2[zz]) { } bunchlast[z] = zz; } } while (sectorbordercnt > 0); } /*Init viewport boundary (must be 4 point convex loop): // (px[0],py[0]).----.(px[1],py[1]) // / \ // / \ // (px[3],py[3]).--------------.(px[2],py[2]) */ static void polymost_initmosts(const float * px, const float * py, int const n) { if (n < 3) return; int32_t imin = (px[1] < px[0]); for (bssize_t i=n-1; i>=2; i--) if (px[i] < px[imin]) imin = i; int32_t vcnt = 1; //0 is dummy solid node vsp[vcnt].x = px[imin]; vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[imin]; vcnt++; int i = imin+1, j = imin-1; if (i >= n) i = 0; if (j < 0) j = n-1; do { if (px[i] < px[j]) { if (px[i] <= vsp[vcnt-1].x) vcnt--; vsp[vcnt].x = px[i]; vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = py[i]; int k = j+1; if (k >= n) k = 0; //(px[k],py[k]) //(px[i],?) //(px[j],py[j]) vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = (px[i]-px[k])*(py[j]-py[k])/(px[j]-px[k]) + py[k]; vcnt++; i++; if (i >= n) i = 0; } else if (px[j] < px[i]) { if (px[j] <= vsp[vcnt-1].x) vcnt--; vsp[vcnt].x = px[j]; vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[j]; int k = i-1; if (k < 0) k = n-1; //(px[k],py[k]) //(px[j],?) //(px[i],py[i]) vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = (px[j]-px[k])*(py[i]-py[k])/(px[i]-px[k]) + py[k]; vcnt++; j--; if (j < 0) j = n-1; } else { if (px[i] <= vsp[vcnt-1].x) vcnt--; vsp[vcnt].x = px[i]; vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = py[i]; vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[j]; vcnt++; i++; if (i >= n) i = 0; if (i == j) break; j--; if (j < 0) j = n-1; } } while (i != j); if (px[i] > vsp[vcnt-1].x) { vsp[vcnt].x = px[i]; vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[i]; vcnt++; } domost_rejectcount = 0; vsp_finalize_init(vcnt); xbl = px[0]; xbr = px[0]; xbt = py[0]; xbb = py[0]; for (bssize_t i=n-1; i>=1; i--) { if (xbl > px[i]) xbl = px[i]; if (xbr < px[i]) xbr = px[i]; if (xbt > py[i]) xbt = py[i]; if (xbb < py[i]) xbb = py[i]; } gtag = vcnt; viewportNodeCount = vcnt; } void polymost_drawrooms() { polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_drawrooms()"); GLInterface.ClearDepth(); GLInterface.EnableBlend(false); GLInterface.EnableAlphaTest(false); GLInterface.EnableDepthTest(true); GLInterface.SetDepthFunc(DF_LEqual); GLInterface.SetRenderStyle(LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent]); renderSetViewpoint(0, 0, 0); gvrcorrection = viewingrange*(1.f/65536.f); //if (glprojectionhacks == 2) { // calculates the extend of the zenith glitch float verticalfovtan = (fviewingrange * (windowxy2.y-windowxy1.y) * 5.f) / ((float)yxaspect * (windowxy2.x-windowxy1.x) * 4.f); float verticalfov = atanf(verticalfovtan) * (2.f / pi::pi()); static constexpr float const maxhorizangle = 0.6361136f; // horiz of 199 in degrees float zenglitch = verticalfov + maxhorizangle - 0.95f; // less than 1 because the zenith glitch extends a bit if (zenglitch > 0.f) gvrcorrection /= (zenglitch * 2.5f) + 1.f; } //Polymost supports true look up/down :) Here, we convert horizon to angle. //gchang&gshang are cos&sin of this angle (respectively) gyxscale = ((float)xdimenscale)*(1.0f/131072.f); gxyaspect = ((double)xyaspect*fviewingrange)*(5.0/(65536.0*262144.0)); gviewxrange = fviewingrange * fxdimen * (1.f/(32768.f*1024.f)); gcosang = fcosglobalang*(1.0f/262144.f); gsinang = fsinglobalang*(1.0f/262144.f); gcosang2 = gcosang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f)); gsinang2 = gsinang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f)); ghalfx = (float)(xdimen>>1); ghalfy = (float)(ydimen>>1); grhalfxdown10 = 1.f/(ghalfx*1024.f); ghoriz = FixedToFloat(qglobalhoriz); ghorizcorrect = FixedToFloat(DivScale(xdimenscale, viewingrange, 16)); //global cos/sin height angle if (r_yshearing) { gshang = 0.f; gchang = 1.f; ghoriz2 = (float)(ydimen >> 1) - (ghoriz + ghorizcorrect); } else { float r = (float)(ydimen >> 1) - (ghoriz + ghorizcorrect); gshang = r / sqrtf(r * r + ghalfx * ghalfx / (gvrcorrection * gvrcorrection)); gchang = sqrtf(1.f - gshang * gshang); ghoriz2 = 0.f; } ghoriz = (float)(ydimen>>1); resizeglcheck(); float const ratio = 1.f; //global cos/sin tilt angle gctang = cosf(gtang); gstang = sinf(gtang); if (Bfabsf(gstang) < .001f) // This avoids nasty precision bugs in domost() { gstang = 0.f; gctang = (gctang > 0.f) ? 1.f : -1.f; } if (inpreparemirror) gstang = -gstang; //Generate viewport trapezoid (for handling screen up/down) vec3f_t p[4] = { { 0-1, 0-1+ghorizcorrect, 0 }, { (float)(windowxy2.x + 1 - windowxy1.x + 2), 0-1+ghorizcorrect, 0 }, { (float)(windowxy2.x + 1 - windowxy1.x + 2), (float)(windowxy2.y + 1 - windowxy1.y + 2)+ghorizcorrect, 0 }, { 0-1, (float)(windowxy2.y + 1 - windowxy1.y + 2)+ghorizcorrect, 0 } }; for (auto & v : p) { //Tilt rotation (backwards) vec2f_t const o = { (v.x-ghalfx)*ratio, (v.y-ghoriz)*ratio }; vec3f_t const o2 = { o.x*gctang + o.y*gstang, o.y*gctang - o.x*gstang + ghoriz2, ghalfx / gvrcorrection }; //Up/down rotation (backwards) v = { o2.x, o2.y * gchang + o2.z * gshang, o2.z * gchang - o2.y * gshang }; } if (inpreparemirror) gstang = -gstang; polymost_updaterotmat(); //Clip to SCISDIST plane int n = 0; vec3f_t p2[6]; for (bssize_t i=0; i<4; i++) { int const j = i < 3 ? i + 1 : 0; if (p[i].z >= SCISDIST) p2[n++] = p[i]; if ((p[i].z >= SCISDIST) != (p[j].z >= SCISDIST)) { float const r = (SCISDIST - p[i].z) / (p[j].z - p[i].z); p2[n++] = { (p[j].x - p[i].x) * r + p[i].x, (p[j].y - p[i].y) * r + p[i].y, SCISDIST }; } } if (n < 3) { GLInterface.SetDepthFunc(DF_LEqual); return; } float sx[6], sy[6]; for (bssize_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / p2[i].z; sx[i] = p2[i].x * r + ghalfx; sy[i] = p2[i].y * r + ghoriz; } polymost_initmosts(sx, sy, n); numscans = numbunches = 0; // MASKWALL_BAD_ACCESS // Fixes access of stale maskwall[maskwallcnt] (a "scan" index, in BUILD lingo): maskwallcnt = 0; // NOTE: globalcursectnum has been already adjusted in ADJUST_GLOBALCURSECTNUM. assert((unsigned)globalcursectnum < MAXSECTORS); polymost_scansector(globalcursectnum); grhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10; renderBeginScene(); if (inpreparemirror) { // see engine.c: INPREPAREMIRROR_NO_BUNCHES if (numbunches > 0) { grhalfxdown10x = -grhalfxdown10; polymost_drawalls(0); numbunches--; bunchfirst[0] = bunchfirst[numbunches]; bunchlast[0] = bunchlast[numbunches]; } else { inpreparemirror = 0; } } while (numbunches > 0) { memset(ptempbuf,0,numbunches+3); ptempbuf[0] = 1; int32_t closest = 0; //Almost works, but not quite :( for (bssize_t i=1; i=0; z=bunchp2[z]) show2dwall.Set(thewall[z]); } numbunches--; bunchfirst[closest] = bunchfirst[numbunches]; bunchlast[closest] = bunchlast[numbunches]; } renderFinishScene(); GLInterface.SetDepthFunc(DF_LEqual); } static void polymost_drawmaskwallinternal(int32_t wallIndex) { auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wallIndex]; auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2]; int32_t const sectnum = wall[wal->nextwall].nextsector; auto const sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[sectnum]; // if (wal->nextsector < 0) return; // Without MASKWALL_BAD_ACCESS fix: // wal->nextsector is -1, WGR2 SVN Lochwood Hollow (Til' Death L1) (or trueror1.map) auto const nsec = (usectorptr_t)§or[wal->nextsector]; polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_drawmaskwallinternal(wallIndex:%d)", wallIndex); globalpicnum = wal->overpicnum; if ((uint32_t)globalpicnum >= MAXTILES) globalpicnum = 0; globalorientation = (int32_t)wal->cstat; tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, (int16_t)wallIndex+16384); GLInterface.SetVisibility(sectorVisibility(sectnum)); globalshade = (int32_t)wal->shade; globalfloorpal = globalpal = (int32_t)((uint8_t)wal->pal); vec2f_t s0 = { (float)(wal->x-globalposx), (float)(wal->y-globalposy) }; vec2f_t p0 = { s0.y*gcosang - s0.x*gsinang, s0.x*gcosang2 + s0.y*gsinang2 }; vec2f_t s1 = { (float)(wal2->x-globalposx), (float)(wal2->y-globalposy) }; vec2f_t p1 = { s1.y*gcosang - s1.x*gsinang, s1.x*gcosang2 + s1.y*gsinang2 }; if ((p0.y < SCISDIST) && (p1.y < SCISDIST)) return; //Clip to close parallel-screen plane vec2f_t const op0 = p0; float t0 = 0.f; if (p0.y < SCISDIST) { t0 = (SCISDIST - p0.y) / (p1.y - p0.y); p0 = { (p1.x - p0.x) * t0 + p0.x, SCISDIST }; } float t1 = 1.f; if (p1.y < SCISDIST) { t1 = (SCISDIST - op0.y) / (p1.y - op0.y); p1 = { (p1.x - op0.x) * t1 + op0.x, SCISDIST }; } int32_t m0 = (int32_t)((wal2->x - wal->x) * t0 + wal->x); int32_t m1 = (int32_t)((wal2->y - wal->y) * t0 + wal->y); int32_t cz[4], fz[4]; getzsofslope(sectnum, m0, m1, &cz[0], &fz[0]); getzsofslope(wal->nextsector, m0, m1, &cz[1], &fz[1]); m0 = (int32_t)((wal2->x - wal->x) * t1 + wal->x); m1 = (int32_t)((wal2->y - wal->y) * t1 + wal->y); getzsofslope(sectnum, m0, m1, &cz[2], &fz[2]); getzsofslope(wal->nextsector, m0, m1, &cz[3], &fz[3]); float ryp0 = 1.f/p0.y; float ryp1 = 1.f/p1.y; //Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall float const x0 = ghalfx*p0.x*ryp0 + ghalfx; float const x1 = ghalfx*p1.x*ryp1 + ghalfx; if (x1 <= x0) return; ryp0 *= gyxscale; ryp1 *= gyxscale; xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1); ytex.d = 0; otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0; //gux*x0 + guo = t0*wal->xrepeat*8*yp0 //gux*x1 + guo = t1*wal->xrepeat*8*yp1 xtex.u = (t0*ryp0 - t1*ryp1)*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f / (x0-x1); otex.u = t0*ryp0*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f - xtex.u*x0; otex.u += (float)wal->xpan_*otex.d; xtex.u += (float)wal->xpan_*xtex.d; ytex.u = 0; // mask calc_ypanning((!(wal->cstat & 4)) ? max(nsec->ceilingz, sec->ceilingz) : min(nsec->floorz, sec->floorz), ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, wal->ypan_, wal->yrepeat, 0, tileSize(globalpicnum)); if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip { float const t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + wal->xpan_*2); xtex.u = xtex.d*t - xtex.u; ytex.u = ytex.d*t - ytex.u; otex.u = otex.d*t - otex.u; } if (wal->cstat&256) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; } //yflip int method = DAMETH_MASK | DAMETH_WALL; if (wal->cstat & 128) method = DAMETH_WALL | (((wal->cstat & 512)) ? DAMETH_TRANS2 : DAMETH_TRANS1); uint8_t const blend = 0;// wal->blend; nothing sets this and this feature is not worth reimplementing (render style needs to be done less hacky.) SetRenderStyleFromBlend(!!(wal->cstat & 128), blend, !!(wal->cstat & 512)); drawpoly_alpha = 0.f; drawpoly_blend = blend; float const csy[4] = { ((float)(cz[0] - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz, ((float)(cz[1] - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz, ((float)(cz[2] - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz, ((float)(cz[3] - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz }; float const fsy[4] = { ((float)(fz[0] - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz, ((float)(fz[1] - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz, ((float)(fz[2] - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz, ((float)(fz[3] - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz }; //Clip 2 quadrilaterals // /csy3 // / | // csy0------/----csy2 // | /xxxxxxx| // | /xxxxxxxxx| // csy1/xxxxxxxxxxx| // |xxxxxxxxxxx/fsy3 // |xxxxxxxxx/ | // |xxxxxxx/ | // fsy0----/------fsy2 // | / // fsy1/ vec2f_t dpxy[16] = { { x0, csy[1] }, { x1, csy[3] }, { x1, fsy[3] }, { x0, fsy[1] } }; //Clip to (x0,csy[0])-(x1,csy[2]) vec2f_t dp2[8]; int n2 = 0; t1 = -((dpxy[0].x - x0) * (csy[2] - csy[0]) - (dpxy[0].y - csy[0]) * (x1 - x0)); for (bssize_t i=0; i<4; i++) { int j = i + 1; if (j >= 4) j = 0; t0 = t1; t1 = -((dpxy[j].x - x0) * (csy[2] - csy[0]) - (dpxy[j].y - csy[0]) * (x1 - x0)); if (t0 >= 0) dp2[n2++] = dpxy[i]; if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0) && (t0 <= 0) != (t1 <= 0)) { float const r = t0 / (t0 - t1); dp2[n2++] = { (dpxy[j].x - dpxy[i].x) * r + dpxy[i].x, (dpxy[j].y - dpxy[i].y) * r + dpxy[i].y }; } } if (n2 < 3) return; //Clip to (x1,fsy[2])-(x0,fsy[0]) t1 = -((dp2[0].x - x1) * (fsy[0] - fsy[2]) - (dp2[0].y - fsy[2]) * (x0 - x1)); int n = 0; for (bssize_t i = 0, j = 1; i < n2; j = ++i + 1) { if (j >= n2) j = 0; t0 = t1; t1 = -((dp2[j].x - x1) * (fsy[0] - fsy[2]) - (dp2[j].y - fsy[2]) * (x0 - x1)); if (t0 >= 0) dpxy[n++] = dp2[i]; if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0) && (t0 <= 0) != (t1 <= 0)) { float const r = t0 / (t0 - t1); dpxy[n++] = { (dp2[j].x - dp2[i].x) * r + dp2[i].x, (dp2[j].y - dp2[i].y) * r + dp2[i].y }; } } if (n < 3) return; pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, method, tileSize(globalpicnum)); } void polymost_drawmaskwall(int32_t damaskwallcnt) { int const z = maskwall[damaskwallcnt]; polymost_drawmaskwallinternal(thewall[z]); } void polymost_prepareMirror(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t daz, fixed_t daang, fixed_t dahoriz, int16_t mirrorWall) { polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_prepareMirror(%u)", mirrorWall); //POGO: prepare necessary globals for drawing, as we intend to call this outside of drawrooms gvrcorrection = viewingrange*(1.f/65536.f); //if (glprojectionhacks == 2) { // calculates the extent of the zenith glitch float verticalfovtan = (fviewingrange * (windowxy2.y-windowxy1.y) * 5.f) / ((float)yxaspect * (windowxy2.x-windowxy1.x) * 4.f); float verticalfov = atanf(verticalfovtan) * (2.f / pi::pi()); static constexpr float const maxhorizangle = 0.6361136f; // horiz of 199 in degrees float zenglitch = verticalfov + maxhorizangle - 0.95f; // less than 1 because the zenith glitch extends a bit if (zenglitch > 0.f) gvrcorrection /= (zenglitch * 2.5f) + 1.f; } set_globalpos(dax, day, daz); set_globalang(daang); qglobalhoriz = MulScale(dahoriz, DivScale(xdimenscale, viewingrange, 16), 16)+IntToFixed(ydimen>>1); gyxscale = ((float)xdimenscale)*(1.0f/131072.f); gxyaspect = ((double)xyaspect*fviewingrange)*(5.0/(65536.0*262144.0)); gviewxrange = fviewingrange * fxdimen * (1.f/(32768.f*1024.f)); gcosang = fcosglobalang*(1.0f/262144.f); gsinang = fsinglobalang*(1.0f/262144.f); gcosang2 = gcosang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f)); gsinang2 = gsinang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f)); ghalfx = (float)(xdimen>>1); ghalfy = (float)(ydimen>>1); grhalfxdown10 = 1.f/(ghalfx*1024.f); ghoriz = FixedToFloat(qglobalhoriz); ghorizcorrect = FixedToFloat(DivScale(xdimenscale, viewingrange, 16)); resizeglcheck(); if (r_yshearing) { gshang = 0.f; gchang = 1.f; ghoriz2 = (float)(ydimen >> 1) - (ghoriz+ghorizcorrect); } else { float r = (float)(ydimen >> 1) - (ghoriz+ghorizcorrect); gshang = r / sqrtf(r * r + ghalfx * ghalfx / (gvrcorrection * gvrcorrection)); gchang = sqrtf(1.f - gshang * gshang); ghoriz2 = 0.f; } ghoriz = (float)(ydimen>>1); gctang = cosf(gtang); gstang = sinf(gtang); if (Bfabsf(gstang) < .001f) { gstang = 0.f; gctang = (gctang > 0.f) ? 1.f : -1.f; } polymost_updaterotmat(); grhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10; renderBeginScene(); //POGO: write the mirror region to the stencil buffer to allow showing mirrors & skyboxes at the same time GLInterface.EnableStencilWrite(1); GLInterface.EnableAlphaTest(false); GLInterface.EnableDepthTest(false); polymost_drawmaskwallinternal(mirrorWall); GLInterface.EnableAlphaTest(true); GLInterface.EnableDepthTest(true); renderFinishScene(); //POGO: render only to the mirror region GLInterface.EnableStencilTest(1); } void polymost_completeMirror() { polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_completeMirror()"); GLInterface.DisableStencil(); } typedef struct { int16_t wall; int8_t wdist; int8_t filler; } wallspriteinfo_t; static wallspriteinfo_t wsprinfo[MAXSPRITES]; void Polymost_prepare_loadboard(void) { memset(wsprinfo, 0, sizeof(wsprinfo)); } void polymost_deletesprite(int num) { wsprinfo[num].wall = -1; } static inline int32_t polymost_findwall(tspritetype const * const tspr, vec2_t const * const tsiz, int32_t * rd) { int32_t dist = 4, closest = -1; auto const sect = §or[tspr->sectnum]; vec2_t n; for (bssize_t i=sect->wallptr; iwallptr + sect->wallnum; i++) { if ((wall[i].nextsector == -1 || ((sector[wall[i].nextsector].ceilingz > (tspr->z - ((tsiz->y * tspr->yrepeat) << 2))) || sector[wall[i].nextsector].floorz < tspr->z)) && !polymost_getclosestpointonwall((const vec2_t *) tspr, i, &n)) { int const dst = abs(tspr->x - n.x) + abs(tspr->y - n.y); if (dst <= dist) { dist = dst; closest = i; } } } *rd = dist; return closest; } static int32_t polymost_lintersect(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t x3, int32_t y3, int32_t x4, int32_t y4) { // p1 to p2 is a line segment int32_t const x21 = x2 - x1, x34 = x3 - x4; int32_t const y21 = y2 - y1, y34 = y3 - y4; int32_t const bot = x21 * y34 - y21 * x34; if (!bot) return 0; int32_t const x31 = x3 - x1, y31 = y3 - y1; int32_t const topt = x31 * y34 - y31 * x34; int rv = 1; if (bot > 0) { if ((unsigned)topt >= (unsigned)bot) rv = 0; int32_t topu = x21 * y31 - y21 * x31; if ((unsigned)topu >= (unsigned)bot) rv = 0; } else { if ((unsigned)topt <= (unsigned)bot) rv = 0; int32_t topu = x21 * y31 - y21 * x31; if ((unsigned)topu <= (unsigned)bot) rv = 0; } return rv; } #define TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR .0002f #define TSPR_OFFSET(tspr) (TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR + ((tspr->owner != -1 ? tspr->owner & 63 : 0) * TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR)) #define TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR2 .000008f #define TSPR_OFFSET2(tspr) ((TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR + ((tspr->owner != -1 ? tspr->owner & 63 : 1) * TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR)) * (float)sepdist(globalposx - tspr->x, globalposy - tspr->y, globalposz - tspr->z) * 0.025f) void polymost_drawsprite(int32_t snum) { auto const tspr = tspriteptr[snum]; if (bad_tspr(tspr)) return; usectorptr_t sec; int32_t spritenum = tspr->owner; if ((tspr->cstat&48) != 48) tileUpdatePicnum(&tspr->picnum, spritenum + 32768); globalpicnum = tspr->picnum; globalshade = tspr->shade; globalpal = tspr->pal; globalfloorpal = sector[tspr->sectnum].floorpal; globalorientation = tspr->cstat; GLInterface.SetVisibility(sectorVisibility(tspr->sectnum)); vec2_t off = { 0, 0 }; if ((globalorientation & 48) != 48) // only non-voxel sprites should do this { int const flag = hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[globalpicnum].h_xsize; off = { (int32_t)tspr->xoffset + (flag ? TileFiles.tiledata[globalpicnum].h_xoffs : tileLeftOffset(globalpicnum)), (int32_t)tspr->yoffset + (flag ? TileFiles.tiledata[globalpicnum].h_yoffs : tileTopOffset(globalpicnum)) }; } int32_t method = DAMETH_MASK | DAMETH_CLAMPED; if (tspr->cstat & 2) method = DAMETH_CLAMPED | ((tspr->cstat & 512) ? DAMETH_TRANS2 : DAMETH_TRANS1); SetRenderStyleFromBlend(!!(tspr->cstat & 2), tspr->blend, !!(tspr->cstat & 512)); drawpoly_alpha = spriteext[spritenum].alpha; drawpoly_blend = tspr->blend; sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[tspr->sectnum]; while (!(spriteext[spritenum].flags & SPREXT_NOTMD)) { if (hw_models && tile2model[Ptile2tile(tspr->picnum, tspr->pal)].modelid >= 0 && tile2model[Ptile2tile(tspr->picnum, tspr->pal)].framenum >= 0) { if (polymost_mddraw(tspr)) return; break; // else, render as flat sprite } if (r_voxels) { if ((tspr->cstat & 48) != 48 && tiletovox[tspr->picnum] >= 0 && voxmodels[tiletovox[tspr->picnum]]) { if (polymost_voxdraw(voxmodels[tiletovox[tspr->picnum]], tspr)) return; break; // else, render as flat sprite } if ((tspr->cstat & 48) == 48 && tspr->picnum < MAXVOXELS && voxmodels[tspr->picnum]) { polymost_voxdraw(voxmodels[tspr->picnum], tspr); return; } } break; } vec3_t pos = tspr->pos; if (spriteext[spritenum].flags & SPREXT_AWAY1) { pos.x += bcos(tspr->ang, -13); pos.y += bsin(tspr->ang, -13); } else if (spriteext[spritenum].flags & SPREXT_AWAY2) { pos.x -= bcos(tspr->ang, -13); pos.y -= bsin(tspr->ang, -13); } vec2_t tsiz; if (hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[globalpicnum].h_xsize) tsiz = { TileFiles.tiledata[globalpicnum].h_xsize, TileFiles.tiledata[globalpicnum].h_ysize }; else tsiz = { tileWidth(globalpicnum), tileHeight(globalpicnum) }; if (tsiz.x <= 0 || tsiz.y <= 0) return; vec2f_t const ftsiz = { (float) tsiz.x, (float) tsiz.y }; switch ((globalorientation >> 4) & 3) { case 0: // Face sprite { // Project 3D to 2D if (globalorientation & 4) off.x = -off.x; // NOTE: yoff not negated not for y flipping, unlike wall and floor // aligned sprites. int const ang = (getangle(tspr->x - globalposx, tspr->y - globalposy) + 1024) & 2047; float foffs = TSPR_OFFSET(tspr); float foffs2 = TSPR_OFFSET(tspr); if (fabs(foffs2) < fabs(foffs)) foffs = foffs2; vec2f_t const offs = { float(bcosf(ang, -6) * foffs), float(bsinf(ang, -6) * foffs) }; vec2f_t s0 = { (float)(tspr->x - globalposx) + offs.x, (float)(tspr->y - globalposy) + offs.y}; vec2f_t p0 = { s0.y * gcosang - s0.x * gsinang, s0.x * gcosang2 + s0.y * gsinang2 }; if (p0.y <= SCISDIST) goto _drawsprite_return; float const ryp0 = 1.f / p0.y; s0 = { ghalfx * p0.x * ryp0 + ghalfx, ((float)(pos.z - globalposz)) * gyxscale * ryp0 + ghoriz }; float const f = ryp0 * fxdimen * (1.0f / 160.f); vec2f_t ff = { ((float)tspr->xrepeat) * f, ((float)tspr->yrepeat) * f * ((float)yxaspect * (1.0f / 65536.f)) }; if (tsiz.x & 1) s0.x += ff.x * 0.5f; if (globalorientation & 128 && tsiz.y & 1) s0.y += ff.y * 0.5f; s0.x -= ff.x * (float) off.x; s0.y -= ff.y * (float) off.y; ff.x *= ftsiz.x; ff.y *= ftsiz.y; vec2f_t pxy[4]; pxy[0].x = pxy[3].x = s0.x - ff.x * 0.5f; pxy[1].x = pxy[2].x = s0.x + ff.x * 0.5f; if (!(globalorientation & 128)) { pxy[0].y = pxy[1].y = s0.y - ff.y; pxy[2].y = pxy[3].y = s0.y; } else { pxy[0].y = pxy[1].y = s0.y - ff.y * 0.5f; pxy[2].y = pxy[3].y = s0.y + ff.y * 0.5f; } xtex.d = ytex.d = ytex.u = xtex.v = 0; otex.d = ryp0 * gviewxrange; if (!(globalorientation & 4)) { xtex.u = ftsiz.x * otex.d / (pxy[1].x - pxy[0].x + .002f); otex.u = -xtex.u * (pxy[0].x - .001f); } else { xtex.u = ftsiz.x * otex.d / (pxy[0].x - pxy[1].x - .002f); otex.u = -xtex.u * (pxy[1].x + .001f); } if (!(globalorientation & 8)) { ytex.v = ftsiz.y * otex.d / (pxy[3].y - pxy[0].y + .002f); otex.v = -ytex.v * (pxy[0].y - .001f); } else { ytex.v = ftsiz.y * otex.d / (pxy[0].y - pxy[3].y - .002f); otex.v = -ytex.v * (pxy[3].y + .001f); } // Clip sprites to ceilings/floors when no parallaxing and not sloped if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingstat & 3)) { s0.y = ((float) (sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz - globalposz)) * gyxscale * ryp0 + ghoriz; if (pxy[0].y < s0.y) pxy[0].y = pxy[1].y = s0.y; } if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorstat & 3)) { s0.y = ((float) (sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz - globalposz)) * gyxscale * ryp0 + ghoriz; if (pxy[2].y > s0.y) pxy[2].y = pxy[3].y = s0.y; } vec2_16_t tempsiz = { (int16_t)tsiz.x, (int16_t)tsiz.y }; pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_drawpoly(pxy, 4, method, tempsiz); drawpoly_srepeat = 0; drawpoly_trepeat = 0; } break; case 1: // Wall sprite { // Project 3D to 2D if (globalorientation & 4) off.x = -off.x; if (globalorientation & 8) off.y = -off.y; vec2f_t const extent = { float(tspr->xrepeat * bsinf(tspr->ang, -16)), float(tspr->xrepeat * -bcosf(tspr->ang, -16)) }; float f = (float)(tsiz.x >> 1) + (float)off.x; vec2f_t const vf = { extent.x * f, extent.y * f }; vec2f_t vec0 = { (float)(pos.x - globalposx) - vf.x, (float)(pos.y - globalposy) - vf.y }; int32_t const s = tspr->owner; int32_t walldist = 1; int32_t w = (s == -1) ? -1 : wsprinfo[s].wall; // find the wall most likely to be what the sprite is supposed to be ornamented against // this is really slow, so cache the result. Also assume that this association never changes once it is set up if (s == -1 || !wsprinfo[s].wall) { w = polymost_findwall(tspr, &tsiz, &walldist); if (s != -1) { wallspriteinfo_t *ws = &wsprinfo[s]; ws->wall = w; if (w != -1) { ws->wdist = walldist; } } } else if (s != -1) walldist = wsprinfo[s].wdist; // detect if the sprite is either on the wall line or the wall line and sprite intersect if (w != -1) { vec2_t v = { /*Blrintf(vf.x)*/(int)vf.x, /*Blrintf(vf.y)*/(int)vf.y }; if (walldist <= 2 || ((pos.x - v.x) + (pos.x + v.x)) == (wall[w].x + POINT2(w).x) || ((pos.y - v.y) + (pos.y + v.y)) == (wall[w].y + POINT2(w).y) || polymost_lintersect(pos.x - v.x, pos.y - v.y, pos.x + v.x, pos.y + v.y, wall[w].x, wall[w].y, POINT2(w).x, POINT2(w).y)) { int32_t const ang = getangle(wall[w].x - POINT2(w).x, wall[w].y - POINT2(w).y); float const foffs = TSPR_OFFSET(tspr); DVector2 const offs = { -bsinf(ang, -6) * foffs, bcosf(ang, -6) * foffs }; vec0.x -= offs.X; vec0.y -= offs.Y; } } vec2f_t p0 = { vec0.y * gcosang - vec0.x * gsinang, vec0.x * gcosang2 + vec0.y * gsinang2 }; vec2f_t const pp = { extent.x * ftsiz.x + vec0.x, extent.y * ftsiz.x + vec0.y }; vec2f_t p1 = { pp.y * gcosang - pp.x * gsinang, pp.x * gcosang2 + pp.y * gsinang2 }; if ((p0.y <= SCISDIST) && (p1.y <= SCISDIST)) goto _drawsprite_return; // Clip to close parallel-screen plane vec2f_t const op0 = p0; float t0 = 0.f, t1 = 1.f; if (p0.y < SCISDIST) { t0 = (SCISDIST - p0.y) / (p1.y - p0.y); p0 = { (p1.x - p0.x) * t0 + p0.x, SCISDIST }; } if (p1.y < SCISDIST) { t1 = (SCISDIST - op0.y) / (p1.y - op0.y); p1 = { (p1.x - op0.x) * t1 + op0.x, SCISDIST }; } f = 1.f / p0.y; const float ryp0 = f * gyxscale; float sx0 = ghalfx * p0.x * f + ghalfx; f = 1.f / p1.y; const float ryp1 = f * gyxscale; float sx1 = ghalfx * p1.x * f + ghalfx; pos.z -= ((off.y * tspr->yrepeat) << 2); if (globalorientation & 128) { pos.z += ((tsiz.y * tspr->yrepeat) << 1); if (tsiz.y & 1) pos.z += (tspr->yrepeat << 1); // Odd yspans } xtex.d = (ryp0 - ryp1) * gxyaspect / (sx0 - sx1); ytex.d = 0; otex.d = ryp0 * gxyaspect - xtex.d * sx0; if (globalorientation & 4) { t0 = 1.f - t0; t1 = 1.f - t1; } xtex.u = (t0 * ryp0 - t1 * ryp1) * gxyaspect * ftsiz.x / (sx0 - sx1); ytex.u = 0; otex.u = t0 * ryp0 * gxyaspect * ftsiz.x - xtex.u * sx0; f = ((float) tspr->yrepeat) * ftsiz.y * 4; float sc0 = ((float) (pos.z - globalposz - f)) * ryp0 + ghoriz; float sc1 = ((float) (pos.z - globalposz - f)) * ryp1 + ghoriz; float sf0 = ((float) (pos.z - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz; float sf1 = ((float) (pos.z - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz; // gvx*sx0 + gvy*sc0 + gvo = 0 // gvx*sx1 + gvy*sc1 + gvo = 0 // gvx*sx0 + gvy*sf0 + gvo = tsizy*(gdx*sx0 + gdo) f = ftsiz.y * (xtex.d * sx0 + otex.d) / ((sx0 - sx1) * (sc0 - sf0)); if (!(globalorientation & 8)) { xtex.v = (sc0 - sc1) * f; ytex.v = (sx1 - sx0) * f; otex.v = -xtex.v * sx0 - ytex.v * sc0; } else { xtex.v = (sf1 - sf0) * f; ytex.v = (sx0 - sx1) * f; otex.v = -xtex.v * sx0 - ytex.v * sf0; } // Clip sprites to ceilings/floors when no parallaxing if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingstat & 1)) { if (sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz > pos.z - (float)((tspr->yrepeat * tsiz.y) << 2)) { sc0 = (float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz - globalposz) * ryp0 + ghoriz; sc1 = (float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz - globalposz) * ryp1 + ghoriz; } } if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorstat & 1)) { if (sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz < pos.z) { sf0 = (float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz - globalposz) * ryp0 + ghoriz; sf1 = (float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz - globalposz) * ryp1 + ghoriz; } } if (sx0 > sx1) { if (globalorientation & 64) goto _drawsprite_return; // 1-sided sprite std::swap(sx0, sx1); std::swap(sc0, sc1); std::swap(sf0, sf1); } vec2f_t const pxy[4] = { { sx0, sc0 }, { sx1, sc1 }, { sx1, sf1 }, { sx0, sf0 } }; vec2_16_t tempsiz = { (int16_t)tsiz.x, (int16_t)tsiz.y }; pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_drawpoly(pxy, 4, method, tempsiz); drawpoly_srepeat = 0; drawpoly_trepeat = 0; } break; case 2: // Floor sprite GLInterface.SetVisibility(sectorVisibility(tspr->sectnum) * (4.f/5.f)); // No idea why this uses a different visibility setting... if ((globalorientation & 64) != 0 && (globalposz > pos.z) == (!(globalorientation & 8))) goto _drawsprite_return; else { if ((globalorientation & 4) > 0) off.x = -off.x; if ((globalorientation & 8) > 0) off.y = -off.y; vec2f_t const p0 = { (float)(((tsiz.x + 1) >> 1) - off.x) * tspr->xrepeat, (float)(((tsiz.y + 1) >> 1) - off.y) * tspr->yrepeat }, p1 = { (float)((tsiz.x >> 1) + off.x) * tspr->xrepeat, (float)((tsiz.y >> 1) + off.y) * tspr->yrepeat }; float const c = bcosf(tspr->ang, -16); float const s = bsinf(tspr->ang, -16); vec2f_t pxy[6]; // Project 3D to 2D for (bssize_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) { vec2f_t s0 = { (float)(tspr->x - globalposx), (float)(tspr->y - globalposy) }; if ((j + 0) & 2) { s0.y -= s * p0.y; s0.x -= c * p0.y; } else { s0.y += s * p1.y; s0.x += c * p1.y; } if ((j + 1) & 2) { s0.x -= s * p0.x; s0.y += c * p0.x; } else { s0.x += s * p1.x; s0.y -= c * p1.x; } pxy[j] = { s0.y * gcosang - s0.x * gsinang, s0.x * gcosang2 + s0.y * gsinang2 }; } if (pos.z < globalposz) // if floor sprite is above you, reverse order of points { static_assert(sizeof(uint64_t) == sizeof(vec2f_t)); std::swap(pxy[0], pxy[1]); std::swap(pxy[2], pxy[3]); } // Clip to SCISDIST plane int32_t npoints = 0; vec2f_t p2[6]; for (bssize_t i = 0, j = 1; i < 4; j = ((++i + 1) & 3)) { if (pxy[i].y >= SCISDIST) p2[npoints++] = pxy[i]; if ((pxy[i].y >= SCISDIST) != (pxy[j].y >= SCISDIST)) { float const f = (SCISDIST - pxy[i].y) / (pxy[j].y - pxy[i].y); vec2f_t const t = { (pxy[j].x - pxy[i].x) * f + pxy[i].x, (pxy[j].y - pxy[i].y) * f + pxy[i].y }; p2[npoints++] = t; } } if (npoints < 3) goto _drawsprite_return; // Project rotated 3D points to screen int fadjust = 0; // unfortunately, offsetting by only 1 isn't enough on most Android devices if (pos.z == sec->ceilingz || pos.z == sec->ceilingz + 1) pos.z = sec->ceilingz + 2, fadjust = (tspr->owner & 31); if (pos.z == sec->floorz || pos.z == sec->floorz - 1) pos.z = sec->floorz - 2, fadjust = -((tspr->owner & 31)); float f = (float)(pos.z - globalposz + fadjust) * gyxscale; for (bssize_t j = 0; j < npoints; j++) { float const ryp0 = 1.f / p2[j].y; pxy[j] = { ghalfx * p2[j].x * ryp0 + ghalfx, f * ryp0 + ghoriz }; } // gd? Copied from floor rendering code xtex.d = 0; ytex.d = gxyaspect / (double)(pos.z - globalposz + fadjust); otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d; // copied&modified from relative alignment vec2f_t const vv = { (float)tspr->x + s * p1.x + c * p1.y, (float)tspr->y + s * p1.y - c * p1.x }; vec2f_t ff = { -(p0.x + p1.x) * s, (p0.x + p1.x) * c }; f = polymost_invsqrt_approximation(ff.x * ff.x + ff.y * ff.y); ff.x *= f; ff.y *= f; float const ft[4] = { ((float)(globalposy - vv.y)) * ff.y + ((float)(globalposx - vv.x)) * ff.x, ((float)(globalposx - vv.x)) * ff.y - ((float)(globalposy - vv.y)) * ff.x, fsinglobalang * ff.y + fcosglobalang * ff.x, fsinglobalang * ff.x - fcosglobalang * ff.y }; f = fviewingrange * -(1.f / (65536.f * 262144.f)); xtex.u = (float)ft[3] * f; xtex.v = (float)ft[2] * f; ytex.u = ft[0] * ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1] * ytex.d; otex.u = ft[0] * otex.d; otex.v = ft[1] * otex.d; otex.u += (ft[2] * (1.0f / 262144.f) - xtex.u) * ghalfx; otex.v -= (ft[3] * (1.0f / 262144.f) + xtex.v) * ghalfx; f = 4.f / (float)tspr->xrepeat; xtex.u *= f; ytex.u *= f; otex.u *= f; f = -4.f / (float)tspr->yrepeat; xtex.v *= f; ytex.v *= f; otex.v *= f; if (globalorientation & 4) { xtex.u = ftsiz.x * xtex.d - xtex.u; ytex.u = ftsiz.x * ytex.d - ytex.u; otex.u = ftsiz.x * otex.d - otex.u; } vec2_16_t tempsiz = { (int16_t)tsiz.x, (int16_t)tsiz.y }; pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_drawpoly(pxy, npoints, method, tempsiz); drawpoly_srepeat = 0; drawpoly_trepeat = 0; } break; case 3: // Voxel sprite break; } if (automapping == 1 && (unsigned)spritenum < MAXSPRITES) show2dsprite.Set(spritenum); _drawsprite_return: ; } ////////////////////////////////// static_assert((int)RS_YFLIP == (int)HUDFLAG_FLIPPED); void polymost_precache(int32_t dapicnum, int32_t dapalnum, int32_t datype) { // dapicnum and dapalnum are like you'd expect // datype is 0 for a wall/floor/ceiling and 1 for a sprite // basically this just means walls are repeating // while sprites are clamped if ((dapalnum < (MAXPALOOKUPS - RESERVEDPALS)) && (!lookups.checkTable(dapalnum))) return;//dapalnum = 0; //Printf("precached %d %d type %d\n", dapicnum, dapalnum, datype); hicprecaching = 1; int palid = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + curbasepal, dapalnum); auto tex = tileGetTexture(dapicnum); if (tex->isValid()) GLInterface.SetTexture(tex, palid, CLAMP_NONE); hicprecaching = 0; if (datype == 0 || !hw_models) return; int const mid = md_tilehasmodel(dapicnum, dapalnum); if (mid < 0 || models[mid]->mdnum < 2) return; int const surfaces = (models[mid]->mdnum == 3) ? ((md3model_t*)models[mid])->head.numsurfs : 0; for (int i = 0; i <= surfaces; i++) { auto tex = mdloadskin((md2model_t*)models[mid], 0, dapalnum, i, nullptr); int palid = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + curbasepal, dapalnum); if (tex) GLInterface.SetTexture(tex, palid, CLAMP_NONE); } } } // // preparemirror // void renderPrepareMirror(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t daz, fixed_t daang, fixed_t dahoriz, int16_t dawall, int32_t* tposx, int32_t* tposy, fixed_t* tang) { const int32_t x = wall[dawall].x, dx = wall[wall[dawall].point2].x - x; const int32_t y = wall[dawall].y, dy = wall[wall[dawall].point2].y - y; const int32_t j = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (j == 0) return; int i = ((dax - x) * dx + (day - y) * dy) << 1; *tposx = (x << 1) + Scale(dx, i, j) - dax; *tposy = (y << 1) + Scale(dy, i, j) - day; *tang = ((gethiq16angle(dx, dy) << 1) - daang) & 0x7FFFFFF; inpreparemirror = 1; Polymost::polymost_prepareMirror(dax, day, daz, daang, dahoriz, dawall); } // // completemirror // void renderCompleteMirror(void) { Polymost::polymost_completeMirror(); inpreparemirror = 0; } // // drawrooms // EXTERN_CVAR(Int, gl_fogmode) int32_t renderDrawRoomsQ16(int32_t daposx, int32_t daposy, int32_t daposz, fixed_t daang, fixed_t dahoriz, int16_t dacursectnum) { checkRotatedWalls(); if (gl_fogmode == 1) gl_fogmode = 2; // only radial fog works with Build's screwed up coordinate system. // Update starting sector number (common to classic and Polymost). // ADJUST_GLOBALCURSECTNUM. if (dacursectnum >= MAXSECTORS) dacursectnum -= MAXSECTORS; else { int i = dacursectnum; updatesector(daposx, daposy, &dacursectnum); if (dacursectnum < 0) dacursectnum = i; // PK 20110123: I'm not sure what the line above is supposed to do, but 'i' // *can* be negative, so let's just quit here in that case... if (dacursectnum < 0) return 0; } set_globalpos(daposx, daposy, daposz); Polymost::set_globalang(daang); global100horiz = dahoriz; memset(gotsector, 0, sizeof(gotsector)); qglobalhoriz = MulScale(dahoriz, DivScale(xdimenscale, viewingrange, 16), 16) + IntToFixed(ydimen >> 1); globalcursectnum = dacursectnum; Polymost::polymost_drawrooms(); return inpreparemirror; } // UTILITY TYPES AND FUNCTIONS FOR DRAWMASKS OCCLUSION TREE // typedef struct s_maskleaf // { // int32_t index; // _point2d p1, p2; // _equation maskeq, p1eq, p2eq; // struct s_maskleaf* branch[MAXWALLSB]; // int32_t drawing; // } _maskleaf; // // _maskleaf maskleaves[MAXWALLSB]; // returns equation of a line given two points static inline _equation equation(float const x1, float const y1, float const x2, float const y2) { const float f = x2 - x1; // vertical if (f == 0.f) return { 1, 0, -x1 }; else { float const ff = (y2 - y1) / f; return { ff, -1, (y1 - (ff * x1)) }; } } static inline int32_t sameside(const _equation* eq, const vec2f_t* p1, const vec2f_t* p2) { const float sign1 = (eq->a * p1->x) + (eq->b * p1->y) + eq->c; const float sign2 = (eq->a * p2->x) + (eq->b * p2->y) + eq->c; return (sign1 * sign2) > 0.f; } static inline int comparetsprites(int const k, int const l) { if ((tspriteptr[k]->cstat & 48) != (tspriteptr[l]->cstat & 48)) return (tspriteptr[k]->cstat & 48) - (tspriteptr[l]->cstat & 48); if ((tspriteptr[k]->cstat & 48) == 16 && tspriteptr[k]->ang != tspriteptr[l]->ang) return tspriteptr[k]->ang - tspriteptr[l]->ang; if (tspriteptr[k]->statnum != tspriteptr[l]->statnum) return tspriteptr[k]->statnum - tspriteptr[l]->statnum; if (tspriteptr[k]->x == tspriteptr[l]->x && tspriteptr[k]->y == tspriteptr[l]->y && tspriteptr[k]->z == tspriteptr[l]->z && (tspriteptr[k]->cstat & 48) == (tspriteptr[l]->cstat & 48) && tspriteptr[k]->owner != tspriteptr[l]->owner) return tspriteptr[k]->owner - tspriteptr[l]->owner; if (abs(spritesxyz[k].z - globalposz) != abs(spritesxyz[l].z - globalposz)) return abs(spritesxyz[k].z - globalposz) - abs(spritesxyz[l].z - globalposz); return 0; } static void sortsprites(int const start, int const end) { int32_t i, gap, y, ys; if (start >= end) return; gap = 1; while (gap < end - start) gap = (gap << 1) + 1; for (gap >>= 1; gap > 0; gap >>= 1) //Sort sprite list for (i = start; i < end - gap; i++) for (bssize_t l = i; l >= start; l -= gap) { if (spritesxyz[l].y <= spritesxyz[l + gap].y) break; std::swap(tspriteptr[l], tspriteptr[l + gap]); std::swap(spritesxyz[l].x, spritesxyz[l + gap].x); std::swap(spritesxyz[l].y, spritesxyz[l + gap].y); } ys = spritesxyz[start].y; i = start; for (bssize_t j = start + 1; j <= end; j++) { if (j < end) { y = spritesxyz[j].y; if (y == ys) continue; ys = y; } if (j > i + 1) { for (bssize_t k = i; k < j; k++) { auto const s = tspriteptr[k]; spritesxyz[k].z = s->z; if ((s->cstat & 48) != 32) { int32_t yoff = tileTopOffset(s->picnum) + s->yoffset; int32_t yspan = (tileHeight(s->picnum) * s->yrepeat << 2); spritesxyz[k].z -= (yoff * s->yrepeat) << 2; if (!(s->cstat & 128)) spritesxyz[k].z -= (yspan >> 1); if (abs(spritesxyz[k].z - globalposz) < (yspan >> 1)) spritesxyz[k].z = globalposz; } } for (bssize_t k = i + 1; k < j; k++) for (bssize_t l = i; l < k; l++) if (comparetsprites(k, l) < 0) { std::swap(tspriteptr[k], tspriteptr[l]); vec3_t tv3 = spritesxyz[k]; spritesxyz[k] = spritesxyz[l]; spritesxyz[l] = tv3; } } i = j; } } // // drawmasks // void renderDrawMasks(void) { # define debugmask_add(dispidx, idx) do {} while (0) int32_t i = spritesortcnt - 1; int32_t numSprites = spritesortcnt; spritesortcnt = 0; int32_t back = i; for (; i >= 0; --i) { if (Polymost::polymost_spriteHasTranslucency(&tsprite[i])) { tspriteptr[spritesortcnt] = &tsprite[i]; ++spritesortcnt; } else { tspriteptr[back] = &tsprite[i]; --back; } } for (i = numSprites - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const int32_t xs = tspriteptr[i]->x - globalposx, ys = tspriteptr[i]->y - globalposy; const int32_t yp = DMulScale(xs, cosviewingrangeglobalang, ys, sinviewingrangeglobalang, 6); const int32_t modelp = spriteIsModelOrVoxel(tspriteptr[i]); if (yp > (4 << 8)) { const int32_t xp = DMulScale(ys, cosglobalang, -xs, singlobalang, 6); if (MulScale(labs(xp + yp), xdimen, 24) >= yp) goto killsprite; spritesxyz[i].x = Scale(xp + yp, xdimen << 7, yp); } else if ((tspriteptr[i]->cstat & 48) == 0) { killsprite: if (!modelp) { //Delete face sprite if on wrong side! if (i >= spritesortcnt) { --numSprites; if (i != numSprites) { tspriteptr[i] = tspriteptr[numSprites]; spritesxyz[i].x = spritesxyz[numSprites].x; spritesxyz[i].y = spritesxyz[numSprites].y; } } else { --numSprites; --spritesortcnt; if (i != numSprites) { tspriteptr[i] = tspriteptr[spritesortcnt]; spritesxyz[i].x = spritesxyz[spritesortcnt].x; spritesxyz[i].y = spritesxyz[spritesortcnt].y; tspriteptr[spritesortcnt] = tspriteptr[numSprites]; spritesxyz[spritesortcnt].x = spritesxyz[numSprites].x; spritesxyz[spritesortcnt].y = spritesxyz[numSprites].y; } } continue; } } spritesxyz[i].y = yp; } sortsprites(0, spritesortcnt); sortsprites(spritesortcnt, numSprites); renderBeginScene(); GLInterface.EnableBlend(false); GLInterface.EnableAlphaTest(true); GLInterface.SetDepthBias(-2, -256); if (spritesortcnt < numSprites) { i = spritesortcnt; for (bssize_t i = spritesortcnt; i < numSprites;) { int32_t py = spritesxyz[i].y; int32_t pcstat = tspriteptr[i]->cstat & 48; int32_t pangle = tspriteptr[i]->ang; int j = i + 1; if (!spriteIsModelOrVoxel(tspriteptr[i])) { while (j < numSprites && py == spritesxyz[j].y && pcstat == (tspriteptr[j]->cstat & 48) && (pcstat != 16 || pangle == tspriteptr[j]->ang) && !spriteIsModelOrVoxel(tspriteptr[j])) { j++; } } if (j - i == 1) { debugmask_add(i | 32768, tspriteptr[i]->owner); Polymost::polymost_drawsprite(i); tspriteptr[i] = NULL; } else { GLInterface.SetDepthMask(false); for (bssize_t k = j - 1; k >= i; k--) { debugmask_add(k | 32768, tspriteptr[k]->owner); Polymost::polymost_drawsprite(k); } GLInterface.SetDepthMask(true); GLInterface.SetColorMask(false); for (bssize_t k = j - 1; k >= i; k--) { Polymost::polymost_drawsprite(k); tspriteptr[k] = NULL; } GLInterface.SetColorMask(true); } i = j; } } int32_t numMaskWalls = maskwallcnt; maskwallcnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < numMaskWalls; i++) { if (Polymost::polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(&wall[thewall[maskwall[i]]])) { maskwall[maskwallcnt] = maskwall[i]; maskwallcnt++; } else Polymost::polymost_drawmaskwall(i); } GLInterface.EnableBlend(true); GLInterface.EnableAlphaTest(true); GLInterface.SetDepthMask(false); vec2f_t pos; pos.x = fglobalposx; pos.y = fglobalposy; // CAUTION: maskwallcnt and spritesortcnt may be zero! // Writing e.g. "while (maskwallcnt--)" is wrong! while (maskwallcnt) { // PLAG: sorting stuff const int32_t w = thewall[maskwall[maskwallcnt - 1]]; maskwallcnt--; vec2f_t dot = { (float)wall[w].x, (float)wall[w].y }; vec2f_t dot2 = { (float)wall[wall[w].point2].x, (float)wall[wall[w].point2].y }; vec2f_t middle = { (dot.x + dot2.x) * .5f, (dot.y + dot2.y) * .5f }; _equation maskeq = equation(dot.x, dot.y, dot2.x, dot2.y); _equation p1eq = equation(pos.x, pos.y, dot.x, dot.y); _equation p2eq = equation(pos.x, pos.y, dot2.x, dot2.y); i = spritesortcnt; while (i) { i--; if (tspriteptr[i] != NULL) { vec2f_t spr; auto const tspr = tspriteptr[i]; spr.x = (float)tspr->x; spr.y = (float)tspr->y; if (!sameside(&maskeq, &spr, &pos)) { // Sprite and camera are on different sides of the // masked wall. // Check if the sprite is inside the 'cone' given by // the rays from the camera to the two wall-points. const int32_t inleft = sameside(&p1eq, &middle, &spr); const int32_t inright = sameside(&p2eq, &middle, &spr); int32_t ok = (inleft && inright); if (!ok) { // If not, check if any of the border points are... vec2_t pp[4]; int32_t numpts, jj; const _equation pineq = inleft ? p1eq : p2eq; if ((tspr->cstat & 48) == 32) { numpts = 4; GetFlatSpritePosition(tspr, tspr->pos.vec2, pp); } else { const int32_t oang = tspr->ang; numpts = 2; // Consider face sprites as wall sprites with camera ang. // XXX: factor 4/5 needed? if ((tspr->cstat & 48) != 16) tspriteptr[i]->ang = globalang; GetWallSpritePosition(tspr, tspr->pos.vec2, pp); if ((tspr->cstat & 48) != 16) tspriteptr[i]->ang = oang; } for (jj = 0; jj < numpts; jj++) { spr.x = (float)pp[jj].x; spr.y = (float)pp[jj].y; if (!sameside(&maskeq, &spr, &pos)) // behind the maskwall, if ((sameside(&p1eq, &middle, &spr) && // inside the 'cone', sameside(&p2eq, &middle, &spr)) || !sameside(&pineq, &middle, &spr)) // or on the other outside. { ok = 1; break; } } } if (ok) { debugmask_add(i | 32768, tspr->owner); Polymost::polymost_drawsprite(i); tspriteptr[i] = NULL; } } } } debugmask_add(maskwall[maskwallcnt], thewall[maskwall[maskwallcnt]]); Polymost::polymost_drawmaskwall(maskwallcnt); } while (spritesortcnt) { --spritesortcnt; if (tspriteptr[spritesortcnt] != NULL) { debugmask_add(i | 32768, tspriteptr[i]->owner); Polymost::polymost_drawsprite(spritesortcnt); tspriteptr[spritesortcnt] = NULL; } } renderFinishScene(); GLInterface.SetDepthMask(true); GLInterface.SetDepthBias(0, 0); } void PrecacheHardwareTextures(int nTile) { // PRECACHE // This really *really* needs improvement on the game side - the entire precaching logic has no clue about the different needs of a hardware renderer. Polymost::polymost_precache(nTile, 0, 1); } // // setrollangle // void renderSetRollAngle(float rolla) { Polymost::gtang = rolla * BAngRadian; rollang = rolla * (BAngRadian * 180 / pi::pif()); } void videoSetCorrectedAspect() { // In DOS the game world is displayed with an aspect of 1.28 instead 1.333, // meaning we have to stretch it by a factor of 1.25 instead of 1.2 // to get perfect squares int32_t yx = (65536 * 5) / 4; int32_t vr, y, x; x = xdim; y = ydim; vr = DivScale(x * 3, y * 4, 16); renderSetAspect(vr, yx); } // // setaspect // void renderSetAspect(int32_t daxrange, int32_t daaspect) { if (daxrange == 65536) daxrange--; // This doesn't work correctly with 65536. All other values are fine. No idea where this is evaluated wrong. viewingrange = daxrange; viewingrangerecip = DivScale(1, daxrange, 32); fviewingrange = (float)daxrange; yxaspect = daaspect; xyaspect = DivScale(1, yxaspect, 32); xdimenscale = Scale(xdimen, yxaspect, 320); xdimscale = Scale(320, xyaspect, xdimen); }