/* ** menu.cpp ** Menu base class and global interface ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2010 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "d_gui.h" #include "c_buttons.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "c_bind.h" #include "d_eventbase.h" #include "g_input.h" #include "configfile.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "menu.h" #include "vm.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "types.h" #include "texturemanager.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "vm.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "i_interface.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "st_start.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "gameconfigfile.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "raze_sound.h" #include "gamestruct.h" #include "razemenu.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "statistics.h" #include "i_net.h" #include "savegamehelp.h" #include "gi.h" #include "raze_music.h" #include "razefont.h" EXTERN_CVAR(Int, cl_gfxlocalization) EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, m_quickexit) EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, saveloadconfirmation) // [mxd] EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, quicksaverotation) EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, show_messages) CVAR(Bool, menu_sounds, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE) // added mainly because RR's sounds are so supremely annoying. typedef void(*hfunc)(); DMenu* CreateMessageBoxMenu(DMenu* parent, const char* message, int messagemode, bool playsound, FName action = NAME_None, hfunc handler = nullptr); bool OkForLocalization(FTextureID texnum, const char* substitute); void D_ToggleHud(); void I_WaitVBL(int count); extern bool hud_toggled; bool help_disabled; FNewGameStartup NewGameStartupInfo; //FNewGameStartup NewGameStartupInfo; static bool DoStartGame(FNewGameStartup& gs) { auto vol = FindVolume(gs.Episode); if (!vol) return false; if (isShareware() && (vol->flags & VF_SHAREWARELOCK)) { M_StartMessage(GStrings("SHAREWARELOCK"), 1, NAME_None); return false; } auto map = FindMapByName(vol->startmap); if (!map) return false; soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); gi->StartGame(gs); // play game specific effects (like Duke/RR/SW's voice lines when starting a game.) DeferredStartGame(map, gs.Skill); return true; } bool M_SetSpecialMenu(FName& menu, int param) { // Engine credits need a different approach to work with the option search #if 0 // Transitions between the engine credits pages need to pop off the last slide if (!strnicmp(menu.GetChars(), "EngineCredits", 13) && CurrentMenu && !strnicmp(CurrentMenu->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars(), "EngineCredits", 13)) { auto m = CurrentMenu; CurrentMenu = m->mParentMenu; m->mParentMenu = nullptr; m->Destroy(); } #endif switch (menu.GetIndex()) { case NAME_Mainmenu: if (gi->CanSave()) menu = NAME_IngameMenu; break; case NAME_Skillmenu: // sent from the episode menu NewGameStartupInfo.Episode = param; NewGameStartupInfo.Level = 0; NewGameStartupInfo.Skill = gDefaultSkill; return true; case NAME_Startgame: case NAME_StartgameNoSkill: NewGameStartupInfo.Skill = param; if (menu == NAME_StartgameNoSkill) { menu = NAME_Startgame; NewGameStartupInfo.Episode = param; NewGameStartupInfo.Skill = 1; } if (DoStartGame(NewGameStartupInfo)) { M_ClearMenus(); int ep = NewGameStartupInfo.Episode; auto vol = FindVolume(ep); if (vol) STAT_StartNewGame(vol->name, NewGameStartupInfo.Skill); inputState.ClearAllInput(); } return false; case NAME_CustomSubMenu1: menu = ENamedName(menu.GetIndex() + param); break; case NAME_Savegamemenu: if (!gi->CanSave()) { // cannot save outside the game. M_StartMessage(GStrings("SAVEDEAD"), 1, NAME_None); return true; } break; case NAME_Quitmenu: // This is no separate class C_DoCommand("menu_quit"); return false; case NAME_EndGameMenu: // This is no separate class C_DoCommand("menu_endgame"); return false; } // End of special checks return true; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void M_StartControlPanel(bool makeSound, bool) { // intro might call this repeatedly if (CurrentMenu != NULL) return; GSnd->SetSfxPaused(true, PAUSESFX_MENU); gi->MenuOpened(); if (makeSound && menu_sounds) gi->MenuSound(ActivateSound); M_DoStartControlPanel(false); } void System_MenuClosed() { GSnd->SetSfxPaused(false, PAUSESFX_MENU); inputState.ClearAllInput(); gi->MenuClosed(); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void System_MenuDim() { if (gamestate != GS_MENUSCREEN) // With GS_MENUSCREEN we can assume that the background has been tuned for proper menu display already. { Dim(twod, 0, 0.5f, 0, 0, screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight()); } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= CCMD(menu_quit) { // F10 M_StartControlPanel(true); FString EndString; EndString << GStrings("CONFIRM_QUITMSG") << "\n\n" << GStrings("PRESSYN"); DMenu* newmenu = CreateMessageBoxMenu(CurrentMenu, EndString, 0, false, NAME_None, []() { M_ClearMenus(); gi->ExitFromMenu(); }); M_ActivateMenu(newmenu); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= CCMD(menu_endgame) { // F7 if (!gi->CanSave()) { return; } M_StartControlPanel(true); FString tempstring; tempstring << GStrings("ENDGAME") << "\n\n" << GStrings("PRESSYN"); DMenu* newmenu = CreateMessageBoxMenu(CurrentMenu, tempstring, 0, false, NAME_None, []() { STAT_Cancel(); M_ClearMenus(); Mus_Stop(); gameaction = ga_mainmenu; }); M_ActivateMenu(newmenu); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= CCMD(quicksave) { // F6 if (!gi->CanSave()) return; if (savegameManager.quickSaveSlot == NULL || savegameManager.quickSaveSlot == (FSaveGameNode*)1) { M_StartControlPanel(true); M_SetMenu(NAME_Savegamemenu); return; } auto slot = savegameManager.quickSaveSlot; // [mxd]. Just save the game, no questions asked. if (!saveloadconfirmation) { G_SaveGame(savegameManager.quickSaveSlot->Filename, savegameManager.quickSaveSlot->SaveTitle); return; } FString tempstring = GStrings("QSPROMPT"); tempstring.Substitute("%s", slot->SaveTitle.GetChars()); M_StartControlPanel(true); DMenu* newmenu = CreateMessageBoxMenu(CurrentMenu, tempstring, 0, false, NAME_None, []() { M_ClearMenus(); G_SaveGame(savegameManager.quickSaveSlot->Filename, savegameManager.quickSaveSlot->SaveTitle); }); M_ActivateMenu(newmenu); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= CCMD(quickload) { // F9 if (netgame) { M_StartControlPanel(true); M_StartMessage(GStrings("QLOADNET"), 1); return; } if (savegameManager.quickSaveSlot == nullptr || savegameManager.quickSaveSlot == (FSaveGameNode*)1) { M_StartControlPanel(true); // signal that whatever gets loaded should be the new quicksave savegameManager.quickSaveSlot = (FSaveGameNode*)1; M_SetMenu(NAME_Loadgamemenu); return; } // [mxd]. Just load the game, no questions asked. if (!saveloadconfirmation) { G_LoadGame(savegameManager.quickSaveSlot->Filename); return; } FString tempstring = GStrings("QLPROMPT"); tempstring.Substitute("%s", savegameManager.quickSaveSlot->SaveTitle.GetChars()); M_StartControlPanel(true); DMenu* newmenu = CreateMessageBoxMenu(CurrentMenu, tempstring, 0, false, NAME_None, []() { M_ClearMenus(); G_LoadGame(savegameManager.quickSaveSlot->Filename); }); M_ActivateMenu(newmenu); } //============================================================================= // // Creation wrapper // //============================================================================= static DMenuItemBase* CreateCustomListMenuItemText(double x, double y, int height, int hotkey, const char* text, FFont* font, PalEntry color1, PalEntry color2, FName command, int param) { const char* classname = isBlood() ? "ListMenuItemBloodTextItem" : isSWALL() ? "ListMenuItemSWTextItem" : (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED) ? "ListMenuItemExhumedTextItem" : "ListMenuItemDukeTextItem"; auto c = PClass::FindClass(classname); auto p = c->CreateNew(); FString keystr = FString(char(hotkey)); FString textstr = text; VMValue params[] = { p, x, y, height, &keystr, &textstr, font, int(color1.d), int(color2.d), command.GetIndex(), param }; auto f = dyn_cast<PFunction>(c->FindSymbol("InitDirect", false)); VMCall(f->Variants[0].Implementation, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0); return (DMenuItemBase*)p; } //============================================================================= // // Creates the episode menu // //============================================================================= extern TArray<VolumeRecord> volumes; static void BuildEpisodeMenu() { // Build episode menu int addedVolumes = 0; bool textadded = false; DMenuDescriptor** desc = MenuDescriptors.CheckKey(NAME_Episodemenu); if (desc != nullptr && (*desc)->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(DListMenuDescriptor))) { DListMenuDescriptor* ld = static_cast<DListMenuDescriptor*>(*desc); DMenuItemBase* popped = nullptr; if (ld->mItems.Size() && ld->mItems.Last()->IsKindOf(NAME_ListMenuItemBloodDripDrawer)) { ld->mItems.Pop(popped); } ld->mSelectedItem = gDefaultVolume + ld->mItems.Size(); // account for pre-added items double y = ld->mYpos; // Volume definitions should be sorted by intended menu order. auto font = PickSmallFont(); for (auto &vol : volumes) { if (vol.name.IsNotEmpty() && !(vol.flags & VF_HIDEFROMSP)) { int isShareware = ((g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_DUKE) && (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_SHAREWARE) && (vol.flags & VF_SHAREWARELOCK)); auto it = CreateCustomListMenuItemText(ld->mXpos, y, ld->mLinespacing, vol.name[0], vol.name, ld->mFont, CR_UNTRANSLATED, isShareware, NAME_Skillmenu, vol.index); // font colors are not used, so hijack one for the shareware flag. y += ld->mLinespacing; ld->mItems.Push(it); addedVolumes++; if (vol.subtitle.IsNotEmpty()) { auto it = CreateCustomListMenuItemText(ld->mXpos, y, ld->mLinespacing * 6 / 10, 1, vol.subtitle, SmallFont, CR_GRAY, false, NAME_None, vol.index); y += ld->mLinespacing * 6 / 10; ld->mItems.Push(it); textadded = true; } } } #if 0 // this needs to be backed by a working selection menu, until that gets done it must be disabled. if (!(g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_SHAREWARE)) { //auto it = new FListMenuItemNativeStaticText(ld->mXpos, "", NIT_SmallFont); // empty entry as spacer. //ld->mItems.Push(it); y += ld->mLinespacing / 3; auto it = CreateCustomListMenuItemText(ld->mXpos, y, ld->mLinespacing, 'U', "$MNU_USERMAP", ld->mFont, 0, 0, NAME_UsermapMenu); ld->mItems.Push(it); addedVolumes++; } #endif if (addedVolumes == 1) { ld->mAutoselect = ld->mItems.Size() - (textadded ? 2 : 1); } if (popped) ld->mItems.Push(popped); } // Build skill menu int addedSkills = 0; desc = MenuDescriptors.CheckKey(NAME_Skillmenu); if (desc != nullptr && (*desc)->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(DListMenuDescriptor))) { DListMenuDescriptor* ld = static_cast<DListMenuDescriptor*>(*desc); DMenuItemBase* popped = nullptr; if (ld->mItems.Size() && ld->mItems.Last()->IsKindOf(NAME_ListMenuItemBloodDripDrawer)) { ld->mItems.Pop(popped); } if (isBlood() || isSWALL()) gDefaultSkill = 2; ld->mSelectedItem = gDefaultSkill + ld->mItems.Size(); // account for pre-added items double y = ld->mYpos; for (int i = 0; i < MAXSKILLS; i++) { if (gSkillNames[i].IsNotEmpty()) { auto it = CreateCustomListMenuItemText(ld->mXpos, y, ld->mLinespacing, gSkillNames[i][0], gSkillNames[i], ld->mFont, CR_UNTRANSLATED, 0, NAME_Startgame, i); y += ld->mLinespacing; ld->mItems.Push(it); addedSkills++; } } if (addedSkills == 0) { // Need to add one item with the default skill so that the menu does not break. auto it = CreateCustomListMenuItemText(ld->mXpos, y, ld->mLinespacing, 0, "", ld->mFont, 0, 0, NAME_Startgame, gDefaultSkill); ld->mItems.Push(it); } if (addedSkills == 1) { ld->mAutoselect = ld->mItems.Size() - 1; } if (popped) ld->mItems.Push(popped); } } //============================================================================= // // Reads any XHAIRS lumps for the names of crosshairs and // adds them to the display options menu. // //============================================================================= static void InitCrosshairsList() { int lastlump, lump; lastlump = 0; FOptionValues **opt = OptionValues.CheckKey(NAME_Crosshairs); if (opt == nullptr) { return; // no crosshair value list present. No need to go on. } FOptionValues::Pair *pair = &(*opt)->mValues[(*opt)->mValues.Reserve(1)]; pair->Value = 0; pair->Text = "None"; while ((lump = fileSystem.FindLump("XHAIRS", &lastlump)) != -1) { FScanner sc(lump); while (sc.GetNumber()) { FOptionValues::Pair value; value.Value = sc.Number; sc.MustGetString(); value.Text = sc.String; if (value.Value != 0) { // Check if it already exists. If not, add it. unsigned int i; for (i = 1; i < (*opt)->mValues.Size(); ++i) { if ((*opt)->mValues[i].Value == value.Value) { break; } } if (i < (*opt)->mValues.Size()) { (*opt)->mValues[i].Text = value.Text; } else { (*opt)->mValues.Push(value); } } } } } //========================================================================== // // Defines how graphics substitution is handled. // 0: Never replace a text-containing graphic with a font-based text. // 1: Always replace, regardless of any missing information. Useful for testing the substitution without providing full data. // 2: Only replace for non-default texts, i.e. if some language redefines the string's content, use it instead of the graphic. Never replace a localized graphic. // 3: Only replace if the string is not the default and the graphic comes from the IWAD. Never replace a localized graphic. // 4: Like 1, but lets localized graphics pass. // // The default is 3, which only replaces known content with non-default texts. // //========================================================================== bool CheckSkipGameOptionBlock(FScanner& sc) { return false; } // not applicable #if 0 CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, cl_gfxlocalization, 3, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { if (self < 0 || self > 4) self = 0; } bool OkForLocalization(FTextureID texnum, const char* substitute) { if (!texnum.isValid()) return false; // First the unconditional settings, 0='never' and 1='always'. if (cl_gfxlocalization == 1 || gameinfo.forcetextinmenus) return false; if (cl_gfxlocalization == 0 || gameinfo.forcenogfxsubstitution) return true; return TexMan.OkForLocalization(texnum, substitute, cl_gfxlocalization); } #endif void SetDefaultMenuColors() { PClass* cls = nullptr; //OptionSettings.mTitleColor = CR_RED;// V_FindFontColor(gameinfo.mTitleColor); OptionSettings.mFontColor = CR_RED; OptionSettings.mFontColorValue = CR_GRAY; OptionSettings.mFontColorMore = CR_GRAY; OptionSettings.mFontColorHeader = CR_GOLD; OptionSettings.mFontColorHighlight = CR_YELLOW; OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection = CR_BRICK; gameinfo.mSliderColor = "Orange"; gameinfo.mSliderBackColor = "White"; if (isBlood()) { OptionSettings.mFontColorHeader = CR_DARKGRAY; OptionSettings.mFontColorHighlight = CR_WHITE; OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection = CR_DARKRED; gameinfo.mSliderColor = "Red"; cls = PClass::FindClass("BloodMenuDelegate"); } else if (isSWALL()) { OptionSettings.mFontColorHeader = CR_DARKRED; OptionSettings.mFontColorHighlight = CR_WHITE; gameinfo.mSliderColor = "Red"; cls = PClass::FindClass("SWMenuDelegate"); } else if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED) { OptionSettings.mFontColorHeader = CR_LIGHTBLUE; OptionSettings.mFontColorHighlight = CR_SAPPHIRE; OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection = CR_ORANGE; OptionSettings.mFontColor = CR_FIRE; gameinfo.mSliderColor = "Yellow"; cls = PClass::FindClass("ExhumedMenuDelegate"); } else { if (isNamWW2GI()) { OptionSettings.mFontColor = CR_DARKGREEN; OptionSettings.mFontColorHeader = CR_DARKGRAY; OptionSettings.mFontColorHighlight = CR_WHITE; OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection = CR_DARKGREEN; gameinfo.mSliderColor = "Green"; } else if (isRR()) { OptionSettings.mFontColor = CR_BROWN; OptionSettings.mFontColorHeader = CR_DARKBROWN; OptionSettings.mFontColorHighlight = CR_ORANGE; OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection = CR_TAN; gameinfo.mSliderColor = "Tan"; } cls = PClass::FindClass("DukeMenuDelegate"); } if (!cls) cls = PClass::FindClass("RazeMenuDelegate"); if (cls) menuDelegate = cls->CreateNew(); } void BuildGameMenus() { BuildEpisodeMenu(); InitCrosshairsList(); UpdateJoystickMenu(nullptr); } //============================================================================= // // [RH] Most menus can now be accessed directly // through console commands. // //============================================================================= EXTERN_CVAR(Int, screenblocks) CCMD(reset2defaults) { C_SetDefaultBindings(); C_SetCVarsToDefaults(); } CCMD(reset2saved) { GameConfig->DoGlobalSetup(); GameConfig->DoGameSetup(currentGame); } CCMD(menu_main) { if (gamestate == GS_FULLCONSOLE) gamestate = GS_MENUSCREEN; M_StartControlPanel(true); M_SetMenu(NAME_Mainmenu, -1); } CCMD(openhelpmenu) { if (!help_disabled) { M_StartControlPanel(true); M_SetMenu(NAME_HelpMenu); } } CCMD(opensavemenu) { if (gi->CanSave()) { M_StartControlPanel(true); M_SetMenu(NAME_Savegamemenu); } } CCMD(openloadmenu) { M_StartControlPanel(true); M_SetMenu(NAME_Loadgamemenu); } // The sound system is not yet capable of resolving this properly. DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_RazeMenuDelegate, PlaySound) { PARAM_SELF_STRUCT_PROLOGUE(void); PARAM_NAME(name); EMenuSounds soundindex; switch (name.GetIndex()) { case NAME_menu_cursor: soundindex = CursorSound; break; case NAME_menu_choose: soundindex = ChooseSound; break; case NAME_menu_backup: soundindex = BackSound; break; case NAME_menu_clear: case NAME_menu_dismiss: soundindex = CloseSound; break; case NAME_menu_change: soundindex = ChangeSound; break; case NAME_menu_advance: soundindex = AdvanceSound; break; default: return 0; } gi->MenuSound(soundindex); return 0; } // C_ToggleConsole cannot be exported for security reasons as it can be used to make the engine unresponsive. DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_RazeMenuDelegate, MenuDismissed) { if (CurrentMenu == nullptr && gamestate == GS_MENUSCREEN) C_ToggleConsole(); return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_PlayerMenu, DrawPlayerSprite) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_INT(selected); gi->DrawPlayerSprite(DVector2(0.,0.), selected); return 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, vr_enable_quadbuffered) #endif void UpdateVRModes(bool considerQuadBuffered) { FOptionValues** pVRModes = OptionValues.CheckKey("VRMode"); if (pVRModes == nullptr) return; TArray<FOptionValues::Pair>& vals = (*pVRModes)->mValues; TArray<FOptionValues::Pair> filteredValues; int cnt = vals.Size(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { auto const& mode = vals[i]; if (mode.Value == 7) { // Quad-buffered stereo #ifdef _WIN32 if (!vr_enable_quadbuffered) continue; #else continue; // Remove quad-buffered option on Mac and Linux #endif if (!considerQuadBuffered) continue; // Probably no compatible screen mode was found } filteredValues.Push(mode); } vals = filteredValues; }