//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Nuke.YKT Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "secrets.h" #include "statistics.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "automap.h" #include "dukeactor.h" #include "interpolate.h" #include "precache.h" #include "render.h" #include "screenjob_.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS int which_palookup = 9; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void pickrandomspot(int snum) { struct player_struct *p; int i; p = &ps[snum]; if( ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1) i = krand()%numplayersprites; else i = snum; p->bobpos.X = p->opos.X = p->pos.X = po[i].opos.X; p->bobpos.Y = p->opos.Y = p->pos.Y = po[i].opos.Y; p->opos.Z = p->pos.Z = po[i].opos.Z; p->angle.oang = p->angle.ang = buildang(po[i].oa); p->setCursector(po[i].os); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void resetplayerstats(int snum) { struct player_struct *p; p = &ps[snum]; gFullMap = 0; p->dead_flag = 0; p->resurrected = false; p->wackedbyactor = nullptr; p->falling_counter = 0; p->quick_kick = 0; p->subweapon = 0; p->last_full_weapon = 0; p->ftq = 0; p->tipincs = 0; p->buttonpalette = 0; p->actorsqu =nullptr; p->invdisptime = 0; p->refresh_inventory= 0; p->last_pissed_time = 0; p->holster_weapon = 0; p->pycount = 0; p->pyoff = 0; p->opyoff = 0; p->loogcnt = 0; p->psectlotag = 0; p->weapon_sway = 0; // p->select_dir = 0; p->extra_extra8 = 0; p->show_empty_weapon= 0; p->dummyplayersprite=nullptr; p->crack_time = 0; p->hbomb_hold_delay = 0; p->transporter_hold = 0; p->wantweaponfire = -1; p->hurt_delay = 0; p->hurt_delay2 = 0; p->footprintcount = 0; p->footprintpal = 0; p->footprintshade = 0; p->jumping_toggle = 0; p->horizon.ohoriz = p->horizon.horiz = q16horiz(40); p->horizon.ohorizoff = p->horizon.horizoff = q16horiz(0); p->bobcounter = 0; p->on_ground = 0; p->player_par = 0; p->sync.actions |= SB_CENTERVIEW; p->airleft = 15*26; p->rapid_fire_hold = 0; p->toggle_key_flag = 0; p->access_spritenum = nullptr; if(ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1 ) p->got_access = 7; else p->got_access = 0; p->random_club_frame= 0; p->on_warping_sector = 0; p->spritebridge = 0; if(p->steroids_amount < 400 ) { p->steroids_amount = 0; p->inven_icon = 0; } p->heat_on = 0; p->jetpack_on = 0; p->holoduke_on = nullptr; p->angle.olook_ang = p->angle.look_ang = buildang(512 - (((~currentLevel->levelNumber) & 1) << 10)); p->angle.orotscrnang = p->angle.rotscrnang = buildang(0); p->newOwner =nullptr; p->jumping_counter = 0; p->hard_landing = 0; p->vel.X = 0; //!! p->vel.Y = 0; p->vel.Z = 0; p->fric.X = 0; p->fric.Y = 0; p->somethingonplayer =nullptr; p->angle.spin = 0; p->on_crane = nullptr; if(p->curr_weapon == PISTOL_WEAPON) p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = isRR()? 22 : 5; else p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 6; p->walking_snd_toggle= 0; p->weapon_ang = 0; p->knuckle_incs = 1; p->fist_incs = 0; p->knee_incs = 0; p->stairs = 0; p->noise.X = 0; p->noise.Y = 0; p->donoise = 0; p->noise_radius = 0; if (isRR() && ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1) { p->keys[0] = 1; p->keys[1] = 1; p->keys[2] = 1; p->keys[3] = 1; p->keys[4] = 1; } else { p->keys[0] = 0; p->keys[1] = 0; p->keys[2] = 0; p->keys[3] = 0; p->keys[4] = 0; } wupass = 0; //p->at582 = 0; p->drunkang = 1647; p->eatang = 1647; p->drink_amt = 0; p->eat = 0; p->drink_timer = 4096; p->eat_timer = 4096; p->shotgun_state[0] = 0; p->shotgun_state[1] = 0; p->detonate_time = 0; p->detonate_count = 0; p->recoil = 0; p->yehaa_timer = 0; chickenphase = 0; if (p->OnMotorcycle) { p->OnMotorcycle = 0; p->gotweapon[MOTORCYCLE_WEAPON] = false; p->curr_weapon = isRRRA()? SLINGBLADE_WEAPON : KNEE_WEAPON; // just in case this is made available for the other games } p->lotag800kill = 0; p->moto_do_bump = 0; p->MotoOnGround = 1; p->moto_underwater = 0; p->MotoSpeed = 0; p->TiltStatus = 0; p->moto_drink = 0; p->VBumpTarget = 0; p->VBumpNow =0; p->moto_bump_fast = 0; p->TurbCount = 0; p->moto_on_mud = 0; p->moto_on_oil = 0; if (p->OnBoat) { p->OnBoat = 0; p->gotweapon[BOAT_WEAPON] = false; p->curr_weapon = isRRRA()? SLINGBLADE_WEAPON : KNEE_WEAPON; // just in case this is made available for the other games } p->NotOnWater = 0; p->SeaSick = 0; p->nocheat = 0; p->DrugMode = 0; p->drug_stat[0] = 0; p->drug_stat[1] = 0; p->drug_stat[2] = 0; p->drug_aspect = 0; resetlanepics(); if (numplayers < 2) { ufospawn = isRRRA()? 3 : min(ud.player_skill*4+1, 32); ufocnt = 0; hulkspawn = ud.player_skill + 1; } else { ufospawn = isRRRA()? 0 :32; ufocnt = 0; hulkspawn = isRRRA()? 0 :2; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void resetweapons(int snum) { int weapon; struct player_struct *p; p = &ps[snum]; for (weapon = PISTOL_WEAPON; weapon < MAX_WEAPONS; weapon++) { p->ammo_amount[weapon] = 0; } memset(p->gotweapon, 0, MAX_WEAPONS); p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 6; p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 5; p->curr_weapon = PISTOL_WEAPON; p->gotweapon[PISTOL_WEAPON] = true; p->gotweapon[KNEE_WEAPON] = true; p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] = min(gs.max_ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON], 48); p->gotweapon[HANDREMOTE_WEAPON] = true; p->last_weapon = -1; p->show_empty_weapon= 0; p->last_pissed_time = 0; p->holster_weapon = 0; // Always clear these, even for non-RRRA p->OnMotorcycle = 0; p->moto_underwater = 0; p->OnBoat = 0; p->lotag800kill = 0; if (isRRRA()) { chickenphase = 0; p->ammo_amount[KNEE_WEAPON] = 1; p->gotweapon[SLINGBLADE_WEAPON] = true; p->ammo_amount[SLINGBLADE_WEAPON] = 1; } OnEvent(EVENT_RESETWEAPONS, snum, nullptr, -1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void resetinventory(int snum) { struct player_struct* p; p = &ps[snum]; p->inven_icon = 0; p->boot_amount = 0; p->scuba_on = 0; p->scuba_amount = 0; p->heat_amount = 0; p->heat_on = 0; p->jetpack_on = 0; p->jetpack_amount = 0; p->shield_amount = gs.max_armour_amount; p->holoduke_on = nullptr; p->holoduke_amount = 0; p->firstaid_amount = 0; p->steroids_amount = 0; p->inven_icon = 0; if (isRR() && ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1) { p->keys[0] = 1; p->keys[1] = 1; p->keys[2] = 1; p->keys[3] = 1; p->keys[4] = 1; } else { p->keys[0] = 0; p->keys[1] = 0; p->keys[2] = 0; p->keys[3] = 0; p->keys[4] = 0; } p->drunkang = 1647; p->eatang = 1647; p->drink_amt = 0; p->eat = 0; p->drink_timer = 0; p->eat_timer = 0; p->shotgun_state[0] = 0; p->shotgun_state[1] = 0; p->detonate_time = 0; p->detonate_count = 0; p->recoil = 0; p->yehaa_timer = 0; resetlanepics(); if (numplayers < 2) { ufospawn = min(ud.player_skill*4+1, 32); ufocnt = 0; hulkspawn = ud.player_skill + 1; } else { ufospawn = 32; ufocnt = 0; hulkspawn = 2; } OnEvent(EVENT_RESETINVENTORY, snum, p->GetActor()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void resetprestat(int snum,int g) { struct player_struct *p; int i; p = &ps[snum]; spriteqloc = 0; for(i=0;ihbomb_on = 0; p->pals.a = 0; p->toggle_key_flag = 0; p->secret_rooms = 0; p->max_secret_rooms = 0; p->actors_killed = 0; p->max_actors_killed = 0; p->lastrandomspot = 0; p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 6; p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 5; p->last_weapon = -1; p->weapreccnt = 0; p->show_empty_weapon= 0; p->holster_weapon = 0; p->last_pissed_time = 0; p->one_parallax_sectnum = nullptr; p->visibility = ud.const_visibility; screenpeek = myconnectindex; numanimwalls = 0; numcyclers = 0; animatecnt = 0; parallaxtype = 0; randomseed = 17L; paused = 0; ud.cameraactor =nullptr; tempwallptr = 0; cranes.Clear(); camsprite =nullptr; earthquaketime = 0; WindTime = 0; WindDir = 0; fakebubba_spawn = 0; RRRA_ExitedLevel = 0; BellTime = 0; BellSprite = nullptr; if(p->curr_weapon == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) { p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON]++; p->curr_weapon = HANDBOMB_WEAPON; } p->timebeforeexit = 0; p->customexitsound = 0; p->stairs = 0; //if (!isRRRA()) p->fogtype = 0; p->noise.X = 131072; p->noise.Y = 131072; p->donoise = 0; p->noise_radius = 0; if (isRR() && ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1) { p->keys[0] = 1; p->keys[1] = 1; p->keys[2] = 1; p->keys[3] = 1; p->keys[4] = 1; } else { p->keys[0] = 0; p->keys[1] = 0; p->keys[2] = 0; p->keys[3] = 0; p->keys[4] = 0; } p->drunkang = 1647; p->eatang = 1647; p->drink_amt = 0; p->eat = 0; p->drink_timer = 0; p->eat_timer = 0; p->shotgun_state[0] = 0; p->shotgun_state[1] = 0; p->detonate_time = 0; p->detonate_count = 0; p->recoil = 0; p->yehaa_timer = 0; resetlanepics(); if (numplayers < 2) { ufospawn = min(ud.player_skill*4+1, 32); ufocnt = 0; hulkspawn = ud.player_skill + 1; } else { ufospawn = 32; ufocnt = 0; hulkspawn = 2; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void resetpspritevars(int g) { int i, j; int circ; int firstx, firsty; int aimmode[MAXPLAYERS]; STATUSBARTYPE tsbar[MAXPLAYERS]; EGS(ps[0].cursector, ps[0].pos.X, ps[0].pos.Y, ps[0].pos.Z, TILE_APLAYER, 0, 0, 0, ps[0].angle.ang.asbuild(), 0, 0, nullptr, 10); if (ud.recstat != 2) for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { aimmode[i] = ps[i].aim_mode; if (ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop == 1 && ud.last_level >= 0) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_WEAPONS; j++) { tsbar[i].ammo_amount[j] = ps[i].ammo_amount[j]; tsbar[i].gotweapon[j] = ps[i].gotweapon[j]; } tsbar[i].shield_amount = ps[i].shield_amount; tsbar[i].curr_weapon = ps[i].curr_weapon; tsbar[i].inven_icon = ps[i].inven_icon; tsbar[i].firstaid_amount = ps[i].firstaid_amount; tsbar[i].steroids_amount = ps[i].steroids_amount; tsbar[i].holoduke_amount = ps[i].holoduke_amount; tsbar[i].jetpack_amount = ps[i].jetpack_amount; tsbar[i].heat_amount = ps[i].heat_amount; tsbar[i].scuba_amount = ps[i].scuba_amount; tsbar[i].boot_amount = ps[i].boot_amount; } } resetplayerstats(0); for (i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) ps[i] = ps[0]; if (ud.recstat != 2) for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { ps[i].aim_mode = aimmode[i]; if (ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop == 1 && ud.last_level >= 0) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_WEAPONS; j++) { ps[i].ammo_amount[j] = tsbar[i].ammo_amount[j]; ps[i].gotweapon[j] = tsbar[i].gotweapon[j]; } ps[i].shield_amount = tsbar[i].shield_amount; ps[i].curr_weapon = tsbar[i].curr_weapon; ps[i].inven_icon = tsbar[i].inven_icon; ps[i].firstaid_amount = tsbar[i].firstaid_amount; ps[i].steroids_amount = tsbar[i].steroids_amount; ps[i].holoduke_amount = tsbar[i].holoduke_amount; ps[i].jetpack_amount = tsbar[i].jetpack_amount; ps[i].heat_amount = tsbar[i].heat_amount; ps[i].scuba_amount = tsbar[i].scuba_amount; ps[i].boot_amount = tsbar[i].boot_amount; } } numplayersprites = 0; circ = 2048 / ud.multimode; which_palookup = 9; j = connecthead; DukeStatIterator it(STAT_PLAYER); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (numplayersprites == MAXPLAYERS) I_Error("Too many player sprites (max 16.)"); if (numplayersprites == 0) { firstx = ps[0].pos.X; firsty = ps[0].pos.Y; } po[numplayersprites].opos.X = act->spr.pos.X; po[numplayersprites].opos.Y = act->spr.pos.Y; po[numplayersprites].opos.Z = act->spr.pos.Z; po[numplayersprites].oa = act->spr.ang; po[numplayersprites].os = act->sector(); numplayersprites++; if (j >= 0) { act->SetOwner(act); act->spr.shade = 0; act->spr.xrepeat = isRR() ? 24 : 42; act->spr.yrepeat = isRR() ? 17 : 36; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->spr.xoffset = 0; act->spr.clipdist = 64; if (ps[j].last_extra == 0) { ps[j].last_extra = gs.max_player_health; act->spr.extra = gs.max_player_health; } else act->spr.extra = ps[j].last_extra; act->spr.yvel = j; if (ud.last_level == -1) { if (act->spr.pal == 0) { act->spr.pal = ps[j].palookup = which_palookup; ud.user_pals[j] = which_palookup; which_palookup++; if (which_palookup == 17) which_palookup = 9; } else ud.user_pals[j] = ps[j].palookup = act->spr.pal; } else act->spr.pal = ps[j].palookup = ud.user_pals[j]; ps[j].actor = act; ps[j].frag_ps = j; act->SetOwner(act); ps[j].bobpos.X = ps[j].opos.X = ps[j].pos.X = act->spr.pos.X; ps[j].bobpos.Y = ps[j].opos.Y = ps[j].pos.Y = act->spr.pos.Y; ps[j].opos.Z = ps[j].pos.Z = act->spr.pos.Z; act->spr.backuppos(); ps[j].angle.oang = ps[j].angle.ang = buildang(act->spr.ang); updatesector(act->spr.pos.X, act->spr.pos.Y, &ps[j].cursector); j = connectpoint2[j]; } else deletesprite(act); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lava_cleararrays(); void prelevel_common(int g) { auto p = &ps[screenpeek]; p->sea_sick_stat = 0; ufospawnsminion = 0; pistonsound = 0; p->SlotWin = 0; enemysizecheat = 0; p->MamaEnd = 0; banjosound = 0; RRRA_ExitedLevel = 0; lava_cleararrays(); geocnt = 0; ambientfx = 0; thunderon = 0; chickenplant = 0; WindTime = 0; WindDir = 0; fakebubba_spawn = 0; RRRA_ExitedLevel = 0; mamaspawn_count = currentLevel->rr_mamaspawn; BellTime = 0; BellSprite = nullptr; // RRRA E2L1 fog handling. fogactive = 0; resetprestat(0, g); numclouds = 0; memset(geosectorwarp, -1, sizeof(geosectorwarp)); memset(geosectorwarp2, -1, sizeof(geosectorwarp2)); memset(ambienthitag, -1, sizeof(ambienthitag)); memset(ambientlotag, -1, sizeof(ambientlotag)); for(auto&sec: sector) { auto sectp = &sec; sectp->extra = 256; switch (sectp->lotag) { case 20: case 22: if (sectp->floorz > sectp->ceilingz) sectp->lotag |= 32768; continue; } if (sectp->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) { //setupbackdrop(sectp->ceilingpicnum); if (sectp->ceilingpicnum == TILE_CLOUDYSKIES && numclouds < 127) clouds[numclouds++] = sectp; if (ps[0].one_parallax_sectnum == nullptr) ps[0].one_parallax_sectnum = sectp; } if (sectp->lotag == 32767) //Found a secret room { ps[0].max_secret_rooms++; continue; } if (sectp->lotag == -1) { ps[0].exit.X = sectp->firstWall()->pos.X; ps[0].exit.Y = sectp->firstWall()->pos.Y; continue; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void resettimevars(void) { cloudclock = 0; PlayClock = 0; if (camsprite != nullptr) camsprite->temp_data[0] = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void donewgame(MapRecord* map, int sk) { auto p = &ps[0]; show_shareware = 26 * 34; ud.player_skill = sk; ud.secretlevel = 0; ud.from_bonus = 0; ud.last_level = -1; M_ClearMenus(); ResetGameVars(); if (m_coop != 1) { if (isWW2GI()) { for (int i = 0; i < 12/*MAX_WEAPONS*/; i++) // aboive 12 have no data defined and would crash. { if (aplWeaponWorksLike(i, 0) == PISTOL_WEAPON) { p->curr_weapon = i; p->gotweapon[i] = true; p->ammo_amount[i] = 48; } else if (aplWeaponWorksLike(i, 0) == KNEE_WEAPON || aplWeaponWorksLike(i, 0) == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) { p->gotweapon[i] = true; } } } else { p->curr_weapon = PISTOL_WEAPON; p->gotweapon[PISTOL_WEAPON] = true; p->gotweapon[KNEE_WEAPON] = true; p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] = 48; p->gotweapon[HANDREMOTE_WEAPON] = true; p->last_weapon = -1; } p->last_weapon = -1; } display_mirror = 0; if (ud.multimode > 1) { if (numplayers < 2) { connecthead = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) connectpoint2[i] = i + 1; connectpoint2[ud.multimode - 1] = -1; } } else { connecthead = 0; connectpoint2[0] = -1; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // the setup here is very, very sloppy, because mappings are not 1:1. // Each portal can have multiple sectors, and even extends to unmarked // neighboring sectors if they got the portal tile as floor or ceiling // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void SpawnPortals() { for (auto& wal : wall) { if (wal.overpicnum == TILE_MIRROR && (wal.cstat & CSTAT_WALL_1WAY)) wal.portalflags |= PORTAL_WALL_MIRROR; } portalClear(); int tag; if (!isRR()) tag = 40; else if (isRRRA()) tag = 150; else return; TArray processedTags; DukeStatIterator it(STAT_RAROR); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->spr.picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR && act->spr.lotag == tag) { if (processedTags.Find(act->spr.hitag) == processedTags.Size()) { DukeStatIterator it2(STAT_RAROR); while (auto act2 = it2.Next()) { if (act2->spr.picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR && act2->spr.lotag == tag + 1 && act2->spr.hitag == act->spr.hitag) { if (processedTags.Find(act->spr.hitag) == processedTags.Size()) { sectortype* s1 = act->sector(), *s2 = act2->sector(); s1->portalflags = PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR; s1->portalflags = PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING; s2->portalnum = portalAdd(PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR, sectnum(s2), act2->spr.pos.X - act->spr.pos.X, act2->spr.pos.Y - act->spr.pos.Y, act->spr.hitag); s2->portalnum = portalAdd(PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING, sectnum(s1), act->spr.pos.X - act2->spr.pos.X, act->spr.pos.Y - act2->spr.pos.Y, act->spr.hitag); processedTags.Push(act->spr.hitag); } else { for (auto& p : allPortals) { if (p.type == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR && p.dz == act->spr.hitag) { p.targets.Push(act2->sectno()); } } } } } } else { for (auto& p : allPortals) { if (p.type == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING && p.dz == act->spr.hitag) { p.targets.Push(act->sectno()); } } } } } // Unfortunately the above still isn't enough. We got to do one more check to add stuff to the portals. // There is one map where a sector neighboring a portal is not marked as part of the portal itself. for (unsigned i = 0; i < sector.Size(); i++) { auto sectp = §or[i]; if (sectp->floorpicnum == FOF && sectp->portalflags != PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR) { for (auto& pt : allPortals) { if (pt.type == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING) { for (auto& t : pt.targets) { if (sectorsConnected(i, t)) { sectp->portalflags = PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR; sectp->portalnum = uint8_t(1 ^ (&pt - allPortals.Data())); pt.targets.Push(i); goto nexti; } } } } } else if (sectp->ceilingpicnum == FOF && sectp->portalflags != PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING) { for (auto& pt : allPortals) { if (pt.type == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR) { for (auto t : pt.targets) { if (sectorsConnected(i, t)) { sectp->portalflags = PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING; sectp->portalnum = uint8_t(1 ^ (&pt - allPortals.Data())); pt.targets.Push(i); goto nexti; } } } } } nexti:; } for (auto& p : allPortals) p.dz = 0; mergePortals(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // this is just a dummy for now to provide the intended setup. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static TArray spawnactors(SpawnSpriteDef& sprites) { TArray spawns(sprites.sprites.Size(), true); InitSpriteLists(); int j = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sprites.sprites.Size(); i++) { if (sprites.sprites[i].statnum == MAXSTATUS) { spawns.Pop(); continue; } auto sprt = &sprites.sprites[i]; auto actor = static_cast(InsertActor(RUNTIME_CLASS(DDukeActor), sprt->sectp, sprt->statnum)); spawns[j++] = actor; actor->spr = sprites.sprites[i]; if (sprites.sprext.Size()) actor->sprext = sprites.sprext[i]; else actor->sprext = {}; actor->spsmooth = {}; } return spawns; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int LoadTheMap(MapRecord *mi, struct player_struct *p, int gamemode) { int16_t lbang; if (isShareware() && (mi->flags & MI_USERMAP)) { I_Error("Cannot load user maps with shareware version!\n"); } currentLevel = mi; int sect; SpawnSpriteDef sprites; loadMap(mi->fileName, isShareware(), &p->pos, &lbang, §, sprites); p->cursector = §or[sect]; SECRET_SetMapName(mi->DisplayName(), mi->name); STAT_NewLevel(mi->fileName); p->angle.ang = buildang(lbang); gotpic.Zero(); auto actorlist = spawnactors(sprites); if (isRR()) prelevel_r(gamemode, actorlist); else prelevel_d(gamemode, actorlist); SpawnPortals(); allignwarpelevators(); resetpspritevars(gamemode); if (isRR()) cacheit_r(); else cacheit_d(); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void clearfrags(void) { for (int i = 0; i < ud.multimode; i++) { ps[i].frag = ps[i].fraggedself = 0; memset(ps[i].frags, 0, sizeof(ps[i].frags)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void enterlevel(MapRecord *mi, int gamemode) { // flushpackets(); // waitforeverybody(); ud.respawn_monsters = ud.m_respawn_monsters; ud.respawn_items = ud.m_respawn_items; ud.respawn_inventory = ud.m_respawn_inventory; ud.monsters_off = ud.m_monsters_off; ud.coop = ud.m_coop; ud.ffire = ud.m_ffire; lastlevel = 0; OnEvent(EVENT_ENTERLEVEL); // Stop all sounds FX_StopAllSounds(); FX_SetReverb(0); auto p = &ps[0]; LoadTheMap(mi, p, gamemode); // Try this first so that it can disable the CD player if no tracks are found. if (isRR()) S_PlayRRMusic(); if (ud.recstat != 2) { S_PlayLevelMusic(mi); } for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { bool clearweapon = !!(currentLevel->flags & LEVEL_CLEARWEAPONS); int pn = ps[i].GetActor()->sector()->floorpicnum; if (pn == TILE_HURTRAIL || pn == TILE_FLOORSLIME || pn == TILE_FLOORPLASMA) { resetinventory(i); clearweapon = true; } if (clearweapon) { resetweapons(i); ps[i].gotweapon[PISTOL_WEAPON] = false; ps[i].ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] = 0; ps[i].curr_weapon = KNEE_WEAPON; ps[i].kickback_pic = 0; ps[i].okickback_pic = ps[i].kickback_pic = 0; } if (currentLevel->flags & LEVEL_CLEARINVENTORY) resetinventory(i); } resetmys(); everyothertime = 0; global_random = 0; ud.last_level = 1; ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on = 0; clearfrags(); resettimevars(); // Here we go setLevelStarted(mi); if (isRRRA() && ps[screenpeek].sea_sick_stat == 1) { for (auto& wal : wall) { if (wal.picnum == 7873 || wal.picnum == 7870) StartInterpolation(&wal, Interp_Wall_PanX); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Start a new game from the menu // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GameInterface::NewGame(MapRecord* map, int skill, bool) { for (int i = 0; i != -1; i = connectpoint2[i]) { resetweapons(i); resetinventory(i); } ps[0].last_extra = gs.max_player_health; if (skill == -1) skill = ud.player_skill; else skill++; ud.player_skill = skill; ud.m_respawn_monsters = (skill == 4); ud.m_monsters_off = ud.monsters_off = 0; ud.m_respawn_items = 0; ud.m_respawn_inventory = 0; ud.multimode = 1; donewgame(map, skill); enterlevel(map, 0); if (isShareware() && ud.recstat != 2) FTA(QUOTE_F1HELP, &ps[myconnectindex]); PlayerColorChanged(); inputState.ClearAllInput(); gameaction = ga_level; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ideally this will become the only place where map progression gets set up. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool setnextmap(bool checksecretexit) { MapRecord* map = nullptr; MapRecord* from_bonus = nullptr; if (ud.eog && !(currentLevel->flags & LEVEL_FORCENOEOG)) { } else if (checksecretexit && ud.from_bonus == 0) { if (ud.secretlevel > 0) { // allow overriding the secret exit destination to make episode compilation easier with maps containing secret exits. if (currentLevel->flags & LEVEL_SECRETEXITOVERRIDE) map = FindNextSecretMap(currentLevel); if (!map) map = FindMapByIndex(currentLevel->cluster, ud.secretlevel); if (map) { from_bonus = FindNextMap(currentLevel); } } } else if (ud.from_bonus && currentLevel->NextMap.IsEmpty()) // if the current level has an explicit link, use that instead of ud.from_bonus. { map = FindMapByLevelNum(ud.from_bonus); } else { map = FindNextMap(currentLevel); } // Make sure these two are cleared in case the map check errors out. ud.from_bonus = 0; ud.secretlevel = 0; if (map) { // If the map doesn't exist, abort with a meaningful message instead of crashing. if (fileSystem.FindFile(map->fileName) < 0) { I_Error("Trying to open non-existent %s", map->fileName.GetChars()); } ud.from_bonus = from_bonus? from_bonus->levelNumber : 0; } CompleteLevel(map); return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void exitlevel(MapRecord* nextlevel) { bool endofgame = nextlevel == nullptr; STAT_Update(endofgame); StopCommentary(); SummaryInfo info{}; info.kills = ps[0].actors_killed; info.maxkills = ps[0].max_actors_killed; info.secrets = ps[0].secret_rooms; info.maxsecrets = ps[0].max_secret_rooms; info.time = ps[0].player_par / GameTicRate; info.endofgame = endofgame; Mus_Stop(); if (playerswhenstarted > 1 && ud.coop != 1) { // MP scoreboard ShowScoreboard(playerswhenstarted, [=](bool) { // Clear potentially loaded per-map ART only after the bonus screens. artClearMapArt(); gameaction = ga_level; ud.eog = false; if (endofgame) { auto nextlevel = FindMapByLevelNum(0); if (!nextlevel) { gameaction = ga_startup; return; } else gameaction = ga_nextlevel; } else gameaction = ga_nextlevel; }); } else if (ud.multimode <= 1) { // SP cutscene + summary ShowIntermission(currentLevel, nextlevel, &info, [=](bool) { // Clear potentially loaded per-map ART only after the bonus screens. artClearMapArt(); ud.eog = false; gameaction = endofgame? ga_startup : ga_nextlevel; }); } } END_DUKE_NS