//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define sector_c_ #include "duke3d.h" #include "input.h" // PRIMITIVE static int32_t g_haltSoundHack = 0; int32_t S_FindMusicSFX(int32_t sn, int32_t *sndptr) { int32_t i; for (SPRITES_OF_SECT(sn, i)) { const int32_t snd = sprite[i].lotag; EDUKE32_STATIC_ASSERT(MAXSOUNDS >= 1000); if (PN(i) == MUSICANDSFX && (unsigned)snd < 1000) // XXX: in other places, 999 { *sndptr = snd; return i; } } *sndptr = -1; return -1; } // this function activates a sector's MUSICANDSFX sprite int32_t A_CallSound(int32_t sn, int32_t whatsprite) { int32_t i, snd; if (g_haltSoundHack) { g_haltSoundHack = 0; return -1; } i = S_FindMusicSFX(sn, &snd); if (i >= 0) { if (whatsprite == -1) whatsprite = i; if (T1(i) == 0) { if ((g_sounds[snd].m & SF_GLOBAL) == 0) { if (snd) { A_PlaySound(snd, whatsprite); if (SHT(i) && snd != SHT(i) && SHT(i) < MAXSOUNDS) S_StopEnvSound(SHT(i),T6(i)); T6(i) = whatsprite; } if ((sector[SECT(i)].lotag&0xff) != ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR) T1(i) = 1; } } else if (SHT(i) < MAXSOUNDS) { if (SHT(i)) A_PlaySound(SHT(i), whatsprite); if ((g_sounds[snd].m & SF_LOOP) || (SHT(i) && SHT(i) != snd)) S_StopEnvSound(snd, T6(i)); T6(i) = whatsprite; T1(i) = 0; } return snd; } return -1; } int32_t G_CheckActivatorMotion(int32_t lotag) { int32_t i = headspritestat[STAT_ACTIVATOR], j; spritetype *s; while (i >= 0) { if (sprite[i].lotag == lotag) { s = &sprite[i]; for (j = g_animateCount-1; j >= 0; j--) if (s->sectnum == animatesect[j]) return 1; j = headspritestat[STAT_EFFECTOR]; while (j >= 0) { if (s->sectnum == sprite[j].sectnum) switch (sprite[j].lotag) { case SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR: case SE_30_TWO_WAY_TRAIN: if (actor[j].t_data[4]) return 1; break; case SE_20_STRETCH_BRIDGE: case SE_31_FLOOR_RISE_FALL: case SE_32_CEILING_RISE_FALL: case SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL: if (actor[j].t_data[0]) return 1; break; } j = nextspritestat[j]; } } i = nextspritestat[i]; } return 0; } int32_t CheckDoorTile(int32_t dapic) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(dapic)) { case DOORTILE1__STATIC: case DOORTILE2__STATIC: case DOORTILE3__STATIC: case DOORTILE4__STATIC: case DOORTILE5__STATIC: case DOORTILE6__STATIC: case DOORTILE7__STATIC: case DOORTILE8__STATIC: case DOORTILE9__STATIC: case DOORTILE10__STATIC: case DOORTILE11__STATIC: case DOORTILE12__STATIC: case DOORTILE14__STATIC: case DOORTILE15__STATIC: case DOORTILE16__STATIC: case DOORTILE17__STATIC: case DOORTILE18__STATIC: case DOORTILE19__STATIC: case DOORTILE20__STATIC: case DOORTILE21__STATIC: case DOORTILE22__STATIC: case DOORTILE23__STATIC: return 1; } return 0; } int32_t isanunderoperator(int32_t lotag) { switch (lotag&0xff) { case ST_15_WARP_ELEVATOR: case ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN: case ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: case ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN: case ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP: case ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR: case ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR: return 1; } return 0; } int32_t isanearoperator(int32_t lotag) { switch (lotag&0xff) { case ST_9_SLIDING_ST_DOOR: case ST_15_WARP_ELEVATOR: case ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN: case ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: case ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN: case ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP: case ST_20_CEILING_DOOR: case ST_21_FLOOR_DOOR: case ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR: case ST_23_SWINGING_DOOR: case ST_25_SLIDING_DOOR: case ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR: case ST_29_TEETH_DOOR://Toothed door return 1; } return 0; } static inline int32_t A_FP_ManhattanDist(const DukePlayer_t *ps, const spritetype *s) { return klabs(ps->opos.x-s->x) + klabs(ps->opos.y-s->y) + ((klabs(ps->opos.z-s->z+(28<<8)))>>4); } int32_t __fastcall A_FindPlayer(const spritetype *s, int32_t *d) { if (!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) { DukePlayer_t *const myps = g_player[myconnectindex].ps; if (d) *d = A_FP_ManhattanDist(myps, s); return myconnectindex; } { int32_t j; int32_t closest_player=0, closest=INT32_MAX; for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(j)) { DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[j].ps; int32_t x = A_FP_ManhattanDist(ps, s); if (x < closest && sprite[ps->i].extra > 0) { closest_player = j; closest = x; } } if (d) *d = closest; return closest_player; } } void G_DoSectorAnimations(void) { int32_t i, j, a, p, v, dasect; for (i=g_animateCount-1; i>=0; i--) { a = *animateptr[i]; v = animatevel[i]*TICSPERFRAME; dasect = animatesect[i]; if (a == animategoal[i]) { G_StopInterpolation(animateptr[i]); // This fixes a bug where wall or floor sprites contained in // elevator sectors (ST 16-19) would jitter vertically after the // elevator had stopped. if (animateptr[i] == §or[animatesect[i]].floorz) for (j=headspritesect[dasect]; j>=0; j=nextspritesect[j]) if (sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR) actor[j].bpos.z = sprite[j].z; g_animateCount--; animateptr[i] = animateptr[g_animateCount]; animategoal[i] = animategoal[g_animateCount]; animatevel[i] = animatevel[g_animateCount]; animatesect[i] = animatesect[g_animateCount]; if (sector[animatesect[i]].lotag == ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN || sector[animatesect[i]].lotag == ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP) if (animateptr[i] == §or[animatesect[i]].ceilingz) continue; if ((sector[dasect].lotag&0xff) != ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR) A_CallSound(dasect,-1); continue; } if (v > 0) a = min(a+v, animategoal[i]); else a = max(a+v, animategoal[i]); if (animateptr[i] == §or[animatesect[i]].floorz) { for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(p)) if (g_player[p].ps->cursectnum == dasect) if ((sector[dasect].floorz-g_player[p].ps->pos.z) < (64<<8)) if (sprite[g_player[p].ps->i].owner >= 0) { g_player[p].ps->pos.z += v; g_player[p].ps->vel.z = 0; if (p == myconnectindex) { my.z += v; myvel.z = 0; } } for (j=headspritesect[dasect]; j>=0; j=nextspritesect[j]) if (sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR) { actor[j].bpos.z = sprite[j].z; sprite[j].z += v; actor[j].floorz = sector[dasect].floorz+v; } } *animateptr[i] = a; } } int32_t GetAnimationGoal(const int32_t *animptr) { int32_t i=0; for (; i= MAXANIMATES) return -1; for (; i= *animptr) ? thevel : -thevel; if (j == g_animateCount) g_animateCount++; G_SetInterpolation(animptr); return j; } static void G_SetupCamTile(int32_t i, int32_t wn, int32_t smoothratio) { vec3_t cam = G_GetCameraPosition(i, smoothratio); const int32_t mir = display_mirror; //if (waloff[wn] == 0) loadtile(wn); setviewtotile(wn, tilesiz[wn].y, tilesiz[wn].x); yax_preparedrawrooms(); drawrooms(cam.x, cam.y, cam.z, SA(i), 100+sprite[i].shade, SECT(i)); yax_drawrooms(G_DoSpriteAnimations, SECT(i), 0, smoothratio); display_mirror = 3; G_DoSpriteAnimations(cam.x, cam.y, SA(i), smoothratio); display_mirror = mir; drawmasks(); setviewback(); squarerotatetile(wn); invalidatetile(wn, -1, 255); } void G_AnimateCamSprite(int32_t smoothratio) { const int32_t i = g_curViewscreen; #ifdef DEBUG_VALGRIND_NO_SMC return; #endif if (g_curViewscreen < 0) return; if (totalclock >= T1(i) + ud.camera_time) { const DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[screenpeek].ps; if (ps->newowner >= 0) OW(i) = ps->newowner; if (OW(i) >= 0 && dist(&sprite[ps->i], &sprite[i]) < VIEWSCREEN_ACTIVE_DISTANCE) { const int viewscrShift = G_GetViewscreenSizeShift((const uspritetype *)&sprite[i]); const int viewscrTile = TILE_VIEWSCR-viewscrShift; if (waloff[viewscrTile] == 0) allocatepermanenttile(viewscrTile, tilesiz[PN(i)].x<=0; p--) { const int32_t i = animwall[p].wallnum; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(wall[i].picnum)) { case SCREENBREAK1__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK2__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK3__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK4__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK5__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK9__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK10__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK11__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK12__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK13__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK14__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK15__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK16__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK17__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK18__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK19__STATIC: if ((krand()&255) < 16) { animwall[p].tag = wall[i].picnum; wall[i].picnum = SCREENBREAK6; } continue; case SCREENBREAK6__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK7__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK8__STATIC: if (animwall[p].tag >= 0 && wall[i].extra != FEMPIC2 && wall[i].extra != FEMPIC3) wall[i].picnum = animwall[p].tag; else { wall[i].picnum++; if (wall[i].picnum == (SCREENBREAK6+3)) wall[i].picnum = SCREENBREAK6; } continue; } if ((wall[i].cstat&16) && G_GetForcefieldPicnum(i)==W_FORCEFIELD) { const int32_t t = animwall[p].tag; if (wall[i].cstat&254) { wall[i].xpanning -= t>>10; // sintable[(t+512)&2047]>>12; wall[i].ypanning -= t>>10; // sintable[t&2047]>>12; if (wall[i].extra == 1) { wall[i].extra = 0; animwall[p].tag = 0; } else animwall[p].tag+=128; if (animwall[p].tag < (128<<4)) { if (animwall[p].tag&128) wall[i].overpicnum = W_FORCEFIELD; else wall[i].overpicnum = W_FORCEFIELD+1; } else { if ((krand()&255) < 32) animwall[p].tag = 128<<(krand()&3); else wall[i].overpicnum = W_FORCEFIELD+1; } } } } } int32_t G_ActivateWarpElevators(int32_t s, int32_t d) //Parm = sectoreffectornum { int32_t i; const int32_t sn = sprite[s].sectnum; for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, i)) if (SLT(i) == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR && SHT(i) == sprite[s].hitag) { if (klabs(sector[sn].floorz - actor[s].t_data[2]) > SP(i) || sector[SECT(i)].hitag == sector[sn].hitag - d) break; } if (i == -1) return 1; // No find A_PlaySound(d ? ELEVATOR_ON : ELEVATOR_OFF, s); for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, i)) if (SLT(i) == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR && SHT(i) == sprite[s].hitag) T1(i) = T2(i) = d; //Make all check warp return 0; } void G_OperateSectors(int32_t sectNum, int32_t spriteNum) { int32_t j=0; int32_t i; sectortype *const pSector = §or[sectNum]; switch (pSector->lotag&(0xffff-49152)) { case ST_30_ROTATE_RISE_BRIDGE: j = sector[sectNum].hitag; if (E_SpriteIsValid(j)) { if (actor[j].tempang == 0 || actor[j].tempang == 256) A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); sprite[j].extra = (sprite[j].extra == 1) ? 3 : 1; } break; case ST_31_TWO_WAY_TRAIN: j = sector[sectNum].hitag; if (E_SpriteIsValid(j)) { if (actor[j].t_data[4] == 0) actor[j].t_data[4] = 1; A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); } break; case ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR: //The split doors if (GetAnimationGoal(&pSector->ceilingz) == -1) //if the door has stopped { g_haltSoundHack = 1; pSector->lotag &= 0xff00; pSector->lotag |= ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR; G_OperateSectors(sectNum,spriteNum); pSector->lotag &= 0xff00; pSector->lotag |= ST_9_SLIDING_ST_DOOR; G_OperateSectors(sectNum,spriteNum); pSector->lotag &= 0xff00; pSector->lotag |= ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR; } return; case ST_9_SLIDING_ST_DOOR: { int32_t wallfind[2]; const int32_t startwall = pSector->wallptr; const int32_t endwall = startwall+pSector->wallnum-1; const int32_t sp = pSector->extra>>4; //first find center point by averaging all points vec2_t vect = { 0, 0 }; for (i = startwall; i <= endwall; i++) { vect.x += wall[i].x; vect.y += wall[i].y; } vect.x = tabledivide32_noinline(vect.x, (endwall-startwall+1)); vect.y = tabledivide32_noinline(vect.y, (endwall-startwall+1)); //find any points with either same x or same y coordinate // as center (dax, day) - should be 2 points found. wallfind[0] = -1; wallfind[1] = -1; for (i = startwall; i <= endwall; i++) { if (wall[i].x == vect.x || wall[i].y == vect.y) { if (wallfind[0] == -1) wallfind[0] = i; else wallfind[1] = i; } } if (wallfind[1] == -1) return; for (j=0; j<2; j++) { int const nFoundWall = wallfind[j]; i = nFoundWall - 1; if (i < startwall) i = endwall; vec2_t vect2 = { ((wall[i].x + wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].x) >> 1) - wall[nFoundWall].x, ((wall[i].y + wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].y) >> 1) - wall[nFoundWall].y }; if (wall[nFoundWall].x == vect.x && wall[nFoundWall].y == vect.y) { //find what direction door should open by averaging the // 2 neighboring points of wallfind[0] & wallfind[1]. if (vect2.x != 0) { vect2.x = wall[wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].point2].x; vect2.x -= wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].x; SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[nFoundWall].x,wall[nFoundWall].x+vect2.x,sp); SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[i].x,wall[i].x+vect2.x,sp); SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].x,wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].x+vect2.x,sp); A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); } else if (vect2.y != 0) { vect2.y = wall[wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].point2].y; vect2.y -= wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].y; SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[nFoundWall].y,wall[nFoundWall].y+vect2.y,sp); SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[i].y,wall[i].y+vect2.y,sp); SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].y,wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].y+vect2.y,sp); A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); } } else { if (vect2.x != 0) { SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[nFoundWall].x,vect.x,sp); SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[i].x,vect.x+vect2.x,sp); SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].x,vect.x+vect2.x,sp); A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); } else if (vect2.y != 0) { SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[nFoundWall].y,vect.y,sp); SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[i].y,vect.y+vect2.y,sp); SetAnimation(sectNum,&wall[wall[nFoundWall].point2].y,vect.y+vect2.y,sp); A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); } } } } return; case ST_15_WARP_ELEVATOR://Warping elevators if (sprite[spriteNum].picnum != APLAYER) return; for (SPRITES_OF_SECT(sectNum, i)) if (PN(i)==SECTOREFFECTOR && SLT(i) == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR) break; if (i < 0) return; if (sprite[spriteNum].sectnum == sectNum) { if (G_ActivateWarpElevators(i,-1)) G_ActivateWarpElevators(i,1); else if (G_ActivateWarpElevators(i,1)) G_ActivateWarpElevators(i,-1); } else { if (pSector->floorz > SZ(i)) G_ActivateWarpElevators(i,-1); else G_ActivateWarpElevators(i,1); } return; case ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN: case ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: i = GetAnimationGoal(&pSector->floorz); if (i == -1) { i = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum,pSector->floorz,1,1); if (i == -1) { i = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum,pSector->floorz,1,-1); if (i == -1) return; j = sector[i].floorz; SetAnimation(sectNum,&pSector->floorz,j,pSector->extra); } else { j = sector[i].floorz; SetAnimation(sectNum,&pSector->floorz,j,pSector->extra); } A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); } return; case ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN: case ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP: i = GetAnimationGoal(&pSector->floorz); if (i==-1) { i = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum, pSector->floorz, 1, -1); if (i == -1) i = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum, pSector->floorz, 1, 1); if (i == -1) return; j = sector[i].floorz; int const nSectorExtra = pSector->extra; int const nZdiff = pSector->ceilingz - pSector->floorz; SetAnimation(sectNum, &pSector->floorz, j, nSectorExtra); SetAnimation(sectNum, &pSector->ceilingz, j + nZdiff, nSectorExtra); A_CallSound(sectNum, spriteNum); } return; case ST_29_TEETH_DOOR: for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, i)) if (SLT(i) == SE_22_TEETH_DOOR && SHT(i) == pSector->hitag) { sector[SECT(i)].extra = -sector[SECT(i)].extra; T1(i) = sectNum; T2(i) = 1; } A_CallSound(sectNum, spriteNum); pSector->lotag ^= 0x8000; if (pSector->lotag&0x8000) { j = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum,pSector->ceilingz,-1,-1); if (j == -1) j = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum,pSector->ceilingz,1,1); if (j == -1) { OSD_Printf("WARNING: ST29: null sector!\n"); return; } j = sector[j].ceilingz; } else { j = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum,pSector->ceilingz,1,1); if (j == -1) j = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum,pSector->ceilingz,-1,-1); if (j == -1) { OSD_Printf("WARNING: ST29: null sector!\n"); return; } j = sector[j].floorz; } SetAnimation(sectNum,&pSector->ceilingz,j,pSector->extra); return; case ST_20_CEILING_DOOR: REDODOOR: if (pSector->lotag&0x8000) { for (SPRITES_OF_SECT(sectNum, i)) if (sprite[i].statnum == STAT_EFFECTOR && SLT(i)==SE_9_DOWN_OPEN_DOOR_LIGHTS) { j = SZ(i); break; } if (i==-1) j = pSector->floorz; } else { j = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum,pSector->ceilingz,-1,-1); if (j >= 0) j = sector[j].ceilingz; else { pSector->lotag |= 32768; goto REDODOOR; } } pSector->lotag ^= 0x8000; SetAnimation(sectNum,&pSector->ceilingz,j,pSector->extra); A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); return; case ST_21_FLOOR_DOOR: i = GetAnimationGoal(&pSector->floorz); if (i >= 0) { if (animategoal[sectNum] == pSector->ceilingz) animategoal[i] = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sectNum,pSector->ceilingz,1,1)].floorz; else animategoal[i] = pSector->ceilingz; } else { if (pSector->ceilingz == pSector->floorz) j = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sectNum,pSector->ceilingz,1,1)].floorz; else j = pSector->ceilingz; pSector->lotag ^= 0x8000; if (SetAnimation(sectNum,&pSector->floorz,j,pSector->extra) >= 0) A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); } return; case ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR: if (pSector->lotag&0x8000) { int32_t q = (pSector->ceilingz+pSector->floorz)>>1; j = SetAnimation(sectNum, &pSector->floorz, q, pSector->extra); j = SetAnimation(sectNum, &pSector->ceilingz, q, pSector->extra); } else { int32_t fneigh = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum, pSector->floorz, 1, 1); int32_t cneigh = nextsectorneighborz(sectNum, pSector->ceilingz, -1, -1); if (fneigh>=0 && cneigh>=0) { j = SetAnimation(sectNum, &pSector->floorz, sector[fneigh].floorz, pSector->extra); j = SetAnimation(sectNum, &pSector->ceilingz, sector[cneigh].ceilingz, pSector->extra); } else { OSD_Printf("WARNING: ST22: null sector: floor neighbor=%d, ceiling neighbor=%d!\n", fneigh, cneigh); pSector->lotag ^= 0x8000; } } pSector->lotag ^= 0x8000; A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); return; case ST_23_SWINGING_DOOR: //Swingdoor { j = -1; for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, i)) if (SLT(i) == SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR && SECT(i) == sectNum && !T5(i)) { j = i; break; } if (i < 0) { OSD_Printf("WARNING: SE23 i<0!\n"); return; } // JBF int const nTag = sector[SECT(i)].lotag&0x8000; if (j >= 0) { int32_t playedsnd = 0; for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, i)) if (nTag == (sector[SECT(i)].lotag&0x8000) && SLT(i) == SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR && sprite[j].hitag == SHT(i) && !T5(i)) { if (sector[SECT(i)].lotag&0x8000) sector[SECT(i)].lotag &= 0x7fff; else sector[SECT(i)].lotag |= 0x8000; T5(i) = 1; T4(i) = -T4(i); if (!playedsnd) { A_CallSound(sectNum, i); playedsnd = 1; } } } } return; case ST_25_SLIDING_DOOR: //Subway type sliding doors for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, j)) if (sprite[j].lotag == SE_15_SLIDING_DOOR && sprite[j].sectnum == sectNum) break; //Found the sectoreffector. if (j < 0) return; for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, i)) if (SHT(i)==sprite[j].hitag) { if (SLT(i) == SE_15_SLIDING_DOOR) { sector[SECT(i)].lotag ^= 0x8000; // Toggle the open or close SA(i) += 1024; if (T5(i)) A_CallSound(SECT(i),i); A_CallSound(SECT(i),i); T5(i) = (sector[SECT(i)].lotag&0x8000) ? 1 : 2; } } return; case ST_27_STRETCH_BRIDGE: //Extended bridge for (SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, j)) if ((sprite[j].lotag&0xff)==SE_20_STRETCH_BRIDGE && sprite[j].sectnum == sectNum) //Bridge { sector[sectNum].lotag ^= 0x8000; // Highest bit now set means we're opening. actor[j].t_data[0] = (sector[sectNum].lotag&0x8000) ? 1 : 2; A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); break; } return; case ST_28_DROP_FLOOR: //activate the rest of them for (SPRITES_OF_SECT(sectNum, j)) if (sprite[j].statnum==STAT_EFFECTOR && (sprite[j].lotag&0xff)==SE_21_DROP_FLOOR) break; if (j >= 0) // PK: The matching SE21 might have gone, see SE_21_KILLIT in actors.c { j = sprite[j].hitag; for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, l)) { if ((sprite[l].lotag&0xff)==SE_21_DROP_FLOOR && !actor[l].t_data[0] && sprite[l].hitag == j) actor[l].t_data[0] = 1; } A_CallSound(sectNum,spriteNum); } return; } } void G_OperateRespawns(int32_t low) { int32_t i, nexti; for (SPRITES_OF_STAT_SAFE(STAT_FX, i, nexti)) { spritetype *respr = &sprite[i]; if (respr->lotag == low && respr->picnum == RESPAWN) { if (!ud.monsters_off || !A_CheckEnemyTile(respr->hitag)) { int32_t j = A_Spawn(i, TRANSPORTERSTAR); sprite[j].z -= (32<<8); // Just a way to killit (see G_MoveFX(): RESPAWN__STATIC) respr->extra = 66-12; } } } } void G_OperateActivators(int nTag, int playerNum) { int32_t i, nexti, j, k; for (i=g_numCyclers-1; i>=0; i--) { int16_t *const p = &cyclers[i][0]; if (p[4] == nTag) { p[5] = !p[5]; sector[p[0]].floorshade = sector[p[0]].ceilingshade = p[3]; walltype *pWall = &wall[sector[p[0]].wallptr]; for (j = sector[p[0]].wallnum; j > 0; j--, pWall++) pWall->shade = p[3]; } } k = -1; for (SPRITES_OF_STAT_SAFE(STAT_ACTIVATOR, i, nexti)) { if (sprite[i].lotag == nTag) { if (sprite[i].picnum == ACTIVATORLOCKED) { sector[SECT(i)].lotag ^= 16384; if (playerNum >= 0 && playerNum < ud.multimode) P_DoQuote((sector[SECT(i)].lotag & 16384) ? QUOTE_LOCKED : QUOTE_UNLOCKED, g_player[playerNum].ps); } else { switch (SHT(i)) { case 1: if (sector[SECT(i)].floorz != sector[SECT(i)].ceilingz) continue; break; case 2: if (sector[SECT(i)].floorz == sector[SECT(i)].ceilingz) continue; break; } // ST_2_UNDERWATER if (sector[sprite[i].sectnum].lotag < 3) { for (SPRITES_OF_SECT(sprite[i].sectnum, j)) if (sprite[j].statnum == STAT_EFFECTOR) switch (sprite[j].lotag) { case SE_36_PROJ_SHOOTER: case SE_31_FLOOR_RISE_FALL: case SE_32_CEILING_RISE_FALL: case SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL: actor[j].t_data[0] = 1 - actor[j].t_data[0]; A_CallSound(SECT(i), j); break; } } if (k == -1 && (sector[SECT(i)].lotag&0xff) == ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR) k = A_CallSound(SECT(i),i); G_OperateSectors(SECT(i),i); } } } G_OperateRespawns(nTag); } void G_OperateMasterSwitches(int nTag) { for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_STANDABLE, i)) if (PN(i) == MASTERSWITCH && SLT(i) == nTag && SP(i) == 0) SP(i) = 1; } void G_OperateForceFields(int32_t spriteNum, int32_t wallTag) { for (int animwallNum = 0; animwallNum < g_numAnimWalls; ++animwallNum) { int const wallNum = animwall[animwallNum].wallnum; if ((wallTag == wall[wallNum].lotag || wallTag == -1) || G_GetForcefieldPicnum(wallNum) == W_FORCEFIELD || (wall[wallNum].overpicnum == BIGFORCE)) { animwall[animwallNum].tag = 0; if (wall[wallNum].cstat) { wall[wallNum].cstat = 0; if (spriteNum >= 0 && sprite[spriteNum].picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR && sprite[spriteNum].lotag == SE_30_TWO_WAY_TRAIN) wall[wallNum].lotag = 0; } else wall[wallNum].cstat = FORCEFIELD_CSTAT; } } } // List of switches that function like dip (combination lock) switches. #define DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES \ DIPSWITCH__STATIC: \ case TECHSWITCH__STATIC: \ case ALIENSWITCH__STATIC // List of access switches. #define ACCESSSWITCH_CASES \ ACCESSSWITCH__STATIC: \ case ACCESSSWITCH2__STATIC // List of switches that don't fit the two preceding categories, and are not // the MULTISWITCH. 13 cases. #define REST_SWITCH_CASES \ DIPSWITCH2__STATIC: \ case DIPSWITCH3__STATIC: \ case FRANKENSTINESWITCH__STATIC: \ case HANDSWITCH__STATIC: \ case LIGHTSWITCH2__STATIC: \ case LIGHTSWITCH__STATIC: \ case LOCKSWITCH1__STATIC: \ case POWERSWITCH1__STATIC: \ case POWERSWITCH2__STATIC: \ case PULLSWITCH__STATIC: \ case SLOTDOOR__STATIC: \ case SPACEDOORSWITCH__STATIC: \ case SPACELIGHTSWITCH__STATIC // Returns: // 0: is not a dipswitch-like switch // 1: is one, off // 2: is one, on static int G_IsLikeDipswitch(int switchPic) { for (int i=0; i<2; i++) if (switchPic == DIPSWITCH+i || switchPic == TECHSWITCH+i || switchPic == ALIENSWITCH+i) return 1+i; return 0; } // Get base (unpressed) tile number for switch. static int G_GetBaseSwitch(int switchPic) { if (switchPic > MULTISWITCH && switchPic <= MULTISWITCH+3) return MULTISWITCH; return (switchPic == DIPSWITCH + 1 || switchPic == DIPSWITCH2 + 1 || switchPic == DIPSWITCH3 + 1 || switchPic == TECHSWITCH + 1 || switchPic == ALIENSWITCH + 1 || switchPic == PULLSWITCH + 1 || switchPic == HANDSWITCH + 1 || switchPic == SLOTDOOR + 1 || switchPic == SPACEDOORSWITCH + 1 || switchPic == SPACELIGHTSWITCH + 1 || switchPic == LIGHTSWITCH + 1 || switchPic == LIGHTSWITCH2 + 1 || switchPic == FRANKENSTINESWITCH + 1 || switchPic == POWERSWITCH1 + 1 || switchPic == POWERSWITCH2 + 1 || switchPic == LOCKSWITCH1 + 1) ? switchPic-1 : switchPic; } enum { SWITCH_WALL, SWITCH_SPRITE }; int P_ActivateSwitch(int playerNum, int wallOrSprite, int switchType) { if (wallOrSprite < 0) return 0; int lotag, hitag, nSwitchPicnum, nSwitchPal; vec3_t davector; if (switchType == SWITCH_SPRITE) // A wall sprite { if (actor[wallOrSprite].lasttransport == totalclock) return 0; actor[wallOrSprite].lasttransport = totalclock; if (sprite[wallOrSprite].lotag == 0) return 0; lotag = sprite[wallOrSprite].lotag; hitag = sprite[wallOrSprite].hitag; davector = *(vec3_t *)&sprite[wallOrSprite]; nSwitchPicnum = sprite[wallOrSprite].picnum; nSwitchPal = sprite[wallOrSprite].pal; } else { if (wall[wallOrSprite].lotag == 0) return 0; lotag = wall[wallOrSprite].lotag; hitag = wall[wallOrSprite].hitag; davector = *(vec3_t *)&wall[wallOrSprite]; davector.z = g_player[playerNum].ps->pos.z; nSwitchPicnum = wall[wallOrSprite].picnum; nSwitchPal = wall[wallOrSprite].pal; } // initprintf("P_ActivateSwitch called picnum=%i switchissprite=%i\n",picnum,switchissprite); int nBasePicnum = G_GetBaseSwitch(nSwitchPicnum); int nCorrectDips = 1; int nNumDips = 0; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(nBasePicnum)) { case DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES: break; case ACCESSSWITCH_CASES: if (g_player[playerNum].ps->access_incs == 0) { static const int32_t key_switchpal[3] = { 0, 21, 23 }; static const int32_t need_key_quote[3] = { QUOTE_NEED_BLUE_KEY, QUOTE_NEED_RED_KEY, QUOTE_NEED_YELLOW_KEY }; for (int nKeyPal = 0; nKeyPal < 3; nKeyPal++) { if (nSwitchPal == key_switchpal[nKeyPal]) { if (g_player[playerNum].ps->got_access & (1 << nKeyPal)) g_player[playerNum].ps->access_incs = 1; else P_DoQuote(need_key_quote[nKeyPal], g_player[playerNum].ps); break; } } if (g_player[playerNum].ps->access_incs == 1) { if (switchType == SWITCH_WALL) g_player[playerNum].ps->access_wallnum = wallOrSprite; else g_player[playerNum].ps->access_spritenum = wallOrSprite; } return 0; } /* fall-through (XXX: intended?) */ case MULTISWITCH__STATIC: case REST_SWITCH_CASES: if (G_CheckActivatorMotion(lotag)) return 0; break; default: if (CheckDoorTile(nSwitchPicnum) == 0) return 0; break; } for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_DEFAULT, spriteNum)) { if (lotag == SLT(spriteNum)) { // Put the tile number into a variable so later switches don't // trigger on the result of changes: int const nSpritePicnum = PN(spriteNum); if (nSpritePicnum >= MULTISWITCH && nSpritePicnum <= MULTISWITCH+3) { sprite[spriteNum].picnum++; if (sprite[spriteNum].picnum > MULTISWITCH+3) sprite[spriteNum].picnum = MULTISWITCH; } switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(nSpritePicnum)) { case DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES: if (switchType == SWITCH_SPRITE && wallOrSprite == spriteNum) PN(spriteNum)++; else if (SHT(spriteNum) == 0) nCorrectDips++; nNumDips++; break; case ACCESSSWITCH_CASES: case REST_SWITCH_CASES: sprite[spriteNum].picnum++; break; default: if (nSpritePicnum <= 0) // oob safety break; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(nSpritePicnum - 1)) { case DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES: if (switchType == SWITCH_SPRITE && wallOrSprite == spriteNum) PN(spriteNum)--; else if (SHT(spriteNum) == 1) nCorrectDips++; nNumDips++; break; case REST_SWITCH_CASES: sprite[spriteNum].picnum--; break; } break; } } } for (int nWall=numwalls-1; nWall>=0; nWall--) { if (lotag == wall[nWall].lotag) { if (wall[nWall].picnum >= MULTISWITCH && wall[nWall].picnum <= MULTISWITCH+3) { wall[nWall].picnum++; if (wall[nWall].picnum > MULTISWITCH+3) wall[nWall].picnum = MULTISWITCH; } switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(wall[nWall].picnum)) { case DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES: if (switchType == SWITCH_WALL && nWall == wallOrSprite) wall[nWall].picnum++; else if (wall[nWall].hitag == 0) nCorrectDips++; nNumDips++; break; case ACCESSSWITCH_CASES: case REST_SWITCH_CASES: wall[nWall].picnum++; break; default: if (wall[nWall].picnum <= 0) // oob safety break; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(wall[nWall].picnum - 1)) { case DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES: if (switchType == SWITCH_WALL && nWall == wallOrSprite) wall[nWall].picnum--; else if (wall[nWall].hitag == 1) nCorrectDips++; nNumDips++; break; case REST_SWITCH_CASES: wall[nWall].picnum--; break; } break; } } } if (lotag == UINT16_MAX) { P_EndLevel(); return 1; } nBasePicnum = G_GetBaseSwitch(nSwitchPicnum); switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(nBasePicnum)) { default: if (CheckDoorTile(nSwitchPicnum) == 0) break; /* fall-through */ case DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES: if (G_IsLikeDipswitch(nSwitchPicnum)) { S_PlaySound3D((nSwitchPicnum == ALIENSWITCH || nSwitchPicnum == ALIENSWITCH + 1) ? ALIEN_SWITCH1 : SWITCH_ON, (switchType == SWITCH_SPRITE) ? wallOrSprite : g_player[playerNum].ps->i, &davector); if (nNumDips != nCorrectDips) break; S_PlaySound3D(END_OF_LEVEL_WARN, g_player[playerNum].ps->i, &davector); } /* fall-through */ case ACCESSSWITCH_CASES: case MULTISWITCH__STATIC: case REST_SWITCH_CASES: { if (nSwitchPicnum >= MULTISWITCH && nSwitchPicnum <= MULTISWITCH + 3) lotag += nSwitchPicnum - MULTISWITCH; for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, spriteNum)) { if (sprite[spriteNum].hitag == lotag) { switch (sprite[spriteNum].lotag) { case SE_12_LIGHT_SWITCH: sector[sprite[spriteNum].sectnum].floorpal = 0; actor[spriteNum].t_data[0]++; if (actor[spriteNum].t_data[0] == 2) actor[spriteNum].t_data[0]++; break; case SE_24_CONVEYOR: case SE_34: case SE_25_PISTON: actor[spriteNum].t_data[4] = !actor[spriteNum].t_data[4]; P_DoQuote(actor[spriteNum].t_data[4] ? QUOTE_DEACTIVATED : QUOTE_ACTIVATED, g_player[playerNum].ps); break; case SE_21_DROP_FLOOR: P_DoQuote(QUOTE_ACTIVATED, g_player[screenpeek].ps); break; } } } G_OperateActivators(lotag, playerNum); G_OperateForceFields(g_player[playerNum].ps->i, lotag); G_OperateMasterSwitches(lotag); if (G_IsLikeDipswitch(nSwitchPicnum)) return 1; if (!hitag && CheckDoorTile(nSwitchPicnum) == 0) S_PlaySound3D(SWITCH_ON, (switchType == SWITCH_SPRITE) ? wallOrSprite : g_player[playerNum].ps->i, &davector); else if (hitag) { if (switchType == SWITCH_SPRITE && (g_sounds[hitag].m & SF_TALK) == 0) S_PlaySound3D(hitag, wallOrSprite, &davector); else A_PlaySound(hitag, g_player[playerNum].ps->i); } return 1; } } return 0; } void G_ActivateBySector(int sectNum, int spriteNum) { int nActivatedSectors = 0; for (int SPRITES_OF_SECT(sectNum, i)) if (PN(i) == ACTIVATOR) { G_OperateActivators(SLT(i),-1); ++nActivatedSectors; } if (!nActivatedSectors) G_OperateSectors(sectNum, spriteNum); } static void G_BreakWall(int nPicnum, int spriteNum, int nWall) { wall[nWall].picnum = nPicnum; A_PlaySound(VENT_BUST,spriteNum); A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK,spriteNum); A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum,nWall,10); } void A_DamageWall(int spriteNum, int nWall, const vec3_t *vPos, int weaponNum) { int16_t sectNum = -1; walltype *pWall = &wall[nWall]; if (pWall->overpicnum == MIRROR && pWall->pal != 4 && A_CheckSpriteFlags(spriteNum, SFLAG_PROJECTILE) && (SpriteProjectile[spriteNum].workslike & PROJECTILE_RPG)) { if (pWall->nextwall == -1 || wall[pWall->nextwall].pal != 4) { A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum, nWall, 70); pWall->cstat &= ~16; pWall->overpicnum = MIRRORBROKE; A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK, spriteNum); return; } } if (pWall->overpicnum == MIRROR && pWall->pal != 4) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(weaponNum)) { case HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC: case RADIUSEXPLOSION__STATIC: case RPG__STATIC: case HYDRENT__STATIC: case SEENINE__STATIC: case OOZFILTER__STATIC: case EXPLODINGBARREL__STATIC: if (pWall->nextwall == -1 || wall[pWall->nextwall].pal != 4) { A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum, nWall, 70); pWall->cstat &= ~16; pWall->overpicnum = MIRRORBROKE; A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK, spriteNum); return; } } } if ((((pWall->cstat & 16) || pWall->overpicnum == BIGFORCE) && pWall->nextsector >= 0) && (sector[pWall->nextsector].floorz > vPos->z) && (sector[pWall->nextsector].floorz != sector[pWall->nextsector].ceilingz)) { int const nSwitchPicnum = G_GetForcefieldPicnum(nWall); switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(nSwitchPicnum)) { case W_FORCEFIELD__STATIC: pWall->extra = 1; // tell the forces to animate /* fall-through */ case BIGFORCE__STATIC: { updatesector(vPos->x, vPos->y, §Num); if (sectNum < 0) return; int nXrepeat = 32; int nYrepeat = 32; if (weaponNum == -1) nXrepeat = nYrepeat = 8; else if (weaponNum == CHAINGUN) { nXrepeat = 16 + sprite[spriteNum].xrepeat; nYrepeat = 16 + sprite[spriteNum].yrepeat; } int const i = A_InsertSprite(sectNum, vPos->x, vPos->y, vPos->z, FORCERIPPLE, -127, nXrepeat, nYrepeat, 0, 0, 0, spriteNum, 5); CS(i) |= 18 + 128; SA(i) = getangle(pWall->x - wall[pWall->point2].x, pWall->y - wall[pWall->point2].y) - 512; A_PlaySound(SOMETHINGHITFORCE, i); } return; case FANSPRITE__STATIC: pWall->overpicnum = FANSPRITEBROKE; pWall->cstat &= 65535 - 65; if (pWall->nextwall >= 0) { wall[pWall->nextwall].overpicnum = FANSPRITEBROKE; wall[pWall->nextwall].cstat &= 65535 - 65; } A_PlaySound(VENT_BUST, spriteNum); A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING, spriteNum); return; case GLASS__STATIC: updatesector(vPos->x, vPos->y, §Num); if (sectNum < 0) return; pWall->overpicnum = GLASS2; A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum, nWall, 10); pWall->cstat = 0; if (pWall->nextwall >= 0) wall[pWall->nextwall].cstat = 0; { int const i = A_InsertSprite(sectNum, vPos->x, vPos->y, vPos->z, SECTOREFFECTOR, 0, 0, 0, g_player[0].ps->ang, 0, 0, spriteNum, 3); SLT(i) = 128; T2(i) = 5; T3(i) = nWall; A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING, i); } return; case STAINGLASS1__STATIC: updatesector(vPos->x, vPos->y, §Num); if (sectNum < 0) return; A_SpawnRandomGlass(spriteNum, nWall, 80); pWall->cstat = 0; if (pWall->nextwall >= 0) wall[pWall->nextwall].cstat = 0; A_PlaySound(VENT_BUST, spriteNum); A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING, spriteNum); return; } } switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(pWall->picnum)) { case COLAMACHINE__STATIC: case VENDMACHINE__STATIC: G_BreakWall(pWall->picnum + 2, spriteNum, nWall); A_PlaySound(VENT_BUST, spriteNum); return; case OJ__STATIC: case FEMPIC2__STATIC: case FEMPIC3__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK6__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK7__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK8__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK1__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK2__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK3__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK4__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK5__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK9__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK10__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK11__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK12__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK13__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK14__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK15__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK16__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK17__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK18__STATIC: case SCREENBREAK19__STATIC: case BORNTOBEWILDSCREEN__STATIC: A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum, nWall, 30); pWall->picnum = W_SCREENBREAK + (krand() % 3); A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK, spriteNum); return; case W_TECHWALL5__STATIC: case W_TECHWALL6__STATIC: case W_TECHWALL7__STATIC: case W_TECHWALL8__STATIC: case W_TECHWALL9__STATIC: G_BreakWall(pWall->picnum + 1, spriteNum, nWall); return; case W_MILKSHELF__STATIC: G_BreakWall(W_MILKSHELFBROKE, spriteNum, nWall); return; case W_TECHWALL10__STATIC: G_BreakWall(W_HITTECHWALL10, spriteNum, nWall); return; case W_TECHWALL1__STATIC: case W_TECHWALL11__STATIC: case W_TECHWALL12__STATIC: case W_TECHWALL13__STATIC: case W_TECHWALL14__STATIC: G_BreakWall(W_HITTECHWALL1, spriteNum, nWall); return; case W_TECHWALL15__STATIC: G_BreakWall(W_HITTECHWALL15, spriteNum, nWall); return; case W_TECHWALL16__STATIC: G_BreakWall(W_HITTECHWALL16, spriteNum, nWall); return; case W_TECHWALL2__STATIC: G_BreakWall(W_HITTECHWALL2, spriteNum, nWall); return; case W_TECHWALL3__STATIC: G_BreakWall(W_HITTECHWALL3, spriteNum, nWall); return; case W_TECHWALL4__STATIC: G_BreakWall(W_HITTECHWALL4, spriteNum, nWall); return; case ATM__STATIC: pWall->picnum = ATMBROKE; A_SpawnMultiple(spriteNum, MONEY, 1 + (krand() & 7)); A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK, spriteNum); break; case WALLLIGHT1__STATIC: case WALLLIGHT2__STATIC: case WALLLIGHT3__STATIC: case WALLLIGHT4__STATIC: case TECHLIGHT2__STATIC: case TECHLIGHT4__STATIC: { A_PlaySound(rnd(128) ? GLASS_HEAVYBREAK : GLASS_BREAKING, spriteNum); A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum, nWall, 30); if (pWall->picnum == WALLLIGHT1) pWall->picnum = WALLLIGHTBUST1; if (pWall->picnum == WALLLIGHT2) pWall->picnum = WALLLIGHTBUST2; if (pWall->picnum == WALLLIGHT3) pWall->picnum = WALLLIGHTBUST3; if (pWall->picnum == WALLLIGHT4) pWall->picnum = WALLLIGHTBUST4; if (pWall->picnum == TECHLIGHT2) pWall->picnum = TECHLIGHTBUST2; if (pWall->picnum == TECHLIGHT4) pWall->picnum = TECHLIGHTBUST4; if (pWall->lotag == 0) return; sectNum = pWall->nextsector; if (sectNum < 0) return; int nDarkestWall = 0; pWall = &wall[sector[sectNum].wallptr]; for (int i = sector[sectNum].wallnum; i > 0; i--, pWall++) if (pWall->shade > nDarkestWall) nDarkestWall = pWall->shade; int const nRand = krand() & 1; for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, i)) if (SHT(i) == wall[nWall].lotag && SLT(i) == SE_3_RANDOM_LIGHTS_AFTER_SHOT_OUT) { T3(i) = nRand; T4(i) = nDarkestWall; T5(i) = 1; } break; } } } // NOTE: return value never examined in any of the callers. int Sect_DamageCeilingOrFloor(int damageFloor, int const sectNum) { // NOTE: pass RETURN in the dist argument, too. int const RETURN_in = damageFloor ? 131072 + sectNum : 65536 + sectNum; int32_t const returnValue = VM_OnEventWithBoth(EVENT_DAMAGEHPLANE, g_player[screenpeek].ps->i, screenpeek, RETURN_in, RETURN_in); if (returnValue < 0) return 0; int16_t * const pPicnum = damageFloor ? §or[sectNum].floorpicnum : §or[sectNum].ceilingpicnum; if (returnValue == (1<<20)) { // Execute the hard-coded stuff without changing picnum (expected to // have been done by the event). goto GLASSBREAK_CODE; } switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(*pPicnum)) { case WALLLIGHT1__STATIC: *pPicnum = WALLLIGHTBUST1; goto GLASSBREAK_CODE; case WALLLIGHT2__STATIC: *pPicnum = WALLLIGHTBUST2; goto GLASSBREAK_CODE; case WALLLIGHT3__STATIC: *pPicnum = WALLLIGHTBUST3; goto GLASSBREAK_CODE; case WALLLIGHT4__STATIC: *pPicnum = WALLLIGHTBUST4; goto GLASSBREAK_CODE; case TECHLIGHT2__STATIC: sector[sectNum].ceilingpicnum = TECHLIGHTBUST2; goto GLASSBREAK_CODE; case TECHLIGHT4__STATIC: sector[sectNum].ceilingpicnum = TECHLIGHTBUST4; GLASSBREAK_CODE: A_SpawnCeilingGlass(g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i, sectNum, 10); A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING, g_player[screenpeek].ps->i); if (sector[sectNum].hitag == 0) { for (int SPRITES_OF_SECT(sectNum, i)) { if (PN(i) == SECTOREFFECTOR && SLT(i) == SE_12_LIGHT_SWITCH) { for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, j)) if (sprite[j].hitag == SHT(i)) actor[j].t_data[3] = 1; break; } } } int j = krand() & 1; for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, i)) { if (SHT(i) == sector[sectNum].hitag && SLT(i) == SE_3_RANDOM_LIGHTS_AFTER_SHOT_OUT) { T3(i) = j; T5(i) = 1; } } return 1; } return 0; } // hard coded props... :( void A_DamageObject(int32_t spriteNum, int32_t damageSrc) { int32_t isRPG=0; spritetype *pSprite; if (g_netClient) { return; } spriteNum &= (MAXSPRITES-1); if (A_CheckSpriteFlags(damageSrc,SFLAG_PROJECTILE)) if (SpriteProjectile[damageSrc].workslike & PROJECTILE_RPG) isRPG = 1; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(PN(spriteNum))) { case OCEANSPRITE1__STATIC: case OCEANSPRITE2__STATIC: case OCEANSPRITE3__STATIC: case OCEANSPRITE4__STATIC: case OCEANSPRITE5__STATIC: A_Spawn(spriteNum,SMALLSMOKE); A_DeleteSprite(spriteNum); break; case QUEBALL__STATIC: case STRIPEBALL__STATIC: if (sprite[damageSrc].picnum == QUEBALL || sprite[damageSrc].picnum == STRIPEBALL) { sprite[damageSrc].xvel = (sprite[spriteNum].xvel>>1)+(sprite[spriteNum].xvel>>2); sprite[damageSrc].ang -= (SA(spriteNum)<<1)+1024; SA(spriteNum) = getangle(SX(spriteNum)-sprite[damageSrc].x,SY(spriteNum)-sprite[damageSrc].y)-512; if (S_CheckSoundPlaying(spriteNum,POOLBALLHIT) < 2) A_PlaySound(POOLBALLHIT,spriteNum); } else { if (krand()&3) { sprite[spriteNum].xvel = 164; sprite[spriteNum].ang = sprite[damageSrc].ang; } else { A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum,-1,3); A_DeleteSprite(spriteNum); } } break; case TREE1__STATIC: case TREE2__STATIC: case TIRE__STATIC: case CONE__STATIC: case BOX__STATIC: { if (isRPG == 1) if (T1(spriteNum) == 0) { CS(spriteNum) &= ~257; T1(spriteNum) = 1; A_Spawn(spriteNum,BURNING); } switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[damageSrc].picnum)) { case RADIUSEXPLOSION__STATIC: case RPG__STATIC: case FIRELASER__STATIC: case HYDRENT__STATIC: case HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC: if (T1(spriteNum) == 0) { CS(spriteNum) &= ~257; T1(spriteNum) = 1; A_Spawn(spriteNum,BURNING); } break; } break; } case CACTUS__STATIC: { if (isRPG == 1) for (int k=64; k>0; k--) { int newSprite = A_InsertSprite(SECT(spriteNum), SX(spriteNum), SY(spriteNum), SZ(spriteNum) - (krand() % (48 << 8)), SCRAP3 + (krand() & 3), -8, 48, 48, krand() & 2047, (krand() & 63) + 64, -(krand() & 4095) - (sprite[spriteNum].zvel >> 2), spriteNum, 5); sprite[newSprite].pal = 8; } // case CACTUSBROKE: switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[damageSrc].picnum)) { case RADIUSEXPLOSION__STATIC: case RPG__STATIC: case FIRELASER__STATIC: case HYDRENT__STATIC: case HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC: for (int k=64; k>0; k--) { int newSprite = A_InsertSprite(SECT(spriteNum), SX(spriteNum), SY(spriteNum), SZ(spriteNum) - (krand() % (48 << 8)), SCRAP3 + (krand() & 3), -8, 48, 48, krand() & 2047, (krand() & 63) + 64, -(krand() & 4095) - (sprite[spriteNum].zvel >> 2), spriteNum, 5); sprite[newSprite].pal = 8; } if (PN(spriteNum) == CACTUS) PN(spriteNum) = CACTUSBROKE; CS(spriteNum) &= ~257; // else A_DeleteSprite(i); break; } break; } case HANGLIGHT__STATIC: case GENERICPOLE2__STATIC: for (int k=6; k>0; k--) A_InsertSprite(SECT(spriteNum),SX(spriteNum),SY(spriteNum),SZ(spriteNum)-ZOFFSET3,SCRAP1+(krand()&15),-8,48,48,krand()&2047,(krand()&63)+64,-(krand()&4095)-(sprite[spriteNum].zvel>>2),spriteNum,5); A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK,spriteNum); A_DeleteSprite(spriteNum); break; case FANSPRITE__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = FANSPRITEBROKE; CS(spriteNum) &= (65535-257); if (sector[SECT(spriteNum)].floorpicnum == FANSHADOW) sector[SECT(spriteNum)].floorpicnum = FANSHADOWBROKE; A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK,spriteNum); pSprite = &sprite[spriteNum]; for (int j=16; j>0; j--) RANDOMSCRAP(pSprite, spriteNum); break; case WATERFOUNTAIN__STATIC: // case WATERFOUNTAIN+1: // case WATERFOUNTAIN+2: PN(spriteNum) = WATERFOUNTAINBROKE; A_Spawn(spriteNum,TOILETWATER); break; case SATELITE__STATIC: case FUELPOD__STATIC: case SOLARPANNEL__STATIC: case ANTENNA__STATIC: if (sprite[damageSrc].extra != G_DefaultActorHealth(SHOTSPARK1)) { for (int j=15; j>0; j--) A_InsertSprite(SECT(spriteNum),SX(spriteNum),SY(spriteNum),sector[SECT(spriteNum)].floorz-ZOFFSET4-(j<<9),SCRAP1+(krand()&15),-8,64,64, krand()&2047,(krand()&127)+64,-(krand()&511)-256,spriteNum,5); A_Spawn(spriteNum,EXPLOSION2); A_DeleteSprite(spriteNum); } break; case BOTTLE1__STATIC: case BOTTLE2__STATIC: case BOTTLE3__STATIC: case BOTTLE4__STATIC: case BOTTLE5__STATIC: case BOTTLE6__STATIC: case BOTTLE8__STATIC: case BOTTLE10__STATIC: case BOTTLE11__STATIC: case BOTTLE12__STATIC: case BOTTLE13__STATIC: case BOTTLE14__STATIC: case BOTTLE15__STATIC: case BOTTLE16__STATIC: case BOTTLE17__STATIC: case BOTTLE18__STATIC: case BOTTLE19__STATIC: case WATERFOUNTAINBROKE__STATIC: case DOMELITE__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE1__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE2__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE3__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE4__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE5__STATIC: case WAITTOBESEATED__STATIC: case VASE__STATIC: case STATUEFLASH__STATIC: case STATUE__STATIC: if (PN(spriteNum) == BOTTLE10) A_SpawnMultiple(spriteNum, MONEY, 4+(krand()&3)); else if (PN(spriteNum) == STATUE || PN(spriteNum) == STATUEFLASH) { A_SpawnRandomGlass(spriteNum,-1,40); A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK,spriteNum); } else if (PN(spriteNum) == VASE) A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum,-1,40); A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING,spriteNum); SA(spriteNum) = krand()&2047; A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum,-1,8); A_DeleteSprite(spriteNum); break; case FETUS__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = FETUSBROKE; A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING,spriteNum); A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum,-1,10); break; case FETUSBROKE__STATIC: for (int j=48; j>0; j--) { A_Shoot(spriteNum,BLOODSPLAT1); SA(spriteNum) += 333; } A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK,spriteNum); A_PlaySound(SQUISHED,spriteNum); /* fall-through */ case BOTTLE7__STATIC: A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING,spriteNum); A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum,-1,10); A_DeleteSprite(spriteNum); break; case HYDROPLANT__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = BROKEHYDROPLANT; A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING,spriteNum); A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum,-1,10); break; case FORCESPHERE__STATIC: sprite[spriteNum].xrepeat = 0; actor[OW(spriteNum)].t_data[0] = 32; actor[OW(spriteNum)].t_data[1] = !actor[OW(spriteNum)].t_data[1]; actor[OW(spriteNum)].t_data[2] ++; A_Spawn(spriteNum,EXPLOSION2); break; case BROKEHYDROPLANT__STATIC: A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING,spriteNum); A_SpawnWallGlass(spriteNum,-1,5); A_DeleteSprite(spriteNum); break; case TOILET__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = TOILETBROKE; CS(spriteNum) |= (krand()&1)<<2; CS(spriteNum) &= ~257; A_Spawn(spriteNum,TOILETWATER); A_PlaySound(GLASS_BREAKING,spriteNum); break; case STALL__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = STALLBROKE; CS(spriteNum) |= (krand()&1)<<2; CS(spriteNum) &= ~257; A_Spawn(spriteNum,TOILETWATER); A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK,spriteNum); break; case HYDRENT__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = BROKEFIREHYDRENT; A_Spawn(spriteNum,TOILETWATER); // for(k=0;k<5;k++) // { // j = A_InsertSprite(SECT,SX,SY,SZ-(krand()%(48<<8)),SCRAP3+(krand()&3),-8,48,48,krand()&2047,(krand()&63)+64,-(krand()&4095)-(sprite[i].zvel>>2),i,5); // sprite[j].pal = 2; // } A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK,spriteNum); break; case GRATE1__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = BGRATE1; CS(spriteNum) &= (65535-256-1); A_PlaySound(VENT_BUST,spriteNum); break; case CIRCLEPANNEL__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = CIRCLEPANNELBROKE; CS(spriteNum) &= (65535-256-1); A_PlaySound(VENT_BUST,spriteNum); break; case PANNEL1__STATIC: case PANNEL2__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = BPANNEL1; CS(spriteNum) &= (65535-256-1); A_PlaySound(VENT_BUST,spriteNum); break; case PANNEL3__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = BPANNEL3; CS(spriteNum) &= (65535-256-1); A_PlaySound(VENT_BUST,spriteNum); break; case PIPE1__STATIC: case PIPE2__STATIC: case PIPE3__STATIC: case PIPE4__STATIC: case PIPE5__STATIC: case PIPE6__STATIC: { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(PN(spriteNum))) { case PIPE1__STATIC: PN(spriteNum)=PIPE1B; break; case PIPE2__STATIC: PN(spriteNum)=PIPE2B; break; case PIPE3__STATIC: PN(spriteNum)=PIPE3B; break; case PIPE4__STATIC: PN(spriteNum)=PIPE4B; break; case PIPE5__STATIC: PN(spriteNum)=PIPE5B; break; case PIPE6__STATIC: PN(spriteNum)=PIPE6B; break; } int newSprite = A_Spawn(spriteNum, STEAM); sprite[newSprite].z = sector[SECT(spriteNum)].floorz-(32<<8); break; } case MONK__STATIC: case LUKE__STATIC: case INDY__STATIC: case JURYGUY__STATIC: A_PlaySound(SLT(spriteNum),spriteNum); A_Spawn(spriteNum,SHT(spriteNum)); /* fall-through */ case SPACEMARINE__STATIC: sprite[spriteNum].extra -= sprite[damageSrc].extra; if (sprite[spriteNum].extra > 0) break; SA(spriteNum) = krand()&2047; A_Shoot(spriteNum,BLOODSPLAT1); SA(spriteNum) = krand()&2047; A_Shoot(spriteNum,BLOODSPLAT2); SA(spriteNum) = krand()&2047; A_Shoot(spriteNum,BLOODSPLAT3); SA(spriteNum) = krand()&2047; A_Shoot(spriteNum,BLOODSPLAT4); SA(spriteNum) = krand()&2047; A_Shoot(spriteNum,BLOODSPLAT1); SA(spriteNum) = krand()&2047; A_Shoot(spriteNum,BLOODSPLAT2); SA(spriteNum) = krand()&2047; A_Shoot(spriteNum,BLOODSPLAT3); SA(spriteNum) = krand()&2047; A_Shoot(spriteNum,BLOODSPLAT4); A_DoGuts(spriteNum,JIBS1,1); A_DoGuts(spriteNum,JIBS2,2); A_DoGuts(spriteNum,JIBS3,3); A_DoGuts(spriteNum,JIBS4,4); A_DoGuts(spriteNum,JIBS5,1); A_DoGuts(spriteNum,JIBS3,6); S_PlaySound(SQUISHED); A_DeleteSprite(spriteNum); break; case CHAIR1__STATIC: case CHAIR2__STATIC: PN(spriteNum) = BROKENCHAIR; CS(spriteNum) = 0; break; case CHAIR3__STATIC: case MOVIECAMERA__STATIC: case SCALE__STATIC: case VACUUM__STATIC: case CAMERALIGHT__STATIC: case IVUNIT__STATIC: case POT1__STATIC: case POT2__STATIC: case POT3__STATIC: case TRIPODCAMERA__STATIC: A_PlaySound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK,spriteNum); pSprite = &sprite[spriteNum]; for (int j=16; j>0; j--) RANDOMSCRAP(pSprite, spriteNum); A_DeleteSprite(spriteNum); break; case PLAYERONWATER__STATIC: spriteNum = OW(spriteNum); /* fall-through */ default: if ((sprite[spriteNum].cstat&16) && SHT(spriteNum) == 0 && SLT(spriteNum) == 0 && sprite[spriteNum].statnum == STAT_DEFAULT) break; if ((sprite[damageSrc].picnum == FREEZEBLAST || sprite[damageSrc].owner != spriteNum) && sprite[spriteNum].statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE) { if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[spriteNum]) == 1) { if (sprite[damageSrc].picnum == RPG) sprite[damageSrc].extra <<= 1; if ((PN(spriteNum) != DRONE) && (PN(spriteNum) != ROTATEGUN) && (PN(spriteNum) != COMMANDER) && (PN(spriteNum) < GREENSLIME || PN(spriteNum) > GREENSLIME+7)) if (sprite[damageSrc].picnum != FREEZEBLAST) if (!A_CheckSpriteFlags(spriteNum, SFLAG_BADGUY) || A_CheckSpriteFlags(spriteNum, SFLAG_HURTSPAWNBLOOD)) { int const newSprite = A_Spawn(damageSrc, JIBS6); sprite[newSprite].z += (4 << 8); if (sprite[damageSrc].pal == 6) sprite[newSprite].pal = 6; sprite[newSprite].xvel = 16; sprite[newSprite].xrepeat = sprite[newSprite].yrepeat = 24; sprite[newSprite].ang += 32 - (krand() & 63); } int const damageOwner = sprite[damageSrc].owner; if (damageOwner >= 0 && sprite[damageOwner].picnum == APLAYER && PN(spriteNum) != ROTATEGUN && PN(spriteNum) != DRONE) if (g_player[P_Get(damageOwner)].ps->curr_weapon == SHOTGUN_WEAPON) if (!A_CheckSpriteFlags(spriteNum, SFLAG_BADGUY) || A_CheckSpriteFlags(spriteNum, SFLAG_HURTSPAWNBLOOD)) { A_Shoot(spriteNum, BLOODSPLAT3); A_Shoot(spriteNum, BLOODSPLAT1); A_Shoot(spriteNum, BLOODSPLAT2); A_Shoot(spriteNum, BLOODSPLAT4); } if (!A_CheckSpriteFlags(spriteNum, SFLAG_NODAMAGEPUSH)) { if (sprite[spriteNum].extra > 0) { if ((sprite[spriteNum].cstat & 48) == 0) SA(spriteNum) = (sprite[damageSrc].ang + 1024) & 2047; sprite[spriteNum].xvel = -(sprite[damageSrc].extra << 2); int16_t sectNum = SECT(spriteNum); pushmove((vec3_t *)&sprite[spriteNum], §Num, 128L, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0); if (sectNum != SECT(spriteNum) && (unsigned)sectNum < MAXSECTORS) changespritesect(spriteNum, sectNum); } } if (sprite[spriteNum].statnum == STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR) { changespritestat(spriteNum, STAT_ACTOR); actor[spriteNum].timetosleep = SLEEPTIME; } if ((sprite[spriteNum].xrepeat < 24 || PN(spriteNum) == SHARK) && sprite[damageSrc].picnum == SHRINKSPARK) return; } if (sprite[spriteNum].statnum != STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR) { if (sprite[damageSrc].picnum == FREEZEBLAST && ((PN(spriteNum) == APLAYER && sprite[spriteNum].pal == 1) || (g_freezerSelfDamage == 0 && sprite[damageSrc].owner == spriteNum))) return; actor[spriteNum].picnum = sprite[damageSrc].picnum; actor[spriteNum].extra += sprite[damageSrc].extra; actor[spriteNum].ang = sprite[damageSrc].ang; actor[spriteNum].owner = sprite[damageSrc].owner; } if (sprite[spriteNum].statnum == STAT_PLAYER) { DukePlayer_t *ps = g_player[P_Get(spriteNum)].ps; if (ps->newowner >= 0) G_ClearCameraView(ps); if (sprite[spriteNum].xrepeat < 24 && sprite[damageSrc].picnum == SHRINKSPARK) return; if (sprite[actor[spriteNum].owner].picnum != APLAYER) if (ud.player_skill >= 3) sprite[damageSrc].extra += (sprite[damageSrc].extra>>1); } } break; } } void G_AlignWarpElevators(void) { for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, i)) { if (SLT(i) == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR && SS(i) > 16) { for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_EFFECTOR, j)) { if (i != j && sprite[j].lotag == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR && SHT(i) == sprite[j].hitag) { sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz = sector[SECT(i)].floorz; sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz = sector[SECT(i)].ceilingz; } } } } } static int32_t P_CheckDetonatorSpecialCase(DukePlayer_t *const pPlayer, int32_t weaponNum) { if (weaponNum == HANDBOMB_WEAPON && pPlayer->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON] == 0) { int32_t spriteNum = headspritestat[STAT_ACTOR]; while (spriteNum >= 0) { if (sprite[spriteNum].picnum == HEAVYHBOMB && sprite[spriteNum].owner == pPlayer->i) return 1; spriteNum = nextspritestat[spriteNum]; } } return 0; } void P_HandleSharedKeys(int32_t playerNum) { DukePlayer_t *const pPlayer = g_player[playerNum].ps; if (pPlayer->cheat_phase == 1) return; uint32_t playerBits = g_player[playerNum].inputBits->bits, weaponNum; // 1<<0 = jump // 1<<1 = crouch // 1<<2 = fire // 1<<3 = aim up // 1<<4 = aim down // 1<<5 = run // 1<<6 = look left // 1<<7 = look right // 15<<8 = !weapon selection (bits 8-11) // 1<<12 = !steroids // 1<<13 = look up // 1<<14 = look down // 1<<15 = !nightvis // 1<<16 = !medkit // 1<<17 = (multiflag==1) ? changes meaning of bits 18 and 19 // 1<<18 = centre view // 1<<19 = !holster weapon // 1<<20 = !inventory left // 1<<21 = !pause // 1<<22 = !quick kick // 1<<23 = aim mode // 1<<24 = !holoduke // 1<<25 = !jetpack // 1<<26 = g_gameQuit // 1<<27 = !inventory right // 1<<28 = !turn around // 1<<29 = !open // 1<<30 = !inventory // 1<<31 = !escape int const aimMode = pPlayer->aim_mode; pPlayer->aim_mode = (playerBits>>SK_AIMMODE)&1; if (pPlayer->aim_mode < aimMode) pPlayer->return_to_center = 9; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_QUICK_KICK) && pPlayer->quick_kick == 0) if (PWEAPON(playerNum, pPlayer->curr_weapon, WorksLike) != KNEE_WEAPON || pPlayer->kickback_pic == 0) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_QUICKKICK,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum) == 0) { pPlayer->quick_kick = 14; if (pPlayer->fta == 0 || pPlayer->ftq == 80) P_DoQuote(QUOTE_MIGHTY_FOOT,pPlayer); } } weaponNum = playerBits & ((15u<interface_toggle_flag; pPlayer->interface_toggle_flag |= playerBits | ((playerBits&0xf00)?0xf00:0); pPlayer->interface_toggle_flag &= weaponNum | ((weaponNum&0xf00)?0xf00:0); if (playerBits && TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_MULTIFLAG) == 0) { if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_PAUSE)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Pause); if (ud.pause_on) ud.pause_on = 0; else ud.pause_on = 1+SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED; if (ud.pause_on) { S_PauseMusic(1); S_PauseSounds(1); } else { if (ud.config.MusicToggle) S_PauseMusic(0); S_PauseSounds(0); pub = NUMPAGES; pus = NUMPAGES; } } if (ud.pause_on) return; if (sprite[pPlayer->i].extra <= 0) return; // if dead... if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_INVENTORY) && pPlayer->newowner == -1) // inventory button generates event for selected item { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_INVENTORY,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum) == 0) { switch (pPlayer->inven_icon) { case ICON_JETPACK: playerBits |= BIT(SK_JETPACK); break; case ICON_HOLODUKE: playerBits |= BIT(SK_HOLODUKE); break; case ICON_HEATS: playerBits |= BIT(SK_NIGHTVISION); break; case ICON_FIRSTAID: playerBits |= BIT(SK_MEDKIT); break; case ICON_STEROIDS: playerBits |= BIT(SK_STEROIDS); break; } } } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_NIGHTVISION)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_USENIGHTVISION,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum) == 0 && pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_HEATS] > 0) { pPlayer->heat_on = !pPlayer->heat_on; P_UpdateScreenPal(pPlayer); pPlayer->inven_icon = ICON_HEATS; A_PlaySound(NITEVISION_ONOFF,pPlayer->i); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_NVG_OFF-!!pPlayer->heat_on,pPlayer); } } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_STEROIDS)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_USESTEROIDS,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum) == 0) { if (pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] == 400) { pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS]--; A_PlaySound(DUKE_TAKEPILLS,pPlayer->i); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_USED_STEROIDS,pPlayer); } if (pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] > 0) pPlayer->inven_icon = ICON_STEROIDS; } return; // is there significance to returning? } if (pPlayer->refresh_inventory) playerBits |= BIT(SK_INV_LEFT); // emulate move left... if (pPlayer->newowner == -1 && (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_INV_LEFT) || TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_INV_RIGHT))) { pPlayer->invdisptime = GAMETICSPERSEC*2; int const nInventoryRight = !!(TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_INV_RIGHT)); if (pPlayer->refresh_inventory) pPlayer->refresh_inventory = 0; int32_t inventoryIcon = pPlayer->inven_icon; int i = 0; CHECKINV1: if (i < 9) { i++; switch (inventoryIcon) { case ICON_JETPACK: case ICON_SCUBA: case ICON_STEROIDS: case ICON_HOLODUKE: case ICON_HEATS: if (pPlayer->inv_amount[icon_to_inv[inventoryIcon]] > 0 && i > 1) break; if (nInventoryRight) inventoryIcon++; else inventoryIcon--; goto CHECKINV1; case ICON_NONE: case ICON_FIRSTAID: if (pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID] > 0 && i > 1) break; inventoryIcon = nInventoryRight ? 2 : 7; goto CHECKINV1; case ICON_BOOTS: if (pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] > 0 && i > 1) break; inventoryIcon = nInventoryRight ? 1 : 6; goto CHECKINV1; } } else inventoryIcon = 0; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_INV_LEFT)) // Inventory_Left { /*Gv_SetVar(g_iReturnVarID,dainv,g_player[snum].ps->i,snum);*/ inventoryIcon = VM_OnEventWithReturn(EVENT_INVENTORYLEFT,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum, inventoryIcon); } else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_INV_RIGHT)) // Inventory_Right { /*Gv_SetVar(g_iReturnVarID,dainv,g_player[snum].ps->i,snum);*/ inventoryIcon = VM_OnEventWithReturn(EVENT_INVENTORYRIGHT,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum, inventoryIcon); } if (inventoryIcon >= 1) { pPlayer->inven_icon = inventoryIcon; if (inventoryIcon || pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID]) { static const int32_t i[8] = { QUOTE_MEDKIT, QUOTE_STEROIDS, QUOTE_HOLODUKE, QUOTE_JETPACK, QUOTE_NVG, QUOTE_SCUBA, QUOTE_BOOTS, 0 }; if (inventoryIcon>=1 && inventoryIcon<=9) P_DoQuote(i[inventoryIcon-1], pPlayer); } } } weaponNum = ((playerBits&(15<>SK_WEAPON_BITS) - 1; switch ((int32_t)weaponNum) { case -1: break; default: weaponNum = VM_OnEventWithReturn(EVENT_WEAPKEY1+weaponNum,pPlayer->i,playerNum, weaponNum); break; case 10: weaponNum = VM_OnEventWithReturn(EVENT_PREVIOUSWEAPON,pPlayer->i,playerNum, weaponNum); break; case 11: weaponNum = VM_OnEventWithReturn(EVENT_NEXTWEAPON,pPlayer->i,playerNum, weaponNum); break; } // NOTE: it is assumed that the above events return either -1 or a // valid weapon index. Presumably, neither other negative numbers nor // positive ones >= MAX_WEAPONS are allowed. However, the code below is // a bit inconsistent in checking "j". if (pPlayer->reloading == 1) weaponNum = -1; else if ((uint32_t)weaponNum < MAX_WEAPONS && pPlayer->kickback_pic == 1 && pPlayer->weapon_pos == 1) { pPlayer->wantweaponfire = weaponNum; pPlayer->kickback_pic = 0; } if ((int32_t)weaponNum != -1 && pPlayer->last_pissed_time <= (GAMETICSPERSEC * 218) && pPlayer->show_empty_weapon == 0 && pPlayer->kickback_pic == 0 && pPlayer->quick_kick == 0 && sprite[pPlayer->i].xrepeat > 32 && pPlayer->access_incs == 0 && pPlayer->knee_incs == 0) { // if( ( p->weapon_pos == 0 || ( p->holster_weapon && p->weapon_pos == WEAPON_POS_LOWER ) )) { if (weaponNum == 10 || weaponNum == 11) { int currentWeapon = pPlayer->curr_weapon; weaponNum = (weaponNum == 10 ? -1 : 1); // JBF: prev (-1) or next (1) weapon choice int i = currentWeapon; while ((currentWeapon >= 0 && currentWeapon < 11) || (PLUTOPAK && currentWeapon == GROW_WEAPON)) { // this accounts for the expander when handling next/previous switch (currentWeapon) { case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: if ((int32_t) weaponNum == -1) { if (PLUTOPAK) currentWeapon = GROW_WEAPON; else currentWeapon--; } else currentWeapon++; break; case GROW_WEAPON: currentWeapon = ((int32_t) weaponNum == -1) ? SHRINKER_WEAPON : DEVISTATOR_WEAPON; break; case SHRINKER_WEAPON: if ((int32_t)weaponNum == 1) { if (PLUTOPAK) currentWeapon = GROW_WEAPON; else currentWeapon++; } else currentWeapon--; break; case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: i = currentWeapon = HANDBOMB_WEAPON; default: currentWeapon += weaponNum; break; } if (currentWeapon == -1) currentWeapon = FREEZE_WEAPON; else if (currentWeapon == 10) currentWeapon = KNEE_WEAPON; if (((pPlayer->gotweapon & (1<ammo_amount[currentWeapon] > 0) || P_CheckDetonatorSpecialCase(pPlayer, currentWeapon)) { weaponNum = currentWeapon; break; } if (i == currentWeapon) // absolutely no weapons, so use foot { weaponNum = KNEE_WEAPON; break; } } if (weaponNum == SHRINKER_WEAPON) pPlayer->subweapon &= ~(1 << GROW_WEAPON); else if (weaponNum == GROW_WEAPON) pPlayer->subweapon |= (1<i,playerNum, weaponNum); // XXX: any signifcance to "<= MAX_WEAPONS" instead of "<"? if ((int32_t)weaponNum != -1 && weaponNum <= MAX_WEAPONS) { if (P_CheckDetonatorSpecialCase(pPlayer, weaponNum)) { pPlayer->gotweapon |= (1<curr_weapon != GROW_WEAPON && pPlayer->curr_weapon != SHRINKER_WEAPON) { if (pPlayer->ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON] > 0) { if ((pPlayer->subweapon&(1<ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] == 0) { weaponNum = GROW_WEAPON; pPlayer->subweapon |= (1<ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] > 0) pPlayer->subweapon &= ~(1<curr_weapon == SHRINKER_WEAPON) { pPlayer->subweapon |= (1<subweapon &= ~(1<holster_weapon) { playerBits |= BIT(SK_HOLSTER); pPlayer->weapon_pos = WEAPON_POS_LOWER; } else if ((uint32_t)weaponNum < MAX_WEAPONS && (pPlayer->gotweapon & (1<curr_weapon != weaponNum) switch (weaponNum) { case PISTOL_WEAPON: case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: case CHAINGUN_WEAPON: case RPG_WEAPON: case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: case FREEZE_WEAPON: case GROW_WEAPON: case SHRINKER_WEAPON: if (pPlayer->ammo_amount[weaponNum] == 0 && pPlayer->show_empty_weapon == 0) { pPlayer->last_full_weapon = pPlayer->curr_weapon; pPlayer->show_empty_weapon = 32; } case KNEE_WEAPON: case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: P_AddWeapon(pPlayer, weaponNum, 1); break; case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: if (pPlayer->ammo_amount[weaponNum] > 0 && (pPlayer->gotweapon & (1<newowner == -1 || pPlayer->holoduke_on != -1)) { if (pPlayer->holoduke_on == -1) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_HOLODUKEON,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum) == 0) { if (pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_HOLODUKE] > 0) { pPlayer->inven_icon = ICON_HOLODUKE; if (pPlayer->cursectnum > -1) { int const i = A_InsertSprite(pPlayer->cursectnum, pPlayer->pos.x, pPlayer->pos.y, pPlayer->pos.z+(30<<8), APLAYER, -64, 0, 0, pPlayer->ang, 0, 0, -1, 10); pPlayer->holoduke_on = i; T4(i) = T5(i) = 0; sprite[i].yvel = playerNum; sprite[i].extra = 0; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_HOLODUKE_ON,pPlayer); A_PlaySound(TELEPORTER,pPlayer->holoduke_on); } } else P_DoQuote(QUOTE_HOLODUKE_NOT_FOUND,pPlayer); } } else { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_HOLODUKEOFF,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum) == 0) { A_PlaySound(TELEPORTER,pPlayer->holoduke_on); pPlayer->holoduke_on = -1; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_HOLODUKE_OFF,pPlayer); } } } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_MEDKIT)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_USEMEDKIT,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum) == 0) { if (pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID] > 0 && sprite[pPlayer->i].extra < pPlayer->max_player_health) { int healthDiff = pPlayer->max_player_health-sprite[pPlayer->i].extra; if (pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID] > healthDiff) { pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID] -= healthDiff; sprite[pPlayer->i].extra = pPlayer->max_player_health; pPlayer->inven_icon = ICON_FIRSTAID; } else { sprite[pPlayer->i].extra += pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID]; pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID] = 0; P_SelectNextInvItem(pPlayer); } A_PlaySound(DUKE_USEMEDKIT,pPlayer->i); } } } if ((pPlayer->newowner == -1 || pPlayer->jetpack_on) && TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_JETPACK)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_USEJETPACK,g_player[playerNum].ps->i,playerNum) == 0) { if (pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_JETPACK] > 0) { pPlayer->jetpack_on = !pPlayer->jetpack_on; if (pPlayer->jetpack_on) { pPlayer->inven_icon = ICON_JETPACK; if (pPlayer->scream_voice > FX_Ok) { FX_StopSound(pPlayer->scream_voice); pPlayer->scream_voice = -1; } A_PlaySound(DUKE_JETPACK_ON,pPlayer->i); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_JETPACK_ON,pPlayer); } else { pPlayer->hard_landing = 0; pPlayer->vel.z = 0; A_PlaySound(DUKE_JETPACK_OFF,pPlayer->i); S_StopEnvSound(DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE,pPlayer->i); S_StopEnvSound(DUKE_JETPACK_ON,pPlayer->i); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_JETPACK_OFF,pPlayer); } } else P_DoQuote(QUOTE_JETPACK_NOT_FOUND,pPlayer); } } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(playerBits, SK_TURNAROUND) && pPlayer->one_eighty_count == 0) if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_TURNAROUND,pPlayer->i,playerNum) == 0) pPlayer->one_eighty_count = -1024; } } int32_t A_CheckHitSprite(int32_t spriteNum, int16_t *hitSprite) { hitdata_t hitData; int32_t zOffset = 0; if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[spriteNum])) zOffset = (42 << 8); else if (PN(spriteNum) == APLAYER) zOffset = (39 << 8); SZ(spriteNum) -= zOffset; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&sprite[spriteNum], SECT(spriteNum), sintable[(SA(spriteNum) + 512) & 2047], sintable[SA(spriteNum) & 2047], 0, &hitData, CLIPMASK1); SZ(spriteNum) += zOffset; if (hitSprite) *hitSprite = hitData.sprite; if (hitData.wall >= 0 && (wall[hitData.wall].cstat&16) && A_CheckEnemySprite( &sprite[spriteNum])) return 1<<30; return FindDistance2D(hitData.pos.x-SX(spriteNum),hitData.pos.y-SY(spriteNum)); } static int32_t P_FindWall(DukePlayer_t *pPlayer, int16_t *hitWall) { hitdata_t hitData; hitscan((const vec3_t *)pPlayer, pPlayer->cursectnum, sintable[(pPlayer->ang + 512) & 2047], sintable[pPlayer->ang & 2047], 0, &hitData, CLIPMASK0); *hitWall = hitData.wall; if (hitData.wall < 0) return INT32_MAX; return FindDistance2D(hitData.pos.x - pPlayer->pos.x, hitData.pos.y - pPlayer->pos.y); } // returns 1 if sprite i should not be considered by neartag static int32_t our_neartag_blacklist(int32_t spriteNum) { return sprite[spriteNum].picnum >= SECTOREFFECTOR__STATIC && sprite[spriteNum].picnum <= GPSPEED__STATIC; } static void G_ClearCameras(DukePlayer_t *p) { G_ClearCameraView(p); if (I_EscapeTrigger()) I_EscapeTriggerClear(); } void P_CheckSectors(int playerNum) { DukePlayer_t *const pPlayer = g_player[playerNum].ps; if (pPlayer->cursectnum > -1) { sectortype *const pSector = §or[pPlayer->cursectnum]; switch (pSector->lotag) { case 32767: pSector->lotag = 0; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_FOUND_SECRET, pPlayer); pPlayer->secret_rooms++; return; case UINT16_MAX: pSector->lotag = 0; P_EndLevel(); return; case UINT16_MAX-1: pSector->lotag = 0; pPlayer->timebeforeexit = GAMETICSPERSEC * 8; pPlayer->customexitsound = pSector->hitag; return; default: if (pSector->lotag >= 10000 && pSector->lotag < 16383) { if (playerNum == screenpeek || (GametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_COOPSOUND)) A_PlaySound(pSector->lotag - 10000, pPlayer->i); pSector->lotag = 0; } break; } } //After this point the the player effects the map with space if (pPlayer->gm &MODE_TYPE || sprite[pPlayer->i].extra <= 0) return; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[playerNum].inputBits->bits, SK_OPEN)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_USE, pPlayer->i, playerNum) != 0) g_player[playerNum].inputBits->bits &= ~BIT(SK_OPEN); } if (ud.cashman && TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[playerNum].inputBits->bits, SK_OPEN)) A_SpawnMultiple(pPlayer->i, MONEY, 2); if (pPlayer->newowner >= 0) { if (klabs(g_player[playerNum].inputBits->svel) > 768 || klabs(g_player[playerNum].inputBits->fvel) > 768) { G_ClearCameras(pPlayer); return; } } if (!TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[playerNum].inputBits->bits, SK_OPEN) && !TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[playerNum].inputBits->bits, SK_ESCAPE)) pPlayer->toggle_key_flag = 0; else if (!pPlayer->toggle_key_flag) { int16_t hitscanwall; int16_t neartagsector, neartagwall, neartagsprite; int32_t neartaghitdist; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[playerNum].inputBits->bits, SK_ESCAPE)) { if (pPlayer->newowner >= 0) G_ClearCameras(pPlayer); return; } neartagsprite = -1; pPlayer->toggle_key_flag = 1; hitscanwall = -1; int wallDist = P_FindWall(pPlayer,&hitscanwall); if (hitscanwall >= 0 && wallDist < 1280 && wall[hitscanwall].overpicnum == MIRROR) if (wall[hitscanwall].lotag > 0 && !A_CheckSoundPlaying(pPlayer->i,wall[hitscanwall].lotag) && playerNum == screenpeek) { A_PlaySound(wall[hitscanwall].lotag,pPlayer->i); return; } if (hitscanwall >= 0 && (wall[hitscanwall].cstat&16)) if (wall[hitscanwall].lotag) return; if (pPlayer->newowner >= 0) neartag(pPlayer->opos.x,pPlayer->opos.y,pPlayer->opos.z,sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum,pPlayer->oang,&neartagsector, &neartagwall,&neartagsprite,&neartaghitdist, 1280, 1, our_neartag_blacklist); else { neartag(pPlayer->pos.x,pPlayer->pos.y,pPlayer->pos.z,sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum,pPlayer->oang,&neartagsector, &neartagwall,&neartagsprite,&neartaghitdist, 1280, 1, our_neartag_blacklist); if (neartagsprite == -1 && neartagwall == -1 && neartagsector == -1) neartag(pPlayer->pos.x,pPlayer->pos.y,pPlayer->pos.z+ZOFFSET3,sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum,pPlayer->oang,&neartagsector, &neartagwall,&neartagsprite,&neartaghitdist, 1280, 1, our_neartag_blacklist); if (neartagsprite == -1 && neartagwall == -1 && neartagsector == -1) neartag(pPlayer->pos.x,pPlayer->pos.y,pPlayer->pos.z+ZOFFSET2,sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum,pPlayer->oang,&neartagsector, &neartagwall,&neartagsprite,&neartaghitdist, 1280, 1, our_neartag_blacklist); if (neartagsprite == -1 && neartagwall == -1 && neartagsector == -1) { neartag(pPlayer->pos.x,pPlayer->pos.y,pPlayer->pos.z+ZOFFSET2,sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum,pPlayer->oang,&neartagsector, &neartagwall,&neartagsprite,&neartaghitdist, 1280, 3, our_neartag_blacklist); if (neartagsprite >= 0) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[neartagsprite].picnum)) { case FEM1__STATIC: case FEM2__STATIC: case FEM3__STATIC: case FEM4__STATIC: case FEM5__STATIC: case FEM6__STATIC: case FEM7__STATIC: case FEM8__STATIC: case FEM9__STATIC: case FEM10__STATIC: case PODFEM1__STATIC: case NAKED1__STATIC: case STATUE__STATIC: case TOUGHGAL__STATIC: return; } } neartagsprite = -1; neartagwall = -1; neartagsector = -1; } } if (pPlayer->newowner == -1 && neartagsprite == -1 && neartagsector == -1 && neartagwall == -1) { if (isanunderoperator(sector[sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum].lotag)) neartagsector = sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum; } if (neartagsector >= 0 && (sector[neartagsector].lotag&16384)) return; if (neartagsprite == -1 && neartagwall == -1) { if (pPlayer->cursectnum >= 0 && sector[pPlayer->cursectnum].lotag == 2) { if (A_CheckHitSprite(pPlayer->i, &neartagsprite) > 1280) neartagsprite = -1; } } if (neartagsprite >= 0) { if (P_ActivateSwitch(playerNum, neartagsprite, 1)) return; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[neartagsprite].picnum)) { case TOILET__STATIC: case STALL__STATIC: if (pPlayer->last_pissed_time == 0) { if (ud.lockout == 0) A_PlaySound(DUKE_URINATE, pPlayer->i); pPlayer->last_pissed_time = GAMETICSPERSEC * 220; pPlayer->transporter_hold = 29 * 2; if (pPlayer->holster_weapon == 0) { pPlayer->holster_weapon = 1; pPlayer->weapon_pos = -1; } if (sprite[pPlayer->i].extra <= (pPlayer->max_player_health - (pPlayer->max_player_health / 10))) { sprite[pPlayer->i].extra += pPlayer->max_player_health / 10; pPlayer->last_extra = sprite[pPlayer->i].extra; } else if (sprite[pPlayer->i].extra < pPlayer->max_player_health) sprite[pPlayer->i].extra = pPlayer->max_player_health; } else if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(neartagsprite,FLUSH_TOILET)) A_PlaySound(FLUSH_TOILET,neartagsprite); return; case NUKEBUTTON__STATIC: { int16_t wallNum; P_FindWall(pPlayer, &wallNum); if (wallNum >= 0 && wall[wallNum].overpicnum == 0) { if (actor[neartagsprite].t_data[0] == 0) { if (ud.noexits && (g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1)) { // NUKEBUTTON frags the player actor[pPlayer->i].picnum = NUKEBUTTON; actor[pPlayer->i].extra = 250; } else { actor[neartagsprite].t_data[0] = 1; sprite[neartagsprite].owner = pPlayer->i; ud.secretlevel = (pPlayer->buttonpalette = sprite[neartagsprite].pal) ? sprite[neartagsprite].lotag : 0; } } } return; } case WATERFOUNTAIN__STATIC: if (actor[neartagsprite].t_data[0] != 1) { actor[neartagsprite].t_data[0] = 1; sprite[neartagsprite].owner = pPlayer->i; if (sprite[pPlayer->i].extra < pPlayer->max_player_health) { sprite[pPlayer->i].extra++; A_PlaySound(DUKE_DRINKING,pPlayer->i); } } return; case PLUG__STATIC: A_PlaySound(SHORT_CIRCUIT, pPlayer->i); sprite[pPlayer->i].extra -= 2+(krand()&3); P_PalFrom(pPlayer, 32, 48,48,64); break; case VIEWSCREEN__STATIC: case VIEWSCREEN2__STATIC: // Try to find a camera sprite for the viewscreen. for (int SPRITES_OF(STAT_ACTOR, spriteNum)) { if (PN(spriteNum) == CAMERA1 && SP(spriteNum) == 0 && sprite[neartagsprite].hitag == SLT(spriteNum)) { sprite[spriteNum].yvel = 1; // Using this camera A_PlaySound(MONITOR_ACTIVE,pPlayer->i); sprite[neartagsprite].owner = spriteNum; sprite[neartagsprite].yvel = 1; // VIEWSCREEN_YVEL g_curViewscreen = neartagsprite; int const playerSectnum = pPlayer->cursectnum; pPlayer->cursectnum = SECT(spriteNum); pPlayer->cursectnum = playerSectnum; pPlayer->newowner = spriteNum; P_UpdateScreenPal(pPlayer); P_UpdatePosWhenViewingCam(pPlayer); return; } } G_ClearCameras(pPlayer); return; } // switch } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[playerNum].inputBits->bits, SK_OPEN) == 0) return; if (pPlayer->newowner >= 0) { G_ClearCameras(pPlayer); return; } if (neartagwall == -1 && neartagsector == -1 && neartagsprite == -1) { if (klabs(A_GetHitscanRange(pPlayer->i)) < 512) { A_PlaySound(((krand()&255) < 16) ? DUKE_SEARCH2 : DUKE_SEARCH, pPlayer->i); return; } } if (neartagwall >= 0) { if (wall[neartagwall].lotag > 0 && CheckDoorTile(wall[neartagwall].picnum)) { if (hitscanwall == neartagwall || hitscanwall == -1) P_ActivateSwitch(playerNum,neartagwall,0); return; } else if (pPlayer->newowner >= 0) { G_ClearCameras(pPlayer); return; } } if (neartagsector >= 0 && (sector[neartagsector].lotag&16384) == 0 && isanearoperator(sector[neartagsector].lotag)) { for (int SPRITES_OF_SECT(neartagsector, spriteNum)) { if (PN(spriteNum) == ACTIVATOR || PN(spriteNum) == MASTERSWITCH) return; } G_OperateSectors(neartagsector,pPlayer->i); } else if ((sector[sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum].lotag&16384) == 0) { if (isanunderoperator(sector[sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum].lotag)) { for (int SPRITES_OF_SECT(sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum, spriteNum)) { if (PN(spriteNum) == ACTIVATOR || PN(spriteNum) == MASTERSWITCH) return; } G_OperateSectors(sprite[pPlayer->i].sectnum,pPlayer->i); } else P_ActivateSwitch(playerNum,neartagwall,0); } } }