//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Nuke.YKT Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" #include "names_r.h" #include "prediction.h" #include "dukeactor.h" #include "gamefuncs.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS void animatesprites_r(tspritetype* tsprite, int& spritesortcnt, int x, int y, int a, int smoothratio) { int j, k, p; int l, t1, t3, t4; spritetype* s; tspritetype* t; DDukeActor* h; int bg = 0; for (j = 0; j < spritesortcnt; j++) { t = &tsprite[j]; h = static_cast(t->ownerActor); s = h->s; switch (t->picnum) { case BLOODPOOL: case FOOTPRINTS: case FOOTPRINTS2: case FOOTPRINTS3: case FOOTPRINTS4: if (t->shade == 127) continue; break; case CHAIR3: k = (((t->ang + 3072 + 128 - a) & 2047) >> 8) & 7; if (k > 4) { k = 8 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = s->picnum + k; break; case BLOODSPLAT1: case BLOODSPLAT2: case BLOODSPLAT3: case BLOODSPLAT4: if (t->pal == 6) { t->shade = -127; continue; } [[fallthrough]]; case BULLETHOLE: case CRACK1: case CRACK2: case CRACK3: case CRACK4: t->shade = 16; continue; case RRTILE1947: case RRTILE2859: case RRTILE3774: case RRTILE5088: case RRTILE8094: case RRTILE8096: if (isRRRA()) continue; case NEON1: case NEON2: case NEON3: case NEON4: case NEON5: case NEON6: continue; default: if (((t->cstat & 16)) || (badguypic(t->picnum) && t->extra > 0) || t->statnum == 10) { if (s->sector()->shadedsector == 1 && s->statnum != 1) { s->shade = 16; t->shade = 16; } continue; } } if (t->insector()) t->shade = clamp(t->sector()->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY ? s->shade : t->sector()->floorshade, -127, 127); } //Between drawrooms() and drawmasks() is the perfect time to animate sprites for (j = 0; j < spritesortcnt; j++) { t = &tsprite[j]; h = static_cast(t->ownerActor); s = h->s; auto OwnerAc = h->GetOwner(); auto Owner = OwnerAc ? OwnerAc->s : nullptr; switch (s->picnum) { case SECTOREFFECTOR: if (t->lotag == 27 && ud.recstat == 1) { t->picnum = 11 + ((PlayClock >> 3) & 1); t->cstat |= 128; } else t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; break; default: break; } if (t->statnum == 99) continue; if (s->statnum != STAT_ACTOR && s->picnum == APLAYER && ps[s->yvel].newOwner == nullptr && h->GetOwner()) { t->x -= MulScale(MaxSmoothRatio - smoothratio, ps[s->yvel].pos.x - ps[s->yvel].oposx, 16); t->y -= MulScale(MaxSmoothRatio - smoothratio, ps[s->yvel].pos.y - ps[s->yvel].oposy, 16); t->z = interpolatedvalue(ps[s->yvel].oposz, ps[s->yvel].pos.z, smoothratio); t->z += PHEIGHT_RR; s->xrepeat = 24; s->yrepeat = 17; } else if (s->picnum != CRANEPOLE) { t->pos = s->interpolatedvec3(smoothratio); } auto sectp = s->sector(); t1 = h->temp_data[1]; t3 = h->temp_data[3]; t4 = h->temp_data[4]; switch (s->picnum) { case RESPAWNMARKERRED: case RESPAWNMARKERYELLOW: case RESPAWNMARKERGREEN: t->picnum = 861 + ((PlayClock >> 4) & 13); if (s->picnum == RESPAWNMARKERRED) t->pal = 0; else if (s->picnum == RESPAWNMARKERYELLOW) t->pal = 1; else t->pal = 2; if (ud.marker == 0) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; break; case DUKELYINGDEAD: s->xrepeat = 24; s->yrepeat = 17; if (s->extra > 0) t->z += (6 << 8); break; case BLOODPOOL: case FOOTPRINTS: case FOOTPRINTS2: case FOOTPRINTS3: case FOOTPRINTS4: if (t->pal == 6) t->shade = -127; case MONEY: case MONEY + 1: break; case TRIPBOMBSPRITE: continue; case FORCESPHERE: if (t->statnum == STAT_MISC && Owner) { int sqa = getangle( Owner->x - ps[screenpeek].pos.x, Owner->y - ps[screenpeek].pos.y); int sqb = getangle( Owner->x - t->x, Owner->y - t->y); if (abs(getincangle(sqa, sqb)) > 512) if (ldist(Owner, t) < ldist(ps[screenpeek].GetActor()->s, Owner)) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; } continue; case BURNING: if (Owner && Owner->statnum == STAT_PLAYER) { if (display_mirror == 0 && Owner->yvel == screenpeek && ps[Owner->yvel].over_shoulder_on == 0) t->xrepeat = 0; else { t->ang = getangle(x - t->x, y - t->y); t->x = Owner->x; t->y = Owner->y; t->x += bcos(t->ang, -10); t->y += bsin(t->ang, -10); } } break; case ATOMICHEALTH: t->z -= (4 << 8); break; case CRYSTALAMMO: t->shade = bsin(PlayClock << 4, -10); break; case SHRINKSPARK: if (Owner && (Owner->picnum == CHEER || Owner->picnum == CHEERSTAYPUT) && isRRRA()) { t->picnum = CHEERBLADE + ((PlayClock >> 4) & 3); t->shade = -127; } else t->picnum = SHRINKSPARK + ((PlayClock >> 4) & 7); break; case CHEERBOMB: if (isRRRA()) { t->picnum = CHEERBOMB + ((PlayClock >> 4) & 3); break; } else goto default_case; case SPIT: if (isRRRA() && Owner) { if (Owner->picnum == MINION && Owner->pal == 8) t->picnum = RRTILE3500 + ((PlayClock >> 4) % 6); else if (Owner->picnum == MINION && Owner->pal == 19) { t->picnum = RRTILE5090 + ((PlayClock >> 4) & 3); t->shade = -127; } else if (Owner->picnum == MAMA) { k = getangle(s->x - x, s->y - y); k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) >> 8) & 7; if (k > 4) { k = 8 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = RRTILE7274 + k; } else t->picnum = SPIT + ((PlayClock >> 4) & 3); } else t->picnum = SPIT + ((PlayClock >> 4) & 3); break; case EMPTYBIKE: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; k = getangle(s->x - x, s->y - y); k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) / 170); if (k > 6) { k = 12 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = EMPTYBIKE + k; break; case EMPTYBOAT: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; k = getangle(s->x - x, s->y - y); k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) / 170); if (k > 6) { k = 12 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = EMPTYBOAT + k; break; case RPG: k = getangle(s->x - x, s->y - y); k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) / 170); if (k > 6) { k = 12 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = RPG + k; break; case RPG2: if (!isRRRA()) goto default_case; k = getangle(s->x - x, s->y - y); k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) / 170); if (k > 6) { k = 12 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = RPG2 + k; break; case RECON: k = getangle(s->x - x, s->y - y); if (h->temp_data[0] < 4) k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) / 170); else k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) / 170); if (k > 6) { k = 12 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; if (abs(t3) > 64) k += 7; t->picnum = RECON + k; break; case APLAYER: p = s->yvel; if (t->pal == 1) t->z -= (18 << 8); if (ps[p].over_shoulder_on > 0 && ps[p].newOwner == nullptr) { t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT; #if 0 // multiplayer only if (screenpeek == myconnectindex && numplayers >= 2) { t->x = interpolatedvalue(omyx, myx, smoothratio); t->y = interpolatedvalue(omyy, myy, smoothratio); t->z = interpolatedvalue(omyz, myz, smoothratio) + PHEIGHT_RR; t->ang = interpolatedangle(omyang, myang, smoothratio).asbuild(); t->sector = mycursectnum; } #endif } if ((display_mirror == 1 || screenpeek != p || !h->GetOwner()) && ud.multimode > 1 && cl_showweapon && ps[p].GetActor()->s->extra > 0 && ps[p].curr_weapon > 0) { auto newtspr = &tsprite[spritesortcnt++]; newtspr = t; newtspr->statnum = 99; newtspr->yrepeat = (t->yrepeat >> 3); if (t->yrepeat < 4) t->yrepeat = 4; newtspr->shade = t->shade; newtspr->cstat = 0; switch (ps[p].curr_weapon) { case PISTOL_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = FIRSTGUNSPRITE; break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = SHOTGUNSPRITE; break; case RIFLEGUN_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = CHAINGUNSPRITE; break; case CROSSBOW_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = RPGSPRITE; break; case CHICKEN_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = RPGSPRITE; break; case THROWINGDYNAMITE_WEAPON: case DYNAMITE_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = HEAVYHBOMB; break; case POWDERKEG_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = TRIPBOMBSPRITE; break; case BOWLING_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = 3437; break; case THROWSAW_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = SHRINKSPARK; break; case BUZZSAW_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = SHRINKSPARK; break; case ALIENBLASTER_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = DEVISTATORSPRITE; break; case TIT_WEAPON: newtspr->picnum = FREEZESPRITE; break; } if (h->GetOwner()) newtspr->z = ps[p].pos.z - (12 << 8); else newtspr->z = s->z - (51 << 8); if (ps[p].curr_weapon == HANDBOMB_WEAPON) { newtspr->xrepeat = 10; newtspr->yrepeat = 10; } else if (ps[p].OnMotorcycle || ps[p].OnBoat) { newtspr->xrepeat = 0; newtspr->yrepeat = 0; } else { newtspr->xrepeat = 16; newtspr->yrepeat = 16; } newtspr->pal = 0; } if (!h->GetOwner()) { if (hw_models && md_tilehasmodel(s->picnum, s->pal) >= 0) { k = 0; t->cstat &= ~4; } else { k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - a) & 2047) >> 8) & 7; if (k > 4) { k = 8 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; } if (t->sector()->lotag == 2) k += 1795 - 1405; else if ((h->floorz - s->z) > (64 << 8)) k += 60; t->picnum += k; t->pal = ps[p].palookup; goto PALONLY; } if (ps[p].on_crane == nullptr && (s->sector()->lotag & 0x7ff) != 1) { l = s->z - ps[p].GetActor()->floorz + (3 << 8); if (l > 1024 && s->yrepeat > 32 && s->extra > 0) s->yoffset = (int8_t)(l / (s->yrepeat << 2)); else s->yoffset = 0; } if (ps[p].newOwner != nullptr) { t4 = ScriptCode[gs.actorinfo[APLAYER].scriptaddress + 1]; t3 = 0; t1 = ScriptCode[gs.actorinfo[APLAYER].scriptaddress + 2]; } if (ud.cameraactor == nullptr && ps[p].newOwner == nullptr) if (h->GetOwner() && display_mirror == 0 && ps[p].over_shoulder_on == 0) if (ud.multimode < 2 || (ud.multimode > 1 && p == screenpeek)) { t->ownerActor = nullptr; t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } PALONLY: if (sectp->floorpal) copyfloorpal(t, sectp); if (!h->GetOwner()) continue; if (t->z > h->floorz && t->xrepeat < 32) t->z = h->floorz; if (ps[p].OnMotorcycle && p == screenpeek) { t->picnum = RRTILE7219; t->xrepeat = 18; t->yrepeat = 18; t4 = 0; t3 = 0; t1 = 0; } else if (ps[p].OnMotorcycle) { k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - a) & 2047) / 170); if (k > 6) { k = 12 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = RRTILE7213 + k; t->xrepeat = 18; t->yrepeat = 18; t4 = 0; t3 = 0; t1 = 0; } else if (ps[p].OnBoat && p == screenpeek) { t->picnum = RRTILE7190; t->xrepeat = 32; t->yrepeat = 32; t4 = 0; t3 = 0; t1 = 0; } else if (ps[p].OnBoat) { k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - a) & 2047) / 170); if (k > 6) { k = 12 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = RRTILE7184 + k; t->xrepeat = 32; t->yrepeat = 32; t4 = 0; t3 = 0; t1 = 0; } break; case RRTILE2460: case RRTILE2465: case BIKEJIBA: case BIKEJIBB: case BIKEJIBC: case BIKERJIBA: case BIKERJIBB: case BIKERJIBC: case BIKERJIBD: case CHEERJIBA: case CHEERJIBB: case CHEERJIBC: case CHEERJIBD: case FBOATJIBA: case FBOATJIBB: case RABBITJIBA: case RABBITJIBB: case RABBITJIBC: case MAMAJIBA: case MAMAJIBB: if (isRRRA()) goto stuff; else goto default_case; case MINJIBA: case MINJIBB: case MINJIBC: if (isRRRA() && t->pal == 19) t->shade = -127; [[fallthrough]]; case JIBS1: case JIBS2: case JIBS3: case JIBS4: case JIBS5: case JIBS6: case DUKEGUN: case DUKETORSO: case DUKELEG: case BILLYJIBA: case BILLYJIBB: case HULKJIBA: case HULKJIBB: case HULKJIBC: case COOTJIBA: case COOTJIBB: case COOTJIBC: stuff: if (t->pal == 6) t->shade = -120; if (s->sector()->shadedsector == 1) t->shade = 16; [[fallthrough]]; case SCRAP1: case SCRAP2: case SCRAP3: case SCRAP4: case SCRAP5: case SCRAP6: case SCRAP6 + 1: case SCRAP6 + 2: case SCRAP6 + 3: case SCRAP6 + 4: case SCRAP6 + 5: case SCRAP6 + 6: case SCRAP6 + 7: if (t->picnum == SCRAP1 && s->yvel >= 0) t->picnum = s->yvel; else t->picnum += h->temp_data[0]; if (sectp->floorpal) copyfloorpal(t, sectp); break; case WATERBUBBLE: if (t->sector()->floorpicnum == FLOORSLIME) { t->pal = 7; break; } [[fallthrough]]; default: default_case: if (sectp->floorpal) copyfloorpal(t, sectp); break; } if (gs.actorinfo[s->picnum].scriptaddress && (t->cstat & 48) != 48) { if (t4) { l = ScriptCode[t4 + 2]; if (hw_models && md_tilehasmodel(s->picnum, s->pal) >= 0) { k = 0; t->cstat &= ~4; } else switch (l) { case 2: k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - a) & 2047) >> 8) & 1; break; case 3: case 4: k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - a) & 2047) >> 7) & 7; if (k > 3) { t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; k = 7 - k; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; case 5: k = getangle(s->x - x, s->y - y); k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) >> 8) & 7; if (k > 4) { k = 8 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; case 7: k = getangle(s->x - x, s->y - y); k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) / 170); if (k > 6) { k = 12 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; case 8: k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - a) & 2047) >> 8) & 7; t->cstat &= ~4; break; default: bg = badguy(s); if (bg && s->statnum == 2 && s->extra > 0) { k = getangle(s->x - x, s->y - y); k = (((s->ang + 3072 + 128 - k) & 2047) >> 8) & 7; if (k > 4) { k = 8 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; } k = 0; bg = 0; break; } t->picnum += k + ScriptCode[t4] + l * t3; if (l > 0) { while (t->picnum >= 0 && t->picnum < MAXTILES && !tileGetTexture(t->picnum)->isValid()) t->picnum -= l; //Hack, for actors } if (t->picnum < 0 || t->picnum >= MAXTILES) { t->picnum = 0; t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; } if (h->dispicnum >= 0) h->dispicnum = t->picnum; } else if (display_mirror == 1) t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } if (!isRRRA() && s->picnum == SBMOVE) t->shade = -127; if (s->statnum == 13 || badguy(s) || (s->picnum == APLAYER && h->GetOwner())) if ((s->cstat & 48) == 0 && t->statnum != 99) if (s->picnum != EXPLOSION2 && s->picnum != DOMELITE && s->picnum != TORNADO && s->picnum != EXPLOSION3 && (s->picnum != SBMOVE || isRRRA())) { if (h->dispicnum < 0) { h->dispicnum++; continue; } else if (r_shadows && spritesortcnt < (MAXSPRITESONSCREEN - 2)) { int daz; if (isRRRA() && sectp->lotag == 160) continue; if ((sectp->lotag & 0xff) > 2 || s->statnum == 4 || s->statnum == 5 || s->picnum == DRONE) daz = sectp->floorz; else daz = h->floorz; if ((s->z - daz) < (8 << 8)) if (ps[screenpeek].pos.z < daz) { auto shadowspr = &tsprite[spritesortcnt++]; *shadowspr = *t; shadowspr->statnum = 99; shadowspr->yrepeat = (t->yrepeat >> 3); if (t->yrepeat < 4) t->yrepeat = 4; shadowspr->shade = 127; shadowspr->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT; shadowspr->z = daz; shadowspr->pal = 4; if (hw_models && md_tilehasmodel(t->picnum, t->pal) >= 0) { shadowspr->yrepeat = 0; // 512:trans reverse //1024:tell MD2SPRITE.C to use Z-buffer hacks to hide overdraw issues shadowspr->clipdist |= TSPR_FLAGS_MDHACK; shadowspr->cstat |= 512; } else { // Alter the shadow's position so that it appears behind the sprite itself. int look = getangle(shadowspr->x - ps[screenpeek].pos.x, shadowspr->y - ps[screenpeek].pos.y); shadowspr->x += bcos(look, -9); shadowspr->y += bsin(look, -9); } } } } switch (s->picnum) { case RPG2: case RRTILE1790: if (!isRRRA()) break; [[fallthrough]]; case EXPLOSION2: case FREEZEBLAST: case ATOMICHEALTH: case FIRELASER: case SHRINKSPARK: case CHAINGUN: case RPG: case EXPLOSION3: case COOLEXPLOSION1: case OWHIP: case UWHIP: if (t->picnum == EXPLOSION2) { ps[screenpeek].visibility = -127; lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; t->pal = 0; } else if (t->picnum == FIRELASER) { t->picnum = FIRELASER + ((PlayClock >> 2) & 5); } t->shade = -127; break; case UFOBEAM: case RRTILE3586: case LADDER: t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; s->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; break; case DESTRUCTO: t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; break; case FIRE: case BURNING: if (Owner && Owner->picnum != TREE1 && Owner->picnum != TREE2) t->z = t->sector()->floorz; t->shade = -127; break; case WALLLIGHT3: case WALLLIGHT1: case RRTILE3668: case RRTILE3795: case RRTILE5035: case RRTILE7505: case RRTILE7506: case RRTILE7533: case RRTILE8216: case RRTILE8218: case RRTILE8220: if (!isRRRA()) break; [[fallthrough]]; case RRTILE1878: case RRTILE1952: case RRTILE1953: case RRTILE1990: case RRTILE2050: case RRTILE2056: case RRTILE2072: case RRTILE2075: case RRTILE2083: case RRTILE2097: case RRTILE2156: case RRTILE2157: case RRTILE2158: case RRTILE2159: case RRTILE2160: case RRTILE2161: case RRTILE2175: case RRTILE2176: case RRTILE2357: case RRTILE2564: case RRTILE2573: case RRTILE2574: case RRTILE2583: case RRTILE2604: case RRTILE2689: case RRTILE2893: case RRTILE2894: case RRTILE2915: case RRTILE2945: case RRTILE2946: case RRTILE2947: case RRTILE2948: case RRTILE2949: case RRTILE2977: case RRTILE2978: case RRTILE3116: case RRTILE3171: case RRTILE3216: case RRTILE3720: t->shade = -127; break; case CHEER: if (!isRRRA()) break; if (t->picnum >= CHEER + 102 && t->picnum <= CHEER + 151) t->shade = -127; break; case MINION: if (!isRRRA()) break; if (t->pal == 19) t->shade = -127; break; case BIKER: if (!isRRRA()) break; if (t->picnum >= BIKER + 54 && t->picnum <= BIKER + 58) t->shade = -127; else if (t->picnum >= BIKER + 84 && t->picnum <= BIKER + 88) t->shade = -127; break; case BILLYRAY: case BILLYRAYSTAYPUT: if (!isRRRA()) break; if (t->picnum >= BILLYRAY + 5 && t->picnum <= BILLYRAY + 9) t->shade = -127; break; case RRTILE2034: t->picnum = RRTILE2034 + ((PlayClock >> 2) & 1); break; case RRTILE2944: t->shade = -127; t->picnum = RRTILE2944 + ((PlayClock >> 2) & 4); break; case PLAYERONWATER: k = (((t->ang + 3072 + 128 - a) & 2047) >> 8) & 7; if (k > 4) { k = 8 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = s->picnum + k + ((h->temp_data[0] < 4) * 5); if (Owner) t->shade = Owner->shade; break; case MUD: t->picnum = MUD + t1; break; case WATERSPLASH2: t->picnum = WATERSPLASH2 + t1; break; case REACTOR2: t->picnum = s->picnum + h->temp_data[2]; break; case SHELL: t->picnum = s->picnum + (h->temp_data[0] & 1); [[fallthrough]]; case SHOTGUNSHELL: t->cstat |= 12; if (h->temp_data[0] > 1) t->cstat &= ~4; if (h->temp_data[0] > 2) t->cstat &= ~12; break; case FRAMEEFFECT1: if (Owner && Owner->statnum < MAXSTATUS) { if (Owner->picnum == APLAYER) if (ud.cameraactor == nullptr) if (screenpeek == Owner->yvel && display_mirror == 0) { t->ownerActor = nullptr; break; } if ((Owner->cstat & 32768) == 0) { if (Owner->picnum == APLAYER) t->picnum = 1554; else t->picnum = OwnerAc->dispicnum; t->pal = Owner->pal; t->shade = Owner->shade; t->ang = Owner->ang; t->cstat = 2 | Owner->cstat; } } break; case CAMERA1: case RAT: k = (((t->ang + 3072 + 128 - a) & 2047) >> 8) & 7; if (k > 4) { k = 8 - k; t->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = s->picnum + k; break; } h->dispicnum = t->picnum; if (t->sector()->floorpicnum == MIRROR) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; } } END_DUKE_NS