class ExhumedMenuDelegate : RazeMenuDelegate { double lastzoomsize, zoomsize; // this is the only persistent place where it can be conveniently stored. int zoomtime; override int DrawCaption(String title, Font fnt, int y, bool drawit) { let font = Raze.PickBigFont(); let cr = generic_ui ? Font.CR_FIRE : Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED; // this ignores the passed font intentionally. let texid = TexMan.CheckForTexture("MENUBLANK"); let texsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(texid); let fonth = font.GetGlyphHeight("A"); if (drawit) { int width = font.StringWidth(title); if (texid.isValid()) { double scalex = 1.; // Expand the box if the text is longer if (texsize.X - 18 < width) scalex = width / (texsize.X - 18); screen.DrawTexture(texid, false, 160, 20, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200Top, DTA_CenterOffset, true, DTA_ScaleX, scalex); } screen.DrawText(font, cr, 160 - width / 2, 20 - fonth / 2, title, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200Top); } double fx, fy, fw, fh; [fx, fy, fw, fh] = Screen.GetFullscreenRect(320, 200, FSMode_ScaleToFit43Top); int h = texid.isValid()? texsize.Y : fonth; return int((y+h) * fh / 200); // This must be the covered height of the header in true pixels. } override bool DrawSelector(ListMenuDescriptor desc) { double y = desc.mItems[desc.mSelectedItem].GetY(); let tex = TexMan.CheckForTexture("MENUCURSORTILE"); screen.DrawTexture(tex, false, 37, y - 12, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_TopLeft, true); screen.DrawTexture(tex, false, 232, y - 12, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_TopLeft, true, DTA_FlipX, true); return true; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ListMenuItemExhumedPlasma : ListMenuItem { void Init(ListMenuDescriptor desc) { Super.Init(0, 0); } override void Draw(bool selected, ListMenuDescriptor desc) { Exhumed.DrawPlasma(); } } class ListMenuItemExhumedLogo : ListMenuItem { void Init(ListMenuDescriptor desc) { Super.Init(0, 0); } native override void Draw(bool selected, ListMenuDescriptor desc); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Menu related game interface functions // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ListMenuItemExhumedTextItem : ListMenuItemTextItem { void Init(ListMenuDescriptor desc, String text, String hotkey, Name child, int param = 0) { Super.Init(desc, text, hotkey, child, param); if (child == 'none') mEnabled = -1; } void InitDirect(double x, double y, int height, String hotkey, String text, Font font, int color, int color2, Name child, int param = 0) { Super.InitDirect(x, y, height, hotkey, text, font, color, color2, child, param); } override void Draw(bool selected, ListMenuDescriptor desc) { let myfont = Raze.PickBigFont(); let cr = generic_ui ? Font.CR_FIRE : Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED; // this ignores the passed myfont intentionally. let tex = TexMan.CheckForTexture("MENUBLANK"); let texsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex); let fonth = myfont.GetGlyphHeight("A"); int width = myfont.StringWidth(mText); let delegate = ExhumedMenuDelegate(menuDelegate); double zoom = 1.; let now = MSTime(); if (delegate && (delegate.zoomsize < 1. || delegate.lastzoomsize < 1.)) { zoom = delegate.zoomsize; double ticms = 1000 / GameTicRate; let span = clamp(now - delegate.zoomtime, 0, ticms); zoom -= 0.0625 * (1. - (span / ticms)); } let v = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex); double y = mYpos + v.y / 2; int shade; if (selected) shade = Raze.bsin(now * 16 * 120 / 1000, -9); else if (Selectable()) shade = 0; else shade = 25; let color = Raze.shadeToLight(shade); double scalex = 1.; // Squash the text if it is too wide. Due to design limitations we cannot expand the box here. :( if (texsize.X - 18 < width) { scalex = (texsize.X - 18) / width; width = (texsize.X - 18); } screen.DrawTexture(tex, false, 160, y, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_CenterOffset, true, DTA_ScaleX, scalex, DTA_Color, color, DTA_ScaleX, zoom, DTA_ScaleY, zoom); screen.DrawText(myfont, cr, 160 - zoom * width / 2, y - zoom * fonth / 2, mText, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_Color, color, DTA_ScaleX, zoom * scalex, DTA_ScaleY, zoom); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ExhumedMainMenu : ListMenu { override void Ticker() { Super.Ticker(); let delegate = ExhumedMenuDelegate(menuDelegate); if (!delegate) return; // handle the menu zoom-in. The zoom is stored in the delegate so that it can be accessed by code which does not receive a reference to the menu. delegate.lastzoomsize = delegate.zoomsize; if (delegate.zoomsize < 1.) { delegate.zoomtime = MSTime(); delegate.zoomsize += 0.0625; if (delegate.zoomsize >= 1.) delegate.zoomsize = 1.; } } }