#pragma once #include <stdint.h> #include "printf.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "scancodes.h" #include "c_bind.h" #include "c_buttons.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "m_joy.h" #include "gamecvars.h" #include "packet.h" #include "vectors.h" struct ControlInfo { float dx; float dy; float dz; float dyaw; float dpitch; float droll; float mouseturnx; float mouseturny; float mousemovex; float mousemovey; }; class InputState { uint8_t KeyStatus[NUM_KEYS]; bool AnyKeyStatus; FVector2 g_mousePos; public: bool ShiftPressed() { return KeyStatus[sc_LeftShift] || KeyStatus[sc_RightShift]; } void AddEvent(const event_t* ev); void MouseAddToPos(float x, float y) { g_mousePos.X += x; g_mousePos.Y += y; } void GetMouseDelta(ControlInfo* hidInput); void ClearAllInput(); bool CheckAllInput() { bool res = AnyKeyStatus; AnyKeyStatus = false; return res; } }; extern InputState inputState; ControlInfo CONTROL_GetInput(); int32_t handleevents(void); enum GameFunction_t { gamefunc_Move_Forward, // gamefunc_Move_Backward, // gamefunc_Turn_Left, // gamefunc_Turn_Right, // gamefunc_Strafe, // gamefunc_Fire, gamefunc_Open, gamefunc_Run, gamefunc_Alt_Fire, gamefunc_Jump, gamefunc_Crouch, gamefunc_Look_Up, gamefunc_Look_Down, gamefunc_Look_Left, gamefunc_Look_Right, gamefunc_Strafe_Left, // gamefunc_Strafe_Right, // gamefunc_Aim_Up, gamefunc_Aim_Down, gamefunc_Shrink_Screen, // Automap only gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen, // Automap only gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming, gamefunc_Dpad_Select, gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming, gamefunc_Toggle_Crouch, gamefunc_Quick_Kick, gamefunc_AM_PanLeft, gamefunc_AM_PanRight, gamefunc_AM_PanUp, gamefunc_AM_PanDown, NUM_ACTIONS }; void SetupGameButtons(); void ApplyGlobalInput(InputPacket& input, ControlInfo* const hidInput, bool const crouchable = true, bool const disableToggle = false); extern ESyncBits ActionsToSend; extern bool gamesetinput; inline bool SyncInput() { return gamesetinput || cl_syncinput; } inline float backendinputscale() { return (1.f / 16.f); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Inline functions to help with edge cases where synchronised input is needed. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void setForcedSyncInput() { gamesetinput = true; } inline void resetForcedSyncInput() { gamesetinput = false; }