//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements) Copyright (C) 2017-2019 - Nuke.YKT Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler Note: EDuke source was in transition. Changes are in-progress in the source as it is released. This file is a combination of code from the following sources: - EDuke 2 by Matt Saettler - JFDuke by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au), - DukeGDX and RedneckGDX by Alexander Makarov-[M210] (m210-2007@mail.ru) - Redneck Rampage reconstructed source by Nuke.YKT */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "vm.h" #include "global.h" #include "names.h" #include "stats.h" #include "constants.h" #include "dukeactor.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS void moveactor(DDukeActor* actor, int p, double pdist, const int killit_flag) { if (killit_flag == 1) { // if player was set to squish, first stop that.. const auto pp = getPlayer(p); if (pp->actorsqu == actor) pp->actorsqu = nullptr; actor->flags2 |= SFLAG2_DIENOW; } else { move(actor, p, pdist); if (actor->spr.statnum == STAT_ACTOR) { if (badguy(actor)) { if (actor->spr.scale.X > 0.9375) return; if (ud.respawn_monsters == 1 && actor->spr.extra <= 0) return; } else if (ud.respawn_items == 1 && (actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE)) return; } if (actor->spr.statnum == STAT_ACTOR || (actor->spr.statnum == STAT_STANDABLE && (actor->flags1 & SFLAG_CHECKSLEEP))) { if (actor->timetosleep > 1) actor->timetosleep--; else if (actor->timetosleep == 1) ChangeActorStat(actor, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // this is the implementation of DDukeActor::Tick. It is native so that // its internally needed accesss does not have to be made public. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TickActor(DDukeActor* self) { if (self->spr.statnum == STAT_ACTOR || self->spr.statnum == STAT_PLAYER || (self->flags3 & SFLAG3_FORCERUNCON)) { double pdist; int p; if (self->spr.statnum != STAT_PLAYER) { p = findplayer(self, &pdist); } else { if (ud.multimode > 1) p = findotherplayer(self->PlayerIndex(), &pdist); else { p = self->PlayerIndex(); pdist = 0; } } // Run sprite animations. if (self->curAction->name != NAME_None) { // This code was utterly cryptic in the original source. int numframes = self->curAction->numframes; int increment = self->curAction->increment; int delay = self->curAction->delay; self->spr.lotag += TICSPERFRAME; if (self->spr.lotag > delay) { self->actioncounter++; self->spr.lotag = 0; self->curframe += increment; } if (abs(self->curframe) >= abs(numframes * increment)) self->curframe = 0; } int killit_flag = 0; bool conres = execute(self, p, pdist, &killit_flag); if (!conres && (self->flags4 & SFLAG4_CONOVERRIDE)) { self->flags4 |= SFLAG4_INRUNSTATE; IFVIRTUALPTR(self, DDukeActor, RunState) { VMValue val[] = { self, getPlayer(p), pdist}; try { VMCall(func, val, 3, nullptr, 0); } catch(const CDukeKillEvent& ev) { killit_flag = 1; if (ev.Type() == 1) { self->Destroy(); return; } } } self->flags4 &= ~SFLAG4_INRUNSTATE; conres = true; } // moveactor gets only called for actors with a scripted runner. if (conres) moveactor(self, p, pdist, killit_flag); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void respawnhitag(DDukeActor* actor) { if (actor->flags2 & SFLAG2_TRIGGERRESPAWN) { if (actor->spr.yint) operaterespawns(actor->spr.yint); } else { if (actor->spr.hitag >= 0) operaterespawns(actor->spr.hitag); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // this was once a macro // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RANDOMSCRAP(DDukeActor* origin) { int r1 = krand(), r2 = krand(), r3 = krand(), r4 = krand(); DVector3 offset; offset.X = krandf(16) - 8; offset.Y = krandf(16) - 8; offset.Z = krandf(16) - 8; double v = isRR() ? 0.125 : 0.375; auto a = randomAngle(); auto vel = krandf(4) + 4; auto zvel = -krandf(8) - 2; auto spawned = CreateActor(origin->sector(), origin->spr.pos + offset, DukeScrapClass, -8, DVector2(v, v), a, vel, zvel, origin, STAT_MISC); if (spawned) { spawned->spriteextra = (r4 & 15); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void addammo(int weapon, DDukePlayer* player, int amount) { player->ammo_amount[weapon] += amount; if (player->ammo_amount[weapon] > gs.max_ammo_amount[weapon]) player->ammo_amount[weapon] = gs.max_ammo_amount[weapon]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void checkavailinven(DDukePlayer* player) { if (player->firstaid_amount > 0) player->inven_icon = ICON_FIRSTAID; else if (player->steroids_amount > 0) player->inven_icon = ICON_STEROIDS; else if (player->holoduke_amount > 0) player->inven_icon = ICON_HOLODUKE; else if (player->jetpack_amount > 0) player->inven_icon = ICON_JETPACK; else if (player->heat_amount > 0) player->inven_icon = ICON_HEATS; else if (player->scuba_amount > 0) player->inven_icon = ICON_SCUBA; else if (player->boot_amount > 0) player->inven_icon = ICON_BOOTS; else player->inven_icon = ICON_NONE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void checkavailweapon(DDukePlayer* player) { int i, snum; int weap; if (player->wantweaponfire >= 0) { weap = player->wantweaponfire; player->wantweaponfire = -1; if (weap == player->curr_weapon) return; else if (player->gotweapon[weap] && player->ammo_amount[weap] > 0) { fi.addweapon(player, weap, true); return; } } weap = player->curr_weapon; if (player->gotweapon[weap]) { if (player->ammo_amount[weap] > 0 || (WeaponSwitch(player->pnum) & 2) == 0) return; } snum = player->GetPlayerNum(); int max = MAX_WEAPON; for (i = 0; i <= max; i++) { weap = ud.wchoice[snum][i]; if ((g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_SHAREWARE) && weap > 6) continue; if (weap == 0) weap = max; else weap--; if (weap == MIN_WEAPON || (player->gotweapon[weap] && player->ammo_amount[weap] > 0)) break; } if (i == MAX_WEAPON) weap = MIN_WEAPON; // Found the weapon player->last_weapon = player->curr_weapon; player->random_club_frame = 0; player->curr_weapon = weap; if (isWW2GI()) { const auto pact = player->GetActor(); SetGameVarID(g_iWeaponVarID, player->curr_weapon, pact, snum); // snum is player index! if (player->curr_weapon >= 0) { SetGameVarID(g_iWorksLikeVarID, aplWeaponWorksLike(player->curr_weapon, snum), pact, snum); } else { SetGameVarID(g_iWorksLikeVarID, -1, pact, snum); } OnEvent(EVENT_CHANGEWEAPON, snum, pact, -1); } player->okickback_pic = player->kickback_pic = 0; if (player->holster_weapon == 1) { player->holster_weapon = 0; player->weapon_pos = 10; } else player->weapon_pos = -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void clearcamera(DDukePlayer* ps) { const auto pact = ps->GetActor(); ps->newOwner = nullptr; pact->restoreloc(); updatesector(pact->getPosWithOffsetZ(), &ps->cursector); DukeStatIterator it(STAT_ACTOR); while (auto k = it.Next()) { if (k->flags2 & SFLAG2_CAMERA) k->spr.yint = 0; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ssp(DDukeActor* const actor, unsigned int cliptype) //The set sprite function { Collision c; return movesprite_ex(actor, DVector3(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * actor->vel.X, actor->vel.Z), cliptype, c) == kHitNone; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void insertspriteq(DDukeActor* const actor) { if (spriteqamount > 0) { if (spriteq[spriteqloc] != nullptr) { // todo: Make list size a CVAR. spriteq[spriteqloc]->Destroy(); } spriteq[spriteqloc] = actor; spriteqloc = (spriteqloc + 1) % spriteqamount; } else actor->spr.scale = DVector2(0, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // consolidation of several nearly identical functions // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lotsofstuff(DDukeActor* actor, int n, PClassActor* spawntype) { for (int i = n; i > 0; i--) { DAngle r1 = randomAngle(); double r2 = zrand(47); auto j = CreateActor(actor->sector(), actor->spr.pos.plusZ(-r2), spawntype, -32, DVector2(0.125, 0.125), r1, 0., 0., actor, 5); if (j) j->spr.cstat = randomFlip(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // movesector - used by sector effectors // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void movesector(DDukeActor* const actor, int msindex, DAngle rotation) { //T1,T2 and T3 are used for all the sector moving stuff!!! actor->spr.pos.XY() += actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * actor->vel.X; for(auto& wal : actor->sector()->walls) { dragpoint(&wal, actor->spr.pos.XY() + mspos[msindex].Rotated(rotation)); msindex++; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void movecyclers(void) { for (int q = cyclers.Size() - 1; q >= 0; q--) { Cycler* c = &cyclers[q]; auto sect = c->sector; int shade = c->shade2; int j = shade + int(BobVal(c->lotag) * 16); int cshade = c->shade1; if (j < cshade) j = cshade; else if (j > shade) j = shade; c->lotag += sect->extra; if (c->state) { for (auto& wal : sect->walls) { if (wal.hitag != 1) { wal.shade = j; if ((wal.cstat & CSTAT_WALL_BOTTOM_SWAP) && wal.twoSided()) wal.nextWall()->shade = j; } } sect->floorshade = sect->ceilingshade = j; } } } void addcycler(sectortype* sector, int lotag, int shade, int shade2, int hitag, int state) { cyclers.Reserve(1); cyclers.Last().sector = sector; cyclers.Last().lotag = lotag; cyclers.Last().shade1 = shade; cyclers.Last().shade2 = shade2; cyclers.Last().hitag = hitag; cyclers.Last().state = state; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void movedummyplayers(void) { DukeStatIterator iti(STAT_DUMMYPLAYER); while (auto act = iti.Next()) { if (!act->GetOwner()) continue; const auto p = getPlayer(act->GetOwner()->PlayerIndex()); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if ((!isRR() && p->on_crane != nullptr) || !p->insector() || p->cursector->lotag != 1 || getPlayer(0)->GetActor()->spr.extra <= 0) { p->dummyplayersprite = nullptr; act->Destroy(); continue; } else { if (p->on_ground && p->on_warping_sector == 1 && p->cursector->lotag == 1) { act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; act->spr.pos.Z = act->sector()->ceilingz + 27; act->spr.Angles.Yaw = pact->spr.Angles.Yaw; if (act->counter == 8) act->counter = 0; else act->counter++; } else { if (act->sector()->lotag != 2) act->spr.pos.Z = act->sector()->floorz; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; } } act->spr.pos.XY() += pact->spr.pos.XY() - pact->opos.XY(); SetActor(act, act->spr.pos); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void moveplayers(void) { double other; DukeStatIterator iti(STAT_PLAYER); while (auto act = iti.Next()) { int pn = act->PlayerIndex(); auto p = getPlayer(pn); if (act->GetOwner()) { if (p->newOwner != nullptr) //Looking thru the camera { act->restoreloc(); SetActor(act, act->spr.pos); } else { TickActor(act); if (ud.multimode > 1) { otherp = findotherplayer(pn, &other); auto psp = getPlayer(otherp)->GetActor(); if (psp->spr.extra > 0) { if (act->spr.scale.Y > 0.5 && psp->spr.scale.Y < 0.5) { if (other < 1400/16. && p->knee_incs == 0) { p->knee_incs = 1; p->weapon_pos = -1; p->actorsqu = psp; } } } } if (ud.god) { act->spr.extra = gs.max_player_health; act->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; if (!isWW2GI() && !isRR()) p->jetpack_amount = 1599; } if (p->actorsqu != nullptr) { act->spr.Angles.Yaw += deltaangle(act->spr.Angles.Yaw, (p->actorsqu->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY()).Angle()) * 0.25; } if (act->spr.extra > 0) { // currently alive... act->SetHitOwner(act); if (ud.god == 0) if (ceilingspace(act->sector()) || floorspace(act->sector())) quickkill(p); } else { act->spr.pos.Z += 20; p->newOwner = nullptr; if (p->wackedbyactor != nullptr && p->wackedbyactor->spr.statnum < MAXSTATUS) { act->spr.Angles.Yaw += deltaangle(act->spr.Angles.Yaw, (p->wackedbyactor->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY()).Angle()) * 0.5; } } } } else { if (p->holoduke_on == nullptr) { act->Destroy(); continue; } act->spr.cstat = 0; if (act->spr.scale.X < 0.65625) { act->spr.scale.X += (0.0625); act->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT; } else act->spr.scale.X = (0.65625); if (act->spr.scale.Y < 0.5625) act->spr.scale.Y += (0.0625); else { act->spr.scale.Y = (0.5625); if (act->sector()->lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER) makeitfall(act); if (act->vel.Z == 0 && act->sector()->lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) act->spr.pos.Z += 32; } if (act->spr.extra < 8) { act->vel.X = 8; act->spr.extra++; ssp(act, CLIPMASK0); } else { SetActor(act, act->spr.pos); } } if (act->insector()) { if (act->sector()->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) act->spr.shade += (act->sector()->ceilingshade - act->spr.shade) >> 1; else act->spr.shade += (act->sector()->floorshade - act->spr.shade) >> 1; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void movefallers(void) { DukeStatIterator iti(STAT_FALLER); while (auto act = iti.Next()) { auto sectp = act->sector(); if (act->counter == 0) { act->spr.pos.Z -= 16; DAngle saved_angle = act->spr.Angles.Yaw; int x = act->spr.extra; int j = fi.ifhitbyweapon(act); if (j >= 0) { if (j == 2) // explosive { if (act->spr.extra <= 0) { act->counter = 1; DukeStatIterator itj(STAT_FALLER); while (auto a2 = itj.Next()) { if (a2->spr.hitag == act->spr.hitag) { a2->counter = 1; a2->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDE; if (a2->IsKindOf(DukeSteamBaseClass)) a2->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; } } } } else { act->hitextra = 0; act->spr.extra = x; } } act->spr.Angles.Yaw = saved_angle; act->spr.pos.Z += 16; } else if (act->counter == 1) { if (act->spr.lotag > 0) { act->spr.lotag -= 3; if (act->spr.lotag <= 0 || isRR()) { act->vel.X = 2 + krandf(4); act->vel.Z = -4 + krandf(4); } } else { if (act->vel.X > 0) { act->vel.X -= 0.5; ssp(act, CLIPMASK0); } double grav; if (floorspace(act->sector())) grav = 0; else { if (ceilingspace(act->sector())) grav = gs.gravity / 6; else grav = gs.gravity; } if (act->spr.pos.Z < sectp->floorz - 1) { act->vel.Z += grav; if (act->vel.Z > 24) act->vel.Z = 24; act->spr.pos.Z += act->vel.Z; } if ((sectp->floorz - act->spr.pos.Z) < 16) { int j = 1 + (krand() & 7); for (int x = 0; x < j; x++) RANDOMSCRAP(act); act->Destroy(); } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // well, also surfacing... // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void checkdive(DDukeActor* transporter, DDukeActor* transported) { auto sectp = transporter->sector(); int sectlotag = sectp->lotag; auto Owner = transporter->GetOwner(); int warpdir; int onfloorz = transporter->temp_data[4]; Collision coll; double ll = abs(transported->vel.Z), ll2; if (transported->vel.Z >= 0) warpdir = 2; else warpdir = 1; int warpspriteto = 0; if (ll && sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER && transported->spr.pos.Z < sectp->ceilingz + ll && warpdir == 1) warpspriteto = 1; if (ll && sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && transported->spr.pos.Z > sectp->floorz - ll && warpdir == 2) warpspriteto = 1; if (ud.mapflags & MFLAG_ALLSECTORTYPES) { if (ll && sectlotag == ST_161_CEILING_TELEPORT && transported->spr.pos.Z < (sectp->ceilingz + ll) && warpdir == 1) { warpspriteto = 1; ll2 = ll - abs(transported->spr.pos.Z - sectp->ceilingz); } else if (sectlotag == ST_161_CEILING_TELEPORT && transported->spr.pos.Z < (sectp->ceilingz + 3.90625) && warpdir == 1) { warpspriteto = 1; ll2 = zmaptoworld; } if (ll && sectlotag == ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT && transported->spr.pos.Z > (sectp->floorz - ll) && warpdir == 2) { warpspriteto = 1; ll2 = ll - abs(sectp->floorz - transported->spr.pos.Z); } else if (sectlotag == ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT && transported->spr.pos.Z > (sectp->floorz - 3.90625) && warpdir == 2) { warpspriteto = 1; ll2 = zmaptoworld; } } if (sectlotag == ST_0_NO_EFFECT && (onfloorz || abs(transported->spr.pos.Z - transporter->spr.pos.Z) < 16)) { if ((!Owner || Owner->GetOwner() != Owner) && onfloorz && transporter->counter > 0 && transported->spr.statnum != STAT_MISC) { transporter->counter++; return; } warpspriteto = 1; } if (warpspriteto) { if ((transported->flags1 & SFLAG_NOTELEPORT)) return; if (transported->GetClass() == DukePlayerOnWaterClass) { if (sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { transported->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; return; } } if (transported->GetClass() != DukeWaterBubbleClass) { if (transported->spr.statnum == STAT_MISC && !(sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER || sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER || ((ud.mapflags & MFLAG_ALLSECTORTYPES) && (sectlotag == ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT || sectlotag == ST_161_CEILING_TELEPORT)))) return; } if (sectlotag > 0) { auto spawned = spawn(transported, DukeWaterSplashClass); if (spawned && sectlotag == 1 && transported->spr.statnum == 4) { spawned->vel.X = transported->vel.X * 0.5; spawned->spr.Angles.Yaw = transported->spr.Angles.Yaw; ssp(spawned, CLIPMASK0); } } switch (sectlotag) { case ST_0_NO_EFFECT: if (onfloorz) { if (transported->spr.statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE || (checkcursectnums(transporter->sector()) == -1 && checkcursectnums(Owner->sector()) == -1)) { transported->spr.pos += (Owner->spr.pos - transporter->spr.pos.XY()).plusZ(-Owner->sector()->floorz); transported->spr.Angles.Yaw = Owner->spr.Angles.Yaw; transported->backupang(); if (transporter->spr.pal == 0 || isRR()) { auto beam = spawn(transporter, DukeTransporterBeamClass); if (beam) S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, beam); beam = spawn(Owner, DukeTransporterBeamClass); if (beam) S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, beam); } if (Owner && Owner->GetOwner() == Owner) { transporter->counter = 13; Owner->counter = 13; } ChangeActorSect(transported, Owner->sector()); } } else { transported->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - transporter->spr.pos.XY(); transported->spr.pos.Z = Owner->spr.pos.Z + 16; transported->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(transported, Owner->sector()); } break; case ST_1_ABOVE_WATER: transported->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - transporter->spr.pos.XY(); transported->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->ceilingz + ll; transported->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(transported, Owner->sector()); break; case ST_2_UNDERWATER: transported->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - transporter->spr.pos.XY(); transported->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->ceilingz - ll; transported->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(transported, Owner->sector()); break; case ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT: if (!(ud.mapflags & MFLAG_ALLSECTORTYPES)) break; transported->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - transporter->spr.pos.XY(); transported->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->ceilingz + ll2; transported->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(transported, Owner->sector()); movesprite_ex(transported, DVector3(transported->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * transported->vel.X, 0), CLIPMASK1, coll); break; case ST_161_CEILING_TELEPORT: if (!(ud.mapflags & MFLAG_ALLSECTORTYPES)) break; transported->spr.pos += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - transporter->spr.pos.XY(); transported->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->floorz - ll; transported->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(transported, Owner->sector()); movesprite_ex(transported, DVector3(transported->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * transported->vel.X, 0), CLIPMASK1, coll); break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tickstat(int stat, bool deleteinvalid) { DukeStatIterator iti(stat); while (auto act = iti.Next()) { if ((act->flags2 & SFLAG2_DIENOW) || act->sector() == nullptr || (deleteinvalid && act->spr.scale.X == 0)) { addkill(act); act->Destroy(); } else if (stat != STAT_ACTOR || !badguy(act) || !monsterCheatCheck(act)) { CallTick(act); // check if DIENOW was set by Tick() if ((act->flags2 & SFLAG2_DIENOW)) { addkill(act); act->Destroy(); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void operaterespawns(int low) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_FX); while (auto act = it.Next()) { CallOnRespawn(act, low); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void detonate(DDukeActor *actor, PClassActor* explosion) { ud.earthquaketime = 16; DukeStatIterator itj(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto effector = itj.Next()) { if (actor->spr.hitag == effector->spr.hitag) { if (effector->spr.lotag == SE_13_EXPLOSIVE) { if (effector->temp_data[2] == 0) effector->temp_data[2] = 1; } else if (effector->spr.lotag == SE_8_UP_OPEN_DOOR_LIGHTS) effector->temp_data[4] = 1; else if (effector->spr.lotag == SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL) { if (effector->counter == 0) effector->counter = 1; } else if (effector->spr.lotag == SE_21_DROP_FLOOR) effector->counter = 1; } } actor->spr.pos.Z -= 32; if ((actor->temp_data[3] == 1 && actor->spr.scale.X != 0) || actor->spr.lotag == -99) { int x = actor->spr.extra; spawn(actor, explosion); hitradius(actor, gs.seenineblastradius, x >> 2, x - (x >> 1), x - (x >> 2), x); S_PlayActorSound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE, actor); } if (actor->spr.scale.X != 0) for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) RANDOMSCRAP(actor); actor->Destroy(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void gutsdir(DDukeActor* actor, PClassActor* gtype, int n, int p) { double scale; if (badguy(actor) && actor->spr.scale.X < 0.25) scale = 0.125; else scale = 0.5; double gutz = actor->spr.pos.Z - 8; double floorz = getflorzofslopeptr(actor->sector(), actor->spr.pos); if (gutz > floorz - 8) gutz = floorz - 8; gutz += actor->IntVar(NAME_gutsoffset); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { auto a = randomAngle(); auto vel = krandf(8) + 16; auto zvel = -krandf(8) - 2; // TRANSITIONAL: owned by a player??? CreateActor(actor->sector(), DVector3(actor->spr.pos.XY(), gutz), gtype, -32, DVector2(scale, scale), a, vel, zvel, getPlayer(p)->GetActor(), 5); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void blastceiling(DDukeActor* actor, double radius) { BFSSectorSearch search(actor->sector()); while (auto dasectp = search.GetNext()) { if ((dasectp->ceilingz - actor->spr.pos.Z) < radius * 16) // what value range is this supposed to be? The check that was here did not multiply correctly { auto wal = dasectp->walls.Data(); double d = (wal->pos - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Sum(); if (d < radius) checkhitceiling(dasectp); else { auto thirdpoint = wal->point2Wall()->point2Wall(); d = (thirdpoint->pos - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Sum(); if (d < radius) checkhitceiling(dasectp); } } for (auto& wal : dasectp->walls) { if ((wal.pos - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Sum() < radius) { if (wal.twoSided()) { search.Add(wal.nextSector()); } DVector3 w1(((wal.pos + wal.point2Wall()->pos) * 0.5 + actor->spr.pos) * 0.5, actor->spr.pos.Z); // half way between the actor and the wall's center. sectortype* sect = wal.sectorp(); updatesector(w1, §); if (sect && cansee(w1, sect, actor->spr.pos, actor->sector())) checkhitwall(actor, &wal, DVector3(wal.pos, actor->spr.pos.Z)); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void hitradius(DDukeActor* actor, int r, int hp1, int hp2, int hp3, int hp4) { double radius = r * inttoworld; static const uint8_t statlist[] = { STAT_DEFAULT, STAT_ACTOR, STAT_STANDABLE, STAT_PLAYER, STAT_FALLER, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR, STAT_MISC }; if (!(actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_NOCEILINGBLAST)) { blastceiling(actor, radius); } double q = zrand(32) - (isRR() ? 24 : 16); auto Owner = actor->GetOwner(); for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) { DukeStatIterator itj(statlist[x]); while (auto act2 = itj.Next()) { if (Owner) { if (Owner->isPlayer() && act2->isPlayer() && ud.coop != 0 && ud.ffire == 0 && Owner != act2 /* && (dmflags & NOFRIENDLYRADIUSDMG)*/) { continue; } if (actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_HITRADIUS_DONTHURTSPECIES && !Owner->isPlayer() && Owner->GetClass() == act2->GetClass()) { continue; } } if (x == 0 || x >= 5 || (act2->flags1 & SFLAG_HITRADIUS_CHECKHITONLY)) { if (!(actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_HITRADIUS_NODAMAGE) || (act2->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL)) if ((actor->spr.pos - act2->spr.pos).Length() < radius) { if (badguy(act2) && !cansee(act2->spr.pos.plusZ(q), act2->sector(), actor->spr.pos.plusZ(q), actor->sector())) continue; checkhitsprite(act2, actor); } } else if (act2->spr.extra >= 0 && act2 != actor && ((act2->flags1 & SFLAG_HITRADIUS_FORCEEFFECT) || badguy(act2) || (act2->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL))) { if (!shrinkersizecheck(actor->GetClass(), act2)) { continue; } if (actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_HITRADIUS_DONTHURTSHOOTER && act2 == Owner) { continue; } if (actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_HITRADIUS_NOEFFECT) { continue; } double dist = (act2->getPosWithOffsetZ() - actor->spr.pos).Length(); if (dist < radius && cansee(act2->spr.pos.plusZ(-8), act2->sector(), actor->spr.pos.plusZ(-12), actor->sector())) { act2->hitang = (act2->spr.pos - actor->spr.pos).Angle(); act2->attackertype = CallGetRadiusDamageType(actor, act2->spr.extra); if (!(actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_HITRADIUS_NODAMAGE)) { if (dist < radius / 3) { if (hp4 == hp3) hp4++; act2->hitextra = hp3 + (krand() % (hp4 - hp3)); } else if (dist < 2 * radius / 3) { if (hp3 == hp2) hp3++; act2->hitextra = hp2 + (krand() % (hp3 - hp2)); } else if (dist < radius) { if (hp2 == hp1) hp2++; act2->hitextra = hp1 + (krand() % (hp2 - hp1)); } if (!(act2->flags2 & SFLAG2_NORADIUSPUSH) && !bossguy(act2)) { if (act2->vel.X < 0) act2->vel.X = 0; act2->vel.X += ((actor->spr.extra / 4.)); } if ((act2->flags1 & SFLAG_HITRADIUSCHECK)) checkhitsprite(act2, actor); } else if (actor->spr.extra == 0) act2->hitextra = 0; if (act2->GetClass() != DukeRadiusExplosionClass && Owner && Owner->spr.statnum < MAXSTATUS) { if (act2->isPlayer()) { const auto p = getPlayer(act2->PlayerIndex()); if (act2->attackertype == DukeFlamethrowerFlameClass && Owner->isPlayer()) { p->numloogs = -1 - actor->spr.yint; } if (p->newOwner != nullptr) { clearcamera(p); } } act2->SetHitOwner(actor->GetOwner()); } } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int movesprite_ex(DDukeActor* actor, const DVector3& change, unsigned int cliptype, Collision& result) { int bg = badguy(actor); if (actor->spr.statnum == STAT_MISC || (bg && actor->spr.scale.X < 0.0625)) { actor->spr.pos += change; if (bg) SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); return result.setNone(); } auto dasectp = actor->sector(); auto ppos = actor->spr.pos; auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(actor->spr.spritetexture()); ppos.Z -= tex->GetDisplayHeight() * actor->spr.scale.Y * 0.5; if (bg) { if (actor->spr.scale.X > 0.9375) clipmove(ppos, &dasectp, change * 0.5, 64., 4., 4., cliptype, result); else { // todo: move this mess to the actor definitions once we have them all available. double clipdist = actor->FloatVar(NAME_moveclipdist); if (clipdist == 0) { if ((actor->flags1 & SFLAG_BADGUY) && !isRR()) clipdist = actor->clipdist; else clipdist = 12; } clipmove(ppos, &dasectp, change * 0.5, clipdist, 4., 4., cliptype, result); } // conditional code from hell... if (dasectp == nullptr || (dasectp != nullptr && ((actor->actorstayput != nullptr && actor->actorstayput != dasectp) || ((actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_ST3CONFINED) && actor->spr.pal == 0 && dasectp->lotag != ST_3_BOSS2) || ((actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_DONTENTERWATER) && dasectp->lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) || ((actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_DONTENTERWATERONGROUND) && actor->vel.Z == 0 && dasectp->lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER)) ) ) { if (dasectp && dasectp->lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && (actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_RANDOMANGLEONWATER)) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = randomAngle(); else if ((actor->counter & 3) == 1 && !(actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_NORANDOMANGLEWHENBLOCKED)) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = randomAngle(); SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); if (dasectp == nullptr) dasectp = §or[0]; return result.setSector(dasectp); } if ((result.type == kHitWall || result.type == kHitSprite) && (actor->cgg == 0)) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += DAngle90 + DAngle45; } else { if (actor->spr.statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE) clipmove(ppos, &dasectp, change * 0.5, 0.5, 4., 4., cliptype, result); else clipmove(ppos, &dasectp, change * 0.5, actor->clipdist, 4., 4., cliptype, result); } actor->spr.pos.XY() = ppos.XY(); if (dasectp != nullptr && dasectp != actor->sector()) ChangeActorSect(actor, dasectp); double daz = actor->spr.pos.Z + change.Z * 0.5; if (daz > actor->ceilingz && daz <= actor->floorz) actor->spr.pos.Z = daz; else if (result.type == kHitNone) return result.setSector(dasectp); return result.type; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void move(DDukeActor* actor, int pnum, double pdist) { DAngle goalang, angdif; double daxvel; int a = actor->spr.hitag; if (a == -1) a = 0; actor->counter++; const auto p = getPlayer(pnum); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (a & face_player) { if (p->newOwner != nullptr) goalang = (pact->opos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); else goalang = (pact->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); angdif = deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, goalang) * 0.25; if (angdif > -DAngle22_5 / 16 && angdif < nullAngle) angdif = nullAngle; actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdif; } if (a & spin) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += DAngle45 * BobVal(actor->counter << 3); if (a & face_player_slow) { if (p->newOwner != nullptr) goalang = (pact->opos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); else goalang = (pact->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); angdif = DAngle22_5 * 0.25 * Sgn(deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, goalang).Degrees()); // this looks very wrong... actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdif; } if (a & antifaceplayerslow) { if (p->newOwner != nullptr) goalang = ((pact->opos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle() + DAngle180); else goalang = ((pact->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle() + DAngle180); angdif = DAngle22_5 * 0.25 * Sgn(deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, goalang).Degrees()); // this looks very wrong... actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdif; } if ((a & jumptoplayer) == jumptoplayer) { if (actor->counter < 16) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->counter << 4)) * actor->FloatVar(NAME_jumptoplayer_factor); } else if (a & justjump1) { if (actor->counter < 8) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->counter << 4)) * actor->FloatVar(NAME_justjump1_factor); } if (a & justjump2) { if (actor->counter < 8) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->counter << 4)) * actor->FloatVar(NAME_justjump2_factor); } if (a & windang) { if (actor->counter < 8) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->counter << 4)) * actor->FloatVar(NAME_windang_factor); } if (a & face_player_smart) { DVector2 newpos = pact->spr.pos.XY() + (p->vel.XY() * (4. / 3.)); goalang = (newpos - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); angdif = deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, goalang) * 0.25; if (angdif > -DAngle22_5 / 16 && angdif < nullAngle) angdif = nullAngle; actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdif; } if (actor->curMove->name == NAME_None || a == 0) { if ((badguy(actor) && actor->spr.extra <= 0) || (actor->opos.X != actor->spr.pos.X) || (actor->opos.Y != actor->spr.pos.Y)) { if (!actor->isPlayer()) actor->backupvec2(); SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); } if (badguy(actor) && actor->spr.extra <= 0) { if (actor->sector()->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) { if (actor->sector()->shadedsector == 1) { actor->spr.shade += (16 - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } else { actor->spr.shade += (actor->sector()->ceilingshade - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } } else { actor->spr.shade += (actor->sector()->floorshade - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } } return; } if (a & geth) actor->vel.X += (actor->curMove->movex - actor->vel.X) * 0.5; if (a & getv) actor->vel.Z += (actor->curMove->movez - actor->vel.Z) * 0.5; if (a & dodgebullet) dodge(actor); if (!actor->isPlayer()) alterang(a, actor, pnum); if (abs(actor->vel.X) < 6 / 16.) actor->vel.X = 0; a = badguy(actor); if (actor->vel.X != 0 || actor->vel.Z != 0) { if (a && !(actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_NOVERTICALMOVE)) { if ((actor->flags2 & SFLAG2_FLOATING) && actor->spr.extra > 0) { double fdist = actor->FloatVar(NAME_floating_floordist); double cdist = actor->FloatVar(NAME_floating_ceilingdist); double c, f; calcSlope(actor->sector(), actor->spr.pos.X, actor->spr.pos.Y, &c, &f); actor->floorz = f; actor->ceilingz = c; if (actor->spr.pos.Z > f - fdist) { actor->spr.pos.Z = f - fdist; actor->vel.Z = 0; } if (actor->spr.pos.Z < c + cdist) { actor->spr.pos.Z = c + cdist; actor->vel.Z = 0; } } else { if (actor->vel.Z > 0 && actor->floorz < actor->spr.pos.Z) actor->spr.pos.Z = actor->floorz; if (actor->vel.Z < 0) { double c = getceilzofslopeptr(actor->sector(), actor->spr.pos.X, actor->spr.pos.Y); if (actor->spr.pos.Z < c + 66) { actor->spr.pos.Z = c + 66; actor->vel.Z *= 0.5; } } } } daxvel = actor->vel.X; angdif = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; if (a && !(actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_MOVE_NOPLAYERINTERACT)) { if (pdist < 60 && actor->spr.scale.X > 0.25) { daxvel = -(64 - pdist); angdif = (pact->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); if (pdist < 32) { p->vel.X = 0; p->vel.Y = 0; } else { p->vel.XY() *= gs.playerfriction - 0.125; } } else if (!(actor->flags2 & SFLAG2_FLOATING)) { if (actor->curMove->movez == 0) { if (actor->opos.Z != actor->spr.pos.Z || (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.player_skill < 2)) { if ((actor->counter & 1) || p->actorsqu == actor) return; else daxvel *= 2; } else { if ((actor->counter & 3) || p->actorsqu == actor) return; else daxvel *= 4; } } } } if (actor->sector()->lotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) { daxvel *= actor->FloatVar(NAME_landmovefactor); } else { daxvel *= actor->FloatVar(NAME_watermovefactor); } Collision coll; actor->movflag = movesprite_ex(actor, DVector3(angdif.ToVector() * daxvel, actor->vel.Z), CLIPMASK0, coll); } if (a) { if (actor->sector()->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) { if (actor->sector()->shadedsector == 1) { actor->spr.shade += (16 - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } else { actor->spr.shade += (actor->sector()->ceilingshade - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } } else actor->spr.shade += (actor->sector()->floorshade - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; if (actor->sector()->floortexture == mirrortex) actor->Destroy(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Rotating sector // // temp_data[1]: mspos index // temp_angle: current angle // temp_data[3]: checkz / acceleration, depending on mode. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se00(DDukeActor* actor) { sectortype *sect = actor->sector(); double zchange = 0; auto Owner = actor->GetOwner(); if (!Owner || Owner->spr.lotag == -1) { actor->Destroy(); return; } DAngle ang_amount = DAngle::fromQ16(sect->extra << 2); double direction = 0; if (sect->lotag == 30) { ang_amount *= 0.25; if (actor->spr.extra == 1) { if (actor->tempval < 256) { actor->tempval += 4; if (actor->tempval >= 256) callsound(actor->sector(), actor, true); if (actor->spr.detail) direction = 1; else direction = -1; } else actor->tempval = 256; if (sect->floorz > actor->spr.pos.Z) //z's are touching { sect->addfloorz(-2); zchange = -2; if (sect->floorz < actor->spr.pos.Z) sect->setfloorz(actor->spr.pos.Z); } else if (sect->floorz < actor->spr.pos.Z) //z's are touching { sect->addfloorz(2); zchange = 2; if (sect->floorz > actor->spr.pos.Z) sect->setfloorz(actor->spr.pos.Z); } } else if (actor->spr.extra == 3) { if (actor->tempval > 0) { actor->tempval -= 4; if (actor->tempval <= 0) callsound(actor->sector(), actor, true); if (actor->spr.detail) direction = -1; else direction = 1; } else actor->tempval = 0; double checkz = actor->temp_pos.Z; if (sect->floorz > checkz) //z's are touching { sect->addfloorz(-2); zchange = -2; if (sect->floorz < checkz) sect->setfloorz(checkz); } else if (sect->floorz < checkz) //z's are touching { sect->addfloorz(2); zchange = 2; if (sect->floorz > checkz) sect->setfloorz(checkz); } } actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += ang_amount * direction; actor->temp_angle += ang_amount * direction; } else { if (Owner->counter == 0) return; if (Owner->counter == 2) { actor->Destroy(); return; } if (Owner->spr.Angles.Yaw.Normalized360() > DAngle180) direction = -1; else direction = 1; if (actor->temp_pos.Y == 0) actor->temp_pos.Y = (actor->spr.pos.XY() - Owner->spr.pos.XY()).Length(); actor->vel.X = actor->temp_pos.Y; actor->spr.pos.XY() = Owner->spr.pos.XY(); actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += ang_amount * direction; actor->temp_angle += ang_amount * direction; } if (direction && (sect->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_ALIGN)) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); if (p->cursector == actor->sector() && p->on_ground == 1) { const auto pact = p->GetActor(); pact->spr.Angles.Yaw += ang_amount * direction; pact->spr.pos.Z += zchange; auto result = rotatepoint(Owner->spr.pos, pact->spr.pos.XY(), ang_amount * direction); p->bobpos += (result - pact->spr.pos.XY()); pact->spr.pos.XY() = result; } } DukeSectIterator itp(actor->sector()); while (auto act2 = itp.Next()) { if (act2->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && act2->spr.statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE && !(act2->flags2 & SFLAG2_NOROTATEWITHSECTOR)) { if (act2->isPlayer() && act2->GetOwner()) { continue; } act2->spr.Angles.Yaw += ang_amount * direction; act2->norm_ang(); act2->spr.pos.Z += zchange; auto pos = rotatepoint(Owner->spr.pos, act2->spr.pos.XY(), ang_amount * direction); act2->spr.pos.X = pos.X; act2->spr.pos.Y = pos.Y; } } } movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], actor->temp_angle); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se01(DDukeActor *actor) { int sh = actor->spr.hitag; if (actor->GetOwner() == nullptr) //Init { actor->SetOwner(actor); DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto ac = it.Next()) { if (ac->spr.lotag == SE_19_EXPLOSION_LOWERS_CEILING && ac->spr.hitag == sh) { actor->counter = 0; break; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Subway car // // temp_data[1]: mspos index // temp_angle: rotation angle // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se14(DDukeActor* actor, bool checkstat, PClassActor* RPG) { auto sc = actor->sector(); int st = actor->spr.lotag; if (actor->GetOwner() == nullptr) { auto NewOwner = LocateTheLocator(actor->temp_data[3], §or[actor->counter]); if (NewOwner == nullptr) { I_Error("Could not find any locators for SE# 6 and 14 with a hitag of %d.", actor->temp_data[3]); } actor->SetOwner(NewOwner); } auto Owner = actor->GetOwner(); double dist = (Owner->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).LengthSquared(); if (dist < 64*64) { if (st == 6) if (Owner->spr.hitag & 1) actor->temp_data[4] = sc->extra; //Slow it down actor->temp_data[3]++; auto NewOwner = LocateTheLocator(actor->temp_data[3], §or[actor->counter]); if (NewOwner == nullptr) { actor->temp_data[3] = 0; NewOwner = LocateTheLocator(0, §or[actor->counter]); } if (NewOwner) actor->SetOwner(NewOwner); } Owner = actor->GetOwner(); if(actor->vel.X != 0) { auto curangle = (Owner->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); auto diffangle = deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, curangle) * 0.125; actor->temp_angle += diffangle; actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += diffangle; bool statstate = (!checkstat || ((sc->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) == 0 && (sc->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) == 0)); if (actor->vel.X == sc->extra * maptoworld) { if (statstate) { if (!S_CheckSoundPlaying(actor->tempsound)) S_PlayActorSound(actor->tempsound, actor); } if ((!checkstat || !statstate) && (ud.monsters_off == 0 && sc->floorpal == 0 && (sc->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) && rnd(8))) { double dist2; const auto p = getPlayer(findplayer(actor, &dist2)); if (dist2 < 1280)//20480) { auto saved_angle = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = (actor->spr.pos.XY() - p->GetActor()->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); shoot(actor, RPG); actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = saved_angle; } } } if (actor->vel.X <= 4 && statstate) S_StopSound(actor->tempsound, actor); if (((sc->floorz - sc->ceilingz) < 108) && (ud.clipping == 0 && actor->vel.X >= 12)) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (pact->spr.extra > 0) { auto sect = p->cursector; updatesector(pact->getPosWithOffsetZ(), §); if ((sect == nullptr && ud.clipping == 0) || (sect == actor->sector() && p->cursector != actor->sector())) { pact->spr.pos.XY() = actor->spr.pos.XY(); p->setCursector(actor->sector()); SetActor(pact, actor->spr.pos); quickkill(p); } } } } auto vec = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * actor->vel.X; for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (p->insector() && p->cursector->lotag != 2) { if (po[i].os == actor->sector()) { po[i].opos += vec; } if (actor->sector() == pact->sector()) { auto result = rotatepoint(actor->spr.pos.XY(), pact->spr.pos.XY(), diffangle); pact->spr.pos.XY() = result + vec; p->bobpos += vec; pact->spr.Angles.Yaw += diffangle; if (numplayers > 1) { pact->backupvec2(); } if (pact->spr.extra <= 0) { pact->spr.pos.XY() = pact->spr.pos.XY(); } } } } DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->spr.statnum != STAT_PLAYER && a2->sector()->lotag != 2 && (!iseffector(a2) || a2->spr.lotag == SE_49_POINT_LIGHT || a2->spr.lotag == SE_50_SPOT_LIGHT) && !islocator(a2)) { a2->spr.pos.XY() = rotatepoint(actor->spr.pos.XY(), a2->spr.pos.XY(), diffangle) + vec; a2->spr.Angles.Yaw += diffangle; if (numplayers > 1) { a2->backupvec2(); } } } movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], actor->temp_angle); // I have no idea why this is here, but the SE's sector must never, *EVER* change, or the map will corrupt. //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); if (((sc->floorz - sc->ceilingz) < 108) && (ud.clipping == 0 && actor->vel.X >= 12)) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (pact->spr.extra > 0) { auto k = p->cursector; updatesector(pact->getPosWithOffsetZ(), &k); if ((k == nullptr && ud.clipping == 0) || (k == actor->sector() && p->cursector != actor->sector())) { pact->spr.pos.XY() = actor->spr.pos.XY(); pact->backupvec2(); p->setCursector(actor->sector()); SetActor(pact, actor->spr.pos); quickkill(p); } } } auto actOwner = actor->GetOwner(); if (actOwner) { DukeSectIterator itr(actOwner->sector()); while (auto a2 = itr.Next()) { if (a2->spr.statnum == 1 && badguy(a2) && !iseffector(a2) && !islocator(a2)) { auto k = a2->sector(); updatesector(a2->spr.pos, &k); if (a2->spr.extra >= 0 && k == actor->sector()) { gutsdir(a2, DukeJibs6Class, 72, myconnectindex); S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, actor); a2->Destroy(); } } } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Two way train // // temp_data[1]: mspos index // temp_angle: rotation angle // temp_data[3]: locator tag // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se30(DDukeActor *actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); auto Owner = actor->GetOwner(); if (Owner == nullptr) { actor->temp_data[3] = !actor->temp_data[3]; Owner = LocateTheLocator(actor->temp_data[3], §or[actor->counter]); actor->SetOwner(Owner); } else { auto dist = (Owner->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Length(); if (actor->temp_data[4] == 1) // Starting to go { if (dist < (128 - 8)) actor->temp_data[4] = 2; else { if (actor->vel.X == 0) operateactivators(actor->spr.hitag + (!actor->temp_data[3]), nullptr); if (actor->vel.X < 16) actor->vel.X += 1; } } if (actor->temp_data[4] == 2) { if (dist <= 8) actor->vel.X = 0; if(actor->vel.X > 0) actor->vel.X -= 1; else { actor->vel.X = 0; operateactivators(actor->spr.hitag + (short)actor->temp_data[3], nullptr); actor->SetOwner(nullptr); actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += DAngle180; actor->temp_data[4] = 0; operateforcefields(actor, actor->spr.hitag); } } } if(actor->vel.X != 0) { auto vect = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * actor->vel.X; if (((sc->floorz - sc->ceilingz) < 108) && (ud.clipping == 0)) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (pact->spr.extra > 0) { auto k = p->cursector; updatesector(pact->getPosWithOffsetZ(), &k); if ((k == nullptr && ud.clipping == 0) || (k == actor->sector() && p->cursector != actor->sector())) { pact->spr.pos.XY() = actor->spr.pos.XY(); p->setCursector(actor->sector()); SetActor(pact, actor->spr.pos); quickkill(p); } } } } for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (pact->sector() == actor->sector()) { pact->spr.pos.XY() += vect; if (numplayers > 1) { pact->backupvec2(); } p->bobpos += vect; } if (po[i].os == actor->sector()) { po[i].opos += vect; } } DukeSectIterator its(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = its.Next()) { if (!iseffector(a2) && !islocator(a2) && !a2->isPlayer()) { a2->spr.pos += vect; if (numplayers > 1) { a2->backupvec2(); } } } movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], actor->temp_angle); //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); if ((sc->floorz - sc->ceilingz) < 108) { if (ud.clipping == 0) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (pact->spr.extra > 0) { auto k = p->cursector; updatesector(pact->getPosWithOffsetZ(), &k); if ((k == nullptr && ud.clipping == 0) || (k == actor->sector() && p->cursector != actor->sector())) { pact->spr.pos.XY() = actor->spr.pos.XY(); pact->backupvec2(); p->setCursector(actor->sector()); SetActor(pact, actor->spr.pos); quickkill(p); } } } } if (Owner) { DukeSectIterator it(Owner->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->spr.statnum == STAT_ACTOR && badguy(a2) && !iseffector(a2) && !islocator(a2)) { // if(a2->spr.sector != actor->spr.sector) { auto k = a2->sector(); updatesector(a2->spr.pos, &k); if (a2->spr.extra >= 0 && k == actor->sector()) { gutsdir(a2, DukeJibs6Class, 24, myconnectindex); S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, a2); a2->Destroy(); } } } } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Earthquake // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se02(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); int sh = actor->spr.hitag; if (actor->temp_data[4] > 0 && actor->counter == 0) { if (actor->temp_data[4] < sh) actor->temp_data[4]++; else actor->counter = 1; } if (actor->counter > 0) { actor->counter++; actor->vel.X = 3 / 16.; if (actor->counter > 96) { actor->counter = -1; //Stop the quake actor->temp_data[4] = -1; actor->Destroy(); return; } else { if ((actor->counter & 31) == 8) { ud.earthquaketime = 48; S_PlayActorSound(EARTHQUAKE, getPlayer(screenpeek)->GetActor()); } if (abs(sc->floorheinum - actor->temp_data[0]) < 8) sc->setfloorslope(actor->temp_data[0]); else sc->setfloorslope(sc->getfloorslope() + (Sgn(actor->temp_data[0] - sc->getfloorslope()) << 4)); } auto vect = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * actor->vel.X; for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); if (p->cursector == actor->sector() && p->on_ground) { p->GetActor()->spr.pos.XY() += vect; p->bobpos += vect; } } DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (!iseffector(a2)) { a2->spr.pos += vect; SetActor(a2, a2->spr.pos); } } movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], nullAngle); //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // lights off // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se03(DDukeActor *actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); int sh = actor->spr.hitag; if (actor->temp_data[4] == 0) return; double xx; findplayer(actor, &xx); int palvals = actor->palvals; if ((global_random / (sh + 1) & 31) < 4 && !actor->temp_data[2]) { sc->ceilingpal = palvals >> 8; sc->floorpal = palvals & 0xff; actor->counter = actor->spr.shade + (global_random & 15); } else { sc->ceilingpal = actor->spr.pal; sc->floorpal = actor->spr.pal; actor->counter = actor->temp_data[3]; } sc->ceilingshade = actor->counter; sc->floorshade = actor->counter; for(auto& wal : sc->walls) { if (wal.hitag != 1) { wal.shade = actor->counter; if ((wal.cstat & CSTAT_WALL_BOTTOM_SWAP) && wal.twoSided()) { wal.nextWall()->shade = wal.shade; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // lights // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se04(DDukeActor *actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); int sh = actor->spr.hitag; int j; int palvals = actor->palvals; if ((global_random / (sh + 1) & 31) < 4) { actor->temp_data[1] = actor->spr.shade + (global_random & 15);//Got really bright actor->counter = actor->spr.shade + (global_random & 15); sc->ceilingpal = palvals >> 8; sc->floorpal = palvals & 0xff; j = 1; } else { actor->temp_data[1] = actor->temp_data[2]; actor->counter = actor->temp_data[3]; sc->ceilingpal = actor->spr.pal; sc->floorpal = actor->spr.pal; j = 0; } sc->floorshade = actor->temp_data[1]; sc->ceilingshade = actor->temp_data[1]; for (auto& wal : sc->walls) { if (j) wal.pal = (palvals & 0xff); else wal.pal = actor->spr.pal; if (wal.hitag != 1) { wal.shade = actor->counter; if ((wal.cstat & CSTAT_WALL_BOTTOM_SWAP) && wal.twoSided()) wal.nextWall()->shade = wal.shade; } } DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL) { if (sc->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) a2->spr.shade = sc->ceilingshade; else a2->spr.shade = sc->floorshade; } } if (actor->temp_data[4]) actor->Destroy(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // boss // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se05(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); int j; double x; const auto p = getPlayer(findplayer(actor, &x)); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (x < 512) { auto ang = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = (actor->spr.pos.XY() - pact->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); shoot(actor, isRR()? RedneckFirelaserClass : DukeFirelaserClass); actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = ang; } auto Owner = actor->GetOwner(); if (Owner == nullptr) //Start search { actor->temp_data[4] = 0; double maxdist = 0x7fffffff; while (1) //Find the shortest dist { auto NewOwner = LocateTheLocator(actor->temp_data[4], nullptr); if (NewOwner == nullptr) break; double dist = (pact->spr.pos.XY() - NewOwner->spr.pos.XY()).LengthSquared(); if (maxdist > dist) { Owner = NewOwner; maxdist = dist; } actor->temp_data[4]++; } actor->SetOwner(Owner); if (!Owner) return; // Undefined case - was not checked. actor->vel.Z = (Sgn(Owner->spr.pos.Z - actor->spr.pos.Z) / 16); } if ((Owner->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).LengthSquared() < 64 * 64) { // Huh? //auto ta = actor->spr.angle; //actor->spr.angle = (ps[p].pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); //actor->spr.angle = ta; actor->SetOwner(nullptr); return; } else actor->vel.X = 16; auto ang = (Owner->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); auto angdiff = deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, ang) / 8; actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdiff; if (rnd(32)) { actor->temp_angle += angdiff; sc->ceilingshade = 127; } else { actor->temp_angle += deltaangle(actor->temp_angle + DAngle90, (pact->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle()) * 0.25; sc->ceilingshade = 0; } j = fi.ifhitbyweapon(actor); if (j >= 0) { actor->temp_data[3]++; if (actor->temp_data[3] == 5) { actor->vel.Z += 4; FTA(7, getPlayer(myconnectindex)); } } actor->spr.pos.Z += actor->vel.Z; sc->setceilingz(actor->vel.Z); sector[actor->counter].setceilingz(actor->vel.Z); movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], actor->temp_angle); //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se08(DDukeActor *actor, bool checkhitag1) { // work only if its moving auto sc = actor->sector(); int st = actor->spr.lotag; int sh = actor->spr.hitag; int change, goal = -1; if (actor->temp_data[4]) { actor->temp_data[4]++; if (actor->temp_data[4] > 8) { actor->Destroy(); return; } goal = 1; } else goal = getanimationindex(anim_ceilingz, actor->sector()); if (goal >= 0) { if ((sc->lotag & 0x8000) || actor->temp_data[4]) change = -actor->temp_data[3]; else change = actor->temp_data[3]; if (st == 9) change = -change; DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto ac = it.Next()) { if (((ac->spr.lotag) == st) && (ac->spr.hitag) == sh) { auto sect = ac->sector(); int minshade = ac->spr.shade; for (auto& wal : sect->walls) { if (wal.hitag != 1) { wal.shade += change; if (wal.shade < minshade) wal.shade = minshade; else if (wal.shade > ac->temp_data[2]) wal.shade = ac->temp_data[2]; if (wal.twoSided()) if (wal.nextWall()->hitag != 1) wal.nextWall()->shade = wal.shade; } } sect->floorshade += change; sect->ceilingshade += change; if (sect->floorshade < minshade) sect->floorshade = minshade; else if (sect->floorshade > ac->counter) sect->floorshade = ac->counter; if (sect->ceilingshade < minshade) sect->ceilingshade = minshade; else if (sect->ceilingshade > ac->temp_data[1]) sect->ceilingshade = ac->temp_data[1]; if (checkhitag1 && sect->hitag == 1) sect->ceilingshade = ac->temp_data[1]; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // door auto close // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se10(DDukeActor* actor, const int* specialtags) { auto sc = actor->sector(); int sh = actor->spr.hitag; if ((sc->lotag & 0xff) == ST_27_STRETCH_BRIDGE || (sc->floorz > sc->ceilingz && (sc->lotag & 0xff) != ST_23_SWINGING_DOOR) || sc->lotag == 32791 - 65536) { int j = 1; if ((sc->lotag & 0xff) != ST_27_STRETCH_BRIDGE) for (int p = connecthead; p >= 0; p = connectpoint2[p]) if (sc->lotag != ST_30_ROTATE_RISE_BRIDGE && sc->lotag != ST_31_TWO_WAY_TRAIN && sc->lotag != ST_0_NO_EFFECT) if (actor->sector() == getPlayer(p)->GetActor()->sector()) j = 0; if (j == 1) { if (actor->counter > sh) { if (specialtags) for (int i = 0; specialtags[i]; i++) { if (actor->sector()->lotag == specialtags[i] && getanimationindex(anim_ceilingz, actor->sector()) >= 0) { return; } } fi.activatebysector(actor->sector(), actor); actor->counter = 0; } else actor->counter++; } } else actor->counter = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // swinging door // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se11(DDukeActor *actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); if (actor->temp_data[0] > 0) { actor->temp_data[0]--; return; } if (actor->temp_data[4]) { for(auto& wal : sc->walls) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_ACTOR); while (auto ac = it.Next()) { if (ac->spr.extra > 0 && badguy(ac) && IsCloseToWall(ac->spr.pos.XY(), &wal, 16) == EClose::InFront) return; } } int k = (actor->spr.yint >> 3) * actor->temp_data[3]; actor->temp_angle += mapangle(k); actor->temp_data[4] += k; movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], actor->temp_angle); //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); for(auto& wal : sc->walls) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_PLAYER); while (auto ac = it.Next()) { if (ac->GetOwner() && IsCloseToWall(ac->spr.pos.XY(), &wal, 9) == EClose::InFront) { actor->temp_data[0] = 8; // Delay actor->temp_angle -= mapangle(k); actor->temp_data[4] -= k; movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], actor->temp_angle); //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); return; } } } if (actor->temp_data[4] <= -511 || actor->temp_data[4] >= 512) { actor->temp_data[4] = 0; actor->temp_angle = mapangle(actor->temp_angle.Buildang() & 0xffffff00); // Gross hack! What is this supposed to do? movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], actor->temp_angle); //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se12(DDukeActor *actor, int planeonly) { auto sc = actor->sector(); if (actor->counter == 3 || actor->temp_data[3] == 1) //Lights going off { sc->floorpal = 0; sc->ceilingpal = 0; for (auto& wal : sc->walls) { if (wal.hitag != 1) { wal.shade = actor->temp_data[1]; wal.pal = 0; } } sc->floorshade = actor->temp_data[1]; sc->ceilingshade = actor->temp_data[2]; actor->counter = 0; DukeSectIterator it(sc); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL) { if (sc->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) a2->spr.shade = sc->ceilingshade; else a2->spr.shade = sc->floorshade; } } if (actor->temp_data[3] == 1) { actor->Destroy(); return; } } if (actor->counter == 1) //Lights flickering on { // planeonly 1 is RRRA SE47, planeonly 2 is SE48 int compshade = planeonly == 2 ? sc->ceilingshade : sc->floorshade; if (compshade > actor->spr.shade) { if (planeonly != 2) sc->floorpal = actor->spr.pal; if (planeonly != 1) sc->ceilingpal = actor->spr.pal; if (planeonly != 2) sc->floorshade -= 2; if (planeonly != 1) sc->ceilingshade -= 2; for (auto& wal : sc->walls) { if (wal.hitag != 1) { wal.pal = actor->spr.pal; wal.shade -= 2; } } } else actor->counter = 2; DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL) { if (sc->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) a2->spr.shade = sc->ceilingshade; else a2->spr.shade = sc->floorshade; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // explosive // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se13(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); if (actor->temp_data[2]) { double amt = ((actor->spr.yint << 5) | 1) * zmaptoworld; if (actor->spr.intangle == 512) { if (actor->spriteextra) { if (abs(actor->temp_pos.Y - sc->ceilingz) >= amt) sc->addceilingz(Sgn(actor->temp_pos.Y - sc->ceilingz) * amt); else sc->setceilingz(actor->temp_pos.Y); } else { if (abs(actor->temp_pos.Z - sc->floorz) >= amt) sc->addfloorz(Sgn(actor->temp_pos.Z - sc->floorz) * amt); else sc->setfloorz(actor->temp_pos.Z); } } else { if (abs(actor->temp_pos.Z - sc->floorz) >= amt) sc->addfloorz(Sgn(actor->temp_pos.Z - sc->floorz) * amt); else sc->setfloorz(actor->temp_pos.Z); if (abs(actor->temp_pos.Y - sc->ceilingz) >= amt) sc->addceilingz(Sgn(actor->temp_pos.Y - sc->ceilingz) * amt); sc->setceilingz(actor->temp_pos.Y); } if (actor->temp_data[3] == 1) { //Change the shades actor->temp_data[3]++; sc->ceilingstat ^= CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY; if (actor->spr.intangle == 512) { for (auto& wal : sc->walls) wal.shade = actor->spr.shade; sc->floorshade = actor->spr.shade; const auto p = getPlayer(0); if (p->one_parallax_sectnum != nullptr) { sc->setceilingtexture(p->one_parallax_sectnum->ceilingtexture); sc->ceilingshade = p->one_parallax_sectnum->ceilingshade; } } } actor->temp_data[2]++; if (actor->temp_data[2] > 256) { actor->Destroy(); return; } } if (actor->temp_data[2] == 4 && actor->spr.Angles.Yaw != DAngle90) for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) RANDOMSCRAP(actor); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se15(DDukeActor* actor) { if (actor->temp_data[4]) { actor->vel.X = 1; if (actor->temp_data[4] == 1) //Opening { if (actor->temp_data[3] >= (actor->spr.yint >> 3)) { actor->temp_data[4] = 0; //Turn off the sliders callsound(actor->sector(), actor); return; } actor->temp_data[3]++; } else if (actor->temp_data[4] == 2) { if (actor->temp_data[3] < 1) { actor->temp_data[4] = 0; callsound(actor->sector(), actor); return; } actor->temp_data[3]--; } movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], nullAngle); //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se16(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); actor->temp_angle += DAngle22_5 / 4; if (sc->floorz < sc->ceilingz) actor->spr.shade = 0; else if (sc->ceilingz < actor->temp_pos.Z) { //The following code check to see if //there is any other sprites in the sector. //If there isn't, then kill this sectoreffector //itself..... DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); DDukeActor* a2; while ((a2 = it.Next())) { if (a2->IsKindOf(DukeReactorClass) && a2->spritesetindex == 0) return; } if (a2 == nullptr) { actor->Destroy(); return; } else actor->spr.shade = 1; } if (actor->spr.shade) sc->addceilingz(4); else sc->addceilingz(-2); movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], actor->temp_angle); //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se17(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); int sh = actor->spr.hitag; double refheight = actor->spr.yint * zmaptoworld; double q = actor->counter * refheight * 4; sc->addceilingz(q); sc->addfloorz(q); DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto act1 = it.Next()) { if (act1->spr.statnum == STAT_PLAYER && act1->GetOwner()) { const auto p = getPlayer(act1->PlayerIndex()); p->GetActor()->spr.pos.Z += q; p->truefz += q; p->truecz += q; } if (act1->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && act1->spr.statnum != STAT_PLAYER) { act1->spr.pos.Z += q; } act1->floorz = sc->floorz; act1->ceilingz = sc->ceilingz; } if (actor->counter) //If in motion { if (abs(sc->floorz - actor->temp_pos.X) <= refheight) { activatewarpelevators(actor, 0); return; } if (actor->counter == -1) { if (sc->floorz > actor->temp_pos.Y) return; } else if (sc->ceilingz < actor->temp_pos.Z) return; if (actor->temp_data[1] == 0) return; actor->temp_data[1] = 0; DDukeActor* act2; DukeStatIterator itr(STAT_EFFECTOR); while ((act2 = itr.Next())) { if (actor != act2 && (act2->spr.lotag) == 17) if ((sc->hitag - actor->counter) == (act2->sector()->hitag) && sh == (act2->spr.hitag)) break; } if (act2 == nullptr) return; DukeSectIterator its(actor->sector()); while (auto act3 = its.Next()) { if (act3->spr.statnum == STAT_PLAYER && act3->GetOwner()) { const auto p = getPlayer(act3->PlayerIndex()); act3->opos -= act3->spr.pos; act3->spr.pos.XY() += act2->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY(); act3->spr.pos.Z += act2->sector()->floorz - sc->floorz; act3->opos += act3->spr.pos; if (q > 0) act3->backupz(); act3->floorz = act2->sector()->floorz; act3->ceilingz = act2->sector()->ceilingz; p->setbobpos(); p->truefz = act3->floorz; p->truecz = act3->ceilingz; p->bobcounter = 0; ChangeActorSect(act3, act2->sector()); p->setCursector(act2->sector()); } else if (act3->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR) { act3->opos -= act3->spr.pos; act3->spr.pos.XY() += act2->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY(); act3->spr.pos.Z += act2->sector()->floorz - sc->floorz; act3->opos += act3->spr.pos; if (q > 0) act3->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(act3, act2->sector()); SetActor(act3, act3->spr.pos); act3->floorz = act2->sector()->floorz; act3->ceilingz = act2->sector()->ceilingz; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se18(DDukeActor *actor, bool morecheck) { auto sc = actor->sector(); double extra = sc->extra * zmaptoworld; double goal = FixedToFloat<8>(actor->temp_data[1]); if (actor->counter) { if (actor->spr.pal) { if (actor->spr.intangle == 512) { sc->addceilingz(-extra); if (sc->ceilingz <= goal) { sc->setceilingz(goal); actor->Destroy(); return; } } else { sc->addfloorz(extra); if (morecheck) { DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->isPlayer() && a2->GetOwner()) { const auto p = getPlayer(a2->PlayerIndex()); if (p->on_ground == 1) a2->spr.pos.Z += extra; } if (a2->vel.Z == 0 && a2->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && a2->spr.statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE) { if (!a2->isPlayer()) a2->spr.pos.Z += extra; a2->floorz = sc->floorz; } } } if (sc->floorz >= goal) { sc->setfloorz(goal); actor->Destroy(); return; } } } else { if (actor->spr.intangle == 512) { sc->addceilingz(extra); if (sc->ceilingz >= actor->spr.pos.Z) { sc->setceilingz(actor->spr.pos.Z); actor->Destroy(); return; } } else { sc->addfloorz(-extra); if (morecheck) { DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->isPlayer() && a2->GetOwner()) { const auto p = getPlayer(a2->PlayerIndex()); if (p->on_ground == 1) a2->spr.pos.Z -= extra; } if (a2->vel.Z == 0 && a2->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && a2->spr.statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE) { if (!a2->isPlayer()) a2->spr.pos.Z -= extra; a2->floorz = sc->floorz; } } } if (sc->floorz <= actor->spr.pos.Z) { sc->setfloorz(actor->spr.pos.Z); actor->Destroy(); return; } } } actor->temp_data[2]++; if (actor->temp_data[2] >= actor->spr.hitag) { actor->temp_data[2] = 0; actor->counter = 0; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDukeActor* ifhitsectors(sectortype* sect) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_MISC); while (auto a1 = it.Next()) { if ((a1->flags1 & SFLAG_TRIGGER_IFHITSECTOR) && sect == a1->sector()) return a1; } return nullptr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se19(DDukeActor *actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); int sh = actor->spr.hitag; if (actor->counter) { if (actor->counter == 1) { actor->counter++; for (auto& wal : sc->walls) { if (tileflags(wal.overtexture) & TFLAG_FORCEFIELD) { wal.cstat &= (CSTAT_WALL_TRANSLUCENT | CSTAT_WALL_1WAY | CSTAT_WALL_XFLIP | CSTAT_WALL_ALIGN_BOTTOM | CSTAT_WALL_BOTTOM_SWAP); wal.setovertexture(FNullTextureID()); auto nextwal = wal.nextWall(); if (nextwal != nullptr) { nextwal->setovertexture(FNullTextureID()); nextwal->cstat &= (CSTAT_WALL_TRANSLUCENT | CSTAT_WALL_1WAY | CSTAT_WALL_XFLIP | CSTAT_WALL_ALIGN_BOTTOM | CSTAT_WALL_BOTTOM_SWAP); } } } } if (sc->ceilingz < sc->floorz) sc->addceilingz(actor->spr.yint * zmaptoworld); else { sc->setceilingz(sc->floorz); DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { auto a2Owner = a2->GetOwner(); if (a2->spr.lotag == 0 && a2->spr.hitag == sh && a2Owner) { auto sectp = a2Owner->sector(); a2->sector()->floorpal = a2->sector()->ceilingpal = sectp->floorpal; a2->sector()->floorshade = a2->sector()->ceilingshade = sectp->floorshade; a2Owner->counter = 2; } } actor->Destroy(); return; } } else //Not hit yet { auto hitter = ifhitsectors(actor->sector()); if (hitter) { FTA(8, getPlayer(myconnectindex)); DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto ac = it.Next()) { int x = ac->spr.lotag & 0x7fff; switch (x) { case 0: if (ac->spr.hitag == sh && ac->GetOwner()) { auto sectp = ac->sector(); sectp->floorshade = sectp->ceilingshade = ac->GetOwner()->spr.shade; sectp->floorpal = sectp->ceilingpal = ac->GetOwner()->spr.pal; } break; case 1: case 12: //case 18: case 19: if (sh == ac->spr.hitag) if (ac->counter == 0) { ac->counter = 1; //Shut them all on ac->SetOwner(actor); } break; } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se20(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); if (actor->counter == 0) return; //if(actor->vel.X != 0) //Moving { auto vec = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * (actor->counter == 1 ? 0.5 : -0.5); actor->temp_data[3] += actor->counter == 1? 8 :- 8; actor->spr.pos += vec; if (actor->temp_data[3] <= 0 || (actor->temp_data[3] >> 6) >= (actor->spr.yint >> 6)) { actor->spr.pos -= vec; actor->counter = 0; callsound(actor->sector(), actor); return; } DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && a2->vel.Z == 0) { actor->spr.pos += vec; if (a2->sector()->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) if (a2->spr.statnum == 2) makeitfall(a2); } } auto& wal = actor->temp_walls; dragpoint(wal[0], wal[0]->pos + vec); dragpoint(wal[1], wal[1]->pos + vec); for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (p->cursector == actor->sector() && p->on_ground) { pact->spr.pos.XY() += vec; pact->backupvec2(); SetActor(pact, pact->spr.pos); } } sc->addfloorxpan(-(float)vec.X * 2); sc->addfloorypan(-(float)vec.Y * 2); sc->addceilingxpan(-(float)vec.X * 2); sc->addceilingypan(-(float)vec.Y * 2); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se21(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); double lp; if (actor->counter == 0) return; if (actor->spr.intangle == 1536) lp = sc->ceilingz; else lp = sc->floorz; if (actor->counter == 1) //Decide if the sector should go up or down { actor->vel.Z = (Sgn(actor->spr.pos.Z - lp) * (actor->spr.yint << 4) * zmaptoworld); actor->counter++; } if (sc->extra == 0) { lp += actor->vel.Z; if (abs(lp - actor->spr.pos.Z) < 4) { lp = actor->spr.pos.Z; actor->Destroy(); } if (actor->spr.intangle == 1536) sc->setceilingz(lp); else sc->setfloorz(lp); } else sc->extra--; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se22(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); if (actor->temp_data[1]) { if (getanimationindex(anim_ceilingz, §or[actor->counter]) >= 0) sc->addceilingz(sc->extra * 9 * zmaptoworld); else actor->temp_data[1] = 0; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se26(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); double zvel = actor->vel.Z; actor->vel.X = 2; DVector2 vect = 2 * actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector(); // was: (32 * b sin) >> 14 actor->spr.shade++; if (actor->spr.shade > 7) { actor->spr.pos.XY() = actor->temp_pos.XY(); sc->addfloorz(-((zvel * actor->spr.shade) - zvel)); actor->spr.shade = 0; } else sc->addfloorz(zvel); DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->spr.statnum != 3 && a2->spr.statnum != 10) { a2->spr.pos = DVector3(vect, zvel); SetActor(a2, a2->spr.pos); } } for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (pact->sector() == actor->sector() && p->on_ground) { p->fric.X += vect.X; p->fric.Y += vect.Y; pact->spr.pos.Z += zvel; } } movesector(actor, actor->temp_data[1], nullAngle); //SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se27(DDukeActor* actor) { int sh = actor->spr.hitag; double xx; if (ud.recstat == 0) return; actor->temp_angle = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; const auto p = getPlayer(findplayer(actor, &xx)); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (pact->spr.extra > 0 && myconnectindex == screenpeek) { if (actor->counter < 0) { ud.cameraactor = actor; actor->counter++; } else if (ud.recstat == 2 && p->newOwner == nullptr) { if (cansee(actor->spr.pos, actor->sector(), pact->getPosWithOffsetZ(), p->cursector)) { if (xx < sh * maptoworld) { ud.cameraactor = actor; actor->counter = 999; actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, (pact->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle()) * 0.125; actor->spr.yint = 100 + int((actor->spr.pos.Z - pact->getOffsetZ()) * (256. / 257.)); } else if (actor->counter == 999) { if (ud.cameraactor == actor) actor->counter = 0; else actor->counter = -10; ud.cameraactor = actor; } } else { actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = (pact->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); if (actor->counter == 999) { if (ud.cameraactor == actor) actor->counter = 0; else actor->counter = -20; ud.cameraactor = actor; } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se24(DDukeActor *actor, bool scroll, double mult) { if (actor->temp_data[4]) return; auto vec = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * actor->spr.yint / 256.; DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->vel.Z >= 0) { switch (a2->spr.statnum) { case STAT_MISC: case STAT_STANDABLE: case STAT_ACTOR: case STAT_DEFAULT: if (a2->flags1 & SFLAG_SE24_REMOVE) { a2->spr.scale = DVector2(0, 0); continue; } if ((a2->flags1 & SFLAG_SE24_NOCARRY) || wallswitchcheck(a2) || GetExtInfo(a2->spr.spritetexture()).switchindex > 0) continue; if (a2->spr.pos.Z > a2->floorz - 16) { a2->spr.pos += vec * mult; SetActor(a2, a2->spr.pos); if (a2->sector()->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) if (a2->spr.statnum == STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR) makeitfall(a2); } break; } } } for (auto i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { const auto p = getPlayer(i); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (p->cursector == actor->sector() && p->on_ground) { if (abs(pact->getOffsetZ() - p->truefz) < gs.playerheight + 9) { p->fric += vec * (1. / 8.); // keeping the original velocity. to match the animation it should be ~1/24. } } } if (scroll) actor->sector()->addfloorxpan(actor->spr.yint / 128.f); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se25(DDukeActor* actor, int snd1, int snd2) { auto sec = actor->sector(); auto add = actor->spr.yint * (1 / 16.); if (sec->floorz <= sec->ceilingz) actor->spr.shade = 0; else if (sec->ceilingz <= actor->temp_pos.Z) actor->spr.shade = 1; if (actor->spr.shade) { sec->addceilingz(add); if (sec->ceilingz > sec->floorz) { sec->setceilingz(sec->floorz); if (ud.pistonsound && snd1 >= 0) S_PlayActorSound(snd1, actor); } } else { sec->addceilingz(-add); if (sec->ceilingz < actor->temp_pos.Z) { sec->setceilingz(actor->temp_pos.Z); if (ud.pistonsound && snd2 >= 0) S_PlayActorSound(snd2, actor); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se32(DDukeActor *actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); if (actor->counter == 1) { // Choose dir double targetval = actor->spr.yint * zmaptoworld; if (actor->temp_data[2] == 1) // Retract { if (actor->spr.intangle != 1536) { if (abs(sc->ceilingz - actor->spr.pos.Z) < targetval * 2) { sc->setceilingz(actor->spr.pos.Z); callsound(actor->sector(), actor); actor->temp_data[2] = 0; actor->counter = 0; } else sc->addceilingz(Sgn(actor->spr.pos.Z - sc->ceilingz) * targetval); } else { if (abs(sc->ceilingz - actor->temp_pos.Z) < targetval * 2) { sc->setceilingz(actor->temp_pos.Z); callsound(actor->sector(), actor); actor->temp_data[2] = 0; actor->counter = 0; } else sc->addceilingz(Sgn(actor->temp_pos.Z - sc->ceilingz) * targetval); } return; } if ((actor->spr.intangle & 2047) == 1536) { if (abs(sc->ceilingz - actor->spr.pos.Z) < targetval * 2) { actor->counter = 0; actor->temp_data[2] = !actor->temp_data[2]; callsound(actor->sector(), actor); sc->setceilingz(actor->spr.pos.Z); } else sc->addceilingz(Sgn(actor->spr.pos.Z - sc->ceilingz) * targetval); } else { if (abs(sc->ceilingz - actor->temp_pos.Z) < targetval * 2) { actor->counter = 0; actor->temp_data[2] = !actor->temp_data[2]; callsound(actor->sector(), actor); } else sc->addceilingz(-Sgn(actor->spr.pos.Z - actor->temp_pos.Z) * targetval); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se35(DDukeActor *actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); if (sc->ceilingz > actor->spr.pos.Z) for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = randomAngle(90); auto spawned = spawn(actor, DukeSmallSmokeClass); if (spawned) { spawned->vel.X = 6 + krandf(8); ssp(spawned, CLIPMASK0); SetActor(spawned, spawned->spr.pos); if (rnd(16)) spawn(actor, DukeExplosion2Class); } } double targetval = actor->spr.yint * zmaptoworld; switch (actor->counter) { case 0: sc->addceilingz(targetval); if (sc->ceilingz > sc->floorz) sc->setfloorz(sc->ceilingz); if (sc->ceilingz > actor->spr.pos.Z + 32) actor->counter++; break; case 1: sc->addceilingz(-targetval * 4); if (sc->ceilingz < actor->temp_pos.Y) { sc->setceilingz(actor->temp_pos.Y); actor->counter = 0; } break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se36(DDukeActor* actor) { if (actor->counter) { if (actor->counter == 1) shoot(actor, GetSpawnType(actor->sector()->extra)); else if (actor->counter == 26 * 5) actor->counter = 0; actor->counter++; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se128(DDukeActor *actor) { auto wal = actor->temp_walls[0]; if (!wal) return; // E4L1 contains an uninitialized SE128 which would crash without this. //if (wal->cstat | 32) // this has always been bugged, the condition can never be false. { wal->cstat &= ~CSTAT_WALL_1WAY; wal->cstat |= CSTAT_WALL_MASKED; if (wal->twoSided()) { wal->nextWall()->cstat &= ~CSTAT_WALL_1WAY; wal->nextWall()->cstat |= CSTAT_WALL_MASKED; } } // else return; auto data = breakWallMap.CheckKey(wal->overtexture.GetIndex()); FTextureID newtex = data? data->brokentex : FNullTextureID(); wal->setovertexture(newtex); auto nextwal = wal->nextWall(); if (nextwal) nextwal->setovertexture(newtex); if (actor->counter < actor->temp_data[1]) actor->counter++; else { wal->cstat &= (CSTAT_WALL_TRANSLUCENT | CSTAT_WALL_1WAY | CSTAT_WALL_XFLIP | CSTAT_WALL_ALIGN_BOTTOM | CSTAT_WALL_BOTTOM_SWAP); if (nextwal) nextwal->cstat &= (CSTAT_WALL_TRANSLUCENT | CSTAT_WALL_1WAY | CSTAT_WALL_XFLIP | CSTAT_WALL_ALIGN_BOTTOM | CSTAT_WALL_BOTTOM_SWAP); actor->Destroy(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se130(DDukeActor *actor, int countmax) { auto sc = actor->sector(); if (actor->counter > countmax) { actor->Destroy(); return; } else actor->counter++; double x = sc->floorz - sc->ceilingz; if (rnd(64)) { auto k = spawn(actor, DukeExplosion2Class); if (k) { double s = 0.03125 + (krand() & 7) * REPEAT_SCALE; k->spr.scale = DVector2(s, s); k->spr.pos.Z = sc->floorz + krandf(x); k->spr.Angles.Yaw += DAngle45 - randomAngle(90); k->vel.X = krandf(8); ssp(k, CLIPMASK0); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se29(DDukeActor* actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); actor->spr.hitag += 64; double val = actor->spr.yint * BobVal(actor->spr.hitag) / 64.; sc->setfloorz(actor->spr.pos.Z + val); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se31(DDukeActor* actor, bool choosedir) { auto sec = actor->sector(); if (actor->counter == 1) { // Choose dir if (choosedir && actor->temp_data[3] > 0) { actor->temp_data[3]--; return; } if (actor->temp_data[2] == 1) // Retract { if (actor->spr.intangle != 1536) { if (abs(sec->floorz- actor->spr.pos.Z) < actor->temp_pos.Z) { sec->setfloorz(actor->spr.pos.Z); actor->temp_data[2] = 0; actor->counter = 0; if (choosedir) actor->temp_data[3] = actor->spr.hitag; callsound(actor->sector(), actor); } else { double l = Sgn(actor->spr.pos.Z - sec->floorz) * actor->temp_pos.Z; sec->addfloorz(l); DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->isPlayer() && a2->GetOwner()) if (getPlayer(a2->PlayerIndex())->on_ground == 1) a2->spr.pos.Z += l; if (a2->vel.Z == 0 && a2->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && (!choosedir || a2->spr.statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE)) { if (!a2->isPlayer()) a2->spr.pos.Z += l; a2->floorz = sec->floorz; } } } } else { if (abs(sec->floorz - actor->temp_pos.Y) < actor->temp_pos.Z) { sec->setfloorz(actor->temp_pos.Y); callsound(actor->sector(), actor); actor->temp_data[2] = 0; actor->counter = 0; if (choosedir) actor->temp_data[3] = actor->spr.hitag; } else { double l = Sgn(actor->temp_pos.Y - sec->floorz) * actor->temp_pos.Z; sec->addfloorz(l); DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->isPlayer() && a2->GetOwner()) if (getPlayer(a2->PlayerIndex())->on_ground == 1) a2->spr.pos.Z += l; if (a2->vel.Z == 0 && a2->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && (!choosedir || a2->spr.statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE)) { if (!a2->isPlayer()) a2->spr.pos.Z += l; a2->floorz = sec->floorz; } } } } return; } if ((actor->spr.intangle & 2047) == 1536) { if (abs(actor->spr.pos.Z - sec->floorz) < actor->temp_pos.Z) { callsound(actor->sector(), actor); actor->counter = 0; actor->temp_data[2] = 1; if (choosedir) actor->temp_data[3] = actor->spr.hitag; } else { double l = Sgn(actor->spr.pos.Z - sec->floorz) * actor->temp_pos.Z; sec->addfloorz(l); DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->isPlayer() && a2->GetOwner()) if (getPlayer(a2->PlayerIndex())->on_ground == 1) a2->spr.pos.Z += l; if (a2->vel.Z == 0 && a2->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && (!choosedir || a2->spr.statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE)) { if (!a2->isPlayer()) a2->spr.pos.Z += l; a2->floorz = sec->floorz; } } } } else { if (abs(sec->floorz - actor->temp_pos.Y) < actor->temp_pos.Z) { actor->counter = 0; callsound(actor->sector(), actor); actor->temp_data[2] = 1; actor->temp_data[3] = actor->spr.hitag; } else { double l = Sgn(actor->spr.pos.Z - actor->temp_pos.Y) * actor->temp_pos.Z; sec->addfloorz(-l); DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->isPlayer() && a2->GetOwner()) if (getPlayer(a2->PlayerIndex())->on_ground == 1) a2->spr.pos.Z -= l; if (a2->vel.Z == 0 && a2->spr.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && (!choosedir || a2->spr.statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE)) { if (!a2->isPlayer()) a2->spr.pos.Z -= l; a2->floorz = sec->floorz; } } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void getglobalz(DDukeActor* actor) { double zr; Collision hz, lz; if( actor->spr.statnum == STAT_PLAYER || actor->spr.statnum == STAT_STANDABLE || actor->spr.statnum == STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR || actor->spr.statnum == STAT_ACTOR || actor->spr.statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE) { if(actor->spr.statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE) zr = 0.25; else zr = 7.9375; auto cc = actor->spr.cstat2; actor->spr.cstat2 |= CSTAT2_SPRITE_NOFIND; // don't clip against self. getzrange cannot detect this because it only receives a coordinate. getzrange(actor->spr.pos.plusZ(-1), actor->sector(), &actor->ceilingz, hz, &actor->floorz, lz, zr, CLIPMASK0); actor->spr.cstat2 = cc; actor->spr.cstat2 &= ~CSTAT2_SPRITE_NOSHADOW; if( lz.type == kHitSprite && (lz.actor()->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_MASK) == 0 ) { if( badguy(lz.actor()) && lz.actor()->spr.pal != 1) { if( actor->spr.statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE) { actor->spr.cstat2 |= CSTAT2_SPRITE_NOSHADOW; // No shadows on actors actor->vel.X = -16; ssp(actor, CLIPMASK0); } } else if(lz.actor()->isPlayer() && badguy(actor) ) { actor->spr.cstat2 |= CSTAT2_SPRITE_NOSHADOW; // No shadows on actors actor->vel.X = -16; ssp(actor, CLIPMASK0); } else if(actor->spr.statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE && lz.actor()->isPlayer() && actor->GetOwner() == actor) { actor->ceilingz = actor->sector()->ceilingz; actor->floorz = actor->sector()->floorz; } } } else { actor->ceilingz = actor->sector()->ceilingz; actor->floorz = actor->sector()->floorz; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void makeitfall(DDukeActor* actor) { if (actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_NOGRAVITY) return; double grav; if( floorspace(actor->sector()) ) grav = 0; else { if (ceilingspace(actor->sector()) || actor->sector()->lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) grav = gs.gravity / 6; else grav = gs.gravity * actor->FloatVar(NAME_gravityfactor); } if ((actor->spr.statnum == STAT_ACTOR || actor->spr.statnum == STAT_PLAYER || actor->spr.statnum == STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR || actor->spr.statnum == STAT_STANDABLE)) { Collision coll; getzrange(actor->spr.pos.plusZ(-1), actor->sector(), &actor->ceilingz, coll, &actor->floorz, coll, 7.9375, CLIPMASK0); } else { actor->ceilingz = actor->sector()->ceilingz; actor->floorz = actor->sector()->floorz; } if( actor->spr.pos.Z < actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F) { if( actor->sector()->lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER && actor->vel.Z > 3122/256.) actor->vel.Z = 3144 / 256.; if (actor->vel.Z < 24) actor->vel.Z += grav; else actor->vel.Z = 24; actor->spr.pos.Z += actor->vel.Z; } if (actor->spr.pos.Z >= actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F) { actor->spr.pos.Z = actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F; actor->vel.Z = 0; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dodge(DDukeActor* actor) { auto oldpos = actor->spr.pos.XY(); DukeStatIterator it(STAT_PROJECTILE); while (auto ac = it.Next()) { if (ac->GetOwner() == ac || ac->sector() != actor->sector()) continue; auto delta = ac->spr.pos.XY() - oldpos; auto bvect = ac->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * 1024; if (actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector().dot(delta) >= 0) { if (bvect.dot(delta) < 0) { double d = bvect.X * delta.Y - bvect.Y * delta.X; if (abs(d) < 256 * 64) { actor->spr.Angles.Yaw -= DAngle90 + randomAngle(180); return 1; } } } } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAngle furthestangle(DDukeActor *actor, int angs) { double d, greatestd; DAngle furthest_angle = DAngle360; HitInfo hit{}; greatestd = -(1 << 30); DAngle angincs = DAngle360 / angs; if (!actor->isPlayer()) if ((actor->counter & 63) > 2) return(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw + DAngle180); for (DAngle j = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; j < DAngle360 + actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; j += angincs) { hitscan(actor->spr.pos.plusZ(-8), actor->sector(), DVector3(j.ToVector() * 1024, 0), hit, CLIPMASK1); d = (hit.hitpos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Sum(); if (d > greatestd) { greatestd = d; furthest_angle = j; } } return furthest_angle.Normalized360(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // return value was changed to what its only caller really expects // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int furthestcanseepoint(DDukeActor *actor, DDukeActor* tosee, DVector2& pos) { DAngle angincs; HitInfo hit{}; if ((actor->counter & 63)) return -1; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.player_skill < 3) angincs = DAngle180; else angincs = DAngle360 / (1 + (krand() & 1)); for (auto j = tosee->spr.Angles.Yaw; j < tosee->spr.Angles.Yaw + DAngle360; j += (angincs - randomAngle(90))) { hitscan(tosee->spr.pos.plusZ(-16), tosee->sector(), DVector3(j.ToVector() * 1024, 64 - krandf(128)), hit, CLIPMASK1); double d = (hit.hitpos.XY() - tosee->spr.pos.XY()).Sum(); double da = (hit.hitpos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Sum(); if (d < da && hit.hitSector) if (cansee(hit.hitpos, hit.hitSector, actor->spr.pos.plusZ(-16), actor->sector())) { pos = hit.hitpos.XY(); return 1; } } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void alterang(int ang, DDukeActor* actor, int playernum) { DAngle goalang, aang, angdif; int j; int ticselapsed; const auto p = getPlayer(playernum); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); auto moveptr = &ScriptCode[actor->temp_data[1]]; ticselapsed = (actor->counter) & 31; aang = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; actor->vel.X += (actor->curMove->movex - actor->vel.X) / 5; if (actor->vel.Z < (648 / 256.)) { actor->vel.Z += (actor->curMove->movez - actor->vel.Z) / 5; } if (isRRRA() && (ang & windang)) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = WindDir; else if (ang & seekplayer) { DDukeActor* holoduke = !isRR()? p->holoduke_on.Get() : nullptr; // NOTE: looks like 'Owner' is set to target sprite ID... if (holoduke && cansee(holoduke->spr.pos, holoduke->sector(), actor->spr.pos, actor->sector())) actor->SetOwner(holoduke); else actor->SetOwner(pact); auto Owner = actor->GetOwner(); if (Owner->isPlayer()) goalang = (actor->ovel - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); else goalang = (Owner->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); if (actor->vel.X != 0 && !(actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_QUICKALTERANG)) { angdif = deltaangle(aang, goalang); if (ticselapsed < 2) { if (abs(angdif) < DAngle45) { DAngle add = DAngle22_5 - randomAngle(DAngle45); actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += add; if (hits(actor) < 52.75) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw -= add; } } else if (ticselapsed > 18 && ticselapsed < 26) // choose { if (abs(angdif) < DAngle90) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = goalang; else actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdif * 0.25; } } else actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = goalang; } if (ticselapsed < 1) { j = 2; if (ang & furthestdir) { goalang = furthestangle(actor, j); actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = goalang; actor->SetOwner(pact); } if (ang & fleeenemy) { goalang = furthestangle(actor, j); actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = goalang; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // special checks for RR's extended sector types, now available everywhere // // note that we cannot kill stuff in here, we have to defer this until the // end of the Tick() function. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int fallspecial(DDukeActor* actor, int playernum) { int sphit = 0; if (ud.mapflags & MFLAG_ALLSECTORTYPES) { if (actor->sector()->lotag == ST_801_ROCKY) { if (actor->GetClass() == RedneckRockClass) { spawn(actor, RedneckRock2Class); spawn(actor, RedneckRock2Class); actor->flags2 |= SFLAG2_DIENOW; } return 0; } else if (actor->sector()->lotag == ST_802_KILLBADGUYS) { if (!actor->isPlayer() && badguy(actor) && actor->spr.pos.Z == actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F) { spawnguts(actor, DukeJibs6Class, 5); S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, actor); actor->flags2 |= SFLAG2_DIENOW; } return 0; } else if (actor->sector()->lotag == ST_803_KILLROCKS) { if (actor->GetClass() == RedneckRock2Class) actor->flags2 |= SFLAG2_DIENOW; return 0; } } if (ud.mapflags & (MFLAG_ALLSECTORTYPES | MFLAG_SECTORTYPE800)) { if (actor->sector()->lotag == ST_800_KILLSTUFF) { if (!actor->isPlayer() && badguy(actor) && actor->spriteextra < 128) { actor->spr.pos.Z = actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F; actor->vel.Z = 8000 / 256.; actor->spr.extra = 0; actor->spriteextra++; sphit = 1; } else if (!actor->isPlayer()) { if (!actor->spriteextra) actor->flags2 |= SFLAG2_DIENOW; return 0; } actor->attackertype = DukeShotSparkClass; actor->hitextra = 1; } } if (tilesurface(actor->sector()->floortexture) == TSURF_MAGMA) { if (!(actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_MAGMAIMMUNE) && actor->spr.pal != 19) { if ((krand() & 3) == 1) { actor->attackertype = DukeShotSparkClass; actor->hitextra = 5; } } } return sphit; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // the indirections here are to keep this core function free of game references // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void fall(DDukeActor *actor, int playernum) { actor->spr.xoffset = 0; actor->spr.yoffset = 0; if (actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_NOGRAVITY) return; // if(!gotz) { double grav; int sphit = fallspecial(actor, playernum); if (floorspace(actor->sector())) grav = 0; else { if (ceilingspace(actor->sector()) || actor->sector()->lotag == 2) grav = gs.gravity / 6; else grav = gs.gravity; } if (actor->cgg <= 0 || (actor->sector()->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE)) { getglobalz(actor); actor->cgg = 6; } else actor->cgg--; if (actor->spr.pos.Z < actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F) { actor->vel.Z += grav; actor->spr.pos.Z += actor->vel.Z; if (actor->vel.Z > 24) actor->vel.Z = 24; } else { actor->spr.pos.Z = actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F; if (badguy(actor) || (actor->isPlayer() && actor->GetOwner())) { if (actor->vel.Z > (3084/256.) && actor->spr.extra <= 1) { if (actor->spr.pal != 1 && !(actor->flags3 & SFLAG3_NOJIBS)) { if (actor->isPlayer() && actor->spr.extra > 0) goto SKIPJIBS; if (sphit) { spawnguts(actor, DukeJibs6Class, 5); S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, actor); } else { spawnguts(actor, DukeJibs6Class, 15); S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, actor); spawn(actor, DukeBloodPoolClass); } } SKIPJIBS: actor->attackertype = DukeShotSparkClass; actor->hitextra = 1; actor->vel.Z = 0; } else if (actor->vel.Z > 8 && actor->sector()->lotag != 1) { auto sect = actor->sector(); pushmove(actor->spr.pos, §, 8., 4., 4., CLIPMASK0); if (sect != actor->sector() && sect != nullptr) ChangeActorSect(actor, sect); S_PlayActorSound(THUD, actor); } } if (actor->sector()->lotag == 1) actor->spr.pos.Z += actor->IntVar(NAME_falladjustz); else actor->vel.Z = 0; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDukeActor *LocateTheLocator(int n, sectortype* sect) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_LOCATOR); while (auto ac = it.Next()) { if ((sect == nullptr || sect == ac->sector()) && n == ac->spr.lotag) return ac; } return nullptr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void movefta(void) { double xx; int canseeme; sectortype* psect, * ssect; auto check_fta_sounds = [](DDukeActor* act) { if (act->spr.extra > 0) CallPlayFTASound(act); }; DukeStatIterator it(STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); while (auto act = it.Next()) { const auto pnum = findplayer(act, &xx); const auto p = getPlayer(pnum); const auto pact = p->GetActor(); canseeme = 0; ssect = psect = act->sector(); if (pact->spr.extra > 0) { if (xx < 30000 / 16.) { act->timetosleep++; if (act->timetosleep >= int(xx / 16.)) { if (badguy(act)) { auto xyrand = []() -> double { return (64 - (krand() & 127)) * maptoworld; }; double px = pact->opos.X - xyrand(); double py = pact->opos.Y - xyrand(); updatesector(DVector3(px, py, 0), &psect); if (psect == nullptr) { continue; } double sx = act->spr.pos.X - xyrand(); double sy = act->spr.pos.Y - xyrand(); // The second updatesector call here used px and py again and was redundant as coded. // SFLAG_LOOKALLAROUND is set for all actors in Duke. if (act->spr.pal == 33 || (act->flags1 & SFLAG_LOOKALLAROUND) || ((act->flags1 & SFLAG_LOOKALLAROUNDWITHPAL8) && act->spr.pal == 8) || (act->spr.Angles.Yaw.Cos() * (px - sx) + act->spr.Angles.Yaw.Sin() * (py - sy) >= 0)) { double r1 = zrand(32); double r2 = zrand(52); canseeme = cansee({ sx, sy, act->spr.pos.Z - r2 }, act->sector(), { px, py, pact->getPrevOffsetZ() - r1 }, p->cursector); } } else { int r1 = krand(); int r2 = krand(); canseeme = cansee(act->spr.pos.plusZ(-(r2 & 31)), act->sector(), pact->getPrevPosWithOffsetZ().plusZ(-(r1 & 31)), p->cursector); } if (canseeme) { if ((act->flags1 & SFLAG_MOVEFTA_MAKESTANDABLE)) { if (act->sector()->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) act->spr.shade = act->sector()->ceilingshade; else act->spr.shade = act->sector()->floorshade; act->timetosleep = 0; ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_STANDABLE); } else { act->timetosleep = 0; check_fta_sounds(act); ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ACTOR); } } else act->timetosleep = 0; } } if (badguy(act)) { if (act->sector()->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) act->spr.shade = act->sector()->ceilingshade; else act->spr.shade = act->sector()->floorshade; // wakeup is an RR feature, this flag will allow it to use in Duke, too. if ((act->flags1 & SFLAG_MOVEFTA_WAKEUPCHECK)) { if (wakeup(act, pnum)) { act->timetosleep = 0; check_fta_sounds(act); ChangeActorStat(act, STAT_ACTOR); } } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void actorsizeto(DDukeActor* actor, double x, double y) { // JBF 20030805: As I understand it, if repeat becomes 0 it basically kills the // sprite, which is why the "sizeto 0 41" calls in 1.3d became "sizeto 4 41" in // 1.4, so instead of patching the CONs I'll surruptitiously patch the code here //if (!isPlutoPak() && *insptr == 0) *insptr = 4; double siz = (x - actor->spr.scale.X); actor->spr.scale.X = (clamp(actor->spr.scale.X + Sgn(siz) * REPEAT_SCALE, 0., 4.)); auto scale = actor->spr.scale.Y; auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(actor->spr.spritetexture()); if ((actor->isPlayer() && scale < 0.5626) || y < scale || (scale * (tex->GetDisplayHeight() + 8)) < actor->floorz - actor->ceilingz) { siz = (y - actor->spr.scale.Y); actor->spr.scale.Y = (clamp(actor->spr.scale.Y + Sgn(siz) * REPEAT_SCALE, 0., 4.)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spawndebris(DDukeActor* g_ac, int dnum, int count) { if (dnum < 0 || dnum >= ScrapMax) return; // this code only works with scrap and nothing else. bool weap = (g_ac->flags3 & SFLAG3_SPAWNWEAPONDEBRIS); if (g_ac->insector()) for (int j = count; j >= 0; j--) { int s; if (weap) s = 0; else s = (krand() % 3); DVector3 offs; offs.X = krandf(16) - 8; offs.Y = krandf(16) - 8; offs.Z = -krandf(16) - 8; auto a = randomAngle(); auto vel = krandf(8) + 2; auto zvel = -krandf(8); DVector2 scale(0.5 + (krand() & 15) * REPEAT_SCALE, 0.5 + (krand() & 15) * REPEAT_SCALE); auto spawned = CreateActor(g_ac->sector(), g_ac->spr.pos + offs, DukeScrapClass, g_ac->spr.shade, scale, a, vel, zvel, g_ac, STAT_MISC); if (spawned) { spawned->spriteextra = dnum + s; if (weap) spawned->spr.yint = (j % 15) + 1; else spawned->spr.yint = -1; spawned->spr.pal = g_ac->spr.pal; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void actoroperate(DDukeActor* g_ac) { if (g_ac->sector()->lotag == ST_0_NO_EFFECT) { HitInfo hit{}; neartag(g_ac->spr.pos.plusZ(-32), g_ac->sector(), g_ac->spr.Angles.Yaw, hit, 48, NT_Lotag | NT_NoSpriteCheck); auto sectp = hit.hitSector; if (sectp) { if (isanearoperator(sectp->lotag)) if ((sectp->lotag & 0xff) == ST_23_SWINGING_DOOR || sectp->floorz == sectp->ceilingz) if ((sectp->lotag & 16384) == 0 && (sectp->lotag & 32768) == 0) { DukeSectIterator it(sectp); DDukeActor* a2; while ((a2 = it.Next())) { if (isactivator(a2)) break; } if (a2 == nullptr) operatesectors(sectp, g_ac); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void garybanjo(DDukeActor* g_ac) { if (banjosound == 0) { int rnum = (krand() & 3) + 1; if (rnum == 4) { banjosound = 262; } else if (rnum == 1) { banjosound = 272; } else if (rnum == 2) { banjosound = 273; } else { banjosound = 273; } S_PlayActorSound(banjosound, g_ac, CHAN_WEAPON); } else if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(g_ac, banjosound)) S_PlayActorSound(banjosound, g_ac, CHAN_WEAPON); } END_DUKE_NS