/* ** screenjob.cpp ** ** Generic asynchronous screen display ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2020 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "types.h" #include "build.h" #include "screenjob.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" #include "animlib.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "s_soundinternal.h" #include "animtexture.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "razemenu.h" #include "raze_sound.h" #include "SmackerDecoder.h" #include "movie/playmve.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include #include #include "raze_music.h" #include "vm.h" #include "mapinfo.h" static DObject* runner; static SummaryInfo sinfo; static PClass* runnerclass; static PType* runnerclasstype; static PType* maprecordtype; static PType* summaryinfotype; static CompletionFunc completion; static int ticks; static SummaryInfo summaryinfo; //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void Job_Init() { static bool done = false; if (!done) { done = true; GC::AddMarkerFunc([] { GC::Mark(runner); }); } runnerclass = PClass::FindClass("ScreenJobRunner"); if (!runnerclass) I_FatalError("ScreenJobRunner not defined"); runnerclasstype = NewPointer(runnerclass); maprecordtype = NewPointer(NewStruct("MapRecord", nullptr, true)); summaryinfotype = NewPointer(NewStruct("SummaryInfo", nullptr, true)); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= static VMFunction* LookupFunction(const char* qname, bool validate = true) { size_t p = strcspn(qname, "."); if (p == 0) I_Error("Call to undefined function %s", qname); FString clsname(qname, p); FString funcname = qname + p + 1; auto func = PClass::FindFunction(clsname, funcname); if (func == nullptr) I_Error("Call to undefined function %s", qname); if (validate) { // these conditions must be met by all functions for this interface. if (func->Proto->ReturnTypes.Size() != 0) I_Error("Bad cutscene function %s. Return value not allowed", qname); if (func->ImplicitArgs != 0) I_Error("Bad cutscene function %s. Must be static", qname); } return func; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void CallCreateFunction(const char* qname, DObject* runner) { auto func = LookupFunction(qname); if (func->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size() != 1) I_Error("Bad cutscene function %s. Must receive precisely one argument.", qname); if (func->Proto->ArgumentTypes[0] != runnerclasstype) I_Error("Bad cutscene function %s. Must receive ScreenJobRunner reference.", qname); VMValue val = runner; VMCall(func, &val, 1, nullptr, 0); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void CallCreateMapFunction(const char* qname, DObject* runner, MapRecord* map) { auto func = LookupFunction(qname); if (func->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size() == 1) return CallCreateFunction(qname, runner); // accept functions without map parameter as well here. if (func->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size() != 2) I_Error("Bad map-cutscene function %s. Must receive precisely two arguments.", qname); if (func->Proto->ArgumentTypes[0] != runnerclasstype && func->Proto->ArgumentTypes[1] != maprecordtype) I_Error("Bad cutscene function %s. Must receive ScreenJobRunner and MapRecord reference.", qname); VMValue val[2] = { runner, map }; VMCall(func, val, 2, nullptr, 0); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void CallCreateSummaryFunction(const char* qname, DObject* runner, MapRecord* map, SummaryInfo* info, MapRecord* map2) { auto func = LookupFunction(qname); auto s = func->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size(); auto at = func->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Data(); if (s != 3 && s != 4) I_Error("Bad map-cutscene function %s. Must receive precisely three or four arguments.", qname); if (at[0] != runnerclasstype && at[1] != maprecordtype && at[2] != summaryinfotype && (s == 3 || at[3] == maprecordtype)) I_Error("Bad cutscene function %s. Must receive ScreenJobRunner, MapRecord and SummaryInfo reference,", qname); if (info) summaryinfo = *info; // must be copied to a persistent location. else summaryinfo = {}; VMValue val[] = { runner, map, &summaryinfo, map2 }; VMCall(func, val, s, nullptr, 0); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= DObject* CreateRunner(bool clearbefore = true) { auto obj = runnerclass->CreateNew(); auto func = LookupFunction("ScreenJobRunner.Init", false); VMValue val[3] = { obj, clearbefore, false }; VMCall(func, val, 3, nullptr, 0); return obj; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void AddGenericVideo(DObject* runner, const FString& fn, int soundid, int fps) { auto obj = runnerclass->CreateNew(); auto func = LookupFunction("ScreenJobRunner.AddGenericVideo", false); VMValue val[] = { runner, &fn, soundid, fps }; VMCall(func, val, 4, nullptr, 0); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void CutsceneDef::Create(DObject* runner) { if (function.IsNotEmpty()) { CallCreateFunction(function, runner); } else if (video.IsNotEmpty()) { AddGenericVideo(runner, video, GetSound(), framespersec); } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= bool CutsceneDef::Create(DObject* runner, MapRecord* map, bool transition) { if (!transition && transitiononly) return false; if (function.CompareNoCase("none") == 0) return true; // play nothing but return as being validated if (function.IsNotEmpty()) { CallCreateMapFunction(function, runner, map); return true; } else if (video.IsNotEmpty()) { AddGenericVideo(runner, video, GetSound(), framespersec); return true; } return false; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void DeleteScreenJob() { if (runner) runner->Destroy(); runner = nullptr; } void EndScreenJob() { DeleteScreenJob(); if (completion) completion(false); completion = nullptr; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= bool ScreenJobResponder(event_t* ev) { if (ev->type == EV_KeyDown) { // We never reach the key binding checks in G_Responder, so for the console we have to check for ourselves here. auto binding = Bindings.GetBinding(ev->data1); if (binding.CompareNoCase("toggleconsole") == 0) { C_ToggleConsole(); return true; } } FInputEvent evt = ev; if (runner) { IFVIRTUALPTRNAME(runner, NAME_ScreenJobRunner, OnEvent) { int result = 0; VMValue parm[] = { runner, &evt }; VMReturn ret(&result); VMCall(func, parm, 2, &ret, 1); return result; } } return false; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= bool ScreenJobTick() { ticks++; if (runner) { IFVIRTUALPTRNAME(runner, NAME_ScreenJobRunner, OnTick) { int result = 0; VMValue parm[] = { runner }; VMReturn ret(&result); VMCall(func, parm, 1, &ret, 1); return result; } } return false; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void ScreenJobDraw() { double smoothratio = I_GetTimeFrac(); if (runner) { twod->ClearScreen(); IFVIRTUALPTRNAME(runner, NAME_ScreenJobRunner, RunFrame) { VMValue parm[] = { runner, smoothratio }; VMCall(func, parm, 2, nullptr, 0); } } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= bool ScreenJobValidate() { if (runner) { IFVIRTUALPTRNAME(runner, NAME_ScreenJobRunner, Validate) { int res; VMValue parm[] = { runner }; VMReturn ret(&res); VMCall(func, parm, 2, &ret, 1); return res; } } return false; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= bool StartCutscene(CutsceneDef& cs, int flags, const CompletionFunc& completion_) { if ((cs.function.IsNotEmpty() || cs.video.IsNotEmpty()) && cs.function.CompareNoCase("none") != 0) { completion = completion_; runner = CreateRunner(); GC::WriteBarrier(runner); try { cs.Create(runner); if (!ScreenJobValidate()) { runner->Destroy(); runner = nullptr; return false; } if (flags & SJ_DELAY) intermissiondelay = 10; // need to wait a bit at the start to let the timer catch up. else intermissiondelay = 0; gameaction = (flags & SJ_BLOCKUI) ? ga_intro : ga_intermission; } catch (...) { if (runner) runner->Destroy(); runner = nullptr; throw; } return true; } return false; } bool StartCutscene(const char* s, int flags, const CompletionFunc& completion) { CutsceneDef def; def.function = s; return StartCutscene(def, 0, completion); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void PlayLogos(gameaction_t complete_ga, gameaction_t def_ga, bool stopmusic) { Mus_Stop(); FX_StopAllSounds(); // JBF 20031228 if (userConfig.nologo) { gameaction = def_ga; } else { if (!StartCutscene(globalCutscenes.Intro, SJ_BLOCKUI|SJ_DELAY, [=](bool) { gameaction = complete_ga; })) gameaction = def_ga; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ShowScoreboard(int numplayers, const CompletionFunc& completion_) { completion = completion_; runner = CreateRunner(); GC::WriteBarrier(runner); const char* qname = globalCutscenes.MPSummaryScreen; auto func = LookupFunction(qname); if (func->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size() != 2) I_Error("Bad map-cutscene function %s. Must receive precisely two arguments.", qname); if (func->Proto->ArgumentTypes[0] != runnerclasstype && func->Proto->ArgumentTypes[1] != TypeSInt32) I_Error("Bad cutscene function %s. Must receive ScreenJobRunner reference and integer.", qname); VMValue val[2] = { runner, numplayers }; VMCall(func, val, 2, nullptr, 0); if (!ScreenJobValidate()) { runner->Destroy(); runner = nullptr; if (completion) completion(false); completion = nullptr; return; } gameaction = ga_intermission; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ShowIntermission(MapRecord* fromMap, MapRecord* toMap, SummaryInfo* info, CompletionFunc completion_) { completion = completion_; runner = CreateRunner(); GC::WriteBarrier(runner); // retrieve cluster relations for cluster-based cutscenes. ClusterDef* fromcluster = nullptr, *tocluster = nullptr; if (fromMap) fromcluster = FindCluster(fromMap->cluster); if (toMap) tocluster = FindCluster(toMap->cluster); if (fromcluster == tocluster) fromcluster = tocluster = nullptr; try { if (fromMap) { if (!fromMap->outro.Create(runner, fromMap, !!toMap)) { if (fromcluster == nullptr || !fromcluster->outro.Create(runner, fromMap, !!toMap)) globalCutscenes.DefaultMapOutro.Create(runner, fromMap, !!toMap); } } if (fromMap || (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED)) CallCreateSummaryFunction(globalCutscenes.SummaryScreen, runner, fromMap, info, toMap); if (toMap) { if (!toMap->intro.Create(runner, toMap, !!fromMap)) { if (tocluster == nullptr || !tocluster->intro.Create(runner, toMap, !!fromMap)) globalCutscenes.DefaultMapIntro.Create(runner, toMap, !!fromMap); } // Skip the load screen if the level is started from the console. // In this case the load screen is not helpful as it blocks the actual level start, // requiring closing and reopening the console first before entering any commands that need the level. if (ConsoleState == c_up || ConsoleState == c_rising) globalCutscenes.LoadingScreen.Create(runner, toMap, true); } else if (isShareware()) { globalCutscenes.SharewareEnd.Create(runner); } if (!ScreenJobValidate()) { runner->Destroy(); runner = nullptr; if (completion) completion(false); completion = nullptr; return; } gameaction = ga_intermission; } catch (...) { if (runner) runner->Destroy(); runner = nullptr; throw; } } CCMD(testcutscene) { if (argv.argc() < 2) { Printf("Usage: testcutscene \n"); return; } try { if (StartCutscene(argv[1], 0, [](bool) {})) { C_HideConsole(); } } catch (const CRecoverableError& err) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "Unable to play cutscene: %s\n", err.what()); } }