//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include #include #include "build.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "blood.h" #include "choke.h" #include "zstring.h" #include "razemenu.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "statusbar.h" #include "automap.h" #include "gamefuncs.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "precache.h" #include "render.h" #include "razefont.h" EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, testnewrenderer) BEGIN_BLD_NS VIEW gPrevView[kMaxPlayers]; VIEWPOS gViewPos; int gViewIndex; double gInterpolate; int gScreenTilt; void viewBackupView(int nPlayer) { PLAYER *pPlayer = &gPlayer[nPlayer]; VIEW *pView = &gPrevView[nPlayer]; pView->angle = pPlayer->angle.ang; pView->x = pPlayer->pSprite->x; pView->y = pPlayer->pSprite->y; pView->viewz = pPlayer->zView; pView->weaponZ = pPlayer->zWeapon-pPlayer->zView-0xc00; pView->horiz = pPlayer->horizon.horiz; pView->horizoff = pPlayer->horizon.horizoff; pView->at2c = pPlayer->slope; pView->bobHeight = pPlayer->bobHeight; pView->bobWidth = pPlayer->bobWidth; pView->shakeBobY = pPlayer->swayHeight; pView->shakeBobX = pPlayer->swayWidth; pView->look_ang = pPlayer->angle.look_ang; pView->rotscrnang = pPlayer->angle.rotscrnang; pPlayer->angle.backup(); pPlayer->horizon.backup(); } void viewCorrectViewOffsets(int nPlayer, vec3_t const *oldpos) { PLAYER *pPlayer = &gPlayer[nPlayer]; VIEW *pView = &gPrevView[nPlayer]; pView->x += pPlayer->pSprite->x-oldpos->x; pView->y += pPlayer->pSprite->y-oldpos->y; pView->viewz += pPlayer->pSprite->z-oldpos->z; } void viewDrawText(FFont* pFont, const char *pString, int x, int y, int nShade, int nPalette, int position, bool shadow) { if (!pString) return; //y += pFont->yoff; if (position == 1) x -= pFont->StringWidth(pString) / 2; if (position == 2) x -= pFont->StringWidth(pString); if (shadow) { DrawText(twod, pFont, CR_UNTRANSLATED, x+1, y+1, pString, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_Color, 0xff000000, DTA_Alpha, 0.5, TAG_DONE); } DrawText(twod, pFont, CR_NATIVEPAL, x, y, pString, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_TranslationIndex, TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap, nPalette), DTA_Color, shadeToLight(nShade), TAG_DONE); } GameStats GameInterface::getStats() { return { gKillMgr.Kills, gKillMgr.TotalKills, gSecretMgr.Founds, gSecretMgr.Total, gFrameCount / kTicsPerSec, gPlayer[myconnectindex].fragCount }; } void viewDrawAimedPlayerName(void) { if (!cl_idplayers || (gView->aim.dx == 0 && gView->aim.dy == 0)) return; int hit = HitScan(gView->actor, gView->zView, gView->aim.dx, gView->aim.dy, gView->aim.dz, CLIPMASK0, 512); if (hit == 3) { if (gHitInfo.actor() && gHitInfo.actor()->IsPlayerActor()) { spritetype* pSprite = &gHitInfo.actor()->s(); int nPlayer = pSprite->type-kDudePlayer1; const char* szName = PlayerName(nPlayer); int nPalette = (gPlayer[nPlayer].teamId&3)+11; viewDrawText(DigiFont, szName, 160, 125, -128, nPalette, 1, 1); } } } static TArray lensdata; int *lensTable; extern int dword_172CE0[16][3]; void viewInit(void) { Printf("Initializing status bar\n"); lensdata = fileSystem.LoadFile("lens.dat"); assert(lensdata.Size() == kLensSize * kLensSize * sizeof(int)); lensTable = (int*)lensdata.Data(); #if WORDS_BIGENDIAN for (int i = 0; i < kLensSize*kLensSize; i++) { lensTable[i] = LittleLong(lensTable[i]); } #endif uint8_t *data = TileFiles.tileCreate(4077, kLensSize, kLensSize); memset(data, TRANSPARENT_INDEX, kLensSize*kLensSize); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { dword_172CE0[i][0] = MulScale(wrand(), 2048, 16); dword_172CE0[i][1] = MulScale(wrand(), 2048, 16); dword_172CE0[i][2] = MulScale(wrand(), 2048, 16); } } int othercameradist = 1280; int othercameraclock; #if 0 void CalcOtherPosition(spritetype *pSprite, int *pX, int *pY, int *pZ, sectortype** vsectnum, int nAng, fixed_t zm, int smoothratio) // currently unused { int vX = MulScale(-Cos(nAng), 1280, 30); int vY = MulScale(-Sin(nAng), 1280, 30); int vZ = FixedToInt(MulScale(zm, 1280, 3))-(16<<8); int bakCstat = pSprite->cstat; pSprite->cstat &= ~256; assert(validSectorIndex(*vsectnum)); FindSector(*pX, *pY, *pZ, vsectnum); int nHSector; int hX, hY; vec3_t pos = {*pX, *pY, *pZ}; hitscan(&pos, *vsectnum, vX, vY, vZ, &hitdata, CLIPMASK1); nHSector = hitdata.sect; hX = hitdata.pos.x; hY = hitdata.pos.y; int dX = hX-*pX; int dY = hY-*pY; if (abs(vX)+abs(vY) > abs(dX)+abs(dY)) { *vsectnum = nHSector; dX -= Sgn(vX)<<6; dY -= Sgn(vY)<<6; int nDist; if (abs(vX) > abs(vY)) { nDist = ClipHigh(DivScale(dX,vX, 16), othercameradist); } else { nDist = ClipHigh(DivScale(dY,vY, 16), othercameradist); } othercameradist = nDist; } *pX += MulScale(vX, othercameradist, 16); *pY += MulScale(vY, othercameradist, 16); *pZ += MulScale(vZ, othercameradist, 16); int myclock = PlayClock + MulScale(4, smoothratio, 16); othercameradist = ClipHigh(othercameradist+((myclock-othercameraclock)<<10), 65536); othercameraclock = myclock; assert(validSectorIndex(*vsectnum)); FindSector(*pX, *pY, *pZ, vsectnum); pSprite->cstat = bakCstat; } #endif // by NoOne: show warning msgs in game instead of throwing errors (in some cases) void viewSetSystemMessage(const char* pMessage, ...) { char buffer[1024]; va_list args; va_start(args, pMessage); vsprintf(buffer, pMessage, args); Printf(PRINT_HIGH | PRINT_NOTIFY, "%s\n", buffer); // print it also in console } void viewSetMessage(const char *pMessage, const int pal, const MESSAGE_PRIORITY priority) { int printlevel = priority <= MESSAGE_PRIORITY_NORMAL ? PRINT_LOW : priority < MESSAGE_PRIORITY_SYSTEM ? PRINT_MEDIUM : PRINT_HIGH; Printf(printlevel|PRINT_NOTIFY, "%s\n", pMessage); } void viewSetErrorMessage(const char *pMessage) { Printf(PRINT_BOLD|PRINT_NOTIFY, "%s\n", pMessage); } void DoLensEffect(void) { // To investigate whether this can be implemented as a shader effect. auto d = tileData(4077); assert(d != NULL); auto s = tilePtr(4079); assert(s != NULL); for (int i = 0; i < kLensSize*kLensSize; i++, d++) if (lensTable[i] >= 0) *d = s[lensTable[i]]; TileFiles.InvalidateTile(4077); } void UpdateDacs(int nPalette, bool bNoTint) { gLastPal = 0; auto& tint = lookups.tables[MAXPALOOKUPS - 1]; tint.tintFlags = 0; switch (nPalette) { case 0: default: tint.tintColor.r = 255; tint.tintColor.g = 255; tint.tintColor.b = 255; break; case 1: tint.tintColor.r = 132; tint.tintColor.g = 164; tint.tintColor.b = 255; break; case 2: tint.tintColor.r = 255; tint.tintColor.g = 126; tint.tintColor.b = 105; break; case 3: tint.tintColor.r = 162; tint.tintColor.g = 186; tint.tintColor.b = 15; break; case 4: tint.tintColor.r = 255; tint.tintColor.g = 255; tint.tintColor.b = 255; break; } videoSetPalette(nPalette); } void UpdateBlend() { int nRed = 0; int nGreen = 0; int nBlue = 0; nRed += gView->pickupEffect; nGreen += gView->pickupEffect; nBlue -= gView->pickupEffect; nRed += ClipHigh(gView->painEffect, 85) * 2; nGreen -= ClipHigh(gView->painEffect, 85) * 3; nBlue -= ClipHigh(gView->painEffect, 85) * 3; nRed -= gView->blindEffect; nGreen -= gView->blindEffect; nBlue -= gView->blindEffect; nRed -= gView->chokeEffect >> 6; nGreen -= gView->chokeEffect >> 5; nBlue -= gView->chokeEffect >> 6; nRed = ClipRange(nRed, -255, 255); nGreen = ClipRange(nGreen, -255, 255); nBlue = ClipRange(nBlue, -255, 255); videoTintBlood(nRed, nGreen, nBlue); } // int gVisibility; int deliriumTilt, deliriumTurn, deliriumPitch; int gScreenTiltO, deliriumTurnO, deliriumPitchO; int gShowFrameRate = 1; void viewUpdateDelirium(void) { gScreenTiltO = gScreenTilt; deliriumTurnO = deliriumTurn; deliriumPitchO = deliriumPitch; int powerCount; if ((powerCount = powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpDeliriumShroom)) != 0) { int tilt1 = 170, tilt2 = 170, pitch = 20; int timer = PlayClock*4; if (powerCount < 512) { int powerScale = IntToFixed(powerCount) / 512; tilt1 = MulScale(tilt1, powerScale, 16); tilt2 = MulScale(tilt2, powerScale, 16); pitch = MulScale(pitch, powerScale, 16); } int sin2 = Sin(2*timer) >> 1; int sin3 = Sin(3*timer) >> 1; gScreenTilt = MulScale(sin2+sin3,tilt1, 30); int sin4 = Sin(4*timer) >> 1; deliriumTurn = MulScale(sin3+sin4,tilt2, 30); int sin5 = Sin(5*timer) >> 1; deliriumPitch = MulScale(sin4+sin5,pitch, 30); return; } gScreenTilt = ((gScreenTilt+1024)&2047)-1024; if (gScreenTilt > 0) { gScreenTilt -= 8; if (gScreenTilt < 0) gScreenTilt = 0; } else if (gScreenTilt < 0) { gScreenTilt += 8; if (gScreenTilt >= 0) gScreenTilt = 0; } } void viewUpdateShake(int& cX, int& cY, int& cZ, binangle& cA, fixedhoriz& cH, double& pshakeX, double& pshakeY) { auto doEffect = [&](const int& effectType) { if (effectType) { int nValue = ClipHigh(effectType * 8, 2000); cH += buildhoriz(QRandom2(nValue >> 8)); cA += buildang(QRandom2(nValue >> 8)); cX += QRandom2(nValue >> 4); cY += QRandom2(nValue >> 4); cZ += QRandom2(nValue); pshakeX += QRandom2(nValue); pshakeY += QRandom2(nValue); } }; doEffect(gView->flickerEffect); doEffect(gView->quakeEffect); } int gLastPal = 0; int32_t g_frameRate; static void DrawMap(spritetype* pSprite) { int tm = 0; if (windowxy1.x > 0) { setViewport(Hud_Stbar); tm = 1; } VIEW* pView = &gPrevView[gViewIndex]; int x = interpolatedvalue(pView->x, pSprite->x, gInterpolate); int y = interpolatedvalue(pView->y, pSprite->y, gInterpolate); int ang = (!SyncInput() ? gView->angle.sum() : gView->angle.interpolatedsum(gInterpolate)).asbuild(); DrawOverheadMap(x, y, ang, gInterpolate); if (tm) setViewport(hud_size); } void SetupView(int &cX, int& cY, int& cZ, binangle& cA, fixedhoriz& cH, sectortype*& pSector, double& zDelta, double& shakeX, double& shakeY, binangle& rotscrnang) { int bobWidth, bobHeight; pSector = gView->pSprite->sector(); #if 0 if (numplayers > 1 && gView == gMe && gPrediction && gMe->pXSprite->health > 0) { nSectnum = predict. sectnum; cX = interpolatedvalue(predictOld.x, predict.x, gInterpolate); cY = interpolatedvalue(predictOld.y, predict.y, gInterpolate); cZ = interpolatedvalue(predictOld.viewz, predict.viewz, gInterpolate); zDelta = interpolatedvaluef(predictOld.weaponZ, predict.weaponZ, gInterpolate); bobWidth = interpolatedvalue(predictOld.bobWidth, predict.bobWidth, gInterpolate); bobHeight = interpolatedvalue(predictOld.bobHeight, predict.bobHeight, gInterpolate); shakeX = interpolatedvaluef(predictOld.shakeBobX, predict.shakeBobX, gInterpolate); shakeY = interpolatedvaluef(predictOld.shakeBobY, predict.shakeBobY, gInterpolate); if (!SyncInput()) { cA = bamang(predict.angle.asbam() + predict.look_ang.asbam()); cH = predict.horiz + predict.horizoff; rotscrnang = predict.rotscrnang; } else { cA = interpolatedangle(predictOld.angle + predictOld.look_ang, predict.angle + predict.look_ang, gInterpolate); cH = interpolatedhorizon(predictOld.horiz + predictOld.horizoff, predict.horiz + predict.horizoff, gInterpolate); rotscrnang = interpolatedangle(predictOld.rotscrnang, predict.rotscrnang, gInterpolate); } } else #endif { VIEW* pView = &gPrevView[gViewIndex]; cX = interpolatedvalue(pView->x, gView->pSprite->x, gInterpolate); cY = interpolatedvalue(pView->y, gView->pSprite->y, gInterpolate); cZ = interpolatedvalue(pView->viewz, gView->zView, gInterpolate); zDelta = interpolatedvaluef(pView->weaponZ, gView->zWeapon - gView->zView - (12 << 8), gInterpolate); bobWidth = interpolatedvalue(pView->bobWidth, gView->bobWidth, gInterpolate); bobHeight = interpolatedvalue(pView->bobHeight, gView->bobHeight, gInterpolate); shakeX = interpolatedvaluef(pView->shakeBobX, gView->swayWidth, gInterpolate); shakeY = interpolatedvaluef(pView->shakeBobY, gView->swayHeight, gInterpolate); if (!SyncInput()) { cA = gView->angle.sum(); cH = gView->horizon.sum(); rotscrnang = gView->angle.rotscrnang; } else { cA = gView->angle.interpolatedsum(gInterpolate); cH = gView->horizon.interpolatedsum(gInterpolate); rotscrnang = gView->angle.interpolatedrotscrn(gInterpolate); } } viewUpdateShake(cX, cY, cZ, cA, cH, shakeX, shakeY); cH += buildhoriz(MulScale(0x40000000 - Cos(gView->tiltEffect << 2), 30, 30)); if (gViewPos == 0) { if (cl_viewhbob) { cX -= MulScale(bobWidth, Sin(cA.asbuild()), 30) >> 4; cY += MulScale(bobWidth, Cos(cA.asbuild()), 30) >> 4; } if (cl_viewvbob) { cZ += bobHeight; } cZ += xs_CRoundToInt(cH.asq16() / 6553.6); cameradist = -1; cameraclock = PlayClock + MulScale(4, (int)gInterpolate, 16); } else { calcChaseCamPos((int*)&cX, (int*)&cY, (int*)&cZ, gView->pSprite, &pSector, cA, cH, gInterpolate); } CheckLink((int*)&cX, (int*)&cY, (int*)&cZ, &pSector); } void renderCrystalBall() { #if 0 int tmp = (PlayClock / 240) % (gNetPlayers - 1); int i = connecthead; while (1) { if (i == gViewIndex) i = connectpoint2[i]; if (tmp == 0) break; i = connectpoint2[i]; tmp--; } PLAYER* pOther = &gPlayer[i]; //othercameraclock = PlayClock + MulScale(4, (int)gInterpolate, 16);; if (!tileData(4079)) { TileFiles.tileCreate(4079, 128, 128); } //renderSetTarget(4079, 128, 128); renderSetAspect(65536, 78643); int vd8 = pOther->pSprite->x; int vd4 = pOther->pSprite->y; int vd0 = pOther->zView; int vcc = pOther->pSprite-> sectnum; int v50 = pOther->pSprite->ang; int v54 = 0; if (pOther->flickerEffect) { int nValue = ClipHigh(pOther->flickerEffect * 8, 2000); v54 += QRandom2(nValue >> 8); v50 += QRandom2(nValue >> 8); vd8 += QRandom2(nValue >> 4); vd4 += QRandom2(nValue >> 4); vd0 += QRandom2(nValue); } if (pOther->quakeEffect) { int nValue = ClipHigh(pOther->quakeEffect * 8, 2000); v54 += QRandom2(nValue >> 8); v50 += QRandom2(nValue >> 8); vd8 += QRandom2(nValue >> 4); vd4 += QRandom2(nValue >> 4); vd0 += QRandom2(nValue); } CalcOtherPosition(pOther->pSprite, &vd8, &vd4, &vd0, &vcc, v50, 0, (int)gInterpolate); CheckLink(&vd8, &vd4, &vd0, &vcc); uint8_t v14 = 0; if (IsUnderwaterSector(vcc)) { v14 = 10; } drawrooms(vd8, vd4, vd0, v50, v54, vcc); viewProcessSprites(vd8, vd4, vd0, v50, gInterpolate); renderDrawMasks(); renderRestoreTarget(); #endif } void render3DViewPolymost(int nSectnum, int cX, int cY, int cZ, binangle cA, fixedhoriz cH); void viewDrawScreen(bool sceneonly) { if (testgotpic(2342, true)) { FireProcess(); } if (!paused && (!M_Active() || gGameOptions.nGameType != 0)) { gInterpolate = !cl_interpolate || cl_capfps ? MaxSmoothRatio : I_GetTimeFrac() * MaxSmoothRatio; } else gInterpolate = MaxSmoothRatio; pm_smoothratio = (int)gInterpolate; if (cl_interpolate) { DoInterpolations(gInterpolate / MaxSmoothRatio); } if (automapMode != am_full) { DoSectorLighting(); } if (automapMode == am_off) { int basepal = 0; if (powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpDeathMask) > 0) basepal = 4; else if (powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpReflectShots) > 0) basepal = 1; else if (gView->isUnderwater) { if (gView->nWaterPal) basepal = gView->nWaterPal; else { if (gView->pXSprite->medium == kMediumWater) basepal = 1; else if (gView->pXSprite->medium == kMediumGoo) basepal = 3; else basepal = 2; } } UpdateDacs(basepal); UpdateBlend(); int cX, cY, cZ; binangle cA; fixedhoriz cH; sectortype* pSector; double zDelta; double shakeX, shakeY; binangle rotscrnang; SetupView(cX, cY, cZ, cA, cH, pSector, zDelta, shakeX, shakeY, rotscrnang); binangle tilt = interpolatedangle(buildang(gScreenTiltO), buildang(gScreenTilt), gInterpolate); bool bDelirium = powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpDeliriumShroom) > 0; static bool bDeliriumOld = false; //int tiltcs, tiltdim; uint8_t otherview = powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpCrystalBall) > 0; if (tilt.asbam() || bDelirium) { rotscrnang = tilt; } else if (otherview && gNetPlayers > 1) { #if 0 renderCrystalBall(); #endif } else { othercameraclock = PlayClock + MulScale(4, (int)gInterpolate, 16); } if (!bDelirium) { deliriumTilt = 0; deliriumTurn = 0; deliriumPitch = 0; } int brightness = 0; BloodStatIterator it(kStatExplosion); while (auto actor = it.Next()) { if (actor->hasX() && gotsector[actor->s().sectno()]) { brightness += actor->x().data3 * 32; } } it.Reset(kStatProjectile); while (auto actor = it.Next()) { spritetype* pSprite = &actor->s(); switch (pSprite->type) { case kMissileFlareRegular: case kMissileTeslaAlt: case kMissileFlareAlt: case kMissileTeslaRegular: if (gotsector[pSprite->sectno()]) brightness += 256; break; } } g_visibility = (int32_t)(ClipLow(gVisibility - 32 * gView->visibility - brightness, 0)); cA += interpolatedangle(buildang(deliriumTurnO), buildang(deliriumTurn), gInterpolate); int ceilingZ, floorZ; getzsofslopeptr(pSector, cX, cY, &ceilingZ, &floorZ); if ((cZ > floorZ - (1 << 8)) && (pSector->upperLink == nullptr)) // clamp to floor { cZ = floorZ - (1 << 8); } if ((cZ < ceilingZ + (1 << 8)) && (pSector->lowerLink == nullptr)) // clamp to ceiling { cZ = ceilingZ + (1 << 8); } cH = q16horiz(ClipRange(cH.asq16(), gi->playerHorizMin(), gi->playerHorizMax())); if ((tilt.asbam() || bDelirium) && !sceneonly) { if (gDeliriumBlur) { // todo: Set up a blurring postprocessing shader. //const float fBlur = pow(1.f/3.f, 30.f/g_frameRate); //g lAccum(GL _MULT, fBlur); //g lAccum(GL _ACCUM, 1.f-fBlur); //g lAccum(GL _RETURN, 1.f); } } if (testnewrenderer) { fixedhoriz deliriumPitchI = q16horiz(interpolatedvalue(IntToFixed(deliriumPitchO), IntToFixed(deliriumPitch), gInterpolate)); int bakCstat = gView->pSprite->cstat; gView->pSprite->cstat |= (gViewPos == 0) ? CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE : CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT | CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT_INVERT; render_drawrooms(gView->pSprite, { cX, cY, cZ }, sectnum(pSector), cA, cH + deliriumPitchI, rotscrnang, gInterpolate); gView->pSprite->cstat = bakCstat; } else { renderSetRollAngle((float)rotscrnang.asbuildf()); render3DViewPolymost(sectnum(pSector), cX, cY, cZ, cA, cH); } bDeliriumOld = bDelirium && gDeliriumBlur; int nClipDist = gView->pSprite->clipdist << 2; int vec, vf4; Collision c1, c2; GetZRange(gView->actor, &vf4, &c1, &vec, &c2, nClipDist, 0); if (sceneonly) return; #if 0 int tmpSect = nSectnum; if ((vf0 & 0xc000) == 0x4000) { tmpSect = vf0 & (kMaxWalls - 1); } int v8 = byte_1CE5C2 > 0 && (sector [tmpSect].ceilingstat & 1); if (gWeather.at12d8 > 0 || v8) { gWeather.Draw(cX, cY, cZ, cA.asq16(), cH.asq16() + deliriumPitch, gWeather.at12d8); if (v8) { gWeather.at12d8 = ClipRange(delta * 8 + gWeather.at12d8, 0, 4095); } else { gWeather.at12d8 = ClipRange(gWeather.at12d8 - delta * 64, 0, 4095); } } #endif hudDraw(gView, pSector, shakeX, shakeY, zDelta, basepal, gInterpolate); } UpdateDacs(0, true); // keep the view palette active only for the actual 3D view and its overlays. if (automapMode != am_off) { DrawMap (gView->pSprite); } UpdateStatusBar(); int zn = ((gView->zWeapon-gView->zView-(12<<8))>>7)+220; PLAYER *pPSprite = &gPlayer[gMe->pSprite->type-kDudePlayer1]; if (IsPlayerSprite(gMe->pSprite) && pPSprite->hand == 1) { gChoke.animateChoke(160, zn, (int)gInterpolate); } viewDrawAimedPlayerName(); if (paused) { auto text = GStrings("TXTB_PAUSED"); viewDrawText(PickBigFont(text), text, 160, 10, 0, 0, 1, 0); } else if (gView != gMe) { FStringf gTempStr("] %s [", PlayerName(gView->nPlayer)); viewDrawText(OriginalSmallFont, gTempStr, 160, 10, 0, 0, 1, 0); } if (cl_interpolate) { RestoreInterpolations(); } } bool GameInterface::GenerateSavePic() { viewDrawScreen(true); return true; } FString GameInterface::GetCoordString() { FString out; out.Format("pos= %d, %d, %d - angle = %2.3f", gMe->pSprite->x, gMe->pSprite->y, gMe->pSprite->z, gMe->pSprite->ang * BAngToDegree); return out; } bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int x, int y, int z, int a, double const smoothratio) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { PLAYER* pPlayer = &gPlayer[i]; spritetype* pSprite = pPlayer->pSprite; int xvect = -bsin(a) * z; int yvect = -bcos(a) * z; int ox = mx - x; int oy = my - y; int x1 = DMulScale(ox, xvect, -oy, yvect, 16); int y1 = DMulScale(oy, xvect, ox, yvect, 16); int xx = xdim / 2. + x1 / 4096.; int yy = ydim / 2. + y1 / 4096.; if (i == gView->nPlayer || gGameOptions.nGameType == 1) { int nTile = pSprite->picnum; int ceilZ, floorZ; Collision ceilHit, floorHit; GetZRange(gView->actor, &ceilZ, &ceilHit, &floorZ, &floorHit, (pSprite->clipdist << 2) + 16, CLIPMASK0, PARALLAXCLIP_CEILING | PARALLAXCLIP_FLOOR); int nTop, nBottom; GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &nTop, &nBottom); int nScale = (pSprite->yrepeat + ((floorZ - nBottom) >> 8)) * z; nScale = ClipRange(nScale, 8000, 65536 << 1); // Players on automap double x = xdim / 2. + x1 / double(1 << 12); double y = ydim / 2. + y1 / double(1 << 12); // This very likely needs fixing later DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(nTile, true), xx, yy, DTA_ClipLeft, windowxy1.x, DTA_ClipTop, windowxy1.y, DTA_ScaleX, z/1536., DTA_ScaleY, z/1536., DTA_CenterOffset, true, DTA_ClipRight, windowxy2.x + 1, DTA_ClipBottom, windowxy2.y + 1, DTA_Alpha, (pSprite->cstat & 2 ? 0.5 : 1.), TAG_DONE); } } return true; } void SerializeView(FSerializer& arc) { if (arc.BeginObject("view")) { arc("screentilt", gScreenTilt) ("deliriumtilt", deliriumTilt) ("deliriumturn", deliriumTurn) ("deliriumpitch", deliriumPitch) .EndObject(); } } END_BLD_NS