// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman // Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken" // See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info. // // This file has been modified from Ken Silverman's original release // by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au) // by the EDuke32 team (development@voidpoint.com) #pragma once #ifndef palette_h_ #define palette_h_ #include "renderstyle.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "zstring.h" #include "palentry.h" enum { MAXBASEPALS = 256, MAXPALOOKUPS = 256, MAXBLENDTABS = 256, RESERVEDPALS = 4, // don't forget to increment this when adding reserved pals DETAILPAL = (MAXPALOOKUPS - 1), GLOWPAL = (MAXPALOOKUPS - 2), SPECULARPAL = (MAXPALOOKUPS - 3), NORMALPAL = (MAXPALOOKUPS - 4), BRIGHTPAL = (MAXPALOOKUPS), MAXREALPAL = MAXPALOOKUPS - RESERVEDPALS }; // fixme: should use the flags from the PRSFlags enum directly enum { TINTF_GRAYSCALE = 1, TINTF_INVERT = 2, TINTF_COLORIZE = 4, TINTF_USEONART = 8, TINTF_APPLYOVERPALSWAP = 16, TINTF_APPLYOVERALTPAL = 32, TINTF_BLEND_MULTIPLY = 0 << 6, TINTF_BLEND_SCREEN = 1 << 6, TINTF_BLEND_OVERLAY = 2 << 6, TINTF_BLEND_HARDLIGHT = 3 << 6, TINTF_BLENDMASK = 64 | 128, TINTF_ALWAYSUSEART = 256, TINTF_PRECOMPUTED = TINTF_COLORIZE | TINTF_BLENDMASK, TINTF_ENABLE = 32768 }; struct LookupTable { FString Shades; PalEntry FadeColor = 0; float ShadeFactor = 1.f; float Visibility = 0; bool hasBrightmap = false; bool noFloorPal = false; int tintFlags = 0; PalEntry tintColor = 0xffffff; PalEntry tintShade = 0; }; struct LookupTableInfo { LookupTable tables[MAXPALOOKUPS]; const uint8_t* getTable(int num) { if (tables[num].Shades.Len() == 0) num = 0; return (const uint8_t*)tables[num].Shades.GetChars(); } bool checkTable(int num) { return tables[num].Shades.IsNotEmpty(); } void copyTable(int dest, int src) { tables[dest].Shades = tables[src].Shades; } void clearTable(int dest) { tables[dest].Shades = ""; } void makeTable(int palnum, const uint8_t* remapbuf, int r, int g, int b, bool noFloorPal); int setTable(int palnum, const uint8_t* remap); void postLoadTables(); int loadTable(FileReader& fp); void postLoadLookups(); void setupDefaultFog(); void setFadeColor(int num, int r, int g, int b) { tables[num].FadeColor = PalEntry(1, r, g, b); } PalEntry getFade(int num) { return tables[num].FadeColor; } bool noFloorPal(int num) const { return tables[num].noFloorPal; } void setPaletteTint(int palnum, int r, int g, int b, int sr, int sg, int sb, int flags); }; extern LookupTableInfo lookups; enum { Translation_BasePalettes = 1, Translation_Remap, }; extern uint8_t curbasepal; extern int32_t r_scenebrightness; struct palette_t { uint8_t r, g, b, f; }; extern PalEntry palfadergb; void paletteSetColorTable(int32_t id, uint8_t const* table, bool notransparency, bool twodonly); #include "tflags.h" enum ESetPalFlag { Pal_DontResetFade = 1, }; inline void videoSetBrightness(int brightness) { r_scenebrightness = clamp(brightness, 0, 15); } typedef TFlags<ESetPalFlag> ESetPalFlags; DEFINE_TFLAGS_OPERATORS(ESetPalFlags) void videoSetPalette(int dapalid); inline void videoFadePalette(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t offset) { palfadergb.r = r; palfadergb.g = g; palfadergb.b = b; palfadergb.a = offset; } inline void videoclearFade() { palfadergb.d = 0; } void videoTintBlood(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b); extern int numshades; extern void paletteLoadFromDisk(void); struct glblenddef_t { float alpha; uint8_t src, dst, flags; }; struct glblend_t { glblenddef_t def[2]; }; extern glblend_t const nullglblend, defaultglblend; extern glblend_t glblend[MAXBLENDTABS]; enum { DAMETH_TRANS1 = 2, DAMETH_TRANS2 = 3, }; FRenderStyle GetRenderStyle(int blend, int def); float GetAlphaFromBlend(uint32_t maskprops, uint32_t blend); void DrawFullscreenBlends(); enum { PALETTE_MAIN = 1 << 0, PALETTE_SHADE = 1 << 1, PALETTE_TRANSLUC = 1 << 2, }; inline uint8_t paletteloaded; #endif