//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXME: this file is the single worst fucking mess in all of EDuke32 #include "duke3d.h" #include "net.h" #include "player.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "joystick.h" #include "osd.h" #include "osdcmds.h" #include "gamedef.h" #include "gameexec.h" #include "savegame.h" #include "premap.h" #include "demo.h" #include "crc32.h" #include "common.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "input.h" #include "menus.h" #include extern char inputloc; int16_t g_skillSoundID=-1; int32_t probey=0; // the row number on which the menu cursor is positioned static int32_t lastsavehead=0,last_menu_pos=0,last_menu,sh,onbar,buttonstat; static int32_t last_zero,last_fifty,last_onehundred,last_twoohtwo,last_threehundred = 0; // ugly hack to get around inadequacies of calling CONTROL_GetInput() in M_Probe() and still have gamefuncs function throughout menus // A previous solution was to add CONTROL_GetInput(&minfo); in M_DisplayMenus but that hurt mouse aiming #define AdvanceTrigger 0x01 #define ReturnTrigger 0x02 #define EscapeTrigger 0x04 #define ProbeTriggers(x) (menutriggers&x) #define ProbeTriggersClear(x) (menutriggers&=~x) static int32_t menutriggers=0; static char menunamecnt; static fnlist_t fnlist; static CACHE1D_FIND_REC *finddirshigh=NULL, *findfileshigh=NULL; static int32_t currentlist=0; static void set_findhighs(void) { finddirshigh = fnlist.finddirs; findfileshigh = fnlist.findfiles; currentlist = 0; if (findfileshigh) currentlist = 1; } static int32_t function, whichkey; static int32_t changesmade, newvidmode, curvidmode, newfullscreen; static int32_t vidsets[16] = { -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 }; static int32_t curvidset, newvidset = 0; static int32_t soundbits, soundvoices, soundrate; #define NUMDOUBLEMBTNS 3 // # of mouse buttons that can be double-clicked (mouse1 - mouse3) #define NUMSINGLEMBTNS 4 // # of mouse buttons that can only be single-clicked (the rest) #define NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS (NUMDOUBLEMBTNS*2+NUMSINGLEMBTNS) // NOTE: NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS must equal MAXMOUSEBUTTONS!!! static const char *mousebuttonnames[NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS==MAXMOUSEBUTTONS ? MAXMOUSEBUTTONS : -1] = { "Mouse1", "Mouse2", "Mouse3", "Mouse4", "Wheel Up", "Wheel Down", "Mouse5", "Mouse6", "Mouse7", "Mouse8" }; extern int32_t voting; #define USERMAPENTRYLENGTH 25 #define mgametext(x,y,t,s,dabits) G_PrintGameText(2,STARTALPHANUM, x,y,t,s,0,dabits,0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1, 65536) #define mgametextpal(x,y,t,s,p) G_PrintGameText(2,STARTALPHANUM, x,y,t,s,p,26,0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1, 65536) void M_ChangeMenu(int32_t cm) { if (G_HaveEvent(EVENT_CHANGEMENU)) cm = VM_OnEvent(EVENT_CHANGEMENU, g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i, myconnectindex, -1, cm); if (cm >= 0) { g_currentMenu = cm; switch (g_currentMenu) { case MENU_MAIN: probey = last_zero; break; case MENU_MAIN_INGAME: probey = last_fifty; break; case MENU_EPISODE: probey = last_onehundred; break; case MENU_OPTIONS: probey = last_twoohtwo; break; case MENU_SKILL: probey = 1; break; default: if (cm >= MENU_LOAD && cm < MENU_STORY) probey = last_threehundred; else if ((cm >= 1000 && cm <= 1009)) return; else probey = 0; break; } lastsavehead = -1; } } static void M_LinearPanels(int32_t firstMenu, int32_t lastMenu) { int32_t changedMenu = g_currentMenu; if (I_PanelUp()) { I_PanelUpClear(); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); changedMenu--; if (changedMenu < firstMenu) changedMenu = lastMenu; M_ChangeMenu(changedMenu); } else if (I_PanelDown()) { I_PanelDownClear(); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); changedMenu++; if (changedMenu > lastMenu) changedMenu = firstMenu; M_ChangeMenu(changedMenu); } } #define LMB (buttonstat&LEFT_MOUSE) #define RMB (buttonstat&RIGHT_MOUSE) #define WHEELUP (buttonstat&WHEELUP_MOUSE) #define WHEELDOWN (buttonstat&WHEELDOWN_MOUSE) static ControlInfo minfo; static int16_t mi, mii; static int32_t probe_(int32_t type,int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t i,int32_t n) { int16_t centre; CONTROL_GetInput(&minfo); mi += (minfo.dpitch+minfo.dz); mii += minfo.dyaw; menutriggers = 0; if (x == (320>>1)) centre = 320>>2; else centre = 0; if (!buttonstat || buttonstat == WHEELUP_MOUSE || buttonstat == WHEELDOWN_MOUSE) { if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_UpArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_8) || mi < -8192 || WHEELUP || BUTTON(gamefunc_Move_Forward) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_UP)) { mi = mii = 0; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_UpArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_8); MOUSE_ClearButton(WHEELUP_MOUSE); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Move_Forward); JOYSTICK_ClearHat(0); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); probey--; if (probey < 0) probey = n-1; } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgUp)) { // n is >= NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS from mouse/keyboard setup int32_t step = (n >= NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS) ? 13/2 : n/2; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgUp); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); // if (probey == 0) probey = n-1; else probey = max(0, probey-step); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Home)) { // does not get in the way of special HOME handling in user map list KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Home); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); probey = 0; } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_DownArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_2) || mi > 8192 || WHEELDOWN || BUTTON(gamefunc_Move_Backward) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_DOWN)) { mi = mii = 0; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_DownArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_2); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgDn); MOUSE_ClearButton(WHEELDOWN_MOUSE); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Move_Backward); JOYSTICK_ClearHat(0); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); probey++; if (probey >= n) probey = 0; } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn)) { int32_t step = (n >= NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS) ? 13/2 : n/2; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgDn); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); // if (probey == n-1) probey = 0; else probey = min(n-1, probey+step); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_End)) { // does not get in the way of special END handling in user map list KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_End); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); probey = n-1; } } // XXX: check for probey < 0 needed here? (we have M_Probe(..., 0) calls) if (probey >= n) // not sure if still necessary probey = 0; if (x || y) { if (centre) { // rotatesprite_fs(((320>>1)+(centre)+54)<<16,(y+(probey*i)-4)<<16,65536L,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+6-((6+(totalclock>>3))%7),sh,0,10); // rotatesprite_fs(((320>>1)-(centre)-54)<<16,(y+(probey*i)-4)<<16,65536L,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+((totalclock>>3)%7),sh,0,10); rotatesprite_fs(((320>>1)+(centre>>1)+70)<<16,(y+(probey*i)-4)<<16,65536L>>type,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+6-((6+(totalclock>>3))%7),sh,0,10); rotatesprite_fs(((320>>1)-(centre>>1)-70)<<16,(y+(probey*i)-4)<<16,65536L>>type,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+((totalclock>>3)%7),sh,0,10); } else rotatesprite_fs((x<<16)-((tilesizx[BIGFNTCURSOR]-4)<<(16-type)),(y+(probey*i)-(4>>type))<<16,65536L>>type,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+(((totalclock>>3))%7),sh,0,10); } if (I_AdvanceTrigger() && !onbar) { if (g_currentMenu != MENU_SKILL) S_PlaySound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); menutriggers |= AdvanceTrigger; I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); return(probey); } else if (I_ReturnTrigger()) { S_PlaySound(EXITMENUSOUND); menutriggers |= ReturnTrigger; I_ReturnTriggerClear(); onbar = 0; return(-1); } else { if (onbar == 0) return(-probey-2); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || (LMB && (WHEELUP || mii < -256)) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Left) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_LEFT)) return(probey); else if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || (LMB && (WHEELDOWN || mii > 256)) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Right) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_RIGHT)) return(probey); return(-probey-2); } } static inline int32_t M_Probe(int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t i,int32_t n) { return probe_(0,x,y,i,n); } static inline int32_t probesm(int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t i,int32_t n) { return probe_(1,x,y,i,n); } // see menutriggers for why this is a sorry hack // calling CONTROL_GetFunctionInput(); from input.c also would not work // and probe_() must remain static static int32_t Menu_EnterText(int32_t x,int32_t y,char *t,int32_t dalen,int32_t c) { int32_t probeysave = probey; int32_t probeoutputx = M_Probe(0,0,0,1); probey = probeysave; if (ProbeTriggers(AdvanceTrigger) || I_AdvanceTrigger()) { I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); return (1); } if (probeoutputx == -1) { I_ReturnTriggerClear(); return (-1); } return G_EnterText(x, y, t, dalen, c); } int32_t menutext_(int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t s,int32_t p,char *t,int32_t bits) { vec2_t dim; int32_t f = TEXT_BIGALPHANUM|TEXT_UPPERCASE|TEXT_LITERALESCAPE; if (x == 160) f |= TEXT_XCENTER; dim = G_ScreenText(BIGALPHANUM, x, y-12, 65536L, 0, 0, t, s, p, bits, 0, 5, 16, 0, 0, f, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1); return dim.x; } // This function depends on the 'onbar' variable which should be set to the // 'probey' indices where there's a slider bar. static void sliderbar(int32_t type, int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t *p,int32_t dainc,int32_t damodify,int32_t s, int32_t pa, int32_t min, int32_t max) { int32_t xloc; char rev; if (dainc < 0) { dainc = -dainc; rev = 1; } else rev = 0; y-=2; if (damodify) { if (*p >= min && *p <= max && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || (LMB && (WHEELUP || mii < -256)) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Left) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_LEFT))) // && onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); MOUSE_ClearButton(WHEELUP_MOUSE); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Turn_Left); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Strafe_Left); JOYSTICK_ClearHat(0); mii = 0; if (!rev) *p -= dainc; else *p += dainc; if (*p < min) *p = min; if (*p > max) *p = max; S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); } if (*p <= max && *p >= min && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || (LMB && (WHEELDOWN || mii > 256)) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Right) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_RIGHT))) //&& onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); MOUSE_ClearButton(WHEELDOWN_MOUSE); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Turn_Right); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Strafe_Right); JOYSTICK_ClearHat(0); mii = 0; if (!rev) *p += dainc; else *p -= dainc; if (*p > max) *p = max; if (*p < min) *p = min; S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); } } xloc = *p; rotatesprite_fs((x<<16)+(22<<(16-type)),(y<<16)-(3<<(16-type)),65536L>>type,0,SLIDEBAR,s,pa,10); if (rev == 0) rotatesprite_fs((x<<16)+((scale(64,xloc-min,max-min)+1)<<(16-type)),(y<<16)+(1<<(16-type)),65536L>>type,0,SLIDEBAR+1,s,pa,10); else rotatesprite_fs((x<<16)+((65-scale(64,xloc-min,max-min))<<(16-type)),(y<<16)+(1<<(16-type)),65536L>>type,0,SLIDEBAR+1,s,pa,10); } #define bar(x,y,p,dainc,damodify,s,pa) sliderbar(0,x,y,p,dainc,damodify,s,pa,0,63); #define barsm(x,y,p,dainc,damodify,s,pa) sliderbar(1,x,y,p,dainc,damodify,s,pa,0,63); static void modval(int32_t min, int32_t max,int32_t *p,int32_t dainc,int32_t damodify) { char rev; if (dainc < 0) { dainc = -dainc; rev = 1; } else rev = 0; if (damodify) { if (rev == 0) { if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || (LMB && minfo.dyaw < -256) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Left) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_LEFT)) // && onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Turn_Left); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Strafe_Left); JOYSTICK_ClearHat(0); *p -= dainc; if (*p < min) { *p = max; if (damodify == 2) *p = min; } S_PlaySound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || (LMB && minfo.dyaw > 256) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Right) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_RIGHT)) //&& onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Turn_Right); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Strafe_Right); JOYSTICK_ClearHat(0); *p += dainc; if (*p > max) { *p = min; if (damodify == 2) *p = max; } S_PlaySound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); } } else { if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || (LMB && minfo.dyaw > 256) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Right) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_RIGHT)) //&& onbar )) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Turn_Right); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Strafe_Right); JOYSTICK_ClearHat(0); *p -= dainc; if (*p < min) { *p = max; if (damodify == 2) *p = min; } S_PlaySound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || (LMB && minfo.dyaw < -256) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Left) || BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) || (JOYSTICK_GetHat(0)&HAT_LEFT)) // && onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Turn_Left); CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Strafe_Left); JOYSTICK_ClearHat(0); *p += dainc; if (*p > max) { *p = min; if (damodify == 2) *p = max; } S_PlaySound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); } } } } #define UNSELMENUSHADE 10 #define DISABLEDMENUSHADE 20 #define MENUHIGHLIGHT(x) probey==x?(sintable[(totalclock<<5)&2047]>>12):UNSELMENUSHADE // #define MENUHIGHLIGHT(x) probey==x?-(sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>12):probey-x>=0?(probey-x)<<2:-((probey-x)<<2) #define SHX(X) 0 // ((x==X)*(-sh)) // ((x==X)?1:2) //#define MWIN(X) rotatesprite( 320<<15,200<<15,X,0,MENUSCREEN,-16,0,10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1) //#define MWINXY(X,OX,OY) rotatesprite( ( 320+(OX) )<<15, ( 200+(OY) )<<15,X,0,MENUSCREEN,-16,0,10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1) //extern int32_t G_LoadSaveHeader(char spot,struct savehead_ *saveh); #pragma pack(push,1) static savehead_t savehead; //static struct savehead_ savehead; #pragma pack(pop) //static int32_t volnum,levnum,plrskl,numplr; //static char brdfn[BMAX_PATH]; static void M_DrawBackground(void) { rotatesprite_fs(160<<16,200<<15,65536L,0,MENUSCREEN,16,0,10+64); } static void M_DrawTopBar(const char *caption) { rotatesprite_fs(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10); menutext(160,24,0,0,caption); } static void M_DisplaySaveGameList(void) { int32_t x, c = 160; c += 64; for (x = 0; x <= 108; x += 12) rotatesprite_fs((c+91-64)<<16,(x+56)<<16,65536L,0,TEXTBOX,24,0,10); rotatesprite_fs(22<<16,97<<16,65536L,0,WINDOWBORDER2,24,0,10); rotatesprite_fs(180<<16,97<<16,65536L,1024,WINDOWBORDER2,24,0,10); rotatesprite_fs(99<<16,50<<16,65536L,512,WINDOWBORDER1,24,0,10); rotatesprite_fs(103<<16,144<<16,65536L,1024+512,WINDOWBORDER1,24,0,10); for (x=0; x<=9; x++) { if (ud.savegame[x][0]) { if (g_oldverSavegame[x] && g_currentMenu!=360+x) { // old version and not entering new name char buf[sizeof(ud.savegame[0])]; Bmemcpy(buf, ud.savegame[x], sizeof(ud.savegame[0])); minitext(c,48+(12*x),buf,13,10+16); } else { minitext(c,48+(12*x),ud.savegame[x],2,10+16); } } } } extern int32_t g_quitDeadline; void G_CheckPlayerColor(int32_t *color, int32_t prev_color) { int32_t i, disallowed[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 }; for (i=0; i<(signed)ARRAY_SIZE(disallowed); i++) { while (*color == disallowed[i]) { if (*color > prev_color) (*color)++; else (*color)--; i=0; } } } static void Menus_LoadSave_DisplayCommon1(void) { if (lastsavehead != probey) G_LoadSaveHeaderNew(probey, &savehead); lastsavehead = probey; rotatesprite_fs(101<<16,97<<16,65536L>>1,512,TILE_LOADSHOT,-32,0,4+10+64); if (g_oldverSavegame[probey]) { menutext(53,70,0,0,"Version"); menutext(48,90,0,0,"Mismatch"); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Saved: %d.%d.%d %d-bit", savehead.majorver, savehead.minorver, savehead.bytever, 8*savehead.ptrsize); mgametext(31,104,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Our: %d.%d.%d %d-bit", SV_MAJOR_VER, SV_MINOR_VER, BYTEVERSION, (int32_t)(8*sizeof(intptr_t))); mgametext(31+16,QUOTE_SAVE_BAD_VERSION,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } } void Menu_Main(void) { int32_t margin = MENU_MARGIN_CENTER; int32_t x; enum { M_MAIN_EPISODE, M_MAIN_OPTIONS, M_MAIN_LOAD, M_MAIN_STORY, M_MAIN_CREDITS, M_MAIN_QUIT }; rotatesprite_fs(margin<<16,28<<16,65536L,0,INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE,0,0,10); if (PLUTOPAK) // JBF 20030804 rotatesprite_fs((margin+100)<<16,36<<16,65536L,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+2,(sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>11),0,2+8); menutext(margin,67,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"New Game"); // menutext(c,67+16,0,1,"NETWORK GAME"); menutext(margin,67+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"Options"); menutext(margin,67+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"Load Game"); if (!VOLUMEALL) menutext(margin,67+16+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),0,"How To Order"); else menutext(margin,67+16+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),0,"Help"); menutext(margin,67+16+16+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,"Credits"); menutext(margin,67+16+16+16+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"Quit"); x = M_Probe(margin,67,16,6); if (x >= 0) { if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1) && x == 0 && ud.recstat != 2) { last_zero = 0; M_ChangeMenu(600); } else { last_zero = x; switch (x) { case M_MAIN_EPISODE: M_ChangeMenu(MENU_EPISODE); break; //case 1: break;//ChangeToMenu(20001);break; // JBF 20031128: I'm taking over the TEN menu option case M_MAIN_OPTIONS: M_ChangeMenu(MENU_OPTIONS); break; // JBF 20031205: was 200 case M_MAIN_LOAD: M_ChangeMenu(MENU_LOAD); break; case M_MAIN_STORY: KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); M_ChangeMenu(MENU_STORY); break; case M_MAIN_CREDITS: M_ChangeMenu(MENU_CREDITS); break; case M_MAIN_QUIT: M_ChangeMenu(MENU_QUIT); break; } } } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Q)) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_QUIT); if (x == -1 && (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &MODE_GAME || ud.recstat == 2)) { g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } } void M_DisplayMenus(void) { CACHE1D_FIND_REC *dir; int32_t margin, x,i; int32_t l,m; const char *p = NULL; Net_GetPackets(); { if (buttonstat != 0 && !onbar) { x = MOUSE_GetButtons()<<3; if (x) buttonstat = x<<3; else buttonstat = 0; } else buttonstat = MOUSE_GetButtons(); } if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_MENU) == 0) { walock[TILE_LOADSHOT] = 1; return; } if (G_HaveEvent(EVENT_DISPLAYMENU)) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DISPLAYMENU, g_player[screenpeek].ps->i, screenpeek, -1, 0); g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= (0xff-MODE_TYPE); g_player[myconnectindex].ps->fta = 0; // x = 0; sh = 4-(sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>11); // black translucent background if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) || ud.recstat==2) if (g_currentMenu != 231 && g_currentMenu != 232) // not in 'color correction' menu fade_screen_black(1); if (!(g_currentMenu >= 1000 && g_currentMenu <= 2999 && g_currentMenu >= MENU_LOAD && g_currentMenu <= 369)) G_UpdateScreenArea(); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Q)) { switch (g_currentMenu) { case MENU_SELECTMAP: case MENU_KEYBOARDASSIGN: case 360: case 361: case 362: case 363: case 364: case 365: case 366: case 367: case 368: case 369: case MENU_QUIT: case MENU_QUITTOTITLE: case MENU_QUIT2: case 603: case MENU_ADULTPASSWORD: case 20003: case 20005: break; default: if (g_currentMenu >= 0) { last_menu = g_currentMenu; last_menu_pos = probey; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_QUIT2); } break; } } switch (g_currentMenu) { case 25000: mgametext(160,90,"Select a save spot before",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,90+9,"you quick restore.",0,2+8+16); x = M_Probe(186,124,0,1); if (x >= -1) { if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; } break; case MENU_BUYDUKE: x = M_Probe(326,190,0,1); mgametext(160,41-8,"You are playing the shareware",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,50-8,"version of Duke Nukem 3D. While",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,59-8,"this version is really cool, you",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,68-8,"are missing over 75% of the total",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,77-8,"game, along with other great extras",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,86-8,"and games, which you'll get when",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,95-8,"you order the complete version and",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,104-8,"get the final three episodes.",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,104+8,"Please read the 'How To Order' item",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,113+8,"on the main menu or visit",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,122+8,"http://www.eduke32.com",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,131+8,"to upgrade to the full registered",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,139+8,"version of Duke Nukem 3D.",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,148+16,"Press any key...",0,2+8+16); if (x >= -1) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_EPISODE); break; case 20001: M_DrawTopBar("Network Game"); x = M_Probe(160,100-18,18,3); if (x == -1) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); else if (x == 2) M_ChangeMenu(20010); else if (x == 1) M_ChangeMenu(20020); else if (x == 0) M_ChangeMenu(20002); menutext(160,100-18,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"Player Setup"); menutext(160,100,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"Join Game"); menutext(160,100+18,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"Host Game"); break; case 20002: case 20003: M_DrawTopBar("Player Setup"); margin = MENU_MARGIN_REGULAR; { int32_t io, ii, yy = 37, d=margin+140, enabled; const char *opts[] = { "Name", "-", "Color", "-", "Team", "-", "-", "Auto aim", "Mouse aim", "-", "-", "Switch weapons on pickup", "Switch weapons when empty", "-", "-", "Multiplayer macros", NULL }; x = ud.color; if (probey == 2) x = G_GetTeamPalette(ud.team); rotatesprite_fs((260)<<16,(24+(tilesizy[APLAYER]>>1))<<16,49152L,0,1441-((((4-(totalclock>>4)))&3)*5),0,x,10); for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { if (io <= probey) yy += 4; continue; } if (io < probey) yy += 8; io++; } if (g_currentMenu == 20002) { x = probesm(margin,yy+5,0,io); if (x == -1) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_OPTIONS); probey = 3; break; } for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) continue; enabled = 1; switch (io) { case 0: if (x == io) { strcpy(buf, szPlayerName); inputloc = strlen(buf); M_ChangeMenu(20003); I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); } break; case 1: i = ud.color; if (x == io) { ud.color++; if (ud.color > 23) ud.color = 0; G_CheckPlayerColor((int32_t *)&ud.color,-1); } modval(0,23,(int32_t *)&ud.color,1,probey==1); G_CheckPlayerColor((int32_t *)&ud.color,i); if (ud.color != i) G_UpdatePlayerFromMenu(); break; case 2: i = ud.team; if (x == io) { ud.team++; if (ud.team == 4) ud.team = 0; } modval(0,3,(int32_t *)&ud.team,1,probey==2); if (ud.team != i) G_UpdatePlayerFromMenu(); break; case 3: i = ud.config.AutoAim; if (x == io) ud.config.AutoAim = (ud.config.AutoAim == 2) ? 0 : ud.config.AutoAim+1; modval(0,2,(int32_t *)&ud.config.AutoAim,1,probey==3); if (ud.config.AutoAim != i) G_UpdatePlayerFromMenu(); break; case 4: i = ud.mouseaiming; if (x == io) ud.mouseaiming = !ud.mouseaiming; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.mouseaiming,1,probey==4); if (ud.mouseaiming != i) G_UpdatePlayerFromMenu(); break; case 5: i = 0; if (ud.weaponswitch & 1) { i = 1; if (ud.weaponswitch & 4) i = 2; } l = i; if (x == io) i = (i == 2) ? 0 : i+1; modval(0,2,(int32_t *)&i,1,probey==5); if (i != l) { if (i > 0) { ud.weaponswitch |= 1; if (i == 2) ud.weaponswitch |= 4; else ud.weaponswitch &= ~4; } else ud.weaponswitch &= ~(1|4); G_UpdatePlayerFromMenu(); } break; case 6: i = 0; if (ud.weaponswitch & 2) i = 1; if (x == io) i = 1-i; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&i,1,probey==6); if ((ud.weaponswitch & 2 && !i) || (!(ud.weaponswitch & 2) && i)) { ud.weaponswitch ^= 2; G_UpdatePlayerFromMenu(); } break; case 7: if (x == io) { M_ChangeMenu(20004); } break; default: break; } io++; } } else { // because OSD_StripColors needs a valid target and tempbuf is used in _EnterText() char dummybuf[64]; x = Menu_EnterText(d-50,37,buf,30,0); while (Bstrlen(OSD_StripColors(dummybuf,buf)) > 10) { buf[Bstrlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; inputloc--; } if (x) { if (x == 1) { if (buf[0] && Bstrcmp(szPlayerName,buf)) { Bstrcpy(szPlayerName,buf); Net_SendClientInfo(); } // send name update } I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); M_ChangeMenu(20002); } } yy = 37; { for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { yy += 4; continue; } enabled = 1; switch (io) { case 0: if (g_currentMenu == 20002) { mgametext(d-50,yy,szPlayerName,MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),2+8+16); } break; case 1: { const char *s[] = { "Auto","","","","","","","","","Blue","Red","Green","Gray","Dark gray","Dark green","Brown", "Dark blue","","","","","Bright red","","Yellow","","" }; mgametext(d-50,yy,s[ud.color],MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),2+8+16); } break; case 2: { const char *s[] = { "Blue", "Red", "Green", "Gray" }; mgametext(d-50,yy,s[ud.team],MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),2+8+16); } break; case 3: { const char *s[] = { "Off", "All weapons", "Bullets only" }; mgametext(d-50,yy,s[ud.config.AutoAim],MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),2+8+16); } break; case 4: mgametext(d-50,yy,ud.mouseaiming?"Hold button":"Toggle on/off",MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),2+8+16); break; case 5: { const char *s[] = { "Off", "All weapons", "Fav priority" }; i = 0; if (ud.weaponswitch & 1) { i = 1; if (ud.weaponswitch & 4) i = 2; } mgametext(d+45,yy,s[i],MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),2+8+16); } break; case 6: mgametext(d+45,yy,ud.weaponswitch&2?"On":"Off",MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),2+8+16); break; default: break; } mgametextpal(margin,yy, opts[ii], enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, 10); io++; yy += 8; } } break; } case 20004: case 20005: M_DrawTopBar("Multiplayer Macros"); if (g_currentMenu == 20004) { x = probesm(24,45,8,10); if (x == -1) { M_ChangeMenu(20002); probey = 7; } else if (x >= 0 && x <= 9) { strcpy(buf, ud.ridecule[x]); inputloc = strlen(buf); last_menu_pos = probey; M_ChangeMenu(20005); I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); } } else { x = Menu_EnterText(26,40+(8*probey),buf,34,0); if (x) { if (x == 1) { Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[last_menu_pos],buf); } I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); M_ChangeMenu(20004); } } for (i=0; i<10; i++) { if (g_currentMenu == 20005 && i == last_menu_pos) continue; mgametextpal(26,40+(i<<3),ud.ridecule[i],MENUHIGHLIGHT(i),0); } mgametext(160,144,"Activate in-game with SHIFT-F#",0,2+8+16); break; #if 0 case 20010: M_DrawTopBar("Host Network Game"); x = M_Probe(46,50,80,2); if (x == -1) { ChangeToMenu(20001); probey = 2; } else if (x == 0) ChangeToMenu(20011); menutext(40,50,0,0, "Game Options"); minitext(90,60, "Game Type" ,2,26); minitext(90,60+8, "Episode" ,2,26); minitext(90,60+8+8, "Level" ,2,26); minitext(90,60+8+8+8, "Monsters" ,2,26); if (ud.m_coop == 0) minitext(90,60+8+8+8+8, "Markers" ,2,26); else if (ud.m_coop == 1) minitext(90,60+8+8+8+8, "Friendly Fire",2,26); minitext(90,60+8+8+8+8+8, "User Map" ,2,26); mgametext(90+60,60,GametypeNames[ud.m_coop],0,26); minitext(90+60,60+8, EpisodeNames[ud.m_volume_number],0,26); minitext(90+60,60+8+8, level_names[MAXLEVELS*ud.m_volume_number+ud.m_level_number],0,26); if (ud.m_monsters_off == 0 || ud.m_player_skill > 0) minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8, SkillNames[ud.m_player_skill],0,26); else minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8, "None",0,28); if (ud.m_coop == 0) { if (ud.m_marker) minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8+8,"On",0,26); else minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8+8,"Off",0,26); } else if (ud.m_coop == 1) { if (ud.m_ffire) minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8+8,"On",0,26); else minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8+8,"Off",0,26); } menutext(40,50+80,0,0,"Launch Game"); break; case 20011: c = (320>>1) - 120; M_DrawTopBar("Net Game Options"); x = M_Probe(c,57-8,16,8); switch (x) { case -1: ChangeToMenu(20010); break; case 0: ud.m_coop++; if (ud.m_coop == 3) ud.m_coop = 0; break; case 1: if (!VOLUMEONE) { ud.m_volume_number++; if (ud.m_volume_number == g_numVolumes) ud.m_volume_number = 0; if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6) ud.m_level_number = 0; if (ud.m_level_number > 10) ud.m_level_number = 0; } break; case 2: ud.m_level_number++; if (!VOLUMEONE) { if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6) ud.m_level_number = 0; } else { if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 5) ud.m_level_number = 0; } if (ud.m_level_number > 10) ud.m_level_number = 0; break; case 3: if (ud.m_monsters_off == 1 && ud.m_player_skill > 0) ud.m_monsters_off = 0; if (ud.m_monsters_off == 0) { ud.m_player_skill++; if (ud.m_player_skill > 3) { ud.m_player_skill = 0; ud.m_monsters_off = 1; } } else ud.m_monsters_off = 0; break; case 4: if (ud.m_coop == 0) ud.m_marker = !ud.m_marker; break; case 5: if (ud.m_coop == 1) ud.m_ffire = !ud.m_ffire; break; case 6: // pick the user map break; case 7: ChangeToMenu(20010); break; } c += 40; // if(ud.m_coop==1) mgametext(c+70,57-7-9,"Cooperative Play",0,2+8+16); // else if(ud.m_coop==2) mgametext(c+70,57-7-9,"DukeMatch (No Spawn)",0,2+8+16); // else mgametext(c+70,57-7-9,"DukeMatch (Spawn)",0,2+8+16); mgametext(c+70,57-7-9,GametypeNames[ud.m_coop],0,26); mgametext(c+70,57+16-7-9,EpisodeNames[ud.m_volume_number],0,2+8+16); mgametext(c+70,57+16+16-7-9,&level_names[MAXLEVELS*ud.m_volume_number+ud.m_level_number][0],0,2+8+16); if (ud.m_monsters_off == 0 || ud.m_player_skill > 0) mgametext(c+70,57+16+16+16-7-9,SkillNames[ud.m_player_skill],0,2+8+16); else mgametext(c+70,57+16+16+16-7-9,"None",0,2+8+16); if (ud.m_coop == 0) { if (ud.m_marker) mgametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16-7-9,"On",0,2+8+16); else mgametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16-7-9,"Off",0,2+8+16); } if (ud.m_coop == 1) { if (ud.m_ffire) mgametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16+16-7-9,"On",0,2+8+16); else mgametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16+16-7-9,"Off",0,2+8+16); } c -= 44; menutext(c,57-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),PHX(-2),"Game Type"); sprintf(tempbuf,"Episode %d",ud.m_volume_number+1); menutext(c,57+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),PHX(-3),tempbuf); sprintf(tempbuf,"Level %d",ud.m_level_number+1); menutext(c,57+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),PHX(-4),tempbuf); menutext(c,57+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),PHX(-5),"Monsters"); if (ud.m_coop == 0) menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),PHX(-6),"Markers"); else menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),1,"Markers"); if (ud.m_coop == 1) menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),PHX(-6),"Fr. Fire"); else menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),1,"Fr. Fire"); if (VOLUMEALL) { menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),boardfilename[0] == 0,"User Map"); if (boardfilename[0] != 0) mgametext(c+70+44,57+16+16+16+16+16,boardfilename,0,2+8+16); } else { menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),1,"User Map"); } menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(7),PHX(-8),"Accept"); break; case 20020: case 20021: // editing server case 20022: // editing port M_DrawTopBar("Join Network Game"); if (g_currentMenu == 20020) { x = M_Probe(46,50,20,3); if (x == -1) { ChangeToMenu(20001); probey = 1; } else if (x == 0) { strcpy(buf, "localhost"); inputloc = strlen(buf); M_ChangeMenu(20021); } else if (x == 1) { strcpy(buf, "19014"); inputloc = strlen(buf); M_ChangeMenu(20022); } else if (x == 2) {} I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); } else if (g_currentMenu == 20021) { x = Menu_EnterText(40+100,50-9,buf,31,0); if (x) { if (x == 1) { //strcpy(szPlayerName,buf); } I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); M_ChangeMenu(20020); } } else if (g_currentMenu == 20022) { x = Menu_EnterText(40+100,50+20-9,buf,5,997); if (x) { if (x == 1) { //strcpy(szPlayerName,buf); } I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); M_ChangeMenu(20020); } } menutext(40,50,0,0,"Server"); if (g_currentMenu != 20021) mgametext(40+100,50-9,"server",0,2+8+16); menutext(40,50+20,0,0,"Port"); if (g_currentMenu != 20022) { sprintf(tempbuf,"%d",19014); mgametext(40+100,50+20-9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } menutext(160,50+20+20,0,0,"Connect"); // ADDRESS // PORT // CONNECT break; #endif case 15001: case 15000: mgametext(160,90,"LOAD last game:",0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"\"%s\"",ud.savegame[g_lastSaveSlot]); mgametext(160,99,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,99+9,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); x = M_Probe(186,124+9,0,0); if (x == -1 || KB_KeyPressed(sc_N)) { if (sprite[g_player[myconnectindex].ps->i].extra <= 0) { if (G_EnterLevel(MODE_GAME)) G_BackToMenu(); return; } KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } if (ProbeTriggers(AdvanceTrigger) || I_AdvanceTrigger() || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y)) { I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); ProbeTriggersClear(AdvanceTrigger); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Y); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); KB_ClearKeysDown(); FX_StopAllSounds(); S_ClearSoundLocks(); G_LoadPlayerMaybeMulti(g_lastSaveSlot); } break; case MENU_ADULTMODE: case MENU_ADULTPASSWORD: margin = 60; M_DrawTopBar("Adult Mode"); x = M_Probe(60,50+16,16,2); if (x == -1) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_GAMESETUP); probey = 0; break; } menutext(margin,50+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"Adult Mode"); menutext(margin,50+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"Enter Password"); menutext(margin+160+40,50+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,ud.lockout?"Off":"On"); if (g_currentMenu == MENU_ADULTPASSWORD) { mgametext(160,50+16+16+16+16-12,"Enter Password",0,2+8+16); x = Menu_EnterText((320>>1),50+16+16+16+16,buf,19, 998); if (x) { if (ud.pwlockout[0] == 0 || ud.lockout == 0) strcpy(&ud.pwlockout[0],buf); else if (strcmp(buf,&ud.pwlockout[0]) == 0) { ud.lockout = 0; buf[0] = 0; #if 0 for (x=0; x= 0) wall[animwall[x].wallnum].picnum = wall[animwall[x].wallnum].extra; #endif } M_ChangeMenu(MENU_ADULTMODE); I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); } } else { if (x == 0) { if (ud.lockout == 1) { if (ud.pwlockout[0] == 0) { ud.lockout = 0; #if 0 for (x=0; x= 0) wall[animwall[x].wallnum].picnum = wall[animwall[x].wallnum].extra; #endif } else { buf[0] = 0; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_ADULTPASSWORD); inputloc = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } } else { ud.lockout = 1; for (x=0; x>1,512,TILE_LOADSHOT,-32,0,4+10+64); M_DisplaySaveGameList(); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Players: %-2d ",savehead.numplayers); mgametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Episode: %-2d / Level: %-2d / Skill: %-2d", 1+savehead.volnum, 1+savehead.levnum, savehead.skill); mgametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (savehead.volnum == 0 && savehead.levnum == 7) mgametext(160,180,savehead.boardfn,0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,90,"LOAD game:",0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"\"%s\"",ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-1000]); mgametext(160,99,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,99+9,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); x = M_Probe(186,124+9,0,0); if (ProbeTriggers(AdvanceTrigger) || I_AdvanceTrigger() || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y)) { I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); ProbeTriggersClear(AdvanceTrigger); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Y); g_lastSaveSlot = g_currentMenu-1000; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); KB_ClearKeysDown(); if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } G_LoadPlayerMaybeMulti(g_lastSaveSlot); break; } if (x == -1 || KB_KeyPressed(sc_N)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) { g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } else { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_LOAD); probey = last_threehundred; } } break; case 1500: x = M_Probe(186,124,0,0); if (ProbeTriggers(AdvanceTrigger) || I_AdvanceTrigger() || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y)) { I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); ProbeTriggersClear(AdvanceTrigger); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Y); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); M_ChangeMenu(MENU_EPISODE); } if (x == -1 || KB_KeyPressed(sc_N)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; break; } mgametext(160,90,"ABORT this game?",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,90+9,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); break; case 2000: case 2001: case 2002: case 2003: case 2004: case 2005: case 2006: case 2007: case 2008: case 2009: M_DrawBackground(); M_DrawTopBar("Save Game"); rotatesprite_fs(101<<16,97<<16,65536L>>1,512,TILE_LOADSHOT,-32,0,4+10+64); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Players: %-2d ",ud.multimode); mgametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Episode: %-2d / Level: %-2d / Skill: %-2d",1+ud.volume_number,1+ud.level_number,ud.player_skill); mgametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (ud.volume_number == 0 && ud.level_number == 7) mgametext(160,180,boardfilename,0,2+8+16); M_DisplaySaveGameList(); mgametext(160,90,"OVERWRITE previous SAVED game?",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,90+9,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); x = M_Probe(186,124,0,0); if (ProbeTriggers(AdvanceTrigger) || I_AdvanceTrigger() || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y)) { I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); ProbeTriggersClear(AdvanceTrigger); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Y); inputloc = strlen(&ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-2000][0]); M_ChangeMenu(g_currentMenu-2000+360); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); break; } if (x == -1 || KB_KeyPressed(sc_N)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); M_ChangeMenu(351); } break; case MENU_CREDITS: case MENU_CREDITS2: case MENU_CREDITS3: case MENU_CREDITS4: case MENU_CREDITS5: case MENU_CREDITS6: case MENU_CREDITS7: case MENU_CREDITS8: case MENU_CREDITS9: case MENU_CREDITS10: margin = MENU_MARGIN_CENTER; if (!VOLUMEALL || !PLUTOPAK) { //M_DrawBackground(); switch (g_currentMenu) { case MENU_CREDITS9: case MENU_CREDITS10: M_DrawTopBar("About EDuke32"); break; default: M_DrawTopBar("Credits"); break; } l = 9; } else { l = 4; } M_LinearPanels(MENU_CREDITS, MENU_CREDITS+l); x = M_Probe(0,0,0,1); if (x == -1) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); break; } if (!VOLUMEALL || !PLUTOPAK) { switch (g_currentMenu) { case MENU_CREDITS: mgametext(margin,40, "Original Concept",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9, "Todd Replogle",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9, "Allen H. Blum III",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9, "Produced & Directed By",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9, "Greg Malone",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Executive Producer",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "George Broussard",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "BUILD Engine",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9,"Ken Silverman",0,2+8+16); break; case MENU_CREDITS2: mgametext(margin,40, "Game Programming",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9, "Todd Replogle",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9, "3D Engine/Tools/Net",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9, "Ken Silverman",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Network Layer/Setup Program",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Mark Dochtermann",0,2+8+16); break; case MENU_CREDITS3: mgametext(margin,40, "Map Design",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9, "Allen H. Blum III",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9, "Richard Gray",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9, "3D Modeling",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9, "Chuck Jones",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Sapphire Corporation",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Artwork",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Dirk Jones, Stephen Hornback",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "James Storey, David Demaret",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9,"Douglas R. Wood",0,2+8+16); break; case MENU_CREDITS4: mgametext(margin,40, "Sound Engine",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9, "Jim Dose",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9, "Sound & Music Development",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9, "Robert Prince",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9, "Lee Jackson",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Voice Talent",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Lani Minella - Voice Producer",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Jon St. John as \"Duke Nukem\"",0,2+8+16); break; case MENU_CREDITS5: mgametext(margin,60, "Graphic Design",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,60+9, "Packaging, Manual, Ads",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,60+9+9, "Robert M. Atkins",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,60+9+9+9, "Michael Hadwin",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,60+9+9+9+9+9, "Special Thanks To",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,60+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Steven Blackburn, Tom Hall",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,60+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Scott Miller, Joe Siegler",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,60+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Terry Nagy, Colleen Compton",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,60+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "HASH, Inc., FormGen, Inc.",0,2+8+16); break; case MENU_CREDITS6: mgametext(margin,49, "The 3D Realms Beta Testers",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,49+9+9, "Nathan Anderson, Wayne Benner",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,49+9+9+9, "Glenn Brensinger, Rob Brown",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,49+9+9+9+9, "Erik Harris, Ken Heckbert",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,49+9+9+9+9+9, "Terry Herrin, Greg Hively",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,49+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Hank Leukart, Eric Baker",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,49+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Jeff Rausch, Kelly Rogers",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,49+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Mike Duncan, Doug Howell",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,49+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Bill Blair",0,2+8+16); break; case MENU_CREDITS7: mgametext(margin,32, "Company Product Support",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,32+9+9, "The following companies were cool",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,32+9+9+9, "enough to give us lots of stuff",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,32+9+9+9+9, "during the making of Duke Nukem 3D.",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,32+9+9+9+9+9+9, "Altec Lansing Multimedia",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "for tons of speakers and the",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "THX-licensed sound system.",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "For info call 1-800-548-0620",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9,"Creative Labs, Inc.",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9,"Thanks for the hardware, guys.",0,2+8+16); break; case MENU_CREDITS8: mgametext(margin,50, "Duke Nukem is a trademark of",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,50+9, "3D Realms Entertainment",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,50+9+9+9, "Duke Nukem",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,50+9+9+9+9, "(C) 1996 3D Realms Entertainment",0,2+8+16); if (VOLUMEONE) { mgametext(margin,106, "Please read LICENSE.DOC for shareware",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,106+9, "distribution grants and restrictions.",0,2+8+16); } mgametext(margin,VOLUMEONE?134:115, "Made in Dallas, Texas USA",0,2+8+16); break; case MENU_CREDITS9: l = 10; goto cheat_for_port_credits; case MENU_CREDITS10: l = 10; goto cheat_for_port_credits2; } break; } // Plutonium pak menus switch (g_currentMenu) { case MENU_CREDITS: case MENU_CREDITS2: case MENU_CREDITS3: rotatesprite_fs(160<<16,200<<15,65536L,0,2504+g_currentMenu-MENU_CREDITS,0,0,10+64); break; case MENU_CREDITS4: // JBF 20031220 M_DrawBackground(); M_DrawTopBar("About EDuke32"); cheat_for_port_credits: if (g_scriptVersion != 14) l = (-2); mgametext(160,38-l,"Programming and Project Management",0,2+8+16); p = "Richard \"TerminX\" Gobeille"; creditsminitext(160, 38+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); mgametext(160,58-l,"Polymer Rendering System",0,2+8+16); p = "Pierre-Loup \"Plagman\" Griffais"; creditsminitext(160, 58+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); mgametext(160,78-l,"Additional Engine and Game Programming",0,2+8+16); p = "Philipp \"Helixhorned\" Kutin"; creditsminitext(160, 78+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); mgametext(160,98-l,"\"JFDuke3D\" and \"JFBuild\" code",0,2+8+16); p = "Jonathon \"JonoF\" Fowler"; creditsminitext(160, 98+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); mgametext(160,118-l,"Legacy \"NAM\", \"WWII GI\", and \"EDuke\" Code",0,2+8+16); p = "Matt \"Matteus\" Saettler"; creditsminitext(160, 118+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); mgametext(160,138-l,"Core BUILD Engine functionality",0,2+8+16); p = "Ken \"Awesoken\" Silverman"; creditsminitext(160, 138+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); p = "Visit www.eduke32.com for news and updates"; creditsminitext(160, 138+10+10+10+10+4-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); break; case MENU_CREDITS5: M_DrawBackground(); M_DrawTopBar("About EDuke32"); cheat_for_port_credits2: if (g_scriptVersion != 14) l = (-2); mgametext(160,38-l,"License and Other Contributors",0,2+8+16); { const char *header[] = { "This program is distributed under the terms of the", "GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the", "Free Software Foundation. See GNU.TXT for details.", " ", "Thanks to the following people for their contributions:", " ", }; const char *body[] = { "Adam Fazakerley", // netcode NAT traversal "Alan Ondra", // testing "Bioman", // GTK work, APT repository and package upkeep "Brandon Bergren", // "Bdragon" - tiles.cfg "Charlie Honig", // "CONAN" - showview command "Dan Gaskill", // "DeeperThought" - testing "David Koenig", // "Bargle" - Merged a couple of things from duke3d_w32 "Ed Coolidge", // Mapster32 improvements "Evan Ramos", // "Hendricks266" - misc stuff "Ferry Landzaat", // ? (listed on the wiki page) "Hunter_rus", // tons of stuff "James Bentler", // Mapster32 improvements "Jasper Foreman", // netcode contributions "Javier Martinez", // "Malone3D" - EDuke 2.1.1 components "Jeff Hart", // website graphics "Jonathan Smith", // "Mblackwell" - testing "Jose del Castillo", // "Renegado" - EDuke 2.1.1 components "Lachlan McDonald", // official EDuke32 icon "LSDNinja", // OS X help and testing "Marcus Herbert", // "rhoenie" - OS X compatibility work "Matthew Palmer", // "Usurper" - testing and eduke32.com domain "Ozkan Sezer", // SDL/GTK version checking improvements "Peter Green", // "Plugwash" - dynamic remapping, custom gametypes "Peter Veenstra", // "Qbix" - port to 64-bit "Randy Heit", // random snippets of ZDoom here and there "Robin Green", // CON array support "Ryan Gordon", // "icculus" - icculus.org Duke3D port sound code "Stephen Anthony", // early 64-bit porting work "tueidj", // Wii port " ", }; const char *footer[] = { " ", "BUILD engine technology available under BUILDLIC.", }; const int32_t header_numlines = sizeof(header)/sizeof(char *); const int32_t body_numlines = sizeof(body)/sizeof(char *); const int32_t footer_numlines = sizeof(footer)/sizeof(char *); i = 0; for (m=0; m>11),0,2+8); x = M_Probe(margin,67,16,7); switch (x) { case 0: if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) || ud.recstat == 2) M_ChangeMenu(1500); else { M_ChangeMenu(600); last_fifty = 0; } break; case 1: if (ud.recstat != 2) { last_fifty = 1; M_ChangeMenu(350); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } break; case 2: last_fifty = 2; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_LOAD); break; case 3: last_fifty = 3; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_OPTIONS); // JBF 20031205: was 200 break; case 4: last_fifty = 4; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); M_ChangeMenu(MENU_STORY); break; case 5: if (numplayers < 2 && !g_netServer) { last_fifty = 5; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_QUITTOTITLE); } break; case 6: last_fifty = 6; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_QUIT); break; case -1: g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } break; } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Q)) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_QUIT); menutext(margin,67 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"New Game"); menutext(margin,67+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"Save Game"); menutext(margin,67+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"Load Game"); menutext(margin,67+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),0,"Options"); if (!VOLUMEALL) { menutext(margin,67+16+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,"How To Order"); } else { menutext(margin,67+16+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,"Help"); } if (g_netServer || numplayers > 1) menutext(margin,67+16+16+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),1,"Quit To Title"); else menutext(margin,67+16+16+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"Quit To Title"); menutext(margin,67+16+16+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),0,"Quit Game"); break; case MENU_EPISODE: M_DrawTopBar("Select An Episode"); x = M_Probe(160,VOLUMEONE?60:60-(g_numVolumes*2),20,VOLUMEONE?3:g_numVolumes+1); if (x >= 0) { if (VOLUMEONE) { if (x > 0) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_BUYDUKE); else { ud.m_volume_number = x; ud.m_level_number = 0; last_onehundred = x; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_SKILL); } } if (!VOLUMEONE) { if (x == g_numVolumes /*&& boardfilename[0]*/) { //ud.m_volume_number = 0; //ud.m_level_number = 7; currentlist = 1; last_onehundred = x; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_USERMAP); } else { ud.m_volume_number = x; ud.m_level_number = 0; last_onehundred = x; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_SKILL); } } } else if (x == -1) { if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN_INGAME); else M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); } margin = 80; if (VOLUMEONE) { menutext(160,60,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,EpisodeNames[0]); menutext(160,60+20,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),1,EpisodeNames[1]); menutext(160,60+20+20,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),1,EpisodeNames[2]); if (PLUTOPAK) menutext(160,60+20+20,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),1,EpisodeNames[3]); } else { for (i=0; i 0) { while (seeker && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_End)?seeker->next:seeker->prev)) seeker = KB_KeyPressed(sc_End)?seeker->next:seeker->prev; if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; // clear keys, don't play the kick sound a dozen times! KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_End); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Home); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); } } else if ((KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgUp)|KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn)) > 0) { seeker = currentlist?findfileshigh:finddirshigh; i = 6; while (i>0) { if (seeker && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn)?seeker->next:seeker->prev)) seeker = KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn)?seeker->next:seeker->prev; i--; } if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; // clear keys, don't play the kick sound a dozen times! KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgDn); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgUp); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); } } else { char ch2, ch; ch = KB_GetCh(); if (ch > 0 && ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'))) { if (ch >= 'a') ch -= ('a'-'A'); while (seeker) { ch2 = seeker->name[0]; if (ch2 >= 'a' && ch2 <= 'z') ch2 -= ('a'-'A'); if (ch2 == ch) break; seeker = seeker->next; } if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); } } } } mgametext(40+4,32,"Directories",0,2+8+16); if (finddirshigh) { int32_t len; dir = finddirshigh; for (i=0; i<5; i++) if (!dir->prev) break; else dir=dir->prev; for (i=5; i>-8 && dir; i--, dir=dir->next) { if (dir == finddirshigh && currentlist == 0) margin=0; else margin=16; len = Bstrlen(dir->name); Bstrncpy(tempbuf,dir->name,len); if (len > USERMAPENTRYLENGTH) { len = USERMAPENTRYLENGTH-3; tempbuf[len] = 0; while (len < USERMAPENTRYLENGTH) tempbuf[len++] = '.'; } tempbuf[len] = 0; minitextshade(40,1+12+32+8*(6-i),tempbuf,margin,0,26); } } mgametext(180+4,32,"Map Files",0,2+8+16); if (findfileshigh) { int32_t len; dir = findfileshigh; for (i=0; i<6; i++) if (!dir->prev) break; else dir=dir->prev; for (i=6; i>-8 && dir; i--, dir=dir->next) { if (dir == findfileshigh && currentlist == 1) margin=0; else margin=16; len = Bstrlen(dir->name); Bstrncpy(tempbuf,dir->name,len); if (len > USERMAPENTRYLENGTH) { len = USERMAPENTRYLENGTH-3; tempbuf[len] = 0; while (len < USERMAPENTRYLENGTH) tempbuf[len++] = '.'; } tempbuf[len] = 0; minitextshade(180,1+12+32+8*(6-i),tempbuf,margin, dir->source==CACHE1D_SOURCE_ZIP ? 8 : 2, 26); } } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || (LMB && minfo.dyaw < -256) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || (LMB && minfo.dyaw > 256) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Tab)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Tab); currentlist = 1-currentlist; S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); } onbar = 0; probey = 2; if (currentlist == 0) x = probesm(45,32+4+1,0,3); else x = probesm(185,32+4+1,0,3); if (probey == 1) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (finddirshigh) if (finddirshigh->prev) finddirshigh = finddirshigh->prev; } else { if (findfileshigh) if (findfileshigh->prev) findfileshigh = findfileshigh->prev; } } else if (probey == 0) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (finddirshigh) if (finddirshigh->next) finddirshigh = finddirshigh->next; } else { if (findfileshigh) if (findfileshigh->next) findfileshigh = findfileshigh->next; } } if (x == -1) { fnlist_clearnames(&fnlist); boardfilename[0] = 0; if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1)) { Net_SendUserMapName(); M_ChangeMenu(600); probey = last_menu_pos; } else M_ChangeMenu(MENU_EPISODE); } else if (x >= 0) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (!finddirshigh) break; strcat(boardfilename, finddirshigh->name); strcat(boardfilename, "/"); Bcorrectfilename(boardfilename, 1); M_ChangeMenu(MENU_USERMAP); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } else { if (!findfileshigh) break; strcat(boardfilename, findfileshigh->name); ud.m_volume_number = 0; ud.m_level_number = 7; if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1)) { Net_SendUserMapName(); M_ChangeMenu(600); probey = last_menu_pos; } else M_ChangeMenu(MENU_SKILL); } fnlist_clearnames(&fnlist); } break; case MENU_SKILL: { // 4 skills (orig) --> 70 const int32_t ybase = 70 + (4-g_numSkills)*6; margin = MENU_MARGIN_CENTER; M_DrawTopBar("Select Skill"); x = M_Probe(margin,ybase,19,g_numSkills); if (x >= 0) { switch (x) { case 0: g_skillSoundID = JIBBED_ACTOR6; break; case 1: g_skillSoundID = BONUS_SPEECH1; break; case 2: g_skillSoundID = DUKE_GETWEAPON2; break; case 3: g_skillSoundID = JIBBED_ACTOR5; break; } S_PlaySound(g_skillSoundID); ud.m_player_skill = x+1; if (x == 3) ud.m_respawn_monsters = 1; else ud.m_respawn_monsters = 0; ud.m_monsters_off = ud.monsters_off = 0; ud.m_respawn_items = 0; ud.m_respawn_inventory = 0; ud.multimode = 1; if (ud.m_volume_number == 3 && (G_GetLogoFlags() & LOGO_NOE4CUTSCENE)==0) { flushperms(); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); clearview(0L); nextpage(); } G_NewGame_EnterLevel(); } else if (x == -1) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_EPISODE); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } for (i=0; i= 2) break; if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { if (io <= probey) yy += 4; continue; } if (io < probey) yy += 8; io++; } onbar = (probey==1||probey==5); x = probesm(margin,yy+5,0,io); if (x == -1) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_VIDEOSETUP); probey = 6; break; } yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (getrendermode() == REND_CLASSIC && io >= 2) break; if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { yy += 4; continue; } enabled = 1; switch (io) { case 0: if (getrendermode() <= REND_POLYMOST) { #ifdef USE_OPENGL int32_t tmp = r_usenewaspect ? 2 : glwidescreen; if (x==io) { tmp = tmp+1; if (tmp > 2) tmp = 0; } modval(0,2,&tmp,1,probey==io); r_usenewaspect = (tmp==2); // with r_usenewaspect, glwidescreen has no effect... glwidescreen = (tmp < 2) ? tmp : 0; mgametextpal(d,yy, r_usenewaspect ? "Auto" : (glwidescreen ? "Old wide" : "Old reg."), MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); #else if (x==io) r_usenewaspect = !r_usenewaspect; modval(0,1,&r_usenewaspect,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, r_usenewaspect ? "Auto" : "Old reg.", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); #endif } #ifdef POLYMER else { double ratios[] = { 0.0, 1.33, 1.66, 1.78, 1.85, 2.35 }; int32_t j = ARRAY_SIZE(ratios); for (i = 0; i= j) i = 0; } if (i == j) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Custom"); else { if (i == 0) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Auto"); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%.2f:1",ratios[i]); if (ratios[i] != pr_customaspect) pr_customaspect = ratios[i]; } mgametextpal(d,yy,tempbuf, MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); } #endif break; case 1: { int32_t i = (int32_t)(r_ambientlight*1024.f); int32_t j = i; sliderbar(1,d+8,yy+7, &i,128,x==io,MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),0,128,4096); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%.2f",r_ambientlight); mgametextpal(d-35,yy, tempbuf, MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); if (i != j) { r_ambientlight = (float)i/1024.f; r_ambientlightrecip = 1.f/r_ambientlight; } break; } #ifdef USE_OPENGL case 2: { int32_t dummy = glanisotropy; modval(0,(int32_t)glinfo.maxanisotropy+1,(int32_t *)&dummy,1,probey==io); if (dummy > glanisotropy) glanisotropy *= 2; else if (dummy < glanisotropy) glanisotropy /= 2; if (x==io) glanisotropy *= 2; if (glanisotropy > glinfo.maxanisotropy) glanisotropy = 1; else if (glanisotropy < 1) glanisotropy = (int32_t)glinfo.maxanisotropy; gltexapplyprops(); if (glanisotropy == 1) strcpy(tempbuf,"None"); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%dx",glanisotropy); mgametextpal(d,yy, tempbuf, MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; } case 3: { int32_t ovsync = vsync; if (x==io) vsync++; if (vsync == 2) vsync = -1; modval(-1,1,(int32_t *)&vsync,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, vsync < 0 ? "Adaptive" : vsync ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); if (vsync != ovsync) setvsync(vsync); break; } case 4: if (x==io) usehightile = 1-usehightile; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&usehightile,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, usehightile ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 5: { i = r_downsize; enabled = usehightile; sliderbar(1,d+8,yy+7, &r_downsize,-1,enabled && x==io,MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),!enabled,0,2); if (r_downsize != i) { texcache_invalidate(); resetvideomode(); if (setgamemode(fullscreen,xdim,ydim,bpp)) OSD_Printf("restartvid: Reset failed...\n"); r_downsizevar = r_downsize; return; } break; } case 6: enabled = usehightile; if (enabled && x==io) ud.config.useprecache = !ud.config.useprecache; if (enabled) modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.config.useprecache,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.config.useprecache ? "On" : "Off", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, 0); break; case 7: { const char *s[] = { "Off", "On", "Compress" }; enabled = (glusetexcompr && usehightile); if (enabled && x==io) { glusetexcache++; if (glusetexcache > 2) glusetexcache = 0; } if (enabled) modval(0,2,(int32_t *)&glusetexcache,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, s[glusetexcache], enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, 0); } break; case 8: enabled = usehightile; if (enabled && x==io) r_detailmapping = !r_detailmapping; if (enabled) modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&r_detailmapping,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, r_detailmapping ? "Yes" : "No", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, 0); break; case 9: if (x==io) usemodels = 1-usemodels; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&usemodels,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, usemodels ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; #endif default: break; } mgametextpal(margin,yy, opts[ii], enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, 10); io++; yy += 8; } } break; case 231: case 232: M_DrawTopBar("Color Correction"); margin = MENU_MARGIN_REGULAR; x = 4; onbar = (probey != 3); x = M_Probe(margin,probey==3?106:98,16,x); if (x == -1) { if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &MODE_GAME && g_currentMenu == 232) { g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } else { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_VIDEOSETUP); probey = 4; } break; } menutext(margin,98,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"Gamma"); menutext(margin,98+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"Contrast"); menutext(margin,98+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"Brightness"); menutext(margin,98+16+16+16+8,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),0,"Reset To Defaults"); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",vid_gamma>=0?" ":"",vid_gamma); mgametext(margin+177-56,98-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",vid_contrast>=0?" ":"",vid_contrast); mgametext(margin+177-56,98+16-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",vid_brightness>=0?" ":"",vid_brightness); mgametext(margin+177-56,98+16+16-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),2+8+16); rotatesprite(40<<16,24<<16,24576,0,BONUSSCREEN,0,0,2+8+16,0,scale(ydim,35,200),xdim-1,scale(ydim,80,200)-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,27<<16,24576,0,3290,0,0,2+8+16,0,scale(ydim,35,200),xdim-1,scale(ydim,80,200)-1); { extern int32_t gammabrightness; int32_t b = (int32_t)(vid_gamma*40960.f); sliderbar(0,margin+177,98,&b,4096,x==0,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,8192,163840); if (b != (double)(vid_gamma*40960.f)) { vid_gamma = (double)b/40960.f; ud.brightness = GAMMA_CALC; ud.brightness <<= 2; setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,g_player[myconnectindex].ps->palette,0); } b = (int32_t)(vid_contrast*40960.f); sliderbar(0,margin+177,98+16,&b,2048,x==1,gammabrightness?MENUHIGHLIGHT(1):DISABLEDMENUSHADE,0,4096,110592); if (b != (vid_contrast*40960.f)) { vid_contrast = (double)b/40960.f; setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,g_player[myconnectindex].ps->palette,0); } b = (int32_t)(vid_brightness*40960.f); sliderbar(0,margin+177,98+16+16,&b,2048,x==2,gammabrightness?MENUHIGHLIGHT(2):DISABLEDMENUSHADE,0,-32768,32768); if (b != (vid_brightness*40960.f)) { vid_brightness = (double)b/40960.f; setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,g_player[myconnectindex].ps->palette,0); } if (x == 3) { vid_gamma = DEFAULT_GAMMA; vid_contrast = DEFAULT_CONTRAST; vid_brightness = DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS; ud.brightness = 0; setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,g_player[myconnectindex].ps->palette,0); } } break; case MENU_SETUP: M_DrawTopBar("Game Setup"); margin = MENU_MARGIN_REGULAR; { int32_t io, ii, yy, d=margin+160+40, enabled; const char *opts[] = { "Show setup window at start", "Show crosshair", "Crosshair size", "-", "Screen size", "Status bar size", "Stats and chat text size", "Show level stats", "-", "Allow walk with autorun", "-", "Shadows", "Screen tilting", "-", "Show framerate", "Demo recording", "-", "More...", NULL }; yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { if (io <= probey) yy += 4; continue; } if (io < probey) yy += 8; io++; } onbar = (probey >= 2 && probey <= 5); x = probesm(margin,yy+5,0,io); if (x == -1) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_OPTIONS); break; } yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { yy += 4; continue; } enabled = 1; switch (io) { case 0: if (x==io) ud.config.ForceSetup = 1-ud.config.ForceSetup; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.config.ForceSetup,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.config.ForceSetup ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 1: if (x==io) ud.crosshair = !ud.crosshair; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.crosshair,1,probey==io); { mgametextpal(d,yy,ud.crosshair?"Yes":"No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; } case 2: { int32_t chs = ud.crosshairscale; sliderbar(1,d+8,yy+7, &chs,5,x==io,MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),0,25,100); ud.crosshairscale = clamp(chs, 10, 100); } break; case 3: { int32_t vpsize = ud.screen_size + 4*(ud.screen_size>=8 && ud.statusbarmode==0); const int32_t ovpsize = vpsize; sliderbar(1,d+8,yy+7, &vpsize,-4,x==io,MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),0,0,68); if (vpsize-ovpsize) G_SetViewportShrink(vpsize-ovpsize); } break; case 4: { int32_t sbs = ud.statusbarscale; const int32_t osbs = sbs; sliderbar(1,d+8,yy+7, &sbs,4,x==io,MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),0,36,100); if (x == io && sbs != osbs) G_SetStatusBarScale(sbs); } break; case 5: { sliderbar(1,d+8,yy+7, &ud.textscale,50,enabled && x==io,MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),0,100,400); } break; case 6: if (x==io) ud.levelstats = !ud.levelstats; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.levelstats,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.levelstats ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 7: if (x==io) ud.runkey_mode = !ud.runkey_mode; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.runkey_mode,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.runkey_mode ? "No" : "Yes", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 8: if (x==io) ud.shadows = 1-ud.shadows; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.shadows,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.shadows ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 9: if (x==io) ud.screen_tilting = !ud.screen_tilting; #ifdef USE_OPENGL if (!ud.screen_tilting) setrollangle(0); #endif modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.screen_tilting,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.screen_tilting ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; // original had a 'full' option case 10: if (x==io) ud.tickrate = 1-ud.tickrate; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.tickrate,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.tickrate ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 11: { DukePlayer_t *ps = g_player[myconnectindex].ps; if (x==io) { enabled = !((ps->gm&MODE_GAME) && ud.m_recstat != 1); if ((ps->gm&MODE_GAME)) G_CloseDemoWrite(); else ud.m_recstat = !ud.m_recstat; } if ((ps->gm&MODE_GAME) && ud.m_recstat != 1) enabled = 0; mgametextpal(d, yy, ud.m_recstat ? ((enabled && ps->gm&MODE_GAME)?"Running":"On"):"Off", enabled ? MENUHIGHLIGHT(io) : DISABLEDMENUSHADE, !enabled); break; } case 12: if (x==io) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_GAMESETUP); break; default: break; } mgametextpal(margin,yy, opts[ii], enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, 10); io++; yy += 8; } } break; case MENU_GAMESETUP: M_DrawTopBar("Game Setup"); margin = MENU_MARGIN_REGULAR; { int32_t io, ii, yy, d=margin+160+40, enabled; const char *opts[] = { "Parental lock", "-", "Show inv & pickup messages", "Display current weapon", "Upgraded status bar", "Camera view in demos", "-", "DM: Ignore map votes", "DM: Use private messages", "DM: Show player names", "DM: Show player weapons", "DM: Show player obituaries", "-", "Console text style", "-", #ifdef _WIN32 "Check for updates at start", #else "-", "-", #endif "-", "Previous page", NULL }; yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { if (io <= probey) yy += 4; continue; } if (io < probey) yy += 8; io++; } x = probesm(margin,yy+5,0,io); if (x == -1) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_SETUP); probey = 12; break; } yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { yy += 4; continue; } enabled = 1; switch (io) { case 0: if (!NAM) { if (x==io) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_ADULTMODE); } else enabled = 0; break; case 1: if (x==io) ud.fta_on = 1-ud.fta_on; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.fta_on,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.fta_on ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 2: if (x==io) { ud.drawweapon = (ud.drawweapon == 2) ? 0 : ud.drawweapon+1; } modval(0,2,(int32_t *)&ud.drawweapon,1,probey==io); { const char *s[] = { "Off", "On", "Icon only" }; mgametextpal(d,yy, s[ud.drawweapon], MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; } case 3: if (x==io) ud.althud = !ud.althud; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.althud,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.althud ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 4: if (x==io) ud.democams = 1-ud.democams; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.democams,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.democams ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 5: if (x==io) { ud.autovote = (ud.autovote == 2) ? 0 : ud.autovote+1; } modval(0,2,(int32_t *)&ud.autovote,1,probey==io); { const char *s[] = { "Off", "Vote No", "Vote Yes" }; mgametextpal(d,yy, s[ud.autovote], MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; } case 6: if (x==io) ud.automsg = 1-ud.automsg; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.automsg,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.automsg ? "Off" : "On", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 7: if (x==io) ud.idplayers = 1-ud.idplayers; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.idplayers,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.idplayers ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 8: if (x==io) ud.showweapons = 1-ud.showweapons; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.showweapons,1,probey==io); ud.config.ShowOpponentWeapons = ud.showweapons; mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.config.ShowOpponentWeapons ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 9: if (x==io) ud.obituaries = 1-ud.obituaries; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.obituaries,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.obituaries ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 10: { int32_t osdmode = OSD_GetTextMode(); if (x==io) osdmode = !osdmode; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&osdmode,1,probey==io); mgametextpal(d,yy, osdmode? "Basic" : "Sprites", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); if (OSD_GetTextMode() != osdmode) OSD_SetTextMode(osdmode); break; } #ifdef _WIN32 case 11: i = ud.config.CheckForUpdates; if (x==io) ud.config.CheckForUpdates = 1-ud.config.CheckForUpdates; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.config.CheckForUpdates,1,probey==io); if (ud.config.CheckForUpdates != i) ud.config.LastUpdateCheck = 0; mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.config.CheckForUpdates ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 12: #else case 11: #endif if (x==io) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_SETUP); break; default: break; } mgametextpal(margin,yy, opts[ii], enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, 10); io++; yy += 8; } } break; // JBF 20031205: Second level options menu selection case MENU_OPTIONS: M_DrawTopBar("Options"); margin = 50; onbar = 0; x = M_Probe(160,margin,18,7); last_twoohtwo = probey; switch (x) { case -1: if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN_INGAME); else M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); break; case 0: M_ChangeMenu(MENU_SETUP); break; case 1: changesmade = 0; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_SOUND); break; case 2: { int32_t dax = xdim, day = ydim, daz; curvidmode = newvidmode = checkvideomode(&dax,&day,bpp,fullscreen,0); if (newvidmode == 0x7fffffffl) newvidmode = validmodecnt; newfullscreen = fullscreen; changesmade = 0; dax = 0; for (day = 0; day < validmodecnt; day++) { if (dax == ARRAY_SIZE(vidsets)) break; for (daz = 0; daz < dax; daz++) if ((validmode[day].bpp|((validmode[day].fs&1)<<16)) == (vidsets[daz]&0x1ffffl)) break; if (vidsets[daz] != -1) continue; if (validmode[day].bpp == 8) { vidsets[dax++] = 8|((validmode[day].fs&1)<<16); // 8-bit Polymost can diaf // vidsets[dax++] = 0x20000|8|((validmode[day].fs&1)<<16); } else vidsets[dax++] = 0x20000|validmode[day].bpp|((validmode[day].fs&1)<<16); } for (dax = 0; dax < (int32_t)ARRAY_SIZE(vidsets) && vidsets[dax] != -1; dax++) if (vidsets[dax] == (((getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST)<<17)|(fullscreen<<16)|bpp)) break; if (dax < (int32_t)ARRAY_SIZE(vidsets)) newvidset = dax; curvidset = newvidset; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_VIDEOSETUP); } break; case 3: if (ud.recstat != 1) M_ChangeMenu(20002); break; case 4: currentlist = 0; case 5: case 6: if (x==6 && !CONTROL_JoyPresent) break; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_KEYBOARDSETUP+x-4); break; } menutext(160,margin, MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"Game Setup"); menutext(160,margin+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"Sound Setup"); menutext(160,margin+18+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"Video Setup"); menutext(160,margin+18+18+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),ud.recstat == 1,"Player Setup"); menutext(160,margin+18+18+18+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,"Keyboard Setup"); menutext(160,margin+18+18+18+18+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"Mouse Setup"); menutext(160,margin+18+18+18+18+18+18,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),CONTROL_JoyPresent==0,"Joystick Setup"); break; // JBF 20031206: Video settings menu case MENU_VIDEOSETUP: M_DrawTopBar("Video Setup"); margin = MENU_MARGIN_REGULAR; #ifdef USE_OPENGL x = (7/*+(getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST)*/); #else x = 7; #endif // onbar = (getrendermode() == REND_CLASSIC && probey == 6); // (probey == 4); if (probey == 0 || probey == 1 || probey == 2) x = M_Probe(margin,50,16,x); else if (probey == 3) x = M_Probe(margin,50+16+16+22,0,x); else x = M_Probe(margin,50+62-16-16-16,16,x); if ((probey >= 0 && probey <= 2) && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow))) { S_PlaySound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); x=probey; } switch (x) { case -1: M_ChangeMenu(MENU_OPTIONS); probey = 2; break; case 0: do { if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow)) { newvidmode--; if (newvidmode < 0) newvidmode = validmodecnt-1; } else { newvidmode++; if (newvidmode >= validmodecnt) newvidmode = 0; } } while ((validmode[newvidmode].fs&1) != ((vidsets[newvidset]>>16)&1) || validmode[newvidmode].bpp != (vidsets[newvidset] & 0x0ffff)); //OSD_Printf("New mode is %dx%dx%d-%d %d\n",validmode[newvidmode].xdim,validmode[newvidmode].ydim,validmode[newvidmode].bpp,validmode[newvidmode].fs,newvidmode); if ((curvidmode == 0x7fffffffl && newvidmode == validmodecnt) || curvidmode == newvidmode) changesmade &= ~1; else changesmade |= 1; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); break; case 1: { int32_t lastvidset, lastvidmode, safevidmode = -1; lastvidset = newvidset; lastvidmode = newvidmode; // find the next vidset compatible with the current fullscreen setting while (vidsets[0] != -1) { newvidset++; if (newvidset == ARRAY_SIZE(vidsets) || vidsets[newvidset] == -1) { newvidset = -1; continue; } if (((vidsets[newvidset]>>16)&1) != newfullscreen) continue; break; } if ((vidsets[newvidset] & 0x0ffff) != (vidsets[lastvidset] & 0x0ffff)) { // adjust the video mode to something legal for the new vidset do { newvidmode++; if (newvidmode == lastvidmode) break; // end of cycle if (newvidmode >= validmodecnt) { if (safevidmode != -1) break; newvidmode = 0; } if (validmode[newvidmode].bpp == (vidsets[newvidset]&0x0ffff) && validmode[newvidmode].fs == newfullscreen && validmode[newvidmode].xdim <= validmode[lastvidmode].xdim && (safevidmode==-1?1:(validmode[newvidmode].xdim>=validmode[safevidmode].xdim)) && validmode[newvidmode].ydim <= validmode[lastvidmode].ydim && (safevidmode==-1?1:(validmode[newvidmode].ydim>=validmode[safevidmode].ydim)) ) safevidmode = newvidmode; } while (1); if (safevidmode == -1) { //OSD_Printf("No best fit!\n"); newvidmode = lastvidmode; newvidset = lastvidset; } else { //OSD_Printf("Best fit is %dx%dx%d-%d %d\n",validmode[safevidmode].xdim,validmode[safevidmode].ydim,validmode[safevidmode].bpp,validmode[safevidmode].fs,safevidmode); newvidmode = safevidmode; } } if (newvidset != curvidset) changesmade |= 4; else changesmade &= ~4; if (newvidmode != curvidmode) changesmade |= 1; else changesmade &= ~1; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); } break; case 2: newfullscreen = !newfullscreen; { int32_t lastvidset, lastvidmode, safevidmode = -1, safevidset = -1; lastvidset = newvidset; lastvidmode = newvidmode; // find the next vidset compatible with the current fullscreen setting while (vidsets[0] != -1) { newvidset++; if (newvidset == lastvidset) break; if (newvidset == ARRAY_SIZE(vidsets) || vidsets[newvidset] == -1) { newvidset = -1; continue; } if (((vidsets[newvidset]>>16)&1) != newfullscreen) continue; if ((vidsets[newvidset] & 0x2ffff) != (vidsets[lastvidset] & 0x2ffff)) { if ((vidsets[newvidset] & 0x20000) == (vidsets[lastvidset] & 0x20000)) safevidset = newvidset; continue; } break; } if (newvidset == lastvidset) { if (safevidset == -1) { newfullscreen = !newfullscreen; break; } else { newvidset = safevidset; } } // adjust the video mode to something legal for the new vidset do { newvidmode++; if (newvidmode == lastvidmode) break; // end of cycle if (newvidmode >= validmodecnt) newvidmode = 0; if (validmode[newvidmode].bpp == (vidsets[newvidset]&0x0ffff) && validmode[newvidmode].fs == newfullscreen && validmode[newvidmode].xdim <= validmode[lastvidmode].xdim && (safevidmode==-1?1:(validmode[newvidmode].xdim>=validmode[safevidmode].xdim)) && validmode[newvidmode].ydim <= validmode[lastvidmode].ydim && (safevidmode==-1?1:(validmode[newvidmode].ydim>=validmode[safevidmode].ydim)) ) safevidmode = newvidmode; } while (1); if (safevidmode == -1) { //OSD_Printf("No best fit!\n"); newvidmode = lastvidmode; newvidset = lastvidset; newfullscreen = !newfullscreen; } else { //OSD_Printf("Best fit is %dx%dx%d-%d %d\n",validmode[safevidmode].xdim,validmode[safevidmode].ydo,,validmode[safevidmode].bpp,validmode[safevidmode].fs,safevidmode); newvidmode = safevidmode; } if (newvidset != curvidset) changesmade |= 4; else changesmade &= ~4; if (newvidmode != curvidmode) changesmade |= 1; else changesmade &= ~1; } if (newfullscreen == fullscreen) changesmade &= ~2; else changesmade |= 2; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); break; case 3: if (!changesmade) break; { int32_t pxdim, pydim, pfs, pbpp, prend; int32_t nxdim, nydim, nfs, nbpp, nrend; pxdim = xdim; pydim = ydim; pbpp = bpp; pfs = fullscreen; prend = getrendermode(); nxdim = (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?xdim:validmode[newvidmode].xdim; nydim = (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?ydim:validmode[newvidmode].ydim; nfs = newfullscreen; nbpp = (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?bpp:validmode[newvidmode].bpp; nrend = (vidsets[newvidset] & 0x20000) ? (nbpp==8?2: #ifdef USE_OPENGL glrendmode #else 0 #endif ) : 0; if (setgamemode(nfs, nxdim, nydim, nbpp) < 0) { if (setgamemode(pfs, pxdim, pydim, pbpp) < 0) { setrendermode(prend); G_GameExit("Failed restoring old video mode."); } else onvideomodechange(pbpp > 8); } else onvideomodechange(nbpp > 8); g_restorePalette = -1; G_UpdateScreenArea(); setrendermode(nrend); curvidmode = newvidmode; curvidset = newvidset; changesmade = 0; ud.config.ScreenMode = fullscreen; ud.config.ScreenWidth = xdim; ud.config.ScreenHeight = ydim; ud.config.ScreenBPP = bpp; } break; case 4: M_ChangeMenu(231); break; case 5: if (getrendermode() == REND_CLASSIC) { ud.detail = 1-ud.detail; break; } #ifdef USE_OPENGL gltexfiltermode++; if (gltexfiltermode > 5) gltexfiltermode = 0; gltexapplyprops(); break; #endif case 6: // if (getrendermode() == REND_CLASSIC) break; M_ChangeMenu(230); break; } menutext(margin,50,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"Resolution"); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d x %d", (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?xdim:validmode[newvidmode].xdim, (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?ydim:validmode[newvidmode].ydim); mgametext(margin+168,50-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),2+8+16); menutext(margin,50+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"Renderer"); if (vidsets[newvidset]&0x20000) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d-bit OpenGL", vidsets[newvidset]&0x0ffff); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Software"); mgametext(margin+168,50+16-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); menutext(margin,50+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"Fullscreen"); menutext(margin+168,50+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,newfullscreen?"Yes":"No"); menutext(margin+16,50+16+16+22,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),changesmade==0,"Apply Changes"); menutext(margin,50+62+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,"Color Correction"); /* { short ss = ud.brightness; bar(c+171,50+62+16,&ss,8,x==4,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),PHX(-6)); if (x==4) { ud.brightness = ss; setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,&g_player[myconnectindex].ps->palette[0],0); } } */ if (getrendermode() == REND_CLASSIC) { menutext(margin,50+62+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"Pixel Doubling"); menutext(margin+168,50+62+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,ud.detail?"Off":"On"); modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.detail,1,probey==5); } #ifdef USE_OPENGL else { int32_t filter = gltexfiltermode; menutext(margin,50+62+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"Texture Filter"); switch (gltexfiltermode) { case 0: strcpy(tempbuf,"Nearest"); break; case 1: strcpy(tempbuf,"Linear"); break; case 2: strcpy(tempbuf,"Near_MM_Near"); break; case 3: strcpy(tempbuf,"Bilinear"); break; case 4: strcpy(tempbuf,"Near_MM_Lin"); break; case 5: strcpy(tempbuf,"Trilinear"); break; default: strcpy(tempbuf,"Other"); break; } modval(0,5,(int32_t *)&gltexfiltermode,1,probey==5); if (gltexfiltermode != filter) gltexapplyprops(); mgametextpal(margin+168,50+62+16+16-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),getrendermode() == REND_CLASSIC); } #endif menutext(margin,50+62+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),0 /*bpp==8*/,"Renderer Setup"); break; case MENU_KEYBOARDSETUP: M_DrawTopBar("Keyboard Setup"); margin = MENU_MARGIN_REGULAR; onbar = 0; if (probey == NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS) x = probesm(60,145,0,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS+2); else if (probey == NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS+1) x = probesm(60,152,0,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS+2); else x = probesm(0,0,0,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS+2); if (x==-1) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_OPTIONS); probey = 4; } else if (x == NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS) { CONFIG_SetDefaultKeys((const char (*)[MAXGAMEFUNCLEN])keydefaults); break; } else if (x == NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS+1) { CONFIG_SetDefaultKeys(oldkeydefaults); break; } else if (x>=0) { function = probey; whichkey = currentlist; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_KEYBOARDASSIGN); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); KB_ClearLastScanCode(); break; } // the top of our list m = clamp(probey-6, 0, NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-13); if (probey == gamefunc_Show_Console) currentlist = 0; else if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Tab)) { currentlist ^= 1; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Tab); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); } else if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Delete)) { char key[2]; key[0] = ud.config.KeyboardKeys[probey][0]; key[1] = ud.config.KeyboardKeys[probey][1]; ud.config.KeyboardKeys[probey][currentlist] = 0xff; CONFIG_MapKey(probey, ud.config.KeyboardKeys[probey][0], key[0], ud.config.KeyboardKeys[probey][1], key[1]); S_PlaySound(KICK_HIT); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Delete); } for (l=min(13,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS)-1; l >= 0 ; l--) { p = CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(m+l); if (!p) continue; strcpy(tempbuf, p); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; // game function name redefined --> pal 8 text minitextshade(70,34+l*8,tempbuf,(m+l == probey)?0:16, Bstrcmp(keydefaults[3*(m+l)],oldkeydefaults[3*(m+l)]) ? 8 : 1, 10+16); //strcpy(tempbuf, KB_ScanCodeToString(ud.config.KeyboardKeys[m+l][0])); strcpy(tempbuf, (char *)getkeyname(ud.config.KeyboardKeys[m+l][0])); if (!tempbuf[0]) strcpy(tempbuf, " -"); minitextshade(70+100,34+l*8,tempbuf, (m+l == probey && !currentlist?0:16),2,10+16); //strcpy(tempbuf, KB_ScanCodeToString(ud.config.KeyboardKeys[m+l][1])); strcpy(tempbuf, (char *)getkeyname(ud.config.KeyboardKeys[m+l][1])); if (!tempbuf[0]) strcpy(tempbuf, " -"); minitextshade(70+120+34,34+l*8,tempbuf, (m+l == probey && currentlist?0:16),2,10+16); } mgametextpal(160,140, "Reset Keys To Defaults",MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS),10); mgametextpal(160,140+7,"Set Classic Key Layout",MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS+1),10); mgametext(160,144+9+3,"Up/Down = Select Action",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,144+9+9+3,"Left/Right = Select List",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,144+9+9+9+3,"Enter = Modify Delete = Clear",0,2+8+16); break; case MENU_KEYBOARDASSIGN: { int32_t sc; M_DrawTopBar("Keyboard Setup"); mgametext(320>>1,90,"Press the key to assign as",0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s for \"%s\"", whichkey?"secondary":"primary", CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(function)); mgametext(320>>1,90+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); mgametext(320>>1,90+9+9+9,"Press \"Escape\" To Cancel",0,2+8+16); sc = KB_GetLastScanCode(); if (sc != sc_None || RMB) { if (sc == sc_Escape || RMB) { S_PlaySound(EXITMENUSOUND); } else { char key[2]; key[0] = ud.config.KeyboardKeys[function][0]; key[1] = ud.config.KeyboardKeys[function][1]; S_PlaySound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); ud.config.KeyboardKeys[function][whichkey] = KB_GetLastScanCode(); CONFIG_MapKey(function, ud.config.KeyboardKeys[function][0], key[0], ud.config.KeyboardKeys[function][1], key[1]); } M_ChangeMenu(MENU_KEYBOARDSETUP); currentlist = whichkey; probey = function; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc); } break; } case 205: M_DrawTopBar("Mouse Setup"); margin = 60-4; onbar = (probey == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS); if (probey < NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS) x = probesm(73,38,8,NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+2+1); else x = probesm(40,123-(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS)*9,9,NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+2+1); if (x==-1) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_OPTIONS); probey = 5; break; } else if (x == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS) { // sensitivity } else if (x == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+1) { // mouse aiming toggle if (!ud.mouseaiming) g_myAimMode = 1-g_myAimMode; } else if (x == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2) { // invert mouse aim ud.mouseflip = 1-ud.mouseflip; } else if (x == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+1) { //input smoothing ud.config.SmoothInput = !ud.config.SmoothInput; CONTROL_SmoothMouse = ud.config.SmoothInput; } else if (x == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+2) { //advanced M_ChangeMenu(212); break; } else if (x >= 0) { //set an option M_ChangeMenu(211); function = 0; whichkey = x; if (x < NUMDOUBLEMBTNS*2) probey = ud.config.MouseFunctions[x>>1][x&1]; else probey = ud.config.MouseFunctions[x-NUMDOUBLEMBTNS][0]; if (probey < 0) probey = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; break; } for (l=0; l < NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS; l++) { tempbuf[0] = 0; if (l < NUMDOUBLEMBTNS*2) { if (l&1) { Bstrcpy(tempbuf, "Double "); m = ud.config.MouseFunctions[l>>1][1]; } else m = ud.config.MouseFunctions[l>>1][0]; Bstrcat(tempbuf, mousebuttonnames[l>>1]); } else { Bstrcpy(tempbuf, mousebuttonnames[l-NUMDOUBLEMBTNS]); m = ud.config.MouseFunctions[l-NUMDOUBLEMBTNS][0]; } minitextshade(margin+20,34+l*8,tempbuf,(l==probey)?0:16,1,10+16); if (m == -1) minitextshade(margin+100+20,34+l*8," -None-",(l==probey)?0:16,2,10+16); else { strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(m)); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(margin+100+20,34+l*8,tempbuf,(l==probey)?0:16,2,10+16); } } mgametextpal(40,118,"Base mouse sensitivity",MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS),10); mgametextpal(40,118+9,"Use mouse aiming",!ud.mouseaiming?MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+1):DISABLEDMENUSHADE,10); mgametextpal(40,118+9+9,"Invert mouse",MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2),10); mgametextpal(40,118+9+9+9,"Smooth mouse movement",MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+1),10); mgametextpal(40,118+9+9+9+9,"Advanced mouse setup",MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+2),10); { int32_t sense = (int32_t)(CONTROL_MouseSensitivity * 4.0f); sense = clamp(sense, 0, 63); barsm(248,126,&sense,2,x==NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS,MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS),0); CONTROL_MouseSensitivity = sense / 4.0f; } if (!ud.mouseaiming) modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&g_myAimMode,1,probey == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+1); else if (probey == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+1) { mgametext(160,140+9+9+9,"Set mouse aim type to toggle on/off",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,140+9+9+9+9,"in the Player Setup menu to enable",0,2+8+16); } modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.mouseflip,1,probey == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2); modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.config.SmoothInput,1,probey == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+1); if (probey == NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+1) { // mgametext(160,160+9,"This option incurs a movement delay",0,2+8+16); CONTROL_SmoothMouse = ud.config.SmoothInput; } mgametextpal(240,118+9, g_myAimMode && !ud.mouseaiming ? "Yes" : "No", !ud.mouseaiming?MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+1):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, 0); mgametextpal(240,118+9+9, !ud.mouseflip ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2), 0); mgametextpal(240,118+9+9+9, ud.config.SmoothInput ? "Yes" : "No", MENUHIGHLIGHT(NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+1), 0); if (probey < NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS) { mgametext(160,160+9,"Up/Down = Select Button",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,160+9+9,"Enter = Modify",0,2+8+16); } break; case 211: if (function == 0) M_DrawTopBar("Mouse Setup"); else if (function == 1) M_DrawTopBar("Advanced Mouse"); else if (function == 2) M_DrawTopBar("Joystick Buttons"); else if (function == 3) M_DrawTopBar("Joystick Axes"); x = M_Probe(0,0,0,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS); if (x==-1) { if (function == 0) { // mouse button M_ChangeMenu(205); probey = whichkey; } else if (function == 1) { // mouse digital axis M_ChangeMenu(212); probey = 3+(whichkey^2); } else if (function == 2) { // joystick button/hat M_ChangeMenu(207); probey = whichkey; } else if (function == 3) { // joystick digital axis M_ChangeMenu((whichkey>>2)+208); probey = 1+((whichkey>>1)&1)*4+(whichkey&1); } break; } else if (x >= 0) { if (x == NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1) x = -1; if (function == 0) { if (whichkey < NUMDOUBLEMBTNS*2) { ud.config.MouseFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1] = x; CONTROL_MapButton(x, whichkey>>1, whichkey&1, controldevice_mouse); CONTROL_FreeMouseBind(whichkey>>1); } else { ud.config.MouseFunctions[whichkey-NUMDOUBLEMBTNS][0] = x; CONTROL_MapButton(x, whichkey-NUMDOUBLEMBTNS, 0, controldevice_mouse); CONTROL_FreeMouseBind(whichkey-NUMDOUBLEMBTNS); } M_ChangeMenu(205); probey = whichkey; } else if (function == 1) { ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1] = x; CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(whichkey>>1, x, whichkey&1, controldevice_mouse); M_ChangeMenu(212); probey = 3+(whichkey^2); } else if (function == 2) { if (whichkey < 2*joynumbuttons) { ud.config.JoystickFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1] = x; CONTROL_MapButton(x, whichkey>>1, whichkey&1, controldevice_joystick); } else { ud.config.JoystickFunctions[joynumbuttons + (whichkey-2*joynumbuttons)][0] = x; CONTROL_MapButton(x, joynumbuttons + (whichkey-2*joynumbuttons), 0, controldevice_joystick); } M_ChangeMenu(207); probey = whichkey; } else if (function == 3) { ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1] = x; CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(whichkey>>1, x, whichkey&1, controldevice_joystick); M_ChangeMenu((whichkey>>2)+208); probey = 1+((whichkey>>1)&1)*4+(whichkey&1); } break; } mgametext(320>>1,31,"Select a function to assign",0,2+8+16); if (function == 0) { if (whichkey < NUMDOUBLEMBTNS*2) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"to %s%s", (whichkey&1)?"double-clicked ":"", mousebuttonnames[whichkey>>1]); else Bstrcpy(tempbuf, mousebuttonnames[whichkey-NUMDOUBLEMBTNS]); } else if (function == 1) { Bstrcpy(tempbuf,"to digital "); switch (whichkey) { case 0: Bstrcat(tempbuf, "Left"); break; case 1: Bstrcat(tempbuf, "Right"); break; case 2: Bstrcat(tempbuf, "Up"); break; case 3: Bstrcat(tempbuf, "Down"); break; } } else if (function == 2) { static const char *directions[] = { "Up", "Right", "Down", "Left" }; if (whichkey < 2*joynumbuttons) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"to %s%s", (whichkey&1)?"double-clicked ":"", getjoyname(1,whichkey>>1)); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"to hat %s", directions[whichkey-2*joynumbuttons]); } else if (function == 3) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"to digital %s %s",getjoyname(0,whichkey>>1),(whichkey&1)?"positive":"negative"); } mgametext(320>>1,31+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); m = clamp(probey-6, 0, NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-13); for (l=0; l < min(13,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS); l++) { if (l+m == NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1) strcpy(tempbuf, " -None-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(m+l)); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(100,51+l*8,tempbuf,(m+l == probey)?0:16, Bstrcmp(keydefaults[3*(m+l)],oldkeydefaults[3*(m+l)]) ? 8 : 1, 10+16); } mgametext(320>>1,161,"Press \"Escape\" To Cancel",0,2+8+16); break; case 212: M_DrawTopBar("Advanced Mouse"); margin = MENU_MARGIN_REGULAR; onbar = (probey == 0 || probey == 1 || probey == 2); if (probey < 3) x = M_Probe(margin,46,16,7); else if (probey < 7) { m=50; x = probesm(margin+10,97+16-(9+9+9),9,7); } else { x = M_Probe(margin,146+16-(16+16+16+16+16+16),16,7); } switch (x) { case -1: M_ChangeMenu(205); probey = NUMMOUSEFUNCTIONS+2+2; break; case 0: // x-axis scale case 1: // y-axis scale case 2: // mouse filter break; case 3: // digital up case 4: // digital down case 5: // digital left case 6: // digital right function = 1; whichkey = (x-3)^2; // flip the actual axis number M_ChangeMenu(211); probey = ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1]; if (probey < 0) probey = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; break; } switch (probey) { case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: mgametext(160,144+9+9,"Digital axes are not for mouse look",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,144+9+9+9,"or for aiming up and down",0,2+8+16); break; } menutext(margin,46,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"X-Axis Scale"); l = (ud.config.MouseAnalogueScale[0]+262144) >> 13; bar(margin+160+40,46,&l,1,x==0,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0); l = (l<<13)-262144; if (l != ud.config.MouseAnalogueScale[0]) { CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(0, l, controldevice_mouse); ud.config.MouseAnalogueScale[0] = l; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",l>=0?" ":"",(float)l/65536.0); mgametext(margin+160-16,46-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),2+8+16); menutext(margin,46+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"Y-Axis Scale"); l = (ud.config.MouseAnalogueScale[1]+262144) >> 13; bar(margin+160+40,46+16,&l,1,x==1,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0); l = (l<<13)-262144; if (l != ud.config.MouseAnalogueScale[1]) { CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(1, l, controldevice_mouse); ud.config.MouseAnalogueScale[1] = l; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",l>=0?" ":"",(float)l/65536.0); mgametext(margin+160-16,46+16-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); menutext(margin,46+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"Dead Zone"); l = ud.config.MouseDeadZone>>1; bar(margin+160+40,46+16+16,&l,2,x==2,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0); ud.config.MouseDeadZone = l<<1; M_DrawTopBar("Digital Axes Setup"); if (ud.config.MouseDeadZone == 0) Bsprintf(tempbuf," Off"); else if (ud.config.MouseDeadZone < 48) Bsprintf(tempbuf," Low"); else if (ud.config.MouseDeadZone < 96) Bsprintf(tempbuf," Med"); else if (ud.config.MouseDeadZone < 128) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"High"); mgametext(margin+160-16,46+16+16-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),2+8+16); mgametextpal(margin+10,92+16,"Up:",MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),10); if (ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[1][0] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -None-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[1][0])); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(margin+10+60,93+16,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),0,10+16); mgametextpal(margin+10,92+16+9,"Down:",MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),10); if (ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[1][1] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -None-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[1][1])); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(margin+10+60,93+16+9,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,10+16); mgametextpal(margin+10,92+16+9+9,"Left:",MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),10); if (ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[0][0] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -None-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[0][0])); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(margin+10+60,93+16+9+9,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,10+16); mgametextpal(margin+10,92+16+9+9+9,"Right:",MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),10); if (ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[0][1] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -None-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(ud.config.MouseDigitalFunctions[0][1])); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(margin+10+60,93+16+9+9+9,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),0,10+16); break; case 206: M_DrawTopBar("Joystick Setup"); x = M_Probe(160,100-18,18,3); switch (x) { case -1: M_ChangeMenu(MENU_OPTIONS); probey = 6; break; case 0: case 1: M_ChangeMenu(207+x); break; case 2: M_ChangeMenu(213); break; } menutext(160,100-18,0,0,"Edit Buttons"); menutext(160,100,0,0,"Edit Axes"); menutext(160,100+18,0,0,"Dead Zones"); break; case 207: M_DrawTopBar("Joystick Buttons"); margin = 2*joynumbuttons + 4*(joynumhats>0); x = M_Probe(0,0,0,margin); if (x == -1) { M_ChangeMenu(206); probey = 0; break; } else if (x >= 0) { function = 2; whichkey = x; M_ChangeMenu(211); if (x < 2*joynumbuttons) { probey = ud.config.JoystickFunctions[x>>1][x&1]; } else { probey = ud.config.JoystickFunctions[joynumbuttons + (x-2*joynumbuttons)][0]; } if (probey < 0) probey = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; break; } // the top of our list if (margin < 13) m = 0; else { m = probey - 6; if (m < 0) m = 0; else if (m + 13 >= margin) m = margin-13; } for (l=0; l>1)); x = ud.config.JoystickFunctions[(l+m)>>1][(l+m)&1]; } else { static const char *directions[] = { "Up", "Right", "Down", "Left" }; Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Hat %s", directions[(l+m)-2*joynumbuttons]); x = ud.config.JoystickFunctions[joynumbuttons + ((l+m)-2*joynumbuttons)][0]; } minitextshade(80-4,33+l*8,tempbuf,(m+l == probey)?0:16,1,10+16); if (x == -1) minitextshade(176,33+l*8," -None-",(m+l==probey)?0:16,2,10+16); else { strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(x)); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(176,33+l*8,tempbuf,(m+l==probey)?0:16,2,10+16); } } mgametext(160,149,"UP/DOWN = SELECT BUTTON",0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,149+9,"ENTER = MODIFY",0,2+8+16); break; case 208: case 209: case 217: case 218: case 219: case 220: case 221: case 222: { int32_t thispage, twothispage; M_DrawTopBar("Joystick Axes"); thispage = (g_currentMenu < 217) ? (g_currentMenu-208) : (g_currentMenu-217)+2; twothispage = (thispage*2+1 < joynumaxes); onbar = 0; switch (probey) { case 0: case 4: onbar = 1; x = M_Probe(88,45+(probey==4)*64,0,1+(4< 2) { if (thispage == ((joynumaxes+1)/2)-1) M_ChangeMenu(208); else { if (g_currentMenu == 209) M_ChangeMenu(217); else M_ChangeMenu(g_currentMenu+1); } } break; case 4: // bar if (!twothispage && joynumaxes > 2) M_ChangeMenu(208); case 0: break; case 1: // digitals case 2: case 5: case 6: function = 3; whichkey = ((thispage*2+(x==5||x==6)) << 1) + (x==2||x==6); M_ChangeMenu(211); probey = ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1]; if (probey < 0) probey = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; break; case 3: // analogues case 7: l = ud.config.JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2+(x==7)]; if (l == analog_turning) l = analog_strafing; else if (l == analog_strafing) l = analog_lookingupanddown; else if (l == analog_lookingupanddown) l = analog_moving; else if (l == analog_moving) l = -1; else l = analog_turning; ud.config.JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2+(x==7)] = l; CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(thispage*2+(x==7),l,controldevice_joystick); { mouseyaxismode = -1; } break; default: break; } if (getjoyname(0,thispage*2) != NULL) { Bstrcpy(tempbuf,(char *)getjoyname(0,thispage*2)); menutext(42,32,0,0,tempbuf); } if (twothispage) { if (getjoyname(0,thispage*2+1) != NULL) { Bstrcpy(tempbuf,(char *)getjoyname(0,thispage*2+1)); menutext(42,32+64,0,0,tempbuf); } } mgametext(76,38,"Scale",0,2+8+16); l = (ud.config.JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2]+262144) >> 13; bar(140+56,38+8,&l,1,x==0,0,0); l = (l<<13)-262144; if (l != ud.config.JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2]) { CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(thispage*2, l, controldevice_joystick); ud.config.JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2] = l; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",l>=0?" ":"",(float)l/65536.0); mgametext(140,38,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); mgametext(76,38+15,"Digital",0,2+8+16); if (ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2][0] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -None-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2][0])); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitext(140+12,38+15,tempbuf,0,10+16); if (ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2][1] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -None-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2][1])); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitext(140+12+72,38+15,tempbuf,0,10+16); mgametext(76,38+15+15,"Analog",0,2+8+16); if (CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(ud.config.JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2])) { p = CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(ud.config.JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2]); if (p) { mgametext(140+12,38+15+15, strchr(p,'_')+1, 0, 2+8+16); } } if (twothispage) { mgametext(76,38+64,"Scale",0,2+8+16); l = (ud.config.JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2+1]+262144) >> 13; bar(140+56,38+8+64,&l,1,x==4,0,0); l = (l<<13)-262144; if (l != ud.config.JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2+1]) { CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(thispage*2+1, l, controldevice_joystick); ud.config.JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2+1] = l; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",l>=0?" ":"",(float)l/65536.0); mgametext(140,38+64,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); mgametext(76,38+64+15,"Digital",0,2+8+16); if (ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2+1][0] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -None-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2+1][0])); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitext(140+12,38+15+64,tempbuf,0,10+16); if (ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2+1][1] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -None-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(ud.config.JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2+1][1])); for (i=0; tempbuf[i]; i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitext(140+12+72,38+15+64,tempbuf,0,10+16); mgametext(76,38+64+15+15,"Analog",0,2+8+16); if (CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(ud.config.JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2+1])) { p = CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(ud.config.JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2+1]); if (p) { mgametext(140+12,38+64+15+15, strchr(p,'_')+1, 0, 2+8+16); } } } if (joynumaxes > 2) { menutext(320>>1,twothispage?158:108,SHX(-10),(joynumaxes<=2),"Next..."); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Page %d of %d",thispage+1,(joynumaxes+1)/2); mgametext(320-100,158,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } break; } case 213: case 214: case 215: case 216: { // Pray this is enough pages for now :-| int32_t first,last; M_DrawTopBar("Joy Dead Zones"); first = 4*(g_currentMenu-213); last = min(4*(g_currentMenu-213)+4,joynumaxes); onbar = 1; x = M_Probe(320,48,15,2*(last-first)+(joynumaxes>4)); if (x==-1) { M_ChangeMenu(206); probey = 2; break; } else if (x==2*(last-first) && joynumaxes>4) { M_ChangeMenu((g_currentMenu-213) == (joynumaxes/4) ? 213 : (g_currentMenu+1)); probey = 0; break; } for (m = first; m < last; m++) { int32_t odx,dx,ody,dy; Bstrcpy(tempbuf,(char *)getjoyname(0,m)); menutext(32,48+30*(m-first),0,0,tempbuf); mgametext(128,48+30*(m-first)-8,"Dead",0,2+8+16); mgametext(128,48+30*(m-first)-8+15,"Satu",0,2+8+16); dx = odx = min(64,64l*ud.config.JoystickAnalogueDead[m]/10000l); dy = ody = min(64,64l*ud.config.JoystickAnalogueSaturate[m]/10000l); bar(217,48+30*(m-first),&dx,4,x==((m-first)*2),0,0); bar(217,48+30*(m-first)+15,&dy,4,x==((m-first)*2+1),0,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%3d%%",100*dx/64); mgametext(217-49,48+30*(m-first)-8,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%3d%%",100*dy/64); mgametext(217-49,48+30*(m-first)-8+15,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (dx != odx) ud.config.JoystickAnalogueDead[m] = 10000l*dx/64l; if (dy != ody) ud.config.JoystickAnalogueSaturate[m] = 10000l*dy/64l; if (dx != odx || dy != ody) setjoydeadzone(m,ud.config.JoystickAnalogueDead[m],ud.config.JoystickAnalogueSaturate[m]); } //mgametext(160,158,"Dead = Dead Zone, Sat. = Saturation",0,2+8+16); if (joynumaxes>4) { menutext(32,48+30*(last-first),0,0,"Next..."); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Page %d of %d", 1+(g_currentMenu-213), (joynumaxes+3)/4); mgametext(320-100,158,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } break; } case MENU_SOUND: case MENU_SOUND_INGAME: margin = MENU_MARGIN_REGULAR; M_DrawTopBar("Sound Setup"); if (!(changesmade & 8)) { soundrate = ud.config.MixRate; soundvoices = ud.config.NumVoices; soundbits = ud.config.NumBits; } { int32_t io, ii, yy, d=margin+160+40, enabled, j; const char *opts[] = { "Sound", "Master volume", "Effects volume", "Music volume", "-", "Playback sampling rate", "Sample size", "Number of voices", "-", "Restart sound system", "-", "Duke talk", "Dukematch player sounds", "Ambient sounds", "Reverse stereo channels", NULL }; yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { if (io <= probey) yy += 4; continue; } if (io < probey) yy += 8; io++; } onbar = (probey >=1 && probey <= 4); x = probesm(margin,yy+5,0,io); if (x == -1) { ud.config.MixRate = soundrate; ud.config.NumVoices = soundvoices; ud.config.NumBits = soundbits; if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &MODE_GAME && g_currentMenu == MENU_SOUND_INGAME) { g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } else M_ChangeMenu(MENU_OPTIONS); probey = 1; } yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { yy += 4; continue; } enabled = 1; switch (io) { case 0: if (ud.config.FXDevice >= 0) { i = ud.config.SoundToggle; modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.config.SoundToggle,1,probey==io); if (x==io) ud.config.SoundToggle = 1-ud.config.SoundToggle; if (i != ud.config.SoundToggle) { if (ud.config.SoundToggle == 0) { FX_StopAllSounds(); S_ClearSoundLocks(); } } } if (ud.config.MusicDevice >= 0) { i = ud.config.MusicToggle; ud.config.MusicToggle = ud.config.SoundToggle; if (i != ud.config.MusicToggle) { if (ud.config.MusicToggle == 0) S_PauseMusic(1); else { if (ud.recstat != 2 && g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) { if (MapInfo[g_musicIndex].musicfn != NULL) S_PlayMusic(&MapInfo[g_musicIndex].musicfn[0], g_musicIndex); } else S_PlayMusic(&EnvMusicFilename[0][0], MAXVOLUMES*MAXLEVELS); S_PauseMusic(0); } } } mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.config.SoundToggle ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 1: { enabled = (ud.config.SoundToggle && ud.config.FXDevice >= 0); l = ud.config.MasterVolume; sliderbar(1, d+8, yy+7, &ud.config.MasterVolume, 15, probey==io, enabled ? MENUHIGHLIGHT(io) : UNSELMENUSHADE, !enabled, 0, 255); if (l != ud.config.MasterVolume) { FX_SetVolume(ud.config.MasterVolume); S_MusicVolume(MASTER_VOLUME(ud.config.MusicVolume)); } } break; case 2: { enabled = (ud.config.SoundToggle && ud.config.FXDevice >= 0); sliderbar(1,d+8,yy+7, &ud.config.FXVolume,15,probey==io,enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):UNSELMENUSHADE,!enabled,1,255); } break; case 3: { enabled = (ud.config.MusicToggle && ud.config.MusicDevice >= 0); l = ud.config.MusicVolume; sliderbar(1,d+8,yy+7, &ud.config.MusicVolume,15,probey==io,enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):UNSELMENUSHADE,!enabled,0,255); if (l != ud.config.MusicVolume) S_MusicVolume(MASTER_VOLUME(ud.config.MusicVolume)); } break; case 4: { int32_t rates[] = { 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000 }; int32_t j = ARRAY_SIZE(rates); for (i = 0; i= j) i = 0; } if (i == j) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Other"); else { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d Hz",rates[i]); if (rates[i] != ud.config.MixRate) { ud.config.MixRate = rates[i]; changesmade |= 8; } } mgametextpal(d,yy,tempbuf, MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); } break; case 5: i = ud.config.NumBits; if (x==io) { if (ud.config.NumBits == 8) ud.config.NumBits = 16; else if (ud.config.NumBits == 16) ud.config.NumBits = 8; } modval(8,16,(int32_t *)&ud.config.NumBits,8,probey==io); if (ud.config.NumBits != i) changesmade |= 8; Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d-bit",ud.config.NumBits); mgametextpal(d,yy, tempbuf, MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 6: i = ud.config.NumVoices; if (x==io) { ud.config.NumVoices++; if (ud.config.NumVoices > 256) ud.config.NumVoices = 4; } modval(4,256,(int32_t *)&ud.config.NumVoices,4,probey==io); if (ud.config.NumVoices != i) changesmade |= 8; Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d",ud.config.NumVoices); mgametextpal(d,yy, tempbuf, MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 7: enabled = (changesmade&8); if (!enabled) break; if (x == io) { S_SoundShutdown(); S_MusicShutdown(); S_MusicStartup(); S_SoundStartup(); FX_StopAllSounds(); S_ClearSoundLocks(); if (ud.config.MusicToggle == 1) { if (ud.recstat != 2 && g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) { if (MapInfo[g_musicIndex].musicfn != NULL) S_PlayMusic(&MapInfo[g_musicIndex].musicfn[0],g_musicIndex); } else S_PlayMusic(&EnvMusicFilename[0][0],MAXVOLUMES*MAXLEVELS); } changesmade &= ~8; } break; case 8: enabled = (ud.config.SoundToggle && ud.config.FXDevice >= 0); i = j = (ud.config.VoiceToggle&1); modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&i,1,enabled && probey==io); if (x == io || j != i) ud.config.VoiceToggle ^= 1; mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.config.VoiceToggle&1? "Yes" : "No", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, enabled?0:1); break; case 9: enabled = (ud.config.SoundToggle && ud.config.FXDevice >= 0); i = j = (ud.config.VoiceToggle&4); modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&i,1,enabled && probey==io); if (x == io || j != i) ud.config.VoiceToggle ^= 4; mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.config.VoiceToggle&4? "Yes" : "No", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, enabled?0:1); break; case 10: enabled = (ud.config.SoundToggle && ud.config.FXDevice >= 0); modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.config.AmbienceToggle,1,enabled && probey==io); if (enabled && x == io) ud.config.AmbienceToggle = 1-ud.config.AmbienceToggle; mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.config.AmbienceToggle? "Yes" : "No", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, enabled?0:1); break; case 11: enabled = (ud.config.SoundToggle && ud.config.FXDevice >= 0); modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.config.ReverseStereo,1,enabled && probey==io); if (enabled && x == io) ud.config.ReverseStereo = 1-ud.config.ReverseStereo; mgametextpal(d,yy, ud.config.ReverseStereo? "Yes" : "No", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, enabled?0:1); break; default: break; } mgametextpal(margin,yy, opts[ii], enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):DISABLEDMENUSHADE, enabled?10:1); io++; yy += 8; } } break; case 350: M_ChangeMenu(351); g_screenCapture = 1; G_DrawRooms(myconnectindex,65536); g_screenCapture = 0; break; case 360: case 361: case 362: case 363: case 364: case 365: case 366: case 367: case 368: case 369: case 351: case MENU_LOAD: margin = MENU_MARGIN_CENTER; M_DrawBackground(); M_DrawTopBar(g_currentMenu == MENU_LOAD ? "Load Game" : "Save Game"); if (g_currentMenu >= 360 && g_currentMenu <= 369) { static uint32_t crc = 0; if (!crc) crc = crc32once((uint8_t *)&ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-360][0], 19); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Players: %-2d ",ud.multimode); mgametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Episode: %-2d / Level: %-2d / Skill: %-2d",1+ud.volume_number,1+ud.level_number,ud.player_skill); mgametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (ud.volume_number == 0 && ud.level_number == 7) mgametext(160,180,currentboardfilename,0,2+8+16); x = Menu_EnterText((320>>1),184,&ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-360][0],20, 999); if (x == -1) { crc = 0; ReadSaveGameHeaders(); M_ChangeMenu(351); goto DISPLAYNAMES; } if (x == 1) { // dirty hack... char 127 in last position indicates an auto-filled name if (ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-360][0] == 0 || (ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-360][20] == 127 && crc == crc32once((uint8_t *)&ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-360][0], 19))) { Bstrncpy(&ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-360][0], MapInfo[ud.volume_number * MAXLEVELS + ud.level_number].name, 19); ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-360][20] = 127; } G_SavePlayerMaybeMulti(g_currentMenu-360); g_lastSaveSlot = g_currentMenu-360; g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm = MODE_GAME; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } crc = 0; } rotatesprite_fs(101<<16,97<<16,65536>>1,512,TILE_SAVESHOT,-32,0,2+4+8+64); M_DisplaySaveGameList(); rotatesprite_fs((margin+67+strlen(&ud.savegame[g_currentMenu-360][0])*4)<<16,(50+12*probey)<<16,32768L-10240,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+(((totalclock)>>3)%7),0,0,10); break; } last_threehundred = probey; x = M_Probe(margin+68,54,12,10); if (g_currentMenu == MENU_LOAD) { // load game if (ud.savegame[probey][0]) { Menus_LoadSave_DisplayCommon1(); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Players: %-2d ", savehead.numplayers); mgametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Episode: %-2d / Level: %-2d / Skill: %-2d", 1+savehead.volnum, 1+savehead.levnum, savehead.skill); mgametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (savehead.volnum == 0 && savehead.levnum == 7) mgametext(160,180,savehead.boardfn,0,2+8+16); } else { menutext(69,70,0,0,"Empty"); } } else { // save game if (ud.savegame[probey][0]) { Menus_LoadSave_DisplayCommon1(); } else menutext(69,70,0,0,"Empty"); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Players: %-2d ",ud.multimode); mgametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Episode: %-2d / Level: %-2d / Skill: %-2d",1+ud.volume_number,1+ud.level_number,ud.player_skill); mgametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (ud.volume_number == 0 && ud.level_number == 7) mgametext(160,180,currentboardfilename,0,2+8+16); } switch (x) { case -1: if (g_currentMenu == MENU_LOAD) { if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) != MODE_GAME) { M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); break; } else g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; } else g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm = MODE_GAME; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } break; case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: if (g_currentMenu == MENU_LOAD) { if (ud.savegame[x][0] && !g_oldverSavegame[x]) M_ChangeMenu(1000+x); } else { if (ud.savegame[x][0] != 0) M_ChangeMenu(2000+x); else { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); M_ChangeMenu(360+x); ud.savegame[x][0] = 0; inputloc = 0; } } break; } DISPLAYNAMES: M_DisplaySaveGameList(); break; case MENU_STORY: case MENU_F1HELP: if (VOLUMEALL) goto VOLUME_ALL_40x; case 402: case 403: margin = MENU_MARGIN_CENTER; M_LinearPanels(MENU_STORY, 403); x = M_Probe(0,0,0,1); if (x == -1) { if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN_INGAME); else M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); return; } flushperms(); rotatesprite_fs(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING+g_currentMenu-MENU_STORY,0,0,10+16+64); break; VOLUME_ALL_40x: margin = MENU_MARGIN_CENTER; M_LinearPanels(MENU_STORY, MENU_F1HELP); x = M_Probe(0,0,0,1); if (x == -1) { if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) { switch (g_currentMenu) { case MENU_STORY: case MENU_F1HELP: g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm = MODE_GAME; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } break; default: M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN_INGAME); break; } } else M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); return; } flushperms(); switch (g_currentMenu) { case MENU_STORY: rotatesprite_fs(0,0,65536L,0,TEXTSTORY,0,0,10+16+64); break; case MENU_F1HELP: rotatesprite_fs(0,0,65536L,0,F1HELP,0,0,10+16+64); break; } break; case MENU_QUIT: case MENU_QUIT2: margin = MENU_MARGIN_CENTER; mgametext(margin,90,"Are you sure you want to quit?",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,99,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); x = M_Probe(186,124,0,1); if (ProbeTriggers(AdvanceTrigger) || I_AdvanceTrigger() || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y)) { I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); ProbeTriggersClear(AdvanceTrigger); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Y); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); G_GameQuit(); } if (x == -1 || KB_KeyPressed(sc_N)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); g_quitDeadline = 0; if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &MODE_DEMO && ud.recstat == 2) g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm = MODE_DEMO; else { if (g_currentMenu == MENU_QUIT2) { M_ChangeMenu(last_menu); probey = last_menu_pos; } else if (!(g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &MODE_GAME || ud.recstat == 2)) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); else g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } } break; case MENU_QUITTOTITLE: margin = MENU_MARGIN_CENTER; mgametext(margin,90,"Quit to Title?",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin,99,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); x = M_Probe(186,124,0,0); if (ProbeTriggers(AdvanceTrigger) || I_AdvanceTrigger() || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y)) { I_AdvanceTriggerClear(); ProbeTriggersClear(AdvanceTrigger); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Y); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm = MODE_DEMO; if (ud.recstat == 1) G_CloseDemoWrite(); E_MapArt_Clear(); M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); } if (x == -1 || KB_KeyPressed(sc_N)) { g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if ((!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2) && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } break; case 601: G_DrawFrags(); M_DrawTopBar(&g_player[myconnectindex].user_name[0]); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Waiting for master"); mgametext(160,50,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); mgametext(160,59,"to select level",0,2+8+16); if (I_EscapeTrigger()) { I_EscapeTriggerClear(); S_PlaySound(EXITMENUSOUND); M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); } break; case 602: if (menunamecnt == 0) { // getfilenames("SUBD"); fnlist_getnames(&fnlist, ".", "*.MAP", 0, 0); set_findhighs(); if (menunamecnt == 0) M_ChangeMenu(600); } case 603: { x = M_Probe(186,124,0,0); if (voting != myconnectindex) { g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm &= ~MODE_MENU; } else if (x == -1) { Net_SendMapVoteCancel(0); M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); } else { mgametext(160,90,"Waiting for votes",0,2); } break; } case 600: margin = (320>>1) - 120; if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) != MODE_GAME) G_DrawFrags(); M_DrawTopBar(&g_player[myconnectindex].user_name[0]); x = M_Probe(margin,57-8,16,8); modval(0,g_numGametypes-1,(int32_t *)&ud.m_coop,1,probey==0); if (!VOLUMEONE) modval(0,g_numVolumes-1,(int32_t *)&ud.m_volume_number,1,probey==1); i = ud.m_level_number; modval(0,ud.m_volume_number == 0?6+(boardfilename[0]!=0):MAXLEVELS-1,(int32_t *)&ud.m_level_number,1,probey==2); if ((GametypeFlags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_MARKEROPTION)) modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.m_marker,1,probey==4); if ((GametypeFlags[ud.m_coop] & (GAMETYPE_PLAYERSFRIENDLY|GAMETYPE_TDM))) modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.m_ffire,1,probey==5); else modval(0,1,(int32_t *)&ud.m_noexits,1,probey==5); if (probey == 1) if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6+(boardfilename[0]!=0)) ud.m_level_number = 0; while (MapInfo[(ud.m_volume_number*MAXLEVELS)+ud.m_level_number].name == NULL) { if (ud.m_level_number < i || i == 0) ud.m_level_number--; else ud.m_level_number++; if (ud.m_level_number > MAXLEVELS-1 || ud.m_level_number < 0) { ud.m_level_number = 0; break; } } switch (x) { case -1: ud.m_recstat = 0; if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN_INGAME); else M_ChangeMenu(MENU_MAIN); break; case 0: ud.m_coop++; if (ud.m_coop == g_numGametypes) ud.m_coop = 0; break; case 1: if (!VOLUMEONE) { ud.m_volume_number++; if (ud.m_volume_number == g_numVolumes) ud.m_volume_number = 0; if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6+(boardfilename[0]!=0)) ud.m_level_number = 0; if (ud.m_level_number > MAXLEVELS-1) ud.m_level_number = 0; } break; case 2: ud.m_level_number++; if (!VOLUMEONE) { if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6+(boardfilename[0]!=0)) ud.m_level_number = 0; } else { if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 5) ud.m_level_number = 0; } if (ud.m_level_number > MAXLEVELS-1) ud.m_level_number = 0; break; case 3: if (ud.m_monsters_off == 1 && ud.m_player_skill > 0) ud.m_monsters_off = 0; if (ud.m_monsters_off == 0) { ud.m_player_skill++; if (ud.m_player_skill > 3) { ud.m_player_skill = 0; ud.m_monsters_off = 1; } } else ud.m_monsters_off = 0; break; case 4: if ((GametypeFlags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_MARKEROPTION)) ud.m_marker = !ud.m_marker; break; case 5: if ((GametypeFlags[ud.m_coop] & (GAMETYPE_PLAYERSFRIENDLY|GAMETYPE_TDM))) ud.m_ffire = !ud.m_ffire; else ud.m_noexits = !ud.m_noexits; break; case 6: if (VOLUMEALL) { currentlist = 1; last_menu_pos = probey; M_ChangeMenu(MENU_USERMAP); } break; case 7: // master does whatever it wants if (g_netServer) { Net_FillNewGame(&pendingnewgame, 1); Net_StartNewGame(); Net_SendNewGame(1, NULL); break; } if (voting == -1) { Net_SendMapVoteInitiate(); M_ChangeMenu(603); } break; } margin += 40; //if(ud.m_coop==1) mgametext(c+70,57-7-9,"Cooperative Play",0,2+8+16); //else if(ud.m_coop==2) mgametext(c+70,57-7-9,"DukeMatch (No Spawn)",0,2+8+16); //else mgametext(c+70,57-7-9,"DukeMatch (Spawn)",0,2+8+16); mgametext(margin+70,57-7-9,GametypeNames[ud.m_coop],MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),2+8+16); if (VOLUMEONE) { mgametext(margin+70,57+16-7-9,EpisodeNames[ud.m_volume_number],MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); } else { mgametext(margin+70,57+16-7-9,EpisodeNames[ud.m_volume_number],MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); } mgametext(margin+70,57+16+16-7-9,&MapInfo[MAXLEVELS*ud.m_volume_number+ud.m_level_number].name[0],MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),2+8+16); mgametext(margin+70,57+16+16+16-7-9,ud.m_monsters_off == 0 || ud.m_player_skill > 0?SkillNames[ud.m_player_skill]:"None",MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),2+8+16); if (GametypeFlags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_MARKEROPTION) mgametext(margin+70,57+16+16+16+16-7-9,ud.m_marker?"On":"Off",MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),2+8+16); if (GametypeFlags[ud.m_coop] & (GAMETYPE_PLAYERSFRIENDLY|GAMETYPE_TDM)) mgametext(margin+70,57+16+16+16+16+16-7-9,ud.m_ffire?"On":"Off",MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),2+8+16); else mgametext(margin+70,57+16+16+16+16+16-7-9,ud.m_noexits?"Off":"On",MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),2+8+16); margin -= 44; menutext(margin,57-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"Game Type"); if (VOLUMEONE) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Episode %d",ud.m_volume_number+1); menutext(margin,57+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),1,tempbuf); } else { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Episode %d",ud.m_volume_number+1); menutext(margin,57+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,tempbuf); } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Level %d",ud.m_level_number+1); menutext(margin,57+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,tempbuf); menutext(margin,57+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),0,"Monsters"); if (GametypeFlags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_MARKEROPTION) menutext(margin,57+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,"Markers"); else menutext(margin,57+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),1,"Markers"); if (GametypeFlags[ud.m_coop] & (GAMETYPE_PLAYERSFRIENDLY|GAMETYPE_TDM)) menutext(margin,57+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"Fr. Fire"); else menutext(margin,57+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"Map Exits"); if (VOLUMEALL) { menutext(margin,57+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),0,"User Map"); if (boardfilename[0] != 0) mgametext(margin+70+44,57+16+16+16+16+16,boardfilename,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),2+8+16); } else { menutext(margin,57+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),1,"User Map"); } menutext(margin,57+16+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(7),voting!=-1,"Start Game"); break; } if (G_HaveEvent(EVENT_DISPLAYMENUREST)) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DISPLAYMENUREST, g_player[screenpeek].ps->i, screenpeek, -1, 0); if (I_EscapeTrigger()) I_EscapeTriggerClear(); if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_MENU) != MODE_MENU) { G_UpdateScreenArea(); CAMERACLOCK = totalclock; CAMERADIST = 65536; } }