//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 sirlemonhead, Nuke.YKT This file is part of PCExhumed. PCExhumed is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "aistuff.h" #include "exhumed.h" #include "engine.h" #include "player.h" #include "sound.h" #include #include BEGIN_PS_NS enum { kMaxSwitches = 1024 }; short SwitchCount = -1; struct Link { int8_t v[8]; }; struct Switch { short nWaitTimer; short nWait; short nChannel; short nLink; short nRunPtr; short nSector; short nRun2; short nWall; short nRun3; uint16_t nKeyMask; }; TArray LinkMap; Switch SwitchData[kMaxSwitches]; FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, Link& w, Link* def) { arc.Array(keyname, w.v, 8); return arc; } FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, Switch& w, Switch* def) { if (arc.BeginObject(keyname)) { arc("waittimer", w.nWaitTimer) ("wait", w.nWait) ("channel", w.nChannel) ("link", w.nLink) ("runptr", w.nRunPtr) ("sector", w.nSector) ("run2", w.nRun2) ("wall", w.nWall) ("run3", w.nRun3) ("keymask", w.nKeyMask) .EndObject(); } return arc; } void SerializeSwitch(FSerializer& arc) { arc("switchcount", SwitchCount) .Array("switch", SwitchData + SwitchCount, kMaxSwitches - SwitchCount) ("linkmap", LinkMap); } void InitLink() { LinkMap.Clear(); } int BuildLink(int nCount, ...) { va_list list; va_start(list, nCount); unsigned LinkCount = LinkMap.Reserve(1); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int ebx; if (i >= nCount) { ebx = -1; } else { ebx = va_arg(list, int); } LinkMap[LinkCount].v[i] = (int8_t)ebx; } va_end(list); return LinkCount; } void InitSwitch() { SwitchCount = kMaxSwitches; memset(SwitchData, 0, sizeof(SwitchData)); } std::pair BuildSwReady(int nChannel, short nLink) { if (SwitchCount <= 0 || nLink < 0) { I_Error("Too many switch readys!\n"); } SwitchCount--; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nChannel = nChannel; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nLink = nLink; return { SwitchCount, 0x10000 }; } void FuncSwReady(int a, int, int nRun) { short nSwitch = RunData[nRun].nVal; assert(nSwitch >= 0 && nSwitch < kMaxSwitches); int nMessage = a & 0x7F0000; short nChannel = SwitchData[nSwitch].nChannel; short nLink = SwitchData[nSwitch].nLink; switch (nMessage) { case 0x10000: return; case 0x30000: { assert(sRunChannels[nChannel].c < 8); int8_t nVal = LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c]; if (nVal >= 0) { runlist_ChangeChannel(nChannel, nVal); } break; } default: return; } } std::pair BuildSwPause(int nChannel, int nLink, int ebx) { for (int i = kMaxSwitches - 1; i >= SwitchCount; i--) { if (SwitchData[i].nChannel == nChannel && SwitchData[i].nWait != 0) { return { i, 0x20000 }; } } if (SwitchCount <= 0 || nLink < 0) { I_Error("Too many switches!\n"); } SwitchCount--; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nChannel = nChannel; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nLink = nLink; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nWait = ebx; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nRunPtr = -1; return { SwitchCount, 0x20000 }; } void FuncSwPause(int a, int, int nRun) { short nSwitch = RunData[nRun].nVal; assert(nSwitch >= 0 && nSwitch < kMaxSwitches); int nMessage = a & 0x7F0000; short nChannel = SwitchData[nSwitch].nChannel; short nLink = SwitchData[nSwitch].nLink; switch (nMessage) { default: return; case 0x10000: { if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr >= 0) { runlist_SubRunRec(SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr); SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr = -1; } return; } case 0x20000: { SwitchData[nSwitch].nWaitTimer--; if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nWaitTimer <= 0) { runlist_SubRunRec(SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr); SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr = -1; assert(sRunChannels[nChannel].c < 8); assert(nLink < 1024); runlist_ChangeChannel(nChannel, LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c]); } return; } case 0x30000: { assert(sRunChannels[nChannel].c < 8); if (LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c] < 0) { return; } if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr >= 0) { return; } SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr = runlist_AddRunRec(NewRun, RunData[nRun].nVal, RunData[nRun].nRef); int eax; if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nWait <= 0) { eax = 100; } else { eax = SwitchData[nSwitch].nWait; } SwitchData[nSwitch].nWaitTimer = eax; return; } } } std::pair BuildSwStepOn(int nChannel, int nLink, int nSector) { if (SwitchCount <= 0 || nLink < 0 || nSector < 0) I_Error("Too many switches!\n"); int nSwitch = --SwitchCount; SwitchData[nSwitch].nChannel = nChannel; SwitchData[nSwitch].nLink = nLink; SwitchData[nSwitch].nSector = nSector; SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 = -1; return { nSwitch , 0x30000 }; } void FuncSwStepOn(int a, int, int nRun) { short nSwitch = RunData[nRun].nVal; assert(nSwitch >= 0 && nSwitch < kMaxSwitches); short nLink = SwitchData[nSwitch].nLink; short nChannel = SwitchData[nSwitch].nChannel; short nSector = SwitchData[nSwitch].nSector; assert(sRunChannels[nChannel].c < 8); int8_t var_14 = LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c]; int nMessage = a & 0x7F0000; switch (nMessage) { default: return; case 0x10000: { if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 >= 0) { runlist_SubRunRec(SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2); SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 = -1; } if (var_14 >= 0) { SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 = runlist_AddRunRec(sector[nSector].lotag - 1, RunData[nRun].nVal, RunData[nRun].nRef); } return; } case 0x50000: { if (var_14 != sRunChannels[nChannel].c) { short nWall = sector[nSector].wallptr; PlayFXAtXYZ(StaticSound[nSwitchSound], wall[nWall].x, wall[nWall].y, sector[nSector].floorz, nSector); assert(sRunChannels[nChannel].c < 8); runlist_ChangeChannel(nChannel, LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c]); } } return; } } std::pair BuildSwNotOnPause(int nChannel, int nLink, int nSector, int ecx) { if (SwitchCount <= 0 || nLink < 0 || nSector < 0) I_Error("Too many switches!\n"); int nSwitch = --SwitchCount; SwitchData[nSwitch].nChannel = nChannel; SwitchData[nSwitch].nLink = nLink; SwitchData[nSwitch].nWait = ecx; SwitchData[nSwitch].nSector = nSector; SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr = -1; SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 = -1; return { nSwitch, 0x40000 }; } void FuncSwNotOnPause(int a, int, int nRun) { short nSwitch = RunData[nRun].nVal; assert(nSwitch >= 0 && nSwitch < kMaxSwitches); int nMessage = a & 0x7F0000; short nChannel = SwitchData[nSwitch].nChannel; short nLink = SwitchData[nSwitch].nLink; switch (nMessage) { default: return; case 0x10000: { if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 >= 0) { runlist_SubRunRec(SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2); SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 = -1; } if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr >= 0) { runlist_SubRunRec(SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr); SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr = -1; } return; } case 0x20000: { SwitchData[nSwitch].nWaitTimer -= 4; if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nWaitTimer <= 0) { assert(sRunChannels[nChannel].c < 8); runlist_ChangeChannel(nChannel, LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c]); } return; } case 0x30000: { assert(sRunChannels[nChannel].c < 8); if (LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c] >= 0) { if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr < 0) { SwitchData[nSwitch].nRunPtr = runlist_AddRunRec(NewRun, RunData[nRun].nVal, RunData[nRun].nRef); short nSector = SwitchData[nSwitch].nSector; SwitchData[nSwitch].nWaitTimer = SwitchData[nSwitch].nWait; SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 = runlist_AddRunRec(sector[nSector].lotag - 1, RunData[nRun].nVal, RunData[nRun].nRef); } } return; } case 0x50000: { SwitchData[nSwitch].nWaitTimer = SwitchData[nSwitch].nWait; return; } } } std::pair BuildSwPressSector(int nChannel, int nLink, int nSector, int keyMask) { if (SwitchCount <= 0 || nLink < 0 || nSector < 0) I_Error("Too many switches!\n"); int nSwitch = --SwitchCount; SwitchData[nSwitch].nChannel = nChannel; SwitchData[nSwitch].nLink = nLink; SwitchData[nSwitch].nSector = nSector; SwitchData[nSwitch].nKeyMask = keyMask; SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 = -1; return { nSwitch, 0x50000 }; } void FuncSwPressSector(int a, int, int nRun) { short nSwitch = RunData[nRun].nVal; assert(nSwitch >= 0 && nSwitch < kMaxSwitches); int nMessage = a & 0x7F0000; short nChannel = SwitchData[nSwitch].nChannel; short nLink = SwitchData[nSwitch].nLink; short nPlayer = a & 0xFFFF; switch (nMessage) { default: return; case 0x10000: { if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 >= 0) { runlist_SubRunRec(SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2); SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 = -1; } assert(sRunChannels[nChannel].c < 8); if (LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c] < 0) { return; } short nSector = SwitchData[nSwitch].nSector; SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun2 = runlist_AddRunRec(sector[nSector].lotag - 1, RunData[nRun].nVal, RunData[nRun].nRef); return; } case 0x40000: { if ((PlayerList[nPlayer].keys & SwitchData[nSwitch].nKeyMask) == SwitchData[nSwitch].nKeyMask) { runlist_ChangeChannel(nChannel, LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c]); } else { if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nKeyMask) { short nSprite = PlayerList[nPlayer].nSprite; PlayFXAtXYZ(StaticSound[nSwitchSound], sprite[nSprite].x, sprite[nSprite].y, 0, sprite[nSprite].sectnum, CHANF_LISTENERZ); StatusMessage(300, "YOU NEED THE KEY FOR THIS DOOR"); } } } } } std::pair BuildSwPressWall(short nChannel, short nLink, short nWall) { if (SwitchCount <= 0 || nLink < 0 || nWall < 0) { I_Error("Too many switches!\n"); } SwitchCount--; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nChannel = nChannel; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nLink = nLink; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nWall = nWall; SwitchData[SwitchCount].nRun3 = -1; return { SwitchCount, 0x60000 }; } void FuncSwPressWall(int a, int, int nRun) { short nSwitch = RunData[nRun].nVal; assert(nSwitch >= 0 && nSwitch < kMaxSwitches); short nChannel = SwitchData[nSwitch].nChannel; short nLink = SwitchData[nSwitch].nLink; // TEMP // assert(nLink < 1024); // assert(nChannel < 8); int nMessage = a & 0x7F0000; switch (nMessage) { default: return; case 0x30000: { if (SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun3 >= 0) { runlist_SubRunRec(SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun3); SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun3 = -1; } if (LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c] >= 0) { short nWall = SwitchData[nSwitch].nWall; SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun3 = runlist_AddRunRec(wall[nWall].lotag - 1, RunData[nRun].nVal, RunData[nRun].nRef); } return; } case 0x40000: { int8_t cx = LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c]; runlist_ChangeChannel(nChannel, LinkMap[nLink].v[sRunChannels[nChannel].c]); if (cx < 0 || LinkMap[nLink].v[cx] < 0) { runlist_SubRunRec(SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun3); SwitchData[nSwitch].nRun3 = -1; } short nWall = SwitchData[nSwitch].nWall; short nSector = SwitchData[nSwitch].nSector; // CHECKME - where is this set?? PlayFXAtXYZ(StaticSound[nSwitchSound], wall[nWall].x, wall[nWall].y, 0, nSector, CHANF_LISTENERZ); return; } } } END_PS_NS