/* * scriplib.c * MACT library Script file parsing and writing * * by Jonathon Fowler * * Since we weren't given the source for MACT386.LIB so I've had to do some * creative interpolation here. * * This all should be rewritten in a much much cleaner fashion. * */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Duke Nukem Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "compat.h" #include "scriplib.h" #include "file_lib.h" #include "_scrplib.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> static script_t *scriptfiles[MAXSCRIPTFILES]; #define SC(s) scriptfiles[s] int32_t SCRIPT_New(void) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<MAXSCRIPTFILES; i++) { if (!SC(i)) { SC(i) = (script_t *)Bmalloc(sizeof(script_t)); if (!SC(i)) return -1; memset(SC(i), 0, sizeof(script_t)); return i; } } return -1; } void SCRIPT_Delete(int32_t scripthandle) { ScriptSectionType *s; if (scripthandle < 0 || scripthandle >= MAXSCRIPTFILES) return; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return; if (SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) { while (SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)->nextsection != SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) { s = SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)->nextsection; SCRIPT_FreeSection(SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)); Bfree(SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)); SCRIPT(scripthandle,script) = s; } Bfree(SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)); } Bfree(SC(scripthandle)); SC(scripthandle) = 0; } void SCRIPT_FreeSection(ScriptSectionType * section) { ScriptEntryType *e; if (!section) return; if (!section->entries) return; while (section->entries->nextentry != section->entries) { e = section->entries->nextentry; if (section->entries->name) Bfree(section->entries->name); if (section->entries->value) Bfree(section->entries->value); Bfree(section->entries); section->entries = e; } if (section->entries->name) Bfree(section->entries->name); if (section->entries->value) Bfree(section->entries->value); Bfree(section->entries); Bfree(section->name); } #define AllocSection(s) \ { \ (s) = Bmalloc(sizeof(ScriptSectionType)); \ (s)->name = NULL; \ (s)->entries = NULL; \ (s)->lastline = NULL; \ (s)->nextsection = (s); \ (s)->prevsection = (s); \ } #define AllocEntry(e) \ { \ (e) = Bmalloc(sizeof(ScriptEntryType)); \ (e)->name = NULL; \ (e)->value = NULL; \ (e)->nextentry = (e); \ (e)->preventry = (e); \ } ScriptSectionType * SCRIPT_SectionExists(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname) { ScriptSectionType *s, *ls=NULL; if (scripthandle < 0 || scripthandle >= MAXSCRIPTFILES) return NULL; if (!sectionname) return NULL; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return NULL; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return NULL; for (s = SCRIPT(scripthandle,script); ls != s; ls=s,s=s->nextsection) if (!Bstrcasecmp(s->name, sectionname)) return s; return NULL; } ScriptSectionType * SCRIPT_AddSection(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname) { ScriptSectionType *s,*s2; if (scripthandle < 0 || scripthandle >= MAXSCRIPTFILES) return NULL; if (!sectionname) return NULL; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return NULL; s = SCRIPT_SectionExists(scripthandle, sectionname); if (s) return s; AllocSection(s); s->name = Bstrdup(sectionname); if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) { SCRIPT(scripthandle,script) = s; } else { s2 = SCRIPT(scripthandle,script); while (s2->nextsection != s2) s2=s2->nextsection; s2->nextsection = s; s->prevsection = s2; } return s; } ScriptEntryType * SCRIPT_EntryExists(ScriptSectionType * section, char * entryname) { ScriptEntryType *e,*le=NULL; if (!section) return NULL; if (!entryname) return NULL; if (!section->entries) return NULL; for (e = section->entries; le != e; le=e,e=e->nextentry) if (!Bstrcasecmp(e->name, entryname)) return e; return NULL; } void SCRIPT_AddEntry(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, char * entryvalue) { ScriptSectionType *s; ScriptEntryType *e,*e2; if (scripthandle < 0 || scripthandle >= MAXSCRIPTFILES) return; if (!sectionname || !entryname || !entryvalue) return; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return; // s = SCRIPT_SectionExists(scripthandle, sectionname); // if (!s) { s = SCRIPT_AddSection(scripthandle, sectionname); if (!s) return; // } e = SCRIPT_EntryExists(s, entryname); if (!e) { AllocEntry(e); e->name = Bstrdup(entryname); if (!s->entries) { s->entries = e; } else { e2 = s->entries; while (e2->nextentry != e2) e2=e2->nextentry; e2->nextentry = e; e->preventry = e2; } } if (e->value) Bfree(e->value); e->value = Bstrdup(entryvalue); } int32_t SCRIPT_ParseBuffer(int32_t scripthandle, char *data, int32_t length) { char *fence = data + length; char *dp, *sp, ch=0, lastch=0; char *currentsection = ""; char *currententry = NULL; char *currentvalue = NULL; enum { ParsingIdle, ParsingSectionBegin, ParsingSectionName, ParsingEntry, ParsingValueBegin, ParsingValue }; enum { ExpectingSection = 1, ExpectingEntry = 2, ExpectingAssignment = 4, ExpectingValue = 8, ExpectingComment = 16 }; int32_t state; int32_t expect; int32_t linenum=1; int32_t rv = 0; #define SETRV(v) if (v>rv||rv==0) rv=v if (!data) return 1; if (length < 0) return 1; dp = sp = data; state = ParsingIdle; expect = ExpectingSection | ExpectingEntry; #define EATLINE(p) while (length > 0 && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r') { p++; length--; } #define LETTER() { lastch = ch; ch = *(sp++); length--; } while (length > 0) { switch (state) { case ParsingIdle: LETTER(); switch (ch) { // whitespace case ' ': case '\t': continue; case '\n': if (lastch == '\r') continue; linenum++; continue; case '\r': linenum++; continue; case ';': /*case '#':*/ EATLINE(sp); continue; case '[': if (!(expect & ExpectingSection)) { // Unexpected section start printf("Unexpected start of section on line %d.\n", linenum); SETRV(-1); EATLINE(sp); continue; } else { state = ParsingSectionBegin; continue; } default: if (isalpha(ch)) { if (!(expect & ExpectingEntry)) { // Unexpected name start printf("Unexpected entry LabelText on line %d.\n", linenum); SETRV(-1); EATLINE(sp); continue; } else { currententry = dp = sp-1; state = ParsingEntry; continue; } } else { // Unexpected character printf("Illegal character (ASCII %d) on line %d.\n", ch, linenum); SETRV(-1); EATLINE(sp); continue; } } case ParsingSectionBegin: currentsection = dp = sp; state = ParsingSectionName; case ParsingSectionName: LETTER(); switch (ch) { case '\n': case '\r': // Unexpected newline printf("Unexpected newline on line %d.\n", linenum); SETRV(-1); state = ParsingIdle; linenum++; continue; case ']': *(dp) = 0; // Add new section expect = ExpectingSection | ExpectingEntry; state = ParsingIdle; EATLINE(sp); continue; default: dp++; continue; } case ParsingEntry: LETTER(); switch (ch) { case ';': /*case '#':*/ // unexpected comment EATLINE(sp); printf("Unexpected comment on line %d.\n", linenum); SETRV(-1); case '\n': case '\r': // Unexpected newline printf("Unexpected newline on line %d.\n", linenum); SETRV(-1); expect = ExpectingSection | ExpectingEntry; state = ParsingIdle; linenum++; continue; case '=': // Entry name finished, now for the value while (*dp == ' ' || *dp == '\t') dp--; *(++dp) = 0; state = ParsingValueBegin; continue; default: dp++; continue; } case ParsingValueBegin: currentvalue = dp = sp; state = ParsingValue; case ParsingValue: LETTER(); switch (ch) { case '\n': case '\r': // value complete, add it using parsed name while (*dp == ' ' && *dp == '\t') dp--; *(dp) = 0; while (*currentvalue == ' ' || *currentvalue == '\t') currentvalue++; state = ParsingIdle; linenum++; SCRIPT_AddSection(scripthandle,currentsection); SCRIPT_AddEntry(scripthandle,currentsection,currententry,currentvalue); continue; default: dp++; continue; } default: length=0; continue; } } if (sp > fence) printf("Stepped outside the fence!\n"); return rv; } //--- int32_t SCRIPT_Init(char * name) { int32_t h = SCRIPT_New(); if (h >= 0) Bstrncpy(SCRIPT(h,scriptfilename), name, 127); return h; } void SCRIPT_Free(int32_t scripthandle) { SCRIPT_Delete(scripthandle); } int32_t SCRIPT_Load(char * filename) { int32_t s,h,l; char *b; h = SafeOpenRead(filename, filetype_binary); l = SafeFileLength(h)+1; b = (char *)Bmalloc(l); SafeRead(h,b,l-1); b[l-1] = '\n'; // JBF 20040111: evil nasty hack to trick my evil nasty parser SafeClose(h); s = SCRIPT_Init(filename); if (s<0) { Bfree(b); return -1; } SCRIPT_ParseBuffer(s,b,l); Bfree(b); return s; } void SCRIPT_Save(int32_t scripthandle, char * filename) { char *section, *entry, *value; int32_t sec, ent, numsect, nument; FILE *fp; if (!filename) return; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return; fp = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!fp) return; numsect = SCRIPT_NumberSections(scripthandle); for (sec=0; sec<numsect; sec++) { section = SCRIPT_Section(scripthandle, sec); if (sec>0) fprintf(fp, "\n"); if (section[0] != 0) fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", section); nument = SCRIPT_NumberEntries(scripthandle,section); for (ent=0; ent<nument; ent++) { entry = SCRIPT_Entry(scripthandle,section,ent); value = SCRIPT_GetRaw(scripthandle,section,entry); fprintf(fp, "%s = %s\n", entry, value); } } fclose(fp); } int32_t SCRIPT_NumberSections(int32_t scripthandle) { int32_t c=0; ScriptSectionType *s,*ls=NULL; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return 0; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return 0; for (s = SCRIPT(scripthandle,script); ls != s; ls=s,s=s->nextsection) c++; return c; } char * SCRIPT_Section(int32_t scripthandle, int32_t which) { ScriptSectionType *s,*ls=NULL; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return ""; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return ""; for (s = SCRIPT(scripthandle,script); which>0 && ls != s; ls=s, s=s->nextsection, which--) ; return s->name; } int32_t SCRIPT_NumberEntries(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname) { ScriptSectionType *s; ScriptEntryType *e,*le=NULL; int32_t c=0; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return 0; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return 0; s = SCRIPT_SectionExists(scripthandle, sectionname); if (!s) return 0; for (e = s->entries; le != e; le=e,e=e->nextentry) c++; return c; } char * SCRIPT_Entry(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, int32_t which) { ScriptSectionType *s; ScriptEntryType *e,*le=NULL; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return 0; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return 0; s = SCRIPT_SectionExists(scripthandle, sectionname); if (!s) return ""; for (e = s->entries; which>0 && le != e; le=e, e=e->nextentry, which--) ; return e->name; } char * SCRIPT_GetRaw(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname) { ScriptSectionType *s; ScriptEntryType *e; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return 0; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return 0; s = SCRIPT_SectionExists(scripthandle, sectionname); e = SCRIPT_EntryExists(s, entryname); if (!e) return ""; return e->value; } int32_t SCRIPT_GetString(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, char * dest) { ScriptSectionType *s; ScriptEntryType *e; char *p, ch; int32_t c; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return 1; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return 1; s = SCRIPT_SectionExists(scripthandle, sectionname); e = SCRIPT_EntryExists(s, entryname); //dest[0] = 0; if (!e) return 1; p = e->value; c = 0; if (*p == '\"') { // quoted string p++; while ((ch = *(p++))) { switch (ch) { case '\\': ch = *(p++); switch (ch) { case 0: return 0; case 'n': dest[c++] = '\n'; break; case 'r': dest[c++] = '\r'; break; case 't': dest[c++] = '\t'; break; default: dest[c++] = ch; break; } break; case '\"': dest[c] = 0; return 0; default: dest[c++] = ch; break; } } } else { while ((ch = *(p++))) { if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { dest[c] = 0; break; } else dest[c++] = ch; } } return 0; } int32_t SCRIPT_GetDoubleString(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, char * dest1, char * dest2) { ScriptSectionType *s; ScriptEntryType *e; char *p, ch; int32_t c; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return 1; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return 1; s = SCRIPT_SectionExists(scripthandle, sectionname); e = SCRIPT_EntryExists(s, entryname); //dest1[0] = 0; //dest2[0] = 0; if (!e) return 1; p = e->value; c = 0; if (*p == '\"') { // quoted string p++; while ((ch = *(p++))) { switch (ch) { case '\\': ch = *(p++); switch (ch) { case 0: return 0; case 'n': dest1[c++] = '\n'; break; case 'r': dest1[c++] = '\r'; break; case 't': dest1[c++] = '\t'; break; default: dest1[c++] = ch; break; } break; case '\"': dest1[c] = 0; goto breakme; default: dest1[c++] = ch; break; } } if (ch == 0) return 0; } else { while ((ch = *(p++))) { if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { dest1[c] = 0; break; } else dest1[c++] = ch; } } breakme: while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; if (*p == 0) return 0; c = 0; if (*p == '\"') { // quoted string p++; while ((ch = *(p++))) { switch (ch) { case '\\': ch = *(p++); switch (ch) { case 0: return 0; case 'n': dest2[c++] = '\n'; break; case 'r': dest2[c++] = '\r'; break; case 't': dest2[c++] = '\t'; break; default: dest2[c++] = ch; break; } break; case '\"': dest2[c] = 0; return 0; default: dest2[c++] = ch; break; } } } else { while ((ch = *(p++))) { if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { dest2[c] = 0; break; } else dest2[c++] = ch; } } return 0; } int32_t SCRIPT_GetNumber(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, int32_t * number) { ScriptSectionType *s; ScriptEntryType *e; char *p; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return 1; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return 1; s = SCRIPT_SectionExists(scripthandle, sectionname); e = SCRIPT_EntryExists(s, entryname); if (!e) return 1;// *number = 0; else { if (e->value[0] == '0' && e->value[1] == 'x') { // hex *number = strtol(e->value+2, &p, 16); if (p == e->value || *p != 0 || *p != ' ' || *p != '\t') return 1; } else { // decimal *number = strtol(e->value, &p, 10); if (p == e->value || *p != 0 || *p != ' ' || *p != '\t') return 1; } } return 0; } int32_t SCRIPT_GetBoolean(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, int32_t * boole) { ScriptSectionType *s; ScriptEntryType *e; if (!SC(scripthandle)) return 1; if (!SCRIPT(scripthandle,script)) return 1; s = SCRIPT_SectionExists(scripthandle, sectionname); e = SCRIPT_EntryExists(s, entryname); if (!e) return 1;// *boole = 0; else { if (!Bstrncasecmp(e->value, "true", 4)) *boole = 1; else if (!Bstrncasecmp(e->value, "false", 5)) *boole = 0; else if (e->value[0] == '1' && (e->value[1] == ' ' || e->value[1] == '\t' || e->value[1] == 0)) *boole = 1; else if (e->value[0] == '0' && (e->value[1] == ' ' || e->value[1] == '\t' || e->value[1] == 0)) *boole = 0; } return 0; } void SCRIPT_PutSection(int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname) { SCRIPT_AddSection(scripthandle, sectionname); } void SCRIPT_PutRaw ( int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, char * raw ) { SCRIPT_AddEntry(scripthandle, sectionname, entryname, raw); } void SCRIPT_PutString ( int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, const char * string ) { const char *q; char *raw,*p; int32_t len = 3; if (!string) string = ""; for (q=string; *q; q++) { if (*q == '\r' || *q == '\n' || *q == '\t' || *q == '\\' || *q == '"') len+=2; else if (*q >= ' ') len++; } p = raw = Bmalloc(len); *(p++) = '"'; for (q=string; *q; q++) { if (*q == '\r') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = 'r'; } else if (*q == '\n') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = 'n'; } else if (*q == '\t') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = 't'; } else if (*q == '\\' || *q == '"') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = *q; } else if (*q >= ' ') *(p++) = *q; } *(p++) = '"'; *p=0; SCRIPT_AddEntry(scripthandle, sectionname, entryname, raw); Bfree(raw); } void SCRIPT_PutDoubleString ( int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, char * string1, char * string2 ) { char *raw,*q,*p; int32_t len = 6; if (!string1) string1 = ""; if (!string2) string2 = ""; for (q=string1; *q; q++) { if (*q == '\r' || *q == '\n' || *q == '\t' || *q == '\\' || *q == '"') len+=2; else if (*q >= ' ') len++; } for (q=string2; *q; q++) { if (*q == '\r' || *q == '\n' || *q == '\t' || *q == '\\' || *q == '"') len+=2; else if (*q >= ' ') len++; } p = raw = Bmalloc(len); *(p++) = '"'; for (q=string1; *q; q++) { if (*q == '\r') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = 'r'; } else if (*q == '\n') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = 'n'; } else if (*q == '\t') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = 't'; } else if (*q == '\\' || *q == '"') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = *q; } else if (*q >= ' ') *(p++) = *q; } *(p++) = '"'; *(p++) = ' '; *(p++) = '"'; for (q=string2; *q; q++) { if (*q == '\r') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = 'r'; } else if (*q == '\n') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = 'n'; } else if (*q == '\t') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = 't'; } else if (*q == '\\' || *q == '"') { *(p++) = '\\'; *(p++) = *q; } else if (*q >= ' ') *(p++) = *q; } *(p++) = '"'; *p=0; SCRIPT_AddEntry(scripthandle, sectionname, entryname, raw); Bfree(raw); } void SCRIPT_PutNumber ( int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, int32_t number, int32_t hexadecimal, int32_t defaultvalue ) { char raw[64]; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(defaultvalue); if (hexadecimal) Bsprintf(raw, "0x%X", number); else Bsprintf(raw, "%d", number); SCRIPT_AddEntry(scripthandle, sectionname, entryname, raw); } void SCRIPT_PutBoolean ( int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, int32_t boole ) { char raw[2] = "0"; if (boole) raw[0] = '1'; SCRIPT_AddEntry(scripthandle, sectionname, entryname, raw); } void SCRIPT_PutDouble ( int32_t scripthandle, char * sectionname, char * entryname, double number, int32_t defaultvalue ) { char raw[64]; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(defaultvalue); Bsprintf(raw, "%g", number); SCRIPT_AddEntry(scripthandle, sectionname, entryname, raw); }