/* ** zstring.cpp ** A dynamically-allocated string class. ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2005-2008 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <new> // for bad_alloc #include "zstring.h" #include "utf8.h" extern uint16_t lowerforupper[65536]; extern uint16_t upperforlower[65536]; FNullStringData FString::NullString = { 0, // Length of string 2, // Size of character buffer 2, // RefCount; it must never be modified, so keep it above 1 user at all times "\0" }; void FString::AttachToOther (const FString &other) { assert (other.Chars != NULL); if (other.Data()->RefCount < 0) { AllocBuffer (other.Data()->Len); StrCopy (Chars, other.Chars, other.Data()->Len); } else { Chars = const_cast<FString &>(other).Data()->AddRef(); } } FString::FString (const char *copyStr) { if (copyStr == NULL || *copyStr == '\0') { ResetToNull(); } else { size_t len = strlen (copyStr); AllocBuffer (len); StrCopy (Chars, copyStr, len); } } FString::FString (const char *copyStr, size_t len) { AllocBuffer (len); StrCopy (Chars, copyStr, len); } FString::FString (char oneChar) { if (oneChar == '\0') { ResetToNull(); } else { AllocBuffer (1); Chars[0] = oneChar; Chars[1] = '\0'; } } FString::FString (const FString &head, const FString &tail) { size_t len1 = head.Len(); size_t len2 = tail.Len(); AllocBuffer (len1 + len2); StrCopy (Chars, head); StrCopy (Chars + len1, tail); } FString::FString (const FString &head, const char *tail) { size_t len1 = head.Len(); size_t len2 = strlen (tail); AllocBuffer (len1 + len2); StrCopy (Chars, head); StrCopy (Chars + len1, tail, len2); } FString::FString (const FString &head, char tail) { size_t len1 = head.Len(); AllocBuffer (len1 + 1); StrCopy (Chars, head); Chars[len1] = tail; Chars[len1+1] = '\0'; } FString::FString (const char *head, const FString &tail) { size_t len1 = strlen (head); size_t len2 = tail.Len(); AllocBuffer (len1 + len2); StrCopy (Chars, head, len1); StrCopy (Chars + len1, tail); } FString::FString (const char *head, const char *tail) { size_t len1 = strlen (head); size_t len2 = strlen (tail); AllocBuffer (len1 + len2); StrCopy (Chars, head, len1); StrCopy (Chars + len1, tail, len2); } FString::FString (char head, const FString &tail) { size_t len2 = tail.Len(); AllocBuffer (1 + len2); Chars[0] = head; StrCopy (Chars + 1, tail); } FString::~FString () { Data()->Release(); } char *FString::LockNewBuffer(size_t len) { Data()->Release(); AllocBuffer(len); assert(Data()->RefCount == 1); Data()->RefCount = -1; return Chars; } char *FString::LockBuffer() { if (Data()->RefCount == 1) { // We're the only user, so we can lock it straight away Data()->RefCount = -1; } else if (Data()->RefCount < -1) { // Already locked; just add to the lock count Data()->RefCount--; } else { // Somebody else is also using this character buffer, so create a copy FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer (old->Len); StrCopy (Chars, old->Chars(), old->Len); old->Release(); Data()->RefCount = -1; } return Chars; } void FString::UnlockBuffer() { assert (Data()->RefCount < 0); if (++Data()->RefCount == 0) { Data()->RefCount = 1; } } FString &FString::operator = (const FString &other) { assert (Chars != NULL); if (&other != this) { int oldrefcount = Data()->RefCount < 0; Data()->Release(); AttachToOther(other); if (oldrefcount < 0) { LockBuffer(); Data()->RefCount = oldrefcount; } } return *this; } FString &FString::operator = (FString &&other) { assert (Chars != NULL); if (&other != this) { Data()->Release(); Chars = other.Chars; other.ResetToNull(); } return *this; } FString &FString::operator = (const char *copyStr) { if (copyStr != Chars) { if (copyStr == NULL || *copyStr == '\0') { Data()->Release(); ResetToNull(); } else { // In case copyStr is inside us, we can't release it until // we've finished the copy. FStringData *old = Data(); if (copyStr < Chars || copyStr >= Chars + old->Len) { // We know the string isn't in our buffer, so release it now // to reduce the potential for needless memory fragmentation. old->Release(); old = NULL; } size_t len = strlen (copyStr); AllocBuffer (len); StrCopy (Chars, copyStr, len); if (old != NULL) { old->Release(); } } } return *this; } void FString::Format (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list arglist; va_start (arglist, fmt); VFormat (fmt, arglist); va_end (arglist); } void FString::AppendFormat (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list arglist; va_start (arglist, fmt); StringFormat::VWorker (FormatHelper, this, fmt, arglist); va_end (arglist); } void FString::VFormat (const char *fmt, va_list arglist) { Data()->Release(); Chars = (char *)(FStringData::Alloc(128) + 1); StringFormat::VWorker (FormatHelper, this, fmt, arglist); } void FString::VAppendFormat (const char *fmt, va_list arglist) { StringFormat::VWorker (FormatHelper, this, fmt, arglist); } int FString::FormatHelper (void *data, const char *cstr, int len) { FString *str = (FString *)data; size_t len1 = str->Len(); if (len1 + len > str->Data()->AllocLen || str->Chars == &NullString.Nothing[0]) { str->ReallocBuffer((len1 + len + 127) & ~127); } StrCopy (str->Chars + len1, cstr, len); str->Data()->Len = (unsigned int)(len1 + len); return len; } FString FString::operator + (const FString &tail) const { return FString (*this, tail); } FString FString::operator + (const char *tail) const { return FString (*this, tail); } FString operator + (const char *head, const FString &tail) { return FString (head, tail); } FString FString::operator + (char tail) const { return FString (*this, tail); } FString operator + (char head, const FString &tail) { return FString (head, tail); } FString &FString::operator += (const FString &tail) { size_t len1 = Len(); size_t len2 = tail.Len(); ReallocBuffer (len1 + len2); StrCopy (Chars + len1, tail); return *this; } FString &FString::operator += (const char *tail) { size_t len1 = Len(); size_t len2 = strlen(tail); ReallocBuffer (len1 + len2); StrCopy (Chars + len1, tail, len2); return *this; } FString &FString::operator += (char tail) { size_t len1 = Len(); ReallocBuffer (len1 + 1); Chars[len1] = tail; Chars[len1+1] = '\0'; return *this; } FString &FString::AppendCStrPart (const char *tail, size_t tailLen) { if (tailLen > 0) { size_t len1 = Len(); ReallocBuffer(len1 + tailLen); StrCopy(Chars + len1, tail, tailLen); } return *this; } FString &FString::CopyCStrPart(const char *tail, size_t tailLen) { if (tailLen > 0) { ReallocBuffer(tailLen); StrCopy(Chars, tail, tailLen); } else { Data()->Release(); ResetToNull(); } return *this; } size_t FString::CharacterCount() const { // Counts string length in Unicode code points. size_t len = 0; const uint8_t *cp = (const uint8_t*)Chars; while (GetCharFromString(cp)) len++; return len; } int FString::GetNextCharacter(int &position) const { const uint8_t *cp = (const uint8_t*)Chars + position; const uint8_t *cpread = cp; int chr = GetCharFromString(cpread); position += int(cpread - cp); return chr; } void FString::Truncate(size_t newlen) { if (newlen == 0) { Data()->Release(); ResetToNull(); } else if (newlen < Len()) { ReallocBuffer (newlen); Chars[newlen] = '\0'; } } void FString::Remove(size_t index, size_t remlen) { if (index < Len()) { if (index + remlen >= Len()) { Truncate(index); } else { if (Data()->RefCount == 1) { // Can do this in place memmove(Chars + index, Chars + index + remlen, Len() - index - remlen); memset(Chars + Len() - remlen, 0, remlen); Data()->Len -= (unsigned)remlen; } else { // Must do it in a copy FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer(old->Len - remlen); StrCopy(Chars, old->Chars(), index); StrCopy(Chars + index, old->Chars() + index + remlen, old->Len - index - remlen); old->Release(); } } } } FString FString::Left (size_t numChars) const { size_t len = Len(); if (len < numChars) { numChars = len; } return FString (Chars, numChars); } FString FString::Right (size_t numChars) const { size_t len = Len(); if (len < numChars) { numChars = len; } return FString (Chars + len - numChars, numChars); } FString FString::Mid (size_t pos, size_t numChars) const { size_t len = Len(); if (pos >= len) { return FString(); } if (pos + numChars > len || pos + numChars < pos) { numChars = len - pos; } return FString (Chars + pos, numChars); } void FString::AppendCharacter(int codepoint) { (*this) << MakeUTF8(codepoint); } void FString::DeleteLastCharacter() { if (Len() == 0) return; auto pos = Len() - 1; while (pos > 0 && uint8_t(Chars[pos]) >= 0x80 && uint8_t(Chars[pos]) < 0xc0) pos--; if (pos <= 0) { Data()->Release(); ResetToNull(); } else { Truncate(pos); } } ptrdiff_t FString::IndexOf (const FString &substr, ptrdiff_t startIndex) const { return IndexOf (substr.Chars, startIndex); } ptrdiff_t FString::IndexOf (const char *substr, ptrdiff_t startIndex) const { if (startIndex > 0 && Len() <= (size_t)startIndex) { return -1; } char *str = strstr (Chars + startIndex, substr); if (str == NULL) { return -1; } return str - Chars; } ptrdiff_t FString::IndexOf (char subchar, ptrdiff_t startIndex) const { if (startIndex > 0 && Len() <= (size_t)startIndex) { return -1; } char *str = strchr (Chars + startIndex, subchar); if (str == NULL) { return -1; } return str - Chars; } ptrdiff_t FString::IndexOfAny (const FString &charset, ptrdiff_t startIndex) const { return IndexOfAny (charset.Chars, startIndex); } ptrdiff_t FString::IndexOfAny (const char *charset, ptrdiff_t startIndex) const { if (startIndex > 0 && Len() <= (size_t)startIndex) { return -1; } char *brk = strpbrk (Chars + startIndex, charset); if (brk == NULL) { return -1; } return brk - Chars; } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOf (char subchar) const { return LastIndexOf (subchar, Len()); } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOf (char subchar, ptrdiff_t endIndex) const { if ((size_t)endIndex > Len()) { endIndex = Len(); } while (--endIndex >= 0) { if (Chars[endIndex] == subchar) { return endIndex; } } return -1; } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOfBroken (const FString &_substr, ptrdiff_t endIndex) const { const char *substr = _substr.GetChars(); size_t substrlen = _substr.Len(); if ((size_t)endIndex > Len()) { endIndex = Len(); } substrlen--; while (--endIndex >= ptrdiff_t(substrlen)) { if (strncmp (substr, Chars + endIndex - substrlen, substrlen + 1) == 0) { return endIndex; } } return -1; } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOfAny (const FString &charset) const { return LastIndexOfAny (charset.Chars, Len()); } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOfAny (const char *charset) const { return LastIndexOfAny (charset, long(Len())); } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOfAny (const FString &charset, ptrdiff_t endIndex) const { return LastIndexOfAny (charset.Chars, endIndex); } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOfAny (const char *charset, ptrdiff_t endIndex) const { if ((size_t)endIndex > Len()) { endIndex = Len(); } while (--endIndex >= 0) { if (strchr (charset, Chars[endIndex]) != NULL) { return endIndex; } } return -1; } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOf (const FString &substr) const { return LastIndexOf(substr.Chars, Len() - substr.Len(), substr.Len()); } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOf (const FString &substr, ptrdiff_t endIndex) const { return LastIndexOf(substr.Chars, endIndex, substr.Len()); } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOf (const char *substr) const { return LastIndexOf(substr, Len() - strlen(substr), strlen(substr)); } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOf (const char *substr, ptrdiff_t endIndex) const { return LastIndexOf(substr, endIndex, strlen(substr)); } ptrdiff_t FString::LastIndexOf (const char *substr, ptrdiff_t endIndex, size_t substrlen) const { if ((size_t)endIndex + substrlen > Len()) { endIndex = Len() - substrlen; } while (endIndex >= 0) { if (strncmp (substr, Chars + endIndex, substrlen) == 0) { return endIndex; } endIndex--; } return -1; } void FString::ToUpper () { LockBuffer(); size_t max = Len(); for (size_t i = 0; i < max; ++i) { Chars[i] = (char)toupper(Chars[i]); } UnlockBuffer(); } void FString::ToLower () { LockBuffer(); size_t max = Len(); for (size_t i = 0; i < max; ++i) { Chars[i] = (char)tolower(Chars[i]); } UnlockBuffer(); } FString FString::MakeLower() const { TArray<uint8_t> builder(Len()); int pos = 0; while (int c = GetNextCharacter(pos)) { if (c < 65536) c = lowerforupper[c]; auto cp = MakeUTF8(c); while (auto uc = *cp++) builder.Push(uc); } return FString(builder); } FString FString::MakeUpper() const { TArray<uint8_t> builder(Len()); int pos = 0; while (int c = GetNextCharacter(pos)) { if (c < 65536) c = upperforlower[c]; auto cp = MakeUTF8(c); while (auto uc = *cp++) builder.Push(uc); } return FString(builder); } void FString::StripLeft () { size_t max = Len(), i, j; if (max == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < max; ++i) { if (!isspace((unsigned char)Chars[i])) break; } if (i == 0) { // Nothing to strip. return; } if (Data()->RefCount <= 1) { for (j = 0; i <= max; ++j, ++i) { Chars[j] = Chars[i]; } ReallocBuffer (j-1); } else { FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer (max - i); StrCopy (Chars, old->Chars() + i, max - i); old->Release(); } } void FString::StripLeft (const FString &charset) { return StripLeft (charset.Chars); } void FString::StripLeft (const char *charset) { size_t max = Len(), i, j; if (max == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < max; ++i) { if (!strchr (charset, Chars[i])) break; } if (i == 0) { // Nothing to strip. return; } if (Data()->RefCount <= 1) { for (j = 0; i <= max; ++j, ++i) { Chars[j] = Chars[i]; } ReallocBuffer (j-1); } else { FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer (max - i); StrCopy (Chars, old->Chars() + i, max - i); old->Release(); } } void FString::StripRight () { size_t max = Len(), i; if (max == 0) return; for (i = --max; i > 0; i--) { if (!isspace((unsigned char)Chars[i])) break; } if (i == max) { // Nothing to strip. return; } if (Data()->RefCount <= 1) { Chars[i+1] = '\0'; ReallocBuffer (i+1); } else { FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer (i+1); StrCopy (Chars, old->Chars(), i+1); old->Release(); } } void FString::StripRight (const FString &charset) { return StripRight (charset.Chars); } void FString::StripRight (const char *charset) { size_t max = Len(), i; if (max == 0) return; for (i = --max; i > 0; i--) { if (!strchr (charset, Chars[i])) break; } if (i == max) { // Nothing to strip. return; } if (Data()->RefCount <= 1) { Chars[i+1] = '\0'; ReallocBuffer (i+1); } else { FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer (i+1); StrCopy (Chars, old->Chars(), i+1); old->Release(); } } void FString::StripLeftRight () { size_t max = Len(), i, j, k; if (max == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < max; ++i) { if (Chars[i] < 0 || !isspace((unsigned char)Chars[i])) break; } for (j = max - 1; j >= i; --j) { if (Chars[i] < 0 || !isspace((unsigned char)Chars[j])) break; } if (i == 0 && j == max - 1) { // Nothing to strip. return; } if (Data()->RefCount <= 1) { for (k = 0; i <= j; ++i, ++k) { Chars[k] = Chars[i]; } Chars[k] = '\0'; ReallocBuffer (k); } else { FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer(j - i + 1); StrCopy(Chars, old->Chars(), j - i + 1); old->Release(); } } void FString::StripLeftRight (const FString &charset) { return StripLeftRight (charset.Chars); } void FString::StripLeftRight (const char *charset) { size_t max = Len(), i, j, k; if (max == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < max; ++i) { if (!strchr (charset, Chars[i])) break; } for (j = max - 1; j >= i; --j) { if (!strchr (charset, Chars[j])) break; } if (Data()->RefCount <= 1) { for (k = 0; i <= j; ++i, ++k) { Chars[k] = Chars[i]; } Chars[k] = '\0'; ReallocBuffer (k); } else { FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer (j - i); StrCopy (Chars, old->Chars(), j - i); old->Release(); } } void FString::Insert (size_t index, const FString &instr) { Insert (index, instr.Chars, instr.Len()); } void FString::Insert (size_t index, const char *instr) { Insert (index, instr, strlen(instr)); } void FString::Insert (size_t index, const char *instr, size_t instrlen) { if (instrlen > 0) { size_t mylen = Len(); if (index >= mylen) { AppendCStrPart(instr, instrlen); } else if (Data()->RefCount <= 1) { ReallocBuffer(mylen + instrlen); memmove(Chars + index + instrlen, Chars + index, (mylen - index + 1) * sizeof(char)); memcpy(Chars + index, instr, instrlen * sizeof(char)); } else { FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer(mylen + instrlen); StrCopy(Chars, old->Chars(), index); StrCopy(Chars + index, instr, instrlen); StrCopy(Chars + index + instrlen, old->Chars() + index, mylen - index); old->Release(); } } } void FString::ReplaceChars (char oldchar, char newchar) { if (oldchar == '\0') return; ReplaceChars([&oldchar](char c){ return c == oldchar; }, newchar); } void FString::ReplaceChars (const char *oldcharset, char newchar) { if (oldcharset == NULL || oldcharset[0] == '\0') return; ReplaceChars([&oldcharset](char c){ return strchr(oldcharset, c) != NULL; }, newchar); } void FString::StripChars (char killchar) { if (killchar == '\0') return; StripChars([&killchar](char c){ return c == killchar; }); } void FString::StripChars (const char *killcharset) { if (killcharset == NULL || killcharset[0] == '\0') return; StripChars([&killcharset](char c){ return strchr(killcharset, c) != NULL; }); } void FString::MergeChars (char merger) { MergeChars (merger, merger); } void FString::MergeChars (char merger, char newchar) { size_t read, write, mylen; LockBuffer(); for (read = write = 0, mylen = Len(); read < mylen; ) { if (Chars[read] == merger) { while (Chars[++read] == merger) { } Chars[write++] = newchar; } else { Chars[write++] = Chars[read++]; } } Chars[write] = '\0'; ReallocBuffer (write); UnlockBuffer(); } void FString::MergeChars (const char *charset, char newchar) { size_t read, write, mylen; LockBuffer(); for (read = write = 0, mylen = Len(); read < mylen; ) { if (strchr (charset, Chars[read]) != NULL) { while (strchr (charset, Chars[++read]) != NULL) { } Chars[write++] = newchar; } else { Chars[write++] = Chars[read++]; } } Chars[write] = '\0'; ReallocBuffer (write); UnlockBuffer(); } void FString::Substitute (const FString &oldstr, const FString &newstr) { return Substitute (oldstr.Chars, newstr.Chars, oldstr.Len(), newstr.Len()); } void FString::Substitute (const char *oldstr, const FString &newstr) { return Substitute (oldstr, newstr.Chars, strlen(oldstr), newstr.Len()); } void FString::Substitute (const FString &oldstr, const char *newstr) { return Substitute (oldstr.Chars, newstr, oldstr.Len(), strlen(newstr)); } void FString::Substitute (const char *oldstr, const char *newstr) { return Substitute (oldstr, newstr, strlen(oldstr), strlen(newstr)); } void FString::Substitute (const char *oldstr, const char *newstr, size_t oldstrlen, size_t newstrlen) { if (oldstr == nullptr || newstr == nullptr || *oldstr == 0) return; LockBuffer(); for (size_t checkpt = 0; checkpt < Len(); ) { char *match = strstr (Chars + checkpt, oldstr); size_t len = Len(); if (match != NULL) { size_t matchpt = match - Chars; if (oldstrlen != newstrlen) { ReallocBuffer (len + newstrlen - oldstrlen); memmove (Chars + matchpt + newstrlen, Chars + matchpt + oldstrlen, (len + 1 - matchpt - oldstrlen)*sizeof(char)); } memcpy (Chars + matchpt, newstr, newstrlen); checkpt = matchpt + newstrlen; } else { break; } } UnlockBuffer(); } bool FString::IsInt () const { // String must match: [whitespace] [{+ | �}] [0 [{ x | X }]] [digits] [whitespace] /* This state machine is based on a simplification of re2c's output for this input: digits = [0-9]; hexdigits = [0-9a-fA-F]; octdigits = [0-7]; ("0" octdigits+ | "0" [xX] hexdigits+ | (digits \ '0') digits*) { return true; } [\000-\377] { return false; }*/ const char *YYCURSOR = Chars; char yych; yych = *YYCURSOR; // Skip preceding whitespace while (yych != '\0' && isspace((unsigned char)yych)) { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } // Check for sign if (yych == '+' || yych == '-') { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } if (yych == '0') { yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych >= '0' && yych <= '7') { do { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } while (yych >= '0' && yych <= '7'); } else if (yych == 'X' || yych == 'x') { bool gothex = false; yych = *++YYCURSOR; while ((yych >= '0' && yych <= '9') || (yych >= 'A' && yych <= 'F') || (yych >= 'a' && yych <= 'f')) { gothex = true; yych = *++YYCURSOR; } if (!gothex) return false; } else { return false; } } else if (yych >= '1' && yych <= '9') { do { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } while (yych >= '0' && yych <= '9'); } else { return false; } // The rest should all be whitespace while (yych != '\0' && isspace((unsigned char)yych)) { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } return yych == '\0'; } bool FString::IsFloat () const { // String must match: [whitespace] [sign] [digits] [.digits] [ {d | D | e | E}[sign]digits] [whitespace] /* This state machine is based on a simplification of re2c's output for this input: digits = [0-9]; (digits+ | digits* "." digits+) ([dDeE] [+-]? digits+)? { return true; } [\000-\377] { return false; } */ const char *YYCURSOR = Chars; char yych; bool gotdig = false; yych = *YYCURSOR; // Skip preceding whitespace while (yych != '\0' && isspace((unsigned char)yych)) { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } // Check for sign if (yych == '+' || yych == '-') { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } while (yych >= '0' && yych <= '9') { gotdig = true; yych = *++YYCURSOR; } if (yych == '.') { yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych >= '0' && yych <= '9') { gotdig = true; do { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } while (yych >= '0' && yych <= '9'); } else return false; } if (gotdig) { if (yych == 'D' || yych == 'd' || yych == 'E' || yych == 'e') { yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych == '+' || yych == '-') yych = *++YYCURSOR; while (yych >= '0' && yych <= '9') { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } } } // The rest should all be whitespace while (yych != '\0' && isspace((unsigned char)yych)) { yych = *++YYCURSOR; } return yych == '\0'; } int64_t FString::ToLong (int base) const { return strtoll (Chars, NULL, base); } uint64_t FString::ToULong (int base) const { return strtoull (Chars, NULL, base); } double FString::ToDouble () const { return strtod (Chars, NULL); } void FString::StrCopy (char *to, const char *from, size_t len) { memcpy (to, from, len*sizeof(char)); to[len] = 0; } void FString::StrCopy (char *to, const FString &from) { StrCopy (to, from.Chars, from.Len()); } void FString::AllocBuffer (size_t len) { Chars = (char *)(FStringData::Alloc(len) + 1); Data()->Len = (unsigned int)len; } void FString::ReallocBuffer (size_t newlen) { if (Data()->RefCount > 1) { // If more than one reference, we must use a new copy FStringData *old = Data(); AllocBuffer (newlen); StrCopy (Chars, old->Chars(), newlen < old->Len ? newlen : old->Len); old->Release(); } else { if (newlen > Data()->AllocLen) { Chars = (char *)(Data()->Realloc(newlen) + 1); } Data()->Len = (unsigned int)newlen; } } TArray<FString> FString::Split(const FString &delimiter, const EmptyTokenType keepEmpty) const { return Split(delimiter.GetChars(), keepEmpty); } TArray<FString> FString::Split(const char *const delimiter, const EmptyTokenType keepEmpty) const { TArray<FString> tokens; Split(tokens, delimiter, keepEmpty); return tokens; } void FString::Split(TArray<FString>& tokens, const FString &delimiter, EmptyTokenType keepEmpty) const { Split(tokens, delimiter.GetChars(), keepEmpty); } void FString::Split(TArray<FString>& tokens, const char *delimiter, EmptyTokenType keepEmpty) const { assert(nullptr != delimiter); const auto selfLen = static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(Len()); const auto delimLen = static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(strlen(delimiter)); ptrdiff_t lastPos = 0; if (selfLen == 0) return; // Empty strings do not contain tokens, even with TOK_KEEPEMPTY. while (lastPos <= selfLen) { auto pos = IndexOf(delimiter, lastPos); if (-1 == pos) { pos = selfLen; } if (pos != lastPos || TOK_KEEPEMPTY == keepEmpty) { tokens.Push(FString(GetChars() + lastPos, pos - lastPos)); } lastPos = pos + delimLen; } } // Under Windows, use the system heap functions for managing string memory. // Under other OSs, use ordinary memory management instead. #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> // Convert from and to Windows wide strings so that we can interface with the Unicode version of the Windows API. FString::FString(const wchar_t *copyStr) { if (copyStr == NULL || *copyStr == '\0') { ResetToNull(); } else { auto len = wcslen(copyStr); int size_needed = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, copyStr, (int)len, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); AllocBuffer(size_needed); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, copyStr, (int)len, Chars, size_needed, nullptr, nullptr); Chars[size_needed] = 0; } } FString &FString::operator=(const wchar_t *copyStr) { if (copyStr == NULL || *copyStr == '\0') { Data()->Release(); ResetToNull(); } else { auto len = wcslen(copyStr); int size_needed = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, copyStr, (int)len, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); ReallocBuffer(size_needed); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, copyStr, (int)len, Chars, size_needed, nullptr, nullptr); Chars[size_needed] = 0; } return *this; } std::wstring WideString(const char *cin) { if (!cin) return L""; const uint8_t *in = (const uint8_t*)cin; // This is a bit tricky because we need to support both UTF-8 and legacy content in ISO-8859-1 // and thanks to user-side string manipulation it can be that a text mixes both. // To convert the string this uses the same function as all text printing in the engine. TArray<wchar_t> buildbuffer; while (*in) buildbuffer.Push((wchar_t)GetCharFromString(in)); buildbuffer.Push(0); return std::wstring(buildbuffer.Data()); } static HANDLE StringHeap; const SIZE_T STRING_HEAP_SIZE = 64*1024; #endif FStringData *FStringData::Alloc (size_t strlen) { strlen += 1 + sizeof(FStringData); // Add space for header and terminating null strlen = (strlen + 7) & ~7; // Pad length up #ifdef _WIN32 if (StringHeap == NULL) { StringHeap = HeapCreate (0, STRING_HEAP_SIZE, 0); if (StringHeap == NULL) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } } FStringData *block = (FStringData *)HeapAlloc (StringHeap, 0, strlen); #else FStringData *block = (FStringData *)malloc (strlen); #endif if (block == NULL) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } block->Len = 0; block->AllocLen = (unsigned int)strlen - sizeof(FStringData) - 1; block->RefCount = 1; return block; } FStringData *FStringData::Realloc (size_t newstrlen) { assert (RefCount <= 1); newstrlen += 1 + sizeof(FStringData); // Add space for header and terminating null newstrlen = (newstrlen + 7) & ~7; // Pad length up #ifdef _WIN32 FStringData *block = (FStringData *)HeapReAlloc (StringHeap, 0, this, newstrlen); #else FStringData *block = (FStringData *)realloc (this, newstrlen); #endif if (block == NULL) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } block->AllocLen = (unsigned int)newstrlen - sizeof(FStringData) - 1; return block; } void FStringData::Dealloc () { assert (RefCount <= 0); #ifdef _WIN32 HeapFree (StringHeap, 0, this); #else free (this); #endif } FStringData *FStringData::MakeCopy () { FStringData *copy = Alloc (Len); copy->Len = Len; FString::StrCopy (copy->Chars(), Chars(), Len); return copy; } FStringf::FStringf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); VFormat(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); }