//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include "build.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "blood.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "cheathandler.h" #include "d_protocol.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "automap.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void sub_5A928(void) { for (int i = 0; i < buttonMap.NumButtons(); i++) buttonMap.ClearButton(i); } const char* SetGodMode(PLAYER* pPlayer, bool god) { playerSetGodMode(pPlayer, god); bPlayerCheated = true; return pPlayer->godMode ? GStrings("TXTB_GODMODE") : GStrings("TXTB_NOTGODMODE"); } const char* SetClipMode(bool noclip) { gNoClip = noclip; bPlayerCheated = true; return gNoClip ? GStrings("TXTB_NOCLIP") : GStrings("TXTB_NOCLIPOFF"); } void packStuff(PLAYER* pPlayer) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) packAddItem(pPlayer, i); } void packClear(PLAYER* pPlayer) { pPlayer->packItemId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { pPlayer->packSlots[i].isActive = 0; pPlayer->packSlots[i].curAmount = 0; } } void SetAmmo(PLAYER* pPlayer, bool stat) { if (stat) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) pPlayer->ammoCount[i] = gAmmoInfo[i].max; viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_FULLAMMO")); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) pPlayer->ammoCount[i] = 0; viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_NOAMMO")); } } void SetWeapons(PLAYER* pPlayer, bool stat) { for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { pPlayer->hasWeapon[i] = stat; } SetAmmo(pPlayer, stat); if (stat) viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_ALLWEAP")); else { if (!VanillaMode()) { // Keep the pitchfork to avoid freeze pPlayer->hasWeapon[kWeapPitchFork] = 1; pPlayer->curWeapon = kWeapNone; pPlayer->nextWeapon = kWeapPitchFork; } viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_NOWEAP")); } } void SetToys(PLAYER* pPlayer, bool stat) { if (stat) { packStuff(pPlayer); viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_FULLINV")); } else { packClear(pPlayer); viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_NOINV")); } } void SetArmor(PLAYER* pPlayer, bool stat) { int nAmount; if (stat) { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_FULLARM")); nAmount = 3200; } else { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_NOARM")); nAmount = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) pPlayer->armor[i] = nAmount; } void SetKeys(PLAYER* pPlayer, bool stat) { for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) pPlayer->hasKey[i] = stat; if (stat) viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_ALLKEYS")); else viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_NOKEYS")); } void SetInfiniteAmmo(bool stat) { gInfiniteAmmo = stat; if (gInfiniteAmmo) viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_INFAMMO")); else viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_LIMAMMO")); } void SetMap(bool stat) { gFullMap = stat; if (gFullMap) viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_ALLMAP")); else viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_NOALLMAP")); } void SetWooMode(PLAYER* pPlayer, bool stat) { if (stat) { if (!powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpTwoGuns)) powerupActivate(pPlayer, kPwUpTwoGuns); } else { if (powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpTwoGuns)) { if (!VanillaMode()) pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpTwoGuns] = 0; powerupDeactivate(pPlayer, kPwUpTwoGuns); } } } void ToggleWooMode(PLAYER* pPlayer) { SetWooMode(pPlayer, !(powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpTwoGuns) != 0)); } void ToggleBoots(PLAYER* pPlayer) { if (powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpJumpBoots)) { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_NOJBOOTS")); if (!VanillaMode()) { pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpJumpBoots] = 0; pPlayer->packSlots[4].curAmount = 0; } powerupDeactivate(pPlayer, kPwUpJumpBoots); } else { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_JBOOTS")); if (!VanillaMode()) pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpJumpBoots] = gPowerUpInfo[kPwUpJumpBoots].bonusTime; powerupActivate(pPlayer, kPwUpJumpBoots); } } void ToggleInvisibility(PLAYER* pPlayer) { if (powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpShadowCloak)) { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_VISIBLE")); if (!VanillaMode()) pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpShadowCloak] = 0; powerupDeactivate(pPlayer, kPwUpShadowCloak); } else { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_INVISIBLE")); powerupActivate(pPlayer, kPwUpShadowCloak); } } void ToggleInvulnerability(PLAYER* pPlayer) { if (powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpDeathMask)) { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_VULN")); if (!VanillaMode()) pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpDeathMask] = 0; powerupDeactivate(pPlayer, kPwUpDeathMask); } else { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_INVULN")); powerupActivate(pPlayer, kPwUpDeathMask); } } void ToggleDelirium(PLAYER* pPlayer) { if (powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpDeliriumShroom)) { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_NODELIR")); if (!VanillaMode()) pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpDeliriumShroom] = 0; powerupDeactivate(pPlayer, kPwUpDeliriumShroom); } else { viewSetMessage(GStrings("TXTB_DELIR")); powerupActivate(pPlayer, kPwUpDeliriumShroom); } } bool bPlayerCheated = false; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int parseArgs(char* pzArgs, int* nArg1, int* nArg2) { if (!nArg1 || !nArg2 || strlen(pzArgs) < 3) return -1; *nArg1 = pzArgs[0] - '0'; int a1 = pzArgs[1] == ' ' ? 0 : pzArgs[1] - '0'; *nArg2 = a1 * 10 + (pzArgs[2] - '0'); return 2; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* GameInterface::GenericCheat(int player, int cheat) { // message processing is not perfect because many cheats output multiple messages. PLAYER* pPlayer = &gPlayer[player]; if (gGameOptions.nGameType != 0 || numplayers > 1) // sp only for now. return nullptr; if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL || pPlayer->actor->xspr.health == 0) // must be alive and in a level to cheat. return nullptr; bPlayerCheated = true; switch (cheat) { case CHT_GOD: return SetGodMode(pPlayer, !pPlayer->godMode); case CHT_GODOFF: return SetGodMode(pPlayer, false); case CHT_GODON: return SetGodMode(pPlayer, true); case CHT_NOCLIP: return SetClipMode(!gNoClip); case kCheatSpielberg: // demo record break; case kCheatSatchel: SetToys(pPlayer, true); break; case kCheatKevorkian: actDamageSprite(pPlayer->actor, pPlayer->actor, kDamageBullet, 8000); return GStrings("TXTB_KEVORKIAN"); case kCheatMcGee: { if (!pPlayer->actor->xspr.burnTime) evPostActor(pPlayer->actor, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick); actBurnSprite(pPlayer->actor, pPlayer->actor, 2400); return GStrings("TXTB_FIRED"); } case kCheatEdmark: actDamageSprite(pPlayer->actor, pPlayer->actor, kDamageExplode, 8000); return GStrings("TXTB_THEDAYS"); case kCheatKrueger: { actHealDude(pPlayer->actor, 200, 200); pPlayer->armor[1] = VanillaMode() ? 200 : 3200; if (!pPlayer->actor->xspr.burnTime) evPostActor(pPlayer->actor, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick); actBurnSprite(pPlayer->actor, pPlayer->actor, 2400); return GStrings("TXTB_RETARD"); } case kCheatSterno: pPlayer->blindEffect = 250; break; case kCheat14: // quakeEffect (causing a little flickerEffect), not used by any cheat code (dead code) pPlayer->flickerEffect = 360; break; case kCheatSpork: actHealDude(pPlayer->actor, 200, 200); break; case kCheatClarice: for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) pPlayer->armor[i] = 1600; return GStrings("TXTB_HALFARMOR"); case kCheatFrankenstein: pPlayer->packSlots[0].curAmount = 100; break; case kCheatCheeseHead: pPlayer->packSlots[1].curAmount = 100; if (!VanillaMode()) pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpDivingSuit] = gPowerUpInfo[kPwUpDivingSuit].bonusTime; break; case kCheatTequila: ToggleWooMode(pPlayer); break; case kCheatFunkyShoes: ToggleBoots(pPlayer); break; case kCheatKeyMaster: SetKeys(pPlayer, true); break; case kCheatOneRing: ToggleInvisibility(pPlayer); break; case kCheatVoorhees: ToggleInvulnerability(pPlayer); break; case kCheatJoJo: ToggleDelirium(pPlayer); break; case kCheatLaraCroft: SetInfiniteAmmo(!gInfiniteAmmo); SetWeapons(pPlayer, gInfiniteAmmo); break; case kCheatHongKong: SetWeapons(pPlayer, true); SetInfiniteAmmo(true); break; case kCheatMontana: SetWeapons(pPlayer, true); SetToys(pPlayer, true); break; case kCheatBunz: SetWeapons(pPlayer, true); SetWooMode(pPlayer, true); break; case kCheatCousteau: actHealDude(pPlayer->actor, 200, 200); pPlayer->packSlots[1].curAmount = 100; if (!VanillaMode()) pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpDivingSuit] = gPowerUpInfo[kPwUpDivingSuit].bonusTime; break; case kCheatForkYou: SetInfiniteAmmo(false); SetMap(false); SetWeapons(pPlayer, false); SetAmmo(pPlayer, false); SetArmor(pPlayer, false); SetToys(pPlayer, false); SetKeys(pPlayer, false); SetWooMode(pPlayer, true); powerupActivate(pPlayer, kPwUpDeliriumShroom); pPlayer->actor->xspr.health = 16; pPlayer->hasWeapon[kWeapPitchFork] = 1; pPlayer->curWeapon = kWeapNone; pPlayer->nextWeapon = kWeapPitchFork; break; default: return nullptr; } return nullptr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool cheatGoonies(cheatseq_t*) { SetMap(!gFullMap); return true; } static bool cheatMario(cheatseq_t* c) { int nEpisode, nLevel; if (parseArgs((char*)c->Args, &nEpisode, &nLevel) == 2) { auto map = FindMapByIndex(nEpisode, nLevel); if (map) DeferredStartGame(map, g_nextskill); } return true; } static bool cheatCalgon(cheatseq_t*) { levelEndLevel(0); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cheatseq_t s_CheatInfo[] = { {"MPKFA", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, CHT_GOD }, {"CAPINMYASS", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, CHT_GODOFF }, {"NOCAPINMYASS", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, CHT_GODON }, {"I WANNA BE LIKE KEVIN", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, CHT_GODON }, {"IDAHO", "give weapons" }, {"GRISWOLD", "give armor" }, {"MONTANA", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatMontana }, // MONTANA (All weapons, full ammo and all items) {"EDMARK", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatEdmark }, // EDMARK (Does a lot of fire damage to you (if you have 200HP and 200 fire armor then you can survive). Displays the message "THOSE WERE THE DAYS".) {"TEQUILA", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatTequila }, // TEQUILA (Guns akimbo power-up) {"BUNZ", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatBunz }, // BUNZ (All weapons, full ammo, and guns akimbo power-up) {"FUNKY SHOES", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatFunkyShoes }, // FUNKY SHOES (Gives jump boots item and activates it) {"GATEKEEPER", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatGateKeeper }, // GATEKEEPER (Sets the you cheated flag to true, at the end of the level you will see that you have cheated) {"KEYMASTER", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatKeyMaster }, // KEYMASTER (All keys) {"JOJO", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatJoJo }, // JOJO (Drunk mode (same effect as getting bitten by red spider)) {"SATCHEL", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatSatchel }, // SATCHEL (Full inventory) {"SPORK", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatSpork }, // SPORK (200% health (same effect as getting life seed)) {"ONERING", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatOneRing }, // ONERING (Cloak of invisibility power-up) {"MARIO###", nullptr, cheatMario }, // MARIO (Warp to level E M, e.g.: MARIO 1 3 will take you to Phantom Express) {"MARIO ###", nullptr, cheatMario }, // MARIO (Warp to level E M, e.g.: MARIO 1 3 will take you to Phantom Express) {"CALGON", nullptr, cheatCalgon }, // CALGON (Jumps to next level) {"KEVORKIAN", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatKevorkian }, // KEVORKIAN (Does a lot of physical damage to you (if you have 200HP and 200 fire armor then you can survive). Displays the message "KEVORKIAN APPROVES".) {"MCGEE", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatMcGee }, // MCGEE (Sets you on fire. Displays the message "YOU'RE FIRED".) {"KRUEGER", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatKrueger }, // KRUEGER (200% health, but sets you on fire. Displays the message "FLAME RETARDANT".) {"CHEESEHEAD", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatCheeseHead }, // CHEESEHEAD (100% diving suit) {"COUSTEAU", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatCousteau }, // COUSTEAU (200% health and diving suit) {"VOORHEES", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatVoorhees }, // VOORHEES (Death mask power-up) {"LARA CROFT", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatLaraCroft }, // LARA CROFT (All weapons and infinite ammo. Displays the message "LARA RULES". Typing it the second time will lose all weapons and ammo.) {"HONGKONG", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatHongKong }, // HONGKONG (All weapons and infinite ammo) {"FRANKENSTEIN", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatFrankenstein }, // FRANKENSTEIN (100% med-kit) {"STERNO", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatSterno }, // STERNO (Temporary blindness (same effect as getting bitten by green spider)) {"CLARICE", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatClarice }, // CLARICE (Gives 100% body armor, 100% fire armor, 100% spirit armor) {"FORK YOU", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatForkYou }, // FORK YOU (Drunk mode, 1HP, no armor, no weapons, no ammo, no items, no keys, no map, guns akimbo power-up) {"LIEBERMAN", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, kCheatLieberMan }, // LIEBERMAN (Sets the you cheated flag to true, at the end of the level you will see that you have cheated) {"EVA GALLI", nullptr, SendGenericCheat, 0, CHT_NOCLIP }, {"RATE", "toggle r_showfps", nullptr, 1 }, // RATE (Display frame rate (doesn't count as a cheat)) {"GOONIES", nullptr, cheatGoonies, 0 }, // GOONIES (Enable full map. Displays the message "YOU HAVE THE MAP".) //{"SPIELBERG", nullptr, doCheatactor->xspr.health == 0) { Printf("give: Cannot give while dead or not in a single-player game.\n"); return; } switch (type) { case GIVE_ALL: SetWeapons(pPlayer, true); SetAmmo(pPlayer, true); SetToys(pPlayer, true); SetArmor(pPlayer, true); SetKeys(pPlayer, true); bPlayerCheated = true; break; case GIVE_HEALTH: actHealDude(pPlayer->actor, 200, 200); bPlayerCheated = true; break; case GIVE_WEAPONS: SetWeapons(pPlayer, true); bPlayerCheated = true; break; case GIVE_AMMO: SetAmmo(pPlayer, true); bPlayerCheated = true; break; case GIVE_ARMOR: SetArmor(pPlayer, true); bPlayerCheated = true; break; case GIVE_KEYS: SetKeys(pPlayer, true); bPlayerCheated = true; break; case GIVE_INVENTORY: SetToys(pPlayer, true); bPlayerCheated = true; break; default: break; } } void InitCheats() { SetCheats(s_CheatInfo, countof(s_CheatInfo)); Net_SetCommandHandler(DEM_GIVE, cmd_Give); } END_BLD_NS