//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "compat.h" #include "build.h" #include "editor.h" #include "pragmas.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "renderlayer.h" #include "osd.h" #include "cache1d.h" #include "osdfuncs.h" #include "names.h" #include "grpscan.h" #include "common.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "mapster32.h" #include "keys.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "scriptfile.h" #include "xxhash.h" #include "sounds_mapster32.h" #include "fx_man.h" #include "macros.h" #include "lz4.h" #include "m32script.h" #include "m32def.h" #ifdef LUNATIC # include "lunatic_m32.h" #endif extern const char *s_buildRev; extern const char *s_buildTimestamp; extern const char *s_buildInfo; #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <shellapi.h> #endif #include <signal.h> // Workaround for namespace pollution in <sys/stat.h> introduced in MinGW 4.8. #ifdef stat # undef stat #endif const char* AppProperName = "Mapster32"; const char* AppTechnicalName = "mapster32"; #if defined(_WIN32) #define DEFAULT_GAME_EXEC "eduke32.exe" #define DEFAULT_GAME_LOCAL_EXEC "eduke32.exe" #elif defined(__APPLE__) #define DEFAULT_GAME_EXEC "EDuke32.app/Contents/MacOS/eduke32" #define DEFAULT_GAME_LOCAL_EXEC "EDuke32.app/Contents/MacOS/eduke32" #else #define DEFAULT_GAME_EXEC "eduke32" #define DEFAULT_GAME_LOCAL_EXEC "./eduke32" #endif const char* DefaultGameExec = DEFAULT_GAME_EXEC; const char* DefaultGameLocalExec = DEFAULT_GAME_LOCAL_EXEC; static int32_t floor_over_floor; static int32_t g_fillCurSector = 0; const char* defaultsetupfilename = SETUPFILENAME; char setupfilename[BMAX_PATH] = SETUPFILENAME; static int32_t fixmaponsave_walls = 0; static int32_t lastsave = -180*60; static int32_t NoAutoLoad = 0; static int32_t spnoclip=1; static char *default_tiles_cfg = "tiles.cfg"; static int32_t pathsearchmode_oninit; #ifdef LUNATIC static L_State g_EmState; #endif #pragma pack(push,1) sound_t g_sounds[MAXSOUNDS]; #pragma pack(pop) static int16_t g_definedsndnum[MAXSOUNDS]; // maps parse order index to g_sounds index static int16_t g_sndnum[MAXSOUNDS]; // maps current order index to g_sounds index int32_t g_numsounds = 0; static int32_t lastupdate, mousecol, mouseadd = 1, bstatus; static int32_t corruptchecktimer; static int32_t curcorruptthing=-1; static uint32_t templenrepquot=1; //////////////////// Key stuff //////////////////// #define eitherALT (keystatus[KEYSC_LALT] || keystatus[KEYSC_RALT]) #define eitherCTRL (keystatus[KEYSC_LCTRL] || keystatus[KEYSC_RCTRL]) #define eitherSHIFT (keystatus[KEYSC_LSHIFT] || keystatus[KEYSC_RSHIFT]) #define PRESSED_KEYSC(Key) (keystatus[KEYSC_##Key] && !(keystatus[KEYSC_##Key]=0)) //////////////////// Aiming //////////////////// static const char *Typestr[] = { "Wall", "Ceiling", "Floor", "Sprite", "Wall" }; static const char *typestr[] = { "wall", "ceiling", "floor", "sprite", "wall" }; static const char *Typestr_wss[] = { "Wall", "Sector", "Sector", "Sprite", "Wall" }; /*static const char *typestr_wss[] = { "wall", "sector", "sector", "sprite", "wall" };*/ /** The following macros multiplex between identically named fields of sector/wall/sprite, * based on a macro parameter or the currently aimed at object (AIMED_ versions). * They can be used on either side of an assignment. */ // select wall, only makes a difference with walls that have 'swap bottom of walls' bit set #define SELECT_WALL() (AIMING_AT_WALL ? searchbottomwall : searchwall) #define SECFLD(i, Field) (sector[i].Field) #define WALFLD(i, Field) (wall[i].Field) #define SPRFLD(i, Field) (sprite[i].Field) // valid fields: z, stat, picnum, heinum, shade, pal, xpanning, ypanning #define CEILINGFLOOR(iSec, Field) (*(AIMING_AT_CEILING ? &(sector[iSec].ceiling##Field) : &(sector[iSec].floor##Field))) #define AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(Field) CEILINGFLOOR(searchsector, Field) #define AIMED_SEL_WALL(Field) WALFLD(SELECT_WALL(), Field) // selects from wall proper or its mask #define OVR_WALL(iWal, Field) (*(AIMING_AT_WALL ? &WALFLD(iWal, Field) : &(wall[iWal].over##Field))) #define AIMED_SELOVR_WALL(Field) OVR_WALL(SELECT_WALL(), Field) // the base macro to construct field multiplexing macros: wall and sector cases undetermined #define MUXBASE(Field, SectorCase, WallCase) (*(AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR ? (SectorCase) : \ (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK ? (WallCase) : \ &SPRFLD(searchwall, Field)))) #define SFBASE_CF(Field, WallCase) MUXBASE(Field, &AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(Field), WallCase) #define SFBASE_(Field, WallCase) MUXBASE(Field, &SECFLD(searchsector,Field), WallCase) #define AIMED(Field) SFBASE_(Field, &WALFLD(searchwall, Field)) #define AIMED_SEL(Field) SFBASE_(Field, &AIMED_SEL_WALL(Field)) //#define AIMED_CF(Field) SFBASE_CF(Field, &WALFLD(searchwall,Field)) #define AIMED_CF_SEL(Field) SFBASE_CF(Field, &AIMED_SEL_WALL(Field)) // OVR makes sense only with picnum //#define AIMED_OVR_PICNUM SFBASE_CF(picnum, &OVR_WALL(searchwall, picnum)) #define AIMED_SELOVR_PICNUM SFBASE_CF(picnum, &AIMED_SELOVR_WALL(picnum)) static const char *ONOFF_[] = {"OFF","ON"}; #define ONOFF(b) (ONOFF_[!!(b)]) static int32_t tsign, mouseax=0, mouseay=0; static int32_t repeatcountx, repeatcounty; static int32_t infobox=3; // bit0: current window, bit1: mouse pointer, the variable should be renamed static char wallshades[MAXWALLS]; static char sectorshades[MAXSECTORS][2]; static char spriteshades[MAXSPRITES]; static char wallpals[MAXWALLS]; static char sectorpals[MAXSECTORS][2]; static char spritepals[MAXSPRITES]; static uint8_t wallflag[MAXWALLS>>3]; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE static uint8_t havebunch[YAX_MAXBUNCHES]; static int32_t *tempzar[YAX_MAXBUNCHES]; static int32_t yax_invalidop() { silentmessage("Operation forbidden on extended sector."); return 0; } static int32_t yax_invalidslope() { silentmessage("Firstwalls must coincide for changing slope."); return 0; } // 1: ok static int32_t yax_checkslope(int16_t sectnum, int32_t othersectnum) { int16_t w1 = sector[sectnum].wallptr, w2 = wall[w1].point2; int16_t nw1 = sector[othersectnum].wallptr, nw2 = wall[nw1].point2; if (nw1 < 0) return 0; // error nw2 = wall[nw1].point2; if (wall[w1].x != wall[nw1].x || wall[w1].y != wall[nw1].y || wall[w2].x != wall[nw2].x || wall[w2].y != wall[nw2].y) return 0; return 1; } # define YAXSLOPECHK(s,os) (yax_checkslope(s,os) || yax_invalidslope()) # define YAXCHK(p) ((p) || yax_invalidop()) #endif // tile marking in tile selector for custom creation of tile groups static uint8_t tilemarked[(MAXTILES+7)>>3]; #ifdef POLYMER static int16_t spritelightid[MAXSPRITES]; _prlight *spritelightptr[MAXSPRITES]; static int32_t check_prlight_colors(int32_t i) { return (sprite[i].xvel != spritelightptr[i]->color[0]) || (sprite[i].yvel != spritelightptr[i]->color[1]) || (sprite[i].zvel != spritelightptr[i]->color[2]); } static void copy_prlight_colors(_prlight *mylightptr, int32_t i) { mylightptr->color[0] = sprite[i].xvel; mylightptr->color[1] = sprite[i].yvel; mylightptr->color[2] = sprite[i].zvel; } static void addprlight_common1(_prlight *mylightptr, int32_t i) { mylightptr->sector = SECT; Bmemcpy(mylightptr, &sprite[i], sizeof(vec3_t)); mylightptr->range = SHT; copy_prlight_colors(mylightptr, i); mylightptr->angle = SA; mylightptr->horiz = SH; mylightptr->minshade = sprite[i].xoffset; mylightptr->maxshade = sprite[i].yoffset; // overridden for spot lights mylightptr->radius = mylightptr->faderadius = mylightptr->tilenum = 0; if (CS & 2) { if (CS & 512) mylightptr->priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_LOW; else mylightptr->priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH; } else mylightptr->priority = PR_LIGHT_PRIO_MAX; mylightptr->publicflags.negative = !!(CS & 128); spritelightid[i] = polymer_addlight(mylightptr); if (spritelightid[i] >= 0) spritelightptr[i] = &prlights[spritelightid[i]]; } static void DeletePolymerLights(void) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) if (spritelightptr[i] != NULL) { polymer_deletelight(spritelightid[i]); spritelightid[i] = -1; spritelightptr[i] = NULL; } } void G_Polymer_UnInit(void) { DeletePolymerLights(); } #endif extern int32_t mskip; //extern int32_t fillsector(int16_t sectnum, char fillcolor); static int32_t osdcmd_quit(const osdfuncparm_t *parm); #define M32_NUM_SPRITE_MODES (signed)ARRAY_SIZE(SpriteMode) static const char *SpriteMode[]= { "NONE", "SECTORS", "WALLS", "SPRITES", "ALL", "ITEMS ONLY", "CURRENT SPRITE ONLY", "ONLY SECTOREFFECTORS AND SECTORS", "NO SECTOREFFECTORS OR SECTORS" }; #define MAXSKILL 5 static const char *SKILLMODE[MAXSKILL]= { "Actor skill display: PIECE OF CAKE", "Actor skill display: LET'S ROCK", "Actor skill display: COME GET SOME", "Actor skill display: DAMN I'M GOOD", "Actor skill display: ALL SKILL LEVELS" }; #define MAXNOSPRITES 4 static const char *SPRDSPMODE[MAXNOSPRITES]= { "Sprite display: DISPLAY ALL SPRITES", "Sprite display: NO EFFECTORS", "Sprite display: NO ACTORS", "Sprite display: NO EFFECTORS OR ACTORS" }; #define MAXHELP3D (signed)ARRAY_SIZE(Help3d) static const char *Help3d[]= { "Mapster32 3D mode help", " ", " F2 = TOGGLE CLIPBOARD", " F3 = TOGGLE MOUSELOOK", " F4 = TOGGLE AMBIENT SOUNDS", " F6 = AUTOMATIC SECTOREFFECTOR HELP", " F7 = AUTOMATIC SECTOR TAG HELP", "", " ' A = TOGGLE AUTOSAVE", " ' D = CYCLE SPRITE SKILL DISPLAY", " ' R = TOGGLE FRAMERATE DISPLAY", " ' W = TOGGLE SPRITE DISPLAY", " ' X = MAP SHADE PREVIEW", " ' I = TOGGLE INVISIBLE SPRITES", "", " ' T = CHANGE LOTAG", " ' H = CHANGE HITAG", " ' S = CHANGE SHADE", " ' M = CHANGE EXTRA", " ' V = CHANGE VISIBILITY", " ' L = CHANGE OBJECT COORDINATES", " ' C = CHANGE GLOBAL SHADE", "", " ' ENTER = PASTE GRAPHIC ONLY", " ' P & ; P = PASTE PALETTE TO ALL SELECTED SECTORS", " ; V = SET VISIBILITY ON ALL SELECTED SECTORS", " ' DEL = CSTAT=0", " CTRL-S = SAVE BOARD", " HOME = PGUP/PGDN MODIFIER (256 UNITS)", " END = PGUP/PGDN MODIFIER (512 UNITS)", }; const char *ExtGetVer(void) { return s_buildRev; } void ExtSetupMapFilename(const char *mapname) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(mapname); } void ExtLoadMap(const char *mapname) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(mapname); getmessageleng = 0; getmessagetimeoff = 0; // Old-fashioned multi-psky handling setup. G_SetupGlobalPsky(); parallaxtype = 0; ////////// #if M32_UNDO map_undoredo_free(); #endif } void ExtSaveMap(const char *mapname) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(mapname); } ////////// tag labeling system ////////// #define TLCHAR "+" #define TLCHR(Cond) ((Cond)?TLCHAR:"") static uint64_t taglab_nolink_SEs = (1ull<<10)|(1ull<<27)|(1ull<<28)|(1ull<<29)| (1ull<<31)|(1ull<<32)|(1ull<<49)|(1ull<<50); //// Case lists of switch picnums. Pretty much CODEDUP from sector.c. // List of switches that function like dip (combination lock) switches. #define DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES \ DIPSWITCH: \ case TECHSWITCH: \ case ALIENSWITCH // List of access switches. #define ACCESS_SWITCH_CASES \ ACCESSSWITCH: \ case ACCESSSWITCH2 // List of switches that don't fit the two preceding categories, and are not // the MULTISWITCH. 13 cases. #define REST_SWITCH_CASES \ DIPSWITCH2: \ case DIPSWITCH3: \ case FRANKENSTINESWITCH: \ case HANDSWITCH: \ case LIGHTSWITCH2: \ case LIGHTSWITCH: \ case LOCKSWITCH1: \ case POWERSWITCH1: \ case POWERSWITCH2: \ case PULLSWITCH: \ case SLOTDOOR: \ case SPACEDOORSWITCH: \ case SPACELIGHTSWITCH // Whether the individual tags have linking semantics. Based on // http://infosuite.duke4.net/index.php?page=references_special_textures // The return value is an OR of the following: // 1: lotag has linking semantics // 2: hitag // 4: extra // 8: xvel // 16: yvel // 32: zvel // 64: owner // This function is only supposed to say something about the potential of a tag: // it will also 'say yes' if a particular tag is zero. int32_t taglab_linktags(int32_t spritep, int32_t num) { int32_t picnum; int32_t l, link = 0; if (spritep) picnum = sprite[num].picnum; else picnum = wall[num].picnum; if (spritep) { switch (picnum) { case SECTOREFFECTOR: // SEs potentially link by their hitag l = sprite[num].lotag; if (l>=0 && l<=63 && (taglab_nolink_SEs&(1ull<<l))) break; link = 2; break; // various lotag-linkers // NOTE: switch picnums are handled together with walls below. case ACTIVATOR: case TOUCHPLATE: case ACTIVATORLOCKED: case MASTERSWITCH: case RESPAWN: // --- case MULTISWITCH: // * case TARGET: case DUCK: case REACTOR: case CAMERA1: link = 1; break; // various hitag-linkers case VIEWSCREEN2: case VIEWSCREEN: case CRACK1: case CRACK2: case CRACK3: case CRACK4: case FIREEXT: case FEM1: case FEM2: case FEM3: case FEM4: case FEM5: case FEM6: case FEM7: case FEM8: case FEM9: case FEM10: case PODFEM1: case NAKED1: //case STATUE: //? case SEENINE: case OOZFILTER: case CRANEPOLE: case CRANE: case NATURALLIGHTNING: link = 2; break; } } else // walls { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE // XXX: only for non-VX map versions. if (yax_getnextwall(num, YAX_CEILING) < 0) #endif switch (picnum) { case TECHLIGHT2: case TECHLIGHT4: case WALLLIGHT4: case WALLLIGHT3: case WALLLIGHT1: case WALLLIGHT2: case BIGFORCE: case W_FORCEFIELD: link = 1; break; } } if (!link) #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (spritep || yax_getnextwall(num, YAX_CEILING) < 0) #endif { // try a few that work both as sprites and as walls switch (picnum) { case ACCESS_SWITCH_CASES: case DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES: case REST_SWITCH_CASES: case DOORTILE5: case DOORTILE6: case DOORTILE1: case DOORTILE2: case DOORTILE3: case DOORTILE4: case DOORTILE7: case DOORTILE8: case DOORTILE9: case DOORTILE10: case DOORTILE22: case DOORTILE18: case DOORTILE19: case DOORTILE20: case DOORTILE14: case DOORTILE16: case DOORTILE15: case DOORTILE21: case DOORTILE17: case DOORTILE11: case DOORTILE12: case DOORTILE23: // --- link = 1; break; } // handle 'on' positions of non-access switches switch (picnum - 1) { case DIPSWITCH_LIKE_CASES: case REST_SWITCH_CASES: link = 1; break; } // handle all positions of the multiswitch if (picnum >= MULTISWITCH && picnum <= MULTISWITCH+3) link = 1; } g_iReturnVar = link; VM_OnEvent(EVENT_LINKTAGS, spritep?num:-1); link = g_iReturnVar; return link; } // <duetoptr>: if non-NULL, a value will be written denoting the object with // the currently greatest tag: // 32768 + spritenum, or // wallnum, or // -1 (the return value i.e. no more tags left OR there are no tagged objects) int32_t taglab_getnextfreetag(int32_t *duetoptr) { int32_t i, nextfreetag=1; int32_t obj = -1; for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) { int32_t tag; if (sprite[i].statnum == MAXSTATUS) continue; if (sprite[i].picnum==MULTISWITCH) { // MULTISWITCH needs special care int32_t endtag = sprite[i].lotag+3; if (nextfreetag <= endtag) { nextfreetag = endtag+1; obj = 32768 + i; } continue; } tag = select_sprite_tag(i); if (tag != INT32_MIN && nextfreetag <= tag) { nextfreetag = tag+1; obj = 32768 + i; } } for (i=0; i<numwalls; i++) { int32_t lt = taglab_linktags(0, i); if ((lt&1) && nextfreetag <= wall[i].lotag) nextfreetag = wall[i].lotag+1, obj = i; if ((lt&2) && nextfreetag <= wall[i].hitag) nextfreetag = wall[i].hitag+1, obj = i; } if (duetoptr != NULL) *duetoptr = obj; if (nextfreetag < 32768) return nextfreetag; return 0; } static void taglab_handle1(int32_t linktagp, int32_t tagnum, char *buf) { const char *label = NULL; if (linktagp && showtags==2) label = taglab_getlabel(tagnum); if (label) Bsprintf(buf, "%d<%s>", tagnum, label); else Bsprintf(buf, "%d%s", tagnum, TLCHR(linktagp)); } ////////// end tag labeling system ////////// static int32_t getTileGroup(const char *groupName) { int32_t temp; for (temp = 0; temp < MAX_TILE_GROUPS; temp++) { if (s_TileGroups[temp].szText == NULL) return -1; if (!Bstrcmp(s_TileGroups[temp].szText, groupName)) return temp; } return -1; } static int32_t tileInGroup(int32_t group, int32_t tilenum) { // @todo Make a bitmap instead of doing this slow search.. int32_t temp; if (group < 0 || group >= MAX_TILE_GROUPS || s_TileGroups[group].szText == NULL) { // group isn't valid. return 0; } for (temp=0; temp<s_TileGroups[group].nIds; temp++) { if (tilenum == s_TileGroups[group].pIds[temp]) return 1; } return 0; } const char *ExtGetSectorType(int32_t lotag) { switch (lotag) { case 1: return "WATER (SE 7)"; case 2: return "UNDERWATER (SE 7)"; case 9: return "STAR TREK DOORS"; case 15: return "ELEVATOR TRANSPORT (SE 17)"; case 16: return "ELEVATOR PLATFORM DOWN"; case 17: return "ELEVATOR PLATFORM UP"; case 18: return "ELEVATOR DOWN"; case 19: return "ELEVATOR UP"; case 20: return "CEILING DOOR"; case 21: return "FLOOR DOOR"; case 22: return "SPLIT DOOR"; case 23: return "SWING DOOR (SE 11)"; case 25: return "SLIDE DOOR (SE 15)"; case 26: return "SPLIT STAR TREK DOOR"; case 27: return "BRIDGE (SE 20)"; case 28: return "DROP FLOOR (SE 21)"; case 29: return "TEETH DOOR (SE 22)"; case 30: return "ROTATE RISE BRIDGE"; case 31: return "2 WAY TRAIN (SE=30)"; case 32767: return "SECRET ROOM"; case -1: return "END OF LEVEL"; default: if (lotag > 10000 && lotag < 32767) return "1 TIME SOUND"; // else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%hu",lotag); } return ""; } const char *ExtGetSectorCaption(int16_t sectnum) { static char tempbuf[64]; Bmemset(tempbuf, 0, sizeof(tempbuf)); if (!in3dmode() && ((onnames!=1 && onnames!=4 && onnames!=7) || onnames==8)) return tempbuf; if (in3dmode() || (sector[sectnum].lotag|sector[sectnum].hitag)) { Bstrcpy(lo, ExtGetSectorType(sector[sectnum].lotag)); if (!in3dmode()) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%hu,%hu %s", TrackerCast(sector[sectnum].hitag), TrackerCast(sector[sectnum].lotag), lo); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%hu %s", TrackerCast(sector[sectnum].lotag), lo); } return(tempbuf); } const char *ExtGetWallCaption(int16_t wallnum) { static char tempbuf[64]; Bmemset(tempbuf,0,sizeof(tempbuf)); if (wall[wallnum].cstat & (1<<14)) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d", wallength(wallnum)); wall[wallnum].cstat &= ~(1<<14); return(tempbuf); } if (!(onnames==2 || onnames==4)) { tempbuf[0] = 0; return(tempbuf); } // HERE if ((wall[wallnum].lotag|wall[wallnum].hitag) == 0) tempbuf[0] = 0; else { int32_t lt = taglab_linktags(0, wallnum); char histr[TAGLAB_MAX+16], lostr[TAGLAB_MAX+16]; lt &= ~(int)(wall[wallnum].lotag<=0); lt &= ~(int)((wall[wallnum].hitag<=0)<<1); taglab_handle1(lt&2, wall[wallnum].hitag, histr); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getnextwall(wallnum, YAX_CEILING) >= 0) // ceiling nextwall: lotag { if (wall[wallnum].hitag == 0) tempbuf[0] = 0; else Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s,*", histr); } else #endif { taglab_handle1(lt&1, wall[wallnum].lotag, lostr); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s,%s", histr, lostr); } } return(tempbuf); } //end const char *SectorEffectorTagText(int32_t lotag) { static char tempbuf[64]; static const char *tags[] = { "ROTATED SECTOR", // 0 "PIVOT SPRITE FOR SE 0", "EARTHQUAKE", "RANDOM LIGHTS AFTER SHOT OUT", "RANDOM LIGHTS", "(UNKNOWN)", // 5 "SUBWAY", "TRANSPORT", "UP OPEN DOOR LIGHTS", "DOWN OPEN DOOR LIGHTS", "DOOR AUTO CLOSE (H=DELAY)", // 10 "ROTATE SECTOR DOOR", "LIGHT SWITCH", "EXPLOSIVE", "SUBWAY CAR", "SLIDE DOOR (ST 25)", // 15 "ROTATE REACTOR SECTOR", "ELEVATOR TRANSPORT (ST 15)", "INCREMENTAL SECTOR RISE/FALL", "CEILING FALL ON EXPLOSION", "BRIDGE (ST 27)", // 20 "DROP FLOOR (ST 28)", "TEETH DOOR (ST 29)", "1-WAY SE7 DESTINATION (H=SE 7)", "CONVEYER BELT", "ENGINE", // 25 "(UNKNOWN)", "CAMERA FOR PLAYBACK", "LIGHTNING (H=TILE#4890)", "FLOAT", "2 WAY TRAIN (ST=31)", // 30 "FLOOR RISE/FALL", "CEILING RISE/FALL", "SPAWN JIB W/QUAKE", }; Bmemset(tempbuf,0,sizeof(tempbuf)); if (lotag>=0 && lotag<(int32_t)ARRAY_SIZE(tags)) Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%d: %s", lotag, tags[lotag]); else switch (lotag) { case 36: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d: SHOOTER",lotag); break; case 49: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d: POINT LIGHT",lotag); break; case 50: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d: SPOTLIGHT",lotag); break; default: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d: (UNKNOWN)",lotag); break; } return (tempbuf); } const char *MusicAndSFXTagText(int32_t lotag) { static char tempbuf[16]; Bmemset(tempbuf, 0, sizeof(tempbuf)); if (g_numsounds <= 0) return tempbuf; if (lotag>0 && lotag<999 && g_sounds[lotag].definedname) return g_sounds[lotag].definedname; if (lotag>=1000 && lotag<2000) Bsprintf(tempbuf, "REVERB"); return tempbuf; } const char *SectorEffectorText(int32_t spritenum) { static char tempbuf[64]; Bmemset(tempbuf, 0, sizeof(tempbuf)); Bmemset(lo, 0, sizeof(lo)); Bstrcpy(lo, SectorEffectorTagText(sprite[spritenum].lotag)); if (!lo[5]) // tags are 5 chars or less SpriteName(spritenum, tempbuf); else Bsprintf(tempbuf, "SE %s",lo); return (tempbuf); } const char *ExtGetSpriteCaption(int16_t spritenum) { static char tempbuf[1024]; int32_t retfast = 0, lt; Bmemset(tempbuf,0,sizeof(tempbuf)); if (!(onnames>=3 && onnames<=8) || (onnames==7 && sprite[spritenum].picnum!=SECTOREFFECTOR)) retfast = 1; if (onnames==5 && !tileInGroup(tilegroupItems, sprite[spritenum].picnum)) retfast = 1; if (onnames==6 && sprite[spritenum].picnum != sprite[cursprite].picnum) retfast = 1; if (retfast) return tempbuf; lt = taglab_linktags(1, spritenum); lt &= ~(int)(sprite[spritenum].lotag<=0); lt &= ~(int)((sprite[spritenum].hitag<=0)<<1); if ((sprite[spritenum].lotag|sprite[spritenum].hitag) == 0) { SpriteName(spritenum,lo); if (lo[0]!=0) { if (sprite[spritenum].pal==1) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s (MULTIPLAYER)",lo); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s",lo); } return tempbuf; } { char histr[TAGLAB_MAX+16], lostr[TAGLAB_MAX+16]; taglab_handle1(lt&2, sprite[spritenum].hitag, histr); if (sprite[spritenum].picnum==SECTOREFFECTOR) { if (onnames!=8) { Bsprintf(lo,"%s",SectorEffectorText(spritenum)); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s, %s",lo, histr); } } else { taglab_handle1(lt&1, sprite[spritenum].lotag, lostr); SpriteName(spritenum,lo); if (sprite[spritenum].extra != -1) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s,%s,%d %s", histr, lostr, TrackerCast(sprite[spritenum].extra), lo); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s,%s %s", histr, lostr, lo); } } return tempbuf; } //end //printext16 parameters: //printext16(int32_t xpos, int32_t ypos, int16_t col, int16_t backcol, // char name[82], char fontsize) // xpos 0-639 (top left) // ypos 0-479 (top left) // col 0-15 // backcol 0-15, -1 is transparent background // name // fontsize 0=8*8, 1=3*5 //drawline16 parameters: // drawline16(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, char col) // x1, x2 0-639 // y1, y2 0-143 (status bar is 144 high, origin is top-left of STATUS BAR) // col 0-15 static void PrintStatus(const char *string, int32_t num, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t color) { Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s %d", string, num); printext16(x*8, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+y*8, editorcolors[color], -1, tempbuf, 0); } static void PrintNextTag(void) { int32_t obj; int32_t nexttag = taglab_getnextfreetag(&obj); if (nexttag >= 1) { if (obj == -1) printmessage16("Level %s next tag %d (no tagged objects)", levelname, nexttag); else printmessage16("Level %s next tag %d (%s %d has greatest)", levelname, nexttag, (obj&32768) ? "sprite" : "wall", obj&32767); } } void ExtShowSectorData(int16_t sectnum) //F5 { int32_t x,x2,y; int32_t i,yi; int32_t secrets=0; int32_t totalactors1=0,totalactors2=0,totalactors3=0,totalactors4=0; int32_t totalrespawn=0; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(sectnum); if (in3dmode()) return; for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++) secrets += (sector[i].lotag==32767); for (i=headspritestat[0]; i != -1; i=nextspritestat[i]) { // Count all non-player actors. if (tileInGroup(tilegroupActors, sprite[i].picnum)) { if (sprite[i].lotag<=1) totalactors1++; if (sprite[i].lotag<=2) totalactors2++; if (sprite[i].lotag<=3) totalactors3++; if (sprite[i].lotag<=4) totalactors4++; } if (sprite[i].picnum == RESPAWN) totalrespawn++; } Bmemset(numsprite, 0, sizeof(numsprite)); Bmemset(multisprite, 0, sizeof(numsprite)); for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) { if (sprite[i].statnum==0 && sprite[i].picnum>=0 && sprite[i].picnum<MAXTILES) { if (sprite[i].pal!=0) multisprite[sprite[i].picnum]++; else numsprite[sprite[i].picnum]++; } } clearmidstatbar16(); //Clear middle of status bar ydim -= 8; drawgradient(); ydim += 8; PrintNextTag(); #define PRSTAT(Str, Tiledef) \ PrintStatus(Str, numsprite[Tiledef], x, y+yi, numsprite[Tiledef]?11:7); \ PrintStatus("",multisprite[Tiledef], x2,y+yi, multisprite[Tiledef]?9:7); \ yi++; ydim -= 8; // vvvvvv reset at end!! begindrawing(); //{{{ x=1; x2=14; y=4; yi=2; printext16(x*8, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+y*8, editorcolors[11], -1, "Item Count", 0); PRSTAT("10%health=", COLA); PRSTAT("30%health=", SIXPAK); PRSTAT("Med-Kit =", FIRSTAID); PRSTAT("Atom =", ATOMICHEALTH); PRSTAT("Shields =", SHIELD); x=17; x2=30; y=4; yi=2; printext16(x*8, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+y*8, editorcolors[11], -1, "Inventory", 0); PRSTAT("Steroids =", STEROIDS); PRSTAT("Airtank =", AIRTANK); PRSTAT("Jetpack =", JETPACK); PRSTAT("Goggles =", HEATSENSOR); PRSTAT("Boots =", BOOTS); PRSTAT("HoloDuke =", HOLODUKE); PRSTAT("Multi D =", APLAYER); x=33; x2=46; y=4; yi=2; printext16(x*8, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+y*8, editorcolors[11], -1, "Weapon Count", 0); PRSTAT("Pistol =", FIRSTGUNSPRITE); PRSTAT("Shotgun =", SHOTGUNSPRITE); PRSTAT("Chaingun =", CHAINGUNSPRITE); PRSTAT("RPG =", RPGSPRITE); PRSTAT("Pipe Bomb=", HEAVYHBOMB); PRSTAT("Shrinker =", SHRINKERSPRITE); PRSTAT("Devastatr=", DEVISTATORSPRITE); PRSTAT("Trip mine=", TRIPBOMBSPRITE); PRSTAT("Freezeray=", FREEZESPRITE); x=49; x2=62; y=4; yi=2; printext16(x*8,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+y*8,editorcolors[11],-1,"Ammo Count",0); PRSTAT("Pistol =", AMMO); PRSTAT("Shot =", SHOTGUNAMMO); PRSTAT("Chain =", BATTERYAMMO); PRSTAT("RPG Box =", RPGAMMO); PRSTAT("Pipe Bomb=", HBOMBAMMO); PRSTAT("Shrinker =", CRYSTALAMMO); PRSTAT("Devastatr=", DEVISTATORAMMO); PRSTAT("Expander =", GROWAMMO); PRSTAT("Freezeray=", FREEZEAMMO); printext16(65*8, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+4*8, editorcolors[11], -1, "MISC", 0); printext16(65*8, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+8*8, editorcolors[11], -1, "ACTORS", 0); #undef PRSTAT PrintStatus("Secrets =", secrets, 65, 6, 11); PrintStatus("Skill 1 =", totalactors1, 65, 10, 11); PrintStatus("Skill 2 =", totalactors2, 65, 11, 11); PrintStatus("Skill 3 =", totalactors3, 65, 12, 11); PrintStatus("Skill 4 =", totalactors4, 65, 13, 11); PrintStatus("Respawn =", totalrespawn, 65, 14, 11); enddrawing(); //}}} ydim += 8; // ^^^^^^ see above! } void ExtShowWallData(int16_t wallnum) //F6 { int32_t i, runi, total=0, x, y, yi; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wallnum); if (in3dmode()) return; clearmidstatbar16(); drawgradient(); PrintNextTag(); #define CASES_LIZTROOP \ LIZTROOP: case LIZTROOPRUNNING : case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT: case LIZTROOPSHOOT: \ case LIZTROOPJETPACK: case LIZTROOPONTOILET: case LIZTROOPDUCKING #define CASES_BOSS1 BOSS1: case BOSS1STAYPUT: case BOSS1SHOOT: case BOSS1LOB: case BOSSTOP Bmemset(numsprite, 0, sizeof(numsprite)); Bmemset(multisprite, 0, sizeof(multisprite)); for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) { if (sprite[i].statnum==0 && sprite[i].pal) switch (sprite[i].picnum) { case CASES_LIZTROOP: numsprite[LIZTROOP]++; break; case CASES_BOSS1: multisprite[BOSS1]++; break; case BOSS2: multisprite[BOSS2]++; break; case BOSS3: multisprite[BOSS3]++; default: break; } } // runi==0: Count Normal Actors // runi==1: Count Respawn Actors for (runi=0; runi<2; runi++) { if (runi==1) { Bmemset(numsprite, 0, sizeof(numsprite)); Bmemset(multisprite, 0, sizeof(multisprite)); } for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) { int32_t pic; if (sprite[i].statnum!=0) continue; if (runi==0 && sprite[i].pal!=0) continue; if (runi==1 && sprite[i].picnum!=RESPAWN) continue; pic = (runi==0) ? (int)sprite[i].picnum : (int)sprite[i].hitag; if (pic<0 || pic>=MAXTILES) continue; switch (pic) { case CASES_LIZTROOP: numsprite[LIZTROOP]++; break; case PIGCOP: case PIGCOPSTAYPUT: case PIGCOPDIVE: numsprite[PIGCOP]++; break; case LIZMAN: case LIZMANSTAYPUT: case LIZMANSPITTING: case LIZMANFEEDING: case LIZMANJUMP: numsprite[LIZMAN]++; break; case CASES_BOSS1: if (runi==0 || sprite[i].pal==0) numsprite[BOSS1]++; else multisprite[BOSS1]++; break; case COMMANDER: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT: numsprite[COMMANDER]++; break; case OCTABRAIN: case OCTABRAINSTAYPUT: numsprite[OCTABRAIN]++; break; case RECON: case DRONE: case ROTATEGUN: case EGG: case ORGANTIC: case GREENSLIME: case BOSS2: case BOSS3: case TANK: case NEWBEAST: case NEWBEASTSTAYPUT: case BOSS4: numsprite[pic]++; break; default: break; } } #undef CASES_LIZTROOP #undef CASES_BOSS1 total=0; for (i=0; i<MAXTILES; i++) total += numsprite[i]; for (i=0; i<MAXTILES; i++) total += multisprite[i]; begindrawing(); //{{{ x=2+runi*34; y=4; PrintStatus(runi==0?"Normal actors:":"Respawn actors:", total, x, y, 11); #define PRSTAT(Str, Tiledef) PrintStatus(Str, numsprite[Tiledef], x, y+(yi++), numsprite[Tiledef]?11:7); yi=1; PRSTAT(" Liztroop =", LIZTROOP); PRSTAT(" Lizman =", LIZMAN); PRSTAT(" Commander =", COMMANDER); PRSTAT(" Octabrain =", OCTABRAIN); PRSTAT(" PigCop =", PIGCOP); PRSTAT(" Recon Car =", RECON); PRSTAT(" Drone =", DRONE); PRSTAT(" Turret =", ROTATEGUN); PRSTAT(" Egg =", EGG); x+=17; yi=1; PRSTAT("Slimer =", GREENSLIME); PRSTAT("Boss1 =", BOSS1); PrintStatus("MiniBoss1 =", multisprite[BOSS1], x, y+(yi++), multisprite[BOSS1]?11:7); PRSTAT("Boss2 =", BOSS2); PRSTAT("Boss3 =", BOSS3); PRSTAT("Riot Tank =", TANK); PRSTAT("Newbeast =", NEWBEAST); PRSTAT("Boss4 =", BOSS4); #undef PRSTAT enddrawing(); //}}} } } // formerly Show2dText and Show3dText static void ShowFileText(const char *name) { int32_t fp,t; uint8_t x=0,y=4,xmax=0,xx=0,col=0; if (!in3dmode()) { clearmidstatbar16(); drawgradient(); } if ((fp=kopen4load(name,0)) == -1) { Bsprintf(tempbuf, "ERROR: file \"%s\" not found.", name); if (in3dmode()) printext256(1*4,4*8,whitecol,-1,tempbuf,0); else printext16(1*4,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+4*8,editorcolors[11],-1,tempbuf,0); return; } t=65; begindrawing(); while (t!=EOF && col<5) { t = 0; if (kread(fp,&t,1)<=0) t = EOF; while (t!=EOF && t!='\n' && x<250) { tempbuf[x]=t; t = 0; if (kread(fp,&t,1)<=0) t = EOF; x++; if (x>xmax) xmax=x; } tempbuf[x]=0; if (in3dmode()) printext256(xx*4,(y*6)+2,whitecol,-1,tempbuf,1); else printext16(xx*4,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+(y*6)+2,editorcolors[11],-1,tempbuf,1); x=0; y++; if (y>18) { col++; y=6; xx+=xmax; xmax=0; } } enddrawing(); kclose(fp); } // PK_ vvvv typedef struct helppage_ { int32_t numlines; char line[1][80]; // C99 flexible array member } helppage_t; static helppage_t **helppage=NULL; static int32_t numhelppages=0; static int32_t emptyline(const char *start) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<80; i++) { if (start[i]=='\n' || !start[i]) break; if (start[i]!=' ' && start[i]!='\t' && start[i]!='\r') return 0; } return 1; } static int32_t newpage(const char *start) { int32_t i; for (i=80-1; i>=0; i--) { if (start[i] == '^' && start[i+1] == 'P') return 1; } return 0; } #define IHELP_INITPAGES 32 #define IHELP_INITLINES 16 static void ReadHelpFile(const char *name) { BFILE *fp; int32_t i, j, k, numallocpages; int32_t pos, charsread=0; helppage_t *hp; char skip=0; initprintf("Loading \"%s\"\n",name); if ((fp=fopenfrompath(name,"rb")) == NULL) { initprintf("Error initializing integrated help: file \"%s\" not found.\n", name); return; } helppage=(helppage_t **)Xmalloc(IHELP_INITPAGES * sizeof(helppage_t *)); numallocpages=IHELP_INITPAGES; i=0; while (!Bfeof(fp) && !ferror(fp)) { while (!Bfeof(fp)) // skip empty lines { pos = ftell(fp); if (Bfgets(tempbuf, 80, fp) == NULL) break; charsread = ftell(fp)-pos; if (!newpage(tempbuf)) { break; } } if (Bfeof(fp) || charsread<=0) break; hp=(helppage_t *)Xcalloc(1,sizeof(helppage_t) + IHELP_INITLINES*80); hp->numlines = IHELP_INITLINES; if (charsread == 79 && tempbuf[78]!='\n') skip=1; j=0; do { if (j >= hp->numlines) { hp=(helppage_t *)Xrealloc(hp, sizeof(helppage_t) + 2*hp->numlines*80); hp->numlines *= 2; } // limit the line length to 78 chars and probably get rid of the CR if (charsread>0) { tempbuf[charsread-1]=0; if (charsread>=2 && tempbuf[charsread-2]==0x0d) tempbuf[charsread-2]=0; } Bmemcpy(hp->line[j], tempbuf, 80); for (k=charsread; k<80; k++) hp->line[j][k]=0; if (skip) { while (fgetc(fp)!='\n' && !Bfeof(fp)) /*skip rest of line*/; skip=0; } pos = ftell(fp); if (Bfgets(tempbuf, 80, fp) == NULL) break; charsread = ftell(fp)-pos; if (charsread == 79 && tempbuf[78]!='\n') skip=1; j++; } while (!newpage(tempbuf) && !Bfeof(fp) && charsread>0); hp=(helppage_t *)Xrealloc(hp, sizeof(helppage_t) + j*80); hp->numlines=j; if (i >= numallocpages) { helppage = (helppage_t **)Xrealloc(helppage, 2*numallocpages*sizeof(helppage_t *)); numallocpages *= 2; } helppage[i] = hp; i++; } helppage =(helppage_t **)Xrealloc(helppage, i*sizeof(helppage_t *)); numhelppages = i; Bfclose(fp); return; } // why can't MSVC allocate an array of variable size?! #define IHELP_NUMDISPLINES 110 // ((overridepm16y>>4)+(overridepm16y>>5)+(overridepm16y>>7)-2) #define IHELP_PATLEN 45 extern int32_t overridepm16y; // influences clearmidstatbar16() static void IntegratedHelp(void) { if (!helppage) return; overridepm16y = ydim;//3*STATUS2DSIZ; { int32_t i, j; static int32_t curhp=0, curline=0; int32_t highlighthp=-1, highlightline=-1, lasthighlighttime=0; char disptext[IHELP_NUMDISPLINES][80]; char oldpattern[IHELP_PATLEN+1]; Bmemset(oldpattern, 0, sizeof(char)); // clearmidstatbar16(); begindrawing(); CLEARLINES2D(0, ydim, 0); enddrawing(); while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC]==0 && keystatus[KEYSC_Q]==0 && keystatus[KEYSC_F1]==0) { idle_waitevent(); if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; // printmessage16("Help mode, press <Esc> to exit"); if (keystatus[KEYSC_S]) { fade_editor_screen(-1); } else { begindrawing(); CLEARLINES2D(0, ydim, 0); enddrawing(); } // based on 'save as' dialog in overheadeditor() if (keystatus[KEYSC_S]) // text search { char ch, bad=0, pattern[IHELP_PATLEN+1]; for (i=0; i<IHELP_PATLEN+1; i++) pattern[i]=0; i=0; bflushchars(); while (bad == 0) { _printmessage16("Search: %s_", pattern); showframe(1); idle_waitevent(); if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[1]) bad = 1; else if (ch == 13) bad = 2; else if (ch > 0) { if (i > 0 && (ch == 8 || ch == 127)) { i--; pattern[i] = 0; } else if (i < IHELP_PATLEN && ch >= 32 && ch < 128) { pattern[i++] = ch; pattern[i] = 0; } } } if (bad==1) { keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] = keystatus[KEYSC_Q] = keystatus[KEYSC_F1] = 0; } if (bad==2) { keystatus[KEYSC_ENTER] = 0; for (i=curhp; i<numhelppages; i++) { for (j = (i==curhp)?(curline+1):0; j<helppage[i]->numlines; j++) { // entering an empty pattern will search with the last used pattern if (Bstrstr(helppage[i]->line[j], pattern[0]?pattern:oldpattern)) { curhp = i; if ((curline=j) <= helppage[i]->numlines - 32 /*-IHELP_NUMDISPLINES*/) /**/; else if ((curline=helppage[i]->numlines- 32 /*-IHELP_NUMDISPLINES*/) >= 0) /**/; else curline=0; highlighthp = i; highlightline = j; lasthighlighttime = totalclock; goto ENDFOR1; } } } ENDFOR1: if (pattern[0]) Bmemcpy(oldpattern, pattern, IHELP_PATLEN+1); } } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(T)) // goto table of contents { curhp=0; curline=0; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(G)) // goto arbitrary page { curhp=getnumber16("Goto page: ", 0, numhelppages-1, 0); curline=0; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(UP)) // scroll up { if (curline>0) curline--; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(DOWN)) // scroll down { if (curline + 32/*+IHELP_NUMDISPLINES*/ < helppage[curhp]->numlines) curline++; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGUP)) // scroll one page up { i=IHELP_NUMDISPLINES; while (i>0 && curline>0) i--, curline--; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGDN)) // scroll one page down { i=IHELP_NUMDISPLINES; while (i>0 && curline + 32/*+IHELP_NUMDISPLINES*/ < helppage[curhp]->numlines) i--, curline++; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(SPACE)) // goto next paragraph { for (i=curline, j=0; i < helppage[curhp]->numlines; i++) { if (emptyline(helppage[curhp]->line[i])) { j=1; continue; } if (j==1 && !emptyline(helppage[curhp]->line[i])) { j=2; break; } } if (j==2) { if (i + 32 /*+IHELP_NUMDISPLINES*/ < helppage[curhp]->numlines) curline=i; else if (helppage[curhp]->numlines - 32/*-IHELP_NUMDISPLINES*/ > curline) curline = helppage[curhp]->numlines - 32/*-IHELP_NUMDISPLINES*/; } } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(BS)) // goto prev paragraph { for (i=curline-1, j=0; i>=0; i--) { if (!emptyline(helppage[curhp]->line[i])) { j=1; continue; } if (j==1 && emptyline(helppage[curhp]->line[i])) { j=2; break; } } if (j==2 || i==-1) curline=i+1; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(HOME)) // goto beginning of page { curline=0; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(END)) // goto end of page { if ((curline=helppage[curhp]->numlines - 32/*-IHELP_NUMDISPLINES*/) >= 0) /**/; else curline=0; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(LEFT) || PRESSED_KEYSC(LBRACK)) // prev page { if (curhp>0) { curhp--; curline=0; } } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(RIGHT) || PRESSED_KEYSC(RBRACK)) // next page { if (curhp<numhelppages-1) { curhp++; curline=0; } } else // '1'-'0' on the upper row { for (i=2; i<=11; i++) if (keystatus[i]) break; if (i--<12 && i<numhelppages) { curhp=i; curline=0; } } // drawgradient(); begindrawing(); printext16(9, ydim2d-overridepm16y+9, editorcolors[4], -1, "Help Mode", 0); printext16(8, ydim2d-overridepm16y+8, editorcolors[12], -1, "Help Mode", 0); printext16(8 + 9*8 + 2*8, ydim2d-overridepm16y+8, editorcolors[15], -1, "(S:search)", 0); enddrawing(); if (curhp < helppage[0]->numlines) _printmessage16("%s", helppage[0]->line[curhp]); else _printmessage16("%d. (Untitled page)", curhp); for (i=0; j=(curhp==0)?(i+curline+1):(i+curline), i<IHELP_NUMDISPLINES && j<helppage[curhp]->numlines; i++) { if (ydim-overridepm16y+28+i*9+32 >= ydim) break; Bmemcpy(disptext[i], helppage[curhp]->line[j], 80); printext16(8, ydim-overridepm16y+28+i*9, editorcolors[10], (j==highlightline && curhp==highlighthp && totalclock-lasthighlighttime<120*5) ? editorcolors[1] : -1, disptext[i], 0); } showframe(1); } clearkeys(); } overridepm16y = -1; } #define SOUND_NUMDISPLINES IHELP_NUMDISPLINES static int32_t compare_sounds_s(int16_t k1, int16_t k2) { return (int32_t)k1 - (int32_t)k2; } static int32_t compare_sounds_d(int16_t k1, int16_t k2) { sound_t *s1 = &g_sounds[k1], *s2 = &g_sounds[k2]; char *n1 = s1->definedname, *n2 = s2->definedname; if (!n1 && !n2) return 0; if (!n1) return -1; if (!n2) return 1; return Bstrcasecmp(n1, n2); } static int32_t compare_sounds_f(int16_t k1, int16_t k2) { sound_t *s1 = &g_sounds[k1], *s2 = &g_sounds[k2]; char *n1 = s1->filename, *n2 = s2->filename; if (!n1 && !n2) return 0; if (!n1) return -1; if (!n2) return 1; return Bstrcasecmp(n1, n2); } static int32_t compare_sounds_1(int16_t k1, int16_t k2) { return (g_sounds[k2].m&1) - (g_sounds[k1].m&1); } static int32_t compare_sounds_2(int16_t k1, int16_t k2) { return (g_sounds[k2].m&2) - (g_sounds[k1].m&2); } static int32_t compare_sounds_3(int16_t k1, int16_t k2) { return (g_sounds[k2].m&4) - (g_sounds[k1].m&4); } static int32_t compare_sounds_4(int16_t k1, int16_t k2) { return (g_sounds[k2].m&8) - (g_sounds[k1].m&8); } static int32_t compare_sounds_5(int16_t k1, int16_t k2) { return (g_sounds[k2].m&16) - (g_sounds[k1].m&16); } static int32_t sort_sounds(int32_t how) { int32_t (*compare_sounds)(int16_t, int16_t) = NULL; int32_t ms, ofs, l, lb, r, rb, d, n, k1, k2; int16_t *src, *dst, *source, *dest, *tmp; n = g_numsounds; src = source = g_sndnum; dest = (int16_t *)Xmalloc(sizeof(int16_t) * n); dst = dest; switch (how) { case 'g': // restore original order Bmemcpy(g_sndnum, g_definedsndnum, sizeof(int16_t)*n); return 0; case 's': compare_sounds = compare_sounds_s; break; case 'd': compare_sounds = compare_sounds_d; break; case 'f': compare_sounds = compare_sounds_f; break; case '1': compare_sounds = compare_sounds_1; break; case '2': compare_sounds = compare_sounds_2; break; case '3': compare_sounds = compare_sounds_3; break; case '4': compare_sounds = compare_sounds_4; break; case '5': compare_sounds = compare_sounds_5; break; default: return -2; } for (ms=1; ms<n; ms*=2) { for (ofs=0; ofs<n; ofs+=2*ms) { l = ofs; r = ofs+ms; d = ofs; lb = min((l+ms), n); rb = min((r+ms), n); while (l < lb || r < rb) { if (l >= lb) { dst[d++] = src[r++]; continue; } if (r >= rb) { dst[d++] = src[l++]; continue; } k1 = src[l]; k2 = src[r]; if (compare_sounds(k1, k2) <= 0) { dst[d++] = src[l++]; continue; } dst[d++] = src[r++]; } } tmp = src; src = dst; dst = tmp; } if (src != source) Bmemcpy(source, src, sizeof(int16_t) * n); Bfree(dest); return 0; } static void SoundDisplay(void) { if (g_numsounds <= 0) return; overridepm16y = ydim;//3*STATUS2DSIZ; { // cursnd is the first displayed line, cursnd+curofs is where the cursor is static int32_t cursnd=0, curofs=0; char disptext[80]; int32_t i, j; const int32_t halfpage = (ydim-64)/(2*9); while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC]==0 && keystatus[KEYSC_Q]==0 && keystatus[KEYSC_F2]==0 && keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]==0) // quickjump to 3d mode { begindrawing(); CLEARLINES2D(0, ydim16, 0); enddrawing(); idle_waitevent(); if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; // drawgradient(); begindrawing(); printext16(9, ydim2d-overridepm16y+9, editorcolors[4], -1, "Sound Index", 0); printext16(8, ydim2d-overridepm16y+8, editorcolors[12], -1, "Sound Index", 0); printext16(8 + 11*8 + 2*8, ydim2d-overridepm16y+8, editorcolors[15], -1, "(SPACE:play, S:sort)", 0); enddrawing(); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(G)) // goto specified sound# { _printmessage16(" "); j = getnumber16("Goto sound#: ", 0, g_numsounds-1, 0); for (i=0; i<g_numsounds; i++) if (g_sndnum[i]==j) break; if (i != g_numsounds) { if (i<SOUND_NUMDISPLINES) cursnd = 0, curofs = i; else if (i>=g_numsounds-halfpage) cursnd = g_numsounds-halfpage, curofs = i-cursnd; else curofs = halfpage/2, cursnd = i-curofs; } } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(UP)) // scroll up { if (curofs>0) curofs--; else if (cursnd>0) cursnd--; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(DOWN)) // scroll down { if (curofs < halfpage-1 && cursnd+curofs<g_numsounds-1) curofs++; else if (cursnd + halfpage < g_numsounds) cursnd++; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGUP)) // scroll one page up { i = halfpage/2; while (i>0 && curofs>0) i--, curofs--; while (i>0 && cursnd>0) i--, cursnd--; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGDN)) // scroll one page down { i = halfpage/2; while (i>0 && curofs < halfpage-1 && cursnd+curofs<g_numsounds-1) i--, curofs++; while (i>0 && cursnd + halfpage < g_numsounds) i--, cursnd++; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(SPACE) || PRESSED_KEYSC(ENTER)) // play/stop sound { int32_t j = cursnd+curofs; int32_t k = g_sndnum[j]; if (S_CheckSoundPlaying(0, k) > 0) S_StopSound(k); else S_PlaySound(k); } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(HOME)) // goto first sound# { cursnd = curofs = 0; } else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(END)) // goto last sound# { if ((cursnd = g_numsounds - halfpage) >= 0) curofs = halfpage-1; else { cursnd = 0; curofs = g_numsounds-1; } } _printmessage16(" FILE NAME PITCH RANGE PRI FLAGS VOLUME"); for (i=0; j=cursnd+i, i<SOUND_NUMDISPLINES && j<g_numsounds; i++) { int32_t l, m, k=g_sndnum[j]; sound_t *snd=&g_sounds[k]; char *cp; if (ydim-overridepm16y+28+i*9+32 >= ydim) break; Bsprintf(disptext, "%4d .................... ................ %6d:%-6d %3d %c%c%c%c%c %6d", // 5678901234567890X23456789012345678901234567 k, snd->ps, snd->pe, snd->pr, snd->m&1 ? 'R':'-', snd->m&2 ? 'M':'-', snd->m&4 ? 'D':'-', snd->m&8 ? 'P':'-', snd->m&16 ? 'G':'-', snd->vo); for (l = Bsnprintf(disptext+5, 20, "%s", snd->definedname); l<20; l++) disptext[5+l] = ' '; if (snd->filename) { l = Bstrlen(snd->filename); if (l<=16) cp = snd->filename; else cp = snd->filename + l-15; for (m = Bsnprintf(disptext+26, 16, "%s", cp); m<16; m++) disptext[26+m] = ' '; if (l>16) disptext[26] = disptext[27] = disptext[28] = '.'; } printext16(8, ydim-overridepm16y+28+i*9, keystatus[KEYSC_S]?editorcolors[8] : (S_CheckSoundPlaying(-1, k) ? editorcolors[2] : editorcolors[10]), j==cursnd+curofs ? editorcolors[1] : -1, disptext, 0); } if (keystatus[KEYSC_S]) // sorting { char ch, bad=0; _printmessage16("Sort by: (S)oundnum (D)ef (F)ile ori(g) or flags (12345)"); showframe(1); i=0; bflushchars(); while (bad == 0) { idle_waitevent(); if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[1]) bad = 1; else if (ch == 's' || ch == 'd' || ch == 'f' || ch == 'g' || ch == '1' || ch == '2' || ch == '3' || ch == '4' || ch == '5') { bad = 2; sort_sounds(ch); } } clearkeys(); } else showframe(1); } overridepm16y = -1; FX_StopAllSounds(); S_ClearSoundLocks(); clearkeys(); } } // PK_ ^^^^ int32_t AmbienceToggle = 1; int32_t ParentalLock = 0; uint8_t g_ambiencePlaying[MAXSPRITES>>3]; #define testbit(bitarray, i) (bitarray[(i)>>3] & (1<<((i)&7))) #define setbit(bitarray, i) bitarray[(i)>>3] |= (1<<((i)&7)) #define clearbit(bitarray, i) bitarray[(i)>>3] &= ~(1<<((i)&7)) // adapted from actors.c static void M32_MoveFX(void) { int32_t i, j; int32_t x, ht; spritetype *s; for (i=headspritestat[0]; i>=0; i=nextspritestat[i]) { s = &sprite[i]; if (s->picnum != MUSICANDSFX) { if (testbit(g_ambiencePlaying, i)) { clearbit(g_ambiencePlaying, i); S_StopEnvSound(s->lotag, i); } } else if (s->sectnum>=0) { ht = s->hitag; if (s->lotag < 999 && (unsigned)sector[s->sectnum].lotag < 9 && AmbienceToggle && sector[s->sectnum].floorz != sector[s->sectnum].ceilingz) { if ((g_sounds[s->lotag].m & SF_MSFX)) { x = dist((spritetype *)&pos,s); if (x < ht && !testbit(g_ambiencePlaying, i) && FX_VoiceAvailable(g_sounds[s->lotag].pr-1)) { char om = g_sounds[s->lotag].m; if (g_numEnvSoundsPlaying == NumVoices) { for (j = headspritestat[0]; j >= 0; j = nextspritestat[j]) { if (s->picnum == MUSICANDSFX && j != i && sprite[j].lotag < 999 && testbit(g_ambiencePlaying, j) && dist(&sprite[j],(spritetype *)&pos) > x) { S_StopEnvSound(sprite[j].lotag,j); break; } } if (j == -1) continue; } g_sounds[s->lotag].m |= SF_LOOP; A_PlaySound(s->lotag,i); g_sounds[s->lotag].m = om; setbit(g_ambiencePlaying, i); } if (x >= ht && testbit(g_ambiencePlaying, i)) { clearbit(g_ambiencePlaying, i); S_StopEnvSound(s->lotag,i); } } } } } } ///__ShowHelpText__ void ExtShowSpriteData(int16_t spritenum) //F6 { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(spritenum); if (!in3dmode()) ShowFileText("sehelp.hlp"); } // Floor Over Floor (duke3d) // If standing in sector with SE42 or SE44 // then draw viewing to SE41 and raise all =hi SE43 cielings. // If standing in sector with SE43 or SE45 // then draw viewing to SE40 and lower all =hi SE42 floors. static int32_t fofsizex = -1; static int32_t fofsizey = -1; #if 0 static void ResetFOFSize(void) { if (fofsizex != -1) tilesizx[FOF] = fofsizex; if (fofsizey != -1) tilesizy[FOF] = fofsizey; } #endif static void ExtSE40Draw(int32_t spnum,int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t z,int16_t a,int16_t h) { static int32_t tempsectorz[MAXSECTORS]; static int32_t tempsectorpicnum[MAXSECTORS]; int32_t j=0,k=0; int32_t floor1=0,floor2=0,ok=0,fofmode=0,draw_both=0; int32_t offx,offy,offz; if (sprite[spnum].ang!=512) return; // Things are a little different now, as we allow for masked transparent // floors and ceilings. So the FOF textures is no longer required // if (!(gotpic[FOF>>3]&(1<<(FOF&7)))) // return; // gotpic[FOF>>3] &= ~(1<<(FOF&7)); if (tilesiz[562].x) { fofsizex = tilesiz[562].x; tilesiz[562].x = 0; } if (tilesiz[562].y) { fofsizey = tilesiz[562].y; tilesiz[562].y = 0; } floor1=spnum; if (sprite[spnum].lotag==42) fofmode=40; if (sprite[spnum].lotag==43) fofmode=41; if (sprite[spnum].lotag==44) fofmode=40; if (sprite[spnum].lotag==45) fofmode=41; // fofmode=sprite[spnum].lotag-2; // sectnum=sprite[j].sectnum; // sectnum=cursectnum; ok++; /* recursive? for(j=0;j<MAXSPRITES;j++) { if( sprite[j].sectnum==sectnum && sprite[j].picnum==1 && sprite[j].lotag==110 ) { DrawFloorOverFloor(j); break;} } */ // if(ok==0) { Message("no fof",RED); return; } for (j=0; j<MAXSPRITES; j++) { if (sprite[j].picnum==1 && sprite[j].lotag==fofmode && sprite[j].hitag==sprite[floor1].hitag) { floor1=j; fofmode=sprite[j].lotag; ok++; break; } } // if(ok==1) { Message("no floor1",RED); return; } if (fofmode==40) k=41; else k=40; for (j=0; j<MAXSPRITES; j++) { if (sprite[j].picnum==1 && sprite[j].lotag==k && sprite[j].hitag==sprite[floor1].hitag) { floor2=j; ok++; break; } } // i=floor1; offx=sprite[floor2].x-sprite[floor1].x; offy=sprite[floor2].y-sprite[floor1].y; offz=0; if (sprite[floor2].ang >= 1024) offz = sprite[floor2].z; else if (fofmode==41) offz = SPRITESEC(floor2).floorz; else offz = SPRITESEC(floor2).ceilingz; if (sprite[floor1].ang >= 1024) offz -= sprite[floor1].z; else if (fofmode==40) offz -= SPRITESEC(floor1).floorz; else offz -= SPRITESEC(floor1).ceilingz; // if(ok==2) { Message("no floor2",RED); return; } for (j=0; j<MAXSPRITES; j++) // raise ceiling or floor { if (sprite[j].picnum==1 && sprite[j].lotag==k+2 && sprite[j].hitag==sprite[floor1].hitag) { if (k==40) { tempsectorz[sprite[j].sectnum] = SPRITESEC(j).floorz; SPRITESEC(j).floorz += (((z-SPRITESEC(j).floorz)/32768)+1)*32768; tempsectorpicnum[sprite[j].sectnum] = SPRITESEC(j).floorpicnum; SPRITESEC(j).floorpicnum = 562; } else { tempsectorz[sprite[j].sectnum] = SPRITESEC(j).ceilingz; SPRITESEC(j).ceilingz += (((z-SPRITESEC(j).ceilingz)/32768)-1)*32768; tempsectorpicnum[sprite[j].sectnum] = SPRITESEC(j).ceilingpicnum; SPRITESEC(j).ceilingpicnum = 562; } draw_both = 1; } } drawrooms(x+offx,y+offy,z+offz,a,h,sprite[floor2].sectnum); ExtAnalyzeSprites(0,0,0,0); drawmasks(); M32_ResetFakeRORTiles(); if (draw_both) { for (j=0; j<MAXSPRITES; j++) // restore ceiling or floor for the draw both sectors { if (sprite[j].picnum==SECTOREFFECTOR && sprite[j].lotag==k+2 && sprite[j].hitag==sprite[floor1].hitag) { if (k==40) { SPRITESEC(j).floorz = tempsectorz[sprite[j].sectnum]; SPRITESEC(j).floorpicnum = tempsectorpicnum[sprite[j].sectnum]; } else { SPRITESEC(j).ceilingz = tempsectorz[sprite[j].sectnum]; SPRITESEC(j).ceilingpicnum = tempsectorpicnum[sprite[j].sectnum]; } }// end if }// end for // Now re-draw drawrooms(x+offx,y+offy,z+offz,a,h,sprite[floor2].sectnum); ExtAnalyzeSprites(0,0,0,0); drawmasks(); M32_ResetFakeRORTiles(); } } // end SE40 static void SE40Code(int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t z,int32_t a,int32_t h) { int32_t i; i = 0; while (i<MAXSPRITES) { int32_t t = sprite[i].lotag; switch (t) { // case 40: // case 41: // ExtSE40Draw(i,x,y,z,a,h); // break; case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: if (cursectnum == sprite[i].sectnum) ExtSE40Draw(i,x,y,z,a,h); break; } i++; } } void ExtEditSectorData(int16_t sectnum) //F7 { if (in3dmode()) return; if (eitherALT) //ALT { keystatus[KEYSC_F7] = 0; wallsprite=0; curwall = 0; curwallnum = 0; cursearchspritenum = 0; cursectornum=0; cursector_lotag = sector[sectnum].lotag; cursector_lotag = getnumber16("Enter search sector lotag : ", cursector_lotag, BTAG_MAX,0); _printmessage16("Search sector lotag %d",cursector_lotag); } else EditSectorData(sectnum); }// end ExtEditSectorData void ExtEditWallData(int16_t wallnum) //F8 { if (in3dmode()) return; if (eitherALT) //ALT { wallsprite=1; curwall = wallnum; curwallnum = 0; cursearchspritenum = 0; cursectornum = 0; search_lotag = wall[curwall].lotag; search_hitag = wall[curwall].hitag; search_lotag = getnumber16("Enter wall search lotag : ", search_lotag, BTAG_MAX,0); search_hitag = getnumber16("Enter wall search hitag : ", search_hitag, BTAG_MAX,0); // Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Current wall %d lo=%d hi=%d", // curwall,wall[curwall].lotag,wall[curwall].hitag); _printmessage16("Search wall lo=%d hi=%d",search_lotag,search_hitag); } else EditWallData(wallnum); } static void GenericSpriteSearch(void); void ExtEditSpriteData(int16_t spritenum) //F8 { if (in3dmode()) return; if (eitherALT) //ALT GenericSpriteSearch(); else EditSpriteData(spritenum); } static inline void SpriteName(int16_t spritenum, char *lo2) { Bstrcpy(lo2, names[sprite[spritenum].picnum]); }// end SpriteName // Returns: did error? static int32_t ReadPaletteTable(void) { // Make base shade table at shade 0 into the identity map. // (In the shade table of Duke3D's PALETTE.DAT, palookup[0][239]==143.) // This makes it possible to sensibly use Lunatic's engine.saveLookupDat(). palookup[0][239] = 239; return G_LoadLookups(); } static void m32_showmouse(void) { int32_t i, col; if (totalclock > lastupdate) { mousecol += mouseadd; if (mousecol >= 30 || mousecol <= 0) { mouseadd = -mouseadd; mousecol += mouseadd; } lastupdate = totalclock + 3; } switch (whitecol) { case 1: // Shadow Warrior col = whitecol+mousecol; break; case 31: // Duke Nukem 3D col = whitecol-mousecol; break; default: col = whitecol; break; } #ifdef USE_OPENGL if (getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST) { push_nofog(); bglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } #endif if (col != whitecol) { for (i=((xdim > 640)?3:2); i<=((xdim > 640)?7:3); i++) { plotpixel(searchx+i,searchy,col); plotpixel(searchx-i,searchy,col); plotpixel(searchx,searchy-i,col); plotpixel(searchx,searchy+i,col); } for (i=1; i<=((xdim > 640)?2:1); i++) { plotpixel(searchx+i,searchy,whitecol); plotpixel(searchx-i,searchy,whitecol); plotpixel(searchx,searchy-i,whitecol); plotpixel(searchx,searchy+i,whitecol); } i = (xdim > 640)?8:4; plotpixel(searchx+i,searchy,0); plotpixel(searchx-i,searchy,0); plotpixel(searchx,searchy-i,0); plotpixel(searchx,searchy+i,0); } if (xdim > 640) { for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { plotpixel(searchx+i,searchy,whitecol); plotpixel(searchx-i,searchy,whitecol); plotpixel(searchx,searchy-i,whitecol); plotpixel(searchx,searchy+i,whitecol); } } #ifdef USE_OPENGL if (getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST) pop_nofog(); #endif } int32_t AskIfSure(const char *text) { int32_t retval=1; if (in3dmode()) { begindrawing(); //{{{ printext256(0,0,whitecol,0,text?text:"Are you sure you want to proceed?",0); enddrawing(); //}}} } else { _printmessage16("%s", text?text:"Are you sure you want to proceed?"); } showframe(1); while ((keystatus[KEYSC_ESC]|keystatus[KEYSC_ENTER]|keystatus[KEYSC_SPACE]|keystatus[KEYSC_N]) == 0) { idle_waitevent(); if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { retval = 1; break; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(Y) || PRESSED_KEYSC(ENTER)) { retval = 0; break; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(ESC)) retval = 1; return retval; } static int32_t IsValidTile(int32_t idTile) { return (idTile>=0 && idTile<MAXTILES) && (tilesiz[idTile].x && tilesiz[idTile].y); } static int32_t SelectAllTiles(int32_t iCurrentTile) { int32_t i; if (iCurrentTile < localartlookupnum) iCurrentTile = localartlookup[iCurrentTile]; else iCurrentTile = 0; localartlookupnum = MAXTILES; for (i = 0; i < MAXTILES; i++) { localartlookup[i] = i; localartfreq[i] = 0; } return iCurrentTile; } static int32_t OnGotoTile(int32_t iTile); static int32_t OnSelectTile(int32_t iTile); static int32_t OnSaveTileGroup(); static int32_t loadtilegroups(const char *fn); static int32_t s_Zoom = INITIAL_ZOOM; static int32_t s_TileZoom = 1; static char tilesel_errmsg[128], tilesel_showerr=0; static int32_t DrawTiles(int32_t iTopLeft, int32_t iSelected, int32_t nXTiles, int32_t nYTiles, int32_t TileDim, int32_t offset, int32_t showmsg); #define TMPERRMSG_SHOW(alsoOSD) do { \ printext256(0, 0, whitecol, 0, tilesel_errmsg, 0); \ if (alsoOSD) OSD_Printf("%s\n", tilesel_errmsg); \ } while (0) #define TMPERRMSG_PRINT(Msg, ...) do { \ Bsprintf(tilesel_errmsg, Msg, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ TMPERRMSG_SHOW(1); \ showframe(1); \ tilesel_showerr = 1; \ } while (0) #define TMPERRMSG_RETURN(Msg, ...) do \ { \ TMPERRMSG_PRINT(Msg, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ return 1; \ } while (0) static inline void pushDisableFog(void) { #ifdef USE_OPENGL bglPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT); bglDisable(GL_FOG); #endif } static inline void popDisableFog(void) { #ifdef USE_OPENGL bglPopAttrib(); #endif } static int32_t m32gettile(int32_t idInitialTile) { int32_t gap, temp, zoomsz; int32_t nXTiles, nYTiles, nDisplayedTiles; int32_t i; int32_t iTile, iTopLeftTile, iLastTile; int32_t idSelectedTile; int32_t scrollmode; int32_t mousedx, mousedy, mtile, omousex=searchx, omousey=searchy, moffset=0; int32_t noTilesMarked=1; int32_t mark_lastk = -1; pushDisableFog(); // Enable following line for testing. I couldn't work out how to change vidmode on the fly // s_Zoom = NUM_ZOOMS - 1; idInitialTile = clamp(idInitialTile, 0, MAXTILES-1); // Ensure zoom not to big (which can happen if display size // changes whilst Mapster is running) do { nXTiles = xdim / ZoomToThumbSize[s_Zoom]; nYTiles = ydim / ZoomToThumbSize[s_Zoom]; // Refuse to draw less than half of a row. if (ZoomToThumbSize[s_Zoom]/2 < 12) nYTiles--; nDisplayedTiles = nXTiles * nYTiles; if (!nDisplayedTiles) { // Eh-up, resolution changed since we were last displaying tiles. s_Zoom--; } } while (!nDisplayedTiles); keystatus[KEYSC_V] = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXTILES; i++) { localartfreq[i] = 0; localartlookup[i] = i; } iLastTile = iTile = idSelectedTile = idInitialTile; switch (searchstat) { case SEARCH_WALL: for (i = 0; i < numwalls; i++) localartfreq[ wall[i].picnum ]++; break; case SEARCH_CEILING: case SEARCH_FLOOR: for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++) { localartfreq[ sector[i].ceilingpicnum ]++; localartfreq[ sector[i].floorpicnum ]++; } break; case SEARCH_SPRITE: for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) localartfreq[ sprite[i].picnum ] += (sprite[i].statnum < MAXSTATUS); break; case SEARCH_MASKWALL: for (i = 0; i < numwalls; i++) localartfreq[ wall[i].overpicnum ]++; break; default: break; } // // Sort tiles into frequency order // gap = MAXTILES / 2; do { for (i = 0; i < MAXTILES-gap; i++) { temp = i; while (temp >= 0 && localartfreq[temp]<localartfreq[temp+gap]) { int32_t tempint; tempint = localartfreq[temp]; localartfreq[temp] = localartfreq[temp+gap]; localartfreq[temp+gap] = tempint; tempint = localartlookup[temp]; localartlookup[temp] = localartlookup[temp+gap]; localartlookup[temp+gap] = tempint; if (iTile == temp) iTile = temp + gap; else if (iTile == temp + gap) iTile = temp; temp -= gap; } } gap >>= 1; } while (gap > 0); // // Set up count of number of used tiles // localartlookupnum = 0; while (localartfreq[localartlookupnum] > 0) localartlookupnum++; // // Check : If no tiles used at all then switch to displaying all tiles // if (!localartfreq[0]) { localartlookupnum = MAXTILES; for (i = 0; i < MAXTILES; i++) { localartlookup[i] = i; localartfreq[i] = 0; // Terrible bodge : zero tilefreq's not displayed in tile view. Still, when in Rome ... :-) } iTile = idInitialTile; } // // // iTopLeftTile = iTile - (iTile % nXTiles); iTopLeftTile = clamp(iTopLeftTile, 0, MAXTILES-nDisplayedTiles); zoomsz = ZoomToThumbSize[s_Zoom]; searchx = ((iTile-iTopLeftTile)%nXTiles)*zoomsz + zoomsz/2; searchy = ((iTile-iTopLeftTile)/nXTiles)*zoomsz + zoomsz/2; //////////////////////////////// // Start of key handling code // //////////////////////////////// while ((keystatus[KEYSC_ENTER]|keystatus[KEYSC_ESC]|(bstatus&1)) == 0) // <- Presumably one of these is escape key ?? { int32_t ret; zoomsz = ZoomToThumbSize[s_Zoom]; ret = DrawTiles(iTopLeftTile, (iTile >= localartlookupnum) ? localartlookupnum-1 : iTile, nXTiles, nYTiles, zoomsz, moffset, (tilesel_showerr && (iTile==iLastTile || (tilesel_showerr=0)))); if (ret==0) { idle_waitevent_timeout(500); // SDL seems to miss mousewheel events when rotated slowly. if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; } getmousevalues(&mousedx,&mousedy,&bstatus); iLastTile = iTile; searchx += mousedx; searchy += mousedy; if (bstatus&2) { moffset += mousedy*2; searchy += mousedy; searchx -= mousedx; if ((moffset < 0 && iTopLeftTile > localartlookupnum-nDisplayedTiles-1) || (moffset > 0 && iTopLeftTile==0)) { moffset=0; searchy -= mousedy*2; } while (moffset > zoomsz) { iTopLeftTile -= nXTiles; moffset -= zoomsz; } while (moffset < -zoomsz) { iTopLeftTile += nXTiles; moffset += zoomsz; } } // Keep the pointer visible at all times. temp = min(zoomsz/2, 12); inpclamp(&searchx, temp, xdim-temp); inpclamp(&searchy, temp, ydim-temp); scrollmode = !(eitherCTRL^revertCTRL); if (bstatus&16 && scrollmode && iTopLeftTile > 0) { mouseb &= ~16; iTopLeftTile -= (nXTiles*scrollamount); } else if (bstatus&32 && scrollmode && iTopLeftTile < localartlookupnum-nDisplayedTiles-1) { mouseb &= ~32; iTopLeftTile += (nXTiles*scrollamount); } mtile = iTile = searchx/zoomsz + ((searchy-moffset)/zoomsz)*nXTiles + iTopLeftTile; while (iTile >= iTopLeftTile + nDisplayedTiles) { iTile -= nXTiles; mtile = iTile; } // These two lines are so obvious I don't need to comment them ...;-) synctics = totalclock-lockclock; lockclock += synctics; // Zoom in / out using numeric key pad's / and * keys if (((keystatus[KEYSC_gSLASH] || (!scrollmode && bstatus&16)) && s_Zoom<(signed)(NUM_ZOOMS-1)) || ((keystatus[KEYSC_gSTAR] || (!scrollmode && bstatus&32)) && s_Zoom>0)) { if (PRESSED_KEYSC(gSLASH) || (!scrollmode && bstatus&16)) { mouseb &= ~16; bstatus &= ~16; // Watch out : If editor window is small, then the next zoom level // might get so large that even one tile might not fit ! if (ZoomToThumbSize[s_Zoom+1]<=xdim && ZoomToThumbSize[s_Zoom+1]<=ydim) { // Phew, plenty of room. s_Zoom++; } } else { keystatus[KEYSC_gSTAR] = 0; mouseb &= ~32; bstatus &= ~32; s_Zoom--; } zoomsz = ZoomToThumbSize[s_Zoom]; if (iTile >= localartlookupnum) iTile = localartlookupnum-1; // Calculate new num of tiles to display nXTiles = xdim / zoomsz; nYTiles = ydim / zoomsz; // Refuse to draw less than half of a row. if (zoomsz/2 < 12) nYTiles--; nDisplayedTiles = nXTiles * nYTiles; // Determine if the top-left displayed tile needs to // alter in order to display selected tile iTopLeftTile = iTile - (iTile % nXTiles); iTopLeftTile = clamp(iTopLeftTile, 0, MAXTILES - nDisplayedTiles); // scroll window so mouse points the same tile as it was before zooming iTopLeftTile -= searchx/zoomsz + ((searchy-moffset)/zoomsz)*nXTiles + iTopLeftTile-iTile; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(LEFT)) { if (eitherCTRL) // same as HOME, for consistency with CTRL-UP/DOWN iTile = (iTile/nXTiles)*nXTiles; else iTile--; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(RIGHT)) { if (eitherCTRL) // same as END, for consistency with CTRL-UP/DOWN iTile = ((iTile+nXTiles)/nXTiles)*nXTiles - 1; else iTile++; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(UP)) { if (eitherCTRL) while (iTile-nXTiles >= iTopLeftTile) iTile -= nXTiles; else iTile -= nXTiles; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(DOWN)) { if (eitherCTRL) while (iTile+nXTiles < iTopLeftTile + nDisplayedTiles) iTile += nXTiles; else iTile += nXTiles; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGUP)) { if (eitherCTRL) iTile = 0; else iTile -= nDisplayedTiles; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGDN)) { if (eitherCTRL) iTile = localartlookupnum-1; else iTile += nDisplayedTiles; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(HOME)) { if (eitherCTRL) iTile = iTopLeftTile; else iTile = (iTile/nXTiles)*nXTiles; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(END)) { if (eitherCTRL) iTile = iTopLeftTile + nDisplayedTiles - 1; else iTile = ((iTile+nXTiles)/nXTiles)*nXTiles - 1; } // 'V' KEYPRESS if (PRESSED_KEYSC(V)) iTile = SelectAllTiles(iTile); // 'G' KEYPRESS - Goto frame if (PRESSED_KEYSC(G)) { if (eitherCTRL) { if (OnSaveTileGroup() == 0) { // iTile = SelectAllTiles(iTile); Bmemset(tilemarked, 0, sizeof(tilemarked)); mark_lastk = -1; noTilesMarked = 1; } } else iTile = OnGotoTile(iTile); } // 'U' KEYPRESS : go straight to user defined art if (PRESSED_KEYSC(U)) { SelectAllTiles(iTile); iTile = FIRST_USER_ART_TILE; } // 'A' KEYPRESS : Go straight to start of Atomic edition's art if (PRESSED_KEYSC(A)) { SelectAllTiles(iTile); iTile = FIRST_ATOMIC_TILE; } // 'E' KEYPRESS : Go straight to start of extended art if (PRESSED_KEYSC(E)) { SelectAllTiles(iTile); if (iTile == FIRST_EXTENDED_TILE) iTile = SECOND_EXTENDED_TILE; else iTile = FIRST_EXTENDED_TILE; } // 'T' KEYPRESS = Select from pre-defined tileset if (PRESSED_KEYSC(T)) iTile = OnSelectTile(iTile); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(Z)) s_TileZoom = !s_TileZoom; // // Ensure tilenum is within valid range // iTile = clamp(iTile, 0, min(MAXTILES-1, localartlookupnum+nDisplayedTiles-1)); // 'S' KEYPRESS: search for named tile if (PRESSED_KEYSC(S)) { static char laststr[25] = ""; const char *searchstr = getstring_simple("Search for tile name: ", laststr, sizeof(names[0])-1, 1); static char buf[2][25]; if (searchstr && searchstr[0]) { int32_t i, i0, slen=Bstrlen(searchstr)-1; Bstrncpyz(laststr, searchstr, 25); i0 = localartlookup[iTile]; Bmemcpy(buf[0], laststr, 25); Bstrupr(buf[0]); for (i=(i0+1)%MAXTILES; i!=i0; i=(i+1)%MAXTILES) { Bmemcpy(buf[1], names[i], 25); buf[1][24]=0; Bstrupr(buf[1]); if ((searchstr[0]=='^' && !Bstrncmp(buf[1], buf[0]+1, slen)) || (searchstr[0]!='^' && Bstrstr(buf[1], buf[0]))) { SelectAllTiles(i); iTile = i; break; } } } mousex = mousey = mouseb = 0; } // // Adjust top-left to ensure tilenum is within displayed range of tiles // while (iTile < iTopLeftTile - (moffset<0)?nXTiles:0) iTopLeftTile -= nXTiles; while (iTile >= iTopLeftTile + nDisplayedTiles) iTopLeftTile += nXTiles; iTopLeftTile = clamp(iTopLeftTile, 0, MAXTILES - nDisplayedTiles); // SPACE keypress: mark/unmark selected tile if (PRESSED_KEYSC(SPACE)) { if (iTile < localartlookupnum && IsValidTile(localartlookup[iTile])) { if (keystatus[KEYSC_LCTRL] && keystatus[KEYSC_RSHIFT]) { Bmemset(tilemarked, 0, sizeof(tilemarked)); mark_lastk = -1; noTilesMarked = 1; } else { int32_t k=iTile, kend, dir; if (noTilesMarked) { noTilesMarked = 0; TMPERRMSG_PRINT("Beginning marking tiles. To group, press Ctrl-G." " To reset, press LCtrl-RShift-SPACE."); } if (mark_lastk>=0 && eitherCTRL) { kend = mark_lastk; dir = ksgn(mark_lastk-k); } else { kend = k; dir = 0; } mark_lastk = k; for (; dir==0 || dir*(kend-k)>=1; k+=dir) { tilemarked[localartlookup[k]>>3] ^= (1<<(localartlookup[k]&7)); if (dir==0) break; } } } } if ((keystatus[KEYSC_ENTER] || (bstatus&1)) == 0) // uh ? Not escape key ? { idSelectedTile = idInitialTile; } else { if (iTile < localartlookupnum) { // Convert tile num from index to actual tile num idSelectedTile = localartlookup[iTile]; // Check : if invalid tile selected, return original tile num if (!IsValidTile(idSelectedTile)) idSelectedTile = idInitialTile; } else { idSelectedTile = idInitialTile; } } if (mtile!=iTile) // if changed by keyboard, update mouse cursor { searchx = ((iTile-iTopLeftTile)%nXTiles) * zoomsz + zoomsz/2; searchy = ((iTile-iTopLeftTile)/nXTiles) * zoomsz + zoomsz/2 + moffset; } } searchx=omousex; searchy=omousey; keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] = 0; keystatus[KEYSC_ENTER] = 0; popDisableFog(); return idSelectedTile; } // Dir = 0 (zoom out) or 1 (zoom in) //void OnZoomInOut( int32_t *pZoom, int32_t Dir /*0*/ ) //{ //} static int32_t OnSaveTileGroup(void) { int32_t i, n=0; char hotkey; const char *cp, *name; if (tile_groups==MAX_TILE_GROUPS) TMPERRMSG_RETURN("Cannot save tile group: maximum number of groups (%d) exceeded.", MAX_TILE_GROUPS); for (i=0; i<MAXTILES; i++) n += !!(tilemarked[i>>3]&(1<<(i&7))); if (n==0) TMPERRMSG_RETURN("Cannot save tile group: no tiles marked."); else if (n > MAX_TILE_GROUP_ENTRIES) TMPERRMSG_RETURN("Cannot save tile group: too many tiles in group. Have %d, max is %d.", n, MAX_TILE_GROUP_ENTRIES); cp = getstring_simple("Hotkey for new group: ", "", 1, 0); if (!cp || !*cp) return 1; hotkey = Btoupper(cp[0]); if (!isalpha(hotkey)) TMPERRMSG_RETURN("Hotkey must be alphabetic."); for (i=0; i<tile_groups; i++) if (s_TileGroups[i].key1==hotkey || s_TileGroups[i].key2==Btolower(hotkey)) TMPERRMSG_RETURN("Hotkey '%c' already in use by tile group `%s'.", hotkey, s_TileGroups[i].szText); name = getstring_simple("Name for new tile group: ", "", 63, 0); if (!name || !*name) return 1; for (i=0; name[i]; i++) if (!(isalnum(name[i]) || name[i]==' ' || name[i]==',')) TMPERRMSG_RETURN("Name may only consist of alphabetic, numeric and space characters."); { int32_t lasti=-1, col=0, j, k, opathsearchmode=pathsearchmode; BFILE *fp; pathsearchmode = pathsearchmode_oninit; // use the same pathsearchmode as on init fp = fopenfrompath(default_tiles_cfg, "a"); pathsearchmode = opathsearchmode; if (!fp) TMPERRMSG_RETURN("Could not open `%s' for writing: %s.", default_tiles_cfg, strerror(errno)); if (fseek(fp, 0, BSEEK_END)) // seems to be necessary even though we fopen with "a" TMPERRMSG_RETURN("Could not seek to end of file `%s'.", default_tiles_cfg); #define TTAB "\t" #define TBITCHK(i) ((i)<MAXTILES && (tilemarked[(i)>>3]&(1<<((i)&7)))) Bfprintf(fp, OURNEWL); Bfprintf(fp, "tilegroup \"%s\"" OURNEWL"{" OURNEWL, name); Bfprintf(fp, TTAB "hotkey \"%c\"" OURNEWL OURNEWL, hotkey); s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds = (int32_t *)Xmalloc(n * sizeof(s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds[0])); j = 0; // tileranges for consecutive runs of 3 or more tiles for (i=0; i<MAXTILES; i++) { if (lasti>=0 && !TBITCHK(i)) { if (names[lasti][0] && names[i-1][0]) Bfprintf(fp, TTAB "tilerange %s %s" OURNEWL, names[lasti], names[i-1]); else Bfprintf(fp, TTAB "tilerange %d %d" OURNEWL, lasti, i-1); for (k=lasti; k<i; k++) { s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds[j++] = k; tilemarked[k>>3] &= ~(1<<(k&7)); } lasti = -1; } else if (lasti==-1 && TBITCHK(i)) { if (TBITCHK(i+1) && TBITCHK(i+2)) { lasti = i; i += 2; } } } if (lasti>=0 && lasti<=MAXTILES-3) { for (k=lasti; k<MAXTILES; k++) { s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds[j++] = k; tilemarked[k>>3] &= ~(1<<(k&7)); } Bfprintf(fp, TTAB "tilerange %d %d" OURNEWL, lasti, MAXTILES-1); } Bfprintf(fp, OURNEWL); k = 0; for (i=0; i<MAXTILES; i++) if (tilemarked[i>>3]&(1<<(i&7))) { k = 1; break; } if (k) { // throw them all in a tiles{...} group else Bfprintf(fp, TTAB "tiles\n" TTAB "{" OURNEWL); for (i=0; i<MAXTILES; i++) { if (TBITCHK(i)) { s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds[j++] = i; if (col==0) Bfprintf(fp, TTAB TTAB), col+=8; if (names[i][0]) col+=Bfprintf(fp, "%s ", names[i]); else col+=Bfprintf(fp, "%d ", i); if (col>80) { Bfprintf(fp, OURNEWL); col = 0; } } } if (col>0) Bfprintf(fp, OURNEWL); Bfprintf(fp, TTAB "}" OURNEWL); } #undef TBITCHK #undef TTAB Bfprintf(fp, "}" OURNEWL); Bfclose(fp); s_TileGroups[tile_groups].szText = Xstrdup(name); s_TileGroups[tile_groups].nIds = n; s_TileGroups[tile_groups].key1 = Btoupper(hotkey); s_TileGroups[tile_groups].key2 = Btolower(hotkey); s_TileGroups[tile_groups].color1 = s_TileGroups[tile_groups].color2 = 0; tile_groups++; TMPERRMSG_PRINT("Wrote and installed new tile group."); } return 0; } static int32_t OnGotoTile(int32_t iTile) { //Automatically press 'V' iTile = SelectAllTiles(iTile); return getnumber256("Goto tile: ", 0, MAXTILES-1, 0+2+16); } static int32_t LoadTileSet(const int32_t idCurrentTile, const int32_t *pIds, const int32_t nIds) { int32_t iNewTile = 0; int32_t i; localartlookupnum = nIds; for (i = 0; i < localartlookupnum; i++) { localartlookup[i] = pIds[i]; // REM : Could we still utilise localartfreq[] to mark // which tiles are currently used in the map ? Set to 0xFFFF perhaps ? localartfreq[i] = 0; if (idCurrentTile == pIds[i]) iNewTile = i; } return iNewTile; } static int32_t OnSelectTile(int32_t iTile) { int32_t bDone = 0; int32_t i; char ch; if (tile_groups <= 0) { TMPERRMSG_PRINT("No tile groups loaded. Check for existence of `%s'.", default_tiles_cfg); return iTile; } SelectAllTiles(iTile); bflushchars(); setpolymost2dview(); #ifdef USE_OPENGL bglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); #endif clearview(0); // // Await appropriate selection keypress. // bDone = 0; while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] == 0 && !bDone) { if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; idle_waitevent(); // // Display the description strings for each available tile group // for (i = 0; i < tile_groups; i++) { if (s_TileGroups[i].szText != NULL) { if ((i+2)*16 > ydimgame) break; Bsprintf(tempbuf,"(%c) %s",s_TileGroups[i].key1,s_TileGroups[i].szText); printext256(10L, (i+1)*16, whitecol, -1, tempbuf, 0); } } showframe(1); ch = bgetchar(); for (i = 0; i < tile_groups; i++) { if (s_TileGroups[i].pIds != NULL && s_TileGroups[i].key1) if ((ch == s_TileGroups[i].key1) || (ch == s_TileGroups[i].key2)) { iTile = LoadTileSet(iTile, s_TileGroups[i].pIds, s_TileGroups[i].nIds); bDone = 1; } } } showframe(1); clearkeys(); return iTile; } static const char *GetTilePixels(int32_t idTile) { char *pPixelData = 0; if (idTile >= 0 && idTile < MAXTILES) { if (!waloff[idTile]) loadtile(idTile); if (IsValidTile(idTile)) pPixelData = (char *)waloff[idTile]; } return pPixelData; } static void classic_drawtilescreen(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t idTile, int32_t TileDim, const char *pRawPixels) { int32_t dispxsz = tilesiz[idTile].x, dispysz = tilesiz[idTile].y; int32_t divinc = 1, mulinc = 1; int32_t xofs, yofs; char *pScreen; while ((dispxsz/divinc > TileDim) || (dispysz/divinc) > TileDim) { divinc++; } if (divinc == 1 && s_TileZoom) { while ((dispxsz*(mulinc+1)) <= TileDim && (dispysz*(mulinc+1)) <= TileDim) { mulinc++; } } dispxsz = (dispxsz / divinc) * mulinc; dispysz = (dispysz / divinc) * mulinc; for (yofs = 0; yofs < dispysz; yofs++) { y += yofs; if (y>=0 && y<ydim) { pScreen = (char *)ylookup[y]+x+frameplace; for (xofs = 0; xofs < dispxsz; xofs++) { pScreen[xofs] = pRawPixels[((yofs*divinc)/mulinc) + (((xofs*divinc)/mulinc)*tilesiz[idTile].y)]; } } y -= yofs; } } static void tilescreen_drawbox(int32_t iTopLeft, int32_t iSelected, int32_t nXTiles, int32_t TileDim, int32_t offset, int32_t iTile, int32_t idTile) { int32_t marked = (IsValidTile(idTile) && tilemarked[idTile>>3]&(1<<(idTile&7))); // // Draw white box around currently selected tile or marked tile // p1=(x1, y1), p2=(x1+TileDim-1, y1+TileDim-1) // if (iTile == iSelected || marked) { int32_t x1 = ((iTile-iTopLeft) % nXTiles)*TileDim; int32_t y1 = ((iTile - ((iTile-iTopLeft) % nXTiles) - iTopLeft)/nXTiles)*TileDim + offset; int32_t x2 = x1+TileDim-1; int32_t y2 = y1+TileDim-1, oydim16=ydim16; char markedcol = editorcolors[14]; setpolymost2dview(); y1=max(y1, 0); y2=min(y2, ydim-1); // plotlines2d uses drawline16, which clips against ydim16... ydim16 = ydim; { // box int32_t xx[] = {x1, x1, x2, x2, x1}; int32_t yy[] = {y1, y2, y2, y1, y1}; plotlines2d(xx, yy, 5, iTile==iSelected ? whitecol : markedcol); } // cross if (marked) { int32_t xx[] = {x1, x2}; int32_t yy[] = {y1, y2}; plotlines2d(xx, yy, 2, markedcol); swaplong(&yy[0], &yy[1]); plotlines2d(xx, yy, 2, markedcol); } ydim16 = oydim16; } } static void tilescreen_drawrest(int32_t iSelected, int32_t showmsg) { if (iSelected>=0 && iSelected<MAXTILES) { int32_t idTile = localartlookup[iSelected]; int32_t i; char szT[128]; // Draw info bar at bottom. // Clear out behind the text for improved visibility. //drawline256(0, (ydim-12)<<12, xdim<<12, (ydim-12)<<12, whitecol); for (i=ydim-12; i<ydim; i++) drawline256(0, i<<12, xdim<<12, i<<12, (ydim-i)); // Tile number on left. Bsprintf(szT, "%d" , idTile); printext256(1, ydim-10, whitecol, -1, szT, 0); // Tile name on right. printext256(xdim-(Bstrlen(names[idTile])<<3)-1,ydim-10,whitecol,-1,names[idTile],0); // Tile dimensions. Bsprintf(szT,"%dx%d",tilesiz[idTile].x,tilesiz[idTile].y); printext256(xdim>>2,ydim-10,whitecol,-1,szT,0); // EditArt offset flags. Bsprintf(szT,"%d, %d", picanm[idTile].xofs, picanm[idTile].yofs); printext256((xdim>>2)+100,ydim-10,whitecol,-1,szT,0); // EditArt animation flags. if (picanm[idTile].sf&PICANM_ANIMTYPE_MASK) { static const char *anmtype[] = {"", "Osc", "Fwd", "Bck"}; int32_t ii = (picanm[idTile].sf&PICANM_ANIMTYPE_MASK)>>PICANM_ANIMTYPE_SHIFT; Bsprintf(szT,"%s %d", anmtype[ii], picanm[idTile].num); printext256((xdim>>2)+100+14*8,ydim-10,whitecol,-1,szT,0); } } if (showmsg) TMPERRMSG_SHOW(0); m32_showmouse(); } ////////// main tile drawing function ////////// static int32_t DrawTiles(int32_t iTopLeft, int32_t iSelected, int32_t nXTiles, int32_t nYTiles, int32_t TileDim, int32_t offset, int32_t showmsg) { int32_t XTile, YTile; int32_t iTile, idTile; int32_t i, x, y; const char *pRawPixels; char szT[128]; #ifdef USE_OPENGL int32_t lazyselector = g_lazy_tileselector && usehightile; int32_t usehitile; #else int32_t lazyselector = g_lazy_tileselector; #endif int32_t runi=0; static uint8_t loadedhitile[(MAXTILES+7)>>3]; #ifdef USE_OPENGL setpolymost2dview(); if (getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST) { bglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if (lazyselector) bglDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK); } #endif clearview(0); begindrawing(); restart: for (YTile = 0-(offset>0); YTile < nYTiles+(offset<0)+1; YTile++) { for (XTile = 0; XTile < nXTiles; XTile++) { iTile = iTopLeft + XTile + (YTile * nXTiles); if (iTile < 0 || iTile >= localartlookupnum) continue; #ifdef USE_OPENGL usehitile = (runi || !lazyselector); #endif idTile = localartlookup[ iTile ]; if (loadedhitile[idTile>>3]&(1<<(idTile&7))) { if (runi==1) continue; #ifdef USE_OPENGL usehitile = 1; #endif } // Get pointer to tile's raw pixel data pRawPixels = GetTilePixels(idTile); if (pRawPixels != NULL) { x = XTile * TileDim; y = YTile * TileDim+offset; #ifdef USE_OPENGL if (polymost_drawtilescreen(x, y, idTile, TileDim, s_TileZoom, usehitile, loadedhitile)) #endif classic_drawtilescreen(x, y, idTile, TileDim, pRawPixels); if (localartfreq[iTile] != 0 && y >= 0 && y <= ydim-20) { Bsprintf(szT, "%d", localartfreq[iTile]); printext256(x, y, whitecol, -1, szT, 1); } } tilescreen_drawbox(iTopLeft, iSelected, nXTiles, TileDim, offset, iTile, idTile); if (runi==1 && lazyselector) { int32_t k; if (handleevents()) quitevent=0; tilescreen_drawrest(iSelected, showmsg); k = (mousex || mousey || mouseb); if (!k) for (i=0; i<(signed)ARRAY_SIZE(keystatus); i++) if (keystatus[i]) { k = 1; break; } if (k) { enddrawing(); showframe(1); #ifdef USE_OPENGL if (getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST && lazyselector) bglDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); #endif return 1; } enddrawing(); showframe(1); begindrawing(); } } } tilescreen_drawrest(iSelected, showmsg); if (getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST && in3dmode() && lazyselector) { if (runi==0) { enddrawing(); showframe(1); begindrawing(); runi = 1; goto restart; } } enddrawing(); showframe(1); #ifdef USE_OPENGL if (getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST && lazyselector) bglDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); #endif return 0; } #undef TMPERRMSG_SHOW #undef TMPERRMSG_PRINT #undef TMPERRMSG_RETURN #define WIND1X 3 #define WIND1Y 150 static char *tileinfo_colorstr = ""; static void tileinfo_doprint(int32_t x, int32_t y, char *buf, const char *label, int32_t value, int32_t pos) { int32_t small = (xdimgame<=640), i = ydimgame>>6; Bsprintf(buf,"%s:%s%4d", label, tileinfo_colorstr, value); printext256(x+2, y+2+i*pos, 0, -1, buf, small); printext256(x, y+i*pos, whitecol, -1, buf, small); } // flags: 1:draw asterisk for lotag // 2:draw asterisk for extra // 4:print bottom-swapped wall members colored static void drawtileinfo(const char *title,int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t picnum,int32_t shade,int32_t pal,int32_t cstat, int32_t lotag,int32_t hitag,int32_t extra, uint32_t flags) { char buf[64]; int32_t small = (xdimgame<=640); if (tilesiz[picnum].x>0 && tilesiz[picnum].y>0) { int32_t x1 = x+80; if (small) x1 /= 2; x1 = (int32_t)(x1 * 320.0/xdimgame); const double scalediv = max(tilesiz[picnum].x,tilesiz[picnum].y)/24.0; const int32_t scale = (int32_t)(65536.0/scalediv); const int32_t oviewingrange=viewingrange, oyxaspect=yxaspect; setaspect(65536, divscale16(ydim*320, xdim*200)); // +1024: prevents rotatesprite from setting aspect itself rotatesprite_fs((x1+13)<<16,(y+11)<<16,scale,0, picnum,shade,pal, 2+1024); setaspect(oviewingrange, oyxaspect); } x = (int32_t)(x * xdimgame/320.0); y = (int32_t)(y * ydimgame/200.0); begindrawing(); printext256(x+2,y+2,0,-1,title,small); printext256(x,y,255-13,-1,title,small); if (flags&4) tileinfo_colorstr = "^242"; tileinfo_doprint(x, y, buf, "Pic", picnum, 1); tileinfo_doprint(x, y, buf, "Shd", shade, 2); tileinfo_doprint(x, y, buf, "Pal", pal, 3); tileinfo_doprint(x, y, buf, "Cst", cstat, 4); tileinfo_colorstr = ""; tileinfo_doprint(x, y, buf, (flags&1)?"Lo*":"Lot", lotag, 5); tileinfo_doprint(x, y, buf, "Hit", hitag, 6); tileinfo_doprint(x, y, buf, (flags&2)?"Ex*":"Ext", extra, 7); enddrawing(); } //int32_t snap=0; //int32_t saveval1,saveval2,saveval3; static inline void getnumber_dochar(char *ptr, int32_t num) { *ptr = (char) num; } static inline void getnumber_doint16_t(int16_t *ptr, int32_t num) { *ptr = (int16_t) num; } static inline void getnumber_doint32(int32_t *ptr, int32_t num) { *ptr = (int32_t) num; } static inline void getnumber_doint64(int64_t *ptr, int32_t num) { *ptr = (int64_t) num; } static void getnumberptr256(const char *namestart, void *num, int32_t bytes, int32_t maxnumber, char sign, void *(func)(int32_t)) { char buffer[80], ch; int32_t danum = 0, oldnum; uint8_t flags = (sign>>1)&3; sign &= 1; switch (bytes) { case 1: danum = sign ? *(int8_t *)num : *(uint8_t *)num; break; case 2: danum = sign ? *(int16_t *)num : *(uint16_t *)num; break; case 4: danum = *(int32_t *)num; break; case 8: danum = *(int64_t *)num; break; } oldnum = danum; bflushchars(); while (keystatus[0x1] == 0) { if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; M32_DrawRoomsAndMasks(); ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[0x1]) break; clearkeys(); mouseb = 0; searchx = osearchx; searchy = osearchy; inputchecked = 1; ExtCheckKeys(); Bsprintf(buffer,"%s%d",namestart,danum); if (totalclock & 32) Bstrcat(buffer,"_ "); printmessage256(0, 0, buffer); if (func != NULL) { Bsprintf(buffer,"%s",(char *)func((int32_t)danum)); printmessage256(0, 9, buffer); } showframe(1); if (getnumber_internal1(ch, &danum, maxnumber, sign) || getnumber_autocomplete(namestart, ch, &danum, flags)) { if (danum != oldnum) asksave = 1; oldnum = danum; break; } switch (bytes) { case 1: getnumber_dochar((char *)num, danum); break; case 2: getnumber_doint16_t((int16_t *)num, danum); break; case 4: getnumber_doint32((int32_t *)num, danum); break; case 8: getnumber_doint64((int64_t *)num, danum); break; } } clearkeys(); lockclock = totalclock; //Reset timing switch (bytes) { case 1: getnumber_dochar((char *)num, oldnum); break; case 2: getnumber_doint16_t((int16_t *)num, oldnum); break; case 4: getnumber_doint32((int32_t *)num, oldnum); break; case 8: getnumber_doint64((int64_t *)num, oldnum); break; } } #if 0 int64_t ldistsqr(spritetype *s1,spritetype *s2) { return (((int64_t)(s2->x - s1->x))*((int64_t)(s2->x - s1->x)) + ((int64_t)(s2->y - s1->y))*((int64_t)(s2->y - s1->y))); } #endif static void TextEntryMode(int16_t startspr) { char ch, buffer[80], doingspace=0; int16_t daang = 0, t, alphidx, basetile, linebegspr, curspr, cursor; int32_t i, j, k, dax = 0, day = 0; static uint8_t hgap=0, vgap=4; static uint8_t spcgap[MAX_ALPHABETS], firstrun=1; spritetype *sp; int16_t *spritenums; int32_t stackallocsize=32, numletters=0; if (firstrun) { firstrun=0; for (i=0; i<numalphabets; i++) spcgap[i] = 0; } if (startspr<0 || startspr>=MAXSPRITES || sprite[startspr].statnum == MAXSTATUS) return; if (numalphabets == 0) { message("Alphabet configuration not read."); return; } if ((sprite[startspr].cstat&16) == 0) { message("Must point at a wall-aligned text sprite."); return; } t = sprite[startspr].picnum; alphidx = -1; for (i=0; i<numalphabets; i++) { for (j=0; j<NUMPRINTABLES; j++) if (alphabets[i].pic[j] == t) { alphidx = i; basetile = t; if (spcgap[i] == 0) spcgap[i] = 3*tilesiz[t].x/2; goto ENDFOR1; } } ENDFOR1: if (alphidx==-1) { message("Must point at a text sprite."); return; } curspr = linebegspr = startspr; t = sprite[startspr].picnum; sprite[startspr].xoffset = -picanm[t].xofs; sprite[startspr].yoffset = -picanm[t].yofs; spritenums = (int16_t *)Xmalloc(stackallocsize * sizeof(int16_t)); cursor = insertsprite(sprite[startspr].sectnum,0); if (cursor < 0) goto ERROR_TOOMANYSPRITES; sp = &sprite[cursor]; Bmemcpy(sp, &sprite[startspr], sizeof(spritetype)); sp->yoffset = 0; sp->picnum = SMALLFNTCURSOR; sp->xrepeat = clamp(sp->xrepeat/tilesiz[sp->picnum].x, 2, 255); sp->yrepeat = clamp((sp->yrepeat*tilesiz[sprite[startspr].picnum].y)/tilesiz[sp->picnum].y, 4, 255); sp->pal = 0; sp->cstat = 18; bflushchars(); while (keystatus[0x1] == 0) { if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; if (PRESSED_KEYSC(UP)) // vertical gap in pixels (32 x-units) vgap += (vgap<255); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(DOWN)) vgap -= (vgap>0); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(RIGHT)) // horizontal gap in half pixels hgap += (hgap<255); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(LEFT)) hgap -= (hgap>0); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(INSERT)) // space gap in half pixels spcgap[alphidx] += (spcgap[alphidx]<255); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(DELETE)) spcgap[alphidx] -= (spcgap[alphidx]>1); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(HOME)) // shade sprite[linebegspr].shade += (sprite[linebegspr].shade<127); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(END)) sprite[linebegspr].shade -= (sprite[linebegspr].shade>-128); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGUP)) // pal sprite[linebegspr].pal += (sprite[linebegspr].pal<255); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGDN)) sprite[linebegspr].pal -= (sprite[linebegspr].pal>0); M32_DrawRoomsAndMasks(); ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[0x1]) break; clearkeys(); mouseb = 0; searchx = osearchx; searchy = osearchy; inputchecked = 1; ExtCheckKeys(); printmessage256(0,0,"^251Text entry mode.^31 Navigation keys change vars."); Bsprintf(buffer, "Hgap=%d, Vgap=%d, SPCgap=%d, Shd=%d, Pal=%d", hgap, vgap, spcgap[alphidx], TrackerCast(sprite[linebegspr].shade), TrackerCast(sprite[linebegspr].pal)); printmessage256(0, 9, buffer); showframe(1); // --- sp = &sprite[curspr]; if (!doingspace) { dax = sp->x; day = sp->y; daang = sp->ang; } j = sp->xrepeat*(hgap+tilesiz[sp->picnum].x+2); { vec3_t vect; vect.x = dax + ((j*sintable[daang])>>17); vect.y = day - ((j*sintable[(daang+512)&2047])>>17); vect.z = sp->z; setsprite(cursor,&vect); } if (ch>=33 && ch<=126 && alphabets[alphidx].pic[ch-33] >= 0) { int16_t sect; // mapping char->tilenum t = alphabets[alphidx].pic[ch-33]; j = sp->xrepeat*(hgap+tilesiz[sp->picnum].x+tilesiz[t].x); dax += (j*sintable[daang])>>17; day -= (j*sintable[(daang+512)&2047])>>17; dax += (j*sintable[(sprite[curspr].ang+2560)&2047])>>17; day += (j*sintable[(sprite[curspr].ang+2048)&2047])>>17; sect = sprite[curspr].sectnum; updatesector(dax,day,§); if (Numsprites < MAXSPRITES && sect >= 0) { i = insertsprite(sect,0); Bmemcpy(&sprite[i], &sprite[linebegspr], sizeof(spritetype)); sprite[i].sectnum = sect; sprite[i].x = dax, sprite[i].y = day; sprite[i].picnum = t; sprite[i].ang = daang; sprite[i].xoffset = -picanm[t].xofs; sprite[i].yoffset = -picanm[t].yofs; sprite[i].xoffset += alphabets[alphidx].xofs[(int32_t)ch-33]; sprite[i].yoffset += alphabets[alphidx].yofs[(int32_t)ch-33]; DoSpriteOrnament(i); for (k=0; k<MAXTILES; k++) localartfreq[k] = 0; for (k=0; k<MAXSPRITES; k++) if (sprite[k].statnum < MAXSTATUS) localartfreq[sprite[k].picnum]++; curspr = i; doingspace = 0; asksave = 1; if (numletters >= stackallocsize) { stackallocsize *= 2; spritenums = (int16_t *)Xrealloc(spritenums, stackallocsize*sizeof(int16_t)); } spritenums[numletters++] = i; } } else if (ch == 32) { dax += ((sp->xrepeat*spcgap[alphidx]*sintable[daang])>>17); day -= ((sp->xrepeat*spcgap[alphidx]*sintable[(daang+512)&2047])>>17); doingspace = 1; } else if (ch == 8) // backspace { if (doingspace) doingspace = 0; else if (numletters > 0) { int16_t last = spritenums[numletters-1]; if (sprite[last].z != sprite[linebegspr].z) // only "delete" line break { sprite[linebegspr].z = sprite[last].z; curspr = last; } else if (numletters > 1) { int16_t sectolast = spritenums[numletters-2]; if (sprite[last].z == sprite[sectolast].z) curspr = sectolast; else // if we delete the first letter on the line curspr = linebegspr; numletters--; deletesprite(last); asksave = 1; } else { numletters--; deletesprite(last); curspr = linebegspr; asksave = 1; } } else { sprite[linebegspr].z -= ((sprite[linebegspr].yrepeat*(vgap+tilesiz[basetile].y))<<2); asksave = 1; } } else if (ch == 13) // enter { sprite[linebegspr].z += ((sprite[linebegspr].yrepeat*(vgap+tilesiz[basetile].y))<<2); curspr = linebegspr; doingspace = 0; asksave = 1; } } ERROR_TOOMANYSPRITES: if (cursor < 0) message("Too many sprites in map!"); else deletesprite(cursor); Bfree(spritenums); clearkeys(); lockclock = totalclock; //Reset timing } static void mouseaction_movesprites(int32_t *sumxvect, int32_t *sumyvect, int32_t yangofs, int32_t mousexory) { int32_t xvect,yvect, daxvect,dayvect, ii, spi; int32_t units, gridlock = (eitherCTRL && grid > 0 && grid < 9); spritetype *sp = &sprite[searchwall]; int16_t tsect = sp->sectnum; vec3_t tvec = { sp->x, sp->y, sp->z }; xvect = -((mousexory*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+yangofs+512)&2047])<<3); yvect = -((mousexory*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+yangofs)&2047])<<3); if (gridlock) { units = 1<<(11-grid); if ((tvec.x & (units-1)) || (tvec.y & (units-1))) { daxvect = ((tvec.x & ~(units-1)) - tvec.x)<<14; dayvect = ((tvec.y & ~(units-1)) - tvec.y)<<14; } else { units <<= 14; *sumxvect += xvect; *sumyvect += yvect; if (klabs(*sumxvect) >= units) { daxvect = ((*sumxvect)/units)*units; *sumxvect %= units; } else daxvect = 0; if (klabs(*sumyvect) >= units) { dayvect = ((*sumyvect)/units)*units; *sumyvect %= units; } else dayvect = 0; } } else { daxvect = xvect; dayvect = yvect; } if (highlightcnt<=0 || (show2dsprite[searchwall>>3] & (1<<(searchwall&7)))==0) { clipmove(&tvec, &tsect, daxvect,dayvect, sp->clipdist,64<<4,64<<4, spnoclip?1:CLIPMASK0); setsprite(searchwall, &tvec); } else { xvect = daxvect; yvect = dayvect; // test run for (ii=0; ii<highlightcnt; ii++) if (highlight[ii]&16384) { spi = highlight[ii]&16383; Bmemcpy(&tvec, &sprite[spi], sizeof(vec3_t)); tsect = sprite[spi].sectnum; clipmove(&tvec, &tsect, xvect,yvect, 128,64<<4,64<<4, spnoclip?1:CLIPMASK0); xvect = (tvec.x - sprite[spi].x)<<14; yvect = (tvec.y - sprite[spi].y)<<14; } // the real thing for (ii=0; ii<highlightcnt; ii++) if (highlight[ii]&16384) { spi = highlight[ii]&16383; Bmemcpy(&tvec, &sprite[spi], sizeof(vec3_t)); tsect = sprite[spi].sectnum; clipmove(&tvec, &tsect, xvect,yvect, 128,64<<4,64<<4, spnoclip?1:CLIPMASK0); setsprite(spi, &tvec); } } } static int32_t addtobyte(int8_t *byte, int32_t num) { int32_t onum = *byte, clamped=0; if (onum + num != (int8_t)(onum + num)) clamped = 1; if (!clamped) *byte = (onum + num); return clamped; } static void toggle_sprite_alignment(int32_t spritenum) { static const char *aligntype[4] = { "view", "wall", "floor", "???" }; int32_t i = sprite[spritenum].cstat; if ((i&48) < 32) i += 16; else i &= ~48; sprite[spritenum].cstat = i; message("Sprite %d now %s aligned", spritenum, aligntype[(i&48)/16]); asksave = 1; } static void toggle_cf_flipping(int32_t sectnum, int32_t floorp) { static const int8_t next3[8] = { 6, 7, 4, 5, 0, 1, 3, 2 }; // 0->6->3->5->1->7->2->4->0 static const int8_t prev3[8] = { 4, 5, 7, 6, 2, 3, 0, 1 }; // 0<-6<-3<-5<-1<-7<-2<-4<-0 static const int16_t orient[8] = { 360, -360, -180, 180, -270, 270, 90, -90 }; const int32_t search = floorp ? SEARCH_FLOOR : SEARCH_CEILING; uint16_t *const stat = &SECTORFLD(sectnum,stat, floorp); int32_t i = *stat; i = (i&0x4)+((i>>4)&3); i = eitherSHIFT ? prev3[i] : next3[i]; message("Sector %d %s flip %d deg%s", sectnum, typestr[search], klabs(orient[i])%360, orient[i] < 0 ? " mirrored":""); i = (i&0x4)+((i&3)<<4); *stat &= ~0x34; *stat |= i; asksave = 1; } // vec2_t initializer from a 1st point of wall #define WALLVEC_INITIALIZER(w) { POINT2(w).x-wall[w].x, POINT2(w).y-wall[w].y } static int64_t lldotv2(const vec2_t *v1, const vec2_t *v2) { return (int64_t)v1->x * v2->x + (int64_t)v1->y * v2->y; } #ifdef NEW_MAP_FORMAT # define YAX_BIT_PROTECT 0 #else # define YAX_BIT_PROTECT YAX_BIT #endif ////////// KEY PRESS HANDLER IN 3D MODE ////////// static void Keys3d(void) { int32_t i = 0, changedir,tsign; // ,count,nexti int32_t j, k, tempint = 0, hiz, loz; int32_t hihit, lohit; char smooshyalign=0, repeatpanalign=0; //, buffer[80]; int16_t startwall, endwall, dasector; //, statnum=0; char tempbuf[128]; /* start Mapster32 */ if (g_numsounds > 0 && AmbienceToggle) { M32_MoveFX(); S_Update(); } if (usedcount && !helpon) { #if 0 if (!AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { count=0; for (i=0; i<numwalls; i++) { if (wall[i].picnum == temppicnum) count++; if (wall[i].overpicnum == temppicnum) count++; } for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++) { if (sector[i].ceilingpicnum == temppicnum) count++; if (sector[i].floorpicnum == temppicnum) count++; } } else { count=0; statnum=0; i = headspritestat[statnum]; while (i != -1) { nexti = nextspritestat[i]; if (sprite[i].picnum == temppicnum) count++; i = nexti; } } #endif drawtileinfo("Clipboard",3,124,temppicnum,tempshade,temppal,tempcstat,templotag,temphitag,tempextra,0); }// end if usedcount if (searchsector > -1 && searchsector < numsectors) { char lines[8][64]; int32_t num=0; int32_t x,y,flags=0; if (infobox&1) { int32_t height2 = sector[searchsector].floorz - sector[searchsector].ceilingz; switch (searchstat) { case SEARCH_WALL: case SEARCH_MASKWALL: { int32_t dist, height1=0, height3=0; const int32_t w = SELECT_WALL(); const int32_t swappedbot = (int32_t)(w != searchwall); flags |= (swappedbot<<2); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT flags |= (yax_getnextwall(searchwall, YAX_CEILING)>=0) + 2*(yax_getnextwall(searchwall, YAX_FLOOR)>=0); #endif drawtileinfo("Current", WIND1X,WIND1Y, AIMING_AT_WALL ? wall[w].picnum : wall[w].overpicnum, wall[w].shade, wall[w].pal, wall[w].cstat, wall[searchwall].lotag, wall[searchwall].hitag, wall[searchwall].extra, flags); dist = wallength(searchwall); if (wall[searchwall].nextsector >= 0 && wall[searchwall].nextsector < numsectors) { int32_t nextsect = wall[searchwall].nextsector; height1 = sector[searchsector].floorz - sector[nextsect].floorz; height2 = sector[nextsect].floorz - sector[nextsect].ceilingz; height3 = sector[nextsect].ceilingz - sector[searchsector].ceilingz; } Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Panning:%s %d, %d", swappedbot?"^242":"", TrackerCast(wall[w].xpanning), TrackerCast(wall[w].ypanning)); Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Repeat: %d, %d", TrackerCast(wall[searchwall].xrepeat), TrackerCast(wall[searchwall].yrepeat)); Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Overpic: %d", TrackerCast(wall[searchwall].overpicnum)); lines[num++][0]=0; if (getmessageleng) break; if (searchwall != searchbottomwall) Bsprintf(lines[num++],"^251Wall %d ->^242 %d", searchwall, searchbottomwall); else Bsprintf(lines[num++],"^251Wall %d", searchwall); if (wall[searchwall].nextsector!=-1) Bsprintf(lines[num++],"LoHeight:%d, HiHeight:%d, Length:%d",height1,height3,dist); else Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Height:%d, Length:%d",height2,dist); break; } case SEARCH_CEILING: case SEARCH_FLOOR: drawtileinfo("Current", WIND1X, WIND1Y, AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(picnum), AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(shade), AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(pal), AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat), sector[searchsector].lotag, sector[searchsector].hitag, sector[searchsector].extra,0); { int32_t xp=AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning), yp=AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT int32_t notextended = 1; if (yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) >= 0) notextended = 0; Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Panning: %d%s, %d", xp, notextended?"":"*", yp); #else Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Panning: %d, %d", xp, yp); #endif } Bsprintf(lines[num++],"%sZ: %d", Typestr[searchstat], AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(z)); Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Slope: %d", AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(heinum)); lines[num++][0]=0; if (getmessageleng) break; Bsprintf(lines[num++],"^251Sector %d^31 %s, Lotag:%s", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], ExtGetSectorCaption(searchsector)); Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Height: %d, Visibility:%d", height2, TrackerCast(sector[searchsector].visibility)); break; case SEARCH_SPRITE: drawtileinfo("Current", WIND1X, WIND1Y, sprite[searchwall].picnum, sprite[searchwall].shade, sprite[searchwall].pal, sprite[searchwall].cstat, sprite[searchwall].lotag, sprite[searchwall].hitag, sprite[searchwall].extra,0); Bsprintf(lines[num++], "Repeat: %d,%d", TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].xrepeat), TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].yrepeat)); Bsprintf(lines[num++], "PosXY: %d,%d%s", TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].x), TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].y), sprite[searchwall].xoffset|sprite[searchwall].yoffset ? " ^251*":""); Bsprintf(lines[num++], "PosZ: "" %d", TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].z));// prevents tab character lines[num++][0]=0; if (getmessageleng) break; if (sprite[searchwall].picnum<0 || sprite[searchwall].picnum>=MAXTILES) break; if (names[sprite[searchwall].picnum][0]) { if (sprite[searchwall].picnum==SECTOREFFECTOR) Bsprintf(lines[num++],"^251Sprite %d^31 %s", searchwall, SectorEffectorText(searchwall)); else Bsprintf(lines[num++],"^251Sprite %d^31 %s", searchwall, names[sprite[searchwall].picnum]); } else Bsprintf(lines[num++],"^251Sprite %d^31, picnum %d", searchwall, TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].picnum)); Bsprintf(lines[num++], "Elevation:%d", getflorzofslope(searchsector, sprite[searchwall].x, sprite[searchwall].y) - sprite[searchwall].z); break; } } x = (int32_t)(WIND1X*(xdimgame/320.)); y = (int32_t)(WIND1Y*(ydimgame/200.)); y += (ydimgame>>6)*8; if (getmessageleng) { while (num < 4) lines[num++][0] = 0; Bsprintf(lines[num++], "^251%s", getmessage); } begindrawing(); for (i=0; i<num; i++) { printext256(x+2, y+2, 0, -1, lines[i], xdimgame<=640); printext256(x, y, whitecol, -1, lines[i], xdimgame<=640); y += ydimgame>>6; } enddrawing(); } VM_OnEvent(EVENT_PREKEYS3D, -1); if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(V)) // ' V { if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) getnumberptr256("Sector visibility: ", §or[searchsector].visibility, sizeof(sector[0].visibility), 255, 0, NULL); } if (keystatus[KEYSC_SEMI] && PRESSED_KEYSC(V)) // ; V { int16_t currsector; uint8_t visval; if (highlightsectorcnt == -1) { message("You didn't select any sectors!"); return; } visval = getnumber256("Visibility of selected sectors: ", sector[searchsector].visibility, 255, 0); if (AskIfSure("Are you sure to change the visibility of all selected sectors?")) return; for (i=0; i<highlightsectorcnt; i++) { currsector = highlightsector[i]; sector[currsector].visibility = visval; } message("Visibility changed on all selected sectors"); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(V)) //V { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { int32_t oldtile = AIMED_SELOVR_PICNUM; tempint = m32gettile(oldtile); AIMED_SELOVR_PICNUM = tempint; if (AIMING_AT_MASKWALL && wall[searchwall].nextwall >= 0) NEXTWALL(searchwall).overpicnum = tempint; if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) correct_sprite_yoffset(searchwall); if (oldtile != tempint) asksave = 1; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(3)) /* 3 (toggle floor-over-floor (cduke3d only) */ { floor_over_floor = !floor_over_floor; // if (!floor_over_floor) ResetFOFSize(); message("Floor-over-floor display %s",floor_over_floor?"enabled":"disabled"); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F3)) { mlook = !mlook; message("Mouselook: %s",mlook?"enabled":"disabled"); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F4)) { AmbienceToggle = !AmbienceToggle; message("Ambience sounds: %s",AmbienceToggle?"enabled":"disabled"); if (!AmbienceToggle) { FX_StopAllSounds(); S_ClearSoundLocks(); } } // PK if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F5)) { unrealedlook = !unrealedlook; message("UnrealEd mouse navigation: %s",unrealedlook?"enabled":"disabled"); } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(DELETE)) // ' del { if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { #ifdef NEW_MAP_FORMAT wall[searchwall].cstat = 0; #else wall[searchwall].cstat &= YAX_NEXTWALLBITS; #endif message("Wall %d cstat = %d", searchwall, TrackerCast(wall[searchwall].cstat)); } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { sprite[searchwall].cstat = 0; message("Sprite %d cstat = 0", searchwall); } } // 'P and ;P - Will copy palette to all sectors/walls/sprites highlighted with R-Alt key if ((keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] || keystatus[KEYSC_SEMI]) && PRESSED_KEYSC(P)) // ' P ; P { int16_t w, start_wall, end_wall, currsector; int8_t pal[4]; if (highlightsectorcnt == -1) { message("You didn't select any sectors!"); return; } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE]) { pal[0] = getnumber256("Ceiling palette: ", -1, M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 1); pal[1] = getnumber256("Floor palette: ", -1, M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 1); pal[2] = getnumber256("Wall palette: ", -1, M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 1); pal[3] = getnumber256("Sprite palette: ", -1, M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 1); } else { pal[0] = getnumber256("Global palette: ", 0, M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 0); pal[1] = pal[2] = pal[3] = pal[0]; } if (AskIfSure(0)) return; for (i = 0; i < highlightsectorcnt; i++) { currsector = highlightsector[i]; if (pal[0] > -1) sector[currsector].ceilingpal = pal[0]; if (pal[1] > -1) sector[currsector].floorpal = pal[1]; // Do all the walls in the sector start_wall = sector[currsector].wallptr; end_wall = start_wall + sector[currsector].wallnum; if (pal[2] > -1) for (w = start_wall; w < end_wall; w++) wall[w].pal = pal[2]; if (pal[3] > -1) { for (k=0; k<highlightsectorcnt; k++) for (w=headspritesect[highlightsector[k]]; w >= 0; w=nextspritesect[w]) sprite[w].pal = pal[3]; } } message("Palettes changed"); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(DELETE)) { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { deletesprite(searchwall); message("Sprite %d deleted",searchwall); if (AmbienceToggle) { clearbit(g_ambiencePlaying, searchwall); S_StopEnvSound(sprite[searchwall].lotag, searchwall); } asksave = 1; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(BS)) // backspace { if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t ynw, cf=-1; if (m32_script_expertmode) { if (eitherSHIFT && !eitherCTRL) cf = 0; else if (!eitherSHIFT && eitherCTRL) cf = 1; } if (cf >= 0) { // clear TROR uplink/downlink ynw = yax_getnextwall(searchwall, cf); if (ynw >= 0) { yax_setnextwall(ynw, !cf, -1); yax_setnextwall(searchwall, cf, -1); } message("Cleared wall %d's %s link to wall %d", searchwall, yupdownwall[cf], ynw); } else #endif if (!eitherSHIFT && !eitherCTRL) { int32_t nw = wall[searchwall].nextwall; if ((unsigned)nw < (unsigned)numwalls) { wall[nw].nextsector = wall[nw].nextwall = -1; wall[searchwall].nextsector = wall[searchwall].nextwall = -1; message("Cleared connection between wall %d and %d", searchwall, nw); } } } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F6)) //F6 { autospritehelp = !autospritehelp; message("Automatic SECTOREFFECTOR help %s", autospritehelp?"enabled":"disabled"); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F7)) //F7 { autosecthelp = !autosecthelp; message("Automatic sector tag help %s", autosecthelp?"enabled":"disabled"); } if (autospritehelp && helpon==0) { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE && sprite[searchwall].picnum==SECTOREFFECTOR) ShowFileText("sehelp.hlp"); else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) ShowFileText("sthelp.hlp"); } // [.] or [,]: Search & fix panning to the right or left (3D) if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK && ((tsign=PRESSED_KEYSC(PERIOD)) || PRESSED_KEYSC(COMMA))) { uint32_t flags = (!eitherSHIFT) | (tsign?0:16) | ((!eitherALT)<<2) | ((!!keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE])<<3) | 32*(searchwall != searchbottomwall); int32_t naligned=AutoAlignWalls(searchwall, flags, 0); // Do it a second time because the first one is wrong. FIXME!!! AutoAlignWalls(searchwall, flags, 0); message("Aligned %d wall%s based on wall %d%s%s%s%s", naligned, naligned==1 ? "" : "s", searchwall, !eitherSHIFT ? " iteratively" : "", !eitherALT ? ", aligning xrepeats" : "", keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] ? ", aligning TROR-nextwalls" : "", (wall[searchbottomwall].cstat&4) ? "" : ". WARNING: top-aligned"); } tsign = 0; tsign -= PRESSED_KEYSC(COMMA); tsign += PRESSED_KEYSC(PERIOD); if (tsign) { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { sprite[searchwall].ang += tsign<<(!eitherSHIFT*7); sprite[searchwall].ang &= 2047; message("Sprite %d angle: %d", searchwall, TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].ang)); } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(L)) // ' L #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (YAXCHK(!AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR || yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) < 0)) #endif { i = m32_clipping; m32_clipping = 0; switch (searchstat) { case SEARCH_CEILING: getnumberptr256("Sector ceilingz: ", §or[searchsector].ceilingz, sizeof(sector[0].ceilingz), BZ_MAX, 1, NULL); if (!(sector[searchsector].ceilingstat&2)) { sector[searchsector].ceilingstat |= 2; sector[searchsector].ceilingheinum = 0; } getnumberptr256("Sector ceiling slope: ", §or[searchsector].ceilingheinum, sizeof(sector[0].ceilingheinum), BHEINUM_MAX, 1, NULL); break; case SEARCH_FLOOR: getnumberptr256("Sector floorz: ", §or[searchsector].floorz, sizeof(sector[0].floorz), BZ_MAX, 1, NULL); if (!(sector[searchsector].floorstat&2)) { sector[searchsector].floorheinum = 0; sector[searchsector].floorstat |= 2; } getnumberptr256("Sector floor slope: ", §or[searchsector].floorheinum, sizeof(sector[0].floorheinum), BHEINUM_MAX, 1, NULL); break; case SEARCH_SPRITE: getnumberptr256("Sprite x: ", &sprite[searchwall].x, sizeof(sprite[0].x), editorgridextent-1, 1, NULL); getnumberptr256("Sprite y: ", &sprite[searchwall].y, sizeof(sprite[0].y), editorgridextent-1, 1, NULL); getnumberptr256("Sprite z: ", &sprite[searchwall].z, sizeof(sprite[0].z), BZ_MAX, 1, NULL); getnumberptr256("Sprite angle: ", &sprite[searchwall].ang, sizeof(sprite[0].ang), 2047, 1, NULL); sprite[searchwall].ang &= 2047; break; } setslope(searchsector, YAX_CEILING, sector[searchsector].ceilingheinum); setslope(searchsector, YAX_FLOOR, sector[searchsector].floorheinum); asksave = 1; m32_clipping = i; } getzrange(&pos, cursectnum, &hiz, &hihit, &loz, &lohit, 128, CLIPMASK0); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(CAPS) || (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(Z))) // CAPS LOCK { zmode = (zmode+1)%3; if (zmode == 1) zlock = (loz-pos.z)&0xfffffc00; switch (zmode) { case 0: message("Zmode = Gravity"); break; case 1: message("Zmode = Locked/Sector"); break; case 2: message("Zmode = Locked/Free"); break; } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(M)) // 'M { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK && yax_getnextwall(searchwall, YAX_FLOOR)>=0) message("Can't change extra in protected wall"); else #endif { Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s extra: ", Typestr_wss[searchstat]); getnumberptr256(tempbuf, &AIMED(extra), sizeof(int16_t), BTAG_MAX, 1, NULL); asksave = 1; } } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(1) && ASSERT_AIMING) // 1 (make 1-way wall) { if (!AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { wall[searchwall].cstat ^= 32; message("Wall %d one side masking bit %s", searchwall, ONOFF(wall[searchwall].cstat&32)); } else { i = sprite[searchwall].cstat; i ^= 64; if ((i&48) == 32) { i &= ~8; if ((i&64) && pos.z>sprite[searchwall].z) i |= 8; } message("Sprite %d one sided bit %s", searchwall, ONOFF(i&64)); sprite[searchwall].cstat = i; } asksave = 1; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(2)) // 2 (bottom wall swapping) { if (!AIMING_AT_SPRITE && searchwall>=0) { wall[searchwall].cstat ^= 2; message("Wall %d bottom texture swap bit %s", searchwall, ONOFF(wall[searchwall].cstat&2)); asksave = 1; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(O)) // O (top/bottom orientation - for doors) { if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { int16_t w = SELECT_WALL(); wall[w].cstat ^= 4; message("Wall %d %s orientation", w, wall[w].cstat&4?"bottom":"top"); asksave = 1; } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) // O (ornament onto wall) (2D) { DoSpriteOrnament(searchwall); message("Sprite %d ornament onto wall", searchwall); asksave = 1; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(M)) // M (masking walls) { if (!AIMING_AT_SPRITE && ASSERT_AIMING) { int16_t next = wall[searchwall].nextwall; if (next >= 0) { wall[searchwall].cstat ^= 16; message("Wall %d masking bit %s", searchwall, ONOFF(wall[searchwall].cstat&16)); wall[searchwall].cstat &= ~8; if (wall[searchwall].cstat&16) { if (!eitherSHIFT) { wall[next].cstat |= 8; //auto other-side flip wall[next].cstat |= 16; wall[next].overpicnum = wall[searchwall].overpicnum; } } else { if (!eitherSHIFT) { wall[next].cstat &= ~8; //auto other-side unflip wall[next].cstat &= ~16; } } wall[searchwall].cstat &= ~32; if (!eitherSHIFT) wall[next].cstat &= ~32; asksave = 1; } } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(H)) // H (hitscan sensitivity) { if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE]) { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { j = 0; if (AIMING_AT_WALL || AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { j = taglab_linktags(AIMING_AT_SPRITE, searchwall); j = 2*(j&2); } Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s hitag: ", Typestr_wss[searchstat]); getnumberptr256(tempbuf, &AIMED(hitag), sizeof(int16_t), BTAG_MAX, 0+j, NULL); } } else { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { sprite[searchwall].cstat ^= 256; message("Sprite %d hitscan sensitivity bit %s", searchwall, ONOFF(sprite[searchwall].cstat&256)); asksave = 1; } else if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK || AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR && yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR)>=0) { SECTORFLD(searchsector,stat, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) ^= 2048; message("Sector %d's %s hitscan sensitivity bit %s", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], ONOFF(SECTORFLD(searchsector,stat, AIMING_AT_FLOOR)&2048)); asksave = 1; } else #endif { wall[searchwall].cstat ^= 64; if (wall[searchwall].nextwall >= 0 && !eitherSHIFT) { NEXTWALL(searchwall).cstat &= ~64; NEXTWALL(searchwall).cstat |= (wall[searchwall].cstat&64); } message("Wall %d hitscan sensitivity bit %s%s", searchwall, ONOFF(wall[searchwall].cstat&64), eitherSHIFT?" (one-sided)":""); asksave = 1; } } } } smooshyalign = keystatus[KEYSC_gKP5]; repeatpanalign = eitherSHIFT || eitherALT || (bstatus&2); { static int32_t omlook; if (mlook == 2) { mlook = omlook; } else if (!unrealedlook && (bstatus&4)) { omlook = mlook; mlook = 2; } } // PK: no btn: wheel changes shade if ((bstatus&(16|32) && !(bstatus&(1|2|4))) || keystatus[KEYSC_gMINUS] || keystatus[KEYSC_gPLUS]) { // if (bstatus&1) // mlook = 2; tsign = 0; if (bstatus&32 || PRESSED_KEYSC(gMINUS)) // - tsign = 1; if (bstatus&16 || PRESSED_KEYSC(gPLUS)) // + tsign = -1; if (tsign) { mouseb &= ~(16|32); bstatus &= ~(16|32); if (eitherALT) //ALT { if (eitherCTRL) //CTRL { if (tsign==1) g_visibility <<= (int)(g_visibility < 16384); else g_visibility >>= (int)(g_visibility > 32); silentmessage("Global visibility %d", g_visibility); } else { k=eitherSHIFT?1:16; if (highlightsectorcnt > 0 && (hlsectorbitmap[searchsector>>3]&(1<<(searchsector&7)))) { while (k-- > 0) { for (i=0; i<highlightsectorcnt; i++) { j = highlightsector[i]; sector[j].visibility += tsign; if (tsign==1 && sector[j].visibility == 240) sector[j].visibility = 239; else if (tsign==-1 && sector[j].visibility == 239) sector[j].visibility = 240; } } } else { while (k-- > 0) { sector[searchsector].visibility += tsign; if (tsign==1 && sector[searchsector].visibility == 240) sector[searchsector].visibility = 239; else if (tsign==-1 && sector[searchsector].visibility == 239) sector[searchsector].visibility = 240; } } silentmessage("Sector %d visibility %d", searchsector, TrackerCast(sector[searchsector].visibility)); asksave = 1; } } else // if !eitherALT { int32_t clamped=0; k = (highlightsectorcnt>0 && (hlsectorbitmap[searchsector>>3]&(1<<(searchsector&7)))); tsign *= (1+3*eitherCTRL); if (k == 0) { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { if (!eitherSHIFT && AIMING_AT_SPRITE && (show2dsprite[searchwall>>3]&(1<<(searchwall&7)))) { for (i=0; i<highlightcnt; i++) if (highlight[i]&16384) clamped = addtobyte(&sprite[highlight[i]&16383].shade, tsign); (clamped ? message : silentmessage) ("Highlighted sprite shade changed by %d%s", tsign, clamped?" (some sprites' shade clamped)":""); } else { clamped = addtobyte(&AIMED_CF_SEL(shade), tsign); // TODO: factor formatting stuff out and use elsewhere? (clamped ? message : silentmessage) ("%s %s%d shade %d%s", Typestr[searchstat], AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR ? "of sector " : "", AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK ? SELECT_WALL() : (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR ? searchsector : searchwall), AIMED_CF_SEL(shade), clamped ? " (clamped)":""); } } } else { for (i=0; i<highlightsectorcnt; i++) { dasector = highlightsector[i]; // sector shade clamped |= addtobyte(§or[dasector].ceilingshade, tsign); clamped |= addtobyte(§or[dasector].floorshade, tsign); // wall shade for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(dasector, j)) clamped |= addtobyte(&wall[j].shade, tsign); // sprite shade for (j=headspritesect[dasector]; j!=-1; j=nextspritesect[j]) clamped |= addtobyte(&sprite[j].shade, tsign); } (clamped ? message : silentmessage)("Highlighted sector shade changed by %d%s", tsign, clamped?" (some objects' shade clamped)":""); } asksave = 1; } } } // PK: lmb only & mousewheel, -, and +, cycle picnum if (keystatus[KEYSC_DASH] || keystatus[KEYSC_EQUAL] || (bstatus&(16|32) && (bstatus&1) && !(bstatus&2))) { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { int32_t pic = AIMED_SELOVR_PICNUM; int32_t dir = (keystatus[KEYSC_EQUAL] || (bstatus&16)) ? 1 : -1; do { pic += dir + MAXTILES; pic %= MAXTILES; } while (tilesiz[pic].x<=0 || tilesiz[pic].y<=0); AIMED_SELOVR_PICNUM = pic; if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) correct_sprite_yoffset(searchwall); asksave = 1; } keystatus[KEYSC_DASH] = keystatus[KEYSC_EQUAL] = 0; mouseb &= ~(16|32); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(E)) // E (expand) { if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat) ^= 8; message("Sector %d %s texture expansion bit %s", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], ONOFF(sector[searchsector].ceilingstat&8)); asksave = 1; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(R)) // R (relative alignment, rotation) { if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE]) // FRAMERATE TOGGLE { framerateon = !framerateon; message("Show framerate %s", ONOFF(framerateon)); } else { if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat) ^= 64; message("Sector %d %s texture relativity bit %s", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], ONOFF(AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat)&64)); asksave = 1; } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) toggle_sprite_alignment(searchwall); } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F)) //F (Flip) { if (eitherALT) //ALT-F (relative alignmment flip) { if (!AIMING_AT_SPRITE && ASSERT_AIMING) SetFirstWall(searchsector, searchwall, eitherSHIFT); } else { static const int8_t next2[4] = { 1, 3, 0, 2 }; // 0->1->3->2->0 static const int8_t prev2[4] = { 2, 0, 3, 1 }; // 0<-1<-3<-2<-0 static const char *flip2label[4] = { "none", "X", "Y", "X and Y" }; if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { i = wall[searchbottomwall].cstat; i = ((i>>3)&1)+((i>>7)&2); //3-x,8-y i = eitherSHIFT ? prev2[i] : next2[i]; message("Wall %d flip %s", searchwall, flip2label[i]); i = ((i&1)<<3)+((i&2)<<7); wall[searchbottomwall].cstat &= ~0x0108; wall[searchbottomwall].cstat |= i; asksave = 1; } else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) //8-way ceiling/floor flipping (bits 2,4,5) toggle_cf_flipping(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR); else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { i = sprite[searchwall].cstat; if (((i&48) == 32) && ((i&64) == 0)) { sprite[searchwall].cstat &= ~0xc; sprite[searchwall].cstat |= ((i&4)^4); message("Sprite %d flip bit %s",searchwall, ONOFF(sprite[searchwall].cstat&4)); } else { i = ((i>>2)&3); i = eitherSHIFT ? prev2[i] : next2[i]; message("Sprite %d flip %s", searchwall, flip2label[i]); sprite[searchwall].cstat &= ~0xc; sprite[searchwall].cstat |= (i<<2); } asksave = 1; } } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_HOME]) updownunits = 256; else if (keystatus[KEYSC_END]) updownunits = 512; else updownunits = 1024; mouseaction=0; if (eitherALT && (bstatus&1)) { mousex=0; mskip=1; if (mousey!=0) { updownunits=klabs(mousey*128); mouseaction=1; } } tsign = 0; if (ASSERT_AIMING) { // PK: PGUP/PGDN, rmb only & mwheel tsign -= (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGUP) || (mouseaction && mousey<0) || ((bstatus&(16|2|1))==(16|2))); tsign += (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGDN) || (mouseaction && mousey>0) || ((bstatus&(32|2|1))==(32|2))); } if (tsign) { int16_t sect0, sect, havebtm=0, havetop=0, moveCeilings, moveFloors; int32_t cz, fz; k = 0; if (highlightsectorcnt > 0 && searchsector>=0 && searchsector<numsectors) { if (hlsectorbitmap[searchsector>>3]&(1<<(searchsector&7))) k = highlightsectorcnt; } if (k) { sect = highlightsector[0]; havetop = AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK; } else { if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK && wall[searchwall].nextsector>=0 && eitherALT && !(bstatus&1)) { sect = wall[searchwall].nextsector; havebtm = !AIMING_AT_MASKWALL && searchisbottom; havetop = !havebtm; } else { sect = searchsector; havetop = AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK; } } sect0 = sect; moveCeilings = (AIMING_AT_CEILING || havetop); moveFloors = (AIMING_AT_FLOOR || havebtm); if (moveCeilings || moveFloors) { int32_t dz = tsign * (updownunits << (eitherCTRL<<1)); // JBF 20031128 static const char *cfs[2] = { "ceiling", "floor" }; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t bunchnum=-1, maxbunchnum=-1, cb, fb; Bmemset(havebunch, 0, sizeof(havebunch)); #endif for (j=0; j<(k?k:1); j++, sect=highlightsector[j]) { // stage one: see if we don't move beyond the other side // (ceiling if floor and vice versa) if (moveCeilings && (dz > 0) && sector[sect].ceilingz+dz > sector[sect].floorz) dz = (k > 1) ? 0 : min(sector[sect].floorz - sector[sect].ceilingz, dz); else if (moveFloors && (dz < 0) && sector[sect].floorz+dz < sector[sect].ceilingz) dz = (k > 1) ? 0 : max(sector[sect].ceilingz - sector[sect].floorz, dz); if (dz == 0) break; } if (dz) { // now truly move things if we're clear to go! sect = sect0; for (j=0; j<(k?k:1); j++, sect=highlightsector[j]) { for (i=headspritesect[sect]; i!=-1; i=nextspritesect[i]) { spriteoncfz(i, &cz, &fz); if ((moveCeilings && sprite[i].z == cz) || (moveFloors && sprite[i].z == fz)) sprite[i].z += dz; } SECTORFLD(sect,z, moveFloors) += dz; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE bunchnum = yax_getbunch(sect, moveFloors); if (bunchnum >= 0 && !(havebunch[bunchnum>>3]&(1<<(bunchnum&7)))) { maxbunchnum = max(maxbunchnum, bunchnum); havebunch[bunchnum>>3] |= (1<<(bunchnum&7)); tempzar[bunchnum] = &SECTORFLD(sect,z, moveFloors); } #endif } } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (dz) { // sync z values of extended sectors' ceilings/floors for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++) { yax_getbunches(i, &cb, &fb); if (cb >= 0 && (havebunch[cb>>3]&(1<<(cb&7)))) sector[i].ceilingz = *tempzar[cb]; if (fb >= 0 && (havebunch[fb>>3]&(1<<(fb&7)))) sector[i].floorz = *tempzar[fb]; } } if (!dz) silentmessage("Didn't move sector %ss", cfs[moveFloors]); else if (k<=1 && bunchnum>=0) silentmessage("Bunch %d's ceilings and floors = %d", bunchnum, SECTORFLD(sect0,z, moveFloors)); else #endif if (k<=1) silentmessage("Sector %d %sz = %d", sect0, cfs[moveFloors], SECTORFLD(sect0,z, moveFloors)); else silentmessage("%s %d sector %ss by %d units", tsign<0 ? "Raised" : "Lowered", k, cfs[moveFloors], dz*tsign); } if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { int32_t cz, fz; if (eitherCTRL && !eitherALT) //CTRL - put sprite on ceiling/floor { spriteoncfz(searchwall, &cz, &fz); sprite[searchwall].z = (tsign==1) ? fz : cz; } else { k = !!(show2dsprite[searchwall>>3]&(1<<(searchwall&7))); tsign *= (updownunits << ((eitherCTRL && mouseaction)*3)); for (i=0; i<highlightcnt || k==0; i++) { if (k==0 || (highlight[i]&0xc000) == 16384) { int16_t sp = k==0 ? searchwall : highlight[i]&16383; sprite[sp].z += tsign; if (!spnoclip) { spriteoncfz(sp, &cz, &fz); inpclamp(&sprite[sp].z, cz, fz); } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE else if (sprite[sp].sectnum >= 0) { int16_t cb, fb; yax_getbunches(sprite[sp].sectnum, &cb, &fb); if (cb >= 0 || fb >= 0) setspritez(sp, (vec3_t *)&sprite[sp]); } #endif if (k==0) { silentmessage("Sprite %d z = %d", searchwall, TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].z)); break; } } if (k==1) silentmessage("Sprites %s by %d units", tsign<0 ? "raised" : "lowered", tsign); } } } asksave = 1; mouseb &= ~(16|32); } /* end Mapster32 */ // DoWater(horiz); if (framerateon) { static int32_t FrameCount = 0; static int32_t LastCount = 0; static int32_t LastSec = 0; static int32_t LastMS = 0; int32_t ms = getticks(); int32_t howlong = ms - LastMS; if (howlong >= 0) { int32_t thisSec = ms/1000; int32_t x = (xdim <= 640); int32_t chars = Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%2u ms (%3u fps)", howlong, LastCount); if (!x) { printext256(windowx2-(chars<<3)+1,windowy1+2,0,-1,tempbuf,x); printext256(windowx2-(chars<<3),windowy1+1,COLOR_WHITE,-1,tempbuf,x); } else { printext256(windowx2-(chars<<2)+1,windowy1+2,0,-1,tempbuf,x); printext256(windowx2-(chars<<2),windowy1+1,COLOR_WHITE,-1,tempbuf,x); } if (LastSec < thisSec) { LastCount = FrameCount / (thisSec - LastSec); LastSec = thisSec; FrameCount = 0; } FrameCount++; } LastMS = ms; } tempbuf[0] = 0; if ((bstatus&(4|2|1))==4 && !unrealedlook) //PK Bsprintf(tempbuf,"VIEW"); else if ((bstatus&(2|1))==2) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Z%s", keystatus[KEYSC_HOME]?" 256":keystatus[KEYSC_END]?" 512":""); if ((bstatus&(2|1))==1 || (keystatus[KEYSC_SPACE])) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"LOCK"); if (bstatus&1) { switch (searchstat) { case SEARCH_WALL: case SEARCH_MASKWALL: if (eitherALT) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"CEILING Z %s", eitherCTRL?"512":""); else if (eitherSHIFT) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"PAN %s", eitherCTRL?"8":""); else if (eitherCTRL) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"SCALE"); break; case SEARCH_CEILING: case SEARCH_FLOOR: if (eitherALT) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s Z %s", AIMING_AT_CEILING?"CEILING":"FLOOR", eitherCTRL?"512":""); else if (eitherSHIFT) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"PAN"); else if (eitherCTRL) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"SLOPE"); break; case SEARCH_SPRITE: if (eitherALT) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"MOVE Z %s", eitherCTRL?"1024":""); else if (eitherSHIFT) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"MOVE XY %s", eitherCTRL?"GRID":""); else if (eitherCTRL) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"SIZE"); break; } } if (tempbuf[0] != 0) { i = (Bstrlen(tempbuf)<<3)+6; i = max((searchx+i)-(xdim-1), 0); j = max((searchy+16)-(ydim-1), 0); printext256(searchx+4+2-i, searchy+4+2-j, 0,-1,tempbuf,!(xdimgame > 640)); printext256(searchx+4-i, searchy+4-j, whitecol,-1,tempbuf,!(xdimgame > 640)); } if (helpon==1) { int32_t small = !(xdimgame > 640); for (i=0; i<MAXHELP3D; i++) { begindrawing(); printext256(2, 8+(i*(8+!small))+2, 0, -1, Help3d[i], small); printext256(0, 8+(i*(8+!small)), whitecol, -1, Help3d[i], small); enddrawing(); switch (i) { case 8: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d",autosave); break; case 9: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s",SKILLMODE[skill]); break; case 10: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d",framerateon); break; case 11: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s",SPRDSPMODE[nosprites]); break; case 12: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d",shadepreview); break; case 13: Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d",showinvisibility); break; default : Bsprintf(tempbuf," "); break; } begindrawing(); if (!Bstrcmp(tempbuf,"0")) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"OFF"); else if (!Bstrcmp(tempbuf,"1")) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"ON"); else if (!Bstrcmp(tempbuf,"2")) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"ON (2)"); printext256((20+(!small * 20))*8+2, 8+(i*(8+!small))+2, 0, -1, tempbuf, small); printext256((20+(!small * 20))*8, 8+(i*(8+!small)), whitecol, -1, tempbuf, small); enddrawing(); } } if (cursectnum>=0 && sector[cursectnum].lotag==2) { if (sector[cursectnum].ceilingpicnum==FLOORSLIME) SetGamePalette(SLIMEPAL); else SetGamePalette(WATERPAL); } else SetGamePalette(BASEPAL); if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]) // Enter { SetGamePalette(BASEPAL); FX_StopAllSounds(); S_ClearSoundLocks(); #ifdef POLYMER DeletePolymerLights(); #endif } //Stick this in 3D part of ExtCheckKeys //Also choose your own key scan codes if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(D)) // ' d { skill = (skill+1)%MAXSKILL; message("%s", SKILLMODE[skill]); } if (keystatus[KEYSC_I]) { keystatus[KEYSC_I] = 0; if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE]) // ' i { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { sprite[searchwall].cstat ^= 32768; message("Sprite %d made %svisible", searchwall, (sprite[searchwall].cstat&32768) ? "in":""); } } else { showinvisibility = !showinvisibility; #if !defined YAX_ENABLE message("Show invisible sprites %s", showinvisibility?"enabled":"disabled"); #else message("Show invisible objects %s", showinvisibility?"enabled":"disabled"); #endif } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(X)) // ' x { shadepreview = !shadepreview; message("Map shade preview %s", shadepreview?"enabled":"disabled"); #ifdef POLYMER DeletePolymerLights(); #endif } ///___unused_keys___ if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(W)) // ' w { nosprites = (nosprites+1)%MAXNOSPRITES; message("%s", SPRDSPMODE[nosprites]); } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(Y)) // ' y { purpleon = !purpleon; if (nosprites>3) nosprites=0; message("Purple %s", ONOFF(purpleon)); } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(C)) // ' C { if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { for (i=0; i<MAXWALLS; i++) if (wall[i].picnum==temppicnum) wall[i].shade=tempshade; } else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { for (i=0; i<MAXSECTORS; i++) if (CEILINGFLOOR(i, picnum)==temppicnum) CEILINGFLOOR(i, shade)=tempshade; } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) if (sprite[i].picnum==temppicnum) sprite[i].shade=tempshade; } if (ASSERT_AIMING) { message("%ss with picnum %d now have shade of %d", Typestr[searchstat], temppicnum, tempshade); asksave = 1; } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(T)) // ' T { j = 0; if (AIMING_AT_WALL || AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { j = taglab_linktags(AIMING_AT_SPRITE, searchwall); j = 4*(j&1); } if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getnextwall(searchwall, YAX_CEILING)>=0) message("Can't change lotag in protected wall"); else #endif wall[searchwall].lotag = getnumber256("Wall lotag: ", wall[searchwall].lotag, BTAG_MAX, 0+j); } else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { sector[searchsector].lotag = _getnumber256("Sector lotag: ", sector[searchsector].lotag, BTAG_MAX, 0, &ExtGetSectorType); } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { if (sprite[searchwall].picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR) { sprite[searchwall].lotag = _getnumber256("Sprite lotag: ", sprite[searchwall].lotag, BTAG_MAX, 0+j, &SectorEffectorTagText); } else if (sprite[searchwall].picnum == MUSICANDSFX) { int16_t oldtag = sprite[searchwall].lotag; sprite[searchwall].lotag = _getnumber256("Sprite lotag: ", sprite[searchwall].lotag, BTAG_MAX, 0+j, &MusicAndSFXTagText); if (testbit(g_ambiencePlaying, searchwall) && sprite[searchwall].lotag != oldtag) { clearbit(g_ambiencePlaying, searchwall); S_StopEnvSound(oldtag, searchwall); } } else sprite[searchwall].lotag = getnumber256("Sprite lotag: ", sprite[searchwall].lotag, BTAG_MAX, 0+j); } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(S)) // ' S { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { int8_t oshade = AIMED_CF_SEL(shade); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s shade: ", Typestr[searchstat]); getnumberptr256(tempbuf, &AIMED_CF_SEL(shade), sizeof(int8_t), 128, 1, NULL); if (AIMED_CF_SEL(shade) != oshade) asksave = 1; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F2)) // F2 { if (eitherCTRL || eitherSHIFT) infobox ^= (eitherSHIFT | ((eitherCTRL)<<1)); else usedcount = !usedcount; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F1)) // F1 { helpon = !helpon; // keystatus[KEYSC_H]=0; // delete this line? } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(G)) // G { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { int16_t *const picnumptr = AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK ? &AIMED_SELOVR_PICNUM : &AIMED_CF_SEL(picnum); const int32_t aiming_at_sprite = AIMING_AT_SPRITE; const int32_t opicnum = *picnumptr, osearchwall = searchwall; static const char *Typestr_tmp[5] = { "Wall", "Sector ceiling", "Sector floor", "Sprite", "Masked wall" }; Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s picnum: ", Typestr_tmp[searchstat]); getnumberptr256(tempbuf, picnumptr, sizeof(int16_t), MAXTILES-1, 0+2, NULL); Bassert((unsigned)*picnumptr < MAXTILES); if (!tile_exists(*picnumptr)) *picnumptr = opicnum; if (*picnumptr != opicnum) asksave = 1; // need to use the old value because aiming might have changed in getnumberptr256 if (aiming_at_sprite) correct_sprite_yoffset(osearchwall); } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(B)) // B (clip Blocking xor) (3D) { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { sprite[searchwall].cstat ^= 1; // sprite[searchwall].cstat &= ~256; // sprite[searchwall].cstat |= ((sprite[searchwall].cstat&1)<<8); message("Sprite %d blocking bit %s", searchwall, ONOFF(sprite[searchwall].cstat&1)); asksave = 1; } else if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK || AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR && yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR)>=0) { SECTORFLD(searchsector,stat, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) ^= 512; message("Sector %d's %s blocking bit %s", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], ONOFF(SECTORFLD(searchsector,stat, AIMING_AT_FLOOR)&512)); asksave = 1; } else #endif { wall[searchwall].cstat ^= 1; // wall[searchwall].cstat &= ~64; if ((wall[searchwall].nextwall >= 0) && !eitherSHIFT) { NEXTWALL(searchwall).cstat &= ~(1+64); NEXTWALL(searchwall).cstat |= (wall[searchwall].cstat&1); } message("Wall %d blocking bit %s%s", searchwall, ONOFF(wall[searchwall].cstat&1), eitherSHIFT ? " (one-sided)":""); asksave = 1; } } } // N (set "spritenoshade" bit) if (PRESSED_KEYSC(N) && !eitherCTRL && !keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE]) { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { sprite[searchwall].cstat ^= CSTAT_SPRITE_NOSHADE; message("Sprite %d spritenoshade bit: %s", searchwall, ONOFF(sprite[searchwall].cstat&CSTAT_SPRITE_NOSHADE)); } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(T)) // T (transluscence for sprites/masked walls) { if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) //Set masked/transluscent ceilings/floors { int32_t nexti[4] = { 128, 256, 384, 0 }; uint16_t *stat = &AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat); const char *statmsg[4] = {"normal", "masked", "translucent", "translucent (2)"}; i = (*stat&(128+256))>>7; i = nexti[i]; *stat &= ~(128+256); *stat |= i; message("Sector %d's %s made %s.", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], statmsg[i>>7]); asksave = 1; } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE]) { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { int32_t olotag = AIMED(lotag); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s lotag: ", Typestr_wss[searchstat]); AIMED(lotag) = getnumber256(tempbuf, AIMED(lotag), BTAG_MAX, 0); if (olotag != AIMED(lotag)) asksave = 1; } } else if (eitherCTRL) { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) TextEntryMode(searchwall); } else { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { if ((sprite[searchwall].cstat&2) == 0) sprite[searchwall].cstat |= 2; else if ((sprite[searchwall].cstat&512) == 0) sprite[searchwall].cstat |= 512; else sprite[searchwall].cstat &= ~(2+512); asksave = 1; } else if (AIMING_AT_MASKWALL) { if ((wall[searchwall].cstat&128) == 0) wall[searchwall].cstat |= 128; else if ((wall[searchwall].cstat&512) == 0) wall[searchwall].cstat |= 512; else wall[searchwall].cstat &= ~(128+512); if (wall[searchwall].nextwall >= 0) { NEXTWALL(searchwall).cstat &= ~(128+512); NEXTWALL(searchwall).cstat |= (wall[searchwall].cstat&(128+512)); } asksave = 1; } } } // ---------- i = 512; if (keystatus[KEYSC_RSHIFT]) i = 8; if (keystatus[KEYSC_LSHIFT]) i = 1; mouseaction=0; if (eitherCTRL && !eitherSHIFT && (bstatus&1) && AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { mousex=0; mskip=1; if (mousey) { i=klabs(mousey*2); mouseaction=1; } } tsign = 0; if (ASSERT_AIMING) { tsign -= (PRESSED_KEYSC(LBRACK) || (mouseaction && mousey<0)); // [ tsign += (PRESSED_KEYSC(RBRACK) || (mouseaction && mousey>0)); // ] } if (tsign) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t bunchnum, othersidesect=0; #endif if (eitherALT) { int32_t ns=wall[searchwall].nextsector, sx=wall[searchwall].x, sy=wall[searchwall].y; if (ns >= 0 && !mouseaction) { if (AIMING_AT_CEILING || (tsign < 0 && AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK)) #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (YAXCHK((bunchnum=yax_getbunch(searchsector, YAX_CEILING)) < 0 || (othersidesect=yax_is121(bunchnum, 1))>=0) && (bunchnum < 0 || YAXSLOPECHK(searchsector, othersidesect))) #endif { alignceilslope(searchsector, sx, sy, getceilzofslope(ns, sx, sy)); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (bunchnum>=0) setslope(othersidesect, 1, sector[searchsector].ceilingheinum); #endif message("Sector %d align ceiling to wall %d", searchsector, searchwall); } if (AIMING_AT_FLOOR || (tsign > 0 && AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK)) #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (YAXCHK((bunchnum=yax_getbunch(searchsector, YAX_FLOOR)) < 0 || (othersidesect=yax_is121(bunchnum, 0))>=0) && (bunchnum < 0 || YAXSLOPECHK(searchsector, othersidesect))) #endif { alignflorslope(searchsector, sx, sy, getflorzofslope(ns, sx, sy)); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (bunchnum>=0) setslope(othersidesect, 0, sector[searchsector].floorheinum); #endif message("Sector %d align floor to wall %d", searchsector, searchwall); } } } else { if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (YAXCHK((bunchnum=yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR)) < 0 || (othersidesect=yax_is121(bunchnum, AIMING_AT_CEILING))>=0) && (bunchnum < 0 || YAXSLOPECHK(searchsector, othersidesect))) #endif { int32_t oldslope = (AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat)&2) ? AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(heinum) : 0; int32_t newslope = clamp(oldslope + tsign*i, -BHEINUM_MAX, BHEINUM_MAX); setslope(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR, newslope); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (bunchnum >= 0) setslope(othersidesect, !AIMING_AT_FLOOR, newslope); #endif silentmessage("Sector %d %s slope = %d", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(heinum)); } } asksave = 1; } if ((bstatus&1) && eitherSHIFT) mskip=1; if ((bstatus&1) && eitherSHIFT && AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR && (mousex|mousey)) { int32_t fw,x1,y1,x2,y2,stat,ma,a=0; stat = SECTORFLD(searchsector,stat, AIMING_AT_FLOOR); if (stat&64) // align to first wall { fw=sector[searchsector].wallptr; x1=wall[fw].x,y1=wall[fw].y; x2=POINT2(fw).x,y2=POINT2(fw).y; a=getangle(x1-x2,y1-y2); } mouseax+=mousex; mouseay+=mousey; ma = getangle(mouseax,mouseay); ma += ang-a; i = stat; i = (i&0x4)+((i>>4)&3); if (stat&64) // align to first wall switch (i) { case 0:break; case 1:ma=-ma; break; case 2:ma=1024-ma; break; case 3:ma+=1024; break; case 4:ma=-512-ma; break; case 5:ma+=512; break; case 6:ma-=512; break; case 7:ma=512-ma; break; } else switch (i) { case 0:ma=-ma; break; case 1:break; case 2:ma+=1024; break; case 3:ma=1024-ma; break; case 4:ma-=512; break; case 5:ma=512-ma; break; case 6:ma=-512-ma; break; case 7:ma+=512; break; } a = ksqrt(uhypsq(mouseax,mouseay)); if (a) { int32_t mult = (stat&8) ? 8192 : 8192*2; x1 = -a*sintable[(ma+2048)&2047]/mult; y1 = -a*sintable[(ma+1536)&2047]/mult; if (x1||y1) { mouseax=0; mouseay=0; if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { changedir = 1-2*(x1<0); x1 = klabs(x1); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) < 0) #endif while (x1--) AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning) = changechar(AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning),changedir,0,0); changedir = 1-2*(y1<0); y1 = klabs(y1); while (y1--) AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning) = changechar(AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning),changedir,0,0); silentmessage("Sector %d %s panning: %d, %d", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning), AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning)); asksave=1; } } } mousex=0; mousey=0; } smooshyalign = keystatus[KEYSC_gKP5]; repeatpanalign = eitherSHIFT || eitherALT; //////////////////// updownunits=1; mouseaction=0; if (!mouseb) { mouseax=0; mouseay=0; } if ((bstatus&1) && !AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { if (eitherSHIFT) { mskip=1; if (mousex) { mouseaction = 1; mouseax += mousex; updownunits = klabs(mouseax/2); if (updownunits) mouseax=0; } } else if (eitherCTRL && !eitherALT) { mskip=1; if (mousex) { mouseaction = 2; repeatpanalign = 0; updownunits = klabs(mouseax+=mousex)/(16 - 12*AIMING_AT_SPRITE); if (updownunits) mouseax=0; } } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_gLEFT] || keystatus[KEYSC_gRIGHT] || mouseaction) // 4 & 6 (keypad) { if (repeatcountx == 0 || repeatcountx > 32 || mouseaction) { changedir = 0; if (keystatus[KEYSC_gLEFT] || mousex>0) changedir = -1; if (keystatus[KEYSC_gRIGHT] || mousex<0) changedir = 1; if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { if (repeatpanalign == 0) { while (updownunits--) wall[searchwall].xrepeat = changechar(wall[searchwall].xrepeat, changedir, smooshyalign, 1); silentmessage("Wall %d repeat: %d, %d", searchwall, TrackerCast(wall[searchwall].xrepeat), TrackerCast(wall[searchwall].yrepeat)); } else { int16_t w = SELECT_WALL(); if (mouseaction) { i = wall[w].cstat; i &= (8|256); if (i==8 || i==256) changedir*=-1; if (eitherCTRL) updownunits *= 8; } while (updownunits--) wall[w].xpanning = changechar(wall[w].xpanning, changedir, smooshyalign, 0); silentmessage("Wall %d panning: %d, %d", w, TrackerCast(wall[w].xpanning), TrackerCast(wall[w].ypanning)); } asksave = 1; } else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (YAXCHK(yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) < 0)) #endif { while (updownunits--) AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning) = changechar(AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning), changedir, smooshyalign, 0); silentmessage("Sector %d %s panning: %d, %d", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning), AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning)); asksave = 1; } } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { static int32_t sumxvect=0, sumyvect=0; if (mouseaction==1) mouseaction_movesprites(&sumxvect, &sumyvect, 1536, mousex); else { sumxvect = sumyvect = 0; if (mouseaction==2) changedir *= -1; while (updownunits--) sprite[searchwall].xrepeat = changechar(sprite[searchwall].xrepeat, changedir, smooshyalign, 1); if (sprite[searchwall].xrepeat < 4) sprite[searchwall].xrepeat = 4; silentmessage("Sprite %d repeat: %d, %d", searchwall, TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].xrepeat), TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].yrepeat)); } } asksave = 1; repeatcountx = max(1,repeatcountx-2); } repeatcountx += synctics; } else repeatcountx = 0; //////////////////// updownunits=1; mouseaction=0; if ((bstatus&1) && !AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { if (eitherSHIFT) { mskip=1; if (mousey) { mouseaction = 1; updownunits = klabs(mousey); if (!AIMING_AT_SPRITE) updownunits = klabs((int32_t)(mousey*128./tilesiz[wall[searchwall].picnum].y)); } } else if (eitherCTRL && !eitherALT) { mskip=1; if (mousey) { mouseaction = 2; repeatpanalign = 0; mouseay += mousey; updownunits = klabs(mouseay)/(32 - 28*AIMING_AT_SPRITE); if (updownunits) mouseay=0; } } } if (!mouseb) { mouseax=0; mouseay=0; } if (keystatus[KEYSC_gUP] || keystatus[KEYSC_gDOWN] || mouseaction) // 2 & 8 (keypad) { if (repeatcounty == 0 || repeatcounty > 32 || mouseaction) { changedir = 0; if (keystatus[KEYSC_gUP] || mousey>0) changedir = -1; if (keystatus[KEYSC_gDOWN] || mousey<0) changedir = 1; if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { if (repeatpanalign == 0) { while (updownunits--) wall[searchwall].yrepeat = changechar(wall[searchwall].yrepeat, changedir, smooshyalign, 1); silentmessage("Wall %d repeat: %d, %d", searchwall, TrackerCast(wall[searchwall].xrepeat), TrackerCast(wall[searchwall].yrepeat)); } else { int16_t w = SELECT_WALL(); if (mouseaction && eitherCTRL) updownunits *= 8; while (updownunits--) wall[w].ypanning = changechar(wall[w].ypanning, changedir, smooshyalign, 0); silentmessage("Wall %d panning: %d, %d", w, TrackerCast(wall[w].xpanning), TrackerCast(wall[w].ypanning)); } } else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { { while (updownunits--) AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning) = changechar(AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning), changedir, smooshyalign, 0); silentmessage("Sector %d %s panning: %d, %d", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning), AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning)); asksave = 1; } } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { static int32_t sumxvect=0, sumyvect=0; if (mouseaction==1) mouseaction_movesprites(&sumxvect, &sumyvect, 2048, mousey); else { sumxvect = sumyvect = 0; while (updownunits--) sprite[searchwall].yrepeat = changechar(sprite[searchwall].yrepeat, changedir, smooshyalign, 1); if (sprite[searchwall].yrepeat < 4) sprite[searchwall].yrepeat = 4; silentmessage("Sprite %d repeat: %d, %d", searchwall, TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].xrepeat), TrackerCast(sprite[searchwall].yrepeat)); } } asksave = 1; repeatcounty = max(1,repeatcounty-2); } repeatcounty += synctics; } else repeatcounty = 0; //////////////////// if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F11)) //F11 - brightness { static int16_t brightness = -1; if (brightness==-1) brightness = ((int16_t)((vid_gamma-1.0)*10.0))&15; brightness = brightness + (1-2*eitherSHIFT); brightness &= 15; vid_gamma = 1.0 + ((float)brightness / 10.0); setbrightness(brightness, 0, 0); message("Brightness: %d/16", brightness+1); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(TAB)) //TAB { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { tempshade = AIMED_CF_SEL(shade); temppal = AIMED_CF_SEL(pal); templotag = AIMED_SEL(lotag); temphitag = AIMED_SEL(hitag); tempextra = AIMED_SEL(extra); if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getnextwall(searchwall, YAX_CEILING) >= 0) templotag = 0; if (yax_getnextwall(searchwall, YAX_FLOOR) >= 0) tempextra = -1; #endif temppicnum = AIMED_SELOVR_WALL(picnum); tempxrepeat = AIMED_SEL_WALL(xrepeat); tempxrepeat = max(1, tempxrepeat); tempyrepeat = AIMED_SEL_WALL(yrepeat); tempxpanning = AIMED_SEL_WALL(xpanning); tempypanning = AIMED_SEL_WALL(ypanning); #ifdef NEW_MAP_FORMAT tempcstat = AIMED_SEL_WALL(cstat); #else tempcstat = AIMED_SEL_WALL(cstat) & ~YAX_NEXTWALLBITS; #endif templenrepquot = getlenbyrep(wallength(searchwall), tempxrepeat); tempsectornum = sectorofwall(searchwall); } else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { temppicnum = AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(picnum); tempvis = sector[searchsector].visibility; tempxrepeat = AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning); tempyrepeat = AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) >= 0) tempxrepeat = 0; #endif #ifdef NEW_MAP_FORMAT tempcstat = AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat); #else tempcstat = AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat) & ~YAX_BIT; #endif tempsectornum = searchsector; } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { temppicnum = sprite[searchwall].picnum; tempxrepeat = sprite[searchwall].xrepeat; tempyrepeat = sprite[searchwall].yrepeat; tempcstat = sprite[searchwall].cstat; tempxvel = sprite[searchwall].xvel; tempyvel = sprite[searchwall].yvel; tempzvel = sprite[searchwall].zvel; tempsectornum = -1; } somethingintab = searchstat; } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(ENTER)) // ' ENTER { if (AIMED_SELOVR_PICNUM != temppicnum) { AIMED_SELOVR_PICNUM = temppicnum; asksave = 1; } if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) correct_sprite_yoffset(searchwall); message("Pasted picnum only"); } else if (keystatus[KEYSC_SEMI] && PRESSED_KEYSC(ENTER) && AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) // ; ENTER { if ((unsigned)tempsectornum >= (unsigned)numsectors) { message("Can't align sector %d's %s, have no reference sector", searchsector, typestr[searchstat]); } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT else if (yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) >= 0) { yax_invalidop(); } #endif else if (tempsectornum == searchsector) { message("Didn't align sector %d with itself as reference", tempsectornum); } else { // auto-align ceiling/floor const int32_t refwall = sector[tempsectornum].wallptr; const int32_t ourwall = sector[searchsector].wallptr; const vec2_t vecw1 = WALLVEC_INITIALIZER(refwall); const vec2_t vecw2 = WALLVEC_INITIALIZER(ourwall); const vec2_t vecw2r90 = { -vecw2.y, vecw2.x }; // v, rotated 90 deg CW const int32_t bits = CEILINGFLOOR(tempsectornum, stat)&(64+32+16+8+4); const int32_t tile = CEILINGFLOOR(tempsectornum, picnum); if ((CEILINGFLOOR(tempsectornum, stat)&64) == 0) { // world-aligned texture if (tilesiz[tile].x<=0 || tilesiz[tile].y<=0) { message("Can't align sector %d's %s, reference sector %d's has void tile", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], tempsectornum); } else { // non-smooshed: 1 texel corresponds to 16 BUILD units int32_t dx = (wall[ourwall].x-wall[refwall].x)<<4; int32_t dy = (wall[ourwall].y-wall[refwall].y)<<4; dx >>= ((picsiz[tile]&15) - !!(bits&8)); dy >>= ((picsiz[tile]>>4) - !!(bits&8)); CEILINGFLOOR(searchsector, xpanning) = CEILINGFLOOR(tempsectornum, xpanning) + dy; CEILINGFLOOR(searchsector, ypanning) = CEILINGFLOOR(tempsectornum, ypanning) + dx; CEILINGFLOOR(searchsector, stat) &= ~(64+32+16+8+4); CEILINGFLOOR(searchsector, stat) |= bits; message("Aligned sector %d's %s with sector %d's", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], tempsectornum); } } else { // firstwall-aligned texture const int64_t a = lldotv2(&vecw1, &vecw2); const int64_t b = lldotv2(&vecw1, &vecw2r90); if (a!=0 && b!=0) { message("Walls %d and %d are nether parallel nor perpendicular", refwall, ourwall); } else { // 0<-6<-3<-5<-0, 1<-7<-2<-4<-1 (mirrored/not mirrored separately) static const int8_t prev3each[8] = { 5, 4, 7, 6, 2, 3, 0, 1 }; const int32_t degang = 90*(b<0) + 180*(a<0) + 270*(b>0); int32_t i, tempbits = (bits&4) + ((bits>>4)&3); //message("Wall %d is rotated %d degrees CW wrt wall %d", ourwall, degang, refwall); CEILINGFLOOR(searchsector, stat) &= ~(64+32+16+8+4); for (i=0; i<degang/90; i++) tempbits = prev3each[tempbits]; tempbits = (tempbits&4) + ((tempbits&3)<<4); CEILINGFLOOR(searchsector, stat) |= 64 + (bits&8) + tempbits; { const walltype *rw = &wall[refwall], *rw2 = &POINT2(refwall); const walltype *ow = &wall[ourwall], *ow2 = &POINT2(ourwall); int32_t intx, inty, sign12, sign34; if (b != 0) // perpendicular inflineintersect(rw->x,rw->y, rw2->x,rw2->y, ow->x,ow->y, ow2->x,ow2->y, &intx,&inty, &sign12,&sign34); else // parallel inflineintersect(rw->x,rw->y, rw2->x,rw2->y, ow->x,ow->y, ow->x+vecw2r90.x,ow->y+vecw2r90.y, &intx,&inty, &sign12,&sign34); if (sign12 == 0) { message("INTERNAL ERROR: Couldn't get intersection" " of reference and alignee walls"); } else { double dx = (double)(rw->x-intx)*(rw->x-intx) + (double)(rw->y-inty)*(rw->y-inty); double dy = (double)(ow->x-intx)*(ow->x-intx) + (double)(ow->y-inty)*(ow->y-inty); dx = -sign12 * sqrt(dx) * 16; dy = sign34 * sqrt(dy) * 16; if (a < 0 || b > 0) dx = -dx; dx /= 1<<((picsiz[tile]&15) - !!(bits&8)); dy /= 1<<((picsiz[tile]>>4) - !!(bits&8)); //initprintf("int=(%d,%d), dx=%.03f dy=%.03f\n", intx,inty, dx, dy); CEILINGFLOOR(searchsector, xpanning) = CEILINGFLOOR(tempsectornum, xpanning) + (int32_t)dx; CEILINGFLOOR(searchsector, ypanning) = CEILINGFLOOR(tempsectornum, ypanning) + (int32_t)dy; message("%sAligned sector %d %s (firstwall-relative) with sector %d's", (CEILINGFLOOR(tempsectornum, stat)&(32+16+4)) ? "(TODO) ":"", searchsector, typestr[searchstat], tempsectornum); } } } } } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(ENTER)) // ENTER -- paste clipboard contents { if (eitherSHIFT) { if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK && eitherCTRL) //Ctrl-shift Enter (auto-shade) { int16_t daang; int32_t dashade[2] = { 127, -128 }; i = searchwall; do { dashade[0] = min(dashade[0], wall[i].shade); dashade[1] = max(dashade[1], wall[i].shade); i = wall[i].point2; } while (i != searchwall); daang = getangle(POINT2(searchwall).x-wall[searchwall].x, POINT2(searchwall).y-wall[searchwall].y); i = searchwall; do { j = getangle(POINT2(i).x-wall[i].x,POINT2(i).y-wall[i].y); k = (j+2048-daang)&2047; if (k > 1024) k = 2048-k; wall[i].shade = dashade[0]+mulscale10(k, dashade[1]-dashade[0]); i = wall[i].point2; } while (i != searchwall); message("Auto-shaded wall %d's loop", searchwall); asksave = 1; } else if (somethingintab < 255) { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { AIMED_CF_SEL(shade) = tempshade; AIMED_CF_SEL(pal) = temppal; k = 0; if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { if (somethingintab == SEARCH_CEILING || somethingintab == SEARCH_FLOOR) k=1, sector[searchsector].visibility = tempvis; } message("Pasted shade+pal%s", k?"+visibility":""); asksave = 1; } } } else if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK && eitherCTRL && somethingintab < 255) //Either ctrl key { int32_t clipboard_has_wall = (somethingintab == SEARCH_WALL || somethingintab == SEARCH_MASKWALL); i = searchwall; do { wall[i].picnum = temppicnum; wall[i].shade = tempshade; wall[i].pal = temppal; if (clipboard_has_wall) { wall[i].xrepeat = tempxrepeat; wall[i].yrepeat = tempyrepeat; wall[i].xpanning = tempxpanning; wall[i].ypanning = tempypanning; wall[i].cstat &= ~(4 + 1+64 + 8+256); wall[i].cstat |= (tempcstat & (4 + 1+64 + 8+256)); fixxrepeat(i, templenrepquot); } i = wall[i].point2; } while (i != searchwall); message("Pasted picnum+shade+pal%s to wall %d's loop", clipboard_has_wall?"+pixelwidth":"", searchwall); asksave = 1; } else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR && eitherCTRL && somethingintab < 255) //Either ctrl key { static const char *addnstr[4] = {"", "+stat+panning", "+stat", "+stat + panning (some)"}; static int16_t sectlist[MAXSECTORS]; static uint8_t sectbitmap[MAXSECTORS>>3]; int32_t sectcnt, sectnum; i = searchsector; if (CEILINGFLOOR(i, stat)&1) { // collect neighboring parallaxed sectors bfirst_search_init(sectlist, sectbitmap, §num, MAXSECTORS, i); for (sectcnt=0; sectcnt<sectnum; sectcnt++) for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(sectlist[sectcnt], j)) { k = wall[j].nextsector; if (k>=0 && (CEILINGFLOOR(k, stat)&1)) bfirst_search_try(sectlist, sectbitmap, §num, wall[j].nextsector); } k = 0; for (sectcnt=0; sectcnt<sectnum; sectcnt++) { i = sectlist[sectcnt]; CEILINGFLOOR(i, picnum) = temppicnum; CEILINGFLOOR(i, shade) = tempshade; CEILINGFLOOR(i, pal) = temppal; if (somethingintab == SEARCH_CEILING || somethingintab == SEARCH_FLOOR) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getbunch(i, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) >= 0) k |= 2; else #endif { CEILINGFLOOR(i, xpanning) = tempxrepeat; CEILINGFLOOR(i, ypanning) = tempyrepeat; k |= 1; } SET_PROTECT_BITS(CEILINGFLOOR(i, stat), tempcstat, YAX_BIT_PROTECT); } } message("Pasted picnum+shade+pal%s to parallaxed sector %ss", addnstr[k], typestr[searchstat]); asksave = 1; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE else { k = yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR); if (k < 0) goto paste_ceiling_or_floor; j = (somethingintab==SEARCH_CEILING || somethingintab==SEARCH_FLOOR); for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(k,AIMING_AT_FLOOR, i)) { SECTORFLD(i,picnum, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) = temppicnum; SECTORFLD(i,shade, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) = tempshade; SECTORFLD(i,pal, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) = temppal; if (j) SET_PROTECT_BITS(SECTORFLD(i,stat, AIMING_AT_FLOOR), tempcstat, YAX_BIT_PROTECT); } message("Pasted picnum+shade+pal%s to sector %ss with bunchnum %d", j?"+stat":"", typestr[searchstat], k); } #endif } else if (somethingintab < 255) { // wall/overwall common: if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK && searchstat==somethingintab && (!AIMING_AT_WALL || searchwall==searchbottomwall)) { wall[searchwall].xrepeat = tempxrepeat; wall[searchwall].yrepeat = tempyrepeat; wall[searchwall].xpanning = tempxpanning; wall[searchwall].ypanning = tempypanning; SET_PROTECT_BITS(wall[searchwall].cstat, tempcstat, ~(4 + 1+64 + 8+256)); wall[searchwall].hitag = temphitag; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (yax_getnextwall(searchwall, YAX_CEILING) == -1) #endif wall[searchwall].lotag = templotag; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (yax_getnextwall(searchwall, YAX_FLOOR) == -1) #endif wall[searchwall].extra = tempextra; fixxrepeat(searchwall, templenrepquot); } if (AIMING_AT_WALL) { if (searchisbottom) SET_PROTECT_BITS(wall[searchbottomwall].cstat, tempcstat, ~256); wall[searchbottomwall].picnum = temppicnum; wall[searchbottomwall].shade = tempshade; wall[searchbottomwall].pal = temppal; } else if (AIMING_AT_MASKWALL) { wall[searchwall].overpicnum = temppicnum; if (wall[searchwall].nextwall >= 0) NEXTWALL(searchwall).overpicnum = temppicnum; wall[searchwall].shade = tempshade; wall[searchwall].pal = temppal; } else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE paste_ceiling_or_floor: #endif AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(picnum) = temppicnum; AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(shade) = tempshade; AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(pal) = temppal; if (somethingintab == SEARCH_CEILING || somethingintab == SEARCH_FLOOR) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) < 0) #endif AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning) = tempxrepeat; AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning) = tempyrepeat; SET_PROTECT_BITS(AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat), tempcstat, YAX_BIT_PROTECT|2); sector[searchsector].visibility = tempvis; sector[searchsector].lotag = templotag; sector[searchsector].hitag = temphitag; sector[searchsector].extra = tempextra; } } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { sprite[searchwall].picnum = temppicnum; if (tilesiz[temppicnum].x <= 0 || tilesiz[temppicnum].y <= 0) { j = 0; for (k=0; k<MAXTILES; k++) if (tilesiz[k].x > 0 && tilesiz[k].y > 0) { j = k; break; } sprite[searchwall].picnum = j; } sprite[searchwall].shade = tempshade; sprite[searchwall].pal = temppal; if (somethingintab == SEARCH_SPRITE) { sprite[searchwall].xrepeat = max(tempxrepeat, 1); sprite[searchwall].yrepeat = max(tempyrepeat, 1); sprite[searchwall].cstat = tempcstat; sprite[searchwall].lotag = templotag; sprite[searchwall].hitag = temphitag; sprite[searchwall].extra = tempextra; sprite[searchwall].xvel = tempxvel; sprite[searchwall].yvel = tempyvel; sprite[searchwall].zvel = tempzvel; } else correct_sprite_yoffset(searchwall); } message("Pasted clipboard"); asksave = 1; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(C)) { if (eitherALT) // Alt-C picnum replacer { if (ASSERT_AIMING && somethingintab < 255) { switch (searchstat) { case SEARCH_WALL: j = wall[searchbottomwall].picnum; for (i=0; i<numwalls; i++) if (wall[i].picnum == j) wall[i].picnum = temppicnum; break; case SEARCH_CEILING: case SEARCH_FLOOR: j = AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(picnum); for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++) if (CEILINGFLOOR(i, picnum) == j) CEILINGFLOOR(i, picnum) = temppicnum; break; case SEARCH_SPRITE: j = sprite[searchwall].picnum; for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) if (sprite[i].statnum < MAXSTATUS) if (sprite[i].picnum == j) { sprite[i].picnum = temppicnum; correct_sprite_yoffset(i); } break; case SEARCH_MASKWALL: j = wall[searchwall].overpicnum; for (i=0; i<numwalls; i++) if (wall[i].overpicnum == j) wall[i].overpicnum = temppicnum; break; default: j = -1; break; } if (j>=0) message("Replaced %ss with picnum %d to picnum %d", typestr[searchstat], j, temppicnum); asksave = 1; } } else //C { if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { sprite[searchwall].cstat ^= 128; message("Sprite %d center bit %s",searchwall, ONOFF((sprite[searchwall].cstat&128))); asksave = 1; } } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(SLASH)) // /? Reset panning&repeat to 0 { if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK) { int16_t w = SELECT_WALL(); wall[w].xpanning = 0; wall[w].ypanning = 0; wall[w].xrepeat = 8; wall[w].yrepeat = 8; #ifdef NEW_MAP_FORMAT wall[w].cstat = 0; #else wall[w].cstat &= YAX_NEXTWALLBITS; #endif fixrepeats(searchwall); } else if (AIMING_AT_CEILING_OR_FLOOR) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t bunchnum = yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR); # if !defined NEW_MAP_FORMAY if (bunchnum < 0) # endif #endif AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(xpanning) = 0; AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(ypanning) = 0; AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(stat) &= ~2; AIMED_CEILINGFLOOR(heinum) = 0; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (bunchnum >= 0) for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(bunchnum,!AIMING_AT_FLOOR, i)) { SECTORFLD(i,stat, !AIMING_AT_FLOOR) &= ~2; SECTORFLD(i,heinum, !AIMING_AT_FLOOR) = 0; } #endif } else if (AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { if (eitherSHIFT) sprite[searchwall].xrepeat = sprite[searchwall].yrepeat; else { sprite[searchwall].xrepeat = 64; sprite[searchwall].yrepeat = 64; } correct_sprite_yoffset(searchwall); } if (ASSERT_AIMING) { message("%s's size and panning reset", Typestr[searchstat]); asksave = 1; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(P)) // P (parallaxing sky) { if (eitherCTRL) { parallaxtype = (parallaxtype+1)%3; message("Parallax type %d", parallaxtype); } else if (eitherALT) { if (ASSERT_AIMING) { Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s pal: ", Typestr[searchstat]); getnumberptr256(tempbuf, &AIMED_CF_SEL(pal), sizeof(uint8_t), M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 0, NULL); asksave = 1; } } else { if (AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK || AIMING_AT_CEILING) { sector[searchsector].ceilingstat ^= 1; message("Sector %d ceiling parallax bit %s",searchsector, ONOFF(sector[searchsector].ceilingstat&1)); asksave = 1; } else if (AIMING_AT_FLOOR) { sector[searchsector].floorstat ^= 1; message("Sector %d floor parallax bit %s",searchsector, ONOFF(sector[searchsector].floorstat&1)); asksave = 1; } } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(D)) //Alt-D (adjust sprite[].clipdist) { if (eitherALT && AIMING_AT_SPRITE) sprite[searchwall].clipdist = getnumber256("Sprite clipdist: ", sprite[searchwall].clipdist, 255, 0); } VM_OnEvent(EVENT_KEYS3D, -1); }// end 3d // returns: whether sprite is out of grid static int32_t jump_to_sprite(int32_t spritenum) { const spritetype *spr = &sprite[spritenum]; if (pos.x >= -editorgridextent && pos.x <= editorgridextent && pos.y >= -editorgridextent && pos.y <= editorgridextent) { pos.x = spr->x; pos.y = spr->y; // BZ_MAX? if (pos.z >= -(editorgridextent<<4) && pos.z <= editorgridextent<<4) pos.z = spr->z; ang = spr->ang; if ((unsigned)spr->sectnum < (unsigned)numsectors) cursectnum = spr->sectnum; return 0; } return 1; } static void DoSpriteSearch(int32_t dir) // <0: backwards, >=0: forwards { char did_wrap = 0, outofgrid; int32_t i, j, k = 0; dir = 1-2*(dir<0); for (gs_cursprite += dir;; gs_cursprite += dir) { if (gs_cursprite < 0 || gs_cursprite >= MAXSPRITES) { if (did_wrap) break; did_wrap = 1; gs_cursprite &= (MAXSPRITES-1); } if (sprite[gs_cursprite].statnum == MAXSTATUS) continue; for (i=0; i<3; i++) for (j=0; j<7; j++) { if (!gs_spriteTagInterested[i][j]) continue; if (i==0) { switch (j) { case 0: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].x; break; case 1: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].y; break; case 2: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].z; break; case 3: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].sectnum; break; case 4: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].statnum; break; case 5: k = (uint16_t)sprite[gs_cursprite].hitag; break; case 6: k = (uint16_t)sprite[gs_cursprite].lotag; break; } } else if (i==1) { switch (j) { case 0: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].cstat; k &= gs_spriteTagValue[1][j]; break; case 1: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].shade; break; case 2: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].pal; break; case 3: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].blend; break; case 4: k = gs_spriteTagValue[1][j]; if (k != sprite[gs_cursprite].xrepeat && k != sprite[gs_cursprite].yrepeat) goto NEXTSPRITE; break; case 5: k = gs_spriteTagValue[1][j]; if (k != sprite[gs_cursprite].xoffset && k != sprite[gs_cursprite].yoffset) goto NEXTSPRITE; break; case 6: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].picnum; break; } } else if (i==2) { switch (j) { case 0: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].ang; break; case 1: k = (uint16_t)sprite[gs_cursprite].xvel; break; case 2: k = (uint16_t)sprite[gs_cursprite].yvel; break; case 3: k = (uint16_t)sprite[gs_cursprite].zvel; break; case 4: k = (uint16_t)sprite[gs_cursprite].owner; break; case 5: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].clipdist; break; case 6: k = sprite[gs_cursprite].extra; break; } } if (k != gs_spriteTagValue[i][j]) goto NEXTSPRITE; } // found matching sprite outofgrid = jump_to_sprite(gs_cursprite); printmessage16("%s Sprite seach%s: found sprite %d%s", dir<0 ? "<" : ">", did_wrap ? " (wrap)" : "", gs_cursprite, outofgrid?"(outside grid)":""); return; NEXTSPRITE: ; } printmessage16("%s Sprite search: none found", dir<0 ? "<" : ">"); } ////////// KEY PRESS HANDLER IN 2D MODE ////////// static void Keys2d(void) { int32_t i=0, j, k; int32_t smooshy, changedir; static int32_t repeatcnt[2] = {0,0}; // was repeatcountx, repeatcounty int32_t tcursectornum; // for(i=0;i<0x50;i++) if(keystatus[i]==1) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"key %d",i); printmessage16(tempbuf); tcursectornum = -1; for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++) { YAX_SKIPSECTOR(i); if (inside_editor_curpos(i) == 1) { tcursectornum = i; break; } } searchsector = tcursectornum; #if M32_UNDO if (eitherCTRL && PRESSED_KEYSC(Z)) // CTRL+Z { if (eitherSHIFT) { if (map_undoredo(1)) message("Nothing to redo!"); else message("Redo: restored revision %d", map_revision-1); } else { if (map_undoredo(0)) message("Nothing to undo!"); else message("Undo: restored revision %d", map_revision-1); } } #endif if (keystatus[KEYSC_TAB]) //TAB { if (eitherCTRL) { g_fillCurSector = !g_fillCurSector; silentmessage("Fill currently pointed-at sector: %s", ONOFF(g_fillCurSector)); keystatus[KEYSC_TAB] = 0; } else if (eitherSHIFT) { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) { drawgradient(); showspritedata(pointhighlight&16383, 0); } else if (linehighlight >= 0 /* && ((bstatus&1) || sectorofwall(linehighlight)==tcursectornum)*/) { drawgradient(); showwalldata(linehighlight, 0); } } else if (tcursectornum >= 0) { drawgradient(); showsectordata(tcursectornum, 0); } } else if (!(keystatus[KEYSC_F5]|keystatus[KEYSC_F6]|keystatus[KEYSC_F7]|keystatus[KEYSC_F8]) && !eitherSHIFT) { static int32_t counter = 0; static int32_t omx = 0, omy = 0; /* static int32_t opointhighlight, olinehighlight, ocursectornum; if (pointhighlight == opointhighlight && linehighlight == olinehighlight && tcursectornum == ocursectornum) */ if (omx == mousxplc && omy == mousyplc) { if (counter < 6) counter++; } else if (counter > 0) counter--; omx = mousxplc; omy = mousyplc; /* opointhighlight = pointhighlight; olinehighlight = linehighlight; ocursectornum = tcursectornum; */ if (totalclock < lastpm16time + 120*2) _printmessage16("%s", lastpm16buf); else if (counter >= 2 && totalclock >= 120*6) { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; showspritedata(i, 1); if (sprite[i].picnum==SECTOREFFECTOR) _printmessage16("^10%s", SectorEffectorText(i)); } else if (linehighlight >= 0 && ((bstatus&1) || sectorofwall(linehighlight)==tcursectornum)) showwalldata(linehighlight, 1); else if (tcursectornum >= 0) showsectordata(tcursectornum, 1); } } ///__bigcomment__ if ((i=tcursectornum)>=0 && g_fillCurSector && (hlsectorbitmap[i>>3]&(1<<(i&7)))==0) { int32_t col = editorcolors[4]; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (yax_getbunch(tcursectornum, YAX_FLOOR)>=0) col = editorcolors[12]; #endif fillsector(tcursectornum, col); } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (eitherCTRL && PRESSED_KEYSC(U) && tcursectornum>=0) // Ctrl-U: unlink bunch sectors { int16_t cf, fb = yax_getbunch(tcursectornum, YAX_FLOOR); if (fb >= 0) { for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(fb,YAX_FLOOR, i)) fillsector(i, editorcolors[11]); fade_editor_screen(editorcolors[11]); if (ask_if_sure("Clear all TROR extensions from marked sectors?", 0)) { for (cf=0; cf<2; cf++) for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(fb,cf, i)) yax_setbunch(i, cf, -1); yax_update(0); yax_updategrays(pos.z); message("Cleared TROR bunch %d", fb); asksave = 1; } } } if (/*!m32_sideview &&*/ numyaxbunches>0) { int32_t zsign=0; if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGDN) || (eitherCTRL && PRESSED_KEYSC(DOWN))) zsign = 1; else if (PRESSED_KEYSC(PGUP) || (eitherCTRL && PRESSED_KEYSC(UP))) zsign = -1; if (zsign) { int32_t bestzdiff=INT32_MAX, hiz=0, loz=0, bottomp=0; for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++) { if (yax_getbunch(i, YAX_FLOOR) < 0 /*&& yax_getbunch(i, YAX_CEILING) < 0*/) continue; loz = min(loz, sector[i].floorz); hiz = max(hiz, sector[i].floorz); // TODO: see if at least one sector point inside sceeen j = (sector[i].floorz-pos.z)*zsign; if (j>0 && j < bestzdiff) bestzdiff = j; } if (bestzdiff==INT32_MAX) { if (zsign == 1) bottomp=1, bestzdiff = (hiz+(1024<<4) - pos.z); else bestzdiff = pos.z - loz; } pos.z += zsign*bestzdiff; yax_updategrays(pos.z); printmessage16("Z position: %d%s", pos.z, bottomp ? " (bottom)":(pos.z==loz ? " (top)":"")); updatesectorz(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, &cursectnum); } } if (eitherCTRL && PRESSED_KEYSC(A)) { if (eitherALT) { showinnergray = !showinnergray; printmessage16("Display grayed out walls: %s", ONOFF(showinnergray)); } else { autogray = !autogray; printmessage16("Automatic grayout of plain sectors %s", ONOFF(autogray)); yax_updategrays(pos.z); } } #endif // Ctrl-R set editor z range to hightlightsectors' c/f bounds if (eitherCTRL && PRESSED_KEYSC(R)) { if (highlightsectorcnt <= 0) { editorzrange[0] = INT32_MIN; editorzrange[1] = INT32_MAX; printmessage16("Reset Z range"); } else { int32_t damin=INT32_MAX, damax=INT32_MIN; for (i=0; i<highlightsectorcnt; i++) { damin = min(damin, sector[highlightsector[i]].ceilingz); damax = max(damax, sector[highlightsector[i]].floorz); } if (damin < damax) { editorzrange[0] = damin; editorzrange[1] = damax; printmessage16("Set Z range to highlighted sector bounds (%d..%d)", editorzrange[0], editorzrange[1]); } } yax_updategrays(pos.z); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(T)) // T (tag) { char buffer[80]; if (eitherCTRL) //Ctrl-T { if (eitherSHIFT) showtags--; else showtags++; showtags += 3; showtags %= 3; printmessage16("Show tags %s", showtags<2?ONOFF(showtags):"LABELED"); } else if (eitherALT) //ALT { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; j = taglab_linktags(1, i); j = 4*(j&1); Bsprintf(buffer,"Sprite (%d) Lo-tag: ", i); sprite[i].lotag = _getnumber16(buffer, sprite[i].lotag, BTAG_MAX, 0+j, sprite[i].picnum==SECTOREFFECTOR ? &SectorEffectorTagText : NULL); } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getnextwall(linehighlight, YAX_CEILING)>=0) message("Can't change lotag in protected wall"); else #endif { i = linehighlight; j = taglab_linktags(1, i); j = 4*(j&1); Bsprintf(buffer,"Wall (%d) Lo-tag: ", i); wall[i].lotag = getnumber16(buffer, wall[i].lotag, BTAG_MAX, 0+j); } } } else { if (tcursectornum >= 0) { Bsprintf(buffer,"Sector (%d) Lo-tag: ", tcursectornum); sector[tcursectornum].lotag = _getnumber16(buffer, sector[tcursectornum].lotag, BTAG_MAX, 0, &ExtGetSectorType); } } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F1) || (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && keystatus[KEYSC_TILDE])) //F1 or ' ~ { // PK_ if (numhelppages>0) IntegratedHelp(); else printmessage16("m32help.hlp invalid or not found!"); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F2)) if (g_numsounds > 0) { SoundDisplay(); } // F3: side view toggle (handled in build.c) getpoint(searchx,searchy, &mousxplc,&mousyplc); ppointhighlight = getpointhighlight(mousxplc,mousyplc, ppointhighlight); if ((ppointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) { // sprite[ppointhighlight&16383].cstat ^= 1; cursprite = ppointhighlight&16383; } if (keystatus[KEYSC_F9]) // F9 f1=3b ShowFileText("sthelp.hlp"); /* start Mapster32 */ if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F4)) { showfirstwall = !showfirstwall; message("Sector firstwall highlight %s", showfirstwall?"enabled":"disabled"); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(M)) // M (tag) { if (eitherALT) //ALT { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Sprite %d Extra: ", i); sprite[i].extra = getnumber16(tempbuf, sprite[i].extra, BTAG_MAX, 1); } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getnextwall(linehighlight, YAX_FLOOR)>=0) message("Can't change extra in protected wall"); else #endif { i = linehighlight; Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Wall %d Extra: ",i); wall[i].extra = getnumber16(tempbuf,wall[i].extra,BTAG_MAX,1); } } } else { if (tcursectornum >= 0) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Sector %d Extra: ",tcursectornum); sector[tcursectornum].extra = getnumber16(tempbuf,sector[tcursectornum].extra,BTAG_MAX,1); } } } if (!eitherCTRL && PRESSED_KEYSC(E)) // E (expand) { if (tcursectornum >= 0) { sector[tcursectornum].floorstat ^= 8; message("Sector %d floor texture expansion bit %s", tcursectornum, ONOFF(sector[tcursectornum].floorstat&8)); asksave = 1; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(SLASH)) // / Reset panning&repeat to 0 { if ((ppointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) { if (eitherSHIFT) sprite[cursprite].xrepeat = sprite[cursprite].yrepeat; else sprite[cursprite].xrepeat = sprite[cursprite].yrepeat = 64; asksave = 1; } else if (graphicsmode != 0) { i = tcursectornum; if (i >= 0) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (yax_getbunch(i, YAX_FLOOR) < 0) #endif sector[i].floorxpanning = 0; sector[i].floorypanning = 0; message("Sector %d floor panning reset", i); asksave = 1; } } } for (k=0; k<2; k++) // panning/repeat { if (k==0) j = (keystatus[KEYSC_gLEFT]<<1)|keystatus[KEYSC_gRIGHT]; // 4 & 6 (keypad 2D) else j = (keystatus[KEYSC_gUP]<<1)|keystatus[KEYSC_gDOWN]; // 2 & 8 (keypad 2D) if (j) { smooshy = keystatus[KEYSC_gKP5]; if (repeatcnt[k] == 0 || repeatcnt[k] > 32) { changedir = 1-(j&2); if ((ppointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384 && (sprite[cursprite].cstat & 48)) { uint8_t *repeat = (k==0) ? &sprite[cursprite].xrepeat : &sprite[cursprite].yrepeat; *repeat = max(4, changechar(*repeat, changedir, smooshy, 1)); silentmessage("Sprite %d repeat: %d, %d", cursprite, TrackerCast(sprite[cursprite].xrepeat), TrackerCast(sprite[cursprite].yrepeat)); } else { i = tcursectornum; if (i >= 0) #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (k==1 || yax_getbunch(i, YAX_FLOOR) < 0) #endif { uint8_t *panning = (k==0) ? §or[i].floorxpanning : §or[i].floorypanning; *panning = changechar(*panning, changedir, smooshy, 0); silentmessage("Sector %d floor panning: %d, %d", searchsector, TrackerCast(sector[i].floorxpanning), TrackerCast(sector[i].floorypanning)); } } asksave = 1; repeatcnt[k] = max(1,repeatcnt[k]-2); } repeatcnt[k] += synctics; } else repeatcnt[k] = 0; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(R)) // R (relative alignment, rotation) { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) toggle_sprite_alignment(cursprite); else if (tcursectornum >= 0 && graphicsmode) { sector[tcursectornum].floorstat ^= 64; message("Sector %d floor texture relativity bit %s", searchsector, ONOFF(sector[tcursectornum].floorstat&64)); asksave = 1; } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && keystatus[KEYSC_S]) // ' S { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) { keystatus[KEYSC_S] = 0; Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Sprite %d xrepeat: ", cursprite); sprite[cursprite].xrepeat = getnumber16(tempbuf, sprite[cursprite].xrepeat, 255, 0); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Sprite %d yrepeat: ", cursprite); sprite[cursprite].yrepeat = getnumber16(tempbuf, sprite[cursprite].yrepeat, 255, 0); printmessage16("Sprite %d updated", i); } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(F)) // ' F { FuncMenu(); } #ifdef LUNATIC else if (keystatus[KEYSC_SEMI] && PRESSED_KEYSC(F)) // ; F { LuaFuncMenu(); } #endif else if (!eitherALT && PRESSED_KEYSC(F)) { if (pointhighlight < 16384 && tcursectornum>=0 && graphicsmode) toggle_cf_flipping(tcursectornum, 1); } tsign = 0; if (PRESSED_KEYSC(LBRACK)) // [ search backward tsign = -1; if (PRESSED_KEYSC(RBRACK)) // ] search forward tsign = +1; if (tsign) { if (eitherALT) { if (numcorruptthings > 0) { int32_t wrap=0, x, y, z; if (curcorruptthing<0 || curcorruptthing>=numcorruptthings) curcorruptthing = 0; else { curcorruptthing += tsign; wrap = (curcorruptthing<0 || curcorruptthing>=numcorruptthings); curcorruptthing += numcorruptthings; curcorruptthing %= numcorruptthings; } k = corruptthings[curcorruptthing]; j = -1; switch (k&CORRUPT_MASK) { case 0: printmessage16("MAP LIMITS EXCEEDED!"); /* fall-through */ default: k = 0; break; case CORRUPT_SECTOR: i = k&(MAXSECTORS-1); j = 0; x = wall[sector[i].wallptr].x; y = wall[sector[i].wallptr].y; z = getflorzofslope(i, x, y); break; case CORRUPT_WALL: i = k&(MAXWALLS-1); j = 1; x = wall[i].x + (wall[wall[i].point2].x-wall[i].x)/2; y = wall[i].y + (wall[wall[i].point2].y-wall[i].y)/2; z = getflorzofslope(sectorofwall(i), x, y); break; case CORRUPT_SPRITE: i = k&(MAXSPRITES-1); j = 2; x = sprite[i].x; y = sprite[i].y; z = sprite[i].z; break; } if (k) { static const char *secwalspr[3] = {"sector", "wall", "sprite"}; if (x>=-editorgridextent && x<=editorgridextent && y>=-editorgridextent && y<=editorgridextent) { pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.z = z; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif } else x=editorgridextent+1; printmessage16("#%d: %s Corrupt %s %d%s", curcorruptthing+1, tsign<0?"<":">", secwalspr[j], i, (x==editorgridextent+1) ? " (outside grid)" : (wrap ? " (wrap)" : "")); } } else { printmessage16("Map has no corruptions, cannot cycle them."); } } else if (keystatus[KEYSC_LSHIFT]) { if (pointhighlight&16384) { const int32_t refspritenum = pointhighlight&16383; const int32_t reftag = select_sprite_tag(refspritenum); int32_t tmpspritenum = refspritenum; while (reftag != INT32_MIN) // if (reftag != INT32_MIN) while (1) { tmpspritenum += tsign; if ((unsigned)tmpspritenum >= MAXSPRITES) tmpspritenum = (tmpspritenum < 0) ? MAXSPRITES-1 : 0; if (tmpspritenum==refspritenum) { silentmessage("No other sprites with tag %d", reftag); break; } if (reftag==select_sprite_tag(tmpspritenum)) { int32_t oog = jump_to_sprite(tmpspritenum); if (!oog) { // center cursor so that we can repeat this searchx = halfxdim16; searchy = midydim16; } silentmessage("%s sprite with tag %d: %d%s", tsign>0 ? "Next" : "Previous", reftag, tmpspritenum, oog ? "(out of grid)" : ""); break; } } } else { printmessage16("No sprite higlighted, cannot cycle linking sprites."); } } else if (wallsprite==0) { SearchSectors(tsign); } else if (wallsprite==1) { if ((tsign<0 && curwallnum>0) || (tsign>0 && curwallnum<numwalls)) curwallnum += tsign; for (i=curwallnum; i>=0 && i<numwalls; i+=tsign) { if ((wall[i].picnum==wall[curwall].picnum) && (search_lotag==0 || search_lotag==wall[i].lotag) && (search_hitag==0 || search_hitag==wall[i].hitag)) { pos.x = wall[i].x - (wall[i].x-POINT2(i).x)/2; pos.y = wall[i].y - (wall[i].y-POINT2(i).y)/2; pos.z = getflorzofslope(sectorofwall(i), pos.x, pos.y); printmessage16("%s Wall search: found", tsign<0?"<":">"); return; } curwallnum--; } printmessage16("%s Wall search: none found", tsign<0?"<":">"); } else if (wallsprite==2) DoSpriteSearch(tsign); } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(G)) // G (grid on/off) { if (autogrid) { grid = 8*eitherSHIFT; autogrid = 0; } else { grid += (1-2*eitherSHIFT); if (grid == -1 || grid == 9) { autogrid = 1; grid = 0; } } if (autogrid) printmessage16("Grid size: 9 (autosize)"); else if (!grid) printmessage16("Grid off"); else printmessage16("Grid size: %d (%d units)", grid, 2048>>grid); } if (autogrid) { grid = min(zoom+512, 65536); grid = scale(grid, 6, 6144); grid = clamp(grid, 0, 7); } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(L)) // ' L (set sprite/wall coordinates) { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) { i = pointhighlight - 16384; Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Sprite %d x: ", i); sprite[i].x = getnumber16(tempbuf, sprite[i].x, editorgridextent-1, 1); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Sprite %d y: ", i); sprite[i].y = getnumber16(tempbuf, sprite[i].y, editorgridextent-1, 1); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Sprite %d z: ", i); sprite[i].z = getnumber16(tempbuf, sprite[i].z, BZ_MAX, 1); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Sprite %d angle: ", i); sprite[i].ang = getnumber16(tempbuf, sprite[i].ang, 2048, 1); sprite[i].ang &= 2047; printmessage16("Sprite %d updated", i); } else if (pointhighlight >= 0) { i = linehighlight; j = wall[i].x; k = wall[i].y; Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Wall %d x: ", i); j = getnumber16(tempbuf, j, editorgridextent, 1); Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Wall %d y: ", i); k = getnumber16(tempbuf, k, editorgridextent, 1); dragpoint(i, j, k, 0); printmessage16("Wall %d updated", i); } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(3)) // ' 3 { onnames = (onnames+1)%M32_NUM_SPRITE_MODES; printmessage16("Mode %d %s", onnames, SpriteMode[onnames]); } // Ver(); ///__motorcycle___ if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(7)) // ' 7 : swap hilo { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) { swapshort(&sprite[cursprite].lotag, &sprite[cursprite].hitag); printmessage16("Sprite %d tags swapped", cursprite); } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (yax_getnextwall(linehighlight, YAX_CEILING)>=0 || yax_getnextwall(searchwall, YAX_FLOOR)>=0) message("Can't swap tags in protected wall"); else #endif { swapshort(&wall[linehighlight].lotag, &wall[linehighlight].hitag); printmessage16("Wall %d tags swapped", linehighlight); } } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(J)) // ' J { char dachars[4] = {'s', 'w', 'i', 'c'}; fade_editor_screen(-1); i = editor_ask_function("Jump to (s)ector, (w)all, spr(i)te, or (c)oordinates?", dachars, 4); switch (i) { case 0: if (numsectors > 0) { j = getnumber16("Sector: ", 0, numsectors-1, 0+8); if (j < 0) break; pos.x = wall[sector[j].wallptr].x; pos.y = wall[sector[j].wallptr].y; pos.z = sector[j].floorz; printmessage16("Current pos now on sector %d's first wall-point", j); } break; case 1: if (numwalls > 0) { j = getnumber16("Wall: ", 0, numwalls-1, 0+8); if (j < 0) break; pos.x = wall[j].x + (wall[wall[j].point2].x-wall[j].x)/4; pos.y = wall[j].y + (wall[wall[j].point2].y-wall[j].y)/4; pos.z = getflorzofslope(sectorofwall(j), pos.x, pos.y); printmessage16("Current pos now on wall %d's midpoint", j); } break; case 2: j = getnumber16("Sprite: ", 0, MAXSPRITES-1, 0+8); if (j < 0 || sprite[j].statnum==MAXSTATUS) break; pos.x = sprite[j].x; pos.y = sprite[j].y; pos.z = sprite[j].z; printmessage16("Current pos now on sprite %d", j); break; case 3: pos.x = getnumber16("X-coordinate: ", pos.x, editorgridextent, 1); pos.y = getnumber16("Y-coordinate: ", pos.y, editorgridextent, 1); printmessage16("Current pos now (%d, %d)", pos.x, pos.y); break; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif } }// end key2d static void InitCustomColors(void) { int32_t i; palette_t *edcol; /* blue */ vgapal16[9*4+0] = 63; vgapal16[9*4+1] = 31; vgapal16[9*4+2] = 7; /* orange */ vgapal16[31*4+0] = 20; // blue vgapal16[31*4+1] = 45; // green vgapal16[31*4+2] = 60; // red vgapal16[39*4+0] = 36; vgapal16[39*4+1] = 53; vgapal16[39*4+2] = 63; /* light yellow */ vgapal16[22*4+0] = 51; vgapal16[22*4+1] = 63; vgapal16[22*4+2] = 63; /* grey */ vgapal16[23*4+0] = 45; vgapal16[23*4+1] = 45; vgapal16[23*4+2] = 45; /* blue */ vgapal16[24*4+0] = 51; vgapal16[24*4+1] = 41; vgapal16[24*4+2] = 12; vgapal16[32*4+0] = 60; vgapal16[32*4+1] = 50; vgapal16[32*4+2] = 21; // grid color vgapal16[25*4+0] = 19; vgapal16[25*4+1] = 17; vgapal16[25*4+2] = 17; vgapal16[26*4+0] = 24; vgapal16[26*4+1] = 24; vgapal16[26*4+2] = 24; vgapal16[33*4+0] = 0;//15; // blue vgapal16[33*4+1] = 0;//30; // green vgapal16[33*4+2] = 48;//45; // red vgapal16[41*4+0] = 0;//24; vgapal16[41*4+1] = 0;//40; vgapal16[41*4+2] = 63;//48; for (i = 0; i<256; i++) { edcol = (palette_t *)&vgapal16[4*i]; editorcolors[i] = getclosestcol(edcol->b,edcol->g,edcol->r); } } int32_t ExtPreSaveMap(void) { int32_t numfixedsprites; numfixedsprites = fixspritesectors(); //Do this before saving! updatesectorz(startpos.x,startpos.y,startpos.z,&startsectnum); if (startsectnum < 0) updatesector(startpos.x,startpos.y,&startsectnum); if (fixmaponsave_walls) { int32_t i, startwall, j, endwall; for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++) { startwall = sector[i].wallptr; for (j=startwall; j<numwalls; j++) if (wall[j].point2 < startwall) startwall = wall[j].point2; if (sector[i].wallptr != startwall) initprintf("Warning: set sector %d's wallptr to %d (was %d)\n", i, TrackerCast(sector[i].wallptr), startwall); sector[i].wallptr = startwall; } for (i=numsectors-2; i>=0; i--) sector[i].wallnum = sector[i+1].wallptr-sector[i].wallptr; sector[numsectors-1].wallnum = numwalls - sector[numsectors-1].wallptr; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE // setting redwalls from scratch would very likely wreak havoc with TROR maps if (numyaxbunches > 0) return numfixedsprites; #endif for (i=0; i<numwalls; i++) { wall[i].nextsector = -1; wall[i].nextwall = -1; } for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++) { startwall = sector[i].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[i].wallnum; for (j=startwall; j<endwall; j++) checksectorpointer(j, i); } } return numfixedsprites; } static void G_ShowParameterHelp(void) { const char *s = "Usage: mapster32 [files] [options]\n\n" "-g [file.grp], -grp [file.grp]\tLoad extra group file\n" "-h [file.def]\t\tLoad an alternate definitions file\n" "-x [game.con]\t\tLoad a custom CON script for getting sound definitions\n" "-mh [file.def]\t\tInclude additional definitions module\n" "-mx [file.con]\t\tInclude additional CON module for getting sound definitions\n" "-j [dir], -game_dir [dir]\n" "\t\t\tAdds a directory to the file path stack\n" "-cachesize #\t\tSets cache size, in Kb\n" "-check\t\t\tEnables map pointer checking when saving\n" #ifdef HAVE_CLIPSHAPE_FEATURE "-clipmap [file.map]\t\tLoad an additional clipping map for use with clipshape\n" #endif "-namesfile [file.h]\t\tLoad a custom NAMES.H for tile names\n" "-nocheck\t\t\tDisables map pointer checking when saving (default)\n" // kept for script compat #if defined _WIN32 || (defined RENDERTYPESDL && ((defined __APPLE__ && defined OSX_STARTUPWINDOW) || defined HAVE_GTK2)) "-setup\t\t\tDisplays the configuration dialog\n" #endif "-usecwd\t\t\tRead game data and configuration file from working directory\n" "\n-?, -help, --help\t\tDisplay this help message and exit" ; Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Mapster32 %s %s", VERSION, s_buildRev); wm_msgbox(tempbuf, "%s", s); } #define COPYARG(i) \ Bmemcpy(&testplay_addparam[j], argv[i], lengths[i]); \ j += lengths[i]; \ testplay_addparam[j++] = ' '; #if defined(RENDERTYPEWIN) && defined(USE_OPENGL) extern char forcegl; #endif #ifdef LUNATIC const char **g_argv; #endif static void G_CheckCommandLine(int32_t argc, const char **argv) { int32_t i = 1, j, maxlen=0, *lengths; const char *c, *k; mapster32_fullpath = argv[0]; #ifdef LUNATIC g_argv = argv; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CLIPSHAPE_FEATURE // pre-form the default 10 clipmaps for (j = '0'; j<='9'; ++j) { char clipshape[16] = "_clipshape0.map"; clipshape[10] = j; g_clipMapFiles = (char **) Xrealloc (g_clipMapFiles, (g_clipMapFilesNum+1) * sizeof(char *)); g_clipMapFiles[g_clipMapFilesNum] = Xstrdup(clipshape); ++g_clipMapFilesNum; } #endif if (argc <= 1) return; lengths = (int32_t *)Xmalloc(argc*sizeof(int32_t)); for (j=1; j<argc; j++) { lengths[j] = Bstrlen(argv[j]); maxlen += lengths[j]; } testplay_addparam = (char *)Xmalloc(maxlen+argc); testplay_addparam[0] = 0; j = 0; while (i < argc) { c = (char *)argv[i]; if ((*c == '-') #ifdef _WIN32 || (*c == '/') #endif ) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"?") || !Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"help") || !Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"-help")) { G_ShowParameterHelp(); Bexit(0); } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"addon")) { if (argc > i+1) { g_usingAddon = Batoi(argv[i+1]); if (!(g_usingAddon > ADDON_NONE && g_usingAddon < NUMADDONS)) g_usingAddon = ADDON_NONE; COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1, "g") || !Bstrcasecmp(c+1, "grp")) { if (argc > i+1) { G_AddGroup(argv[i+1]); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"game_dir")) { if (argc > i+1) { Bstrncpyz(g_modDir, argv[i+1], sizeof(g_modDir)); G_AddPath(argv[i+1]); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"cachesize")) { if (argc > i+1) { int32_t sz = atoi_safe(argv[i+1]); if (sz >= 16<<10 && sz <= 1024<<10) { g_maxCacheSize = sz<<10; initprintf("Cache size: %dkB\n",sz); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); } i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"cfg")) { if (argc > i+1) { Bstrncpyz(setupfilename, argv[i+1], sizeof(setupfilename)); i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"gamegrp")) { if (argc > i+1) { clearGrpNamePtr(); g_grpNamePtr = dup_filename(argv[i+1]); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"namesfile")) { g_namesFileName = argv[i+1]; i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"x")) { if (argc > i+1) { G_AddCon(argv[i+1]); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"mx")) { if (argc > i+1) { G_AddConModule(argv[i+1]); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"h")) { if (argc > i+1) { G_AddDef(argv[i+1]); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"mh")) { if (argc > i+1) { G_AddDefModule(argv[i+1]); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"j")) { if (argc > i+1) { G_AddPath(argv[i+1]); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } #ifdef HAVE_CLIPSHAPE_FEATURE if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"clipmap")) { if (argc > i+1) { G_AddClipMap(argv[i+1]); COPYARG(i); COPYARG(i+1); i++; } i++; continue; } #endif if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"nm") || !Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"ns")) { COPYARG(i); i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"nam")) { g_gameType = GAMEFLAG_NAM; COPYARG(i); i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"napalm")) { g_gameType = GAMEFLAG_NAM|GAMEFLAG_NAPALM; COPYARG(i); i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"ww2gi")) { g_gameType = GAMEFLAG_WW2GI; COPYARG(i); i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"check")) { initprintf("Map wall checking on save enabled\n"); fixmaponsave_walls = 1; i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"nocheck")) { initprintf("Map wall checking on save disabled\n"); fixmaponsave_walls = 0; i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"noautoload")) { initprintf("Autoload disabled\n"); NoAutoLoad = 1; COPYARG(i); i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"usecwd")) { usecwd = 1; COPYARG(i); i++; continue; } #if defined(RENDERTYPEWIN) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"forcegl")) { forcegl = 1; i++; continue; } #endif } if ((*c == '-') #ifdef _WIN32 || (*c == '/') #endif ) { c++; switch (*c) { case 'h': case 'H': c++; if (*c) { G_AddDef(c); COPYARG(i); } break; case 'j': case 'J': c++; if (!*c) break; G_AddPath(c); COPYARG(i); break; case 'g': case 'G': c++; if (!*c) break; G_AddGroup(c); COPYARG(i); break; case 'x': case 'X': c++; if (*c) { G_AddCon(c); COPYARG(i); } break; } } else { k = Bstrrchr(c,'.'); if (k) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(k,".map")) { B_SetBoardFileName(argv[i++]); continue; } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(k,".grp") || !Bstrcasecmp(k,".zip")) { COPYARG(i); G_AddGroup(argv[i++]); continue; } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(k,".def")) { COPYARG(i); G_AddDef(argv[i++]); continue; } else if (!Bstrcasecmp(k,".con")) { COPYARG(i); G_AddCon(argv[i++]); continue; } } } i++; } Bfree(lengths); if (j > 0) { testplay_addparam[j-1] = 0; testplay_addparam = (char *)Xrealloc(testplay_addparam, j*sizeof(char)); } else { Bfree(testplay_addparam); testplay_addparam = NULL; } } #undef COPYARG #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(DEBUGGINGAIDS) // See FILENAME_CASE_CHECK in cache1d.c static int32_t check_filename_casing(void) { return 1; } #endif int32_t ExtPreInit(int32_t argc,const char **argv) { #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(DEBUGGINGAIDS) { extern int32_t (*check_filename_casing_fn)(void); check_filename_casing_fn = check_filename_casing; } #endif G_ExtPreInit(argc, argv); OSD_SetLogFile("mapster32.log"); OSD_SetVersion("Mapster32" " " VERSION,0,2); initprintf("Mapster32 %s %s %s\n", VERSION, s_buildRev, s_buildInfo); initprintf("Compiled %s\n", s_buildTimestamp); // initprintf("Copyright (c) 2008 EDuke32 team\n"); G_CheckCommandLine(argc,argv); return 0; } static int32_t osdcmd_quit(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); OSD_ShowDisplay(0); ExtUnInit(); uninitengine(); Bfflush(NULL); Bexit(0); } static int32_t osdcmd_editorgridextent(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int32_t i; if (parm->numparms == 0) { OSD_Printf("\"editorgridextent\" is \"%d\"\n", editorgridextent); return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; } else if (parm->numparms != 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; i = Batol(parm->parms[0]); if (i >= 65536 && i <= BXY_MAX) { editorgridextent = i; OSD_Printf("editorgridextent %d\n", editorgridextent); } else OSD_Printf("editorgridextent: value out of range (65536 to %d)\n", BXY_MAX); return OSDCMD_OK; } static int32_t osdcmd_addpath(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { char pathname[BMAX_PATH]; if (parm->numparms != 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; Bstrcpy(pathname,parm->parms[0]); addsearchpath(pathname); return OSDCMD_OK; } static int32_t osdcmd_initgroupfile(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { char file[BMAX_PATH]; if (parm->numparms != 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; Bstrcpy(file,parm->parms[0]); initgroupfile(file); return OSDCMD_OK; } static int32_t osdcmd_sensitivity(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { if (parm->numparms != 1) { OSD_Printf("\"sensitivity\" is \"%.2f\"\n",msens); return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; } msens = atof(parm->parms[0]); OSD_Printf("sensitivity %.2f\n",msens); return OSDCMD_OK; } static int32_t osdcmd_noclip(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); m32_clipping--; if (m32_clipping < 0) m32_clipping = 2; OSD_Printf("Clipping %s\n", m32_clipping==0 ? "disabled" : (m32_clipping==1 ? "non-masks only" : "enabled")); return OSDCMD_OK; } static int32_t osdcmd_testplay_addparam(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int32_t slen; if (parm->numparms != 1) { OSD_Printf("additional parameters for test playing: %s%s%s\n", testplay_addparam ? "\"" : "", testplay_addparam ? testplay_addparam : "<empty>", testplay_addparam ? "\"" : ""); return OSDCMD_OK; } slen = Bstrlen(parm->parms[0]); if (slen > 0) { if (!testplay_addparam) testplay_addparam = (char *)Xmalloc(slen+1); else testplay_addparam = (char *)Xrealloc(testplay_addparam, slen+1); Bmemcpy(testplay_addparam, parm->parms[0], slen); testplay_addparam[slen] = 0; } else { if (testplay_addparam) { Bfree(testplay_addparam); testplay_addparam = NULL; } } return OSDCMD_OK; } //PK vvv ------------ // FIXME: The way the different options are handled is horribly inconsistent. static int32_t osdcmd_vars_pk(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { const int32_t setval = (parm->numparms >= 1); // this is something of a misnomer, since it's actually accel+decel if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "pk_turnaccel")) { if (setval) { pk_turnaccel = atoi_safe(parm->parms[0]); pk_turnaccel = pk_turnaccel<=pk_turndecel ? (pk_turndecel+1):pk_turnaccel; pk_turnaccel = pk_turnaccel>256 ? 256:pk_turnaccel; } OSD_Printf("Turning acceleration+declaration is %d\n", pk_turnaccel); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "pk_turndecel")) { if (setval) { pk_turndecel = atoi_safe(parm->parms[0]); pk_turndecel = pk_turndecel<=0 ? 1:pk_turndecel; pk_turndecel = pk_turndecel>=pk_turnaccel ? (pk_turnaccel-1):pk_turndecel; pk_turndecel = pk_turndecel>128 ? 128:pk_turndecel; } OSD_Printf("Turning deceleration is %d\n", pk_turndecel); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "pk_quickmapcycling")) { OSD_Printf("Quick map cycling ((LShift-)Ctrl-X): %s\n", (quickmapcycling = !quickmapcycling) ? "enabled":"disabled"); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "pk_uedaccel")) { if (parm->numparms > 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; if (setval) { pk_uedaccel = atoi_safe(parm->parms[0]); pk_uedaccel = pk_uedaccel<0 ? 0:pk_uedaccel; pk_uedaccel = pk_uedaccel>5 ? 5:pk_uedaccel; } OSD_Printf("UnrealEd mouse navigation acceleration is %d\n", pk_uedaccel); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "osd_tryscript")) { m32_osd_tryscript = !m32_osd_tryscript; OSD_Printf("Try M32 script execution on invalid OSD command: %s\n", m32_osd_tryscript?"on":"off"); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "sideview_reversehorizrot")) { sideview_reversehrot = !sideview_reversehrot; OSD_Printf("Side view reverse horizontal rotation: %s\n", sideview_reversehrot?"on":"off"); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "script_expertmode")) { m32_script_expertmode = !m32_script_expertmode; if (m32_script_expertmode) OSD_Printf("M32 Script expert mode ENABLED. Be sure to know what you are doing!\n"); else OSD_Printf("M32 Script expert mode DISABLED.\n"); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "fixmaponsave_sprites")) { OSD_Printf("Fix sprite sectnums on map saving: %s\n", (fixmaponsave_sprites = !fixmaponsave_sprites) ? "enabled":"disabled"); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "show_heightindicators")) { static const char *how[3] = {"none", "two-sided walls only", "all"}; if (parm->numparms > 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; if (setval) showheightindicators = clamp(atoi_safe(parm->parms[0]), 0, 2); OSD_Printf("height indicators: %s\n", how[showheightindicators]); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "show_ambiencesounds")) { static const char *how[3] = {"none", "current sector only", "all"}; if (parm->numparms > 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; if (setval) showambiencesounds = clamp(atoi_safe(parm->parms[0]), 0, 2); OSD_Printf("ambience sound circles: %s\n", how[showambiencesounds]); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd")) { corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd = !corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd; OSD_Printf("%s 'already referenced' corruption (i.e. one-to-many nextwalls)\n", corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd?"Ignore":"Regard"); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "keeptexturestretch")) { keeptexturestretch = !keeptexturestretch; OSD_Printf("Keep texture stretching when dragging wall vertices: %s\n", ONOFF(keeptexturestretch)); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "corruptcheck")) { if (parm->numparms >= 1) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->parms[0], "now")) { int32_t printfromlevel = 1; if (parm->numparms > 1) printfromlevel = clamp(atoi_safe(parm->parms[1]), 1, 5); if (CheckMapCorruption(printfromlevel, 0)==0) OSD_Printf("All OK.\n"); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->parms[0], "tryfix")) { uint64_t whicherrs = parm->numparms==1 ? 0xffffffffffffffffull : 0; corrupt_tryfix_alt = 0; if (whicherrs==0) { int32_t i, n, m; char *endptr; for (i=1; i<parm->numparms; i++) { if (i==parm->numparms-1) { if (!Bstrcmp(parm->parms[i], "??")) { corrupt_tryfix_alt = 2; if (parm->numparms==2) whicherrs = 0xffffffffffffffffull; break; } else if (!Bstrcmp(parm->parms[i], "?")) { corrupt_tryfix_alt = 1; if (parm->numparms==2) whicherrs = 0xffffffffffffffffull; break; } } n = (int32_t)Bstrtol(parm->parms[i], &endptr, 10); if (endptr != parm->parms[i]) { if (*endptr=='-') { m = (int32_t)Bstrtol(endptr+1, NULL, 10); if (n>=1 && n<=m && m<=MAXCORRUPTTHINGS) { uint64_t mask = 0xffffffffffffffffull; m = m-n+1; mask >>= (MAXCORRUPTTHINGS-m); mask <<= (n-1); whicherrs |= mask; } } else { if (n>=1 && n<=MAXCORRUPTTHINGS) whicherrs |= (1ull<<(n-1)); } } } } CheckMapCorruption(whicherrs?5:3, whicherrs); return OSDCMD_OK; } if (isdigit(parm->parms[0][0])) { autocorruptcheck = clamp(atoi_safe(parm->parms[0]), 0, 3600); corruptchecktimer = totalclock + 120*autocorruptcheck; } return OSDCMD_OK; } if (parm->numparms <= 1) { if (autocorruptcheck) OSD_Printf("auto corruption check: %d seconds\n", autocorruptcheck); else OSD_Printf("auto corruption check: off\n"); return OSDCMD_OK; } return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; } return OSDCMD_OK; } #ifdef USE_OPENGL static int32_t osdcmd_tint(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int32_t i; palette_t *p; if (parm->numparms==1) { i = atoi_safe(parm->parms[0]); if (i>=0 && i<=M32_MAXPALOOKUPS) { p = &hictinting[i]; OSD_Printf("pal %d: r=%d g=%d b=%d f=%d\n", i, p->r, p->g, p->b, p->f); } } else if (parm->numparms==0) { palette_t notint = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 }; OSD_Printf("Hightile tintings:\n"); for (i=0,p=&hictinting[0]; i<=M32_MAXPALOOKUPS; i++,p++) if (Bmemcmp(&hictinting[i], ¬int, 4)) OSD_Printf("pal %d: rgb %3d %3d %3d f %d\n", i, p->r, p->g, p->b, p->f); } else if (parm->numparms>=2) { i = atoi_safe(parm->parms[0]); if (i<0 || i>M32_MAXPALOOKUPS) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; p = &hictinting[i]; p->r = atoi_safe(parm->parms[1]); p->g = (parm->numparms>=3) ? atoi_safe(parm->parms[2]) : 255; p->b = (parm->numparms>=4) ? atoi_safe(parm->parms[3]) : 255; p->f = (parm->numparms>=5) ? atoi_safe(parm->parms[4])&HICEFFECTMASK : 0; } return OSDCMD_OK; } #endif static void SaveInHistory(const char *commandstr) { int32_t i, idx, dosave=1; // If running with osdtryscript=1, we could receive e.g. // "// this file is automatically generated by Mapster32" // from m32_config.cfg here. if (!Bstrncmp(commandstr, "//", 2)) return; for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { idx = (scripthistend-i)&(SCRIPTHISTSIZ-1); if (!scripthist[idx]) break; else if (!Bstrcmp(scripthist[idx], commandstr)) { dosave = 0; break; } } if (dosave) { if (scripthist[scripthistend]) Bfree(scripthist[scripthistend]); scripthist[scripthistend] = Xstrdup(commandstr); scripthistend++; scripthistend %= SCRIPTHISTSIZ; } } #ifdef LUNATIC static int32_t osdcmd_lua(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { // Should be used like // lua "lua code..." // (the quotes making the whole string passed as one argument) int32_t ret; if (parm->numparms != 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; if (!L_IsInitialized(&g_EmState)) { OSD_Printf("Lua state is not initialized.\n"); return OSDCMD_OK; } ret = L_RunString(&g_EmState, (char *)parm->parms[0], 0, -1, "console"); if (ret != 0) OSD_Printf("Error running the Lua code (error code %d)\n", ret); else SaveInHistory(parm->raw); return OSDCMD_OK; } #endif // M32 script vvv static int32_t osdcmd_include(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { if (parm->numparms != 1) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; C_Compile(parm->parms[0], 1); return OSDCMD_OK; } static int32_t osdcmd_scriptinfo(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); C_CompilationInfo(); return OSDCMD_OK; } #ifdef DEBUGGINGAIDS extern void X_Disasm(ofstype beg, int32_t size); static int32_t osdcmd_disasm(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int32_t i; if (parm->numparms != 2) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; if (!isdigit(parm->parms[1][0])) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; i=atoi_safe(parm->parms[1]); if (parm->parms[0][0]=='s') { if (i>=0 && i<g_stateCount) X_Disasm(statesinfo[i].ofs, statesinfo[i].codesize); } else { if (i>=0 && i<MAXEVENTS && aEventOffsets[i]>=0) X_Disasm(aEventOffsets[i], aEventSizes[i]); } return OSDCMD_OK; } #endif static int32_t osdcmd_do(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { intptr_t oscrofs; char *tp; int32_t i, j, slen, ofs, dontsavehist; int32_t onumconstants=g_numSavedConstants; if (parm->numparms==0) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; oscrofs = (g_scriptPtr-script); ofs = 2*(parm->numparms>0); // true if "do" command slen = Bstrlen(parm->raw+ofs); tp = (char *)Xmalloc(slen+2); Bmemcpy(tp, parm->raw+ofs, slen); // M32script call from 'special functions' menu dontsavehist = (slen==0 || tp[0]==' '); // needed so that subsequent commands won't execute old stuff. tp[slen] = '\n'; tp[slen+1] = '\0'; g_didDefineSomething = 0; C_Compile(tp, 0); if (parm->numparms>=0) Bfree(tp); if (g_numCompilerErrors) { // g_scriptPtr = script + oscrofs; // handled in C_Compile() return OSDCMD_OK; } for (i=0,j=0; i<MAXEVENTS; i++) if (aEventOffsets[i]>=0) j++; if (g_didDefineSomething == 0) { g_numSavedConstants = onumconstants; *g_scriptPtr = CON_RETURN + (g_lineNumber<<12); g_scriptPtr = script + oscrofs; insptr = script + oscrofs; Bmemcpy(&vm, &vm_default, sizeof(vmstate_t)); if (in3dmode() && AIMING_AT_SPRITE) { vm.g_i = searchwall; vm.g_sp = (tspritetype *)&sprite[vm.g_i]; } // If OSD is down, that would interfere with user input, so don't consider // m32script executed from the console as 'interactive'. Which leaves only // that from the 'special functions' menu if (OSD_GetRowsCur() < 0) vm.miscflags |= VMFLAG_MISC_INTERACTIVE; VM_Execute(0); M32_PostScriptExec(); if (!(vm.flags&VMFLAG_ERROR) && !dontsavehist) SaveInHistory(parm->raw); // asksave = 1; // handled in Access(Sprite|Sector|Wall) } return OSDCMD_OK; } void M32RunScript(const char *s) { osdfuncparm_t parm; parm.numparms = -1; parm.raw = s; osdcmd_do(&parm); } static int32_t osdcmd_endisableevent(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int32_t i, j, enable; if (!label) return OSDCMD_OK; if (parm->numparms < 1) { OSD_Printf("--- Defined events:\n"); for (i=0; i<MAXEVENTS; i++) if (aEventOffsets[i] >= 0) OSD_Printf("%s (%d): %s\n", label+(i*MAXLABELLEN), i, aEventEnabled[i]?"on":"off"); return OSDCMD_OK; } enable = !Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "enableevent"); if (parm->numparms == 1) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->parms[0], "all") || !Bstrcasecmp(parm->parms[0], "a")) { for (i=0; i<MAXEVENTS; i++) aEventEnabled[i] = enable?1:0; OSD_Printf("%sabled all events.\n", enable?"En":"Dis"); return OSDCMD_OK; } } for (i=0; i<parm->numparms; i++) { char buf[64] = "EVENT_", buf2[64]; if (isdigit(parm->parms[i][0])) { j = atoi_safe(parm->parms[i]); Bsprintf(buf2, "event %d", j); } else if (!Bstrncmp(parm->parms[i], "EVENT_", 6)) { j = hash_find(&h_labels, parm->parms[i]); Bstrncpyz(buf2, parm->parms[i], sizeof(buf2)); } else { Bstrncat(buf, parm->parms[i], sizeof(buf)-6-1); j = hash_find(&h_labels, buf); Bmemcpy(buf2, buf, sizeof(buf2)); } if (j>=0 && j<MAXEVENTS) { aEventEnabled[j] = enable?1:0; OSD_Printf("%sabled %s.\n", enable?"En":"Dis", buf2); } else OSD_Printf("Invalid event %s.\n", buf2); } return OSDCMD_OK; } static int32_t registerosdcommands(void) { OSD_RegisterFunction("addpath","addpath <path>: adds path to game filesystem", osdcmd_addpath); OSD_RegisterFunction("editorgridextent","editorgridextent: sets the size of the 2D mode editing grid",osdcmd_editorgridextent); OSD_RegisterFunction("initgroupfile","initgroupfile <path>: adds a grp file into the game filesystem", osdcmd_initgroupfile); OSD_RegisterFunction("m32_clipping","m32_clipping: toggles clipping mode", osdcmd_noclip); OSD_RegisterFunction("quit","quit: exits the editor immediately", osdcmd_quit); OSD_RegisterFunction("exit","exit: exits the editor immediately", osdcmd_quit); OSD_RegisterFunction("sensitivity","sensitivity <value>: changes the mouse sensitivity", osdcmd_sensitivity); //PK OSD_RegisterFunction("pk_turnaccel", "pk_turnaccel <value>: sets turning acceleration+deceleration", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("pk_turndecel", "pk_turndecel <value>: sets turning deceleration", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("pk_uedaccel", "pk_uedaccel <value>: sets UnrealEd movement speed factor (0-5, exponentially)", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("pk_quickmapcycling", "pk_quickmapcycling: toggles quick cycling of maps with (Shift-)Ctrl-X", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("testplay_addparam", "testplay_addparam \"string\": sets additional parameters for test playing", osdcmd_testplay_addparam); OSD_RegisterFunction("show_heightindicators", "show_heightindicators {0, 1 or 2}: sets display of height indicators in 2D mode", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("show_ambiencesounds", "show_ambiencesounds {0, 1 or 2}>: sets display of MUSICANDSFX circles in 2D mode", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd", "corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd: toggles ignoring of one-to-many red wall connections", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("keeptexturestretch", "toggles keeping texture stretching when dragging wall vertices", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("corruptcheck", "corruptcheck {<seconds>|now|tryfix}: sets auto corruption check interval if <seconds> given, otherwise as indicated", osdcmd_vars_pk); #ifdef USE_OPENGL OSD_RegisterFunction("tint", "tint <pal> <r> <g> <b> <flags>: queries or sets hightile tinting", osdcmd_tint); #endif #ifdef LUNATIC OSD_RegisterFunction("lua", "lua \"Lua code...\": runs Lua code", osdcmd_lua); #endif // M32 script OSD_RegisterFunction("include", "include <filenames...>: compiles one or more M32 script files", osdcmd_include); OSD_RegisterFunction("do", "do (m32 script ...): executes M32 script statements", osdcmd_do); OSD_RegisterFunction("script_info", "script_info: shows information about compiled M32 script", osdcmd_scriptinfo); OSD_RegisterFunction("script_expertmode", "script_expertmode: toggles M32 script expert mode", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("enableevent", "enableevent {all|EVENT_...|(event number)}", osdcmd_endisableevent); OSD_RegisterFunction("disableevent", "disableevent {all|EVENT_...|(event number)}", osdcmd_endisableevent); OSD_RegisterFunction("osd_tryscript", "osd_tryscript: toggles execution of M32 script on invalid OSD command", osdcmd_vars_pk); OSD_RegisterFunction("sideview_reversehorizrot", "sideview_reversehorizrot: toggles reversion of Q and W keys in side view mode", osdcmd_vars_pk); #ifdef DEBUGGINGAIDS OSD_RegisterFunction("disasm", "disasm [s|e] <state or event number>", osdcmd_disasm); #endif return 0; } enum { T_INCLUDE = 0, T_DEFINE = 1, T_LOADGRP, T_TILEGROUP, T_TILE, T_TILERANGE, T_HOTKEY, T_TILES, T_NOAUTOLOAD, T_COLORS, T_ALPHABET, T_MAP, T_MAPA, T_MAPRANGE, T_MAPRANGEA, T_OFFSET, T_OFFSETA, T_DEFINESOUND, T_INCLUDEDEFAULT, T_RENAMEFILE, }; static int32_t parsegroupfiles(scriptfile *script); static void parsegroupfiles_include(const char *fn, scriptfile *script, const char *cmdtokptr) { scriptfile *included; included = scriptfile_fromfile(fn); if (!included) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(cmdtokptr,"null")) initprintf("Warning: Failed including %s as module\n", fn); else initprintf("Warning: Failed including %s on line %s:%d\n", fn, script->filename,scriptfile_getlinum(script,cmdtokptr)); } else { parsegroupfiles(included); scriptfile_close(included); } } static int32_t parsegroupfiles(scriptfile *script) { int32_t tokn; char *cmdtokptr; tokenlist grptokens[] = { { "include", T_INCLUDE }, { "#include", T_INCLUDE }, { "includedefault", T_INCLUDEDEFAULT }, { "#includedefault", T_INCLUDEDEFAULT }, { "loadgrp", T_LOADGRP }, { "noautoload", T_NOAUTOLOAD }, { "renamefile", T_RENAMEFILE }, }; while (1) { tokn = getatoken(script,grptokens,ARRAY_SIZE(grptokens)); cmdtokptr = script->ltextptr; switch (tokn) { case T_LOADGRP: { char *fn; pathsearchmode = 1; if (!scriptfile_getstring(script,&fn)) { int32_t j = initgroupfile(fn); if (j == -1) initprintf("Could not find group file \"%s\".\n",fn); else { initprintf("Using group file \"%s\".\n",fn); if (!NoAutoLoad) G_DoAutoload(fn); } } pathsearchmode = 0; } break; case T_INCLUDE: { char *fn; if (!scriptfile_getstring(script,&fn)) parsegroupfiles_include(fn, script, cmdtokptr); break; } break; case T_INCLUDEDEFAULT: { parsegroupfiles_include(G_DefaultDefFile(), script, cmdtokptr); break; } break; case T_NOAUTOLOAD: NoAutoLoad = 1; break; case T_RENAMEFILE: { int32_t crcval = 0, filenum = -1; char *newname = NULL; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script,&crcval)) break; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script,&filenum)) break; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&newname)) break; krename(crcval, filenum, newname); } break; case T_EOF: return(0); default: break; } } return 0; } int32_t loaddefinitions_game(const char *fn, int32_t preload) { scriptfile *script; int32_t i; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(preload); script = scriptfile_fromfile(fn); if (script) parsegroupfiles(script); for (i=0; i < g_defModulesNum; ++i) parsegroupfiles_include(g_defModules[i], NULL, "null"); if (script) scriptfile_close(script); scriptfile_clearsymbols(); return 0; } int32_t parsetilegroups(scriptfile *script) { int32_t tokn; char *cmdtokptr; tokenlist tgtokens[] = { { "include", T_INCLUDE }, { "#include", T_INCLUDE }, { "define", T_DEFINE }, { "#define", T_DEFINE }, { "tilegroup", T_TILEGROUP }, { "spritehotkey", T_HOTKEY }, { "alphabet", T_ALPHABET }, }; while (1) { tokn = getatoken(script,tgtokens,ARRAY_SIZE(tgtokens)); cmdtokptr = script->ltextptr; switch (tokn) { case T_HOTKEY: { int32_t i, j; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&i)) break; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&j)) break; if (i < 0 || i > 9 || j < 0 || j >= MAXTILES) break; prefixtiles[i] = j; break; } case T_INCLUDE: { char *fn; if (!scriptfile_getstring(script,&fn)) { scriptfile *included; included = scriptfile_fromfile(fn); if (!included) { initprintf("Warning: Failed including %s on line %s:%d\n", fn, script->filename,scriptfile_getlinum(script,cmdtokptr)); } else { parsetilegroups(included); scriptfile_close(included); } } break; } case T_DEFINE: { char *name; int32_t number; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&name)) break; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&number)) break; if (scriptfile_addsymbolvalue(name,number) < 0) initprintf("Warning: Symbol %s was NOT redefined to %d on line %s:%d\n", name,number,script->filename,scriptfile_getlinum(script,cmdtokptr)); break; } case T_TILEGROUP: { char *end, *name; int32_t i; if (tile_groups >= MAX_TILE_GROUPS) break; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&name)) break; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script,&end)) break; s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds = (int32_t *)Xcalloc(MAX_TILE_GROUP_ENTRIES, sizeof(int32_t)); s_TileGroups[tile_groups].szText = Xstrdup(name); while (script->textptr < end) { tokenlist tgtokens2[] = { { "tilegroup", T_TILEGROUP }, { "tile", T_TILE }, { "tilerange", T_TILERANGE }, { "hotkey", T_HOTKEY }, { "tiles", T_TILES }, { "colors", T_COLORS }, }; int32_t token = getatoken(script,tgtokens2,ARRAY_SIZE(tgtokens2)); switch (token) { case T_TILE: { if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&i)) break; if (i >= 0 && i < MAXTILES && s_TileGroups[tile_groups].nIds < MAX_TILE_GROUP_ENTRIES) s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds[s_TileGroups[tile_groups].nIds++] = i; // OSD_Printf("added tile %d to group %d\n",i,g); break; } case T_TILERANGE: { int32_t j; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&i)) break; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&j)) break; if (i < 0 || i >= MAXTILES || j < 0 || j >= MAXTILES) break; while (s_TileGroups[tile_groups].nIds < MAX_TILE_GROUP_ENTRIES && i <= j) { s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds[s_TileGroups[tile_groups].nIds++] = i++; // OSD_Printf("added tile %d to group %d\n",i,g); } break; } case T_COLORS: { int32_t j; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script, &i)) break; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script, &j)) break; if (i < 0 || i >= 256 || j < 0 || j >= 256) break; s_TileGroups[tile_groups].color1 = i; s_TileGroups[tile_groups].color2 = j; break; } case T_HOTKEY: { char *c; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&c)) break; s_TileGroups[tile_groups].key1 = Btoupper(c[0]); s_TileGroups[tile_groups].key2 = Btolower(c[0]); break; } case T_TILES: { char *end2; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script,&end2)) break; while (script->textptr < end2-1) { if (!scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&i)) { if (i >= 0 && i < MAXTILES && s_TileGroups[tile_groups].nIds < MAX_TILE_GROUP_ENTRIES) s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds[s_TileGroups[tile_groups].nIds++] = i; // OSD_Printf("added tile %d to group %d\n",i,g); } } break; } } } s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds = (int32_t *)Xrealloc(s_TileGroups[tile_groups].pIds, s_TileGroups[tile_groups].nIds*sizeof(int32_t)); tile_groups++; break; } case T_ALPHABET: { char *end; int32_t i, j, k; if (numalphabets >= MAX_ALPHABETS) { OSD_Printf("Too many alphabet definitions (max: %d).\n", MAX_ALPHABETS); break; } if (scriptfile_getbraces(script,&end)) break; for (i=0; i<NUMPRINTABLES; i++) { alphabets[numalphabets].pic[i] = -1; alphabets[numalphabets].xofs[i] = 0; alphabets[numalphabets].yofs[i] = 0; } while (script->textptr < end) { tokenlist alphtokens2[] = { { "map", T_MAP }, { "mapa", T_MAPA }, { "maprange", T_MAPRANGE }, { "maprangea", T_MAPRANGEA }, { "offset", T_OFFSET }, { "offseta", T_OFFSETA }, }; int32_t token = getatoken(script,alphtokens2,ARRAY_SIZE(alphtokens2)); switch (token) { case T_MAP: // map <ascii num> <start tilenum>, e.g. map 46 3002 { if (scriptfile_getnumber(script,&i)) break; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&j)) break; if (i>=33 && i<=126 && j>= 0 && j<MAXTILES) alphabets[numalphabets].pic[i-33] = j; break; } case T_MAPA: // mapa <ascii string> <start tilenum>, e.g. map ".,!?" 3002 { char *s; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&s)) break; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&i)) break; for (; *s; s++, i++) { if (*s>=33 && *s<=126 && i>= 0 && i<MAXTILES) alphabets[numalphabets].pic[(*s)-33] = i; } break; } // maprange <start ascii num> <end ascii num> <start tilenum>, e.g. map 33 126 STARTALPHANUM // maprangea <start char> <end char> <start tilenum>, e.g. map "!" "~" STARTALPHANUM case T_MAPRANGE: case T_MAPRANGEA: { if (token==T_MAPRANGE) { if (scriptfile_getnumber(script,&i)) break; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script,&j)) break; } else { char *c1, *c2; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&c1)) break; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&c2)) break; i=*c1; j=*c2; } if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&k)) break; if (i>126 || j<33) break; for (; i<=j && k<MAXTILES; i++, k++) { if (i>=33 && i<=126) alphabets[numalphabets].pic[i-33] = k; } break; } case T_OFFSET: // offset <ascii num> <xoffset> <yoffset> { if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &i)) break; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &j)) break; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &k)) break; if (i >= 33 && i <= 126) { alphabets[numalphabets].xofs[i-33] = j; alphabets[numalphabets].yofs[i-33] = k; } break; } case T_OFFSETA: // offseta <ascii string> <xoffset> <yoffset> { char *s; if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &s)) break; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &i)) break; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &j)) break; for (; *s; s++) if (*s >= 33 && *s <= 126) { alphabets[numalphabets].xofs[(*s)-33] = i; alphabets[numalphabets].yofs[(*s)-33] = j; } break; } } } numalphabets++; break; } case T_EOF: return(0); default: break; } } return 0; } static int32_t loadtilegroups(const char *fn) { int32_t i, j; scriptfile *script; TileGroup blank = { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0}; script = scriptfile_fromfile(fn); if (!script) return -1; for (i=0; i<tile_groups; i++) { if (s_TileGroups[i].pIds) Bfree(s_TileGroups[i].pIds); if (s_TileGroups[i].szText) Bfree(s_TileGroups[i].szText); Bmemcpy(&s_TileGroups[i], &blank, sizeof(blank)); } tile_groups = 0; #if 0 // ---------- Init hardcoded tile group consisting of all named tiles s_TileGroups[0].szText = Xstrdup("All named"); s_TileGroups[0].pIds = (int32_t *)Xmalloc(MAXTILES * sizeof(s_TileGroups[0].pIds[0])); j = 0; for (i=0; i<MAXTILES; i++) if (names[i][0]) s_TileGroups[0].pIds[j++] = i; if (j) { s_TileGroups[0].nIds = j; s_TileGroups[0].key1 = 'Y'; s_TileGroups[0].key2 = 'y'; tile_groups++; } // -------------------- #endif parsetilegroups(script); scriptfile_close(script); scriptfile_clearsymbols(); tilegroupItems = getTileGroup("Items"); tilegroupActors = getTileGroup("Actors"); // Apply 2d sprite colors as specified in tiles.cfg. for (i=0; i<tile_groups; i++) { // If the colors were specified... if (s_TileGroups[i].color1 && s_TileGroups[i].color2) { for (j = s_TileGroups[i].nIds-1; j >= 0 ; j--) { // Apply the colors to all tiles in the group. spritecol2d[s_TileGroups[i].pIds[j]][0] = s_TileGroups[i].color1; spritecol2d[s_TileGroups[i].pIds[j]][1] = s_TileGroups[i].color2; } } } return 0; } /// vvv Parse CON files partially to get sound definitions static int32_t parseconsounds(scriptfile *script); static void parseconsounds_include(const char *fn, scriptfile *script, const char *cmdtokptr) { scriptfile *included; included = scriptfile_fromfile(fn); if (!included) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(cmdtokptr,"null")) initprintf("Warning: Failed including %s as module\n", fn); else initprintf("Warning: Failed including %s on line %s:%d\n", fn, script->filename,scriptfile_getlinum(script,cmdtokptr)); } else { parseconsounds(included); scriptfile_close(included); /* // why? int32_t tmp = parseconsounds(included); scriptfile_close(included); if (tmp < 0) return tmp; */ } } static int32_t parseconsounds(scriptfile *script) { int32_t tokn; char *cmdtokptr; int32_t num_invalidsounds=0; tokenlist cstokens[] = { { "include", T_INCLUDE }, { "#include", T_INCLUDE }, { "includedefault", T_INCLUDEDEFAULT }, { "#includedefault", T_INCLUDEDEFAULT }, { "define", T_DEFINE }, { "#define", T_DEFINE }, { "definesound", T_DEFINESOUND }, }; while (1) { tokn = getatoken(script,cstokens,ARRAY_SIZE(cstokens)); cmdtokptr = script->ltextptr; switch (tokn) { case T_INCLUDE: { char *fn; if (!scriptfile_getstring(script,&fn)) parseconsounds_include(fn, script, cmdtokptr); break; } case T_INCLUDEDEFAULT: { parseconsounds_include(G_DefaultConFile(), script, cmdtokptr); break; } case T_DEFINE: { char *name; int32_t number; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&name)) break; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script,&number)) break; if (scriptfile_addsymbolvalue(name,number) < 0) initprintf("Warning: Symbol %s was NOT redefined to %d on line %s:%d\n", name,number,script->filename,scriptfile_getlinum(script,cmdtokptr)); break; } case T_DEFINESOUND: { char *definedname, *filename; int32_t sndnum, ps, pe, pr, m, vo; int32_t slen, duplicate=0; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script, &sndnum)) break; definedname = Xstrdup(script->ltextptr); if (sndnum < 0 || sndnum >= MAXSOUNDS) { initprintf("Warning: invalid sound definition %s (sound number < 0 or >= MAXSOUNDS) on line %s:%d\n", definedname, script->filename,scriptfile_getlinum(script,cmdtokptr)); Bfree(definedname); num_invalidsounds++; break; } if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &filename)) { Bfree(definedname); num_invalidsounds++; break; } slen = Bstrlen(filename); if (slen >= BMAX_PATH) { initprintf("Warning: invalid sound definition %s (filename too long) on line %s:%d\n", definedname, script->filename,scriptfile_getlinum(script,cmdtokptr)); Bfree(definedname); num_invalidsounds++; break; } if (g_sounds[sndnum].filename) { duplicate = 1; Bfree(g_sounds[sndnum].filename); } g_sounds[sndnum].filename = (char *)Xcalloc(slen+1,sizeof(uint8_t)); // Hopefully noone does memcpy(..., g_sounds[].filename, BMAX_PATH) Bmemcpy(g_sounds[sndnum].filename, filename, slen+1); if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &ps)) goto BAD; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &pe)) goto BAD; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &pr)) goto BAD; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &m)) goto BAD; if (ParentalLock && (m&8)) goto BAD; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &vo)) goto BAD; if (0) { BAD: Bfree(definedname); Bfree(g_sounds[sndnum].filename); g_sounds[sndnum].filename = NULL; num_invalidsounds++; break; } if (g_sounds[sndnum].definedname) { duplicate = 1; Bfree(g_sounds[sndnum].definedname); } if (duplicate) initprintf("warning: duplicate sound #%d, overwriting\n", sndnum); g_sounds[sndnum].definedname = definedname; // we want to keep it for display purposes g_sounds[sndnum].ps = ps; g_sounds[sndnum].pe = pe; g_sounds[sndnum].pr = pr; g_sounds[sndnum].m = m; g_sounds[sndnum].vo = vo; if (!duplicate) { g_sndnum[g_numsounds] = g_definedsndnum[g_numsounds] = sndnum; g_numsounds++; if (g_numsounds == MAXSOUNDS) goto END; } break; } case T_EOF: goto END; default: break; } } END: return g_numsounds; } static int32_t loadconsounds(const char *fn) { scriptfile *script; int32_t ret, i; initprintf("Loading sounds from \"%s\"\n",fn); script = scriptfile_fromfile(fn); if (!script) { initprintf("Error loading sounds: file \"%s\" not found.\n", fn); return -1; } ret = parseconsounds(script); for (i=0; i < g_scriptModulesNum; ++i) { parseconsounds_include(g_scriptModules[i], NULL, "null"); Bfree(g_scriptModules[i]); } Bfree(g_scriptModules); if (ret < 0) initprintf("There was an error parsing \"%s\".\n", fn); else if (ret == 0) initprintf("\"%s\" doesn't contain sound definitions. No sounds loaded.\n", fn); else initprintf("Loaded %d sound definitions.\n", ret); scriptfile_close(script); scriptfile_clearsymbols(); return ret; } void ExtPreLoadMap(void) { } /// ^^^ static void m32script_interrupt_handler(int signo) { if (signo==SIGINT) { vm.flags |= VMFLAG_ERROR; OSD_Printf("M32 script execution interrupted.\n"); Bmemset(aEventEnabled, 0, sizeof(aEventEnabled)); } } static void M32_HandleMemErr(int32_t line, const char *file, const char *func) { initprintf("Out of memory in %s:%d (%s)\n", file, line, func); osdcmd_quit(NULL); } int32_t ExtInit(void) { int32_t rv = 0; set_memerr_handler(&M32_HandleMemErr); if (!usecwd) G_AddSearchPaths(); G_ExtInit(); bpp = 32; //#ifdef USE_OPENGL if (Bstrcmp(setupfilename, SETUPFILENAME)) initprintf("Using config file \"%s\".\n",setupfilename); if (loadsetup(setupfilename) < 0) initprintf("Configuration file not found, using defaults.\n"), rv = 1; //#endif Bmemcpy(buildkeys, default_buildkeys, NUMBUILDKEYS); //Trick to make build use setup.dat keys kensplayerheight = 40; //32 zmode = 2; zlock = kensplayerheight<<8; showinvisibility = 1; getmessageleng = 0; getmessagetimeoff = 0; Bsprintf(apptitle, "Mapster32 %s %s", VERSION, s_buildRev); autosavetimer = totalclock+120*autosave; // This must run before the following OSD_Exec() as the cfg may // e.g. contain a vid_gamma setting, resulting in a crash in // setbrightness() which expects basepaltableptr to be initialized. setbasepaltable(basepaltable, BASEPALCOUNT); registerosdcommands(); { char *ptr = Xstrdup(setupfilename), *p = strtok(ptr,"."); if (!Bstrcmp(setupfilename, SETUPFILENAME)) Bsprintf(tempbuf, "m32_settings.cfg"); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s_m32_settings.cfg",p); OSD_Exec(tempbuf); Bfree(ptr); } // backup pathsearchmode so that a later open // will hopefully be the same file pathsearchmode_oninit = pathsearchmode; G_ScanGroups(); signal(SIGINT, m32script_interrupt_handler); return rv; } int32_t ExtPostStartupWindow(void) { G_LoadGroups(!NoAutoLoad); if (!usecwd) G_CleanupSearchPaths(); if (initengine()) { initprintf("There was a problem initializing the engine.\n"); return -1; } if (ReadPaletteTable()) return 0; InitCustomColors(); loadtilegroups(default_tiles_cfg); ReadHelpFile("m32help.hlp"); G_InitMultiPsky(CLOUDYOCEAN, MOONSKY1, BIGORBIT1, LA); #ifdef LUNATIC if (Em_CreateState(&g_EmState) == 0) { extern const char luaJIT_BC_defs_m32[]; int32_t i = L_RunString(&g_EmState, (char *)luaJIT_BC_defs_m32, 0, LUNATIC_DEFS_M32_BC_SIZE, "defs_m32.ilua"); if (i != 0) { Em_DestroyState(&g_EmState); initprintf("Lunatic: Error preparing global Lua state (code %d)\n", i); return -1; } } #endif return 0; } void ExtUnInit(void) { // int32_t i; // setvmode(0x03); writesetup(setupfilename); S_SoundShutdown(); uninitgroupfile(); #if 0 for (i = MAX_TILE_GROUPS-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (s_TileGroups[i].pIds != NULL) Bfree(s_TileGroups[i].pIds); if (s_TileGroups[i].szText != NULL) Bfree(s_TileGroups[i].szText); } for (i = numhelppages-1; i >= 0; i--) Bfree(helppage[i]); if (helppage) Bfree(helppage); #endif } void ExtPreCheckKeys(void) // just before drawrooms { int32_t i = 0, ii; if (in3dmode()) { if (shadepreview) { for (i=0; i<highlightsectorcnt; i++) { ii = highlightsector[i]; sectorpals[ii][0] = sector[ii].floorpal; sectorpals[ii][1] = sector[ii].ceilingpal; sector[ii].floorpal = sector[ii].ceilingpal = 6; } // int32_t i = 0; for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) { if (sprite[i].statnum==MAXSTATUS) continue; if (sprite[i].picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR && (sprite[i].lotag == 12 || sprite[i].lotag == 3 || sprite[i].lotag == 4)) { int32_t w, isec=sprite[i].sectnum; int32_t start_wall; int32_t end_wall; if (isec<0) continue; start_wall = sector[isec].wallptr; end_wall = start_wall + sector[isec].wallnum; for (w = start_wall; w < end_wall; w++) { if (!(wallflag[w>>3]&(1<<(w&7)))) { wallshades[w] = wall[w].shade; wallpals[w] = wall[w].pal; wall[w].shade = sprite[i].shade; wall[w].pal = sprite[i].pal; wallflag[w>>3] |= (1<<(w&7)); } // removed: same thing with nextwalls } sectorshades[isec][0] = sector[isec].floorshade; sectorshades[isec][1] = sector[isec].ceilingshade; sector[isec].floorshade = sprite[i].shade; sector[isec].ceilingshade = sprite[i].shade; sectorpals[isec][0] = sector[isec].floorpal; sectorpals[isec][1] = sector[isec].ceilingpal; sector[isec].floorpal = sprite[i].pal; sector[isec].ceilingpal = sprite[i].pal; for (w = headspritesect[isec]; w >= 0; w = nextspritesect[w]) { if (w == i) continue; spriteshades[w] = sprite[w].shade; spritepals[w] = sprite[w].pal; sprite[w].shade = sprite[i].shade; sprite[w].pal = sprite[i].pal; } } else if (sprite[i].picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR && (sprite[i].lotag == 49 || sprite[i].lotag == 50)) { #ifdef POLYMER if (sprite[i].lotag == 49) { if (getrendermode() == REND_POLYMER) { if (spritelightptr[i] == NULL) { #pragma pack(push,1) _prlight mylight; #pragma pack(pop) addprlight_common1(&mylight, i); } else { if (Bmemcmp(&sprite[i], spritelightptr[i], sizeof(vec3_t))) { Bmemcpy(spritelightptr[i], &sprite[i], sizeof(vec3_t)); spritelightptr[i]->sector = sprite[i].sectnum; spritelightptr[i]->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (SHT != spritelightptr[i]->range) { spritelightptr[i]->range = SHT; spritelightptr[i]->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (check_prlight_colors(i)) copy_prlight_colors(spritelightptr[i], i); if ((int)!!(CS & 128) != spritelightptr[i]->publicflags.negative) { spritelightptr[i]->publicflags.negative = !!(CS & 128); } } } } if (sprite[i].lotag == 50) { if (getrendermode() == REND_POLYMER) { if (spritelightptr[i] == NULL) { #pragma pack(push,1) _prlight mylight; #pragma pack(pop) mylight.radius = (256-(SS+128))<<1; mylight.faderadius = (int16_t)(mylight.radius * 0.75f); mylight.tilenum = OW; mylight.publicflags.emitshadow = !(CS & 64); addprlight_common1(&mylight, i); } else { if (Bmemcmp(&sprite[i], spritelightptr[i], sizeof(vec3_t))) { Bmemcpy(spritelightptr[i], &sprite[i], sizeof(vec3_t)); spritelightptr[i]->sector = sprite[i].sectnum; spritelightptr[i]->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (SHT != spritelightptr[i]->range) { spritelightptr[i]->range = SHT; spritelightptr[i]->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (check_prlight_colors(i)) copy_prlight_colors(spritelightptr[i], i); if (((256-(SS+128))<<1) != spritelightptr[i]->radius) { spritelightptr[i]->radius = (256-(SS+128))<<1; spritelightptr[i]->faderadius = (int16_t)(spritelightptr[i]->radius * 0.75f); spritelightptr[i]->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (SA != spritelightptr[i]->angle) { spritelightptr[i]->angle = SA; spritelightptr[i]->flags.invalidate = 1; } if (SH != spritelightptr[i]->horiz) { spritelightptr[i]->horiz = SH; spritelightptr[i]->flags.invalidate = 1; } if ((int)!(CS & 64) != spritelightptr[i]->publicflags.emitshadow) { spritelightptr[i]->publicflags.emitshadow = !(CS & 64); } if ((int)!!(CS & 128) != spritelightptr[i]->publicflags.negative) { spritelightptr[i]->publicflags.negative = !!(CS & 128); } spritelightptr[i]->tilenum = OW; } } } #endif // POLYMER } } } if (floor_over_floor) SE40Code(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,ang,horiz); if (purpleon) clearview(255); return; } begindrawing(); //{{{ // if (cursectornum >= 0) // fillsector(cursectornum, 31); if (graphicsmode && !m32_sideview && zoom >= 256) { for (i=ii=0; i<MAXSPRITES && ii < Numsprites; i++) { int32_t daang = 0, flags, shade; int32_t picnum, frames; int32_t xp1, yp1; if ((sprite[i].cstat & 48) != 0 || sprite[i].statnum == MAXSTATUS) continue; ii++; picnum = sprite[i].picnum; daang = flags = frames = shade = 0; switch (picnum) { // 5-frame walk case 1550 : // Shark frames=5; // 2-frame walk case 1445 : // duke kick case LIZTROOPDUCKING : case 2030 : // pig shot case OCTABRAIN : case PIGCOPDIVE : case 2190 : // liz capt shot case BOSS1SHOOT : case BOSS1LOB : case LIZTROOPSHOOT : if (frames==0) frames=2; // 4-frame walk case 1491 : // duke crawl case LIZTROOP : case LIZTROOPRUNNING : case PIGCOP : case LIZMAN : case BOSS1 : case BOSS2 : case BOSS3 : case BOSS4 : case NEWBEAST: if (frames==0) frames=4; case LIZTROOPJETPACK : case DRONE : case COMMANDER : case TANK : case RECON : if (frames==0) frames = 10; case CAMERA1: case APLAYER : if (frames==0) frames=1; case GREENSLIME : case EGG : case PIGCOPSTAYPUT : case LIZMANSTAYPUT: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT : case LIZMANSPITTING : case LIZMANFEEDING : case LIZMANJUMP : case NEWBEASTSTAYPUT : case BOSS1STAYPUT : { int32_t k; if (frames!=0) { if (frames==10) frames=0; k = 1536;//getangle(tspr->x-pos.x,tspr->y-pos.y); k = (((sprite[i].ang+3072+128-k)&2047)>>8)&7; //This guy has only 5 pictures for 8 angles (3 are x-flipped) if (k <= 4) { picnum += k; daang = 0; flags &= ~4; } else { picnum += 8-k; daang = 1024; flags |= 4; } } if (graphicsmode == 2) { if (frames==2) picnum+=((((4-(totalclock>>5)))&1)*5); if (frames==4) picnum+=((((4-(totalclock>>5)))&3)*5); if (frames==5) picnum+=(((totalclock>>5)%5))*5; } if (tilesiz[picnum].x == 0) picnum -= 5; //Hack, for actors } break; default: break; } if (i+16384 != pointhighlight || !(totalclock&32)) { shade = sprite[i].shade; if (shade < 6) shade = 6; } ovhscrcoords(sprite[i].x, sprite[i].y-(tilesiz[picnum].y<<2), &xp1, &yp1); ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; // XXX? if (xp1 < 4 || xp1 > xdim-6 || yp1 < 4 || yp1 > ydim16-6) continue; rotatesprite(xp1<<16,yp1<<16,zoom<<5,daang,picnum, shade,sprite[i].pal,flags,0,0,xdim-1,ydim16-1); } } if (showambiencesounds) { for (ii=0; ii<numsectors; ii++) for (i=headspritesect[ii]; i>=0; i=nextspritesect[i]) { int32_t radius, col; int32_t xp1, yp1; if (sprite[i].picnum != MUSICANDSFX /*|| zoom < 256*/ ) continue; if (showambiencesounds==1 && sprite[i].sectnum!=cursectnum) continue; screencoords(&xp1,&yp1, sprite[i].x-pos.x,sprite[i].y-pos.y, zoom); if (m32_sideview) yp1 += getscreenvdisp(sprite[i].z-pos.z, zoom); radius = mulscale14(sprite[i].hitag,zoom); col = 6; if (i+16384 == pointhighlight) if (totalclock & 32) col += (2<<2); drawlinepat = 0xf0f0f0f0; drawcircle16(halfxdim16+xp1, midydim16+yp1, radius, scalescreeny(16384), editorcolors[col]); drawlinepat = 0xffffffff; } } enddrawing(); //}}} } void ExtAnalyzeSprites(int32_t ourx, int32_t oury, int32_t oura, int32_t smoothr) { int32_t i, k; tspritetype *tspr; int32_t frames=0, sh; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ourx); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(oury); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(oura); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(smoothr); for (i=0,tspr=&tsprite[0]; i<spritesortcnt; i++,tspr++) { frames=0; if ((nosprites==1||nosprites==3) && tspr->picnum<11) tspr->xrepeat=0; if (nosprites==1||nosprites==3) switch (tspr->picnum) { case SEENINE : tspr->xrepeat=0; } if (showinvisibility && (tspr->cstat&32768)) { tspr->pal = 6; tspr->cstat &= (uint16_t)~32768; tspr->cstat |= 2+512; } /* Shade preview rules (thanks to Gambini) * * 1st rule: Any pal value not equal to 0 in the floor of a sector will * turn all the sprites within this sector to that pal value. * * 2nd rule: The shade of a sprite will be taken from the floor unless the * ceiling is parallaxed, in which case will be taken from the * ceiling. But not the pal which always follow the 1st rule. * * 3rd rule: relative to wall sprites will keep their own shade unless * they're actors, but they will still retain the floor pal. */ if (shadepreview) { if (tspr->sectnum<0) continue; const int32_t wallaligned = (tspr->cstat & 16); const int32_t fpal = sector[tspr->sectnum].floorpal; // 1st rule // Compare with game.c:G_MaybeTakeOnFloorPal() if (fpal && !g_noFloorPal[fpal]) tspr->pal = fpal; // 2nd and 3rd rule minus "actor condition" if (!wallaligned && (tspr->cstat&CSTAT_SPRITE_NOSHADE)==0) { if (sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingstat&1) sh = sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingshade; else sh = sector[tspr->sectnum].floorshade; inpclamp(&sh, -127, 127); tspr->shade = sh; } } switch (tspr->picnum) { // 5-frame walk case 1550 : // Shark frames=5; // 2-frame walk case 1445 : // duke kick case LIZTROOPDUCKING : case 2030 : // pig shot case OCTABRAIN : case PIGCOPDIVE : case 2190 : // liz capt shot case BOSS1SHOOT : case BOSS1LOB : case LIZTROOPSHOOT : if (frames==0) frames=2; // 4-frame walk case 1491 : // duke crawl case LIZTROOP : case LIZTROOPRUNNING : case PIGCOP : case LIZMAN : case BOSS1 : case BOSS2 : case BOSS3 : case BOSS4 : case NEWBEAST: if (frames==0) frames=4; case LIZTROOPJETPACK : case DRONE : case COMMANDER : case TANK : case RECON : if (frames==0) frames = 10; case ROTATEGUN : case CAMERA1: case APLAYER : if (frames==0) frames=1; case GREENSLIME : case PIGCOPSTAYPUT : case LIZMANSTAYPUT: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT : case LIZMANSPITTING : case LIZMANFEEDING : case LIZMANJUMP : case NEWBEASTSTAYPUT : case BOSS1STAYPUT : if (skill!=4) { if (tspr->lotag>skill+1) { tspr->xrepeat=0; tspr->cstat=32768; break; } } if (nosprites==2||nosprites==3) { tspr->xrepeat=0; tspr->cstat=32768; } // else tspr->cstat&=32767; #ifdef USE_OPENGL if (!usemodels || md_tilehasmodel(tspr->picnum,tspr->pal) < 0) #endif { if (frames!=0) { if (frames==10) frames=0; k = getangle(tspr->x-pos.x,tspr->y-pos.y); k = (((tspr->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)>>8)&7; //This guy has only 5 pictures for 8 angles (3 are x-flipped) if (k <= 4) { tspr->picnum += k; tspr->cstat &= ~4; //clear x-flipping bit } else { tspr->picnum += 8-k; tspr->cstat |= 4; //set x-flipping bit } } if (frames==2) tspr->picnum += (((4-(totalclock>>5)))&1)*5; if (frames==4) tspr->picnum += (((4-(totalclock>>5)))&3)*5; if (frames==5) tspr->picnum += ((totalclock>>5)%5)*5; if (tilesiz[tspr->picnum].x == 0) tspr->picnum -= 5; //Hack, for actors } break; default: break; } } } #define MESSAGEX 3 // (xdimgame>>1) #define MESSAGEY 3 // ((i/charsperline)<<3)+(ydimgame-(ydimgame>>3))-(((getmessageleng-1)/charsperline)<<3) static void Keys2d3d(void) { int32_t i; #if M32_UNDO if (mapstate == NULL) { // map_revision = 0; create_map_snapshot(); // initial map state // Bfree(mapstate->next); // mapstate = mapstate->prev; } #endif if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(A)) // 'A { if (in3dmode()) autosave = autosave?0:getnumber256("Autosave interval, in seconds: ",180,3600,0); else autosave = autosave?0:getnumber16("Autosave interval, in seconds: ",180,3600,0); if (autosave) message("Autosave enabled, interval: %d seconds",autosave); else message("Autosave disabled"); } if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(N)) // 'N { m32_clipping--; if (m32_clipping < 0) m32_clipping = 2; message("Clipping %s", m32_clipping==0 ? "disabled" : (m32_clipping==1 ? "non-masks only" : "enabled")); } if (eitherCTRL && PRESSED_KEYSC(N)) // CTRL+N { spnoclip = !spnoclip; message("Sprite clipping %s", spnoclip?"disabled":"enabled"); } if (eitherCTRL) //CTRL { if (!in3dmode()) if (PRESSED_KEYSC(P)) // Ctrl-P: Map playtesting test_map(eitherALT); if (keystatus[KEYSC_S]) // S { if (levelname[0]) { keystatus[KEYSC_S] = 0; i = CheckMapCorruption(4, 0); if (i<4) { Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Save to %s?", levelname); if (!AskIfSure(tempbuf)) { if (SaveBoard(levelname, M32_SB_ASKOV) != NULL) { message("Board saved to %s", levelname); asksave = 0; lastsave=totalclock; } } } else message("Map is heavily corrupted, not saving. See OSD for details."); } } if (keystatus[KEYSC_L]) // L { if (totalclock < (lastsave + 120*10) || !AskIfSure("Are you sure you want to load the last saved map?")) { int32_t sposx=pos.x,sposy=pos.y,sposz=pos.z,sang=ang; const char *f = GetSaveBoardFilename(levelname); lastsave=totalclock; // sectorhighlightstat = -1; // newnumwalls = -1; // joinsector[0] = -1; // circlewall = -1; // circlepoints = 7; if (LoadBoard(f, 0)) message("Invalid map format."); pos.x=sposx; pos.y=sposy; pos.z=sposz; ang=sang; updatesectorz(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, &cursectnum); keystatus[KEYSC_L] = 0; } } } if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]) // Enter { getmessageleng = 0; getmessagetimeoff = 0; } if (getmessageleng > 0) { if (!in3dmode()) printmessage16("%s", getmessage); if (totalclock > getmessagetimeoff) getmessageleng = 0; } } void ExtCheckKeys(void) { static int32_t soundinit = 0; static int32_t lastbstatus = 0; if (!soundinit) { g_numsounds = 0; loadconsounds(G_ConFile()); if (g_numsounds > 0) { if (S_SoundStartup() != 0) S_SoundShutdown(); } soundinit = 1; } if (in3dmode() && shadepreview) { int32_t i = 0, ii; int32_t w, isec, start_wall, end_wall; for (i=0; i<highlightsectorcnt; i++) { ii = highlightsector[i]; sector[ii].floorpal = sectorpals[ii][0]; sector[ii].ceilingpal = sectorpals[ii][1]; } for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++) { if (sprite[i].statnum==MAXSTATUS || sprite[i].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR) continue; if (sprite[i].lotag != 12 && sprite[i].lotag != 3 && sprite[i].lotag != 4) continue; isec = sprite[i].sectnum; if (isec<0) continue; start_wall = sector[isec].wallptr; end_wall = start_wall + sector[isec].wallnum; for (w = start_wall; w < end_wall; w++) { if (wallflag[w>>3]&(1<<(w&7))) { wall[w].shade = wallshades[w]; wall[w].pal = wallpals[w]; wallflag[w>>3] &= ~(1<<(w&7)); } // removed: same thing with nextwalls } sector[isec].floorshade = sectorshades[isec][0]; sector[isec].ceilingshade = sectorshades[isec][1]; sector[isec].floorpal = sectorpals[isec][0]; sector[isec].ceilingpal = sectorpals[isec][1]; for (w=headspritesect[isec]; w>=0; w=nextspritesect[w]) { if (w == i) continue; sprite[w].shade = spriteshades[w]; sprite[w].pal = spritepals[w]; } } } lastbstatus = bstatus; readmousebstatus(&bstatus); Keys2d3d(); if (in3dmode()) { Keys3d(); editinput(); if (infobox&2) m32_showmouse(); } else { Keys2d(); if (autocorruptcheck>0 && totalclock > corruptchecktimer) { if (CheckMapCorruption(3, 0)>=3) printmessage16("Corruption detected. See OSD for details."); corruptchecktimer = totalclock + 120*autocorruptcheck; } } if (asksave == 1) asksave++; else if (asksave == 2 && (bstatus + lastbstatus) == 0 #if M32_UNDO && mapstate #endif ) { int32_t i; // check keys so that e.g. bulk deletions won't produce // as much revisions as deleted sprites for (i=ARRAY_SIZE(keystatus)-1; i>=0; i--) if (keystatus[i]) break; if (i==-1) { #if M32_UNDO create_map_snapshot(); #else CheckMapCorruption(5, 0); #endif asksave++; } } else if (asksave == 3) asksave++; if (totalclock > autosavetimer && autosave) { if (asksave == 4) { if (CheckMapCorruption(5, 0)>=4) { if (SaveBoard("autosave_corrupt.map", M32_SB_NOEXT) != NULL) message("Board autosaved to AUTOSAVE_CORRUPT.MAP"); } else { if (SaveBoard("autosave.map", 0) != NULL) message("Board autosaved to AUTOSAVE.MAP"); } asksave++; } autosavetimer = totalclock+120*autosave; } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F12)) //F12 { #ifdef ENGINE_SCREENSHOT_DEBUG extern int32_t engine_screenshot; engine_screenshot = 1; #else extern int16_t capturecount; Bsnprintf(tempbuf, sizeof(tempbuf), "%s %s", AppProperName, ExtGetVer()); screencapture("captxxxx.tga", eitherSHIFT, tempbuf); silentmessage("Saved screenshot %04d", capturecount-1); #endif } } //// void faketimerhandler(void) { sampletimer(); } void SetGamePalette(int32_t j) { switch (j) { default: j=0; case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: if (acurpalette==j) return; acurpalette=j; setbrightness(GAMMA_CALC,j,2); break; } } static void SearchSectors(int32_t dir) // <0: backwards, >=0: forwards { int32_t ii=0; dir = 1-2*(dir<0); if (cursector_lotag!=0) { if ((dir>0 && cursectornum<MAXSECTORS) || (dir<0 && cursectornum>=0)) cursectornum += dir; for (ii=cursectornum; ii>=0 && ii<numsectors; ii+=dir) { if (sector[ii].lotag==cursector_lotag) { pos.x = wall[sector[ii].wallptr].x; pos.y = wall[sector[ii].wallptr].y; printmessage16("%s Sector search: found", dir<0?"<":">"); cursectornum = ii; return; } } } printmessage16("%s Sector search: none found", dir<0?"<":">"); } //////////////////// manual editing //////////////////// // Build edit originally by Ed Coolidge <semicharm@earthlink.net> static char med_disptext[80]; static char med_edittext[80]; static const char *med_typename=""; static int32_t med_dispwidth=24; static int32_t med_editval=0; static int32_t med_thenum=-1; static void handlemed(int32_t dohex, const char *disp_membername, const char *edit_membername, void *themember, int32_t thesizeof, int32_t themax, int32_t sign) { int32_t i, val; int32_t flags = sign; sign &= 1; if (thesizeof==sizeof(int8_t)) { if (sign) val = *(int8_t *)themember; else val = *(uint8_t *)themember; } else if (thesizeof==sizeof(int16_t)) val = *(int16_t *)themember; else //if (thesizeof==sizeof(int32_t)) val = *(int32_t *)themember; if (dohex) i=Bsprintf(med_disptext,"%s: %x", disp_membername, val); else i=Bsprintf(med_disptext,"%s: %d", disp_membername, val); for (; i<med_dispwidth; i++) med_disptext[i] = ' '; Bsprintf(med_edittext,"%s %d %s: ", med_typename, med_thenum, edit_membername); if (med_editval) { printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); val = getnumber16(med_edittext, val, themax, flags); if (thesizeof==sizeof(int8_t)) { if (sign) *(int8_t *)themember = (int8_t)val; else *(uint8_t *)themember = (uint8_t)val; } else if (thesizeof==sizeof(int16_t)) *(int16_t *)themember = (int16_t)val; else //if (thesizeof==sizeof(int32_t)) *(int32_t *)themember = val; } } static void med_printcurline(int32_t xpos, int32_t ypos, int32_t row, int32_t selected) { printext16(xpos,ypos+row*8,editorcolors[11],editorcolors[!!selected],med_disptext,0); } static void med_handlecommon(int32_t xpos, int32_t ypos, int32_t *row, int32_t rowmax) { idle_waitevent(); if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; _printmessage16("Edit mode, press <Esc> to exit"); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(DOWN)) { if (*row < rowmax) { med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, *row, 0); (*row)++; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(UP)) { if (*row > 0) { med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, *row, 0); (*row)--; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(ENTER)) med_editval = 1; } static void EditSectorData(int16_t sectnum) { int32_t col=1, row=0, rowmax = 6; int32_t i = -1; int32_t xpos = 208, ypos = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+48; med_editval = 0; med_dispwidth = 24; med_disptext[med_dispwidth] = 0; med_typename = "Sector"; med_thenum = sectnum; drawgradient(); showsectordata(sectnum, 0); while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] == 0) { med_handlecommon(xpos, ypos, &row, rowmax); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(LEFT)) { if (col == 2) { med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 0); col = 1; xpos = 208; med_disptext[med_dispwidth] = 0; if (row > rowmax) row = rowmax; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(RIGHT)) { if (col == 1) { med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 0); col = 2; xpos = 408; med_disptext[med_dispwidth] = 0; if (row > rowmax) row = rowmax; } } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (med_editval) { if ((row==1 || row==3 || row==5) && yax_getbunch(sectnum, (col==2)) >= 0) med_editval = 0; } #endif if (col == 1) { switch (row) { case 0: #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT i = sector[sectnum].ceilingstat&YAX_BIT; #endif handlemed(1, "Flags (hex)", "Ceiling Flags", §or[sectnum].ceilingstat, sizeof(sector[sectnum].ceilingstat), 65535, 0); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT sector[sectnum].ceilingstat &= ~YAX_BIT; sector[sectnum].ceilingstat |= i; #endif break; case 1: i = Bsprintf(med_disptext,"(X,Y)pan: %d, %d", TrackerCast(sector[sectnum].ceilingxpanning), TrackerCast(sector[sectnum].ceilingypanning)); for (; i < med_dispwidth; i++) med_disptext[i] = ' '; if (med_editval) { Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Sector %d Ceiling X Pan: ",sectnum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); sector[sectnum].ceilingxpanning = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)sector[sectnum].ceilingxpanning,255,0); Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Sector %d Ceiling Y Pan: ",sectnum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); sector[sectnum].ceilingypanning = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)sector[sectnum].ceilingypanning,255,0); } break; case 2: handlemed(0, "Shade byte", "Ceiling Shade", §or[sectnum].ceilingshade,sizeof(sector[sectnum].ceilingshade), 128, 1); break; case 3: handlemed(0, "Z-coordinate", "Ceiling Z-coordinate", §or[sectnum].ceilingz, sizeof(sector[sectnum].ceilingz), BZ_MAX, 1); break; case 4: handlemed(0, "Tile number", "Ceiling Tile Number", §or[sectnum].ceilingpicnum, sizeof(sector[sectnum].ceilingpicnum), MAXTILES, 0); break; case 5: handlemed(0, "Ceiling heinum", "Ceiling Heinum", §or[sectnum].ceilingheinum, sizeof(sector[sectnum].ceilingheinum), BHEINUM_MAX, 1); setslope(sectnum, YAX_CEILING, sector[sectnum].ceilingheinum); break; case 6: handlemed(0, "Palookup number", "Ceiling Palookup Number", §or[sectnum].ceilingpal, sizeof(sector[sectnum].ceilingpal), M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 0); break; } } else if (col == 2) { switch (row) { case 0: #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT i = sector[sectnum].ceilingstat&YAX_BIT; #endif handlemed(1, "Flags (hex)", "Floor Flags", §or[sectnum].floorstat, sizeof(sector[sectnum].floorstat), 65535, 0); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT sector[sectnum].ceilingstat &= ~YAX_BIT; sector[sectnum].ceilingstat |= i; #endif break; case 1: i = Bsprintf(med_disptext,"(X,Y)pan: %d, %d", TrackerCast(sector[sectnum].floorxpanning), TrackerCast(sector[sectnum].floorypanning)); for (; i < med_dispwidth; i++) med_disptext[i] = ' '; if (med_editval) { Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Sector %d Floor X Pan: ",sectnum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); sector[sectnum].floorxpanning = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)sector[sectnum].floorxpanning,255,0); Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Sector %d Floor Y Pan: ",sectnum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); sector[sectnum].floorypanning = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)sector[sectnum].floorypanning,255,0); } break; case 2: handlemed(0, "Shade byte", "Floor Shade", §or[sectnum].floorshade, sizeof(sector[sectnum].floorshade), 128, 1); break; case 3: handlemed(0, "Z-coordinate", "Floor Z-coordinate", §or[sectnum].floorz, sizeof(sector[sectnum].floorz), BZ_MAX, 1); //2147483647L,-2147483648L break; case 4: handlemed(0, "Tile number", "Floor Tile Number", §or[sectnum].floorpicnum, sizeof(sector[sectnum].floorpicnum), MAXTILES, 0); break; case 5: handlemed(0, "Floor heinum", "Floor Heinum", §or[sectnum].floorheinum, sizeof(sector[sectnum].floorheinum), BHEINUM_MAX, 1); setslope(sectnum, YAX_FLOOR, sector[sectnum].floorheinum); break; case 6: handlemed(0, "Palookup number", "Floor Palookup Number", §or[sectnum].floorpal, sizeof(sector[sectnum].floorpal), M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 0); break; } } med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 1); if (med_editval) med_editval = 0; showframe(1); } med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 0); // printmessage16(""); showframe(1); keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] = 0; } static void EditWallData(int16_t wallnum) { int32_t row=0; int32_t i = -1; int32_t xpos = 208, ypos = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+48; med_editval = 0; med_dispwidth = 24; med_disptext[med_dispwidth] = 0; med_typename = "Wall"; med_thenum = wallnum; drawgradient(); showwalldata(wallnum, 0); while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] == 0) { med_handlecommon(xpos, ypos, &row, 6); switch (row) { case 0: #if !defined NEW_MAP_FORMAT i = wall[wallnum].cstat&YAX_NEXTWALLBITS; #endif handlemed(1, "Flags (hex)", "Flags", &wall[wallnum].cstat, sizeof(wall[wallnum].cstat), 65535, 0); #if !defined NEW_MAP_FORMAT wall[wallnum].cstat &= ~YAX_NEXTWALLBITS; wall[wallnum].cstat |= i; #endif break; case 1: handlemed(0, "Shade", "Shade", &wall[wallnum].shade, sizeof(wall[wallnum].shade), 128, 1); break; case 2: handlemed(0, "Pal", "Pal", &wall[wallnum].pal, sizeof(wall[wallnum].pal), M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 0); break; case 3: i = Bsprintf(med_disptext,"(X,Y)repeat: %d, %d", TrackerCast(wall[wallnum].xrepeat), TrackerCast(wall[wallnum].yrepeat)); for (; i < med_dispwidth; i++) med_disptext[i] = ' '; if (med_editval) { Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Wall %d X Repeat: ",wallnum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); wall[wallnum].xrepeat = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)wall[wallnum].xrepeat,255,0); Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Wall %d Y Repeat: ",wallnum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); wall[wallnum].yrepeat = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)wall[wallnum].yrepeat,255,0); } break; case 4: i = Bsprintf(med_disptext,"(X,Y)pan: %d, %d", TrackerCast(wall[wallnum].xpanning), TrackerCast(wall[wallnum].ypanning)); for (; i < med_dispwidth; i++) med_disptext[i] = ' '; if (med_editval) { Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Wall %d X Pan: ",wallnum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); wall[wallnum].xpanning = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)wall[wallnum].xpanning,255,0); Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Wall %d Y Pan: ",wallnum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); wall[wallnum].ypanning = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)wall[wallnum].ypanning,255,0); } break; case 5: handlemed(0, "Tile number", "Tile number", &wall[wallnum].picnum, sizeof(wall[wallnum].picnum), MAXTILES, 0); break; case 6: handlemed(0, "OverTile number", "OverTile number", &wall[wallnum].overpicnum, sizeof(wall[wallnum].overpicnum), MAXTILES, 0); break; } med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 1); if (med_editval) { med_editval = 0; //showwalldata(wallnum, 0); //// printmessage16(""); } showframe(1); } med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 0); // printmessage16(""); showframe(1); keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] = 0; } static void EditSpriteData(int16_t spritenum) { int32_t col=0, row=0, rowmax=4, i = -1; int32_t xpos = 8, ypos = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+48; med_editval = 0; med_dispwidth = 24; med_disptext[med_dispwidth] = 0; med_typename = "Sprite"; med_thenum = spritenum; drawgradient(); // clearmidstatbar16(); while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] == 0) { showspritedata(spritenum, 0); med_handlecommon(xpos, ypos, &row, rowmax); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(LEFT)) { switch (col) { case 1: { med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 0); col = 0; xpos = 8; rowmax = 4; med_dispwidth = 23; med_disptext[med_dispwidth] = 0; if (row > rowmax) row = rowmax; } break; case 2: { med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 0); col = 1; xpos = 208; rowmax = 6; med_dispwidth = 24; med_disptext[med_dispwidth] = 0; if (row > rowmax) row = rowmax; } break; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(RIGHT)) { switch (col) { case 0: { med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 0); col = 1; xpos = 208; rowmax = 6; med_dispwidth = 24; med_disptext[med_dispwidth] = 0; if (row > rowmax) row = rowmax; } break; case 1: { med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 0); col = 2; xpos = 408; rowmax = 6; med_dispwidth = 26; med_disptext[med_dispwidth] = 0; if (row > rowmax) row = rowmax; } break; } } switch (col) { case 0: { switch (row) { case 0: handlemed(0, "X-coordinate", "X-coordinate", &sprite[spritenum].x, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].x), 131072, 1); break; case 1: handlemed(0, "Y-coordinate", "Y-coordinate", &sprite[spritenum].y, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].y), 131072, 1); break; case 2: handlemed(0, "Z-coordinate", "Z-coordinate", &sprite[spritenum].z, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].z), BZ_MAX, 1); //2147483647L,-2147483648L break; case 3: i = sprite[spritenum].sectnum; handlemed(0, "Sectnum", "Sectnum", &sprite[spritenum].sectnum, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].sectnum), numsectors-1, 0); if (i != sprite[spritenum].sectnum) { swapshort(&i, &sprite[spritenum].sectnum); changespritesect(spritenum,i); } break; case 4: i = sprite[spritenum].statnum; handlemed(0, "Statnum", "Statnum", &sprite[spritenum].statnum, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].statnum), MAXSTATUS-1, 0); if (i != sprite[spritenum].statnum) { swapshort(&i, &sprite[spritenum].statnum); changespritestat(spritenum,i); } break; } } break; case 1: { switch (row) { case 0: handlemed(1, "Flags (hex)", "Flags", &sprite[spritenum].cstat, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].cstat), 65535, 0); break; case 1: handlemed(0, "Shade", "Shade", &sprite[spritenum].shade, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].shade), 128, 1); break; case 2: handlemed(0, "Pal", "Pal", &sprite[spritenum].pal, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].pal), M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 0); break; case 3: handlemed(0, "Blend", "Blend", &sprite[spritenum].blend, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].blend), MAXBLENDTABS, 0); break; case 4: { i = Bsprintf(med_disptext,"(X,Y)repeat: %d, %d", TrackerCast(sprite[spritenum].xrepeat), TrackerCast(sprite[spritenum].yrepeat)); for (; i < med_dispwidth; i++) med_disptext[i] = ' '; if (med_editval) { Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Sprite %d X Repeat: ",spritenum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); sprite[spritenum].xrepeat = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)sprite[spritenum].xrepeat,255,0); Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Sprite %d Y Repeat: ",spritenum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); sprite[spritenum].yrepeat = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)sprite[spritenum].yrepeat,255,0); } } break; case 5: { i = Bsprintf(med_disptext,"(X,Y)offset: %d, %d", TrackerCast(sprite[spritenum].xoffset), TrackerCast(sprite[spritenum].yoffset)); for (; i < med_dispwidth; i++) med_disptext[i] = ' '; if (med_editval) { Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Sprite %d X Offset: ",spritenum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); sprite[spritenum].xoffset = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)sprite[spritenum].xoffset,128,1); Bsprintf(med_edittext,"Sprite %d Y Offset: ",spritenum); printmessage16("%s", med_edittext); sprite[spritenum].yoffset = (char)getnumber16(med_edittext,(int32_t)sprite[spritenum].yoffset,128,1); } } break; case 6: handlemed(0, "Tile number", "Tile number", &sprite[spritenum].picnum, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].picnum), MAXTILES-1, 0+2); break; } } break; case 2: { switch (row) { case 0: handlemed(0, "Angle (2048 degrees)", "Angle", &sprite[spritenum].ang, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].ang), 2048, 1); if (med_editval) sprite[spritenum].ang &= 2047; break; case 1: handlemed(0, "X-Velocity", "X-Velocity", &sprite[spritenum].xvel, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].xvel), 65535, 1); break; case 2: handlemed(0, "Y-Velocity", "Y-Velocity", &sprite[spritenum].yvel, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].yvel), 65535, 1); break; case 3: handlemed(0, "Z-Velocity", "Z-Velocity", &sprite[spritenum].zvel, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].zvel), 65535, 1); break; case 4: handlemed(0, "Owner", "Owner", &sprite[spritenum].owner, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].owner), MAXSPRITES-1, 1); break; case 5: handlemed(0, "Clipdist", "Clipdist", &sprite[spritenum].clipdist, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].clipdist), 255, 0); break; case 6: handlemed(0, "Extra", "Extra", &sprite[spritenum].extra, sizeof(sprite[spritenum].extra), BTAG_MAX, 1); break; } } break; } med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 1); if (med_editval) med_editval = 0; showframe(1); } med_printcurline(xpos, ypos, row, 0); // printmessage16(""); showframe(1); keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] = 0; } #define TWENTYFIVE_BLANKS " " static void GenericSpriteSearch(void) { char disptext[80]; char edittext[80]; static int32_t col=0, row=0; int32_t i, j, k; int32_t rowmax[3]= {6,6,6}, dispwidth[3] = {24,24,28}; int32_t xpos[3] = {8,200,400}, ypos = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+48; static const char *labels[7][3] = { {"X-coordinate", "Flags (hex)", "Angle (2048 degrees)"}, {"Y-coordinate", "Shade", "X-Velocity"}, {"Z-coordinate", "Pal", "Y-Velocity"}, {"Sectnum", "Blend", "Z-Velocity"}, {"Statnum", "(X/Y)repeat", "Owner"}, {"Hitag", "(X/Y)offset", "Clipdist"}, {"Lotag", "Tile number", "Extra"} }; static int32_t maxval[7][3] = { { BXY_MAX , 65535 , 2048 }, { BXY_MAX , 128 , 65535 }, { BZ_MAX , M32_MAXPALOOKUPS, 65535 }, { MAXSECTORS-1, MAXBLENDTABS-1, 65535 }, { MAXSTATUS-1 , 128 , MAXSPRITES-1 }, { BTAG_MAX , 128 , 256 }, { BTAG_MAX , MAXTILES-1 , BTAG_MAX } }; static char sign[7][3] = { {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {0+4, 1, 0}, {0+4, 0+2, 1} }; clearmidstatbar16(); drawgradient(); printext16(xpos[0], ypos-2*8, editorcolors[10], editorcolors[0], "Sprite search", 0); for (i=0; i<3; i++) for (j=0; j<=rowmax[i]; j++) { if (gs_spriteTagInterested[i][j]) k=Bsprintf(disptext, "%s: %d", labels[j][i], gs_spriteTagValue[i][j]); else k=Bsprintf(disptext, "%s: ^7any", labels[j][i]); // for (; k<dispwidth[i]; k++) disptext[k] = 0; printext16(xpos[i], ypos+j*8, editorcolors[11], editorcolors[0], disptext, 0); } Bmemset(disptext, 0, sizeof(disptext)); // disptext[dispwidth[col]] = 0; // showspritedata(spritenum, 0); wallsprite = 2; while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] == 0) { idle_waitevent(); if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) quitevent = 0; } printmessage16("Sprite search, press <Esc> to exit"); if (PRESSED_KEYSC(DOWN)) { if (row < rowmax[col]) { printext16(xpos[col],ypos+row*8,editorcolors[11],editorcolors[0],disptext,0); row++; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(UP)) { if (row > 0) { printext16(xpos[col],ypos+row*8,editorcolors[11],editorcolors[0],disptext,0); row--; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(LEFT)) { if (col > 0) { printext16(xpos[col],ypos+row*8,editorcolors[11],editorcolors[0],disptext,0); col--; disptext[dispwidth[col]] = 0; if (row > rowmax[col]) row = rowmax[col]; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(RIGHT)) { if (col < 2) { printext16(xpos[col],ypos+row*8,editorcolors[11],editorcolors[0],disptext,0); col++; disptext[dispwidth[col]] = 0; if (row > rowmax[col]) row = rowmax[col]; } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(ENTER)) { Bsprintf(edittext, "%s: ", labels[row][col]); printmessage16("%s", edittext); i = getnumber16(edittext, gs_spriteTagInterested[col][row] ? gs_spriteTagValue[col][row] : 0, maxval[row][col], sign[row][col]); if (col == 2 && row == 0) i = (i+2048)&2047; // angle gs_spriteTagValue[col][row] = i; gs_spriteTagInterested[col][row] = 1; if (col == 1 && row == 6) // picnum { printext16(xpos[1], ypos-2*8, editorcolors[14], editorcolors[0], TWENTYFIVE_BLANKS, 0); if (names[i][0]) printext16(xpos[1], ypos-2*8, editorcolors[14], editorcolors[0], names[i], 0); } } if (PRESSED_KEYSC(BS) || PRESSED_KEYSC(DELETE)) { gs_spriteTagInterested[col][row] = 0; if (col == 1 && row == 6) // picnum printext16(xpos[1], ypos-2*8, editorcolors[14], editorcolors[0], TWENTYFIVE_BLANKS, 0); } i = gs_spriteTagInterested[col][row]; if (i) { if (col == 1 && row == 0) // flags k = Bsprintf(disptext, "%s: %x", labels[row][col], gs_spriteTagValue[col][row]); else k = Bsprintf(disptext, "%s: %d", labels[row][col], gs_spriteTagValue[col][row]); } else k = Bsprintf(disptext, "%s: ^7any", labels[row][col]); // v-------^^ for (; k<dispwidth[col]-2*i; k++) disptext[k] = ' '; disptext[k] = 0; printext16(xpos[col],ypos+row*8,editorcolors[11],editorcolors[1],disptext,0); showframe(1); } printext16(xpos[col],ypos+row*8,editorcolors[11],editorcolors[0],disptext,0); printmessage16("Search sprite"); showframe(1); keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] = 0; }