// sector effector lotags. Preferably these should be eliminated once SE's get converted to classes. Until then we still need these. enum EEffectorTypes { SE_0_ROTATING_SECTOR = 0, SE_1_PIVOT = 1, SE_2_EARTHQUAKE = 2, SE_3_RANDOM_LIGHTS_AFTER_SHOT_OUT = 3, SE_4_RANDOM_LIGHTS = 4, SE_5_BOSS = 5, SE_6_SUBWAY = 6, SE_7_TELEPORT = 7, SE_8_UP_OPEN_DOOR_LIGHTS = 8, SE_9_DOWN_OPEN_DOOR_LIGHTS = 9, SE_10_DOOR_AUTO_CLOSE = 10, SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR = 11, SE_12_LIGHT_SWITCH = 12, SE_13_EXPLOSIVE = 13, SE_14_SUBWAY_CAR = 14, SE_15_SLIDING_DOOR = 15, SE_16_REACTOR = 16, SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR = 17, SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL = 18, SE_19_EXPLOSION_LOWERS_CEILING = 19, SE_20_STRETCH_BRIDGE = 20, SE_21_DROP_FLOOR = 21, SE_22_TEETH_DOOR = 22, SE_23_ONE_WAY_TELEPORT = 23, SE_24_CONVEYOR = 24, SE_25_PISTON = 25, SE_26 = 26, SE_27_DEMO_CAM = 27, SE_28_LIGHTNING = 28, SE_29_WAVES = 29, SE_30_TWO_WAY_TRAIN = 30, SE_31_FLOOR_RISE_FALL = 31, SE_32_CEILING_RISE_FALL = 32, SE_33_QUAKE_DEBRIS = 33, SE_34 = 34, SE_35 = 35, SE_36_PROJ_SHOOTER = 36, SE_47_LIGHT_SWITCH = 47, SE_48_LIGHT_SWITCH = 48, SE_49_POINT_LIGHT = 49, SE_50_SPOT_LIGHT = 50, SE_128_GLASS_BREAKING = 128, SE_130 = 130, SE_131 = 131, SE_156_CONVEYOR_NOSCROLL = 156, }; enum ESectorTriggers { ST_0_NO_EFFECT = 0, ST_1_ABOVE_WATER = 1, ST_2_UNDERWATER = 2, ST_3 = 3, // ^^^ maybe not complete substitution in code ST_9_SLIDING_ST_DOOR = 9, ST_15_WARP_ELEVATOR = 15, ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN = 16, ST_17_PLATFORM_UP = 17, ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN = 18, ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP = 19, ST_20_CEILING_DOOR = 20, ST_21_FLOOR_DOOR = 21, ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR = 22, ST_23_SWINGING_DOOR = 23, ST_25_SLIDING_DOOR = 25, ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR = 26, ST_27_STRETCH_BRIDGE = 27, ST_28_DROP_FLOOR = 28, ST_29_TEETH_DOOR = 29, ST_30_ROTATE_RISE_BRIDGE = 30, ST_31_TWO_WAY_TRAIN = 31, ST_41_JAILDOOR = 41, ST_42_MINECART = 42, ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT = 160, ST_161_CEILING_TELEPORT = 161, // left: ST 32767, 65534, 65535 }; enum dukeinv_t { GET_STEROIDS, // 0 GET_SHIELD, GET_SCUBA, GET_HOLODUKE, GET_JETPACK, GET_DUMMY1, // 5 GET_ACCESS, GET_HEATS, GET_DUMMY2, GET_FIRSTAID, GET_BOOTS, // 10 GET_MAX, GET_MOONSHINE = 0, GET_KELVAR = 1, GET_BEER = 3, GET_COWPIE = 4, GET_KEYS = 6, GET_WHISKEY = 9, }; class DukeActor : CoreActor native { default { setgamedefaults; falladjustz 24; autoaimangle 8.4375; projectilespread 5.625; jumptoplayer_factor 2.0; justjump1_factor 2.133; justjump2_factor 2.667; windang_factor 2.667; floating_floordist 0; floating_ceilingdist 66; landmovefactor 1; watermovefactor 1; gravityfactor 1; sparkoffset 5; move "SHRUNKVELS", 32; move "RESPAWN_ACTOR_FLAG"; action "ANULLACTION", 0; } enum EStatnums { STAT_DEFAULT = 0, STAT_ACTOR = 1, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR = 2, STAT_EFFECTOR = 3, STAT_PROJECTILE = 4, STAT_MISC = 5, STAT_STANDABLE = 6, STAT_LOCATOR = 7, STAT_ACTIVATOR = 8, STAT_TRANSPORT = 9, STAT_PLAYER = 10, STAT_FX = 11, STAT_FALLER = 12, STAT_DUMMYPLAYER = 13, STAT_LIGHT = 14, STAT_RAROR = 15, STAT_DESTRUCT = 100, STAT_BOWLING = 105, STAT_CHICKENPLANT = 106, STAT_LUMBERMILL = 107, STAT_TELEPORT = 108, STAT_BOBBING = 118, STAT_RABBITSPAWN = 119, STAT_REMOVED = MAXSTATUS-2, }; enum amoveflags_t { face_player = 1, faceplayer = 1, geth = 2, getv = 4, random_angle = 8, randomangle = 8, face_player_slow = 16, faceplayerslow = 16, spin = 32, face_player_smart = 64, faceplayersmart = 64, fleeenemy = 128, jumptoplayer_only = 256, justjump1 = 256, jumptoplayer = 257, seekplayer = 512, furthestdir = 1024, dodgebullet = 4096, justjump2 = 8192, windang = 16384, antifaceplayerslow = 32768 }; enum pstateflags { pstanding = 1, pwalking = 2, prunning = 4, pducking = 8, pfalling = 16, pjumping = 32, phigher = 64, pwalkingback = 128, prunningback = 256, pkicking = 512, pshrunk = 1024, pjetpack = 2048, ponsteroids = 4096, ponground = 8192, palive = 16384, pdead = 32768, pfacing = 65536 } const ONFIRETIME = 164; const FIREPAINFREQ = 16; const SHRUNKDONECOUNT = 304; const SPAWNAMMOODDS = 96; const SWEARFREQUENCY = 100; const MAXSLEEPDISTF = 1024; const SHRUNKCOUNT = 270; const SLEEPTIME = 1536; const THAWTIME = 138; const FROZENQUICKKICKDIST = 980; const FROZENDRIPTIME = 90; const PLAYDEADTIME = 120; const RESPAWNACTORTIME = 768; const MAXXSTRETCH = 70; const MAXYSTRETCH = 70; const MINXSTRETCH = 9; const MINYSTRETCH = 8; const SQUISHABLEDISTANCE = 1024; const RETRIEVEDISTANCE = 844; const RESPAWNITEMTIME = 768; const WEAKEST = 1; const WEAK = 5; const MEDIUMSTRENGTH = 10; const TOUGH = 20; const REALLYTOUGH = 30; const MAXPLAYERHEALTH = 100; const MEGASTRENGTH = 10000; const STEROID_AMOUNT = 400; const SHIELD_AMOUNT = 100; const SCUBA_AMOUNT = 6400; const HOLODUKE_AMOUNT = 2400; const JETPACK_AMOUNT = 1600; const HEAT_AMOUNT = 1200; const FIRSTAID_AMOUNT = MAXPLAYERHEALTH; const BOOT_AMOUNT = 200; meta int gutsoffset; meta int falladjustz; meta int aimoffset; meta int strength; meta double autoaimangle; meta double sparkoffset; meta double projectilespread; meta double shootzoffset; meta double moveclipdist; meta double jumptoplayer_factor; meta double justjump1_factor; meta double justjump2_factor; meta double windang_factor; meta double floating_floordist; meta double floating_ceilingdist; meta double landmovefactor; meta double watermovefactor; meta double gravityfactor; meta double minhitscale; property prefix: none; property gutsoffset: gutsoffset; property falladjustz: falladjustz; property aimoffset: aimoffset; property strength: strength; property autoaimangle: autoaimangle; property sparkoffset: sparkoffset; property projectilespread: projectilespread; property shootzoffset: shootzoffset; property moveclipdist: moveclipdist; property jumptoplayer_factor: jumptoplayer_factor; property justjump1_factor: justjump1_factor; property justjump2_factor: justjump2_factor; property windang_factor: windang_factor; property floating_floordist: floating_floordist; property floating_ceilingdist: floating_ceilingdist; property landmovefactor: landmovefactor; property watermovefactor: watermovefactor; property gravityfactor: gravityfactor; property minhitscale: minhitscale; native void SetSpritesetImage(int index); native int GetSpritesetSize(); native class attackertype; native DukeActor ownerActor, hitOwnerActor; native uint8 cgg; native uint8 spriteextra; // moved here for easier maintenance. This was originally a hacked in field in the sprite structure called 'filler'. native int16 hitextra; native uint16 movflag; native int16 tempval; /*, dispicnum;*/ native int16 timetosleep; native bool mapSpawned; native double floorz, ceilingz, hitang; native int saved_ammo; native int palvals; native int counter; native int temp_data[5]; native private int flags1, flags2, flags3; native walltype temp_walls[2]; native sectortype temp_sect, actorstayput; native DukeActor temp_actor, seek_actor; native Vector3 temp_pos, temp_pos2; native double temp_angle; native ActorAction curAction; native ActorMove curMove; native Name curAI; native int16 actioncounter; //native uint8 killit_flag; // flags are implemented natively to avoid the prefixes. native void getglobalz(); native DukePlayer, double findplayer(); native DukePlayer GetPlayer(); native int ifhitbyweapon(); native int domove(int clipmask); native int PlayActorSound(Sound snd, int chan = CHAN_AUTO, int flags = 0); native int CheckSoundPlaying(Sound snd, int chan = CHAN_AUTO); native bool CheckAnyActorSoundPlaying(); native void StopSound(Sound snd, int flags = 0); native DukeActor spawn(class type); native DukeActor spawnsprite(int type); // for cases where the map has a picnum stored. Avoid when possible. native void lotsofglass(int count, walltype wal = null); native void lotsofcolourglass(int count, walltype wal = null); native void makeitfall(); native void detonate(class type); native void checkhitdefault(DukeActor proj); native void operatesectors(sectortype sec); native int SpriteWidth(); native int SpriteHeight(); native DukeActor, bool aim(readonly weapon, double aimangle = -1); // CON simulation native void SetAction(Name act); native void SetAI(Name ai); native void SetMove(Name mov, int flags = 0); native bool checkp(DukePlayer p, int flags); native bool cansee(DukePlayer p); native void actoroperate(); native bool ifsquished(DukePlayer p); native void ChangeType(class newtype); native void fall(DukePlayer p); native void actorsizeto(double x, double y); native bool dodge(); native bool ifcanshoottarget(DukePlayer p, double pdist); native void spriteglass(int n); native void spawndebris(int dnum, int count); native void respawnhitag(); virtual native void Tick(); virtual void BeginPlay() {} virtual void StaticSetup() {} virtual void onHit(DukeActor hitter) { checkhitdefault(hitter); } virtual void onHurt(DukePlayer p) {} virtual bool onUse(DukePlayer user) { return false; } virtual void onTouch(DukePlayer toucher) {} virtual void onMotoSmash(DukePlayer toucher) {} virtual void onRespawn(int tag) { } virtual bool animate(tspritetype tspr) { return false; } virtual void RunState(DukePlayer p, double pdist) {} // this is the CON function. virtual void PlayFTASound(int mode) {} virtual void StandingOn(DukePlayer p) {} virtual bool TriggerSwitch(DukePlayer activator) { return false; } virtual bool shootthis(DukeActor actor, DukePlayer p, Vector3 pos, double ang) const // this gets called on the defaults. { return false; } virtual class GetRadiusDamageType(int targhealth) { return 'DukeRadiusExplosion'; } native void RandomScrap(); native void hitradius(int r, int hp1, int hp2, int hp3, int hp4); native double, DukeActor hitasprite(); native int badguy(); native int scripted(); native int isplayer(); native void lotsofstuff(class type, int count); native int movesprite(Vector3 move, int clipmask); native int movesprite_ex(Vector3 move, int clipmask, CollisionData coll); native void shoot(class spawnclass); native void setClipDistFromTile(); native void insertspriteq(); native void operateforcefields(int tag); native void restoreloc(); native void fakebubbaspawn(DukePlayer p); native void destroyit(); native void mamaspawn(); native void garybanjo(); native Sound GetAmbientSound(); native double GetAmbientDist(); native void addkill(); native void subkill(); native void killit(); virtual void Initialize(DukeActor spawner) { if (!self.bSIMPLEINIT && !self.badguy() && self.scripted()) { if (!self.mapSpawned) self.lotag = 0; if (self.scale.X == 0 || self.scale.Y == 0) { self.scale = (REPEAT_SCALE, REPEAT_SCALE); } self.clipdist = 10; if (spawner != null) self.angle = spawner.angle; self.ownerActor = self; self.ChangeStat(STAT_ACTOR); } } void commonItemSetup(DukeActor spawner, Vector2 scale = (0.5, 0.5), int usefloorshade = -1, bool noinitialmove = false) { if (spawner && spawner != self) { self.lotag = 0; if (!noinitialmove) { self.pos.Z -= 32; self.vel.Z = -4; } else self.vel.Z = 0; self.DoMove(CLIPMASK0); self.cstat |= randomxflip(); } else { self.cstat = 0; } if (ud.multimode < 2 && self.pal != 0) { self.scale = (0, 0); self.ChangeStat(STAT_MISC); return; } self.pal = 0; self.shade = -17; self.scale = scale; if (spawner && spawner != self) self.ChangeStat(STAT_ACTOR); else { self.ChangeStat(STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); self.makeitfall(); } // RR defaults to using the floor shade here, let's make this configurable. if (usefloorshade == 1 || (usefloorshade == -1 && isRR())) { self.shade = self.sector.floorshade; } } int checkLocationForFloorSprite(double radius) { bool away = self.isAwayFromWall(radius); if (!away) { self.scale = (0, 0); self.ChangeStat(STAT_MISC); return false; } if (self.sector.lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) { self.scale = (0, 0); self.ChangeStat(STAT_MISC); return false; } return true; } } extend struct _ { native @DukeGameInfo gs; native @DukeUserDefs ud; native DukeLevel dlevel; native DukeActor camsprite; } // The level struct is a wrapper to group all level related global variables and static functions into one object. // On the script side we do not really want scattered global data that is publicly accessible. struct DukeLevel { enum animtype_t { anim_floorz, anim_ceilingz, anim_vertexx, anim_vertexy, }; native DukeActor SpawnActor(sectortype sect, Vector3 pos, class type, int shade, Vector2 scale, double angle, double vel, double zvel, DukeActor owner, int stat = -1); native static int check_activator_motion(int lotag); native static void operatemasterswitches(int lotag); native static void operateactivators(int lotag, DukePlayer p); native static int floorsurface(sectortype s); native static int ceilingsurface(sectortype s); native static void AddCycler(sectortype sector, int lotag, int shade, int shade2, int hitag, int state); native static void addtorch(sectortype sector, int shade, int lotag); native static void addlightning(sectortype sector, int shade); native static int addambient(int hitag, int lotag); native static void resetswitch(int tag); // native static bool isMirror(walltype wal); native static void checkhitwall(walltype wal, DukeActor hitter, Vector3 hitpos); native static void checkhitceiling(sectortype wal, DukeActor hitter); native static DukeActor LocateTheLocator(int n, sectortype sect); native static int getanimationindex(int type, sectortype sec); native static int setanimation(sectortype animsect, int type, sectortype sec, double target, double vel); native static void tearitup(sectortype sect); } struct DukeStatIterator { private DukeActor nextp; native DukeActor Next(); native DukeActor First(int stat); } struct DukeSectIterator { private DukeActor nextp; native DukeActor Next(); native DukeActor First(sectortype sect); } struct DukeSpriteIterator { private DukeActor nextp; private int stat; native DukeActor Next(); native DukeActor First(); }