//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements) Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler Note: EDuke source was in transition. Changes are in-progress in the source as it is released. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" #include "gamevar.h" #include "names_d.h" #include "dukeactor.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS void fireweapon_ww(int snum); void operateweapon_ww(int snum, ESyncBits actions); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void incur_damage_d(struct player_struct* p) { int damage = 0L, shield_damage = 0L; p->GetActor()->spr.extra -= p->extra_extra8 >> 8; damage = p->GetActor()->spr.extra - p->last_extra; if (damage < 0) { p->extra_extra8 = 0; if (p->shield_amount > 0) { shield_damage = damage * (20 + (rand() % 30)) / 100; damage -= shield_damage; p->shield_amount += shield_damage; if (p->shield_amount < 0) { damage += p->shield_amount; p->shield_amount = 0; } } p->GetActor()->spr.extra = p->last_extra + damage; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void shootfireball(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa) { int vel, zvel; if (actor->spr.extra >= 0) actor->spr.shade = -96; sz -= (4 << 7); if (actor->spr.picnum != BOSS5) vel = 840; else { vel = 968; sz += 6144; } if (p < 0) { sa += 16 - (krand() & 31); int scratch; int j = findplayer(actor, &scratch); zvel = (((ps[j].opos.Z - sz + (3 << 8))) * vel) / ldist(ps[j].GetActor(), actor); } else { zvel = -MulScale(ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16(), 98, 16); sx += bcos(sa + 348) / 448; sy += bsin(sa + 348) / 448; sz += (3 << 8); } int sizx = 18; int sizy = 18; if (p >= 0) { sizx = 7; sizy = 7; } auto spawned = EGS(actor->spr.sector(), sx, sy, sz, FIREBALL, -127, sizx, sizy, sa, vel, zvel, actor, (short)4); if (spawned) { spawned->spr.extra += (krand() & 7); if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS5 || p >= 0) { spawned->spr.xrepeat = 40; spawned->spr.yrepeat = 40; } spawned->spr.yvel = p; spawned->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER; spawned->spr.clipdist = 4; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void shootflamethrowerflame(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa) { int vel, zvel = 0; if (actor->spr.extra >= 0) actor->spr.shade = -96; vel = 400; DDukeActor* spawned = nullptr; if (p < 0) { int x; int j = findplayer(actor, &x); sa = getangle(ps[j].opos.X - sx, ps[j].opos.Y - sy); if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS5) { vel = 528; sz += 6144; } else if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS3) sz -= 8192; int l = ldist(ps[j].GetActor(), actor); if (l != 0) zvel = ((ps[j].opos.Z - sz) * vel) / l; if (badguy(actor) && (actor->spr.hitag & face_player_smart) != 0) sa = (short)(actor->spr.ang + (krand() & 31) - 16); if (actor->spr.sector()->lotag == 2 && (krand() % 5) == 0) spawned = spawn(actor, WATERBUBBLE); } else { zvel = -MulScale(ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16(), 81, 16); if (ps[p].GetActor()->spr.xvel != 0) vel = (int)((((512 - (1024 - abs(abs(getangle(sx - ps[p].opos.X, sy - ps[p].opos.Y) - sa) - 1024))) * 0.001953125f) * ps[p].GetActor()->spr.xvel) + 400); if (actor->spr.sector()->lotag == 2 && (krand() % 5) == 0) spawned = spawn(actor, WATERBUBBLE); } if (spawned == nullptr) { spawned = spawn(actor, FLAMETHROWERFLAME); if (!spawned) return; spawned->spr.xvel = (short)vel; spawned->spr.zvel = (short)zvel; } spawned->spr.pos.X = sx + bsin(sa + 630) / 448; spawned->spr.pos.Y = sy + bsin(sa + 112) / 448; spawned->spr.pos.Z = sz - 256; spawned->spr.setsector(actor->spr.sector()); spawned->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER; spawned->spr.ang = sa; spawned->spr.xrepeat = 2; spawned->spr.yrepeat = 2; spawned->spr.clipdist = 40; spawned->spr.yvel = p; spawned->SetOwner(actor); if (p == -1) { if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS5) { spawned->spr.pos.X -= bsin(sa) / 56; spawned->spr.pos.Y += bcos(sa) / 56; spawned->spr.xrepeat = 10; spawned->spr.yrepeat = 10; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void shootknee(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa) { auto sectp = actor->spr.sector(); int zvel; HitInfo hit{}; if (p >= 0) { zvel = -ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16() >> 11; sz += (6 << 8); sa += 15; } else { int x; auto pactor = ps[findplayer(actor, &x)].GetActor(); zvel = ((pactor->spr.pos.Z - sz) << 8) / (x + 1); sa = getangle(pactor->spr.pos.X - sx, pactor->spr.pos.Y - sy); } hitscan({ sx, sy, sz }, sectp, { bcos(sa), bsin(sa), zvel << 6 }, hit, CLIPMASK1); if (hit.hitSector == nullptr) return; if ((abs(sx - hit.hitpos.X) + abs(sy - hit.hitpos.Y)) < 1024) { if (hit.hitWall || hit.actor()) { auto knee = EGS(hit.hitSector, hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, KNEE, -15, 0, 0, sa, 32, 0, actor, 4); if (knee) { knee->spr.extra += (krand() & 7); if (p >= 0) { auto k = spawn(knee, SMALLSMOKE); if (k) k->spr.pos.Z -= (8 << 8); S_PlayActorSound(KICK_HIT, knee); } if (p >= 0 && ps[p].steroids_amount > 0 && ps[p].steroids_amount < 400) knee->spr.extra += (gs.max_player_health >> 2); } if (hit.actor() && hit.actor()->spr.picnum != ACCESSSWITCH && hit.actor()->spr.picnum != ACCESSSWITCH2) { fi.checkhitsprite(hit.actor(), knee); if (p >= 0) fi.checkhitswitch(p, nullptr, hit.actor()); } else if (hit.hitWall) { if (hit.hitWall->cstat & CSTAT_WALL_BOTTOM_SWAP) if (hit.hitWall->twoSided()) if (hit.hitpos.Z >= (hit.hitWall->nextSector()->floorz)) hit.hitWall =hit.hitWall->nextWall(); if (hit.hitWall->picnum != ACCESSSWITCH && hit.hitWall->picnum != ACCESSSWITCH2) { fi.checkhitwall(knee, hit.hitWall, hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, KNEE); if (p >= 0) fi.checkhitswitch(p, hit.hitWall, nullptr); } } } else if (p >= 0 && zvel > 0 && hit.hitSector->lotag == 1) { auto splash = spawn(ps[p].GetActor(), WATERSPLASH2); if (splash) { splash->spr.pos.X = hit.hitpos.X; splash->spr.pos.Y = hit.hitpos.Y; splash->spr.ang = ps[p].angle.ang.asbuild(); // Total tweek splash->spr.xvel = 32; ssp(actor, CLIPMASK0); splash->spr.xvel = 0; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void shootweapon(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa, int atwith) { auto sectp = actor->spr.sector(); int zvel = 0; HitInfo hit{}; if (actor->spr.extra >= 0) actor->spr.shade = -96; if (p >= 0) { SetGameVarID(g_iAimAngleVarID, AUTO_AIM_ANGLE, actor, p); OnEvent(EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE, p, ps[p].GetActor(), -1); int varval = GetGameVarID(g_iAimAngleVarID, actor, p).value(); DDukeActor* aimed = nullptr; if (varval > 0) { aimed = aim(actor, varval); } if (aimed) { int dal = ((aimed->spr.xrepeat * tileHeight(aimed->spr.picnum)) << 1) + (5 << 8); switch (aimed->spr.picnum) { case GREENSLIME: case GREENSLIME + 1: case GREENSLIME + 2: case GREENSLIME + 3: case GREENSLIME + 4: case GREENSLIME + 5: case GREENSLIME + 6: case GREENSLIME + 7: case ROTATEGUN: dal -= (8 << 8); break; } zvel = ((aimed->spr.pos.Z - sz - dal) << 8) / ldist(ps[p].GetActor(), aimed); sa = getangle(aimed->spr.pos.X - sx, aimed->spr.pos.Y - sy); } if (isWW2GI()) { int angRange = 32; int zRange = 256; SetGameVarID(g_iAngRangeVarID, 32, actor, p); SetGameVarID(g_iZRangeVarID, 256, actor, p); OnEvent(EVENT_GETSHOTRANGE, p, ps[p].GetActor(), -1); angRange = GetGameVarID(g_iAngRangeVarID, actor, p).value(); zRange = GetGameVarID(g_iZRangeVarID, actor, p).value(); sa += (angRange / 2) - (krand() & (angRange - 1)); if (aimed == nullptr) { // no target zvel = -ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16() >> 11; } zvel += (zRange / 2) - (krand() & (zRange - 1)); } else if (aimed == nullptr) { sa += 16 - (krand() & 31); zvel = -ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16() >> 11; zvel += 128 - (krand() & 255); } sz -= (2 << 8); } else { int x; int j = findplayer(actor, &x); sz -= (4 << 8); zvel = ((ps[j].pos.Z - sz) << 8) / (ldist(ps[j].GetActor(), actor)); if (actor->spr.picnum != BOSS1) { zvel += 128 - (krand() & 255); sa += 32 - (krand() & 63); } else { zvel += 128 - (krand() & 255); sa = getangle(ps[j].pos.X - sx, ps[j].pos.Y - sy) + 64 - (krand() & 127); } } actor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; hitscan({ sx, sy, sz }, sectp, { bcos(sa), bsin(sa), zvel << 6 }, hit, CLIPMASK1); actor->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; if (hit.hitSector == nullptr) return; if ((krand() & 15) == 0 && hit.hitSector->lotag == 2) tracers(hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, sx, sy, sz, 8 - (ud.multimode >> 1)); DDukeActor* spark; if (p >= 0) { spark = EGS(hit.hitSector, hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, SHOTSPARK1, -15, 10, 10, sa, 0, 0, actor, 4); if (!spark) return; spark->spr.extra = ScriptCode[gs.actorinfo[atwith].scriptaddress]; spark->spr.extra += (krand() % 6); if (hit.hitWall == nullptr && hit.actor() == nullptr) { if (zvel < 0) { if (hit.hitSector->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) { spark->spr.xrepeat = 0; spark->spr.yrepeat = 0; return; } else fi.checkhitceiling(hit.hitSector); } spawn(spark, SMALLSMOKE); } if (hit.actor()) { fi.checkhitsprite(hit.actor(), spark); if (hit.actor()->spr.picnum == TILE_APLAYER && (ud.coop != 1 || ud.ffire == 1)) { spark->spr.xrepeat = spark->spr.yrepeat = 0; auto jib = spawn(spark, JIBS6); if (jib) { jib->spr.pos.Z += (4 << 8); jib->spr.xvel = 16; jib->spr.xrepeat = jib->spr.yrepeat = 24; jib->spr.ang += 64 - (krand() & 127); } } else spawn(spark, SMALLSMOKE); if (p >= 0 && ( hit.actor()->spr.picnum == DIPSWITCH || hit.actor()->spr.picnum == DIPSWITCH + 1 || hit.actor()->spr.picnum == DIPSWITCH2 || hit.actor()->spr.picnum == DIPSWITCH2 + 1 || hit.actor()->spr.picnum == DIPSWITCH3 || hit.actor()->spr.picnum == DIPSWITCH3 + 1 || hit.actor()->spr.picnum == HANDSWITCH || hit.actor()->spr.picnum == HANDSWITCH + 1)) { fi.checkhitswitch(p, nullptr, hit.actor()); return; } } else if (hit.hitWall) { spawn(spark, SMALLSMOKE); if (fi.isadoorwall(hit.hitWall->picnum) == 1) goto SKIPBULLETHOLE; if (p >= 0 && ( hit.hitWall->picnum == DIPSWITCH || hit.hitWall->picnum == DIPSWITCH + 1 || hit.hitWall->picnum == DIPSWITCH2 || hit.hitWall->picnum == DIPSWITCH2 + 1 || hit.hitWall->picnum == DIPSWITCH3 || hit.hitWall->picnum == DIPSWITCH3 + 1 || hit.hitWall->picnum == HANDSWITCH || hit.hitWall->picnum == HANDSWITCH + 1)) { fi.checkhitswitch(p, hit.hitWall, nullptr); return; } if (hit.hitWall->hitag != 0 || (hit.hitWall->twoSided() && hit.hitWall->nextWall()->hitag != 0)) goto SKIPBULLETHOLE; if (hit.hitSector && hit.hitSector->lotag == 0) if (hit.hitWall->overpicnum != BIGFORCE) if ((hit.hitWall->twoSided() && hit.hitWall->nextSector()->lotag == 0) || (!hit.hitWall->twoSided() && hit.hitSector->lotag == 0)) if ((hit.hitWall->cstat & CSTAT_WALL_MASKED) == 0) { if (hit.hitWall->twoSided()) { DukeSectIterator it(hit.hitWall->nextSector()); while (auto l = it.Next()) { if (l->spr.statnum == 3 && l->spr.lotag == 13) goto SKIPBULLETHOLE; } } DukeStatIterator it(STAT_MISC); while (auto l = it.Next()) { if (l->spr.picnum == BULLETHOLE) if (dist(l, spark) < (12 + (krand() & 7))) goto SKIPBULLETHOLE; } auto hole = spawn(spark, BULLETHOLE); if (hole) { hole->spr.xvel = -1; auto delta = hit.hitWall->delta(); hole->spr.ang = getangle(-delta.X, -delta.Y) + 512; ssp(hole, CLIPMASK0); } } SKIPBULLETHOLE: if (hit.hitWall->cstat & CSTAT_WALL_BOTTOM_SWAP) if (hit.hitWall->twoSided()) if (hit.hitpos.Z >= (hit.hitWall->nextSector()->floorz)) hit.hitWall = hit.hitWall->nextWall(); fi.checkhitwall(spark, hit.hitWall, hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, SHOTSPARK1); } } else { spark = EGS(hit.hitSector, hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, SHOTSPARK1, -15, 24, 24, sa, 0, 0, actor, 4); if (spark) { spark->spr.extra = ScriptCode[gs.actorinfo[atwith].scriptaddress]; if (hit.actor()) { fi.checkhitsprite(hit.actor(), spark); if (hit.actor()->spr.picnum != TILE_APLAYER) spawn(spark, SMALLSMOKE); else spark->spr.xrepeat = spark->spr.yrepeat = 0; } else if (hit.hitWall) fi.checkhitwall(spark, hit.hitWall, hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, SHOTSPARK1); } } if ((krand() & 255) < 4) { vec3_t v{ hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z }; S_PlaySound3D(PISTOL_RICOCHET, spark, &v); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void shootstuff(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa, int atwith) { sectortype* sect = actor->spr.sector(); int vel, zvel; int l, scount; if (actor->spr.extra >= 0) actor->spr.shade = -96; scount = 1; if (atwith == SPIT) vel = 292; else { if (atwith == COOLEXPLOSION1) { if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS2) vel = 644; else vel = 348; sz -= (4 << 7); } else { vel = 840; sz -= (4 << 7); } } if (p >= 0) { auto aimed = aim(actor, AUTO_AIM_ANGLE); if (aimed) { int dal = ((aimed->spr.xrepeat * tileHeight(aimed->spr.picnum)) << 1) - (12 << 8); zvel = ((aimed->spr.pos.Z - sz - dal) * vel) / ldist(ps[p].GetActor(), aimed); sa = getangle(aimed->spr.pos.X - sx, aimed->spr.pos.Y - sy); } else zvel = -MulScale(ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16(), 98, 16); } else { int x; int j = findplayer(actor, &x); // sa = getangle(ps[j].oposx-sx,ps[j].oposy-sy); sa += 16 - (krand() & 31); zvel = (((ps[j].opos.Z - sz + (3 << 8))) * vel) / ldist(ps[j].GetActor(), actor); } int oldzvel = zvel; int sizx, sizy; if (atwith == SPIT) { sizx = 18; sizy = 18, sz -= (10 << 8); } else { if (atwith == FIRELASER) { if (p >= 0) { sizx = 34; sizy = 34; } else { sizx = 18; sizy = 18; } } else { sizx = 18; sizy = 18; } } if (p >= 0) sizx = 7, sizy = 7; while (scount > 0) { auto spawned = EGS(sect, sx, sy, sz, atwith, -127, sizx, sizy, sa, vel, zvel, actor, 4); if (!spawned) return; spawned->spr.extra += (krand() & 7); if (atwith == COOLEXPLOSION1) { spawned->spr.shade = 0; if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS2) { l = spawned->spr.xvel; spawned->spr.xvel = 1024; ssp(spawned, CLIPMASK0); spawned->spr.xvel = l; spawned->spr.ang += 128 - (krand() & 255); } } spawned->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER; spawned->spr.clipdist = 4; sa = actor->spr.ang + 32 - (krand() & 63); zvel = oldzvel + 512 - (krand() & 1023); scount--; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void shootrpg(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa, int atwith) { auto sect = actor->spr.sector(); int vel, zvel; int l, scount; if (actor->spr.extra >= 0) actor->spr.shade = -96; scount = 1; vel = 644; DDukeActor* aimed = nullptr; if (p >= 0) { aimed = aim(actor, 48); if (aimed) { int dal = ((aimed->spr.xrepeat * tileHeight(aimed->spr.picnum)) << 1) + (8 << 8); zvel = ((aimed->spr.pos.Z - sz - dal) * vel) / ldist(ps[p].GetActor(), aimed); if (aimed->spr.picnum != RECON) sa = getangle(aimed->spr.pos.X - sx, aimed->spr.pos.Y - sy); } else zvel = -MulScale(ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16(), 81, 16); if (atwith == RPG) S_PlayActorSound(RPG_SHOOT, actor); } else { int x; int j = findplayer(actor, &x); sa = getangle(ps[j].opos.X - sx, ps[j].opos.Y - sy); if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS3) { int zoffs = (32 << 8); if (isWorldTour()) // Twentieth Anniversary World Tour zoffs = (int)((actor->spr.yrepeat / 80.0f) * zoffs); sz -= zoffs; } else if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS2) { vel += 128; int zoffs = 24 << 8; if (isWorldTour()) // Twentieth Anniversary World Tour zoffs = (int)((actor->spr.yrepeat / 80.0f) * zoffs); sz += zoffs; } l = ldist(ps[j].GetActor(), actor); zvel = ((ps[j].opos.Z - sz) * vel) / l; if (badguy(actor) && (actor->spr.hitag & face_player_smart)) sa = actor->spr.ang + (krand() & 31) - 16; } if (p < 0) aimed = nullptr; auto spawned = EGS(sect, sx + (bcos(sa + 348) / 448), sy + (bsin(sa + 348) / 448), sz - (1 << 8), atwith, 0, 14, 14, sa, vel, zvel, actor, 4); if (!spawned) return; spawned->spr.extra += (krand() & 7); if (atwith != FREEZEBLAST) spawned->temp_actor = aimed; else { spawned->spr.yvel = gs.numfreezebounces; spawned->spr.xrepeat >>= 1; spawned->spr.yrepeat >>= 1; spawned->spr.zvel -= (2 << 4); } if (p == -1) { if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS3) { int xoffs = bsin(sa, -6); int yoffs = -bcos(sa, -6); int aoffs = 4; if ((krand() & 1) != 0) { xoffs = -xoffs; yoffs = -yoffs; aoffs = -8; } if (isWorldTour()) // Twentieth Anniversary World Tour { float siz = actor->spr.yrepeat / 80.0f; xoffs = int(xoffs * siz); yoffs = int(yoffs * siz); aoffs = int(aoffs * siz); } spawned->spr.pos.X += xoffs; spawned->spr.pos.Y += yoffs; spawned->spr.ang += aoffs; spawned->spr.xrepeat = 42; spawned->spr.yrepeat = 42; } else if (actor->spr.picnum == BOSS2) { int xoffs = bsin(sa) / 56; int yoffs = -bcos(sa) / 56; int aoffs = 8 + (krand() & 255) - 128; if (isWorldTour()) { // Twentieth Anniversary World Tour int siz = actor->spr.yrepeat; xoffs = Scale(xoffs, siz, 80); yoffs = Scale(yoffs, siz, 80); aoffs = Scale(aoffs, siz, 80); } spawned->spr.pos.X -= xoffs; spawned->spr.pos.Y -= yoffs; spawned->spr.ang -= aoffs; spawned->spr.xrepeat = 24; spawned->spr.yrepeat = 24; } else if (atwith != FREEZEBLAST) { spawned->spr.xrepeat = 30; spawned->spr.yrepeat = 30; spawned->spr.extra >>= 2; } } else if ((isWW2GI() && aplWeaponWorksLike(ps[p].curr_weapon, p) == DEVISTATOR_WEAPON) || (!isWW2GI() && ps[p].curr_weapon == DEVISTATOR_WEAPON)) { spawned->spr.extra >>= 2; spawned->spr.ang += 16 - (krand() & 31); spawned->spr.zvel += 256 - (krand() & 511); if (ps[p].hbomb_hold_delay) { spawned->spr.pos.X -= bsin(sa) / 644; spawned->spr.pos.Y += bcos(sa) / 644; } else { spawned->spr.pos.X += bsin(sa, -8); spawned->spr.pos.Y -= bcos(sa, -8); } spawned->spr.xrepeat >>= 1; spawned->spr.yrepeat >>= 1; } spawned->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER; if (atwith == RPG) spawned->spr.clipdist = 4; else spawned->spr.clipdist = 40; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void shootlaser(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa) { auto sectp = actor->spr.sector(); int zvel; int j; HitInfo hit{}; if (p >= 0) zvel = -ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16() >> 11; else zvel = 0; hitscan({ sx, sy, sz - ps[p].pyoff }, sectp, { bcos(sa), bsin(sa), zvel << 6 }, hit, CLIPMASK1); j = 0; if (hit.actor()) return; if (hit.hitWall && hit.hitSector) { if (((hit.hitpos.X - sx) * (hit.hitpos.X - sx) + (hit.hitpos.Y - sy) * (hit.hitpos.Y - sy)) < (290 * 290)) { if (hit.hitWall->twoSided()) { if (hit.hitWall->nextSector()->lotag <= 2 && hit.hitSector->lotag <= 2) j = 1; } else if (hit.hitSector->lotag <= 2) j = 1; } if (j == 1) { auto bomb = EGS(hit.hitSector, hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, TRIPBOMB, -16, 4, 5, sa, 0, 0, actor, 6); if (!bomb) return; if (isWW2GI()) { int lTripBombControl = GetGameVar("TRIPBOMB_CONTROL", TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE, nullptr, -1).value(); if (lTripBombControl & TRIPBOMB_TIMER) { int lLifetime = GetGameVar("STICKYBOMB_LIFETIME", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME, nullptr, p).value(); int lLifetimeVar = GetGameVar("STICKYBOMB_LIFETIME_VAR", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR, nullptr, p).value(); // set timer. blows up when at zero.... bomb->spr.extra = lLifetime + MulScale(krand(), lLifetimeVar, 14) - lLifetimeVar; } } // this originally used the sprite index as tag to link the laser segments. // This value is never used again to reference an actor by index. Decouple this for robustness. ud.bomb_tag = (ud.bomb_tag + 1) & 32767; bomb->spr.hitag = ud.bomb_tag; S_PlayActorSound(LASERTRIP_ONWALL, bomb); bomb->spr.xvel = -20; ssp(bomb, CLIPMASK0); bomb->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL; auto delta = hit.hitWall->delta(); bomb->temp_data[5] = bomb->spr.ang = getangle(-delta.X, -delta.Y) - 512; if (p >= 0) ps[p].ammo_amount[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON]--; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void shootgrowspark(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa) { auto sect = actor->spr.sector(); int zvel; int k; HitInfo hit{}; if (p >= 0) { auto aimed = aim(actor, AUTO_AIM_ANGLE); if (aimed) { int dal = ((aimed->spr.xrepeat * tileHeight(aimed->spr.picnum)) << 1) + (5 << 8); switch (aimed->spr.picnum) { case GREENSLIME: case GREENSLIME + 1: case GREENSLIME + 2: case GREENSLIME + 3: case GREENSLIME + 4: case GREENSLIME + 5: case GREENSLIME + 6: case GREENSLIME + 7: case ROTATEGUN: dal -= (8 << 8); break; } zvel = ((aimed->spr.pos.Z - sz - dal) << 8) / (ldist(ps[p].GetActor(), aimed)); sa = getangle(aimed->spr.pos.X - sx, aimed->spr.pos.Y - sy); } else { sa += 16 - (krand() & 31); zvel = -ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16() >> 11; zvel += 128 - (krand() & 255); } sz -= (2 << 8); } else { int x; int j = findplayer(actor, &x); sz -= (4 << 8); zvel = ((ps[j].pos.Z - sz) << 8) / (ldist(ps[j].GetActor(), actor)); zvel += 128 - (krand() & 255); sa += 32 - (krand() & 63); } k = 0; //RESHOOTGROW: actor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; hitscan({ sx, sy, sz }, sect, { bcos(sa), bsin(sa), zvel << 6 }, hit, CLIPMASK1); actor->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; auto spark = EGS(sect, hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, GROWSPARK, -16, 28, 28, sa, 0, 0, actor, 1); if (!spark) return; spark->spr.pal = 2; spark->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER | CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT; spark->spr.xrepeat = spark->spr.yrepeat = 1; if (hit.hitWall == nullptr && hit.actor() == nullptr && hit.hitSector != nullptr) { if (zvel < 0 && (hit.hitSector->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) == 0) fi.checkhitceiling(hit.hitSector); } else if (hit.actor() != nullptr) fi.checkhitsprite(hit.actor(), spark); else if (hit.hitWall != nullptr) { if (hit.hitWall->picnum != ACCESSSWITCH && hit.hitWall->picnum != ACCESSSWITCH2) { fi.checkhitwall(spark, hit.hitWall, hit.hitpos.X, hit.hitpos.Y, hit.hitpos.Z, GROWSPARK); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void shoot_d(DDukeActor* actor, int atwith) { int l, j; int sx, sy, sz, sa, p, vel, zvel, x, dal; if (actor->spr.picnum == TILE_APLAYER) { p = actor->spr.yvel; } else { p = -1; } SetGameVarID(g_iAtWithVarID, atwith, actor, p); SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, actor, p); OnEvent(EVENT_SHOOT, p, ps[p].GetActor(), -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, actor, p).safeValue() != 0) { return; } auto sect = actor->spr.sector(); zvel = 0; if (actor->spr.picnum == TILE_APLAYER) { sx = ps[p].pos.X; sy = ps[p].pos.Y; sz = ps[p].pos.Z + ps[p].pyoff + (4 << 8); sa = ps[p].angle.ang.asbuild(); ps[p].crack_time = CRACK_TIME; } else { sa = actor->spr.ang; sx = actor->spr.pos.X; sy = actor->spr.pos.Y; sz = actor->spr.pos.Z - (actor->spr.yrepeat * tileHeight(actor->spr.picnum) << 1) + (4 << 8); if (actor->spr.picnum != ROTATEGUN) { sz -= (7 << 8); if (badguy(actor) && actor->spr.picnum != COMMANDER) { sx -= bsin(sa + 96, -7); sy += bcos(sa + 96, -7); } } } if (isWorldTour()) { // Twentieth Anniversary World Tour switch (atwith) { case FIREBALL: shootfireball(actor, p, sx, sy, sz, sa); return; case FLAMETHROWERFLAME: shootflamethrowerflame(actor, p, sx, sy, sz, sa); return; case FIREFLY: // BOSS5 shot { auto k = spawn(actor, atwith); if (k) { k->spr.setsector(sect); k->spr.pos.X = sx; k->spr.pos.Y = sy; k->spr.pos.Z = sz; k->spr.ang = sa; k->spr.xvel = 500; k->spr.zvel = 0; } return; } } } switch (atwith) { case BLOODSPLAT1: case BLOODSPLAT2: case BLOODSPLAT3: case BLOODSPLAT4: shootbloodsplat(actor, p, sx, sy, sz, sa, atwith, BIGFORCE, OOZFILTER, NEWBEAST); break; case KNEE: shootknee(actor, p, sx, sy, sz, sa); break; case SHOTSPARK1: case SHOTGUN: case CHAINGUN: shootweapon(actor, p, sx, sy, sz, sa, atwith); return; case FIRELASER: case SPIT: case COOLEXPLOSION1: shootstuff(actor, p, sx, sy, sz, sa, atwith); return; case FREEZEBLAST: sz += (3 << 8); [[fallthrough]]; case RPG: shootrpg(actor, p, sx, sy, sz, sa, atwith); break; case HANDHOLDINGLASER: shootlaser(actor, p, sx, sy, sz, sa); return; case BOUNCEMINE: case MORTER: { if (actor->spr.extra >= 0) actor->spr.shade = -96; auto plActor = ps[findplayer(actor, &x)].GetActor(); x = ldist(plActor, actor); zvel = -x >> 1; if (zvel < -4096) zvel = -2048; vel = x >> 4; EGS(sect, sx - bsin(sa, -8), sy + bcos(sa, -8), sz + (6 << 8), atwith, -64, 32, 32, sa, vel, zvel, actor, 1); break; } case GROWSPARK: shootgrowspark(actor, p, sx, sy, sz, sa); break; case SHRINKER: { if (actor->spr.extra >= 0) actor->spr.shade = -96; if (p >= 0) { auto aimed = isNamWW2GI() ? nullptr : aim(actor, AUTO_AIM_ANGLE); if (aimed) { dal = ((aimed->spr.xrepeat * tileHeight(aimed->spr.picnum)) << 1); zvel = ((aimed->spr.pos.Z - sz - dal - (4 << 8)) * 768) / (ldist(ps[p].GetActor(), aimed)); sa = getangle(aimed->spr.pos.X - sx, aimed->spr.pos.Y - sy); } else zvel = -MulScale(ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16(), 98, 16); } else if (actor->spr.statnum != 3) { j = findplayer(actor, &x); l = ldist(ps[j].GetActor(), actor); zvel = ((ps[j].opos.Z - sz) * 512) / l; } else zvel = 0; auto spawned = EGS(sect, sx - bsin(sa, -12), sy + bcos(sa, -12), sz + (2 << 8), SHRINKSPARK, -16, 28, 28, sa, 768, zvel, actor, 4); if (spawned) { spawned->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER; spawned->spr.clipdist = 32; } return; } } return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void selectweapon_d(int snum, int weap) // playernum, weaponnum { int i, j, k; auto p = &ps[snum]; if (p->last_pissed_time <= (26 * 218) && p->show_empty_weapon == 0 && p->kickback_pic == 0 && p->quick_kick == 0 && p->GetActor()->spr.xrepeat > 32 && p->access_incs == 0 && p->knee_incs == 0) { if ((p->weapon_pos == 0 || (p->holster_weapon && p->weapon_pos == -9))) { if (weap == WeaponSel_Alt) { j = p->curr_weapon; switch (p->curr_weapon) { case SHRINKER_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON] > 0 && p->gotweapon[GROW_WEAPON] && isPlutoPak()) { j = GROW_WEAPON; p->subweapon |= (1 << GROW_WEAPON); } break; case GROW_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] > 0 && p->gotweapon[SHRINKER_WEAPON]) { j = SHRINKER_WEAPON; p->subweapon &= ~(1 << GROW_WEAPON); } break; case FREEZE_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON] > 0 && p->gotweapon[FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON] && isWorldTour()) { j = FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON; p->subweapon |= (1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON); } break; case FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON] > 0 && p->gotweapon[FREEZE_WEAPON]) { j = FREEZE_WEAPON; p->subweapon &= ~(1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON); } break; default: break; } } else if (weap == WeaponSel_Next || weap == WeaponSel_Prev) { k = p->curr_weapon; j = (weap == WeaponSel_Prev ? -1 : 1); // JBF: prev (-1) or next (1) weapon choice i = 0; while ((k >= 0 && k < 10) || (isPlutoPak() && k == GROW_WEAPON && (p->subweapon & (1 << GROW_WEAPON)) != 0) || (isWorldTour() && k == FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON && (p->subweapon & (1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON)) != 0)) { if (k == FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON) //Twentieth Anniversary World Tour { if (j == -1) k = TRIPBOMB_WEAPON; else k = PISTOL_WEAPON; } else if (k == GROW_WEAPON) // JBF: this is handling next/previous with the grower selected { if (j == -1) k = 5; else k = 7; } else { k += j; // JBF 20040116: so we don't select grower with v1.3d if (isPlutoPak() && k == SHRINKER_WEAPON && (p->subweapon & (1 << GROW_WEAPON))) // JBF: activates grower k = GROW_WEAPON; // if enabled if (isWorldTour() && k == FREEZE_WEAPON && (p->subweapon & (1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON)) != 0) k = FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON; } if (k == -1) k = 9; else if (k == 10) k = 0; if (p->gotweapon[k] && p->ammo_amount[k] > 0) { if (isPlutoPak()) // JBF 20040116: so we don't select grower with v1.3d { if (k == SHRINKER_WEAPON && (p->subweapon & (1 << GROW_WEAPON))) k = GROW_WEAPON; if (isWorldTour() && k == FREEZE_WEAPON && (p->subweapon & (1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON)) != 0) k = FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON; } j = k; break; } else if (isPlutoPak() && k == GROW_WEAPON && p->ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON] == 0 && p->gotweapon[SHRINKER_WEAPON] && p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] > 0) // JBF 20040116: added isPlutoPak() so we don't select grower with v1.3d { j = SHRINKER_WEAPON; p->subweapon &= ~(1 << GROW_WEAPON); break; } else if (isPlutoPak() && k == SHRINKER_WEAPON && p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] == 0 && p->gotweapon[SHRINKER_WEAPON] && p->ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON] > 0) // JBF 20040116: added isPlutoPak() so we don't select grower with v1.3d { j = GROW_WEAPON; p->subweapon |= (1 << GROW_WEAPON); break; } //Twentieth Anniversary World Tour else if (isWorldTour() && k == FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON && p->ammo_amount[FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON] == 0 && p->gotweapon[FREEZE_WEAPON] && p->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON] > 0) { j = FREEZE_WEAPON; p->subweapon &= ~(1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON); break; } else if (isWorldTour() && k == FREEZE_WEAPON && p->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON] == 0 && p->gotweapon[FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON] && p->ammo_amount[FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON] > 0) { j = FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON; p->subweapon |= (1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON); break; } i++; // absolutely no weapons, so use foot if (i == 10) { fi.addweapon(p, KNEE_WEAPON); break; } } } else j = weap - 1; k = -1; if (j == HANDBOMB_WEAPON && p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON] == 0) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_ACTOR); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->spr.picnum == HEAVYHBOMB && act->GetOwner() == p->GetActor()) { p->gotweapon[HANDBOMB_WEAPON] = true; j = HANDREMOTE_WEAPON; break; } } } //Twentieth Anniversary World Tour if (j == FREEZE_WEAPON && isWorldTour()) { if (p->curr_weapon != FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON && p->curr_weapon != FREEZE_WEAPON) { if (p->ammo_amount[FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON] > 0) { if ((p->subweapon & (1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON)) == (1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON)) j = FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON; else if (p->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON] == 0) { j = FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON; p->subweapon |= (1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON); } } else if (p->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON] > 0) p->subweapon &= ~(1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON); } else if (p->curr_weapon == FREEZE_WEAPON) { p->subweapon |= (1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON); j = FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON; } else p->subweapon &= ~(1 << FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON); } if (j == SHRINKER_WEAPON && isPlutoPak()) // JBF 20040116: so we don't select the grower with v1.3d { if (p->curr_weapon != GROW_WEAPON && p->curr_weapon != SHRINKER_WEAPON) { if (p->ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON] > 0) { if ((p->subweapon & (1 << GROW_WEAPON)) == (1 << GROW_WEAPON)) j = GROW_WEAPON; else if (p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] == 0) { j = GROW_WEAPON; p->subweapon |= (1 << GROW_WEAPON); } } else if (p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] > 0) p->subweapon &= ~(1 << GROW_WEAPON); } else if (p->curr_weapon == SHRINKER_WEAPON) { p->subweapon |= (1 << GROW_WEAPON); j = GROW_WEAPON; } else p->subweapon &= ~(1 << GROW_WEAPON); } if (p->holster_weapon) { PlayerSetInput(snum, SB_HOLSTER); p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = -9; } else if (j >= MIN_WEAPON && p->gotweapon[j] && p->curr_weapon != j) switch (j) { case KNEE_WEAPON: fi.addweapon(p, KNEE_WEAPON); break; case PISTOL_WEAPON: case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: case CHAINGUN_WEAPON: case RPG_WEAPON: case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: case FREEZE_WEAPON: case FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON: case GROW_WEAPON: case SHRINKER_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[j] == 0 && p->show_empty_weapon == 0) { p->show_empty_weapon = 32; p->last_full_weapon = p->curr_weapon; } fi.addweapon(p, j); break; case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: if (k >= 0) // Found in list of [1]'s { p->curr_weapon = HANDREMOTE_WEAPON; p->last_weapon = -1; p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 10; } break; case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON] > 0 && p->gotweapon[HANDBOMB_WEAPON]) fi.addweapon(p, HANDBOMB_WEAPON); break; case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON] > 0 && p->gotweapon[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON]) fi.addweapon(p, TRIPBOMB_WEAPON); break; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int doincrements_d(struct player_struct* p) { int snum; auto pact = p->GetActor(); snum = pact->spr.yvel; p->player_par++; if (p->invdisptime > 0) p->invdisptime--; if (p->tipincs > 0) p->tipincs--; if (p->last_pissed_time > 0) { p->last_pissed_time--; if (p->last_pissed_time == (26 * 219)) { S_PlayActorSound(FLUSH_TOILET, pact); if (snum == screenpeek || ud.coop == 1) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_PISSRELIEF, pact); } if (p->last_pissed_time == (26 * 218)) { p->holster_weapon = 0; p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 10; } } if (p->crack_time > 0) { p->crack_time--; if (p->crack_time == 0) { p->knuckle_incs = 1; p->crack_time = CRACK_TIME; } } if (p->steroids_amount > 0 && p->steroids_amount < 400) { p->steroids_amount--; if (p->steroids_amount == 0) checkavailinven(p); if (!(p->steroids_amount & 7)) if (snum == screenpeek || ud.coop == 1) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_HARTBEAT, pact); } if (p->heat_on && p->heat_amount > 0) { p->heat_amount--; if (p->heat_amount == 0) { p->heat_on = 0; checkavailinven(p); S_PlayActorSound(NITEVISION_ONOFF, pact); } } if (p->holoduke_on != nullptr) { p->holoduke_amount--; if (p->holoduke_amount <= 0) { S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, pact); p->holoduke_on = nullptr; checkavailinven(p); } } if (p->jetpack_on && p->jetpack_amount > 0) { p->jetpack_amount--; if (p->jetpack_amount <= 0) { p->jetpack_on = 0; checkavailinven(p); S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_JETPACK_OFF, pact); S_StopSound(DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE, pact); S_StopSound(DUKE_JETPACK_ON, pact); } } if (p->quick_kick > 0 && p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) { p->last_quick_kick = p->quick_kick + 1; p->quick_kick--; if (p->quick_kick == 8) fi.shoot(p->GetActor(), KNEE); } else if (p->last_quick_kick > 0) p->last_quick_kick--; if (p->access_incs && p->GetActor()->spr.pal != 1) { p->access_incs++; if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra <= 0) p->access_incs = 12; if (p->access_incs == 12) { if (p->access_spritenum != nullptr) { fi.checkhitswitch(snum, nullptr, p->access_spritenum); switch (p->access_spritenum->spr.pal) { case 0:p->got_access &= (0xffff - 0x1); break; case 21:p->got_access &= (0xffff - 0x2); break; case 23:p->got_access &= (0xffff - 0x4); break; } p->access_spritenum = nullptr; } else { fi.checkhitswitch(snum, p->access_wall, nullptr); switch (p->access_wall->pal) { case 0:p->got_access &= (0xffff - 0x1); break; case 21:p->got_access &= (0xffff - 0x2); break; case 23:p->got_access &= (0xffff - 0x4); break; } } } if (p->access_incs > 20) { p->access_incs = 0; p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 10; p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; } } if (p->scuba_on == 0 && p->insector() && p->cursector->lotag == 2) { if (p->scuba_amount > 0) { p->scuba_on = 1; p->inven_icon = 6; FTA(76, p); } else { if (p->airleft > 0) p->airleft--; else { p->extra_extra8 += 32; if (p->last_extra < (gs.max_player_health >> 1) && (p->last_extra & 3) == 0) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN, pact); } } } else if (p->scuba_amount > 0 && p->scuba_on) { p->scuba_amount--; if (p->scuba_amount == 0) { p->scuba_on = 0; checkavailinven(p); } } if (p->knuckle_incs) { p->knuckle_incs++; if (p->knuckle_incs == 10 && !isWW2GI()) { if (PlayClock > 1024) if (snum == screenpeek || ud.coop == 1) { if (rand() & 1) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_CRACK, pact); else S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_CRACK2, pact); } S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_CRACK_FIRST, pact); } else if (p->knuckle_incs == 22 || PlayerInput(snum, SB_FIRE)) p->knuckle_incs = 0; return 1; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void checkweapons_d(struct player_struct* p) { static const uint16_t weapon_sprites[MAX_WEAPONS] = { KNEE, FIRSTGUNSPRITE, SHOTGUNSPRITE, CHAINGUNSPRITE, RPGSPRITE, HEAVYHBOMB, SHRINKERSPRITE, DEVISTATORSPRITE, TRIPBOMBSPRITE, FREEZESPRITE, HEAVYHBOMB, SHRINKERSPRITE }; int cw; if (isWW2GI()) { int snum = p->GetActor()->spr.yvel; cw = aplWeaponWorksLike(p->curr_weapon, snum); } else cw = p->curr_weapon; if (cw < 1 || cw >= MAX_WEAPONS) return; if (cw) { if (krand() & 1) spawn(p->GetActor(), weapon_sprites[cw]); else switch (cw) { case RPG_WEAPON: case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: spawn(p->GetActor(), EXPLOSION2); break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void operateJetpack(int snum, ESyncBits actions, int psectlotag, int fz, int cz, int shrunk) { int j; auto p = &ps[snum]; auto pact = p->GetActor(); p->on_ground = 0; p->jumping_counter = 0; p->hard_landing = 0; p->falling_counter = 0; p->pycount += 32; p->pycount &= 2047; p->pyoff = bsin(p->pycount, -7); if (p->jetpack_on && S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pact, DUKE_SCREAM)) { S_StopSound(DUKE_SCREAM, pact); } if (p->jetpack_on < 11) { p->jetpack_on++; p->pos.Z -= (p->jetpack_on << 7); //Goin up } else if (p->jetpack_on == 11 && !S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pact, DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE)) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE, pact); if (shrunk) j = 512; else j = 2048; if (actions & SB_JUMP) //A (soar high) { // jump SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->GetActor(), snum); OnEvent(EVENT_SOARUP, snum, p->GetActor(), -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->GetActor(), snum).value() == 0) { p->pos.Z -= j; p->crack_time = CRACK_TIME; } } if (actions & SB_CROUCH) //Z (soar low) { // crouch SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->GetActor(), snum); OnEvent(EVENT_SOARDOWN, snum, p->GetActor(), -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->GetActor(), snum).value() == 0) { p->pos.Z += j; p->crack_time = CRACK_TIME; } } int k; if (shrunk == 0 && (psectlotag == 0 || psectlotag == 2)) k = 32; else k = 16; if (psectlotag != 2 && p->scuba_on == 1) p->scuba_on = 0; if (p->pos.Z > (fz - (k << 8))) p->pos.Z += ((fz - (k << 8)) - p->pos.Z) >> 1; if (p->pos.Z < (pact->ceilingz + (18 << 8))) p->pos.Z = pact->ceilingz + (18 << 8); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void movement(int snum, ESyncBits actions, sectortype* psect, int fz, int cz, int shrunk, int truefdist, int psectlotag) { int j; auto p = &ps[snum]; auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (p->airleft != 15 * 26) p->airleft = 15 * 26; //Aprox twenty seconds. if (p->scuba_on == 1) p->scuba_on = 0; int i = 40; if (psectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && p->spritebridge == 0) { if (shrunk == 0) { i = 34; p->pycount += 32; p->pycount &= 2047; p->pyoff = bsin(p->pycount, -6); } else i = 12; if (shrunk == 0 && truefdist <= gs.playerheight) { if (p->on_ground == 1) { if (p->dummyplayersprite == nullptr) p->dummyplayersprite = spawn(pact, PLAYERONWATER); p->footprintcount = 6; if (p->cursector->floorpicnum == FLOORSLIME) p->footprintpal = 8; else p->footprintpal = 0; p->footprintshade = 0; } } } else { footprints(snum); } if (p->pos.Z < (fz - (i << 8))) //falling { // not jumping or crouching if ((actions & (SB_JUMP|SB_CROUCH)) == 0 && p->on_ground && (psect->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) && p->pos.Z >= (fz - (i << 8) - (16 << 8))) p->pos.Z = fz - (i << 8); else { p->on_ground = 0; p->poszv += (gs.gravity + 80); // (TICSPERFRAME<<6); if (p->poszv >= (4096 + 2048)) p->poszv = (4096 + 2048); if (p->poszv > 2400 && p->falling_counter < 255) { p->falling_counter++; if (p->falling_counter == 38 && !S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pact, DUKE_SCREAM)) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_SCREAM, pact); } if ((p->pos.Z + p->poszv) >= (fz - (i << 8))) // hit the ground { S_StopSound(DUKE_SCREAM, pact); if (!p->insector() || p->cursector->lotag != 1) { if (p->falling_counter > 62) quickkill(p); else if (p->falling_counter > 9) { j = p->falling_counter; pact->spr.extra -= j - (krand() & 3); if (pact->spr.extra <= 0) { S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, pact); SetPlayerPal(p, PalEntry(63, 63, 0, 0)); } else { S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_LAND, pact); S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_LAND_HURT, pact); } SetPlayerPal(p, PalEntry(32, 16, 0, 0)); } else if (p->poszv > 2048) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_LAND, pact); } } } } else { p->falling_counter = 0; S_StopSound(-1, pact, CHAN_VOICE); if (psectlotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && psectlotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER && p->on_ground == 0 && p->poszv > (6144 >> 1)) p->hard_landing = p->poszv >> 10; p->on_ground = 1; if (i == 40) { //Smooth on the ground int k = ((fz - (i << 8)) - p->pos.Z) >> 1; if (abs(k) < 256) k = 0; p->pos.Z += k; p->poszv -= 768; if (p->poszv < 0) p->poszv = 0; } else if (p->jumping_counter == 0) { p->pos.Z += ((fz - (i << 7)) - p->pos.Z) >> 1; //Smooth on the water if (p->on_warping_sector == 0 && p->pos.Z > fz - (16 << 8)) { p->pos.Z = fz - (16 << 8); p->poszv >>= 1; } } p->on_warping_sector = 0; if (actions & SB_CROUCH) { playerCrouch(snum); } // jumping if ((actions & SB_JUMP) == 0 && p->jumping_toggle == 1) p->jumping_toggle = 0; else if ((actions & SB_JUMP)) { playerJump(snum, fz, cz); } if (p->jumping_counter && (actions & SB_JUMP) == 0) p->jumping_toggle = 0; } if (p->jumping_counter) { if ((actions & SB_JUMP) == 0 && p->jumping_toggle == 1) p->jumping_toggle = 0; if (p->jumping_counter < (1024 + 256)) { if (psectlotag == 1 && p->jumping_counter > 768) { p->jumping_counter = 0; p->poszv = -512; } else { p->poszv -= bsin(2048 - 128 + p->jumping_counter) / 12; p->jumping_counter += 180; p->on_ground = 0; } } else { p->jumping_counter = 0; p->poszv = 0; } } p->pos.Z += p->poszv; if (p->pos.Z < (cz + (4 << 8))) { p->jumping_counter = 0; if (p->poszv < 0) p->posxv = p->posyv = 0; p->poszv = 128; p->pos.Z = cz + (4 << 8); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void underwater(int snum, ESyncBits actions, int fz, int cz) { auto p = &ps[snum]; auto pact = p->GetActor(); // under water p->jumping_counter = 0; p->pycount += 32; p->pycount &= 2047; p->pyoff = bsin(p->pycount, -7); if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pact, DUKE_UNDERWATER)) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_UNDERWATER, pact); if (actions & SB_JUMP) { // jump if (p->poszv > 0) p->poszv = 0; p->poszv -= 348; if (p->poszv < -(256 * 6)) p->poszv = -(256 * 6); } else if (actions & SB_CROUCH) { // crouch if (p->poszv < 0) p->poszv = 0; p->poszv += 348; if (p->poszv > (256 * 6)) p->poszv = (256 * 6); } else { // normal view if (p->poszv < 0) { p->poszv += 256; if (p->poszv > 0) p->poszv = 0; } if (p->poszv > 0) { p->poszv -= 256; if (p->poszv < 0) p->poszv = 0; } } if (p->poszv > 2048) p->poszv >>= 1; p->pos.Z += p->poszv; if (p->pos.Z > (fz - (15 << 8))) p->pos.Z += ((fz - (15 << 8)) - p->pos.Z) >> 1; if (p->pos.Z < (cz + (4 << 8))) { p->pos.Z = cz + (4 << 8); p->poszv = 0; } if (p->scuba_on && (krand() & 255) < 8) { auto j = spawn(pact, WATERBUBBLE); if (j) { j->spr.pos.X += bcos(p->angle.ang.asbuild() + 64 - (global_random & 128), -6); j->spr.pos.Y += bsin(p->angle.ang.asbuild() + 64 - (global_random & 128), -6); j->spr.xrepeat = 3; j->spr.yrepeat = 2; j->spr.pos.Z = p->pos.Z + (8 << 8); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int operateTripbomb(int snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; HitInfo hit{}; hitscan(p->pos, p->cursector, { p->angle.ang.bcos(), p->angle.ang.bsin(), -p->horizon.sum().asq16() >> 11 }, hit, CLIPMASK1); if (hit.hitSector == nullptr || hit.actor()) return 0; if (hit.hitWall != nullptr && hit.hitSector->lotag > 2) return 0; if (hit.hitWall != nullptr && hit.hitWall->overpicnum >= 0) if (hit.hitWall->overpicnum == BIGFORCE) return 0; DDukeActor* act; DukeSectIterator it(hit.hitSector); while ((act = it.Next())) { if (act->spr.picnum == TRIPBOMB && abs(act->spr.pos.Z - hit.hitpos.Z) < (12 << 8) && ((act->spr.pos.X - hit.hitpos.X) * (act->spr.pos.X - hit.hitpos.X) + (act->spr.pos.Y - hit.hitpos.Y) * (act->spr.pos.Y - hit.hitpos.Y)) < (290 * 290)) return 0; } if (act == nullptr && hit.hitWall != nullptr && (hit.hitWall->cstat & CSTAT_WALL_MASKED) == 0) if ((hit.hitWall->twoSided() && hit.hitWall->nextSector()->lotag <= 2) || (!hit.hitWall->twoSided() && hit.hitSector->lotag <= 2)) if (((hit.hitpos.X - p->pos.X) * (hit.hitpos.X - p->pos.X) + (hit.hitpos.Y - p->pos.Y) * (hit.hitpos.Y - p->pos.Y)) < (290 * 290)) { p->pos.Z = p->opos.Z; p->poszv = 0; return 1; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void fireweapon(int snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; auto pact = p->GetActor(); p->crack_time = CRACK_TIME; if (p->holster_weapon == 1) { if (p->last_pissed_time <= (26 * 218) && p->weapon_pos == -9) { p->holster_weapon = 0; p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 10; FTA(74, p); } } else switch (p->curr_weapon) { case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: p->hbomb_hold_delay = 0; if (p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON] > 0) p->kickback_pic = 1; break; case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: p->hbomb_hold_delay = 0; p->kickback_pic = 1; break; case PISTOL_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] > 0) { p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON]--; p->kickback_pic = 1; } break; case CHAINGUN_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[CHAINGUN_WEAPON] > 0) // && p->random_club_frame == 0) p->kickback_pic = 1; break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[SHOTGUN_WEAPON] > 0 && p->random_club_frame == 0) p->kickback_pic = 1; break; case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON] > 0) { if (operateTripbomb(snum)) p->kickback_pic = 1; } break; case SHRINKER_WEAPON: case GROW_WEAPON: if (p->curr_weapon == GROW_WEAPON) { if (p->ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON] > 0) { p->kickback_pic = 1; S_PlayActorSound(EXPANDERSHOOT, pact); } } else if (p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] > 0) { p->kickback_pic = 1; S_PlayActorSound(SHRINKER_FIRE, pact); } break; case FREEZE_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON] > 0) { p->kickback_pic = 1; S_PlayActorSound(CAT_FIRE, pact); } break; case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON] > 0) { p->kickback_pic = 1; p->hbomb_hold_delay = !p->hbomb_hold_delay; S_PlayActorSound(CAT_FIRE, pact); } break; case RPG_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[RPG_WEAPON] > 0) { p->kickback_pic = 1; } break; case FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON: // Twentieth Anniversary World Tour if (isWorldTour() && p->ammo_amount[FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON] > 0) { p->kickback_pic = 1; if (p->cursector->lotag != 2) S_PlayActorSound(FLAMETHROWER_INTRO, pact); } break; case KNEE_WEAPON: if (p->quick_kick == 0) { p->kickback_pic = 1; } break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void operateweapon(int snum, ESyncBits actions) { auto p = &ps[snum]; auto pact = p->GetActor(); int i, k; // already firing... switch (p->curr_weapon) { case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: // grenade in NAM if (p->kickback_pic == 6 && (actions & SB_FIRE)) { p->rapid_fire_hold = 1; break; } p->kickback_pic++; if (p->kickback_pic == 12) { p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON]--; if (p->on_ground && (actions & SB_CROUCH)) { k = 15; i = MulScale(p->horizon.sum().asq16(), 20, 16); } else { k = 140; i = -512 - MulScale(p->horizon.sum().asq16(), 20, 16); } auto spawned = EGS(p->cursector, p->pos.X + p->angle.ang.bcos(-6), p->pos.Y + p->angle.ang.bsin(-6), p->pos.Z, HEAVYHBOMB, -16, 9, 9, p->angle.ang.asbuild(), (k + (p->hbomb_hold_delay << 5)), i, pact, 1); if (isNam()) { spawned->spr.extra = MulScale(krand(), NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR, 14); } if (k == 15) { spawned->spr.yvel = 3; spawned->spr.pos.Z += (8 << 8); } k = hits(pact); if (k < 512) { spawned->spr.ang += 1024; spawned->spr.zvel /= 3; spawned->spr.xvel /= 3; } p->hbomb_on = 1; } else if (p->kickback_pic < 12 && (actions & SB_FIRE)) p->hbomb_hold_delay++; else if (p->kickback_pic > 19) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; // don't change to remote when in NAM: grenades are timed if (isNam()) checkavailweapon(p); else { p->curr_weapon = HANDREMOTE_WEAPON; p->last_weapon = -1; p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 10; } } break; case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: // knife in NAM p->kickback_pic++; if (p->kickback_pic == 2) { p->hbomb_on = 0; } if (p->kickback_pic == 10) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; int weapon = isNam() ? TRIPBOMB_WEAPON : HANDBOMB_WEAPON; if (p->ammo_amount[weapon] > 0) fi.addweapon(p, weapon); else checkavailweapon(p); } break; case PISTOL_WEAPON: // m-16 in NAM if (p->kickback_pic == 1) { fi.shoot(pact, SHOTSPARK1); S_PlayActorSound(PISTOL_FIRE, pact); lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; p->visibility = 0; } else if (p->kickback_pic == 2) spawn(pact, SHELL); p->kickback_pic++; if (p->kickback_pic >= 5) { if (p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] <= 0 || (p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] % (isNam() ? 20 : 12))) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; checkavailweapon(p); } else { switch (p->kickback_pic) { case 5: S_PlayActorSound(EJECT_CLIP, pact); break; //#ifdef NAM // case WEAPON2_RELOAD_TIME - 15: //#else case 8: //#endif S_PlayActorSound(INSERT_CLIP, pact); break; } } } // 3 second re-load time if (p->kickback_pic == (isNam() ? 50 : 27)) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; checkavailweapon(p); } break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: p->kickback_pic++; if (p->kickback_pic == 4) { for(int ii = 0; ii < 7; ii++) fi.shoot(pact, SHOTGUN); p->ammo_amount[SHOTGUN_WEAPON]--; S_PlayActorSound(SHOTGUN_FIRE, pact); lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; p->visibility = 0; } switch(p->kickback_pic) { case 13: checkavailweapon(p); break; case 15: S_PlayActorSound(SHOTGUN_COCK, pact); break; case 17: case 20: p->kickback_pic++; break; case 24: { auto j = spawn(pact, SHOTGUNSHELL); if (j) { j->spr.ang += 1024; ssp(j, CLIPMASK0); j->spr.ang += 1024; } p->kickback_pic++; break; } case 31: p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; return; } break; case CHAINGUN_WEAPON: // m-60 in NAM p->kickback_pic++; if (p->kickback_pic <= 12) { if (((p->kickback_pic) % 3) == 0) { p->ammo_amount[CHAINGUN_WEAPON]--; if ((p->kickback_pic % 3) == 0) { auto j = spawn(pact, SHELL); if (j) { j->spr.ang += 1024; j->spr.ang &= 2047; j->spr.xvel += 32; j->spr.pos.Z += (3 << 8); ssp(j, CLIPMASK0); } } S_PlayActorSound(CHAINGUN_FIRE, pact); fi.shoot(pact, CHAINGUN); lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; p->visibility = 0; checkavailweapon(p); if ((actions & SB_FIRE) == 0) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; break; } } } else if (p->kickback_pic > 10) { if (actions & SB_FIRE) p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 1; else p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; } break; case GROW_WEAPON: // m-14 with scope (sniper rifle) bool check; if (isNam()) { p->kickback_pic++; check = (p->kickback_pic == 3); } else { check = (p->kickback_pic > 3); } if (check) { // fire now, but don't reload right away... if (isNam()) { p->kickback_pic++; if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] <= 1) p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; } else p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon]--; fi.shoot(pact, GROWSPARK); //#ifdef NAM //#else if (!(aplWeaponFlags(p->curr_weapon, snum) & WEAPON_FLAG_NOVISIBLE)) { // make them visible if not set... p->visibility = 0; lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; } checkavailweapon(p); //#endif } else if (!isNam()) p->kickback_pic++; if (isNam() && p->kickback_pic > aplWeaponReload(p->curr_weapon, snum)) // 30) { // reload now... p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; if (!(aplWeaponFlags(p->curr_weapon, snum) & WEAPON_FLAG_NOVISIBLE)) { // make them visible if not set... p->visibility = 0; lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; } checkavailweapon(p); } break; case SHRINKER_WEAPON: // m-79 in NAM (Grenade launcher) if ((!isNam() && p->kickback_pic > 10) || (isNam() && p->kickback_pic == 10)) { if (isNam()) p->kickback_pic++; // fire now, but wait for reload... else p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON]--; fi.shoot(pact, SHRINKER); if (!isNam()) { p->visibility = 0; //flashColor = 176 + (252 << 8) + (120 << 16); lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; checkavailweapon(p); } } else if (isNam() && p->kickback_pic > 30) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; p->visibility = 0; lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; checkavailweapon(p); } else p->kickback_pic++; break; case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: if (p->kickback_pic) { p->kickback_pic++; if (isNam()) { if ((p->kickback_pic >= 2) && p->kickback_pic < 5 && (p->kickback_pic & 1)) { p->visibility = 0; lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; fi.shoot(pact, RPG); p->ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON]--; checkavailweapon(p); } if (p->kickback_pic > 5) p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; } else if (p->kickback_pic & 1) { p->visibility = 0; lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; fi.shoot(pact, RPG); p->ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON]--; checkavailweapon(p); if (p->ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON] <= 0) p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; } if (p->kickback_pic > 5) p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; } break; case FREEZE_WEAPON: // flame thrower in NAM if (p->kickback_pic < 4) { p->kickback_pic++; if (p->kickback_pic == 3) { p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon]--; p->visibility = 0; lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; fi.shoot(pact, FREEZEBLAST); checkavailweapon(p); } if (pact->spr.xrepeat < 32) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; break; } } else { if (actions & SB_FIRE) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 1; S_PlayActorSound(CAT_FIRE, pact); } else p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; } break; case FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON: if (!isWorldTour()) // Twentieth Anniversary World Tour break; p->kickback_pic++; if (p->kickback_pic == 2) { if (p->cursector->lotag != 2) { p->ammo_amount[FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON]--; if (snum == screenpeek) g_visibility = 0; fi.shoot(pact, FIREBALL); } checkavailweapon(p); } else if (p->kickback_pic == 16) { if ((actions & SB_FIRE) != 0) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 1; S_PlayActorSound(FLAMETHROWER_INTRO, pact); } else p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; } break; case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: // Claymore in NAM if (p->kickback_pic < 4) { p->pos.Z = p->opos.Z; p->poszv = 0; if (p->kickback_pic == 3) fi.shoot(pact, HANDHOLDINGLASER); } if (p->kickback_pic == 16) { p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; checkavailweapon(p); p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = -9; } else p->kickback_pic++; break; case KNEE_WEAPON: p->kickback_pic++; if (p->kickback_pic == 7) fi.shoot(pact, KNEE); else if (p->kickback_pic == 14) { if (actions & SB_FIRE) p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 1 + (krand() & 3); else p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; } if (p->wantweaponfire >= 0) checkavailweapon(p); break; case RPG_WEAPON: // m-72 in NAM (LAW) p->kickback_pic++; if (p->kickback_pic == 4) { p->ammo_amount[RPG_WEAPON]--; lastvisinc = PlayClock + 32; p->visibility = 0; fi.shoot(pact, RPG); checkavailweapon(p); } else if (p->kickback_pic == 20) p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // this function exists because gotos suck. :P // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void processweapon(int snum, ESyncBits actions) { auto p = &ps[snum]; auto pact = p->GetActor(); int shrunk = (pact->spr.yrepeat < 32); if (isNamWW2GI() && (actions & SB_HOLSTER)) // 'Holster Weapon { if (isWW2GI()) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->GetActor(), snum); SetGameVarID(g_iWeaponVarID, p->curr_weapon, p->GetActor(), snum); SetGameVarID(g_iWorksLikeVarID, aplWeaponWorksLike(p->curr_weapon, snum), p->GetActor(), snum); OnEvent(EVENT_HOLSTER, snum, p->GetActor(), -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->GetActor(), snum).value() == 0) { // now it uses the game definitions... if (aplWeaponFlags(p->curr_weapon, snum) & WEAPON_FLAG_HOLSTER_CLEARS_CLIP) { if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > aplWeaponClip(p->curr_weapon, snum) && (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] % aplWeaponClip(p->curr_weapon, snum)) != 0) { // throw away the remaining clip p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] -= p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] % aplWeaponClip(p->curr_weapon, snum); // p->kickback_pic = aplWeaponFireDelay(p->curr_weapon, snum)+1; // animate, but don't shoot... p->kickback_pic = aplWeaponTotalTime(p->curr_weapon, snum) + 1; // animate, but don't shoot... actions &= ~SB_FIRE; // not firing... } return; } } } else if (p->curr_weapon == PISTOL_WEAPON) { if (p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] > 20) { // throw away the remaining clip p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] -= p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] % 20; p->kickback_pic = 3; // animate, but don't shoot... actions &= ~SB_FIRE; // not firing... } return; } } if (isWW2GI() && (aplWeaponFlags(p->curr_weapon, snum) & WEAPON_FLAG_GLOWS)) p->random_club_frame += 64; // Glowing if (!isWW2GI() && (p->curr_weapon == SHRINKER_WEAPON || p->curr_weapon == GROW_WEAPON)) p->random_club_frame += 64; // Glowing if (p->rapid_fire_hold == 1) { if (actions & SB_FIRE) return; p->rapid_fire_hold = 0; } if (shrunk || p->tipincs || p->access_incs) actions &= ~SB_FIRE; else if (shrunk == 0 && (actions & SB_FIRE) && p->kickback_pic == 0 && p->fist_incs == 0 && p->last_weapon == -1 && (p->weapon_pos == 0 || p->holster_weapon == 1)) { if (!isWW2GI()) fireweapon(snum); else fireweapon_ww(snum); } else if (p->kickback_pic) { if (!isWW2GI()) operateweapon(snum, actions); else operateweapon_ww(snum, actions); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void processinput_d(int snum) { int j, k, doubvel, fz, cz, truefdist; Collision chz, clz; bool shrunk; int psectlotag; struct player_struct* p; p = &ps[snum]; auto pact = p->GetActor(); p->horizon.resetadjustment(); p->angle.resetadjustment(); ESyncBits& actions = p->sync.actions; auto sb_fvel = PlayerInputForwardVel(snum); auto sb_svel = PlayerInputSideVel(snum); auto sb_avel = PlayerInputAngVel(snum); auto psectp = p->cursector; if (psectp == nullptr) { if (pact->spr.extra > 0 && ud.clipping == 0) { quickkill(p); S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, pact); } psectp = §or[0]; } psectlotag = psectp->lotag; p->spritebridge = 0; shrunk = (pact->spr.yrepeat < 32); getzrange(p->pos, psectp, &cz, chz, &fz, clz, 163, CLIPMASK0); j = getflorzofslopeptr(psectp, p->pos.X, p->pos.Y); p->truefz = j; p->truecz = getceilzofslopeptr(psectp, p->pos.X, p->pos.Y); truefdist = abs(p->pos.Z - j); if (clz.type == kHitSector && psectlotag == 1 && truefdist > gs.playerheight + (16 << 8)) psectlotag = 0; pact->floorz = fz; pact->ceilingz = cz; if (SyncInput()) { p->horizon.backup(); doslopetilting(p); } if (chz.type == kHitSprite) { if (chz.actor()->spr.statnum == 1 && chz.actor()->spr.extra >= 0) { chz.setNone(); cz = p->truecz; } } if (clz.type == kHitSprite) { if ((clz.actor()->spr.cstat & (CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FLOOR | CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK)) == (CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FLOOR | CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK)) { psectlotag = 0; p->footprintcount = 0; p->spritebridge = 1; } else if (badguy(clz.actor()) && clz.actor()->spr.xrepeat > 24 && abs(pact->spr.pos.Z - clz.actor()->spr.pos.Z) < (84 << 8)) { j = getangle(clz.actor()->spr.pos.X - p->pos.X, clz.actor()->spr.pos.Y - p->pos.Y); p->posxv -= bcos(j, 4); p->posyv -= bsin(j, 4); } } if (pact->spr.extra > 0) fi.incur_damage(p); else { pact->spr.extra = 0; p->shield_amount = 0; } p->last_extra = pact->spr.extra; if (p->loogcnt > 0) p->loogcnt--; else p->loogcnt = 0; if (p->fist_incs) { if (endoflevel(snum)) return; } if (p->timebeforeexit > 1 && p->last_extra > 0) { if (timedexit(snum)) return; } if (pact->spr.extra <= 0 && !ud.god) { playerisdead(snum, psectlotag, fz, cz); return; } if (p->transporter_hold > 0) { p->transporter_hold--; if (p->transporter_hold == 0 && p->on_warping_sector) p->transporter_hold = 2; } if (p->transporter_hold < 0) p->transporter_hold++; if (p->newOwner != nullptr) { p->posxv = p->posyv = pact->spr.xvel = 0; fi.doincrements(p); if (isWW2GI() && aplWeaponWorksLike(p->curr_weapon, snum) == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) processweapon(snum, actions); if (!isWW2GI() && p->curr_weapon == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) processweapon(snum, actions); return; } doubvel = TICSPERFRAME; checklook(snum,actions); int ii = 40; if (p->on_crane != nullptr) goto HORIZONLY; p->playerweaponsway(pact->spr.xvel); pact->spr.xvel = clamp(ksqrt((p->pos.X - p->bobposx) * (p->pos.X - p->bobposx) + (p->pos.Y - p->bobposy) * (p->pos.Y - p->bobposy)), 0, 512); if (p->on_ground) p->bobcounter += p->GetActor()->spr.xvel >> 1; p->backuppos(ud.clipping == 0 && (p->cursector->floorpicnum == MIRROR || !p->insector())); // Shrinking code if (psectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { underwater(snum, actions, fz, cz); } else if (p->jetpack_on) { operateJetpack(snum, actions, psectlotag, fz, cz, shrunk); } else if (psectlotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER) { movement(snum, actions, psectp, fz, cz, shrunk, truefdist, psectlotag); } p->psectlotag = psectlotag; //Do the quick lefts and rights if (movementBlocked(p)) { doubvel = 0; p->posxv = 0; p->posyv = 0; } else if (SyncInput()) { //p->ang += syncangvel * constant //ENGINE calculates angvel for you // may still be needed later for demo recording sb_avel = p->adjustavel(sb_avel); p->angle.applyinput(sb_avel, &actions); } if (p->spritebridge == 0 && pact->spr.insector()) { j = pact->spr.sector()->floorpicnum; if (j == PURPLELAVA || pact->spr.sector()->ceilingpicnum == PURPLELAVA) { if (p->boot_amount > 0) { p->boot_amount--; p->inven_icon = 7; if (p->boot_amount <= 0) checkavailinven(p); } else { if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pact, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN, pact); SetPlayerPal(p, PalEntry(32, 0, 8, 0)); pact->spr.extra--; } } k = 0; if (p->on_ground && truefdist <= gs.playerheight + (16 << 8)) { int whichsound = j == HURTRAIL ? 0 : j == FLOORSLIME ? 1 : j == FLOORPLASMA ? 2 : -1; if (j >= 0) k = makepainsounds(snum, whichsound); } if (k) { FTA(75, p); p->boot_amount -= 2; if (p->boot_amount <= 0) checkavailinven(p); } } if (p->posxv || p->posyv || sb_fvel || sb_svel) { p->crack_time = CRACK_TIME; k = bsin(p->bobcounter, -12); if (truefdist < gs.playerheight + (8 << 8) && (k == 1 || k == 3)) { if (p->spritebridge == 0 && p->walking_snd_toggle == 0 && p->on_ground) { switch (psectlotag) { case 0: if (clz.type == kHitSprite) j = clz.actor()->spr.picnum; else j = psectp->floorpicnum; switch (j) { case PANNEL1: case PANNEL2: S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_WALKINDUCTS, pact); p->walking_snd_toggle = 1; break; } break; case 1: if ((krand() & 1) == 0) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_ONWATER, pact); p->walking_snd_toggle = 1; break; } } } else if (p->walking_snd_toggle > 0) p->walking_snd_toggle--; if (p->jetpack_on == 0 && p->steroids_amount > 0 && p->steroids_amount < 400) doubvel <<= 1; p->posxv += ((sb_fvel * doubvel) << 6); p->posyv += ((sb_svel * doubvel) << 6); bool check; if (!isWW2GI()) check = ((p->curr_weapon == KNEE_WEAPON && p->kickback_pic > 10 && p->on_ground) || (p->on_ground && (actions & SB_CROUCH))); else check = ((aplWeaponWorksLike(p->curr_weapon, snum) == KNEE_WEAPON && p->kickback_pic > 10 && p->on_ground) || (p->on_ground && (actions & SB_CROUCH))); if (check) { p->posxv = MulScale(p->posxv, gs.playerfriction - 0x2000, 16); p->posyv = MulScale(p->posyv, gs.playerfriction - 0x2000, 16); } else { if (psectlotag == 2) { p->posxv = MulScale(p->posxv, gs.playerfriction - 0x1400, 16); p->posyv = MulScale(p->posyv, gs.playerfriction - 0x1400, 16); } else { p->posxv = MulScale(p->posxv, gs.playerfriction, 16); p->posyv = MulScale(p->posyv, gs.playerfriction, 16); } } if (abs(p->posxv) < 2048 && abs(p->posyv) < 2048) p->posxv = p->posyv = 0; if (shrunk) { p->posxv = MulScale(p->posxv, gs.playerfriction - (gs.playerfriction >> 1) + (gs.playerfriction >> 2), 16); p->posyv = MulScale(p->posyv, gs.playerfriction - (gs.playerfriction >> 1) + (gs.playerfriction >> 2), 16); } } HORIZONLY: if (psectlotag == 1 || p->spritebridge == 1) ii = (4L << 8); else ii = (20L << 8); if (p->insector() && p->cursector->lotag == 2) k = 0; else k = 1; Collision clip{}; if (ud.clipping) { p->pos.X += p->posxv >> 14; p->pos.Y += p->posyv >> 14; updatesector(p->pos.X, p->pos.Y, &p->cursector); ChangeActorSect(pact, p->cursector); } else clipmove(p->pos, &p->cursector, p->posxv, p->posyv, 164, (4 << 8), ii, CLIPMASK0, clip); if (p->jetpack_on == 0 && psectlotag != 2 && psectlotag != 1 && shrunk) p->pos.Z += 32 << 8; if (clip.type != kHitNone) checkplayerhurt_d(p, clip); if (p->jetpack_on == 0) { if (pact->spr.xvel > 16) { if (psectlotag != 1 && psectlotag != 2 && p->on_ground) { p->pycount += 52; p->pycount &= 2047; p->pyoff = abs(pact->spr.xvel * bsin(p->pycount)) / 1596; } } else if (psectlotag != 2 && psectlotag != 1) p->pyoff = 0; } // RBG*** SetActor(pact, { p->pos.X, p->pos.Y, p->pos.Z + gs.playerheight }); if (psectlotag < 3) { psectp = pact->spr.sector(); if (ud.clipping == 0 && psectp->lotag == 31) { auto secact = barrier_cast(psectp->hitagactor); if (secact && secact->spr.xvel && secact->temp_data[0] == 0) { quickkill(p); return; } } } if (truefdist < gs.playerheight && p->on_ground && psectlotag != 1 && shrunk == 0 && p->insector() && p->cursector->lotag == 1) if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pact, DUKE_ONWATER)) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_ONWATER, pact); if (p->cursector != pact->spr.sector()) ChangeActorSect(pact, p->cursector); if (ud.clipping == 0) j = (pushmove(&p->pos, &p->cursector, 164L, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0) < 0 && furthestangle(p->GetActor(), 8) < 512); else j = 0; if (ud.clipping == 0) { if (abs(pact->floorz - pact->ceilingz) < (48 << 8) || j) { if (!(pact->spr.sector()->lotag & 0x8000) && (isanunderoperator(pact->spr.sector()->lotag) || isanearoperator(pact->spr.sector()->lotag))) fi.activatebysector(pact->spr.sector(), pact); if (j) { quickkill(p); return; } } else if (abs(fz - cz) < (32 << 8) && isanunderoperator(psectp->lotag)) fi.activatebysector(psectp, pact); } // center_view if (actions & SB_CENTERVIEW || p->hard_landing) { playerCenterView(snum); } else if (actions & SB_LOOK_UP) { playerLookUp(snum, actions); } else if (actions & SB_LOOK_DOWN) { playerLookDown(snum, actions); } else if (actions & SB_AIM_UP) { playerAimUp(snum, actions); } else if (actions & SB_AIM_DOWN) { // aim_down playerAimDown(snum, actions); } if (SyncInput()) { p->horizon.applyinput(GetPlayerHorizon(snum), &actions); } p->checkhardlanding(); //Shooting code/changes if (p->show_empty_weapon > 0) { p->show_empty_weapon--; if (p->show_empty_weapon == 0) { if (p->last_full_weapon == GROW_WEAPON) p->subweapon |= (1 << GROW_WEAPON); else if (p->last_full_weapon == SHRINKER_WEAPON) p->subweapon &= ~(1 << GROW_WEAPON); fi.addweapon(p, p->last_full_weapon); return; } } dokneeattack(snum, { FEM1, FEM2, FEM3, FEM4, FEM5, FEM6, FEM7, FEM8, FEM9, FEM10, PODFEM1, NAKED1, STATUE }); if (fi.doincrements(p)) return; if (p->weapon_pos != 0) { if (p->weapon_pos == -9) { if (p->last_weapon >= 0) { p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 10; // if(p->curr_weapon == KNEE_WEAPON) p->kickback_pic = 1; p->last_weapon = -1; } else if (p->holster_weapon == 0) p->oweapon_pos = p->weapon_pos = 10; } else p->weapon_pos--; } // HACKS processweapon(snum, actions); } END_DUKE_NS