//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Nuke.YKT Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" #include "names_r.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "dukeactor.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS void dojaildoor(); void moveminecart(); void ballreturn(DDukeActor* spr); void pinsectorresetdown(sectortype* sect); int pinsectorresetup(sectortype* sect); int checkpins(sectortype* sect); void resetpins(sectortype* sect); void resetlanepics(void); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void check_fta_sounds_r(DDukeActor* actor) { if (actor->spr.extra > 0) switch (actor->spr.picnum) { case COOT: // LIZTROOP if (!isRRRA() && (krand() & 3) == 2) S_PlayActorSound(PRED_RECOG, actor); break; case BILLYCOCK: case BILLYRAY: case BRAYSNIPER: // PIGCOP S_PlayActorSound(PIG_RECOG, actor); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void addweapon_r(player_struct* p, int weapon, bool wswitch) { int cw = p->curr_weapon; if (p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat) { p->gotweapon[weapon] = true;; if (weapon == THROWSAW_WEAPON) { p->gotweapon[BUZZSAW_WEAPON] = true; p->ammo_amount[BUZZSAW_WEAPON] = 1; } else if (weapon == CROSSBOW_WEAPON) { p->gotweapon[CHICKEN_WEAPON] = true; p->gotweapon[DYNAMITE_WEAPON] = true; } else if (weapon == SLINGBLADE_WEAPON) { p->ammo_amount[SLINGBLADE_WEAPON] = 1; } return; } if (p->gotweapon[weapon] == 0) { p->gotweapon[weapon] = true;; if (weapon == THROWSAW_WEAPON) { p->gotweapon[BUZZSAW_WEAPON] = true; p->ammo_amount[BUZZSAW_WEAPON] = 1; } if (isRRRA()) { if (weapon == CROSSBOW_WEAPON) { p->gotweapon[CHICKEN_WEAPON] = true; } if (weapon == SLINGBLADE_WEAPON) { p->ammo_amount[SLINGBLADE_WEAPON] = 50; } } if (weapon == CROSSBOW_WEAPON) { p->gotweapon[DYNAMITE_WEAPON] = true; } if (weapon != DYNAMITE_WEAPON) cw = weapon; } else cw = weapon; if (!wswitch) return; if (weapon == DYNAMITE_WEAPON) p->last_weapon = -1; p->random_club_frame = 0; if (p->holster_weapon == 0) { p->weapon_pos = -1; p->last_weapon = p->curr_weapon; } else { p->weapon_pos = 10; p->holster_weapon = 0; p->last_weapon = -1; } p->okickback_pic = p->kickback_pic = 0; p->curr_weapon = cw; p->wantweaponfire = -1; switch (weapon) { case SLINGBLADE_WEAPON: if (!isRRRA()) break; case KNEE_WEAPON: case DYNAMITE_WEAPON: case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: case THROWINGDYNAMITE_WEAPON: break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: S_PlayActorSound(SHOTGUN_COCK, p->GetActor()); break; case PISTOL_WEAPON: S_PlayActorSound(INSERT_CLIP, p->GetActor()); break; default: S_PlayActorSound(EJECT_CLIP, p->GetActor()); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void hitradius_r(DDukeActor* actor, int r, int hp1, int hp2, int hp3, int hp4) { double radius = r * inttoworld; static const uint8_t statlist[] = { STAT_DEFAULT, STAT_ACTOR, STAT_STANDABLE, STAT_PLAYER, STAT_FALLER, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR, STAT_MISC }; if (actor->spr.scale.X >= 0.17675 || !(actor->spr.picnum == RPG || ((isRRRA()) && actor->spr.picnum == RPG2))) { BFSSectorSearch search(actor->sector()); while (auto dasectp = search.GetNext()) { if ((dasectp->ceilingz- actor->spr.pos.Z) < radius * 16) // what value range is this supposed to be? The check that was here did not multiply correctly { auto wal = dasectp->walls.Data(); double d = (wal->pos - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Sum(); if (d < radius) fi.checkhitceiling(dasectp); else { auto thirdpoint = wal->point2Wall()->point2Wall(); d = (thirdpoint->pos - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Sum(); if (d < radius) fi.checkhitceiling(dasectp); } } for (auto& wal : dasectp->walls) { if ((wal.pos - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Sum() < radius) { if (wal.twoSided()) { search.Add(wal.nextSector()); } DVector3 w1(((wal.pos + wal.point2Wall()->pos) * 0.5 + actor->spr.pos) * 0.5, actor->spr.pos.Z); // half way between the actor and the wall's center. sectortype* sect = wal.sectorp(); updatesector(w1, §); if (sect && cansee(w1, sect, actor->spr.pos, actor->sector())) fi.checkhitwall(actor, &wal, DVector3(wal.pos, actor->spr.pos.Z), actor->spr.picnum); } } } } double q = zrand(32) - 24; auto Owner = actor->GetOwner(); for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) { DukeStatIterator it1(statlist[x]); while (auto act2 = it1.Next()) { if (x == 0 || x >= 5 || actorflag(act2, SFLAG_HITRADIUS_FLAG1)) { if (act2->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL) if ((actor->spr.pos - act2->spr.pos).Length() < radius) { if (badguy(act2) && !cansee(act2->spr.pos.plusZ(q), act2->sector(), actor->spr.pos.plusZ(q), actor->sector())) continue; fi.checkhitsprite(act2, actor); } } else if (act2->spr.extra >= 0 && act2 != actor && (actorflag(act2, SFLAG_HITRADIUS_FLAG2) || badguy(act2) || (act2->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL))) { if (actor->spr.picnum == MORTER && act2 == Owner) { continue; } if ((isRRRA()) && actor->spr.picnum == CHEERBOMB && act2 == Owner) { continue; } double dist = (actor->getPosWithOffsetZ() - act2->spr.pos).Length(); if (dist < radius && cansee(act2->spr.pos.plusZ(-8), act2->sector(), actor->spr.pos.plusZ(-12), actor->sector())) { if ((isRRRA()) && act2->spr.picnum == MINION && act2->spr.pal == 19) { continue; } act2->hitang = (act2->spr.pos - actor->spr.pos).Angle(); if (actor->spr.picnum == RPG && act2->spr.extra > 0) act2->attackertype = RPG; else if ((isRRRA()) && actor->spr.picnum == RPG2 && act2->spr.extra > 0) act2->attackertype = RPG; else act2->attackertype = RADIUSEXPLOSION; if (dist < radius / 3) { if (hp4 == hp3) hp4++; act2->hitextra = hp3 + (krand() % (hp4 - hp3)); } else if (dist < 2 * radius / 3) { if (hp3 == hp2) hp3++; act2->hitextra = hp2 + (krand() % (hp3 - hp2)); } else if (dist < radius) { if (hp2 == hp1) hp2++; act2->hitextra = hp1 + (krand() % (hp2 - hp1)); } if (!actorflag(act2, SFLAG2_NORADIUSPUSH) && !bossguy(act2)) { if (act2->vel.X < 0) act2->vel.X = 0; act2->vel.X += ((actor->spr.extra / 4.)); } if (actorflag(act2, SFLAG_HITRADIUSCHECK)) fi.checkhitsprite(act2, actor); if (act2->spr.picnum != RADIUSEXPLOSION && Owner && Owner->spr.statnum < MAXSTATUS) { if (act2->isPlayer()) { int p = act2->PlayerIndex(); if (ps[p].newOwner != nullptr) { clearcamera(&ps[p]); } } act2->SetHitOwner(actor->GetOwner()); } } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int movesprite_ex_r(DDukeActor* actor, const DVector3& change, unsigned int cliptype, Collision &result) { int bg = badguy(actor); if (actor->spr.statnum == 5 || (bg && actor->spr.scale.X < 0.0625)) { actor->spr.pos += change; if (bg) SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); return result.setNone(); } auto dasectp = actor->sector(); auto ppos = actor->spr.pos; ppos.Z -= (tileHeight(actor->spr.picnum) * actor->spr.scale.Y) * 0.5; if (bg) { if (actor->spr.scale.X > 0.9375 ) clipmove(ppos, &dasectp, change * 0.5, 64., 4., 4., cliptype, result); else { clipmove(ppos, &dasectp, change * 0.5, 12., 4., 4., cliptype, result); } if (dasectp == nullptr || (dasectp != nullptr && actor->actorstayput != nullptr && actor->actorstayput != dasectp)) { if (dasectp && dasectp->lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = randomAngle(); else if ((actor->temp_data[0] & 3) == 1) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = randomAngle(); SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); if (dasectp == nullptr) dasectp = §or[0]; return result.setSector(dasectp); } if ((result.type == kHitWall || result.type == kHitSprite) && (actor->cgg == 0)) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += DAngle45 + DAngle90; } else { if (actor->spr.statnum == STAT_PROJECTILE) clipmove(ppos, &dasectp, change * 0.5, 0.5, 4., 4., cliptype, result); else clipmove(ppos, &dasectp, change * 0.5, actor->clipdist, 4., 4., cliptype, result); } actor->spr.pos.XY() = ppos.XY(); if (dasectp) if ((dasectp != actor->sector())) ChangeActorSect(actor, dasectp); double daz = actor->spr.pos.Z + change.Z * 0.5; if (daz > actor->ceilingz && daz <= actor->floorz) actor->spr.pos.Z = daz; else if (result.type == kHitNone) return result.setSector(dasectp); return result.type; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lotsoffeathers_r(DDukeActor *actor, int n) { lotsofstuff(actor, n, FEATHER); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ifhitbyweapon_r(DDukeActor *actor) { int p; auto hitowner = actor->GetHitOwner(); if (actor->hitextra >= 0) { if (actor->spr.extra >= 0) { if (actor->isPlayer()) { if (ud.god) return -1; p = actor->PlayerIndex(); if (hitowner && hitowner->isPlayer() && ud.coop == 1 && ud.ffire == 0) return -1; actor->spr.extra -= actor->hitextra; if (hitowner) { if (actor->spr.extra <= 0 && actor->attackertype != FREEZEBLAST) { actor->spr.extra = 0; ps[p].wackedbyactor = hitowner; if (hitowner->isPlayer() && p != hitowner->PlayerIndex()) { ps[p].frag_ps = hitowner->PlayerIndex(); } actor->SetHitOwner(ps[p].GetActor()); } } if (attackerflag(actor, SFLAG2_DOUBLEDMGTHRUST)) { ps[p].vel.XY() += actor->hitang.ToVector() * actor->hitextra * 0.25; } else { ps[p].vel.XY() += actor->hitang.ToVector() * actor->hitextra * 0.125; } } else { if (actor->hitextra == 0) if (actor->spr.scale.X < 0.375) return -1; actor->spr.extra -= actor->hitextra; auto Owner = actor->GetOwner(); if (!actorflag(actor, SFLAG2_IGNOREHITOWNER) && Owner && Owner->spr.statnum < MAXSTATUS) actor->SetOwner(hitowner); } actor->hitextra = -1; return actor->attackertype; } } actor->hitextra = -1; return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void movefallers_r(void) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_FALLER); while (auto act = it.Next()) { auto sectp = act->sector(); if (act->temp_data[0] == 0) { act->spr.pos.Z -= 16; DAngle saved_angle = act->spr.Angles.Yaw; int x = act->spr.extra; int j = fi.ifhitbyweapon(act); if (j >= 0) { if (gs.actorinfo[j].flags2 & SFLAG2_EXPLOSIVE) { if (act->spr.extra <= 0) { act->temp_data[0] = 1; DukeStatIterator itr(STAT_FALLER); while (auto ac2 = itr.Next()) { if (ac2->spr.hitag == act->spr.hitag) { ac2->temp_data[0] = 1; ac2->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDE; if (ac2->spr.picnum == CEILINGSTEAM || ac2->spr.picnum == STEAM) ac2->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; } } } } else { act->hitextra = 0; act->spr.extra = x; } } act->spr.Angles.Yaw = saved_angle; act->spr.pos.Z += 16; } else if (act->temp_data[0] == 1) { if (act->spr.lotag > 0) { act->spr.lotag -= 3; act->vel.X = 4 + krandf(8); act->vel.Z = -4 + krandf(4); } else { if (act->vel.X > 0) { act->vel.X -= 1/8.; ssp(act, CLIPMASK0); } double grav; if (floorspace(act->sector())) grav = 0; else { if (ceilingspace(act->sector())) grav = gs.gravity / 6; else grav = gs.gravity; } if (act->spr.pos.Z < sectp->floorz - 1) { act->vel.Z += grav; if (act->vel.Z > 24) act->vel.Z = 24; act->spr.pos.Z += act->vel.Z; } if ((sectp->floorz - act->spr.pos.Z) < 16) { int j = 1 + (krand() & 7); for (int x = 0; x < j; x++) RANDOMSCRAP(act); act->Destroy(); } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void movestandables_r(void) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_STANDABLE); while (auto act = it.Next()) { int picnum = act->spr.picnum; if (!act->insector() || actorflag(act, SFLAG2_DIENOW)) { act->Destroy(); continue; } if (act->GetClass() != RUNTIME_CLASS(DDukeActor)) { CallTick(act); continue; } else if (isIn(picnum, EXPLODINGBARREL, WOODENHORSE, HORSEONSIDE, FIREBARREL, FIREVASE, NUKEBARREL, NUKEBARRELDENTED, NUKEBARRELLEAKED, TOILETWATER, RUBBERCAN, STEAM, CEILINGSTEAM)) { double x; int p = findplayer(act, &x); execute(act, p, x); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void moveweapons_r(void) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_PROJECTILE); while (auto proj = it.Next()) { if (!proj->insector() || actorflag(proj, SFLAG2_DIENOW)) { proj->Destroy(); continue; } if (proj->GetClass() != RUNTIME_CLASS(DDukeActor)) { CallTick(proj); continue; } switch (proj->spr.picnum) { case SHOTSPARK1: { double x; int p = findplayer(proj, &x); execute(proj, p, x); continue; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void movetransports_r(void) { uint8_t warpdir = 0, warpspriteto; int k, p, sectlotag; int onfloorz; double ll, ll2 = 0; Collision coll; //Transporters DukeStatIterator iti(STAT_TRANSPORT); while (auto act = iti.Next()) { auto sectp = act->sector(); sectlotag = sectp->lotag; auto Owner = act->GetOwner(); if (Owner == act || Owner == nullptr) { continue; } onfloorz = act->temp_data[4]; if (act->temp_data[0] > 0) act->temp_data[0]--; DukeSectIterator itj(act->sector()); while (auto act2 = itj.Next()) { switch (act2->spr.statnum) { case STAT_PLAYER: // Player if (act2->GetOwner()) { p = act2->PlayerIndex(); ps[p].on_warping_sector = 1; if (ps[p].transporter_hold == 0 && ps[p].jumping_counter == 0) { if (ps[p].on_ground && sectlotag == 0 && onfloorz && ps[p].jetpack_on == 0) { spawn(act, TRANSPORTERBEAM); S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, act); for (k = connecthead; k >= 0; k = connectpoint2[k]) if (ps[k].cursector == Owner->sector()) { ps[k].frag_ps = p; ps[k].GetActor()->spr.extra = 0; } ps[p].Angles.setYaw(Owner->spr.Angles.Yaw, true); if (Owner->GetOwner() != Owner) { act->temp_data[0] = 13; Owner->temp_data[0] = 13; ps[p].transporter_hold = 13; } ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos = Owner->spr.pos.plusZ(4); ps[p].GetActor()->backuppos(); ps[p].setbobpos(); ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); ps[p].setCursector(act2->sector()); auto beam = spawn(Owner, TRANSPORTERBEAM); if (beam) S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, beam); break; } } else break; if (onfloorz == 0 && fabs(act->spr.pos.Z - ps[p].GetActor()->getOffsetZ()) < 24) if ((ps[p].jetpack_on == 0) || (ps[p].jetpack_on && PlayerInput(p, SB_JUMP)) || (ps[p].jetpack_on && PlayerInput(p, SB_CROUCH))) { ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY(); ps[p].GetActor()->backupvec2(); if (ps[p].jetpack_on && (PlayerInput(p, SB_JUMP) || ps[p].jetpack_on < 11)) ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos.Z = Owner->spr.pos.Z - 24 + gs.playerheight; else ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos.Z = Owner->spr.pos.Z + 24 + gs.playerheight; ps[p].GetActor()->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); ps[p].setCursector(Owner->sector()); break; } k = 0; if (isRRRA()) { if (onfloorz && sectlotag == ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT && ps[p].GetActor()->getOffsetZ() > sectp->floorz - 48) { k = 2; ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->ceilingz + 7 + gs.playerheight; ps[p].GetActor()->backupz(); } if (onfloorz && sectlotag == ST_161_CEILING_TELEPORT && ps[p].GetActor()->getOffsetZ() < sectp->ceilingz + 6) { k = 2; if (ps[p].GetActor()->spr.extra <= 0) break; ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->floorz - 49 + gs.playerheight; ps[p].GetActor()->backupz(); } } if ((onfloorz && sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && ps[p].GetActor()->getOffsetZ() > sectp->floorz - 6) || (onfloorz && sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && ps[p].OnMotorcycle)) { if (ps[p].OnBoat) break; k = 1; if (screenpeek == p) { FX_StopAllSounds(); } S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_UNDERWATER, ps[p].GetActor()); ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->ceilingz + 7 + gs.playerheight; ps[p].GetActor()->backupz(); if (ps[p].OnMotorcycle) ps[p].moto_underwater = 1; } if (onfloorz && sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER && ps[p].GetActor()->getOffsetZ() < sectp->ceilingz + 6) { k = 1; if (ps[p].GetActor()->spr.extra <= 0) break; if (screenpeek == p) { FX_StopAllSounds(); } S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_GASP, ps[p].GetActor()); ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->floorz - 7 + gs.playerheight; ps[p].GetActor()->backupz(); } if (k == 1) { ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY(); ps[p].GetActor()->backupvec2(); if (Owner->GetOwner() != Owner) ps[p].transporter_hold = -2; ps[p].setCursector(Owner->sector()); ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); if ((krand() & 255) < 32) spawn(ps[p].GetActor(), WATERSPLASH2); } else if (isRRRA() && k == 2) { ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY(); ps[p].GetActor()->backupvec2(); if (Owner->GetOwner() != Owner) ps[p].transporter_hold = -2; ps[p].setCursector(Owner->sector()); ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); } } break; case STAT_ACTOR: case STAT_PROJECTILE: case STAT_MISC: case STAT_DUMMYPLAYER: if (actorflag(act, SFLAG2_DONTDIVE)) continue; ll = abs(act2->vel.Z); if (isRRRA()) { if (act2->vel.Z >= 0) warpdir = 2; else warpdir = 1; } { warpspriteto = 0; if (ll && sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER && act2->spr.pos.Z < (sectp->ceilingz + ll)) warpspriteto = 1; if (ll && sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && act2->spr.pos.Z > (sectp->floorz - ll)) warpspriteto = 1; if (isRRRA()) { if (ll && sectlotag == ST_161_CEILING_TELEPORT && act2->spr.pos.Z < (sectp->ceilingz + ll) && warpdir == 1) { warpspriteto = 1; ll2 = ll - abs(act2->spr.pos.Z - sectp->ceilingz); } else if (sectlotag == ST_161_CEILING_TELEPORT && act2->spr.pos.Z < (sectp->ceilingz + 3.90625) && warpdir == 1) { warpspriteto = 1; ll2 = zmaptoworld; } if (ll && sectlotag == ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT && act2->spr.pos.Z > (sectp->floorz - ll) && warpdir == 2) { warpspriteto = 1; ll2 = ll - abs(sectp->floorz - act2->spr.pos.Z); } else if (sectlotag == ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT && act2->spr.pos.Z > (sectp->floorz - 3.90625) && warpdir == 2) { warpspriteto = 1; ll2 = zmaptoworld; } } if (sectlotag == 0 && (onfloorz || abs(act2->spr.pos.Z - act->spr.pos.Z) < 16)) { if (Owner->GetOwner() != Owner && onfloorz && act->temp_data[0] > 0 && act2->spr.statnum != 5) { act->temp_data[0]++; continue; } warpspriteto = 1; } if (warpspriteto) { if (actorflag(act2, SFLAG_NOTELEPORT)) continue; switch (act2->spr.picnum) { case PLAYERONWATER: if (sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { act2->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; break; } [[fallthrough]]; default: if (act2->spr.statnum == 5 && !(sectlotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER || sectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER || (isRRRA() && (sectlotag == ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT || sectlotag == ST_161_CEILING_TELEPORT)))) break; [[fallthrough]]; case WATERBUBBLE: if (rnd(192) && act2->spr.picnum == WATERBUBBLE) break; if (sectlotag > 0) { auto spawned = spawn(act2, WATERSPLASH2); if (spawned && sectlotag == 1 && act2->spr.statnum == 4) { spawned->vel.X = act2->vel.X * 0.5; spawned->spr.Angles.Yaw = act2->spr.Angles.Yaw; ssp(spawned, CLIPMASK0); } } switch (sectlotag) { case ST_0_NO_EFFECT: if (onfloorz) { if (checkcursectnums(act->sector()) == -1 && checkcursectnums(Owner->sector()) == -1) { act2->spr.pos += (Owner->spr.pos - act->spr.pos.XY()).plusZ(-Owner->sector()->floorz); act2->spr.Angles.Yaw = Owner->spr.Angles.Yaw; act2->backupang(); auto beam = spawn(act, TRANSPORTERBEAM); if (beam) S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, beam); beam = spawn(Owner, TRANSPORTERBEAM); if (beam) S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, beam); if (Owner->GetOwner() != Owner) { act->temp_data[0] = 13; Owner->temp_data[0] = 13; } ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); } } else { act2->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY(); act2->spr.pos.Z = Owner->spr.pos.Z + 16; act2->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); } break; case ST_1_ABOVE_WATER: act2->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY(); act2->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->ceilingz + ll; act2->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); break; case ST_2_UNDERWATER: act2->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY(); act2->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->ceilingz - ll; act2->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); break; case 160: if (!isRRRA()) break; act2->spr.pos.XY() += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY(); act2->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->ceilingz + ll2; act2->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); movesprite_ex(act2, DVector3(act2->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * act2->vel.X, 0), CLIPMASK1, coll); break; case 161: if (!isRRRA()) break; act2->spr.pos += Owner->spr.pos.XY() - act->spr.pos.XY(); act2->spr.pos.Z = Owner->sector()->floorz - ll; act2->backupz(); ChangeActorSect(act2, Owner->sector()); movesprite_ex(act2, DVector3(act2->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * act2->vel.X, 0), CLIPMASK1, coll); break; } break; } } } break; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void rrra_specialstats() { Collision coll; DukeStatIterator it(118); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->spr.hitag > 1) act->spr.hitag = 0; if (act->spr.hitag == 0) { act->spr.extra++; if (act->spr.extra >= 20) act->spr.hitag = 1; } else if (act->spr.hitag == 1) { act->spr.extra--; if (act->spr.extra <= -20) act->spr.hitag = 0; } movesprite_ex(act, DVector3(0, 0, act->spr.extra / 256.), CLIPMASK0, coll); } if (ps[screenpeek].MamaEnd > 0) { ps[screenpeek].MamaEnd--; if (ps[screenpeek].MamaEnd == 0) { CompleteLevel(nullptr); } } if (enemysizecheat > 0) { DukeSpriteIterator itr; while (auto act = itr.Next()) { switch (act->spr.picnum) { //case 4049: //case 4050: case BILLYCOCK: case BILLYRAY: case BILLYRAYSTAYPUT: case BRAYSNIPER: case DOGRUN: case LTH: case HULKJUMP: case HULK: case HULKSTAYPUT: case HEN: case DRONE: case PIG: case MINION: case MINIONSTAYPUT: case UFO1_RRRA: case UFO2: case UFO3: case UFO4: case UFO5: case COOT: case COOTSTAYPUT: case VIXEN: case BIKERB: case BIKERBV2: case BIKER: case MAKEOUT: case CHEERB: case CHEER: case CHEERSTAYPUT: case COOTPLAY: case BILLYPLAY: case MINIONBOAT: case HULKBOAT: case CHEERBOAT: case RABBIT: case MAMA: if (enemysizecheat == 3) { act->spr.scale *= 2; act->setClipDistFromTile(); } else if (enemysizecheat == 2) { act->spr.scale *= 0.5; act->clipdist = act->spr.scale.X, tileHeight(act->spr.picnum) * 0.125; } break; } } enemysizecheat = 0; } it.Reset(121); while (auto act = it.Next()) { act->spr.extra++; if (act->spr.extra < 100) { if (act->spr.extra == 90) { act->spr.picnum--; if (act->spr.picnum < PIG + 7) act->spr.picnum = PIG + 7; act->spr.extra = 1; } movesprite_ex(act, DVector3(0, 0, -300/256.), CLIPMASK0, coll); if (act->sector()->ceilingz+ 4 > act->spr.pos.Z) { act->spr.picnum = 0; act->spr.extra = 100; } } else if (act->spr.extra == 200) { // This was really 10 and not (10 << 8)! SetActor(act, DVector3(act->spr.pos.X, act->spr.pos.Y, act->sector()->floorz - 10 * zmaptoworld)); act->spr.extra = 1; act->spr.picnum = PIG + 11; spawn(act, TRANSPORTERSTAR); } } it.Reset(STAT_RABBITSPAWN); while (auto act = it.Next()) { CallTick(act); } it.Reset(116); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->spr.extra) { if (act->spr.extra == act->spr.lotag) S_PlaySound(183); act->spr.extra--; int j = movesprite_ex(act, DVector3(act->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * act->spr.hitag / 16., act->spr.hitag / 128.), CLIPMASK0, coll); if (j > 0) { S_PlayActorSound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE, act); act->Destroy(); } if (act->spr.extra == 0) { S_PlaySound(215); act->Destroy(); ud.earthquaketime = 32; SetPlayerPal(&ps[myconnectindex], PalEntry(32, 32, 32, 48)); } } } it.Reset(123); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->spr.lotag == 5) if (!S_CheckSoundPlaying(330)) S_PlayActorSound(330, act); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // this one's a hack. Can only be replaced with something better when // the switch code has been redone. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void resetswitch(int tag) { DukeStatIterator it2(STAT_DEFAULT); while (auto act2 = it2.Next()) { if (act2->spr.picnum == DIPSWITCH3ON) if (act2->spr.hitag == tag) act2->spr.picnum = DIPSWITCH3; } } void rr_specialstats() { tickstat(STAT_LUMBERMILL); if (ud.chickenplant) { tickstat(STAT_CHICKENPLANT); } DukeStatIterator it(STAT_BOWLING); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->spr.picnum == BOWLINGPINSPOT) if (act->spr.lotag == 100) { auto pst = pinsectorresetup(act->sector()); if (pst) { act->spr.lotag = 0; if (act->spr.extra == 1) { pst = checkpins(act->sector()); if (!pst) { act->spr.extra = 2; } } if (act->spr.extra == 2) { act->spr.extra = 0; resetpins(act->sector()); } } } } it.Reset(STAT_TELEPORT); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->spr.picnum == RRTELEPORT) { double xx; int p = findplayer(act, &xx); if (xx < 128) { DukeStatIterator it2(STAT_TELEPORT); while (auto act2 = it2.Next()) { if (act2->spr.picnum == RRTELEPORTDEST) { ps[p].Angles.setYaw(act2->spr.Angles.Yaw, true); ps[p].GetActor()->spr.pos = act2->spr.pos.plusZ(-36 + gs.playerheight); ps[p].GetActor()->backuppos(); ps[p].setbobpos(); auto pact = ps[p].GetActor(); ChangeActorSect(pact, act2->sector()); ps[p].setCursector(pact->sector()); S_PlayActorSound(70, act2); act2->Destroy(); } } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void heavyhbomb(DDukeActor *actor) { auto sectp = actor->sector(); int l; double xx; auto Owner = actor->GetOwner(); if ((actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE)) { actor->temp_data[2]--; if (actor->temp_data[2] <= 0) { S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, actor); spawn(actor, TRANSPORTERSTAR); actor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; } return; } int p = findplayer(actor, &xx); makeitfall(actor); if (sectp->lotag != 1 && (!isRRRA() || sectp->lotag != ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT) && actor->spr.pos.Z >= actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F && actor->spr.yint < 3) { if (actor->spr.yint > 0 || (actor->spr.yint == 0 && actor->floorz == sectp->floorz)) { if (actor->spr.picnum != CHEERBOMB) S_PlayActorSound(PIPEBOMB_BOUNCE, actor); else { actor->temp_data[3] = 1; actor->temp_data[4] = 1; l = 0; goto DETONATEB; } } actor->vel.Z = -(4 - actor->spr.yint); if (actor->sector()->lotag == 2) actor->vel.Z *= 0.25; actor->spr.yint++; } if (actor->spr.picnum != CHEERBOMB && actor->spr.pos.Z < actor->ceilingz + 16 && sectp->lotag != 2) { actor->spr.pos.Z = actor->ceilingz + 16; actor->vel.Z = 0; } Collision coll; movesprite_ex(actor, DVector3(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * actor->vel.X, actor->vel.Z), CLIPMASK0, coll); if (actor->sector()->lotag == 1 && actor->vel.Z == 0) { actor->spr.pos.Z += 32; if (actor->temp_data[5] == 0) { actor->temp_data[5] = 1; spawn(actor, WATERSPLASH2); if (isRRRA() && actor->spr.picnum == MORTER) actor->vel.X = 0; } } else actor->temp_data[5] = 0; if (actor->temp_data[3] == 0 && actor->spr.picnum == MORTER && (coll.type || xx < 844 / 16.)) { actor->temp_data[3] = 1; actor->temp_data[4] = 0; l = 0; actor->vel.X = 0; goto DETONATEB; } if (actor->temp_data[3] == 0 && actor->spr.picnum == CHEERBOMB && (coll.type || xx < 844 / 16.)) { actor->temp_data[3] = 1; actor->temp_data[4] = 0; l = 0; actor->vel.X = 0; goto DETONATEB; } if (Owner && Owner->isPlayer()) l = Owner->PlayerIndex(); else l = -1; if(actor->vel.X > 0) { actor->vel.X -= 5. / 16; if (sectp->lotag == 2) actor->vel.X -= 10. / 16; if(actor->vel.X < 0) actor->vel.X = 0; if (int(actor->vel.X * 16) & 8) actor->spr.cstat ^= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } if (coll.type == kHitWall) { auto wal = coll.hitWall; fi.checkhitwall(actor, wal, actor->spr.pos, actor->spr.picnum); if (actor->spr.picnum == CHEERBOMB) { actor->temp_data[3] = 1; actor->temp_data[4] = 0; l = 0; actor->vel.X = 0; goto DETONATEB; } DAngle k = wal->delta().Angle(); actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = k * 2 - actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; actor->vel.X *= 0.5; } DETONATEB: if (actor->temp_data[3] == 1) { actor->temp_data[4]++; if (actor->temp_data[4] == 2) { int x = actor->spr.extra; int m = gs.morterblastradius; if (actor->sector()->lotag != 800) { fi.hitradius(actor, m, x >> 2, x >> 1, x - (x >> 2), x); spawn(actor, EXPLOSION2); if (actor->spr.picnum == CHEERBOMB) spawn(actor, BURNING); S_PlayActorSound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE, actor); for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) RANDOMSCRAP(actor); } } if (actor->spr.scale.Y) { actor->spr.scale.Y = (0); return; } if (actor->temp_data[4] > 20) { actor->Destroy(); return; } if (actor->spr.picnum == CHEERBOMB) { spawn(actor, BURNING); actor->Destroy(); return; } } if (actor->temp_data[0] < 8) actor->temp_data[0]++; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int henstand(DDukeActor *actor) { if (actor->spr.picnum == HENSTAND || actor->spr.picnum == HENSTAND + 1) { actor->spr.lotag--; if (actor->spr.lotag == 0) { spawn(actor, HEN); actor->spr.scale.Zero(); ChangeActorStat(actor, STAT_MISC); return 1; } } if (actor->sector()->lotag == 900) actor->vel.X = 0; if(actor->vel.X != 0) { makeitfall(actor); Collision coll; movesprite_ex(actor, DVector3(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector() * actor->vel.X, actor->vel.Z), CLIPMASK0, coll); if (coll.type) { if (coll.type == kHitWall) { DAngle k = coll.hitWall->delta().Angle(); actor->spr.Angles.Yaw = k * 2 - actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; } else if (coll.type == kHitSprite) { auto hitact = coll.actor(); fi.checkhitsprite(actor, hitact); if (hitact->spr.picnum == HEN) { auto ns = spawn(hitact, HENSTAND); hitact->spr.scale.Zero(); ChangeActorStat(hitact, STAT_MISC); if (ns) { ns->vel.X = 2; ns->spr.lotag = 40; ns->spr.Angles.Yaw = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; } } } } actor->vel.X -= 1/16.; if(actor->vel.X < 0) actor->vel.X = 0; actor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; if (actor->spr.picnum == BOWLINGPIN) { actor->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP & ESpriteFlags::FromInt(int(actor->vel.X * 16)); actor->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP & ESpriteFlags::FromInt(int(actor->vel.X * 16)); if (krand() & 1) actor->spr.picnum = BOWLINGPIN + 1; } else if (actor->spr.picnum == HENSTAND) { actor->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP & ESpriteFlags::FromInt(int(actor->vel.X * 16)); actor->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP & ESpriteFlags::FromInt(int(actor->vel.X * 16)); if (krand() & 1) actor->spr.picnum = HENSTAND + 1; if (actor->vel.X == 0) return 2;//actor->Destroy(); still needs to run a script but should not do on a deleted object } if (actor->spr.picnum == BOWLINGPIN || (actor->spr.picnum == BOWLINGPIN + 1 && actor->vel.X == 0)) { return 2;//actor->Destroy(); still needs to run a script but should not do on a deleted object } } else if (actor->sector()->lotag == 900) { if (actor->spr.picnum == BOWLINGBALL) ballreturn(actor); actor->Destroy(); return 1; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void moveactors_r(void) { double xx; int p; Collision coll; dojaildoor(); moveminecart(); if (isRRRA()) { rrra_specialstats(); } rr_specialstats(); DukeStatIterator it(STAT_ACTOR); while (auto act = it.Next()) { bool deleteafterexecute = false; // taking a cue here from RedNukem to not run scripts on deleted sprites. if( act->spr.scale.X == 0 || !act->insector() || actorflag(act, SFLAG2_DIENOW)) { act->Destroy(); continue; } auto sectp = act->sector(); if (act->GetClass() != RUNTIME_CLASS(DDukeActor)) { CallTick(act); } else switch(act->spr.picnum) { case BOWLINGBALL: if (act->vel.X != 0) { if(!S_CheckSoundPlaying(356)) S_PlayActorSound(356,act); } else { spawn(act,BOWLINGBALLSPRITE); act->Destroy(); continue; } if (act->sector()->lotag == 900) { S_StopSound(356, nullptr); } [[fallthrough]]; case BOWLINGPIN: case BOWLINGPIN+1: case HENSTAND: case HENSTAND+1: { int todo = henstand(act); if (todo == 2) deleteafterexecute = true; if (todo == 1) continue; break; } case EMPTYBIKE: if (!isRRRA()) break; makeitfall(act); getglobalz(act); if (sectp->lotag == 1) { SetActor(act, DVector3(act->spr.pos.X, act->spr.pos.Y, act->floorz + 16)); } break; case EMPTYBOAT: if (!isRRRA()) break; makeitfall(act); getglobalz(act); break; case POWDERKEG: if (!isRRRA() || (sectp->lotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && sectp->lotag != ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT)) if (act->vel.X != 0) { movesprite_ex(act, DVector3(act->spr.Angles.Yaw.ToVector()* act->vel.X, act->vel.Z), CLIPMASK0, coll); act->vel.X -= 1. / 16.; } break; case CHEERBOMB: if (!isRRRA()) break; [[fallthrough]]; case MORTER: heavyhbomb(act); continue; } if (monsterCheatCheck(act) && badguy(act)) { continue; } p = findplayer(act, &xx); execute(act,p,xx); if (deleteafterexecute) act->Destroy(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void moveexplosions_r(void) // STATNUM 5 { int p; int * t; double xx; DukeStatIterator it(STAT_MISC); while (auto act = it.Next()) { t = &act->temp_data[0]; auto sectp = act->sector(); if (!act->insector() || act->spr.scale.X == 0) { act->Destroy(); continue; } if (act->GetClass() != RUNTIME_CLASS(DDukeActor)) { CallTick(act); continue; } switch (act->spr.picnum) { case SHOTGUNSPRITE: if (act->sector()->lotag == 800) if (act->spr.pos.Z >= act->sector()->floorz - 8) { act->Destroy(); continue; } break; case NEON1: case NEON2: case NEON3: case NEON4: case NEON5: case NEON6: if ((global_random / (act->spr.lotag + 1) & 31) > 4) act->spr.shade = -127; else act->spr.shade = 127; continue; case MUD: act->temp_data[0]++; if (act->temp_data[0] == 1) { if (sectp->floorpicnum != 3073) { act->Destroy(); continue; } if (S_CheckSoundPlaying(22)) S_PlayActorSound(22, act); } if (act->temp_data[0] == 3) { act->temp_data[0] = 0; act->temp_data[1]++; } if (act->temp_data[1] == 5) act->Destroy(); continue; case WATERSPLASH2: watersplash2(act); continue; case FRAMEEFFECT1: frameeffect1(act); continue; case FEATHER + 1: // feather act->spr.pos.Z = act->floorz = getflorzofslopeptr(act->sector(), act->spr.pos.X, act->spr.pos.Y); if (act->sector()->lotag == 800) { act->Destroy(); continue; } break; case FEATHER: if (!money(act, BLOODPOOL)) continue; if (act->sector()->lotag == 800) if (act->spr.pos.Z >= act->sector()->floorz - 8) { act->Destroy(); continue; } break; case BLOODPOOL: if (!bloodpool(act, false)) continue; if (act->sector()->lotag == 800) if (act->spr.pos.Z >= act->sector()->floorz - 8) { act->Destroy(); } continue; case BURNING: case WATERBUBBLE: case SMALLSMOKE: case EXPLOSION2: case EXPLOSION3: case BLOOD: case FORCERIPPLE: case TRANSPORTERSTAR: case TRANSPORTERBEAM: p = findplayer(act, &xx); execute(act, p, xx); continue; case SHELL: case SHOTGUNSHELL: shell(act, false); continue; case GLASSPIECES: case GLASSPIECES1: case GLASSPIECES2: case POPCORN: glasspieces(act); continue; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void handle_se06_r(DDukeActor *actor) { auto sc = actor->sector(); int sh = actor->spr.hitag; int k = sc->extra; if (actor->temp_data[4] > 0) { actor->temp_data[4]--; if (actor->temp_data[4] >= (k - (k >> 3))) actor->vel.X -= (k >> 5) / 16.; if (actor->temp_data[4] > ((k >> 1) - 1) && actor->temp_data[4] < (k - (k >> 3))) actor->vel.X = 0; if (actor->temp_data[4] < (k >> 1)) actor->vel.X += (k >> 5) / 16.; if (actor->temp_data[4] < ((k >> 1) - (k >> 3))) { actor->temp_data[4] = 0; actor->vel.X = k / 16.; if ((!isRRRA() || lastlevel) && hulkspawn) { hulkspawn--; auto ns = spawn(actor, HULK); if (ns) { ns->spr.pos.Z = ns->sector()->ceilingz; ns->spr.pal = 33; } if (!hulkspawn) { ns = CreateActor(actor->sector(), DVector3(actor->spr.pos.XY(), actor->sector()->ceilingz + 466.5), 3677, -8, DVector2(0.25, 0.25), nullAngle, 0., 0., actor, 5); if (ns) { ns->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANS_FLIP | CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT; ns->spr.pal = 7; ns->spr.scale = DVector2(1.25, 3.984375); } ns = spawn(actor, 296); if (ns) { ns->spr.cstat = 0; ns->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; ns->spr.pos.Z = actor->sector()->floorz - 24; } actor->Destroy(); return; } } } } else { actor->vel.X = k / 16.; DukeSectIterator it(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->spr.picnum == UFOBEAM && ufospawn && ++ufocnt == 64) { ufocnt = 0; ufospawn--; const char* pn; if (!isRRRA()) { switch (krand() & 3) { default: case 0: pn = "RedneckUfo1"; break; case 1: pn = "RedneckUfo2"; break; case 2: pn = "RedneckUfo3"; break; case 3: pn = "RedneckUfo4"; break; } } else pn = "RedneckUfoRRRA"; auto ns = spawn(actor, PClass::FindActor(pn)); if (ns) ns->spr.pos.Z = ns->sector()->ceilingz; } } } DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act2 = it.Next()) { if ((act2->spr.lotag == SE_14_SUBWAY_CAR) && (sh == act2->spr.hitag) && (act2->temp_data[0] == actor->temp_data[0])) { act2->vel.X = actor->vel.X; //if( actor->temp_data[4] == 1 ) { if (act2->temp_pos.X == 0) act2->temp_pos.X = (act2->spr.pos - actor->spr.pos).LengthSquared(); int x = Sgn((act2->spr.pos - actor->spr.pos).LengthSquared() - act2->temp_pos.X); if (act2->spr.extra) x = -x; actor->vel.X += x / 16.; } act2->temp_data[4] = actor->temp_data[4]; } } handle_se14(actor, false, RPG, JIBS6); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void moveeffectors_r(void) //STATNUM 3 { clearfriction(); DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act = it.Next()) { auto sc = act->sector(); int st = act->spr.lotag; switch (st) { case SE_0_ROTATING_SECTOR: handle_se00(act); break; case SE_1_PIVOT: //Nothing for now used as the pivot handle_se01(act); break; case SE_6_SUBWAY: handle_se06_r(act); break; case SE_14_SUBWAY_CAR: handle_se14(act, false, RPG, JIBS6); break; case SE_30_TWO_WAY_TRAIN: handle_se30(act, JIBS6); break; case SE_2_EARTHQUAKE: handle_se02(act); break; //Flashing sector lights after reactor EXPLOSION2 case SE_3_RANDOM_LIGHTS_AFTER_SHOT_OUT: handle_se03(act); break; case SE_4_RANDOM_LIGHTS: handle_se04(act); break; //BOSS case SE_5_BOSS: handle_se05(act); break; case SE_8_UP_OPEN_DOOR_LIGHTS: case SE_9_DOWN_OPEN_DOOR_LIGHTS: handle_se08(act, true); break; case SE_10_DOOR_AUTO_CLOSE: handle_se10(act, nullptr); break; case SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR: handle_se11(act); break; case SE_12_LIGHT_SWITCH: handle_se12(act); break; case SE_47_LIGHT_SWITCH: if (isRRRA()) handle_se12(act, 1); break; case SE_48_LIGHT_SWITCH: if (isRRRA()) handle_se12(act, 2); break; case SE_13_EXPLOSIVE: handle_se13(act); break; case SE_15_SLIDING_DOOR: handle_se15(act); break; case SE_16_REACTOR: handle_se16(act, REACTOR, REACTOR2); break; case SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR: handle_se17(act); break; case SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL: handle_se18(act, true); break; case SE_19_EXPLOSION_LOWERS_CEILING: handle_se19(act, BIGFORCE); break; case SE_20_STRETCH_BRIDGE: handle_se20(act); break; case SE_21_DROP_FLOOR: handle_se21(act); break; case SE_22_TEETH_DOOR: handle_se22(act); break; case SE_156_CONVEYOR_NOSCROLL: if (!isRRRA()) break; [[fallthrough]]; case SE_24_CONVEYOR: case SE_34: { handle_se24(act, st != SE_156_CONVEYOR_NOSCROLL, 0.5); break; } case SE_35: handle_se35(act, SMALLSMOKE, EXPLOSION2); break; case SE_25_PISTON: //PISTONS if (act->temp_data[4] == 0) break; handle_se25(act, isRRRA() ? 371 : -1, isRRRA() ? 167 : -1); break; case SE_26: handle_se26(act); break; case SE_27_DEMO_CAM: handle_se27(act); break; case SE_29_WAVES: handle_se29(act); break; case SE_31_FLOOR_RISE_FALL: // True Drop Floor handle_se31(act, false); break; case SE_32_CEILING_RISE_FALL: // True Drop Ceiling handle_se32(act); break; case SE_33_QUAKE_DEBRIS: if (ud.earthquaketime > 0 && (krand() & 7) == 0) RANDOMSCRAP(act); break; case SE_36_PROJ_SHOOTER: if (act->temp_data[0]) { if (act->temp_data[0] == 1) fi.shoot(act, sc->extra, nullptr); else if (act->temp_data[0] == 26 * 5) act->temp_data[0] = 0; act->temp_data[0]++; } break; case SE_128_GLASS_BREAKING: handle_se128(act); break; case SE_130: handle_se130(act, 80, EXPLOSION2); break; case SE_131: handle_se130(act, 40, EXPLOSION2); break; } } //Sloped sin-wave floors! it.Reset(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->spr.lotag != SE_29_WAVES) continue; auto sc = act->sector(); if (sc->walls.Size() != 4) continue; auto wal = &sc->walls[2]; if (wal->nextSector()) alignflorslope(act->sector(), DVector3(wal->pos, wal->nextSector()->floorz)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // game specific part of makeitfall. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- double adjustfall(DDukeActor *actor, double c) { if ((actor->spr.picnum == BIKERB || actor->spr.picnum == CHEERB) && c == gs.gravity) c = gs.gravity * 0.25; else if (actor->spr.picnum == BIKERBV2 && c == gs.gravity) c = gs.gravity * 0.125; return c; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void move_r(DDukeActor *actor, int pnum, int xvel) { DAngle goalang, angdif; double daxvel; int a = actor->spr.hitag; if (a == -1) a = 0; actor->temp_data[0]++; if (a & face_player) { if (ps[pnum].newOwner != nullptr) goalang = (ps[pnum].GetActor()->opos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); else goalang = (ps[pnum].GetActor()->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); angdif = deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, goalang) * 0.25; if (angdif > -DAngle22_5 / 16 && angdif < nullAngle) angdif = nullAngle; actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdif; } if (a & spin) actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += DAngle45 * BobVal(actor->temp_data[0] << 3); if (a & face_player_slow) { if (ps[pnum].newOwner != nullptr) goalang = (ps[pnum].GetActor()->opos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); else goalang = (ps[pnum].GetActor()->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); angdif = DAngle22_5 * 0.25 * Sgn(deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, goalang).Degrees()); // this looks very wrong... actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdif; } if (isRRRA()) { if (a & antifaceplayerslow) { if (ps[pnum].newOwner != nullptr) goalang = ((ps[pnum].GetActor()->opos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle() + DAngle180); else goalang = ((ps[pnum].GetActor()->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle() + DAngle180); angdif = DAngle22_5 * 0.25 * Sgn(deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, goalang).Degrees()); // this looks very wrong... actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdif; } if ((a & jumptoplayer) == jumptoplayer) { if (actor->spr.picnum == CHEER) { if (actor->temp_data[0] < 16) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->temp_data[0] << 4)) * 1.6; } else { if (actor->temp_data[0] < 16) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->temp_data[0] << 4)) * 2; } } if (a & justjump1) { if (actor->spr.picnum == RABBIT) { if (actor->temp_data[0] < 8) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->temp_data[0] << 4)) * 2.133; } else if (actor->spr.picnum == MAMA) { if (actor->temp_data[0] < 8) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->temp_data[0] << 4)) * 1.83; } } if (a & justjump2) { if (actor->spr.picnum == RABBIT) { if (actor->temp_data[0] < 8) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->temp_data[0] << 4)) * 2.667; } else if (actor->spr.picnum == MAMA) { if (actor->temp_data[0] < 8) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->temp_data[0] << 4)) * 2.286; } } if (a & windang) { if (actor->temp_data[0] < 8) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->temp_data[0] << 4) * 2.667); } } else if ((a & jumptoplayer) == jumptoplayer) { if (actor->temp_data[0] < 16) actor->vel.Z -= BobVal(512 + (actor->temp_data[0] << 4)) * 2; } if (a & face_player_smart) { DVector2 newpos = ps[pnum].GetActor()->spr.pos.XY() + (ps[pnum].vel.XY() * (4. / 3.)); goalang = (newpos - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); angdif = deltaangle(actor->spr.Angles.Yaw, goalang) * 0.25; if (angdif > -DAngle22_5 / 16 && angdif < nullAngle) angdif = nullAngle; actor->spr.Angles.Yaw += angdif; } if (actor->temp_data[1] == 0 || a == 0) { if ((badguy(actor) && actor->spr.extra <= 0) || (actor->opos.X != actor->spr.pos.X) || (actor->opos.Y != actor->spr.pos.Y)) { if (!actor->isPlayer()) actor->backupvec2(); SetActor(actor, actor->spr.pos); } if (badguy(actor) && actor->spr.extra <= 0) { if (actor->sector()->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) { if (actor->sector()->shadedsector == 1) { actor->spr.shade += (16 - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } else { actor->spr.shade += (actor->sector()->ceilingshade - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } } else { actor->spr.shade += (actor->sector()->floorshade - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } } return; } auto moveptr = &ScriptCode[actor->temp_data[1]]; if (a & geth) actor->vel.X += (moveptr[0] / 16. - actor->vel.X) * 0.5; if (a & getv) actor->vel.Z += (moveptr[1] / 16. - actor->vel.Z) * 0.5; if (a & dodgebullet) dodge(actor); if (!actor->isPlayer()) alterang(a, actor, pnum); if (abs(actor->vel.X) < 6 / 16.) actor->vel.X = 0; a = badguy(actor); if (actor->vel.X != 0 || actor->vel.Z != 0) { if (a) { if (actor->spr.picnum == DRONE && actor->spr.extra > 0) { if (actor->vel.Z > 0) { double dist = isRRRA() ? 28 : 30; double f = getflorzofslopeptr(actor->sector(), actor->spr.pos.X, actor->spr.pos.Y); actor->floorz = f; if (actor->spr.pos.Z > f - dist) actor->spr.pos.Z = f - dist; } else { double c = getceilzofslopeptr(actor->sector(), actor->spr.pos.X, actor->spr.pos.Y); actor->ceilingz = c; if (actor->spr.pos.Z < c + 50) { actor->spr.pos.Z = c + 50; actor->vel.Z = 0; } } } if (actor->vel.Z > 0 && actor->floorz < actor->spr.pos.Z) actor->spr.pos.Z = actor->floorz; if (actor->vel.Z < 0) { double c = getceilzofslopeptr(actor->sector(), actor->spr.pos.X, actor->spr.pos.Y); if (actor->spr.pos.Z < c + 66) { actor->spr.pos.Z = c + 66; actor->vel.Z *= 0.5; } } } daxvel = actor->vel.X; angdif = actor->spr.Angles.Yaw; if (a) { if (xvel < 960 && actor->spr.scale.X > 0.25 ) { daxvel = -(1024 - xvel) * maptoworld; angdif = (ps[pnum].GetActor()->spr.pos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()).Angle(); if (xvel < 512) { ps[pnum].vel.X = 0; ps[pnum].vel.Y = 0; } else { ps[pnum].vel.XY() *= gs.playerfriction - 0.125; } } else if (!actorflag(actor, SFLAG2_FLOATING)) { if (!*(moveptr + 1)) { if (actor->opos.Z != actor->spr.pos.Z || (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.player_skill < 2)) { if ((actor->temp_data[0] & 1) || ps[pnum].actorsqu == actor) return; else daxvel *= 2; } else { if ((actor->temp_data[0] & 3) || ps[pnum].actorsqu == actor) return; else daxvel *= 4; } } } } if (isRRRA()) { if (actor->sector()->lotag != 1) { switch (actor->spr.picnum) { case MINIONBOAT: case HULKBOAT: case CHEERBOAT: daxvel *= 0.5; break; } } else if (actor->sector()->lotag == 1) { switch (actor->spr.picnum) { case BIKERB: case BIKERBV2: case CHEERB: daxvel *= 0.5; break; } } } Collision coll; actor->movflag = movesprite_ex(actor, DVector3(angdif.ToVector() * daxvel, actor->vel.Z), CLIPMASK0, coll); } if (a) { if (actor->sector()->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) { if (actor->sector()->shadedsector == 1) { actor->spr.shade += (16 - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } else { actor->spr.shade += (actor->sector()->ceilingshade - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; } } else actor->spr.shade += (actor->sector()->floorshade - actor->spr.shade) >> 1; if (actor->sector()->floorpicnum == MIRROR) actor->Destroy(); } } void fakebubbaspawn(DDukeActor *actor, int g_p) { fakebubba_spawn++; switch (fakebubba_spawn) { default: break; case 1: spawn(actor, PIG); break; case 2: spawn(actor, MINION); break; case 3: spawn(actor, CHEER); break; case 4: spawn(actor, VIXEN); operateactivators(666, &ps[g_p]); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // special checks in fall that only apply to RR. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int fallspecial(DDukeActor *actor, int playernum) { int sphit = 0; if (isRRRA()) { if (actor->sector()->lotag == 801) { if (actor->spr.picnum == ROCK) { spawn(actor, ROCK2); spawn(actor, ROCK2); addspritetodelete(); } return 0; } else if (actor->sector()->lotag == 802) { if (!actor->isPlayer() && badguy(actor) && actor->spr.pos.Z == actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F) { spawnguts(actor, PClass::FindActor("DukeJibs6"), 5); S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, actor); addspritetodelete(); } return 0; } else if (actor->sector()->lotag == 803) { if (actor->spr.picnum == ROCK2) addspritetodelete(); return 0; } } if (actor->sector()->lotag == 800) { if (actor->spr.picnum == 40) { addspritetodelete(); return 0; } if (!actor->isPlayer() && (badguy(actor) || actor->spr.picnum == HEN || actor->spr.picnum == COW || actor->spr.picnum == PIG || actor->spr.picnum == DOGRUN || actor->spr.picnum == RABBIT) && (!isRRRA() || actor->spriteextra < 128)) { actor->spr.pos.Z = actor->floorz - FOURSLEIGHT_F; actor->vel.Z = 8000 / 256.; actor->spr.extra = 0; actor->spriteextra++; sphit = 1; } else if (!actor->isPlayer()) { if (!actor->spriteextra) addspritetodelete(); return 0; } actor->attackertype = SHOTSPARK1; actor->hitextra = 1; } else if (isRRRA() && (actor->sector()->floorpicnum == RRTILE7820 || actor->sector()->floorpicnum == RRTILE7768)) { if (actor->spr.picnum != MINION && actor->spr.pal != 19) { if ((krand() & 3) == 1) { actor->attackertype = SHOTSPARK1; actor->hitextra = 5; } } } return sphit; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void fall_r(DDukeActor* ac, int g_p) { fall_common(ac, g_p, JIBS6, DRONE, BLOODPOOL, SHOTSPARK1, 69, 158, fallspecial); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void destroyit(DDukeActor *actor) { int lotag = 0, hitag = 0; DDukeActor* spr = nullptr; DukeSectIterator it1(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it1.Next()) { if (a2->spr.picnum == RRTILE63) { lotag = a2->spr.lotag; spr = a2; if (a2->spr.hitag) hitag = a2->spr.hitag; } } DukeStatIterator it(STAT_DESTRUCT); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { auto it_sect = a2->sector(); if (hitag && hitag == a2->spr.hitag) { DukeSectIterator its(it_sect); while (auto a3 = its.Next()) { if (a3->spr.picnum == DESTRUCTO) { a3->attackertype = SHOTSPARK1; a3->hitextra = 1; } } } if (spr && spr->sector() != it_sect) if (lotag == a2->spr.lotag) { auto sect = spr->sector(); auto destsect = spr->sector(); auto srcsect = it_sect; auto destwal = destsect->walls.Data(); auto srcwal = srcsect->walls.Data(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < destsect->walls.Size(); i++, srcwal++, destwal++) { destwal->picnum = srcwal->picnum; destwal->overpicnum = srcwal->overpicnum; destwal->shade = srcwal->shade; destwal->xrepeat = srcwal->xrepeat; destwal->yrepeat = srcwal->yrepeat; destwal->xpan_ = srcwal->xpan_; destwal->ypan_ = srcwal->ypan_; if (isRRRA() && destwal->twoSided()) { destwal->cstat = 0; destwal->nextWall()->cstat = 0; } } destsect->setfloorz(srcsect->floorz); destsect->setceilingz(srcsect->ceilingz); destsect->ceilingstat = srcsect->ceilingstat; destsect->floorstat = srcsect->floorstat; destsect->ceilingpicnum = srcsect->ceilingpicnum; destsect->ceilingheinum = srcsect->ceilingheinum; destsect->ceilingshade = srcsect->ceilingshade; destsect->ceilingpal = srcsect->ceilingpal; destsect->ceilingxpan_ = srcsect->ceilingxpan_; destsect->ceilingypan_ = srcsect->ceilingypan_; destsect->floorpicnum = srcsect->floorpicnum; destsect->floorheinum = srcsect->floorheinum; destsect->floorshade = srcsect->floorshade; destsect->floorpal = srcsect->floorpal; destsect->floorxpan_ = srcsect->floorxpan_; destsect->floorypan_ = srcsect->floorypan_; destsect->visibility = srcsect->visibility; destsect->keyinfo = srcsect->keyinfo; destsect->lotag = srcsect->lotag; destsect->hitag = srcsect->hitag; destsect->extra = srcsect->extra; destsect->dirty = EDirty::AllDirty; } } it1.Reset(actor->sector()); while (auto a2 = it1.Next()) { switch (a2->spr.picnum) { case DESTRUCTO: case RRTILE63: case TORNADO: case APLAYER: case COOT: break; default: a2->Destroy(); break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mamaspawn(DDukeActor *actor) { if (mamaspawn_count) { mamaspawn_count--; spawn(actor, RABBIT); } } bool spawnweapondebris_r(int picnum) { return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void thunder(void); void think_r(void) { thinktime.Reset(); thinktime.Clock(); movefta(); //ST 2 moveweapons_r(); //ST 4 moveplayers(); //ST 10 movefallers_r(); //ST 12 moveexplosions_r(); //ST 5 actortime.Reset(); actortime.Clock(); moveactors_r(); //ST 1 actortime.Unclock(); moveeffectors_r(); //ST 3 movestandables_r(); //ST 6 doanimations(); tickstat(STAT_FX); //ST 11 if (numplayers < 2 && thunderon) thunder(); thinktime.Unclock(); } END_DUKE_NS