Called 'loop punching'. In addition to duplicating the loop, the inner
portions of the original and cloned loop are made into a new bunch, and
the loop walls are made to be neighbors, linking their movement to each
other. This gives a way to create island sectors with a differing
bunchnum in the midst of an already extended area.
For an extended sector containing a CCW inner loop, select its points
using Ctrl+Shift. Press Ctrl-E to be queried whether to duplicate the
points into the upper or lower extension (even if it's unambiguous).
A number of conditions must be met for a successful 'punch', which
should hopefully be more or less obvious. Among them:
- loop walls should all be red
- the starting wall is only considered among the non-grayed-out ones
- the neighboring sector must not contain points inside or at the loop
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would break out of the 2D mode loop when splitting a sector would exceed
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- Don't crash when sector joining fails under certain circumstances.
- Increase the point lock (Manhattan) distance from 1/16th to 1/8th
of the grid square length, making it easier to snap to vertices not
lying at the grid points with grid lock on
- When drawing walls, don't snap to any of them except the first drawn
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When having drawn N new points (and having one 'free') and pressing
ENTER, the N line segments between the new points are checked one by
one for intersection with every non-grayed-out wall and a wall vertex
is inserted at every intersecting point. This may be viewed as a
prerequisite for a 'cutter' style tool.
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This function only handles the actual insertion, also taking care of
constrained TROR walls. Anything around the inserting such as backing up
drawn walls or snapping the x/y position to the grid is handled outside.
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The main change consist of adding a key press (and release) callback
whose only purpose is to be used from m32script as EVENT_KEYPRESS.
When entering that event, the RETURN variable will be set to the
keystatus code of the key, and whether it was pressed or released can
be checked by looking at keystatus[] at that code (ifholdkey and
ifhitkey do this). The purpose of this, then, is to be able to remap
keys in a more general (and complicated) fashion than is possible with
the mapster32.cfg 'remap' option. Various other additions build around
this central one:
- add an example EVENT_KEYPRESS to a.m32, among other things emulating
the keypad arrows with Alt-<normal arrows> for notebook convenience;
disabled initially
- a.m32: set 'owner' with Alt-KP2: now Alt-Shift-KP2, because of
collision with the above
- new m32script command: setkey <keycode>, setting keystatus[<keycode>]
to 1 (note: may be restricted to use in EVENT_KEYPRESS only in the
- fix indexing an m32script array with a defined label, there used to
be a 'not a gamevar' error instead
- add the following constant labels for some key codes:
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with no highlighted sectors; and when entering 3D mode, even if there are
highlighted sectors. This should have almost no effect, but I find it cleaner
that way.
- Check map for corruption every time an editing change is done. This was
accidentally disabled when commenting out the undo code (which I've yet
to debug).
git-svn-id: 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
of SPACE and C when in side-view mode. Now, this is accomplished by checking
directly in the overheadeditor code.
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- new mapster32.cfg and OSD variable 'fixmaponsave_sprites', telling the
editor whether to 'fix' the sprite sectnums on saving and entering 3D
mode. Note that a) sprite sectnums are never fixed when 'script_expertmode'
is enabled, as before, and b) sprites that have out-of-bounds sectnums
are still fixed if a proper sector is found
- if saving and some sprite sectnums have thus been tweaked, inform the
mapper on the status line and print the changes in the OSD
- fix update issue similar to an earlier one: when 'saving as', the astub.c-
based file name is now updated too, so saving with Ctrl-S now saves into
the one save with 'save as' (and not the old one)
- don't attempt to recheck wall pointers from scratch (when saving and running
with -check) if it's a TROR map
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last one + this one:
A couple of tweaks against accidental overwriting of maps.
- first, fix a bug where the map name wasn't reset to '' when starting a
new map
- When saving with Ctrl-S, query the user for confirmation and also show the file name
where the map will be written
- when going into the ESC-menu, print the file name where the map will be written
on pressing 'S' above the '(S)ave' text
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cursor, query the mapper to pick one. The joining can still fail afterwards,
which makes it only a semi-automatic helper feature.
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allowed circle-walls started on the unconstrained _other_ side of a constrained
wall. Also fix a potential invalid wall access when inserting a point (pretty
serious, that!)
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also for make-circle (C, SPACE). There's still a TROR corruption happening
probably when inserting on constrained walls, but I've yet to get behind the
real cause.
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some wall drawing state is ripped out from overheadeditor() into a
a file-scope struct (even if we don't yet need it there). If the deleting
touches the first drawn point, the walls drawn so far are cleared.
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overheadeditor() by allocating temp variables in the blocks where they
are needed.
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the nextwall pointers correctly; Add some 'asksave=1' and 'make old-nextwalls
git-svn-id: 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
of the picnums of all sprites, omit the newly inserted sprite itself!
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before, and additionally a mode that doesn't clip against masked walls
and sprites.
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always like this now:
ExtUninit -> (writesetup, misc.)
uninitengine -> (uninitsystem -> (uninit timers, mouse, ...))
Some paths still lead to a plain exit(), like failures in cache1d.c or mdsprite.c
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handled could lead to a bunch whose floors and ceilings covered different
areas. A fix for the reduced functionality arising from this change is
- Rewrite a small portion of code using yax_vnextsec() in game.c.
git-svn-id: 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
Specifically, now also consider the sprite tile's yoffset, and fix an
issue when a tsprite got duplicated 'toward' the viewer. Also add a
couple of tests in
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This makes the latter also correct when testing a map from the editor.
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on the command-line isn't found (instead of saying nothing)
* editor: Move inconsistent (stat&2)/heinum detection into the corruption
checker. This makes a lot of original maps spew countless 'errors', but
it's preferable for new maps since such floors and ceilings could behave
strangely with TROR.
git-svn-id: 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
by using setspritez() instead of setsprite() for the sectnum updating.
* Change 'yax-nextwall(0/1)' to 'upwall/downwall' in the corruption checker, makes it much nicer to read.
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* make Ctrl-Alt-A (formerly 'toggle inner gray walls') now remove all gray walls entirely in 2d mode
* make r_usenewaspect enabled by default
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* fix breaking out of 'switch' blocks and compilation of the 'default' case
* Have a way of assigning 'special function' menu [' F] entries to script states. Writing a string literal after the state name will register the state under that name. Menu names are limited to 24 characters and it's possible to have up to 16 of them.
* new branching command 'ifinteractive', true if a state runs from the menu mentioned above.
* new command: getnumberfromuser <<retvar>> "query_string" <maxnum> <flags>
See 'state collect_teleporting_sectors' in a.m32 for a combined usage of the new functionality.
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* helper feature: when shade preview is enabled, the ceilings and floors of highlighted sectors are shown in pal 6. This makes it possible to highlight the TROR-joining candidate sectors in 3D mode using e.g. 'sethighlightsector searchsector 1' while aiming at the respective ceilings and floors, and get visual feedback.
* when failing TROR-joining early ('no consistent joining combinations found'), print to the console why it failed.
* more Makefile.deps updating
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* New shade/visibility calculation code, which is activated with 'r_usenewshading' (on by default), and is closer to the classic look. Also tweak the FOGSCALE macro to have approximately the same fog distance with all renderers.
* Mapster32: END modifier to RShift. If it's pressed when RShift is released, sprites which are in grayed out sectors are also selected; Make changing shade affect all highlighted sprites in 3D mode (when aiming at one of them).
* some debug code to watch out for suspicious glGenTexture/glDeleteTextures calls, not active.
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First, it is now possible to disable the memcache (which is there to cache the texcache) by setting the new cvar 'r_memcache' to 0. Do this if you're constrained on memory or getting crashes when e.g. doing vidrestart often. Also, the memcache will disable itself (and free its storage, if it's there) the first time it fails to allocate.
Fix a strcpy with identical arguments in game.c and a couple of uninitialized mem accesses related to Polymer lights.
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The main feature is the addition of -mx and -mh command-line parameters to EDuke32 and Mapster32. These parameters include a con and def "module" respectively. This translates into essentially including the file from the bottom of the compiled script.
I fixed the classic buggy behavior of the BROKEHYDROPLANT and REACTOR2 sprites.
I also fixed a small, long-standing bug where FRAMEEFFECT1 blurs are not affected by sector floorpal. You can see one example of this by shrinking the Enforcer on the upper inside of the toppled building in E3L11: Freeway.
I tweaked the Makefile so that it would automatically regenerate the files in the $(OBJ) and $(EOBJ) directories after they are deleted for cleaning.
One final change is a slight positioning cleanup of both programs' --help dialog boxes.
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* slightly tweaked status line, now also displaying the number of bunches
* fix a couple of issues unearthed by valgrind and a TROR nextwall corruption when joining sectors
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* it is now possible to paste (and have an outer red wall automatically) highlighted sectors into a sector that is extended on one side and non-sloped on the other. For this, the highlighted sectors must be in one connected component.
* Make it possible to not display inner gray walls, toggled with Ctrl-Alt-A, but only when no manual grayout (Ctrl-R) is in effect.
* bugfix: don't clear original TROR-nextwall link when duplicating extended highlighted sector
* m32script: protect wall members relevant to TROR
* save autogray (Ctrl-A) and showinnergray (see above) to mapster32.cfg
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