No GC yet, only the classes have been altered and some GC-related features been added.
Full switchover will require adding GC support to all data in the game.
This isn't hooked up yet, currently savegames are non-functional. They will come back once the global actor arrays are no longer relevant for maintenance.
Mainly, gotweapon had to be reverted to a flat bool array to avoid implementing FixedBitArray for the VM.
Also adding a few new tile names and PushV for string arrays.
Storing this in the player_struct is pointless and a relic from having to use real hardware palette switches.
With this now just being a translation index being passed to the backend it can be cheaply retrieved right when used and nowhere else.
Also making some changes to how RRRA's psychedelic cactus handles the projection. This fixes issues with occasionally passing a bad matrix.
The main problem here is that there's two data arrays representing an actor - sprite and hittype and the engine only uses indices for reference.
By setting up hittype to contain a sprite reference, the function and iterator interface can be rewritten to use a single pointer instead to represent an actor.
The main objective is to reduce the number of accesses to the global arrays which constitute the biggest refactoring blocker.
* Struct made up of binangle class units.
* Create signed clone of binangle for use with look_ang and rotscrnang.
* Append currently outgoing function names with `2` at the end to avoid conflict.
* Started with the most complicated game first.
* Struct made up of fixedhoriz class units.
* Append currently outgoing function names with `2` at the end to avoid conflict.
* For Blood/SW, exposes `SB_LOOK_LEFT`/`SB_LOOK_RIGHT` to games, hooking up `q16look_ang` and `q16rotscrnang` within.
* For SW, use Duke & Blood's return to center function and remove `PF_TURN_180` bit.
* For RR, replace a few misused bits with some bools inside of `player_struct`.
* Since bulk of functionality is sourced from Duke (30Hz), apply proper scaling so SW speed matches (40Hz).
* For Duke/SW, we continually apply `SB_CENTERVIEW` only if it was previously a toggled action, similar to Blood.
* For SW, we remove two SW-specific bits (`PF_LOCK_HORIZ` and `PF_LOOKING`) that are no longer needed.
* For Duke, we remove `return_to_center` and just use the `SB_CENTERVIEW` action bit as required.
* For `sethorizon()`, feature set and adjustment speeds are an averaged out accumulation across Duke/SW:
** GameTicRate is factored in for adjustment decisions to provide consistency for SW being the faster game.
** Adjustment amounts are half way between Duke/SW.