mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
- ported the sound code to actors and removed the inline helpers.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 41 additions and 73 deletions
@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@ void moveactors_r(void)
if (sector[s->sectnum].lotag == 900)
S_StopSound(356, -1);
S_StopSound(356, nullptr);
case RRTILE3440:
case RRTILE3440+1:
@ -132,31 +132,6 @@ inline int setsprite(int i, int x, int y, int z)
return ::setsprite(i, x, y, z);
inline int S_PlayActorSound(int soundNum, DDukeActor* spriteNum, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, EChanFlags flags = 0)
return S_PlayActorSound(soundNum, spriteNum ? spriteNum->GetIndex() : -1, channel, flags);
inline void S_StopSound(int sndNum, DDukeActor* actor, int flags = -1)
S_StopSound(sndNum, actor ? actor->GetIndex() : -1, flags);
inline void S_RelinkActorSound(DDukeActor* from, DDukeActor* to)
S_RelinkActorSound(from ? from->GetIndex() : -1, to ? to->GetIndex() : -1);
inline int S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(DDukeActor* a, int soundNum, int channel = 0)
return S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(a->GetIndex(), soundNum, channel);
inline int S_PlaySound3D(int num, DDukeActor * spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, EChanFlags flags = 0)
return S_PlaySound3D(num, spriteNum ? spriteNum->GetIndex() : -1, pos, channel, flags);
inline int ActorToScriptIndex(DDukeActor* a)
if (!a) return -1;
@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ int S_DefineSound(unsigned index, const char *filename, int minpitch, int maxpit
inline bool S_IsAmbientSFX(int spriteNum)
inline bool S_IsAmbientSFX(DDukeActor* actor)
return (sprite[spriteNum].picnum == MUSICANDSFX && sprite[spriteNum].lotag < 999);
return (actor->s.picnum == MUSICANDSFX && actor->s.lotag < 999);
@ -231,13 +231,13 @@ inline bool S_IsAmbientSFX(int spriteNum)
static int GetPositionInfo(int spriteNum, int soundNum, int sectNum,
static int GetPositionInfo(DDukeActor* actor, int soundNum, int sectNum,
const vec3_t *cam, const vec3_t *pos, int *distPtr, FVector3 *sndPos)
// There's a lot of hackery going on here that could be mapped to rolloff and attenuation parameters.
// However, ultimately rolloff would also just reposition the sound source so this can remain as it is.
auto sp = &sprite[spriteNum];
auto sp = &actor->s;
int orgsndist = 0, sndang = 0, sndist = 0, explosion = 0;
auto const* snd = soundEngine->GetUserData(soundNum + 1);
int userflags = snd ? snd[kFlags] : 0;
@ -334,11 +334,12 @@ void DukeSoundEngine::CalcPosVel(int type, const void* source, const float pt[3]
else if (type == SOURCE_Actor)
auto actor = (spritetype*)source;
auto aactor = (DDukeActor*)source;
auto actor = aactor ? &aactor->s : nullptr;
assert(actor != nullptr);
if (actor != nullptr)
GetPositionInfo(int(actor - sprite), chanSound - 1, camsect, campos, &actor->pos, nullptr, pos);
GetPositionInfo(aactor, chanSound - 1, camsect, campos, &actor->pos, nullptr, pos);
if (vel) // DN3D does not properly maintain this.
@ -406,21 +407,19 @@ void GameInterface::UpdateSounds(void)
int S_PlaySound3D(int sndnum, int spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel, EChanFlags flags)
int S_PlaySound3D(int sndnum, DDukeActor* actor, const vec3_t* pos, int channel, EChanFlags flags)
if (sndnum == GENERIC_AMBIENCE1 || sndnum == DUMPSTER_MOVE)
int a = 0;
auto const pl = &ps[myconnectindex];
if (!soundEngine->isValidSoundId(sndnum+1) || !SoundEnabled() || (unsigned)spriteNum >= MAXSPRITES || !playrunning() ||
if (!soundEngine->isValidSoundId(sndnum+1) || !SoundEnabled() || actor == nullptr || !playrunning() ||
(pl->timebeforeexit > 0 && pl->timebeforeexit <= REALGAMETICSPERSEC * 3)) return -1;
sndnum = GetReplacementSound(sndnum);
int userflags = S_GetUserFlags(sndnum);
auto sp = &sprite[spriteNum];
if ((userflags & (SF_DTAG | SF_GLOBAL)) == SF_DTAG)
// Duke-Tag sound does not play in 3D.
@ -429,7 +428,7 @@ int S_PlaySound3D(int sndnum, int spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel, ECh
if (userflags & SF_TALK)
if (snd_speech == 0 || (ud.multimode > 1 && sp->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && sp->yvel != screenpeek && ud.coop != 1)) return -1;
if (snd_speech == 0 || (ud.multimode > 1 && actor->s.picnum == TILE_APLAYER && actor->s.yvel != screenpeek && ud.coop != 1)) return -1;
bool foundone = soundEngine->EnumerateChannels([&](FSoundChan* chan)
auto sid = chan->OrgID;
@ -443,7 +442,7 @@ int S_PlaySound3D(int sndnum, int spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel, ECh
// Fixes a problem with quake06.voc in E3L4.
if (ud.multimode == 1)
spriteNum = pl->i;
actor = pl->GetActor();
@ -454,7 +453,7 @@ int S_PlaySound3D(int sndnum, int spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel, ECh
int32_t camsect;
S_GetCamera(&campos, nullptr, &camsect);
GetPositionInfo(spriteNum, sndnum, camsect, campos, pos, &sndist, &sndpos);
GetPositionInfo(actor, sndnum, camsect, campos, pos, &sndist, &sndpos);
int pitch = S_GetPitch(sndnum);
bool explosion = ((userflags & (SF_GLOBAL | SF_DTAG)) == (SF_GLOBAL | SF_DTAG)) || ((sndnum == PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE || sndnum == LASERTRIP_EXPLODE || sndnum == RPG_EXPLODE));
@ -467,7 +466,7 @@ int S_PlaySound3D(int sndnum, int spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel, ECh
if (sndist > 32767 && sp->picnum != MUSICANDSFX && (userflags & (SF_LOOP | SF_MSFX)) == 0)
if (sndist > 32767 && actor->s.picnum != MUSICANDSFX && (userflags & (SF_LOOP | SF_MSFX)) == 0)
return -1;
if (underwater && (userflags & SF_TALK) == 0)
@ -475,8 +474,8 @@ int S_PlaySound3D(int sndnum, int spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel, ECh
bool is_playing = soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_Any, nullptr, sndnum+1);
if (is_playing && sp->picnum != MUSICANDSFX)
S_StopSound(sndnum, spriteNum);
if (is_playing && actor->s.picnum != MUSICANDSFX)
S_StopSound(sndnum, actor);
int const repeatp = (userflags & SF_LOOP);
@ -493,7 +492,7 @@ int S_PlaySound3D(int sndnum, int spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel, ECh
else attenuation = (userflags & (SF_GLOBAL | SF_DTAG)) == SF_GLOBAL ? ATTN_NONE : ATTN_NORM;
if (userflags & SF_LOOP) flags |= CHANF_LOOP;
auto chan = soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_Actor, &sprite[spriteNum], &sndpos, CHAN_AUTO, flags, sndnum+1, attenuation == ATTN_NONE? 0.8f : 1.f, attenuation, nullptr, S_ConvertPitch(pitch));
auto chan = soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_Actor, actor, &sndpos, CHAN_AUTO, flags, sndnum+1, attenuation == ATTN_NONE? 0.8f : 1.f, attenuation, nullptr, S_ConvertPitch(pitch));
return chan ? 0 : -1;
@ -526,51 +525,46 @@ int S_PlaySound(int sndnum, int channel, EChanFlags flags, float vol)
int S_PlayActorSound(int soundNum, int spriteNum, int channel, EChanFlags flags)
int S_PlayActorSound(int soundNum, DDukeActor* actor, int channel, EChanFlags flags)
return (unsigned)spriteNum >= MAXSPRITES ? S_PlaySound(soundNum, channel, flags) :
S_PlaySound3D(soundNum, spriteNum, &sprite[spriteNum].pos, channel, flags);
return (actor == nullptr ? S_PlaySound(soundNum, channel, flags) :
S_PlaySound3D(soundNum, actor, &actor->s.pos, channel, flags));
void S_RelinkActorSound(int from, int to)
void S_RelinkActorSound(DDukeActor* from, DDukeActor* to)
FVector3 pos = GetSoundPos(&sprite[from].pos);
soundEngine->RelinkSound(SOURCE_Actor, &sprite[from], to == -1 ? nullptr : &sprite[to], &pos);
FVector3 pos = GetSoundPos(&from->s.pos);
soundEngine->RelinkSound(SOURCE_Actor, from, to, &pos);
void S_StopSound(int sndNum, int sprNum, int channel)
void S_StopSound(int sndNum, DDukeActor* actor, int channel)
if (sprNum < -1 || sprNum >= MAXSPRITES) return;
sndNum = GetReplacementSound(sndNum);
if (sprNum == -1) soundEngine->StopSoundID(sndNum+1);
if (!actor) soundEngine->StopSoundID(sndNum+1);
if (channel == -1) soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_Actor, &sprite[sprNum], -1, sndNum + 1);
else soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_Actor, &sprite[sprNum], channel, -1);
if (channel == -1) soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_Actor, actor, -1, sndNum + 1);
else soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_Actor, actor, channel, -1);
// StopSound kills the actor reference so this cannot be delayed until ChannelEnded gets called. At that point the actor may also not be valid anymore.
if (S_IsAmbientSFX(sprNum) && sector[sprite[sprNum].sectnum].lotag < 3) // ST_2_UNDERWATER
hittype[sprNum].temp_data[0] = 0;
if (S_IsAmbientSFX(actor) && sector[actor->s.sectnum].lotag < 3) // ST_2_UNDERWATER
actor->temp_data[0] = 0;
void S_ChangeSoundPitch(int soundNum, int spriteNum, int pitchoffset)
void S_ChangeSoundPitch(int soundNum, DDukeActor* actor, int pitchoffset)
if (spriteNum < -1 || spriteNum >= MAXSPRITES) return;
soundNum = GetReplacementSound(soundNum);
double expitch = pow(2, pitchoffset / 1200.); // I hope I got this right that ASS uses a linear scale where 1200 is a full octave.
if (spriteNum == -1)
if (!actor)
soundEngine->ChangeSoundPitch(SOURCE_Unattached, nullptr, CHAN_AUTO, expitch, soundNum+1);
soundEngine->ChangeSoundPitch(SOURCE_Actor, &sprite[spriteNum], CHAN_AUTO, expitch, soundNum+1);
soundEngine->ChangeSoundPitch(SOURCE_Actor, actor, CHAN_AUTO, expitch, soundNum+1);
@ -580,13 +574,12 @@ void S_ChangeSoundPitch(int soundNum, int spriteNum, int pitchoffset)
int S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(int spriteNum, int soundNum, int channel)
int S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(DDukeActor* actor, int soundNum, int channel)
soundNum = GetReplacementSound(soundNum);
if (spriteNum == -1) return soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_Any, nullptr, soundNum+1);
if ((unsigned)spriteNum >= MAXSPRITES) return false;
return soundEngine->IsSourcePlayingSomething(SOURCE_Actor, &sprite[spriteNum], channel, soundNum+1);
if (actor == nullptr) return soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_Any, nullptr, soundNum+1);
return soundEngine->IsSourcePlayingSomething(SOURCE_Actor, actor, channel, soundNum+1);
// Check if actor <i> is playing any sound.
@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ int S_DefineSound(unsigned index, const char* filename, int ps, int pe, int pr,
void S_WorldTourMappingsForOldSounds();
int S_PlaySound(int num, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, EChanFlags flags = 0, float vol =0.8f);
int S_PlaySound3D(int num, int spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, EChanFlags flags = 0);
int S_PlayActorSound(int soundNum, int spriteNum, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, EChanFlags flags = 0);
void S_RelinkActorSound(int from, int to);
int S_PlaySound3D(int num, DDukeActor* spriteNum, const vec3_t* pos, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, EChanFlags flags = 0);
int S_PlayActorSound(int soundNum, DDukeActor* spriteNum, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, EChanFlags flags = 0);
void S_RelinkActorSound(DDukeActor* from, DDukeActor* to);
void S_MenuSound(void);
void S_StopSound(int sndNum, int sprNum = -1, int flags = -1);
void S_StopSound(int sndNum, DDukeActor* spr = nullptr, int flags = -1);
int S_CheckSoundPlaying(int soundNum);
inline int S_CheckSoundPlaying(int sprnum, int soundNum) { return S_CheckSoundPlaying(soundNum); }
int S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(int spriteNum, int soundNum, int channel = 0);
int S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(DDukeActor* spriteNum, int soundNum, int channel = 0);
int S_CheckAnyActorSoundPlaying(DDukeActor* spriteNum);
void S_ChangeSoundPitch(int soundNum, int spriteNum, int pitchoffset);
void S_ChangeSoundPitch(int soundNum, DDukeActor* spriteNum, int pitchoffset);
int S_GetUserFlags(int sndnum);
inline bool S_IsSoundValid(int num)
Reference in a new issue