- Exhumed: Split out moving blocks code again.

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Richters 2023-03-24 19:16:56 +11:00
parent 830c0b72cf
commit e1f4b8d8e3

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@ -1024,6 +1024,72 @@ static void updatePlayerFloorActor(Player* const pPlayer)
static void doPlayerMovingBlocks(Player* const pPlayer, const Collision& nMove, const DVector3& spr_pos, const DVector3& spr_vel, sectortype* const spr_sect)
const auto pPlayerActor = pPlayer->pActor;
sectortype* sect;
DAngle nNormal = nullAngle;
if (nMove.type == kHitSector)
sect = nMove.hitSector;
// Hm... Normal calculation here was broken.
else //if (nMove.type == kHitWall)
sect = nMove.hitWall->nextSector();
nNormal = nMove.hitWall->normalAngle();
// moving blocks - move this to a separate function!
if (sect != nullptr)
const auto nDiff = absangle(nNormal, pPlayerActor->spr.Angles.Yaw + DAngle180);
if ((sect->hitag == 45) && bTouchFloor && nDiff <= DAngle45)
pPlayer->pPlayerPushSect = sect;
DVector2 vel = pPlayer->vel;
auto nMyAngle = vel.Angle().Normalized360();
MoveSector(sect, nMyAngle, vel);
if (pPlayer->nPlayerPushSound == -1)
const int nBlock = pPlayer->pPlayerPushSect->extra;
pPlayer->nPlayerPushSound = nBlock;
DExhumedActor* pBlockActor = sBlockInfo[nBlock].pActor;
D3PlayFX(StaticSound[kSound23], pBlockActor, 0x4000);
pPlayerActor->spr.pos = spr_pos;
ChangeActorSect(pPlayerActor, spr_sect);
movesprite(pPlayerActor, vel, spr_vel.Z, -20, CLIPMASK0);
else if (pPlayer->nPlayerPushSound != -1)
if (pPlayer->pPlayerPushSect != nullptr)
pPlayer->nPlayerPushSound = -1;
static bool doPlayerMovement(Player* const pPlayer)
const auto pPlayerActor = pPlayer->pActor;
@ -1101,61 +1167,7 @@ static bool doPlayerMovement(Player* const pPlayer)
if (nMove.type == kHitSector || nMove.type == kHitWall)
sectortype* sect;
DAngle nNormal = nullAngle;
if (nMove.type == kHitSector)
sect = nMove.hitSector;
// Hm... Normal calculation here was broken.
else //if (nMove.type == kHitWall)
sect = nMove.hitWall->nextSector();
nNormal = nMove.hitWall->normalAngle();
// moving blocks - move this to a separate function!
if (sect != nullptr)
const auto nDiff = absangle(nNormal, pPlayerActor->spr.Angles.Yaw + DAngle180);
if ((sect->hitag == 45) && bTouchFloor && nDiff <= DAngle45)
pPlayer->pPlayerPushSect = sect;
DVector2 vel = pPlayer->vel;
auto nMyAngle = vel.Angle().Normalized360();
MoveSector(sect, nMyAngle, vel);
if (pPlayer->nPlayerPushSound == -1)
const int nBlock = pPlayer->pPlayerPushSect->extra;
pPlayer->nPlayerPushSound = nBlock;
DExhumedActor* pBlockActor = sBlockInfo[nBlock].pActor;
D3PlayFX(StaticSound[kSound23], pBlockActor, 0x4000);
pPlayerActor->spr.pos = spr_pos;
ChangeActorSect(pPlayerActor, spr_sect);
movesprite(pPlayerActor, vel, spr_vel.Z, -20, CLIPMASK0);
else if (pPlayer->nPlayerPushSound != -1)
if (pPlayer->pPlayerPushSect != nullptr)
pPlayer->nPlayerPushSound = -1;
doPlayerMovingBlocks(pPlayer, nMove, spr_pos, spr_vel, spr_sect);