mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 17:31:14 +00:00
- Exhumed: Tidy up remainder of DrawWeapons()
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 73 additions and 118 deletions
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void SetNewWeaponIfBetter(int nPlayer, int nWeapon);
void SelectNewWeapon(int nPlayer);
void CheckClip(int nPlayer);
void MoveWeapons(int nPlayer);
void DrawWeapons(double interpfrac);
void DrawWeapons(Player* const pPlayer, double interpfrac);
// items
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <assert.h>
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
#include "sequence.h"
#include "gamehud.h"
@ -900,26 +901,22 @@ loc_flag:
void DrawWeapons(double interpfrac)
void DrawWeapons(Player* const pPlayer, double interpfrac)
if (bCamera) {
const auto pPlayerActor = pPlayer->pActor;
const int nWeapon = pPlayer->nCurrentWeapon;
int nWeapon = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nCurrentWeapon;
if (nWeapon < -1) {
if (bCamera || nWeapon < -1)
int nState = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nState;
const int nState = pPlayer->nState;
const int nShade = nWeapon < 0 ? pPlayerActor->spr.shade : pPlayerActor->sector()->ceilingshade;
const double nAlpha = pPlayer->nInvisible ? 0.3 : 1;
const auto weapSeqs = getFileSeqs(WeaponInfo[nWeapon].nSeqFile);
int8_t nShade = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].pActor->sector()->ceilingshade;
int nDouble = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nDouble;
int nPal = kPalNormal;
if (nDouble)
if (pPlayer->nDouble)
if (isRed) {
nPal = kPalRedBrite;
@ -930,63 +927,55 @@ void DrawWeapons(double interpfrac)
nPal = RemapPLU(nPal);
double xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
bool screenalign = false;
const auto weaponOffsets = pPlayer->Angles.getWeaponOffsets(interpfrac);
const auto nAngle = weaponOffsets.second;
double xPos = 160 + weaponOffsets.first.X;
double yPos = 100 + weaponOffsets.first.Y;
if (cl_weaponsway)
double nBobAngle, nVal;
double nBobAngle = bobangle, nTotalVel = pPlayer->totalvel;
if (cl_hudinterpolation)
nBobAngle = interpolatedvalue<double>(obobangle, bobangle, interpfrac);
nVal = interpolatedvalue<double>(PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].ototalvel, PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].totalvel, interpfrac);
nBobAngle = bobangle;
nVal = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].totalvel;
nTotalVel = interpolatedvalue<double>(pPlayer->ototalvel, pPlayer->totalvel, interpfrac);
yOffset = nVal * fabs(BobVal(nBobAngle)) * (1. / 16.);
if (nState == 1)
xOffset = nVal * BobVal(nBobAngle + 512) * (1. / 8.);
xPos += nTotalVel * BobVal(nBobAngle + 512) * (1. / 8.) * (nState == 1);
yPos += nTotalVel * fabs(BobVal(nBobAngle)) * (1. / 16.);
obobangle = bobangle = 512;
if (nWeapon == 3 && nState == 1) {
seq_DrawPilotLightSeq(xOffset, yOffset);
int nStat = false;
if (nWeapon == 3 && nState == 1)
if (!(pPlayer->pPlayerViewSect->Flag & kSectUnderwater))
seq_DrawPilotLightSeq(xPos, yPos, pPlayerActor->spr.Angles.Yaw.Normalized180().Degrees() * 2.);
else if (nWeapon == 8 || nWeapon == 9)
screenalign = true;
nStat |= RS_ALIGN_R;
if (nWeapon < 0) {
nShade = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].pActor->spr.shade;
int nSeqOffset = WeaponInfo[nWeapon].b[nState];
int nFrame = pPlayer->nWeapFrame;
const auto weaponOffsets = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].Angles.getWeaponOffsets(interpfrac);
const auto angle = weaponOffsets.second;
xOffset += weaponOffsets.first.X;
yOffset += weaponOffsets.first.Y;
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](nSeqOffset).frames[nFrame], xPos, yPos, nShade, nPal, nAngle, nAlpha, nStat);
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](WeaponInfo[nWeapon].b[nState]), PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nWeapFrame, xOffset, yOffset, nShade, nPal, angle, screenalign);
int nClip = pPlayer->nPlayerClip;
if (nWeapon != kWeaponM60)
if (nWeapon != kWeaponM60 || nClip <= 0)
switch (nState)
case 0:
case 5:
@ -997,13 +986,6 @@ void DrawWeapons(double interpfrac)
const auto& offsets = offsetTable[nState == 5];
int nClip = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nPlayerClip;
if (nClip <= 0)
int nSeqOffset;
if (nClip <= 3)
nSeqOffset = offsets[0];
@ -1021,42 +1003,37 @@ void DrawWeapons(double interpfrac)
nSeqOffset = offsets[3];
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](nSeqOffset), PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nWeapFrame, xOffset, yOffset, nShade, nPal, angle);
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](nSeqOffset).frames[nFrame], xPos, yPos, nShade, nPal, nAngle, nAlpha);
case 1:
case 2:
int nClip = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nPlayerClip;
int nFrame = nState == 1 ? (nClip % 3) * 4 : PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nWeapFrame;
if (nState == 1)
nFrame = (nClip % 3) * 4;
if (nClip <= 0) {
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](8), nFrame, xOffset, yOffset, nShade, nPal, angle);
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](8).frames[nFrame], xPos, yPos, nShade, nPal, nAngle, nAlpha);
if (nClip <= 3) {
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](9), nFrame, xOffset, yOffset, nShade, nPal, angle);
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](9).frames[nFrame], xPos, yPos, nShade, nPal, nAngle, nAlpha);
if (nClip <= 6) {
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](10), nFrame, xOffset, yOffset, nShade, nPal, angle);
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](10).frames[nFrame], xPos, yPos, nShade, nPal, nAngle, nAlpha);
if (nClip <= 25) {
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](11), nFrame, xOffset, yOffset, nShade, nPal, angle);
seq_DrawGunSequence(weapSeqs->operator[](11).frames[nFrame], xPos, yPos, nShade, nPal, nAngle, nAlpha);
case 3:
case 4:
@ -341,23 +341,17 @@ void seq_LoadSequences()
void seq_DrawPilotLightSeq(double xOffset, double yOffset)
void seq_DrawPilotLightSeq(double xPos, double yPos, double nAngle)
auto pSect = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].pPlayerViewSect;
const auto& seqFrameChunks = getSequence("flamer", 3).frames[0].chunks;
if (!(pSect->Flag & kSectUnderwater))
for (unsigned i = 0; i < seqFrameChunks.Size(); i++)
const auto& pilotlightSeq = getSequence("flamer", 3);
const auto& seqFrame = pilotlightSeq.frames[0];
const auto& frameChunk = seqFrameChunks[i];
const double x = xPos + frameChunk.xpos;
const double y = yPos + frameChunk.ypos;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < seqFrame.chunks.Size(); i++)
const auto& frameChunk = seqFrame.chunks[i];
const double x = frameChunk.xpos + (160 + xOffset);
const double y = frameChunk.ypos + (100 + yOffset);
hud_drawsprite(x, y, 65536, PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].pActor->spr.Angles.Yaw.Normalized180().Degrees() * 2., legacyTileNum(frameChunk.tex), 0, 0, 1);
hud_drawsprite(x, y, 65536, nAngle, legacyTileNum(frameChunk.tex), 0, 0, 1);
@ -367,35 +361,19 @@ void seq_DrawPilotLightSeq(double xOffset, double yOffset)
void seq_DrawGunSequence(const Seq& weapSeq, int16_t frameIndex, double xOffs, double yOffs, int nShade, int nPal, DAngle angle, bool align)
void seq_DrawGunSequence(const SeqFrame& seqFrame, double xPos, double yPos, int nShade, int nPal, DAngle nAngle, double nAlpha, int nStat)
const auto& seqFrame = weapSeq.frames[frameIndex];
if (seqFrame.flags & 4)
nShade = -100;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < seqFrame.chunks.Size(); i++)
const auto& frameChunk = seqFrame.chunks[i];
const double x = xPos + frameChunk.xpos;
const double y = yPos + frameChunk.ypos;
const int frameStat = nStat | (RS_XFLIPHUD * !!(frameChunk.flags & 1)) | (RS_YFLIPHUD * !!(frameChunk.flags & 2));
int x = frameChunk.xpos + 160;
int y = frameChunk.ypos + 100;
int stat = 0;
if (frameChunk.flags & 1)
stat |= RS_XFLIPHUD;
if (frameChunk.flags & 2)
stat |= RS_YFLIPHUD;
if (align) stat |= RS_ALIGN_R;
double alpha = 1;
if (PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nInvisible) {
alpha = 0.3;
hud_drawsprite(x + xOffs, y + yOffs, 65536, angle.Degrees(), legacyTileNum(frameChunk.tex), nShade, nPal, stat, alpha);
hud_drawsprite(x, y, 65536, nAngle.Degrees(), legacyTileNum(frameChunk.tex), nShade, nPal, frameStat, nAlpha);
@ -415,18 +393,20 @@ void seq_PlotArrowSequence(const int nSprite, const FName seqFile, const int16_t
const auto& seqFrame = getSequence(seqFile, seqIndex + seqOffset).frames[frameIndex];
const auto& frameChunk = seqFrame.chunks[0];
auto nStat = pTSprite->cstat | CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER;
if (seqFrame.flags & 4)
pTSprite->shade -= 100;
if (seqOffset & 3) {
else {
pTSprite->cstat = nStat;
pTSprite->shade = (seqFrame.flags & 4) ? pTSprite->shade - 100 : pTSprite->shade;
pTSprite->statnum = seqFrame.chunks.Size();
pTSprite->cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER;
if (seqOffset & 3)
if (frameChunk.flags & 1)
@ -461,16 +441,15 @@ void seq_PlotSequence(const int nSprite, const FName seqFile, const int16_t seqI
const auto fileSeqs = getFileSeqs(seqFile);
const auto& baseFrame = fileSeqs->operator[](seqIndex).frames[frameIndex];
const auto& drawFrame = fileSeqs->operator[](seqIndex + seqOffset).frames[frameIndex];
const auto chunkCount = drawFrame.chunks.Size();
const auto& seqFrame = fileSeqs->operator[](seqIndex + seqOffset).frames[frameIndex];
const auto chunkCount = seqFrame.chunks.Size();
const auto nShade = (baseFrame.flags & 4) ? pTSprite->shade - 100 : pTSprite->shade;
const auto nShade = pTSprite->shade - (100 * !!(fileSeqs->operator[](seqIndex).frames[frameIndex].flags & 4));
const auto nStatnum = (nFlags & 0x100) ? -3 : 100;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
const auto& seqFrameChunk = drawFrame.chunks[i];
const auto& seqFrameChunk = seqFrame.chunks[i];
tspritetype* tsp = mytspriteArray->newTSprite();
tsp->pos = pTSprite->pos;
@ -513,11 +492,10 @@ void seq_PlotSequence(const int nSprite, const FName seqFile, const int16_t seqI
const auto nTexWidth = (int)TexMan.GetGameTexture(drawFrame.getFirstChunkTexture())->GetDisplayWidth();
const auto nTexWidth = (int)TexMan.GetGameTexture(seqFrame.getFirstChunkTexture())->GetDisplayWidth();
const auto nScale = max(((nTexWidth << 5) / nShadowWidth) - int16_t((nFloorZ - pTSprite->pos.Z) * 2.), 1) * REPEAT_SCALE;
pTSprite->pos.Z = pSector->floorz;
pTSprite->scale = DVector2(nScale, nScale);
@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ extern int16_t nPilotLightFrame;
extern int16_t nPilotLightCount;
void seq_LoadSequences();
void seq_DrawGunSequence(const Seq& weapSeq, int16_t frameIndex, double xOffs, double yOffs, int nShade, int nPal, DAngle angle, bool align = false);
void seq_DrawGunSequence(const SeqFrame& seqFrame, double xPos, double yPos, int nShade, int nPal, DAngle nAngle, double nAlpha, int nStat = 0);
void seq_PlotSequence(const int nSprite, const FName seqFile, const int16_t seqIndex, const int16_t frameIndex, const int16_t nFlags);
void seq_PlotArrowSequence(const int nSprite, const FName seqFile, const int16_t seqIndex, const int frameIndex);
void seq_DrawPilotLightSeq(double xOffset, double yOffset);
void seq_DrawPilotLightSeq(double xPos, double yPos, double nAngle);
TArray<Seq>* getFileSeqs(const FName nSeqFile);
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ void DrawView(double interpfrac, bool sceneonly)
if (!nFreeze && !sceneonly)
DrawWeapons(pPlayer, interpfrac);
render_drawrooms(nullptr, nCamerapos, pSector, nCameraangles, interpfrac);
if (HavePLURemap())
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