mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:11:51 +00:00
- removed old sky code.
r_flatsky is now the only option.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 18 additions and 251 deletions
@ -102,8 +102,6 @@ int32_t r_detailmapping = 1;
int32_t r_glowmapping = 1;
int32_t gltexmaxsize = 0; // 0 means autodetection on first run
int32_t gltexmiplevel = 0; // discards this many mipmap levels
int32_t glprojectionhacks = 2;
static FHardwareTexture *polymosttext = 0;
int32_t glrendmode = REND_POLYMOST;
@ -119,7 +117,6 @@ int32_t r_rortexturerange = 0;
int32_t r_rorphase = 0;
int32_t r_yshearing = 0;
int32_t r_flatsky = 1;
// used for fogcalc
static float fogresult, fogresult2;
@ -2580,108 +2577,13 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
if (!usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const ghorizbak = ghoriz;
if (r_flatsky && ! r_yshearing)
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
flatskyrender = 1;
globalshade += globvis2*xdimscale*fviewingrange*(1.f / (64.f * 65536.f * 256.f * 1024.f));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(0.f, fviewingrange);
flatskyrender = 0;
if (r_yshearing)
ghoriz = (qglobalhoriz*(1.f/65536.f)-float(ydimen>>1))*(dapyscale-65536.f)*(1.f/65536.f)+float(ydimen>>1);
float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
float vv[2];
float t = (float)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<dapskybits);
vv[1] = dd*((float)xdimscale*fviewingrange) * (1.f/(daptileyscale*65536.f));
vv[0] = dd*((float)((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y>>1)+dapyoffs)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
int i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i != tilesiz[globalpicnum].y) i += i;
vec3f_t o;
if (playing_rr || ((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y * daptileyscale * (1.f/65536.f)) > 256))
//Hack to draw black rectangle below sky when looking down...
xtex.d = xtex.u = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect * (1.0 / 262144.0);
ytex.u = 0;
ytex.v = double(tilesiz[globalpicnum].y - 1) * ytex.d;
otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d;
otex.u = 0;
otex.v = double(tilesiz[globalpicnum].y - 1) * otex.d;
o.y = ((float)tilesiz[globalpicnum].y*dd-vv[0])/vv[1];
if ((o.y > fy0) && (o.y > fy1))
else if ((o.y > fy0) != (o.y > fy1))
// fy0 fy1
// \ /
//oy---------- oy----------
// \ /
// fy1 fy0
o.x = (o.y-fy0)*(x1-x0)/(fy1-fy0) + x0;
if (o.y > fy0)
skyclamphack = 0;
xtex.d = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = ytex.u = 0;
otex.d = dd;
xtex.u = otex.d * (t * double(((uint64_t)xdimscale * yxaspect) * viewingrange)) *
(1.0 / (16384.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 5.0 * 1024.0));
ytex.v = vv[1];
otex.v = r_parallaxskypanning ? vv[0] + dd*(float)sec->floorypanning*(float)i*(1.f/256.f) : vv[0];
int const npot = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15)) != tilesiz[globalpicnum].x;
int const xpanning = (r_parallaxskypanning?sec->floorxpanning:0);
i = globalpicnum;
float const r = (fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0); //slope of line
o.y = fviewingrange/(ghalfx*256.f); o.z = 1.f/o.y;
int y = ((int32_t)(((x0-ghalfx)*o.y)+fglobalang)>>(11-dapskybits));
float fx = x0;
globalpicnum = dapskyoff[y&((1<<dapskybits)-1)]+i;
if (npot)
fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-fglobalang))*o.z+ghalfx;
int tang = (y<<(11-dapskybits))&2047;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(tang)) * (1.f/2048.f) + xpanning) - xtex.u*fx;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(fglobalang-(y<<(11-dapskybits)))) * (1.f/2048.f) + xpanning) - xtex.u*ghalfx;
o.x = fx; fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-fglobalang))*o.z+ghalfx;
if (fx > x1) { fx = x1; i = -1; }
pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_domost(o.x,(o.x-x0)*r+fy0,fx,(fx-x0)*r+fy0); //flor
while (i >= 0);
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
flatskyrender = 1;
globalshade += globvis2*xdimscale*fviewingrange*(1.f / (64.f * 65536.f * 256.f * 1024.f));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(0.f, fviewingrange);
flatskyrender = 0;
ghoriz = ghorizbak;
else //NOTE: code copied from ceiling code... lots of duplicated stuff :/
@ -2934,116 +2836,18 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
skyzbufferhack = 1;
if (!usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const ghorizbak = ghoriz;
if (r_flatsky && ! r_yshearing)
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
flatskyrender = 1;
globalshade += globvis2*xdimscale*fviewingrange*(1.f / (64.f * 65536.f * 256.f * 1024.f));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(0.f, fviewingrange);
flatskyrender = 0;
if (r_yshearing)
ghoriz = (qglobalhoriz*(1.f/65536.f)-float(ydimen>>1))*(dapyscale-65536.f)*(1.f/65536.f)+float(ydimen>>1);
float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
float vv[2];
float t = (float)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<dapskybits);
vv[1] = dd*((float)xdimscale*fviewingrange) * (1.f/(daptileyscale*65536.f));
vv[0] = dd*((float)((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y>>1)+dapyoffs)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
int i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i != tilesiz[globalpicnum].y) i += i;
vec3f_t o;
if (playing_rr || ((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y * daptileyscale * (1.f/65536.f)) > 256) && !r_yshearing)
//Hack to draw color rectangle above sky when looking up...
xtex.d = xtex.u = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect * (1.0 / -262144.0);
ytex.u = 0;
ytex.v = 0;
otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d;
otex.u = 0;
otex.v = 0;
o.y = -vv[0]/vv[1];
if ((o.y < cy0) && (o.y < cy1))
else if ((o.y < cy0) != (o.y < cy1))
/* cy1 cy0
// / \
//oy---------- oy---------
// / \
// cy0 cy1 */
o.x = (o.y-cy0)*(x1-x0)/(cy1-cy0) + x0;
if (o.y < cy0)
skyclamphack = 0;
xtex.d = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = ytex.u = 0;
otex.d = dd;
xtex.u = otex.d * (t * double(((uint64_t)xdimscale * yxaspect) * viewingrange)) *
(1.0 / (16384.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 5.0 * 1024.0));
ytex.v = vv[1];
otex.v = r_parallaxskypanning ? vv[0] + dd*(float)sec->ceilingypanning*(float)i*(1.f/256.f) : vv[0];
int const npot = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15)) != tilesiz[globalpicnum].x;
int const xpanning = (r_parallaxskypanning?sec->ceilingxpanning:0);
i = globalpicnum;
float const r = (cy1-cy0)/(x1-x0); //slope of line
o.y = fviewingrange/(ghalfx*256.f); o.z = 1.f/o.y;
int y = ((int32_t)(((x0-ghalfx)*o.y)+fglobalang)>>(11-dapskybits));
float fx = x0;
globalpicnum = dapskyoff[y&((1<<dapskybits)-1)]+i;
if (npot)
fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-fglobalang))*o.z+ghalfx;
int tang = (y<<(11-dapskybits))&2047;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(tang)) * (1.f/2048.f) + xpanning) - xtex.u*fx;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(fglobalang-(y<<(11-dapskybits)))) * (1.f/2048.f) + xpanning) - xtex.u*ghalfx;
o.x = fx; fx = (((float) (y<<(11-dapskybits))-fglobalang))*o.z+ghalfx;
if (fx > x1) { fx = x1; i = -1; }
pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_domost(fx,(fx-x0)*r+cy0,o.x,(o.x-x0)*r+cy0); //ceil
while (i >= 0);
if (!usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const ghorizbak = ghoriz;
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
flatskyrender = 1;
globalshade += globvis2 * xdimscale * fviewingrange * (1.f / (64.f * 65536.f * 256.f * 1024.f));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(0.f, fviewingrange);
polymost_domost(x1, cy1, x0, cy0);
flatskyrender = 0;
ghoriz = ghorizbak;
//Skybox code for parallax ceiling!
@ -5053,13 +4857,6 @@ void polymost_dorotatespritemodel(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a,
vec1 = hud->add;
#ifdef POLYMER
if (pr_overridehud) {
vec1.x = pr_hudxadd;
vec1.y = pr_hudyadd;
vec1.z = pr_hudzadd;
if (!(hud->flags & HUDFLAG_NOBOB))
vec2f_t f = { (float)sx * (1.f / 65536.f), (float)sy * (1.f / 65536.f) };
@ -5098,26 +4895,10 @@ void polymost_dorotatespritemodel(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a,
tspr.ang = hud->angadd+globalang;
#ifdef POLYMER
if (pr_overridehud) {
tspr.ang = pr_hudangadd + globalang;
if (dastat & RS_YFLIP) { vec1.x = -vec1.x; vec1.y = -vec1.y; }
// In Polymost, we don't care if the model is very big
#ifdef POLYMER
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMER)
vec3f_t const vec2 = { fglobalposx + (gcosang * vec1.z - gsinang * vec1.x) * 2560.f,
fglobalposy + (gsinang * vec1.z + gcosang * vec1.x) * 2560.f,
fglobalposz + (vec1.y * (2560.f * 0.8f)) };
*(vec3f_t *)&tspr = vec2;
tspr.xrepeat = tspr.yrepeat = 5;
tspr.xrepeat = tspr.yrepeat = 32;
@ -5154,10 +4935,6 @@ void polymost_dorotatespritemodel(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a,
float f = 1.f;
int32_t fov = hud->fov;
#ifdef POLYMER
if (pr_overridehud)
fov = pr_hudfov;
if (fov != -1)
f = 1.f/tanf(((float)fov * 2.56f) * ((.5f * fPI) * (1.0f/2048.f)));
@ -5915,13 +5692,6 @@ static int osdcmd_cvar_set_polymost(osdcmdptr_t parm)
if (xdim == 0 || ydim == 0 || bpp == 0) // video not set up yet
if (r == OSDCMD_OK)
#ifdef POLYMER
if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_pr_maxlightpasses"))
pr_maxlightpasses = r_pr_maxlightpasses;
return r;
@ -5977,13 +5747,10 @@ void polymost_initosdfuncs(void)
{ "r_shadescale","multiplier for shading",(void *) &shadescale, CVAR_FLOAT, 0, 10 },
{ "r_shadescale_unbounded","enable/disable allowance of complete blackness",(void *) &shadescale_unbounded, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },
{ "r_swapinterval","sets the GL swap interval (VSync)",(void *) &vsync, CVAR_INT|CVAR_FUNCPTR, -1, 1 },
{ "r_texturemaxsize","changes the maximum OpenGL texture size limit",(void *) &gltexmaxsize, CVAR_INT | CVAR_NOSAVE, 0, 4096 },
{ "r_texturemiplevel","changes the highest OpenGL mipmap level used",(void *) &gltexmiplevel, CVAR_INT, 0, 6 },
{ "r_texfilter", "changes the texture filtering settings (may require restart)", (void *) &gltexfiltermode, CVAR_INT|CVAR_FUNCPTR, 0, 5 },
{ "r_useindexedcolortextures", "enable/disable indexed color texture rendering", (void *) &r_useindexedcolortextures, CVAR_INT, 0, 1 },
{ "r_yshearing", "enable/disable y-shearing", (void*) &r_yshearing, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },
{ "r_flatsky", "enable/disable flat skies", (void*)& r_flatsky, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },
{ "fixpalette", "", (void*)& fixpalette, CVAR_INT, 0, 256 },
{ "fixpalswap", "", (void*)& fixpalswap, CVAR_INT, 0, 256 },
Reference in a new issue