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synced 2025-03-03 07:21:00 +00:00
Flat parallax skies in Polymost
Patch from Nuke.YKT. git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@8074 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0 # Conflicts: # source/build/src/polymost.cpp # source/build/src/voxmodel.cpp
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 242 additions and 25 deletions
@ -8955,7 +8955,7 @@ killsprite:
for (i = spritesortcnt; i < numSprites; ++i)
@ -8968,7 +8968,7 @@ killsprite:
int32_t numMaskWalls = maskwallcnt;
maskwallcnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numMaskWalls; i++)
@ -9035,7 +9035,7 @@ killsprite:
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMOST)
i = spritesortcnt;
@ -9124,14 +9124,14 @@ killsprite:
debugmask_add(maskwall[maskwallcnt], thewall[maskwall[maskwallcnt]]);
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMOST)
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMOST)
while (spritesortcnt)
@ -9147,7 +9147,7 @@ killsprite:
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMOST)
@ -2082,7 +2082,7 @@ static int32_t polymost_md3draw(md3model_t *m, tspriteptr_t tspr)
float const ypanning = (float)sext->ypanning * (1.f/256.f);
char prevClamp = polymost_getClamp();
polymost_setTexturePosSize({ 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f });
@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ int32_t r_rortexturerange = 0;
int32_t r_rorphase = 0;
int32_t r_yshearing = 0;
int32_t r_flatsky = 1;
// used for fogcalc
static float fogresult, fogresult2;
@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ static GLint polymost1PalswapSizeLoc = -1;
static vec2f_t polymost1PalswapSize = { 0.f, 0.f };
static vec2f_t polymost1PalswapInnerSize = { 0.f, 0.f };
static GLint polymost1ClampLoc = -1;
static float polymost1Clamp = 0.f;
static vec2f_t polymost1Clamp = { 0.f, 0.f };
static GLint polymost1ShadeLoc = -1;
static float polymost1Shade = 0.f;
static GLint polymost1NumShadesLoc = -1;
@ -559,7 +560,7 @@ static void polymost_setCurrentShaderProgram(uint32_t programID)
glUniform2f(polymost1HalfTexelSizeLoc, polymost1HalfTexelSize.x, polymost1HalfTexelSize.y);
glUniform2f(polymost1PalswapPosLoc, polymost1PalswapPos.x, polymost1PalswapPos.y);
glUniform2f(polymost1PalswapSizeLoc, polymost1PalswapInnerSize.x, polymost1PalswapInnerSize.y);
glUniform1f(polymost1ClampLoc, polymost1Clamp);
glUniform2f(polymost1ClampLoc, polymost1Clamp.x, polymost1Clamp.y);
glUniform1f(polymost1ShadeLoc, polymost1Shade);
glUniform1f(polymost1NumShadesLoc, polymost1NumShades);
glUniform1f(polymost1VisFactorLoc, polymost1VisFactor);
@ -625,17 +626,20 @@ static void polymost_setPalswapSize(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
char polymost_getClamp()
return polymost1Clamp;
return polymost1Clamp.x + polymost1Clamp.y*2.0;
void polymost_setClamp(char clamp)
char clampx = clamp&1;
char clampy = clamp>>1;
if (currentShaderProgramID != polymost1CurrentShaderProgramID ||
clamp == polymost1Clamp)
(clampx == polymost1Clamp.x && clampy == polymost1Clamp.y))
polymost1Clamp = clamp;
glUniform1f(polymost1ClampLoc, polymost1Clamp);
polymost1Clamp.x = clampx;
polymost1Clamp.y = clampy;
glUniform2f(polymost1ClampLoc, polymost1Clamp.x, polymost1Clamp.y);
static void polymost_setShade(int32_t shade)
@ -1972,7 +1976,7 @@ void polymost_setupglowtexture(const int32_t texunits, FHardwareTexture* tex)
// +4 means it's a sprite, so wraparound isn't needed
// drawpoly's hack globals
static int32_t pow2xsplit = 0, skyclamphack = 0, skyzbufferhack = 0;
static int32_t pow2xsplit = 0, skyclamphack = 0, skyzbufferhack = 0, flatskyrender = 0;
static float drawpoly_alpha = 0.f;
static uint8_t drawpoly_blend = 0;
@ -2087,6 +2091,8 @@ static void polymost_identityrotmat(void)
static void polymost_flatskyrender(vec2f_t const* const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method);
static void polymost_drawpoly(vec2f_t const * const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method)
if (method == DAMETH_BACKFACECULL ||
@ -2113,6 +2119,13 @@ static void polymost_drawpoly(vec2f_t const * const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32
if (f <= 0) return;
static int32_t skyzbufferhack_pass = 0;
if (flatskyrender && skyzbufferhack_pass == 0)
polymost_flatskyrender(dpxy, n, method);
if (palookup[globalpal] == NULL)
globalpal = 0;
@ -2331,8 +2344,6 @@ static void polymost_drawpoly(vec2f_t const * const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32
; /* do nothing */
static int32_t skyzbufferhack_pass = 0;
if (method & DAMETH_MASKPROPS || fullbright_pass == 2)
float const al = alphahackarray[globalpicnum] != 0 ? alphahackarray[globalpicnum] * (1.f/255.f) :
@ -3977,6 +3988,188 @@ void fgetzsofslope(usectorptr_t sec, float dax, float day, float* ceilz, float *
*florz += (sec->floorheinum*j)/i;
static void polymost_flatskyrender(vec2f_t const* const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method)
flatskyrender = 0;
vec2f_t xys[8];
// Transform polygon to sky coordinates
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
vec3f_t const o = { dpxy[i].x-ghalfx, dpxy[i].y-ghalfy, ghalfx / gvrcorrection };
//Up/down rotation
vec3d_t v = { o.x, o.y * gchang - o.z * gshang, o.z * gchang + o.y * gshang };
float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / v.z;
xys[i].x = v.x * r + ghalfx;
xys[i].y = v.y * r + ghalfy;
float const fglobalang = fix16_to_float(qglobalang);
int32_t dapyscale, dapskybits, dapyoffs, daptileyscale;
int8_t const * dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale);
ghoriz = (qglobalhoriz*(1.f/65536.f)-float(ydimen>>1))*dapyscale*(1.f/65536.f)+float(ydimen>>1);
float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
float vv[2];
float t = (float)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<dapskybits);
vv[1] = dd*((float)xdimscale*fviewingrange) * (1.f/(daptileyscale*65536.f));
vv[0] = dd*((float)((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y>>1)+dapyoffs)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
int ti = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (ti != tilesiz[globalpicnum].y) ti += ti;
vec3f_t o;
skyclamphack = 0;
xtex.d = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = ytex.u = 0;
otex.d = dd;
xtex.u = otex.d * (t * double(((uint64_t)xdimscale * yxaspect) * viewingrange)) *
(1.0 / (16384.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 5.0 * 1024.0));
ytex.v = vv[1];
otex.v = r_parallaxskypanning ? vv[0] + dd*(float)global_cf_ypanning*(float)ti*(1.f/256.f) : vv[0];
float x0 = xys[0].x, x1 = xys[0].x;
for (bssize_t i=n-1; i>=1; i--)
if (xys[i].x < x0) x0 = xys[i].x;
if (xys[i].x > x1) x1 = xys[i].x;
int picnumbak = globalpicnum;
ti = globalpicnum;
o.y = fviewingrange/(ghalfx*256.f); o.z = 1.f/o.y;
int y = ((int32_t)(((x0-ghalfx)*o.y)+fglobalang)>>(11-dapskybits));
float fx = x0;
globalpicnum = dapskyoff[y&((1<<dapskybits)-1)]+ti;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(fglobalang-(y<<(11-dapskybits)))) * (1.f/2048.f) + (float)((r_parallaxskypanning)?global_cf_xpanning:0)) - xtex.u*ghalfx;
o.x = fx; fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-fglobalang))*o.z+ghalfx;
if (fx > x1) { fx = x1; ti = -1; }
vec3d_t otexbak = otex, xtexbak = xtex, ytexbak = ytex;
// Transform texture mapping factors
vec2f_t fxy[3] = { { ghalfx * (1.f - 0.25f), ghalfy * (1.f - 0.25f) },
{ ghalfx, ghalfy * (1.f + 0.25f) },
{ ghalfx * (1.f + 0.25f), ghalfy * (1.f - 0.25f) } };
vec3d_t duv[3] = {
{ (fxy[0].x * xtex.d + fxy[0].y * ytex.d + otex.d),
(fxy[0].x * xtex.u + fxy[0].y * ytex.u + otex.u),
(fxy[0].x * xtex.v + fxy[0].y * ytex.v + otex.v)
{ (fxy[1].x * xtex.d + fxy[1].y * ytex.d + otex.d),
(fxy[1].x * xtex.u + fxy[1].y * ytex.u + otex.u),
(fxy[1].x * xtex.v + fxy[1].y * ytex.v + otex.v)
{ (fxy[2].x * xtex.d + fxy[2].y * ytex.d + otex.d),
(fxy[2].x * xtex.u + fxy[2].y * ytex.u + otex.u),
(fxy[2].x * xtex.v + fxy[2].y * ytex.v + otex.v)
vec2f_t fxyt[3];
vec3d_t duvt[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
vec2f_t const o = { fxy[i].x-ghalfx, fxy[i].y-ghalfy };
vec3f_t const o2 = { o.x, o.y, ghalfx / gvrcorrection };
//Up/down rotation (backwards)
vec3d_t v = { o2.x, o2.y * gchang + o2.z * gshang, o2.z * gchang - o2.y * gshang };
float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / v.z;
fxyt[i].x = v.x * r + ghalfx;
fxyt[i].y = v.y * r + ghalfy;
duvt[i].d = duv[i].d*r;
duvt[i].u = duv[i].u*r;
duvt[i].v = duv[i].v*r;
vec3f_t oxyz[2] = { { (float)(fxyt[1].y - fxyt[2].y), (float)(fxyt[2].y - fxyt[0].y), (float)(fxyt[0].y - fxyt[1].y) },
{ (float)(fxyt[2].x - fxyt[1].x), (float)(fxyt[0].x - fxyt[2].x), (float)(fxyt[1].x - fxyt[0].x) } };
float const rr = 1.f / (oxyz[0].x * fxyt[0].x + oxyz[0].y * fxyt[1].x + oxyz[0].z * fxyt[2].x);
xtex.d = (oxyz[0].x * duvt[0].d + oxyz[0].y * duvt[1].d + oxyz[0].z * duvt[2].d) * rr;
xtex.u = (oxyz[0].x * duvt[0].u + oxyz[0].y * duvt[1].u + oxyz[0].z * duvt[2].u) * rr;
xtex.v = (oxyz[0].x * duvt[0].v + oxyz[0].y * duvt[1].v + oxyz[0].z * duvt[2].v) * rr;
ytex.d = (oxyz[1].x * duvt[0].d + oxyz[1].y * duvt[1].d + oxyz[1].z * duvt[2].d) * rr;
ytex.u = (oxyz[1].x * duvt[0].u + oxyz[1].y * duvt[1].u + oxyz[1].z * duvt[2].u) * rr;
ytex.v = (oxyz[1].x * duvt[0].v + oxyz[1].y * duvt[1].v + oxyz[1].z * duvt[2].v) * rr;
otex.d = duvt[0].d - fxyt[0].x * xtex.d - fxyt[0].y * ytex.d;
otex.u = duvt[0].u - fxyt[0].x * xtex.u - fxyt[0].y * ytex.u;
otex.v = duvt[0].v - fxyt[0].x * xtex.v - fxyt[0].y * ytex.v;
vec2f_t cxy[8];
vec2f_t cxy2[8];
int n2 = 0, n3 = 0;
// Clip to o.x
for (bssize_t i=0; i<n; i++)
int const j = i < n-1 ? i + 1 : 0;
if (xys[i].x >= o.x)
cxy[n2++] = xys[i];
if ((xys[i].x >= o.x) != (xys[j].x >= o.x))
float const r = (o.x - xys[i].x) / (xys[j].x - xys[i].x);
cxy[n2++] = { o.x, (xys[j].y - xys[i].y) * r + xys[i].y };
// Clip to fx
for (bssize_t i=0; i<n2; i++)
int const j = i < n2-1 ? i + 1 : 0;
if (cxy[i].x <= fx)
cxy2[n3++] = cxy[i];
if ((cxy[i].x <= fx) != (cxy[j].x <= fx))
float const r = (fx - cxy[i].x) / (cxy[j].x - cxy[i].x);
cxy2[n3++] = { fx, (cxy[j].y - cxy[i].y) * r + cxy[i].y };
// Transform back to polymost coordinates
for (int i = 0; i < n3; i++)
vec3f_t const o = { cxy2[i].x-ghalfx, cxy2[i].y-ghalfy, ghalfx / gvrcorrection };
//Up/down rotation
vec3d_t v = { o.x, o.y * gchang + o.z * gshang, o.z * gchang - o.y * gshang };
float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / v.z;
cxy[i].x = v.x * r + ghalfx;
cxy[i].y = v.y * r + ghalfy;
polymost_drawpoly(cxy, n3, method|DAMETH_WALL);
otex = otexbak, xtex = xtexbak, ytex = ytexbak;
while (ti >= 0);
globalpicnum = picnumbak;
flatskyrender = 1;
static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
drawpoly_alpha = 0.f;
@ -4133,6 +4326,17 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
if (!usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const ghorizbak = ghoriz;
if (r_flatsky && ! r_yshearing)
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
flatskyrender = 1;
globalshade += globvis2*xdimscale*fviewingrange*(1.f / (64.f * 65536.f * 256.f * 1024.f));
flatskyrender = 0;
if (r_yshearing)
ghoriz = (qglobalhoriz*(1.f/65536.f)-float(ydimen>>1))*(dapyscale-65536.f)*(1.f/65536.f)+float(ydimen>>1);
@ -4183,8 +4387,7 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
skyclamphack = 0;
xtex.d = xtex.v = 0;
@ -4207,7 +4410,8 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
globalpicnum = dapskyoff[y&((1<<dapskybits)-1)]+i;
if (!npot)
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(fglobalang-(y<<(11-dapskybits)))) * (1.f/2048.f) + (float)((r_parallaxskypanning)?sec->floorxpanning:0)) - xtex.u*ghalfx;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(fglobalang-(y<<(11-dapskybits)))) * (1.f/2048.f) + (float)((r_parallaxskypanning)?sec->floorxpanning:0)) - xtex.u*ghalfx;
int32_t picbits = picsiz[globalpicnum]&15;
@ -4221,7 +4425,7 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_domost(o.x,(o.x-x0)*r+fy0,fx,(fx-x0)*r+fy0); //flor
while (i >= 0);
ghoriz = ghorizbak;
else //NOTE: code copied from ceiling code... lots of duplicated stuff :/
@ -4477,6 +4681,18 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
if (!usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const ghorizbak = ghoriz;
if (r_flatsky && ! r_yshearing)
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
flatskyrender = 1;
globalshade += globvis2*xdimscale*fviewingrange*(1.f / (64.f * 65536.f * 256.f * 1024.f));
flatskyrender = 0;
if (r_yshearing)
ghoriz = (qglobalhoriz*(1.f/65536.f)-float(ydimen>>1))*(dapyscale-65536.f)*(1.f/65536.f)+float(ydimen>>1);
@ -4488,7 +4704,7 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
int i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i != tilesiz[globalpicnum].y) i += i;
vec3f_t o;
if (playing_rr || ((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y * daptileyscale * (1.f/65536.f)) > 256))
if (playing_rr || ((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y * daptileyscale * (1.f/65536.f)) > 256) && !r_yshearing)
@ -4567,6 +4783,7 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
while (i >= 0);
ghoriz = ghorizbak;
@ -6807,7 +7024,7 @@ void polymost_dorotatesprite(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16
globvis = 0;
globvis2 = 0;
int32_t const ogpicnum = globalpicnum;
@ -7034,7 +7251,7 @@ void polymost_dorotatesprite(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16
#ifdef POLYMER
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMER)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ uniform vec2 u_halfTexelSize;
uniform vec2 u_palswapPos;
uniform vec2 u_palswapSize;
uniform float u_clamp;
uniform vec2 u_clamp;
uniform float u_shade;
uniform float u_numShades;
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ int32_t polymost_voxdraw(voxmodel_t *m, tspriteptr_t const tspr)
const float phack[2] = { 0, 1.f/256.f };
char prevClamp = polymost_getClamp();
if (!m->texid[globalpal])
m->texid[globalpal] = gloadtex(m->mytex, m->mytexx, m->mytexy, m->is8bit, globalpal);
Reference in a new issue