mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
lunatic bits and pieces
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@2044 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 141 additions and 30 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
local ffi = require("ffi")
-- sector, wall, sprite
---- sector, wall, sprite ----
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
int32_t x, y;
int16_t point2, nextwall, nextsector, cstat;
const int16_t point2, nextwall, nextsector; int16_t cstat;
int16_t picnum, overpicnum;
int8_t shade;
uint8_t pal, xrepeat, yrepeat, xpanning, ypanning;
@ -52,50 +52,130 @@ walltype *wall;
spritetype *sprite;
const int16_t numsectors, numwalls;
const int16_t headspritesect[16384+1], headspritestat[1024+1];
const int16_t prevspritesect[16384], prevspritestat[16384];
const int16_t nextspritesect[16384], nextspritestat[16384];
---- Set up restricted access to ffi.C from lunatic. ----
local ffiC = ffi.C
local det = {} -- dummy empty table
local tmpmt = {
__index = function() error('dummy variable: read access forbidden') end,
__newindex = function() error('dummy variable: write access forbidden') end,
__metatable = true -- forbid setting the metatable
setmetatable(det, tmpmt)
-- GLOBAL gv: provides access to C global *scalars*
gv = {
-- all non-scalars need to be explicitly listed
-- and access to them is redirected to the dummy
-- empty table... this is somewhat ugly
sector = det,
wall = det,
sprite = det,
headspritesect = det, headspritestat = det,
prevspritesect = det, prevspritestat = det,
nextspritesect = det, nextspritestat = det,
local tmpmt = {
__index = ffiC,
__newindex = function() error("cannot create new fields in 'gv'") end,
__metatable = true,
setmetatable(gv, tmpmt)
---- indirect C array access ----
sector = {}
local tmpmt = {
__index = function(tab, key)
if (key >= 0 and key < ffi.C.numsectors) then return ffi.C.sector[key] end
if (key >= 0 and key < ffiC.numsectors) then return ffiC.sector[key] end
error('out-of-bounds sector[] read access')
__newindex = function(tab, key, val) error('cannot write to sector[] structs directly') end
__newindex = function(tab, key, val) error('cannot write to sector[] struct directly') end,
__metatable = true,
setmetatable(sector, tmpmt)
wall = {}
local tmpmt = {
__index = function(tab, key)
if (key >= 0 and key < ffi.C.numwalls) then return ffi.C.wall[key] end
if (key >= 0 and key < ffiC.numwalls) then return ffiC.wall[key] end
error('out-of-bounds wall[] read access')
__newindex = function(tab, key, val) error('cannot write to wall[] structs directly') end
__newindex = function(tab, key, val) error('cannot write to wall[] struct directly') end,
__metatable = true,
setmetatable(wall, tmpmt)
sprite = {}
local tmpmt = {
__index = function(tab, key)
-- MAXSPRITES == 16384
if (key >= 0 and key < 16384) then return ffi.C.sprite[key] end
error('out-of-bounds sprite[] read access')
-- create a safe indirection for a ffi.C array
local function creategtab(ctab, maxidx, name)
local tab = {}
local tmpmt = {
__index = function(tab, key)
if (key>=0 and key < maxidx) then
return ctab[key]
error('out-of-bounds '..name..' read access')
__newindex = function(tab, key, val)
error('cannot write to '..name)
__metatable = true,
setmetatable(tab, tmpmt)
return tab
__newindex = function(tab, key, val) error('cannot write to sprite[] structs directly') end
setmetatable(sprite, tmpmt)
sprite = creategtab(ffiC.sprite, 16384, 'sprite[] struct')
headspritesect = creategtab(ffiC.headspritesect, 16384, 'headspritesect[]')
headspritestat = creategtab(ffiC.headspritestat, 1024, 'headspritestat[]')
nextspritesect = creategtab(ffiC.nextspritesect, 16384, 'nextspritesect[]')
nextspritestat = creategtab(ffiC.nextspritestat, 16384, 'nextspritestat[]')
prevspritesect = creategtab(ffiC.prevspritesect, 16384, 'prevspritesect[]')
prevspritestat = creategtab(ffiC.prevspritestat, 16384, 'prevspritestat[]')
-- yes, this does export a couple of other stuff that users ought not see,
-- but without the ffi.cdef declarations, they will just sit there and
-- refuse to be accessed.
gv = ffi.C
---- per-sector/per-statnum sprite iterators ----
local function iter_spritesofsect(sect, i)
if (i < 0) then
i = ffiC.headspritesect[sect]
i = ffiC.nextspritesect[i]
-- nope, this would create two numeric variables with their initial values, but
-- certainly not references to numsectors and numwalls like we want:
--numsectors = ffi.C.numsectors
--numwalls = ffi.C.numwalls
if (i >= 0) then return i, i end
function spritesofsect(sect)
assert(sect >= 0 and sect < ffiC.numsectors, "passed invalid sectnum to spritesofsect iterator")
return iter_spritesofsect, sect, -1
local function iter_spritesofstat(stat, i)
if (i < 0) then
i = ffiC.headspritestat[stat]
i = ffiC.nextspritestat[i]
if (i >= 0) then return i, i end
function spritesofstat(stat)
assert(stat >= 0 and stat < 1024, "passed invalid statnum to spritesofstat iterator")
return iter_spritesofstat , stat, -1
-- restrict access to potentially unsafe standard Lua modules (not yet done)
os = nil
io = nil
@ -5,4 +5,8 @@ sprite;
headspritesect; headspritestat;
prevspritesect; prevspritestat;
nextspritesect; nextspritestat;
@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
print('--- ELua Test script ---')
local function checkfail(funcstr)
local status, res = pcall(loadstring(funcstr))
if (status) then
print('ERROR: '..funcstr.." DIDN'T fail")
print('SUCCESS: '..funcstr.." failed: "..res)
local i
print('tweaking sector pals')
@ -10,12 +19,30 @@ for i = 0, gv.numsectors/2 do
sector[i].ceilingpal = 2;
checkfail('gv.sprite[0].yrepeat = 100') -- direct gv array access forbidden
print('tweaking some sprites')
for spr in spritesofsect(307) do -- some fence sprites in E1L1
print('spr', spr)
sprite[spr].pal = 6
for spr in spritesofsect(236) do
print('#spr', spr)
print('_G contains:')
for k,v in pairs(_G) do
print(k, v)
checkfail('print(sprite[100000].ceilingpal)') -- oob read access
checkfail('setmetatable(sprite, {})') -- set metatable forbidden
checkfail('sector[-1].ceilingpal = 4') -- oob write access
checkfail('sector[0].wallnum = 0') -- wallnum member is read-only
checkfail('gv.numsectors = 4') -- gv.numsectors is read-only
checkfail('sector[4] = sector[6]') -- direct sector write access forbidden
print('--- end test script ---')
--sector[-1].ceilingpal = 4; -- this must FAIL!
--sector[0].wallnum = 0; -- as must this
--gv.numsectors = 4 -- and this
--sector[4] = sector[6] -- this is forbidden, too
os = require("os")
print('clk', os.clock())
Reference in a new issue