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synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
-Duke/RR: started migrating hitscan to pointer usage.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 63 additions and 56 deletions
@ -411,9 +411,9 @@ inline int hitscan(int x, int y, int z, int16_t sectnum, int32_t vx, int32_t vy,
vec3_t v{ x,y,z };
hitdata_t hd{};
int res = hitscan(&v, sectnum, vx, vy, vz, &hd, cliptype);
*hitsect = hd.sect;
*hitwall = hd.wall;
*hitspr = hd.sprite;
if (hitsect) *hitsect = hd.sect;
if (hitwall) *hitwall = hd.wall;
if (hitspr) *hitspr = hd.sprite;
*hitx = hd.pos.x;
*hity = hd.pos.y;
*hitz = hd.pos.z ;
@ -5072,9 +5072,8 @@ int dodge(DDukeActor* actor)
int furthestangle(DDukeActor *actor, int angs)
auto s = actor->s;
int j, hitsect, hitwall, furthest_angle = 0, angincs;
int j, furthest_angle = 0, angincs;
int hx, hy, hz, d, greatestd;
DDukeActor* dd;
greatestd = -(1 << 30);
angincs = 2048 / angs;
@ -5084,7 +5083,7 @@ int furthestangle(DDukeActor *actor, int angs)
for (j = s->ang; j < (2048 + s->ang); j += angincs)
hitscan(s->x, s->y, s->z - (8 << 8), s->sectnum, bcos(j), bsin(j), 0, &hitsect, &hitwall, &dd, &hx, &hy, &hz, CLIPMASK1);
hitscan(s->x, s->y, s->z - (8 << 8), s->sectnum, bcos(j), bsin(j), 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &hx, &hy, &hz, CLIPMASK1);
d = abs(hx - s->x) + abs(hy - s->y);
@ -5119,7 +5118,7 @@ int furthestcanseepoint(DDukeActor *actor, DDukeActor* tosee, int* dax, int* day
auto ts = tosee->s;
for (j = ts->ang; j < (2048 + ts->ang); j += (angincs - (krand() & 511)))
hitscan(ts->x, ts->y, ts->z - (16 << 8), ts->sectnum, bcos(j), bsin(j), 16384 - (krand() & 32767),
hitscanw(ts->x, ts->y, ts->z - (16 << 8), ts->sectnum, bcos(j), bsin(j), 16384 - (krand() & 32767),
&hitsect, &hitwall, &dd, &hx, &hy, &hz, CLIPMASK1);
d = abs(hx - ts->x) + abs(hy - ts->y);
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ inline void getzrange_ex(int x, int y, int z, int sectnum, int32_t* ceilz, Colli
inline int hitscan(int x, int y, int z, int sectnum, int32_t vx, int32_t vy, int32_t vz,
inline int hitscanw(int x, int y, int z, int sectnum, int32_t vx, int32_t vy, int32_t vz,
int* hitsect, int* hitwall, DDukeActor** hitspr, int* hitx, int* hity, int* hitz, uint32_t cliptype)
short hitsprt, hitsct, hitwal;
@ -208,6 +208,17 @@ inline int hitscan(int x, int y, int z, int sectnum, int32_t vx, int32_t vy, int
return res;
inline int hitscan(int x, int y, int z, int sectnum, int32_t vx, int32_t vy, int32_t vz,
sectortype** hitsect, walltype** hitwall, DDukeActor** hitspr, int* hitx, int* hity, int* hitz, uint32_t cliptype)
short hitsprt, hitsct, hitwal;
int res = ::hitscan(x, y, z, sectnum, vx, vy, vz, &hitsct, &hitwal, &hitsprt, hitx, hity, hitz, cliptype);
if (hitspr) *hitspr = hitsprt == -1 ? nullptr : &hittype[hitsprt];
if (hitsect) *hitsect = hitsct >= 0? §or[hitsct] : nullptr;
if (hitwall) *hitwall = hitwal >= 0? &wall[hitwal] : nullptr;
return res;
inline void neartag(int32_t xs, int32_t ys, int32_t zs, int sectnum, int ange,
int* neartagsector, int* neartagwall, DDukeActor** neartagsprite,
int32_t* neartaghitdist, int32_t neartagrange, uint8_t tagsearch)
@ -170,15 +170,12 @@ int hits(DDukeActor* actor)
auto sp = actor->s;
int sx, sy, sz;
int sect;
int hw;
int zoff;
DDukeActor* d;
if (sp->picnum == TILE_APLAYER) zoff = isRR() ? PHEIGHT_RR : PHEIGHT_DUKE;
else zoff = 0;
hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sectnum, bcos(sp->ang), bsin(sp->ang), 0, §, &hw, &d, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1);
hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sectnum, bcos(sp->ang), bsin(sp->ang), 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1);
return (FindDistance2D(sx - sp->x, sy - sp->y));
@ -193,16 +190,16 @@ int hitasprite(DDukeActor* actor, DDukeActor** hitsp)
auto sp = actor->s;
int sx, sy, sz, zoff;
int sect, hw;
walltype* wal;
if (badguy(actor))
zoff = (42 << 8);
else if (sp->picnum == TILE_APLAYER) zoff = (39 << 8);
else zoff = 0;
hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sectnum, bcos(sp->ang), bsin(sp->ang), 0, §, &hw, hitsp, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1);
hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sectnum, bcos(sp->ang), bsin(sp->ang), 0, nullptr, &wal, hitsp, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1);
if (hw >= 0 && (wall[hw].cstat & 16) && badguy(actor))
if (wal != nullptr && (wal->cstat & 16) && badguy(actor))
return((1 << 30));
return (FindDistance2D(sx - sp->x, sy - sp->y));
@ -217,11 +214,10 @@ int hitasprite(DDukeActor* actor, DDukeActor** hitsp)
int hitawall(struct player_struct* p, int* hitw)
int sx, sy, sz;
int sect, hitw1;
DDukeActor* d;
int hitw1;
hitscan(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->pos.z, p->cursectnum,
p->angle.ang.bcos(), p->angle.ang.bsin(), 0, §, &hitw1, &d, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK0);
hitscanw(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->pos.z, p->cursectnum,
p->angle.ang.bcos(), p->angle.ang.bsin(), 0, nullptr, &hitw1, nullptr, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK0);
*hitw = hitw1;
return (FindDistance2D(sx - p->pos.x, sy - p->pos.y));
@ -1006,8 +1002,9 @@ void shootbloodsplat(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa, i
spritetype* const s = actor->s;
int sect = s->sectnum;
int zvel;
int hitsect, hitwall;
int hitx, hity, hitz;
sectortype* hitsectp;
walltype* wal;
DDukeActor* d;
if (p >= 0)
@ -1019,14 +1016,12 @@ void shootbloodsplat(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa, i
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sect,
bsin(sa), zvel << 6,
&hitsect, &hitwall, &d, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
&hitsectp, &wal, &d, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
auto wal = hitwall < 0? nullptr : &wall[hitwall];
auto hitsectp = hitsect < 0? nullptr : §or[hitsect];
// oh my...
if (FindDistance2D(sx - hitx, sy - hity) < 1024 &&
(hitwall >= 0 && wal->overpicnum != BIGFORCE) &&
((wal->nextsector >= 0 && hitsect >= 0 &&
(wal != nullptr && wal->overpicnum != BIGFORCE) &&
((wal->nextsector >= 0 && hitsectp != nullptr &&
wal->nextSector()->lotag == 0 &&
hitsectp->lotag == 0 &&
(hitsectp->floorz - wal->nextSector()->floorz) > (16 << 8)) ||
@ -232,9 +232,10 @@ static void shootknee(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
auto s = actor->s;
int sect = s->sectnum;
int zvel;
int hitsect, hitwall;
int hitx, hity, hitz;
DDukeActor* hitsprt;
sectortype* hitsectp;
walltype* hitwallp;
if (p >= 0)
@ -253,16 +254,16 @@ static void shootknee(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sect,
bsin(sa), zvel << 6,
&hitsect, &hitwall, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
&hitsectp, &hitwallp, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
if (hitsect < 0) return;
if (hitsectp == nullptr) return;
if ((abs(sx - hitx) + abs(sy - hity)) < 1024)
if (hitwall >= 0 || hitsprt)
if (hitwallp || hitsprt)
auto knee = EGS(hitsect, hitx, hity, hitz, KNEE, -15, 0, 0, sa, 32, 0, actor, 4);
auto knee = EGS(sectnum(hitsectp), hitx, hity, hitz, KNEE, -15, 0, 0, sa, 32, 0, actor, 4);
knee->s->extra += (krand() & 7);
if (p >= 0)
@ -280,9 +281,9 @@ static void shootknee(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
if (p >= 0) fi.checkhitswitch(p, -1, hitsprt);
else if (hitwall >= 0)
else if (hitwallp)
auto wal = &wall[hitwall];
auto wal = hitwallp;
if (wal->cstat & 2)
if (wal->nextsector >= 0)
if (hitz >= (wal->nextSector()->floorz))
@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ static void shootknee(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
else if (p >= 0 && zvel > 0 && sector[hitsect].lotag == 1)
else if (p >= 0 && zvel > 0 && hitsectp->lotag == 1)
auto splash = spawn(ps[p].GetActor(), WATERSPLASH2);
splash->s->x = hitx;
@ -320,9 +321,10 @@ static void shootweapon(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa
auto s = actor->s;
int sect = s->sectnum;
int zvel = 0;
int hitsect, hitwall;
int hitx, hity, hitz;
DDukeActor* hitact;
sectortype* hitsectp;
walltype* hitwallp;
if (s->extra >= 0) s->shade = -96;
@ -407,34 +409,34 @@ static void shootweapon(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sect,
zvel << 6, &hitsect, &hitwall, &hitact, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
zvel << 6, &hitsectp, &hitwallp, &hitact, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
s->cstat |= 257;
if (hitsect < 0) return;
if (hitsectp == nullptr) return;
if ((krand() & 15) == 0 && sector[hitsect].lotag == 2)
if ((krand() & 15) == 0 && hitsectp->lotag == 2)
tracers(hitx, hity, hitz, sx, sy, sz, 8 - (ud.multimode >> 1));
DDukeActor* spark;
if (p >= 0)
spark = EGS(hitsect, hitx, hity, hitz, SHOTSPARK1, -15, 10, 10, sa, 0, 0, actor, 4);
spark = EGS(sectnum(hitsectp), hitx, hity, hitz, SHOTSPARK1, -15, 10, 10, sa, 0, 0, actor, 4);
spark->s->extra = ScriptCode[gs.actorinfo[atwith].scriptaddress];
spark->s->extra += (krand() % 6);
if (hitwall == -1 && hitact == nullptr)
if (hitwallp == nullptr && hitact == nullptr)
if (zvel < 0)
if (sector[hitsect].ceilingstat & 1)
if (hitsectp->ceilingstat & 1)
spark->s->xrepeat = 0;
spark->s->yrepeat = 0;
spawn(spark, SMALLSMOKE);
@ -467,10 +469,10 @@ static void shootweapon(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa
else if (hitwall >= 0)
else if (hitwallp)
spawn(spark, SMALLSMOKE);
auto wal = &wall[hitwall];
auto wal = hitwallp;
if (fi.isadoorwall(wal->picnum) == 1)
@ -484,17 +486,17 @@ static void shootweapon(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa
wal->picnum == HANDSWITCH ||
wal->picnum == HANDSWITCH + 1))
fi.checkhitswitch(p, hitwall, nullptr);
fi.checkhitswitch(p, wallnum(wal), nullptr);
if (wal->hitag != 0 || (wal->nextwall >= 0 && wal->nextWall()->hitag != 0))
if (hitsect >= 0 && sector[hitsect].lotag == 0)
if (hitsectp && hitsectp->lotag == 0)
if (wal->overpicnum != BIGFORCE)
if ((wal->nextsector >= 0 && wal->nextSector()->lotag == 0) ||
(wal->nextsector == -1 && sector[hitsect].lotag == 0))
(wal->nextsector == -1 && hitsectp->lotag == 0))
if ((wal->cstat & 16) == 0)
if (wal->nextsector >= 0)
@ -533,7 +535,7 @@ static void shootweapon(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa
spark = EGS(hitsect, hitx, hity, hitz, SHOTSPARK1, -15, 24, 24, sa, 0, 0, actor, 4);
spark = EGS(sectnum(hitsectp), hitx, hity, hitz, SHOTSPARK1, -15, 24, 24, sa, 0, 0, actor, 4);
spark->s->extra = ScriptCode[gs.actorinfo[atwith].scriptaddress];
if (hitact)
@ -543,8 +545,8 @@ static void shootweapon(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa
spawn(spark, SMALLSMOKE);
else spark->s->xrepeat = spark->s->yrepeat = 0;
else if (hitwall >= 0)
fi.checkhitwall(spark, &wall[hitwall], hitx, hity, hitz, SHOTSPARK1);
else if (hitwallp)
fi.checkhitwall(spark, hitwallp, hitx, hity, hitz, SHOTSPARK1);
if ((krand() & 255) < 4)
@ -850,7 +852,7 @@ static void shootlaser(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
zvel = -ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16() >> 11;
else zvel = 0;
hitscan(sx, sy, sz - ps[p].pyoff, sect,
hitscanw(sx, sy, sz - ps[p].pyoff, sect,
zvel << 6, &hitsect, &hitwall, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
@ -968,7 +970,7 @@ static void shootgrowspark(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int
s->cstat &= ~257;
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sect, bcos(sa), bsin(sa),
hitscanw(sx, sy, sz, sect, bcos(sa), bsin(sa),
zvel << 6, &hitsect, &hitwall, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
s->cstat |= 257;
@ -2015,7 +2017,7 @@ int operateTripbomb(int snum)
int sect, hw;
DDukeActor* hitsprt;
hitscan(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->pos.z,
hitscanw(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->pos.z,
p->cursectnum, p->angle.ang.bcos(),
p->angle.ang.bsin(), -p->horizon.sum().asq16() >> 11,
§, &hw, &hitsprt, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1);
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static void shootmelee(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa,
sa = getangle(pspr->s->x - sx, pspr->s->y - sy);
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sect,
hitscanw(sx, sy, sz, sect,
bsin(sa), zvel << 6,
&hitsect, &hitwall, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ static void shootmelee(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa,
nz = effector->GetOwner()->getSector()->ceilingz;
hitscan(nx, ny, nz, effector->GetOwner()->s->sectnum, bcos(sa), bsin(sa), zvel << 6,
hitscanw(nx, ny, nz, effector->GetOwner()->s->sectnum, bcos(sa), bsin(sa), zvel << 6,
&hitsect, &hitwall, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ static void shootweapon(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa
s->cstat &= ~257;
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sect, bcos(sa), bsin(sa),
hitscanw(sx, sy, sz, sect, bcos(sa), bsin(sa),
zvel << 6, &hitsect, &hitwall, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
if (isRRRA() && hitsect >= 0 && (((sector[hitsect].lotag == 160 && zvel > 0) || (sector[hitsect].lotag == 161 && zvel < 0))
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ static void shootweapon(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa
nz = effector->GetOwner()->getSector()->ceilingz;
hitscan(nx, ny, nz, effector->GetOwner()->s->sectnum, bcos(sa), bsin(sa), zvel << 6,
hitscanw(nx, ny, nz, effector->GetOwner()->s->sectnum, bcos(sa), bsin(sa), zvel << 6,
&hitsect, &hitwall, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
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