mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 15:31:57 +00:00
Lunatic: major overhaul of gamevar serialization for savegames.
- Handle local gamevars. - Restore gamevars from require('end_gamevars'). git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@3891 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 256 additions and 103 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ local ffiC = ffi.C
local CF = CF
local bit = bit
local coroutine = coroutine
local string = string
local table = table
local math = math
@ -578,6 +579,8 @@ int32_t g_elCONSize;
char *g_elCON;
void El_SetCON(const char *conluacode);
char *g_elSavecode;
void El_FreeSaveCode(void);
const char *(*El_SerializeGamevars)(int32_t *slenptr);
const char *s_buildRev;
@ -1385,6 +1388,7 @@ local package_loaded = {} -- [<modname>] = false/true/table
local modname_stack = {} -- [<depth>]=string
local module_gamevars = {} -- [<modname>] = { <gvname1>, <gvname2>, ... }
local module_gvlocali = {} -- [<modname>] = { <localidx_beg>, <localidx_end> }
local module_thread = {} -- [<modname>] = <module_thread>
local function getcurmodname(thisfuncname)
if (#modname_stack == 0) then
@ -1421,7 +1425,7 @@ local function getnumlocals(l)
for i=1,200 do
-- level:
-- 0 is getlocal() itself.
-- 1 is this function.
-- 1 is this function (getnumlocals).
-- 2 is the function calling getnumlocals()
-- 3 is the function calling that one.
if (debug.getlocal(3, i) == nil) then
@ -1438,6 +1442,27 @@ local required_module_mt = {
__metatable = true,
-- Will contain a function to restore gamevars when running from savegame
-- restoration. See SAVEFUNC_ARGS for its arguments.
local g_restorefunc = nil
-- Local gamevar restoration function run from
-- our_require('end_gamevars') <- [user module].
local function restore_local(li, lval)
-- level:
-- 0 is getlocal() itself.
-- 1 is this function (restore_local).
-- 2 is the function calling restore_local(), the savecode.
-- 3 is the function calling the savecode, our_require.
-- 4 is the function calling our_require, the module function.
if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then
printf("Restoring index #%d (%s) with value %s",
li, debug.getlocal(4, li), tostring(lval))
assert(debug.setlocal(4, li, lval))
-- The "require" function accessible to Lunatic code.
-- Base modules in allowed_modules are wrapped so that they cannot be
-- modified, user modules are searched in the EDuke32 search
@ -1475,11 +1500,24 @@ local function our_require(modname, ...)
gvmodi[2] = getnumlocals()
if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then
printf("Module '%s' has %d locals, index %d to %d", thismodname,
gvmodi[2]-gvmodi[1]+1, gvmodi[1], gvmodi[2])
local numlocals = gvmodi[2]-gvmodi[1]+1
if (numlocals > 0) then
printf("Module '%s' has %d locals, index %d to %d",
thismodname, numlocals, gvmodi[1], gvmodi[2])
-- Potentially restore gamevars.
if (g_restorefunc) then
local modtab = package_loaded[thismodname]
g_restorefunc(thismodname, modtab, restore_local)
-- Return whether we're NOT running from a savegame restore in the
-- second outarg. (Lunatic-private!)
return nil, (g_restorefunc==nil)
-- See whether it's a base module name.
@ -1513,6 +1551,10 @@ local function our_require(modname, ...)
errorf(ERRLEV-1, "Couldn't open file \"%s\"", modfn)
-- Implant code that yields the module thread just before it would return
-- otherwise.
str = str.."\nrequire('coroutine').yield()"
local modfunc, errmsg = loadstring(str, modfn)
if (modfunc == nil) then
errorf(ERRLEV-1, "Couldn't load \"%s\": %s", modname, errmsg)
@ -1521,18 +1563,48 @@ local function our_require(modname, ...)
package_loaded[modname] = false -- 'not yet loaded'
table.insert(modname_stack, modname)
-- Run the module code!
modfunc(modname, ...) -- TODO: call protected and report errors here later?
-- Run the module code in a separate Lua thread!
local modthread = coroutine.create(modfunc)
local ok, retval = coroutine.resume(modthread, modname, ...)
if (not ok) then
errorf(ERRLEV-1, "Failed running \"%s\": %s", modname, retval)
local modtab = package_loaded[modname]
if (type(modtab) ~= "table") then
-- The module didn't call our 'module'. Check if it returned a table.
-- In that case, the coroutine has finished its main function and has
-- not reached our implanted 'yield'.
if (coroutine.status(modthread)=="dead" and type(retval)=="table") then
modtab = retval
package_loaded[modname] = modtab
package_loaded[modname] = true
if (type(modtab) == "table") then
-- Protect module table if there is one...
-- Protect module table in any case (i.e. either if the module used our
-- 'module' or if it returned a table).
setmetatable(modtab, required_module_mt)
package_loaded[modname] = true
local gvmodi = module_gvlocali[modname]
if (gvmodi and gvmodi[2]>=gvmodi[1]) then
if (coroutine.status(modthread)=="suspended") then
-- Save off the suspended thread so that we may get its locals later on.
-- It is never resumed, but only ever used for debug.getlocal().
module_thread[modname] = modthread
if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then
printf("Keeping coroutine for module \"%s\"", modname)
return modtab
@ -1557,7 +1629,7 @@ local function our_module()
local modname = getcurmodname("module")
if (type(package_loaded[modname])=="table") then
if (package_loaded[modname]) then
error("'module' must be called at most once per require'd file", 2)
@ -1902,12 +1974,16 @@ do
ffiC.El_SerializeGamevars = function(slenptr)
local sb = savegame.savebuffer()
sb:addraw("local M")
-- Module name, module table, restore_local. See SAVEFUNC_ARGS.
sb:addraw("local N,M,F=...")
-- A local to temporarily hold module locals.
sb:addraw("local L")
-- XXX: System gamevars?
-- XXX: System gamevars? Most of them ought to be saved with C data.
for modname, modvars in pairs(module_gamevars) do
-- NOTE: when emitting 'require' code, reverse '.' -> '/' substitution.
sb:addrawf("M=require%q", modname:gsub("/","."))
sb:addrawf("if (N==%q) then", modname)
-- Handle global gamevars first.
for i=1,#modvars do
local varname = modvars[i]
-- Serialize gamevar named 'varname' from module named 'modname'.
@ -1920,6 +1996,29 @@ do
return (modname==CON_MODULE_NAME and "<CON>" or modname).."."..varname
local modthread = module_thread[modname]
if (modthread) then
-- Handle local gamevars.
local gvmodi = module_gvlocali[modname]
for li=gvmodi[1],gvmodi[2] do
-- Serialize local with index <li>. Get its value first.
local lname, lval = debug.getlocal(modthread, 1, li)
if (sb:add("L", lval)) then
-- We couldn't serialize that gamevar.
slenptr[0] = -1
return "local "..modname.."."..lname
-- Call restore_local.
sb:addrawf("F(%d,L)", li)
-- Get the whole code as a string.
@ -2060,6 +2159,19 @@ setmetatable(
-- environment earlier.
setfenv(0, _G)
-- If we're running from a savegame restoration, create the restoration
-- function. Must be here, after the above setfenv(), because it must be
-- created in this protected ('user') context!
local cstr = ffiC.g_elSavecode
if (cstr~=nil) then
local restorecode = ffi.string(cstr)
g_restorefunc = assert(loadstring(restorecode))
-- Run the CON code translated into Lua.
if (concode) then
local confunc, conerrmsg = loadstring(concode, "CON")
@ -2067,10 +2179,11 @@ if (concode) then
error("Failure loading translated CON code: "..conerrmsg, 0)
local conmodule, conlabels = confunc()
package_loaded[CON_MODULE_NAME] = conmodule
module_gamevars[CON_MODULE_NAME] = { "A", "V" } -- See CON_GAMEVARS is lunacon.lua.
-- Emulate our 'require' for the CON module when running it, for
-- our_module() which is called from the generated Lua code.
table.insert(modname_stack, CON_MODULE_NAME)
local conlabels = confunc()
-- Set up CON.DEFS module, providing access to labels defined in CON from Lua.
local mt = { __index = conlabels, __newindex = basemodule_newindex }
@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ g_elCONSize;
@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ local function new_initial_codetab()
-- mapping system.
return {
-- Requires.
"local require=require",
"local _con, _bit, _math = require'con', require'bit', require'math'",
"local _xmath, _geom = require'xmath', require'geom'",
@ -191,10 +192,17 @@ local function new_initial_codetab()
"local _band, _bor, _bxor = _bit.band, _bit.bor, _bit.bxor",
"local _lsh, _rsh, _arsh = _bit.lshift, _bit.rshift, _bit.arshift",
-- Switch function table, indexed by global switch sequence number:
"local _SW = {}",
-- CON "states" (subroutines), gamevars and gamearrays (see mangle_name())
"local _F,_V,_A={},{},{}",
-- * CON "states" (subroutines) and
-- * Switch function table, indexed by global switch sequence number:
"local _F,_SW = {},{}",
-- CON gamevars and gamearrays (see mangle_name()), set up for
-- restoration from savegames.
"-- NOTE to the reader: This require's result is Lunatic-private API! DO NOT USE!",
"local _dummy,_S=require'end_gamevars'",
"local _V,_A=_V,_A",
-- Static ivec3s so that no allocations need to be made.
"local _IVEC = { _geom.ivec3(), _geom.ivec3() }",
@ -1220,7 +1228,9 @@ function Cmd.gamearray(identifier, initsize)
local ga = { name=mangle_name(identifier, "A"), size=initsize }
g_gamearray[identifier] = ga
addcode("if _S then")
addcodef("%s=_con._gamearray(%d)", ga.name, initsize)
function Cmd.gamevar(identifier, initval, flags)
@ -1272,6 +1282,7 @@ function Cmd.gamevar(identifier, initval, flags)
local linestr = "--"..getlinecol(g_lastkwpos)
-- Emit code to set the variable at Lua parse time.
-- XXX: How does this interact with savegame restoration?
if (bit.band(oflags, GVFLAG.PERPLAYER) ~= 0) then
-- Replace player index by 0. PLAYER_0.
-- TODO_MP: init for all players.
@ -1300,7 +1311,8 @@ function Cmd.gamevar(identifier, initval, flags)
local gv = { name=mangle_name(identifier, "V"), flags=flags }
g_gamevar[identifier] = gv
-- TODO: Write gamevar system on the Lunatic side and hook it up.
addcode("if _S then")
if (bit.band(flags, GVFLAG.PERX_MASK)==GVFLAG.PERACTOR) then
addcodef("%s=_con.actorvar(%d)", gv.name, initval)
elseif (bit.band(flags, GVFLAG.PERX_MASK)==GVFLAG.PERPLAYER and g_cgopt["playervar"]) then
@ -1309,6 +1321,8 @@ function Cmd.gamevar(identifier, initval, flags)
addcodef("%s=%d", gv.name, initval)
function Cmd.dynamicremap()
@ -3325,12 +3339,8 @@ end
-- <lineinfop>: Get line info?
local function get_code_string(codetab, lineinfop)
-- Finalize translated code: return table containing gamevar and gamearray
-- tables. CON_GAMEVARS.
codetab[#codetab+1] = "return { V=_V, A=_A }"
-- Return defined labels in a table...
codetab[#codetab+1] = ",{"
codetab[#codetab+1] = "return {"
for label, val in pairs(g_labeldef) do
-- ... skipping 'NO' and those that are gamevars in C-CON.
if (g_labeltype[label]==LABEL.NUMBER and not g_labelspecial[label]) then
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ local savebuffer_mt = {
if (isSerializeable(value)) then
-- We have a serializeable object from Lunatic
-- (e.g. actorvar).
-- TODO: clean up (e.g. clear default values for actorvar).
-- First, get the code necessary to create this object,
-- usually 'require'ing a module into a local variable.
@ -78,9 +77,8 @@ local savebuffer_mt = {
-- We have a Lua table.
havetab = true
-- Clear the table instead of creating a new one.
-- This way, local references to it don't become stale.
self:addrawf("ct(%s)", refcode)
-- Create a new table for this gamevar.
self:addrawf("%s={}", refcode)
for k,v in pairs(value) do
local keystr = basicSerialize(k)
@ -138,11 +136,6 @@ local function sb_get_initial_strbuf()
return {
"local nan, inf = 0/0, 1/0",
"local t, f = true, false",
"local pairs = assert(pairs)",
-- Clear table function:
"local function ct(t)",
" for k in pairs(t) do t[k]=nil end",
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
local require = require
local con = require "con"
local string = require("string")
local con = require("con")
local gv = gv
local sprite = sprite
@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ require "end_gamevars"
-- refer to locals defined prior to the gamevar section in it.
local tag = tag
local Q = 1200
gameevent{"JUMP", actor.FLAGS.chain_beg,
function(aci, pli)
@ -75,3 +78,15 @@ function(aci, pli)
insp = not insp
-- Display the number of times we jumped on the screen.
con._definequote(Q, string.format("jumped %d times", ournumjumps))
-- NOTE: uses INTERNAL interface, don't copy!
con._minitext(160, 10, Q, 0,0)
@ -1700,17 +1700,11 @@ static uint8_t *dosaveplayer2(FILE *fil, uint8_t *mem)
mem=writespecdata(svgm_secwsp, fil, mem); // sector, wall, sprite
mem=writespecdata(svgm_script, fil, mem); // script
mem=writespecdata(svgm_anmisc, fil, mem); // animates, quotes & misc.
#if !defined LUNATIC
Gv_WriteSave(fil, 1); // gamevars
mem=writespecdata(svgm_vars, 0, mem);
#ifdef LUNATIC
// Serialize Lunatic gamevars. When loading, the restoration code must
// be present before Lua state creation in svgm_script, so save it
// right before, too.
int32_t slen, slen_ext;
const char *svcode = El_SerializeGamevars(&slen);
@ -1722,21 +1716,91 @@ static uint8_t *dosaveplayer2(FILE *fil, uint8_t *mem)
return mem;
// TODO: compress text.
fwrite("\0\1LunaGVAR\3\4", 12, 1, fil);
slen_ext = B_LITTLE32(slen);
fwrite(&slen_ext, sizeof(slen_ext), 1, fil);
fwrite(svcode, slen, 1, fil);
dfwrite(svcode, 1, slen, fil); // cnt and sz swapped
g_savedOK = 1;
mem=writespecdata(svgm_script, fil, mem); // script
mem=writespecdata(svgm_anmisc, fil, mem); // animates, quotes & misc.
#if !defined LUNATIC
Gv_WriteSave(fil, 1); // gamevars
mem=writespecdata(svgm_vars, 0, mem);
return mem;
#define LOADRD(ptr, sz, cnt) (kdfread(ptr,sz,cnt,fil)!=(cnt))
#define LOADRDU(ptr, sz, cnt) (kread(fil,ptr,(sz)*(cnt))!=(sz)*(cnt))
#ifdef LUNATIC
char *g_elSavecode = NULL;
static int32_t El_ReadSaveCode(int32_t fil)
// Read Lua code to restore gamevar values from the savegame.
// It will be run from Lua with its state creation later on.
char header[12];
int32_t slen;
if (kread(fil, header, 12) != 12)
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: failed reading Lunatic gamevar header.\n");
return -100;
if (Bmemcmp(header, "\0\1LunaGVAR\3\4", 12))
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: Lunatic gamevar header doesn't match.\n");
return -101;
if (kread(fil, &slen, sizeof(slen)) != sizeof(slen))
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: failed reading Lunatic gamevar string size.\n");
return -102;
slen = B_LITTLE32(slen);
if (slen < 0)
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: invalid Lunatic gamevar string size %d.\n", slen);
return -103;
if (slen > 0)
char *svcode = Bmalloc(slen+1);
if (svcode == NULL)
G_GameExit("OUT OF MEMORY in doloadplayer2().");
if (kdfread(svcode, 1, slen, fil) != slen) // cnt and sz swapped
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: failed reading Lunatic gamevar restoration code.\n");
return -104;
svcode[slen] = 0;
g_elSavecode = svcode;
return 0;
void El_FreeSaveCode(void)
// Free Lunatic gamevar savegame restoration Lua code.
g_elSavecode = NULL;
static int32_t doloadplayer2(int32_t fil, uint8_t **memptr)
@ -1749,6 +1813,13 @@ static int32_t doloadplayer2(int32_t fil, uint8_t **memptr)
if (readspecdata(svgm_secwsp, fil, &mem)) return -4;
#ifdef LUNATIC
int32_t ret = El_ReadSaveCode(fil);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
if (readspecdata(svgm_script, fil, &mem)) return -5;
if (readspecdata(svgm_anmisc, fil, &mem)) return -6;
@ -1769,57 +1840,6 @@ static int32_t doloadplayer2(int32_t fil, uint8_t **memptr)
// Read Lua code to restore gamevar values from the savegame and run it.
char header[12];
int32_t slen;
if (kread(fil, header, 12) != 12)
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: failed reading Lunatic gamevar header.\n");
return -100;
if (Bmemcmp(header, "\0\1LunaGVAR\3\4", 12))
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: Lunatic gamevar header doesn't match.\n");
return -101;
if (kread(fil, &slen, sizeof(slen)) != sizeof(slen))
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: failed reading Lunatic gamevar string size.\n");
return -102;
slen = B_LITTLE32(slen);
if (slen < 0)
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: invalid Lunatic gamevar string size %d.\n", slen);
return -103;
if (slen > 0)
char *svcode = Bmalloc(slen);
if (svcode == NULL)
G_GameExit("OUT OF MEMORY in doloadplayer2().");
if (kread(fil, svcode, slen) != slen)
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: failed reading Lunatic gamevar restoration code.\n");
return -104;
if (L_RunString(&g_ElState, svcode, 0, slen, "luaload"))
OSD_Printf("doloadplayer2: failed restoring Lunatic gamevars.\n");
return -105;
if (memptr)
Reference in a new issue