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synced 2025-03-11 03:01:12 +00:00
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This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 77 additions and 75 deletions
@ -557,9 +557,9 @@ int AutoBreakWall(WALLp wallp, int hit_x, int hit_y, int hit_z, int ang, int typ
WALLp nwp;
wallp->lotag = 0;
if (wallp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wallp->twoSided())
nwp = &wall[wallp->nextwall];
nwp = wallp->nextWall();
// get rid of both sides
// only break ONE of the walls
@ -608,9 +608,9 @@ int AutoBreakWall(WALLp wallp, int hit_x, int hit_y, int hit_z, int ang, int typ
wallp->overpicnum = 0;
if (wallp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wallp->twoSided())
nwp = &wall[wallp->nextwall];
nwp = wallp->nextWall();
nwp->overpicnum = 0;
@ -619,9 +619,9 @@ int AutoBreakWall(WALLp wallp, int hit_x, int hit_y, int hit_z, int ang, int typ
wallp->overpicnum = break_info->breaknum;
if (wallp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wallp->twoSided())
nwp = &wall[wallp->nextwall];
nwp = wallp->nextWall();
nwp->overpicnum = break_info->breaknum;
@ -656,12 +656,12 @@ bool UserBreakWall(WALLp wp)
// do it the old way and get rid of wall - assumed to be masked
RESET(wp->cstat, flags);
if (wp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wp->twoSided())
RESET(wp->nextWall()->cstat, flags);
// clear tags
wp->hitag = wp->lotag = 0;
if (wp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wp->twoSided())
wp->nextWall()->hitag = wp->nextWall()->lotag = 0;
return true;
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ bool UserBreakWall(WALLp wp)
wp->picnum = SP_TAG5(sp);
// clear tags
wp->hitag = wp->lotag = 0;
if (wp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wp->twoSided())
wp->nextWall()->hitag = wp->nextWall()->lotag = 0;
ret = false;
@ -690,11 +690,11 @@ bool UserBreakWall(WALLp wp)
// clear flags
RESET(wp->cstat, flags);
if (wp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wp->twoSided())
RESET(wp->nextWall()->cstat, flags);
// clear tags
wp->hitag = wp->lotag = 0;
if (wp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wp->twoSided())
wp->nextWall()->hitag = wp->nextWall()->lotag = 0;
ret = true;
@ -706,12 +706,12 @@ bool UserBreakWall(WALLp wp)
// clear flags
RESET(wp->cstat, block_flags);
if (wp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wp->twoSided())
RESET(wp->nextWall()->cstat, block_flags);
// clear tags
wp->hitag = wp->lotag = 0;
if (wp->nextwall >= 0)
if (wp->twoSided())
wp->nextWall()->hitag = wp->nextWall()->lotag = 0;
ret = false;
@ -579,8 +579,8 @@ void JS_DrawCameras(PLAYERp pp, int tx, int ty, int tz, double smoothratio)
w = mirror[cnt].mirrorwall;
// Get wall midpoint for offset in mirror view
midx = (wall[w].x + wall[wall[w].point2].x) / 2;
midy = (wall[w].y + wall[wall[w].point2].y) / 2;
midx = (wall[w].x + wall[w].point2Wall()->x) / 2;
midy = (wall[w].y + wall[w].point2Wall()->y) / 2;
// Finish finding offsets
tdx = abs(midx - tx);
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@ int DoPlayerWadeSuperJump(PLAYERp pp)
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0 && hitinfo.hitsect >= 0)
hitinfo.hitsect = wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector;
hitinfo.hitsect = hitinfo.wall()->nextsector;
if (hitinfo.hitsect >= 0 && labs(sector[hitinfo.hitsect].floorz - pp->posz) < Z(50))
@ -3790,7 +3790,7 @@ bool PlayerOnLadder(PLAYERp pp)
// if you hit a wall and it is not a climb wall - forget it
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0 && wall[hitinfo.hitwall].lotag != TAG_WALL_CLIMB)
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0 && hitinfo.wall()->lotag != TAG_WALL_CLIMB)
return false;
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ void WallSetup(void)
// make sure it's a red wall
if (validWallIndex(wp->nextwall))
if (wp->twoSided())
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ void WallSetup(void)
// make sure it's a red wall
if (validWallIndex(wp->nextwall))
if (wp->twoSided())
@ -282,10 +282,11 @@ int DoSlidorMoveWalls(DSWActor* actor, int amt)
w = startwall = sp->sector()->wallptr;
endwall = startwall + sp->sector()->wallnum - 1;
auto wal = &wall[w];
switch (wall[w].lotag)
switch (wal->lotag)
@ -294,19 +295,19 @@ int DoSlidorMoveWalls(DSWActor* actor, int amt)
if (w < startwall)
pw = endwall;
if (!validWallIndex(wall[w].nextwall))
if (!wal->twoSided())
// white wall - move 4 points
wall[w].x -= amt;
wal->x -= amt;
wall[pw].x -= amt;
wall[wall[w].point2].x -= amt;
wall[wall[wall[w].point2].point2].x -= amt;
wal->point2Wall()->x -= amt;
wal->point2Wall()->point2Wall()->x -= amt;
// red wall - move 2 points
dragpoint(w, wall[w].x - amt, wall[w].y);
dragpoint(wall[w].point2, wall[wall[w].point2].x - amt, wall[wall[w].point2].y);
dragpoint(w, wal->x - amt, wal->y);
dragpoint(wal->point2, wal->point2Wall()->x - amt, wal->point2Wall()->y);
@ -318,19 +319,19 @@ int DoSlidorMoveWalls(DSWActor* actor, int amt)
if (w < startwall)
pw = endwall;
if (!validWallIndex(wall[w].nextwall))
if (!wal->twoSided())
// white wall - move 4 points
wall[w].x += amt;
wal->x += amt;
wall[pw].x += amt;
wall[wall[w].point2].x += amt;
wall[wall[wall[w].point2].point2].x += amt;
wal->point2Wall()->x += amt;
wal->point2Wall()->point2Wall()->x += amt;
// red wall - move 2 points
dragpoint(w, wall[w].x + amt, wall[w].y);
dragpoint(wall[w].point2, wall[wall[w].point2].x + amt, wall[wall[w].point2].y);
dragpoint(w, wal->x + amt, wal->y);
dragpoint(wal->point2, wal->point2Wall()->x + amt, wal->point2Wall()->y);
@ -342,17 +343,17 @@ int DoSlidorMoveWalls(DSWActor* actor, int amt)
if (w < startwall)
pw = endwall;
if (!validWallIndex(wall[w].nextwall))
if (!wal->twoSided())
wall[w].y -= amt;
wal->y -= amt;
wall[pw].y -= amt;
wall[wall[w].point2].y -= amt;
wall[wall[wall[w].point2].point2].y -= amt;
wal->point2Wall()->y -= amt;
wal->point2Wall()->point2Wall()->y -= amt;
dragpoint(w, wall[w].x, wall[w].y - amt);
dragpoint(wall[w].point2, wall[wall[w].point2].x, wall[wall[w].point2].y - amt);
dragpoint(w, wal->x, wal->y - amt);
dragpoint(wal->point2, wal->point2Wall()->x, wal->point2Wall()->y - amt);
@ -364,24 +365,25 @@ int DoSlidorMoveWalls(DSWActor* actor, int amt)
if (w < startwall)
pw = endwall;
if (!validWallIndex(wall[w].nextwall))
if (!wal->twoSided())
wall[w].y += amt;
wal->y += amt;
wall[pw].y += amt;
wall[wall[w].point2].y += amt;
wall[wall[wall[w].point2].point2].y += amt;
wal->point2Wall()->y += amt;
wal->point2Wall()->point2Wall()->y += amt;
dragpoint(w, wall[w].x, wall[w].y + amt);
dragpoint(wall[w].point2, wall[wall[w].point2].x, wall[wall[w].point2].y + amt);
dragpoint(w, wal->x, wal->y + amt);
dragpoint(wal->point2, wal->point2Wall()->x, wal->point2Wall()->y + amt);
w = wall[w].point2;
w = wal->point2;
wal = wal->point2Wall();
while (w != startwall);
@ -3181,7 +3181,7 @@ bool ActorTrackDecide(TRACK_POINTp tpoint, DSWActor* actor)
if (hitinfo.hitwall < 0)
return false;
zdiff = labs(sp->z - sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].floorz) >> 8;
zdiff = labs(sp->z - sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].floorz) >> 8;
u->jump_speed = PickJumpSpeed(actor, zdiff);
@ -12628,18 +12628,18 @@ int InitSwordAttack(PLAYERp pp)
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0)
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector >= 0)
if (hitinfo.wall()->nextsector >= 0)
if (TEST(sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (TEST(sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingz)
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingz)
return 0;
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
if (hitinfo.wall()->lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
HitBreakWall(&wall[hitinfo.hitwall], hitinfo.pos.x, hitinfo.pos.y, hitinfo.pos.z, daang, u->ID);
@ -12831,18 +12831,18 @@ int InitFistAttack(PLAYERp pp)
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0)
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector >= 0)
if (hitinfo.wall()->nextsector >= 0)
if (TEST(sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (TEST(sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingz)
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingz)
return 0;
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
if (hitinfo.wall()->lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
HitBreakWall(&wall[hitinfo.hitwall], hitinfo.pos.x, hitinfo.pos.y, hitinfo.pos.z, daang, u->ID);
@ -13543,18 +13543,18 @@ int ContinueHitscan(PLAYERp pp, short sectnum, int x, int y, int z, short ang, i
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0)
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector >= 0)
if (hitinfo.wall()->nextsector >= 0)
if (TEST(sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (TEST(sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingz)
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingz)
return 0;
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
if (hitinfo.wall()->lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
HitBreakWall(&wall[hitinfo.hitwall], hitinfo.pos.x, hitinfo.pos.y, hitinfo.pos.z, ang, u->ID);
return 0;
@ -13700,18 +13700,18 @@ int InitShotgun(PLAYERp pp)
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0)
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector >= 0)
if (hitinfo.wall()->nextsector >= 0)
if (TEST(sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (TEST(sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingz)
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingz)
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
if (hitinfo.wall()->lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
HitBreakWall(&wall[hitinfo.hitwall], hitinfo.pos.x, hitinfo.pos.y, hitinfo.pos.z, ndaang, u->ID);
@ -16263,11 +16263,11 @@ int InitUzi(PLAYERp pp)
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0)
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector >= 0)
if (hitinfo.wall()->nextsector >= 0)
if (TEST(sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (TEST(sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingz)
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingz)
return 0;
@ -16275,7 +16275,7 @@ int InitUzi(PLAYERp pp)
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
if (hitinfo.wall()->lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
HitBreakWall(&wall[hitinfo.hitwall], hitinfo.pos.x, hitinfo.pos.y, hitinfo.pos.z, daang, u->ID);
return 0;
@ -17201,18 +17201,18 @@ int InitTurretMgun(SECTOR_OBJECTp sop)
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0)
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector >= 0)
if (hitinfo.wall()->nextsector >= 0)
if (TEST(sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (TEST(sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingz)
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingz)
return 0;
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
if (hitinfo.wall()->lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
HitBreakWall(&wall[hitinfo.hitwall], hitinfo.pos.x, hitinfo.pos.y, hitinfo.pos.z, daang, 0);
@ -17337,18 +17337,18 @@ int InitEnemyUzi(DSWActor* actor)
if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0)
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector >= 0)
if (hitinfo.wall()->nextsector >= 0)
if (TEST(sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (TEST(sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingstat, CEILING_STAT_PLAX))
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].nextsector].ceilingz)
if (hitinfo.pos.z < sector[hitinfo.wall()->nextsector].ceilingz)
return 0;
if (wall[hitinfo.hitwall].lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
if (hitinfo.wall()->lotag == TAG_WALL_BREAK)
HitBreakWall(&wall[hitinfo.hitwall], hitinfo.pos.x, hitinfo.pos.y, hitinfo.pos.z, daang, u->ID);
return 0;
@ -18582,7 +18582,7 @@ bool TestDontStick(DSWActor* actor, short hit_wall)
return true;
// if blocking red wallo
if (TEST(wp->cstat, CSTAT_WALL_BLOCK) && validWallIndex(wp->nextwall))
if (TEST(wp->cstat, CSTAT_WALL_BLOCK) && wp->twoSided())
return true;
return false;
Reference in a new issue