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synced 2025-03-19 15:31:57 +00:00
- Blood: Perform interpolation between frames for each tile coordinate when there is more than one frame and the picnum between frames match.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 73 additions and 34 deletions
@ -387,6 +387,11 @@ inline constexpr int32_t interpolatedangle(int32_t oang, int32_t ang, int const
return oang + MulScale(((ang + 1024 - oang) & 2047) - 1024, smoothratio, scale);
inline constexpr double interpolatedanglef(double oang, double ang, double const smoothratio, int const scale = 16)
return oang + MulScaleF(fmod((ang + 1024. - oang), 2048.) - 1024., smoothratio, scale);
inline constexpr binangle interpolatedangle(binangle oang, binangle ang, double const smoothratio, int const scale = 16)
return bamang(oang.asbam() + MulScale(((ang.asbam() + 0x80000000 - oang.asbam()) & 0xFFFFFFFF) - 0x80000000, int(smoothratio), scale));
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
F2DDrawer twodpsp;
void hud_drawsprite(double sx, double sy, int z, double a, int picnum, int dashade, int dapalnum, int dastat, double alpha)
void hud_drawsprite(double sx, double sy, double sz, double a, int picnum, int dashade, int dapalnum, int dastat, double alpha)
double dz = z / 65536.;
sz *= 1. / 65536.;
alpha *= (dastat & RS_TRANS1)? glblend[0].def[!!(dastat & RS_TRANS2)].alpha : 1.;
int palid = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + curbasepal, dapalnum);
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void hud_drawsprite(double sx, double sy, int z, double a, int picnum, int dasha
auto tex = tileGetTexture(picnum);
DrawTexture(&twodpsp, tex, sx, sy,
DTA_ScaleX, dz, DTA_ScaleY, dz,
DTA_ScaleX, sz, DTA_ScaleY, sz,
DTA_Color, shadeToLight(dashade),
DTA_TranslationIndex, palid,
DTA_ViewportX, windowxy1.x, DTA_ViewportY, windowxy1.y,
@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
extern F2DDrawer twodpsp;
void DrawRateStuff();
void hud_drawsprite(double sx, double sy, int z, double a, int picnum, int dashade, int dapalnum, int dastat, double alpha = 1);
void hud_drawsprite(double sx, double sy, double sz, double a, int picnum, int dashade, int dapalnum, int dastat, double alpha = 1);
@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ void hudDraw(PLAYER *gView, int nSectnum, double bobx, double boby, double zDelt
if (gView->sceneQav < 0) WeaponDraw(gView, nShade, cX, cY, nPalette, int(smoothratio));
else if (gView->pXSprite->health > 0) playerQavSceneDraw(gView, nShade, cX, cY, nPalette, int(smoothratio));
if (gView->sceneQav < 0) WeaponDraw(gView, nShade, cX, cY, nPalette, smoothratio);
else if (gView->pXSprite->health > 0) playerQavSceneDraw(gView, nShade, cX, cY, nPalette, smoothratio);
else {
gView->sceneQav = gView->weaponQav = -1;
gView->weaponTimer = gView->curWeapon = 0;
WeaponDraw(gView, nShade, cX, cY, nPalette, int(smoothratio));
WeaponDraw(gView, nShade, cX, cY, nPalette, smoothratio);
if (gViewPos == 0 && gView->pXSprite->burnTime > 60)
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ struct PLAYER;
extern QAV* weaponQAV[];
void WeaponInit(void);
void WeaponDraw(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5, int smoothratio);
void WeaponDraw(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5, double smoothratio);
void WeaponRaise(PLAYER *pPlayer);
void WeaponLower(PLAYER *pPlayer);
int WeaponUpgrade(PLAYER *pPlayer, int newWeapon);
@ -6180,7 +6180,7 @@ void playerQavSceneProcess(PLAYER* pPlayer, QAVSCENE* pQavScene) {
void playerQavSceneDraw(PLAYER* pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5, int smoothratio) {
void playerQavSceneDraw(PLAYER* pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5, double smoothratio) {
if (pPlayer == NULL || pPlayer->sceneQav == -1) return;
QAVSCENE* pQavScene = &gPlayerCtrl[pPlayer->nPlayer].qavScene;
@ -6189,7 +6189,7 @@ void playerQavSceneDraw(PLAYER* pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5, i
if (pQavScene->qavResrc != NULL) {
QAV* pQAV = pQavScene->qavResrc;
int v4 = (pPlayer->weaponTimer == 0) ? ((PlayClock + MulScale(4, smoothratio, 16)) % pQAV->duration) : pQAV->duration - pPlayer->weaponTimer;
int v4 = (pPlayer->weaponTimer == 0) ? ((PlayClock + MulScale(4, int(smoothratio), 16)) % pQAV->duration) : pQAV->duration - pPlayer->weaponTimer;
int flags = 2; int nInv = powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpShadowCloak);
if (nInv >= 120 * 8 || (nInv != 0 && (PlayClock & 32))) {
@ -6200,13 +6200,13 @@ void playerQavSceneDraw(PLAYER* pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5, i
if (!(pSprite->flags & kModernTypeFlag1)) {
pQAV->x = int(a3); pQAV->y = int(a4);
pQAV->Draw(a3, a4, v4, flags, a2, a5, true);
pQAV->Draw(a3, a4, v4, flags, a2, a5, true, smoothratio);
// draw fullscreen (currently 4:3 only)
} else {
// What an awful hack. This throws proper ordering out of the window, but there is no way to reproduce this better with strict layering of elements.
// From the above commit it seems to be incomplete anyway...
pQAV->Draw(v4, flags, a2, a5, false);
pQAV->Draw(v4, flags, a2, a5, false, smoothratio);
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ void playerDeactivateShrooms(PLAYER* pPlayer);
QAV* playerQavSceneLoad(int qavId);
void playerQavSceneProcess(PLAYER* pPlayer, QAVSCENE* pQavScene);
void playerQavScenePlay(PLAYER* pPlayer);
void playerQavSceneDraw(PLAYER* pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5, int smoothratio);
void playerQavSceneDraw(PLAYER* pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5, double smoothratio);
void playerQavSceneReset(PLAYER* pPlayer);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void callbackUniMissileBurst(int nSprite);
@ -34,18 +34,16 @@ BEGIN_BLD_NS
extern void (*qavClientCallback[])(int, void *);
void DrawFrame(double x, double y, TILE_FRAME *pTile, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool to3dview)
void DrawFrame(double x, double y, double z, double a, TILE_FRAME *pTile, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool to3dview)
stat |= pTile->stat;
x += pTile->x;
y += pTile->y;
if (palnum <= 0) palnum = pTile->palnum;
if (!to3dview)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(pTile->picnum);
double scale = pTile->z/65536.;
double angle = pTile->angle * BAngToDegree;
double scale = z * (1. / 65536.);
double angle = a * BAngToDegree;
int renderstyle = (stat & RS_NOMASK)? STYLE_Normal : STYLE_Translucent;
double alpha = (stat & RS_TRANS1)? glblend[0].def[!!(stat & RS_TRANS2)].alpha : 1.;
int pin = (stat & kQavOrientationLeft)? -1 : (stat & RS_ALIGN_R)? 1:0;
@ -70,26 +68,61 @@ void DrawFrame(double x, double y, TILE_FRAME *pTile, int stat, int shade, int p
if ((stat & kQavOrientationLeft)) stat |= RS_ALIGN_L;
stat &= ~kQavOrientationLeft;
hud_drawsprite(x, y, pTile->z, pTile->angle, pTile->picnum, pTile->shade + shade, palnum, stat);
hud_drawsprite(x, y, z, a, pTile->picnum, pTile->shade + shade, palnum, stat);
void QAV::Draw(double x, double y, int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool to3dview)
void QAV::Draw(double x, double y, int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool to3dview, double const smoothratio)
assert(ticksPerFrame > 0);
int nFrame = ticks / ticksPerFrame;
assert(nFrame >= 0 && nFrame < nFrames);
FRAMEINFO *pFrame = &frames[nFrame];
FRAMEINFO *thisFrame = &frames[nFrame];
if ((nFrame == (nFrames - 1)) && !lastframetic)
lastframetic = ticks;
else if (lastframetic > ticks)
lastframetic = 0;
int oFrame = nFrame == 0 || (lastframetic && ticks > lastframetic) ? nFrame : nFrame - 1;
assert(oFrame >= 0 && oFrame < nFrames);
FRAMEINFO *prevFrame = &frames[oFrame];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (pFrame->tiles[i].picnum > 0)
DrawFrame(x, y, &pFrame->tiles[i], stat, shade, palnum, to3dview);
auto* thisTile = &thisFrame->tiles[i];
auto* prevTile = &prevFrame->tiles[i];
void QAV::Draw(int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool to3dview)
Draw(x, y, ticks, stat, shade, palnum, to3dview);
if (thisTile->picnum > 0)
double tileX = x;
double tileY = y;
double tileZ;
double tileA;
if ((nFrames > 1) && (nFrame != oFrame) && (thisTile->picnum == prevTile->picnum) && (smoothratio != MaxSmoothRatio))
tileX += interpolatedvaluef(prevTile->x, thisTile->x, smoothratio);
tileY += interpolatedvaluef(prevTile->y, thisTile->y, smoothratio);
tileZ = interpolatedvaluef(prevTile->z, thisTile->z, smoothratio);
tileA = interpolatedanglef(prevTile->angle, thisTile->angle, smoothratio);
tileX += thisTile->x;
tileY += thisTile->y;
tileZ = thisTile->z;
tileA = thisTile->angle;
DrawFrame(tileX, tileY, tileZ, tileA, thisTile, stat, shade, palnum, to3dview);
@ -77,10 +77,11 @@ struct QAV
int y; // 18
int nSprite; // 1c
//SPRITE *pSprite; // 1c
char pad3[4]; // 20
char pad3[3]; // 20
char lastframetic;
FRAMEINFO frames[1]; // 24
void Draw(int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool in3dscene);
void Draw(double x, double y, int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool in3dscene);
void Draw(double x, double y, int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool to3dview, double const smoothratio = 65536);
void Draw(int ticks, int stat, int shade, int palnum, bool to3dview, double const smoothratio = 65536) { Draw(x, y, ticks, stat, shade, palnum, to3dview, smoothratio); }
void Play(int, int, int, void *);
void Precache(int palette = 0);
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ bool isOriginalQAV()
return cached;
void WeaponDraw(PLAYER *pPlayer, int shade, double xpos, double ypos, int palnum, int smoothratio)
void WeaponDraw(PLAYER *pPlayer, int shade, double xpos, double ypos, int palnum, double smoothratio)
assert(pPlayer != NULL);
if (pPlayer->weaponQav == -1)
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void WeaponDraw(PLAYER *pPlayer, int shade, double xpos, double ypos, int palnum
// Double shotgun fix from BloodGDX.
if (/*!IsOriginalDemo() &&*/ (pPlayer->weaponState == -1 || (pPlayer->curWeapon == 3 && pPlayer->weaponState == 7))/* && isOriginalQAV()*/)
duration = pQAV->duration - 1;
else duration = (PlayClock + MulScale(4, smoothratio, 16)) % pQAV->duration;
else duration = (PlayClock + MulScale(4, int(smoothratio), 16)) % pQAV->duration;
else duration = pQAV->duration - pPlayer->weaponTimer;
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ void WeaponDraw(PLAYER *pPlayer, int shade, double xpos, double ypos, int palnum
shade = -128;
flags |= 1;
pQAV->Draw(xpos, ypos, duration, flags, shade, palnum, true);
pQAV->Draw(xpos, ypos, duration, flags, shade, palnum, true, smoothratio);
void WeaponPlay(PLAYER *pPlayer)
Reference in a new issue