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synced 2025-01-18 22:51:50 +00:00
- implemented alt HUD for RR.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 156 additions and 50 deletions
@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ class AltHud ui
void DrawHudText(Font fnt, int color, String text, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75)
void DrawHudText(Font fnt, int color, String text, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75, double fontscale = 1.0)
if (fnt == HudFont) y += HudFontOffset;
//if (fnt == HudFont) y += HudFontOffset;
int zerowidth = fnt.GetCharWidth("0");
screen.DrawText(fnt, color, x, y-fnt.GetHeight(), text, DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight,
DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_Alpha, trans, DTA_Monospace, MONO_CellCenter, DTA_Spacing, zerowidth);
screen.DrawText(fnt, color, x, y - (fnt.GetHeight() - fnt.Getdisplacement()) * fontscale, text, DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight,
DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_Alpha, trans, DTA_Monospace, MONO_CellCenter, DTA_Spacing, zerowidth, DTA_ScaleX, fontscale, DTA_ScaleY, fontscale);
@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ class AltHud ui
void DrawHudNumber(Font fnt, int color, int num, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75)
void DrawHudNumber(Font fnt, int color, int num, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75, double fontscale = 1.0)
DrawHudText(fnt, color, String.Format("%d", num), x, y, trans);
DrawHudText(fnt, color, String.Format("%d", num), x, y, trans, fontscale);
@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ class AltHud ui
virtual void DrawTimeString(Font fnt, int color, int seconds, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75)
virtual void DrawTimeString(Font fnt, int color, int seconds, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75, double fontscale = 1.0)
String s = String.Format("%02i:%02i:%02i", seconds / 3600, (seconds % 3600) / 60, seconds % 60);
int length = 8 * fnt.GetCharWidth("0");
DrawHudText(fnt, color, s, x-length, y, trans);
DrawHudText(fnt, color, s, x-length, y, trans, fontscale);
@ -200,19 +200,20 @@ class AltHud ui
virtual void DrawStatLine(int x, in out int y, String prefix, String text)
virtual void DrawStatLine(int x, in out int y, String prefix, String text, double fontscale)
y -= StatFont.GetHeight()-1;
y -= (StatFont.GetHeight()-1) * fontscale;
screen.DrawText(StatFont, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, x, y, prefix,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0.75);
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0.75, DTA_ScaleX, fontscale, DTA_ScaleY, fontscale);
screen.DrawText(StatFont, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, x+statspace, y, text,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0.75);
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0.75, DTA_ScaleX, fontscale, DTA_ScaleY, fontscale);
virtual void DrawStatus(SummaryInfo stats, int x, int y)
virtual void DrawStatus(SummaryInfo stats, int x, int y, double fontscale)
//if (!deathmatch)
@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ class AltHud ui
String text = String.Format("%s%d/%d", stats.secrets >= stats.maxsecrets ? currentStats.info.completeColor : currentStats.info.standardColor, stats.secrets, stats.maxsecrets);
if (stats.supersecrets > 0) text.AppendFormat("+%d", stats.supersecrets);
DrawStatLine(x, y, prefix, text);
DrawStatLine(x, y, prefix, text, fontscale);
if (hud_showkills && stats.maxkills != -1)
@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ class AltHud ui
else if (stats.maxkills == -2) text = String.Format("%s%d", currentStats.info.standardColor, stats.kills);
else text = String.Format("%s%d/%d", stats.kills == stats.maxkills ? currentStats.info.completeColor : currentStats.info.standardColor, stats.kills, stats.maxkills);
DrawStatLine(x, y, prefix, text);
DrawStatLine(x, y, prefix, text, fontscale);
if (hud_showtimestat)
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ class AltHud ui
text = String.Format("%s%02i:%02i:%02i", currentStats.info.standardColor, seconds / 3600, (seconds % 3600) / 60, seconds % 60);
text = String.Format("%s%02i:%02i", currentStats.info.standardColor, seconds / 60, seconds % 60);
DrawStatLine(x, y, prefix, text);
DrawStatLine(x, y, prefix, text, fontscale);
@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ class AltHud ui
virtual void DrawHealth(int x, int y)
virtual void DrawHealth(int x, int y, double fontscale)
int health = currentStats.healthvalue;
@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ class AltHud ui
DrawImageToBox(TexMan.CheckForTexture(currentStats.healthicon), x, y, 31, 17, 0.75, true);
DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, health, x + 33, y + 17);
DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, health, x + 33, y + 17, fontscale:fontscale);
@ -283,28 +284,26 @@ class AltHud ui
virtual void DrawArmor(int xx, int y)
virtual void DrawArmor(int xx, int y, double fontscale)
// Todo: need to figure out how to display Blood's 3 armors without blowing the layout
int x = xx;
int spacing = HudFont.StringWidth("000") * fontscale;
for(int i = 0; i < currentStats.armoricons.Size(); i++)
int ap = currentStats.armorvalues[i];
if (ap)
// decide on color
int fontcolor =
ap < hud_armor_red ? Font.CR_RED :
ap < hud_armor_yellow ? Font.CR_GOLD :
ap <= hud_armor_green ? Font.CR_GREEN :
// decide on color
int fontcolor =
ap < hud_armor_red ? Font.CR_RED :
ap < hud_armor_yellow ? Font.CR_GOLD :
ap <= hud_armor_green ? Font.CR_GREEN :
DrawImageToBox(TexMan.CheckForTexture(currentStats.armoricons[i]), x, y, 31, 17, 0.75, true);
DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, ap, x + 33, y + 17);
x += 60;
DrawImageToBox(TexMan.CheckForTexture(currentStats.armoricons[i]), x, y, 31, 17, 0.75, true);
if (ap >= 0) DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, ap, x + 33, y + 17, fontscale:fontscale);
x += 35 + spacing;
@ -544,14 +543,14 @@ class AltHud ui
void DrawCoordinateEntry(int xpos, int ypos, String coordstr)
void DrawCoordinateEntry(int xpos, int ypos, String coordstr, double fontscale)
screen.DrawText(StatFont, hudcolor_xyco, xpos, ypos, coordstr,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_ScaleX, fontscale, DTA_ScaleY, fontscale,
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight);
virtual void DrawCoordinates(bool withmapname)
virtual void DrawCoordinates(bool withmapname, double fontscale)
/* todo when everything else works.
Vector3 pos = (0, 0, 0);
@ -568,28 +567,28 @@ class AltHud ui
int hh = font.GetHeight();
screen.DrawText(font, hudcolor_titl, hudwidth - 6 - font.StringWidth(Level.MapName), ypos, Level.MapName,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_ScaleX, fontscale, DTA_ScaleY, fontscale,
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight);
screen.DrawText(font, hudcolor_titl, hudwidth - 6 - font.StringWidth(Level.LevelName), ypos + hh, Level.LevelName,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_ScaleX, fontscale, DTA_ScaleY, fontscale,
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight);
ypos += 2 * hh + h;
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("X: %.0f", pos.X));
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("X: %.0f", pos.X), fontscale);
ypos += h;
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("Y: %.0f", pos.Y));
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("Y: %.0f", pos.Y), fontscale);
ypos += h;
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("Z: %.0f", pos.Z));
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("Z: %.0f", pos.Z), fontscale);
ypos += h;
if (hud_showangles)
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("Y: %.0f", Actor.Normalize180(mo.Angle)));
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("Y: %.0f", Actor.Normalize180(mo.Angle)), fontscale);
ypos += h;
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("P: %.0f", Actor.Normalize180(mo.Pitch)));
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("P: %.0f", Actor.Normalize180(mo.Pitch)), fontscale);
ypos += h;
DrawCoordinateEntry(xpos, ypos, String.Format("R: %.0f", Actor.Normalize180(mo.Roll)));
@ -606,10 +605,11 @@ class AltHud ui
// No HUD in the title level!
if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL) return;
let fontscale = currentStats.info.fontscale;
DrawStatus(summary, 5, hudheight-50);
DrawHealth(5, hudheight - 45);
DrawArmor(5, hudheight-20);
DrawStatus(summary, 5, hudheight-50, fontscale);
DrawHealth(5, hudheight - 45, fontscale);
DrawArmor(5, hudheight-20, fontscale);
int y = DrawKeys(hudwidth-4, hudheight-10);
y = DrawAmmo(hudwidth-5, y);
@ -626,6 +626,7 @@ class AltHud ui
virtual void DrawAutomap(SummaryInfo summary)
let font = generic_ui? NewSmallFont : StatFont;
double fontscale = generic_ui? 1. : currentStats.info.fontscale;
int fonth = font.GetHeight() + 1;
int bottom = hudheight - 1;
@ -633,7 +634,7 @@ class AltHud ui
if (am_showtotaltime)
DrawTimeString(font, hudcolor_ttim, curentstats.totaltime / 1000, hudwidth-2, bottom, 1);
DrawTimeString(font, hudcolor_ttim, curentstats.totaltime / 1000, hudwidth-2, bottom, 1, currentStats.info.fontscale);
bottom -= fonth;
@ -641,7 +642,7 @@ class AltHud ui
if (am_showtime)
let seconds = summary.time / 1000;
DrawTimeString(font, hudcolor_ltim, seconds, hudwidth-2, bottom, 1);
DrawTimeString(font, hudcolor_ltim, seconds, hudwidth-2, bottom, 1, fontscale);
let lev = currentlevel;
let amstr = String.Format("%s: \034%c%s", lev.GetLabelName(), hudcolor_titl + 65, lev.DisplayName());
@ -649,7 +650,7 @@ class AltHud ui
font = generic_ui? NewSmallFont : StatFont.CanPrint(amstr)? StatFont : OriginalSmallFont;
screen.DrawText(font, Font.CR_BRICK, 2, hudheight - fonth - 1, amstr,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_ScaleX, fontscale, DTA_ScaleY, fontscale,
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight);
@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ class RedneckStatusBar : DukeCommonStatusBar
scale = 0.5;
int getinvamount(DukePlayer p)
int getinvamountforitem(DukePlayer p, int item)
switch (p.inven_icon)
switch (item)
return p.firstaid_amount;
@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ class RedneckStatusBar : DukeCommonStatusBar
return -1;
int getinvamount(DukePlayer p)
return getinvamountforitem(p, p.inven_icon);
@ -442,4 +448,103 @@ class RedneckStatusBar : DukeCommonStatusBar
override void GetAllStats(HudStats stats)
stats.info.fontscale = 0.5;
stats.info.statfont = SmallFont;
stats.info.letterColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE;
stats.info.spacing = 10;
stats.info.standardColor =
stats.info.completeColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_UNTRANSLATED;
let p = Duke.GetViewPlayer();
stats.healthicon = "SPINNINGNUKEICON1";
stats.healthvalue = p.last_extra;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (p.keys[i])
// omits all weapons where ammo == weapon or secondary fire mode.
static const String weaponIcons[] = { "", "FIRSTGUNSPRITE", "SHOTGUNSPRITE", "RIFLEGUNSPRITE", "" /*dynamite*/, "CROSSBOWSPRITE", "RIPSAWSPRITE",
"ALIENBLASTERSPRITE", "" /*powder keg*/, "TITSPRITE" };
for(int i = 0; i <= RRWpn.TIT_WEAPON; i++)
if (p.gotweapon[i] && weaponIcons[i] != "")
if (p.curr_weapon == i ||
(p.curr_weapon == RRWpn.CHICKEN_WEAPON && i == RRWpn.CROSSBOW_WEAPON) ||
(p.curr_weapon == RRWpn.BUZZSAW_WEAPON && i == RRWpn.THROWSAW_WEAPON))
stats.weaponselect = stats.weaponicons.Size();
// bowling ball is intentionally left out
"", "", "", "MOTOAMMO", "BOATAMMO", "", "RPG2SPRITE"};
for(int i = 0; i < ammoOrder.Size(); i++)
int ammonum = ammoorder[i];
if (ammonum == RRWpn.CHICKEN_WEAPON && !Raze.isRRRA()) continue;
if (ammonum == RRWpn.MOTORCYCLE_WEAPON && !p.OnMotorcycle) continue;
if (ammonum == RRWpn.BOAT_WEAPON && !p.OnBoat) continue;
// dynamite and crossbow dynamite ammo types are coupled.
if (p.curr_weapon == ammonum || ((p.curr_weapon == RRWpn.THROWINGDYNAMITE_WEAPON || p.curr_weapon == RRWpn.DYNAMITE_WEAPON) && ammonum == RRWpn.CROSSBOW_WEAPON))
stats.ammoselect = stats.ammoicons.Size();
int num = p.ammo_amount[ammonum];
int n = 0, j = 0;
if (p.firstaid_amount > 0) { n |= 1; j++; }
if (p.steroids_amount > 0) { n |= 2; j++; }
if (p.holoduke_amount > 0) { n |= 4; j++; }
if (p.jetpack_amount > 0) { n |= 8; j++; }
if (p.heat_amount > 0) { n |= 16; j++; }
if (p.scuba_amount > 0) { n |= 32; j++; }
if (p.boot_amount > 0) { n |= 64; j++; }
for(int bit = 0; bit < 7; bit++)
int i = 1 << bit;
if (n & i)
if (p.inven_icon == bit + 1) stats.inventoryselect = stats.inventoryicons.Size();
stats.inventoryamounts.Push(getinvamountforitem(p, bit + 1));
Reference in a new issue