mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:01:12 +00:00
Rewrote half of polymer.c, HSR still needs a bit of work but I believe the end is near.
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@551 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 382 additions and 163 deletions
@ -458,6 +458,7 @@ typedef struct s_point2d {
} _point2d;
_equation equation(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2);
int sameside(_equation* eq, _point2d* p1, _point2d* p2);
int wallvisible(short wallnum);
#define STATUS2DSIZ 144
void qsetmode640350(void);
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ extern const GLubyte* (APIENTRY * bglGetString)( GLenum name );
extern void (APIENTRY * bglHint)( GLenum target, GLenum mode );
extern void (APIENTRY * bglDrawBuffer)(GLenum mode);
extern void (APIENTRY * bglReadBuffer)(GLenum mode);
extern void (APIENTRY * bglScissor)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
// Depth
extern void (APIENTRY * bglDepthFunc)( GLenum func );
@ -189,6 +190,9 @@ extern void (APIENTRY * bgluPerspective) (GLdouble fovy, GLdouble as
extern const GLubyte * (APIENTRY * bgluErrorString) (GLenum error);
extern GLint (APIENTRY * bgluProject)(GLdouble objX, GLdouble objY, GLdouble objZ, const GLdouble *model, const GLdouble *proj, const GLint *view, GLdouble* winX, GLdouble* winY, GLdouble* winZ);
// Windows
extern HGLRC (WINAPI * bwglCreateContext)(HDC);
@ -29,11 +29,14 @@
# include "osd.h"
# include "polymost.h"
# include "pragmas.h"
# include <math.h>
//# define differentsign(x, y) ((((x) < 0) && ((y) > 0)) || (((x) > 0) && ((y) < 0)))
extern int pr_cliplanes;
extern int pr_fov;
extern int pr_frustumculling;
extern int pr_showportals;
extern int pr_verbosity;
extern int pr_wireframe;
@ -67,6 +70,7 @@ typedef struct s_prwall {
char underover;
char invalidate;
char drawn;
} _prwall;
typedef struct s_cliplane {
@ -84,8 +88,6 @@ extern int updatesectors;
int polymer_init(void);
void polymer_glinit(void);
void polymer_loadboard(void);
int polymer_checkportal(short wallnum);
void polymer_drawroom(short sectnum);
void polymer_drawrooms(long daposx, long daposy, long daposz, short daang, long dahoriz, short dacursectnum, int root);
void polymer_rotatesprite(long sx, long sy, long z, short a, short picnum, signed char dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat, long cx1, long cy1, long cx2, long cy2);
void polymer_drawmaskwall(long damaskwallcnt);
@ -105,9 +107,14 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum);
void polymer_drawwall(short wallnum);
// HSR
void polymer_extractfrustum(GLdouble* modelview, GLdouble* projection);
void polymer_drawroom(short sectnum);
int polymer_checkportal(short wallnum);
int polymer_portalinfrustum(short wallnum);
void polymer_addcliplane(_equation clip, _equation left, _equation right, float refx, float refy);
int polymer_wallincliplanes(short wallnum);
float polymer_pointdistancetoplane(GLfloat* point, GLfloat* plane);
void polymer_lineplaneintersection(GLfloat *point1, GLfloat *point2, float dist1, float dist2, GLfloat *output);
int polymer_cliptofrustum(short wallnum, int mask);
void polymer_getportal(GLfloat* portalpoints, int portalpointcount, GLint* output);
void polymer_drawportal(void);
void polymer_initskybox(void);
void polymer_getsky(void);
@ -5869,6 +5869,26 @@ _equation equation(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2)
return (ret);
int wallvisible(short wallnum)
{ // 1 if wall is in front of player 0 otherwise
long a1, a2;
walltype *w1, *w2;
w1 = &wall[wallnum];
w2 = &wall[w1->point2];
a1 = getangle(w1->x - globalposx, w1->y - globalposy);
a2 = getangle(w2->x - globalposx, w2->y - globalposy);
//if ((wallnum == 23) || (wallnum == 9))
// OSD_Printf("Wall %d : %d - sector %d - x %d - y %d.\n", wallnum, (a2 + (2048 - a1)) & 2047, globalcursectnum, globalposx, globalposy);
if (((a2 + (2048 - a1)) & 2047) <= 1024)
return (1);
return (0);
// returns the intersection point between two lines
_point2d intersection(_equation eq1, _equation eq2)
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ const GLubyte* (APIENTRY * bglGetString)( GLenum name );
void (APIENTRY * bglHint)( GLenum target, GLenum mode );
void (APIENTRY * bglDrawBuffer)(GLenum mode);
void (APIENTRY * bglReadBuffer)(GLenum mode);
void (APIENTRY * bglScissor)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
// Depth
void (APIENTRY * bglDepthFunc)( GLenum func );
@ -146,18 +147,22 @@ void* (APIENTRY * bglMapBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLenum access);
GLboolean (APIENTRY * bglUnmapBufferARB)(GLenum target);
// GLU
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessBeginContour) (GLUtesselator* tess);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessBeginPolygon) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLvoid* data);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessCallback) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLenum which, void (PR_CALLBACK CallBackFunc)());
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessEndContour) (GLUtesselator* tess);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessEndPolygon) (GLUtesselator* tess);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessNormal) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLdouble valueX, GLdouble valueY, GLdouble valueZ);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessProperty) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLenum which, GLdouble data);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessVertex) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLdouble *location, GLvoid* data);
GLUtesselator* (APIENTRY * bgluNewTess) (void);
void (APIENTRY * bgluPerspective) (GLdouble fovy, GLdouble aspect, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessBeginContour) (GLUtesselator* tess);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessBeginPolygon) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLvoid* data);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessCallback) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLenum which, void (PR_CALLBACK CallBackFunc)());
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessEndContour) (GLUtesselator* tess);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessEndPolygon) (GLUtesselator* tess);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessNormal) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLdouble valueX, GLdouble valueY, GLdouble valueZ);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessProperty) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLenum which, GLdouble data);
void (APIENTRY * bgluTessVertex) (GLUtesselator* tess, GLdouble *location, GLvoid* data);
GLUtesselator* (APIENTRY * bgluNewTess) (void);
void (APIENTRY * bgluPerspective) (GLdouble fovy, GLdouble aspect, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar);
const GLubyte * (APIENTRY * bgluErrorString) (GLenum error);
GLint (APIENTRY * bgluProject)(GLdouble objX, GLdouble objY, GLdouble objZ, const GLdouble *model, const GLdouble *proj, const GLint *view, GLdouble* winX, GLdouble* winY, GLdouble* winZ);
// Windows
HGLRC (WINAPI * bwglCreateContext)(HDC);
@ -265,6 +270,7 @@ int loadgldriver(const char *driver)
bglHint = GETPROC("glHint");
bglDrawBuffer = GETPROC("glDrawBuffer");
bglReadBuffer = GETPROC("glDrawBuffer");
bglScissor = GETPROC("glScissor");
// Depth
bglDepthFunc = GETPROC("glDepthFunc");
@ -429,6 +435,7 @@ int unloadgldriver(void)
bglHint = NULL;
bglDrawBuffer = NULL;
bglReadBuffer = NULL;
bglScissor = NULL;
// Depth
bglDepthFunc = NULL;
@ -607,9 +614,13 @@ int loadglulibrary(const char *driver)
bgluTessProperty = GLUGETPROC("gluTessProperty");
bgluTessVertex = GLUGETPROC("gluTessVertex");
bgluNewTess = GLUGETPROC("gluNewTess");
bgluPerspective = GLUGETPROC("gluPerspective");
bgluErrorString = GLUGETPROC("gluErrorString");
bgluProject = GLUGETPROC("gluProject");
if (err) unloadglulibrary();
return err;
@ -631,17 +642,21 @@ int unloadglulibrary(void)
gluhandle = NULL;
bgluTessBeginContour = NULL;
bgluTessBeginPolygon = NULL;
bgluTessCallback = NULL;
bgluTessEndContour = NULL;
bgluTessEndPolygon = NULL;
bgluTessNormal = NULL;
bgluTessProperty = NULL;
bgluTessVertex = NULL;
bgluNewTess = NULL;
bgluPerspective = NULL;
bgluErrorString = NULL;
bgluTessBeginContour = NULL;
bgluTessBeginPolygon = NULL;
bgluTessCallback = NULL;
bgluTessEndContour = NULL;
bgluTessEndPolygon = NULL;
bgluTessNormal = NULL;
bgluTessProperty = NULL;
bgluTessVertex = NULL;
bgluNewTess = NULL;
bgluPerspective = NULL;
bgluErrorString = NULL;
bgluProject = NULL;
return 0;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
int pr_cliplanes = 1;
int pr_fov = 426; // appears to be the classic setting.
int pr_frustumculling = 1;
int pr_showportals = 0;
int pr_verbosity = 1; // 0: silent, 1: errors and one-times, 2: multiple-times, 3: flood
int pr_wireframe = 0;
@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ _prwall *prwalls[MAXWALLS];
GLfloat skybox[16];
short cursky;
float frustum[16]; // left right top bottom
float frustum[20]; // left right top bottom near
float frustumnorms[5];
GLdouble modelviewmatrix[16];
GLdouble projectionmatrix[16];
GLint viewport[4];
GLint portal[4];
_cliplane *cliplanes;
int cliplanecount, maxcliplanecount;
GLfloat *portalpoints = NULL;
float *distances = NULL;
int maxportalpointcount = 0;
int updatesectors = 1;
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ GLUtesselator* prtess;
int tempverticescount;
GLdouble tempvertice[3];
short cursky;
int polymer_init(void)
@ -55,9 +57,6 @@ int polymer_init(void)
cliplanes = NULL;
cliplanecount = maxcliplanecount = 0;
prtess = bgluNewTess();
if (prtess == 0)
@ -188,14 +187,11 @@ void polymer_drawrooms(long daposx, long daposy, long daposz, sho
// get the new modelview
bglGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelviewmatrix);
if (pr_frustumculling)
polymer_extractfrustum(modelviewmatrix, projectionmatrix);
polymer_extractfrustum(modelviewmatrix, projectionmatrix);
// initialize the portal to the whole viewport
memcpy(portal, viewport, sizeof(GLint) * 4);
cliplanecount = 0;
// game tic
if (updatesectors || 1)
@ -241,97 +237,22 @@ void polymer_drawrooms(long daposx, long daposy, long daposz, sho
prsectors[i]->drawingstate = 0;
/*prsectors[dacursectnum]->drawingstate = 2; // SEED OF LIFE
drawnsectors = 1;
while (drawnsectors > 0)
i = 0;
while (i < numwalls)
drawnsectors = 0;
prwalls[i]->drawn = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < numsectors)
if (prsectors[i] && prsectors[i]->drawingstate == 2)
// stupid waste of performance - the position doesn't match the sector number when running from a sector to another
updatesector(daposx, daposy, &dacursectnum);
sec = §or[i];
wal = &wall[sec->wallptr];
j = 0;
while (j < sec->wallnum)
if ((pr_frustumculling == 0) || polymer_portalinfrustum(sec->wallptr + j))
polymer_drawwall(sec->wallptr + j);
if ((wal->nextsector != -1) && (prsectors[wal->nextsector]) && (prsectors[wal->nextsector]->drawingstate == 0))
prsectors[wal->nextsector]->drawingstate = 1;
wal = &wall[sec->wallptr + j];
prsectors[i]->drawingstate = 3;
i = 0;
while (i < numsectors)
if (prsectors[i] && prsectors[i]->drawingstate == 1)
prsectors[i]->drawingstate = 2;
// GO
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Rooms drawn.\n");
void polymer_drawroom(short sectnum)
int i, j;
sectortype *sec;
walltype *wal;
GLint curportal[4];
sec = §or[i];
wal = &wall[sec->wallptr];
memcpy(curportal, portal, sizeof(GLint) * 4);
// first draw the sector
prsectors[sectnum]->drawingstate = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < sec->wallnum)
if (polymer_checkportal(sec->wallptr + i))
polymer_drawwall(sec->wallptr + i);
if ((wal->nextsector != -1) && (prsectors[wal->nextsector]->drawingstate == 0))
memcpy(portal, curportal, sizeof(GLint) * 4);
wal = &wall[sec->wallptr + i];
int polymer_checkportal(short wallnum)
{ // Returns 1 if the wall is in the current portal and sets the current portal to the wall, returns 0 otherwise
void polymer_rotatesprite(long sx, long sy, long z, short a, short picnum, signed char dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat, long cx1, long cy1, long cx2, long cy2)
@ -1046,19 +967,115 @@ void polymer_extractfrustum(GLdouble* modelview, GLdouble* projec
frustum[i + 4] = matrix[(4 * i) + 3] - matrix[4 * i]; // right
frustum[i + 8] = matrix[(4 * i) + 3] - matrix[(4 * i) + 1]; // top
frustum[i + 12] = matrix[(4 * i) + 3] + matrix[(4 * i) + 1]; // bottom
frustum[i + 16] = matrix[(4 * i) + 3] + matrix[(4 * i) + 2]; // near
i = 0;
while (i < 5)
{ // frustum plane norms
frustumnorms[i] = sqrt((frustum[(i * 4) + 0] * frustum[(i * 4) + 0]) +
(frustum[(i * 4) + 1] * frustum[(i * 4) + 1]) +
(frustum[(i * 4) + 2] * frustum[(i * 4) + 2]));
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Frustum extracted.\n");
void polymer_drawroom(short sectnum)
int i, j;
sectortype *sec;
walltype *wal;
GLint curportal[4];
GLfloat currecursive;
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Drawing room %d.\n", sectnum);
sec = §or[sectnum];
wal = &wall[sec->wallptr];
memcpy(curportal, portal, sizeof(GLint) * 4);
// first draw the sector
bglScissor(portal[0], viewport[3] - portal[3], portal[2] - portal[0], portal[3] - portal[1]);
prsectors[sectnum]->drawingstate = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < sec->wallnum)
if ((prwalls[sec->wallptr + i]->drawn == 0) && (wallvisible(sec->wallptr + i)) && polymer_checkportal(sec->wallptr + i))
polymer_drawwall(sec->wallptr + i);
prwalls[sec->wallptr + i]->drawn = 1;
if ((wal->nextsector != -1) && (prsectors[wal->nextsector]->drawingstate == 0))
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Popping portal...\n");
memcpy(portal, curportal, sizeof(GLint) * 4);
prwalls[sec->wallptr + i]->drawn = 0;
wal = &wall[sec->wallptr + i];
prsectors[sectnum]->drawingstate = 0;
int polymer_checkportal(short wallnum)
{ // Returns 1 if the wall is in the current portal and sets the current portal to the wall, returns 0 otherwise
GLint wallportal[4], newportal[4];
int mask, portalpointcount;
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Checking wall %d.\n", wallnum);
mask = polymer_portalinfrustum(wallnum);
if (mask == 0)
return (0); // not visible
if (mask > 1)
{ // only some points visible, clip the polygon to the viewport
portalpointcount = polymer_cliptofrustum(wallnum, mask);
polymer_getportal(portalpoints, portalpointcount, wallportal);
else // all visible
polymer_getportal(prwalls[wallnum]->portal, 4, wallportal);
if ((wallportal[0] > portal[2]) || (wallportal[2] < portal[0]) || (wallportal[1] > portal[3]) || (wallportal[3] < portal[1]))
return (0); // the wall is totally outside the current portal
// we need to find the intersection of the current portal and the wall portal
newportal[0] = portal[0] + (klabs(wallportal[0] - portal[0]) + (wallportal[0] - portal[0])) / 2;
newportal[1] = portal[1] + (klabs(wallportal[1] - portal[1]) + (wallportal[1] - portal[1])) / 2;
newportal[2] = portal[2] + ((wallportal[2] - portal[2]) - klabs(wallportal[2] - portal[2])) / 2;
newportal[3] = portal[3] + ((wallportal[3] - portal[3]) - klabs(wallportal[3] - portal[3])) / 2;
// update the view portal
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Updating portal...\n");
memcpy(portal, newportal, sizeof(GLint) * 4);
// draw the new portal
if (pr_showportals)
return (1);
int polymer_portalinfrustum(short wallnum)
int i, j, k;
int i, j, k, result;
float sqdist;
_prwall *w;
w = prwalls[wallnum];
i = 0;
i = result = 0;
while (i < 4)
j = k = 0;
@ -1068,8 +1085,11 @@ int polymer_portalinfrustum(short wallnum)
frustum[(i * 4) + 1] * w->portal[(j * 3) + 1] +
frustum[(i * 4) + 2] * w->portal[(j * 3) + 2] +
frustum[(i * 4) + 3];
if (sqdist < 0)
if (sqdist < 0)
result |= 2<<j;
if (k == 4)
@ -1077,58 +1097,210 @@ int polymer_portalinfrustum(short wallnum)
return (1);
result |= 1;
return (result);
void polymer_addcliplane(_equation clip, _equation left, _equation right, float refx, float refy)
float polymer_pointdistancetoplane(GLfloat* point, GLfloat* plane)
if (cliplanecount == maxcliplanecount)
cliplanes = realloc(cliplanes, sizeof(_cliplane) * ++maxcliplanecount);
float result, t;
cliplanes[cliplanecount].clip = clip;
cliplanes[cliplanecount].left = left;
cliplanes[cliplanecount].right = right;
cliplanes[cliplanecount].ref.x = refx;
cliplanes[cliplanecount].ref.y = refy;
result = plane[0] * point[0] +
plane[1] * point[1] +
plane[2] * point[2] +
return (result);
int polymer_wallincliplanes(short wallnum)
void polymer_lineplaneintersection(GLfloat *point1, GLfloat *point2, float dist1, float dist2, GLfloat *output)
walltype *wal;
_point2d p1, p2;
int i, j;
GLfloat result[3];
float s;
wal = &wall[wallnum];
s = dist1 / (dist1 - dist2);
p1.x = wal->x;
p1.y = wal->y;
result[0] = point1[0] + (s * (point2[0] - point1[0]));
result[1] = point1[1] + (s * (point2[1] - point1[1]));
result[2] = point1[2] + (s * (point2[2] - point1[2]));
p2.x = wall[wal->point2].x;
p2.y = wall[wal->point2].y;
memcpy(output, result, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
int polymer_cliptofrustum(short wallnum, int mask)
{ // sutherland-hofnman polygon clipping algorithm against all planes of the frustum
GLfloat intersect[3];
int i, j, k, l, m, result, exitpoint;
if (portalpoints == NULL)
{ // one-time initialization
portalpoints = calloc(4, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
distances = calloc(4, sizeof(float));
maxportalpointcount = 4;
result = 4; // 4 points to start with
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Clipping wall %d...\n", wallnum);
memcpy(portalpoints, prwalls[wallnum]->portal, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3 * 4);
i = 0;
while (i < cliplanecount)
j = 0;
if ((sameside(&cliplanes[i].clip, &cliplanes[i].ref, &p1) == 0) && (sameside(&cliplanes[i].clip, &cliplanes[i].ref, &p2) == 0))
while (i < 4)
{ // frustum planes
j = k = 0;
m = -1;
while (j < result)
distances[j] = polymer_pointdistancetoplane(&portalpoints[j * 3], &frustum[i * 4]);
if (distances[j] < 0)
k = 1; // at least one is outside
if ((distances[j] > 0) && (m < 0))
m = j; // first point inside
if ((sameside(&cliplanes[i].left, &cliplanes[i].ref, &p1) == 1) && (sameside(&cliplanes[i].left, &cliplanes[i].ref, &p2) == 1))
if ((k) && (m != -1))
{ // divide and conquer while we may
j = m;
while ((j != m) || (k))
if (k)
k = 0;
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Clipping against frustum plane %d starting with point %d...\n", i, m);
l = j + 1; // L is next point
if (l == result)
l = 0;
if ((distances[j] >= 0) && (distances[l] < 0))
{ // case 1 : line exits the plane -> compute intersection
polymer_lineplaneintersection(&portalpoints[j * 3], &portalpoints[l * 3], distances[j], distances[l], intersect);
exitpoint = l;
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : %d: EXIT\n", j);
else if ((distances[j] < 0) && (distances[l] < 0))
{ // case 2 : line is totally outside the plane
if (j != exitpoint)
{ // if we didn't just exit we need to delete this point forever
if (j != result)
memmove(&portalpoints[j * 3], &portalpoints[l * 3], (result - j) * sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
memmove(&distances[j], &distances[l], (result - j) * sizeof(float));
if (m >= l)
if (l == result)
l = 0;
memcpy(&portalpoints[j * 3], intersect, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); // replace point by intersection from previous entry
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : %d: IN\n", j);
else if ((distances[j] < 0) && (distances[l] >= 0))
{ // case 3 : we're going back into the plane -> replace current point with intersection
if (j == exitpoint)
{ // if we just exited a point is created
if (result == maxportalpointcount)
portalpoints = realloc(portalpoints, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3 * (maxportalpointcount + 1));
distances = realloc(distances, sizeof(float) * (maxportalpointcount + 1));
if ((result - 1) != j)
memmove(&portalpoints[(l + 1) * 3], &portalpoints[l * 3], (result - l) * sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
memmove(&distances[l + 1], &distances[l], (result - l) * sizeof(float));
if (m >= l)
polymer_lineplaneintersection(&portalpoints[j * 3], &portalpoints[l * 3], distances[j], distances[l], &portalpoints[(j + 1) * 3]);
memcpy(&portalpoints[j * 3], intersect, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); // replace point by intersection from previous entry
if ((l) && (l != m))
l++; // if not at the end of the list, skip the point we just created
polymer_lineplaneintersection(&portalpoints[j * 3], &portalpoints[l * 3], distances[j], distances[l], &portalpoints[j * 3]);
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : %d: ENTER\n", j);
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : %d: OUT\n", j);
if ((sameside(&cliplanes[i].right, &cliplanes[i].ref, &p1) == 1) && (sameside(&cliplanes[i].right, &cliplanes[i].ref, &p2) == 1))
if (j == 3)
return (0);
j = l; // L
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Plane %d finished, result : %d.\n", i, result);
return (1);
return (result);
void polymer_getportal(GLfloat* portalpoints, int portalpointcount, GLint* output)
GLdouble result[3];
int i;
bgluProject(portalpoints[0], portalpoints[1], portalpoints[2], modelviewmatrix, projectionmatrix, viewport, &(result[0]), &(result[1]), &(result[2]));
result[1] = viewport[3] - result[1];
output[0] = (GLint)result[0];
output[1] = (GLint)result[1];
output[2] = (GLint)result[0];
output[3] = (GLint)result[1];
i = 1;
while (i < portalpointcount)
bgluProject(portalpoints[(i * 3)], portalpoints[(i * 3) + 1], portalpoints[(i * 3) + 2], modelviewmatrix, projectionmatrix, viewport, &(result[0]), &(result[1]), &(result[2]));
result[1] = viewport[3] - result[1];
if (((GLint)result[0]) < output[0])
output[0] = (GLint)result[0];
if (((GLint)result[0]) > output[2])
output[2] = (GLint)result[0];
if (((GLint)result[1]) < output[1])
output[1] = (GLint)result[1];
if (((GLint)result[1]) > output[3])
output[3] = (GLint)result[1];
void polymer_drawportal(void)
bglOrtho(0, xdim, ydim, 0, 0, 1);
bglColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
bglVertex3f(portal[0], portal[1], 0.0f);
bglVertex3f(portal[0], portal[3], 0.0f);
bglVertex3f(portal[2], portal[3], 0.0f);
bglVertex3f(portal[2], portal[1], 0.0f);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
ProjectType="Visual C++"
@ -694,11 +694,11 @@
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ cvar[] =
// polymer cvars
{ "pr_cliplanes", "pr_cliplanes: toggles clipping behind map limits (recommended yet may decrease performance in complex maps)", (void*)&pr_cliplanes, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 1 },
{ "pr_fov", "pr_fov: sets the field of vision in build angle", (void*)&pr_fov, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 1023},
{ "pr_frustumculling", "pr_frustumculling: toggles frustum culling (recommended)", (void*)&pr_frustumculling, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 1 },
{ "pr_showportals", "pr_showportals: toggles frustum culling (recommended)", (void*)&pr_showportals, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 1 },
{ "pr_verbosity", "pr_verbosity: verbosity level of the polymer renderer", (void*)&pr_verbosity, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 3 },
{ "pr_wireframe", "pr_wireframe: toggles wireframe mode", (void*)&pr_wireframe, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 1 },
Reference in a new issue