mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 15:31:57 +00:00
Multiple light sources and repair the indentation fuckup caused by the transition to normalized integer types.
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@1212 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 109 additions and 121 deletions
@ -33,15 +33,15 @@
# include <math.h>
extern int32_t pr_occlusionculling;
extern int32_t pr_fov;
extern int32_t pr_billboardingmode;
extern int32_t pr_verbosity;
extern int32_t pr_wireframe;
extern int32_t pr_vbos;
extern int32_t pr_gpusmoothing;
extern int32_t pr_occlusionculling;
extern int32_t pr_fov;
extern int32_t pr_billboardingmode;
extern int32_t pr_verbosity;
extern int32_t pr_wireframe;
extern int32_t pr_vbos;
extern int32_t pr_gpusmoothing;
extern int32_t glerror;
extern int32_t glerror;
typedef enum {
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ typedef struct s_prrograminfo {
typedef struct s_prprogrambit {
int32_t bit;
int32_t bit;
char* vert_def;
char* vert_prog;
char* frag_def;
@ -120,24 +120,24 @@ typedef struct s_prsector {
GLdouble* verts;
_prplane floor;
_prplane ceil;
int16_t curindice;
int32_t indicescount;
int32_t oldindicescount;
int16_t curindice;
int32_t indicescount;
int32_t oldindicescount;
// stuff
float wallsproffset;
float floorsproffset;
// build sector data
int32_t ceilingz, floorz;
int16_t ceilingstat, floorstat;
int16_t ceilingpicnum, ceilingheinum;
int8_t ceilingshade;
int32_t ceilingz, floorz;
int16_t ceilingstat, floorstat;
int16_t ceilingpicnum, ceilingheinum;
int8_t ceilingshade;
char ceilingpal, ceilingxpanning, ceilingypanning;
int16_t floorpicnum, floorheinum;
int8_t floorshade;
int16_t floorpicnum, floorheinum;
int8_t floorshade;
char floorpal, floorxpanning, floorypanning;
char controlstate; // 1: up to date, 2: just allocated
uint32_t invalidid;
uint32_t invalidid;
} _prsector;
typedef struct s_prwall {
@ -149,21 +149,21 @@ typedef struct s_prwall {
GLfloat* cap;
GLuint stuffvbo;
// build wall data
int16_t cstat, nwallcstat;
int16_t picnum, overpicnum, nwallpicnum;
int8_t shade;
int16_t cstat, nwallcstat;
int16_t picnum, overpicnum, nwallpicnum;
int8_t shade;
char pal, xrepeat, yrepeat, xpanning, ypanning;
char nwallxpanning, nwallypanning;
char underover;
uint32_t invalidid;
uint32_t invalidid;
char controlstate;
} _prwall;
typedef struct s_pranimatespritesinfo {
animatespritesptr animatesprites;
int32_t x, y, a, smoothratio;
int32_t x, y, a, smoothratio;
} _pranimatespritesinfo;
@ -176,18 +176,18 @@ typedef enum {
} prlighttype;
typedef struct s_prlight {
int32_t x, y, z, horiz, faderange, range;
int16_t angle, sector;
int32_t x, y, z, horiz, faderange, range;
int16_t angle, sector;
prlighttype type;
} _prlight;
extern int32_t updatesectors;
extern int32_t updatesectors;
int32_t polymer_init(void);
int32_t polymer_init(void);
void polymer_glinit(void);
void polymer_loadboard(void);
void polymer_drawrooms(int32_t daposx, int32_t daposy, int32_t daposz, int16_t daang, int32_t dahoriz, int16_t dacursectnum);
@ -206,15 +206,15 @@ static void polymer_drawplane(int16_t sectnum, int16_t wallnum, _prplane
static void polymer_inb4mirror(GLfloat* buffer, GLdouble* plane);
static void polymer_animatesprites(void);
static int32_t polymer_initsector(int16_t sectnum);
static int32_t polymer_updatesector(int16_t sectnum);
static int32_t polymer_initsector(int16_t sectnum);
static int32_t polymer_updatesector(int16_t sectnum);
void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tesserror(GLenum error);
void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tessedgeflag(GLenum error);
void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tessvertex(void* vertex, void* sector);
static int32_t polymer_buildfloor(int16_t sectnum);
static int32_t polymer_buildfloor(int16_t sectnum);
static void polymer_drawsector(int16_t sectnum);
static int32_t polymer_initwall(int16_t wallnum);
static int32_t polymer_initwall(int16_t wallnum);
static void polymer_updatewall(int16_t wallnum);
static void polymer_drawwall(int16_t sectnum, int16_t wallnum);
// HSR
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ static void polymer_buffertoplane(GLfloat* buffer, GLushort* indices, in
static void polymer_crossproduct(GLfloat* in_a, GLfloat* in_b, GLdouble* out);
static void polymer_pokesector(int16_t sectnum);
static void polymer_extractfrustum(GLfloat* modelview, GLfloat* projection, float* frustum);
static int32_t polymer_portalinfrustum(int16_t wallnum, float* frustum);
static int32_t polymer_portalinfrustum(int16_t wallnum, float* frustum);
static void polymer_scansprites(int16_t sectnum, spritetype* tsprite, int32_t* spritesortcnt);
static void polymer_getsky(void);
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ static void polymer_loadmodelvbos(md3model_t* m);
static void polymer_getscratchmaterial(_prmaterial* material);
static void polymer_getbuildmaterial(_prmaterial* material, int16_t tilenum, char pal, int8_t shade);
static int32_t polymer_bindmaterial(_prmaterial material);
static int32_t polymer_bindmaterial(_prmaterial material);
static void polymer_unbindmaterial(int32_t programbits);
static void polymer_compileprogram(int32_t programbits);
@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
#include "polymer.h"
int32_t pr_occlusionculling = 50;
int32_t pr_fov = 426; // appears to be the classic setting.
int32_t pr_billboardingmode = 1;
int32_t pr_verbosity = 1; // 0: silent, 1: errors and one-times, 2: multiple-times, 3: flood
int32_t pr_wireframe = 0;
int32_t pr_vbos = 2;
int32_t pr_mirrordepth = 1;
int32_t pr_gpusmoothing = 1;
int32_t pr_occlusionculling = 50;
int32_t pr_fov = 426; // appears to be the classic setting.
int32_t pr_billboardingmode = 1;
int32_t pr_verbosity = 1; // 0: silent, 1: errors and one-times, 2: multiple-times, 3: flood
int32_t pr_wireframe = 0;
int32_t pr_vbos = 2;
int32_t pr_mirrordepth = 1;
int32_t pr_gpusmoothing = 1;
int32_t glerror;
int32_t glerror;
GLenum mapvbousage = GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB;
GLenum modelvbousage = GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB;
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ GLfloat artskydata[16];
_prlight prlights[PR_MAXLIGHTS];
int32_t lightcount;
int32_t lightcount;
_prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
@ -192,37 +192,24 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
// vert_def
"#define MAX_LIGHTS 2\n"
"uniform int lightCount;\n"
"uniform vec3 pointLightPosition[MAX_LIGHTS];\n"
"uniform vec2 pointLightRange[MAX_LIGHTS];\n"
"varying vec3 vertexNormal;\n"
"varying vec3 vertexPos;\n"
"varying vec3 lightVector[MAX_LIGHTS];\n"
// vert_prog
" vec3 lightPos;\n"
" vertexNormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);\n"
" vertexPos = vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex);\n"
" while (l < lightCount) {\n"
" lightPos = pointLightPosition[l];\n"
" lightVector[l] = lightPos - vertexPos;\n"
" l++;\n"
" }\n"
// frag_def
"#define MAX_LIGHTS 2\n"
"#define MAX_LIGHTS 32\n"
"uniform int lightCount;\n"
"uniform vec3 pointLightPosition[MAX_LIGHTS];\n"
"uniform vec3 pointLightColor[MAX_LIGHTS];\n"
"uniform vec2 pointLightRange[MAX_LIGHTS];\n"
"varying vec3 vertexNormal;\n"
"varying vec3 vertexPos;\n"
"varying vec3 lightVector[MAX_LIGHTS];\n"
// frag_prog
" vec3 lightVector;\n"
" vec3 fragmentNormal;\n"
" float dotNormalLightDir;\n"
" float lightAttenuation;\n"
@ -231,8 +218,9 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
" fragmentNormal = normalize(vertexNormal);\n"
" while (l < lightCount) {\n"
" pointLightDistance = length(lightVector[l]);\n"
" dotNormalLightDir = max(dot(fragmentNormal, normalize(lightVector[l])), 0.0);\n"
" lightVector = pointLightPosition[l] - vertexPos;\n"
" pointLightDistance = length(lightVector);\n"
" dotNormalLightDir = max(dot(fragmentNormal, normalize(lightVector)), 0.0);\n"
" if (pointLightDistance < pointLightRange[l].y)\n"
" {\n"
" if (pointLightDistance < pointLightRange[l].x)\n"
@ -242,7 +230,7 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
" (pointLightRange[l].y - pointLightRange[l].x);\n"
" }\n"
" result += vec4(lightAttenuation * dotNormalLightDir * pointLightColor[l], 0.0);\n"
" float specular = pow( max(dot(reflect(-normalize(lightVector[l]), fragmentNormal), normalize(-vertexPos)), 0.0), 60.0);\n"
" float specular = pow( max(dot(reflect(-normalize(lightVector), fragmentNormal), normalize(-vertexPos)), 0.0), 60.0);\n"
" result += vec4(lightAttenuation * specular * vec3(1.0, 0.5, 0.5), 0.0);\n"
" }\n"
@ -298,25 +286,25 @@ GLfloat rootmodelviewmatrix[16];
GLfloat *curmodelviewmatrix;
GLfloat projectionmatrix[16];
int32_t updatesectors = 1;
int32_t updatesectors = 1;
int32_t depth;
int32_t mirrorfrom[10]; // -3: no mirror; -2: floor; -1: ceiling; >=0: wallnum
int32_t depth;
int32_t mirrorfrom[10]; // -3: no mirror; -2: floor; -1: ceiling; >=0: wallnum
GLUtesselator* prtess;
int16_t cursky;
int16_t cursky;
int16_t viewangle;
int16_t viewangle;
int32_t rootsectnum;
int32_t rootsectnum;
_pranimatespritesinfo asi;
int32_t polymer_init(void)
int32_t polymer_init(void)
int32_t i, j;
int32_t i, j;
if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("Initalizing Polymer subsystem...\n");
@ -417,7 +405,7 @@ void polymer_glinit(void)
void polymer_loadboard(void)
int32_t i;
int32_t i;
i = 0;
while (i < numsectors)
@ -442,8 +430,8 @@ void polymer_loadboard(void)
void polymer_drawrooms(int32_t daposx, int32_t daposy, int32_t daposz, int16_t daang, int32_t dahoriz, int16_t dacursectnum)
int16_t cursectnum;
int32_t i;
int16_t cursectnum;
int32_t i;
float ang, horizang, tiltang;
float pos[3];
@ -585,7 +573,7 @@ void polymer_drawmaskwall(int32_t damaskwallcnt)
void polymer_drawsprite(int32_t snum)
int32_t curpicnum, xsize, ysize, tilexoff, tileyoff, xoff, yoff;
int32_t curpicnum, xsize, ysize, tilexoff, tileyoff, xoff, yoff;
spritetype *tspr;
float xratio, yratio, ang;
float spos[3];
@ -756,20 +744,20 @@ static void polymer_displayrooms(int16_t dacursectnum)
sectortype *sec, *nextsec;
walltype *wal, *nextwal;
_prwall *w;
int32_t i, j;
int32_t i, j;
GLint result;
int32_t front;
int32_t back;
int32_t firstback;
int16_t sectorqueue[MAXSECTORS];
int16_t querydelay[MAXSECTORS];
int32_t front;
int32_t back;
int32_t firstback;
int16_t sectorqueue[MAXSECTORS];
int16_t querydelay[MAXSECTORS];
GLuint queryid[MAXSECTORS];
int16_t drawingstate[MAXSECTORS];
int16_t drawingstate[MAXSECTORS];
GLfloat localmodelviewmatrix[16];
float frustum[5 * 4];
int32_t localspritesortcnt;
int32_t localspritesortcnt;
spritetype localtsprite[MAXSPRITESONSCREEN];
int16_t localmaskwall[MAXWALLSB], localmaskwallcnt;
int16_t localmaskwall[MAXWALLSB], localmaskwallcnt;
if (depth)
@ -984,12 +972,12 @@ static void polymer_displayrooms(int16_t dacursectnum)
static void polymer_drawplane(int16_t sectnum, int16_t wallnum, _prplane* plane, int32_t indicecount)
int32_t materialbits;
int32_t materialbits;
// if ((depth < 1) && (plane != NULL) &&
// (wallnum >= 0) && (wall[wallnum].overpicnum == 560)) // insert mirror condition here
// {
// int32_t gx, gy, gz, px, py, pz;
// int32_t gx, gy, gz, px, py, pz;
// float coeff;
// // set the stencil to 1 and clear the area to black where the sector floor is
@ -1168,7 +1156,7 @@ static void polymer_animatesprites(void)
static int32_t polymer_initsector(int16_t sectnum)
static int32_t polymer_initsector(int16_t sectnum)
sectortype *sec;
_prsector* s;
@ -1213,17 +1201,17 @@ static int32_t polymer_initsector(int16_t sectnum)
return (1);
static int32_t polymer_updatesector(int16_t sectnum)
static int32_t polymer_updatesector(int16_t sectnum)
_prsector* s;
sectortype *sec;
walltype *wal;
int32_t i, j;
int32_t ceilz, florz;
int32_t tex, tey, heidiff;
int32_t i, j;
int32_t ceilz, florz;
int32_t tex, tey, heidiff;
float secangcos, secangsin, scalecoef, xpancoef, ypancoef;
int32_t ang, needfloor, wallinvalidate;
int16_t curstat, curpicnum, floorpicnum, ceilingpicnum;
int32_t ang, needfloor, wallinvalidate;
int16_t curstat, curpicnum, floorpicnum, ceilingpicnum;
char curxpanning, curypanning;
GLfloat* curbuffer;
@ -1479,12 +1467,12 @@ void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tessvertex(void* vertex, void* sector)
static int32_t polymer_buildfloor(int16_t sectnum)
static int32_t polymer_buildfloor(int16_t sectnum)
// This function tesselates the floor/ceiling of a sector and stores the triangles in a display list.
_prsector* s;
sectortype *sec;
intptr_t i;
intptr_t i;
if (pr_verbosity >= 2) OSD_Printf("PR : Tesselating floor of sector %i...\n", sectnum);
@ -1558,7 +1546,7 @@ static void polymer_drawsector(int16_t sectnum)
static int32_t polymer_initwall(int16_t wallnum)
static int32_t polymer_initwall(int16_t wallnum)
_prwall *w;
@ -1608,17 +1596,17 @@ static int32_t polymer_initwall(int16_t wallnum)
static void polymer_updatewall(int16_t wallnum)
int16_t nwallnum, nnwallnum, curpicnum, wallpicnum, walloverpicnum, nwallpicnum;
int16_t nwallnum, nnwallnum, curpicnum, wallpicnum, walloverpicnum, nwallpicnum;
char curxpanning, curypanning, underwall, overwall, curpal;
int8_t curshade;
int8_t curshade;
walltype *wal;
sectortype *sec, *nsec;
_prwall *w;
_prsector *s, *ns;
int32_t xref, yref;
int32_t xref, yref;
float ypancoef, dist;
int32_t i;
uint32_t invalid;
int32_t i;
uint32_t invalid;
// yes, this function is messy and unefficient
// it also works, bitches
@ -2044,7 +2032,7 @@ static void polymer_drawwall(int16_t sectnum, int16_t wallnum)
static void polymer_buffertoplane(GLfloat* buffer, GLushort* indices, int32_t indicecount, GLdouble* plane)
GLfloat vec1[3], vec2[3];
int32_t i;
int32_t i;
i = 0;
@ -2085,7 +2073,7 @@ static void polymer_pokesector(int16_t sectnum)
sectortype *sec;
_prsector *s;
walltype *wal;
int32_t i;
int32_t i;
sec = §or[sectnum];
s = prsectors[sectnum];
@ -2110,7 +2098,7 @@ static void polymer_pokesector(int16_t sectnum)
static void polymer_extractfrustum(GLfloat* modelview, GLfloat* projection, float* frustum)
GLfloat matrix[16];
int32_t i;
int32_t i;
@ -2134,9 +2122,9 @@ static void polymer_extractfrustum(GLfloat* modelview, GLfloat* projecti
if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Frustum extracted.\n");
static int32_t polymer_portalinfrustum(int16_t wallnum, float* frustum)
static int32_t polymer_portalinfrustum(int16_t wallnum, float* frustum)
int32_t i, j, k;
int32_t i, j, k;
float sqdist;
_prwall *w;
@ -2166,7 +2154,7 @@ static int32_t polymer_portalinfrustum(int16_t wallnum, float* frustum)
static void polymer_scansprites(int16_t sectnum, spritetype* localtsprite, int32_t* localspritesortcnt)
int32_t i;
int32_t i;
spritetype *spr;
for (i = headspritesect[sectnum];i >=0;i = nextspritesect[i])
@ -2185,7 +2173,7 @@ static void polymer_scansprites(int16_t sectnum, spritetype* localtsprit
static void polymer_getsky(void)
int32_t i;
int32_t i;
i = 0;
while (i < numsectors)
@ -2231,7 +2219,7 @@ static void polymer_drawartsky(int16_t tilenum)
pthtyp* pth;
GLuint glpics[5];
int32_t i, j;
int32_t i, j;
GLfloat height = 2.45f / 2.0f;
i = 0;
@ -2275,7 +2263,7 @@ static void polymer_drawartskyquad(int32_t p1, int32_t p2, GLfloat heigh
static void polymer_drawskybox(int16_t tilenum)
pthtyp* pth;
int32_t i;
int32_t i;
if ((pr_vbos > 0) && (skyboxdatavbo == 0))
@ -2320,7 +2308,7 @@ static void polymer_drawskybox(int16_t tilenum)
static void polymer_drawmdsprite(spritetype *tspr)
md3model_t* m;
md3model_t* m;
mdskinmap_t* sk;
md3xyzn_t *v0, *v1;
md3surf_t *s;
@ -2328,9 +2316,9 @@ static void polymer_drawmdsprite(spritetype *tspr)
float spos[3];
float ang;
float scale;
int32_t surfi;
int32_t surfi;
GLfloat* color;
int32_t materialbits;
int32_t materialbits;
m = (md3model_t*)models[tile2model[Ptile2tile(tspr->picnum,sprite[tspr->owner].pal)].modelid];
updateanimation((md2model_t *)m,tspr);
@ -2494,7 +2482,7 @@ static void polymer_drawmdsprite(spritetype *tspr)
static void polymer_loadmodelvbos(md3model_t* m)
int32_t i;
int32_t i;
md3surf_t *s;
m->indices = calloc(m->head.numsurfs, sizeof(GLuint));
@ -2624,10 +2612,10 @@ static void polymer_getbuildmaterial(_prmaterial* material, int16_t tile
static int32_t polymer_bindmaterial(_prmaterial material)
static int32_t polymer_bindmaterial(_prmaterial material)
int32_t programbits;
int32_t texunit;
int32_t programbits;
int32_t texunit;
programbits = prprogrambits[PR_BIT_DEFAULT].bit;
@ -2762,11 +2750,11 @@ static int32_t polymer_bindmaterial(_prmaterial material)
pos[5] * rootmodelviewmatrix[10] +
+ rootmodelviewmatrix[14];
color[3] = 0.1f;
color[3] = 0.5f;
color[4] = 0.5f;
color[5] = 0.1f;
color[5] = 0.5f;
range[2] = 0.0f / 1000.0;
range[2] = 5000.0f / 1000.0;
range[3] = 10000.0f / 1000.0;
/* bglUniform3fARB(prprograms[programbits].uniform_pointLightPosition, 62208, 42000 / 16.0, -6919);
@ -2806,7 +2794,7 @@ static void polymer_unbindmaterial(int32_t programbits)
static void polymer_compileprogram(int32_t programbits)
int32_t i, enabledbits;
int32_t i, enabledbits;
GLhandleARB vert, frag, program;
GLcharARB* source[PR_BIT_COUNT * 2];
Reference in a new issue