mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
New experimental Mapster32 hybrid 2D/3D mode feature. Pressing F10 in 2D mode enables a picture-in-picture 3D view in the corner of the screen. When moving the mouse over the 3D view, the controls change to 3D mode controls and all 3D mode operations can be performed. The 3D view can be resized with shift + F10 and can be moved to different positions by holding CTRL and using the arrow keys.
This commit also implements a much more useful automatic grid sizing feature and smooths out zooming in and out of the map. git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@5281 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 317 additions and 141 deletions
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#ifndef editor_h_
#define editor_h_
#include "baselayer.h"
#include <math.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -362,6 +363,18 @@ extern int32_t showtags;
int32_t select_sprite_tag(int32_t spritenum);
extern int32_t m32_2d3dmode, m32_2d3dsize;
extern vec2_t m32_2d3d;
#define XSIZE_2D3D (xdim2d / m32_2d3dsize)
#define YSIZE_2D3D (ydim2d / m32_2d3dsize)
static inline int32_t m32_is2d3dmode(void)
return !in3dmode() && m32_2d3dmode && searchx > m32_2d3d.x && searchx < (m32_2d3d.x + XSIZE_2D3D) &&
searchy > m32_2d3d.y && searchy < (m32_2d3d.y + YSIZE_2D3D);
#define NEXTWALL(i) (wall[wall[i].nextwall])
#define POINT2(i) (wall[wall[i].point2])
@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ const char *g_namesFileName = "NAMES.H";
int16_t asksave = 0;
int32_t osearchx, osearchy; //old search input
int32_t grid = 3, autogrid = 0, gridlock = 1, showtags = 2;
int32_t zoom = 768, gettilezoom = 1;
int32_t grid = 0, autogrid = 1, gridlock = 1, showtags = 2;
int32_t zoom = 768, gettilezoom = 1, ztarget = 768;
int32_t lastpm16time = 0;
extern int32_t mapversion;
@ -183,6 +183,10 @@ static int32_t minhlsectorfloorz, numhlsecwalls;
// - trace_loop
static uint8_t visited[MAXWALLS>>3];
int32_t m32_2d3dmode = 0;
int32_t m32_2d3dsize = 4;
vec2_t m32_2d3d ={ 4, 4 };
typedef struct
int16_t numsectors, numwalls, numsprites;
@ -969,40 +973,69 @@ static void mainloop_move(void)
if (angvel != 0) //ang += angvel * constant
//ENGINE calculates angvel for you
//Lt. shift makes turn velocity 50% faster
doubvel = (synctics + DOWN_BK(RUN)*(synctics>>1));
ang += ((angvel*doubvel)>>4);
ang &= 2047;
if (in3dmode())
if (eitherCTRL && m32_2d3dmode)
silentmessage("x:%d y:%d z:%d ang:%d horiz:%d", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, ang, horiz);
getmessagetimeoff = totalclock+30;
int x = m32_2d3d.x + (angvel / 32);
int xx = m32_2d3d.x + XSIZE_2D3D + (angvel / 32);
if (x > 4 && xx < xdim2d - 4)
silentmessage("2d3d x:%d y:%d", m32_2d3d.x, m32_2d3d.y);
m32_2d3d.x += (angvel / 32);
//ENGINE calculates angvel for you
//Lt. shift makes turn velocity 50% faster
doubvel = (synctics + DOWN_BK(RUN)*(synctics>>1));
ang += ((angvel*doubvel)>>4);
ang &= 2047;
if (in3dmode())
silentmessage("x:%d y:%d z:%d ang:%d horiz:%d", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, ang, horiz);
getmessagetimeoff = totalclock+30;
if ((vel|svel) != 0)
//Lt. shift doubles forward velocity
doubvel = (1+(DOWN_BK(RUN)))*synctics;
xvect = 0;
yvect = 0;
if (vel != 0)
if (eitherCTRL && m32_2d3dmode)
xvect += (vel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2560)&2047])>>3;
yvect += (vel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3;
if (svel != 0)
xvect += (svel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3;
yvect += (svel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+1536)&2047])>>3;
int y = m32_2d3d.y - (vel / 64);
int yy = m32_2d3d.y + YSIZE_2D3D - (vel / 64);
move_and_update(xvect, yvect, 0);
if (y > 4 && yy < ydim2d - STATUS2DSIZ2 - 4)
silentmessage("2d3d x:%d y:%d", m32_2d3d.x, m32_2d3d.y);
m32_2d3d.y -= (vel / 64);
//Lt. shift doubles forward velocity
doubvel = (1+(DOWN_BK(RUN)))*synctics;
xvect = 0;
yvect = 0;
if (vel != 0)
xvect += (vel*doubvel*(int32_t) sintable[(ang+2560)&2047])>>3;
yvect += (vel*doubvel*(int32_t) sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3;
if (svel != 0)
xvect += (svel*doubvel*(int32_t) sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3;
yvect += (svel*doubvel*(int32_t) sintable[(ang+1536)&2047])>>3;
move_and_update(xvect, yvect, 0);
@ -1420,7 +1453,7 @@ void editinput(void)
if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]) // Enter
if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]] && !m32_is2d3dmode()) // Enter
vid_gamma_3d = vid_gamma;
@ -3268,6 +3301,9 @@ void overheadeditor(void)
int32_t mousx, mousy;
if (zoom < ztarget) zoom += (ztarget-zoom)>>3;
if (zoom > ztarget) zoom -= (zoom-ztarget)>>3;
|| DOWN_BK(MOVEUP) || DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN) || keystatus[0x10] || keystatus[0x11]
|| keystatus[0x48] || keystatus[0x4b] || keystatus[0x4d] || keystatus[0x50] // keypad keys
@ -3312,34 +3348,37 @@ void overheadeditor(void)
// printext16(8L,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+32L,editorcolors[9],-1,kensig,0);
oldmousebstatus = bstatus;
if (!m32_is2d3dmode())
int32_t bs = bstatus;
bstatus &= ~mousewaitmask;
mousewaitmask &= bs;
oldmousebstatus = bstatus;
getmousevalues(&mousx, &mousy, &bstatus);
int32_t bs = bstatus;
bstatus &= ~mousewaitmask;
mousewaitmask &= bs;
mousx = (mousx<<16)+mousexsurp;
mousy = (mousy<<16)+mouseysurp;
ldiv_t ld;
ld = ldiv(mousx, 1<<16); mousx = ld.quot; mousexsurp = ld.rem;
ld = ldiv(mousy, 1<<16); mousy = ld.quot; mouseysurp = ld.rem;
searchx += mousx;
searchy += mousy;
inpclamp(&searchx, 8, xdim-8-1);
inpclamp(&searchy, 8, ydim-8-1);
getpoint(searchx, searchy, &mousxplc, &mousyplc);
linehighlight = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, 0);
linehighlight2 = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, 1);
mousx = (mousx<<16)+mousexsurp;
mousy = (mousy<<16)+mouseysurp;
ldiv_t ld;
ld = ldiv(mousx, 1<<16); mousx = ld.quot; mousexsurp = ld.rem;
ld = ldiv(mousy, 1<<16); mousy = ld.quot; mouseysurp = ld.rem;
searchx += mousx;
searchy += mousy;
inpclamp(&searchx, 8, xdim-8-1);
inpclamp(&searchy, 8, ydim-8-1);
linehighlight = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, 0);
linehighlight2 = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, 1);
if (newnumwalls >= numwalls)
// if we're in the process of drawing a wall, set the end point's coordinates
@ -3382,11 +3421,10 @@ void overheadeditor(void)
if (graphicsmode == 2)
totalclocklock = totalclock;
drawmapview(pos.x, pos.y, zoom, m32_sideview ? -m32_sideang + 1536 : 1536);
drawmapview(pos.x, pos.y, zoom, m32_sideview ? (3584 - m32_sideang) & 2047: 1536);
@ -3552,7 +3590,7 @@ void overheadeditor(void)
if (keystatus[0x2a]) // LShift
if (m32_sideview || highlightcnt <= 0)
if (!m32_is2d3dmode() && (m32_sideview || highlightcnt <= 0))
drawlinepat = 0x00ff00ff;
drawline16(searchx,0, searchx,ydim2d-1, editorcolors[15]);
@ -3714,84 +3752,126 @@ void overheadeditor(void)
drawline16(searchx,0, searchx,8, editorcolors[15]);
drawline16(0,searchy, 8,searchy, editorcolors[15]);
////// draw mouse pointer
col = editorcolors[15 - 3*gridlock];
if (joinsector[0] >= 0)
col = editorcolors[11];
if (numcorruptthings>0)
// 2d3d mode
if (m32_2d3dmode)
static char cbuf[64];
int bakrendmode = rendmode;
vec2_t bdim ={ xdim, ydim };
if ((pointhighlight&16384)==0)
// If aiming at wall, check whether it is corrupt, and print a
// warning message near the mouse pointer if that is the case.
for (i=0; i<numcorruptthings; i++)
if ((corruptthings[i]&CORRUPT_MASK)==CORRUPT_WALL &&
col = editorcolors[13];
printext16(searchx+6,searchy-6-8,editorcolors[13],editorcolors[0],"corrupt wall",0);
xdim = xdim2d;
ydim = ydim2d;
rendmode = REND_CLASSIC;
Bsprintf(cbuf, "Map corrupt (level %d): %s%d errors", corruptlevel,
numcorruptthings>=MAXCORRUPTTHINGS ? ">=":"", numcorruptthings);
printext16(8,8, editorcolors[13],editorcolors[0],cbuf,0);
if (m32_2d3d.x + XSIZE_2D3D > xdim2d - 4)
m32_2d3d.x = xdim2d - 4 - XSIZE_2D3D;
if (m32_2d3d.y + YSIZE_2D3D > ydim2d - 4 - STATUS2DSIZ2)
m32_2d3d.y = ydim2d - 4 - YSIZE_2D3D - STATUS2DSIZ2;
setview(m32_2d3d.x, m32_2d3d.y, m32_2d3d.x + XSIZE_2D3D, m32_2d3d.y + YSIZE_2D3D);
vec2_t osearch ={ searchx, searchy };
searchx -= m32_2d3d.x;
searchy -= m32_2d3d.y;
setview(0, 0, xdim2d-1, ydim2d-1);
rendmode = bakrendmode;
xdim = bdim.x;
ydim = bdim.y;
searchx = osearch.x;
searchy = osearch.y;
drawline16(m32_2d3d.x, m32_2d3d.y, m32_2d3d.x + XSIZE_2D3D, m32_2d3d.y, editorcolors[15]);
drawline16(m32_2d3d.x + XSIZE_2D3D, m32_2d3d.y, m32_2d3d.x + XSIZE_2D3D, m32_2d3d.y + YSIZE_2D3D, editorcolors[15]);
drawline16(m32_2d3d.x, m32_2d3d.y, m32_2d3d.x, m32_2d3d.y + YSIZE_2D3D, editorcolors[15]);
drawline16(m32_2d3d.x, m32_2d3d.y + YSIZE_2D3D, m32_2d3d.x + XSIZE_2D3D, m32_2d3d.y + YSIZE_2D3D, editorcolors[15]);
if (highlightsectorcnt==0 || highlightcnt==0)
if (!m32_is2d3dmode())
if (keystatus[0x27] || keystatus[0x28]) // ' and ;
col = editorcolors[14];
////// draw mouse pointer
col = editorcolors[15 - 3*gridlock];
if (joinsector[0] >= 0)
col = editorcolors[11];
drawline16base(searchx+16, searchy-16, -4,0, +4,0, col);
if (keystatus[0x28])
drawline16base(searchx+16, searchy-16, 0,-4, 0,+4, col);
if (numcorruptthings>0)
static char cbuf[64];
if ((pointhighlight&16384)==0)
// If aiming at wall, check whether it is corrupt, and print a
// warning message near the mouse pointer if that is the case.
for (i=0; i<numcorruptthings; i++)
if ((corruptthings[i]&CORRUPT_MASK)==CORRUPT_WALL &&
col = editorcolors[13];
printext16(searchx+6, searchy-6-8, editorcolors[13], editorcolors[0], "corrupt wall", 0);
Bsprintf(cbuf, "Map corrupt (level %d): %s%d errors", corruptlevel,
numcorruptthings>=MAXCORRUPTTHINGS ? ">=" : "", numcorruptthings);
printext16(8, 8, editorcolors[13], editorcolors[0], cbuf, 0);
if (highlightsectorcnt == 0)
if (keystatus[0x36])
printext16(searchx+6, searchy-2+8,editorcolors[12],-1,"ALL",0);
if (highlightcnt == 0)
if (highlightsectorcnt==0 || highlightcnt==0)
if (eitherCTRL && (highlightx1!=highlightx2 || highlighty1!=highlighty2))
printext16(searchx+6,searchy-6-8,editorcolors[12],-1,"SPR ONLY",0);
if (keystatus[0x27] || keystatus[0x28]) // ' and ;
col = editorcolors[14];
drawline16base(searchx+16, searchy-16, -4, 0, +4, 0, col);
if (keystatus[0x28])
drawline16base(searchx+16, searchy-16, 0, -4, 0, +4, col);
if (highlightsectorcnt == 0)
if (keystatus[0x36])
printext16(searchx+6, searchy-2+8, editorcolors[12], -1, "ALL", 0);
if (highlightcnt == 0)
if (eitherCTRL && (highlightx1!=highlightx2 || highlighty1!=highlighty2))
printext16(searchx+6, searchy-6-8, editorcolors[12], -1, "SPR ONLY", 0);
if (keystatus[0xcf]) // End
if (keystatus[0xcf]) // End
printext16(searchx+6, searchy-2+8, editorcolors[12], -1, "ALL", 0);
drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +0,-8, +0,-1, col);
drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +1,-8, +1,-1, col);
drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +0,+2, +0,+9, col);
drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +1,+2, +1,+9, col);
drawline16base(searchx,searchy, -8,+0, -1,+0, col);
drawline16base(searchx,searchy, -8,+1, -1,+1, col);
drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +2,+0, +9,+0, col);
drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +2,+1, +9,+1, col);
drawline16base(searchx, searchy, +0, -8, +0, -1, col);
drawline16base(searchx, searchy, +1, -8, +1, -1, col);
drawline16base(searchx, searchy, +0, +2, +0, +9, col);
drawline16base(searchx, searchy, +1, +2, +1, +9, col);
drawline16base(searchx, searchy, -8, +0, -1, +0, col);
drawline16base(searchx, searchy, -8, +1, -1, +1, col);
drawline16base(searchx, searchy, +2, +0, +9, +0, col);
drawline16base(searchx, searchy, +2, +1, +9, +1, col);
////// Draw the white pixel closest to mouse cursor on linehighlight
if (linehighlight>=0)
char col = wall[linehighlight].nextsector >= 0 ? editorcolors[15] : editorcolors[5];
if (m32_sideview)
////// Draw the white pixel closest to mouse cursor on linehighlight
if (linehighlight>=0)
getclosestpointonwall(searchx,searchy, linehighlight, &dax,&day, 1);
drawline16base(dax,day, 0,0, 0,0, col);
getclosestpointonwall(mousxplc,mousyplc, linehighlight, &dax,&day, 0);
ovhscrcoords(dax, day, &x2, &y2);
drawline16base(x2, y2, 0,0, 0,0, col);
char col = wall[linehighlight].nextsector >= 0 ? editorcolors[15] : editorcolors[5];
if (m32_sideview)
getclosestpointonwall(searchx, searchy, linehighlight, &dax, &day, 1);
drawline16base(dax, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, col);
getclosestpointonwall(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, &dax, &day, 0);
ovhscrcoords(dax, day, &x2, &y2);
drawline16base(x2, y2, 0, 0, 0, 0, col);
@ -3802,9 +3882,14 @@ void overheadeditor(void)
inputchecked = 1;
CallExtCheckKeys(); // TX 20050101, it makes more sense to have this here so keys can be overwritten with new functions in bstub.c
// 2d3d mode
if (m32_is2d3dmode())
goto nokeys;
// Flip/mirror sector Ed Coolidge
if (keystatus[0x2d] || keystatus[0x15]) // X or Y (2D)
@ -5707,7 +5792,7 @@ end_point_dragging:
searchy = midydim16;
else if ((oldmousebstatus&6) > 0)
// else if ((oldmousebstatus&6) > 0)
if (circlewall != -1 && (keystatus[0x4a] || ((bstatus&32) && !eitherCTRL))) // -, mousewheel down
@ -5793,22 +5878,22 @@ end_point_dragging:
int32_t didzoom=0;
if ((DOWN_BK(MOVEUP) || (bstatus&16)) && zoom < 65536)
if ((DOWN_BK(MOVEUP) || (bstatus&16)) && zoom < 32768)
zoom += synctics*(zoom>>4);
ztarget += synctics*(ztarget>>4);
if (bstatus&16)
zoom += 4*(zoom>>4);
ztarget += 4*(ztarget>>4);
if (zoom < 24) zoom += 2;
didzoom = 1;
if ((DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN) || (bstatus&32)) && zoom > 8)
if ((DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN) || (bstatus&32)) && zoom > 32)
zoom -= synctics*(zoom>>4);
ztarget -= synctics*(ztarget>>4);
if (bstatus&32)
zoom -= 4*(zoom>>4);
ztarget -= 4*(ztarget>>4);
didzoom = 1;
@ -5822,8 +5907,8 @@ end_point_dragging:
pos.x = mousxplc;
pos.y = mousyplc;
zoom = clamp(zoom, 8, 65536);
_printmessage16("Zoom: %d",zoom);
ztarget = clamp(ztarget, 32, 32768);
_printmessage16("Zoom: %d",ztarget);
@ -7673,6 +7758,8 @@ end_insert_points:
synctics = totalclock-lockclock;
lockclock += synctics;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ extern char game_executable[BMAX_PATH];
extern int32_t fullscreen;
extern char default_buildkeys[NUMBUILDKEYS];
static char *const keys = default_buildkeys;
static int32_t default_grid=3;
static int32_t default_grid=9;
extern int32_t AmbienceToggle, MixRate;
extern int32_t ParentalLock;
@ -222,6 +222,18 @@ int32_t loadsetup(const char *fn)
if (readconfig(fp, "pathsearchmode", val, VL) > 0)
pathsearchmode = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 1);
if (readconfig(fp, "2d3dmode", val, VL) > 0)
m32_2d3dmode = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 1);
if (readconfig(fp, "2d3dsize", val, VL) > 0)
m32_2d3dsize = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 3, 5);
if (readconfig(fp, "2d3d_x", val, VL) > 0)
m32_2d3d.x = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 0xffff);
if (readconfig(fp, "2d3d_y", val, VL) > 0)
m32_2d3d.y = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 0xffff);
if (readconfig(fp, "autogray", val, VL) > 0)
autogray = !!atoi_safe(val);
// if (readconfig(fp, "showinnergray", val, VL) > 0)
@ -491,6 +503,12 @@ int32_t writesetup(const char *fn)
"; Default filesystem mode\n"
"pathsearchmode = %d\n"
"; Experimental 2d/3d hybrid mode\n"
"2d3dmode = %d\n"
"2d3dsize = %d\n"
"2d3d_x = %d\n"
"2d3d_y = %d\n"
"; TROR: Automatic grayout of plain (non-extended) sectors,\n"
"; toggled with Ctrl-A:\n"
"autogray = %d\n"
@ -604,6 +622,7 @@ int32_t writesetup(const char *fn)
corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd, fixmaponsave_sprites, keeptexturestretch,
m32_2d3dmode,m32_2d3dsize,m32_2d3d.x, m32_2d3d.y,
autogray, //showinnergray,
MixRate,AmbienceToggle,ParentalLock, !!m32_osd_tryscript,
@ -15751,7 +15751,9 @@ void clearview(int32_t dacol)
intptr_t p;
int32_t y, dx;
if (!in3dmode()) return;
if (!in3dmode() && dacol != -1) return;
if (dacol == -1) dacol = 0;
if (getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST)
@ -3289,7 +3289,7 @@ static int32_t OnSelectTile(int32_t iTile)
// Await appropriate selection keypress.
@ -3519,7 +3519,7 @@ static int32_t DrawTiles(int32_t iTopLeft, int32_t iSelected, int32_t nXTiles, i
@ -4424,7 +4424,7 @@ static void Keys3d(void)
y = (int32_t)(WIND1Y*(ydimgame/200.));
y += (ydimgame>>6)*8;
if (getmessageleng)
if (getmessageleng && !m32_is2d3dmode())
while (num < 4)
lines[num++][0] = 0;
@ -4507,7 +4507,7 @@ static void Keys3d(void)
message("Floor-over-floor display %s",floor_over_floor?"enabled":"disabled");
if (PRESSED_KEYSC(F3) && !m32_is2d3dmode())
mlook = !mlook;
message("Mouselook: %s",mlook?"enabled":"disabled");
@ -7704,9 +7704,13 @@ static void Keys2d(void)
if (autogrid)
grid = min(zoom+512, 65536);
grid = scale(grid, 6, 6144);
grid = clamp(grid, 0, 7);
grid = 0;
while (grid++ < 7)
if (mulscale14((2048>>grid), zoom) <= 16)
@ -8647,6 +8651,20 @@ static int32_t osdcmd_vars_pk(const osdfuncparm_t *parm)
return OSDCMD_OK;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "m32_2d3dmode"))
if (parm->numparms > 1)
if (setval)
m32_2d3dmode = atoi_safe(parm->parms[0]);
OSD_Printf("Experimental 2d/3d hybrid mode: %s\n",
return OSDCMD_OK;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "corruptcheck"))
if (parm->numparms >= 1)
@ -9050,6 +9068,7 @@ static int32_t registerosdcommands(void)
OSD_RegisterFunction("sensitivity","sensitivity <value>: changes the mouse sensitivity", osdcmd_sensitivity);
OSD_RegisterFunction("m32_2d3dmode", "2d3dmode: experimental 2d/3d hybrid mode", osdcmd_vars_pk);
OSD_RegisterFunction("pk_turnaccel", "pk_turnaccel <value>: sets turning acceleration+deceleration", osdcmd_vars_pk);
OSD_RegisterFunction("pk_turndecel", "pk_turndecel <value>: sets turning deceleration", osdcmd_vars_pk);
OSD_RegisterFunction("pk_uedaccel", "pk_uedaccel <value>: sets UnrealEd movement speed factor (0-5, exponentially)", osdcmd_vars_pk);
@ -10181,7 +10200,7 @@ void ExtPreCheckKeys(void) // just before drawrooms
if (frames==10) frames=0;
k = 1536;//getangle(tspr->x-pos.x,tspr->y-pos.y);
k = (((sprite[i].ang+3072+128-k)&2047)>>8)&7;
k = (((sprite[i].ang+3072+128-k+(m32_sideview ? (2048 - m32_sideang) : 0))&2047)>>8)&7;
//This guy has only 5 pictures for 8 angles (3 are x-flipped)
if (k <= 4)
@ -10455,6 +10474,34 @@ static void Keys2d3d(void)
// mapstate = mapstate->prev;
if (keystatus[KEYSC_F10])
if (!in3dmode())
if (eitherSHIFT)
// shrinking the size while in a corner pulls the PIP into that corner
if (m32_2d3d.x + XSIZE_2D3D >= xdim2d - 5)
m32_2d3d.x = 0xffff;
if (m32_2d3d.y + YSIZE_2D3D >= ydim2d - 5 - STATUS2DSIZ2)
m32_2d3d.y = 0xffff;
if (++m32_2d3dsize > 5)
m32_2d3dsize = 3;
printmessage16("2d3d size %d", m32_2d3dsize);
m32_2d3dmode = !m32_2d3dmode;
printmessage16("2d3d mode %s", m32_2d3dmode ? "enabled" : "disabled");
if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(A)) // 'A
if (in3dmode())
@ -10629,14 +10676,22 @@ void ExtCheckKeys(void)
if (in3dmode())
// 2d3d mode
if ((in3dmode() && !m32_is2d3dmode()) || m32_is2d3dmode())
int bakrendmode = rendmode;
if (m32_is2d3dmode())
rendmode = REND_CLASSIC;
if (infobox&2)
rendmode = bakrendmode;
else if (!in3dmode())
Reference in a new issue