mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
- Clean up remaining automap interfaces to finish the floatification.
* Even though we pre-calculate the sine/cosine needed in `DrawOverheadMap()`, Duke and SW require the full angle for their more mature automaps.
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 87 additions and 149 deletions
@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ CCMD(togglerotate)
Printf(PRINT_NOTIFY, "%s\n", msg);
if (argv.argc() >= 2)
@ -182,7 +181,7 @@ static void CalcMapBounds()
void AutomapControl(const DAngle ang)
void AutomapControl()
static double nonsharedtimer;
double ms = screen->FrameTime;
@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ void AutomapControl(const DAngle ang)
if (min_bounds.X == INT_MAX) CalcMapBounds();
follow = clamp(follow + DVector2(panvert, panhorz).Rotated(ang) * zoomspeed, min_bounds, max_bounds);
follow = clamp(follow + DVector2(panvert, panhorz).Rotated(follow_a) * zoomspeed, min_bounds, max_bounds);
@ -309,7 +308,7 @@ void drawlinergb(const double x1, const double y1, const double x2, const double
PalEntry RedLineColor()
static inline PalEntry RedLineColor()
// todo:
// Blood uses palette index 12 (99,99,99)
@ -318,7 +317,7 @@ PalEntry RedLineColor()
return automapMode == am_overlay? *am_ovtwosidedcolor : *am_twosidedcolor;
PalEntry WhiteLineColor()
static inline PalEntry WhiteLineColor()
// todo:
@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ PalEntry WhiteLineColor()
return automapMode == am_overlay ? *am_ovonesidedcolor : *am_onesidedcolor;
PalEntry PlayerLineColor()
static inline PalEntry PlayerLineColor()
return automapMode == am_overlay ? *am_ovplayercolor : *am_playercolor;
@ -341,6 +340,7 @@ CCMD(printpalcol)
int i = atoi(argv[1]);
Printf("%d, %d, %d\n", GPalette.BaseColors[i].r, GPalette.BaseColors[i].g, GPalette.BaseColors[i].b);
@ -589,11 +589,11 @@ static void renderDrawMapView(const DVector2& cpos, const double sine, const dou
void DrawOverheadMap(int pl_x, int pl_y, const DAngle pl_angle, double const smoothratio)
void DrawOverheadMap(const DVector2& plxy, const DAngle pl_angle, double const smoothratio)
if (am_followplayer || follow.X == INT_MAX)
follow = DVector2(pl_x, pl_y) * inttoworld;
follow = plxy;
follow_a = -(am_rotate ? pl_angle : DAngle270);
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ void DrawOverheadMap(int pl_x, int pl_y, const DAngle pl_angle, double const smo
const double sine = follow_a.Sin();
const double cosine = follow_a.Cos();
if (automapMode == am_full)
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ void DrawOverheadMap(int pl_x, int pl_y, const DAngle pl_angle, double const smo
drawredlines(follow, sine, cosine, xydim);
drawwhitelines(follow, sine, cosine, xydim);
if (!gi->DrawAutomapPlayer(pl_x, pl_y, follow.X * worldtoint, follow.Y * worldtoint, gZoom * 1024, -follow_a, smoothratio))
if (!gi->DrawAutomapPlayer(plxy, follow, follow_a, xydim, gZoom, smoothratio))
DrawPlayerArrow(follow, follow_a, gZoom, pl_angle);
@ -16,15 +16,10 @@ extern BitArray show2dwall;
void SerializeAutomap(FSerializer& arc);
void ClearAutomap();
void MarkSectorSeen(sectortype* sect);
void DrawOverheadMap(int pl_x, int pl_y, const DAngle pl_angle, double const smoothratio);
void DrawOverheadMap(const DVector2& plxy, const DAngle pl_angle, double const smoothratio);
bool AM_Responder(event_t* ev, bool last);
void drawlinergb(const double x1, const double y1, const double x2, const double y2, PalEntry p);
inline void drawlinergb(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, PalEntry p)
drawlinergb(x1 / 4096., y1 / 4096., x2 / 4096., y2 / 4096., p);
inline DVector2 OutAutomapVector(const DVector2& pos, const double sine, const double cosine, const double zoom = 1., const DVector2& xydim = { 0, 0 })
return pos.Rotated(cosine, sine).Rotated90CW() * zoom + xydim;
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ struct GameInterface
virtual void NextLevel(MapRecord* map, int skill) {}
virtual void NewGame(MapRecord* map, int skill, bool special = false) {}
virtual void LevelCompleted(MapRecord* map, int skill) {}
virtual bool DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int x, int y, const double z, const DAngle a, double const smoothratio) { return false; }
virtual bool DrawAutomapPlayer(const DVector2& mxy, const DVector2& cpos, const DAngle cang, const DVector2& xydim, const double czoom, double const smoothratio) { return false; }
virtual void SetTileProps(int tile, int surf, int vox, int shade) {}
virtual fixed_t playerHorizMin() { return IntToFixed(-200); }
virtual fixed_t playerHorizMax() { return IntToFixed(200); }
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ struct GameInterface : public ::GameInterface
void NewGame(MapRecord* sng, int skill, bool) override;
void NextLevel(MapRecord* map, int skill) override;
void LevelCompleted(MapRecord* map, int skill) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int x, int y, const double z, const DAngle a, double const smoothratio) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(const DVector2& mxy, const DVector2& cpos, const DAngle cang, const DVector2& xydim, const double czoom, double const smoothratio) override;
void SetTileProps(int til, int surf, int vox, int shade) override;
fixed_t playerHorizMin() override { return IntToFixed(-180); }
fixed_t playerHorizMax() override { return IntToFixed(120); }
@ -472,10 +472,9 @@ static void DrawMap(DBloodActor* view)
tm = 1;
VIEW* pView = &gPrevView[gViewIndex];
int x = interpolatedvalue(pView->x, view->int_pos().X, gInterpolate);
int y = interpolatedvalue(pView->y, view->int_pos().Y, gInterpolate);
auto xy = DVector2(interpolatedvalue(pView->x, view->int_pos().X, gInterpolate), interpolatedvalue(pView->y, view->int_pos().Y, gInterpolate)) * inttoworld;
auto ang = !SyncInput() ? gView->angle.sum() : gView->angle.interpolatedsum(gInterpolate);
DrawOverheadMap(x, y, ang, gInterpolate);
DrawOverheadMap(xy, ang, gInterpolate);
if (tm)
@ -860,18 +859,19 @@ std::pair<DVector3, DAngle> GameInterface::GetCoordinates()
bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int x, int y, const double z, const DAngle a, double const smoothratio)
bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(const DVector2& mxy, const DVector2& cpos, const DAngle cang, const DVector2& xydim, const double czoom, double const smoothratio)
auto cangsin = cang.Sin();
auto cangcos = cang.Cos();
for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i])
if (i == gView->nPlayer || gGameOptions.nGameType == 1)
auto an = -a;
auto xydim = DVector2(twod->GetWidth() * 0.5, twod->GetHeight() * 0.5);
auto actor = gPlayer[i].actor;
auto vect = OutAutomapVector(DVector2(mx, my) - DVector2(x, y), a.Sin(), a.Cos(), z, xydim);
auto vect = OutAutomapVector(mxy - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(actor->spr.picnum, true), vect.X, vect.Y, DTA_ClipLeft, viewport3d.Left(), DTA_ClipTop, viewport3d.Top(), DTA_ScaleX, z / 1536., DTA_ScaleY, z / 1536., DTA_CenterOffset, true,
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(actor->spr.picnum, true), vect.X, vect.Y, DTA_ClipLeft, viewport3d.Left(), DTA_ClipTop, viewport3d.Top(), DTA_ScaleX, czoom * (2. / 3.), DTA_ScaleY, czoom * (2. / 3.), DTA_CenterOffset, true,
DTA_ClipRight, viewport3d.Right(), DTA_ClipBottom, viewport3d.Bottom(), DTA_Alpha, (actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT ? 0.5 : 1.), TAG_DONE);
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ struct GameInterface : public ::GameInterface
void NextLevel(MapRecord* map, int skill) override;
void NewGame(MapRecord* map, int skill, bool) override;
void LevelCompleted(MapRecord* map, int skill) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int x, int y, const double z, const DAngle a, double const smoothratio) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(const DVector2& mxy, const DVector2& cpos, const DAngle cang, const DVector2& xydim, const double czoom, double const smoothratio) override;
int playerKeyMove() override { return 40; }
void WarpToCoords(double x, double y, double z, DAngle ang, int horz) override;
void ToggleThirdPerson() override;
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ void V_AddBlend (float r, float g, float b, float a, float v_blend[4])
void drawoverlays(double smoothratio)
player_struct* pp;
int cposx, cposy;
DVector2 cposxy;
DAngle cang;
pp = &ps[screenpeek];
@ -266,24 +266,21 @@ void drawoverlays(double smoothratio)
if (screenpeek == myconnectindex && numplayers > 1)
cposx = interpolatedvalue(omyx, myx, smoothratio);
cposy = interpolatedvalue(omyy, myy, smoothratio);
cposxy = DVector2(interpolatedvalue(omyx, myx, smoothratio), interpolatedvalue(omyy, myy, smoothratio)) * inttoworld;
cang = !SyncInput() ? myang : interpolatedangle(omyang, myang, smoothratio);
cposx = interpolatedvalue(pp->player_int_opos().X, pp->player_int_pos().X, smoothratio);
cposy = interpolatedvalue(pp->player_int_opos().Y, pp->player_int_pos().Y, smoothratio);
cposxy = interpolatedvec3(pp->opos, pp->pos, smoothratio / 65536.).XY();
cang = !SyncInput() ? pp->angle.ang : interpolatedangle(pp->angle.oang, pp->angle.ang, smoothratio);
cposx = pp->player_int_opos().X;
cposy = pp->player_int_opos().Y;
cposxy = pp->opos.XY();
cang = pp->angle.oang;
DrawOverheadMap(cposx, cposy, cang, smoothratio);
DrawOverheadMap(cposxy, cang, smoothratio);
@ -385,27 +382,15 @@ ReservedSpace GameInterface::GetReservedScreenSpace(int viewsize)
bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, const double czoom, const DAngle cang, double const smoothratio)
bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(const DVector2& mxy, const DVector2& cpos, const DAngle cang, const DVector2& xydim, const double czoom, double const smoothratio)
DVector2 b1, b2, b3, b4, v1, v2, v3, v4;
DAngle an;
int i, j, xoff, yoff;
int xspan, yspan, sprx, spry;
int tilenum;
int xvect, yvect;
int p;
PalEntry col;
int xoff, yoff, xspan, yspan, tilenum;
xvect = -cang.Sin() * 16384. * czoom;
yvect = -cang.Cos() * 16384. * czoom;
auto cangsin = cang.Sin();
auto cangcos = cang.Cos();
int xdim = twod->GetWidth() << 11;
int ydim = twod->GetHeight() << 11;
auto xydim = DVector2(twod->GetWidth() * 0.5, twod->GetHeight() * 0.5);
auto cp = DVector2(cposx, cposy) * inttoworld;
//Draw sprites
// Draw sprites
auto pactor = ps[screenpeek].GetActor();
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < sector.Size(); ii++)
@ -415,20 +400,13 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, cons
if (act == pactor || (act->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE) || act->spr.cstat == CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL || act->spr.xrepeat == 0) continue;
col = PalEntry(0, 170, 170);
if (act->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK) col = PalEntry(170, 0, 170);
sprx = act->int_pos().X;
spry = act->int_pos().Y;
auto sp = DVector2(sprx, spry) * inttoworld;
PalEntry col = act->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK ? PalEntry(170, 0, 170) : PalEntry(0, 170, 170);
if ((act->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL) != 0) switch (act->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_MASK)
an = -cang;
v1 = OutAutomapVector(DVector2(sprx - cposx, spry - cposy) * inttoworld, an.Sin(), an.Cos(), czoom / 1024.);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(act->spr.angle.ToVector() * 8., an.Sin(), an.Cos(), czoom / 1024.);
v1 = OutAutomapVector(act->spr.pos.XY() - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(act->spr.angle.ToVector() * 8., cangsin, cangcos, czoom);
drawlinergb(v1.X - v2.X + xydim.X, v1.Y - v2.Y + xydim.Y, v1.X + v2.X + xydim.X, v1.Y + v2.Y + xydim.Y, col);
drawlinergb(v1.X - v2.Y + xydim.X, v1.Y + v2.X + xydim.Y, v1.X + v2.X + xydim.X, v1.Y + v2.Y + xydim.Y, col);
@ -444,13 +422,12 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, cons
xspan = tileWidth(tilenum);
an = -cang;
b1 = act->spr.angle.ToVector().Rotated90CW() * act->spr.xrepeat * (1. / 64.);
b2 = sp * inttoworld - b1 * ((xspan * 0.5) + xoff);
b2 = act->spr.pos.XY() - b1 * ((xspan * 0.5) + xoff);
b3 = b2 + b1 * xspan;
v1 = OutAutomapVector(b2 - cp, an.Sin(), an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(b3 - cp, an.Sin(), an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v1 = OutAutomapVector(b2 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(b3 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
drawlinergb(v1.X, v1.Y, v2.X, v2.Y, col);
@ -470,29 +447,27 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, cons
if ((act->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) > 0) xoff = -xoff;
if ((act->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) > 0) yoff = -yoff;
an = -cang;
auto acos = act->spr.angle.Cos();
auto asin = act->spr.angle.Sin();
auto sprcos = act->spr.angle.Cos();
auto sprsin = act->spr.angle.Sin();
xspan = tileWidth(tilenum);
auto xrep = act->spr.xrepeat * (1. / 64.);
yspan = tileHeight(tilenum);
auto yrep = act->spr.yrepeat * (1. / 64.);
auto xscale = DVector2(-asin * xspan * xrep, +acos * xspan * xrep);
auto yscale = DVector2(-acos * yspan * yrep, -asin * yspan * yrep);
auto xscale = DVector2(-sprsin * xspan * xrep, +sprcos * xspan * xrep);
auto yscale = DVector2(-sprcos * yspan * yrep, -sprsin * yspan * yrep);
auto b0 = DVector2(((xspan * 0.5) + xoff) * xrep, ((yspan * 0.5) + yoff) * yrep);
b1 = sp + (b0 * asin) + (b0.Rotated90CW() * acos);
b1 = act->spr.pos.XY() + (b0 * sprsin) + (b0.Rotated90CW() * sprcos);
b2 = b1 + xscale;
b3 = b2 + yscale;
b4 = b1 + yscale;
v1 = OutAutomapVector(-(b1 - cp), -an.Sin(), -an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(-(b2 - cp), -an.Sin(), -an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v3 = OutAutomapVector(-(b3 - cp), -an.Sin(), -an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v4 = OutAutomapVector(-(b4 - cp), -an.Sin(), -an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v1 = OutAutomapVector(b1 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(b2 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
v3 = OutAutomapVector(b3 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
v4 = OutAutomapVector(b4 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
drawlinergb(v1.X, v1.Y, v2.X, v2.Y, col);
drawlinergb(v2.X, v2.Y, v3.X, v3.Y, col);
@ -503,21 +478,20 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, cons
for (p = connecthead; p >= 0; p = connectpoint2[p])
for (int p = connecthead; p >= 0; p = connectpoint2[p])
if (p == screenpeek || ud.coop == 1)
auto& pp = ps[p];
auto act = pp.GetActor();
i = TILE_APLAYERTOP + (act->spr.xvel > 16 && pp.on_ground ? (PlayClock >> 4) & 3 : 0);
j = clamp(czoom * (act->spr.yrepeat + abs(pp.truefz - pp.pos.Z)), 22000., 131072.);
int i = TILE_APLAYERTOP + (act->spr.xvel > 16 && pp.on_ground ? (PlayClock >> 4) & 3 : 0);
double j = clamp(czoom * act->spr.yrepeat + abs(pp.truefz - pp.pos.Z), 21.5, 128.) * REPEAT_SCALE;
an = -cang;
auto const vec = OutAutomapVector(DVector2(mx, my) * inttoworld - cp, an.Sin(), an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
auto const daang = -((!SyncInput() ? act->spr.angle : act->interpolatedangle(smoothratio / 65536.)) - cang).Normalized360().Degrees();
auto const vec = OutAutomapVector(mxy - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
auto const daang = -((!SyncInput() ? act->spr.angle : act->interpolatedangle(smoothratio / 65536.)) + cang).Normalized360().Degrees();
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(i), vec.X, vec.Y, DTA_TranslationIndex, TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + setpal(&pp), act->spr.pal), DTA_CenterOffset, true,
DTA_Rotate, daang, DTA_Color, shadeToLight(act->spr.shade), DTA_ScaleX, j / 65536., DTA_ScaleY, j / 65536., TAG_DONE);
DTA_Rotate, daang, DTA_Color, shadeToLight(act->spr.shade), DTA_ScaleX, j, DTA_ScaleY, j, TAG_DONE);
return true;
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ struct GameInterface : public ::GameInterface
void NewGame(MapRecord *map, int skill, bool) override;
void LevelCompleted(MapRecord *map, int skill) override;
void NextLevel(MapRecord *map, int skill) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int x, int y, const double z, const DAngle a, double const smoothratio) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(const DVector2& mxy, const DVector2& cpos, const DAngle cang, const DVector2& xydim, const double czoom, double const smoothratio) override;
fixed_t playerHorizMin() override { return IntToFixed(-150); }
fixed_t playerHorizMax() override { return IntToFixed(150); }
int playerKeyMove() override { return 6; }
@ -49,11 +49,8 @@ void DrawMap(double const smoothratio)
if (!nFreeze && automapMode != am_off)
auto pPlayerActor = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].pActor;
int x = pPlayerActor->__interpolatedx(smoothratio);
int y = pPlayerActor->__interpolatedy(smoothratio);
auto ang = !SyncInput() ? PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].angle.sum() : PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].angle.interpolatedsum(smoothratio);
DrawOverheadMap(x, y, ang, smoothratio);
DrawOverheadMap(pPlayerActor->interpolatedvec3(smoothratio / 65536.).XY(), ang, smoothratio);
@ -69,18 +66,19 @@ void GetActorExtents(DExhumedActor* actor, int* top, int* bottom)
bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int x, int y, const double z, const DAngle a, double const smoothratio)
bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(const DVector2& mxy, const DVector2& cpos, const DAngle cang, const DVector2& xydim, const double czoom, double const smoothratio)
auto cangsin = cang.Sin();
auto cangcos = cang.Cos();
for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i])
if (i == nLocalPlayer)// || gGameOptions.nGameType == 1)
auto pPlayerActor = PlayerList[i].pActor;
auto an = -a;
auto xydim = DVector2(twod->GetWidth() * 0.5, twod->GetHeight() * 0.5);
auto vect = OutAutomapVector(DVector2(mx, my) - DVector2(x, y), a.Sin(), a.Cos(), z, xydim);
auto vect = OutAutomapVector(mxy - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(pPlayerActor->spr.picnum /*+ ((PlayClock >> 4) & 3)*/, true), vect.X, vect.Y, DTA_ClipLeft, viewport3d.Left(), DTA_ClipTop, viewport3d.Top(), DTA_ScaleX, z / 1536., DTA_ScaleY, z / 1536., DTA_CenterOffset, true,
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(pPlayerActor->spr.picnum /*+ ((PlayClock >> 4) & 3)*/, true), vect.X, vect.Y, DTA_ClipLeft, viewport3d.Left(), DTA_ClipTop, viewport3d.Top(), DTA_ScaleX, czoom * (2. / 3.), DTA_ScaleY, czoom * (2. / 3.), DTA_CenterOffset, true,
DTA_ClipRight, viewport3d.Right(), DTA_ClipBottom, viewport3d.Bottom(), DTA_Alpha, (pPlayerActor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT ? 0.5 : 1.), TAG_DONE);
@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ void drawscreen(PLAYER* pp, double smoothratio, bool sceneonly)
DrawOverheadMap(tx, ty, tang, smoothratio);
DrawOverheadMap(DVector2(tx, ty) * inttoworld, tang, smoothratio);
SWSpriteIterator it;
@ -1570,28 +1570,15 @@ bool GameInterface::GenerateSavePic()
bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, const double czoom, const DAngle cang, double const smoothratio)
bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(const DVector2& mxy, const DVector2& cpos, const DAngle cang, const DVector2& xydim, const double czoom, double const smoothratio)
DVector2 b1, b2, b3, b4, v1, v2, v3, v4;
DAngle an;
int k, l, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ox, oy, xoff, yoff;
int dax, day, cosang, sinang, xspan, yspan, sprx, spry;
int xrepeat, yrepeat, z1, z2, startwall, endwall, tilenum;
int xvect, yvect;
walltype* wal, * wal2;
short p;
int xoff, yoff, xspan, yspan, tilenum, p;
static int pspr_ndx[8] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
bool sprisplayer = false;
short txt_x, txt_y;
xvect = -cang.Sin() * 16384. * czoom;
yvect = -cang.Cos() * 16384. * czoom;
int xdim = twod->GetWidth() << 11;
int ydim = twod->GetHeight() << 11;
auto xydim = DVector2(twod->GetWidth() * 0.5, twod->GetHeight() * 0.5);
auto cp = DVector2(cposx, cposy) * inttoworld;
auto cangsin = cang.Sin();
auto cangcos = cang.Cos();
// Draw sprites
auto peekActor = Player[screenpeek].actor;
@ -1615,34 +1602,21 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, cons
PalEntry col = GPalette.BaseColors[56]; // 1=white / 31=black / 44=green / 56=pink / 128=yellow / 210=blue / 248=orange / 255=purple
if ((actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK) > 0)
col = GPalette.BaseColors[248];
if (actor == peekActor)
col = GPalette.BaseColors[31];
// 1=white / 31=black / 44=green / 56=pink / 128=yellow / 210=blue / 248=orange / 255=purple
PalEntry col = (actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK) > 0 ? GPalette.BaseColors[248] : actor == peekActor ? GPalette.BaseColors[31] : GPalette.BaseColors[56];
sprx = actor->int_pos().X;
spry = actor->int_pos().Y;
k = actor->spr.statnum;
if ((k >= 1) && (k <= 8) && (k != 2)) // Interpolate moving
sprx = actor->__interpolatedx(smoothratio);
spry = actor->__interpolatedy(smoothratio);
auto sp = DVector2(sprx, spry) * inttoworld;
auto statnum = actor->spr.statnum;
auto sprxy = ((statnum >= 1) && (statnum <= 8) && (statnum != 2) ? actor->interpolatedvec3(smoothratio / 65536.) : actor->spr.pos).XY();
switch (actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_MASK)
if (Player[p].actor == actor)
if (czoom > 192)
if (czoom > 0.1875)
an = -cang;
const auto daang = -((!SyncInput() ? actor->spr.angle : actor->interpolatedangle(smoothratio / 65536.)) - cang).Normalized360().Degrees();
auto vect = OutAutomapVector(DVector2(mx, my) * inttoworld - cp, an.Sin(), an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
const auto daang = -((!SyncInput() ? actor->spr.angle : actor->interpolatedangle(smoothratio / 65536.)) + cang).Normalized360().Degrees();
auto vect = OutAutomapVector(mxy - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
// Special case tiles
if (actor->spr.picnum == 3123) break;
@ -1655,7 +1629,7 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, cons
else spnum = actor->spr.picnum;
double sc = czoom * (actor->spr.yrepeat) / 32768.;
double sc = czoom * actor->spr.yrepeat * (1. / 32.);
if (spnum >= 0)
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(1196 + pspr_ndx[myconnectindex], true), vect.X, vect.Y, DTA_ScaleX, sc, DTA_ScaleY, sc, DTA_Rotate, daang,
@ -1673,13 +1647,12 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, cons
xspan = tileWidth(tilenum);
an = -cang;
b1 = actor->spr.angle.ToVector().Rotated90CW() * actor->spr.xrepeat * (1. / 64.);
b2 = sp - b1 * ((xspan * 0.5) + xoff);
b2 = sprxy - b1 * ((xspan * 0.5) + xoff);
b3 = b2 + b1 * xspan;
v1 = OutAutomapVector(b2 - cp, an.Sin(), an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(b3 - cp, an.Sin(), an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v1 = OutAutomapVector(b2 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(b3 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
drawlinergb(v1.X, v1.Y, v2.X, v2.Y, col);
@ -1694,29 +1667,27 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int cposx, int cposy, cons
if ((actor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) > 0)
yoff = -yoff;
an = -cang;
auto acos = actor->spr.angle.Cos();
auto asin = actor->spr.angle.Sin();
auto sprcos = actor->spr.angle.Cos();
auto sprsin = actor->spr.angle.Sin();
xspan = tileWidth(tilenum);
auto xrep = actor->spr.xrepeat * (1. / 64.);
yspan = tileHeight(tilenum);
auto yrep = actor->spr.yrepeat * (1. / 64.);
auto xscale = DVector2(-asin * xspan * xrep, +acos * xspan * xrep);
auto yscale = DVector2(-acos * yspan * yrep, -asin * yspan * yrep);
auto xscale = DVector2(-sprsin * xspan * xrep, +sprcos * xspan * xrep);
auto yscale = DVector2(-sprcos * yspan * yrep, -sprsin * yspan * yrep);
auto b0 = DVector2(((xspan * 0.5) + xoff) * xrep, ((yspan * 0.5) + yoff) * yrep);
b1 = sp + (b0 * asin) + (b0.Rotated90CW() * acos);
b1 = sprxy + (b0 * sprsin) + (b0.Rotated90CW() * sprcos);
b2 = b1 + xscale;
b3 = b2 + yscale;
b4 = b1 + yscale;
v1 = OutAutomapVector(-(b1 - cp), -an.Sin(), -an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(-(b2 - cp), -an.Sin(), -an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v3 = OutAutomapVector(-(b3 - cp), -an.Sin(), -an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v4 = OutAutomapVector(-(b4 - cp), -an.Sin(), -an.Cos(), czoom / 1024., xydim);
v1 = OutAutomapVector(b1 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
v2 = OutAutomapVector(b2 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
v3 = OutAutomapVector(b3 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
v4 = OutAutomapVector(b4 - cpos, cangsin, cangcos, czoom, xydim);
drawlinergb(v1.X, v1.Y, v2.X, v2.Y, col);
drawlinergb(v2.X, v2.Y, v3.X, v3.Y, col);
@ -2044,7 +2044,7 @@ struct GameInterface : public ::GameInterface
void LevelCompleted(MapRecord *map, int skill) override;
void NextLevel(MapRecord *map, int skill) override;
void NewGame(MapRecord *map, int skill, bool) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(int mx, int my, int x, int y, const double z, const DAngle a, double const smoothratio) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(const DVector2& mxy, const DVector2& cpos, const DAngle cang, const DVector2& xydim, const double czoom, double const smoothratio) override;
int playerKeyMove() override { return 35; }
void WarpToCoords(double x, double y, double z, DAngle ang, int horz) override;
void ToggleThirdPerson() override;
Reference in a new issue