mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
fixes crashes when a bad model name is specified due to a typo I didn't notice after a find/replace
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@1646 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 37 additions and 37 deletions
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ int32_t md_defineskin(int32_t modelid, const char *skinfn, int32_t palnum, int32
sk->param = param;
sk->specpower = specpower;
sk->specfactor = specfactor;
sk->fn = (char *)malloc(strlen(skinfn)+1);
sk->fn = (char *)Bmalloc(strlen(skinfn)+1);
if (!sk->fn) return(-4);
strcpy(sk->fn, skinfn);
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static int32_t daskinloader(int32_t filh, intptr_t *fptr, int32_t *bpl, int32_t
int32_t r, g, b;
picfillen = kfilelength(filh);
picfil = (char *)malloc(picfillen+1); if (!picfil) { return -1; }
picfil = (char *)Bmalloc(picfillen+1); if (!picfil) { return -1; }
kread(filh, picfil, picfillen);
// tsizx/y = replacement texture's natural size
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ static int32_t daskinloader(int32_t filh, intptr_t *fptr, int32_t *bpl, int32_t
ysiz = tsizy;
*osizx = tsizx; *osizy = tsizy;
pic = (coltype *)malloc(xsiz*ysiz*sizeof(coltype));
pic = (coltype *)Bmalloc(xsiz*ysiz*sizeof(coltype));
if (!pic) { Bfree(picfil); return -1; }
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ static void mdloadvbos(md3model_t *m)
int32_t i;
m->vbos = malloc(m->head.numsurfs * sizeof(GLuint));
m->vbos = Bmalloc(m->head.numsurfs * sizeof(GLuint));
bglGenBuffersARB(m->head.numsurfs, m->vbos);
i = 0;
@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ static md2model_t *md2load(int32_t fil, const char *filnam)
if ((st[i] == '/') || (st[i] == '\\')) { i++; break; }
if (i<0) i=0;
st[i] = 0;
m->basepath = (char *)malloc(i+1); if (!m->basepath) { Bfree(m->uv); Bfree(m->tris); Bfree(m->glcmds); Bfree(m->frames); Bfree(m); return(0); }
m->basepath = (char *)Bmalloc(i+1); if (!m->basepath) { Bfree(m->uv); Bfree(m->tris); Bfree(m->glcmds); Bfree(m->frames); Bfree(m); return(0); }
strcpy(m->basepath, st);
m->skinfn = (char *)Bcalloc(m->numskins,64); if (!m->skinfn) { Bfree(m->basepath); Bfree(m->uv); Bfree(m->tris); Bfree(m->glcmds); Bfree(m->frames); Bfree(m); return(0); }
@ -1203,16 +1203,16 @@ static md2model_t *md2load(int32_t fil, const char *filnam)
if (m->numskins > 0)
sk->fn = (char *)malloc(strlen(m->basepath)+strlen(m->skinfn)+1);
sk->fn = (char *)Bmalloc(strlen(m->basepath)+strlen(m->skinfn)+1);
strcpy(sk->fn, m->basepath);
strcat(sk->fn, m->skinfn);
m3->skinmap = sk;
m3->indexes = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * s->numtris);
m3->vindexes = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * s->numtris * 3);
m3->maxdepths = malloc(sizeof(float) * s->numtris);
m3->indexes = Bmalloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * s->numtris);
m3->vindexes = Bmalloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * s->numtris * 3);
m3->maxdepths = Bmalloc(sizeof(float) * s->numtris);
m3->vbos = NULL;
@ -1299,19 +1299,19 @@ static md3model_t *md3load(int32_t fil)
ofsurf = m->head.ofssurfs;
klseek(fil,m->head.ofsframes,SEEK_SET); i = m->head.numframes*sizeof(md3frame_t);
m->head.frames = (md3frame_t *)malloc(i); if (!m->head.frames) { Bfree(m); return(0); }
m->head.frames = (md3frame_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!m->head.frames) { Bfree(m); return(0); }
if (m->head.numtags == 0) m->head.tags = NULL;
klseek(fil,m->head.ofstags,SEEK_SET); i = m->head.numtags*sizeof(md3tag_t);
m->head.tags = (md3tag_t *)malloc(i); if (!m->head.tags) { Bfree(m->head.frames); Bfree(m); return(0); }
m->head.tags = (md3tag_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!m->head.tags) { Bfree(m->head.frames); Bfree(m); return(0); }
klseek(fil,m->head.ofssurfs,SEEK_SET); i = m->head.numsurfs*sizeof(md3surf_t);
m->head.surfs = (md3surf_t *)malloc(i); if (!m->head.surfs) { if (m->head.tags) Bfree(m->head.tags); Bfree(m->head.frames); Bfree(m); return(0); }
m->head.surfs = (md3surf_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!m->head.surfs) { if (m->head.tags) Bfree(m->head.tags); Bfree(m->head.frames); Bfree(m); return(0); }
#if B_BIG_ENDIAN != 0
@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ static md3model_t *md3load(int32_t fil)
//OSD_Printf("Current model geometry memory usage : %i.\n", memoryusage);
s->tris = (md3tri_t *)malloc(leng[0]+leng[1]+leng[2]+leng[3]);
s->tris = (md3tri_t *)Bmalloc(leng[0]+leng[1]+leng[2]+leng[3]);
if (!s->tris)
for (surfi--; surfi>=0; surfi--) Bfree(m->head.surfs[surfi].tris);
@ -1428,9 +1428,9 @@ static md3model_t *md3load(int32_t fil)
m->indexes = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * maxtrispersurf);
m->vindexes = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * maxtrispersurf * 3);
m->maxdepths = malloc(sizeof(float) * maxtrispersurf);
m->indexes = Bmalloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * maxtrispersurf);
m->vindexes = Bmalloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * maxtrispersurf * 3);
m->maxdepths = Bmalloc(sizeof(float) * maxtrispersurf);
m->vbos = NULL;
@ -2301,7 +2301,7 @@ uint32_t gloadtex(int32_t *picbuf, int32_t xsiz, int32_t ysiz, int32_t is8bit, i
int32_t i;
pic = (coltype *)picbuf; //Correct for GL's RGB order; also apply gamma here..
pic2 = (coltype *)malloc(xsiz*ysiz*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!pic2) return((unsigned)-1);
pic2 = (coltype *)Bmalloc(xsiz*ysiz*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!pic2) return((unsigned)-1);
cptr = (char*)&britable[gammabrightness ? 0 : curbrightness][0];
if (!is8bit)
@ -2552,7 +2552,7 @@ static voxmodel_t *vox2poly()
int32_t i, j, x, y, z, v, ov, oz = 0, cnt, sc, x0, y0, dx, dy,*bx0, *by0;
void (*daquad)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
gvox = (voxmodel_t *)malloc(sizeof(voxmodel_t)); if (!gvox) return(0);
gvox = (voxmodel_t *)Bmalloc(sizeof(voxmodel_t)); if (!gvox) return(0);
//x is largest dimension, y is 2nd largest dimension
@ -2560,7 +2560,7 @@ static voxmodel_t *vox2poly()
if ((x < y) && (x < z)) x = z; else if (y < z) y = z;
if (x < y) { z = x; x = y; y = z; }
shcntp = x; i = x*y*sizeof(int32_t);
shcntmal = (int32_t *)malloc(i); if (!shcntmal) { Bfree(gvox); return(0); }
shcntmal = (int32_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!shcntmal) { Bfree(gvox); return(0); }
memset(shcntmal,0,i); shcnt = &shcntmal[-shcntp-1];
gmaxx = gmaxy = garea = 0;
@ -2568,7 +2568,7 @@ static voxmodel_t *vox2poly()
for (i=0; i<7; i++) gvox->qfacind[i] = -1;
i = ((max(ysiz,zsiz)+1)<<2);
bx0 = (int32_t *)malloc(i<<1); if (!bx0) { Bfree(gvox); return(0); }
bx0 = (int32_t *)Bmalloc(i<<1); if (!bx0) { Bfree(gvox); return(0); }
by0 = (int32_t *)(((intptr_t)bx0)+i);
for (cnt=0; cnt<2; cnt++)
@ -2614,7 +2614,7 @@ static voxmodel_t *vox2poly()
if (!cnt)
shp = (spoint2d *)malloc(gvox->qcnt*sizeof(spoint2d));
shp = (spoint2d *)Bmalloc(gvox->qcnt*sizeof(spoint2d));
if (!shp) { Bfree(bx0); Bfree(gvox); return(0); }
sc = 0;
@ -2636,7 +2636,7 @@ skindidntfit:
mytexo5 = (gvox->mytexx>>5);
i = (((gvox->mytexx*gvox->mytexy+31)>>5)<<2);
zbit = (int32_t *)malloc(i); if (!zbit) { Bfree(bx0); Bfree(gvox); Bfree(shp); return(0); }
zbit = (int32_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!zbit) { Bfree(bx0); Bfree(gvox); Bfree(shp); return(0); }
v = gvox->mytexx*gvox->mytexy;
@ -2678,10 +2678,10 @@ skindidntfit:
shp[z].x = x0; shp[z].y = y0; //Overwrite size with top-left location
gvox->quad = (voxrect_t *)malloc(gvox->qcnt*sizeof(voxrect_t));
gvox->quad = (voxrect_t *)Bmalloc(gvox->qcnt*sizeof(voxrect_t));
if (!gvox->quad) { Bfree(zbit); Bfree(shp); Bfree(bx0); Bfree(gvox); return(0); }
gvox->mytex = (int32_t *)malloc(gvox->mytexx*gvox->mytexy*sizeof(int32_t));
gvox->mytex = (int32_t *)Bmalloc(gvox->mytexx*gvox->mytexy*sizeof(int32_t));
if (!gvox->mytex) { Bfree(gvox->quad); Bfree(zbit); Bfree(shp); Bfree(bx0); Bfree(gvox); return(0); }
@ -2708,14 +2708,14 @@ static int32_t loadvox(const char *filnam)
pal[255] = -1;
vcolhashsizm1 = 8192-1;
vcolhashead = (int32_t *)malloc((vcolhashsizm1+1)*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!vcolhashead) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vcolhashead = (int32_t *)Bmalloc((vcolhashsizm1+1)*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!vcolhashead) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
yzsiz = ysiz*zsiz; i = ((xsiz*yzsiz+31)>>3);
vbit = (int32_t *)malloc(i); if (!vbit) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vbit = (int32_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!vbit) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
tbuf = (char *)malloc(zsiz*sizeof(uint8_t)); if (!tbuf) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
tbuf = (char *)Bmalloc(zsiz*sizeof(uint8_t)); if (!tbuf) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
for (x=0; x<xsiz; x++)
@ -2767,7 +2767,7 @@ static int32_t loadkvx(const char *filnam)
ysizp1 = ysiz+1;
i = xsiz*ysizp1*sizeof(int16_t);
xyoffs = (uint16_t *)malloc(i); if (!xyoffs) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
xyoffs = (uint16_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!xyoffs) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
kread(fil,xyoffs,i); for (i=i/sizeof(int16_t)-1; i>=0; i--) xyoffs[i] = B_LITTLE16(xyoffs[i]);
@ -2775,17 +2775,17 @@ static int32_t loadkvx(const char *filnam)
{ kread(fil,c,3); pal[i] = B_LITTLE32((((int32_t)c[0])<<18)+(((int32_t)c[1])<<10)+(((int32_t)c[2])<<2)+(i<<24)); }
yzsiz = ysiz*zsiz; i = ((xsiz*yzsiz+31)>>3);
vbit = (int32_t *)malloc(i); if (!vbit) { Bfree(xyoffs); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vbit = (int32_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!vbit) { Bfree(xyoffs); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
for (vcolhashsizm1=4096; vcolhashsizm1<(mip1leng>>1); vcolhashsizm1<<=1); vcolhashsizm1--; //approx to numvoxs!
vcolhashead = (int32_t *)malloc((vcolhashsizm1+1)*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!vcolhashead) { Bfree(xyoffs); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vcolhashead = (int32_t *)Bmalloc((vcolhashsizm1+1)*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!vcolhashead) { Bfree(xyoffs); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
i = kfilelength(fil)-ktell(fil);
tbuf = (char *)malloc(i); if (!tbuf) { Bfree(xyoffs); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
tbuf = (char *)Bmalloc(i); if (!tbuf) { Bfree(xyoffs); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
kread(fil,tbuf,i); kclose(fil);
cptr = tbuf;
@ -2823,7 +2823,7 @@ static int32_t loadkv6(const char *filnam)
kread(fil,&i,4); zpiv = (float)(B_LITTLE32(i));
kread(fil,&numvoxs,4); numvoxs = B_LITTLE32(numvoxs);
ylen = (uint16_t *)malloc(xsiz*ysiz*sizeof(int16_t));
ylen = (uint16_t *)Bmalloc(xsiz*ysiz*sizeof(int16_t));
if (!ylen) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
@ -2831,11 +2831,11 @@ static int32_t loadkv6(const char *filnam)
yzsiz = ysiz*zsiz; i = ((xsiz*yzsiz+31)>>3);
vbit = (int32_t *)malloc(i); if (!vbit) { Bfree(ylen); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vbit = (int32_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!vbit) { Bfree(ylen); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
for (vcolhashsizm1=4096; vcolhashsizm1<numvoxs; vcolhashsizm1<<=1); vcolhashsizm1--;
vcolhashead = (int32_t *)malloc((vcolhashsizm1+1)*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!vcolhashead) { Bfree(ylen); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vcolhashead = (int32_t *)Bmalloc((vcolhashsizm1+1)*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!vcolhashead) { Bfree(ylen); kclose(fil); return(-1); }
for (x=0; x<xsiz; x++)
@ -2874,16 +2874,16 @@ static int32_t loadvxl(const char *filnam)
zpiv = ((float)zsiz)*.5;
yzsiz = ysiz*zsiz; i = ((xsiz*yzsiz+31)>>3);
vbit = (int32_t *)malloc(i); if (!vbit) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vbit = (int32_t *)Bmalloc(i); if (!vbit) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vcolhashsizm1 = 1048576-1;
vcolhashead = (int32_t *)malloc((vcolhashsizm1+1)*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!vcolhashead) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vcolhashead = (int32_t *)Bmalloc((vcolhashsizm1+1)*sizeof(int32_t)); if (!vcolhashead) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
//Allocate huge buffer and load rest of file into it...
i = kfilelength(fil)-ktell(fil);
vbuf = (char *)malloc(i); if (!vbuf) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
vbuf = (char *)Bmalloc(i); if (!vbuf) { kclose(fil); return(-1); }
Reference in a new issue