Floating point grouscan() patch from Nuke.YKT, worth a couple of fps in classic mode in slope-heavy scenes

git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@7755 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
terminx 2019-07-06 16:30:18 +00:00 committed by Christoph Oelckers
parent c9014870e3
commit 7a6293ff42
3 changed files with 293 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ extern int32_t startwin_run(void);
// video
extern int32_t r_usenewaspect, newaspect_enable;
extern int32_t r_fpgrouscan;
extern int32_t setaspect_new_use_dimen;
extern uint32_t r_screenxy;
extern int32_t xres, yres, bpp, fullscreen, bytesperline;

View file

@ -459,6 +459,7 @@ int32_t baselayer_init(void)
{ "r_usenewaspect","enable/disable new screen aspect ratio determination code",(void *) &r_usenewaspect, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },
{ "r_screenaspect","if using r_usenewaspect and in fullscreen, screen aspect ratio in the form XXYY, e.g. 1609 for 16:9",
(void *) &r_screenxy, SCREENASPECT_CVAR_TYPE, 0, 9999 },
{ "r_fpgrouscan","use floating-point numbers for slope rendering",(void *) &r_fpgrouscan, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },
{ "r_novoxmips","turn off/on the use of mipmaps when rendering 8-bit voxels",(void *) &novoxmips, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },
{ "r_voxels","enable/disable automatic sprite->voxel rendering",(void *) &usevoxels, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },

View file

@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ static int32_t oxdimen = -1, oviewingrange = -1, oxyaspect = -1;
int32_t r_usenewaspect = 1, newaspect_enable=0;
uint32_t r_screenxy = 0;
int32_t r_fpgrouscan = 1;
int32_t globalflags;
float g_videoGamma = DEFAULT_GAMMA;
@ -3444,8 +3446,297 @@ static void mslopevlin(uint8_t *p, const intptr_t *slopalptr, bssize_t cnt, int3
// grouscan (internal)
#define BITSOFPRECISION 3 //Don't forget to change this in A.ASM also!
static void fgrouscan(int32_t dax1, int32_t dax2, int32_t sectnum, char dastat)
int32_t i, j, l, globalx1, globaly1, y1, y2, daslope, daz;
float fi, wx, wy, dasqr;
float globalx, globaly, globalx2, globaly2, globalx3, globaly3, globalz, globalzd, globalzx;
int32_t shoffs, m1, m2;
intptr_t *mptr1, *mptr2;
const usectortype *const sec = (usectortype *)&sector[sectnum];
const uwalltype *wal;
if (dastat == 0)
if (globalposz <= getceilzofslope(sectnum,globalposx,globalposy))
return; //Back-face culling
globalorientation = sec->ceilingstat;
globalpicnum = sec->ceilingpicnum;
globalshade = sec->ceilingshade;
globalpal = sec->ceilingpal;
daslope = sec->ceilingheinum;
daz = sec->ceilingz;
if (globalposz >= getflorzofslope(sectnum,globalposx,globalposy))
return; //Back-face culling
globalorientation = sec->floorstat;
globalpicnum = sec->floorpicnum;
globalshade = sec->floorshade;
globalpal = sec->floorpal;
daslope = sec->floorheinum;
daz = sec->floorz;
tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, sectnum);
if ((tilesiz[globalpicnum].x <= 0) || (tilesiz[globalpicnum].y <= 0)) return;
if (waloff[globalpicnum] == 0) tileLoad(globalpicnum);
wal = (uwalltype *)&wall[sec->wallptr];
wx = wall[wal->point2].x - wal->x;
wy = wall[wal->point2].y - wal->y;
dasqr = 1073741824.f/Bsqrtf(wx*wx+wy*wy);
fi = daslope*dasqr*(1.f/2097152.f);
wx *= fi; wy *= fi;
globalx = -float(singlobalang)*float(xdimenrecip)*(1.f/524288.f);
globaly = float(cosglobalang)*float(xdimenrecip)*(1.f/524288.f);
globalx1 = globalposx<<8;
globaly1 = -globalposy<<8;
fi = (dax1-halfxdimen)*xdimenrecip;
globalx2 = float(cosglobalang)*float(viewingrangerecip)*(1.f/4096.f) - float(singlobalang)*fi*(1.f/134217728.f);
globaly2 = float(singlobalang)*float(viewingrangerecip)*(1.f/4096.f) + float(cosglobalang)*fi*(1.f/134217728.f);
globalzd = xdimscale*512.f;
globalzx = -(wx*globaly2-wy*globalx2)*(1.f/131072.f) + (1-globalhoriz)*globalzd*(1.f/1024.f);
globalz = -(wx*globaly-wy*globalx)*(1.f/33554432.f);
if (globalorientation&64) //Relative alignment
float dx, dy, x, y;
dx = (wall[wal->point2].x-wal->x)*dasqr*(1.f/16384.f);
dy = (wall[wal->point2].y-wal->y)*dasqr*(1.f/16384.f);
fi = Bsqrtf(daslope*daslope+16777216.f);
x = globalx; y = globaly;
globalx = (x*dx+y*dy)*(1.f/65536.f);
globaly = (-y*dx+x*dy)*fi*(1.f/268435456.f);
x = (wal->x-globalposx)*256.f; y = (wal->y-globalposy)*256.f;
globalx1 = Blrintf((-x*dx-y*dy)*(1.f/65536.f));
globaly1 = Blrintf((-y*dx+x*dy)*fi*(1.f/268435456.f));
x = globalx2; y = globaly2;
globalx2 = (x*dx+y*dy)*(1.f/65536.f);
globaly2 = (-y*dx+x*dy)*fi*(1.f/268435456.f);
if (globalorientation&0x4)
fi = globalx; globalx = -globaly; globaly = -fi;
i = globalx1; globalx1 = globaly1; globaly1 = i;
fi = globalx2; globalx2 = -globaly2; globaly2 = -fi;
if (globalorientation&0x10) { globalx1 = -globalx1, globalx2 = -globalx2, globalx = -globalx; }
if (globalorientation&0x20) { globaly1 = -globaly1, globaly2 = -globaly2, globaly = -globaly; }
float fdaz = (wx*(globalposy-wal->y)-wy*(globalposx-wal->x))*(1.f/512.f) + (daz-globalposz)*256.f;
globalx2 = (globalx2*fdaz)*(1.f/1048576.f); globalx = (globalx*fdaz)*(1.f/268435456.f);
globaly2 = (globaly2*-fdaz)*(1.f/1048576.f); globaly = (globaly*-fdaz)*(1.f/268435456.f);
i = 8-(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15); j = 8-(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4);
if (globalorientation&8) { i++; j++; }
globalx1 <<= (i+12); globalx2 *= 1<<i; globalx *= 1<<i;
globaly1 <<= (j+12); globaly2 *= 1<<j; globaly *= 1<<j;
if (dastat == 0)
globalx1 += (uint32_t)sec->ceilingxpanning<<24;
globaly1 += (uint32_t)sec->ceilingypanning<<24;
globalx1 += (uint32_t)sec->floorxpanning<<24;
globaly1 += (uint32_t)sec->floorypanning<<24;
globalx1 >>= 16;
globaly1 >>= 16;
//asm1 = -(globalzd>>(16-BITSOFPRECISION));
float bzinc = -globalzd*(1.f/65536.f);
int32_t vis = globalvisibility;
int64_t lvis;
if (sec->visibility != 0) vis = mulscale4(vis, (uint8_t)(sec->visibility+16));
lvis = ((uint64_t)(vis*fdaz)) >> 13; // NOTE: lvis can be negative now!
lvis = (lvis * xdimscale) >> 16;
globvis = lvis;
intptr_t fj = FP_OFF(palookup[globalpal]);
setupslopevlin_alsotrans((picsiz[globalpicnum]&15) + ((picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)<<8),
l = Blrintf((globalzd)*(1.f/65536.f));
int32_t const shinc = Blrintf(globalz*xdimenscale*(1.f/65536.f));
shoffs = (shinc > 0) ? (4 << 15) : ((16380 - ydimen) << 15); // JBF: was 2044
y1 = (dastat == 0) ? umost[dax1] : max(umost[dax1], dplc[dax1]);
m1 = Blrintf((y1*globalzd)*(1.f/65536.f) + globalzx*(1.f/64.f));
//Avoid visibility overflow by crossing horizon
m1 += klabs(l);
m2 = m1+l;
mptr1 = (intptr_t *)&slopalookup[y1+(shoffs>>15)]; mptr2 = mptr1+1;
for (int x=dax1; x<=dax2; x++)
if (dastat == 0) { y1 = umost[x]; y2 = min(dmost[x],uplc[x])-1; }
else { y1 = max(umost[x],dplc[x]); y2 = dmost[x]-1; }
if (y1 <= y2)
intptr_t *nptr1 = &slopalookup[y1+(shoffs>>15)];
intptr_t *nptr2 = &slopalookup[y2+(shoffs>>15)];
while (nptr1 <= mptr1)
*mptr1-- = fj + getpalookupsh(mulscale24(krecipasm(m1),globvis));
m1 -= l;
while (nptr2 >= mptr2)
*mptr2++ = fj + getpalookupsh(mulscale24(krecipasm(m2),globvis));
m2 += l;
globalx3 = globalx2*(1.f/1024.f);
globaly3 = globaly2*(1.f/1024.f);
float bz = (y2*globalzd)*(1.f/65536.f) + globalzx*(1.f/64.f);
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)(ylookup[y2]+x+frameoffset);
intptr_t* A_C_RESTRICT slopalptr = (intptr_t*)nptr2;
const char* const A_C_RESTRICT trans = paletteGetBlendTable(0);
uint32_t u, v;
int cnt = y2-y1+1;
#define LINTERPSIZ 4
int u0 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globalx3/bz);
int v0 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globaly3/bz);
switch (globalorientation&0x180)
case 0:
while (cnt > 0)
bz += bzinc*(1<<LINTERPSIZ);
int u1 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globalx3/bz);
int v1 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globaly3/bz);
u1 = (u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ;
v1 = (v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ;
int cnt2 = min(cnt, 1<<LINTERPSIZ);
for (; cnt2>0; cnt2--)
u = (globalx1+u0)&0xffff;
v = (globaly1+v0)&0xffff;
*p = *(uint8_t *)(((intptr_t)slopalptr[0])+ggbuf[((u>>(16-gglogx))<<gglogy)+(v>>(16-gglogy))]);
p += ggpinc;
u0 += u1;
v0 += v1;
cnt -= 1<<LINTERPSIZ;
case 128:
while (cnt > 0)
bz += bzinc*(1<<LINTERPSIZ);
int u1 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globalx3/bz);
int v1 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globaly3/bz);
u1 = (u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ;
v1 = (v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ;
int cnt2 = min(cnt, 1<<LINTERPSIZ);
for (; cnt2>0; cnt2--)
u = (globalx1+u0)&0xffff;
v = (globaly1+v0)&0xffff;
uint8_t ch = ggbuf[((u>>(16-gglogx))<<gglogy)+(v>>(16-gglogy))];
if (ch != 255)
*p = *(uint8_t *)(((intptr_t)slopalptr[0])+ch);
p += ggpinc;
u0 += u1;
v0 += v1;
cnt -= 1<<LINTERPSIZ;
case 256:
while (cnt > 0)
bz += bzinc*(1<<LINTERPSIZ);
int u1 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globalx3/bz);
int v1 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globaly3/bz);
u1 = (u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ;
v1 = (v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ;
int cnt2 = min(cnt, 1<<LINTERPSIZ);
for (; cnt2>0; cnt2--)
u = (globalx1+u0)&0xffff;
v = (globaly1+v0)&0xffff;
uint8_t ch = ggbuf[((u>>(16-gglogx))<<gglogy)+(v>>(16-gglogy))];
if (ch != 255)
ch = *(uint8_t *)(((intptr_t)slopalptr[0])+ch);
*p = trans[(*p<<8)|ch];
p += ggpinc;
u0 += u1;
v0 += v1;
cnt -= 1<<LINTERPSIZ;
case 384:
while (cnt > 0)
bz += bzinc*(1<<LINTERPSIZ);
int u1 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globalx3/bz);
int v1 = Blrintf(1048576.f*globaly3/bz);
u1 = (u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ;
v1 = (v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ;
int cnt2 = min(cnt, 1<<LINTERPSIZ);
for (; cnt2>0; cnt2--)
u = (globalx1+u0)&0xffff;
v = (globaly1+v0)&0xffff;
uint8_t ch = ggbuf[((u>>(16-gglogx))<<gglogy)+(v>>(16-gglogy))];
if (ch != 255)
ch = *(uint8_t *)(((intptr_t)slopalptr[0])+ch);
*p = trans[ch<<8|*p];
p += ggpinc;
u0 += u1;
v0 += v1;
cnt -= 1<<LINTERPSIZ;
if ((x&15) == 0) faketimerhandler();
globalx2 += globalx;
globaly2 += globaly;
globalzx += globalz;
shoffs += shinc;
static void grouscan(int32_t dax1, int32_t dax2, int32_t sectnum, char dastat)
if (r_fpgrouscan)
fgrouscan(dax1, dax2, sectnum, dastat);
int32_t i, l, x, y, dx, dy, wx, wy, y1, y2, daz;
int32_t daslope, dasqr;
int32_t shoffs, m1, m2;